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IoT Based Water Quality Monitoring System for Rural Areas

IoT Based Water Quality Monitoring System for
Rural Areas
Ali Hadi Abdulwahid
Automation and Control Engineering Techniques
Southern Technical University
Basrah, Iraq
Abstract - To ensure that safety is guaranteed, it is
essential to implement monitoring in real-time for the
quality of potable water. This work is about the use of
Internet of Things (IoT) technology to develop an
affordable system to control water quality in real-time.
Several sensors are integrated into the system to
measure various chemical and physical water
properties, such as conductivity, pH, turbidity, and
temperature. The core controller, which can also be the
microprocessor, manages the processing of data
captured by the sensor. The visualization of data can be
accomplished on cloud computing via the Inter net.
Keywords water quality monitoring, Internet of Things,
Arduino, cloud computing.
Although potable water is an essential resource for
humankind, the real-time management of portable water
utilities is faced with several challenges as a result of the
depletion of water sources, outdated infrastructure, and
population increase. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
develop new systems for water quality control.
Water quality evaluation in conventional strategies
consists of an analysis of water samples in the laboratory
collected by hand at several sites. Although these strategies
are effort-intensive, time-consuming, expensive, and do not
provide real-time information concerning water quality that
could be essential in making decisions of safeguarding
public health, they are informative about the chemical,
biological, and physical water properties [1-5]. There is a
need to develop new approaches taking advantage of
Internet-based tools to control water quality due to the
decline of efficiency of current strategies.
There has been a substantial development of Internet-
based technologies to manage and control water utilities.
However, the number of monitoring sensors to be installed
and calibrated across a wide area is large; therefore, such
technologies are quite expensive. Also, the employment
algorithm for these technologies has to be suitable for a
specific area.
Based on the above problems, the present work has
proposed an IoT-based system that is cost-effective for
managing potable water quality in real-time. For this
reason, Arduino is the main controller used in this system
along with a specialized IoT module to ensure the sensor
information from the key controller can be accessed or
visualized on mobile phones through Wi-Fi or via cloud
computing. The structure of the remaining work is as
follows: Section II consists of relation with IoT, section III
presents the general flow diagram of the proposed
approach, section IV discusses the empirical work and
outcomes, and section V outlines the concluding remarks
concerning the undertaken work.
Daily life has been completely revolutionized, whereby
IoT has enabled the establishment of connections between
various things, intelligent technologies, and sensors [6].
IoT, an extension of the Internet [7], makes innovative
services more productive as well as efficient and allows
instant access to information concerning physical objects.
The main technologies related to IoT include cloud
computing, wireless sensor networks, and worldwide
Cloud computing is a processing unit characterized by
affordability and extensive scale. Various researches have
provided an in-depth discussion concerning cloud
computing features [8-11]. IoT is applied in different fields
such as monitoring of water quality and environment and
home automation. The prerequisites of IoT used to monitor
water quality include separate monitoring algorithms¸ an
expansive distribution network, and a large number of
sensors [12-14]. The present research proposes a system for
monitoring the quality of water, whereby the information
collected by the sensors can be acquired through cloud
The current part addresses the theoretical aspects
associated with IoT-based control of water quality in real-
time. In particular, this part is divided into two sections,
including those with the individual system elements and
those that are respectively concerned with the general block
diagram linked to the proposed system.
Fig. 1. General block diagram
Turbidit y
9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications
Glasgow, UK, Sep. 27-30, 2020
978-1-7281-7369-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on December 21,2020 at 05:27:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Figure 1 presents the general blocked diagram linked to the
proposed system. It is evident from the diagram that the
system is linked to the main controller, Arduino Uno, and
consists of several sensors measuring various properties of
water, including conductivity, turbidity, pH, and
temperature. It is responsible for processing the collected
sensor information and making the data accessible online
through cloud computing.
Designing the layered structure of a global network is a
challenge that includes heterogeneous networks that
require the effectiveness and identification of a similar
group function and network elements as a class. The
layered framework of the recommended IoT water
monitoring system consists of four layers, including
Network layer (Ethernet shield and router), Perception
layer (Devices and sensor in the physical world),
Application layer (User interface), and the Service
Management layer (Manage the collected information).
Each layer is discussed as:
Perception layer
This layer consists of closely integrated sensors that are
merged with the physical environment. The physical
condition or sensor object chemistry is monitored by the
sensor modules in real-time [15]. The main role of this
layer is to collect data concerning the quality of water and
the devices. Also, it is responsible for collecting and cost-
effectively distinguishing the captured data, transforming
data, and transporting the aware data to the Network layer
[16]. Distinct sensors are used in such:
Turbidity Sensor: The reduction of the water
transparency caused by the presence of an unresolved
suspended substance can be termed as turbidity. The origin
of the water molecules can be either organic or minerals.
Turbidity is used to measure the light scattering effect;
however, it cannot be used as a direct measure of suspended
water particles. The role of these sensors is to determine the
quantity of light diffused by the suspended solids. The level
of water turbidity increases as the number of suspended
solids rises in the water. Turbidity is measured in NTU
(Nephelometric Turbidity Units) [17].
Fig. 2. Turbidity Sensor (SEN0189)
pH Sensor: pH sensor (SKU: SEN0161) is responsible
for detecting the value of pH in water. It is presented in
Figure 3. pH is a Latin word and an acronym for “the power
of hydrogen” or “potential hydrogenii.” Hydrogen-ion
concentration in the water-based solutions is responsible for
showing the alkalinity and acidity in the solution.
pH uses a logarithmic scale that ranges from 0 to 14,
with 7 being the neutral point. Besides, the values above the
neutral point exhibit an alkaline or basic solution and the
values below the neutral point present an acidic solution.
Consequently, the normal pH range is from 6-8.5.
Fig. 3. pH Sensor (SKU: SEN0161)
TDS sensor: TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) is defined as
the number of soluble solution milligrams in one liter of
water. Generally, the high TDS values define the more
soluble solids in the water and signify that the water is less
clear. Therefore, these values can be used to determine the
level of water cleanliness. The TDS pen measures the TDS
values; however, it cannot transfer information to the
control system for real-time monitoring to analyze the water
quality. The kit of the TDS sensor is precise and can
transmit data to the control system. It is compatible with
easy to use, Arduino, as well as plug and play. Ppm (parts
per million)) is the unit used to measure TDS [17].
Fig. 4. TDS Sensor (SEN0244)
Temperature Sensor: This sensor (DS18B20), is used
to measure water temperature—temperature increase results
in the rise of the ionization rate. pH is dependent on the
temperature; therefore, when the temperature increases, the
ionization rate rises, and vice versa. Temperature is key in
the measurement of water quality.
Temperature is regarded as an essential component for
determining other applications for the analysis of the water
quality. We opted to use DS18B20 to determine the water
temperature whose range was from -55-125°C. This is
illustrated in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Temperature Sensor (DS18B20)
9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications
Glasgow, UK, Sep. 27-30, 2020
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on December 21,2020 at 05:27:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Network layer
The data is transmitted to the device and many layers
for sharing the data resources, data packets routing, and
system topology. The network layer classifies and
aggregates collected data and sends it to the servers [15].
Service management layer
This is the brain of IoT, which stores the information
from the bottom layers and processes it based on the
analysis. The service management layer is considered as an
information management center. Some of the critical
elements are processing and analyzing technologies and
expert systems.
Application layer
This layer represents the smart applications. The
primary function of the application layer is to offer
intelligent services to the users such as virtualization and
smart notification depending on intelligence and netter
findings of information executed by the service layer.
ThingSpeak offers more applications such as analytics
(analysis and virtualization) and action (ThingTweet, React
and ThingHTTP)
The main idea behind IoT involves integrating the
device with a virtual world of the Internet, whereby they
interact with each other by sensing and monitoring object
and their surroundings.
An open-source IoT application, ThingSpeak, is
regarded as an API used for data storage and retrieving
information from things via the local area network or
through the HTTP protocol. ThingSpeak provides a solution
for analyzing data on-request from third-party sources,
allows the creation of location tracking, sensor logging
applications, and network of things that can update changes
Our implementation methods include software and
hardware implementation. The hardware includes sensors,
microcontrollers, and an Ethernet shield. Data collected by
sensors is processed by a microcontroller, which sends the
information to ThingSpeak via an Ethernet shield. Arduino
is an open-source programmable circuit board that can be
linked into various maker space projects, both complex and
simple, used as a controller. On the other hand, software
implementation involves data collection from the hardware,
which is uploaded to the online database through the
ThingSpeak. Generally, Arduino IDE software was used to
develop the hardware part by establishing new channels in
the ThingSpeak and writing the code and uploading it to the
Arduino board.
Arduino Uno and sensors are the two components that
are used by this system to work around the data. Arduino
Uno works as a microcontroller while the sensors collect
data for turbidity, PH, temperature, and conductivity. For
Arduino Uno to be controlled by mobile phone and have
access to the sensors terminals, it is connected to ESP8266
Wi-Fi to allow data capture.
Collected data is uploaded to the Internet by an IOT
module via cloud computing and can be accessed from
mobile devices via Wi-Fi. Figure 2 presents the ESP8266
hardware circuit diagram exhibiting the connection between
the IoT module and Arduino Uno.
IoT Module enables the transfer of quality water
parameters from the sensor to the gateway. Sampled data
from gateway and IoT module is sent to the server in the
form of User Datagram (UDP) packets and stored in a
database. The data is accessible from different locations
through assigned different IP addresses.
The proposed system consists of four sensors, including
turbidity, temperature, TDS, and pH, wh ich are connected
to Arduino, as illustrated in Figure 1. The parameters
measured by these sensors when placed in water include
Turbidity, TDS, pH, and Temperatures.
Consequently, the microprocessor accesses and
processes the information from all the sensors and
eventually sends it to the ThingSpeak API via the network.
Water Measurement Temperature using a
temperature sensor
Figure 6 exhibits the sensor measuring the temperature
of water in the range from -50°C to 125°C.
Fig. 6. Water Temperature Measurement
Measurement of water pH value using the pH sensor
Figure 7 indicates how the sensor measures the water
pH value ranging from 0 to 14. Water is considered normal,
acidic, or basic, depending on the results shown on the
sensor. If the pH value is less than 7, water is grouped as
acidic, if it is above 7, it is regarded as basic, and if the
value itself is 7, water is grouped as good or normal. Acidic
water is again classified as low acidic (pH 3-6), high acidic
(pH 0-2), and low basic (pH 8-10). Also, water is classified
in the same way as high basic (11-14) and low basic (8-10).
Fig. 7. Measurement of pH value
9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications
Glasgow, UK, Sep. 27-30, 2020
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on December 21,2020 at 05:27:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Measurement of water TDS value using TDS
Any salts, minerals, or metal dissolved in water is
referred to as the “dissolved solids”. Total dissolved solids
(TDS) has some small quantities of organic matter that are
dissolved in the water and inorganic salts such as sulphate,
chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. The
range of TDS is from 0 to above 1200 (World Health
Organization). The unit of measuring TDS is ppm. The
range of TDS below 300ppm is considered as excellent for
drinking water, good (300-400ppm), fair (600-900ppm),
poor (900-1200ppm), and unacceptable (above 1200). The
TDS range is illustrated in Figure 8.
Fig. 8. TDS level Measurement
Measurement of Water Turbidity using Turbidity
Its turbidity defines the clarity of the water. Water
quality varies if it is mixed with any sand particles, mud,
sand, or silt. Based on the norms of water quality, the range
of normal water is from 0-5 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity
Units), although it can still surpass 5 NTU. Water is
classified as mud mixed or turbid water if it goes beyond 6
NTU up to 3000 NTU. Figure 9 illustrates the water
turbidity measurement.
Fig. 9. Measurement of Turbidity of water
The current work has recommended a new IoT-based
system to control water quality in real-time. The proposed
system consists of components such as Arduino Uno base
unit, sensors to capture the data concerning water quality,
and IoT (ESP8266 Wi-Fi). The benefits of using this system
include the ability to process data, high efficiency,
affordability, visualization in cloud computing and mobile
devices via Wi-Fi and transmission. Consequently, the
system can be applied in fields such as monitoring the
environments with easy access to data regardless of the
Any work that will be done in the future will emphasize
more on the development of a monitoring system
strengthened by a wireless sensor network (WSN) and
controlled through an online interface to allow internet-
based monitoring from rivers. Also, it will focus on the data
capture concerning the biological properties of water. This
will allow data associated with water quality to be collected
and sent to the appropriate authorities.
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9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications
Glasgow, UK, Sep. 27-30, 2020
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on December 21,2020 at 05:27:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... Various real-time systems are implemented using the concept of IoT, such as the one proposed by Sabari et al. [42] that used an Arduino as a microcontroller and a Wi-fi module for viewing the water-parameter values on the cloud. In addition, Ali Hadi Abdulwahid [43] proposed a similar solution, using the same IoT concept and accomplishing the visualization of data on the cloud. Dr. Nageswara Rao Moparthi et al. [44] have published a solution for notifying the corresponding authorities about water contamination using Arduino. ...
... The communication used in our approach is based on Bluetooth module BT04 [43] Affordable system to control water quality in real time, based on several sensors, which measure various chemical and physical water properties, such as conductivity, pH, turbidity, and temperature. ...
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Water is a vital source for life and natural environments. This is the reason why water sources should be constantly monitored in order to detect any pollutants that might jeopardize the quality of water. This paper presents a low-cost internet-of-things system that is capable of measuring and reporting the quality of different water sources. It comprises the following components: Arduino UNO board, Bluetooth module BT04, temperature sensor DS18B20, pH sensor—SEN0161, TDS sensor—SEN0244, turbidity sensor—SKU SEN0189. The system will be controlled and managed from a mobile application, which will monitor the actual status of water sources. We propose to monitor and evaluate the quality of water from five different water sources in a rural settlement. The results show that most of the water sources we have monitored are proper for consumption, with a single exception where the TDS values are not within proper limits, as they outperform the maximum accepted value of 500 ppm.
... Data from the sensor is processed by the core controller, which may also be a microprocessor. The visualization of data can be accomplished on cloud computing via the Internet [10]. ...
... Therefore, the study to be developed can produce its objective which is to design and develop a GSM cloud-based multi-sensor system to monitor river health related parameters such as dissolved electrical conductivity (EC), acidity (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen depletion potential (ORP). IoT-main component [4] IoT Based Real-time River Water Quality Monitoring System WSN, SMS, PC Server,MLlib [5] Smart water quality monitoring system with cost-effective using IoT MCU, PC, Sensor and Cloud Storage [6] Energy efficiency maximization in a wireless powered IoT sensor network for water quality monitoring IoTSN, Sensor Network, and NOMA [7] IoT based Water Parameter Monitoring System Web UL, Storage, GSM, and Sensor [8] Implementation of Water Quality Sensing System using Internet of Things Arduino, Wi-Fi, PH Sensor, and TDS [9] Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT Arduino, Wi-Fi, Several Sensor [10] IoT ...
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Point and non -point sources Surface water pollution causes damaging effects to the environment, aquatic life and human health. Thirty existing water monitoring stations use Industrial Revolution (IR) 3.0 technology with limited access to the public. A multi-sensory hub with Internet-of-Things (IoT) functionality can be developed to monitor river health and data collected continuously through the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and cloud systems that inform locals about water quality index (WQ) for reducing the likelihood of early. harmful effects produced from oil palm plantations in Sungai Semborong, Batu Pahat, Johor. The inclusion of machine learning into the system will help classify and estimate pollutant types. The potential for pollution reduction using Algae balls is proposed and will be investigated. The methodology that will be used in this research is the Design and development Research (DDR) study. The objective is to design and develop a GSM cloud-based multi-sensor system to monitor river health related parameters such as dissolved electrical conductivity (EC), acidity (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen reduction potential (ORP) b) to develop modeling solid real -time WQ forecasts. Expected discoveries are an IoT -based multi-sensor system with machine learning data analysis capabilities, a new machine learning model for pollution estimation and the discovery of effective methods to treat polluted water using green technology. As such, the project addresses two sustainable development (SDG) objectives, to provide clean water and protect underwater life as gazetted in the national water resources policy.
... The traditional method of water quality monitoring is manually collecting water from various locations, and then testing that water in a lab. This method is time-consuming and expensive [1][2][3][4][5]. Although there are numerous shortcomings with the present approaches, including: a) laboriousness; b) the lack of real-time information on the quality of the water; c) inadequate spatial coverage; and d) the absence of a controlling unit to regulate the water's flow in the pipeline for the safe delivery of drinking water. ...
... Some of these consequences are caused by chlorine's propensity to create trihalomethanes. Trihalomethanes (THMs), such as chloroform, are produced when chlorine combines with small organic particles in drinking water [9]. The chemical compounds, as mentioned above, have been linked to various undesirable health effects, including respiratory infections, gastrointestinal issues, congenital anomalies, and prostatic and rectal caecum cancers. ...
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The significance of user participation in sustaining drinking water quality and assessing other factors, such as cleanliness, sanitary conditions, preservation, and waste treatment, is essential for preserving groundwater quality. Inadequate water quality spreads disease, causes mortality, and hinders socioeconomic growth. In addition, disinfectants such as chlorine and fluoride are used to remove pathogens, or disease-causing compounds, from water. After a substantial amount of chlorine has been added to water, its residue causes an issue. Since the proposed methodology is intended to offer a steady supply of drinkable water, its chlorine concentration must be checked in real-time. The suggested model continually updates the sensor hub regarding chlorine concentration measurements. In addition, these data are transmitted over a communication system for data analysis to analyze chlorine levels within the drinking water and residual chlorine percentage over time using a fuzzy set specifically using a decision tree algorithm. Additionally, a performance investigation of the proposed framework is undertaken to determine the efficiency of the existing model for predicting the quantity of chlorine substance employing metrics such as recall, accuracy, F-score, and ROC. Henceforth, the proposed model has substantially better precision than the existing techniques.
T eknologi budidaya ayam terus meningkat, sehingga kebutuhan air bersih untuk kandang di Indonesia juga bertambah banyak. Baik kandang yang sudah termasuk kandang model baru ataupun yang sudah lama. Tetapi kendala kematian ternak akibat kosumsi air yang kurang bagus tak dapat dipungkiri lagi. Faktor kurangnya pengetahuan akan kualitas air minum ternak yang bagus, banyak para peternak yang lalai akan pentingnya air itu. Banyaknya Industri yang ada di sekitar kita ini yang menjadikan air menjadi tidak berkualitas Banyaknya industri ini tentunya menimbulkan dampak positif dan juga negatif. Disatu sisi, dampak positif akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan serapan tenaga kerja dan peningkatan pendapatan daerah, tetapi disisi lain juga akan menimbulkan masalah lingkungan yaitu terjadinya pencemaran, terutama pencemaran air. Alat ini dirancang menggunakan nodeMCU, sensor suhu, sensor kejernihan , Internet of things, dan dilengkapi dengan sel surya (panel surya) sebagai sumber listrik alternatif. Diharapkan dengan adanya alat ini masyarakat bisa lebih tahu tentang kondisi air yang dikosumsi untuk ternaknya.
In recent decades, one of the challenging issues faced by global nations is the degradation of water resources. Traditionally, water samples are manually collected from different locations to monitor its standards. Such conventional practices incur heavy cost, demand highly-skilled professionals, consume time and produce low precision results. Due to these drawbacks, these techniques are no longer considered to be efficient ones to check the water quality parameters continuously on real-time basis. In this background, the current study designed and developed a low-cost water quality monitoring configuration that can check the quality of water on real-time basis with the help of IoT. The methodology includes the analysis of physical and chemical water quality parameters. Various sensors are used to determine the water quality parameters in the projectedmethod namely, turbidity, conductivity and temperature. The data collection from the system is communicated via microcontroller system following Arduino model. Naïve Bayes theorem is used to analyse the data collected from the sensor to controller. Using this classifier, either one or multiple water quality parameters are checked in a specific location, leaving beside other parameters. The analysis produced highly accurate results and incurred less cost during implemented in comparison with other techniques.
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Based on the results of monitoring data by Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup (BPLHD) on 13 rivers that crossed Jakarta area in 2010 showed that both river water and ground water have high organic and inorganic pollutants. To tackle the pollution, government take a river water sample at waste disposal location periodically to examine its water content. The industrial waste disposal location point is not always easy to reach. At the certain condition, officers must ride raft boat or walk down the river to access that location. Besides taking a longer time, human safety factors are also become consideration. Based on these problems, in this research a wireless sensor network was developed in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV / drone) using 912 MHz radio frequency. UAV in this research is equipped with various sensors to determine water quality, namely: PH, temperature, turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and carbon dioxide. All sensors are integrated and monitored wirelessly using Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) on the ground station. The telemetry system is designed to be able to send and receive data up to 1 KM distance in real-time. There are three general stages in this research, namely configuration design, manufacturing, and UAV flight test.
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Recently, the environmental pollution has seriously affected the production and life of people in many countries in the world and especially in Vietnam. In particular, aquaculture has been severely affected by the polluted environment, the waste from factories, agricultural production, or even from aquaculture itself. That raises the questions “how to monitor the water quality of aquaculture areas 24/7 and to promptly alert aquaculture farmers and managers to take appropriate response?” Facing this situation, Can Tho University has invested to conduct research and to develop a system to monitor water quality of aquaculture areas based on the actual conditions of the Mekong Delta. In this presentation, we will first describe the agent-based environment monitoring system (AEMS) model, combined triple technologies (sensor, IoT, and agent-based) model. The second introduction is the water quality monitoring system for aquaculture settings based on the AEMS model, we proposed. Thanks to the implement of AEMS model, it not only helps managers and farmers to monitor indicators of water quality at any time, but it also helps to analyze collected data from IoT Agent, send warning messages, and solutions deal with the situation of water environment in each aquaculture farms.
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Current water quality monitoring system is a manual system with a monotonous process and is very time-consuming. This paper proposes a sensor-based water quality monitoring system. The system consists of several sensors which is used to measure physical and chemical parameters of the water. The main components of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) include a microcontroller for processing the system, communication system for inter and intra node communication and several sensors. Real-time data access can be done by using remote monitoring and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Data collected at the apart site can be displayed in a visual format on a server PC with the help of Spark streaming analysis through Spark MLlib, Deep learning neural network models, Belief Rule Based (BRB) system and is also compared with standard values. If the acquired value is above the threshold value automated warning SMS alert will be sent to the agent. The uniqueness of our proposed paper is to obtain the water monitoring system with high frequency, high mobility, and low powered. Therefore, our proposed system will immensely help Bangladeshi populations to become conscious against contaminated water as well as to stop polluting the water.
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This paper investigates about water quality monitoring system through a wireless sensor network. Due to the rapid development and urbanization, the quality of water is getting degrade over year by year, and it leads to water-borne diseases, and it creates a bad impact. Water plays a vital role in our human society and India 65% of the drinking water comes from underground sources, so it is mandatory to check the quality of the water. In this model used to test the water samples and through the data it analyses the quality of the water. This paper delivers a power efficient, effective solution in the domain of water quality monitoring it also provides an alarm to a remote user, if there is any deviation of water quality parameters.
Pumping sea water from the ballast tank is inevitable so as to stabilize the ship at every time the freight is uploaded or unloaded. However, this water holds a variety of organisms that embrace living species, microbes and viruses that belong to the coastal and marine biome. These organisms become alien when the ballast is discharged into the sea. These Martian species can bring hazards to ecosystem and biodiversity apart from environmental, social and financial impacts on the water region where the ballast water is discharged. Therefore, it is important that each ship shall invest in a ballast water treatment system as per the guidelines laid out by the statutory agencies. A worldwide regulatory is required to inculcate a uniform compliance on the treatment of ballast water. This paper, as an attempt towards this direction, explores the regulations for ballast water treatment system and studies the methodologies used for the treatment and proposes an automatic and intelligent system, which continuously monitors the compliance of the treated water using internet-of-things (IoT).
This research paper focuses on a water quality prediction model which requires high-quality data. In the process of construction and operation of smart water quality monitoring systems based on Internet of Things (IoT), more and more big data are produced at a high speed, which has made water quality data complicated. Taking advantage of the good performance of long short-term memory (LSTM) deep neural networks in time-series prediction, a drinking-water quality model was designed and established to predict water quality big data with the help of the advanced deep learning (DL) theory in this paper. The drinking-water quality data measured by the automatic water quality monitoring station of Guazhou Water Source of the Yangtze River in Yangzhou were utilized to analyze the water quality parameters in detail, and the prediction model was trained and tested with monitoring data from January 2016 to June 2018. The results of the study indicate that the predicted values of the model and the actual values were in good agreement and accurately revealed the future developing trend of water quality, showing the feasibility and effectiveness of using LSTM deep neural networks to predict the quality of drinking water.