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Paleobiogeography, biostratigraphy and systematics of the Hoplophorini (Xenarthra, Glyptodontoidea, Hoplophorinae) from the Ensenadan Stage (early Pleistocene to early-middle Pleistocene)


Abstract and Figures

Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto (=Hoplophorus = Sclerocalyptus) is a Pleistocene genus of Glyptodontidae Hoplophorini (=Sclerocalyptini) that includes several (ca. twelve) species, many of which have been recognized by typological/morphological taxonomic criteria. Four species have been described for the Ensenadan Stage (early Pleistocene to early-middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, Argentina. However, this study shows only two of them to be valid: Neosclerocalyptus pseudornatus and Neosclerocalyptus ornatus. An evident synapomorphy of Neosclerocalyptus is the notable pneumatization and lateral expansion of the fronto-nasal sinuses, which becomes evident in N. pseudornatus (ca. 1.07–0.98 Ma) and even more so in N. ornatus (ca. 0.98–0.40 Ma). This character, interpreted here as a probable response to the cold and arid/semiarid Pleistocene climate, is maximally manifested in the taxa from the middle Pleistocene (Bonaerian Stage) and late Pleistocene (Lujanian Stage). Neosclerocalyptus is very common in the Pampean region and north-central Argentina, but very scarce or absent in the Argentinian Mesopotamia, Uruguay and southern Brazil, areas that were subject to relatively more humid and warmer climates during most of the Pleistocene. From a biogeographical perspective, both Ensenadan species are restricted to the current Pampean region. N. pseudornatus is recorded in the “Toscas” (caliche duricrusts) of Río de La Plata (Buenos Aires City and Olivos) and Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires province), while N. ornatus is recorded in Mar del Plata and San Pedro (Buenos Aires province), and Granadero Baigorria (Santa Fe province).
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Paleobiogeography, biostratigraphy and systematics of the Hoplophorini
(Xenarthra, Glyptodontoidea, Hoplophorinae) from the Ensenadan Stage
(early Pleistocene to early-middle Pleistocene)
Alfredo E. Zurita
, Alfredo A. Carlini
, Gustavo J. Scillato-Yane
Centro de Ecologı
´a Aplicada del Litoral (CECOAL-CONICET), y Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Ruta 5, km. 2,5 (3400), Corrientes, Argentina
Departamento Cientı
´fico Paleontologı
´a de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Paseo del Bosque s/n
, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
¨ontologisches Institut und Museum, Universita
¨rich, Karl Schmid-Straße 4, CH-8006 Zu
¨rich, Switzerland
article info
Article history:
Available online 10 July 2009
Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto (¼Hoplophorus ¼Sclerocalyptus) is a Pleistocene genus of Glyptodontidae
Hoplophorini (¼Sclerocalyptini) that includes several (ca. twelve) species, many of which have been
recognized by typological/morphological taxonomic criteria. Four species have been described for the
Ensenadan Stage (early Pleistocene to early-middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, Argentina.
However, this study shows only two of them to be valid: Neosclerocalyptus pseudornatus and
Neosclerocalyptus ornatus. An evident synapomorphy of Neosclerocalyptus is the notable pneumatization
and lateral expansion of the fronto-nasal sinuses, which becomes evident in N. pseudornatus (ca. 1.07–
0.98 Ma) and even more so in N. ornatus (ca. 0.98–0.40 Ma). This character, interpreted here as a probable
response to the cold and arid/semiarid Pleistocene climate, is maximally manifested in the taxa from the
middle Pleistocene (Bonaerian Stage) and late Pleistocene (Lujanian Stage). Neosclerocalyptus is very
common in the Pampean region and north-central Argentina, but very scarce or absent in the Argenti-
nian Mesopotamia, Uruguay and southern Brazil, areas that were subject to relatively more humid and
warmer climates during most of the Pleistocene. From a biogeographical perspective, both Ensenadan
species are restricted to the current Pampean region. N. pseudornatus is recorded in the ‘‘Toscas’’ (caliche
duricrusts) of Rı
´o de La Plata (Buenos Aires City and Olivos) and Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires province),
while N. ornatus is recorded in Mar del Plata and San Pedro (Buenos Aires province), and Granadero
Baigorria (Santa Fe province).
Ó2009 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The Glyptodontidae were one of the most conspicuous groups of
Xenarthra in South America during most of the Cenozoic. From
a taxonomic perspective, this clade experienced significant diver-
sification (ca. 65 genera; see McKenna and Bell, 1997), as well as
extensive temporal distribution (late Eocene–early Holocene;
Hoffstetter, 1958; Paula Couto, 1979; Politis and Gutierrez, 1998;
Carlini and Scillato-Yane
´, 1999; Cione et al., 2003; Zurita et al., 2005).
Even though Glyptodontidae taxonomy is complex, some
consensus exists at present for the recognition of five subfamilies:
a) Glyptatelinae (late Eocene – late Miocene – late Pleistocene?
´, 1977, 1986; Downing and White, 1995; Carlini et al.,
1997, 2004, 2008a; Vizcaı
´no et al., 2003; Bostelmann et al., 2008);
b) Propalaehoplophorinae (late Oligocene–middle Miocene; Scott,
1903–1904; Scillato-Yane
´, 1977, 1986; Bondesio et al., 1980); c)
Glyptodontinae (middle Miocene–early Holocene; Cabrera, 1944;
Castellanos, 1953; Carlini and Scillato-Yane
´, 1999; Carlini et al.,
2008b); d) Doedicurinae (late Miocene–early Holocene; Hoff-
stetter, 1958; Paula Couto, 1979); e) Hoplophorinae
(¼Sclerocalyptinae) (middle Miocene–early Holocene; Scillato-
´and Carlini, 1998a; Scillato-Yane
´et al., 1995; Carlini and
´, 1999; Zurita et al., 2005; Zurita, 2007).
In this context, the Hoplophorinae are probably the Glypto-
dontidae subfamily with greatest taxonomic complexity and
Abbreviations: GABI, Great American Biotic Interchange; M–m, upper and lower
molariforms, respectively; CC, Museo Universitario ‘‘Florentino y Carlos Ameghino’’,
Universidad Nacional de Rosario (ex Instituto de Fisiografı
´a y Geologı
´a ‘‘Alfredo
Castellanos’’), Rosario; MACN, Seccio
´n Paleontologı
´a de Vertebrados, Museo
Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’; MLP, Divisio
´n Paleon-
´a Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional
de La Plata; MSP, Museo Paleontolo
´gico Municipal ‘‘Fray Manuel de Torres’’, San
Pedro; MMP, Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales del Mar del Plata ‘‘Lorenzo
Scaglia; RCS, ‘‘Royal College of Surgeons’’, London, UK.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.E. Zurita).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Quaternary International
journal homepage:
1040-6182/$ – see front matter Ó2009 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–92
Author's personal copy
morphological heterogeneity. This is due to the remarkable number
of taxa included within its seven recognized tribes (Hoplophorini,
Neuryurini, Palaeohoplophorini, Plohophorini, Panochthini, Loma-
phorini and Neothoracophorini) and the poor morphological
characterization of most Hoplophorinae species (Zurita, 2007).
Indeed, these have been mostly recognized on the basis of typo-
logical criteria characteristic of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In
the words of Hoffstetter (1958: 577):‘‘Il est difficile de donner de l’
ensemble une de
´finition pre
´cise, car trop de genres, surtout ceux du
´ne, sont connus d’une façon tre
`s fragmentaire.’’
In addition, recent preliminary phylogenetic analyses have
questioned the monophyly of this subfamily (Fernı
´cola et al., 2002;
´cola, 2005).
The Hoplophorinae Hoplophorini (¼Sclerocalyptini) have
traditionally presented a similar prospect, with remarkable taxo-
nomic overestimation; about 8 genera and 26 species have been
traditionally included in this tribe (see, among others, Ameghino,
1889, 1895, 1919; Rovereto, 1914; Castellanos, 1925, 1948, 1951;
Cabrera, 1939, 1944; Scillato-Yane
´and Carlini, 1998a; Zurita, 2002).
Thus, Neosclerocalyptus (¼Sclerocalyptus ¼Hoplophorus ¼Isolinia;
see Paula Couto, 1957; Zurita et al., 2007), one of the two Pleisto-
cene genera of Hoplophorini, is the taxon with greatest proposed
taxonomic overestimation. About 15 species have been attributed
to this taxon (see Mones, 1986), four of which would be Ensenadan
in age (see Ameghino, 1889).
However, a recent revision of this tribe has shown that the
Hoplophorini from the present Argentinian territory are repre-
sented with certainty by 2 genera (Eosclerocalyptus and
Neosclerocalyptus)and7species(Zurita, 2007), and probably an
additional genus, Eonaucum, although little material of the latter
is known (see Scillato-Yane
´and Carlini, 1998a). Furthermore, the
stratigraphic distribution of these genera agrees with the pattern
of morphological changes observed in relation to inferred
climatic changes. The present contribution discusses the species
of Neosclerocalyptus (Ensenadan–Lujanian; early Pleistocene–
early Holocene) of Ensenadan age (early Pleistocene to early-
middle Pleistocene) considered as valid, and assesses their
significance as biostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and paleo-
environmental indicators.
The nomenclatural and taxonomical schemes used here agree
with the proposals of Paula Couto (1957, 1965) and Zurita et al.
(2007). The chronological and biostratigraphic schemes used here
follow those of Cione and Tonni (2005).
2. Paleontological systematics
Order Cingulata Illiger, 1811
Superfamily Glyptodontoidea Gray, 1869
Family Glyptodontidae Gray, 1869
Subfamily Hoplophorinae Huxley, 1864
Tribe Hoplophorini Huxley, 1864
Genus Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto, 1957
Synonymy.Sclerocalyptus Ameghino, 1891;Isolinia Castellanos,
1951 [partim] n. sin; Chacus Zurita, 2002 n. sin.
Type species.Glyptodon ornatus Owen, 1845
Stratigraphic and geographic distribution. Early Pleistocene–
early Holocene (Ensenadan–Lujanian) of the Argentinian provinces
Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Co
´rdoba, Mendoza, San Luis, Santa Fe,
Entre Rı
´os, Corrientes, Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Tucuma
´n, For-
mosa and Salta (Zurita et al., 2005). Pleistocene of Uruguay,
Paraguay (Villa Hayes and Boquero
´n Departments) (Zurita, 2007)
and Bolivia (N
˜uapua and Santa Cruz de la Sierra; see Ameghino,
1889; Hoffstetter, 1968; Zurita et al., 2009).
Diagnosis. Small-sized compared with other Pleistocene Glyp-
todontidae. Cephalic shield wide (especially at naso-frontal level),
with subquadrangular outline and formed by numerous osteo-
derms (approximately 80) with ornamentation similar to that of
the dorsal carapace. Dorsal carapace low and elongated, sub-
cylindrical, dorsal outline almost straight, formed by approximately
50–55 transversal rows of osteoderms at the sides of the carapace;
in some cases carapace with slight middle constriction separating
cephalic and caudal halves; antero-lateral margins flaring outwards
as ‘‘wings’’ and formed by very small pentagonal or hexagonal
osteoderms; these osteoderms with thick perforations at each
intersection of the sulcus surrounding the central figure with the
sulci that separate peripheral figures, in the area adjacent to the
cephalic notch. Osteoderms with primitive ornamentation similar
to that of Propalaehoplophorinae, relatively thin and large, formed
by a flat or somewhat concave central figure surrounded by a row of
smaller polygonal figures, 7–10 in the anterior and middle regions
of the carapace, and 10–12 (exceptionally 13 or 14) in the posterior
region (occasionally with an accessory row of peripherals in this
area), with shallow sulci separating the figures from each other.
Lateral carapace osteoderms rectangular and anteroposteriorly
elongated, with a large central figure, and arranged in transversal
rows; this arrangement disappearing toward the dorsum where the
osteoderms become pentagonal or hexagonal withmore developed
peripheral figures. Caudal shield formed by four or five rings (each
with two osteoderm rows) and a cylindrical–conical caudal tube
somewhat flattened dorsoventrally and tapering distally, with two
large terminal dorsolateral figures. Laterally with 5–7 oval figures,
increasingly larger toward the apex; the last four lateral figures
occupying more than half of the tube length. Each central figure
may be surrounded by one or two rows of peripherals, contrasting
with the single peripheral row of Eosclerocalyptus. Skull with highly
developed and pneumatized fronto-nasal sinuses (maximally
developed in Lujanian species), directed ventrally, although not as
much as in Panochthus, and separated from the rest of the skull by
an evident V-shaped notch; orbit closed posteriorly by a postorbital
apophysis. Area anterior to orbital (nasal and frontal) notches
semicircular, a condition associated with increased pneumatization
of the sinuses. Infraorbital foramen projected in a plane passing at
M3 level, differing from Eosclerocalyptus in which this plane passes
through the M3–M4 boundary. Predental region of palate narrower
and more extended anteroposteriorly than in Eosclerocalyptus and
Propalaehoplophorinae, with dental series ending posteriorly to
zygomatic process of squamosal. Paroccipital processes more
developed and more laterally projecting than in Eosclerocalyptus.
Supraoccipital is placed at an angle of 40–50
with respect to
basilar plane. First molariform simple and elongated ante-
roposteriorly; second molariform with incipient lobation; other
molariforms clearly trilobed. Molariforms M6–M8 have bilaterally
symmetrical lobes and anterior wall of first lobe is flat or slightly
convex. Humerus similar to that of Hoplophorus euphractus,
somewhat shorter and more robust, with posterior margin of
deltoid ‘V’ more developed and entepicondylar foramen more
proximal, as in Panochthus. Scapula has sinuous acromion. Pes and
manus tetradactyl due to loss of digit I; digit V is highly reduced.
2.1. Neosclerocalyptus pseudornatus (Ameghino, 1889)
(Fig. 1 A–H)
Synonymy.Hoplophorus pseudornatus Ameghino, 1889;
Sclerocalyptus pseudornatus (Ameghino, 1889).
Lectotype. MACN 1233, fragment of dorsal carapace with 13
Paralectotype.MACN 13084, distal half of caudal tube.
A.E. Zurita et al. / Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–92 83
Author's personal copy
Type locality. ‘‘Toscas del Rı
´o de La Plata’’, (caliche duricrusts
outcropping at the margins and bed of the river), Buenos Aires City,
Argentina (34
S, 58
Referred materials.CC 20, caudal tube; CC 107, complete skull;
CC 21 caudal tube; CC 167, lateral right portion of dorsal carapace;
MMP 234, right half of skull; MACN 8579, complete skull; MACN
8773, complete skull; MACN 2936, left femur; MACN 8676, right
femur; MACN 5858, right hemimandible; MACN 2262, right
hemimandible; MACN 5007, caudal tube; MACN 13084, caudal tube
(figured by Ameghino, 1889: pl., LXLII, Figs. 1–3); MACN 1798,
caudal tube; MACN 5028, caudal tube; MACN 7075, caudal tube;
MACN 12543, carapace fragment; MACN 1930, large fragment of
right humerus; MACN 1966, right mandibular ramus; MACN 1989,
left humerus; MACN 2209, left radius; MACN 2014, left radius;
MACN 2018, left radius; MACN 2262, left mandibular ramus; MACN
2332, distal half of left femur; MACN 2315, atlas; MACN 2273, right
Fig. 1. Neosclerocalyptus pseudornatus. (A) Skull in frontal view, (B) In dorsal view, (C) Lateral view, (D) Ventral view (MACN 8579), (E) Left hemimandible in lateral view (MACN
5858), (F) Cephalic shield in dorsal view (MACN 8773), (G) Caudal tube in dorsal view, (H) Caudal tube in lateral view (MACN 7075).
A.E. Zurita et al. / Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–9284
Author's personal copy
tibiofibula; MACN 2276, distal half of caudal tube; MACN 1793,
proximal portion of left ulna; MACN 2019, distal half of left
humerus; MACN 2316, proximal portion of right ulna; MACN 2272,
right tibiofibula; MACN 1836, caudal tube; MACN 2232, distal half
of left femur; MACN 2076, distal half of left femur; MLP 16–144,
distal half of caudal tube.
Diagnosis. Skull with parietoccipital region directed dorsally,
but not as much as in Neosclerocalyptus ornatus, with sagittal crest
similar to that of Eosclerocalyptus proximus. Fronto-nasal sinuses
little pneumatized and laterally expanded, with external bony
lamina recurved in helicoidal fashion (Fig. 1A,C). Anteriormost
portion of nasals is not preserved in any of the specimens. Area
between fronto-nasal sinuses and postorbital processes of frontal
bone more developed transversally and anteroposteriorly than in
N. ornatus,Neosclerocalyptus gouldi Zurita et al. (2008) and Neo-
sclerocalyptus paskoensis, due to lesser pneumatization of the
sinuses (Fig. 1B,C). Zygomatic arches high and straight, similar to
those of E. proximus and N. ornatus and clearly different from those
of E. tapinocephalus (whose zygomatic arches become shorter
toward the orbital notches) (Fig. 1C). Descendent processes of
maxillae very developed at jugal level. Infraorbital foramen is small,
but with extremely thick lower bony margin (Fig. 1D). Foramen
magnum is larger transversally than dorsoventrally, oval in shape.
First upper molariform is elliptical in cross section, with greater
axis parallel to the sagittal plane; M2 with incipient lobation; M3–
M8 clearly trilobed (Fig. 1D). Cephalic shield wide (especially at
naso-frontal level) and formed by numerous osteoderms (approx-
imately 80) with ornamentation similar to that of dorsal carapace
(Fig. 1F). Mandible and caudal tube are morphologically similar to
those of N. ornatus (Fig. 1E,G,H). Dorsal carapace very similar in
shape to that of N. ornatus, that is, low, subcylindrical, elongated
and with almost straight dorsal outline, different from more
globose carapace of E. proximus; in one specimen (CC 167), plate
rows adjacent to caudal notch with accessory rows of peripheral
osteoderms at proximal and distal margins.
Chronological and geographical distribution. Early-middle
Ensenadan (1.07–0.98 Ma) (early Pleistocene) (Fig. 3). ‘‘Toscas del
´o de La Plata’’ (see above; Buenos Aires City and Olivos) and Mar
del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina (Fig. 4).
Historical and taxonomic aspects. This species was originally
recognized by Ameghino (1889) as H. pseudornatus on the basis of
fragmentary dorsal carapace osteoderms and a proximally broken
caudal tube collected from the sediments of the ‘‘Toscas’’ of Rı
Plata (Buenos Aires). These materials had been figured earlier by
Lydekker (1887) as Hoplophorus sp. a?; some time afterwards,
however, this same author (Lydekker,1894) classified these remains
as Lomaphorus ornatus. In his published response, Ameghino (1895)
again asserted the validity of this species and summarized its main
distinctive characters. Since Ameghino (1889: 808–809) did not
choose a holotype from the type serie (MACN 1233 and MACN
13084), we select (in the context of this taxonomic revision) the
MACN 1233 as the lectotype of this species (see ICZN, 1999, art. 74).
2.2. N. ornatus (Owen, 1845)(Fig. 2A–F)
Synonymy.G. ornatus Owen, 1845;Hoplophorus ornatus (Owen,
1845); Sclerocalyptus ornatus (Owen, 1845).
Holotype. RCS 3606 (ex RCS 554), four dorsal carapace osteo-
derms (Owen, 1845: 119).
Type locality. Near Matanzas river, approximately 32 km south
of Buenos Aires City, Argentina.
Neotype.(MACN?; missing), complete dorsal carapace, caudal
rings and caudal tube (figured by Burmeister, 1871, pl. XVII)
(Lydekker, 1887: 128) (see discussion below)
Type locality: Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
Referred materials.MLP 16–28, complete skeleton and dorsal
carapace (figured by Lydekker, 1894; plates XI, XII and XIII); MMP
4300, complete dorsal carapace and caudal tube; MACN 8091,
dorsoventrally compressed skull; CC 656, skull, mandible and
cephalic shield; MACN 11948, mandibular ramus; MSP 12, almost
complete dorsal carapace, complete caudal rings and caudal tube,
and very fragmentary posterior skull with matching portion of
cephalic shield.
Diagnosis. Hoplophorini slightly larger than N. pseudornatus,
similar in size to N. gouldi. Skull with convex profile, parietocci-
pital region elevated, even more so than in N. pseudornatus, and
marked sagittal crest (Fig. 2A–C). Fronto-nasal sinuses more
defined than in N. pseudornatus, ‘funnel’-shaped, inclined
ventrally, clearly pneumatized and laterally expanded (more so
than in N. pseudornatus and H. euphractus, but not as much as in
N. gouldi and N. paskoensis), separated from each other and from
the frontal and maxillary bones by evident V-shaped cleft; free
margins of nasals curved inward, especially at their middle and
lower portion (Fig. 2A–C). Region between fronto-nasal sinuses
and postorbital processes of frontal less developed transversally
and anteroposteriorly than in N. pseudornatus, due to greater
pneumatization of sinuses. Zygomatic arches high and straight,
very similar to those of N. pseudornatus and E. proximus (Fig. 2C).
Infraorbital foramen larger than that of N. pseudornatus, with
thinner lower bony margin very similar to that of N. gouldi
(Fig. 2D). Foramen magnum similar to that of N. pseudornatus, i.e.,
with oval outline. First molariform simple, elongated ante-
roposteriorly; second molariform with incipient lobation, as in
N. pseudornatus; remaining molariforms trilobed and similar to
those of other species of Neosclerocalyptus (Fig. 2D). Mandible
similar to that of N. pseudornatus and N. gouldi, with ascending
rami extended anteroposteriorly, although not as much as in
E. proximus, and inclined forward. Dorsal carapace elongated, low,
subcylindrical, and with dorsal outline almost completely straight,
with slight narrowing at the middle separating two parts: anterior
low narrow portion, and posterior somewhat higher and broader
portion (Fig. 2E). Some specimens have accessory rows of
peripheral figures at distal and proximal margins of osteoderm
rows adjacent to caudal notch, as in N. pseudornatus.
Chronological and geographic distribution. Middle-late
Ensenadan (0.98–0.40 Ma) (early-middle Pleistocene) (Fig. 3). Mar
del Plata and San Pedro (Buenos Aires province), Granadero
Baigorria (Santa Fe province) (Fig. 4).
Historical and taxonomic aspects. This species was recognized
and figured by Owen (1845: Fig. 5) based on a series of four or five
associated osteoderms from a dorsal carapace collected from
Pleistocene sediments in the vicinity of Matanzas river, some 32 km
southwest from Buenos Aires City (Owen, 1845; see Rusconi, 1930).
Originally, Owen (1845) assigned these remains to genus Glyptodon
Owen, 1839 and recognized the species ‘‘G. ornatus’’, whose type
was deposited in the collections of the ‘‘Royal College of Surgeons’’
(RCS) (Londres), where Owen worked as curator. Although the
precise stratigraphic provenance of the material collected by Owen
(1845) (RCS 3606) cannot be established, diverse authors have
recognized Ensenadan outcroppings at several sectors of Matanzas
river (see Rusconi, 1930,1936). Added to these considerations is the
fact that the RCS collection was greatly damaged during a series of
bombing raids that affected London in 1941. As a consequence, only
175 of the original 5200 catalogued specimens could be rescued
(Currant, pers. comm.). Cave’s (1942) list of the materials that were
not destroyed does not include the type of N. ornatus, and conse-
quently it should be considered lost.
Given that the type material of this Hoplophorini species did not
present relevant diagnostic characters, Lydekker (1887: 128 ‘‘Since
there may be possibly be a doubt as to the identity of the complete
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carapace figured by Burmeister in the ‘‘An. Mus. Buenos Aires’’ under
the present name with the fragment to which the name ‘‘G’’ ornatus
was applied, it will be advisable to regard the former as the type’’)
designated as neotype a very well preserved dorsal carapace with
associated caudal rings and caudal tube that had been figured by
Burmeister (1871; plate XVII). Unfortunately, this material has not
been found in the collections of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias
Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’, and is thus considered as
Lastly, in a taxonomic revision, Lydekker (1894: 20–24)
described and illustrated an excellent specimen of this species
(MLP 16–28;Fig. 2A–F), from the Ensenadan of Mar del Plata,
Buenos Aires province, which is morphologically almost identical to
the specimen that he had earlier designated as the neotype.
Fig. 2. Neosclerocalyptus ornatus (MLP 16–28). (A) Skull in frontal view, (B) In dorsal view, (C) In lateral view, (D) In ventral view, (E) Cephalic shield, dorsal carapace, caudal rings
and caudal tube in lateral view, (F) Complete skeleton in lateral view.
A.E. Zurita et al. / Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–9286
Author's personal copy
Since then, and until now, for a period of 113 years, all the
specialists have directly or indirectly associated this specimen
(MLP 16–28) with the name N. ornatus (¼H. ornatus ¼S. ornatus)
(see, among others, Ameghino, 1895; Richter, 1911; Vinacci, 1939;
Hoffstetter, 1958; Pascual et al., 1966; Paula Couto, 1979;Zurita
et al., 2005).
To paraphrase Ameghino (1895: 845) ‘‘Es un soberbio ejemplar de
un individuo completamente adulto (.) y debera
´ser consultada
preferentemente por los paleonto
´logos porque representa aprox-
imadamente la forma exacta del animal’’ (‘‘It is a superb sample of
a fully grown adult (.) and it should be preferably consulted by
paleontologists because it represents approximately the actual
shape of the animal’’).
3. Other Ensenadan Hoplophorini? problematic issues
As previously mentioned, Neosclerocalyptus is a genus with
remarkable taxonomic overestimation, since most of the species
were recognized based on fundamentally typological taxonomic
criteria (see Giraudo, 1997; Hevia and Romero, 1999). Consequently,
many of the characters used for recognition of new species (e.g.
osteoderm thickness and number of peripheral figures in dorsal
carapace osteoderms; shape, length, degree of flattening and
number of lateral figures in the caudal tube) are currently insuffi-
cient, as their intraspecific variability has not been adequately
evaluated, as demonstrated for other Glyptodontidae Hoplophor-
inae (Perea, 2005).
In this taxonomic context, ‘‘Hoplophorus’’ perfectus Gervais and
Ameghino is a species created in 1880 whose type is a small dorsal
carapace fragment collected from the ‘‘Toscas del rı
´o de La Plata’’,
Buenos Aires City (MACN 1232). Later on, Ameghino figured the
type material (1889, pl. LXIV, Fig. 1) while he also associated new
materials to this taxon without adequate justification, particularly
a caudal tube (MACN 7079) possibly from the Bonaerian deposits,
or even the Lujanian beds, of Luja
´n river at Colonia Salazar
(unpublished.) (Ameghino, 1889, pl. XC, Figs. 1–3). The characters
used by Gervais and Ameghino (1880), for the original identifi-
cation of the species, are insufficient, because the only diagnostic
features mentioned by these authors are larger size of osteoderms
and central figures, and greater number of peripheral figures
(11–13). However, the materials that correspond to the lectotype
(three dorsal carapace osteoderms; MACN 1232) do not display
clear diagnostic characters that could link them to the Pleistocene
genus Neosclerocalyptus (Zurita et al., 2005; Zurita, 2007).
A thorough analysis of these osteoderms indicates that their
morphology does not correspond to the known variability for
dorsal carapaces of Glyptodontidae Hoplophorini. They probably
correspond to the tribe Panochthini (cf. Panochthus intermedius)
given the size proportion between central and peripheral figures
(see Lydekker, 1894).
‘‘Hoplophorus’’ scrobiculatus, a taxon described by Ameghino
(1889), is another recognized Ensenadan species. The story of this
species is quite singular, as Ameghino designated as type material
a dorsal carapace and caudal tube that were deposited in the
Fig. 3. Chronological distribution of the species of Neosclerocalyptus.
Fig. 4. Geographic distribution of Neosclerocalyptus pseudornatus (circle) and N.
ornatus (triangle). 1 Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2 Olivos, 3 Mar del Plata, 4, San Pedro, 5
Granadero Baigorria.
A.E. Zurita et al. / Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–92 87
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collections of the then Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires (today the
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’),
and which he presented as associated materials. At the time,
Ameghino noted that the small size of the specimen, as well as the
particular morphology of the osteoderms, indicated a supposed
transition to genus Lomaphorus. Thus, the diagnostic characters
supplied by Ameghino (1889: 817) (e.g. number of peripheral
figures surrounding each central figure, slight concavity on dorsal
surface of osteoderms, large penultimate lateral figure of caudal
tube, etc.) are common to the Hoplophorinae Hoplophorini.
Furthermore, he only illustrated three associated osteoderms
(Ameghino, 1889; pl. LXXXV, Fig. 4).
However, six years later, Ameghino (1895: 543–544) stated that
this species should disappear because it had been described based
on a dorsal carapace that was referable to the Lomaphorini
‘‘Lomaphorus compressus’’ and a caudal tube probably assignable to
Neosclerocalyptus, although, as stated above, these materials had
never figured. Unfortunately, the materials on which Ameghino
based his description have not been found in the collections of
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, and consequently this
taxon should be considered in querenda.
4. Paleobiogeography and biostratigraphy of
Neosclerocalyptus, with emphasis on Ensenadan species
The biogeographical history of the Glyptodontidae Hoplophorini
(late Miocene–early Holocene) is apparently restricted to the
southern cone of South America, where their range extends with
certainty from about 20
S latitudinally and from 43
W longitudinally. This contrasts with the case of the Glypto-
dontidae Glyptodontinae, the other characteristic and frequent
taxon for the late Neogene, whose first records date from the late
Miocene of Colombia (Carlini et al., 2008b); the distribution of
glyptodontines during the Pleistocene included South America
from Argentina to Venezuela, Central America, and North America
up to ca. 35
N(Marshall et al., 1984; Tonni and Scillato-Yane
´, 1997;
´n, 2006; Carlini et al., 2008a). In addition, this is probably the
only Glyptodontidae subfamily that participated in the Great
American Biotic Interchange (GABI) and underwent cladogenesis,
which is reflected in five described species (Gilette and Ray, 1981;
Flynn et al., 2005; Morgan and White, 2005; White and Morgan,
2005; Carlini et al., 2008a).
Neosclerocalyptus is a typical Pampean genus of Hoplophorinae
Hoplophorini, geographically restricted to the present territories of
Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay (Zurita et al., 2005;
Zurita, 2007). It was probably well adapted to progressively colder
and more arid environments (Tonni and Fidalgo, 1979; Fidalgo and
Tonni, 1983), as the records of this genus are very scarce in areas
that were relatively humid and warm during most of the Pleisto-
cene (Argentinian Mesopotamia, western Uruguay and southern
Brazil) (Kraglievich, 1932; Scillato-Yane
´et al., 1998; Carlini et al.,
2004; Noriega et al., 2004), but are very abundant in the area that
currently comprises the Pampean region and central-northern
Argentina (Zurita et al., 2004), and they are the only well repre-
sented Hoplophorini in Paraguay. Accordingly, Neosclerocalyptus is
characterized by an evident and progressive increase of pneuma-
tization and lateral expansion of the fronto-nasal sinuses, a feature
that becomes even more evident in the middle and late Pleistocene
species. This increasing pneumatization of the fronto-nasal sinuses
is a probable response to the cold arid or semiarid Pleistocene
environments (see Clapperton, 1993; Tonni et al., 1999a,b; Cione
and Tonni, 2001; Prado et al., 2001; Cione et al., 2003; Tonni et al.,
2003; Zurita et al., 2005).
Latitudinally, the northernmost record of the genus in Argentina
corresponds to Las Lajitas, in Salta province (24
S) (see Zurita
et al., 2002); in Argentina, the distribution of species of this genus
ranges from 26
S (Avia Terai, Chaco province) to 38
S (Bahı
Blanca, Buenos Aires province), and longitudinally from 57
(Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province) to 65
W (Merlo, San Luis
province; see Chiesa et al., 2000, 2005). Outside Argentina, the
northernmost records correspond to the localities of N
˜uapua (20
S; 63
W; see Hoffstetter, 1968) and Santa Cruz de la Sierra
S, 63
W; see Zurita et al., 2009), in Bolivia.
Taxonomically, four Neosclerocalyptus species can be recognized
with certainty. As we have mentioned, N. pseudornatus and
N. ornatus are recorded in the Ensenadan Stage (early Pleistocene to
early-middle Pleistocene), while a single species (N. goudi)is
recognized for the Bonaerian Stage (middle Pleistocene). Lastly,
N. paskoensis is an exclusively Lujanian (late Pleistocene–early
Holocene) species (Fig. 3), widely distributed in the present
Argentinian territory between 26
S (Avia Terai, Chaco province)
and 38
S (Bahı
´a Blanca, Buenos Aires province) (Zurita, 2007).
Chronologically, the Ensenadan Stage (early Pleistocene to early-
middle Pleistocene; 1.8–0.4 Ma) spans a wide interval of more than
1 million years, during which numerous climatic–environmental
changes that drastically affected faunal composition and diversity
(Cione and Tonni, 1999, 2001; Rabassa et al., 2005; Soibelzon, 2005)
took place within a general climate cooling trend. In this context,
the paleoenvironmental evidence suggests that the Ensenadan
Stage of southern South America was characterized by the defined
predominance of cold arid or semiarid climates interspersed with
brief warmer and more humid pulses (Tonni and Cione, 1994, 1995;
Tonni et al.,1999b; Cione and Tonni, 2001; Soibelzon et al., 2006a).
Specific pulses have been detected at approximately 1.0 Ma (Nabel
et al., 2000) and 0.4 Ma (Soibelzon et al., 2006a). Considering the
entire Pleistocene (ca. 2.6 Ma to 10 ka B.P.), the Ensenadan Stage
seems to have been the period with the highest proportion of
mammals adapted to open arid environments (Bobe Quinteros
et al., 2004). In the current Pampean region, these climatic–envi-
ronmental processes favored the expansion of characteristic
elements from the Central and Patagonian Domains (e.g. Microcavia
australis,Lestodelphys halli,Tolypeutes matacus). One distinctive
feature of this period is the large size attained by some taxa, greater
than that observed during the middle Pleistocene–early Holocene
(e.g. P. intermedius,Glyptodon munizi,Toxodon ensenadensis)
´and Carlini, 1998b; Cione et al., 2003; Soibelzon et al.,
2006b), as well as the marked proliferation of herbivorous mega-
mammals belonging to several orders (e.g. Notoungulata, Xenar-
thra Phyllophaga, Litopterna; Tonni and Cione, 1994).
In the current Pampean region, the sediments of Ensenadan age
correspond to the Miramar and Ensenada formations (including
Ameghino’s ‘Preensenadan’ stage) and the outcroppings of Vorohue
and San Andre
´s formations located north of Mar del Plata
(Soibelzon, 2005).
In this context, N. pseudornatus (ca. 1.07–0.98 Ma) is the oldest
species of the genus, and already begins to show a tendency toward
increased pneumatization and development of the fronto-nasal
sinuses, possibly as a response to climatic–environmental condi-
tions (Zurita et al., 2005; Zurita, 2007). To date, the geographical
distribution of this species is restricted from 34
S (‘‘Toscas del
´o de La Plata’’, Buenos Aires City) to 38
S (Mar del Plata), i.e.,
central-eastern Argentina (Fig. 4).
From a stratigraphic perspective, the sediments that correspond
to ‘‘Toscas del Rı
´o de la Plata’’ were initially correlated by Ameghino
(1889) with the uppermost (‘cuspidal’) Ensenadan beds. Unfortu-
nately, as already noted by Ameghino and Kraglievich (1921: 136)
‘‘.los tı
´picos yacimientos del Ensenadense con su rica y variada fauna
´n destinados a desaparecer totalmente en un futuro no lejano
a consecuencia de las modificaciones que antigua
ribera de Buenos Aires, a lo largo de la bajante del rı
´o ponı
A.E. Zurita et al. / Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–9288
Author's personal copy
descubierto las cla
´sicas toscas’’ (the typical Ensenadan fossil beds
with their rich and varied fauna are doomed to complete disap-
pearance in the near future due to the modifications suffered by.
the old coastline of Buenos Aires, along which.low levels of the
river have uncovered the typical ‘tosca’ [caliche duricrusts] rocks).
These sediments are currently considered to represent a period
between the Jaramillo and Olduvai events, corresponding to Chron
1 (reversed magnetic polarity). In this sense, the presence of the
Notoungulata Mesotherium cristatum, considered as a guide fossil
for the upper Ensenadan Stage, supports this temporal assignation
(Tonni and Cione, 1994), and so does the presence of the bird
Pseudoseisura sp. nov.(Tonni et al., 1999b). Chronologically, this
implies that these sediments could be dated between 1.07 Ma and
0.98 Ma (early-middle Ensenadan Stage) (see Soibelzon et al.,
From a paleoenvironmental viewpoint, the micromammals of
this age (1.0 Ma; middle Ensenadan Stage) indicate clear predom-
inance of cold arid climatic conditions, interspersed with some
brief humid periods (Tonni et al., 1999b). In an independent study,
Bonadonna and Alberdi (1987) detected an important cold arid
pulse (ca. 1.0 Ma) that implied some faunal changes. Thus, the
temporal distribution of this Hoplophorini species coincides
partially with the ‘‘Great Patagonian Glaciation’’, which took place
between 1.168 and 1.016 Ma (Rabassa et al., 2005). The same fossil
beds from which the remains of N. pseudornatus were collected
(‘‘Toscas del Rı
´o de La Plata’’), have also yielded remains of Lama
guanicoe (Muller) (Menegaz and Ortiz Jaureguizar, 1995; Menegaz,
2000), a clear indicator of dry–cold climates, along with M. crista-
tum Serres, 1867, and probably also ‘Brasilic’ fauna such as Tapirus
Brisson (the southernmost record of this genus), Calomys Water-
house, and Procyonidae, which indicate more tropical and humid
climates (Bond et al., 1995; Tonni and Cione, 1995; Bond, 1999;
Soibelzon et al., 2005). The possible coexistence of taxa with
different ecological requirements and current allopatric distribu-
tion could be interpreted as an indicator of the occurrence of
heterogeneous environments (Tonni et al., 1998). However, given
the lack of high resolution biostratigraphic studies, the possibility
that the taxa indicative of warmer climates and those suggestive of
colder drier climates were not actually coeval, but the result of
time-averaging sediments, cannot be dismissed.
Lastly, the specimen from Mar del Plata (MMP 234)was
collected from Miramar Formation (see Isla and Dondas, 2001),
which was assigned by Cione and Tonni (1995, 1999) to the Ense-
nadan Stage sensu lato (s.l.). The paleomagnetic studies made by
Orgeira (1987) suggest a Matuyama s.l. paleomagnetic age, greater
than 0.7 Ma and less than 2.41 Ma.
N. ornatus is a species restricted to the final Ensenadan Stage
(0.98–0.40 Ma) (Fig. 3). Its geographical distribution is wider than
that of N. pseudornatus, encompassing central and central-eastern
Argentina (Buenos Aires and Santa Fe provinces), from 32
(Granadero Baigorria, Santa Fe province) to 38
S (Mar del Plata,
Buenos Aires province) (Fig. 4). Stratigraphically, the unquestion-
able records of N. ornatus in Buenos Aires province correspond to
two specimens (MLP 16–28 and MACN 8091) collected from the
cliffs situated north of Mar del Plata, and possibly from the Miramar
Formation (see Kraglievich, 1952). These sedimentary sequences
have been little studied compared to those located south of Mar del
Plata, which have been the subject of intense paleontological,
paleomagnetic and sedimentological studies (Bidegain et al., 2003).
Magnetostratigraphic (Bidegain et al., 1998, 2003) and
biostratigraphic (Tonni et al., 1998) studies of Ensenadan levels
indicate that these sediments are somewhat more recent than
those from the ‘‘Toscas del Rı
´o de La Plata’’, and even though no
absolute datings have been made, their age could range between
0.98 and 0.40 Ma (middle-late Ensenadan Stage; Tonni et al., 1998;
Bidegain et al., 2003). Another record, represented by a complete
dorsal carapace associated with a caudal tube (MMP 4300), has
been unquestionably collected from the Miramar Formation in Mar
del Plata (see Isla and Dondas, 2001). The sediments from this unit
were originally nominated by Ameghino (1908) as the Ensenada
Formation, and by Frenguelli (1928) as part of the Ensenadan
Stage. It was formally recognized by Kraglievich (1952), who
designated it as the Miramar Formation. This formation, which
underlies the San Andre
´s Formation and overlies the Arroyo Seco
Formation (Bidegain et al., 1998), is 1–3 m thick and primarily
composed of fluvio-lacustrine sediments, including several litho-
logical types: ‘‘.conglomerados de fenoclastos de limo endurecido
cementados por limo arcilloso verdoso o pardo grisa
´ceo. Lentes de
limo muy arcilloso verde o azul y camadas lenticulares de acarreo
fluvial compuestas por pequen
˜os fragmentos rodados de rocas.en su
´n superior comprende bancos loe
´sicos pardos cubiertos por una
costra calca
´rea.’’ (‘‘.conglomerates of hardened silt phenoclasts
cemented by greenish or grayish brown clayey silt. Blue or green
highly clayey silt lenses and fluvial-transported lenticular bedding
formed by small rock its upper section includes
brown loessic banks covered by a calcareous crust.’’) (Kraglievich,
1952: 18; see also Isla and Dondas, 2001). Early on, Orgeira (1987)
and Tonni et al. (1992) correlated this unit with the Matuyama
Chron (2.48–0.73 Ma). Later, Cione and Tonni (1995, 1999)
assigned this formation to the Ensenadan Stage s.l. (ca. 1.8–0.4 Ma).
Thus, the same levels that yielded these three N. ornatus spec-
imens (MMP 4300,MLP 16–28 and MACN 8091), contain an
assemblage of vertebrates (Lestodelphys halli,Tympanoctomys bar-
rerae, Thinocoridae) that suggests persistence of the cold arid
climate that existed during the Sanandresian–Ensenadan stages
(Tonni et al., 1998). This could be correlated with a global cooling
event that took place in the 0.80–0.50 Ma lapse (Tonni et al., 1998).
Along these lines, Verzi et al. (2002) have noted the presence of the
octodontid Tympanoctomys cordubensis (Ameghino, 1889) in what
is currently the territory of Co
´rdoba province (near the city capital)
as well as in Buenos Aires province, in sediments dated at 0.90–
0.78 Ma. Tympanoctomys is currently considered as the South
American rodent most adapted to xeric conditions (Ojeda et al.,
1996), and its presence demonstrates the existence of cold arid
climate during that lapse. Similarly, the sediments that are close to
the transition between the Matuyama and Brunhes Chrons (ca.
0.78 Ma) indicate a shift toward colder and more arid conditions
(Soibelzon et al., 2006a).
Another specimen comes from the Ensenadan beds at San
Pedro, Buenos Aires province (MSP 12). Diverse paleomagnetic and
magnetostratigraphic studies (Bobbio et al.,1986; Nabel et al.,1993;
Nabel, 1993) have indicated that these sequences correspond to the
upper section of the Ensenada Formation (late Ensenadan Stage)
and the Buenos Aires Formation (Bonaerian Stage), and noted that
the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (0.73 Ma) was found at the
uppermost part of the Ensenada Formation. The lithological char-
acterization includes silty clayey sediments in its basal sector (unit I)
and silty-sandy sediments with light brown or yellowish gray
coloration near the top of the formation (units II–V). The entire
sequence is characterized by high content of volcanic glass, possibly
of Eolian origin, that becomes especially evident within the levels
closer to the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (Nabel et al., 1993).
From a sedimentological standpoint, a series of studies of the
uppermost section of the Ensenada and Buenos Aires formations at
the city of La Plata, Buenos Aires province, have shown alternance
of loess and paleosols throughout the sequence, indicating cyclic
climatic changes from cold and arid or semiarid (loess) to warmer
and more humid (paleosols) (Tonni et al., 1999b).
A series of paleomagnetic studies performed on sediments from
the vicinity of Baradero, Buenos Aires province (see Nabel et al.,
A.E. Zurita et al. / Quaternary International 210 (2009) 82–92 89
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1993, 1993), show a significant increase in amounts of volcanic
glass toward the upper part of the Ensenada Formation, near the
Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (0.78 Ma). On the other hand, the
base of the Brunhes polarity zone shows predominantly loessic
sedimentation (Nabel et al., 2000). Primarily, both phenomena
would be correlated with increased aridity and cold, in accordance
with available paleontological evidence (Tonni et al., 1999b). The
taxa characteristic of warm humid environments (e.g. Tapiridae,
Procyonidae and Echimyidae) which are recorded during the early
and middle Ensenadan Stage (Nabel et al., 2000), disappear from
the fossil record later on, as taxa adapted to more arid environ-
ments (Microcavia,Reithrodon,Zaedyus and Tolypeutes;Tonni and
Cione, 1994) are recorded. However, the paleosol located at the
Brunhes–Matuyama boundary might basically indicate some
climatic stability and the presence of a conspicuous plant cover
(Nabel et al., 2000; Voglino and Pardin
˜as, 2005). The study of
a sequence attributable to the uppermost Ensenadan Stage (ca.
0.78 Ma), at Ramallo, in northern Buenos Aires province, agrees
with this model, as it shows a transition from warm humid to cold
arid conditions (e.g. Lestodelphys and Microcavia), immediately
above the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (ca. 0.73 Ma) (Voglino and
˜as, 2005).
Coincidentally, at lower latitudes (Tarija, Bolivia), MacFadden
(2000) has noted that the uppermost section of the Tolomosa
Formation (ca. 1.1–0.70 Ma) shows a change of faunal composition
in the transition from arid to warmer and more humid environ-
mental conditions (but see Coltorti et al., 2007).
Outside Buenos Aires province, a fourth record (CC 656)was
exhumed from the coastal cliffs of the Parana
´River at Granadero
Baigorria, Santa Fe province. In the 1960s decade, this material was
assigned by Castellanos (unpublished) to the ‘‘Lower Pleistocene’’
(¼‘‘Belgranense’’, ‘‘Belgranian’’ Stage). Currently, the ‘‘Belgranian’’
Stage in the sense of Ameghino (1889) and Castellanos correspond
to the lapse between the end of the Ensenadan and the beginning of
the Bonaerian stages (middle Pleistocene) (Cione and Tonni, 1995).
The provenance of this specimen possibly corresponds to sedi-
ments from the Rosario Formation, of Ensenadan age, which makes
up much of the coastal cliffs of Parana
´River from Rosario to Puerto
San Martı
´n. The sediments from this formation are characterized by
predominance of hard silts, reddish brown and green in color, with
scarce calcium carbonate concretions and manganese nodules
(Iriondo, 1987; Parent et al., 2002).
5. Conclusions
a) Four species of genus Neosclerocalyptus have been recognized
and described for the Ensenadan Stage: Neosclerocalyptus
scrobiculatus,Neosclerocalyptus perfectus,N. pseudornatus and
N. ornatus;however, this work demonstrates that only two of
them can be considered valid. Both of these species are bio-
stratigraphically significant because their biochrons are clearly
identified and confined. N. pseudornatus holds the earliest
record, with a biochron restricted to the early-middle Ensena-
dan Stage, between 1.07 and 0.98 Ma. The other Ensenadan
species, N. ornatus, is more recent, with a stratigraphic range
restricted to the late Ensenadan Stage, around 0.98–0.40 Ma.
b) Anatomically speaking, the major differences between the
two taxa are located in the skull. In N. pseudornatus, the fronto-
nasal sinuses are less pneumatized and less laterally expanded
than in N. ornatus, and their external wall exhibits evident
‘‘scrolled’’ shape due to the strong curvature of the free margins
of the nasal bones toward the sagittal plane. In addition, the
parieto-occipital region is not inclined upwards as markedly as
in N. ornatus. On the other hand, the fronto-nasal sinuses of
N. ornatus are better defined and clearly more pneumatized and
laterally expanded, with a characteristic ‘‘funnel’’ shape; the
infraorbital foramina of all specimens are larger than those of
N. pseudornatus.
c) From a paleobiogeographical perspective, the range of both
species is restricted to the current Pampean region. Thus far,
N. pseudornatus has been recorded in the ‘‘Toscas del Rı
Plata’’ (Olivos and Buenos Aires City) and in Mar del Plata.
Likewise, N. ornatus is recorded in San Pedro and Mar del Plata
(Buenos Aires province) and Granadero Baigorria (Santa Fe
d) The climatic–environmental evidence provided by diverse
indicators suggests that these species lived under the arid/
semiarid and cold conditions characteristic of most of the
Pleistocene, and that they were probably well adapted to such
environments. In this context, the increased pneumatization and
lateral expansion of the fronto-nasal sinuses is interpreted here
as a probable response to this type of environments. In agree-
ment with this interpretation, the records of Neosclerocalyptus
from the middle and late Pleistocene are very abundant in Eolian
sediments of the Pampean region and central-northern
Argentina, where cold arid or semiarid climatic–environmental
conditions occurred during most of the Pleistocene; in contrast,
its records are very scarce in areas that experienced warmer and
more humid conditions during the same lapse (e.g. Argentinian
Mesopotamia, Uruguay and Brazil).
The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. E.P. Tonni and
Dr. J. Rabassa for their thorough reviews and helpful suggestions.
Finally, we also thank the curators of the different collections we
have studied for granting access to the materials. This work was
partially funded by grants PICT R 074 and PICTO-UNNE 00164 from
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... The diversity of the Hoplophorinae has been long debated and the validity of many genera has been questioned (e.g., Fernicola, 2008;Paula Couto, 1957;Zurita et al., 2007). A large part of the diversity originally attributed to Hoplophorus is now accepted to belong to the Neosclerocalyptinae on the basis of strong differences in cranium and carapace morphology (Porpino et al., 2010), as it is the case for many specimens from the Pampean region (Zurita et al., 2009b). Currently, only one species of Hoplophorus is accepted as valid from the Pleistocene of Brazil (Porpino et al., 2010). ...
... Comment: For all specimens of this section, there is no associated complete cranium or carapace. As the diagnoses of each species of Neosclerocalyptus focus mainly on cranial characters or overall carapace characters (Zurita et al., 2009b), it is impossible to distinguish some species on the basis of fragmentary material. This is particularly the case for the two oldest species from the Ensenadan, N. pseudornatus and N. ornatus. ...
... However, identification at the genus level is consistent and can be supported by the osteoderm pattern. The set of osteoderms in the remaining specimens follows the genus diagnosis, with dorsal carapace osteoderms exhibiting relatively 'primitive' ornamentation close to Propalaehoplophorinae (Zurita et al., 2009b), i.e., the osteoderms are thin and large with a flat central figure always wider than the peripheral figures of the surrounding line, the demarcation between the figures are well delineated by deep sulci (Zurita et al., 2009b). Quantification of the proportions of central and peripheral figures might be useful in the search for diagnostic elements to recognize Neosclerocalyptus species regardless of the cranial remains and the general profile of the dorsal carapace. ...
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Unlabelled: The present work concerns xenarthrans from the collection of Santiago (Kaspar Jakob) Roth (1850-1924) housed at the Palaeontological Institute and Museum of the University of Zurich, one of the most important collections of Pleistocene mammals from Argentina in Europe. Roth was a paleontologist originally from Switzerland who prospected and collected a large amount of Pleistocene megafauna of the Pampean Region of Argentina. The xenarthrans are the main representatives of this collection in Zurich, with 150 specimens. Since 1920, this material has not been revised and is under studied. The present investigation corresponds to a taxonomic revision resulting in 114 reassignments, leading to document xenarthran diversity and discuss their paleoecologies. The high diversity reflects the paleoecology of the Pampean Region during the Pleistocene, with the various abiotic events that impacted the paleoenvironment of this region. Within the Cingulata, the Pampean Region fauna was probably dominated by glyptodonts with a high representation of Glyptodontinae and Neosclerocalyptinae while within the sloths the highest diversity and abundance is found in the Mylodontinae and Scelidotheriinae. These four clades represent both species with high ecological tolerance (e.g., Glyptodon munizi; Catonyx tarijensis) and ecologically highly specialized species (e.g., Neosclerocalyptus paskoensis; Scelidotherium leptocephalum). The presence of such ecological diversity underlines the status of the Pampean Region as a major interest for paleoecological and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13358-023-00265-7.
... En base a este razonamiento, la depresión de Los Bajos Submeridionales estuvo presente durante casi todo el Pleistoceno superior hasta la actualidad, y la sedimentación de la Formación Fortín Tres Pozos abarcaría, según Iriondo (2007), desde aproximadamente 100.000 años hasta 8.500 años antes del presente. Dataciones recientes, mediante técnicas de termoluminiscencia OSL (UIC2108BL; University of Illinois, Chicago, USA), efectuadas a aproximadamente un tercio de altura desde la base de la formación señalan una edad de 58.16 ±4.39 ka A.P. (Zurita et al., 2009), que se ubica en la etapa inicial del EIO3. Sobreyace a esta unidad un depósito moderno denominado informalmente "sedimentos palustres superficiales" (Iriondo, 2007). ...
... Comentarios.-El reporte previo de Neosclerocalyptus refiere solamente dos especies dentro del Pleistoceno de Santa Fe con edades convencionales 'bonaerense' y 'lujanense' (respectivamente, Neosclerocalyptus ornatus y N. paskoensis; Zurita, 2007;Zurita et al., 2009). Sin embargo, tales ocurrencias carecen de un control estratigráfico de manera tal que las aproximaciones cronoestratigráficas / geocronológicas no resultan precisas. ...
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THE QUATERNARY FOSSIL RECORD FROM SANTA FE (ARGENTINA): A FIRST UPDATE. The study of fossil vertebrate and its stratigraphy from the Pleistocene of Santa Fe has recently experienced an important advance. Most of these records are mammals and less frequently fishs, birds and reptiles.The vertebrate assemblages come from three geomorphological regions with Pleistocene record. The first, deposits outcropping in the austral Chaco are assigned to the Late Pleistocene, whereas the information from Northern Pampa is a little oldest, recording deposits since the Middle Pleistocene to the Lower Holocene. Contrarily, Southern Pampa shows few mammalian records only from the Late Pleistocene-early Holocene. The total evidence from Santa Fe allows us to infer that the Pleistocene sequence include different interglacial-glacial events from MIS7 to MIS2 in Northern Pampa, and MIS3 to MIS2 in austral Chaco and Southern Pampa. Despite of the scarce geochronological data, it is possible that some Pleistocene fluvial sedimentary sequence outcropping within these geomorphological regions could belong to the MIS5. It is important to highlight that the age of the fauna coming from the Tezanos Pinto Formation is related with a transition MIS3–MIS2 and the Last Glacial Maximum, being its faunistic composition a complex mixture with subtropical taxa and open faunal association from the pampean plains. All data analyzed suggest that the existence of alternative temporal scenarios different than those accepted until now for the Pleistocene of Santa Fe. These are consistent with several environments, since open and woodland habitats that also include fluvial systems. New geological and paleontological studies will increase our knowledge about the fossil record and its paleobiogeographic relations during the Pleistocene
... 1F,G). Some glyptodonts, such as Neosclerocalyptus, have parallel-sided or gently tapering caudal tubes (Zurita et al., 2009;Fig. 1D,E). ...
... lacking distal expansion (Neosclerocalyptus spp., Plohophorus, Eosclerocalyptus spp., Stromaphorus, etc., Lydekker, 1894; Zurita et al., 2005;Zurita, 2007;Zurita et al., 2009;Zurita et al., 2016; Fig. 1). Whereas ankylosaurids only evolved expanded distal tails once, in the form of a tail club knob (Arbour and Currie, 2015;Zheng et al., 2018), glyptodonts may have evolved this feature twice: once in the doedicurines (e.g., Doedicurus, Eleutherocercus; Lydekker, 1894;Castellanos, 1940), and once in the hoplophorines (e.g., Panochthus, Hoplophorus, and Neuryurus; Lydekker, 1894;Porpino et al., 2010;Zamorano et al., 2014). ...
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The unusual clubbed tails of glyptodonts among mammals and ankylosaurines among dinosaurs most likely functioned as weapons of intraspecific combat or interspecific defense and are characterized by stiffening of the distal tail and, in some taxa, expansion of the distal tail tip. Although similarities in tail weaponry have been noted as a potential example of convergent evolution, this hypothesis has not been tested quantitatively, particularly with metrics that can distinguish convergence from long‐term stasis, assess the relative strength of convergence, and identify potential constraints in the appearance of traits during the stepwise, independent evolution of these structures. Using recently developed metrics of convergence within a phylomorphospace framework, we document that convergence accounts for over 80% of the morphological evolution in traits associated with tail weaponry in ankylosaurs and glyptodonts. In addition, we find that ankylosaurs and glyptodonts shared an independently derived, yet constrained progression of traits correlated with the presence of a tail club, including stiffening of the distal tail as a precedent to expansion of the tail tip in both clades. Despite differences in the anatomical construction of the tail club linked to lineage‐specific historical contingency, these lineages experienced pronounced, quantifiable convergent evolution, supporting hypotheses of functional constraints and shared selective pressures on the evolution of these distinctive weapons. Anat Rec, 303:988–998, 2020. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
... In the last few years, due to recent cladistic and ontogenetic analyses carried out for the family Glyptodontidae, the acknowledgment of the subfamily "Hoplophorinae" has begun to be questionedturning this into a debate that has also gradually reached its tribes (e.g. Zurita, 2007a, Zurita et al., 2009, 2011b for the "Hoplophorini"; Zamorano, 2012, Zamorano and Brandoni, 2013, Porpino et al., 2014 for the "Panochthini"; Oliva et al. 2013, Luna, 2014, Zurita et al., 2016 for the "Lomaphorini", among others). For this reason, it is possible to postulate that the classification system proposed by Hoffstetter and accepted by subsequent authors is currently under debate. ...
... This fact leads to consider the possibility of an oversized taxonomy for the group, a long-term problem cited by many authors in the literature, not only for this tribe but for the whole family (e.g. Hoffstetter, 1958;Paula Couto, 1979;Perea, 1993Perea, , 2005Zurita, 2007a;Zurita et al., 2009;Fernicola and Porpino, 2012;Zurita et al., 2016Zurita et al., , 2018. ...
... The incorporation of new cranial and post-cranial materials in this study (particularly the skull MACN 2894), produced new characters that strengthened the support for the Eleutherocercus clade (see Núñez-Blasco et al. 2021c). In addition, this analysis places Eleutherocercus as the sister group to the Pleistocene D. clavicaudatus, and together places the subfamily Doedicurinae as the sister group to Hoplophorinae (Neosclerocalyptini + Hoplophorini) (see Zurita et al. 2009;Zamorano et al. 2015;among others). ...
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The subfamily Doedicurinae is a monophyletic group of glyptodonts with their own anatomical features and mostly known on the basis of the Pleistocene genus Doedicurus, one of the largest recorded taxa. The most distinctive characters of the subfamily, unique within Cingulata, include the absence of ornamentation on the exposed surface of the carapace osteoderms, but instead it has large foramina. In terminal forms of the late Pleistocene, osteoderms have large foramina which tend to cross the entire thickness. The knowledge of the late Neogene diversity of the clade, as well as its evolutionary and geographical history has increased in recent years, with important records in Argentina, where two late Miocene-Pliocene species are recognized: Eleutherocercus solidus from Catamarca and Tucumán provinces, and Eleutherocercus antiquus from Buenos Aires province. The most complete skull of E. antiquus from the early Pliocene Monte Hermoso Formation (ca. 5-4.2 Ma) is reported here. The specimen studied shows a conspicuous pathology on the parietal bones, first reported for fossil cingulates. In addition, the carapace of E. solidus is first described, on the basis of a partially complete specimen from late Miocene-Pliocene (Unknown stratigraphic level) from Tucumán province. The characterization of both species of Eleutherocercus could be improved based on a detailed anatomical study of the new cranial and post-cranial materials. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses of the relationships within the Doedicurinae, as well as their relationship with the remaining clades of Glyptodontidae, could be tested in this study, adding new synapomorphies to the subfamily. The comparative study suggests that a third species previously proposed (E. paranaensis) from the “Mesopotamiense” (late Miocene, Northastern region of Argentina), must be consider as Eleutherocercus sp. Since their oldest record in the late Miocene, the latitudinal distribution of the Doedicurinae seems to have expanded rapidly reaching middle latitudes, particularly during the Pliocene, but during the Pleistocene (particularly the final lapse of this period), they began to retract latitudinally.
... 0.40 Ma) (see Soibelzon et al. 2008a and literature therein), whereas some faunistic evidence suggests that its lower boundary may extend up to the Olduvai event (subchron C2n, between 1.95 and 1.77 Ma (see Soibelzon et al. 2008a) (Fig. 1A). According to Cione et al. (2015) 16 xenarthran species may be confirmed for the Ensenadan of the Pampean Region (more than 50 % are exclusive of this Stage/Age), including 13 cingulate species (Cingulata: Dasypodidae, Chlamyphoridae, Pampatheriidae and Glyptodontidae) and three sloths (Tardigrada: Megatheridae and Mylodontidae) (see Scillato-Yané 1982;Soibelzon et al. 2006a;Soibelzon et al. 2006b;Soibelzon et al. 2008b;Soibelzon et al. 2010;Brandoni et al. 2008;Krmpotic et al. 2009;Zurita et al. 2009a;Zurita et al. 2009b;Miño Boilini & Carlini 2009;Zamorano 2012;Zamorano et al. 2014a;Cione et al. 2015). Among them, Eutatus pascuali Krmpotic, Carlini & Scillato-Yané, 2009, Panochthus intermedius Lydekker, 1895, P. subintermedius Castellanos, 1937, Glyptodon munizi Ameghino, 1889 and Megatherium gallardoi Ameghino & Kraglievich, 1921, stand out for being larger than their post Ensenadan cogeneric taxa (see Soibelzon et al. 2006b;Brandoni et al. 2008;Krmpotic et al. 2009;Zamorano 2012;Zamorano et al. 2014a). ...
... There are several studies regarding paleobiogeographic aspects of fossil cingulates (Scillato-Yané et al. 2005;Carlini et al. 2008;Zurita et al. 2009aZurita et al. , b, 2011aZamorano et al. 2014), the other large clade of Pleistocene xenarthrans, but SDMs have not yet been applied to this group. Among them, glyptodonts are a particular group to study as, although there is evidence of differentiation in feeding habits between the taxa (Vizcaíno et al. 2011), all glyptodonts have been proposed to forage mostly near the ground based on their general body form. ...
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Species distribution models (SDMs) are helpful for understanding actual and potential biogeographical traits of organisms. These models have recently started to be applied in the study of fossil xenarthrans. SDMs were generated for 15 South American late Pleistocene xenarthrans: eight Cingulata (Glyptodon clavipes, Doedicurus clavicaudatus, Panochthus tuberculatus, Neosclerocalyptus paskoensis, Pampatherium typum, Pampatherium humboldtii, Holmesina paulacoutoi, and Holmesina occidentalis) and seven Folivora (Glossotherium robustum, Lestodon armatus, Mylodon darwinii, Catonyx cuvieri, Catonyx (=Scelidodon) chilensis, Megatherium americanum, and Eremotherium laurillardi). Models were evaluated for three periods: the last interglacial (LIG), the last glacial maximum (LGM), and the Holocene climatic optimum (HCO). Co-occurrence records were studied based on the overlap of the potential distributions and compared with the available biome reconstructions of South America during the LGM to analyze species distribution patterns, ecological requirements, and possible interactions. Our results suggest the existence of provincialization within xenarthran megamammals grouped in at least three bioregions. Northern and southwestern taxa overlap in the Río de la Plata region where also some endemic taxa are found. We observed overlapping potential distributions but separated and continuous realized distributions between closely related xenarthrans suggesting competitive exclusion. A generalized reduction in potential habitats at the end of the Pleistocene was not obvious as some taxa show stable potential areas during HCO when comparing with LGM. Nonetheless, fragmentation of the most suitable areas due to climate variation and the impact of reduction in available land due to sea level changes cannot be ruled out as involved in the extinction. Full-text view-only version
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Xenarthrans constitute a relict clade of endemic South American placental mammals with a long evolutionary history starting, at least, in the early Eocene. Within Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae (late Eocene–earliest Holocene) was a conspicuous group of large-sized armoured herbivores. During the Pleistocene (ca. 2.6–0.001 Ma) several genera (e.g. Panochthus and Glyptodon) achieved a remarkable latitudinal distribution in South America, as members of one of the xenarthran groups that participated in the Great American Biotic Interchange. Knowledge of the evolutionary history of this clade in some areas remains poorly known, especially in the high elevation Andean and sub-Andean regions of South America. Here we describe a new species, Glyptodon jatunkhirkhi sp. nov., from several localities of the Eastern Cordillera in Bolivia (ca. 2500–4100 m above sea level). From a phylogenetic viewpoint this new taxon appears as the sister group of the two lowland species recorded in southern South America (Glyptodon munizi + G. reticulatus), and this is congruent with the morphological differences observed between both clades, mainly with respect to the general morphology of the dorsal carapace and the skull. This new species expands the complex biogeographical scenario for Pleistocene glyptodonts and highlights the importance of Andean areas as key in understanding the evolutionary history of this clade. According to this revision, the diversity of Glyptodon is limited to G. munizi and G. reticulatus (two chronologically successive lowland species) plus this new species. The genera Panochthus (P. hipsilis) and Glyptodon seem to be the only Pleistocene glyptodonts to have been adapted to high elevation environments.
Fluvial sedimentary archives have the potential to preserve a wide variety of palaeontological evidence, ranging from robust bones and teeth found in coarse gravel aggradations to delicate insect remains and plant macrofossils from fine-grained deposits. Over the last decade, advances in Quaternary biostratigraphy based on vertebrate and invertebrate fossils (primarily mammals and molluscs) have been made in many parts of the world, resulting in improved relative chronologies for fluviatile sequences. Complementary fossil groups, such as insects, ostracods and plant macrofossils, are also increasingly used in multi-proxy palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, allowing direct comparison of the climates and environments that prevailed at different times across widely separated regions. This paper reviews these topics on a regional basis, with an emphasis on the latest published information, and represents an update to the 2007 review compiled by the FLAG-inspired IGCP 449 biostratigraphy subgroup. Disparities in the level of detail available for different regions can largely be attributed to varying potential for preservation of fossil material, which is especially poor in areas of non-calcareous bedrock, but to some extent also reflect research priorities in different parts of the world. Recognition of the value of biostratigraphical and palaeoclimatic frameworks, which have been refined over many decades in the 'core regions' for such research (particularly for the late Middle and Late Pleistocene of NW Europe), has focussed attention on the need to accumulate similar palaeontological datasets in areas lacking such long research histories. Although the emerging datasets from these understudied regions currently allow only tentative conclusions to be drawn, they represent an important stage in the development of independent biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental schemes, which can then be compared and contrasted.
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The biotic interchange between the Americas occurred in several phases during more than nine million years. In this book, we focus on mammals of southern South America, where the most important and richest localities with fossil vertebrates of Late Miocene–Holocene Age were reported. We here provide basic information about taxonomic composition, biostratigraphy, climate evolution, continental tectonics, and biogeography for better understanding the GABI. Furthermore, we analyze the chronology and dynamics of the GABI, the evolution of some South American mammalian groups through time, and the Quaternary mammalian extinctions. As the GABI was a complex process, we divide it into ProtoGABI and GABI 1 to 4.
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The Quaternary of the province of Santa Fe is characterised by two large regions, which are sectors of the major geomorphological and sedimentary systems of the Argentine central plains. One of both regions, named here "Fluvial Dominion", is characterized by sediments transported and deposed by the rivers Paraná, Bermejo and Salado. The Paraná river sedimented fine quartz sand and associated pelites in 10 to 30 kilometer wide fluvial belts with north-south directions. The Salado contributed with large volumes of illitic silts in spill-outs and swamps in the northwest of the province. The Bermejo river deposits cover a sector in the extreme north, formed by spill-out lobes composed by plastic clays. Each fluvial system is composed of several minor geomorphological units. The Salado system is divided in: Spill-out Area, Irregular Shallow Lakes Area, Snakes Dell, and Old Chnnels Area. The Bermejo system is composed of the Spill-out Area and the Gato Colorado Height. The Parana system was divided in: Golodrinas-Calchaquí Paleochannel, Los Saladillos Low Belt, Reconquista Belt, Vera Plain and Present Alluvial Plain. The other large plain is located in the center and the south of the province; it is the "Eolian Dominion". It is formed by eolian sediments accumulated during the Lat Pleistocene, during a climate drier than the present one; most of them are loessic silts. Different types of eolian facies have been identified in such deposits, "true eolian" and swamp sediments (eolian silts captured by the vegetation of swamp environments). This Dominion is divided in a Sandy Region and a Loess Region. The Loess Region contains a Western Elevated Area, the Area of Uneven Blocks and the Buried Paleochannels Area. The Sandy Region is composed of fine and very fine sand; it covers the south of the prrovince in groups of partially dissipated dunes, still visible in the field. Neotectonics is visible in the Santa Fe plain. First-, second- and third-order faults were mapped during the field work. Climatic changes, occurred during Pleistocene and Holocene, performed important influences that shaped the activity of the rivers, the capacity of winds and the soil-genesis processes.
A tunnel, 2.5 m wide and 5 km long (4th master sewage pipeline of Mar del Plata city), permits study of the Pleistocene stratigraphy within the city. This tunnel is oriented normal to the northern flank of the Tandilia Range, at a depth of 10 m below surface and runs along arroyo El Cardalito (that drains the Laguna El Soldado toward arroyo La Tapera). The sediments intersected consist of caliche-indurated silts, fluvial sands and ash layers of Middle Pleistocene age (Miramar Formation or Ensenadan Stage). The fluvial facies are arranged in megaripples of sand and gravel (medium to fine) with mesoscale cross-bedding indicating transport to the north. There are heavy-mineral segregations and layers composed of pebbles up to 3 cm in size. These sands are located at level +15 m, between Necochea and Florisbelo Acosta streets. The Miramar Formation is known to include diamictons (caliche clasts transported by gravity-dominated processes), palaeochannels (infilled by breccia siltstones in a silty matrix, with convolute bedding), palaeosols and laminated and oxidized silts suggesting the infilling of small ponds with vegetation. During the excavation, four large palaeocaves, 2 m wide and partially infilled, were found; smaller caves were observed as well. The larger caves, longer than 6 m, were assigned to the activity of Mylodontidae (Mammalia), whereas the smaller ones were assumed to have been excavated by Glyptodontidae. The fluvial sediments, are interfingered with pampian silts, previously recognised on the southern flank of the Tandilia Range (Vialidad quarry, Batán city), and belong to an anastomosing network of arroyo El Cardalito during the Pleistocene. Although these sandy facies had been recognised in bore-holes, their fluvial origin previously had been uncertain.