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Attack Graph Model for Cyber-Physical Power Systems Using Hybrid Deep Learning


Abstract and Figures

Electrical power grids are vulnerable to cyber attacks, as seen in Ukraine in 2015 and 2016. However, existing attack detection methods are limited. Most of them are based on power system measurement anomalies that occur when an attack is successfully executed at the later stages of the cyber kill chain. In contrast, the attacks on the Ukrainian power grid show the importance of system-wide, early-stage attack detection through communication-based anomalies. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel method for online cyber attack situational awareness that enhances the power grid resilience. It supports power system operators in the identification and localization of active attack locations in Operational Technology (OT) networks in near real-time. The proposed method employs a hybrid deep learning model of Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (GC-LSTM) and a deep convolutional network for time series classification-based anomaly detection. It is implemented as a combination of software defined networking, anomaly detection in communication throughput, and a novel attack graph model. Results indicate that the proposed method can identify active attack locations, e.g., within substations, control center, and wide area network, with an accuracy above 96%. Hence, it outperforms existing state-of-the-art deep learning-based time series classification methods.
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Abstract Electrical power grids are vulnerable to cyber
attacks, as seen in Ukraine in 2015 and 2016. However, existing
attack detection methods are limited. Most of them are based on
power system measurement anomalies that occur when an attack
is successfully executed at the later stages of the cyber kill chain.
In contrast, the attacks on the Ukrainian power grid show the
importance of system-wide, early-stage attack detection through
communication-based anomalies. Therefore, in this paper, we
propose a novel method for online cyber attack situational
awareness that enhances the power grid resilience. It supports
power system operators in the identification and localization of
active attack locations in Operational Technology (OT) networks
in near real-time. The proposed method employs a hybrid deep
learning model of Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term
Memory (GC-LSTM) and a deep convolutional network for time
series classification-based anomaly detection. It is implemented as
a combination of software defined networking, anomaly detection
in communication throughput, and a novel attack graph model.
Results indicate that the proposed method can identify active
attack locations, e.g., within substations, control center, and wide
area network, with an accuracy above 96%. Hence, it outperforms
existing state-of-the-art deep learning-based time series
classification methods.
Index Terms-- anomaly detection, cyber-physical system, graph
neural network, network security, software defined networking,
throughput, time series analysis.
G Graph
V Known vertices/ nodes
E Edges
Ai,j Adjacency matrix with where i and j
represent the node index numbers
Modified adjacency matrix where
= A
+ I (identity matrix)
Graph convolutional equation for each k
hop and time t
k Number of neighbor hops in the graph
Wgcn Weight of graph convolutional neural
Hadamard product multiplication
{ 󰇞 S as all observable substations, and each
individual substation
Xt , X Data of network traffic for each time t
for all nodes
{ 󰇞 Individual node traffic data
it Input gate for long short-term memory
This work was supported by the DeSIRE program of 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering. The authors are with the department of Electrical Sustainable
Energy, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD, Delft, The Netherlands. Alfan Presekal (e-mail:, Alexandru Ştefanov (e-
mail:, Vetrivel Rajkumar (e-mail:, and Peter Palensky (
ft Forget gate for long short-term memory
ot Output gate for long short-term memory
c't Internal cell state for long short-term
ct Transferable state for long short-term
ht Hidden state for long short-term memory
Set of weights for long short-term
Set of biases for long short-term memory
Sigmoid function
tanh Hyperbolic tangent function
Convolution operation output for each l
layers and i element
ReLU Rectifier linear unit function
wy b
Convolution operation for layer l and
element i with filter size (m), weight (w),
and bias (b)
Attack graph
{ , }  Normal nodes (), anomalous nodes ()
; Unidentified nodes ()
Geometric mean function
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
CPS Cyber-Physical System
DDoS Distributed Denial-of-Service
EI Expected Improvement
FCN Fully Convolutional Neural Network
GC-LSTM Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory
GCN Graph Convolutional Network
GNN Graph Neural Networks
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
IT Information Technology
LSTM Long Short-Term Memory
MLP Multi-Layer Perceptron
MU Merging Unit
OT Operational Technology
ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic
Attack Graph Model for Cyber-Physical Power
Systems using Hybrid Deep Learning
Alfan Presekal, Alexandru Ştefanov, Vetrivel S. Rajkumar, and Peter Palensky
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SDN Software Defined Networking
TDG Traffic Dispersion Graph
TSC Time Series Classification
WAN Wide Area Network
YBER attacks on power grids are high-impact and low-
frequency disturbances with a wide range of consequences.
These could include but are not limited to, equipment damage,
loss of load, and power system instability. In the worst-case
scenario, cyber attacks and advanced persistent threats may
cause system-wide cascading failures and a blackout.
Therefore, cyber attacks on power grids are severe threats and
have already been identified in the real world. For example, on
December 23, 2015, a cyber attack was conducted on the power
grid in Ukraine that resulted in a power outage, affecting
225,000 customers [1]. A more sophisticated cyber attack
followed on December 17, 2016, resulting in a power outage in
the distribution network, where 200 MW of load was left
unsupplied [2]. The attackers employed several attack strategies
and steps to achieve their objectives. These can be mapped with
the seven stages of the cyber kill chain for an in-depth analysis
of such an advanced persistent threat, i.e., reconnaissance,
weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command
and control, and action on objectives [3] as depicted in Fig. 1.
However, existing detection methods for cyber attacks on
power grids are limited. Most of them are based on power
system measurement anomalies that occur when an attack is
successfully executed at the later stages of the cyber kill chain,
e.g., false data injection [4]-[11]. In contrast, in the
aforementioned cyber attacks in Ukraine, the cyber kill chain
lasted for more than six months between the reconnaissance and
command and control stages. The latter caused power outages
in a matter of minutes [1], [2], [12]. Hence, this highlights the
urgency of timely early-stage attack detection through
Information Technology-Operational Technology (IT-OT)
system anomalies. Physical measurement-based anomaly
detection is only valid for later stages in the cyber kill chain,
i.e., command and control and actions on objectives. Therefore,
in this research, we propose an early-stage anomaly detection
method for OT systems. It is implemented in the control center
to detect cyber attacks at the early stages of the cyber kill chain,
based on throughput anomalies in OT communication traffic
power system wide.
Cyber attack detection on power grids have been extensively
studied in recent years. Nonetheless, the majority of the existing
research is focused on the identification of cyber attacks on
power grids under False Data Injection (FDI) attack scenarios.
These scenarios focus on analyzing power system
measurements to identify anomalies in power grids [4][11].
However, in the real-world cyber attacks on power grids
reported in [1], [2], [12] adversaries did not perform FDI
attacks. Instead, in the early stages of the cyber kill chain,
attackers targeted the IT-OT communications. Therefore, in this
research, we omit power system measurements under FDI
attack scenarios and focus on the OT communication traffic
Fig. 1. Cyber kill chain stages and impacts.
There are four major methods reported in the literature for
power grid communication traffic anomaly detection, i.e.,
signature-based [13], sequence-based [14], rule-based [15]-
[17], and machine learning-based [18]-[20]. Recent research
shows that machine learning-based methods are gaining
increased attention and provide superior performance for
anomaly detection [21]-[23]. Therefore, in this work, we focus
on machine learning-based communication traffic anomaly
detection. Our proposed model is based on a semi-supervised
learning. It does not use signatures, sequences nor rules for
detection and classification. The proposed model classifies OT
network traffic into two categories, i.e., normal and anomalous,
based on the network traffic throughput. Previous research in
this area is discussed in [20], [24]. In [24], the authors used
labeled communication packets from UNSW-NB15 and
IDE2012/16 datasets as inputs to predict the Distributed Denial
of Services (DDoS) attacks. Meanwhile, in [20], the authors use
traffic data logs from Snort to create a sequence-based anomaly
detection technique. However, both machine learning
implementations do not use traffic throughput data, which is our
research focus. Furthermore, the vast majority of machine
learning-based anomaly detection methods only focus on IT
systems [21]-[23], [25]. Even though the IT and OT systems of
a utility are integrated, the traffic characteristics are distinct.
The network traffic in OT systems is generated from automated
processes with deterministic and homogenous behavior, whilst
the IT system traffic consists of user-generated data with a
stochastic behavior [26]. Hence, the implementation of traffic-
based anomaly detection for OT systems is fundamentally
different from that of IT systems.
Amongst the machine learning-based traffic anomaly
detection methods, most recent works use deep learning models
that provide a better performance [22], [27]. In [28], the authors
propose a deep reinforcement learning-based method for traffic
flow matching control. They focus on detection of DDoS
attacks that systematically trigger considerable anomalies in
traffic throughput. Therefore, this method is not suitable to
detect infinitesimally small changes in OT network traffic
throughput, e.g., caused by stealthy attacks [28]. In [29], the
authors used Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for
communication traffic classification. However, the CNN
method cannot detect unknown cyber attacks because it
depends on preliminary traffic data for the training. To address
this gap, instead of using specific labeled data for each attack
category, we use the quantitative anomaly. The quantitative
anomaly detection uses the throughput of the OT
communication traffic. The throughput is quantified as a time
series to generate a unique waveform pattern as shown in [30]-
[32]. Therefore, instead of classifying specific attack types or
sequences, in this work we classify the time series traffic flow
into two categories, i.e., normal and anomalous. In other related
work, time series-based anomaly detection and classification
were studied in [33]-[36]. The state-of-the-art Time Series
Classification (TSC) methods are based on deep learning
models, as described in [35], [36]. However, based on our
experiments, they do not perform well in the detection of
stealthy attacks due to infinitesimally small changes in the
traffic throughput. Additionally, these methods do not perform
well due to imbalanced data that is indicated in their F1 and
Geometric mean scores. Therefore, to address these challenges,
we propose a novel hybrid deep learning model for anomaly
detection in power grid OT network traffic. The hybrid model
uses Graph Neural Networks (GNN), Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM), and CNN. It employs unsupervised learning
to learn the complex behavior of OT network traffic throughput
and supervised learning to classify the OT traffic.
Fig. 2. Abstraction layers of SDN architecture.
GNN-based deep learning models have been implemented
for various applications, e.g., residential load forecasting [37],
detection of false data injection [38], road traffic prediction
[39], and road traffic anomaly detection [40]. LSTM has been
used to detect anomalies in Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems [41]. This method can detect
anomalies based on temporal features of time series data. CNN
has been proposed to detect anomalies in power system data
[42]. It has advantages in learning spatial features and
correlations of the datasets. In this research, we propose the
application of a Graph-Convolutional Long Short-Term
Memory (GC-LSTM) to preprocess the data of OT network
traffic and generate traffic predictions. The output from the GC-
LSTM is then used as an input for the CNN-based time-series
classification. We generate an attack graph to identify in near
real-time the active cyber attack locations in the power grid.
The attack graph provides topological information on the
possible attack paths for a specific cyber attack on a given
network. Hence, the attack graph is an important method to
identify vulnerabilities in the system [43]. The knowledge about
the attack path is also crucial to prevent and mitigate cyber
attacks. At current, the attack graphs are mostly constructed
based on vulnerability information obtained from network
elements [44], [45]. This type of attack graph is not flexible,
because it heavily depends on system vulnerability data.
However, in this research, we propose an alternative attack
graph map generation model, based on the online traffic
monitoring in the OT networks of power grids. This is made
possible through the wide deployment of an emergent
technology, i.e., Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN is
a networking paradigm based on network virtualization and
segregation of data and control planes [46]. In the SDN
architecture, as seen in Fig. 2, there are three abstraction layers
present, i.e., data plane, control plane, and management plane.
The data plane represents locations of conventional
communication networks, while control plane provides
controllability over the data plane. Additionally, the
management plane in SDN allows the deployment of network
applications, e.g., attack graph model. Although SDN is an
emergent paradigm in the field of computer networking, earlier
research has investigated its implementation in cyber-physical
power systems [47]-[51]. Earlier research has used SDN for
anomaly detection based on traffic flow information [28], [52].
However, these works are not designed to detect anomalies
triggered by cyber attacks in OT networks. In this research, we
use SDN to monitor the network traffic in real-time, originating
from the data plane of the OT Wide Area Network (WAN) for
power systems. In summary, a critical examination of related
state-of-the-art methods for communication traffic anomaly
detection reveals the following. (1) Existing SDN applications
for cyber-physical systems are not focused on cyber security of
OT networks [28], [48]-[52]. (2) They are solely based on
packet flow rules [52]. (3) They overlook the cyber kill chain
and do not address any type of stealthy cyber attacks [28], [52].
The scientific contributions of this paper are as follows:
1) To the best knowledge of the authors, we propose the first
known SDN-based online cyber attack situational awareness
method, i.e., Cyber Resilient Grid (CyResGrid). It is
specifically designed for anomaly detection using
communication traffic throughput in OT networks for stealthy
cyber attacks during the early stages of the cyber kill chain, e.g.,
network reconnaissance. Therefore, CyResGrid aids operators
to locate and identify power system-wide cyber attacks in near
real-time through an attack graph map.
2) We propose a hybrid deep learning model to classify the
OT network traffic throughput as anomalous or normal. The
model combines GC-LSTM and a deep convolutional network
to detect OT network anomalies caused by cyber attacks. It
outperforms existing state-of-the-art deep learning-based time
series classifiers [35], [36], as indicated by Geometric mean and
F1 scores. To achieve this, we use GC-LSTM for traffic
normalization. Subsequently, to detect the anomaly, we design
a deep convolutional network by tuning the hyperparameters
through Bayesian optimization. Based on the network
throughput monitoring and anomaly detection, we create an
attack graph map of power system-wide cyber attacks, in near
3) As there is a strong need for synthetic Cyber-Physical
System (CPS) datasets for research [53], we create the first
synthetic dataset of OT communication traffic throughput,
which is generated through a cyber-physical power system
model. To the best of our knowledge, the majority of the
existing datasets are not suitable for cyber security [54]-[60]. A
cyber-physical system dataset was proposed in [61], [62] for
intrusion detection. However, the OT traffic data is only in the
form of signature-based logs without detailed traffic
information [61], [62]. Therefore, in this research, we employ a
CPS model of the power grid consisting of the physical system
and associated OT communication networks. The model is used
to co-simulate the power grid and OT network, from substations
up to the control center. It also has cyber range capabilities to
simulate various cyber attack scenarios. Based on this model,
we generate a synthetic dataset of OT communication traffic
throughput for cyber-physical power system operation under
cyber attacks.
The paper is structured as follows. Section I is the
introduction and Section II describes the methodology proposed
in this paper, including cyber-physical system model, Traffic
Dispersion Graph (TDG), GC-LSTM, TSC for anomaly
detection, and the attack graph model. Section III provides the
experimental results. Section IV presents the conclusions and
future work.
In this section, the proposed methods for anomaly detection
and attack graph modeling are introduced. Furthermore, we also
elaborate on the cyber-physical model that serves as the basis
for the aforementioned methods. Fig. 3 summarizes the
methodology of anomaly detection and attack graph creation.
The method consists of four steps as follows.
Step 1: GC-LSTM training and TDG. The normal OT traffic is
used to train the GC-LSTM model for traffic prediction.
The process generates a trained GC-LSTM model.
Additionally, the normal OT traffic is used to generate
the OT network topology using a TDG.
Step 2: Deep CNN training. The trained GC-LSTM model is
used to predict the OT network traffic. The prediction
is then used to train a Deep Convolutional Neural
Network for TSC. This process generates a trained
Deep CNN model for OT traffic classification.
Step 3: Online node classification. This step monitors the online
OT traffic as input for node classification. The trained
GC-LSTM and Deep CNN are used sequentially to
classify the nodes as normal or anomalous.
Step 4: Attack graph generation. The node classification results
from step 3 in conjunction with OT graph data from step
1 are used to generate the attack graph visualization.
A more detailed explanation of the method in each step is
provided in the following subsections.
A. Cyber-Physical System Model
Detailed CPS models are needed for research on cyber
security of power grids. They are used to simulate the power
systems along with their associated IT-OT communication
networks and cyber events. The state-of-the-art in smart grid
modeling and simulations is discussed in [63]-[69]. Hence, as
part of our CPS model, we perform a co-simulation of the power
grid and IT-OT systems, as depicted in Fig. 4.
The CPS model provides time-domain measurement data
from substation bays, e.g., buses, lines, and generators, in the
form of active and reactive power, voltage, and current
measurements. All measurement data is then delivered from the
substation to the control center via a WAN as SCADA
telemetry. The SCADA data is also stored in local databases
located in substations and the control center. For the cyber
system, every node in the OT network is emulated using
operating system-level virtualization. The network connectivity
between substations, WAN, and control center is realized
through network virtualization and SDN. With this
configuration, the developed CPS architecture can model and
simulate realistic OT network traffic for the power system.
The OT network is modeled based on custom functions for
Fig. 3. Attack graph creation using CyResGrid method.
every device in the communication network. The measurement
devices represent components, such as Merging Units (MUs),
Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), and Intelligent Electronic
Devices (IEDs). These devices perform data acquisition from
the power grid, with a SCADA sampling rate of one sample per
second. Legitimate control commands from the control center
modify the set points for power grid controllers in real-time. For
example, a control command can set a circuit breaker to open
or close, set values for voltage, and active power set points of
generator automatic voltage regulators and governors. The
measurement values and control set points are communicated
across the OT network using Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) packets.
The CPS model is integrated with SDN capability that
creates network virtualization using virtual switches. Based on
Fig. 4, the OT and IT networks are present in the data plane
layer of the SDN. Meanwhile, the control and management
plane are represented by the SDN controller. Network
virtualization allows the SDN controller to monitor and control
traffic and run custom network applications. Fig. 4 depicts how
the SDN controller is applied to the typical SCADA
architecture. SDN improves the OT network monitoring and
control by collecting OT communication traffic reports in the
control center. The traffic observation points are visualized as
red squares, which are distributed across the substations and
control center. Using these points, we observe real-time OT
network traffic from the control center to detect traffic
anomalies for each observation location and create a power
system wide attack graph.
B. Traffic Dispersion Graph
The TDG is an analytical model for communication traffic
monitoring and analysis. The core idea for TDG is derived from
the social behavior of hosts in a network [70]. Therefore, the
flow of OT network traffic is analyzed based on the interactions
between all hosts in the communication network. Based on this
analysis, information related to communication sources and
destinations is extracted. Furthermore, TDG represents nodal
information using graph structures. Every host in a network is
represented by a single node in a graph. On the other hand,
communication between hosts is represented by connectivity
between nodes, i.e., graph edges. Fig. 5 shows the TDG
generation processes. Firstly, information on the IP address
source and destination from flowing packets in the network is
in the collected information table. Information about the path
between two IP addresses is added based on prior knowledge of
the network topology. The information in the table is then used
to create an individual flow graph. Finally, all individual graph
is converged into a dispersion graph which provides an overall
topology of the network.
Fig. 5. Traffic Dispersion Graph (TDG) processes.
The TDG has previously been used to analyze
communication network patterns. For example, a research
proposed an application of TDG for anomaly detection based
Fig. 4. Cyber-physical system model of the power grid with IT-OT communication networks.
on the degree distribution values of a graph [71]. In our
research, the CyResGrid method uses TDG to generate graph
structures of the power system OT network. This includes a
graphical representation of the OT network topology between
the control center and substations. The anomalous nodes in the
graph are then detected based on OT network traffic anomalies.
In our model, the CPS topology of a power grid possesses a
tree-like network structure. Fig. 6 illustrates the TDG of the OT
network that is used in our model, containing a total of 27
substations and one control center. Every substation consists of
OT devices, e.g., MUs, IEDs, RTUs, etc., and a communication
gateway, e.g., router/firewall, that communicates with the
control center.
Fig. 6. Traffic dispersion graph of 27 substations.
In this research, the nodes represent traffic observation
locations, while edges represent communication links between
nodes. The traffic observation locations are situated in the
Ethernet ports of virtual SDN switches that are directly
connected to a host. All measurement data from each substation
is sent to the control center via SCADA protocols, e.g., IEC 104
and DNP3. Thereby, this traffic flow allows the control center
to gain a complete overview of the entire OT network. Using
observation locations in the control center, the dispersion graph
determines the nodes that actively communicate measurements.
Also, the dispersion graph can determine unusual behavior, i.e.,
when a node is not sending measurement data or sending an
abnormal quantity of traffic. In this research, anomaly detection
works based on the total volume of observed network traffic,
i.e., throughput, measured in KiloBytes per second (KBps).
Furthermore, the dispersion graph can also identify unknown
nodes with unidentified or unknown sources and destinations of
IP Addresses or MAC Addresses.
C. Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory
GC-LSTM aims to learn the traffic behavior of the OT
network. Two machine learning models are applied in GC-
LSTM, i.e., Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) and LSTM.
GCN processes the OT network topological information
expressed as a graph, along with localized features from
neighboring communication nodes in the spatial domain.
Subsequently, LSTM performs temporal learning based on
time-series data of observed OT network traffic. The
combination of GCN and LSTM has the advantage of learning
from both the spatial and temporal domains. Various
applications using graph-based spatial and temporal models
were proposed in [37]-[40]. In this research, we propose a novel
method for nodal feature prediction based on communication
network topology and features of neighboring nodes.
CyResGrid proposes an innovative application of GC-LSTM to
model the OT network traffic of the power system. It uses a
hybrid combination of unsupervised and supervised models for
OT traffic anomaly detection. The former is based on GC-
LSTM which learns the complex behavior of OT network data
and topology. Subsequently, the GC-LSTM generates traffic for
the supervised predictions of the TSCs. The OT traffic model is
then integrated with deep convolutional network-based TSC to
generate an attack graph based on observed anomalies in the
communication network traffic.
The graph structure of the OT network topology serves as
the main input for GC-LSTM method. This graph structure is
obtained from the TDG. It can be represented as G = (
where G is the graph,
represents the vertices/nodes and E
represents the edges/links. The connection between the nodes
in the graph is represented by the adjacency matrix A. Elements
of the adjacency matrix are represented by Ai,j where i and j
represent the node index numbers, such that Ai,j = 1 when two
nodes are connected, and Ai,j = 0 otherwise.
t gcn t
(( ) ( ) )
t f t f t f
f W GCN U h b
(( ) ( ) )
t i t i t i
i WGCN U h b
(( ) ( ) )
t o t o t o
o W GCN U h b
tanh(( ) ( ) )
t c t c t c
c W GCN U h b
( ) ( )
t t t t t
c f c i c
tanh( )
t t t
h o c
The GCN function is used to obtain the nodal features as
described in (1). GCN operates based on the Hadamard product
multiplication () of the weight matrix (Wgcn), adjacency
matrix (A), and node features from the observed traffic data (Xt).
The adjacency matrix captures information related to the OT
network topology. The adjacency matrix (A) is added with the
identity matrix (I) to form a modified adjacency matrix (
The data set (Xt) is represented as a time series, where the
equation considers the single time instant (t) and total number
of time observations, T. The node feature matrix (X) contains
individual nodal information (xi), where the total number of
nodes is represented by (n). The equation also considers the
number of hops from a communication node to neighboring
nodes, i.e., k as an exponent of
, as explained in [39], [72].
This research uses the maximum number of hops between each
substation and the control center being two, i.e., k = 2.
After obtaining the spatial features from the graph
convolutional operation, LSTM is then used to analyze the
temporal / time-series features. The LSTM functions and
processes inside an LSTM cell are described in (2 - 7). There
are six main sub-equations in the LSTM process, including the
forget gate (ft), input gate (it), output gate (ot), internal cell state
(c't), transferable cell state (ct), and hidden state (ht). The
previously calculated nodal features output (
) serves as
the input for the LSTM cell.
In this work, we consider each substation to have unique
characteristics. Given the communication network traffic data
from all nodes that are present in a substation as (X), Algorithm
1 describes how an independent process is performed for each
substation to provide the independent set GC-LSTM models for
every substation (si). During the training process, this output is
compared with the real OT traffic data (Xt+1) to update the
weight values in GCN and LSTM. The final output of LSTM
predicts the OT traffic in corresponding nodes represented by
󰇛󰇜. This output serves as input for the TSC in the following
D. Time Series Anomaly Detection
TSC for anomaly detection was studied in [33]-[36]. In this
research, we propose a new method using TSC to detect
anomalies in the OT communication network traffic throughput
for power systems. As a benchmark, we focus on state-of-the-
art deep learning-based anomaly detection techniques, i.e.,
ResNets [73], Inception [36], Fully Convolutional Neural
Networks (FCN) [74], and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) [75].
Meanwhile, in our research, we propose CyResGrid; a hybrid
of method for unsupervised and supervised OT traffic anomaly
detection. The unsupervised learning application for time series
data was studied in [76]. We specifically use an unsupervised
GC-LSTM model to learn the complex behavior of OT network
data and topology. Subsequently, the GC-LSTM generates
traffic predictions as inputs to TSCs.
Re ( )
y LU wy b
*argmax ( )
x f x
We propose a supervised deep convolutional neural network
for TSC-based anomaly detection. The deep convolutional
network is based on a multi-layer one-dimensional
convolutional with the ReLU activation function as shown in
(8). In (8), we consider the number of layers (l), filter size (m),
weight (w), and bias (b). This model is trained to optimize the
performance of classification based on the previous GC-LSTM
output. To formulate our hybrid deep learning model, we
perform hyperparameter tuning based on the number of layers,
filters, and kernel size. Bayesian optimization [77] is used to
optimize the deep learning model. The objective function
maximizes the deep learning performance as described in (9).
Bayesian optimization works based on the surrogate model and
acquisition function. The surrogate model is a Gaussian process
that quantifies the uncertainty of the unobservable region. To
achieve the optimum value of the objective function, we use the
Expected Improvement (EI) as the acquisition function.
Bayesian optimization performs iterations to obtain a function
with the best performance. From the iterative process, we obtain
the best performing deep convolutional network that has 3
layers, 64 filters, and 3 kernel sizes. Fig. 7 shows the
architecture of CyResGrid hybrid deep learning model that
consists of a GC-LSTM layer, three layers of convolutional
neural network, and one layer of fully connected neural network
Fig. 7. CyResGrid hybrid deep learning model.
E. Attack Graph Model
An attack graph is a method to model CPS vulnerabilities
and potential exploits. Since a successful exploit of a
vulnerability may lead to a partial or even a total failure of the
CPS, an attack graph is an important tool for vulnerability
analysis and mitigation strategies. Meanwhile, in a
communication network, there are many hosts that may become
vulnerable. As a result, the cyber security of the entire CPS
cannot only rely on the security of a single host. Therefore, it is
important to locate and identify all vulnerable nodes/hosts in a
communication network as a set of potential threats in the CPS.
Subsequently, in this research, we propose the observation and
analysis of anomalous OT traffic behavior to detect nodes
potentially compromised by cyber attacks. The information
regarding anomalous nodes is then used to construct an online
attack graph in near real-time for the entire OT network of the
power grid.
Algorithm 1 explains the process of attack graph generation.
The OT network traffic (X) is the input for the algorithm. The
network traffic from each substation (Xn) is used to predict the
OT traffic using GC-LSTM. The GC-LSTM model provides a
set of traffic predictions () as outputs. The output from the
prediction is then used as input for the TSC-based CNN. The
time series-based anomaly detection is performed for each node
(a) in . The classifier labels each node as anomalous or normal
based on the input OT traffic prediction. This information is
then used to construct the attack graph.
{{ , , }}
a a V
{{ , , },{ }}
i i i
a a V u V
There are two types of attack graphs as described through
equations (10) and (11). The attack graph type I in (10) is
constructed based on prior knowledge of the OT network
topology and node classification results. Meanwhile, the attack
graph type II in (11) considers unidentified nodes based on the
TDG. There are two elements of attack graph () type I as
indicated in (10), i.e., normal nodes (), and anomalous nodes
(). Both of the nodes are elements of the known nodes (V). In
contrast attack graph () type II as indicated in (11) contains
one extra element of unidentified nodes (). The unidentified
nodes are considered as anomalous since these nodes are not
elements of the known nodes (V).
Algorithm 1: CyResGrid Attack Graph Generation
Inputs: S{s1,s2., }; X sn: Substations traffic data
{ 󰇞 : Nodes traffic data
Outputs: 󰇝 󰇞: Nodes classification as attack graph
1 Iteration for each substation
for si in S do
2 for t = 1 to T do
3 Traffic prediction
󰆹󰇝 󰇞
4 ht, ct = LSTM (
1 2 1 1
{ , ,...., } , , ,
n t t t t
X x x x GCN h C
5 Iteration for each node a in V
for a in V
Node classification
,( )
i t i
a w h b
7 end for
8 end for
9 end for
10 return: 󰇝  󰇞
Fig. 8 depicts an example comparison of attack graph
representations of the OT network under normal network traffic
conditions in Fig. 8(a) and anomalous traffic in Figs. 8(b) and
8(c). The anomalous network traffic conditions are determined
based on observed abnormal node behavior shown in red.
Subsequently, these nodes are combined to form an attack
graph (). There are three elements in the attack graph, i.e.,
normal nodes (), anomalous nodes (), and unidentified
nodes (). The attack graph type I from Fig. 8(b) only classifies
nodes as anomalous based on observed traffics from all known
nodes. This notion is represented by a set of attack graphs ()
and described through (10). On the other hand, the attack graph
type II in Fig. 8(c) also considers all unidentified nodes for the
classification of anomalous behavior, as described in (11). The
unidentified nodes () are determined based on unknown
sources or destinations address obtained from the TDG. The
unknown nodes () are assumed to indicate an active cyber
attack, originating from an unlisted host in the known OT
network (V).
A. Experimental Setting
All experiments in this paper are conducted using the
previously discussed CPS model of the power grid represented
in Fig. 4. The power system is simulated in real-time using a
Root Mean Square (RMS) dynamic model of the IEEE 39-bus
test system in DIgSILENT PowerFactory. The CPS model
employs OPC UA implemented through Python to interface the
time domain simulation of the power grid and emulated OT
communication network. The OT network emulation is based
on Mininet, which uses the operating-system-level
virtualization. The entire emulated OT network runs on 10
virtual servers and consists of 27 user-defined substations, 118
measurement devices, and over 800 data points for the entire
simulated power system. SCADA device functionality within
the OT network is realized through custom Python code.
Therefore, we generate SCADA traffic from substations and the
control center. All OT network traffic is captured using the
Linux bwm-ng tool and used as the main dataset for this
research. The OT network traffic is measured in KBps. The
observed OT network traffic data under nominal operating
conditions is used to train the GC-LSTM model.
We collect OT network traffic data during various cyber
attack scenarios. Two types of cyber attacks are considered, i.e.,
DDoS and active reconnaissance, i.e., OT network scanning.
The DDoS attack is launched to target multiple substations and
aims to disrupt the power system operation with a malicious
increase of the OT network traffic loading. To this end, we use
the well-known Syn Flood cyber attack vector that exploits
vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP packets to target network hosts
[78]. This attack vector is chosen as it can flood the OT network
and cause the targeted hosts to crash. The DDoS attack is
executed using the Linux hping3 tool. The second examined
cyber attack scenario is based on OT network scanning. This
attack aims to enumerate active hosts within the OT network.
Network scanning targets IP addresses and ports within a
specified range. It is typically performed during reconnaissance
at the early stages of a cyber attack kill chain. In this work, we
Fig. 8. Attack graph representation for normal and anomalous traffic: a) Normal graph, b) Attack graph type I which contains normal and anomalous nodes,
and c) Attack graph type II which contains normal, anomalous and unidentified nodes.
conduct a six-level network scanning using nmap, i.e.,
paranoid, sneaky, polite, normal, aggressive, and insane. The
first two scanning levels are stealthy and used to evade intrusion
detection systems [79]. The scanning intensity determines the
number of packets delivered to the network. For all cyber attack
scenarios and simulations, we collect the observed OT network
traffic data into a labeled dataset for deep learning applications.
B. Network Traffic Prediction
In this research, the training of the GC-LSTM model is
performed using the simulated OT network traffic dataset. This
dataset consists of operational data for 27 substations, resulting
in a total of 146 columns and 25 x 104 rows. The number of
columns represents the total number of traffic observation
points in the OT network. On the other hand, the number of
rows in the dataset represents the temporal observations. The
sampling rate for all observations is 1 sample/second.
Therefore, the dataset for normal OT traffic is collected for a
total duration of 25 x 104 seconds. The training was performed
using a computer with the following specifications: Intel(R)
Xeon(R) CPU 3.60GHz, 64 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA
Quadro RTX 4000 graphics processing unit. During the training
process, the OT observation points are further classified for
each individual substation to create 27 independent models of
traffic predictions. The total training time for all 27 substations
is 26.5 hours.
Fig. 9 shows the comparison of the real OT traffic under
normal conditions and GC-LSTM predicted traffic in node 2,
substation 7. The observed traffic rate is around 197 KBps.
However, occasionally, the real OT traffic slightly increases or
drops to zero but we cannot consider this situation as an
anomaly. In distributed communication systems, the zero-value
and variability happen because of the latency and delay that lead
to variations in the packet arrival time. These factors are
common phenomena for distributed communications, which
have been studied in [80]. The zero value in Fig. 9 represents
zero in Fig. 13. On average, the observed OT traffic data
contains 3.6% of zeroes.
Fig. 9. Comparison of real and predicted traffic under normal conditions.
Fig. 10 presents the histogram and probability distribution
of the real and predicted OT traffic in node 2, substation 7. Fig.
10 shows that the predicted OT traffic is more concentrated. We
also compare the normal and predicted OT traffic for nodes 1
to 5 in substation 7 as represented in Fig. 11. The box plot in
Fig. 11 shows the statistical summary from the traffic data
including the minimum, median, maximum, first quartile, and
third quartile. The box plot also indicates the variability, spread,
and skewness of the data. The circles in the plot indicate the
outlier data. Based on the plots in Fig. 9-11, the predicted OT
traffic has a more concentrated value and fewer outliers
compared to the real data. Therefore, the GC-LSTM performs
as a filter to normalize and reduce the variability and outliers
Fig. 10. Histogram of real and predicted traffic under normal conditions.
Fig. 11. Statistical comparison of real (r) and predicted traffic (p).
Fig.12. Comparison of throughput between real and predicted OT traffic for
sneaky network scanning cyber attack scenario.
Fig. 12 shows the comparison of the real and predicted OT
traffic during a sneaky cyber attack. The cyber attack triggers a
higher spike in OT traffic. The time series-based anomaly
detection is then expected to distinguish the spikes due to traffic
variability and cyber attacks. Therefore, the GC-LSTM-based
prediction is important to normalize the OT traffic and reduce
data variability on the predicted traffic. This is then used to
improve the anomaly detection accuracy of TSC.
C. Anomaly Detection
To perform anomaly detection on the OT traffic, we
generate a dataset with network traffic (X) and labels (L) for
univariate TSC. This is depicted in Fig. 13. Each column (xn) in
the observed traffic data has one associated label column (ln). A
label value of zero corresponds to the normal operation, while
one represents anomalous OT traffic. We simulate two types of
cyber attacks to generate anomalous traffic, i.e., DDoS and OT
network scanning during the reconnaissance stage of the cyber
kill chain. The attack scenarios are summarized in Table I.
There are nine variations in the intensity of the communication
network scanning amongst the scenarios. In total, the cyber
attacks run for 345,000 seconds, and data is collected every
second to create the dataset, as represented in Fig. 13, from t =
1 until t = 345,000. This dataset is then used to train 70% and
test 30% the TSC algorithm.
Fig. 13. Dataset for time series classification.
Attack Type Intensity Tool Time Duration (s)
DDoS High hping3 30,000
Medium hping3 30,000
Low hping3 30,000
Reconnaissance Paranoid nmap 75,000
Sneaky nmap 50,000
Polite nmap 40,000
Normal nmap 30,000
Aggressive nmap 30,000
Insane nmap 30,000
Using the same generated dataset, we compare our proposed
CyResGrid method with four state-of-the-art deep learning-
based TSC techniques for anomaly detection, i.e., ResNets [73],
Inception [36], FCN [74], and MLP [75]. These deep learning
models are chosen as they address the general time series
classification problem and are not domain specific. This makes
them suitable for benchmarking and comparison of various
TSC methods. Additionally, we also combine them with the
proposed GC-LSTM method and test their performances, as
summarized in Table II.
G true positiverate truenegativerate
2* *
1precision recall
Fprecision recall
In Table II, we classify the cyber attacks into two scenarios.
The first is for all combined attacks, i.e., no. 1-9, and the second
only focuses on stealthy attack scenarios, i.e., paranoid and
sneaky attacks no. 10-16. We consider the test dataset as
imbalanced because, for the combined attacks, only 6.4% of the
data is labeled as an anomaly. Meanwhile, for the stealthy
attacks, only 2.7% of the data is labeled as an anomaly.
Therefore, to evaluate the anomaly detection performance, we
use as metrics the Geometric mean (G mean) in Equation (12)
[81] and F1 score in Equation (13) [82], [83]. From Table II, it
is clearly seen that for the combined attack scenario, CyResGrid
provides the best performance with the highest scores in the
Area Under The Curve (AUC), accuracy, G mean, and F1.
Meanwhile, for the stealthy attack dataset, we ignore the MLP
method due to its lower performance. For this scenario,
Inception seems to provide the best AUC and accuracy.
However, its true positive rate is significantly low.
Furthermore, its F1 and G mean score are amongst one the
lowest. Therefore, we can still conclude that CyResGrid
provides the most balanced performance, even for stealthy
attack detection.
Fig. 14. ROC comparison of the deep learning-based TSC.
Fig. 15. ROC comparison of the hybrid deep learning-based TSC.
Table II also indicates that GC-LSTM hybrid models can
significantly improve the performance of deep learning-based
classification, as indicated in row number 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, and
15. The performance comparisons are also shown in Figs. 14
and 15. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve
shows the performance of the classifier. The hybrid
classification integrated with GC-LSTM provides improved
result, as seen in Fig. 15, in comparison to the one without GC-
LSTM in Fig. 14. According to Figs. 7-9, the actual OT traffic
data is noisier compared to the predicted one. This condition
leads to better anomaly detection using the hybrid model, as
described above.
D. Attack Graph Generation and Analysis
As discussed in Section II D, the attack graph is modeled by
comparing the normal and anomalous OT traffic. The result of
this comparison is then used to determine the nodal
abnormality. The attack graph classifies nodes into two
categories, i.e., normal and anomalous. Anomalous nodes ()
are indicated by red, while normal nodes () are highlighted in
Fig. 16 illustrates the entire attack graph map for online
cyber attack identification and visualization. Fig. 16 (a) depicts
OT network scanning, originating from the control center to an
OT device in substation 7. Consequently, this leads to the
control center, substation 7 gateway, and targeted OT device to
be flagged as anomalous, as shown in red. Fig. 16 (b) depicts a
DDoS attack targeting substations 1-7 that originates from the
control center. The DDoS attack on multiple substation targets
triggers widespread traffic anomalies in substations 1-7, as
indicated in red. It is considerably easier to detect a DDoS
attack, as it results in notably increased OT network traffic
volume, in comparison to a network scanning attack. Figs. 16
(c) and (d) depict attack graphs for cyber attacks originating
from other sources than the control center. In Fig. 16 (c), we
highlight OT network scanning performed by a compromised
OT device located in substation 7. The scanning attacks lead to
all nodes in substation 7 being classified as anomalous, except
the router gateway. This scenario is explained as a local cyber
attack that occurs in a substation. Finally, Fig. 16 (d) shows OT
network scanning by an unidentified node, as indicated by an
orange triangle. The attack source is classified as unidentified
because it is not included on the list of known nodes in the OT
With the ever-increasing threat of cyber attacks on power
grids, it is now crucial to improve attack detection capabilities
in OT systems. In this work, we proposed CyResGrid, a hybrid
model of GC-LSTM and a deep convolutional network for
anomaly detection in OT communication networks for power
grids. It helps power system operators to localize and identify
cyber attacks in near real-time. GC-LSTM creates OT traffic
predictions based on the spatial and temporal features of the
input data. Through its predictions, the data variability and
outliers are reduced. GC-LSTM also serves as a mechanism to
improve the anomaly detection performance of TSCs.
Furthermore, the deep convolutional network in CyResGrid is
designed based on the hyperparameter tunning using Bayesian
optimization. Hence, CyResGrid outperforms the state-of-the-
art deep learning-based TSC. It provides the best detection
performance, with the highest accuracy of 96.45%, F1 score of
65.03%, and G mean of 17.16 %, and the lowest false positive
rate of 0.13%. Additionally, for stealthy cyber attack scenarios,
i.e., paranoid and sneaky attacks, CyResGrid provides the best
Fig. 16. Attack graph maps to identify and visualize cyber attack locations.
No Methods AUC TN FP FN TP Accuracy F1 G mean Time (s)
Combined attack scenarios
1 ResNet 0.849 82.27 11.32 3.49 2.92 85.19 28.29 15.50 633
2 Inception 0.961 93.50 0.20 4.10 2.31 95.71 51.76 14.68 976
3 FCN 0.955 88.16 5.43 3.92 2.49 90.65 34.76 14.81 1016
4 MLP 0.758 72.22 21.37 4.86 1.55 73.77 10.55 10.57 113
5 GC-LSTM + Resnet 0.974 93.29 0.31 3.27 3.14 96.42 63.77 17.12 1056
6 GC-LSTM + Inception 0.976 92.10 1.49 3.35 3.06 95.16 55.87 16.79 1409
7 GC-LSTM + FCN 0.972 92.28 1.30 3.68 2.73 95.01 52.26 15.87 1342
8 GC-LSTM + MLP 0.937 93.40 0.19 6.13 0.28 93.68 8.14 5.12 765
9 CyResGrid 0.984 93.47 0.13 3.42 2.99 96.45 65.03 17.16 714
Stealthy attack scenarios
10 ResNet 0.8637 86.94 12.02 0.96 0.08 87.02 1.26 2.69 91
11 Inception 0.9887 98.93 0.02 1.04 0.0004 98.93 0.09 0.22 224
12 FCN 0.9833 87.82 11.13 1.01 0.02 87.85 0.47 1.58 240
13 GC-LSTM + Resnet 0.9524 89.93 9.02 0.95 0.09 90.02 1.87 2.92 226
14 GC-LSTM + Inception 0.9489 89.96 8.99 0.95 0.10 90.05 1.87 2.92 303
15 GC-LSTM + FCN 0.9491 89.96 8.99 0.95 0.10 90.05 1.87 2.92 304
16 CyResGrid 0.9243 91.15 7.81 0.94 0.111 91.25 2.32 3.08 138
performance indicated by the highest F1 score of 2.32% and G
mean score of 3.08%. Other methods seem to provide higher
accuracy and AUC. However, they have a lower performance
to detect anomalies as indicated by the lower True Positive
(TP), F1, and G mean scores. This classification is then used to
generate an attack graph that serves as an online tool for power
system operators to identify and localize active cyber attacks in
OT networks of power systems.
In a future work, we will focus on augmenting the proposed
CyResGrid method with prevention capabilities, in addition to
the existing detection features. Subsequently, it can be
integrated with an intrusion detection and prevention system.
The developed method is equally applicable to different OT
networks and CPS topologies, besides other cyber attack
vectors, such as malware-based and privilege escalation attacks.
Moreover, the performance of the detection algorithm can
further be improved to detect more variations of cyber attacks
with infinitesimally small changes to OT network traffic
intensity and frequency of occurrences.
This work was supported by the Designing Systems for
Informed Resilience Engineering (DeSIRE) program of the
4TU Center for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE). DeSIRE is
funded by the 4TU-program High Tech for a Sustainable Future
(HTSF). 4TU is the federation of the four technical universities
in the Netherlands.
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Alfan Presekal (Member, IEEE) received the B.Eng.
degree in Computer Engineering from Universitas
Indonesia, in 2014 and the M.Sc. degree in Secure
Software System from the Department of Computing,
Imperial College London, UK, in 2016. He is an
Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas
Indonesia. He holds various cyber security
certifications from EC Council, CompTIA, and
CISCO. He is currently a Doctoral Researcher in
Cyber Resilient Power Grids within Intelligent Electrical Power Grids, at the
Department of Electrical Sustainable Technology, Delft University of
Technology. His main research interest includes cyber security, cyber-physical
systems, and artificial intelligence.
Alexandru Stefanov (Member, IEEE) received the
M.Sc. degree from the University Politehnica of
Bucharest, Romania, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree
from University College Dublin, Ireland, in 2015. He
is Assistant Professor in intelligent electrical power
grids at TU Delft, The Netherlands. He is the Director
of the Control Room with the Future (CRoF)
Technology Centre. He is leading the Cyber Resilient
Power Grids (CRPG) research group. His research
interests include cyber security of power grids,
resilience of cyber-physical systems, and next generation grid operation. He
holds the professional title of Chartered Engineer from Engineers Ireland.
Vetrivel Subramaniam Rajkumar (Student
Member, IEEE) received a Bachelor’s degree in
Electrical Engineering from Anna University, India,
in 2013, and the MSc. in Electrical Power
Engineering from the Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands, in 2019. He is
currently a Doctoral Researcher with the Intelligent
Electrical Power Grids Group, at the Department of
Electrical Sustainable Technology, Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands. His current
research interests include cyber security for power grids and impact analysis of
cyber attacks on power systems.
Peter Palensky (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D.
and Habilitation degrees from the Vienna University
of Technology, Austria, in 1997, 2001, and 2015,
respectively. He co-founded Envidatec, a German
startup on energy management and analytics. In 2008,
he joined the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA, USA, as a Researcher, and the
University of Pretoria, South Africa. In 2009, he
became appointed as the Head of the Business Unit,
Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in sustainable building technologies,
where he was the first Principal Scientist of Complex Energy Systems. In 2014,
he was appointed as a Full Professor in intelligent electric power grids with TU
Delft, The Netherlands. He is active in international committees, such as ISO
or CEN. His research interests include energy automation networks, smart
grids, and modeling intelligent energy systems. He also serves as an IEEE IES
AdCom Member-at-Large in various functions for IEEE. He is the past Editor-
in-Chief of IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine and an associate editor of
several other IEEE publications and regularly organizes IEEE conferences.
... Cyber threats (a potential risk of exploiting a vulnerability) and attacks (an act of exploiting a vulnerability) can either be passive or active depending on the objective of the intruder [117][118][119]. Cyber-attacks (i) allow the intruder to gain unauthorized access to data (passive attack) [120], (ii) modify data (such as electricity market data by adjusting dynamic prices, energy consumption data, vPAC and ECP node data, etc.) (active attack) [121], and (iii) trigger a loss of control over the energy system through the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack (active attack) [122]. The intruders who develop methods to exploit vulnerabilities in this communication network are motivated by (i) financial, (ii) espionage, (iii) disruption, (iv) political, and (v) retaliation reasons [120,123,124]. ...
... To address the rising cybersecurity concern in this software-defined IIoT-Edge network, robust security policies, rules, and intrusion-detection models are adopted in both DIM and DAR modules. Presekal et al. [122] develop an attack graph model for cyberphysical power systems using hybrid deep learning to mitigate cyber threats on a digital substation level. Further, Mohan et al. [129] discuss the impact of a DDoS attack on the communication network for a load frequency control case scenario in power systems. ...
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Offshore wind farms are growing in complexity and size, expanding deeper into maritime environments to capture stronger and steadier wind energy. Like other domains in the energy sector, the wind energy domain is continuing to digitalize its systems by embracing Industry 4.0 technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), virtualization, and edge computing to monitor and manage its critical infrastructure remotely. Adopting these technologies creates dynamic, scalable, and cost-effective data-acquisition systems. At the heart of these data-acquisition systems is a communication network that facilitates data transfer between communicating nodes. Given the challenges of configuring, managing, and troubleshooting large-scale communication networks, this review paper explores the adoption of the state-of-the-art software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) technologies in the design of next-generation offshore wind farm IIoT–Edge communication networks. While SDN and NFV technologies present a promising solution to address the challenges of these large-scale communication networks, this paper discusses the SDN/NFV-related performance, security, reliability, and scalability concerns, highlighting current mitigation strategies. Building on these mitigation strategies, the concept of resilience (that is, the ability to recover from component failures, attacks, and service interruptions) is given special attention. The paper highlights the self-X (self-configuring, self-healing, and self-optimizing) approaches that build resilience in the software-defined IIoT–Edge communication network architectures. These resilience approaches enable the network to autonomously adjust its configuration, self-repair during stochastic failures, and optimize performance in response to changing conditions. The paper concludes that resilient software-defined IIoT–Edge communication networks will play a big role in guaranteeing seamless next-generation offshore wind farm operations by facilitating critical, latency-sensitive data transfers.
... Compared with a standalone attack, e.g., a false data injection attack (FDIA), a CCPA is more dangerous as it is a kind of synchronous attack consisting of a physical attack and a cyber-attack to mask the physical attack. One example was the December 2015 attack on the Ukrainian electrical grid [1]. As a result of this attack, CCPAs have received significant attention [2]. ...
... Similarly, the meaning of each quantity in Formula (2) can be seen in [19]. Obviously, the representation of Formula (2) is much simpler than that of Formula (1). Formula (2) can be used to calculate the measurements. ...
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Coordinated cyber-physical attacks (CCPAs) are dangerously stealthy and have considerable destructive effects against power grids. The problem of stealthy CCPA (SCCPA) localization, specifically identifying disconnected lines in attack, is a nonlinear multi-classification problem. To the best of our knowledge, only one paper has studied the problem; nevertheless, the total number of classifications is not appropriate. In the paper, we propose several methods to solve the problem of SCCPA localization. Firstly, considering the practical constraints and abiding by one of our previous studies, we elaborately determine the total number of classifications and design an approach for generating training and testing datasets. Secondly, we develop two algorithms to solve multiple classifications via the support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), respectively. Similarly, we also present a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) architecture. Finally, extensive simulations are carried out for IEEE 14-bus, 30-bus, and 118-bus power system, respectively, and we verify the effectiveness of our approaches in solving the problem of SCCPA localization.
... To enhance the relevance between vulnerability assessment and network systems, many studies have conducted network vulnerability analysis based on attack graphs. They realized the association analysis of key vulnerabilities in network systems by studying attack graph construction techniques [13,14], node analysis techniques [15][16][17] and attack path analysis [18,19]. However, the attack graph does not have the ability of quantitative analysis. ...
... For the current clustering results, this method first sets a cluster number, calculates the intra-class average vector m j of each class, and obtains the total average vector m through the intra-class average vector. The calculation formula of m is shown in Equation (15). ...
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Aiming at the problem that the search efficiency of key vulnerable nodes in large-scale networks is not high and the consideration factors are not comprehensive enough, in order to improve the time and space efficiency of search and the accuracy of results, a key vulnerable node discovery method based on Bayesian attack subgraphs and improved fuzzy C-means clustering is proposed. Firstly, the attack graph is divided into Bayesian attack subgraphs, and the analysis results of the complete attack graph are quickly obtained by aggregating the information of the attack path analysis in the subgraph to improve the time and space efficiency. Then, the actual threat features of the vulnerability nodes are extracted from the analysis results, and the threat features of the vulnerability itself in the common vulnerability scoring standard are considered to form the clustering features together. Next, the optimal number of clusters is adaptively adjusted according to the variance idea, and fuzzy clustering is performed based on the extracted clustering features. Finally, the key vulnerable nodes are determined by setting the feature priority. Experiments show that the proposed method can optimize the time and space efficiency of analysis, and the fuzzy clustering considering multiple features can improve the accuracy of analysis results.
... Terbuch et al. [19] present a hybrid ML (HML) model, integrating key performance indicators (KPIs) with an unsupervised variational autoencoder (VAE) featuring LSTM layers. In [20], a fusion DL, consisting of Graph Convolutional LSTM (GC-LSTM) and a DNN model is proposed. Wang et al. [21] utilized a hierarchical model using wavelet transform and DL methods for extraction. ...
... The random values have been signified as variables like , , and , with and ranges of ∈ [0,2] and ∈ [1,5], correspondingly. Eq. (20) can be applied to initializing the value . Parameters and achieve exploitation and exploration abilities in RSO. ...
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Cybersecurity is a vital technology and measures intended to protect networks, computers, information, and programs from threats and illegal access, modification, or damage. A security model covers a network and a computer safety method. Each system has antivirus software, firewalls, and an intrusion detection system (IDS). IDS helps in discovering and identifying illegal system behavior such as usage, copying, alteration, and damage. By estimating network traffic anomalies and patterns, deep learning (DL) models can enhance the detection abilities of IDS when compared to traditional rule-based methods. These models learn complex representations from data, authorizing them to recognize subtle and developing attack patterns. Techniques like recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) can be applied to progress consecutive or spatial features in network data, correspondingly. This manuscript empowers Cybersecurity by utilizing an Enhanced Rat Swarm Optimizer with a Deep Stack-Based Ensemble Learning (ERSO-DSEL) model. The ERSO-DSEL approach leverages feature selection (FS) with EL strategies to boost cybersecurity. In the ERSO-DSEL system, Z-score normalization is employed to measure the input data. Besides, an improved equilibrium optimizer (IEO) based FS approach is applied to choose a set of features. For cyberattack recognition, the ERSO-DSBEL approach uses the DSEL approach comprising three models namely deep neural network (DNN), long short-term memory (LSTM), and bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM). Furthermore, the hyperparameter selection of these DL models takes place using the ERSO system. The solution result of the ERSO-DSBEL model is executed on a benchmark IDS database. A wide-contrast study reported that the ERSO-DSBEL model accomplishes an enhanced accuracy outcome of 99.67% over other models of cybersecurity.
... In recent years, the application of graph learning technology in CPSs has attracted widespread attention. Presekal et al. [2]. adopted a hybrid deep learning model of graph convolutional long short-term memory (GC-LSTM) and a deep convolutional network for 1. ...
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To enhance communication and collaborative work efficiency in cyber–physical systems (CPSs) within the Industry 4.0 environment, this study investigates a graph-based machine learning approach aimed at optimizing information interaction during multi-party conversations. Devices within CPSs must efficiently exchange information in real time to synchronize operations and responses. This research treats these interactions as intricate graph structures and uses graph learning techniques to accurately identify communication links and dependencies among devices. This improvement leads to more accurate decision-making and smoother operations. Our methodology involves a real-time analysis of structural patterns and node attributes within conversations, improving information flow and comprehension. The empirical findings demonstrate that this approach significantly enhances production efficiency, system adaptability, and minimizes delays attributed to communication misunderstandings. Our method can effectively identify the communication relationships between devices, significantly improving the efficiency and accuracy of information transmission. This improved communication capability leads to an enhanced production efficiency of the entire system.
... Furthermore, we assume that the GOOSE network traffic throughput from digital substations is available and monitored at the control center using Software-Defined Networking (SDN). SDN can be utilized to enable OT network traffic monitoring in substations, i.e., wide-area network monitoring, as in [13] and [14]. Using SDN, OT communication traffic throughput in the substations can be monitored from the control center. ...
Conference Paper
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Cyber actors can target the unsecured IEC 61850 protocols in digital substations to open circuit breakers and affect the power system operation. Thus, system operators must detect cyber-physical anomalies and differentiate in real-time between power system faults and cyber attacks on digital substations for effective incident response. In this work, we propose a novel image encoding method for event correlation using cyber-physical time-series data, i.e., Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and Operational Technology (OT) network traffic. More specifically, we propose a dynamic variation of the Gramian Angular Field method, which generates image streams capturing in real-time the spatial-temporal features in PMU measurements and IEC 61850 GOOSE traffic throughput. The proposed method for cyber-physical event correlation uses an image fusion technique. The method is tested using the benchmark IEEE 9-bus system. It successfully distinguishes between three-phase faults and GOOSE cyber attacks, demonstrating its usefulness for power system cyber security analytics.
... (1) ̂ is the adjacency matrix of a graph A plus the self-connected unit matrix . ̂ is the diagonal matrix of the node degree matrix, ( ) is the node representation of the L layer, ( ) is the weight matrix for that layer, is a nonlinear activation function [4]. Through this multi-layer transformation, GNN can learn high-order neighborhood information and generate deep-level node embedding. ...
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With the wide application of personalized recommender system in various fields, how to improve the accuracy and personalized level of recommender system has become a research hotspot. In this paper, a method of combining graph modeling and contrast learning is proposed to improve the performance of recommendation system by mining complex user project interaction and user preference. We first construct the user-project interaction graph, and extract the features of the graph structure by graph neural network (GNN) . In particular, graph convolution network (GCN) is used to update the node representation, and comparative learning is introduced to optimize the feature representation so as to improve the accuracy and personalization of recommendation. The experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to the traditional method in accuracy, recall and F 1 score. By analyzing the mechanism of combining graph modeling and contrast learning, this paper further expounds the theoretical basis and practical application of improving the performance of recommender system, and points out the limitations of existing methods and the future research direction.
... Because AG-based security models can properly model multi-step attacks, they are popular in both qualitative and quantitative risk management activities [18,19,[26][27][28][29][30][31]. Some approaches apply Bayesian concept over AG to represent information about causal relationships between vulnerabilities and capture uncertainties about probabilities of attacker actions. ...
Cyberattack susceptibilities are introduced as the communication requirement increases with the incorporation of more renewable energy sources into DC microgrids. Parallel DC-DC converters are utilized to provide high current and supply the load. Nevertheless, these systems are susceptible to cyberattacks that have the potential to disrupt operations and jeopardize stability. Voltage instability may result from the manipulation of communication commands and low-layer control signals. Therefore, in this paper, a cyberattack that specifically targets parallel DC-DC converters is examined in a DC microgrid. A hybrid machine learning-based detection and mitigation strategy is suggested as a means to counteract this threat. The false data injection (FDI) attack targeting the converters is investigated within a DC microgrid. The efficacy of the suggested approach is verified via simulations executed for various scenarios within the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The technique successfully identifies and blocks FDI attacks, preventing cyberattacks and ensuring the safe operation of the DC microgrid.
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The electric grid is a key enabling infrastructure for the ambitious transition towards carbon neutrality as we grapple with climate change. With deepening penetration of renewable resources, the reliable operation of the electric grid becomes increasingly challenging. In this paper, we present PSML, a first-of-its-kind open-access multi-scale time-series dataset, to aid in the development of data-driven machine learning (ML)-based approaches towards reliable operation of future electric grids. The dataset is synthesized from a joint transmission and distribution electric grid to capture the increasingly important interactions and uncertainties of the grid dynamics, containing power, voltage and current measurements over multiple spatio-temporal scales. Using PSML, we provide state-of-the-art ML benchmarks on three challenging use cases of critical importance to achieve: (i) early detection, accurate classification and localization of dynamic disturbances; (ii) robust hierarchical forecasting of load and renewable energy; and (iii) realistic synthetic generation of physical-law-constrained measurements. We envision that this dataset will provide use-inspired ML research in safety-critical systems, while simultaneously enabling ML researchers to contribute towards decarbonization of energy sectors. Measurement(s)temperature • wind speed • solar zeinth angle • dew point • irradiance • voltage • currentTechnology Type(s)weather station • power grid model-based simulationFactor Type(s)load power • renewable generation power • disturbance location, type, and duration Measurement(s) temperature • wind speed • solar zeinth angle • dew point • irradiance • voltage • current Technology Type(s) weather station • power grid model-based simulation Factor Type(s) load power • renewable generation power • disturbance location, type, and duration
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Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a developing technology that provides simplicity and benefits of exchanging data with other devices while converting the traditional systems to cloud or wireless networks. However, the changes and developments in the IoT environment are making IoT systems susceptible to cyber attacks which could possibly lead to malicious intrusions. The impact of these intrusions could lead to physical and economical damages. This article primarily focuses on the IoT system/framework, the IoT, learning-based methods, and the difficulties faced by the IoT devices or systems after the occurrence of an attack. Learning-based methods are reviewed using different types of cyber attacks such as denial-of-service (DoS), distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), probing, user-to-root (U2R), remote-to-local (R2L), botnet attack, spoofing, and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. In learning-based methods, both machine and deep learning methods are presented and analyzed for the detection of cyber attacks in IoT systems. A comprehensive list of publications to date in the literature is integrated to present a complete picture of various developments in this area. 12 Finally, the future research directions are also provided in the paper.
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Smart Grid is organically growing over the centrally controlled power system and becoming a massively interconnected cyber–physical system with advanced technologies of fast communication and intelligence (such as Internet of Things, smart meters, and intelligent electronic devices). While the convergence of a significant number of cyber–physical elements has enabled the Smart Grid to be far more efficient and competitive in addressing the growing global energy challenges, it has also introduced a large number of vulnerabilities in the cyber–physical space culminating in violations of data availability, integrity, and confidentiality. Recently, false data injection (FDI) has become one of the most critical types of cyberattacks, and appears to be a focal point of interest for both research and industry. To this end, this paper presents a comprehensive review in the recent advances of the FDI attacks, with particular emphasis on adversarial models, attack targets, and impacts on the Smart Grid infrastructure. This review paper aims to provide a thorough understanding of the incumbent threats affecting the entire spectrum of the Smart Grid. Related literature are analyzed and compared in terms of their theoretical and practical implications to the Smart Grid cybersecurity. In conclusion, a vast range of technical limitations of existing false data attack research is identified, and a number of future research directions is recommended.
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With an increase in the utilization of appliances, meeting the energy demand of consumers by traditional power grids is an important issue. The success of Demand Response (DR) depends conclusively on real-time data communication between the consumers and the suppliers. Hence, a scalable and programmable communication network is required to handle the data generated. We prove that the problem of DR global load balancing includes energy and data constraints is NP-hard. So, a dynamic and self-configurable network technology known as Software-defined Networking (SDN) can be an efficient solution. In order to handle DR communication challenges, an SDN-enabled framework for DR flow management is designed in this paper. This framework is based on two-tier cloud computing and manages energy and data traffic seamlessly. We also equip this framework with Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) technology. The proposed framework is implemented on a practical testbed, which includes Open vSwitch, Floodlight controller, and OpenStack. Its performance is appraised by comprehensive experiments and scenarios. Based on the results, it achieves low delay, a high throughput, and improves Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) by balancing the energy and data on the entire DR network.
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Dynamic network link prediction is becoming a hot topic in network science, due to its wide applications in biology, sociology, economy and industry. However, it is a challenge since network structure evolves with time, making long-term prediction of adding/deleting links especially difficult. Inspired by the great success of deep learning frameworks, especially the convolution neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) network, we propose a novel end-to-end model with a Graph Convolution Network(GCN) embedded LSTM, named GC-LSTM, for dynamic network link prediction. Thereinto, LSTM is adopted as the main framework to learn the temporal features of all snapshots of a dynamic network. While for each snapshot, GCN is applied to capture the local structural properties of nodes as well as the relationship between them. One benefit is that our GC-LSTM can predict both added and removed links, making it more practical in reality, while most existing dynamic link prediction methods can only handle removed links. Extensive experiments demonstrated that GC-LSTM achieves outstanding performance and outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.
Traffic anomalies, such as traffic accidents and unexpected crowd gathering, may endanger public safety if not handled timely. Detecting traffic anomalies in their early stage can benefit citizens' quality of life and city planning. However, traffic anomaly detection faces two main challenges. First, it is challenging to model traffic dynamics due to the complex spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic data. Second, the criteria of traffic anomalies may vary with locations and times. In this article, we propose a spatiotemporal graph convolutional adversarial network (STGAN) to address these above challenges. More specifically, we devise a spatiotemporal generator to predict the normal traffic dynamics and a spatiotemporal discriminator to determine whether an input sequence is real or not. There are high correlations between neighboring data points in the spatial and temporal dimensions. Therefore, we propose a recent module and leverage graph convolutional gated recurrent unit (GCGRU) to help the generator and discriminator learn the spatiotemporal features of traffic dynamics and traffic anomalies, respectively. After adversarial training, the generator and discriminator can be used as detectors independently, where the generator models the normal traffic dynamics patterns and the discriminator provides detection criteria varying with spatiotemporal features. We then design a novel anomaly score combining the abilities of two detectors, which considers the misleading of unpredictable traffic dynamics to the discriminator. We evaluate our method on two real-world datasets from New York City and California. The experimental results show that the proposed method detects various traffic anomalies effectively and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the devised anomaly score achieves more robust detection performances than the general score.
False data injection attacks (FDIA) are a main category of cyber-attacks threatening the security of power systems. Contrary to the detection of these attacks, less attention has been paid to identifying the attacked units of the grid. To this end, this work jointly studies detecting and localizing the stealth FDIA in power grids. Exploiting the inherent graph topology of power systems as well as the spatial correlations of measurement data, this paper proposes an approach based on the graph neural network (GNN) to identify the presence and location of the FDIA. The proposed approach leverages the auto-regressive moving average (ARMA) type graph filters (GFs) which can better adapt to sharp changes in the spectral domain due to their rational type filter composition compared to the polynomial type GFs such as Chebyshev. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work based on GNN that automatically detects and localizes FDIA in power systems. Extensive simulations and visualizations show that the proposed approach outperforms the available methods in both detection and localization of FDIA for different IEEE test systems. Thus, the targeted areas can be identified and preventive actions can be taken before the attack impacts the grid.
In neural network models, obtaining a high-quality dataset is critical because they are generally reliant on training data. A common problem that occurs is class imbalance, in which models tend to be biased to the majority class when the training data is not balanced. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel regularization method that provides a penalty to the loss function, using two facets of the distribution of the model’s output p(ŷ|x): (1) skewed mean and (2) variance divergence between p(ŷ|x∈D+) and p(ŷ|x∈D−). The experimental results demonstrate that our methods consistently improve the performance on imbalanced datasets. Moreover, the combination of two regularization methods provides a substantial performance improvement on five sentence classification datasets and also an image classification dataset; notably, state-of-the-art performances are achieved on the WikiQA and SelQA datasets.
Understanding spatiotemporal patterns of energy infrastructure is foundational to characterizing environmental impacts and improving system resilience. We develop a systematic review of publicly available energy infrastructure datasets in the United States (US) to reveal the existing baseline data available for characterizing the energy system. Six fuel types that are used for electricity generation are examined: uranium, coal, natural gas, wind, hydropower, and solar. For each fuel, energy infrastructure data on fuel extraction, processing, storage, fuel transportation, power generation, and transmission and distribution of electricity to final energy product are reviewed. After screening, 146 unique datasets were evaluated for their spatiotemporal characteristics using a data quality assessment framework adapted for this study. The number of available datasets, their spatiotemporal resolution and coverage, the geographic extent and their completeness were found to be highly variable across the 19 different types of energy infrastructure examined. Connections between fuel supply, energy transportation infrastructure, and conversion through final energy product are not well characterized, making the construction of a complete, dynamic energy systems model challenging. Data suppliers may address this challenge by reporting supply-chain linking attributes; for example, unique identification numbers for each facility or segment of infrastructure could bridge datasets across the supply chain. Whereas government policies and reporting requirements largely dictate data format, inter-agency collaboration and harmonization of collection procedures and metadata requirements across regions could support more consistent datasets for each stage of the supply chain through power generation.
Electric load forecasting, especially short-term load forecasting, is of significant importance for the safe and efficient operation of power grids. With the wide adoption of advanced smart meters, more attention has been paid to short-term residential load forecasting. Most of the existing load forecasting methods are mainly focused on using temporal information of historical loads, and information of neighboring houses are generally ignored. However, houses in the same or neighboring areas may show similar consumption patterns due to shared conditions such as temperature, holiday impacts. Such information can be very helpful for machine learning based forecasting methods. In this paper, we propose to tackle the short-term residential load forecasting including both the individual load and aggregated load with a graph neural network based forecasting framework. The proposed framework can capture the hidden spatial dependencies of different houses without even any prior knowledge requirement on the geographic information for these houses. The proposed framework is evaluated on data sets of different residential houses from several areas. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can improve the residential forecasting accuracy by a wide margin compared with the baselines.