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Managing and Reversing Sarcopenic Obesity Through Exercise and Physical Activity



Combined aerobic and resistance training is highly recommended for adults with SO. Aerobic training induces profound effects on body fat and mass loss and cardiorespiratory fitness. Resistance training leads to gains in lean body mass and musculoskeletal fitness. Such positive adaptations are critical for older adults with SO who commonly experience sarcopenia and obesity. Importantly, combined training should be a progressive approach taking into account a client's needs, prior- ities, and responses to each training modality separately. In addition, combined training induces positive alterations in various cardiometabolic health-related markers among adults with obesity. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (40%–59% of heart rate reserve) with a weekly volume ranging from 3.5 to 5 hours divided into no less than 5 days of the week should be performed. High-intensity interval training also may be an adjunct and popular exercise solution that can be used with caution among individuals with metabolic health impairments and low physical fitness levels, but no exercise prescription guidelines exist focusing on the implementation of this particular training modality for people living with SO. For muscular fitness improvements, 8 to 10 muscle-strengthening exercises focusing on all the major muscle groups should be applied through full-body sessions, using 1 to 2 sets and gradually progressing to 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 15 repetitions at 60% to 85% of predicted 1-RM with 1.5 minutes of rest between sets. In terms of the progression, exercise volume should not be increased by more than 10% per week in both aerobic and resistance training, aiming to promote safe, feasible, and effective exercise experiences. Lastly, flexibility training also should be applied in conjunction with combined training as a separate component of an integrated exercise session on most days of the week, targeting muscle stiffness and impaired mobility commonly observed among older populations with obesity.
Managing and Reversing Sarcopenic
Obesity Through Exercise and
Physical Activity
by Paul Sorace, M.S., FACSM, ACSM-CEP, CSCS; Alexios Batrakoulis, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-EP, ACSM-CPT, EIM, CSCS;
and Tom LaFontaine, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-CEP,CSCS
Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a classification of obesity in which low
skeletal muscle mass and muscle function are combined with el-
evated levels of adipose tissue (1). Evidence indicates that older
adults with SO may have higher levels of cardiovascular disease
risk factors, an increased risk of mortality, morbidity, disability,
and an impaired quality of life (2). Sarcopenic obesity is essen-
tially caused by an excess in energy intake and low levels of phys-
ical activity (3). Other contributing factors may include insulin
resistance and various hormonal changes (e.g.,increasedlevels
of cortisol). The most effective lifestyle treatment for SO is an ap-
proach that includes both weight loss, including dietary changes,
and a regular exercise program that includes both aerobic exer-
cise and progressive resistance training. Although there is evi-
dence that weight loss and exercise independently can result in
the prevention or reversal of SO and frailty, an intervention in-
corporating both weight loss and exercise has been shown to be
most effective for managing and/or reversing this disorder (1,4).
SO is characterized by the coexistence of obesity (body mass
index [BMI] >30) and sarcopenia (loss of muscle strength,
function, and mass beyond that expected with aging) (5,6).
The term SO was first coined by Baumgartner et al. (7). With
aging, loss of skeletal muscle mass occurs and is commonly ac-
companied by a gain in fat mass (8). After age 50 years, muscle
mass declines 1% to 2% per year (9). Several factors contribute
to this disorder, some of which are listed in Table 1.
Persons with SO have increased morbidity and mortality
compared with obese persons without sarcopenia (5). Persons
with SO have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, hypertension, disability, reduced bone mass, and
other chronic disorders compared with persons with obesity
or sarcopenia alone (5). Sarcopenic obesity is correlated with
multiple adverse cardiometabolic disorders, risk for falls,
frailty, and disability (5). The Figure illustrates the conse-
quences of and interplay between several factors and the de-
Sarcopenic obesity affects 1 in 10 adults aged older than
60 years and 1 in 4 aged older than 80 years (6). However, sar-
copenia can occur in persons with obesity who are aged younger
than 60 years (5). In one study, the mean age of the population
was younger than 65 (10). In a study of 727 participants with
obesity, the mean age was 45.7 years and mean BMI was 37.6
Associate Editor: Paul Sorace, M.S., FACSM, ACSM-CEP, CSCS
Volume 28 | Number 2 63
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in men and 37.8 in women (11). The prevalence of SO was
34.8% in men and 50.1% in women (11).
The lifestyle interventions to prevent, slow, or possibly reverse
the progression of SO include exercise and physical activity
along with proper nutrition (12). Exercise and physical activity
may not completely prevent or reverse SO and its deleterious ef-
fects. However, it can delay the development and progression of
this condition (12,13).Some of the significant potential exercise/
physical activity benefits for individuals with SO, which are
common exercise/physical activity benefits, include:
Increased muscle and bone mass
Decreased adipose tissue, including abdominal adipose
Increased insulin sensitivity
Decreased inflammation
Improved muscle function
Enhanced ability to perform activities of daily living
Decreased cardiometabolic disease risk factors
Possible decreased overall morbidity and mortality
Increased metabolic rate
Positive hormonal changes (e.g., increased leptin sensitiv-
ity, increased levels of adiponectin, and apelin)
An increase in leptin sensitivity helps regulate body weight,
leads to lower triglycerides, and can stimulate muscle strength
and function (14). Exercise-induced increases in adiponectin
TABLE 1: Factors That Contribute to Sarcopenic Obesity
Adipose tissue-dependent metabolic derangements
Oxidative stress
Insulin resistance
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, abnormal lipids,
cardiovascular disease
Poor dietary habits, particularly the Western diet, which is high in fat,
sugar, and salt and lacking in fiber
Sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular exercise
Low protein intake, weight cycling
Adapted from Donini LM, Busetto L, Bischoff SC, et al. Definition and diagnostic criteria
for sarcopenic obesity: ESPEN and EASO consensus statement. Obes Facts. 2022; 15(3):
32135. Used with permission.
TABLE 2: Aerobic Training Recommendations for
Individuals with SO
Training Parameter Recommendation
Frequency 5 days/week
Intensity 40%59% HRR, RPE 1012;
progress to 60%75% HRR, RPE 1315
Time 3060 minutes
Type Walking, cycling, and swimming.
HRR, heart rate reserve; RPE, rating of perceived exertion on a 620 scale.
Reprinted from: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines forExercise
Testing and Prescription, 11th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Wolters Kluwer, 2021. Used with
Figure. The interaction among aging, obesity, and sarcopenia. Reprinted from Wannamethee SG, Atkins JL. Sarcopenic
obesity and cardiometabolic health and mortality in older adults: a growing health concern in an ageing population.
Curr Diab Rep. 2023;23:30714. Used with permission.
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and apelin in SO can increase muscle hypertrophy, decrease in-
flammation, and increase fat oxidation (15). It is important to
note that structured exercise and daily physical activity are both
important in the management of SO. For example, do a struc-
tured exercise session for an hour in the morning then be phys-
ically active during the day (e.g., walk the dog, take the stairs
rather than the escalator).
Medical clearance is recommended for individuals with SO be-
fore participating in maximal exercise testing procedures or
high-intensity exercise schemes, regardless of signs or symptoms
of disease (16) (Table 2). Considering that musculoskeletal disor-
ders, cardiometabolic complications, physical function limita-
tions, extreme muscle weakness, fatigue, and poor durability
are common among people with SO, exercise testing should
be individualized to match the client's physiological profile (17,18).
Aerobic exercise testing should take into account the fact that
people with SO present with impaired cardiorespiratory and
musculoskeletal fitness and therefore, progressive treadmill exer-
cise testing seems to be a suitable approach. However, a de-
manding walking speed that exceeds 3.0 mph may not be a fea-
sible optionfor individuals withSO who demonstrate severe gait
limitations. Hence, a standard 6-minute walk test seems to be
the optimal submaximal exercise test for assessing aerobic ca-
pacity in these populations (16) (Table 3). It is worth mentioning
that persons with obesity tend to demonstrate a muscular system
that is prone to fatigue to a greater extent compared with those
with healthy weight (19). Thus, aerobic exercise testing protocols
should last no more than 10 minutes, aiming to avoid potential
muscular fatigue commonly observed in various populations (20).
Given that individuals with SO are characterized by poor
muscular fitness (21), resistance exercise testing should be mod-
ified to accommodate this population safely and appropriately.
In particular, all major muscle groups should be tested for
strength and endurance using feasible muscular fitness tests
and taking into consideration that most individuals with SO
have limited experience with resistance training (Table 4).
Therefore, stationary machines are mostly preferred rather than
free weights to facilitate the testing procedures and decrease
potential risk of injury. The most recommended assessment
method is a multiple-repetition maximum test, aiming to estimate
both muscular strength (one repetition maximum [1-RM]) and
endurance (number of repetitions completed) using a predetermined
TABLE 3: Resistance Training Recommendations for Individuals with SO
Training Parameter Recommendation
Frequency 23 nonconsecutive days/week
Intensity 60%70% 1-RM, OMNI-RES 56;
progress to 71%85% 1-RM, OMNI-RES 78
Time 12setsof1215 repetitions, 1- to 2-minute rest between sets; progress to 34setsof610,
2- to 3-minute rest between sets.
Type 8 10 exercises (full-body routine) using bodyweight movements, resistance bands, suspension exercise device, manual resistance,
stationary resistance machines, and free weights.
OMNI-RES, OMNI-resistance exercise scale of perceived exertion on a 010 scale.
Reprinted from: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 11th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Wolters Kluwer, 2021. Used with
Volume 28 | Number 2 65
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resistance until volitional fatigue (22). Handgrip strength also
can be used as a simple and reliable measurement of overall
muscular strength. More importantly, it is one of the diagnostic
criteria of sarcopenia, demonstrating an association with bone
health and osteoporotic fractures (23).
The timed up-and-go test should be used to evaluate func-
tional performance among older adults with SO who have high
risk of falls and difficulties with activities of daily living due to
poor musculoskeletal fitness levels that significantly affect physi-
cal function (24). In addition, the 30-second sit-to-stand test
could be a suitable option for testing muscular strength and en-
durance in lower extremities among older adults as part of a
functional fitness test battery. In general, exercise testing and fit-
ness assessment seem to be critical components of a personalized
exercise approach, allowing the exercise professional to tailor
the exercise program to meet each individual's specific condition
and associated needs.
Combined aerobic and resistance training is highly recom-
mended for adults with SO. Aerobic training induces profound
effects on body fat and mass loss and cardiorespiratory fitness
(19). Resistance training leads to gains in lean body mass and
musculoskeletal fitness (25). Such positive adaptations are criti-
cal for older adults with SO who commonly experience sarcope-
nia and obesity. Importantly, combined training should be a
progressive approach taking into account a client's needs, prior-
ities, and responses to each training modality separately. In ad-
dition, combined training induces positive alterations in various
cardiometabolic health-related markers among adults with obe-
sity (26). Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (40%59% of
heart rate reserve) with a weekly volume ranging from 3.5 to
5 hours divided into no less than 5 days of the week should be
performed (27). High-intensity interval training also may be an
adjunct and popular exercise solution that can be used with cau-
tion among individuals with metabolic health impairments and
low physical fitness levels (28,29), but no exercise prescription
guidelines exist focusing on the implementation of this particular
training modality for people living with SO. For muscular fitness
improvements, 8 to 10 muscle-strengthening exercises focusing
on all the major muscle groups should be applied through
full-body sessions, using 1 to 2 sets and gradually progressing
to 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 15 repetitions at 60% to 85% of predicted
1-RM with 1.5 minutes of rest between sets. In terms of the pro-
gression, exercise volume should not be increased by more than
10% per week in both aerobic and resistance training, aiming to
promote safe, feasible, and effective exercise experiences. (27).
Lastly, flexibility training also should be applied in conjunction
with combined training as a separate component of an inte-
grated exercise session on most days of the week, targeting mus-
cle stiffness and impaired mobility commonly observed among
older populations with obesity (30).
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TABLE 4: Flexibility Training Recommendations for Individuals with SO
Training Parameter Recommendation
Frequency 23days/week
Intensity Stretch to the point of feeling tightness or slight discomfort.
Time 10- to 30-second hold for static stretching; 24 repetitions of each exercise at first, then progressing up to 30- to 60-second hold.
Type Static, dynamic, and/or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching for all the major muscle groups.
Reprinted from: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 11th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Wolters Kluwer, 2021. Used with
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March/April 2024
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Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest and do
not have any financial disclosures.
Paul Sorace, M.S., FACSM, ACSM-CEP,
CSCS, is a clinical exercise physiologist in
New Jersey. He is an associate editor for
ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal
and the clinical associate editor for ACSM's
Certification Review, 4th and 5th edi-
tions. Paul also has served on numerous ACSM
Alexios Batrakoulis, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-EP,
ACSM-CPT, EIM, CSCS, is an adjunct pro-
fessor in the School of Physical Education,
Sport Science and Dietetics at the University
of Thessaly in Trikala, Greece, and the foun-
der of the International Obesity Exercise
Training Institute. Dr. Batrakoulis is the
chair of ACSM's CCRB-International Sub-
committee and has served on numerous ACSM and NSCA com-
mittees. He also was named the 2018 IDEA Personal Trainer
of the Year, 2019 IDEA China Fitness Innovator, 2020
NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year, 2021 PFP Trainer of
the Year, and 2022 ACSM Certified Professional of the Year.
Tom LaFontaine, Ph.D., FACSM, ACSM-CEP,
CSCS, has been a member of ACSM since
1975 and is currently a fellow emeritus mem-
ber. He is coauthor of The Exercise Pro-
fessional's Guide to Optimizing Health:
Strategies for Preventing and Reducing
Chronic Disease, a textbook published in co-
operation with ACSM, and has authored sev-
eral articles published in ACSM journals. He also has served on
several ACSM committees.
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Full-text available
Purpose of Review Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a growing public health problem in older adults. Whether SO confers higher risk of cardiometabolic disease and mortality than obesity or sarcopenia alone is still a matter of debate. We focus on recent findings on SO and cardiometabolic health and mortality in older adults. Recent Findings SO is associated with increased mortality compared to non-sarcopenic obesity, but similar mortality risk compared to sarcopenia without obesity. SO is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, and physical disability than obesity or sarcopenia alone. SO, in the presence of diabetes, is associated with the highest risk of CVD and chronic kidney disease. A definition and diagnostic criteria for SO has recently been proposed (ESPEN and EASO). Summary SO is associated with more adverse outcomes overall than sarcopenia or obesity alone. Future research is required to assess the impact of the new SO definition on health outcomes.
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Apply It! From this article, the reader should be able to: • Identify top 20 fitness trends for Australia, Brazil, Europe, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, and the United States. • Recognize individual and unique fitness trends represented within the seven aforementioned regions. • Identify top five trends for each region during the last 3 years.
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Background: Although regular exercise is recommended for preventing and treating overweight/obesity, the most effective exercise type for improving cardiometabolic health in individuals with overweight/obesity remains largely undecided. This network meta-analysis aimed to evaluate and rank the comparative efficacy of 5 exercise modalities on cardiometabolic health measures in individuals with overweight/obesity. Methods: A database search was conducted in MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science from inception up to September 2020. The review focused on randomized controlled trials involving exercise interventions consisting of continuous endurance training, interval training, resistance training, combined aerobic and resistance training (combined training), and hybrid-type training. Exercise interventions aimed to improve somatometric variables, body composition, lipid metabolism, glucose control, blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular strength. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to evaluate eligible studies. A random-effects network meta-analysis was performed within a frequentist framework. The intervention ranking was carried out using a Bayesian model where mean and SD were equal to the respective frequentist estimates. Results: A total of 4331 participants (59% female; mean age: 38.7±12.3 years) from 81 studies were included. Combined training was the most effective modality and hybrid-type training the second most effective in improving cardiometabolic health-related outcomes in these populations suggesting a higher efficacy for multicomponent exercise interventions compared to single-component modalities, that is, continuous endurance training, interval training, and resistance training. A subgroup analysis revealed that the effects from different exercise types were mediated by gender. Conclusions: These findings corroborate the latest guidelines on exercise for individuals with overweight/obesity highlighting the importance of a multicomponent exercise approach to improve cardiometabolic health. Physicians and healthcare professionals should consider prescribing multicomponent exercise interventions to adults with overweight/obesity to maximize clinical outcomes. Registration: URL:; Unique identifier: CRD42020202647.
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Introduction: Loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia) is common in individuals with obesity due to metabolic changes associated with a sedentary lifestyle, adipose tissue derangements, comorbidities (acute and chronic diseases) and during the ageing process. Co-existence of excess adiposity and low muscle mass/function is referred to as sarcopenic obesity (SO), a condition increasingly recognized for its clinical and functional features that negatively influence important patient-centred outcomes. Effective prevention and treatment strategies for SO are urgently needed, but efforts are hampered by the lack of a universally established SO definition and diagnostic criteria. Resulting inconsistencies in the literature also negatively affect the ability to define prevalence as well as clinical relevance of SO for negative health outcomes. Aims and methods: The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) launched an initiative to reach expert consensus on a definition and diagnostic criteria for SO. The jointly appointed international expert panel proposes that SO is defined as the co-existence of excess adiposity and low muscle mass/function. The diagnosis of SO should be considered in at-risk individuals who screen positive for a co-occurring elevated body mass index or waist circumference, and markers of low skeletal muscle mass and function (risk factors, clinical symptoms, or validated questionnaires). Diagnostic procedures should initially include assessment of skeletal muscle function, followed by assessment of body composition where presence of excess adiposity and low skeletal muscle mass or related body compartments confirm the diagnosis of SO. Individuals with SO should be further stratified into stage I in the absence of clinical complications or stage II if cases are associated with complications linked to altered body composition or skeletal muscle dysfunction. Conclusions: ESPEN and EASO, as well as the expert international panel, advocate that the proposed SO definition and diagnostic criteria be implemented into routine clinical practice. The panel also encourages prospective studies in addition to secondary analysis of existing data sets, to study the predictive value, treatment efficacy and clinical impact of this SO definition.
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Sarcopenic obesity is defined as a multifactorial disease in aging with decreased body muscle, decreased muscle strength, decreased independence, increased fat mass, due to decreased physical activity, changes in adipokines and myokines, and decreased satellite cells. People with sarcopenic obesity cause harmful changes in myokines and adipokines. These changes are due to a decrease interleukin-10 (IL-10), interleukin-15 (IL-15), insulin-like growth factor hormone (IGF-1), irisin, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21), adiponectin, and apelin. While factors such as myostatin, leptin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), and resistin increase. The consequences of these changes are an increase in inflammatory factors, increased degradation of muscle proteins, increased fat mass, and decreased muscle tissue, which exacerbates sarcopenia obesity. In contrast, exercise, especially strength training, reverses this process, which includes increasing muscle protein synthesis, increasing myogenesis, increasing mitochondrial biogenesis, increasing brown fat, reducing white fat, reducing inflammatory factors, and reducing muscle atrophy. Since some people with chronic diseases are not able to do high-intensity strength training, exercises with blood flow restriction (BFR) are newly recommended. Numerous studies have shown that low-intensity BFR training produces the same increase in hypertrophy and muscle strength such as high-intensity strength training. Therefore, it seems that exercise interventions with BFR can be an effective way to prevent the exacerbation of sarcopenia obesity. However, due to limited studies on adipokines and exercises with BFR in people with sarcopenic obesity, more research is needed.
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Obesity and ageing place a tremendous strain on the global healthcare system. Age-related sarcopenia is characterized by decreased muscular strength, decreased muscle quantity, quality, and decreased functional performance. Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a condition that combines sarcopenia and obesity and has a substantial influence on the older adults’ health. Because of the complicated pathophysiology, there are disagreements and challenges in identifying and diagnosing SO. Recently, it has become clear that dysbiosis may play a role in the onset and progression of sarcopenia and SO. Skeletal muscle secretes myokines during contraction, which play an important role in controlling muscle growth, function, and metabolic balance. Myokine dysfunction can cause and aggravate obesity, sarcopenia, and SO. The only ways to prevent and slow the progression of sarcopenia, particularly sarcopenic obesity, are physical activity and correct nutritional support. While exercise cannot completely prevent sarcopenia and age-related loss in muscular function, it can certainly delay development and slow down the rate of sarcopenia. The purpose of this review was to discuss potential pathways to muscle deterioration in obese individuals. We also want to present the current understanding of the role of various factors, including microbiota and myokines, in the process of sarcopenia and SO.
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HIIT is an effective exercise mode inducing meaningful benefits on physical fitness, metabolic health, and cardiovascular function. This training approach requires adults with metabolic diseases to engage in physically and mentally demanding conditions with respect to the exercise intensity commonly used in other modalities. However, emerging research reveals that incorporating HIIT as part of a comprehensive exercise program for individuals with impaired metabolic health could be a pleasurable and feasible training option aimed at improving health and fitness.
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The aging population faces two conditions that threaten healthy aging: high fat mass (obesity) and low muscle mass and function (sarcopenia). The combination of both—referred to as sarcopenic obesity—synergistically increases the risk of adverse health outcomes. The two conditions often co-occur because they reinforce each other and share common etiologies, including poor nutrition and inactivity. All aging people are at risk of gaining weight and losing muscle mass and could benefit from improvements in physical activity, exercise and dietary intake. one specific window of opportunity is during the transient time of retirement, as older adults already need to restructure their daily activities. It is key to change lifestyle behavior in a sustainable manner, providing scientifically proven, personalized, and acceptable principles that can be integrated in daily life. Health technologies (e.g., applications) can provide promising tools to deliver personalized and appealing lifestyle interventions to a large group of people while keeping health care costs low. Several studies show that health technologies have a strong positive effect on physical activity, exercise and dietary intake. Specifically, health technology is increasingly applied to older people, although strong evidence for long term effects in changing lifestyle behavior is generally lacking. Concluding, technology could play an important role in the highly warranted prevention of sarcopenic obesity in older adults. Although health technology seems to be a promising tool to stimulate changes in physical activity, exercise and dietary intake, studies on long lasting effects and specifically targeted on older people around the time of retirement are warranted.
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The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity is increasing worldwide, particularly amongst aging populations. Insulin resistance is the core mechanism of sarcopenic obesity and is also associated with variable cardiometabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fat accumulation in muscle tissue promotes a proinflammatory cascade and oxidative stress, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired insulin signaling, and muscle atrophy. To compound the problem, decreased muscle mass aggravates insulin resistance. In addition, the crosstalk between myokines and adipokines leads to negative feedback, which in turn aggravates sarcopenic obesity and insulin resistance. In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanisms linking sarcopenic obesity and insulin resistance with various biological pathways. We also discuss the impact and mechanism of sarcopenic obesity and insulin resistance on cardiometabolic disease.
Introduction Loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia) is common in individuals with obesity due to metabolic changes associated with a sedentary lifestyle, adipose tissue derangements, comorbidities (acute and chronic diseases), and during the ageing process. Co-existence of excess adiposity and low muscle mass/function is referred to as sarcopenic obesity (SO), a condition increasingly recognized for its clinical and functional features that negatively influence important patient-centred outcomes. Effective prevention and treatment strategies for SO are urgently needed, but efforts are hampered by the lack of an universally established SO Definition and diagnostic criteria. Resulting inconsistencies in the literature also negatively affect the ability to define prevalence as well as clinical relevance of SO for negative health outcomes. Aims and methods The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) launched an initiative to reach expert consensus on a Definition and diagnostic criteria for SO. The jointly appointed international expert panel proposes that SO is defined as the co-existence of excess adiposity and low muscle mass/function. The diagnosis of SO should be considered in at-risk individuals who screen positive for a co-occurring elevated body mass index or waist circumference, and markers of low skeletal muscle mass and function (risk factors, clinical symptoms, or validated questionnaires). Diagnostic procedures should initially include assessment of skeletal muscle function, followed by assessment of body composition where presence of excess adiposity and low skeletal muscle mass or related body compartments confirm the diagnosis of SO. Individuals with SO should be further stratified into Stage I in the absence of clinical complications, or Stage II if cases are associated with complications linked to altered body composition or skeletal muscle dysfunction. Conclusions ESPEN and EASO, as well as the expert international panel, advocate that the proposed SO Definition and diagnostic criteria be implemented into routine clinical practice. The panel also encourages prospective studies in addition to secondary analysis of existing datasets, to study the predictive value, treatment efficacy, and clinical impact of this SO definition.