Alexey Sazhnev

Alexey Sazhnev
Russian Academy of Sciences | RAS · Papanin Institute of the Biology of Inland Waters

PhD in Entomology and Ecology


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Fauna, systematics, ecology and biology of family Heteroceridae on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries. Habitat distribution Heteroceridae and their role in the communities. Morphology and function stridulatory system of variegated mud-loving beetles.
Additional affiliations
August 2017 - present
Papanin Institute of the Biology of Inland Waters
  • Curator of the collection
August 2015 - present
Papanin Institute of the Biology of Inland Waters
  • Senior Researcher
January 2013 - January 2015
Saratov State University
  • Laboratory Assistant
September 2011 - September 2014
Saratov State University
Field of study
  • Entomology
September 2006 - July 2011
Saratov State Agrarian University
Field of study
  • Entomology


Publications (331)
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Based on the examination of the type specimens of Heterocerus kamtschaticus А. Egorov, 1989, described from Kamchatka, the following synonymy is proposed: Heterocerus fenestratus (Thunberg, 1784) = H. kamtschaticus А. Egorov, 1989, syn. nov.
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Состав и структура населения Heteroceridae (Coleoptera) в условиях прибрежной зоны водных объектов Саратовской области. – Сажнев А. С. – Впервые изучены состав и структура населения гетероцерид в условиях прибрежной зоны водных объектов Саратов-ской области. Даны основные характеристики исследованных водных объектов. Приведены данные по биотопическ...
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Relationships between beetles of the family Heteroceridae and other organisms are reviewed using information that has been compiled from primary and secondary sources. A brief description of each species involved in the interspecies relationships under analysis is given.
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The position of the beetle family Heteroceridae in food webs of riparian communities in European Russia and Mongolia is discussed, and the main trophic links within the Heteroceridaerelated communities are recorded. The feeding spectrum of heterocerids, and the main predators of preadult and adult Heteroceridae, are identified and reported. Symbion...
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New faunistic data are presented for six families of water beetles from the Palearctic region. Two species are recorded for the fi rst time from Armenia and the Caucasus: Coelostoma transcaspicum Reitter, 1906 and Enochrus salomonis (J. Sahlberg, 1900). Six species are recorded for the fi rst time from Kyrgyzstan: Haliplu furcatus Seidlitz, 1887, H...
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We recorded the leaf beetle Neocrepidodera brevicollis (Daniel, 1904) (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) in the Urals for the first time. The species was found in the national park “Primyshminskie bory” in the Sverdlovsk region. Our record expands the range of Neocrepidodera brevicollis from European to Western Palearctic. It is the easternmost...
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Results of studies of the spatial distribution of beetles (Coleop-tera) in the burrows of three colonies of sand martins Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758) in the northern Lower Volga region (Saratov region) are present. A total, 15 species (149 specimens) of beetles from 10 families were identified. Nine bee-tle species to nests of Riparia riparia a...
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An annotated list including 29 Coleoptera species from 17 families is presented. These are new species to the Oka State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Ryazan region, Russia) Russia). The material was collected (2018-2023) using window traps, sweep entomological net; benthic sampling was carried out using an Ekman Bottom Grab. Rare species of xylophilic...
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Приводятся сведения о повторном обнаружении в Краснодарском крае редкого и малоизвестного вида жесткокрылых Xerasia meschniggi (Reitter, 1905) (Coleoptera: Byturidae), известного из этого региона и России в целом лишь по сборам начала XX в. Предлагается включение X. meschniggi в следующее издание Красной книги Краснодарского края. Финансирование: р...
First records of Silvanoprus angusticollis (Reitter, 1876) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) were obtained from the European part of Russia. So far, this Asian beetle species was recorded in Russia in Eastern Siberia. First records from European Russia came from Saratov and Yaroslavl Regions. Records of Silvanoprus angusticollis in different regions of Euro...
Working Paper
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New Version 2.4 (1 January 2024) Added a new papers (2022-2023)! Red highlighted literary sources which are not in my library. I would be very grateful for your help in their search. My mail:
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New draft version (01.01.2024) of check-list of the Heteroceridae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the World presents. New species Heterocerus keimoesensis S. Skalický, 2023 and new distributions data were added. Some errata and errors was corrected. Draft version 01.01.2024
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На территории города Казань (Татарстан) в ходе полевых весенних исследований 2010 года в гнездах четырех видов муравьев было собрано 24 вида жесткокрылых (Coleoptera) из 8 семейств: Formica rufa – 10 видов, F. pratensis – 8, F. rufibarbis – 4 и Lasius niger – 2. По классификации мирмекофилов основную группу составили синойки нейтральные (58,3 %), н...
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Приведены результаты учета жесткокрылых (Insecta, Coleoptera) на территории Окского заповедника (полевой сезон 2021 года) с применением ферментных ловушек. В общей сложности было выставлено 15 ловушек, отработано 510 ловушко-суток. Обнаружено 16 видов жесткокрылых из 9 семейств. Приведены места находок и численность видов. Финансирование: работа А....
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Жесткокрылые (Coleoptera) — одна из самых разнообразных групп беспозвоночных в материале из гнезд птиц-дуплогнездников. В ходе исследований на юго-востоке Западной Сибири (Томск) было собрано 50 проб энтомологического материала (беспозвоночные) из гнезд трех видов птиц: Ficedula hypoleuca, Parus major и Phoenicurus phoenicurus. В гнездах двух видов...
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Animal burrows contain peculiar ecosystems. The rodent burrows are often inhabited by many arthropod species, including beetles (Coleoptera). During our research in Turkmenistan (1976–1988) beetle communities of the burrow of two gerbil species (Meriones libycus and Rhombomys opimus) were studied. A total, 56 beetle species from 11 families were fo...
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The rove beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of the Urals Region and the Perm Krai is studied very fragmentarily. Material was collected in soil traps 2018–2020 on the territory of the Perm Krai (Perm City, the shores of Iva and Kama rivers). An annotated list of newly recorded species (Aleocharinae – 5, Oxytelinae – 2, Paederinae – 2, Staphyl...
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The article continues the earlier study of the beetle fauna (Coleoptera) in the nests of the Pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in the territory of the European part of Russia. The study used nesting material from artificial nestboxes from the territory of three specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Karelia and the Vladimir Oblast. B...
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Аннотация. Приведены первые результаты исследования локальной фауны жесткокрылых п. Борок Ярославской области. На данном этапе известный состав фауны жуков посёлка насчитывает 1017 видов из 68 семейств, что составляет 1/3 известной фауны жесткокрылых Ярославской области (~ 3000 видов). Родовая структура фауны насчитывает > 480 родов, из которых 75...
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Врсте рода Scolytoplatypus C. F. C. Schaufuss, 1891 су распрострањене у афротропским и оријенталним областима. Међутим, чести су случајеви инвазије у друга подручја. После четрнаест година на територији Северног Кавказа (Русија: Република Адигеја), по други пут је забележена једна далекоисточна врста, Scolytoplatypus tycon Blandford, 1893 (Curculio...
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A systematic position of Sacodes martae (Gusakov, 2022), comb. n. previously described from Moscow in the genus Elodes Latreille, 1797 is considered. Female genitalia are illustrated for the first time based on paratypes specimens (two females). The genus Sacodes LeConte, 1854 is distributed mainly in Asia (in Russia from Western Siberia to Far Eas...
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In the article the results of short-term entomological studies (summer 2022 and spring 2023) on the territory of a specially protected natural area (the natural monument) “Sosnovy bor sela Krivets” (Myshkin district, Yaroslav Oblast) are presented. As a result of the research, 84 species of beetles from 24 families were identified. The finds of two...
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The beetle community (Coleoptera) on the flowers of the dandelion Taraxacum officinale (Yaroslavl Region, Borok vill.) during its “spring” flowering (05/17/2022 – 06/14/2022) is represented by 28 species from 13 families. The community has a pronounced anthophilic aspect and includes mainly pollinophages and nectarophages (Elateridae, Nitidulidae,...
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The paper discusses ten species from the annotated list of the family Staphylinidae. It is the first time they have been recorded for the territory of the Orenburg Oblast. Four species (Aleochara tristis, Acrotona nigerrima, Anotylus pumilus and Oxytelus piceus) are recorded for the first time from the Urals Region, and two species (Carpelimus elon...
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The paper provides an annotated list of xylophilous beetle species (Coleoptera) new to the Saratov Oblast. The reported specimens were collected between 2017 and 2022. Thus, the fauna of the region has been supplemented by 45 species from 24 families. Of special interest are the findings of Lacon lepidopterus (Panzer, 1800), Zavaljus brunneus (Gyll...
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Zoogeographical features of 22 species ranges of variegate mud-loving beetles (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), recorded from the territory of Russia are analyzed. All species are divided by the macroregions of Russia. Was eight types of species range is recognised, taking into account longitudinal and latitudinal characteristics. The fauna of Russia is...
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An annotated list of 11 variegated mud-loving beetles (Heteroceridae) of West Siberia is presented, of which one species, Augyles pruinosus (Kiesenwetter, 1851), remains known only from literature data. 7 species are firstly registered for Altaiskii Krai, 3 for for the Republic of Altai, 5 for Kurganskaya Oblast, 6 for Novosibirskaya Oblast, 2 for...
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В разнотипных нидоценозах 11 видов птиц отмечено 25 видов жесткокрылых (еще 6 определены до рода) из 14 семейств. На основе пространственного и временного критерия нидоценозы разделены на группы. Среди жуков выделены виды, относящиеся к следующим экологическим группировкам: облигатные нидиколы – ботробионты (Gnathoncus buyssoni и Dendrophilus xavie...
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The article provides an overview of new regional records of rare and interesting species of beetle family Scirtidae (Coleoptera) from the territory of the European part of Russia. A generalized list of species of the Scirtidae family in Russia has been compiled. An annotated list of species with geographic data of the records and corresponding comm...
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The study is the first attempt to generalize the data on the burrow biocenoses of the great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus (Lichtenstein, 1823)) in the region of persistent plague epizootics in the lowland part of the Karakum Desert (Southern Turkmenistan). The material was collected in May, November, and December of 1987–1988 using trapping cylinders in...
In the European part of Russia, the first records of multicoloured Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were observed in 2004 from the territory of the Belgorod Region. In recent years (2018-2020) H. axyridis has quickly spread across the Volga Region and the center of European Russia, and this expansion is co...
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Invertebrates collected in the Republic of Karelia in 2016 from nests of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca (Pallas, 1764) are analyzed and 516 specimens of invertebrates are identified. The vast majority of these invertebrates are Hymenoptera (ants of the genus Camponotus) – 46.6% and various beetles (Coleoptera) – 46.37%. An annotated list of...
A beetle species Sphaerius acaroides, Waltl, 1838, widespread in Europe, Caucasus region and Iran, is here recorded from Tatarstan Republic and Tyumen Oblast (Russia) for the first time. The Tyumen record is the easternmost hitherto known and it is the first Siberian record for this species, genus, family and subor-der. Molecular analysis based on...
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The composition of the nest-dwelling fauna is highly diverse. When examining the population of arthropods (Arthropoda) in the nests of the sand martin Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758) as a heterogeneous consortium, a heterocentric model was constructed for the first time, allowing for the assessment of the qualitative structure of the consortium ta...
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An annotated list (61 species from 27 families) of beetles (Coleoptera) new to the Ok a State Nature Biosphere Re serve and the Meshchersky National Park (Ryazan Region, Russia) is presented. The material was collected (2017 2022) using enzyme (crown) and window traps, sweep entomological net; benthic sampling was carried with Ekman Burge bottom gr...
beetle species Sphaerius acaroides Waltl, 1838, widespread in Europe, Caucasus region and Iran, is here recorded from Tatarstan Republic and Tyumen Oblast (Russia) for the first time. The Tyumen record is the easternmost hitherto known and it is the first Siberian record for this species, genus, family and suborder. Molecular analysis based on the...
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Редкий вид, занесенный в Красную книгу России, Melandrya barbata (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) впервые отмечен для территории Воронежской и Саратовской областей, а также Республики Татарстан. Представлена обновленная карта распространения вида на территории европейской части России. БлагодарностиРабота А.С. Сажнева выполнена в рамках...
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Для территории Республики Татарстан впервые составлен список адвентивных и синантропных жесткокрылых (Insecta: Coleoptera), который включает 56 видов из 21 семейства. 19 видов были впервые отмечены в регионе за последнее десятилетие. Наибольшее число таких видов относятся к семействам Dermestidae – 9 видов, Cryptophagidae – 7, Tenebrionidae – 5, La...
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The purpose of this work was to establish the composition of the community of beetles associated with xylotrophic fungi on the territory of the Saratov city landscapes which differs from the natural forest regional ecosystems. Collections of coleoptera (imagos and larvae) were carried out in the spring-summer period 2017–2020 from fruiting bodies o...
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Seven species and one subspecies (Phytoecia pustulata murina) of beetles on the territory of the Saratov Province are recorded for the first time. 21 species of beetles on the territory of the National Park “Khvalynsky” are recorded for the first time.
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Agabus safei Abdul-Karim et Ali, 1986 (Dytiscidae), previously known from Iraq only from original description is recorded from Kazakhstan for the first time. Characters of this species and Agabus nebulosus group as a whole are discussed.
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A protected species of carabid beetles from the Carabidae family – Carabus (Tribax) biebersteini constantinowi Stark, 1894, Carabus (Tribax) prometheus prometheus Reitter, 1887, Carabus (Tribax) reitteri reitteri (Retowski, 1885) and Carabus (Tribax) starckianus obtusus (Ganglbauer, 1886) are noted on the territory of the Krasnaya Polyana resort in...
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The findings of rare beetle (Coleoptera) species in the Saratov Trans-Volga Region are discussed. For each species, modern material, details of distribution on the territory of the Saratov Province, a brief ecological description and its status in the Red Data Books of Russia and/or the administrative regions are presented.
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(1) Background: The conservation of entomofauna in individual macroregions requires efforts to study the distribution and abundance of insects. For this purpose, databases are created that enumerate this information. Such databases, with the processing of significant factual material, make it possible to objectively assess the status of a species a...
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The paper presents a generalized list of marsh beetles (Scirtidae) of the fauna of the Northwest Caucasus, including 19 species from six genera. New localities are given for 11 species. Two species are recorded for Russia and Krasnodar Region for the first time: Contacyphon lepidulus (Nyholm, 1968) and C. wittmeri (Nyholm, 1970) sensu Klausnitzer,...
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Scirtidae, фауна, аннотированный список, новые указания, Адыгея, Краснодарский край, Россия.
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(1) Background: Coleoptera is one of the most diverse insect lineages. The beetle species live in many ecosystems around the globe and their roles in ecosystems are very diverse; thus, it is important to know the local and regional fauna varieties, especially for protected areas, such as nature reserves and national parks. (2) Methods: The material...
This paper is the first inventory of the fauna of the variegated mud-loving beetles (Heteroceridae) of genus Augyles Schiødte, 1866 in the European part of Russia and Caucasus Region. It provides an annotated catalogue of eleven Augyles species currently recorded from European Russia and Caucasus Region, based on several collections and a critical...
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Sazhnev A.S., Philippov D.A. 2022. Materialy po nekotorym vidam vodnykh i bolotnykh zhestkokrylykh (Coleoptera) pamyatnika prirody «Urochishche Bol'shoye i Maloye Lebedinoye» (Orenburgskaya oblast') [Data on Some Species of Aquatic and Marsh Beetles (Coleoptera) of Natural Monument "Urochishche Bol’shoe and Maloe Lebedinoe" (Orenburg Oblast)]. Fiel...
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For the first time, an invasive species of barbel beetles Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is given for the territory of Cyprus. The species has a native range in Australia, but after eucalyptus (Eucalyptus), with which it is trophically related, it was introduced to almost all regions of the world, including the Mediterr...
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The list of aquatic Adephaga of the Perm Krai and Sverdlovsk Oblast (Russia) includes 118 species from 4 families: Gyrinidae – 8 species, Haliplidae – 10, Noteridae – 2 and Dytiscidae – 98. Five species (Agabus costulatus, A.melanarius, Hydaticus laeviusculus, Hydroporus gyllenhalii and H. memnonius) are recorded for the first time for the Urals te...
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Analyzed the zoogeographical distribution of 22 species variegate mud-loving beetles (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) from the territory of Russia. Was determined eight types of species range, including longitudinal and latitudinal characteristics. The Heteroceridae fauna of Russia has an allochthonous character with the absence of endemism. The main «d...
In the article new data on the fauna of beetles (Coleoptera) in the Saratov Province is presents. The annotated list of beetles includes 14 species from 7 families; all species are recorded from the Saratov Province for the first time.
A list of 103 species of Coleoptera from the Lipetsk Province is given, of which 102 species are listed for the first time in the oblast, 7 for the first time for the “Galichya Gora“ reserve, and 1 are again found in the area after single finds more than 50 years ago.
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Впервые для территории Предуралья и Удмуртской Республики приводится редкий стенотопный вид стафилинид Dianous coerulescens (Gyllenhal, 1810) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). БлагодарностиРабота А.С. Сажнева выполнена в рамках государственного задания Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ, проект № 121051100109-1.
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The species Ochthebius anatolicus Janssens, 1963 (Hydraenidae) is recorded in Russia for the first time. A new record of Laccobius hindukuschi Chiesa, 1966 (Hydrophilidae) confirms the presence of the species in the fauna of Russia and is the first for North Caucasus and the Republic of North Ossetia. Six species are recorded from North Ossetia for...
Sazhnev A.S., Prokin A.A., Komarova A.S., Philippov D.A. New records of aquatic and riparian beetles (Coleoptera) for the fauna of the Vologda Oblast (Russia) // Russian Entomological Journal. 2022. Vol. 31, No. 2. P. 132–139. DOI: 10.15298/rusentj.31.2.07. Thirty species of aquatic and riparian beetles (Coleoptera) from six families: Gyrinidae (1...
Козьминых В.О., Сажнев А.С. Северо-западная граница ареала Atholus pirithous (Marseul, 1873) (Coleoptera: Histeridae) продвинута до Хакасии // Эверсманния. Энтомологические исследования в России и соседних регионах. Тула: ООО «Аквариус», 2022. Вып. 70. С. 54. [V.O. Kozminykh, A.S. Sazhnev. The north-westernmost border of the areal of Atholus pirith...
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Invertebrates collected in the Republic of Karelia in 2016 from nests of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca (Pallas, 1764) are analyzed and 516 specimens of invertebrates are identified. The vast majority of these invertebrates are Hymenoptera (ants of the genus Camponotus)-46.6% and various beetles (Co-leoptera)-46.37%. An annotated list of 38...
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New data on the fauna of marsh beetles (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) of Western Siberia are reported. New information was obtained on the distribution in this area of eight species of Scirtidae from three genera (Contacyphon, Elodes, Scirtes). Five species are first recorded for the Kurgan Region, five species for the Tyumen Region, and one species for t...
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Приведены новые данные о распространении 8 видов Scirtidae из трех родов (Contacyphon, Elodes, Scirtes) на территории Западной Сибири. Пять видов впервые приводятся для Курганской области, еще пять – для Тюменской и один вид – для Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа. Проведен анализ данных о распространении найденных видов. Приведены сведения о на...
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An annotated checklist of spiders of the Commander Islands is provided. To date, 27 spider species from 6 families are known from this area, together with 4 species being new for the fauna of the islands.
Six species of aquatic Coleoptera are recorded from the Lipetsk Oblast for the first time: Haliplus flavicollis Sturm, 1834 (Haliplidae); Agabus paludosus (Fabricius, 1801), Ilybius neglectus (Erichson, 1837), I. wasastjernae (C.R. Sahlberg, 1824), Hydroporus incognitus Sharp, 1869, Hygrotus versicolor (Schaller, 1783) (Dytiscidae), Hydrobius rotte...
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The article presents the first record of Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimić 1986 – invasive phytophage of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) on the territory of Nizhniy Novgorod was noted in 2021 year. The specificity of damage and the number of mines on the leaves indicate the developing species in two generation in urban places with hor...
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Приведены сведения о первой находке Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimić 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) – инвазивного фитофага конского каштана (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) на территории г. Нижнего Новгорода в 2021 году. Специфика повреждений и число мин на листьях свидетельствует о развитии вида в 2 генерациях в городских насаждениях каштана ко...
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This article provides information about entomological monitoring of common vole’s (Microtus arvalis Pallas, 1778 sensu lato) uninhabited nests under snow, during expedition around Khvalynsky District of Saratov Oblast in May of 2021 year. During the survey of nests had been discovered 22 beetle species from 10 families. Species Atomaria apicalis Er...
New faunistic data are presented for six water beetle families from Mongolia. The family Dryopidae, with the genus Dryops Olivier, 1791, and the genus Platambus Thomson, 1859 of the family Dytiscidae are recorded for the first time from Mongolia. Agabus semipunctatus (Kirby, 1837), previously known only from the Nearctic Region, is reported for the...
В книге-каталоге представлены сведения по фауне членистоногих животных национального парка «Хвалынский» и прилегающих территорий. Приведены сведения о биотопической приуроченности, сроках активности, встречаемости, о редких и охраняемых видах. Представлены фотографии животных в природных биотопах парка. Для зоологов, экологов, географов, преподават...
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A review of the aquatic and semi-aquatic beetles collected from the ‘Sarykumskie Barkhany’ section of the Dagestan Nature Reserve is provided. Altogether, 61 water-associated and terrestrial (Helophorus nubilus Fabricius, 1777 and three species of Cercyon Leach, 1817) beetle species are recorded from this territory, of which 44 species are recorded...
This article is a continuation of the inventory of the fauna of aquatic and water-associated beetles (Coleoptera) in the Republic of Dagestan (the North Caucasus, Russia). Ten species from three water (Haliplidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae) and one riparian (Heteroceridae) beetle families are recorded from Dagestan for the first time. Helophorus...
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В статье описаны результаты применения световой ловушки при сборе колеоптерологического материала в черте города Саратова в период с 20 по 31 августа 2018 года. Собрано 33 экземпляра жесткокрылых, относящихся к 26 видам из 15 семейств. Виды Oxytelus migrator (Staphylinidae) и Corticaria minuta (Latridiidae) впервые указываются для территории Сарато...
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Для Саратовской области известно 276 видов водных (включая фитофильных Chrysomelidae и Curculionidae) жесткокрылых из 18 семейств: Sphaeriusidae – 1 вид (по прогнозу 1 вид), Gyrinidae – 8 (10), Haliplidae – 15 (19), Noteridae – 2 (2), Dytiscidae – 95 (>115), Helophoridae – 12 (16), Georissidae – 2 (минимум 2), Hydrochidae – 5 (7), Spercheidae – 1 (...
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Background: The paper is based on the dataset whose purpose was to deliver, in the form of GBIF-mediated data, diverse materials on the biodiversity of a large mire, Shichengskoe mire (Vologda Region, north-western Russia), including its various mire sites and intra-mire water bodies. The dataset was based on our materials collected for two decade...
В статье представлена информация о фауне водных жуков Рязанской области. На основе материалов, собранных в 2017–2019 гг., составлен аннотированный список, включающий 23 вида из 4 семейств, из которых все виды и семейство Spercheidae являются новыми для фауны Рязанской области. // In the article provides information on the fauna of aquatic beetles o...
Основные сведения по фауне жуков региона содержатся в «Кадастре беспозвоночных Воронежской области» [Негрообов и др., 2005] и ряде дополнений, касающихся рассматриваемых здесь семейств [Прокин, 2005; Прокин и др., 2007; Негробов, Новоселова, 2007; Негробов, 2010; Негробов, Негробова, 2010; Цуриков, 2013; Ряскин, 2018, 2019; Сажнев и др., 2021 и др....
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The paper gives information on the invasion of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) into the north of the European part of Russia. The Asian ladybird is recorded for the first time from the Novgorod and Yaroslavl Regions. All records of this alien species from European Russia and the Northern Caucasus are listed.
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В статье приведен аннотированный список видов водных жесткокрылых коллекции лаборатории химической коммуникации и массового разведения насекомых Федерального научного центра биологической защиты растений (Краснодар), которые были собраны сотрудниками центра в 60-е годы прошлого столетия. Всего в коллекции зарегистрировано 38 видов, относящихся к тр...
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The article is presented a check-list of rare and interesting beetle species (Coleoptera) from different families for the National Park «Khvalynsky» (Saratov Oblast). Briefly annotated about ecology, biology, and degree of rarity each species are presents.
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The aims of this paper were to study the species richness of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea, occurring in the nature monument «Dyakovsky forest» (Krasnikutsky distr., Saratov region). During this study a total of 68 species belong to five families: Lucanidae (2), Trogidae (1), Glaresidae (1), Geotrupidae (3), Scarabaeidae (61).
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The natural range of the Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) covers the territories of China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, and Russia (Far East, Southern Siberia, and Altai). Since the early 1980's, the global invasion of H . axyridis began, first on the territory of the United States, from where the Asian ladybird spread to South America, A...
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Harlequin, multicoloured Asian, or Asian ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) is one of the most famous invasive species of ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). The natural habitat of H. axyridis covers the following territories: North-Eastern and Central China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Northern Vietnam, North-Eastern Kazakhstan, in Russia–...
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Zorinskie mires is the southernmost mires complex with a Sphagnum cover within the Russian part of the East European Plain (Oboyansky District, Kursk Oblast). The fauna of terrestrial Coleoptera of mires of the Zorinsky section of the Tsentralno-Chernosemny State Nature Biosphere Reserve has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this work i...
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Twenty-seven species of six families are recorded from the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve: Gyrinidae (1 species), Haliplidae (2), Noteridae (1), Dytiscidae (13), Hydrophilidae (9), and Hydraenidae (1). Additional records are provided for 29 species from Primorsky Krai: Dytiscidae (8), Hydrophilidae (20), and Elmidae (1). Three species (Oreodytes mongo...
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The study of acoustic signals from various representatives of insects, and in particular coleopterans, has a long history. In the Russian-language literature, systematic, faunistic and ecological studies on aquatic beetles, including those on the family Hydrophilidae, are widely known; however, studies on the bioacoustics of the coleopteran group a...
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This article describes the characteristics of the beetle fauna – inhabitants of fruiting bodies and the mycelial layer of the true tinder fungus Fomes fomentarius L.: Fr. and are considers some important aspects of the ecology of mycetophilous beetles. Coleopteran population of fruiting bodies of the fungus in five districts of the Saratov region i...
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The article presents the results of the study of beetles’ fauna of superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae) on the territory of National park «Khvalynsky» (Russia, Saratov Province). In total, 47 species of Scarabaeidae checklist are represented for the national park, of which for the Geotrupidae are recorded 2 spe...
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The article presents the results of the study of the beetle's (family Heteroceridae) phototaxis on an artificial light source (LEDs) in the Krasnodar City for the summer period 2019. Of the three species of Heteroceridae – Heterocerus fenestratus and Heterocerus fusculus have two population peaks (at the end of June and in mid-August), Heterocerus...
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As a result of a short-term expedition in 2020-year 12 species of beetles are recorded for southern and central Cyprus: Gyrinidae (1 species), Carabidae (1), Dytiscidae (1), Elateridae (1), Dermestidae (1), Phalacridae (1), Coccinellidae (1), Anthicidae (1), Chrysomelidae (1) and Curculionidae (3).
Eleven species of the subgenus Lumetus Zaitzev, 1908 of the genus Enochrus Thomson, 1859 are recorded from Russia and adjacent countries. Enochrus ater (Kuwert, 1888) is recorded for the first time from Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan; E. bicolor (Fabricius, 1792), from Kyrgyzstan; E. fuscipennis (Thomson, 1884), from Georgia; E. segmentinotatus (Kuwert, 18...
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The variegated mud-loving beetles use an acoustic channel to communicate each other. They produce sound by scarping hindleg plectrum over stridulatory file. This study explores, for the first-time difference on these structure for Augyles and Heterocerus. The research is based on image the sound-producing structures on scanning electron microscope....
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The variegated mud-loving beetles use an acoustic channel to communicate each other. They produce sound by scarping hindleg plectrum over stridulatory file. This study explores, for the first-time difference on these structure for Augyles and Heterocerus. The research is based on image the sound-producing structures on scanning electron microscope....
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Holarctic species Platypsyllus castoris Ritsema, 1869 previously noted in Palaearctic only Europe and European part of Russia is found in Siberia (Russia, Altai Krai) for the first time. This species was collected on Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758).
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The geographical location and variety of natural zones (forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert) of the Saratov Oblast creates unique conditions for the formation of the aquatic beetle fauna in the region. Due to the penetration of island and floodplain forests (and associated water bodies) into the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the Right-bank Volga...
Eleven species of the subgenus Lumetus Zaitzev, 1908 of the genus Enochrus Thomson, 1859 are recorded from Russia and adjacent countries. Enochrus ater (Kuwert, 1888) is recorded for the first time from Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan; E. bicolor (Fabricius, 1792), from Kyrgyzstan; E. fuscipennis (Thomson, 1884), from Georgia; E. segmentinotatus (Kuwert, 18...


Questions (3)
Cerambycidae from Africa (Malawi)
I believe that this species of subfamilies Epilachninae from Africa (Uganda)
Interesting literature on Heteroceridae family. Ready to determine material on Heteroceridae. Is being prepared for revision of the family Heteroceridae of Russia.


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