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The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey



In this study, the importance of hydrogen sulfide resources in the Black Sea region for future energy supply security has been analyzed. In this context, Turkey has been the scope of review. Through the world's largest hydrogen sulfide deposits in the Black Sea region with which hydrogen can be used effectively in the production of this resource, Turkey will be able to meet the annual energy needs face. This will provide benefits to many aspects of Turkey's economic development. Turkey's current account deficit, which would import energy problem, can also be reduced. This situation will contribute to reducing the fragilities in the country's economy. In this respect, Turkey should give priorities for the hydrogen sulphide reserves in the Black Sea. In this framework, detailed studies should be conducted on the conditions of the region.
Copyright © 2021, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Chapter 1
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8335-7.ch001
In this study, the importance of hydrogen sulfide resources in the Black Sea region for future energy
supply security has been analyzed. In this context, Turkey has been the scope of review. Through the
world’s largest hydrogen sulfide deposits in the Black Sea region with which hydrogen can be used ef-
fectively in the production of this resource, Turkey will be able to meet the annual energy needs face.
This will provide benefits to many aspects of Turkey’s economic development. Turkey’s current account
deficit, which would import energy problem, can also be reduced. This situation will contribute to
reducing the fragilities in the country’s economy. In this respect, Turkey should give priorities for the
hydrogen sulphide reserves in the Black Sea. In this framework, detailed studies should be conducted
on the conditions of the region.
The Role of Hydrogen in the
Black Sea for the Future Energy
Supply Security of Turkey
Serhat Yüksel
Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey
Alexey Mikhaylov
Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia
Gözde Gülseven Ubay
Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey
Daniel Dooyum Uyeh
Department of Bio-Industrial Machinery Engineering, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
Energy is one of the vital needs of a country. First of all, energy is very important in people’s lives. For
example, essential needs such as enlightenment and heating can be met through energy (Cheng et al.,
2020). In addition to the issues mentioned, energy is also the raw material of industrial production. In
other words, energy is seriously needed in order to continuously increase the production in the country
(Mikhaylov et al., 2021). Energy can be obtained in many different ways. First, energy can be obtained
from fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal (Li et al., 2020; Zhong et al., 2020). In addition to the
mentioned issues, energy can also be obtained from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and
biomass. Both types of energy have advantages and disadvantages compared to each other (Mikhaylov
et al., 2018a,b; Dinçer et al., 2019).
Fossil fuels are seriously criticized in many ways. Primarily, fossil fuels release carbon into the at-
mosphere. This situation threatens the health of people as it creates air pollution (Qiu et al., 2020). The
increase in the number of people who get sick leads to an increase in both social and economic problems
in the country. The quality of life of the sick person decreases and this situation creates unhappiness in
the society (Wang et al., 2019; Li et al., 2021). On the other hand, these people who are sick will not be
able to contribute to the workforce in the country because they cannot work. This situation will cause
the production volume of the country to shrink (Mikhaylov et al., 2018, 2021). As a result, the economic
development of the country will be difficult. In addition to the mentioned issue, due to the increase in
the treatment costs of sick people, this will affect the country’s budget balance negatively (Zhao et al.,
2021; Yüksel et al., 2019).
If a country has high carbon emissions, this may negatively affect the country’s relationship with
foreign institutions. Especially in recent years, sensitivity to environmental factors has increased
worldwide (Zhou et al., 2021). In this framework, it is on the agenda to create a psychological pressure
against countries with high environmental pollution. In other words, businesses may be reluctant to do
business with companies in countries with high carbon emissions (Qi et al., 2020). For example, large
financial institutions may not give loans to companies in countries with high air pollution. This situation
will cause the country to have both financial and economic difficulties. Considering these issues, it is
understood that countries should take the necessary measures to address the carbon emission problem.
In addition, fossil fuels are also energy sources whose resources are depleted (Mikhaylov, 2019, 2021;
Du et al., 2020). In other words, the reserves of non-renewable energy sources such as coal and oil are
sufficient for a certain period of time. As can be understood from here, non-renewable energy sources
are not a very correct choice in ensuring sustainability in energy production (Mikayilov et al., 2020;
Dinçer et al., 2017).
Considering these issues, it is seen that a new energy system is needed for the energy security of the
countries. In this context, renewable energy sources have increased in popularity especially in recent
years. These types of energy are alternatives that take their source from nature such as sun, wind and
geothermal (Dinçer & Yüksel, 2019). Therefore, it is seen that the resources of renewable energy types
will never run out (Mikhaylov et al., 2020a,b,c). As can be understood from these points, renewable
energy resources are of great importance in order that countries are not dependent on foreign energy
(Liu et al., 2021; Xie et al., 2021). In line with the mentioned issues, one of the biggest advantages
of renewable energy sources is that they do not emit carbon (Yuan et al., 2021). In this way, they are
considered as environmentally friendly energy sources. On the other hand, the initial cost of renewable
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
energy sources is much higher than other types of energy (Haiyun et al., 2021). This situation makes it
very difficult for these investments to become operational (Yüksel et al., 2020).
Hydrogen energy can also be considered as an important type of renewable energy. Hydrogen is the
most abundant element in the universe. The hydrogen element, which is about 14 times lighter than air,
is a completely non-toxic gas. It is accepted that the energy in hydrogen is 2 times that of natural gas
and 3 times that of petrol. In addition to the above-mentioned point, only water is released as a result
of the combustion of hydrogen. In other words, no gas is emitted to the atmosphere during this process.
Considering these issues, hydrogen is a type of energy that is both quality and energy friendly. However,
there are some disadvantages in the use of hydrogen energy. For example, storage cost is one of the major
problems in using hydrogen as fuel. In addition to these, the fact that investment costs are very high with
today’s technology is another drawback in hydrogen energy use. Another negativity in this process is
that hydrogen is not in pure form in the universe. Generally, hydrogen contained in a compound must
be separated from these compounds with a certain operation (Abe et al., 2019).
There are many different methods for obtaining hydrogen. First, it is possible that hydrogen can be
obtained from fossil fuels. In this context, hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases in methane gas can be
separated by steam reforming of hydrocarbons in natural gas. In addition, hydrogen and carbon monoxide
are released as a result of the gasification of coal, which is basically a combination of elements such as
carbon, sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen. The most important advantage of hydrogen production from fos-
sil fuels is its low cost. On the other hand, the fact that it causes carbon emission to the atmosphere is
considered as the negative side of this process as it causes environmental pollution. On the other hand,
hydrogen can also be obtained from renewable energy sources. The basic principle of this method is
the use of electricity obtained from renewable energy sources in the electrolysis of water. Thus, there
will be no waste of electricity and carbon will not be released into the atmosphere. In this process, the
separation of hydrogen and oxygen in the water is ensured by the direct current given into the water
(Parra et al., 2019).
Hydrogen sulfide is another source that can be used to obtain hydrogen energy. Electrolysis is also
used in this process as it is used for the separation of hydrogen in water. In contrast, electrolysis applied
to hydrogen sulfide is much less costly than that applied to water. The main reason for this is that the
bond between hydrogen and sulfur is much weaker than the bond within the water molecule. Therefore,
the amount of energy to be given in this process is also much less (Stunzhas et al., 2019). As mentioned
before, one of the most important problems in hydrogen energy production is high cost. This convenience
will also contribute to the reduction of the costs in the process of obtaining this energy.
There is also a very serious amount of hydrogen sulfide in the depth of the Black Sea. This gas is
highly toxic and has a very bad smell. One of the most important features of the Black Sea is that there
is no oxygen in its depths. This situation causes the formation of poison in the depths of the Black Sea.
The bacteria that grow here also generate hydrogen sulfide. Considering this situation, it is understood
that hydrogen obtained by using hydrogen sulfide reserves will have two fundamental advantages. Firstly,
it is recognized that Turkey can meet the energy requirements of about 100 years of hydrogen energy
to be obtained. In this way, the lack dependent on foreign energy situation in Turkey is concerned. This
situation will improve the economic performance of the country positively. On the other hand, with the
evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in this way, it may be possible to get rid of the negative effects of this
gas on the Black Sea (Naman & Jamil, 2019).
In this study, the importance of Turkey’s future energy supply source of hydrogen sulfide was ana-
lyzed on the Black Sea. In this context, firstly, information was given about the importance of energy
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
and energy production methods. In this process, non-renewable and renewable energy sources were
explained. After that, detailed information about hydrogen energy was shared. In this context, important
issues such as the benefits of hydrogen energy and methods of obtaining it were included in the study.
In the other part of the study, information was given about the hydrogen sulfide deposits in the Black
Sea. Meanwhile, as energy supply security of Turkey of hydrogen energy obtained from these sources
it has attempted to explain the importance of economic development and unsustainable. In this context,
a number of strategies have been developed for Turkey’s future energy policy.
Energy is an important element used in almost all areas of life, from industry to agriculture, from space
to the service sector. Energy sources are used in many important areas such as transportation, lighting,
electronic devices and heating in industrial facilities. Economic growth and energy are highly interde-
pendent. With the increasing energy demand in parallel with the increase in industries, economies and
populations of many countries day by day, most of the countries and international organizations compete
with each other to dominate energy resources. It is an important and determining factor that societies
take together and evaluate the economic, social and environmental factors they are under their influence
in order to ensure their continuity and reach the welfare levels they aim for. The types of energy people
benefit from have changed over time and this change continues. People who used resources such as
wood and coal in the early days turned to energy resources such as oil and natural gas, especially after
the 19th century. The energy transition is a dynamic, ongoing process and is still moving towards better
resources (Zhou et al., 2019).
Today, fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas dominate energy markets. According to the BP
(2019) report, approximately 85 percent of the world’s energy consumption is met by fossil fuels. On
the other hand, the share of renewable energy sources in energy consumption is approximately 10 per-
cent. However, due to the fact that fossil energy resources are both exhaustible and the damage caused
by these resources to the environment, the dependence of countries on such energy resources poses a
significant risk for the future. Today, producing safe, sufficient, cheap and clean energy for countries and
not being dependent on foreign countries while doing these are among the basic problems of economic
and social life. For this reason, it becomes necessary to re-evaluate energy transformation tools and
to develop new methods to obtain maximum efficiency from existing limited energy resources (Zhou
et al., 2020). In this context, it is of great importance to use the produced energy with high efficiency
and to evaluate the potential of alternative and renewable energy sources as well as the existing energy
resources. In addition, changes that will occur in the type and supply of energy in the future will bring
about the change of the conditions necessary for a sustainable society.
As stated in the BP (2019) report, almost a quarter of the total energy consumption will be met by
renewable energy sources in 2040. Renewable energy sources are sustainable energy sources that are
described as ecological due to their sensitivity to the environment and can be reproduced repeatedly
by using existing resources. The negative contribution to the environment is very low since renewable
energy sources produce less carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.
With the increasing depletion of traditional energy sources, the importance of renewable energy sources
increases even more. There are many types of renewable energy sources in the world and these sources
are becoming more diverse every day. Solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic / hydroelectric energy, geo-
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
thermal energy, biomass energy, hydrogen energy, wave energy and tidal energy are among the most
well-known examples of this type (Mikayilov et al., 2020).
The importance and use of renewable energy has increased considerably in recent years. The fluctua-
tions in the price of fossil fuels, especially after the oil crises in the 1970s, have started to search for new
alternative energy, especially in developing countries. Achieving energy that is sustainable and that can
make states more independent in energy has become an important issue. For many foreign-dependent
countries in energy, factors such as the exchange rate have had a serious impact on the economies of
these countries. Renewable energy sources have gained importance in this context and country policies
have begun to change in this direction. Climate change and carbon emissions are another critical factor
accelerating the transition towards renewable energy. Many countries signed the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change in 1992, the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, and also the Paris Agreement
in 2015. Within the framework of these legal practices, many countries have promised to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions and add more renewable energy to their systems (Qiu et al., 2020).
In this context, there is a risk of reputation loss for many countries that do not comply with these rules.
Especially with the increasing environmental awareness, many countries with high carbon emissions
are faced with embargoes imposed by companies that carry out their trade activities in the international
environment. Renewable energy technology is developing day by day and the costs of setting up these
energy systems have decreased significantly in recent years. In addition, thanks to technological and
economic developments, the global installed capacity of renewable energies has increased significantly
and many countries and companies have started to give incentives to increase investments in this direc-
tion. For this reason, it is vital that countries abandon fossil fuels, which are likely to be exhausted in the
near future and cause irreversible damage to the environment, and switch to environmentally friendly
and never-exhausted renewable energy sources (Dinçer & Yüksel, 2019).
Hydrogen is the first element of the periodic table, and it is the most abundant element in the universe.
Another feature of hydrogen is that it is colorless and odorless. On the other hand, hydrogen is 14 times
lighter than air. Because of this feature, hydrogen is less present in the earth’s atmosphere (Qi et al.,
2018). Due to its lightness, it gets rid of gravity and finds a place in outer space. On the other hand,
hydrogen can also be found in compounds such as water and hydrocarbons in the world. One of the most
striking properties of hydrogen is that it is a completely non-toxic gas. This stated situation shows that
hydrogen is an environmentally friendly energy type (Bakuru et al., 2019; Sorgulu and Dincer, 2018).
Hydrogen has many different uses. For example, hydrogen can be used in air transportation. Thanks to
hydrogen, it is possible to fly 2 times more distance than jet fuel of the same weight. Due to this feature,
hydrogen can be used in space shuttles and space exploration rockets. Hydrogen has some uses in daily
life. For example, fuel cells used in homes contain hydrogen (Khosravi et al., 2018; Ishaq et al., 2018).
In addition, it is possible to utilize hydrogen in laptop computers and mobile phones. On the other hand,
hydrogen can also be used in the glass industry. One of the most important uses of hydrogen is electric-
ity generation. In this way, both the heating of homes and workplaces can be provided, and a significant
contribution can be made to increase industrial production (Yartys et al., 2019; Groppi et al., 2018).
It is possible to talk about many advantages of hydrogen energy. First of all, the energy in hydrogen
is 2 times that of natural gas and 3 times that of petrol. This situation shows that hydrogen is a very
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
powerful energy source. In addition to the above mentioned point, there is no harmful gas emission to
the atmosphere as a result of the combustion of hydrogen (Midilli et al., 2005; Miranda, 2018). In this
process, only water comes out. Based on this, it is possible to say that hydrogen is an environmentally
friendly energy type. Another positive aspect of hydrogen is that it is much safer than other gases. Since
it is an extremely light gas, in case of the slightest leak, this gas rises to air. In other words, it will not
cause any explosion in case of a leak in the system. One of the most important advantages of hydrogen
is for the energy supply security of the country (Vezirogle, 2007; Wang et al., 2018). Thanks to this
energy, countries will be able to produce their own energy resources. In this way, foreign dependency
on energy will be reduced. In this process, it is obvious that the use of hydrogen energy will positively
contribute to the current account balance of the country, as the amount of foreign currency paid for
energy imported from abroad will also decrease (Zhang et al., 2019; Maleki, 2018).
On the other hand, hydrogen energy has some disadvantages. The most important problem in using
hydrogen as fuel is the cost of storage. Hydrogen can be stored in a compressed gas state, liquid state
or metal hybrid form. In addition, hydrogen can be transported in gas or liquid form by underground
pipelines, as well as by tankers or ships. Since hydrogen is very difficult to store, the tanks used are very
large and costly in terms of volume (Elam et al., 2003; Habibollahzade et al., 2018). Another difficulty
in using hydrogen as a fuel is that it cannot be found in its pure form under world conditions. Hydrogen
contained in a compound needs to be separated from that compound. This means both a new process and
additional cost. One of the most important disadvantages of hydrogen energy is that it is very expensive
to obtain compared to fossil fuels with today’s technology (Shi et al., 2019; Yüksel et al., 2018).
There are many different methods for obtaining hydrogen. First, it is possible to obtain hydrogen from
fossil fuels. First, hydrogen can be obtained from fossil fuels. This method is considered one of the oldest
approaches in hydrogen production. The best example of this subject is the production of hydrogen from
natural gas. Most of the natural gas consists of a hydrocarbon compound called methane gas (CH4). As
a result of the reaction of hydrocarbons in natural gas with steam, hydrogen gas can be separated from
natural gas. The infrastructure needed to produce hydrogen from natural gas will be cost-effective. The
main reason for this is that the natural gas infrastructure is already available. Another example of obtain-
ing hydrogen from fossil fuels is coal. Coal mainly consists of a combination of elements such as carbon,
sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen. As a result of the gasification of coal, hydrogen and carbon monoxide are
released. The most important advantage of obtaining hydrogen from fossil fuels is its low cost. On the
other hand, the occurrence of environmental pollution due to the release of carbon into the atmosphere
during this process is considered to be the most important disadvantage (Mostafaeipour et al., 2019).
Another method of obtaining hydrogen is renewable energy sources. Basically, it is possible to obtain
hydrogen from all renewable energy types. The basic principle of this method is the use of electricity
obtained from renewable energy sources in the electrolysis of water. There are 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen
atoms in water. Separation of hydrogen and oxygen in water using direct current is called electrolysis. In
other words, this separation process in electrolysis is done with electrical energy (Cipriani et al., 2014).
The electrical energy used in this process can be obtained from renewable energy sources. Thus, excess
electricity obtained from renewable energy sources is not wasted. The most important advantage of this
method is that it does not create environmental pollution due to the fact that carbon is not released into
the atmosphere (Momirlan and Veziroglu, 2005). In addition to the mentioned issue, there is no risk of
depletion of reserves due to the use of renewable energy sources. This situation significantly supports
the continuity in the production of hydrogen energy (Parra et al., 2019; de Fátima Palhares et al., 2018).
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
Hydrogen sulfide sources are also an alternative that can be preferred in obtaining hydrogen energy.
In this process, the electrolysis method is applied to hydrogen sulfide gas, enabling the separation of
hydrogen and sulfur gases in the compound (Ozawa et al., 2018; Nafchi et al., 2018). This point is very
similar to the electrolysis method used to obtain hydrogen from water. In contrast, electrolysis of hy-
drogen sulfide gas is much easier compared to water (Zhang et al., 2018; Blal et al., 2018). The main
reason behind this mentioned issue is that the bond between hydrogen and sulfur is much weaker than the
bond within the water molecule. This contributes to the reduction of the cost in the process of obtaining
hydrogen (Singh et al., 2016; Agbossou et al., 2001). Considering that the most important disadvantage
of hydrogen energy investments is the high cost, it is understood that this mentioned issue constitutes a
very serious advantage in this context (Bakuru et al., 2019; Wang et al., 20016).
The Black Sea is the region with the largest hydrogen sulfide deposit in the world. This gas is poison-
ous and has a bad smell. One of the biggest reasons for this gas to be in the Black Sea is that there is
no oxygen in the depths of this region. The situation in question causes the formation of poison. The
resulting bacteria also produce hydrogen sulfide. The mentioned situation both pollutes the Black Sea
and threatens the lives of the surrounding creatures. This problem has been the subject of the press in
previous periods and the gravity of the situation has been emphasized (Seker & Aydin, 2020).
Another important issue in this process is that this poisonous and dangerous gas is actually a serious
source of hydrogen. As mentioned before, hydrogen sulfide sources are one of the most important methods
of obtaining hydrogen. In this process, by applying electrolysis to the hydrogen sulfide compound, it is
possible to separate the hydrogen and sulfur gases in this compound. In this way, it is possible to obtain
the hydrogen in the compound and use it as an energy source. This method is similar to the electrolysis
approach applied to obtain hydrogen from water. However, it is known that the electrolysis method ap-
plied to hydrogen sulfide is much easier than the other. This is because the bond between hydrogen and
sulfur is weak (Uzun et al., 2016).
Considering this situation, it is understood that hydrogen obtained by using hydrogen sulfide reserves
will have two fundamental advantages. Thanks to the hydrogen to be obtained primarily, it will be pos-
sible to meet the energy needs of the country. In addition, while meeting this energy requirement, the
environment will not be harmed. On the other hand, in the process of obtaining hydrogen from hydrogen
sulfide gas, the Black Sea region will also be able to get rid of this problematic gas. In this process,
hydrogen sulfide gas is split into hydrogen and sulfur gases. While hydrogen is used for energy needs,
sulfur gas can also be used in industry. As can be seen, it is possible to benefit the country’s economy
in many ways as a result of using hydrogen sulfide gas (Iordache et al., 2016).
According to researches, it is known that there is 4.6 billion tons of hydrogen sulfide source in the
depths of the Black Sea region. Therefore, it is estimated that around 270 million tons of hydrogen can
be obtained by using hydrogen sulfide resources in the Black Sea region. As mentioned earlier, hydrogen
has a much richer content compared to petroleum and natural gas. Considering these points, it is estimated
that the hydrogen energy that can be obtained from the Black Sea region can correspond to almost 810
million tons of gasoline and 750 million tons of natural gas. It is possible to say that this figure will cor-
respond to the energy need of approximately one hundred years for Turkey (Stunzhas et al., 2019). This
situation is of vital importance for both the national economy and the security of energy supply. On the
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
other hand, it is known that hydrogen sulfide formation in the Black Sea region is constantly increasing,
especially with the effect of geological formations.
In this study, the importance of Turkey’s energy supply source of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is
discussed. In this context, firstly the importance of energy, types of energy sources and risks encountered
in energy production are examined. In addition, information about hydrogen energy was also given. In
this context, issues such as the obtaining methods of hydrogen and the ways of storage and transportation
of hydrogen have been explained. Then, information was given about the hydrogen sulfide deposits in
the Black Sea region. In this context, the amount of hydrogen energy that can be obtained is explained.
In the examination result, wherein the hydrogen can be obtained from the hydrogen sulfide in said zone
is in reserve can meet the energy needs of Turkey 100 years. This situation is of vital importance for the
continuity of the domestic energy production of the country. On the other hand, as a result of obtaining
hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide gas, it will be possible to get rid of the negative effects of this gas in
the Black Sea region. In this way, the lives of the living creatures in the region will not be endangered.
Studies on this subject need to be accelerated seriously. In this context, many different segments of
the country play important roles. First of all, it is important that the state supports such research and
investments. In this context, certain incentives should be given to enterprises that will invest in obtaining
hydrogen energy from hydrogen sulfide. For example, factors such as low-interest credit, ground sup-
port and tax cuts will contribute to the shift of investors to this area. On the other hand, the state should
also support universities to increase research on this subject. In this way, according to the new research
results to be obtained, it will be possible to carry out this process more effectively.
In addition to these issues, it is important to support research and development activities for hydrogen
production from hydrogen sulfide sources. In this way, technological developments regarding the subject
will be followed and it will be possible to use new applications to reduce the costs in this process. This
will contribute to the solution of the high-cost problem, which is accepted as the biggest disadvantage in
the process of obtaining hydrogen. In this context, research and development groups can be established
within the state staff and support to working groups that can undertake this work by the private sector.
Russian scientists have also been conducting some researches in the region, especially since the
1990s. On the other hand, it is known that Georgia and Ukraine are also conducting researches in the
region. Thus, Turkey is of great importance as well as knowledge of these countries lag behind. Another
important point in this process is that if this resource is not used within 30 years, it will create serious
threats for the region. In this context, it is stated that the intense poison in its content may cause sig-
nificant problems in the region in the future. In this context, it would be appropriate for our country to
accelerate these studies.
As a result, energy is of vital importance for our country. hydrogen energy because Turkey is a coun-
try that cannot produce its own energy already has a significant role in this context. The place where
hydrogen sulfide compound, which is one of the ways of obtaining hydrogen, is most abundant in the
world is the Black Sea. Considering this issue, it is understood that our country is very advantageous in
terms of location. Here, a comprehensive analysis should be made to clarify issues such as how hydrogen
can be obtained from these sources, where the obtained hydrogen will be stored, how this gas will be
transferred to the relevant places and in which areas it will be used.
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
As a result of obtaining hydrogen from hydrogen sulfide, Turkey can produce its own energy resources.
Thus, it will be able to gain serious advantages both socially and economically. As a result of the wide-
spread use of this energy, there will be no need to use energies such as coal that cause environmental
pollution. This will contribute to a cleaner environment in the country. This matter will contribute to the
reduction of diseases caused by environmental pollution. Thus, there will be an increase in the number
of people who can participate in the workforce in the country. This will allow the production volume to
increase. Thanks to the use of hydrogen energy, the country’s energy supply security will increase. The
main reason for this is that the country will not have to buy energy from outside. Current energy needs
of Turkey is a country that imports a large part abroad. This situation creates a burden for the country’s
economy. Turkey is a country that for many years the current account deficit and stems from its largest
percentage in energy imports. Thanks to the use of hydrogen energy, the necessity of importing this
energy from outside will be eliminated. On the other hand, as a country that can produce its own energy,
our country’s political power may be higher in a possible political crisis.
It is more quality than oil and natural gas in terms of hydrogen content. Also, since there is no carbon
emission into the atmosphere as a result of combustion of hydrogen, it is accepted as an environmentally
friendly energy type. Considering these issues, hydrogen energy has become popular in the energy poli-
cies of the countries since it is both quality and clean. There are a number of different methods to obtain
hydrogen energy. It can be obtained from fossil fuels in methods such as steam reforming of hydrocarbons
in natural gas and gasification of coal. In addition, hydrogen can be released by using electricity from
renewable energy sources in the electrolysis of water. Another method that can be used in obtaining
hydrogen is the separation of hydrogen in hydrogen sulfide by electrolysis method. In this study, the
importance of hydrogen sulfide on the Black Sea for Turkey’s future energy supply security is analyzed.
Thanks to the fact that this resource in the Black Sea, which has the largest hydrogen sulfide deposit in
the world, can be used effectively in hydrogen production, it will be possible to meet the energy needs of
the country for 100 years. This will provide benefits to many aspects of Turkey’s economic development.
The current account deficit problem of the country, which will not import energy, can also be reduced.
This will contribute to reducing vulnerabilities in the country’s economy. Within this framework, it is
important to urgently put hydrogen sulfide reserves in the Black Sea. In this framework, it is necessary
to conduct detailed research on the conditions of the region. Starting to obtain hydrogen from hydrogen
sulfide deposits through platforms in the Black Sea region is vital for the country’s future energy supply
security. However, issues such as storage and transportation involve high costs in hydrogen energy pro-
duction. In this context, these issues need to be carefully analyzed in planning the hydrogen production
process in the region. It is thought that the hydrogen energy to be obtained in the Black Sea region can
be quite efficient by reducing the costs on these issues.
The Role of Hydrogen in the Black Sea for the Future Energy Supply Security of Turkey
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Renewable energy investments are of vital importance for the effectiveness of energy policies of countries. The carbon emission problem will be eliminated with the help of these projects. Additionally, renewable energy investments help countries to achieve energy independence. Financing is one of the most important problems of renewable energy projects. The main reason for this is the high-cost and long-term nature of renewable energy projects. Due to these negative aspects, financial institutions such as banks and leasing companies are reluctant to lend to renewable energy projects. This situation also creates a disadvantage for renewable energy projects. Currently, the initial costs of renewable energy projects are very high compared to fossil fuels. This situation creates a cost disadvantage for clean energy projects. Therefore, some actions need to be taken to solve the high-cost problem of these projects. The EU still has an energy infrastructure that is dependent on fossil fuels. Political and military tension and other reasons especially between Ukraine and Russia affect global energy prices, and Europe’s energy supply security is under intense threat. Thus, the EU is faced with increasing energy costs. Rising energy costs make the EU economy more fragile. Therefore, sustainable and zero-carbon energy policies are vital for the EU. Therefore, they must take urgent measures to solve the energy dependency problem of European countries. In this context, renewable energy projects need to be increased. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop digital financial products. The initial cost of renewable energy projects is quite high. This situation hinders the increase of the mentioned investments. Digitalized financial products, on the other hand, enable investors to access more funds in a shorter time. This will help increase renewable energy projects. Thus, it will be much easier to solve the energy dependency problem of European countries.KeywordsDigitalizationFinancial productsRenewable energy projectsEnergy investments
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The production and consumption of energy are among the most significant variables that may be used to determine a country’s degree of development. Nuclear energy investments play a critical role for the energy independence. However, nuclear power plants are criticized because of some issues, such as radioactive wastes. In this framework, nuclear power plants can also be worked with thorium instead of uranium so that this problem can be minimized. The biggest obstacle to the realization of green nuclear energy projects is the high costs. To solve this problem, it is important to provide the necessary financing for these investments. In this process, it is seen that financial institutions operating in the market do not meet this need. Financial institutions may be reluctant to finance these projects with very high amounts and uncertainties about their success. There is a need for innovative financial products. It is possible to mention some advantages of presenting these financial products in digital environment. In this way, more investors will be reached. Therefore, it will be possible to have a higher amount of funds. On the other hand, it will be possible to get rid of some fixed costs because of the realization of the transactions in the digital environment. This will also contribute to the reduction of costs. Thus, green nuclear energy investors will be able to access much lower cost loans.KeywordsDigitalizationFinancial productsNuclear energy projectsEnergy investments
The paper presents a target vision of the new energy sector in Russia, based on the analysis of promising areas of its development in the field of energy technology economics and assessment of energy risks of using renewable energy sources. Financial and commercial indicators for various types of power plants under construction or under reconstruction are presented, showing that the new economic basis for the widespread use of renewable energy allows building new energy with a lower specific investment per 1 kW of installed capacity and obtaining cheaper electric energy. To assess the prospects for full inclusion of renewable energy facilities in the energy complex of our country and expand their use, a description of the risks arising in the renewable energy sector and their management methods is given. Based on the analysis of calculation results and data on electricity production at solar power plants commissioned in the Altai Republic, the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for assessing natural resource risks in renewable energy is shown. The construction of large hydroelectric power plants, which account for ~20% of the country’s total energy balance, is also associated with a negative impact on the environment. Reservoirs necessary for regulating the productivity of hydroelectric power plants occupy significant territories that are excluded from agricultural turnover. The construction of reservoirs is associated with a violation of the hydrogeological regime of rivers, changes in the properties of ecosystems, and the species composition of hydrobionts. It should be noted that large hydroelectric power plants are not considered to be objects operating on the basis of renewable energy sources. According to the existing classification, such facilities include small hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of up to 25 MW and microhpps. The sulfur and nitrogen oxides contained in TPP emissions lead to acid rain and have a detrimental effect on human and animal health, as well as on plants. Serious problems are also associated with ash and slag from thermal power plants. The discharge of heated water from the cooling systems of thermal power plants to surface water sources causes their thermal pollution, leading to a decrease in water saturation with oxygen.KeywordsEnergy technologiesFuture energyRisk managementClean energy
The main purpose of the study is to study some of the world’s largest companies engaged in the production of solar panels and to make a forecast of the exchange rate of their shares in the coming year based on the analysis of various economic indicators. The paper uses fundamental methods for analyzing the stock price, such as the ratio of capitalization and cash flow, the ratio of the company’s value to its balance sheet, the ratio of borrowed funds to equity, the ratio of the market price of a share to net profit and based on changes in the volume of sales of companies, a trend equation was derived, which was subsequently adjusted in accordance with the above indicators. In the course of the study, the following results were obtained: forecasts of the value of shares of First Solar Inc. and Canadian Solar Inc., including the maximum and minimum values during the day, for the coming year were obtained. Based on the results obtained, conclusions were drawn: this method allows us to consider many approaches to stock valuation and make a single forecast based on them; however, this requires a lot of calculations and time costs. The issue of the global transition from non-renewable to green energy was widely discussed back in the twentieth century, not only because of the limited energy resources, but also because of global pollution and the greenhouse effect, which was increasingly manifested due to the growth of the required amount of energy and, as a result, an increase in the number of power plants that pollute the atmosphere. The most widespread issue of green energy was already in the twenty-first century, when global pollution began to be felt even more acutely. For example, last year the European Commission presented a plan to turn the European Union into a carbon-neutral zone by 2050. It is also worth noting that the main topic of the XXIV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, held in 2021, was the issue of renewable energy. In terms of the number of agreements in the field of green energy, this forum broke the records of all previous ones, which indicates the global importance of the issue of switching to renewable energy. The purpose of this work is to study some of the world’s largest companies engaged in the production of solar panels and to make a forecast of the exchange rate of their shares.KeywordsPromotionCompanyCostPriceForecastTrend
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The aim of this study is to generate appropriate strategies to improve renewable energy investments. Within this framework, a novel model has also been proposed which includes three different stages. Firstly, incomplete preferences of the relation matrixes are calculated. For this purpose, 4 different decision makers evaluate the balanced scorecard-based criteria. In this stage, missing values are estimated by incomplete preferences to complete the relation matrixes. Additionally, the second stage includes the computing the fuzzy preferences by considering the consensus-based group decision-making (CGDM). The final stage is related to the calculation of the weights of the criteria by considering Pythagorean fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) methodology. Hence, the main motivation of this study is to identify innovative strategies for the renewable energy investments with a novel multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model based on incomplete preferences, CGDM and Pythagorean fuzzy sets. The findings indicate that learning and growth is the most important balanced scorecard-based perspective to improve the performance of renewable energy investments. Additionally, the perspective of internal process is identified as another significant factor for this situation. The biggest problem in renewable energy projects is their high initial costs. Hence, technological developments reduce the production costs of renewable energy sources. Additionally, it is also possible to increase the amount of electricity from renewable energy sources owing to the innovative technologies. Thus, renewable energy investors should follow up-to-date technological developments so that it will be possible to reduce the cost of renewable energy investments.
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate PERT-based critical paths of new service development (NSD) process for renewable energy investment projects. In this context, a novel three-stage model has been proposed. In the first stage, 10 different steps in NSD process are weighted by considering 2-tuple hesitant interval-valued Spherical fuzzy IVSF DEMATEL approach. In the second stage, 26 different critical paths for NSD process are identified. Moreover, the third stage includes the ranking the renewable energy alternatives by path scenarios with 2-tuple hesitant IVSF TOPSIS. The findings demonstrate that idea screening and the formation of cross-functional team are the most significant criteria for the NSD process of renewable energy investments. Additionally, while considering all activities of NSD process, it is concluded that solar energy is the most appropriate renewable energy alternative. This result is also similar for considering the longest path by activity number, the longest path by duration and the shortest path by activity number. However, it is also determined that geothermal energy is the most ideal type of renewable energy to invest in while considering the shortest path by duration. Therefore, it is obvious that investors should primarily give importance to generate new products for solar energy projects. In this way, it can be easier for them to provide efficiency in their investments. On the other hand, if there is time constraint or a positive result is expected from the project in a short time, geothermal energy is the most suitable renewable energy type to invest.
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The paper focuses on the analysis of the cryptocurrency open innovation market to predict sustainable growth in the future. The nature of cryptocurrencies ‘development leads to the rapid increase in their popularity and spread of trading at this new market. The high volatility of these assets is encouraging to understand and predict their price in ever changing market environment. The paper proposed the pool complexity approach to choose optimal technology using social activity in the internet, trading parameters, technical indicators and other cryptocurrency data. According to the results of the analysis, the most effective and promising cryptocurrency is EOS cryptocurrency, which has the lowest complexity and commission level among the analyzed digital currencies and allows you to implement third-party applications in the system.
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This study aims to identify the influencing factors of the effectiveness in energy investment. For this purpose, 8 different countries with continental shelf in the Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR) are considered. Firstly, 9 different criteria are defined based on the literature review. The significance levels of these factors are determined by considering hesitant interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) DEMATEL based on 2-tuple linguistic values (2TLV). Therefore, the motivation of this study is to figure out the weights of the criteria for the energy investment projects. Also, the main contributions to the literature are to propose a set of criteria for defining the indicators of the efficiency and to construct a novel decision-making model based on IVIF technique in these projects. The main justifications of this hybrid method can be given as the importance of the distribution, political stability, and technological capacity for the effectiveness in energy investment. Furthermore, hesitant TOPSIS method is used to evaluate these 8 countries regarding the effectiveness in energy investments. It is concluded that Israel and Turkey are the most successful countries in this framework. It is recommended that these countries should have an effective pipeline to transfer the reserves to other countries. Also, these countries in this region should pay attention to political stability. Moreover, countries with energy reserves in the EMR should make the necessary investments to improve their technological infrastructure. Hence, seismic exploration and drilling vessels should be obtained by these countries so that the energy reserves can be located and obtained effectively.
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This study aims to identify appropriate innovative strategies for solar energy investments for both commercial and non-commercial users. For this purpose, TRIZ-based 8 different innovative strategies are identified. Later, these strategies are weighted with the interval type-2 fuzzy DEMATEL (IT2 FDEMATEL) method to define more important strategies. Thus, the main motivation of this study is to figure out the weights of the strategies for solar energy investments The findings indicate that the replacement of mechanical system is found as the most effective TRIZ-based investment strategy for solar energy projects regarding both commercial and non-commercial customers. Thus, it is recommended that solar energy companies should give special support to their customers with respect to the security issues. Moreover, local quality is another significant strategy for commercial users. Therefore, it will be appropriate to provide special services according to the characteristics of the customers. Within this framework, having distribution centers close to customers and employing customer representatives who know well the culture of that region can be very helpful. Additionally, cushion in advance is found as another appropriate TRIZ-based innovative strategy for commercial customers. Hence, it would be appropriate to ensure the security in solar panels. Within this context, necessary measures should be taken for problems such as electric shock, material destruction, theft, and risk of destroying data on the computer.
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This study aims to identify quality improvement strategies for energy investments. For this purpose, a model is proposed which includes 4 different stages. In the first stage, the MCDM problem is identified for evaluating the service development for energy industry. In this framework, quality function deployment (QFD) approach is taken into consideration which includes both customer expectations and technical requirements at the same time to improve the quality in the organization. The second stage is related to the calculation of the correlation coefficients of decision matrices for the criteria by considering hesitant 2-tuple interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy sets. The third stage includes the weighting of the customer expectations with hesitant 2-tuple interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy (HIVPF) DEMATEL. In the final stage, TRIZ-based quality improvement strategies of energy investments are ranked by using 2-tuple HIVPF TOPSIS. Thus, the motivation of this study is to figure out the weights of the criteria for quality improvement strategies in energy investments. Also, the most important contribution of this study to the literature is related to the originality in the methodology by proposing a new MCDM model while using hesitant linguistic term sets, linguistic 2-tuple information, interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy sets properly. The findings indicate that empathy is the most significant criterion for the customer expectations in the energy investments. In addition to this issue, it is also identified that customization is the best factor among the technical requirements of energy investments. Moreover, information and communication facilities and organizational background are found as the best competencies of new service development in energy investments. Furthermore, that prior action and periodic action are the most prominent strategies for quality improvement. While considering these results, it can be said that the pricing policy of the energy companies should be fair to increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, offering flexible payment opportunities on energy bills can have a positive influence on the customer satisfaction in this process. Also, preliminary planning of the project should be done in detail in energy investments. Owing to this issue, customers' preferences can be identified before the product is placed on the market. In addition, it can be possible to identify the risks that may arise in energy investments with the help of the periodical audits.
This study aims to analyze the innovation strategies for the green supply chain management with QFD (quality function deployment) multidimensionally. The novelty of the study is to define the criteria of green supply chain for each stage of QFD and propose a hybrid model by IVIF (interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy) DEMATEL (decision making trial and evaluation laboratory) and IVIF MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis) respectively. The results demonstrate that understanding the customer expectations with customer relation management is the most important innovation strategy for the green supply chain management in energy industry with the consecutive stages of QFD whereas benchmarking the competitive market environment has relatively the last seat in the ranking. Hence, it is recommended that energy companies should have an effective customer relationship management. In this context, these companies should make a detailed analysis to learn what their customers directly expect from them. With the help of this issue, these companies should generate their product and services based on these expectations. Additionally, it is also stated that new service and product development is also essential for energy companies to improve their innovativeness. For this purpose, a research and development department should be created, and the qualified people should be employed. Additionally, different opinions should be collected from various parties, such as customers, employees, and suppliers. Since customers who are satisfied will prefer these companies, the energy companies can catch the opportunity to increase their market share.
The aim of this study is to define strategies to increase green nuclear energy investments. Within this context, a model is suggested that includes two different stages. Firstly, the consensus‐based fuzzy preferences are determined for these investments. For this purpose, four different TRIZ‐based strategies are identified, which have an influence on the effectiveness of these projects. Furthermore, in the second stage, the significance weights of these strategies are calculated by considering the spherical fuzzy DEMATEL approach. The findings indicate that dynamicity is the most appropriate TRIZ strategy for the effectiveness of green nuclear energy investments. In addition, the prior action is another significant strategy that should also be considered in these projects. It is obvious that sufficient technological infrastructure is very important for the performance of green nuclear power plants and there is a rapid development of this technology. Because of this situation, these nuclear power plants should be designed effectively so that they can be adoptable to any changes in the technology. In this scope, qualified personnel should be employed, and communication between departments should be effective and of high quality. With the help of these issues, technological changes can be adopted more easily.
The framework of this study is to weight 8 selected determinants and rank energy alternatives for hydrogen investments. For this purpose, different criteria that are based on two dimensions are identified with supported literature and interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) with alpha cuts is considered to measure the significant criteria. Additionally, renewable and non-renewable energy alternatives are ranked regarding the appropriateness for hydrogen energy investments with the help of IT2 fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and IT2 fuzzy Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) with alpha cuts. It is concluded that the weights of the criteria are quite similar for different alpha cuts. Also, ranking results of different energy alternatives are almost the same for both IT2 fuzzy TOPSIS and IT2 fuzzy VIKOR. Thus, it can be concluded that the analysis results are reliable and coherent. The principal results indicate that cost-efficiency and reserve adequacy play a key role in hydrogen investments since they have the highest weight (0.129). Moreover, it is also found that technological capacity also plays a critical role in this regard with the weight of 0.127. However, legal regulation has the lowest importance weight (0.121) in comparison with other factors. Additionally, the weights of personnel competency (criterion 3) and storage (criterion 4) are also low (0.122). The major conclusion show that renewable energy alternatives are more suitable to generate hydrogen energy in comparison with non-renewable ones. Within this context, it is identified that solar and geothermal energies are more appropriate alternatives for hydrogen production whereas coal and nuclear are on the last rank. Hence, the main strategy should be lowering the costs by following up-to-date technological developments. Another important issue is that it becomes more logical to produce hydrogen in renewable energy sources that will not be consumed forever so that sustainable production of the hydrogen can be provided.