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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major problem for public health worldwide and an important cause of morbidity and mortality at the global level. Its burden is expected to increase progressively in the next years. This article summarizes the most current aspects of the non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment of stable COPD. Non-pharmacological therapies, such as smoking cessation, vaccinations, oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation are covered briefly. Drug classes covered are short acting beta agonists (SABA), short acting muscarinic antagonists (SAMA), long acting beta agonists (LABA), long acting antimuscarinics (LAMA), inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), LABA/ICS combinations and specific phosphodiesterase (PDE4) inhibitors.
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352 Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, 9, 352-359
Management of Stable COPD: An Update
Alexandru Corlateanu*,1, Gloria Montanari2, Alexandros G. Mathioudakis3, Victor Botnaru1 and
Nikolaos Siafakas4
1Department of Respiratory Medicine, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitanu, Chisinau,
Moldova, ERS National Delegate for Moldova, GOLD National Leader for Moldova, Republic of Moldova
2Department of Respiratory Diseases, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences for Children & Adults, University
of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
3Aintree University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
4University General Hospital, Dept. of Thoracic Medicine, 71110 Heraklion, Greece
Abstract: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), being a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, is
a major problem for public health. It is predicted that its burden will continuously expand over the next years. This article
is an up-to-date review of both non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic management of COPD, which is now based on
new staging systems, able to predict prognosis and the response to different treatment approaches. Non-pharmacologic
therapies, such as smoking cessation, vaccinations and pulmonary rehabilitation are covered briefly. Current
pharmacologic management covers short acting beta-agonists (SABA), short acting muscarinic antagonists (SAMA), long
acting beta agonists (LABA), long acting antimuscarinics (LAMA), inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), LABA/ICS
combinations, xanthines, specific phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors and oxygen therapy.
Keywords: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), disease management, pharmacotherapy, phenotypes,
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), being a
major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, is a
major problem for public health. It is predicted that its
burden will continuously expand over the next years. COPD
is currently the fourth leading cause of chronic morbidity
and mortality globally. It has been projected that COPD
prevalence will progressively increase and it will be the third
leading cause of mortality by 2020 [1]. In the last Global
Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease report
(GOLD2014) [2], the scientific committee suggested the
following definition of COPD: a common preventable and
treatable disease characterized by persistent airflow
limitation that is usually progressive and associated with an
enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and
the lung to noxious particles or gases. Exacerbations and
comorbidities contribute to the overall severity in individual
patients. The complexity of COPD and its heterogeneous and
multisystemic character was recognized in the last decade.
Non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment should
be guided by COPD severity and aim to control symptoms,
decrease exacerbations, and improve patient function and
quality of life [3]. Both non-pharmacologic and pharmaco-
logic interventions are essential to the management of stable
COPD. Non-pharmacologic therapy includes: smoking
*Address correspondence to this author at the State University of Medicine
and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Stefan cel Mare street 165, 2004
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova; Tel: +37322205132;
cessation, reduction of other risk factors, vaccinations, and
pulmonary rehabilitation.
Inhaled bronchodilators (beta agonists and anticholinergics)
are currently the mainstay of pharmacologic management of
stable COPD [4]. Inhaled bronchodilators can be used alone
or in combination with inhaled glucocorticoids depending on
the severity of COPD and risk of exacerbations. The goals of
the treatment in stable COPD include symptomatic relief,
improvement of the health status and exercise tolerance,
prevention of disease progression and exacerbations, and
thus mortality.
This article summarizes the most current aspects of both
non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment of stable
There are three well-known and widely accepted
approaches to the assessment of COPD: GOLD assessment
of severity, multilateral evaluation and phenotyping. The
comparative characteristics of these three approaches are
presented in Table 1.
In the GOLD 2011 report [5], the scientific committee
proposed a new combined staging system with evaluation of
(1) the symptomatic status (dyspnoea) as assessed by
Medical Research Council (MRC) scale, (2) the physiologic
status with the assessment of airflow limitation severity by
FEV1 and (3) the health status assessing the impact of
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Management of Stable COPD: An Update Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, Vol. 9, No. 6 353
disease on patients daily lives by the COPD Assessment Test
(CAT), and (4) exacerbation frequency via evaluation of the
risk of exacerbations.
More than 15 multilateral indices were proposed for the
assessment of COPD. The most useful is BODE index, which
was proposed by Celli and Cote in 2004 [6]. In BODE were
included 3 variables which are better predictors of mortality
than FEV1 (BMI, dyspnea assessed by Medical Research
Council scale and exercise capacity evaluated by 6 minute
walking test). The BODE index may be used to assess the risk
of death or hospitalization among patients with COPD [6]. Also,
the BODE index can predict the exacerbation frequency [7].
Given the correlation between the severity of disease and
mortality of COPD patients, the BODE index is now suggested
as the mainstay of the classification and management of COPD
Multiple studies demonstrated that COPD patients with
similar airflow limitation had diverging clinical characteristics,
including symptoms, comorbidities and predicted mortality [9].
Phenotyping of COPD patients may rely on clinical and
physiological manifestations, imaging, assessment of patient-
related outcomes (health related quality of life), COPD
comorbidities, exacerbations and systemic inflammation [10].
Recently, it was demonstrated that roumilast improves
lung function and reduces the frequency of exacerbations in
patients with predominantly bronchitic symptoms and severe
airflow limitation, a specific clinical COPD phenotype [11-13].
This is the first proven personalised treatment based on
phenotypic characteristics of COPD [12, 13]. It suggests that
multiple phenotypic subgroups of patients exist within the broad
range of COPD and specic personalised therapies might
improve the disease management [14].
One of the first attempts to implement phenotyping in
everyday clinical practice was made in Spanish Guidelines for
COPD [15, 16]. There were proposed four phenotypes that
determine differential treatment: (1) non-exacerbator, with
emphysema or chronic bronchitis; (2) mixed COPD-asthma; (3)
exacerbator with emphysema; (4) exacerbator with chronic
bronchitis [16]. BODE multilateral index for the assessment of
COPD severity was also included in the classification.
Smoking Cessation
Smoking cessation is considered the most important
intervention for all COPD patients who smoke regardless of
the level of disease severity [3]. Smoking cessation is an
essential part of the treatment of COPD, because it can
reduce the accelerated pulmonary function decline rate of
smokers with COPD, as it was clearly shown in the Lung
Health Study [17].
Interventions that assist smoking cessation include
clinician advice and encouragement, nicotine replacement
therapy, bupropion, varenicline and nortriptyline, and
counseling [2]. The best cessation rates can be achieved
when counseling is combined with medication therapy in
comparison with each strategy separately [18].
Exacerbations of COPD are the most important adverse
events in the progression of COPD. The most common cause
of COPD exacerbations is infection [19]. Vaccinations can
prevent some infections and should be offered to patients
with stable COPD.
Pneumococcal vaccine and annual influenza vaccine
should be offered to all patients with COPD. Pneumococcal
vaccine significantly reduces the risk of community
acquiring pneumococcal pneumonia in patients with COPD
[20]. Influenza vaccination significantly reduces the risk of
acquiring influenza-related acute respiratory infections in
patients with COPD, especially in patients with severe
airflow obstruction [20].
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation is recognized as a core component
of the management of patients with chronic respiratory disease
[21]. Pulmonary rehabilitation has been clearly demonstrated to
decrease dyspnea and health care utilization, increase exercise
capacity and improve quality of life in individuals with COPD
[22]. Also pulmonary rehabilitation may decrease hospital
admissions and mortality [23].
Pulmonary rehabilitation program includes supervised
exercise training, self-management education, and
psychosocial support [21]. In all stages of COPD, exercise
training has been demonstrated to be efficient in a number of
outcomes of patients with COPD, such as improvement of
exercise tolerance, muscle strength, quality of life and
decrease of dyspnoea and fatigue [24]. Pulmonary
rehabilitation is a well-recognised therapy that should be
available to all patients with symptomatic COPD, and
exercise training represents the cornerstone of a pulmonary
rehabilitation programme [21, 24].
Table 1. Markers Used in Different Approaches for COPD Assessment
GOLD 2011
Multilateral Indices (BODE)
Dyspnea assessed by Medical Research Council scale
Dyspnea assessed by Medical
Research Council scale
FEV1, BMI, exercise capacity
evaluated by 6 minute walking test
Health status
The COPD Assessment Test (CAT)
Evaluation of the risk of exacerbations
Evaluation of the risk of
354 Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, Vol. 9, No. 6 Corlateanu et al.
Pulmonary rehabilitation represents an ideal opportunity
to facilitate chronic disease self-management [25]. Chronic
disease self-management includes methods designed to:
facilitate smoking cessation; optimise pharmacotherapy;
assist with early identification and treatment of acute
exacerbations; manage acute dyspnoea; increase physical
activity; improve body composition; promote mental health;
facilitate advance care planning and establish a social
support networks [25].
Bronchodilators have been the mainstay of management
of COPD, which is characterised by a substantially
irreversible airflow obstruction [1]. Bronchodilators include
beta agonists, anticholinergics, and theophylline, which is
used less often. Inhaled agents are preferred to oral because
of the reduction in systemic side effects [26].
Besides improving dyspnea through their direct
bronchodilatory effects, beta agonists and anticholinergics
also appear to work by reducing static and dynamic
hyperinflation. This probably explains why long-term
improvements in symptoms and exercise capacity may be
seen without clear changes in the FEV1 [27].
Short-Acting Bronchodilators
Short-acting beta agonists (SABA) are the most widely
used bronchodilators in the management of COPD, with
salbutamol being the most common among them. Short-
acting beta agonists appear to be as effective when used on
an as needed basis as when used regularly, on the contrary to
other bronchodilators [28]. The advantage of short-acting
beta agonists is their rapid onset of action.
Short-acting muscarinic antagonists (anticholinergics):
Ipratropium has been demonstrated to reduce dyspnea,
increase exercise tolerance, and improve gas exchange in
patients with COPD.
Short-acting beta agonists and short-acting muscarinic
antagonists (SAMA) can be used alone or in combination.
The combination of a short-acting beta agonist plus a short-
acting anticholinergic is often preferred because combination
therapy can achieve a greater bronchodilator response than
either one alone [29].
Long-Acting Bronchodilators
Two classes of long-acting inhaled bronchodilators are
availablelong-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) and long-acting
muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs).
Long-acting β2-agonists, salmeterol and formoterol
provide 12 hour bronchodilation. Ultra-LABA provide 24
hour bronchodilation and include indacaterol, olodaterol,
vilanterol (recently approved as a component of a
combination drug), carmoterol and some new agents [30].
Salmeterol and Formoterol
Salmeterol significantly improved lung function (including
reduction in lung hyperinflation) and dyspnoea, increased
exercise capacity and enhanced health related quality of life
[31]. In the largest trial of salmeterol, Toward a Revolution in
COPD Health (TORCH), salmeterol significantly decreased
exacerbation rates, improved lung function, and improved
health-related quality of life compared to placebo [32].
Formoterol has been demonstrated to provide a rapid onset
bronchodilatation that occurs within minutes after inhalation
[30], which is comparable with the effect of SABA. The rapid
onset of action and prolonged, potent bronchodilatory effect of
formoterol suggest a drug effective for both quick relief and
prolonged effect [33]. In COPD patients, formoterol induces a
significant spirometric improvement lasting for 12h [34].
Despite these positive characteristics, it appears to be inferior to
salmeterol in terms of health related quality of life (HRQoL)
scores and its ability to reduce the rate of COPD exacerbations
Indacaterol is the first ultra-long-acting β2-agonist (ultra-
LABAs) approved for the treatment of COPD, that allows for
once-daily administration [35]. It has a rapid onset and
prolonged action, with an onset of action in five minutes and a
bronchodilatory effect that lasts for 24 hours. In long-term
clinical trials in patients with moderate to severe COPD,
indacaterol 150 or 300 µg improved lung function significantly
more than placebo, and improvements were also significantly
greater than twice daily formoterol 12 µg or salmeterol 50 µg,
and noninferior to tiotropium bromide 18 µg [36, 37].
Indacaterol improves dyspnoea and health related quality of life,
reduces the use of rescue medications significantly more than
placebo, salmeterol or tiotropium bromide, and the degree of
improvement in these endpoints is similar to or greater than that
achieved with formoterol [38].
Long-acting and ultra-long-acting β2-agonists induce
considerable improvements in FEV1, reduce dynamic
hyperinflation, and improve exercise tolerance, determining
amelioration in dyspnea and health-related quality of life
[30]. Moreover, they reduce the rate of COPD exacerbations
Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists
Long-acting muscarinic agents (or long-acting
anticholinergic medications) include tiotropium, aclidinium and
Tiotropium is a once-daily, long-acting muscarinic
antagonist [30]. Understanding Potential Long-Term Impacts on
Function with Tiotropium(UPLIFT), a four year randomised
clinical trial which compared inhaled tiotropium versus placebo,
demonstrated an improvement in lung function and quality of
life, with a concomitant decrease of the risk of exacerbations
[40]. However, it does not decrease the rate of decline of
pulmonary function. A recent meta-analysis has shown that
tiotropium handihaler may prolong the survival of COPD
patients [41].
Aclidinium bromide is a recently developed LAMA
administered twice daily. In a 12-week, double-blind study,
200 and 400 mcg of aclidinium significantly reduced night-
Management of Stable COPD: An Update Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, Vol. 9, No. 6 355
time/early morning symptoms and daily rescue medication use
in patients with COPD [42]. Besides, it has noticeably improved
health related quality of life and decreased dyspnea of patients
with moderate to severe COPD [43].
Glycopyrronium is a novel once daily LAMA. A 26-week
double-blind treatment with 50 µg of glycopyrronium bromide
once daily induced clinically significant bronchodilation with
rapid onset and maintained for 24h, throughout the study [44].
Moreover, it provided a significant improvement in dyspnea at
26 weeks compared to placebo, which was accompanied by a
significant improvement in health-related quality of life and
reduced rescue medication use.
LABA versus LAMA
The efficacy of LABAs and LAMAs has been compared in
multiple meta-analyses and randomized trials [36, 45].
The Prevention of Exacerbations with Tiotropium in COPD
(POET-COPD) trial was specifically designed to directly
compare the effects of tiotropium with those of salmeterol on
the risk of moderate and severe exacerbations [45]. Tiotropium
increased the time to the first severe exacerbation of COPD,
reduced the risk of developing an exacerbation by 17 percent
(hazard ratio 0.83, 95% CI 0.77-0.90) and reduced the annual
number of severe exacerbations compared to salmeterol [45]. It
is important to mention that it was not a direct comparison of a
long-acting β2-agonist with a long-acting anticholinergic agent,
since concomitant medications were allowed; more than 50% of
the patients were receiving, on a regular basis, inhaled
glucocorticoids which also reduce exacerbations.
Another study compared indacaterol, a once daily inhaled
beta agonist, versus tiotropium, in patients with moderate to
severe COPD. Similar outcomes regarding pulmonary function,
dyspnea and quality of life were obtained in this trial [36].
Seven clinical studies including a total of 12,223 participants
with COPD were included in a meta-analysis, comparing
tiotropium with salmeterol, formoterol, or indacaterol [46].
Tiotropium was more effective than LABAs in preventing
COPD exacerbations and disease-related hospitalisations,
although there were no statistical differences between group in
overall hospitalisation rates or mortality. No significant
difference was found in improvements in the quality of life
between tiotropium and the LABAs either. Symptom
improvement and changes in lung function were similar
between the treatment groups.
Until recently, LAMAs were preferred over existing LABAs
because of their superiority regarding most of the significant
endpoints. However, after the development of novel once daily
LABAs and twice daily LAMAs, the initial selection of a long
acting bronchodilator is often based on clinical response of each
patient, co-morbidities, and side effects [2].
Dual (Double) Bronchodilator Therapy
A recent trial demonstrated that the combination of
LABA and LAMA is potentially effective in symptoms
control of patients with stable moderate COPD sub-
optimally controlled by tiotropium monotherapy [47].
Multiple studies showed a superior bronchodilation effect of
a LABA and LAMA combination compared to individual
agents alone, in patients with moderate to severe COPD [30].
Moreover, dual bronchodilator approach induced greater
improvements in patient-centred outcomes such as dyspnoea,
symptoms, rescue medication use and health-related quality
of life than individual drugs [48]. LABAs and LAMAs
directly act on airway smooth muscle working through
different pathways [30]. The combination of bronchodilators
of different classes seems a convenient way of delivering
treatment and obtaining better results for patients with
inadequate symptoms control by maintenance monotherapy
A new dualbronchodilator, with both antimuscarinic
and beta2-adrenergic activity combined in a single molecure,
was recently launched [49]. It was shown to have a rapid
onset of action and a potent bronchodilatory effect in
moderate and severe COPD, while it appears to be safe and
well-tolerated [50].
This approach can potentially offer several advantages
over combination therapy of two separate drugs: the benefit
of delivering a fixed ratio into every region of the lung
reducing the complexity of combination inhalers, a single
pharmacokinetic profile, a uniform ratio of activities at the
cellular level and a simplified clinical development
programme [30].
A meta-analysis of 20 randomized controlled trials
demonstrated that theophylline has a modest effect on FEV1
and forced vital capacity (FVC) and slightly improves
arterial blood gas tensions compared to placebo, in moderate
to severe COPD [51]. Improvement in exercise performance
depended on testing method. The use of xanthines is limited
by the risk of toxicity and multiple adverse reactions (central
stimulation, gastric secretion, diuresis and arrhythmias) [30].
The development of newer xanthines, such as
bamiphylline, acebrophylline, and doxofylline, for the
treatment of COPD, was carried out in anticipation that such
drugs would have a greater efficacy than theophylline but
with an improved side-effect profile [30]. Doxofylline has
been shown to have a better efficacy (combining
bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties) and fewer
side effects than theophylline [52].
Inhaled Corticosteroids
Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone are the
commercially available inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) for the
treatment of COPD. In COPD, inhaled glucocorticoids are
used as part of a combined regimen, but should not be used
as monotherapy for COPD. ICS therapy decreases
exacerbations and modestly slows the progression of
respiratory symptoms, meanwhile it has a minimal or no
impact on lung function and mortality [53].
Numerous studies have proved that ICS therapy decreased
the risk of exacerbation compared to placebo [54, 55].
Furthermore, it was demonstrated that ICS therapy slowed the
progression of respiratory symptoms modestly [32] and slowed
the rate of decline of health-related quality of life [55].
356 Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, Vol. 9, No. 6 Corlateanu et al.
Soriano et al. reported that ICS therapy did not modify the
FEV1 decline rate [56]. A Cochrane analysis [55], which
examined 55 primary studies with 16,154 participants, also
demonstrated that long-term use of ICSs (> 6 months) did not
consistently decrease the rate of decline in FEV1 in COPD
patients. Moreover, no significant difference was found in
mortality rate with the use of ICS as a mono-component
compared to placebo [55, 57]. New studies reassure the
possibility of osteoporosis secondary to ICS [58].
Bronchodilators Plus Inhaled Glucocorticoids
Combined inhalers include the twice-daily fluticasone-
salmeterol, budesonide-formoterol and mometasone-formoterol
combinations and a once daily dry powder inhaler, cont-
aining fluticasone furoate and vilanterol. Inhaled glucocorti-
coids are traditionally used in combination with a long-
acting bronchodilator for patients, who have significant
symptoms or frequent exacerbations, despite an optimal
bronchodilator regimen [59].
The efficacy of LABA/ICS combinations in COPD has
been well supported by some large trials [32, 60].
LABA/ICS combinations have been shown to improve lung
function and health related quality of life and to reduce
exacerbations in COPD patients.
Treatment with ICS/LABA is associated with a
significant increase ofthe pre- and post-bronchodilator FEV1
difference, the mean change in health related quality of life
and with a significant decrease in the dyspnea score
compared to treatment with LABAs alone [32].
Several randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that
LABA/ICS combinations reduce the risk of exacerbation by 10-
20% beyond that achieved by inhaled LABA alone [32, 60]. A
meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials demonstrated a
beneficial effect of the LABA/ICS combination over LABA
alone, on the frequency of moderate, but not severe COPD
exacerbations [61]. It was recently suggested that ICSs in
combination with LABAs might also reduce cardiovascular
disease and all-cause mortality [59].
Triple Therapy
The triple inhaler therapy with a long-acting beta agonist
plus an inhaled glucocorticoid plus a long-acting
anticholinergic is often used in patients with severe COPD.
The benefits of triple therapy are confirmed by the UPLIFT
study [40]. The addition of tiotropium to patients receiving a
LABA and an ICS as usual care significantly improved
pulmonary function, decreased the rate of exacerbations, and
improved health related quality of life. More recently, it was
pointed out that triple therapy provides further improvements in
post-bronchodilator FEV1 and quality of life from baseline
compared to LAMA monotherapy on patients with severe and
very severe COPD [47].
Systemic Corticosteroids
Long-term systemic glucocorticoid therapy is not
recommended, even for severe COPD, because of the
significant side effects (most frequent are osteoporosis and
diabetes) and evidence of increased morbidity and mortality
with this treatment [62].
Inhibitors of the Phosphodiesterase 4
Roflumilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor,
significantly improved pre-bronchodilator FEV1 and reduced
the rate of moderate to severe exacerbations (17 percent
[95%, CI 8-25]) in a 52 week, randomized trial of 3091
patients with COPD [13].
Roflumilast can be recommended for patients with
COPD with severe airflow limitation, symptoms of chronic
bronchitis and frequent exacerbations, whose disease is not
adequately controlled by long-acting bronchodilators [12,
13]. Roflumilast provides additional benefits when combined
with other respiratory medications. Roflumilast is the first-
in-class phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor used as an add-on
therapy in patients with moderate to severe COPD and
frequent exacerbations who are already receiving a long-
acting bronchodilator. The effect of roflumilast when given
as additional therapy to COPD patients already taking long-
acting bronchodilators and ICS is currently not known.
Mucoactive Agents
Thick secretions can be a major problem in patients with
COPD, but there is little evidence that thinning or increasing
the clearance of sputum induces clinical improvement. A
recent Cochrane review has shown that treatment with a
mucolytic may produce a small reduction in acute
exacerbations, but may have little or no effect on the overall
quality of life [63]. Thus, mucoactive agents are not accepted
as routine care for patients with stable COPD [2].
Chronic Antibiotic Therapy
Chronic antibiotic therapy is generally not indicated by
guidelines for the patients with stable COPD [2]. However,
certain antibiotics, macrolides in particular, may have anti-
inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity in addition to
their antibiotic effect.
Long-term treatment with macrolides was asserted to
reduce COPD exacerbations in doses lower than bactericidal
doses [64]. However, the risk of microbial resistance
associated with the long-term use of azithromycin in patients
with COPD must be considered as part of the riskbenefit
ratio of this treatment. In addition, the effect on microbial
resistance in the community is still unknown [65].
Oxygen Therapy
Many patients with stable severe COPD have chronic
hypoxemia. Long-term oxygen therapy should be prescribed
for all patients with stable COPD, with chronic hypoxemia at
rest (PaO2 55 mmHg or SpO2 88 percent) [2]. The
detection of hypoxia is of great importance because long-
term oxygen therapy improves survival, severe resting
hypoxemia and quality of life in patients with COPD [66,
Therapeutic Strategies in Stable COPD
New guidance for the management of COPD becomes
more complex, but can be simultaneously used by
respiratory doctors at a global level. This up-to-date
approach will potentially facilitate a more accurate risk
Management of Stable COPD: An Update Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, Vol. 9, No. 6 357
stratification of COPD patients and a better understanding of
disease pathophysiology and phenotypes. It may eventually
help to develop a more targeted therapy and an improved
management of COPD patients.
Table 2 represents a comparison of the main differences
between GOLD 2014 guidelines [2] and Spanish Guideline
for Treatment of stable COPD [16] (Gula Espanola de la
EPOC - GesEPOC), some of which are described below.
The use of bronchodilators is central to the management
of COPD. Management of non-exacerbator phenotype, with
emphysema or chronic bronchitis is very similar to GOLD A
and B stages. Short-acting beta-agonists are used on an as-
needed basis or regularly for prevention of symptoms in the
early stages or in COPD patients with a low symptom
burden. Long-acting bronchodilators should be used as a first
therapeutic option in the treatment of all COPD patients with
permanent symptoms who regularly require short acting
bronchodilators, because they provide better control of the
symptoms and improve quality of life as well as pulmonary
function and exercise tolerance, while also reduce
exacerbations. The choice between LABA and LAMA
depends on the availability of medication and the patient’s
response. For patients whose symptoms are not controlled by
a LABA or LAMA, combination of these is recommended.
The basis of treatment of exacerbator phenotype with
emphysema (air traping, dyspnoea, low body mass index) is
long-acting bronchodilators and in more severe cases triple
therapy (LAMA+LABA+ICS) can be also used.
Exacerbator phenotype with chronic bronchitis
(bronchitic symptoms) should be treated with long-acting
bronchodilators. The addition of ICS or/and roflumilast is
suggested in severe cases.
The updated version of GOLD Strategy reports that
regular treatment with ICS improves symptoms, lung
function and quality of life and increases the rate of
exacerbations in COPD patients with an FEV1 < 60%
predicted [2]. Therefore, ICSs are recommended in
combination with LABAs or, alternatively, with LAMAs for
exacerbators ( 2 exacerbations or 1 exacerbation leading
to hospital admission) who have few symptoms (GOLD C
stage) and also for exacerbators who have significant
symptoms (GOLD D stage). Moreover, for these categories
of patients, a triple therapy (ICS + LABA + LAMA) is
recommended as an alternative.
It is necessary to mention that the overlap syndrome is
considered to be one of the four COPD clinical phenotypes,
according to the Spanish Guideline for Treatment of stable
COPD [16] (Gula Espanola de la EPOC - GesEPOC). The
term Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) was
recognized and for the first time included in GOLD in 2014
[2], but without clear definition and therapeutic options.
Patients with overlap syndrome, asthmatic smokers,
present a greater degree of bronchial eosinophilic
inflammation [68, 69]. That is why they have a good
response to inhaled corticosteroids, even early in the course
of disease (mild and moderate COPD). Consequently,
patients with overlap syndrome should be started on inhaled
corticosteroids together with long-acting bronchodilators
irrespective of the severity of the airflow obstruction, in
contrast to previous guidance [70, 71]. In severe cases
LAMA can be added as well [70, 72].
COPD is a heterogeneous and complex disease. The
management of COPD in every patient should be
personalized and guided by the symptoms, exacerbations,
pulmonary function and co-morbidities. Unfortunately very
few treatments can slow the rate of lung function decline or
significantly reduce mortality, therefore prevention of the
disease is very important.
The authors confirm that this article content has no conflict
of interest.
Declared none.
[1] Pauwels R, Buist AS, Calverley PA, et al. Global Strategy for the
Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163: 1256-
[2] Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of
COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
(GOLD) 2014. Available from: Acces-
sed January 2014.
GOLD Staging
GOLD 1st Line
Spanish Guidelines 1st Line
(1 exacerbation not leading to
hospital admission)
non-exacerbator, with
emphysema or chronic
( 2 exacerbations or 1
exacerbation leading to hospital
ICS+LABA and/or
exacerbator with emphysema
exacerbator with chronic
Asthma COPD overlap
syndrome (ACOS)
No recommendations in
GOLD 2014
mixed COPD-asthma
358 Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 2013, Vol. 9, No. 6 Corlateanu et al.
[3] Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of
COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
(GOLD) 2013. Available from: Acces-
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Received: February 6, 2014 Revised: February 18, 2014 Accepted: February 20, 2014
... Until now only limited data exist on the management of ACOS, mainly because ACOS patients were excluded by most COPD or asthma trials. The management should include smoking cessation, oxygen supplementation, pulmonary rehabilitation, vaccines and management of comorbidities since all of these are well justified clinically[74,75]. There is consensus that first-line treatment for ACOS is the combination of a long-acting β2-agonist and inhaled steroid, and this combination can be used with a longacting antimuscarinic agent (triple therapy) for severe ACOS[55]. ...
... High sputum eosinophil counts and bronchial wall thickening on chest high-resolution computed tomography may be used as predictors in ACOS patients[60,[76][77][78]LRA Showed positive results in asthma patients who smoke[79]MCS Are used in the management of allergic asthma and recent data indicate that mast cells may also play an important role in COPD[89,90]Xanthines Theophylline can modulates corticosteroid activity and the efficacy of ICS[91]LAMA Significantly improves lung function and quality of life in COPD. Improves lung function in patients with inadequately controlled asthma[75,92]PDEI Positive results in the management of COPD and asthma. Combination with ICS and montelukast shows beneficial positive effect. ...
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma are the most frequent chronic respiratory diseases that affect the general population. For a long period of time these two conditions were considered to be separate diseases. However, it became evident that some patients share symptoms and clinical findings from both diseases. These patients are considered to represent a distinct phenotype, called asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS). However, since approximately the one third of the asthmatics smoke the ACOS may primarily define those patients. This is a relatively newly defined clinical syndrome whose underlying mechanisms and most appropriate management remain to be confirmed. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on this syndrome, aiming to update clinicians and help their daily practice.
... ECG signs of chronic cor pulmonale are considered one of the poor prognostic signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and should be closely monitored. 125,126 An S1S2S3 pattern and right atrial overload during oxygen therapy are strong predictors of death, with a hazard ratio of, respectively, 1.81 (95% CI, 1.22 to 2.69), and 1.58 (95% CI, 1.15 to 2.18). 127 Other important prognostic ECG markers are left and right bundle branch blocks. ...
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Despite the noteworthy advancements and the introduction of new technologies in diagnostic tools for cardiovascular disorders, the electrocardiogram (ECG) remains a reliable, easily accessible, and affordable tool to use. In addition to its crucial role in cardiac emergencies, ECG can be considered a very useful ancillary tool for the diagnosis of many non-cardiac diseases as well. In this narrative review, we aimed to explore the potential contributions of ECG for the diagnosis of non-cardiac diseases such as stroke, migraine, pancreatitis, Kounis syndrome, hypothermia, esophageal disorders, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary diseases, electrolyte disturbances, anemia, coronavirus disease 2019, different intoxications and pregnancy.
... 2 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment should be guided by COPD severity and aim to control symptoms, decrease exacerbations, and improve patient function and quality of life. 3,4 India is a large country comprising of people with varying socio-demographic profiles, cultural practices and ethnicities. Hence the risk factors for COPD are also likely to be different across various Indian states and regions. ...
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Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients often present considerable individual medical burden in their symptoms, limitations, and well-being that complicate medical treatment. Quality of life (QOL) is an important aspect for measuring the impact of chronic diseases. HRQOL measurement facilitates the evaluation of efficacy of medical interventions and also the detection of groups at risk of psychological or behavioural problems. Methods: COPD patient attending the OPD/IPD are screened as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. After obtaining a written informed consent of eligible patient, they were enrolled in the study. QOL of patient is assessed based on a set of questionnaire i.e. COPD Assessment Test™ (CAT). The questionnaire was translated to Hindi and Marathi. Socio demographic variable like age, sex, education occupation and income are also collected. All 8 questions related to health-improvement and management of COPD. CAT scores were given to each question according to the level of impact. Results: In the total score of CAT we observed that there were 2.04% patients with very good QOL, 25.51% with good QOL, 61.22% with moderate QOL and 11.22% with poor QOL. Conclusions: We conclude that the quality of life is moderate in larger number of patient’s population. The most affected domain was the patient’s energy level. The patients enrolled had COPD from long period of time which might have affected their answer because they have been habitual with the difficulties arising from COPD. Keywords: CAT score, COPD, Health status, Quality of life
... There is currently limited data on whether COPD treatment reduces the risk of stroke (84). CRP levels are raised in COPD patients and reduced in patients with COPD using inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (85). ...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently the fourth leading cause of death in the world and its incidence and prevalence is on the rise. It is evident that COPD is linked to cardiovascular disease. In the last years several studies demonstrated that COPD may also be a risk factor for stroke, another major cause of death worldwide. Taking in consideration that COPD has multiple comorbidities it is hard to say whether COPD is an independent risk factor for stroke or it is due to confounding effect. This review is aimed to disscuss current data on COPD and stroke, potential links, therapy and prevention. The current data suggests that COPD may increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. The incidence of other stroke subtypes may also be increased in COPD or may be due to confounding effect. However COPD patients who have stroke are at risk for pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications. We conclude that more studies are neded in order to clarify further the links between COPD and stroke. The management of COPD as well as the use of prevention therapy is essential to decrease the risk for stroke and should be at special attention in pulmonary medicine and neurology.
... The most frequently described comorbidities include skeletal muscle wasting, cachexia (loss of fat-free mass), lung cancer (small cell or non-small cell), pulmonary hypertension, ischemic heart disease, hyperlipidemia, congestive heart failure, normocytic anemia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, obstructive sleep apnea, depression, and arthritis [1,2]. Apart from these comorbid conditions, there are data suggesting that a significant number of other medical problems are seen more frequently among patients with COPD, and professional healthcare providers must be aware of them [3]. It is estimated that 80% of COPD patients are likely to have at least one comorbidity [4,5]. ...
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The classical definition of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) as a lung condition characterized by irreversible airway obstruction is outdated. The systemic involvement in patients with COPD, as well as the interactions between COPD and its comorbidities, justify the description of chronic systemic inflammatory syndrome. The pathogenesis of COPD is closely linked with aging, as well as with cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, renal, and gastrointestinal pathologies, decreasing the quality of life of patients with COPD and, furthermore, complicating the management of the disease. The most frequently described comorbidities include skeletal muscle wasting, cachexia (loss of fat-free mass), lung cancer (small cell or non-small cell), pulmonary hypertension, ischemic heart disease, hyperlipidemia, congestive heart failure, normocytic anemia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, obstructive sleep apnea, depression, and arthritis. These complex interactions are based on chronic low-grade systemic inflammation, chronic hypoxia, and multiple common predisposing factors, and are currently under intense research. This review article is an overview of the comorbidities of COPD, as well as their interaction and influence on mutual disease progression, prognosis, and quality of life.
... Apart from smoking cessation, only long-term oxygen therapy, when indicated, has been proved to prolong survival. 5 Given its impact on survival, the need for long-term oxygen administration should be considered in every patient with COPD. Its indications are presented in table 2. A recent meta-analysis suggested that tiotropium may also prolong survival, but data are still controversial. ...
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A 75-year-old male patient, lifelong smoker, with a background of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 4 and diabetes attended the respiratory outpatient clinic complaining of poor control of his COPD. He suffered a few infective exacerbations per year, which were treated with oral steroids and antibiotics. Fortunately, he had avoided hospital admissions by the time. He was previously followed up by a general practitioner and he was prescribed on a salbutamol inhaler to be used four times a day, as well as when required, and he had been using it at least six times a day in average. He described a very limited exercise capacity, due to breathlessness, which strongly affected his daily activities. On examination, the patient appeared cachectic, tachypnoic at rest and his chest was overexpanded. Pursed lip breathing was also noted. On auscultation his chest was clear. There were no signs of cor pulmonale. Routine bloods did not reveal any pathological results. Chest x-ray only showed overexpansion. Arterial blood gases and spirometry were performed and the results are presented in table 1.
... Patients with overlap syndrome should get the adequate pharmacological treatment according to current guidelines [2,60]. Long-acting anticholinergics and long-acting β-agonists, have been shown to improve nocturnal SaO2, but without a clear improvement on the quality of sleep [35,36]. ...
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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are common respiratory diseases, associated with significant morbidity, worldwide. They frequently co-exist and the overlap syndrome is associated with greater hypoxia and hypercapnia in comparison with COPD or OSAS alone. Unfortunately, the overlap syndrome is still underdiagnosed and undertreated in clinical practice, leading to increased morbidity and mortality. The aim of this review is to present why OSAS is more prevalent among COPD patients, how to differentiate between the common sleep alteration in COPD and the overlap syndrome, the current screening, diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the overlap syndrome.
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by the presence of numerous concomitant diseases. Mental health disorders, including both as anxiety and depression, are highly prevalent, but under-recognized and often untreated comorbidities in patients with COPD. The interrelation between COPD and mental health remains poorly understood, but it has been suggested that depression may be caused by nicotine addiction or by a low-grade systemic inflammation, and anxiety by the sense of breathlessness and “air-hunger” that these patients experience. It has been suggested that adequate COPD treatment might improve the mood of these patients, but there are significant shortcomings in this field of research. This review of the interaction of COPD and the mental health status is aimed at both the information of clinicians in everyday practice, and at future research direction.
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Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of morbidity in the elderly population. COPD leads to a reduced health-related quality of life (HRQL), but the factors which contribute to this are not well understood. A better understanding of the factors which determine HRQL should lead to an improved care for such patients. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate possible age-related differences in HRQL in a population of patients with a similar severity of obstruction. Methods: A total of 180 consecutive COPD patients were enrolled into the study. We analyzed spirometric data, BODE index and its components, and comorbidities were assessed by the Charlson index. HRQL was assessed by the Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) and St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). Results: The cohort consisted of 93 'younger' patients (mean age 54.8 ± 3.1 years) and 87 older patients (mean age 73.1 ± 5.5 years). Patients in both groups had a similar severity of obstruction: FEV1 (% from predicted) was 39.9 ± 13.2% in the elderly group compared to 41.7 ± 11.7% in the younger group (p > 0.05). The forward stepwise regression analysis shows that the BODE index, the Charlson index, and the rate of exacerbations are important predictors of deterioration of HRQL in elderly COPD patients, which explains 29% of the total SGRQ score. In the younger COPD patients, the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.27, but the predictors were the BODE index and the rate of exacerbations. Conclusions: The BODE index, the Charlson index, and the rate of exacerbations were found to be the major determinants of HRQL in elderly COPD patients, while in younger COPD patients, the BODE index and the rate of exacerbations were influential factors.
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Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are highly prevalent chronic diseases in the general population. Both are characterized by similar mechanisms: airway inflammation, airway obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness. However, the distinction between the two obstructive disease is not always clear. Multiple epidemiological studies demonstrate that in elderly people with obstructive airway disease, as many as half or more may have overlapping diagnoses of asthma and COPD. A COPD-Asthma overlap syndrome is defined as an airflow obstruction that is not completely reversible, accompanied by symptoms and signs of increased obstruction reversibility. For the clinical identification of overlap syndrome COPD-Asthma Spanish guidelines proposed six diagnostic criteria The major criteria include very positive bronchodilator test (increase in FEV1 ≥15% and ≥400 ml), eosinophilia in sputum and personal history of asthma. Minor criteria include high total IgE, personal history of atopy and positive bronchodilator test (increase in FEV1 ≥12% and ≥200 ml) on two or more occasions. The overlap syndrome COPD-Asthma is associated with enhanced response to inhaled corticosteroids due to the predominance of eosinophilic bronchial inflammation. The furture clinical studies and multicenter clinical trials should lead to the investigation of disease mechanisms and simultaneous development of the novel treatment.
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Introduction: The frequent use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs), especially at higher doses, has been accompanied by concern about both systemic and local side effects. Patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are more at risk from side effects, likely because of the use of higher doses of ICS in COPD to overcome corticosteroid unresponsiveness. Areas covered: There is considerable concern about increased incidence of pneumonia, osteoporosis and hyperglycemia in diabetic patients and cataracts. The local side effects of ICSs, such as hoarseness and pharyngeal discomfort, oral and oropharyngeal candidiasis, cough during inhalation, and a sensation of thirst, are not usually serious but are of clinical importance because they may lead to patients discontinuing therapy. Expert opinion: The possibility that ICSs induce adverse side effects should not lead us to avoid their use in patients in whom clinical evidence suggests that they may be helpful. However, clinicians should balance the potential benefits of ICSs in COPD against their potential side effects and always consider using the lowest possible dose to achieve the best possible management.
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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary rehabilitation is recognized as a core component of the management of individuals with chronic respiratory disease. Since the 2006 American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS) Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, there has been considerable growth in our knowledge of its efficacy and scope. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Statement is to update the 2006 document, including a new definition of pulmonary rehabilitation and highlighting key concepts and major advances in the field. METHODS: A multidisciplinary committee of experts representing the ATS Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assembly and the ERS Scientific Group 01.02, "Rehabilitation and Chronic Care," determined the overall scope of this update through group consensus. Focused literature reviews in key topic areas were conducted by committee members with relevant clinical and scientific expertise. The final content of this Statement was agreed on by all members. RESULTS: An updated definition of pulmonary rehabilitation is proposed. New data are presented on the science and application of pulmonary rehabilitation, including its effectiveness in acutely ill individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and in individuals with other chronic respiratory diseases. The important role of pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic disease management is highlighted. In addition, the role of health behavior change in optimizing and maintaining benefits is discussed. CONCLUSIONS: The considerable growth in the science and application of pulmonary rehabilitation since 2006 adds further support for its efficacy in a wide range of individuals with chronic respiratory disease.
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a multisystemic pathology, which cannot be characterized, diagnosed or assessed only by the severity of airflow limitation. Thus, it appears there is urgent unmet need of new approach in COPD. In this article we review the most recent multidimensional classification of COPD, based on analysis of functional and physiologic parameters, health status, and risk of exacerbations. A, B, C, D system will permit a more accurate risk stratification of patients. In addition, new trends are presented in assessment of COPD: from phenotypes, multidimensional indices, scale-free networks and diseasome to radical concept of P4 medicine (Personalized, Predictive, Preventive, and Participatory elements).
Recognizing the clinical heterogeneity of COPD suggests a specific therapeutic approach directed by the so-called clinical phenotypes of the disease. The Spanish COPD Guidelines (GesEPOC) is an initiative of SEPAR, which, together with the scientific societies involved in COPD patient care, and the Spanish Patient Forum, has developed these new clinical practice guidelines. This present article describes the severity classification and the pharmacological treatment of stable COPD. GesEPOC identifies four clinical phenotypes with differential treatment: non-exacerbator, mixed COPD-asthma, exacerbator with emphysema and exacerbator with chronic bronchitis. Pharmacological treatment of COPD is based on bronchodilation in addition to other drugs depending on the clinical phenotype and severity. Severity is established by the BODE/BODEx multidimensional scales. Severity can also be approximated by assessing airflow obstruction, dyspnea, level of physical activity and history of exacerbations. GesEPOC is a new, more individualized approach to COPD treatment according to the clinical characteristics of the patients.
Indacaterol is the first long-acting β2-agonist (LABAs) approved for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that allows for once-daily (OD) administration. It is rapidly acting, with an onset of action in 5 minutes, like salbutamol and formoterol but with a sustained bronchodilator effect, that last for 24 hours, like tiotropium. In long-term clinical studies (12 weeks to 1 year) in patients with moderate to severe COPD, OD indacaterol 150 or 300 μg improved lung function (primary endpoint) significantly more than placebo, and improvements were significantly greater than twice-daily formoterol 12 μg or salmeterol 50 μg, and noninferior to OD tiotropium bromide 18 μg. Indacaterol was well tolerated at all doses and with a good overall safety profile. Cost-utility analyses show that indacaterol 150 μg has lower total costs and better outcomes than tiotropium and salmeterol. These findings suggest that indacaterol can be considered a first choice drug in the treatment of the patient with mild/moderate stable COPD. However, in people with COPD who remain symptomatic on treatment with indacaterol, adding a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) is the preferable option. In any case, it is advisable to combine indacaterol with a OD inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), such as mometasone furoate or ciclesonide, in patients with low FEV1, and, in those patients who have many symptoms and a high risk of exacerbations, to combine it with a LAMA and a OD ICS.
Background: Although both inhaled and oral corticosteroids have anti-inflammatory effects causing improvement in clinical symptoms and spirometry in the treatment of asthma, the role of corticosteroids in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is controversial. Objective: To evaluate the effects of inhaled corticosteroids on sputum neutrophilia in clinically stable COPD patients. Methods: In total, 18 patients were enrolled in the study. During 2 months, 9 patients in group A inhaled fluticasone propionate (FP) 500 μg 3 times daily. In group B 9 patients received placebo. All of the patients continued to inhale both salbutamol and ipratropium bromide. In 9 patients, sustained-released theophylline was also administered. Blood samples, spirometric tests, blood gas analyses, and either spontaneous or induced sputum cultures were evaluated on entry into the study, after a 2 months of treatment and following the 6-week washout period. Results: After the 2-month FP treatment, no significant changes in the number of peripheral blood neutrophils, blood gas and spirometry data were observed in both groups. In group A, the total cell number and the number of neutrophils decreased from a mean of 3.4 ± 1.3 × 106 cells/g and 0.6 ± 0.3 × 106 neutrophils/g on entry into study to 1.9 ± 0.6 × 106 cells/g and 0.02 ± 0.01 × 106 neutrophils/g after 8-week treatment with FP, returning to 3.3 ± 1.1 × 106 cells/g and 0.5 ± 0.3 × 106 neutrophils/g following the washout period. The percentages of neutrophils were 55.6 and 77.9% in groups A and B after 2 months of FP treatment. There was no significant change in group B values during the study. Conclusion: These data suggest that neutrophilic inflammation in sputum may be decreased by inhaled corticosteroids in clinically stable COPD patients.