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Alexandra König

Alexandra König
German Aerospace Center, Braunschweig · Human Factors

Doctor of Psychology


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Additional affiliations
February 2016 - present
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • PhD Student
April 2015 - November 2015
Volkswagen AG
  • Master's Student
April 2014 - October 2015
Technische Universität Dresden
Field of study
  • Psychology
October 2009 - September 2013
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (65)
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Moving is an indispensable component of travelling. This paper discusses the experiences of persons with disabilities when moving around cities on foot or wheels, based on research conducted during the EU-funded project TRIPS. Findings comprise participants’ vignettes from 49 interviews in seven European cities, views on smart assistive technologie...
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Co-design is an established method for ensuring a more democratic approach to design and change propositions. It is however not without friction. In this chapter we describe parts of a process aimed at co-designing inclusive transport systems. In response to the friction of putting such theory into practice, we propose a set of coping mechanisms ba...
Background: This paper presents the development of a multi-dimensional mobility divide index (MDI) for assessing the accessibility of public transport developed using a co-design approach, directly involving end-users in the index design process. The index measures the gap that persons with disabilities feel they need to over-come to use public tra...
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Introduction Shared on-demand mobility services emerge at a fast pace, changing the landscape of public transport. However, shared mobility services are largely designed without considering the access needs of people with disabilities, putting these passengers at risk of exclusion. Recognising that accessibility is best addressed at the design stag...
Conference Paper
Autonomous mobility services promise to complement traditional public transport by offering travellers both greater temporal and spatial flexibility. One key to the use of these services are digital journey planners for booking, payment, and route descriptions. Because these journey planners typically require access to smartphones as well as the ab...
Conference Paper
The target group of public transport is the general public. Public transport vehicles are the tools that are supposed to meet the mobility needs of a multifaceted population. A central difficulty for transport companies is to ensure accessibility for users with physical or cognitive restrictions. Disabled people, senior citizens and children are ex...
Conference Paper
The emergence of new digital technologies is accompanied by a significant growth in the diversity and availability of assistive technologies. Advances in artificial intelligence, Big Data analytics for robotics or augmented reality can be utilised as assistive technologies for persons with disabilities in the next years. However, little is known ab...
Conference Paper
Freedom of movement is a universal human right Moreover, the UN Convention values the freedom of choice However, people with disabilities often don’t have the choice to choose among alternatives due to: high pre-ordering times of assistance services, lack of adapted vehicles, inaccessible infrastructure, inaccessible information among others. The p...
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Emerging digital technologies like augmented reality (AR) hold promising prospects for people with disabilities. It remains, however, an open question how persons with disabilities respond to technological demands. The paper examines the potential impact of users’ self-assessment of their own competence in using these technologies on users’ respons...
Conference Paper
Der Vortrag oder die Diskussionsrunde widmet sich dem Thema der Barrierefreiheit von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Vorgestellt wird eine Methode zur Erstellung einer Matrix-Systematisierung für die Bewertung der Barrierefreiheit einzelner Phasen der Fahrt. Die Matrix besteht aus zwei Dimensionen – 1) der Sequenzierung der Fahrt mittels einer hierar...
Conference Paper
The TRIPS project would like to present a summary of its mobility survey findings regarding the views of persons with disabilities on future mobility. The full report of the survey and an overview white paper that we draw from can be found on the TRIPS deliverables webpage. Our work motto is that “You only need empathy in design if you have exclude...
Conference Paper
Nachhaltige Entwicklung erlaubt den Menschen die Befriedigung ihrer Bedürfnisse, ohne die Lebensgrundlagen künftiger Generationen zu gefährden. Zur Umsetzung nachhaltiger Strategien müssen neben den politischen und ökonomischen Akteuren auch die Hochschulen aktiv beitragen. Sie vermitteln nachhaltigkeitsrelevante Kompetenzen und beziehen den Nachha...
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The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has had considerable impacts on research projects, particularly those adopting participatory approaches. This paper reflects on the methodological adaptations employed by the European research project TRIPS to facilitate co-design and open innovation practices towards the development of accessible mobilit...
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Electric scooter sharing (e-scooter sharing) is a new urban micro-mobility service that is expected to shape individual urban mobility. The introduction of e-scooter sharing systems poses challenging questions for cities and transportation planners regarding their effects on their transportation system. This study addresses the question concerning...
Contemporary society faces the challenge of mitigating the negative effects of motorized individual transport, which includes greenhouse gas emissions, noise, accidents and traffic congestion. App-based mobility-on-demand systems (MODS) promise a transformation towards a more sustainable mobility by offering a flexible public transport as an altern...
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Der Markthochlauf von Elektromobilität wird stellenweise durch die als unzureichend wahrgenommenen Ladeinfrastruktur gebremst. Der Fokus der Anstrengungen im Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur liegt derzeit auf der Bereitstellung von High Power Charging (HPC). In Zukunft wird es bei einer flächendeckenden wirtschaftlichen und bedarfsorientierten Ladeinfr...
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has had considerable impacts on research projects, particularly those adopting participatory approaches. This paper reflects on the methodological adaptations employed by the European research project TRIPS to facilitate co-design and open innovation practices towards the development of accessible mobilit...
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Background As a reaction to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), countries around the globe have implemented various measures to reduce the spread of the virus. The transportation sector is particularly affected by the pandemic situation. The current study aims to contribute to the empirical knowledge regarding the effects of the coronavirus s...
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Although there is literature published by a considerable number of scientific publications regarding disability and transport, the affected persons are only very rarely involved in the research. The paper presents the results of two qualitative studies conducted jointly with persons with different forms of disabilities: i) a social media content an...
Conference Paper
The presentation shares the insights from the European research project TRIPS regarding barriers of emerging public transport systems. Suggestions for improving accessibility of sharing mobility concepts and co-created solutions are presented and discussed.
Conference Paper
Präsentation von qualitativen Ergebnissen aus dem Projekt TRIPS hinsichtlich von Barrieren bei der Nutzung von Schienenverkehrsfahrzeugen für Menschen mit Behinderungen
Conference Paper
Due to the novelty of emerging mobility services, such as ride pooling, e-scooter sharing or robotaxis, empirical studies that focus on the accessibility of these systems for vulnerable-to-exclusion citizens are still lacking. Some early studies point to benefits of emerging mobility systems for advancing accessibility of transport, like promoting...
Conference Paper
Shared on-demand mobility services and transport-related digital solutions emerge at an increasingly fast pace, changing the landscape of public transport. Shared mobility services are largely designed without considering the access needs of people with disabilities, putting these passengers at risk of exclusion. Recognising that accessibility is b...
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Empirical studies show that autonomous vehicles can contribute to sustainability goals when rides are shared. However, sharing rides with strangers in shared autonomous mobility-on-demand systems (SAMODSs) might impede the adoption of these systems. The present study addresses the research question whether a comprehensive information provision abou...
Conference Paper
The introduction of e-scooter sharing systems is posing challenges for cities and transportation planners (Caspi, Smart & Noland, 2020). As a reaction to the partially uncontrolled and rather uncontrolled market entry of micromobility services in the United States, several cities banned e-scooter sharing systems, as a form micromobility (City of Sa...
Conference Paper
The TRIPS project engages people with different types of disabilities to lead the design of future urban mobility. The project provides a co-design for all methodology to empower them to lead the innovation process. It engages groups of users, transport and assistive technology experts in seven EU cities. Here, the first phase of user requirements...
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Die Komplexität und Dynamik realweltlicher Probleme, die in transdisziplinären Reallabor-Projekten adressiert werden, erfordern die Beteiligung aller direkt und indirekt betroffenen Bevölkerungsgruppen am Partizipationsprozess. Allzu häufig führen jedoch Effekte der sozialen Selektivität dazu, dass die Beteiligten meist aus einem sozioökonomisch äh...
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Background Ridepooling services have been predicted a bright future since they promise a flexible and user-centered mobility service. However, there is a research gap in examining the travelers’ perception of ridepooling service characteristics since findings concerning fixed-scheduled public transport are hardly transferable. Methods In order to...
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Serious games as research instruments are seen as a special type of participatory modelling, allowing a researcher to observe the behaviour and decisions taken by players. Yet, games have their own dynamics and come with certain challenges when used as a research instrument. This article reports on specific challenges in using games as research ins...
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Autonomous mobility on demand systems (AMODS) are predicted to face a bright future for providing convenient individual mobility. Yet, increasing the occupancy rate of AMODS by ridesharing is an essential prerequisite for sustainable future mobility. The online study (N = 150) assessed travelers’ willingness to share rides with unknown fellow trave...
Conference Paper
In 2012 there were 42 million disabled people aged 15–64 years in the EU-27 according to the European health and social integration survey (EHSIS) definition that relates to people with a longstanding health problem and/or a basic activity difficulty and considers a person as disabled when these problems or difficulties act as a barrier to particip...
This report synthesises insights from qualitative exploratory research. It is based on two different research approaches a) a social media content analysis and b) in-depth interviews with disabled people. Both focus on mobility needs, challenges, and attitudes toward mobility solutions and criteria for travel and disabled users’ approach to the tra...
Despite the potential capability of demand-responsive transport systems (DRT) to improve service quality of public transport in rural areas, existing DRT systems in Germany are often under-utilized. Thus, there is a need to examine usage barriers and facilitating factors that affect the adoption of DRT systems. A household survey in two rural areas...
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Sustainable mobility concepts are challenged to create a positive users' attitude and a high willingness-to-use to be adopted and survive on the market. Prospective users must not merely be informed about the service but become involved and feel affected. The contribution introduces a digital learning game, a so called serious game, to improve play...
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Sustainability research is frequently tasked with the development of concrete solutions that can be directly applied to socio-environmental problems as such this paper presents and discusses an inter- and transdisciplinary approach to developing and testing a mobility-on-demand-system in a „real world laboratory“ set up in Schorndorf, Germany. This...
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Die „TraSy-Methode“ dient der transdisziplinären Entwicklung soziotechnischer Systeme mit potenziell zukünftigen Nutzer(inne)n und anderen lokalen Praxisakteuren. Sie sieht vier Phasen vor, in denen interdisziplinäre und transdisziplinäre Arbeit unterschiedlich gewichtet werden: (1) die interdisziplinäre Analyse des Handelns der potenziellen Nutzer...
Bei soziotechnischen Systemen sind technische und nicht-technische Elemente eng verknüpft. Die „TraSy-Methode“ dient dazu, die Bedürfnisse heterogener Gruppen von künftigen Nutzer(inne)n und anderen lokalen Praxisakteuren für ein soziotechnisches System transdisziplinär zu erarbeiten. Das Vorgehen sieht mehrere Etappen vor, in denen interdisziplinä...
Conference Paper
Die Bereitstellung öffentlicher Mobilität im ländlichen Raum sieht sich aktuell größeren Problemen denn je gegenübergestellt. Eine geforderte Verkehrswende einerseits, Bevölkerungsrückgang und demografischer Wandel andererseits erschweren die Daseinsvorsorge im ländlichen Raum. Der Vortrag wirft einen wissenschaftlichen Blick auf die Mobilität im l...
Conference Paper
The penetration of autonomous vehicles of level 5 will be a turning point for mobility. Depending on the scenario traffic will either dramatically rise or significantly decrease. Raising the occupancy rate of autonomous mobility-on-demand-systems by ridesharing is an essential prerequisite for future sustainable mobility. Yet, sharing rides with st...
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Bedarfsgesteuerte Mobilitätskonzepte besitzen das Potential unsere Mobilität grundlegend zu verändern. Bisherige Theorien und Modellen zur Beschreibung der Verkehrsmittelwahl können diese neuen Mobilitätsformen aufgrund ihrer Dynamik und Flexibilität nur begrenzt abbilden. Entsprechend müssen auch Kriterien zur Messung der Servicequalität dieser Mo...
Conference Paper
In dem Beitrag wird das Projekt "Reallabor Schorndorf" vorgestellt. Der Beitrag fokussiert dabei die Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse die während des 8-monatigen Pilotbetriebs gesammelt wurden. Chancen, Herausforderungen und Erkenntnisse werden reflektiert.
Conference Paper
Die aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten des Instituts für Verkehrssystemtechnik im Bereich bedarfsorientierter Bedienung werden anhand eines digitalen Lernspiels (Serious Game) präsentiert, das die Schüler(innen) selbst ausprobieren können. Die Relevanz der flexiblen Bedienung des ÖPNVs wird anhand des Vergleich zu Streamingdiensten wie Netflix und Co. da...
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Public ridepooling systems could contribute to the reduction of traffic volume and emissions in cities by decreasing the number of rides by private car while increasing the average number of passengers per vehicle. Yet, it is unknown how urban travelers value different attributes of the ridepooling’s operational concept. Which characteristics of ri...
Conference Paper
In order to reach the goal of reducing traffic volume in cities, new smart, sustainable and user-centred mobility alternatives to motorized individual traffic are needed. The progress in vehicle automation offers a promising potential for increasing the attractiveness of public transport by improving the flexibility and availability of service. Bes...
Conference Paper
Public ridepooling systems could contribute to the reduction of traffic volume in cities by decreasing the number of rides by private car. Yet it is still unknown how urban travelers value different attributes of the ridepooling’s operational concept. Which characteristics of ridepooling concepts are most important to the users: short walking dista...
Conference Paper
Zurzeit werden wir Zeugen der rasanten Entwicklung neuer bedarfsgesteuerter Mobilitätsangebote wie Moia oder MyBus. Diese Angebote adressieren meist junge Großstadtbewohner mit Smartphone. Im Projekt Reallabor Schorndorf wird ein bedarfsgesteuertes Buskonzept entwickelt, das einen Neuheitswert in drei Bereichen besitzt: 1) das Bediengebiet ist ein...
Conference Paper
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Die fortschreitende Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer Mobilitätskonzepte, die vor allem durch die Digitalisierung ermöglicht werden, stellt für öffentliche Verkehrsunternehmen eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit dar, nutzerzentrierte Alternativangebote zum motorisierten Individualverkehr anzubieten. Nicht nur in ländlichen Räumen führt der Trend weg...
Derzeit gibt es zunehmend Anzeichen für eine Veränderung des städtischen Mobilitätsverhaltens. Der öffentliche Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV), aber auch das Zufußgehen und Fahrradfahren erfreuen sich wachsender Beliebtheit, während die Nutzung des Pkw innerhalb der Stadt zurückgeht, insbesondere bei jungen Menschen. Der wachsenden Komplexität des Verkeh...
Seit einigen Jahrzehnten ergänzen bedarfsgesteuerte Bedienformen des öffentlichen Verkehrs den Linienverkehr in nachfrageschwachen Regionen. Bedarfsgesteuerte Mobilitätskonzepte werden meist unter betrieblicher Sicht betrachtet. Die Analyse von Nutzeranforderungen spielt dabei oftmals eine nachgeordnete Rolle. Um zu verstehen, warum Bedarfsverkehre...
Conference Paper
Der Vortrag zeigt am Beispiel des Projektes Reallabor Schorndorf einen Ansatz auf, wie die Bedürfnisse der drei Stakeholder Wissenschaft, Bürger/innen und Betreiber/Industrie in Forschungsprojekten besser integriert werden können. Der präsentierte Ansatz ist transdisziplinär, wobei es sich konkreter um ein Reallabor handelt. Anhand der vier Projekt...
Conference Paper
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Around the world, new sustainable mobility solutions and intelligent transport systems emerge. However, those mobility services are often inadequately introduced to the prospective users. An insufficient provision of information about how to use the new mobility service or the absence of a transparent and comprehensible information environment coul...
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Around the world, new sustainable mobility solutions and intelligent transport systems emerge. However, those mobility services are often inadequately introduced to the prospective users. An insufficient provision of information about how to use the new mobility service or the absence of a transparent and comprehensible information environment coul...
Die flexible Bedienung im Flächenbetrieb besitzt großes Potential, die Mobilitätsbedürfnisse von Bewohnern dünnbesiedelter ländlicher Räume zu befriedigen. Im Fokus der Forschungsarbeit steht die Frage, welche Tarifsysteme in der betrieblichen Ausgestaltung von Anrufbussystemen derzeit Anwendung finden. Auf Basis einer umfangreichen Bestandsanalyse...
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The question arises how to satisfy different needs for mobility while at the same time containing traffic, given that future demand for mobility will keep increasing due to urbanization and economic growth. Cities like Oslo, Helsinki, and Madrid have announced their plans to reduce motorized traffic in the next years. Electrification, connectivity...
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Die aktive Beteiligung von Bürger/innen und weiteren lokalen Akteuren besitzt großes Potential für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung zur Erreichung von Klimazielen. Doch wie kann eine Bürgerbeteiligung umgesetzt werden, die über reine Informationsveranstaltungen hinausgeht? Im Projekt Reallabor Schorndorf wird ein dialogorientiertes, koop...
Conference Paper
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Die aktive Beteiligung von Bürger/innen und weiteren lokalen Akteuren besitzt großes Potential für eine nachhaltige Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung zur Erreichung von Klimazielen. Doch wie kann eine Bürgerbeteiligung umgesetzt werden, die über reine Informationsveranstaltungen hinausgeht? Im Projekt Reallabor Schorndorf wird ein dialogorientiertes, koop...
Conference Paper
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Bedarfsorientierte Quartiersbussysteme stehen zunehmend im Fokus der Mobilitätsforschung, insbesondere auch im intermodalen Kontext. Sie folgen dem Trend, Verkehrsmittel nur zu nutzen anstatt sie auch zu besitzen und verknüpfen Vorteile des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) mit Vorteilen des (motorisierten) Individualverkehrs ((M)IV), während...
Conference Paper
The term mobility has different meanings in the following science disciplines. In economics, mobility is the ability of an individual or a group to improve their economic status in relation to income and wealth within their lifetime or between generations. In information systems and computer science, mobility is used for the concept of mobile compu...
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So far the steering wheel, as an important interface of Driver-Vehicle-Interaction, is not sufficiently investigated in the field of vehicle automation. At the stage of conditional automated driving it is still unclear, how the steering wheel should behave during the phase of piloted hands-off driving and in takeover situations. A driving simulator...
Conference Paper
Der Vortrag stellt die geplante (Nicht-)Nutzerbefragung in Rufbus-Bediengebieten und erste Ansätze eines Serious Games zur Modellierung von Verkehrsmittelwahlverhalten vor.
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Eine Attraktivitätssteigerung des Öffentlichen Personenverkehrs kann erreicht werden, indem die „traditionellen Großgefäße für die Massen von gestern“ stärker den Ansprüchen heutiger Kunden nach Individualisierung und Flexibilisierung entsprechen. Individuell abrufbare Transportsysteme, wie Quartiersbussysteme, ermöglichen eine Anpassung des Verkeh...


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