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Identification of Mycobacterial Species by PCR Sequencing of Quinolone Resistance-Determining Regions of DNA Gyrase Genes

American Society for Microbiology
Journal of Clinical Microbiology

Abstract and Figures

The determination of the amino acid sequence of quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) in the A and B subunits of DNA gyrase is the molecular test for the detection of fluoroquinolone resistance in mycobacteria. We looked to see if the assignment of mycobacterial species could be obtained simultaneously by analysis of the corresponding nucleotide sequences. PCR sequencing of gyrA and gyrB QRDRs was performed for 133 reference and clinical strains of 21 mycobacterial species commonly isolated in clinical laboratories. Nucleotide sequences of gyrA and gyrB QRDRs were species specific, regardless of fluoroquinolone susceptibility.
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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 2003, p. 1311–1315 Vol. 41, No. 3
0095-1137/03/$08.000 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.41.3.1311–1315.2003
Copyright © 2003, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Identification of Mycobacterial Species by PCR Sequencing of
Quinolone Resistance-Determining Regions
of DNA Gyrase Genes
Jean-Noe¨l Dauendorffer, Isabelle Guillemin, Alexandra Aubry, Chantal Truffot-Pernot,
Wladimir Sougakoff, Vincent Jarlier, and Emmanuelle Cambau*
Laboratoire de Bacte´riologie-Hygie`ne, Faculte´deMe´decine Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re, Universite´ Paris VI, and Centre
National de Re´fe´rence pour la Re´sistance des Mycobacte´ries aux Antituberculeux, Groupe Hospitalier
Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re, Assistance publique-Hoˆpitaux de Paris, Paris, France
Received 10 September 2002/Returned for modification 25 October 2002/Accepted 9 December 2002
The determination of the amino acid sequence of quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) in the
A and B subunits of DNA gyrase is the molecular test for the detection of fluoroquinolone resistance in myco-
bacteria. We looked to see if the assignment of mycobacterial species could be obtained simultaneously by
analysis of the corresponding nucleotide sequences. PCR sequencing of gyrA and gyrB QRDRs was performed
for 133 reference and clinical strains of 21 mycobacterial species commonly isolated in clinical laboratories. Nu-
cleotide sequences of gyrA and gyrB QRDRs were species specific, regardless of fluoroquinolone susceptibility.
During the last few years, the emergence of infections caused
by nontuberculous mycobacteria and the report of tuberculosis
outbreaks has brought considerable interest in clinical myco-
bacteriology. It led to the development of new diagnosis tools
based on molecular technology for antibiotic susceptibility test-
ing and identification (24). Rapid identification of mycobacte-
ria to species level is recommended in clinical laboratories for
assessing the diagnosis of mycobacteriosis and also for making
decisions for effective therapy (2).
In the clinical laboratory, the differentiation of closely re-
lated species of mycobacteria by phenotypic and biochemical
tests remains difficult for some very common species. The
phenotypic methods are slow, require expertise, and often use
nonstandardized reagents (8). New biochemical methods such
as high-performance liquid chromatography of mycolic acids
are implemented only in specialized laboratories (4). Molecu-
lar methods were developed with enthusiasm because they are
rapid (no need to subgrow bacteria) and require a small quan-
tity of bacteria. The reference molecular method for identifi-
cation is the determination of sequences of 16S ribosomal
DNA (rDNA) (21), but identical sequences were reported for
some common species. Other DNA sequences or genes have
been described for the differentiation of mycobacterial species,
such as the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 16S-23S (28),
recA (3), dnaJ (34), hsp65 encoding the 65-kDa heat shock
protein (27), rpoB encoding the B subunit of RNA polymerase
(20), the gene of the 32-kDa protein (30), sod encoding the
superoxide dismutase (41), and gyrB encoding the B subunit of
DNA gyrase (18). None of these genes can presently differen-
tiate all the mycobacterial species commonly isolated in the
clinical laboratory.
Fluoroquinolones are active against mycobacteria (23) and
are recommended for the treatment of drug-resistant tubercu-
losis, drug-resistant leprosy, and infections caused by some
nontuberculous mycobacteria (2, 9, 14). Fluoroquinolone re-
sistance is mainly due to alterations in DNA gyrase, the unique
type II topoisomerase of mycobacteria (1, 6, 7, 22, 35). These
alterations are substitutions in the quinolone resistance-deter-
mining regions (QRDRs) in the A subunit (region 67 to 106)
(numbering system used for Escherichia coli) and in the B
subunit (region 426 to 464), as described for other bacteria
(11). The detection of missense mutations at positions 83, 84,
and 87 in GyrA and positions 426, 447, and 464 in GyrB is a
rapid and efficient test for molecular detection of fluoroquin-
olone resistance in mycobacteria (5, 22, 26). This test is com-
plementary to the antibiotic susceptibility testing that is not
standardized yet for quinolones.
In the National Reference Center laboratory, we imple-
mented a few years ago the detection of fluoroquinolone re-
sistance in pathogenic mycobacteria by PCR sequencing of the
gyrA and gyrB QRDRs. Therefore, we were able to compare
the corresponding nucleotide sequences of different mycobac-
terial species. In a previous work, it was shown, for a few
mycobacterial species, that gyrA and gyrB sequences can dif-
ferentiate between some species and help in phylogenetic anal-
ysis (15). In the present study, PCR sequencing of gyrA and
gyrB QRDRs was tested to differentiate 21 mycobacterial spe-
cies commonly isolated in the clinical laboratory, out of which
17 were pathogenic and 4 were nonpathogenic. Reference and
clinical strains, wild-type strains for fluoroquinolone suscepti-
bility, and strains with acquired resistance to fluoroquinolones
were studied.
A total of 133 strains representing 21 mycobacterial species
have been studied: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (n21; H37Rv
strain, 20 clinical strains of which 10 were fluoroquinolone-
resistant strains), M. bovis (n7; ATCC 2001, five clinical
strains and M. bovis BCG), M. africanum (n4; ATCC 30007
and three clinical strains), M. xenopi (n6; ATCC 19250 and
five clinical strains), M. avium (n8; ATCC 25291, six clinical
strains and one in vitro fluoroquinolone-resistant mutant), M.
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Faculte´deMe´decine
Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re, 91, Bd de l’Hoˆpital, 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France.
Phone: 33 (0)1 40 77 97 46. Fax: 33 (0)1 45 82 75 77. E-mail: cambau
intracellulare (n5; ATCC 13950 and four clinical strains), M.
gordonae (n5; ATCC 14470 and four clinical strains), M.
kansasii (n4; ATCC 12478 and three clinical strains), M.
gastri (n3; ATCC 15754 and two clinical strains), M. mal-
moense (n2; two clinical strains), M. szulgai (n4; NCTC
10831 and three clinical strains), M. simiae (n4; ATCC
25275 and three clinical strains), M. leprae (n12; 12 clinical
strains, of which one is a uoroquinolone-resistant strain),
M. marinum (n5; ATCC 927 and four clinical strains),
M. ulcerans (n6; ATCC 14188 and ve clinical strains), M.
chelonae (n3, ATCC 14472 and two clinical strains),
M. abscessus (n6; ATCC 19977 and ve clinical strains),
M. fortuitum (n10; ATCC 6841 and one in vitro uoroquin-
olone-resistant mutant and eight clinical strains, of which one
isauoroquinolone-resistant strain), M. peregrinum (n7;
ATCC 14467 and one in vitro uoroquinolone-resistant mu-
tant and ve clinical strains), M. smegmatis (n8; ATCC
19420, mc
155 and three in vitro uoroquinolone-resistant mu-
tants, and NCTC 53 and two in vitro uoroquinolone-resistant
mutants), and M. aurum (n3; ATCC 23366, CIPT
141210005 and one in vitro uoroquinolone-resistant mutant).
Fluoroquinolone-resistant strains were described previously (5,
6, 7, 15, 16). All the clinical strains were identied by classical
phenotypic and biochemical tests (8) and molecular reference
tests. These molecular tests were DNA probes (13) (Accu-
probe and Genprobe; Biome´rieux, Marcy LEtoile, France) for
M. tuberculosis complex, M. avium,M. intracellulare,M. gordo-
nae, and M. kansasii and sequencing of the 16S rDNA (21) or
of the hsp65 gene (27) for the other species. Extraction of
mycobacterial DNA and amplication of the DNA fragments
corresponding to the gyrA and gyrB QRDRs were performed as
previously described (15, 16) for gyrA by using the degenerated
oligonucleotides Pri9 (5-CGCCGCGTGCTG/CATGCA/GA
GCGA-3) and for gyrB by using GyrbA (5-GAGTTGGTGC
CGATCTTG-3). The amplication reactions consisted of the
following steps: one denaturation cycle at 94°C for 10 min and
40 cycles of amplication at 94°C for 1 min, 55°C for 1 min, and
72°C for 1 min, followed by one elongation cycle at 72°C for 10
min. Sequencing of the gyrA and gyrB QRDRs was performed
as previously described (16).
Amino acid sequences of GyrA and GyrB QRDRs were
identical for all the mycobacterial species, except in two cases.
In the rst case, 1 amino acid was different between the GyrA
sequences of M. fortuitum,M. peregrinum, and M. aurum, which
harbored a serine at position 83, and that of the other myco-
bacterial species, which harbored an alanine at position 83
(16). This difference, which we reported previously, has been
related to the intrinsic quinolone susceptibility of the former
three species. In the second case, 1 amino acid was different
between the GyrA sequences of different strains of M. tuber-
culosis, with either a serine or a threonine at position 88 (35).
The Ser88-Thr natural polymorphism has been related to the
phylogenetic origin of the strains. The strains with Thr88 are
ancestral to those with Ser88 and are more frequent (31).
Nucleotide sequences of the gyrA QRDR (120 bp) and of the
gyrB QRDR (117 bp) were, overall, highly conserved among all
the strains tested, the similarity values ranging between 75 and
100% for the gyrA QRDR and 79 to 100% for the gyrB QRDR
(Table 1). Such similarity values between mycobacterial spe-
cies have been reported for the genes used for molecular
identication to species level (31). The gyrA and gyrB nucleo-
tide sequences were compared for all the species (interspecies
similarity) and for all the strains within each species (intraspe-
cies similarity).
Interspecies comparison showed that nucleotide sequences
of the gyrA and gyrB QRDRs were species specic; i.e., they
were clearly different from one species to another (Fig. 1;
Table 1). Species that are closely related by either phenotypic
or biochemical characters or ribosomal sequences had differ-
ent gyrA and gyrB QRDR sequences. For instance, M. kansasii
TABLE 1. Highest similarity values (%) between the sequences of gyrA QRDR (lower left) and of gyrB QRDR (upper right)
from species of the Mycobacterium genus
species no. (name)
Similarity (% with species no.)
1 2 3 456789101112131415161718192021
1. (M. tuberculosis) 100 100 85.5 88.0 87.2 88.9 85.5 83.8 88.9 88.9 83.8 87.2 86.3 81.2 84.6 88.0 84.6 84.6 87.2 87.2
2. (M. bovis) 100 100 85.5 88.0 87.2 88.9 85.5 83.8 88.9 88.9 83.8 87.2 86.3 81.2 84.6 88.0 84.6 84.6 87.2 87.2
3. (M. africanum) 100 100 85.5 88.0 87.2 88.9 85.5 83.8 88.9 88.9 83.8 87.2 86.3 81.2 84.6 88.0 84.6 84.6 87.2 87.2
4. (M. xenopi) 90.8 90.8 90.8 91.4 94.0 90.6 91.4 93.2 93.2 94.9 89.7 88.9 88.9 82.9 87.2 94.0 92.3 95.7 90.6 95.7
5. (M. avium) 90.8 90.8 90.8 90.0 95.7 93.2 92.3 90.6 94.0 94.0 88.0 89.7 88.9 80.3 91.4 94.9 94.0 94.0 90.6 92.3
6. (M. intracellulare) 90.0 90.0 90.0 89.2 96.7 90.6 95.7 94.9 94.0 93.2 89.7 90.6 88.9 80.3 91.4 94.9 94.0 94.0 89.7 94.0
7. (M. gordonae) 92.5 92.5 92.5 90.8 90.8 93.3 92.3 91.4 92.3 95.7 88.0 88.9 88.9 80.3 85.5 92.3 89.7 89.7 95.7 91.4
8. (M. kansasii) 92.5 92.5 92.5 90.8 92.5 95.8 91.7 96.6 91.4 92.3 89.7 87.2 87.2 79.5 88.0 93.2 90.6 91.4 91.4 91.4
9. (M. gastri) 92.5 92.5 92.5 88.3 90.0 90.8 90.8 93.3 91.4 94.0 88.9 87.2 87.2 79.5 85.5 90.6 89.7 91.4 89.7 90.6
10. (M. malmoense) 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.8 91.7 93.3 94.2 92.5 90.8 94.9 87.2 90.6 89.7 80.3 90.6 94.0 94.0 93.2 90.6 94.0
11. (M. szulgai) 88.3 88.3 88.3 90.0 92.5 92.5 91.7 91.7 90.0 88.3 86.3 88.9 88.0 82.9 88.0 93.2 92.3 92.3 91.4 93.2
12. (M. simiae) 94.2 94.2 94.2 90.8 90.0 92.5 93.3 95.0 89.2 90.0 90.0 89.7 89.7 80.3 85.5 89.7 88.0 90.6 92.3 91.4
13. (M. marinum) 88.3 88.3 88.3 90.0 91.7 92.5 94.2 91.7 89.2 92.5 90.8 91.7 100 83.8 87.2 93.2 90.6 92.3 88.9 90.6
14. (M. ulcerans) 88.3 88.3 88.3 89.2 91.7 92.5 94.2 91.7 89.2 91.7 90.8 91.7 100 82.9 86.3 92.3 89.7 91.4 88.9 89.7
15. (M. leprae) 80.8 80.8 80.8 81.7 84.2 86.7 80.8 85.0 83.3 83.3 85.0 80.8 82.5 81.7 82.0 79.5 78.6 82.0 82.0 80.3
16. (M. chelonae) 90.8 90.8 90.8 86.7 86.7 88.3 90.0 90.0 86.7 89.2 86.7 88.3 87.5 87.5 80.0 93.2 93.2 92.3 88.0 89.7
17. (M. abscessus) 90.8 90.8 90.8 87.5 85.8 86.7 91.7 87.5 87.5 87.5 85.8 87.5 88.3 88.3 75.0 89.2 97.4 96.6 91.4 94.9
18. (M. fortuitum) 89.2 89.2 89.2 89.2 90.0 90.8 92.5 91.7 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 91.7 91.7 77.5 84.2 88.3 94.9 89.7 92.3
19. (M. peregrinum) 89.2 89.2 89.2 88.3 92.5 94.2 90.8 91.7 87.5 89.2 90.0 91.7 90.0 90.0 80.0 85.0 85.8 92.5 89.7 94.0
20. (M. smegmatis) 93.3 93.3 93.3 90.8 89.2 90.0 92.5 90.8 90.0 88.3 90.8 91.7 90.0 90.0 80.0 87.5 90.0 90.8 92.5 93.2
21. (M. aurum) 90.8 90.8 90.8 87.5 88.3 91.7 91.7 90.0 90.0 87.5 88.3 90.8 89.2 89.2 80.8 87.5 88.3 91.7 93.3 94.2
and M. gastri, which have the same 16S and ITS rRNA se-
quences, had specicgyrA and gyrB QRDR sequences, with 8-
to 10-nucleotide differences (highest similarity value of 93.3%)
between the gyrA QRDRs and 4- or 5-nucleotide differences
(highest similarity value of 96.6%) between the gyrB QRDRs.
M. szulgai and M. malmoense, which are not differentiated by
their 16S rDNA sequences, were differentiated by 14 or 15
nucleotides (highest similarity value of 88.3%) between the
sequences of gyrA QRDRs and by 6 to 9 nucleotides (highest
similarity value of 94.9%) between the sequences of gyrB
QRDRs. M. avium and M. intracellulare, which belong to the
same complex, were differentiated by 4 to 7 nucleotides be-
tween the gyrA QRDRs and 5 to 9 nucleotides between the
gyrB QRDRs. Scotochromogen species, such as M. gordonae,
M. szulgai, and M. aurum, were differentiated with regard to
the gyrA QRDR sequences (10-, 14-, and 10-nucleotide differ-
ences, respectively) and with regard to the gyrB QRDR se-
quences (4- to 7-, 8- to 11-, and 10- or 11-nucleotide differ-
ences, respectively). Finally, gyrA and gyrB sequencing was
efcient for the differentiation of rapidly growing mycobacte-
rial species. Nucleotide sequences of gyrA and gyrB QRDRs
were clearly different not only between the M. chelonae group
(M. chelonae and M. abscessus) and the M. fortuitum group (M.
fortuitum and M. peregrinum) but also between the two species
within each group (Fig. 1). Precisely, the sequences of the gyrA
QRDRs from M. chelonae and M. abscessus differed by 13 or 14
nucleotides and the gyrB QRDR sequences differed by 8 to 14
nucleotides. The sequences of the gyrA QRDRs from the
strains of M. fortuitum and M. peregrinum differed by 9 nucle-
otides, and the gyrB QRDR sequences differed by 6 or 7 nu-
cleotides. However, species within the M. fortuitum group ap-
peared to form an homogeneous cluster and appeared well
differentiated from the M. chelonae group (Fig. 1; Table 1),
which is consistent with published data (39).
The nucleotide sequences of gyrA and gyrB QRDRs did not
discriminate with regard to the species that belong to the M.
FIG. 1. Alignment of the nucleotide sequences of the gyrA and gyrB QRDRs from the 21 mycobacterial species. Sequences of M. tuberculosis
were taken as the reference sequences, and dashes represent identical nucleotides. The nucleotide polymorphisms, i.e., a nucleotide difference that
has been observed between strains within the same species, were indicated by a letter in boldface type, and their meaning is the following: the letter
R when A or G was observed, Y for C or T, M for A or C, K for G or T, S for G or C, and W for A or T.
VOL. 41, 2003 NOTES 1313
tuberculosis complex, i.e., M. tuberculosis,M. africanum, and M.
bovis. This was expected, since so far the sequences of the
genes used for identication to species level do not differen-
tiate these species (31). The nucleotide sequences of gyrA and
gyrB QRDRs did not differentiate M. marinum from M. ulcer-
ans, either. Nearly all of the genes sequenced so far and used
for identication to species level were identical for M. ulcerans
and M. marinum (32).
Intraspecies similarity was studied by sequencing the gyrA
and gyrB QRDRs of 3 to 10 wild-type strains of each species.
Similarity ranged from 97.5 to 100%. Nucleotide differences
were observed rarely between the strains of a same species,
with the exception of uoroquinolone-resistant mutants. The
intraspecies differences were considered a natural polymor-
phism of the sequence and are indicated in Fig. 1. Since only
some species were concerned, such as M. avium,M. intracellu-
lare,M. kansasii, and M. abscessus, it might be due to the
taxonomic heterogeneity of the species (38).
Molecular methods that were described for the identica-
tion of mycobacteria often require PCR sequencing of long
DNA fragments. This can be circumvented by using PCR-
restriction fragment length polymorphism, and some laborato-
ries found it simple and inexpensive (10, 12, 17, 19, 29). How-
ever, they also reported disadvantages of PCR-restriction
fragment length polymorphism, such as a lack of specicity, the
need for a large panel of control species, and the fact that new
species are undetected (37, 40). Hybridization to oligonucleo-
tide probes (LiPA and Chip) is a simple and robust technique
but has been so far applied only to 16S rDNA and ITS rDNA
sequences (25, 33, 36). The work ow of the technique that we
described herein is simple: one PCR at a unique hybridization
temperature for the two genes followed by a short sequencing
(120 bp only for each gene). Nowadays, amplication and
sequence determination are implemented in most of the hos-
pitals or can be done outside for a low price.
Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of gyrA and gyrB
QRDRs can rapidly determine the mycobacterial species.
Rapid identication of nontuberculous mycobacteria to spe-
cies level is particularly useful, because the antibiotic suscep-
tibility pattern and the clinical interest vary depending on the
mycobacterial species (2). Moreover, for pathogenic mycobac-
teria, this test can simultaneously give an answer regarding
susceptibility to quinolones. The mutations that we have ob-
served in quinolone-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis com-
plex, M. fortuitum,M. leprae,M. avium,M. smegmatis, and M.
peregrinum did not result in a sequence specic to another
species. Conversely, nucleotide differences observed between
species were different from the mutations involved in uoro-
quinolone resistance.
We thank Murielle Renard for technical assistance, Ve´ronique Vin-
cent for providing reference strains, and Miche`le Dailloux and Jean-
nette Maugein for providing clinical strains.
This study was supported by grants from the Association Franc¸aise
Raoul Follereau, the Association Claude Bernard, the Institut Na-
tional de La Sante´et de la Recherche Me´dicale (EMI 004), and the
University of Paris VI (research group UPRES EA 1541).
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VOL. 41, 2003 NOTES 1315

Supplementary resources (33)

... There are several target genes or sequences which are used to differentiate Mycobacterium species including: 16S rRNA [11], 16S-23S rRNA or internal transcribed spacer (ITS) [12], 23S rRNA [13], recA [14], rpoB gene [14], dnaJ [15], secA1 [16], dnaA [17], gyrB [18], sod [14] and hsp65 genes [19]. Among these, ITS target has been found to have an outstanding potential for this purpose, because of its variations in size and sequence from species to species and containing both variable and highly conserved regions. ...
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Background Line probe assay (LPA) is one of the most accurate diagnostic tools for detection of different Mycobacterium species. There are several commercial kits based on line probe assay for detection of Mycobacterium species. Because of their high cost, especially for underdeveloped and developing countries, and the discrepancy of NTM prevalence across geographic regions, it would be reasonable to consider the development of an in-house LPA. The aim of this study was to develop a LPA to detect and differentiate mycobacterial species, and also to evaluate the usefulness of PCR-LPA for direct application on clinical samples. Method One pair of biotinylated primers and fifteen designed DNA oligonucleotide probes were used based on multiple aligned ITS sequences. Specific binding of the PCR amplified products to the probes immobilized on a strip of nitrocellulose membrane was evaluated by hybridization method. Experiments were performed three times on separate days to evaluate the repeatability of the assay. Further, evaluation of the PCR-LPA was carried out directly on 9 clinical samples and cultivated isolates. Results All the fifteen probes used in this study were hybridized specifically to ITS sequences of the corresponding standard species. Results were reproducible for all of the strains in different days. Mycobacterium species of nine clinical specimens and their relevant cultivated isolates were correctly identified by PCR-LPA and confirmed by sequencing. Conclusions In this study, we described a PCR-LPA which is readily applicable in clinical laboratory. This assay is a fast, cost-effective and highly specific method which requires no radioactive materials.
... Several target genes or sequences are currently used to differentiate Mycobacterium species; these include 16S rRNA (12), 16S-23S rRNA or internal transcribed spacer (ITS) (13), 23S rRNA (14), recA (15), rpoB (15), dnaj (16), secA1 (17), dnaA (18), gyrB (19), sod (15), and hsp65 genes (20). Among these, the ITS has been found to have an outstanding potential for this purpose both because of its variations in size and sequence between species, and because it contains both variable and highly conserved regions. ...
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Background: The line probe assay (LPA) is one of the most accurate diagnostic tools for detection of different Mycobacterium species. Several commercial kits based on the LPA for detection of Mycobacterium species are currently available. Because of their high cost, especially for underdeveloped and developing countries, and the discrepancy of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) prevalence across geographic regions, it would be reasonable to consider the development of an in-house LPA. The aim of this study was to develop an LPA to detect and differentiate mycobacterial species and to evaluate the usefulness of PCR-LPA for direct application on clinical samples. Methods: One pair of biotinylated primers and 15 designed DNA oligonucleotide probes were used based on multiple aligned internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Specific binding of the PCR-amplified products to the probes immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane strips was evaluated by the hybridization method. Experiments were performed three times on separate days to evaluate the assay's repeatability. The PCR-LPA was evaluated directly on nine clinical samples and their cultivated isolates. Results: All 15 probes used in this study hybridized specifically to ITS sequences of the corresponding standard species. Results were reproducible for all the strains on different days. Mycobacterium species of the nine clinical specimens and their cultivated isolates were correctly identified by PCR-LPA and confirmed by sequencing. Conclusion: In this study, we describe a PCR-LPA that is readily applicable in the clinical laboratory. The assay is fast, cost-effective, highly specific, and requires no radioactive materials.
... Amplification of the mycobacterial gyrA gene was done using primers F (5-CGCCGCGTGCTG/CATGCA/GATG-3) and R (5-C/TGGTGGA/GTCA/GTTA/GCCC/TGGCGA-3) (Bioneer/Korea) (13)(14)(15). PCR was performed in a 50 µL reaction mixture containing 1.0 µL of each primer (10 pmoL), 25 µL of master mix (dNTP, MgCl 2 , 10X buffers, Taq DNA polymerase), 5 µL of purified DNA (20 ng), and 17 µL of RNase-free water. The amplification reactions involved the following stages: one denaturation cycle at 94°C for 10 minutes and 40 cycles of amplification at 94°C for 1 minute, 55°C for 1 minute, and 72°C for 1 minute, followed by one elongation cycle at 72°C for 10 minutes. ...
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Background: During the past several years, nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have been reported as some of the most important agents of infection in immunocompromised patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ciprofloxacin susceptibility of clinical and environmental NTM species isolated from Isfahan province, Iran, using the agar dilution method, and to perform an analysis of gyrA gene-related ciprofloxacin resistance. Materials and methods: A total of 41 clinical and environmental isolates of NTM were identified by conventional and multiplex PCR techniques. The isolates were separated out of water, blood, abscess, and bronchial samples. The susceptibility of the isolates to 1 µg/mL, 2 µg/mL and 4 µg/mL of ciprofloxacin concentrations was determined by the agar dilution method according to CLSI guidelines. A 120-bp area of the gyrA gene was amplified, and PCR-SSCP templates were defined using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The 120-bp of gyrA amplicons with different PCR-SSCP patterns were sequenced. Results: The frequency of the identified isolates was as follows: Mycobacterium fortuitum, 27 cases; M. gordonae, 10 cases; M. smegmatis, one case; M. conceptionense, one case; and M. abscessus, two cases. All isolates except for M. abscessus were sensitive to all three concentrations of ciprofloxacin. The PCR-SSCP pattern of the gyrA gene of resistant M. abscessus isolates showed four different bands. The gyrA sequencing of resistant M. abscessus isolates showed 12 alterations in nucleotides compared to the M. abscessus ATCC 19977 resistant strain; however, the amino acid sequences were similar. Conclusions: This study demonstrated the specificity and sensitivity of the PCR-SSCP method for finding mutations in the gyrA gene. Due to the sensitivity of most isolates to ciprofloxacin, this antibiotic should be considered an appropriate drug for the treatment of related diseases.
... The group of Eldin (2012) determined fluoroquinolone resistance in Mtb with the use of gyrA and B primers. Primers for the DNA gyrase gene were also applied by Dauendorffer et al. (2003) in the evaluation of quinolone-resistance-determining-regions (QRDR) of Mycobacterium spp. ...
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Ten (10) DNA samples of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) isolated from sputum of TB-positive humans, DNA samples from Mycobacterium species isolated from lymph nodes and fecal samples of avians and bubaline animals were analysed by PCR targeting primers for gyrase A (gyrA), quinolone resitance A(qnrA) and topoisomerase IV (parC) genes. Results demonstrated that quinolone resistance recognized by gyrA was seen in one out of 10 DNA samples from human Mtb isolates and that no qnrA and parC genes were detected. The gene for quinolone resistance detected by the primer gyrA had a molecular weight of 333 bp. Resistance to quinolone mediated by gyrA, qnrA and parC genes in avian (M. avium avium) and bubaline (M. avium paratuberculosis) isolates of mycobacteria were not detected after PCR. The non-amplification of genes observed in this study explains the non-existence of quinolone resistance arbitrated by gyrA, qnrA and parC genes in the specified avian and bubaline mycobacterial isolates.
... Canonical mutations conferring drug resistance to RIF and INH were determined by Sanger sequencing of the corresponding regions of rpoB gene (primers rpo95/rpo397) (Somoskovi et al., 2003;Telenti et al., 1993), katG gene (primers TB86/TB87), and inhA promoter (primers TB92/TB93) (Jagielski et al., 2014;Kiepiela et al., 2000). The presence of fluoroquinolone resistance-conferring mutations was investigated by sequencing of the quinolone resistance determining regions in gyrA (primers Pri9/Pri8) and gyrB (primers GyrbA/GyrbE) (Dauendorffer et al., 2003). Mutated codons were named following H37Rv notation. ...
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The M strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis caused the largest MDR-tuberculosis outbreak in Latin America and its epidemiological success could be ascribed to its biological traits. We find that the M strain and its orphan variant named 410 have contrasting abilities to resist starvation. These findings add evidence to our previous results indicating that 410 paid a higher fitness cost, while the M strain managed to find a unique path to success.
... Mycobacterial DNA was extracted using the UltraClean microbial DNA isolation kit (Mo Bio, Carlsbad, CA, USA). For amplification and sequencing of gyrA and gyrB from MAC and MABC isolates, we modified previously described primers, i.e., Pri9 (5=-CGCCGSGTSCTSTAYGCVATG-3=) and Pri8 (5=-BGSYGGRTCRTTRCCBGGYGA-3=) for gyrA and GyrbA (5=-GARYTGGTGCGSC GYAAGAGY-3=) and GyrbE (5=-CGGCCATCARCACGATCTTG-3=) for gyrB (26)(27)(28). The broth microdilution method was used for DST, and MAC and MABC isolates were considered susceptible (MIC of Յ1 g/ml), intermediate (MIC of 2 g/ml), or resistant (MIC of Ն4 g/ml) to moxifloxacin according to CLSI guidelines (15). ...
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Data are limited on the frequency of gyrA and gyrB mutations in fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates of the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and M. abscessus complex (MABC). In our analysis, we did not find any resistance-associated mutations in gyrA or gyrB in 105 clinical isolates of MAC or MABC, including 72 moxifloxacin-resistant isolates. Our findings suggest that mechanisms other than gyrA and gyrB mutations contribute to moxifloxacin resistance in these organisms.
Although fluoroquinolones (FQs) are the backbone drugs for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), the knowledge about the resistance pattern and molecular characterization of new-generation FQs in Chongqing is limited. This study aimed to investigate the resistance rate and mutation types of later-generation FQs against MDR-TB in Chongqing, and further to explore the relationship between different genotypes and phenotypes. A total of 967 clinical strains were characterized using multilocus sequence typing and drug susceptibility testing, followed by analysis of genotype/phenotype association. The 229 (23.7%, 229/967) isolates were identified as MDR-TB. The most effective agent against MDR-TB was gatifloxacin (GFX) (20.1%, 46/229), and the highest resistant rate was observed in ofloxacin (OFX) (41.0%, 94/229). Of the 190 strains (83.0%) identified as Beijing genotype, 111 isolates were modern Beijing genotype (58.4%) and 79 isolates were ancient Beijing genotype (41.6%). By analyzing 94 OFX-resistant isolates, 13 isolates were clustered with the cumulative clustering rate of 13.8% (13/94). Of the 91 isolates (39.7%, 91/229) with a mutation in gyrA gene, mutation in codon 94 was the most prevalent. Only 15 isolates (6.6%, 15/229) harbored a mutation in gyrB gene. There was no significant difference in the mutation rate of gyrA gene between Beijing and non-Beijing genotype, clustered isolates, and nonclustered isolates (p > 0.05).
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The conventional methods for identifying mycobacterial species are based on their phenotypic characterization. Since some problematic species are slow growers, their taxonomy takes several weeks or months to identify. The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence-based identification strategy has been adopted to solve this problem. More recently, the gyrB sequences have been shown to be useful phylogenetic markers for the identification of species. We determined the gyrB sequences of 43 slowly growing strains belonging to 15 species in the genus Mycobacterium. The frequencies of base substitutions in the gyrB sequences were comparable to those in the 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. The ITS sequences of four species belonging to the M. tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. africanum, and M. microti) were 100% identical, while four synonymous substitutions were found in the gyrB sequences of these strains. Based on the differences found in the gyrB sequences, we developed PCR and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism methods to discriminate these species.
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The use of the 16S rRNA gene for identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) provides a faster and better ability to accurately identify them in addition to contributing significantly in the discovery of new species. Despite their associated problems, many rely on the use of public sequence databases for sequence comparisons. To best evaluate the taxonomic status of NTM species submitted to our reference laboratory, we have created a 16S rRNA sequence database by sequencing 121 American Type Culture Collection strains encompassing 92 species of mycobacteria, and have also included chosen unique mycobacterial sequences from public sequence repositories. In addition, the Ribosomal Differentiation of Medical Microorganisms (RIDOM) service has made freely available on the Internet mycobacterial identification by 16S rRNA analysis. We have evaluated 122 clinical NTM species using our database, comparing > 1,400 bp of the 16S gene, and the RIDOM database, comparing similar to 440 bp. The breakdown of analysis was as follows: 61 strains had a sequence with 100% similarity to the type strain of an established species, 19 strains showed a 1- to 5-bp divergence from an established species, 11 strains had sequences corresponding to uncharacterized strain sequences in public databases, and 31 strains represented unique sequences. Our experience with analysis of the 16S rRNA gene of patient strains has shown that clear-cut results are not the rule. As many clinical, research, and environmental laboratories currently employ 16S-based identification of bacteria, including mycobacteria, a freely available quality-controlled database such as that provided by RIDOM is essential to accurately identify species or detect true sequence variations leading to the discovery of new species.
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To examine the mechanism of resistance to fluoroquinolones in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we selected spontaneous fluoroquinolone-resistant mutants from a susceptible strain, H37Rv, and studied the susceptibilities of these mutants and two fluoroquinolone-resistant clinical isolates (A-382, A-564) to various fluoroquinolones and to isoniazid and rifampin. Furthermore, since mutations within the quinolone resistance-determining region of the structural gene encoding the A subunit of DNA gyrase are the most common mechanism of acquired resistance, we amplified this region by PCR and compared the nucleotide sequences of the fluoroquinolone-resistant strains with that of the susceptible strain. Fluoroquinolone-resistant mutants of H37Rv appeared at frequencies of 2 x 10(-6) to 1 x 10(-8). For three mutants selected on ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and sparfloxacin, respectively, and the two clinical isolates, MICs of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin were as high as 16 micrograms/ml, and those of sparfloxacin were 4 to 8 micrograms/ml. They displayed cross-resistance to all fluoroquinolones tested but not to isoniazid or rifampin. Sparfloxacin and FQ-A (PD 127391-0002) were the most potent fluoroquinolones. All of the fluoroquinolone-resistant strains (MICs, > or = 4 micrograms/ml) had mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region which led to substitution of the Asp residue at position 87 (Asp-87) by Asn or Ala or the substitution of Ala-83 by Val in the A subunit of DNA gyrase. Similar mutations have been noted in other bacterial species and recently in mycobacteria. The broad resistance to fluoroquinolones that arose readily by point mutation in the laboratory and apparently during inadequate therapy, as was the case in the clinical isolates, may ultimately lead to to serious restriction of the use of these drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis.
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Clinical isolates of Mycobacterium spp. were identified by direct sequence determination of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Identification was based on a hypervariable region within the 16S rRNA gene in which mycobacterial species are characterized by species-specific nucleotide sequences. A manually aligned data base including the signature sequences of 52 species of mycobacteria easily allowed rapid and correct identification. The results of this study demonstrate that polymerase chain reaction-mediated direct sequence determination can be used as a rapid and reliable method for the identification of mycobacteria in the clinical laboratory. In addition, the prompt recognition of previously undescribed species is now feasible.
For many years, DNA gyrase was thought to be responsible both for unlinking replicated daughter chromosomes and for controlling negative superhelical tension in bacterial DNA. However, in 1990 a homolog of gyrase, topoisomerase IV, that had a potent decatenating activity was discovered. It is now clear that topoisomerase IV, rather than gyrase, is responsible for decatenation of interlinked chromosomes. Moreover, topoisomerase IV is a target of the 4-quinolones, antibacterial agents that had previously been thought to target only gyrase. The key event in quinolone action is reversible trapping of gyrase-DNA and topoisomerase IV-DNA complexes. Complex formation with gyrase is followed by a rapid, reversible inhibition of DNA synthesis, cessation of growth, and induction of the SOS response. At higher drug concentrations, cell death occurs as double-strand DNA breaks are released from trapped gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV complexes. Repair of quinolone-induced DNA damage occurs largely via recombination pathways. In many gram-negative bacteria, resistance to moderate levels of quinolone arises from mutation of the gyrase A protein and resistance to high levels of quinolone arises from mutation of a second gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV site. For some gram-positive bacteria, the situation is reversed: primary resistance occurs through changes in topoisomerase IV while gyrase changes give additional resistance. Gyrase is also trapped on DNA by lethal gene products of certain large, low-copy-number plasmids. Thus, quinolone-topoisomerase biology is providing a model for understanding aspects of host-parasite interactions and providing ways to investigate manipulation of the bacterial chromosome by topoisomerases.
Diagnostic Criteria of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Lung Disease For patients with a cavitary infiltrate: Two or more sputums or bronchial washings that are acid-fast bacilli smear positive and/or produce moderate to heavy growth on culture.Exclusion of other reasonable causes for the disease.II. For patients with a noncavitary infiltrate: Two or more sputums or bronchial washings that are acid-fast bacilli smear positive and/or produce moderate to heavy growth on culture.The isolate is Mycobacterium avium complex or M. kansasii and cannot be cleared from the sputum with either bronchial hygiene or 2 wk of drug therapy.Exclusion of other reasonable causes for the disease.For patients with a cavitary or noncavitary infiltrate whose sputum evaluations are nondiagnostic or another disease cannot be excluded: 1. Lung biopsy yields a NTM.2. The biopsy shows mycobacterial histopathologic features (i.e., granulomatous inflammation) and two or more sputums are positive for a NTM even in low numbers.
The detectability of mycobacteria in culture by the use of nonisotopic, chemiluminescent DNA probes for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the M. avium-M. intracellulare complex (MAC) was evaluated and compared with that by the use of 125I-labeled DNA probes for the same mycobacteria. In the assay, rRNA-directed DNA probes labeled with acridinium ester (AE-DNA probes) were used. Unhybridized probes were chemically degraded, and the esterified acridinium on the hybridized probes was hydrolyzed by the addition of alkaline hydrogen peroxide solution, resulting in the production of visible light which was measured with a luminometer. The detection limits of the AE-DNA probes were almost the same as those of the 125I-labeled DNA probes. A total of 107 clinical isolates of mycobacteria (47 isolates of M. tuberculosis, 36 MAC, and 24 atypical mycobacteria other than MAC) were tested. The sensitivity and specificity of the AE-DNA probes for M. tuberculosis were 100% both for the conventional method and with the 125I-labeled DNA probe. The sensitivity and specificity of the AE-DNA probes for MAC were 97.2 and 100%, respectively, for the conventional method and were both 100% with the 125I-labeled DNA probes. Because the procedure is simple, reliable, rapid (it can be completed within an hour), and safe (it does not use radioisotopes), it can easily be performed in any clinical laboratory.
This paper reviews recent information on the systematics and clinical significance of potentially pathogenic environmental mycobacteria. A short history of these mycobacteria is given. Information on species for which clinical and systematic aspects have already been well documented, i.e., Mycobacterium kansasii, M. marinum, M. scrofulaceum, M. simiae, M. szulgai, M. ulcerans, M. xenopi, and members of the M. fortuitum complex, is updated. Although the M. avium complex was extensively reviewed in earlier literature, major new systematic and clinical information is presented in some detail. Species that have received very limited prior coverage, i.e., M. asiaticum, M. haemophilum, M. malmoense, and M. shimoidei, are the main subjects of this review and are discussed in detail. The rare infections attributed to species that are normally considered nonpathogenic, i.e., M. gastri, M. gordonae, the M. terrae complex, and most of the rapidly growing mycobacteria outside of the M. fortuitum complex, are critically reviewed. Finally, suggestions are offered for practical measures that can minimize the risk of failing to isolate or misidentifying some of the more obscure potentially pathogenic environmental mycobacteria that are only infrequently recognized.