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Ensuring data integrity using blockchain technology



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Ensuring Data Integrity Using Blockchain
Igor Zikratov, Alexander Kuzmin, Vladislav Akimenko, Viktor Niculichev, Lucas Yalansky
ITMO University
Saint-Petersburg, Russia,,,,
Abstract—Blockchain is a relatively new technology that has
shown a lot of possibilities. It emerged in 2009 as a public ledger
of all Bitcoin transactions. Blockchain technology is finding
applications in wide range of areas: digital assets and stocks,
smart contracts, record keeping, ID systems, cloud storage, ride
sharing, etc. We investigate the blockchains’ activity in terms of
how to store, retrieve and share files in decentralized network.
Many people are excited about cryptocurrencies like
Bitcoin, but what is even more interesting is the technology
that powers it.
A blockchain is essentially a distributed database of
records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events
that have been executed and shared among participating
parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by
consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once
entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain
contains a certain and verifiable record of every single
transaction ever made.
Beyond currency, the blockchain can be used in smart
contracts, record keeping, ID systems, cloud storage and many
other areas.
In our study we decided to look closely at how to ensure
data integrity using blockchain technology.
The Clark-Wilson model identified the features of an
integrity-secure system. It consists of the following factors:
well-formed transactions, separation of duty, authentication,
audit, Principle of least privilege, objective control and control
over privilege transfer [1].
We are mostly interested in creating our own version of
private chain IaaS “Zeppar”, that is similar to Storj and
BigchainDB, except for the effort of ensuring data integrity in
the process. Our model quantifies the importance of several
factors that determine data integrity formulated by Clark and
Wilson including well-formed transactions, separation of duty,
authentication, audit, Principle of least privilege, objective
control and control over privilege transfer.
Users of cloud systems commonly assume that if their data
is encrypted before outsourcing it to the cloud, it is secure
enough. Although encryption is to provide solid
confidentiality against internal attacks, it does not protect that
data from corruption caused by configuration errors and
software bugs. There are two traditional ways of proving the
integrity of data outsourced in a remote server. Checking the
integrity of data can be by a client or by a third party. The first
one is downloading the file and then checking the hash value.
In this way, a message authentication code algorithm is used.
MAC algorithms take two inputs, which are a secret key
and variable length of data, which produce one output, which
is a MAC. In this way this algorithm is run on the client side.
After getting a MAC, the data owner outsources those data to
the cloud. For checking its integrity, the data owner downloads
the outsourced data and then calculates the MAC for it and
compares it with the one calculated before outsourcing that
By using this method accidental and intentional changes
will be detected. Also, by using the key, the authenticity of
data will be protected and only the one who has the key can
check the data authenticity and integrity. For a large file,
downloading and calculating the MAC of the file is an
overwhelming process and takes a lot of time. Also, it is not
practical since it consumes more bandwidth.
Therefore, there is a need for using a lighter technique,
which is calculating the hashing value. The second one is to
compute that hash value in the cloud by using a hash tree. In
this technique, the hash tree is built from bottom to top where
the leaves are the data and parents are also hashed together
until the root is reached. The owner of data only stores the
root. When the owner needs to check his data, he asks for just
root value and compares it with the one he has. This is also to
some extent is not practical because computing the hash value
of a huge number of values consumes more computation.
Sometimes, when the provided service is just storage without
computation, the user download the file, the same as in the
first case, or send it to third party, which will consume more
Therefore, there is a need to find a way to check data
integrity while saving bandwidth and computation power.
Remote data auditing, by which the data integrity or
correctness of remotely stored data is investigated, has been
given more attention recently.
_____________________________________________________PROCEEDING OF THE 20TH CONFERENCE OF FRUCT ASSOCIATION
ISSN 2305-7254
A. Third Party Auditor
Third Party Auditor (TPA) is the person who has the skills
and experience to carry out all auditing processes. TPA
scheme is used for checking the data integrity. Architecture of
third-party auditing their proposed scheme attains data
integrity and assures the data owner of the data security. The
owner is aware of all his resources on the cloud. Therefore,
this scheme guarantees the integrity of data for all owner
resources on the cloud.
This scheme involves the data owner in the auditing
process. First, TPA uses normal auditing processes. Once they
discover any modification to the data, the owner is notified
about those changes. The owner checks the logs of the
auditing process to validate those changes. If the owner
suspects that unusual actions have happened to his data, he can
check his data by himself or by another auditor assigned by
Therefore, the owner is always tracking any modification to
his own data. There is an assigned threshold value that a
response from the third party auditor should not exceed. The
data owner validates all modifications lesser than or equal to
this threshold. If the time exceeds this threshold, the data
owner is supposed to do surprise auditing
Fig. 1. TPA-method
The disadvantages of this method are the need for third-
party communication channel, as well as the exposure of the
"man in the middle" attacks. In addition, the emergence of a
third party for data processing, this increases the risk of the
implementation of a range of threats from hackers [2].
B. Provable Data Possession (PDP) and related methods
Provable Data Possession (PDP) scheme to investigate
statically the correctness of the data outsourced to cloud
storage without retrieving the data. In the proposed model is to
check that data stored in a remote server are still in its
possession and that the server has the original data without
retrieving it. This model is based on probabilistic proofs by
randomly choosing a set of blocks from the server to prove the
They used a RSA-based homomorphic verifiable tag,
which is combines tags in order to provide a message that the
client can use to prove that the server has specific block
regardless of whether the client has access to this specific
block or not [3].
Fig. 2. Pre-process of PDP-protocol
At a pre-process step, before sending files to the cloud,
user modifies data and adding metadata, at the same time
maintaining in the client metadata repository.
In the future, when checking the fact of the immutability of
the file saved in the cloud, the user generates a request to the
server to store file metadata comparison to the repository
metadata repository located in the client [4].
Fig. 3. Checking of PDP-protocol
A further development of the method is the E-PDP, which
is different protocol capable of 185 times faster and generate
metadata file, in fact, only limited operating speed
reading/writing physical storage devices. There are also
variations in the method of the PDP, such as Proof of
Retrievability (POR), and the method of Prof. Ownership,
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The main disadvantage of the above methods is the need
for the metadata store on the user side, which increases the
number of potential targets for an attack. In addition, these
methods make it very difficult to ensure the integrity of the
dynamic files.
Cloud Storage consists of a set of virtual machines. This
can be successfully applied for blockchain.
Fig. 4. Blockchain ensure data integrity method in Cloud Storage
Blockchain is a structure composed of blocks each of
which are recorded transaction. The box consists of a header
and the transaction list. Title block includes a hash, hash of the
previous block, the transaction. Transaction, inter alia,
contains an attribute within the input link to the transaction
with the previous state data. As a result of the hash is
irreversible, there is no algorithm for obtaining the desired
result, in addition to random search. The node sends the
resulting unit is connected to other nodes that test unit. If there
are no errors, then the block is considered to be added to the
chain, and the next block should include a hash of it.
Eligible units are sent to the network joining in a
distributed database blocks. Regularly there are situations
when a number of new units in different parts of the
distributed network called the previous one and the same unit,
ie, the chain may branch blocks. Intentionally or accidentally,
you can restrict relaying information about the new blocks (for
example, one of the chains can be developed within the local
network). In this method the possible build-up of various
parallel branches. Each of the new block can occur as the same
transaction, or different, included in only one of them. In
method of equal complexity and length of that preference is
given to the chain, the end of which there was previously a
Chain blocks contains the history of ownership, which can
be found. Cloud storage generally is a cluster is divided into
virtual spaces allocated to each individual user. Functionality
of the proposed method consists of two main parts: the part
that is responsible for the formation of user transactions and
the part that is responsible for maintenance of the transaction
block chain. The method is applicable to both static files and
dynamic. If the static files are immutable and are available for
downloading or rewriting.
Thus, for a static file changes fact serves only its full
rewriting. Recording a transaction takes place in a block using
the method of concurrent access without locks. Separation of
access between threads comes at the expense of atomic
operations for each of the file types. There are three types of
transactions: the creation, modification, deletion. If part,
responsible for the formation of user transactions, finds that
the file is modified, the transaction is created in which is
specified the current hash of the file and the previous one.
Previous hash is taken from the block chain ,. When creating /
deleting a file created by the transaction, where the value of
the previous / current hash take special values.
Working with dynamic files. The user writes various
dynamic files, such as databases. Then he sets up the
configuration file of a background process that monitors the
change in dynamic files. When you first start a transaction file
is created with the original hash file and sent to the server. It
then monitors data files for changes. If changes are made
unauthorized process that sent the notification to the user.
Otherwise, at user-defined intervals updated hashes of the
files. Concurrent user access to dynamic files is carried out by
internal application modules working with dynamic files.
One of the main components of this method is that the
virtual machine is engaged in transaction processing blocks
chain. She receives a transaction from client programs,
background, checks for validity. Notification of non-valid
transactions, the creation of units of valid transactions, the
spread of new units through the network of virtual machines.
Is blockchain relevant?
Blockchain technology is being used in all types of
industries. This is not surprising because this technology
provides a wide range of different features and amenities.
Some examples are:
Ɣ Scaling
Ɣ Monitoring the chain in real-time (event-based
Ɣ User isolation
Ɣ Momentary asset transfer over the network
Ɣ Immutability
Ɣ Modular core
Having assessed all the advantages of this technology. it
becomes obvious that it can be used to monitor the integrity of
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files, which is one of the most important tasks of information
Our method is divided into two main parts: the frontend
and server. The frontend consists of the UI and programs that
implement the services provided by the server. The server is
responsible for processing the transactions,
creating/transmitting blocks and handling all user access
A. Frontend
The user interface is a web application which provides the
user the ability to access the provided storage space
(uploading/downloading data).
B. Backend
The backend is the core of our system. It is where all of our
services that ensure data integrity of the file storage are
The backend consists of several parts.
ABRAXAS uses the FileSystemWatcher class to get
notifications from the OS about changes in the filesystem. It
then creates and sends the transactions based on the data that
the OS provides. ABRAXAS creates and sends transactions.
Transactions can be of 4 different types, each one
corresponds to a different filesystem operation. The
transactions are standardized:
Ɣ Tx Type: identifies the type of the transaction.
Actual Hash: current hash of file
Ɣ Prev Hash: previous hash of file
Ɣ Timestamp: the exact time and date when the
transaction was created in UNIX-time.
Ɣ Previous/Current Path: previous/current path to file
Ɣ Signature: digital cryptographic signature of the file
Types of transactions:
a) OnCreated
This type of transaction is formed when a file is created.
Fig. 5. Transaction scheme of OnCreated type
b) OnChanged
This type of transaction is sent when a file is changed.
Fig. 6. Transaction scheme of OnChanged type
c) OnDeleted
This type of transaction is sent when a file is deleted.
Fig. 7. Transaction scheme of OnDeleted type
d) OnRenamed
This type of transaction is sent when a file is renamed.
Fig. 8. Transaction scheme of OnRenamed type
2) A worker process processes the transactions and
creates blocks out of them. [5]
Fig. 9. Scheme of Block
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As mentioned earlier, there are two components of the
entire client system, is solely responsible for the use and
experience of the responsible for all computing processes and
ensuring the integrity of file storage. Now in more detail about
each of them.
A. User side
The user interface is a web application which provides the
user the ability to access the provided storage space
(uploading/downloading files).
B. Server side
1) Session management [6]
Session management is handled on the server [7].
Users can authenticate using a login/password pair, a
private/pub key pair or even a smart card.
Once authenticated, a session key is created by hashing a
random nonce with the username using the GOST R 34.11-
2012 (Stribog) algorithm. The session key will be used for all
server-side functions until it expires.
2) FileSystemWatcher
Algorithm 1 setWatchers
0: List<FileSystemWatcher> watchers = new
List<Filesystemwatcher> ();
1: configurations = getConfiguration(config)
2: foreach (Configuration conf in configurations) {
3: watchers..add(new
4: return watchers.
3) Type of transactions
ȿhe basic idea was taken from creation Secure High-Rate
Transaction Processing in Bitcoin [8]
Algorithm 2 struct Transaction_FileChanged
0: public int OpCode;
1: public string OldFileHash;
2: public string NewFileHash;
3: public DateTime TransactionCreationTime;
4: public string signature;
Algorithm 3 struct Transaction_FileCreated
0: public int OpCode;
1: public string FileHash;
2: public DateTime TransactionCreationTime;
3: public string signature;
4: public string path;
Algorithm 4 struct Transaction_FileDeleted
0: public int OpCode;
1: public string FileHash;
2: public DateTime TransactionCreationTime;
3: public string signature;
4) Creation of transactions
Algorithm 5 createTransaction
0: Transaction t = new Transaction();
1: t.setOldFileHash();
2: t.setNewFileHash(getHash(e));
3: t.setTransactionCreationTime();
4: t.setSignature();
5: send(t);
5) Making block of transactions
Algorithm 6 createBlock
0: Block b = new Block();
1: foreach (Transaction t in tx) {
2: if (t.isValid) {
3: b.add(t)}
4: else sendnotification();}
6) Integrity check (Cross-checking hashes with blockchain).
As it mentioned in works [9].
Algorithm 6 checkIntegrity
0: hash = searchInBlockchain(file.Fullpath);
1: if (hash = gethash(file)) return true;
2: else return false;
Blockchain technology can secure integrity of files stored
in the database. It can be achieved through well-formed
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transactions, authentication, audit that blockchain provides.
The amount of possible threats to data integrity can be
With one of the three main security attributes secured
blockchain can be used in order to ensure the remaining two
properties of data: confidentiality and availability [8].
There are limitations of using blockchain as it relies on the
fact that it is mathematically impossible for a single party to
game the system due to lack of needed compute power.
However, with the advent of Quantum Computers, the
cryptographic keys may be easy enough to crack through brute
force approach within a reasonable time. This will destroy
blockchain technology [10].
[1] Clark, D., Wilson, D. A compassion of Commercial and Military
Computer Security Policies (1987)
[2] Sultan Aldossary, William Allen. Data Security, Privacy, Availability
and Integrity in Cloud Computing: Issues and Current Solutions.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
Applications,Vol. 7, No. 4, 2016 pp.485-498
[3] Dr.Nedhal A.Al-Saiyd, Nada Sail. Data integrity in Cloud computing
security. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.
31.12.2013. Vol. 58 ʋ3 pp. 570-581
[4] Giuseppe Ateniese, Randal Burns. Provable Data Possession at
Untrusted Stores. 14th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security(CCS 2007)
[5] Tsirlov, L. Bases of information security of the automated systems.Short
course.Phoenix (2008)
[6] Wilkinson, S., Lowry J. Metadisk: Blockchain-Based Decentralized File
Storage. Application (2014)
[7] Sompolinsky, Y., Zohar, A. Secure High-Rate Transaction Processing in
Bitcoin (2015)
[8] Nakamoto, S.: Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system (2008)
[9] Zyskind, G., Nathan, O., Pentland, A. Decentralizing privacy: Using
blockchain to protect personal data (2015)
[10] Andy Majot and Roman Yampolskiy, 2015. Global catastrophic risk and
security implications of quantum computers. Futures, vol. 72
(September), pages 17-26.
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... Zikratov et al. [28] propose a data auditing scheme based on a private blockchain. Data is distributed to clients and is also stored on the blockchain. ...
... In both cases [28], [29], absolute cooperation is needed from fog nodes to honestly share or allow access to its server data. This level of trust cannot be guaranteed in a trustless system. ...
... To validate service integrity, it is left to the IoT device to verify the work done by the fog is correct before giving payment, a task which is not always computationally feasible by resource constrained IoT [18]. Even in private networks [28], it may not be reasonable to have a third party auditor with full accessibility of client files without major privacy concerns of individuals. ...
... Some scholars combine cloud storage and blockchain to come up with new solutions. Zikratov et al. [24] established a private blockchain 'Zeppar' which utilized blockchain-stored hashes to determine data file integrity. In [25], Liang et al. proposed ProvChain, using provenance data records of the file in blockchain to support audits. ...
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Cloud storage has been widely used in remote data management, although correct storage of the outsourced file is still challenging in practice. Proofs of Retrievability (PoRs), a storage-oriented cryptographic tool, support integrity checking and efficient retrieval of the file. However, due to the lack of a fully credible oversight mechanism or a serious dependence on a trusted third party, most PoRs are incapable of achieving essential and straightforward trust between participants (i.e. the client and server). While blockchain shows promise in solving this trust issue, existing blockchain-based storage systems are scenario-constrained as they require private/permissioned or special-construct blockchains. Consequently, none of these systems provide robust and decentralized trustworthiness. We propose a general Blockchain-based Automatic Audit (BAA) scheme for PoR without limitations based on specific blockchain types. Specifically, we present BAA via stitching together a carefully designed or chosen array of sub-components such as storage proofs and Turing-complete smart contracts. We also integrate BAA with specific PoR models to prove its strong generality and availability. To our best knowledge, our proposal is the first blockchain-based approach that enhances traditional PoR models with both automatic audit and fair payment. The final analysis and implemented prototype on Ethereum demonstrate the utility of BAA.
... Therefore, a sizeable amount of research and improvement has been initiated on the packages of block chain, more and more new research on future packages is emerging daily. [16]Swan (2015) noted that the development of block chain applications can be divided into three stages; Lorain 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Block chain 1.0 is crypto currencies peer-to-peer is to be used as a Cash fee device. ...
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Block chain is a technology Such as mathematics, algorithms, cryptography and economic models Developed using a combination of different techniques. The Black Chain is all digital and decentralized is the general ledger of crypto currenc y transactions. Block chain is posts or all is a database of transactions or digital events Public ledgers are a database that is activated and shared between participants. In the company of each transaction in a public parade Verified with the consensus of the majority of participants. Also, once logged in, Information can never be erased. Made so far on the Black Chain There is a specific and verifiable record of each transaction. Bit coin, decentralized probing digital currency, for the use of block chain technology The most famous example. Bit coin, the digital currency, is highly controversial, But the basic block chain technology Flawless, it is pervasive Detected applications. The world of operating finance and finance. These white papers are some specific applications of block chain technology Describes the financial and non-financial sectors. We see challenges and business opportunities in this basic technology; it is ready to revolutionize our digital world..
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This study presents a series of structured and adaptive processes aimed at tracking and verifying transactions recorded on the blockchain. Permissioned blockchains are employed across diverse enterprises for various purposes, including data recording, management, the utilization of blockchain services, and authentication. However, the processes of data tracking and transactions incur substantial resource and time expenditure. Furthermore, there is potential for information asymmetry within the blockchain ledger due to data breach attacks. Consequently, we propose a contract structured as a hash chain to mitigate resource and time consumption in the tracking and verification processes by organizing transaction hash values and content in a hash chain format based on cryptography. We generate a hash chain for the recorded transactions along the process line and expedite the tracking and verification process by navigating the relevant hash chain. This approach achieves faster and more accurate tracking procedures compared to conventional transaction tracking processes, simultaneously maintaining data symmetry within the blockchain ledger. We conduct a comparative analysis of a contract-based hash-chain-employing structure and two contracts related to tracking in terms of tracking time, CPU usage, and network traffic, among other metrics. The findings suggest that structuring transaction data in the form of a hash chain significantly enhances the efficiency and integrity of the data-tracking and verification processes. Consequently, in this study, we advocate for the adoption of contracts based on the hash chain format when leveraging the blockchain for tracking and verification purposes across various institutions.
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Cloud computing changed the world around us. Now people are moving their data to the cloud since data is getting bigger and needs to be accessible from many devices. Therefore, storing the data on the cloud becomes a norm. However, there are many issues that counter data stored in the cloud starting from virtual machine which is the mean to share resources in cloud and ending on cloud storage itself issues. In this paper, we present those issues that are preventing people from adopting the cloud and give a survey on solutions that have been done to minimize risks of these issues. For example, the data stored in the cloud needs to be confidential, preserving integrity and available. Moreover, sharing the data stored in the cloud among many users is still an issue since the cloud service provider is untrustworthy to manage authentication and authorization. In this paper, we list issues related to data stored in cloud storage and solutions to those issues which differ from other papers which focus on cloud as general.
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Cloud computing requires comprehensive security solutions based upon many aspects of a large and loosely integrated system. The application software and databases in cloud computing are moved to the centralized large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. Threats, vulnerabilities and risks for cloud computing are explained, and then, we have designed a cloud computing security development lifecycle model to achieve safety and enable the user to take advantage of this technology as much as possible of security and face the risks that may be exposed to data. A data integrity checking algorithm; which eliminates the third party auditing, is explained to protect static and dynamic data from unauthorized observation, modification, or interference.
Conference Paper
Bitcoin is a disruptive new crypto-currency based on a decentralized open-source protocol which has been gradually gaining momentum. Perhaps the most important question that will affect Bitcoin’s success, is whether or not it will be able to scale to support the high volume of transactions required from a global currency system. We investigate the implications of having a higher transaction throughput on Bitcoin’s security against double-spend attacks. We show that at high throughput, substantially weaker attackers are able to reverse payments they have made, even well after they were considered accepted by recipients. We address this security concern through the GHOST rule, a modification to the way Bitcoin nodes construct and re-organize the block chain, Bitcoin’s core distributed data-structure. GHOST has been adopted and a variant of it has been implemented as part of the Ethereum project, a second generation distributed applications platform.
The concept of data security processes for automatic control systems is formalized. For a system containing components requiring different security levels, the security model is best synthesized by integrating the security models of individual components. Principles underlying the formation of an integral model are stated and its operation scheme is outlined.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
Conference Paper
We introduce a model for provable data possession (PDP) that allows a client that has stored data at an untrusted server to verify that the server possesses the original data without retrieving it. The model generates probabilistic proofs of possession by sampling random sets of blocks from the server, which drastically reduces I/O costs. The client maintains a constant amount of metadata to verify the proof. The challenge/response protocol transmits a small, constant amount of data, which minimizes network communication. Thus, the PDP model for remote data checking supports large data sets in widely-distributed storage systems. We present two provably-secure PDP schemes that are more efficient than previous solutions, even when compared with schemes that achieve weaker guarantees. In particular, the overhead at the server is low (or even constant), as opposed to linear in the size of the data. Experiments using our implementation verify the practicality of PDP and reveal that the performance of PDP is bounded by disk I/O and not by cryptographic computation.
Conference Paper
The authors present a policy for data integrity based on commercial data processing practices, and compare the mechanisms needed for this policy with the mechanisms needed to enforce the lattice model for information security. It is argued that a lattice model is not sufficient to characterize integrity policies, and that distinct mechanisms are needed to control disclosure and to provide integrity.
Metadisk: Blockchain-Based Decentralized File Storage
  • S Wilkinson
  • J Lowry