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A short Survey of Recommendation Technologies in Travel and Tourism

  • Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

Abstract and Figures

Recommendation has a long history as a successful application area of Artificial Intelli- gence. The demand of e-commerce platforms (e.g., to improve the acces- sibility of large product- and service assortments contributed to an increased popularity of recommendation technologies. Three basic technologies supporting the personalized recommendation of products and services are presented in this paper. In order to take into account the focus of this special issue, we provide a discussion of the application of those technologies in the tourism domain (e.g., recommendation of travel destinations) with a special focus on mobile environments.
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ÖGAI Journal 25/2 1
A Short Survey of
Recommendation Technologies in Travel
and Tourism
A. Felfernig, S. Gordea, D. Jannach,
E. Teppan, M. Zanker
University Klagenfurt
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Anwendungssysteme
{felfernig, gordea, jannach, teppan, zanker}
Recommendation has a long history as a successful application area of Artificial Intelli-
gence. The demand of e-commerce platforms (e.g., to improve the acces-
sibility of large product- and service assortments contributed to an increased popularity of
recommendation technologies. Three basic technologies supporting the personalized
recommendation of products and services are presented in this paper. In order to take
into account the focus of this special issue, we provide a discussion of the application of
those technologies in the tourism domain (e.g., recommendation of travel destinations)
with a special focus on mobile environments.
Recommendation Technologies
The increasing size and complexity of product assortments offered by e-commerce plat-
forms requires appropriate technologies which alleviate the retrieval of products by online
customers. Different recommendation technologies have been developed to help cus-
tomers to easily find the best matching product. Those technologies have been success-
fully applied in different domains such as financial services, electronic goods, or movies.
An overview of applications exploiting recommender technologies can be found in [16].
The most widespread technology is collaborative filtering (CF), which exploits user rat-
ings of products in order to identify additional products that the active user may like as
well [6]. User-based and item-based collaborative filtering are two basic variants of this
technology. As shown in Figure 1, both variants are predicting to which extend the active
user (in this case User3) would like currently unrated items. User-based approaches to
collaborative filtering try to identify the k nearest neighbours of the active user (users
having similar tastes), and calculate a prediction of the active user’s rating for a specific
item. This rating can be defined, for example, as the weighted average of the k nearest
neighbours’ ratings [6]. In the simplified example of Figure 1, User1 is found to be the
nearest neighbour (k=1) of User3 (the active user) and his/her rating for the 4th product
(‘Conspiracy Theory’) will be taken as prediction for the rating of User3 (rate=2). In con-
trast, item-based collaborative filtering is searching for items which received similar rat-
ings from other users and were also (positively) rated by the active user. In the example
2 ÖGAI Journal 25/2
given, ‘Pretty Women' has been rated by all users. This is the most similar item to ‘Con-
spiracy Theory’ and it is assumed that User3 will have the same preference for ‘Conspir-
acy Theory’ (rate=1).
Figure 1: Content-based and Collaborative Filtering Recommendation (k=1, 1=very good; 4=bad).
Content-Based Filtering (CBF) provides recommendations for preferred product catego-
ries [5]. Let us assume, the active user has rented the ‘Pretty Women’ movie - using de-
scriptions of genre, starring and price, CBF recommends, for example, ‘Runaway Bride'.
If no product categorization is available, and the items are represented only as free text
descriptions (e.g., Netnews, books, emails etc.), alternative CBF solutions based on, for
example, information retrieval techniques are available [14], [15]. They extract a set of
keywords from textual product descriptions, compute the users preferences expressed in
terms of keywords which are contained in products bought by the user, and build the list
of recommendations by searching for products that match the user’s preferences.
CF and CBF technologies exploit user preferences and allow acceptable recommenda-
tion accuracy for frequently bought products such as music or video DVDs, books, Net-
news, Internet radio etc. is probably the most popular online shop that im-
plements these approaches. When accessing product descriptions, a list of CF recom-
mendations is available for users in the section 'Customers who bought this item also
bought', while the content-based suggestions can be accessed via 'Look for related items
by keyword' and 'Look for similar items by category' links.
There are other types of products (in many cases high-involvement products) which are
less frequently bought and their purchase is related to higher risks (e.g., financial ser-
vices, cars, electronic goods, services in the tourism domain). When recommending such
products, recommender applications must support a more detailed elicitation of user re-
quirements. Deep domain knowledge has to be exploited in order to be able to make
more precise and more trusted recommendations. Knowledge-based (KB) recommender
technologies [4], [8] support sales processes of high involvement products. KB recom-
menders are based on a detailed description of the product domain in the form of struc-
tured product descriptions and constraints. The identification/construction of user prefer-
ences usually takes place in the context of an explicit sales dialog. The major advantage
of this type of recommendation technology is the explicit representation of product, mar-
keting and sales knowledge. Such a representation allows the calculation of explanations
which provide, for example, a detailed argumentation as to why a certain product fits to
the wishes and needs of a given customer.
Each of the presented recommendation paradigms has its own advantages and disad-
vantages. Hybrid recommenders combine two or more of these paradigms in order to
mutually eliminate disadvantages and to improve recommendation accuracy, robustness
and trust in calculated recommendations (see, e.g., [6]).
ÖGAI Journal 25/2 3
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Recommender Systems in Travel and Tourism
The travel and tourism industry is one of the most important and dynamic sectors in
Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-Commerce. According to [25], already in 2003 this single
sector made up more than fifty percent of the global B2C turnover. A variety of recent
studies (e.g., by the European Travel Commission – ETC) revealed that at least in devel-
oped countries, the Web is nowadays already the primary source of information for peo-
ple when searching or booking suitable travel destinations [12]. Consequently, the do-
main has always been at the forefront of Information Technology [25] and still is a highly
attractive research area as lots of potentials are not yet fully exploited. In this context,
recommender applications can be valuable tools supporting, for example, information
search, decision making, and package assembly.
When looking at today's e-Tourism web sites we can observe that only some of the exist-
ing systems provide services that go beyond a pure booking system's functionality. Popu-
lar online 'travel agencies' like Expedia ( at least aim at exploiting the
potential of Web communities by letting their customers rate individual hotels or destina-
tions. Still, in these applications the average ratings of other customers merely serve as
another piece of information for a certain hotel or destination but there is typically no rec-
ommendation service available.
The reasons why established recommendation techniques like cannot be
directly applied to the tourism domain are manifold. Collaborative filtering techniques
work best when there exists a broad user community and each user has already rated a
significant number of items. As individual travel planning activities are typically much less
frequent like, for example, book purchases, and in addition the items themselves may
have a far more complex structure, it is hard to establish reasonable user profiles. There-
fore, many approaches aim at eliciting the preferences and requirements in a conversa-
tional dialog (e.g., [12], [19], [21]) using, for example, knowledge-based approaches [4],
[8] for generating recommendations. Online users may be different with respect to their
background knowledge, their mental models ([17], [27]), or their capabilities of expressing
their needs and requirements. Dialog design, usability aspects, and adaptivity are thus
central in application and user interface design [20]. In [21] for instance, a critique-based
dialog style is proposed which has already been successfully employed in other domains;
[12] describes a tourism advisory application based on knowledge-based personalization
and multi-step, adaptive dialogs.
The problem of 'group recommendation' is another typical aspect in tourism-related re-
commender systems, i.e., the problem of generating proposals that 'maximize' the overall
acceptance of members of a travel group that have different interests. Although this prob-
lem is not new in recommender systems (think of TV program or movie recommenders),
there is only little research in the specific context of recommender systems in tourism
(see, e.g., [3]).
Finally, another important facet which makes recommendation in the tourism domain
more complex is the fact that a single trip arrangement may consist of several, independ-
ently configurable services [20]. Typically, only pre-defined packages like 'flight and hotel'
or 'all-inclusive' arrangements are available online. As the segment of individualized
travel arrangements is constantly growing, it will be increasingly important that future
ÖGAI Journal 25/2 5
systems support such packaging services. Nevertheless, only first attempts in that direc-
tion can be found in literature today (see [3], [9], or [19]).
Mobile Systems and Recommendation
With respect to mobile recommender applications the tourism domain is a very active
area. The idea of providing context-aware information services to tourists has already a
considerable tradition. For instance [1] present their mobile tour guide that displays points
of interest (POIs) on an interactive map dated back in 1997. Since then much more ex-
amples of mobile tour guides und context-aware applications have been reported, such
as an electronic guide for the city of Lancaster [7], the COMPASS project in the Nether-
lands [24], MobiDenk - a location-aware information system for historic sites [13] or Ber-
lintainment - an entertainment guide for the city of Berlin [26].
Although a variety of mobile and context-aware applications already exists, there are still
major shortcomings. Most systems are research prototype applications that are only
evaluated in small field trials with a limited scope for usage. Many times a wider produc-
tive use is impossible for the two following reasons. First, mobile guides might have re-
strictive hardware requirements like a specific type of PDA (Portable Digital Assistant),
the availability of GPS (Global Positioning System) functionality or client-side software
installations. However, new generations of mobile phones having larger display sizes,
more standardized browsing capabilities and broadband data transfer will ease these
hardware requirements. Second, the availability of extensive and accurate resource data
is another bottleneck. For instance, a mobile restaurant recommender requires not only
the positioning coordinates of all restaurants within a specific region but also some addi-
tional qualitative data, such as the type of food served, the atmosphere perceived by
guests or the opening hours. As acquisition and maintenance of product data are quite
cost-intensive, only widespread use and acceptance of mobile recommendation applica-
tion by end-users will make the data effort worth.
Context-awareness is a common characteristic for all these systems [10], [18]. Shilit et al.
[23] name the most important aspects: 'where you are', 'who you are with' and 'what re-
sources are nearby'. Exploiting the current location of the user, her/his companions as
well as the availability of resources in her/his surrounding can increase considerably the
perceived usefulness of a mobile application. While [22] give a coherent overview of dif-
ferent levels of context-awareness implemented by mobile tourism guides, we want to
focus on the implications of context-awareness for recommendation technology.
Currently, most reported systems filter the presented information content according to
users’ current location and their additional preferences (e.g., ‘display only objects from a
specific category’). This constitutes already a considerable degree of personalization and
reduces information overload. However, such approaches do not employ traditional rec-
ommendation techniques such as content-based or collaborative filtering. Adomavicius et
al. [2] therefore developed a multidimensional approach that allows them to incorporate
contextual information with filtering applications. They understand the term contextual
information in a general way such that it encompasses any additional data dimension.
They extend the traditional two-dimensional (user x product) representation of rating data
to a n-dimensional data cube. In their experimental evaluation in the movie domain they
for instance employed the place where the movie was watched (home vs. theatre), the
time (weekday or weekend), the type of friends who were with as well as release informa-
tion on the movie indicating its novelty as contextual data dimensions.
6 ÖGAI Journal 25/2
Considering this contextual information aggravates the cold-start problems mentioned in
the introduction due to the high degree of data sparsity. Adomavicius et al. [2] therefore
introduce reduction-based estimations that outperform traditional two-dimensional re-
commender systems in their experimental setup. Another more advanced recommenda-
tion technique that has also been fielded for some experimental evaluation was pre-
sented by [21]. They developed a location-aware critiquing system that allowed its users
to determine nearby restaurants that conformed to their interactively entered criteria and
critiques on previous proposals. It is implemented by a rich-client application that has to
be installed on the PDA and communicates with the central server.
The etPlanner system [11] is currently under development by the Austrian network for e-
tourism. It focuses on widespread and actual use among tourists and therefore avoids
client-side installation requirements. One of its novelties are the support of two types of
communication paradigms with its users. First, information seekers have personalized
browsing access to categories like events, sights, restaurants or accommodations. In a
second step, users may also receive personalized push messages that inform them
about changing weather conditions if they are out hiking or make them propositions on
leisure activities based on their preferences. A first version has already been deployed for
public use. Additional recommendation features will be added for future versions when
more information-rich user profiles will be available.
This paper provides an overview of recommendation technologies applied in existing
commercial environments. Application examples are mainly given from the tourism do-
main where recommendation technologies hold an extremely important role. Recommen-
dation technologies in this application domain will be even more important in the future. A
special research focus has to be set on the development of recommendation formalisms
taking into account the current context (dimensions such as time, space, mood or social
environment) of the user/customer.
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... However, TRSs still borrow recommendation techniques from other domains hoping for similar efficiency. That might not be achieved since travel items seem more complex, and user travel preferences are more challenging to elicit [2]. ...
... user interaction with the system to implicitly elicit user preferences for those who have records in the system and used demographic information for new users to mitigate the coldstart problem. Furthermore, users usually differ in their background knowledge, mental models, and capabilities to express their preferences [2]. Especially in the first stages of travel decision-making, users may not even be aware of their needs and preferences, so implicitly eliciting user preferences could be more promising [5]. ...
... With travel, it is even less likely that two users experienced the same trip [7]. Moreover, since traveling is a costly, time-consuming activity, travel-related activities are less frequent than watching movies or buying products in less complex domains, making attraction representation and user preferences elicitation challenging tasks [2], [5]. ...
Full-text available
Travel recommender systems (TRSs) aim to reduce travel-related search overload. A significant part of a TRS is representing attractions in a way that reflect the explicit and implicit features of attractions. However, traditional attraction representation methods may not provide a complete image of attractions. Building on the notions of user travel styles (UTSs) and the wisdom of crowds, we propose a method derived from topic-model-based models to represent travel attractions, called the Normalized Attraction Travel Personality (NATP) representation. This approach attempts to leverage the semantics of attraction reviews to model user travel personalities (UTPs), which collectively can construct the attraction travel personality (ATP) representation. Furthermore, we regularize and normalize the ATP representation to obtain our proposed representation. This NATP-based attraction representation could capture implicit characteristics of attractions revealed by the wisdom of crowds. Our experiments show that our representation method gained better results when evaluated against comparative approaches in terms of rating prediction and recommendation ranking quality, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed attraction representation. Lastly, we qualitatively investigate how our attraction representation surpasses the state-of-the-art representation methods. INDEX TERMS Content-based filtering, attraction representation, knowledge discovery, travel styles, travel recommender systems.
... Third, measuring destination similarity can be used for destination recommendation, suggesting similar additional destinations to the user. While collaborative filtering (see Related Work section) is considered the most common technique for recommendation in e-commerce, it has been shown that, in the tourism domain, recommendations that are based on collaborative filtering are not the most suitable because it is more difficult to establish shared user profiles in this domain (Felfernig, Gordea, Jannach, Teppan, & Zanker, 2007). As such, alternative recommendation techniques, perhaps based on similarity between destinations, are called for (Jannach, A, A, Seidler, & Warmbad-villach, 2007;Ricci & Missier, 2004). ...
... Zhang, Yao, Sun, & Tay, 2019). Nevertheless, collaborative filtering works best when there is a large community of users with significant numbers of purchased/rated items (Felfernig et al., 2007). As mentioned above, this is not the case in the tourism domain Ricci & Missier, 2004). ...
... Third, the ability to measure destination similarity may be used for destination recommendation; that is, for suggesting similar additional destinations to the user. While collaborative filtering (see the Related Work section) is considered the most common technique for recommendation in e-commerce, it has been shown that in the tourism domain recommendations that are based on collaborative filtering are not the most suitable because it is harder to establish shared user profiles in this domain (Felfernig et al. 2007). As such, other recommendation techniques, perhaps based on similarity between destinations, are called for (Ricci and Missier 2004;Jannach et al. 2008). ...
... P r e p r i n t n o t p e e r r e v i e w e d and thereby provide better recommendations compared to content-based recommendations (Phi et al. 2016;Schafer et al. 1999;Zhang et al. 2018). Nevertheless, collaborative filtering works best when there is a large community of users with significant numbers of purchased/rated items (Felfernig et al. 2007). As mentioned above, this is not the case in the tourism domain (Ricci and Missier 2004;Jannach et al. 2008), where it is difficult to establish shared user profiles, as most users do not tend to purchase flights very often (in our dataset, for example, less than 10% of the users had a prior purchase). ...
... Nonetheless, to implement a recommendation system qualitatively, the data used for such a system are crucial. Recommendation systems are widely used in different areas [2][3][4], but travel recommendation systems face the problem of the need and accuracy of labelled data [5]. Although many travel recommendation systems currently rely on data provided by social networks and other platforms for user hobbies and travel [6][7][8]. ...
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Travelling is one of the most enjoyable activities for people of all ages. It is constantly looking for innovative solutions on how to tailor travel recommendations to the needs of its customers. The purpose of our proposed recommendation model is to suggest travelling countries based on photos from the user’s social network account and metadata associated with the photos. Such recommendation models are highly dependent on the data used in the model preparation steps and on the technologies and methods implemented in the model. The newly collected data from the Instagram users’ accounts were used in the model preparation. The recommendation system is based on the combination of four methods: object detection, similarity measures, classification, and data clustering. The novelty of the proposed recommendation model is that it adopts different data (Instagram photos) for travel direction recommendation, defines a new combined method, integrates results of similarity measurement and SOM application results into one final recommendation, and estimates the parameter impact for different components of recommendation model. A proposed evaluation measure has been used to conclude the results of the recommendation model and as a result the names of the travelling countries have been recommended. The results of the proposed recommendation model are promising, and the validation results demonstrate that on average 63% of the users who visited countries match the recommendations provided for the trip directions, while the accuracy of recommendations, matching user visited countries, but not presented in the photos for recommendation estimation, on average was 96%. The accuracy performance is very positive, while the recommendation system is fully automated and machine learning based. With time, the accuracy of the model may even increase by adopting the photo metadata (location).
... While this signifies a gradual shift and growth of virtual travel agents, the pace of adaptation seems quite slow when compared to other related industries such as airlines or taxi services for local commuting. A key reason behind this is the unavailability of holistic and intelligent analytical frameworks that can provide customized recommendations taking a user's requirements into consideration, similarly to how a travel agent does so traditionally [21]. As demonstrated in Section 3, the available commercial solutions cover only some of the big data aspects such as volume and velocity, thereby limiting the potential of such solutions. ...
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Tour planning has become both challenging and time-consuming due to the huge amount of information available online and the variety of options to choose from. This is more so as each traveler has unique set of interests and location preferences in addition to other tour-based constraints such as vaccination status and pandemic travel restrictions. Several travel planning companies and agencies have emerged with more sophisticated online services to capitalize on global tourism effectively by using technology for making suitable recommendations to travel seekers. However, such systems predominantly adopt a destination-based recommendation approach and often come as bundled packages with limited customization options for incorporating each traveler’s preferences. To address these limitations, “thematic travel planning” has emerged as a recent alternative with researchers adopting text-based data mining for achieving value-added online tourism services. Understanding the need for a more holistic theme approach in this domain, our aim is to propose an augmented model to integrate analytics of a variety of big data (both static and dynamic). Our unique inclusive model covers text mining and data mining of destination images, reviews on tourist activities, weather forecasts, and recent events via social media for generating more user-centric and location-based thematic recommendations efficiently. In this paper, we describe an implementation of our proposed inclusive hybrid recommendation model that uses data of multimodal ranking of user preferences. Furthermore, in this study, we present an experimental evaluation of our model’s effectiveness. We present the details of our improvised model that employs various statistical and machine learning techniques on existing data available online, such as travel forums and social media reviews in order to arrive at the most relevant and suitable travel recommendations. Our hybrid recommender built using various Spark models such as naïve Bayes classifier, trigonometric functions, deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN), time series, and NLP with sentiment scores using AFINN (sentiment analysis developed by Finn Årup Nielsen) shows promising results in the directions of benefit for an individual model’s complementary advantages. Overall, our proposed hybrid recommendation algorithm serves as an active learner of user preferences and ranking by collecting explicit information via the system and uses such rich information to make personalized augmented recommendations according to the unique preferences of travelers.
... Some systems go beyond the list of recommended tourist attractions and use automatic planners to schedule recommendations within a route that can last several days [17,18]. ...
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Despite of tourism infrastructure and software, the development of tourism is hampered due to the lack of information support, which encapsulates various aspects of travel implementation. This paper highlights a demand for integrating various approaches and methods to develop a universal tourism information recommender system when building individual tourist routes. The study objective is proposing a concept of a universal information recommender system for building a personalized tourist route. The developed design concept for such a system involves a procedure for data collection and preparation for tourism product synthesis; a methodology for tourism product formation according to user preferences; the main stages of this methodology implementation. To collect and store information from real travelers, this paper proposes to use elements of blockchain technology in order to ensure information security. A model that specifies the key elements of a tourist route planning process is presented. This article can serve as a reference and knowledge base for digital business system analysts, system designers, and digital tourism business implementers for better digital business system design and implementation in the tourism sector.
... The recommendation system (Felfernig et al., 2006) is the most researched system as a technology if technology is an essential aspect of a system's implementation. Recommendation systems may be divided into three categories. ...
Smart tourism is a new term that describes how tourist destinations, businesses, and tourists are becoming more reliant on new types of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) that enables enormous volumes of data to be converted into value offers. It’s theoretical advancement, on the other hand, is impeded by its lack of definition as a concept. The chapter introduces smart tourism, examines recent developments in the sector, and then sets out the technological and industrial underpinnings for the industry. Following that, there will be a brief discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of smart tourism. The chapter also highlights the essential role of research in driving the development and administration of smart tourism.KeywordsSmart tourismTechnologyFoundationDevelopmentManagementAsia
... The recommendation system (Felfernig et al., 2006) is the most researched system as a technology if technology is an essential aspect of a system's implementation. Recommendation systems may be divided into three categories. ...
The aim of this research is to define mobile technology’s status and role in achieving sustainable and smart tourism in Asia, and to examine potential research and policy directions for academia and managers in practise. Several references, such as patents, scholarly journals, and press, and chosen methodologies adapted for the purpose of each study were used in this analysis. Netminer, a social network research software, was used the study to evaluate the relationships between the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes of patents. To evaluate the texts of patents, journal articles, and press, the thesis used the T-LAB software for content analysis. The research used the Leximancer software, which uses relative frequency to evaluate user feedback of mobile applications. We identified different types of data-related technology and mobile technologies for smart city networks and maps in this report. We also found that mobile technology was linked to the climate, sustainability, industry, and consumer themes. Using their feedback, we further examined user perceptions and desires for mobile travel applications. Mobile technology developments are expected to generate creative customer experiences, foster sustainable competitive advantages for tourism destinations and tourism-related vendors, and develop sustainable smart tourism competencies.KeywordsMobile applicationsSmart tourismTourism sustainabilityContent analysis
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A huge amount of websites in developing and developed countries about tourism reveal the importance of it in the present world. IT technology in e-tourism has become prevalent in those countries as well. However, in some scholars' ideas, for the lack of proper investment in this field, this phenomenon is in its primary stages yet. This study aims to examine and represent a model for examining the place of information and decision-supporting systems in e-tourism of Iran. For this purpose, first previous models of such systems are investigated; then, a conceptual model of information supporting systems in e-tourism will be represented.
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Recommender systems represent user preferences for the purpose of suggesting items to purchase or examine. They have become fundamental applications in electronic commerce and information access, providing suggestions that effectively prune large information spaces so that users are directed toward those items that best meet their needs and preferences. A variety of techniques have been proposed for performing recommendation, including content-based, collaborative, knowledge-based and other techniques. To improve performance, these methods have sometimes been combined in hybrid recommenders. This paper surveys the landscape of actual and possible hybrid recommenders, and introduces a novel hybrid, EntreeC, a system that combines knowledge-based recommendation and collaborative filtering to recommend restaurants. Further, we show that semantic ratings obtained from the knowledge-based part of the system enhance the effectiveness of collaborative filtering.
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We present an approach to the design of personalized recommender systems that integrates content-based methods, collaborative filtering techniques and case-based reasoning while adopting a user -centered perspective. These techniques are employed to support information search and choice processes. In this framework, we developed and tested a system prototype (NutKing) that helps the user to construct a travel plan by recommending attractive travel products or by proposing complete itineraries. In the information search phase, the system aids the user in specifying a successful query that winnows out unwanted products in electronic catalogues and reduces the information overload. This is accomplished through two kinds of query rewriting operators (relaxation and tightening) in a mixed initiative approach. In the choice phase, the search results are sorted according to a case-base similarity metric, which takes into account the similarity between the users' travel preferences. The aim of this adaptive sorting is to highlight products that are potentially interesting, because they are similar to those selected by other users in an analogous context. The prototype has been empirically evaluated in a pilot study. The results of the pilot evaluation are discussed, with special reference to aspects concerning the user- system interaction aspects. 1.1 Travel decision making Travel planning is a multi-faceted decision process consisting of choosing a destination and grouping together tourism products and services (attractions, accommodations, and activities) closely related to the destination (Dellaert, Ettema, & Lindh, 1998; Jeng & Fesenmaier, 2002; Moutinho, 1987). The complexity of the concepts used and of the decision process involved in travel planning poses challenges for the design of usable and effective decision support tools. For instance, the terms destination and travel plan refer to fuzzy concepts that lack a commonly agreed definition. Furthermore, the spatial extension of a destination is known to be a function of the traveler's distance from the destination area. Italy could be a destination for Japanese, but a European traveler may focus more specifically on a particular region, such as Tuscany. Moreover, a travel plan may vary greatly in its structure and contents, and different strategies can be used to construct it. For instance, some people may search
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Recommender systems provide targeted product suggestions for users either over-whelmed by the large number of alternative options offered nowadays in eCommerce websites, or not having enough knowledge to autonomously select the most suited prod-uct. Recommender systems are particularly useful for mobile users; here decisions must be normally taken in a short time and the effort required for interacting with the system must be limited as much as possible. In this article, we propose an approach to the gen-eration of mobile recommendations based on the interactive elicitation of user needs and wants through critiques. In this approach the system does not mandatory require the user to explicitly communicate her preferences at the beginning of the interaction; but rather involves her in a dialogue where the system proposes candidate products, and the user feedbacks her critiques about the recommended products. These critiques are then inter-preted and incorporated in the user's preferences model managed by the system. This results, step by step, in a better understanding of the user's preferences and needs and in a better ranking of products. The proposed approach has been implemented in a mo-bile travel recommender system which aims at supporting on-the-move travelers in the selection of travel related services (restaurant). In this article we present the results of the empirical evaluation of this system.
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In this paper we describe our current implementation and future plans for CATIS, a context-aware tourist information system that leverages Web services and XML technologies for its implementation. We review notions of context as they relate to tourists, and provide relevant tourism scenarios that helped drive our design. Our system architecture is Web services-based and includes a context manager element that manages both dynamic and static context. The elements of context in our work are location, time of day, speed, direction of travel, personal preferences, and device type. We describe how these elements are leveraged to adapt Web-based information that is delivered to mobile tourists. Our future plans for incorporating mobility in the user's context, and how to scale our system to support large numbers of mobile users are described as well.
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This paper presents Dietorecs, a novel case-based travel planning recommender system. Dietorecs has been designed by incorporating a human decision model that stresses individual differences in decision styles. Dietorecs supports decision styles by means of an adaptive behavior which is learned exploiting a case base of recommendation sessions that are stored by the systems. Users can enter the system through three main functional doors that fit groups of decision styles, but they can eventually switch the type of support required. The dialogue (questions) is personalized using both the user model (cases) and statistics over the data available in the virtual catalogues provided by two DMOs.
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The complexity of product assortments offered by online selling platforms makes the selection of appropriate items a challenging task. Customers can differ significantly in their expertise and level of knowledge regarding such product assortments. Consequently, intel-ligent recommender systems are required which provide personalized dialogues supporting the customer in the product selection process. In this paper we present the domain-independent, knowledge-based recommender envi-ronment CWAdvisor which assists users by guaranteeing the consistency and appropriateness of solutions, by iden-tifying additional selling opportunities, and by providing explanations for solutions. Using examples from different application domains, we show how model-based diagnosis, personalization, and intuitive knowledge acquisition tech-niques support the effective implementation of customer-oriented sales dialogues. In this context, we report our experiences gained in industrial projects and present an evaluation of successfully deployed recommender applica-tions.
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Travel has many situations where context-aware computing can bring important benefits: pointing out notorious delays or bad weather during the planning phase, allowing the user to replan for handling unexpected situations, or suggesting flight alternatives to avoid strikes.This paper briefly describes an approach for integrating context-aware computing to a mobile travel assistant. We show how context-aware techniques can ease user interaction within mobile device applications. The presented ideas are illustrated with a scenario using a first version of a working prototype called Pocket reality.
Today’s tourists expect to get personalized access to tourism information at anytime, from anywhere with any media. Mobile tourist guides provide the user with such a ubiquitous access. The prerequisite for this is the notion of customization, requiring awareness of the applications context together with appropriate adaptation mechanisms. Currently, there is a proliferation of mobile tourist guides, proposing an unmanageable number of diverse functionalities. This chapter sheds light on those approaches by identifying their strengths and weaknesses, thus providing the basis for next-generation mobile tourist guides. For this, an evaluation framework is used comprising detailed criteria for the two orthogonal dimensions of context and adaptation.
Recommender systems in travel industry make helpful and persuasive product and service suggestions and thus reduce the burden of information overload and domain complexity for users. Within the scope of the below discussed etPlanner project existing technology is innovated for the e-tourism domain by considering all trip phases and by supporting next to standard Web interfaces also different mobile devices. The system behaves in a personalised way with respect to the user, the situational context and the involved technical device.