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A conceptual framework for understanding thermal contraints on ectotherm activity with implication for prediction responses to global change


Abstract and Figures

Activity budgets influence the expression of life history traits as well as population dynamics. For ectotherms, a major constraint on activity is environmental temperature. Nonetheless, we currently lack a comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding thermal constraints on activity, which hinders our ability to rigorously apply activity data to answer ecological and evolutionary questions. Here, we integrate multiple aspects of temperature-dependent activity into a single unified framework that has general applicability. We also provide examples of the implementation of this framework to address fundamental questions in ecology relating to climate change vulnerability and species' distributions using empirical data from a tropical lizard.
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PERSPECTIVE A conceptual framework for understanding thermal constraints
on ectotherm activity with implications for predicting
responses to global change
Alex R. Gunderson
* and
Manuel Leal
Activity budgets influence the expression of life history traits as well as population dynamics. For
ectotherms, a major constraint on activity is environmental temperature. Nonetheless, we cur-
rently lack a comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding thermal constraints on
activity, which hinders our ability to rigorously apply activity data to answer ecological and evo-
lutionary questions. Here, we integrate multiple aspects of temperature-dependent activity into a
single unified framework that has general applicability. We also provide examples of the imple-
mentation of this framework to address fundamental questions in ecology relating to climate
change vulnerability and species’ distributions using empirical data from a tropical lizard.
Activity, Anolis, behaviour, ectotherm, global change, physiology, temperature.
Ecology Letters (2016) 19: 111–120
Ecologists have long known that the amount of activity that
animals engage in greatly influences population dynamics
(reviewed in Dunham et al. 1989; Frid & Dill 2002), as activ-
ity bouts generally represent the primary opportunities to
acquire energy and find mates. Activity itself also represents
an important energetic expenditure (Bennett 1978). In addi-
tion, activity patterns impact higher order ecological processes
by mediating interactions among species, such as predator
prey interactions and interspecific competition (Schmitz et al.
1997). Several features of the biotic and abiotic environment
can influence activity budgets, but one of the most important
drivers of activity, especially for ectotherms, is temperature.
Evidence of this can be seen by observing populations of a
given species along latitudinal or elevational thermal gradi-
ents, where temperature-driven changes in the time available
for activity are often associated with changes in life history
traits (e.g. Grant & Dunham 1990; Adolph & Porter 1993;
Angilletta 2009). For example, southern populations of the
eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus, Bosc & Daudin
1801) grow faster than northern populations, and this differ-
ence in growth rate is correlated with greater energy assimila-
tion efficiency and a larger temporal activity window (on daily
and seasonal timescales) for energy acquisition (Angilletta
The importance of thermal constraints on activity have lead
to their frequent incorporation into analyses of the biological
effects of global change (e.g. Kearney et al. 2009; Sears et al.
2011; Buckley & Kingsolver 2012; Huang et al. 2013; Corser
et al. 2015). For example, a model that included thermal con-
straints on activity as the mechanistic link between climatic
variability and population processes predicted features of pop-
ulation dynamics and range expansion in the butterfly Hespe-
ria comma (Linneaus 1758) over the past several decades
(Bennie et al. 2013). A recent global analysis of extinction vul-
nerability in lizards predicted that, depending on specific con-
ditions, up to 39% of populations could go extinct by the end
of the century due to reduced activity times (Sinervo et al.
2010). Conversely, predicted increases in activity time, and
thus metabolic expenditure, under warming were recently
associated with reductions in the body size of North American
salamanders (Caruso et al. 2014). These studies highlight the
fact that, for many organisms, the negative consequences of
warming will not result from increased exposure to lethal tem-
peratures. Instead, they will result from sub-lethal effects, such
as energetic imbalances, that may be exacerbated by reduced
activity (Dillon et al. 2010; Woodin et al. 2013; Deutsch et al.
Despite recognition that thermal constraints on activity are
a fundamental component of ectotherm biology, we argue
that current models of thermal constraint on activity are too
simplistic and do not capture many of the ecologically and
evolutionarily important features of the temperatureactivity
interaction. For example, the simple threshold model of
temperature-dependent activity utilised in Sinervo et al.
(2010) is likely to underestimate activity budgets of lizards
(Kearney 2013; Gunderson & Leal 2015), and threshold
Department of Biology and Romberg Tiburon Center, San Francisco State
University, 3150 Paradise Dr., Tiburon, CA, 94920, USA
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA,
94720-3140, USA
Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, 105 Tucker Hall,
Columbia, MO, 65211, USA
*Correspondence: E-mail:
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Ecology Letters, (2016) 19: 111–120 doi: 10.1111/ele.12552
models generally do not account for fine-scale temperature-
dependent variation in behaviour across the thermal activity
window (Gunderson & Leal 2015). Thus, in many cases sim-
plified approaches to temperature-dependent activity will
overlook important behaviourally mediated mechanistic links
between spatial and temporal thermal variability (including
anthropogenic change) and observed population and/or
higher order ecological patterns.
Here, we propose a synthetic conceptual framework of tem-
perature-dependent activity designed to address gaps in our
current approaches and to serve as a helpful foundation for
future studies. The framework has numerous potential appli-
cations, including integration into mechanistic species distribu-
tion models, analyses of species interactions and community
dynamics and investigations of climatic adaptation. We start
by identifying and describing what we view as the fundamen-
tal components of activity that temperature influences, and
briefly discuss the ecological implications of each. Next, we
integrate these components of temperature-dependent activity
into a single framework while identifying how temperature-
dependent activity fits within the broader context of ectotherm
thermal physiology. To demonstrate the utility of our
approach and to provide working examples of how it can be
applied, we use the framework with data from our own stud-
ies of a tropical lizard, Anolis cristatellus (Dum!
eril & Bibron
1837). Specifically, we investigate the consequences of climate
warming for A. cristatellus, as well as what drives the distribu-
tional patterns of this species with respect to an ecologically
similar congener.
Our framework is built upon what we propose are four funda-
mental components of temperature-dependent activity: thresh-
olds,probabilities,modes and vigour. Below, we outline each
of the components individually before describing how they
can be conceptually linked.
In the broadest sense, activity can be defined as anytime an
animal is out of a nest, burrow or some other refuge. Using
this definition, activity budgets are calculated as the amount
of time out of a refuge within a given time frame (e.g. annu-
ally, daily; Fig. 1a). In order to estimate these activity bud-
gets, one needs to know the lower and upper thermal
thresholds for activity: the body temperatures below and
above at which activity will not occur (throughout, we will
refer to the range of temperatures suitable for activity as the
‘thermal activity window’). This approach to characterising
activity is simple, intuitive and can tell us a great deal about
the ecology of a species. For example, Porter (Porter et al.
1973; Adolph & Porter 1993; Kearney et al. 2009; Huang
et al. 2013) and Dunham (Grant & Dunham 1988, 1990; Dun-
ham et al. 1989; Dunham 1993; Angilletta et al. 2004) and
colleagues have used reptile model systems to demonstrate
that variation in key life history traits can be at least partially
explained by thermal effects on the time available for activity.
In addition, differences in thermal thresholds for activity
among interacting species can dictate spatial and temporal
overlap between taxa and thus the strength of their interac-
tions (Van Berkum et al. 1986; Huey et al. 2009). Porter high-
lighted the importance of different thresholds for activity in
predatorprey systems in an early classic study of thermal
constraints on activity, in which he calculated the annual tem-
poral overlap between the (occasionally carnivorous) desert
iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Baird & Girard 1852) and hypo-
thetical invertebrate prey with representative thermal activity
thresholds (Porter et al. 1973).
Although thermal thresholds for activity are an extremely
important piece of the temperature and activity puzzle, not all
individuals in a population become active when temperatures
within the thermal activity window are available. Instead, the
number of individuals active within a population tends to
change in a continuous manner as temperatures increase from
one end of the thermal activity window to the other (e.g.
Huey & Pianka 1977; Hertz 1981; Corbet et al. 1993; Riis &
Nachman 2006; Andrew et al. 2013). In other words, the
probability that an individual will become (or remain) active
changes with temperature. For example, among desert ants
the number of workers that leave the nest to forage often
increases with surface (and presumably body) temperature up
to a maximum point, and then decreases again as tempera-
tures continue to rise (Jayatilaka et al. 2011; Fig. 2). The
number of individuals active under given thermal conditions
is often represented as proportions (relative to the peak num-
ber of active individuals observed; Fig. 1b), and referred to as
the intensity of activity: the more individuals that are active,
the more intense the activity. Temperature-dependent proba-
bilities of activity influence the effective density of a popula-
tion at any given time, and can consequently affect those
ecological processes that are density dependent, including
intra- and interspecific competition (Svensson et al. 2001;
Bailey et al. 2013; Kaspersson et al. 2013), predatorprey
interactions (Seitz et al. 2001; Hixon & Jones 2005) and host
parasite dynamics (Arneberg et al. 1998).
Temperature-dependent thresholds and probabilities for
activity can be united under a single framework, as thresholds
for activity can be regarded as the upper and lower tempera-
tures at which the probability of activity transitions from zero
to greater than zero.
Both thresholds and probabilities of activity address the same
basic question: When will individuals in a population come
out of their refuges to engage in activity? However, one of the
fundamental questions these metrics do not address is: once
an animal is active, what types of activity does it engage in?
Not all behaviours within a given species repertoire are neces-
sarily going to be conducted at all body temperatures within
the thermal activity window. For example, the classic studies
by Brett demonstrated that reproductive behaviours of salmon
occur over a narrower range of body temperatures than
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
112 A. R. Gunderson and M. Leal Idea and Perspective
activity per se, with the thresholds contingent on acclimation
temperature (Fig. 1c). In other words, modes of activity can
have thermal thresholds that differ from thresholds for activ-
ity overall. In addition, different modes of activity are likely
to have their own temperature-dependent probability func-
tions. For example, the proportion of individuals engaging in
courtship and reproductive activity (i.e. copulation) changes
with temperature in the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis (Lin-
naeus 1758; Hawley & Aleksiuk 1975) and in Drosophila (Sch-
nebel & Grossfield 1984).
Modes of activity describe what an active animal could
potentially do, but not ‘how much’ they will do, which we
refer to as activity vigour. Vigour can be evaluated in
numerous ways. It could be measured as the amount of
time an ‘active’ (i.e. out of a refuge) animal spends engaging
in physical activity. For example, a study of the tempera-
ture-dependent activity of Australian Varanid lizards found
that the amount of time engaged in locomotion changed
with body temperature (Christian & Weavers 1996; see also
Gunderson & Leal 2015). Vigour could also be described as
the rate at which certain behaviours occur, such as tempera-
ture-dependent changes in the rate at which crickets produce
song pulses (Martin et al. 2000; Fig. 4). Regardless of the
specific metric used, a measurement of vigour must capture
the extent of physical exertion during activity. Vigour is
likely to be tightly linked to metabolic expenditure (Bennett
1978) and to influence other aspects of a species’ ecology
such as predation risk (McPeek 1990; Skelly 1994; Rall
18 23 28 33
Prop. of outbound foragers
Hour of the day
No. pulses/s
Month of the year
Thermal tolerance
Activity threshold
Reproduction threshold
0-5 10-15 20-25 30-35 40-45
(c) (d)
Figure 1 (a) Predicted temporal windows for activity in the desert lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis based on thermal activity thresholds (Porter et al. 1973). Times
unsuitable for activity are indicated by dark stippling. Modified and reprinted with permission from Springer Publishing. (b) The relative proportion of
workers leaving the nest under different thermal conditions for the ant Myrmecia croslandi (Taylor 1991). Figure from Jayatilaka et al. 2011. Modified and
reprinted with permission from The Company of Biologists. (c) Tolerance and activity polygons for the salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum 1792). Note
that reproductive activity occurs within a narrower range of temperatures than activity overall. Figure from Fry (1971), data from Brett (1952, 1958) and
Brett & Alderdice (1958). Modified and reprinted with permission from Elsevier Limited. (d) The number of song pulses performed by the cricket Gryllus
integer (Scudder 1901) with respect to temperature. Figure from Martin et al. (2000). Modified and reprinted with permission from NRC Research Press.
Probability of activity
Te mp e ra t ur e
T - Territory defense
F - Foraging
M - Mating
Figure 2 A conceptual framework for thermal constraints on ectotherm
activity. Shown are hypothetical examples of an ectotherm under three
different thermal conditions. Temperature refers to the body temperature
the animal would experience upon leaving its refuge. The probability of
activity is indicated with a black dot. The area of each circle represents
the activity vigour that can be achieved at that temperature. Letters
denote the modes of activity available at that temperature. See text for
full explanation and a modification of this framework for organisms that
do not utilise refuges.
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Idea and Perspective Temperature-dependent activity in ectotherms 113
et al. 2012) and mating success (Welch et al. 1998; Lailvaux
& Irschick 2006).
Here, we present a novel conceptual model that integrates the
four components described above into a single cohesive
framework that can be used to describe the aggregate direct
effects of temperature on activity. The model is graphically
represented in Fig. 2, with hypothetical examples representing
an animal under a range of thermal conditions.
We begin by considering an inactive animal within a
refuge. From this starting point, there is a certain probability
that the animal will leave the refuge given the body tempera-
ture that it would acquire within its habitat. That probability
is dictated by the thermal thresholds for activity as well as
the shape of the function describing how the probability of
activity changes with temperature within the thermal activity
window. In Fig. 2, the probability of activity is zero under
the coldest condition, indicating that the animal’s activity
body temperature would be below its activity threshold. The
probability of activity is highest under the intermediate ther-
mal condition, and lower but still above zero for the warm-
est condition. If the animal does leave the refuge to become
active, the modes of activity that it can engage in are con-
strained by the body temperature it experiences. In the situa-
tion represented in Fig. 2, the animal would have the largest
behavioural repertoire (i.e. most modes available) under the
intermediate thermal condition. How vigorous the animals’
activity is (i.e. ‘how much’ activity it can engage in) also
depends on temperature. We denote this by the area of the
circle within which the available activity modes are written
in Fig. 2. In our hypothetical example, the animal would
engage in the most vigorous activity under the intermediate
thermal condition. In our example, activity vigour is dis-
tributed equally among all modes of activity (i.e. they occupy
the same area of the vigour circle), but this need not be the
Parameter values for the four components of temperature-
dependent activity can likely shift over time due to heritable
genetic changes and phenotypic plasticity. Evolutionary adap-
tation is a primary means by which organisms can buffer
themselves from climate change (Hoffmann & Sgr"
o 2011;
Huey et al. 2012), and these activity-related traits could be
targets of selection in a changing world along with physiologi-
cal traits, such as thermal tolerance, that are most often con-
sidered (Kelly et al. 2011; Leal & Gunderson 2012; Logan
et al. 2014). Plasticity can clearly also contribute to the
expression of activity phenotypes in a manner similar to plas-
tic changes in temperature-dependent physiological traits (e.g.
Gunderson & Stillman 2015; Seebacher et al. 2015). For
example, acclimation to cold or warm temperatures, respec-
tively, can lower or raise the thresholds for activity in the
aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer 1776; Alford et al. 2012), and,
as demonstrated in Fig. 1c, thermal acclimation results in
shifts in the activity thresholds of the salmon Oncorhynchus
nerka. Parameter values for activity components are also
likely to change with life stage in many organisms, as occurs
for temperature-dependent physiological traits (e.g. Kingsolver
et al. 2011).
The framework as discussed above is based on the biology
of organisms that take refuge when conditions are not suitable
for activity, representing a large fraction of ectotherms such
as many reptiles, amphibians, fish and arthropod species.
Nonetheless, not all aspects of the framework as described
will necessarily be applicable to all life stages of a species or
even all species. For instance, there are organisms and life
stages of organisms that do not take shelter within physical
refuges or nests, such as many pelagic freshwater and marine
taxa that engage in more or less continuous activity (e.g.
swimming and feeding). For these organisms, defining thresh-
olds and probabilities of overall activity with respect to move-
ment from a refuge is not appropriate. Instead, the thresholds
and probabilities of overall activity for these organisms are
better defined with respect to critical thermal limits (CTs).
Critical thermal limits are defined as the temperatures at
which organisms lose the capacity for coordinated movement
and cannot escape life-threatening situations (Lutterschmidt &
Hutchison 1997b). In practice, CTs are generally measured as
temperatures at which organisms become incapacitated (Lut-
terschmidt & Hutchison 1997a). For continuously active
organisms, thresholds and probabilities of activity will be dic-
tated by these physiological limits on performance. This is not
likely to be the case for most animals that use refuges, as their
physiological tolerance range is typically much greater than
their thermal activity window (see, e.g. Fig. 1c and our
detailed data on a lizard system below). The application of
activity modes (e.g. thresholds for reproductive activity) and
vigour (e.g. swimming/feeding rates) will still be applicable to
continuously active animals. For example, aquatic crustaceans
in the genus Daphnia essentially swim constantly, and the vig-
our of their activity (measured by swimming rate) changes
continuously within their physiological tolerance limits (Zeis
et al. 2004).
Up to this point, we have generally described the tempera-
ture dependence of activity in terms of the thermal state of
the organism (i.e. body temperature). This is the simplest way
to discuss temperature-dependent activity, and may be suffi-
cient when describing activity patterns of organisms in habi-
tats in which thermal conditions are relatively homogenous at
a spatial scale relevant to the focal species (e.g. many aquatic
habitats and deeply shaded forests). However, activity is also
likely to be influenced by spatial patterns of thermal variabil-
ity where it occurs (Grant & Dunham 1988; Sears et al. 2011;
Sears & Angilletta 2015). In many habitats (e.g. the intertidal,
deserts) the body temperature that an active animal would
experience changes over small spatial scales due to variation
in features such as shade cover, topography and the physical
properties of substrates. The distribution of these potential
temperatures is known as the operative thermal environment
(Bakken 1992). In some localities, the risk of overheating may
be greater than in others (i.e. there are differences in the per-
centage of space in which operative temperatures exceed lethal
limits). An animal with a greater chance of encountering
extreme heat may be less likely to become active and/or may
engage in less vigorous activity than an animal with the same
body temperature in a less severe thermal environment. Thus,
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
114 A. R. Gunderson and M. Leal Idea and Perspective
in many cases the activity of organisms will be conditional
not only on body temperature but on the thermal features of
the environment as well (Woods et al. 2014; Logan et al.
Here, we illustrate the implementation of our proposed frame-
work using data on the thermal biology of the lizard Anolis
cristatellus, a small arboreal insectivore that lives in both
mesic and xeric tropical forests at low to mid elevations (0 to
~300 m) on the greater Puerto Rican bank (Rand 1964).
Temperature-dependent activity in Anolis cristatellus
The lower and upper thresholds for overall activity were
taken as the minimum and maximum body temperatures
(20.2 and 36.1 °C respectively) that we measured for A.
cristatellus across seasons and habitats in Puerto Rico (see
Gunderson & Leal 2012, for sampling localities, times and
methodology). To incorporate modes of activity, we deter-
mined the thermal thresholds for reproductive activity, taken
as the upper and lower body temperatures at which we
observed copulation (26.0 and 32.6 °C respectively) during
focal observations of A. cristatellus in a separate study (Gun-
derson & Leal 2015).
Temperature-dependent probabilities of activity were esti-
mated using the body temperature data set from Gunderson
& Leal (2012). To do so, we first calculated the mean body
temperature of the lizards captured each hour of every day of
sampling. Next, we calculated the number of lizards captured
during each hour, under the assumption that the more lizards
captured, the more are out and active. In essence, we asked
how many lizards would be active if the operative thermal
environment allowed (or caused) them to attain a given mean
body temperature. We modelled the relationship between
body temperature and number of lizards captured by fitting a
second-order polynomial to the data since we expected the
relationship between lizards activity and temperature to be
nonlinear (Hertz 1981) (Fig. 3a). The polynomial function
was then transformed into a curve describing the probability
of activity by setting the peak activity predicted by the model
to one.
Temperature-dependent activity vigour was taken from
Gunderson & Leal (2015) (Fig. 3b). Vigour was measured as
the proportion of time engaged in physical activity (locomo-
tion or signal display) during 15 min focal observations
(N=299), and body temperatures were estimated for all focal
animals using copper lizard models (see Gunderson & Leal
2015, for details). The relationship between vigour and body
temperature was modelled using a restricted cubic spline
(Gunderson & Leal 2015). To simplify our activity data, we
combined the curves for the probability of activity and activ-
ity vigour into a single variable we call effective activity vigour
(Fig. 3c). To do this, we multiplied the probability and vigour
curves together. Effective activity vigour describes the
expected activity vigour at a given body temperature weighted
by the probability that an individual would be out of a refuge
at that temperature.
Considering all of the activity data for A. cristatellus
together (Fig. 4), several patterns emerge. First, not all modes
of activity will occur across the entire thermal activity win-
dow, as copulation activity occurs over a narrower range of
body temperatures (2732.5 °C) than does activity overall
(20.236 °C; see also Fig. 1c). In addition, physical activity
per se does not occur across the entire activity window. Anolis
cristatellus becomes active at body temperatures as low as
20.2 °C, but, based on the effective activity vigour curve, they
do not engage in physical activity until they attain body tem-
peratures of c. 25 °C. The difference between when they will
26 28 30 32 34 36
# Lizards sampled
26 28 30 32 34 36
Activity vigor
26 28 30 32 34 36
Body temperature ( C)
Effective activity vigor
Figure 3 (a) Number of Anolis cristatellus sampled per hour vs. hourly
mean body temperature. The polynomial fit to the data was transformed
into a relative curve (maximum value =1) to describe the probability of
activity with respect to temperature. (b) Activity vigour of individual
lizards as a function of body temperature. Data from Gunderson & Leal
(2015). (c) Effective activity vigour curve, calculated by multiplying the
curves in (a) and (b). See text for explanation.
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Idea and Perspective Temperature-dependent activity in ectotherms 115
emerge and when they will begin physical activity is most
likely the range of temperatures at which they are basking if
the potential for thermoregulation exists. Finally, effective
activity vigour in this species is very sensitive to temperature
change, with a steep increase in effective vigour between c. 25
and 28 °C, and a steep decrease in effective vigour between c.
31 °C and the upper activity threshold of 36.1 °C.
A comprehensive view of the thermal ecology of A.
cristatellus can be achieved by integrating data on tempera-
ture-dependent activity and physiology (Fig. 4). The physio-
logical traits we include are lower and upper physiological
limits (CT
and CT
respectively; Leal & Gunderson
2012), temperature dependence of physiological rates (in this
case sprint speed; Gunderson & Leal 2012) and the preferred
temperature range T
, the range of temperatures they seek out
given the choice in a thermal gradient (Hertz et al. 1993). We
first note that the thermal activity window (20.236 °C) is
much narrower than the thermal tolerance range (the body
temperatures between CT
and CT
;~1439 °C). The
difference is even more pronounced if one considers only the
temperatures at which physical activity will occur (~25
36 °C). It would clearly be inaccurate to assume that organ-
isms will engage in activity over the full range of temperatures
that they can tolerate (Huey & Bennett 1990).
Second, activity rates are high when organisms are at pre-
ferred temperatures. The effective activity vigour curve for
A. cristatellus peaks and has a shoulder of relatively low
sensitivity to temperature change within the preferred
temperature range. Thus, even though activity is not limited
to the preferred temperature range, the ability to attain
body temperatures within the preferred range has positive
consequences for activity budgets (see also Gunderson &
Leal 2015).
Third, activity rates are more sensitive to temperature than
at least some physiological traits. The effective activity vigour
curve for A. cristatellus is considerably narrower than that for
locomotor performance (i.e. sprint speed) (see also Gunderson
& Leal 2015). High physiological performance capacity may
be necessary but not sufficient for high activity rates to occur.
In addition, the temperature of peak effective activity vigour
(31 °C) is lower than the temperature of peak locomotor per-
formance (33.3 °C).
We now use the temperature-dependent activity data from A.
cristatellus to apply our activity framework to address two
fundamental ecological questions: (1) how vulnerable are
ectotherms to climate warming? and (2) how does temperature
impact the distribution of species?
Activity and vulnerability to climate warming
In a previous investigation of the effects of climate warming
on A. cristatellus, we used the thermal sensitivity of sprinting
(Fig. 4) to estimate physiological performance capacities
under current and predicted future thermal conditions in two
different habitat types on Puerto Rico, mesic and xeric forest
(Gunderson & Leal 2012). We assumed a 3 °C increase in air
temperature across Puerto Rico for future conditions (Huey
et al. 2009), which is within the range of likely temperature
increases predicted in Puerto Rico by the end of the 21st cen-
tury (IPCC 2014). That analysis demonstrated that warming
would have little effect on the physiological performance of
lizards in the mesic habitat, but that lizards in xeric habitat
would experience a decrease in performance of ~29%
(Fig. 5c).
We take the same approach as Gunderson & Leal (2012)
here, but instead of applying the sprint performance curve to
the body temperature data, we apply the effective activity vig-
our curve (Fig. 3c) while assuming effective vigour is 0 for an
individual with a body temperature above the 36.1 °C activity
threshold. Thus, this analysis explicitly incorporates activity
thresholds, probabilities and vigour. We also conduct an anal-
ysis using modes of activity by asking how warming will influ-
ence reproductive behaviour, specifically copulation activity.
We ask what percentage of future microhabitats available to
A. cristatellus will be within the observed copulation thresh-
olds (Fig. 4) using the distribution of current operative tem-
perature measurements as a baseline (for a description of
operative temperature sampling, see Gunderson & Leal 2012).
As with the previous study, we conduct separate analyses for
lizards occurring in mesic and xeric habitats respectively
(Gunderson & Leal 2012).
Under current thermal conditions, mean effective activity
vigour is predicted to be very similar for A. cristatellus occur-
ring in mesic (X =0.10) and xeric habitats (X =0.11), despite
significant differences in mean body temperature (Gunderson
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Body temperature ( C)
Relative rate
Figure 4 Temperature dependence of behavioural and physiological traits
for Anolis cristatellus. LTT, UTT: lower and upper thermal tolerance (i.e.
critical thermal limits). LAT, UAT: lower and upper activity thresholds
(the lowest and highest body temperatures measured in the field). LCT,
UCT: lower and upper copulation thresholds (the lowest and highest
body temperatures at which copulation was observed in the field). T
: the
preferred temperature range. Black line: relative effective activity vigour
(maximum effective vigour set to one). Grey line: relative sprint
performance curve (maximum sprint speed set to one). Data from Hertz
et al. (1993), Gunderson & Leal (2012), Leal & Gunderson (2012) and
Gunderson & Leal (2015).
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
116 A. R. Gunderson and M. Leal Idea and Perspective
& Leal 2012). However, mean effective activity vigour is pre-
dicted to diverge as temperatures increase. Under warmer
future conditions, the mean effective activity vigour of A.
cristatellus in the mesic habitat is predicted to increase by
10% to 0.11, while mean effective activity vigour in the xeric
habitat is predicted to decrease by 55% to 0.05 (Fig. 5a).
Warming is also predicted to have an effect on reproductive
activity, as the percentage of available microhabitats suitable
for copulation is expected to decrease in both habitats, though
the decrease will be far more severe in the xeric (!83%) than
the mesic (!26%) habitat (Fig. 5b).
The results of the activity analyses are broadly in agreement
with our previous analysis using physiological data, in that
they predict more detrimental effects of warming for lizards in
the xeric habitat (Fig. 5). However, the activity data predict
some negative effects of warming in the mesic habitat (i.e. a
decrease in microhabitats suitable for copulation), something
not seen in the physiological data. Furthermore, activity data
predict greater disparities in warming effects between lizards
in the two habitats. Several studies, including our previous
work, have estimated climate change impacts based on
changes in physiological performance, and especially in
ectothermic vertebrates, changes in locomotor performance
(e.g. Huey et al. 2009; Gunderson & Leal 2012; Logan et al.
2013). Our current analysis suggests that these studies may
underestimate the negative impacts of warming by not consid-
ering the sensitivity of fine-scale activity to thermal change.
Ultimately, of course, the most realistic predictions of climate
change effects are likely to incorporate multiple aspects of
performance, including both behavioural and physiological
Thermal constraints on activity and species distributions
Understanding the factors that limit the spatial extent of a
species is a fundamental problem in ecology. One of the pri-
mary factors expected to influence species distributions is
physiological sensitivity to abiotic conditions (Bozinovic et al.
2011; Sunday et al. 2012). On Puerto Rico, A. cristatellus
occurs in forests up to ~300 m, above which it is replaced by
another morphologically and ecologically similar species, A.
gundlachi (Peters 1877) (both species are insectivores cate-
gorised as ‘trunk-ground’ ecomorphs; Losos 2009). Anolis
cristatellus has greater heat tolerance (Fig. 6) and lower water
loss rates (Hillman & Gorman 1977) than A. gundlachi, traits
that likely allow A. cristatellus to occur in warm, dry habitats
such as lowland xeric forest where A. gundlachi is absent.
However, at lower temperatures similar to those common in
the heavily shaded upland habitats of A. gundlachi,A.
cristatellus and A. gundlachi have similar (and high) levels of
physiological performance (Fig. 6a). Yet, A. cristatellus does
not occur in these upland habitats, and transplant experiments
have shown that A. cristatellus cannot survive there, even in
the absence of competition between the two species (Gorman
& Hillman 1977). Why is A. cristatellus unable to live in heav-
ily shaded upland habitats for which there is no evidence of
physiological detriment in terms of thermal physiology or
water balance?
A potential insight into why A. cristatellus is unable to sur-
vive under heavily shaded upland conditions can be found by
considering the temperature-dependent activity of A. cristatel-
lus in the context of the body temperatures available within
the A. gundlachi habitat. Mean diurnal body temperatures of
A. gundlachi in the uplands are c. 25 °C (Hertz et al. 1993).
This is the same mean body temperature one would expect A.
cristatellus to have in this heavily shaded habitat with little
opportunity for behavioural thermoregulation (Hertz et al.
1993; Gunderson & Leal 2012). Although 25 °C is within the
thermal activity window of A. cristatellus (Fig. 4), it is at the
lower threshold for physical activity (i.e. effective activity vig-
our transitions to zero at c. 25 °C). In contrast, the preferred
temperature range of A. gundlachi straddles this mean temper-
ature, meaning one would expect (and does observe; M. Leal
and A. Gunderson, pers. obs.) substantial activity from A.
gundlachi in this habitat. Even if A. cristatellus could survive
within this habitat, the mean temperature they would experi-
ence would be below their thermal threshold for copulation
(Fig. 6). Thus, even though A. cristatellus and A. gundlachi
should have similar physiological performance within the
upland A. gundlachi habitat, A. cristatellus is likely excluded
from this habitat by low temperature-dependent behavioural
Mesic Xeric
(a) effective activity vigor
Predicted change under
warming (%)
Mesic Xeric
(b) microhab. suitable for
Mesic Xeric
(c) sprint performance
Figure 5 Predicted change in (a) mean effective activity vigour, (b) the amount of microhabitat suitable for reproductive activity (i.e. copulation) and (c)
sprint performance capacity for Anolis cristatellus in mesic and xeric habitats on Puerto Rico under predicted future thermal conditions. Data on changes
in sprint performance from Gunderson & Leal (2012).
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Idea and Perspective Temperature-dependent activity in ectotherms 117
Thermal constraints on activity play a crucial role in mediat-
ing many important ecological and evolutionary processes.
These effects emerge from the multi-faceted influence of tem-
perature on activity. Nonetheless, few studies include more
than one component of thermal activity constraint. This
shortcoming may stem from the lack of a conceptual frame-
work that identifies and integrates the multiple effects of tem-
perature on activity. We have attempted to provide a simple
version of just such a conceptual framework, along with
examples of its application, in the hope that it will facilitate
the incorporation of ecologically relevant thermal activity con-
straints into future analyses. The data required to implement
this framework are relatively easy to collect. They are all
based on standard behavioural and ecological measurements
that have been collected in one form or another for decades
but have become less common in recent years. Given the con-
tinuing threat of climate change, continued refinement of our
understanding of all aspects of abiotic constraints on organ-
isms is required to effectively predict and mitigate the effects
of anthropogenic activities on the natural world.
We thank Mike Angilletta, Ray Huey, Donald Miles, Mike
Logan, Brian Powell, Dave Steinberg, the Stillman and Todg-
ham labs, the Associate Editor and three anonymous reviewers
for helpful feedback about this manuscript and the ideas we
have presented. This work was partially funded by a National
Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertation Improvement
Grant to ARG, NSF grant IOS-1451450 to JH Stillman, and
the Berkeley Initiative for Global Change Biology.
ARG developed the first version of the conceptual framework
presented, wrote the first draft of the manuscript and con-
ducted all analyses. ML contributed to refinement of the
framework and the manuscript.
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15 20 25 30 35 40
Relative sprint speed
A. gundlachi
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15 20 25 30 35 40
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Editor, Lauren Buckley
Manuscript received 4 August 2015
First decision made 3 September 2015
Second decision made 11 October 2015
Manuscript accepted 30 October 2015
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
120 A. R. Gunderson and M. Leal Idea and Perspective
... Because climate change is predicted to impact behaviour (Abram et al., 2017) through physiology (e.g. Burraco et al., 2020;Kingsolver et al., 2013), approaches to understand the impacts of climate change requires measurements of the thermal environment that species experience as well as their responsive strategies (Gates, 2012;Gunderson and Leal, 2016). ...
... Using hours of restriction (h r ) as a measure, Sinervo et al. (2010) predicted that by 2080, local extinctions of lizards may reach 39%, and total species extinction may reach 20%. Predictive models based on h r that are calculated using thermal tolerance limits (Sinervo et al., 2010), however, might underestimate the activity budgets of lizards because they do not take into account variation in other behaviours that might also be influenced by temperature (Gunderson and Leal, 2016;Kearney, 2013). ...
... Fastest sprint speed during the highest activity phase that we document here would be beneficial for effective escape from both terrestrial and avian predators, especially since lizards seldom range far from their burrows. High performance capacity, however, might not imply high activity rates for other behaviours (Gunderson and Leal, 2016). While the total activity of S. hardwickii in the wild was highest near its optimal performance temperature (T opt ), as measured by sprint speed in the lab, and was within its thermal preference range (T set ), we saw the highest number of individuals foraging in the wild when temperatures were 2.5°C higher than T opt . ...
Full-text available
Ectotherms are particularly vulnerable to climate change, especially those living in extreme areas, such as deserts, where species are already thermally constrained. Using the vulnerable herbivorous lizard, Saara hardwickii, as a model system, we used a multi-pronged approach to understand the thermal ecology of a desert agamid and potential impacts of rising temperatures. Our data included field-based measures of operative temperatures, body temperatures, and activity, as well as lab-based measures of thermal limits, preferences, and sprint speed. As expected, the temperature dependence of locomotor performance and foraging activity were different, and in the worst-case global warming scenario (SSP5-8.5), potential sprint speed may decrease by up to 14.5% and foraging activity may decrease by up to 43.5% by 2099. Burrows are essential thermal refuges, and global warming projections suggest that S. hardwickii may be restricted to burrows for up to 9 hours per day by 2099, which would greatly limit critical activities, like foraging and seeking mating opportunities. Overall, we show that key information on thermal ecology, including temperature-sensitive behaviours in the wild, is necessary to understand the multiple ways in which increasing temperatures may influence ectothermic vertebrates, especially for species like S. hardwickii that are already vulnerable to environmental change.
... Consequently, the ability to mitigate thermal stress through either migration, evolutionary genetic adaptation or acclimation is crucial for the persistence of species in a changing climate (Franks & Hoffmann, 2012;Huey et al., 2012;Seebacher et al., 2015). Given the limited dispersal ability of many species (e.g., freshwater species; Woodward et al., 2010) and rapid pace of global warming (Hoffmann & Sgró, 2011), physiological acclimation is arguably the most important mechanism for coping with climate change (Gunderson & Leal, 2016). Understanding differences in acclimation capacity of species and identifying global patterns can, therefore, help to identify climate change risks to biodiversity and develop effective conservation measures (Somero, 2010). ...
Full-text available
Amphibians and fishes play a central role in shaping the structure and function of freshwater environments. These organisms have a limited capacity to disperse across different habitats and the thermal buffer offered by freshwater systems is small. Understanding determinants and patterns of their physiological sensitivity across life history is, therefore, imperative to predicting the impacts of climate change in freshwater systems. Based on a systematic literature review including 345 experiments with 998 estimates on 96 amphibian (Anura/Caudata) and 93 freshwater fish species (Teleostei), we conducted a quantitative synthesis to explore phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and biogeographic (thermal adaptation) patterns in upper thermal tolerance (CT max ) and thermal acclimation capacity (acclimation response ratio, ARR) as well as the influence of the methodology used to assess these thermal traits using a conditional inference tree analysis. We found globally consistent patterns in CT max and ARR, with phylogeny (taxa/order), experimental methodology, climatic origin, and life stage as significant determinants of thermal traits. The analysis demonstrated that CT max does not primarily depend on the climatic origin but on experimental acclimation temperature and duration, and life stage. Higher acclimation temperatures and longer acclimation times led to higher CT max values, whereby Anuran larvae revealed a higher CT max than older life stages. The ARR of freshwater fishes was more than twice that of amphibians. Differences in ARR between life stages were not significant. In addition to phylogenetic differences, we found that ARR also depended on acclimation duration, ramping rate, and adaptation to local temperature variability. However, the amount of data on early life stages is too small, methodologically inconsistent, and phylogenetically unbalanced to identify potential life cycle bottlenecks in thermal traits. We, therefore, propose methods to improve the robustness and comparability of CT max /ARR data across species and life stages, which is crucial for the conservation of freshwater biodiversity under climate change.
... In both cases of heterothermy, although dormancy drastically reduces energy expenditure, some energy is nonetheless lost in the absence of an external source. As a consequence, if dormancy phenology is explained solely by physiological issues (the physiological constraint hypothesis), selection should favor remaining active until a positive energy balance (in endotherms) or thermal window favorable for activity (in ectotherms; see Gunderson and Leal, 2016) is no longer possible ( Figure 1a). If, however, there are other benefits to dormancy such as improved survival due to a reduction of predation risk, these survival benefits may produce a trade-off between being active and investing in reproduction versus being dormant for a time to increase survival (the life-history hypothesis). ...
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Seasonal animal dormancy is widely interpreted as a physiological response for surviving energetic challenges during the harshest times of the year (the physiological constraint hypothesis). However, there are other mutually non-exclusive hypotheses to explain the timing of animal dormancy, that is, entry into and emergence from hibernation (i.e. dormancy phenology). Survival advantages of dormancy that have been proposed are reduced risks of predation and competition (the ‘life-history’ hypothesis), but comparative tests across animal species are few. Using the phylogenetic comparative method applied to more than 20 hibernating mammalian species, we found support for both hypotheses as explanations for the phenology of dormancy. In accordance with the life-history hypotheses, sex differences in hibernation emergence and immergence were favored by the sex difference in reproductive effort. In addition, physiological constraint may influence the trade-off between survival and reproduction such that low temperatures and precipitation, as well as smaller body mass, influence sex differences in phenology. We also compiled initial evidence that ectotherm dormancy may be (1) less temperature dependent than previously thought and (2) associated with trade-offs consistent with the life-history hypothesis. Thus, dormancy during non-life-threatening periods that are unfavorable for reproduction may be more widespread than previously thought.
... Climate change might alter activity time in a way that is not captured by our simple model. Regardless, diel variation in environmental temperature is considered a major driver of activity time in many lizard species (Grant and Dunham 1988;Grant 1990;Sinervo et al. 2010;Logan et al. 2015;Gunderson and Leal 2016); thus, our model may capture an important component of the relationship between climate change and slender anole activity patterns. Our results underscore the importance of including the role of phenotypic plasticity in models that predict how tropical forest lizards respond to climate change. ...
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Tropical ectotherms are thought to be especially vulnerable to climate change because they have evolved in temporally stable thermal environments and therefore have decreased tolerance for thermal variability. Thus, they are expected to have narrow thermal tolerance ranges, live close to their upper thermal tolerance limits, and have decreased thermal acclimation capacity. Although models often predict that tropical forest ectotherms are especially vulnerable to rapid environmental shifts, these models rarely include the potential for plasticity of relevant traits. We measured phenotypic plasticity of thermal tolerance and thermal preference as well as multitissue transcriptome plasticity in response to warmer temperatures in a species that previous work has suggested is highly vulnerable to climate warming, the Panamanian slender anole lizard (Anolis apletophallus). We found that many genes, including heat shock proteins, were differentially expressed across tissues in response to short-term warming. Under long-term warming, the voluntary thermal maxima of lizards also increased, although thermal preference exhibited only limited plasticity. Using these data, we modeled changes in the activity time of slender anoles through the end of the century under climate change and found that plasticity should delay declines in activity time by at least two decades. Our results suggest that slender anoles, and possibly other tropical ectotherms, can alter the expression of genes and phenotypes when responding to shifting environmental temperatures and that plasticity should be considered when predicting the future of organisms under a changing climate.
... In both cases of heterothermy, although dormancy drastically reduces energy expenditure, some energy is nonetheless lost in the absence of an external source. As a consequence, if dormancy phenology is explained solely by physiological issues (the physiological constraint hypothesis), selection should favor remaining active until a positive energy balance (in endotherms) or thermal window favorable for activity (in ectotherms; see Gunderson and Leal, 2016) is no longer possible ( Figure 1a). If, however, there are other benefits to dormancy such as improved survival due to a reduction of predation risk, these survival benefits may produce a trade-off between being active and investing in reproduction versus being dormant for a time to increase survival (the life-history hypothesis). ...
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Seasonal animal dormancy, hibernation or diapause, is widely interpreted as a physiological response for surviving energetic challenges during the harshest times of the year (the physiological constraint hypothesis). However, there are other mutually non-exclusive hypotheses to explain the timing of animal dormancy, that is, entry into and emergence from hibernation (i.e. dormancy phenology). Other survival advantages of dormancy that have been proposed are reduced risks of predation and competition (the “life-history” hypothesis), but comparative tests across animal species are not yet available. Under this hypothesis, dormancy phenology is influenced by a trade-off between reproductive advantages of being active and survival benefits of dormancy. Within a species, males and females differ in the amount of time and energy they invest in reproduction. Thus, the trade-off between reproduction and survival may be reflected by within-species sex differences in the phenology of dormancy. To examine this hypothesis, we used two complementary approaches: (i) a set of phylogenetic comparative analyses on mammals (mainly holarctic rodents), and (ii) a comparison between endotherm and ectotherm dormancy, via analyses of endotherms (including mainly holoarctic rodents) and the existing literature on ectotherms. Using the phylogenetic comparative method applied to more than 20 hibernating mammalian species, we found support for both hypotheses as explanations for the phenology of dormancy. In accordance with the life history hypotheses, sex differences in emergence and immergence were favored by the sex difference in reproductive effort. In addition, physiological constraint may influence the trade-off between survival and reproduction such that, low temperature and precipitation as well as smaller body mass influence sex differences in phenology. We also compiled initial evidence that ectotherm dormancy (invertebrates and reptiles) may be 1) less temperature dependent than previously thought and 2) associated with trade-offs consistent with the life history hypothesis. Dormancy in some endotherms and ectotherms show staggered phenology with respect to the growing season (earlier emergence and immergence than expected) which illustrates the selection pressure exerted by the trade-off between reproduction (earlier emergence than expected) and adult survival (earlier immergence than expected). Thus, dormancy during non-life-threatening periods that are unfavorable for reproduction may be more widespread than previously appreciated.
... Hunting can have a range of significant impacts on ecosystems, including biocontrol of pest species and impacts on ecosystem processes such as primary production and nutrient cycling [23][24][25][26]. Climate change, along with its associated abiotic factors such as temperature, can induce changes in species traits such as oviposition, development time, and behavior [27][28][29][30][31]. In the field of population dynamics, various ecological interactions such as competition, mutualism, and predation hold significant importance. ...
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This study investigates the dynamics of predator-prey interactions with non-overlapping generations under the influence of fear effects, a crucial factor in ecological research. We propose a novel discrete-time model that addresses limitations of previous models by explicitly incorporating fear. Our primary question is: How does fear influence the stability of predator-prey populations and the potential for chaotic dynamics? We analyze the model to identify biologically relevant equi-libria (fixed points) and determine the conditions for their stability. Bifurcation analysis reveals how changes in fear levels and predation rates can lead to population crashes (transcritical bifurcation) and complex population fluctuations (period-doubling and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations). Furthermore , we explore the potential for controlling chaotic behavior using established methods. Finally, two-parameter analysis employing Lyapunov exponents, spectrum, and Kaplan-Yorke dimension quantifies the chaotic dynamics of the proposed system across a range of fear and predation levels. Numerical simulations support the theoretical findings. This study offers valuable insights into the impact of fear on predator-prey dynamics and paves the way for further exploration of chaos control in ecological models.
... However, many essential behavioural activities are more thermally sensitive than the physiological tolerances underlying basic survival (Gunderson & Leal, 2015). Sub-lethal declines in performance can therefore have more immediate impacts on population persistence than reduced survival (Buckley & Kingsolver, 2012;Gunderson & Leal, 2016;Guo et al., 2020). In fact, species' geographic ranges and vulnerability to climate change are better predicted by their narrow thermal limits for reproduction than their broader lethal thermal limits (Parratt et al., 2021;van Heerwaarden & Sgrò, 2021). ...
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Temperature influences nearly all aspects of fitness. However, reproduction is often more thermally sensitive than survival. Thermoregulation must maintain performance in both components of fitness to buffer populations from environmental change. We assessed the fitness benefits of thermoregulation in Enchenopa binotata treehoppers. Under realistic mesocosm conditions, we quantified fine‐scale microclimates using 3D‐printed operative temperature models. We then compared operative temperatures to treehopper body temperatures and translated patterns of thermoregulation into variation in survival and reproduction. We also assessed two thermoregulatory mechanisms: precise microclimate choice and heat‐escape behaviours. Finally, we applied our results to evaluate if arthropod thermoregulation is accurately characterized by two theoretical models commonly used to simulate responses to environmental change. We found substantial thermal variation at fine spatial scales relevant to insects: at a single point in time, temperatures within 30‐cm‐tall plants spanned ranges up to 19°C (23–42°C). Lethal operative temperatures were common when air temperatures were high. However, heat escapes allowed treehoppers to almost entirely avoid lethal temperatures. By contrast, individuals thermoconformed in the absence of lethal operative temperatures. This finding suggests that precise microclimate choice imposes high costs due to thermal uncertainty at fine spatial scales. Furthermore, given the narrow range of temperatures in which reproduction occurs, thermoregulation is unlikely to maintain reproduction. Thermoregulation was most effective in the lowest‐quality and most spatially variable thermal habitats. Treehopper thermoregulation therefore more closely follows cost–benefit models of thermoregulation compared to models that account for inhibited movement at extreme temperatures. Overall, even if thermoregulation can prevent lethal heat stress, it may have limited capacity to buffer arthropods and other small ectotherms from environmental change if it cannot maintain reproductive performance. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... The climate is changing at a faster rate than at any time in geological history [1,2] and this, in turn, is affecting the duration of suitable conditions for aboveground activity, with consequent impacts on population dynamics and species viability [3,4]. Many species, however, stay underground for much of the year [5,6] and/or enter some form of dormancy during unfavourable seasons, such as hibernation or aestivation [7,8]. ...
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Many ectothermic organisms counter harsh abiotic conditions by seeking refuge in underground retreats. Variations in soil hydrothermal properties within these retreats may impact their energy budget, survival and population dynamics. This makes retreat site choice a critical yet understudied component of their strategies for coping with climate change. We used a mechanistic modelling approach to explore the implications of behavioural adjustments and seasonal acclimation of metabolic rate on retreat depth and the energy budget of ectotherms, considering both current and future climate conditions. We used a temperate amphibian, the alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris), as a model species. Our simulations predict an interactive influence of different thermo- and hydroregulatory strategies on the vertical positioning of individuals in underground refuges. The adoption of a particular strategy largely determines the impact of climate change on retreat site choice. Additionally, we found that, given the behavioural thermoregulation/hydroregulation and metabolic acclimation patterns considered, behaviour within the retreat has a greater impact on ectotherm energetics than acclimation of metabolic rate under different climate change scenarios. We conclude that further empirical research aimed at determining ectotherm behavioural strategies during both surface activity and inactivity is needed to understand their population dynamics and species viability under climate change.
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Glaucomastix littoralis is a threatened Brazilian lizard species belonging to the Teiidae family, endemic of four restinga areas (sand dune coastal habitats) of Rio de Janeiro State. The aim of this research was to investigate the species endurance to different body temperatures. For this, we identify voluntary and preferential temperature of the species and plot its curve of physiological performance, having as variable the size and locomotor performance of the individuals and the critical temperature (maximum and minimum) of the species. We identify a preferential temperature of 38°C (varying between 37.3 and 40°C) for G. littoralis and a maximum and minimum voluntary temperature of 31°C and 43.6°C, respectively. Critical temperature of species varied between 14.2 ± 1.6°C (minimum) and 42.4 ± 1.1°C (maximum). The locomotor performance of G. littoralis was influenced either by the size of the individuals, as by the temperature in which they were tested in, being this last variable showed higher influence on the stamina. Best performance of individuals (longest distance traveled in meters) was recorded in the temperature range of 35 and 40°C, showing no movements below 20°C and above 41°C. Species performance is highly connected with species persistence, because when lizards exceed their ideal temperature range, they gradually lose their functioning and movement capacities and increase their restriction hours in shelters. In this way, even if lizards can withstand the environmental temperature, the limitation of their movements will interfere in their dynamic and ecology, reducing vital capacity of individuals and populations.
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Amphibians and fishes play a central role in shaping the structure and function of freshwater environments. These organisms have a limited capacity to disperse across different habitats and the thermal buffer offered by freshwater systems is small. Understanding determinants and patterns of their physiological sensitivity across life history is, therefore, imperative to predicting the impacts of climate change in freshwater systems. Based on a systematic literature review including 345 studies with 998 estimates on 96 amphibian and 93 freshwater fish species, we conducted a meta-analysis to explore phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and biogeographic (i.e. thermal adaptation) patterns in upper thermal tolerance (CT max ) and thermal acclimation capacity (Acclimation Response Ratio, ARR) as well as the influence of the methodology used to assess these thermal traits using a conditional inference tree analysis. We found CT max and ARR differed between taxa, pre- and post-metamorphic life stages as well as with thermal adaptation. The ARR of freshwater fishes exceeded that of amphibians by more than twice across life stages. In amphibians, CT max decreased throughout early development, with juveniles exhibiting the lowest heat tolerance, potentially representing a life history bottleneck if other strategies to reach thermal refugia, e.g. through behavioral thermoregulation, would also be constrained. In contrast to the broader literature, CT max was not generally higher in low latitude populations but also varied with ontogeny, emphasizing the importance of assessing life stage-specific sensitivity to thermal stress. Importantly, the application of different methods (e.g. acclimation duration, ramping rates) changed life stage, phylogeny, and thermal adaptation patterns in CT max and ARR. Our analyses highlight biases and data limitations with respect to coverage in taxonomy, biogeographic distribution of species, life stage, and study design. We propose methods to improve robustness and comparability of thermal sensitivity knowledge needed to adopt interventions to safeguard freshwater biodiversity in a future climate.
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Rising global temperatures are predicted to impact organisms in diverse ways. For ectotherms, recent broad-scale analyses have predicted global patterns of vulnerability to warming, with tropical species at higher risk of detrimental effects than temperate species. However, vulnerability results from complex interactions between environment, physiology and behaviour. For species that inhabit a diversity of habitat types, these interactions may change across their range. We measured operative thermal environments (Te) and body temperatures (Tb) of the tropical Caribbean lizard Anolis cristatellus at nine sites representing two habitat types: mesic and xeric forest. The thermal sensitivity of whole-organism physiological performance (i.e. sprint speed) of one mesic and one xeric population was also measured. Thermal and performance data were integrated to determine how habitat thermal variation, behavioural thermoregulation and thermal physiology influence current physiological performance capacity in the field. We then evaluate if habitat suitability and physiological capacity would change assuming climate warming of 3°C over the next century. 3.The mean Te of the xeric habitat was 4·5°C warmer than that of the mesic habitat. However, behavioural thermoregulation by xeric lizards led to lesser differences in Tb (3·5°C) between habitat types. The thermal sensitivity of sprint performance was similar for mesic and xeric lizards, and lizards from both habitats maintain sprint capacities near 100%. Climate warming is predicted to influence mesic and xeric lizards differently. Xeric lizards currently live in a thermal environment near their upper temperature threshold, while mesic lizards do not. As a result, the number of suitable perch sites is predicted to decrease dramatically in the xeric but not the mesic habitat. In addition, the physiological capacity of mesic lizards is predicted to increase by approximately 4%, whereas a decrease of approximately 30% is predicted for xeric lizards. 4.We characterized variation in the current biophysical and ecophysiological conditions experienced by A. cristatellus by integrating fine-scale measurements of thermal microhabitats with data on body temperatures and physiological performance capacities. These data allowed us to explicitly demonstrate how variation in these parameters can influence population susceptibility to climate warming across a species range and highlight the utility of a mechanistic approach in studies of global climate change. © 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology
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Ameiva festiva, a teiid lizard from Costa Rica, alternately basks in the sun at the edge of forests and then forages in the shade of the forest. We used this natural analog of behavior in a laboratory shuttle-box to examine the effect of thermoregulatory behavior on physiological and ecological performances of lizards in nature. We observed body temperatures (by radiotelemetry) and locomotor behavior in the field and measured the thermal dependence of sprint speed, stamina, and aerobic scope in the laboratory. The mean upper and lower threshold temperatures for shuttling in the field were 39.4 ± 0.97 C (95% confidence interval) and 34.5 ± 1.11 C (95% confidence interval), respectively, and corresponded to very high levels of sprint speed (90% of maximum speed), stamina, and aerobic scope. Nevertheless, the lizards apparently rarely use these high levels of locomotor capacity. Although these lizards are active foragers, their speed and duration of movement in the field fall far below the levels of speed and stamina that they achieved in the lab when measured at temperatures that they regularly experienced in the field. The only time that we observed an individual use its (apparently) full locomotor capacities was in a single high-speed, long-distance attempt at escape from a predator. Thus the locomotor capacities of Ameiva festiva may be analogous to the principle of excessive construction (sensu Gans), whereby the phenotypic capacities of animals are not shaped by routine activities but instead by rare events that may be critical to an animal's survival.
The persistence of prey encountering intense predation varies by species, prey density, and habitat type; however, the collective impact of these factors has rarely been tested experimentally in natural marine systems. Using the thin-shelled clams Mya arenaria and Macoma balthica as prey, and the main epibenthic predator of whole adult clams, the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, we conducted a series of experiments in Chesapeake Bay tributaries that (1) links field abundance and distribution of bivalve prey species with habitat-specific mortality patterns; (2) represents the first comprehensive field test of species-specific, habitat-specific, and density-dependent mortality for subtidal, soft-bottom, deep-burrowing prey; and (3) thereby enables development of a conceptual model to be used as a heuristic tool linking predator-prey dynamics, habitat type, and evolutionary defense tactics for marine benthos. In 15 years of field monitoring, Mya was more common in sand than mud habitats, and Macoma was widely distributed and at higher densities than Mya in mud and sand. In field experiments, mortality of both Mya and Macoma was density dependent in those habitats where the clams are common. The blue crab population in the field exhibited a type III "guild functional response" on Mya in sand, and on Macoma in both mud and sand. Mortality was lower in sand than mud for Mya, and similar in mud and sand for Macoma, correlating with the high abundances of Mya in sand and Macoma in sand and mud. The persistence of large juvenile and adult bivalves when confronted with intense predation derived substantially from a low-density refuge from predation that varied in a species-specific manner with habitat type, demonstrating the species-specific importance of density and habitat to clam survival. We developed a conceptual model detailing the relative importance of behavior, morphology, habitat features, and the basic components of predator-prey interactions to the survival of bivalve molluscs. At one extreme are bivalve molluscs, such as oysters, that emphasize morphological refuges that increase the predator's handling time. At the other extreme are bivalves, such as Mya and Macoma, that reduce predator encounter rates. The model is intended to be used as a heuristic tool to develop testable hypotheses.
Adaptive radiation, which results when a single ancestral species gives rise to many descendants, each adapted to a different part of the environment, is possibly the single most important source of biological diversity in the living world. One of the best-studied examples involves Caribbean Anolis lizards. With about 400 species, Anolis has played an important role in the development of ecological theory and has become a model system exemplifying the integration of ecological, evolutionary, and behavioral studies to understand evolutionary diversification. This major work, written by one of the best-known investigators of Anolis, reviews and synthesizes an immense literature. Jonathan B. Losos illustrates how different scientific approaches to the questions of adaptation and diversification can be integrated and examines evolutionary and ecological questions of interest to a broad range of biologists.