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Some insect species are capable of producing an enhanced immune response after a first pathogenic encounter, a process called immune priming. However, whether and how such ability is driven by particular diet components (protein/carbohydrate) have not been explored. Such questions are sound given that, in general, immune response is dietary dependent. We have used adults of the house cricket Acheta domesticus L. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and exposed them to the bacteria Serratia marcescens. We first addressed whether survival rate after priming and nonpriming treatments is dietary dependent based on access/no access to proteins and carbohydrates. Second, we investigated how these dietary components affected fat reserves, muscle mass, and body weight, three key traits in insect fitness. Thus, we exposed adult house crickets to either a protein or a carbohydrate diet and measured the three traits. After being provided with protein, primed animals survived longer compared to the other diet treatments. Interestingly, this effect was also sex dependent with primed males having a higher survival than primed females when protein was supplemented. For the second experiment, protein-fed animals had more fat, muscle mass, and body weight than carbohydrate-fed animals. Although we are not aware of the immune component underlying immune priming, our results suggest that its energetic demand for its functioning and/or consequent survival requires a higher demand of protein with respect to carbohydrate. Thus, protein shortage can impair key survival-related traits related to immune and energetic condition. Further studies varying nutrient ratios should verify our results.
Immune Priming, Fat Reserves, Muscle Mass and Body Weight
of the House Cricket is Affected by Diet Composition
Depto de Ecología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología, Univ Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F., Mexico
CONACyT Research Fellow, Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa, Mexico
Unidad de Morfología y Función, Fac de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Univ Nacional Autónoma de México, Tlalnepantla, Mexico
CONACyT Research Fellow, Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Infecciosas, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Cuernavaca, Morelos,
Carbohydrate, house cricket,
immunological priming, protein
A C órdoba-Aguilar,
Depto de Ecología
Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología, Univ
Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad
Universitaria, Mexico, D.F., Mexico;
Edited by Guilherme D Rossi UNESP
Received 12 May 2015 and accepted 15
March 2016
* Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 2016
Some insect species are capable of producing an enhanced immune re-
sponse after a first pathogenic encounter, a process called immune prim-
ing. However, whether and how such ability is driven by particular diet
components (protein/carbohydrate) have not been explored. Such ques-
tions are sound given that, in general, immune response is dietary depen-
dent. We have used adults of the house cricket Acheta domesticus L.
(Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and exposed them to the bacteria Serratia
marcescens. We first addressed whether survival rate after priming and
nonpriming treatments is dietary dependent based on access/no access to
proteins and carbohydrates. Second, we investigated how these dietary
components affected fat reserves, muscle mass, and body weight, three
key traits in insect fitness. Thus, we exposed adult house crickets to either
a protein or a carbohydrate diet and measured the three traits. After being
provided with protein, primed animals survived longer compared to the
other diet treatments. Interestingly, this effect was also sex dependent
with primed males having a higher survival than primed females when
protein was supplemented. For the second experiment, protein-fed ani-
mals had more fat, muscle mass, and body weight than carbohydrate-fed
animals. Although we are not aware of the immune component underlying
immune priming, our results suggest that its energetic demand for its
functioning and/or consequent survival requires a higher demand of pro-
tein with respect to carbohydrate. Thus, protein shortage can impair key
survival-related traits related to immune and energetic condition. Further
studies varying nutrient ratios should verify our results.
Several studies have shown that invertebrates can respond
more effectively after a first encounter with a pathogen, a pro-
cess otherwise known as immun e priming (e.g., Cisarovsky et al
2012,Dauksteet al 2012 but see González-Tokman et al 2010,
Reber & Chapuisat 2012). Unlike vertebrates, this memory-like
ability in invertebrates is based on germline-encoded molecules
and epigenetic processes which allows recognizing pathogens
effectively (e.g., Watson et al 2005,Donget al 2006,Gómez-
Díaz et al 2012, Mukherjee et al 2015).
Despite the fact that there is interindividual variation in
immune priming (Daukste et al 2012), few studies have ex-
plored why this is the case. It has been proposed that priming
Neotrop Entomol
DOI 10.1007/s13744-016-0391-0
ability can be affected by individual condition (González-
Tokman et al 2010) and age (Daukste et al 2012), and one
underlying explanation for this is that priming is costly. For
example, it was recently shown that females of Anopheles
albimanus Wiedemann (Diptera: Culicidae) pay a reproductive
cost via immune priming when infected with the parasite
Plasmodium berghei (Contreras-Garduño et al 2013). The au-
thors found a lower egg-hatching success in primed females
than in control females (Contreras-Garduño et al 2013). One
environmental source explaining priming costs is diet.
Moreover, assuming that dietary resources are generally limit-
ed and shared among several traits, one should expect trade-
offs between the immune system and other life history traits
(Sheldon & Verhulst 1996). Therefore, only individuals in good
nutritional condition are able to generate effective immune
responses. To our knowledge, this hypothesis has not been
tested in terms of immune priming in invertebrates. A related
issue, however, is that several have studied the effect of pa-
rental diet on offspring diet and immune reactivity (e.g., Alaux
et al 2010, Cotter et al 2011, Triggs & Knell 2012).
Not all dietary components impact immune ability similar-
ly (Lee et al 2006,Poveyet al 2009,Pontonet al 2013). One
case is that of protein and carbohydrate components which
are key during parasite defense (Lee et al 2006,Poveyet al
2009, 2014,Cotteret al 2011), but their impact on immune
components varies: proteins promote phenoloxidase activi-
ty, encapsulation response, and antimicrobial activity (Lee
et al 2006 , Povey et al 2009, Roth et al 2010, González-
Santoyo & Córdoba-Aguilar 2012), while carbohydrates in-
crease lysozyme-like antibacterial activity (Srygley & Lorch
2013). In terms of immune priming, there are at least two
gaps in relation to the effect of protein and carbohydrate
dietary components: (1) how these components indepen-
dently affect immune priming and (2) the role of these com-
ponents on other nonimmunological traits that also play a
role in insect fitness, to have a more integrated framework of
the action of diet on trade-offs between immunological and
nonimmunological traits. Three such nonimmunological
traits that are energetically costly and thus likely to trade-
off with immune priming are adult fat reserves, muscle mass,
and body weight. Our understanding of the use of fat re-
serves and muscle mass indicates that insect fitness depends
on these traits for a plethora of activities. Some examples are
male-male aggressive contests (e.g., Lailvaux & Irschick
2006), predator avoidance (e.g., MacLeod et al 2007), migra-
tion (McWilliams et al 2004), hibernation (e.g., Humphries
et al 2003), egg production (e.g., Jervis
et al 20
05), and
immune ability (e.g., Jimén ez-Cortés & Córdo ba-Agui lar
2013), among others.
We know by previous studies that adult crickets Acheta
domesticus L. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) have an enhanced
phagocytic activity after a previous encounter with a patho-
genic bacteria, Serratia marcescens (Nava-Sánchez et al
2015). Notice that this previous study, however, did not take
into account the effect of diet (fish food and water were
provided) on immune ability. In the present study, we inves-
tigated the effects of protein and carbohydrate components
on immune priming and nonimmunological traits. We reared
male and female crickets under different dietary qualities
protein and carbohydrate basedand measured survival af-
ter repeated encounters with the same bacteria. In a second
experiment, we measured adult fat reserves, muscle mass,
and body weight after a period of 15 days under these dietary
conditions. We do not have specific predictions in regard to
how proteins/carbohydrates will affect immune ability dur-
ing priming. This is partly because the mechanism of how
insect immune priming works is not clear and so there are
no straightforward connections of how proteins and/or car-
bohydrates will impact it. Nevertheless, for fat reserves, mus-
cle mass, and body weight, predictions can be put forward
based on previous studies in insects: while carbohydrate will
increase fat reserves, protein diets will positively affect mus-
cle mass (e.g., Chapman 2012, Roeder & Behmer 2014).
However, a balanced or slightly protein-based diet will posi-
tively affect body weight (e.g., Roeder & Behmer 2014).
Material and Methods
Acheta domesticus, the house cricket, has been widely used
as a study model in the field of ecological immunology (e.g.,
Adamo 1999, Ryder & Siva-Jothy 2000). For example, it is
known that there are trade-offs between immune response
and reproduction in both sexes (Bascuñan-García et al 2010).
Animals were derived from the vivarium of the Facultad de
Estudios Superiores Iztacala (Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México). Eggs were kept in a humid substrate
(peat moss, commercial substrate) at 27 ±2°C with natural
photoperiod day/night. After hatching, crickets were kept in
a glass box (20 cm × 40 cm × 25 cm) covered with a glass
cover. No more than 15 crickets were placed inside each glass
box. Fish food was supplied on a cotton wool ball placed at
the bottom of each container. This diet was provided until
the experiment started which was 30 days before reaching
adulthood. The cotton was changed for a fresh one every
day. When the crickets reach the adult stage, males and
females were separated and left individually for the rest of
the experiment. This was done to avoid cannibalism given
the experimental diet restrictions.
Experiment 1diet effects on priming
For assessing diet effects, crickets were reared on diets
of different compositions. A first gro up of 68 individuals
(34 males and 34 females) w ere fed on a protein diet
and a second group of 66 individ uals (33 males and 33
Córdoba-Aguilar et al
females) were fed on a carbohydrate diet (for the prep-
aration of both diets, see below). The two groups were
maintained on th ese diets for an approximate time of
45 days for each group: 30 days before and 15 days after
reaching ad ultho od. We chose to keep o ur animals un-
der this diet for this 15-day time window, to solve the
logistic compromise of measuring survival after chal-
lenge, which t ook an extra 15 days. Since adults usually
survive for 60 90 days in controlled conditions, the first
15 days (under our dietary conditi on) plus the 15 d ays of
survival a ssessment provide enough time to assess their
survival. After this period , e ach group was divided into a
priming group (n =35 protein diet; n = 32 carbohydrate
diet) and a contro l group (n = 33 protein diet; n =34 car-
bohydrate diet). The primed group was injected with
3 μ L Grace medium solution containing a LD
(2.5 × 10
cfu/μL) of S. marcescens bacteria, while the
control group was injected with 3 μLofGracemedium.
After 7 days, the four group s were i njected with 3 μLof
S. marcescens in culture media at a dose LD
(9 × 10
cfu/μL). These LD
and LD
doses were deter-
mined f rom a previous stu dy using the same h ost and
pathogen (Nava-Sán chez et al 2015 ). We also used this
previous study for the 7-day period, as this is the time
where priming using S. marcescens develops (Nava-
Sánchez et al 2015). After the seco nd injection, we mea-
sured survival every day for a w eek.
Diet preparation. We prepared the diet based on the meth-
odology used by Simpson et al (2006), which has been used
in other studies (Srygley & Lorch 2011, 2013). These artificial
diets were created considering the optimal growth of locusts
Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) and Locusta migratoria
(Linnaeus) which feed mainly on plants but also bran, sugar
cubes, wood, paper, and wax (Dadd 1960). According to this
methodology, the protein diet consisted of 42% of a 3:1:1
mixture of casein, peptone, and albumin, while the carbohy-
drate diet consisted of 42% of a 1:1 mixture of sucrose and
dextrin. The remainder of the two diets comprised 54% cel-
lulose, which is a key factor in insect growth, 2% cholesterol,
and 2% linoleic acid. The reasons for using these components
are the following: Although cellulose is frequently used as a
bulking agent in insect diets (Lee et al 2006) and is indigest-
ible by most insects, it is an important factor for maximum
growth in crickets (Neville & Luckey 1962,Lynet al 2011). On
the other hand, both cholesterol and linoleic acid satisfy the
lipid requi rements in orthop terans (S. gregaria and
L. migratoria) in the adult stage (Dadd 1960). We did not
want to add Wesson components typical of insect diets (min-
erals and vitamins) as, given their role in insect development
(Nation 2016), they may also have unpredicted effects on
immune ability that may have affected our results.
Experiment 2diet effects on muscle mass and fat load
We used 61 animals that were divided into two groups. The
first group was fed with the protein diet (n =28; 14 males and
14 females), while the second was fed with the carbohydrate
diet (n = 33; 16 males and 17 females). This feeding protocol
was provided 30 days before and 15 day s after reaching
adulthood, the time at which we measured fat load, muscle
mass, and body weight.
Quantification of fat reserves, muscle mass, and body weight.
Crickets were left without food for 3 days to purge their guts
after which they were sacrificed in 90% ethanol. After this,
we placed the body in a desiccator (for 48 h) and obtained
their dry weight to the nearest 0.001 g. Initial dry weight
includes basically the exoskeleton, fat, and muscle. We then
placed samples in chloroform/methanol for 24 h and added
salt to extract the fat (for a full description of methodological
details, see Barnes & Blackstock 1973). Samples were then
redesiccated and reweighed. We quantified fat content as
the difference between the initial weight and the second
weight (Contreras Garduño et al 2008). After fat extraction,
we submerged the samples in 0.8 M potassium hydroxide for
48 h to extract the muscle (Plaistow & Siva-Jothy 1996). The
fact that samples were not boiled, however, avoided glyco-
gen extraction (Carroll et al 1956
). The weight of the body
s measured previous to and after the extraction, and the
difference was interpreted as total muscle mass. For body
weight, we used that recording of dry body weight before
chloroform/methanol-based fat extraction explained above.
To account for the effect of body size in fat, muscle, and body
weight quantification, we measured the length of the left
femur with a digital micrometer (precision ±0.01 mm; for
the use of leg length as an indicator of body size, see
Simmons 1986). After checking that our measurement error
was low (see below), femur length was measured by the
same person three times, so that we used an average for
subsequent analyses.
Statistical analysis
For experiment 1, we assessed survival of adult individuals
using treatment (priming, no priming), diet group (protein,
carbohydrate), and gender as predictor variables of individu-
al survival. As the hazard rate was variable, we used para-
metric models with a Weibull distribution . We estimated
Kaplan-Meier survival curves for each group according to
treatment and diet.
For experiment 2, we tested for differences in fat load,
muscle mass, and body weight using three general linear
models. In the global (most parametrized) models, we includ-
ed diet and femur length as predictor variables as well as
their second and third order interactions. From these global
A Protein-Based Diet Enhances Immune Priming in the House Cricket
models, we fitted simpler models with fewer interactions
and predictor variables. We then performed model selection
and ranked those models using AIC values that showed the
best compromise between fit and parsimony of each partic-
ular model (Johnson & Omland 2004). Additionally, we per-
formed sequential (type I) analyses of deviance in the most
supported models. Previous to this, we made sure that our
measurement error was small enough by using random ef-
fects analysis of variance (Bailey & Byrnes 1990, Yezerinac
et al 1992). This analysis pro duced a low error measure-
ment = 3.10% . Fat load data was not normally distributed
(Shapiro-Wilk test) and was adjusted by using their log
transformed values. All statistical analyses were carried out
in software R v. 3.02 (R Core Development Team 2013).
Experiment 1diet effects on immune priming
Survival after a second bacterial challenge was dependent on
treatment (deviance = 34.80, df =1, p < 0.001 ), diet (d evi-
ance=42.08, df =1, p < 0.001), and the interaction
diet × treatment (deviance = 15.79, df =1, p <0.001; Fig 1).
According to this interaction, survival was higher in primed
male and female reared under the protein diet compared to
the other groups (Fig 1).Thedifferenceinmediansurvivaltime
observed between samples was approximately 2 days (Fig 2).
Survival was not different for the other groups. Survival was
also dependent on gender (deviance = 9.62, df =1, p <0.001),
with males surviving longer than females (Fig 2).
Experiment 2diet effects on muscle mass, fat load,
and body weight
Muscle mass. The most supported model regarding muscle
mass considered size (F =44.1; df =1, 57; p <0.001), sex
(F = 23.7; df = 1, 57; p < 0.001), and diet (F = 11.4; df = 1, 57;
p = 0.001). These results implied that muscle content was
higher in (a) larger individuals, (b) females than in males,
and (c) protein-fed individuals compared to carbohydrate-
fed animals (Fig 3).
Fat content. The most supported model included size, diet,
and their interaction as predictor variables. These results
implied that larger individuals had more fat content
(F = 13.26; df =1, 57; p <0.001) and that protein-fed individ-
uals had a higher fat load than carbohydrate-fed animals
(F = 16.07; df =1,57;p <0.001;Fig3). The interaction between
size and diet was not significant (F =1.95;df =1,57;p =0.168).
Body weight. The most supported model included size, diet,
weight, and the interaction between size and sex. These results
meant that larger individuals weighed more than smaller ani-
mals (F = 83.68; df
=1, 56; p <
0.0001), that males were heavier
than females (F = 26.88; df =1, 56; p< 0.001), and that protein-
Fig 1 Survival curves according to sex, treatment, and diet interaction in Acheta domesticus crickets previously exposed to pathogenic bacteria,
Serratia marcescens: a female and b male.
Córdoba-Aguilar et al
fed individuals weighted more than carbohydrate-fed animals
(F =10.29; df =1, 56; p = 0.002). The interacti on between size
and sex was not significant (F =2.80; df =1, 56; p =0.099).
As expected by the results of a previous study (Nava-Sánchez
et al 2015), we have corroborated that male and female
A. domesticus crickets that experienced a first encounter
with the pathogenic bacterium S. marcescens gained protec-
tion against a second infection with the same pathogen later
in life. However, in both males and females, the protective
effect of the first encounter took place only when crickets
were fed with protein and not when fed on carbohydrates
alone during all adult life. This result confirms our prediction
that, just as other components of insect immune response
(Schmid-Hempel 2005), priming response is a costly trait that
only individuals in good physiological condition (based on
good nutritional state) can afford. Alternatively, it may also
be that carbohydrate-fed individuals may have also devel-
oped a priming response but that the large amount of re-
sources demanded to survive after being primed cannot be
satisfied. This issue can be partly resolved once the mecha-
nism that underlies priming responses is clarified to then
assess how costly immune priming is. On the other hand, it
would have been desirable to verify that bacteria were in-
deed present in the infected groups to confirm that it was
the infection that explained survival differences. We also
showed that a protein diet improved individual muscle mass,
fat load, and body weight compared to a carbohydrate diet.
Except for muscle mass, these results were not sex depen-
dent. Such protein effect is against previous knowledge that
indicated that carbohydrates are converted into storage
lipids (Arrese & Soulages 2010) and that protein may slightly
contribute to body weight (Roeder & Behmer 2014). The
general salient interpretation of our two experiments is that,
unlike carbohydrates, proteins not only favor immune prim-
ing but also physiological traits (muscle, fat reserves, and
body weight) closely linked to fitness (Lee et al 2006,
Povey et al 2009). However, to confirm this, one needs to
vary nutrient ratios (e.g., Behmer et al 2001) and expect, for
example, that protein levels positively and gradually affect
immune priming and physiological state.
Different components of insect innate immune response
are costly traits because their expression can be genetically
and physiologically linked to other immunological or life his-
tory traits (Sheldon & Verhu lst 1996, Cotter et al 2003,
Schmid-Hempel 2005). As a consequence, immune response
is highly sensitive to food quality (Lee et al 2006,Poveyet al
Fig 2 Expected median survival time according to sex, treatment, and diet in Acheta domesticus crickets. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
Fig 3 Fat load and muscle mass (g) in relation to a protein and
carbohydrate diet treatments. Bars represent standard errors. ***
indicates significant differences at p < 0.001.
A Protein-Based Diet Enhances Immune Priming in the House Cricket
2009,Srygleyet al 2009,Pontonet al 2011, Triggs & Knell
2011). Our results that priming response against bacteria is
sensitive to protein availability imply that protein-deprived
insects may become immune depressed (notice, again, that
we are not aware of the immune parameter being affected).
Moreover, the fact that low protein negatively affected fat
reserves and muscle mass implies that these two traits are
very costly. This cost may in turn affect immune priming
although this cannot be assessed directly by our second ex-
periment. Given that one mechanism by which insect prim-
ing takes place is mediated by phagocytes (Pham et al 2007,
Roth & Kurtz 2009), which are protein-rich hemocytes
(Lemaitre & Hoffman 2007), one explanation for our exper-
iment is that protein limitation led to a reduction in hemo-
cyte number and, consequently, phagocytic activity. Future
studies should evaluate experimentally if phagocytosis is re-
duced upon repeated infections under low protein availabil-
ity and if the constant higher survival found in males with
respect to females (as previously observed by Nowosielski &
Patton 1965) is caused by sexual differences in phagocytic
activity. Related to this, Adamo et al (2001) found that fe-
males were more immunocompetent than males when both
sexes reached maturity and were previously infected with
S. marcescens. With respect to our results, since Adamo
et al (2001) did not measure priming, one explanation for
this discrepancy is that priming may be more energetically
demanding for females than males, a situation that should be
specifically looked for in future studies.
That protein input is key for an enhanced priming response
provides evidence that immune priming is condition depen-
dent. It also opens new questions in insect physiology and
evolutionary biology, including, for example, the evolution of
adaptive foraging and transgenerational immune ability. For
the case of adaptive foraging, since compensator y protein in-
take shown by infected individuals has consequences on im-
mediate immune responses (Lee et al 2006,Pontonet al 2011),
one question is whether insects augment their protein con-
sumption if encounter ing the same pathogen is likely. For the
case of transgenerational immune ability, given that parental
immunity can be transmitted across generations by both the
mother and the father (Little et al 2003,Rothet al 2010,Zanchi
et al 2011, also called as cryptic parental care, Jokela 2010),
transgenerational immune priming could be sensitive to paren-
tal condition.
Finally, while mathematical modeling predicts that the ben-
efits of immune priming depend on host lifespan and patho-
gen virulence (Miller et al 2007,Bestet al 2012), our results
show that priming response also depends on individual nutri-
tional condition. Thus, suboptimal nutrition has to be consid-
ered in future studies of factors affecting priming ability.
Acknowledgments This paper is a partial fulfillment of the require-
ment for the doctoral degree of A. Nava-Sánchez at the graduate
program Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas of the Universidad
Nacional A utónoma de México. Thanks to L. Cordero Méndez
(Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala) who provided the crickets,
R. I. Martínez-Becerril for logistic support, and M. A. Moreno-García
and M. Tapia R. for key assistance in the laboratory.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
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A Protein-Based Diet Enhances Immune Priming in the House Cricket
... Three indicators of physiological condition were used: body dry mass, lipid mass, and muscle mass. Body dry mass directly reflects individuals' fitness (Briffa & Sneddon, 2007;Córdoba-Aguilar et al., 2016); lipid mass represents the amount of energy reserves of individuals (Schulte-Hostedde et al., 2005); muscle mass is directly related to reproduction (Marden & Cobb, 2004) since it approximates courtship vigor and testicular mass (Droney & Hock, 1998). Following the procedures of Lee et al. (2004), to estimate body dry mass (i.e., dry weight), beetles were dried in a 50°C oven for 48 h. ...
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The fragmentation and degradation of otherwise continuous natural landscapes pose serious threats to the health of animal populations, consequently impairing their fitness and survival. While most fragmentation ecology studies focus on habitat remnants embedded withinn terrestrial matrices, the effects of true insularization remains poorly understood. Land-bridge islands created by major dams leads to habitat loss and fragmentation, negatively affecting terrestrial biodiversity. To assess the effects of insularization, we conducted a study on the key aspects of dung beetle physiological condition and body size throughout the Balbina Hydroelectric Reservoir located in the Central Amazon. We assessed these traits at the population and assemblage levels , collecting dung beetles from both forest islands and continuous forest areas while analyzing various landscape variables. We show that landscapes with higher forest cover positively affected dung beetle body size. Interestingly, dung beetle responses to insularization were species-dependent; larger islands tended to host larger individuals of Deltochilum aspericole, while in Canthon triangularis, smaller islands showed larger body sizes. However, individuals from the mainland were larger than those from the islands. Moreover, the proportion of closed-canopy forest in the landscapes also impacted physiological attributes. It negatively affected the body size of Deltochilum aspericole and the lipid mass of Dichotomius boreus, but positively affected the lipid mass of Canthon triangularis. These findings contribute to a better understanding of how habitat fragmentation in aquatic matrices affects the size structure and physiology of insect assemblages. This is essential in formulating effective conservation strategies for preserving biodiversity loss in tropical forest regions and mitigating the consequences of hydropower infrastructure.
... While environmental transformation may take years to present clear effects on biodiversity (Bennett & Saunders, 2010;Haddad et al., 2015), studies of physiological condition can present rapid responses (Cooke et al., 2013), which can anticipate future decreases in native animal populations (Fefferman & Romero, 2013;Wikelski & Cooke, 2006). Among the different attributes used to analyze physiological condition, body mass is a proxy of organism overall reflecting individual fitness (Briffa & Sneddon, 2007;Córdoba-Aguilar et al., 2016). In addition, individual muscle mass is directly related to sexual coercion, while fat mass is a proxy of individuals' energetic reserves (Droney & Hock, 1998;Marden & Cobb, 2004;Schulte-Hostedde et al., 2005). ...
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Dung beetles are efficient indicators to obtain responses regarding the effects of land use change on biodiversity. Although the biological consequences of Cerrado conversion into pasture have been observed at the assemblage scale, there are no cues regarding the effects of tropical savanna conversion into pasture on physiological condition of dung beetle individuals. In this study, we evaluated whether native and non-native habitats in Cerrado affect the physiological condition and body traits of males and females of Phanaeus palaeno. The individuals were collected from a Cerrado fragment (sensu stricto) and an exotic pasture (Urochloa spp.). Physiological condition was assessed through the estimation of individuals' dry body mass, fat mass, and muscle mass. Body traits were estimated through individual body size and males' horn length. We did not find differences between dung beetle morphological traits between Cerrado and pastures. However, individuals collected in exotic pastures had lower dry mass and fat mass, but higher muscle mass, than in conserved Cerrado. Understanding how the land use change affects individuals' body condition is essential to maintain abundant and healthy populations of dung beetles in human-modified landscapes. Although the estimation of physiological condition is logistically more complex than species body traits, future studies aiming to present complex and finer ecological responses of dung beetles should incorporate physiological data to their approaches. K E Y W O R D S biodiversity conservation, bioindicators, Brazilian Cerrado, physiology, Scarabaeinae
... Considering that nutrient availability affects physiological condition and body size (Schoener, 1974;Nosil, 2002;Morton & Schwartz, 2011), animal condition may determine resource attraction among insect species (Simpson et al., 2018). Body dry mass, lipid, and muscle mass reflect fitness and health condition in animals (Briffa & Sneddon, 2007;Córdoba-Aguilar et al., 2016). Furthermore, body size is also determinant for animal fitness, with large-bodied individuals tending to present higher mating success than smaller ones (Nosil, 2002;Arnott & Elwood, 2009;Chamorro-Florescano et al., 2011). ...
1. Food choice may change depending on sex, age, and physiological condition due to nutritional requirements or because of mechanisms that promote food recognition. Among dung beetles, some species are attracted to both carrion and dung, but why males and females are more attracted to either resource remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate whether body size, physiological condition (body dry mass, lipid mass, muscle mass) and age (young, mature, old) affect resource attraction in males and females of two species of dung beetles, Dichotomius iannuzziae and D. gilletti. 2. This study was carried out in remnants of Atlantic Forest in Brazil. To evaluate resource attraction, pitfall traps baited with feces or carrion were installed in the remnants, and the beetles were categorized according to sex and age. Furthermore, beetles' physiological condition and body size were measured. 3. Population structure of D. iannuzziae differed according to bait type. Males of D. iannuzziae were more attracted to feces than carrion across all age classes. The same occurred among conspecific mature females, suggesting a sex-specific reproductive preference for feces. Contrastingly, D. gilletti resource attraction did not vary with sex or age. For both species, neither body size nor physiological condition defined resource attraction, indicating that compensatory feeding due to nutrient requirements is unlikely. 4. Due to the changes in food quality and quantity as a consequence of forest loss, mammal extinction and landscape transformation, it is critical to understand how wild species respond to different scenarios of food availability.
... Crickets are also a good model for nutritional effects. For example, one study used crickets to identify how protein and carbohydrate levels influenced weight, muscle mass, and fat reserves [86]. Crickets have been widely used within behavioral tests [87][88][89]. ...
... Crickets are also a good model for nutritional effects. For example, one study used crickets to identify how protein and carbohydrate levels influenced weight, muscle mass, and fat reserves [86]. Crickets have been widely used within behavioral tests [87][88][89]. ...
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Background: Dietary intake of multivitamins, zinc, polyphenols, omega fatty acids, and probiotics have all shown benefits in learning, spatial memory, and cognitive function. It is important to determine the most effective combination of antioxidants and/or probiotics because regular ingestion of all nutraceuticals may not be practical. This study examined various combinations of nutrients to determine which may best enhance spatial memory and cognitive performance in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus (L.)). Methods: Based on the 31 possible combinations of multivitamins, zinc, polyphenols, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and probiotics, 128 house crickets were divided into one control group and 31 experimental groups with four house crickets in each group. Over eight weeks, crickets were fed their respective nutrients, and an Alternation Test and Recognition Memory Test were conducted every week using a Y-maze to test spatial working memory. Results: The highest-scoring diets shared by both tests were the combination of multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids (VitZncPuf; Alternation: slope = 0.07226, Recognition Memory: slope = 0.07001), the combination of probiotics, polyphenols, multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 PUFAs (ProPolVitZncPuf; Alternation: slope = 0.07182, Recognition Memory: slope = 0.07001), the combination of probiotics, multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 PUFAs (ProVitZncPuf; Alternation: slope = 0.06999, Recognition Memory: slope = 0.07001), and the combination of polyphenols, multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 PUFAs (PolVitZncPuf; Alternation: slope = 0.06873, Recognition Memory: slope = 0.06956). Conclusion: All of the nutrient combinations demonstrated a benefit over the control diet, but the most significant improvement compared to the control was found in the VitZncPuf, ProVitZncPuf, PolVitZncPuf, and ProPolVitZncPuf. Since this study found no significant difference between the performance and improvement of subjects within these four groups, the combination of multivitamins, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids (VitZncPuf) was concluded to be the most effective option for improving memory and cognitive performance.
... The effect on immunity of extrinsic and intrinsic factors, in combination with sex, often reveals complex interactions that can be unpredictable and difficult to interpret. For example, well-fed male crickets exhibit greater disease resistance than well-fed female crickets, but the opposite pattern is true in poorly-fed individuals (Kelly & Tawes, 2013), and when considering three variables simultaneously (sex, diet, and previous exposure to a pathogen), sex differences in host resistance become even more challenging to interpret (Córdoba-Aguilar et al., 2016). ...
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1. Sex differences in immune investment and infection rate are predicted due to the divergent life histories of males and females, where females invest more toward immunity due to the fitness consequences of a reduced lifespan and males allocate less toward immunity due to increased resource investment in traits critical to sexual selection. Consequently, males are expected to fight infection less adeptly, resulting in higher parasite loads relative to females across all taxa. 2. Wild animals rarely face a single parasite within their given environment, yet nearly all studies on sex‐biased infection rates have focused on a single host–parasite relationship. Here, we investigate how simultaneous natural infections of ecto‐ and endosymbionts (i.e. both parasitic and phoretic taxa) correlate with sex biases in host immune response and reproductive investment in a field‐caught cricket, Gryllus texensis. 3. Our comprehensive analysis found no significant sex differences in two measures of immune response (melanization and nodulation), and found no strong evidence of a sex bias in the prevalence or intensity of parasitism by the three most common parasites infecting wild G. texensis field crickets (Eutrombidiidae, gregarines, and nematodes). 4. Two traits related to female fitness, egg number and egg size, showed no relation to parasitic infection; however, males having wider heads and poorer body condition were significantly more infected by eutrombidiid mites, gregarines, and nematodes. 5. Despite frequent predictions of male‐biased parasitism in the literature, our results concur with many other studies indicating that the divergent life histories of males and females alone are not sufficient to explain natural infection rates in wild insects.
... ;Plaistow and Siva-Jothy 1996;Contreras- Garduño et al. 2008;Córdoba-Aguilar et al. 2016), including dung beetles(González-Tokman et al. 2017aSalomão et al. 2018). ...
The use of veterinary medical products and herbicides is a common practice in intensified livestock systems. These compounds affect nontarget organisms that perform important ecosystem functions, such as dung beetles. The assessment of body condition allows us to determine how individuals respond to changes in the environment. However, assessments of how contamination associated with cattle farming affects coprophagous insects such as dung beetles have not been conducted in natural systems. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of ivermectin (an antiparasitic drug) and herbicides on the body condition of 3 species of dung beetles collected in the field: Copris incertus, Euoniticellus intermedius, and Digitonthophagus gazella. We recorded 3 condition indicators (body size, lipid mass, and muscle mass) of beetles collected from 19 livestock ranches in northeastern Mexico. In general, the use of ivermectin had adverse effects on C. incertus and E. intermedius whereas the effects were positive for D. gazella. Conversely, the use of herbicides had adverse effects on D. gazella and positive effects on C. incertus. The different effects of ivermectin and herbicides found in males and females show that sex can be important in determining individual responses to environmental contamination. Importantly, we provide the first evidence under natural conditions that native and exotic species of dung beetles are highly sensitive to different types of livestock management, with veterinary medications and herbicides having the ability to alter body condition. Changes in dung beetle condition can reduce the ecosystem services that dung beetles provide in livestock systems.
... ;Plaistow and Siva-Jothy 1996;Contreras- Garduño et al. 2008;Córdoba-Aguilar et al. 2016), including dung beetles(González-Tokman et al. 2017aSalomão et al. 2018). ...
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The use of veterinary medical products and herbicides is a common practice in intensified livestock systems. These compounds affect nontarget organisms that perform important ecosystem functions, such as dung beetles. The assessment of body condition allows us to determine how individuals respond to changes in the environment. However, assessments of how contamination associated with cattle farming affects coprophagous insects such as dung beetles have not been conducted in natural systems. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of ivermectin (an antiparasitic drug) and herbicides on the body condition of 3 species of dung beetles collected in the field: Copris incertus, Euoniticellus intermedius, and Digitonthophagus gazella. We recorded 3 condition indicators (body size, lipid mass, and muscle mass) of beetles collected from 19 livestock ranches in northeastern Mexico. In general, the use of ivermectin had adverse effects on C. incertus and E. intermedius whereas the effects were positive for D. gazella. Conversely, the use of herbicides had adverse effects on D. gazella and positive effects on C. incertus. The different effects of ivermectin and herbicides found in males and females show that sex can be important in determining individual responses to environmental contamination. Importantly, we provide the first evidence under natural conditions that native and exotic species of dung beetles are highly sensitive to different types of livestock management, with veterinary medications and herbicides having the ability to alter body condition. Changes in dung beetle condition can reduce the ecosystem services that dung beetles provide in livestock systems. Environ Toxicol Chem 2019;00:1–13. © 2019 SETAC
... We measured adult lipid content as the loss of body dry mass (± 0.1 mg) after 48 h in a chloroform bath (Lee et al. 2004). Lipid content has been positively correlated with fitness in insects, since it is a measure of energy reserves, which can improve survival, reproductive output and immune competence (Kalra and Parkash 2014;Córdoba-Aguilar et al. 2016). ...
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The most evident trade-off in specialized herbivores is the reduction of host range. However, trade-offs that limit the adaptation of specialized herbivores to an evolving host could exist and have been scarcely explored. Here, we tested whether the specialized leaf beetle species Lema daturaphila expresses trade-offs related to its co-adaptation with the host plant species Datura stramonium. Firstly, we found that increases in the concentration of scopolamine, a tropane alkaloid that is produced by the plant species, reduce beetle survival, showing that scopolamine is still a defensive trait against the specialized herbivores. In addition, we performed a selection experiment to increase survival of the beetles on the normal host and explored the consequences for life history and host-related traits and the corresponding G-matrix. After three selection events, we observed an improvement of survival in the selection line, but no correlational selection on other traits. There was also evidence that the G-matrix structure changed after selection. The genetic correlations between fecundity and relative growth rate and consumption efficiency were negative in the selection line, but neutral in the control line. The change in genetic correlations after selection suggests that there are trade-offs between survival and host utilization traits, which have the potential to limit the beetles’ co-adaptation to evolving plant defenses.
1. Urbanization causes important losses in biodiversity and ecosystem services carried out by animals. In order to test if these negative effects are preceded by unhealthy individuals in urban populations, we evaluated the urbanization effects on the abundance and physical condition of the dung beetle Dichotomius guaribensis, an endemic species to the Brazilian Atlantic forest. 2. We sampled beetles in nine forest fragments with different urbanization degrees, embedded in the urban matrix of the city of João Pessoa. Besides abundance in each fragment, we quantified four indicators of physical condition in males and females: body size, body mass, energetic condition and mite load. 3. Females tended to be larger, to have less lipid mass and more mites than males. Urbanization had no effect on beetle abundance but it negatively affected body mass and lipid content in males, but not females, revealing different sensitivities for both sexes. Body size and mite load were not affected by urbanization in males or females. Fragment size had no effect on beetle abundance and physical condition in both sexes, suggesting that urbanization has a greater impact than fragment size on beetle individual condition. 4. Here we show that individual deterioration precedes population declines in disturbed environments and our study opens new insights about the proximate causes leading to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in urbanized regions.
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Epigenetic inheritance refers to changes in gene expression that are heritable across generations but are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. Many environmental factors are now known to cause epigenetic changes, including the presence of pathogens, parasites, harmful chemicals and other stress factors. There is increasing evidence that transcriptional reprograming caused by epigenetic modifications can be passed from parents to offspring. Indeed, diseases such as cancer can occur in the offspring due to epigenetically-inherited gene expression profiles induced by stress experienced by the parent. Empirical studies to investigate the role of epigenetics in trans-generational gene regulation and disease require appropriate model organisms. In this review, we argue that selected insects can be used as models for human diseases with an epigenetic component because the underlying molecular mechanisms (DNA methylation, histone acetylation and the expression of microRNAs) are evolutionarily conserved. Insects offer a number of advantages over mammalian models including ethical acceptability, short generation times and the potential to investigate complex interacting parameters such as fecundity, longevity, gender ratio, and resistance to pathogens, parasites and environmental stress. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Immune priming provides protection to repeated encounters against pathogens. Recent studies indicate that invertebrates are capable of immune priming (an adaptive immune response functionally similar to that of vertebrates). These studies have also revealed individual variation in immune priming, and one explanation is that this response has associated energetic costs. Life history traits such as reproduction could influence an organism's ability to utilize immune priming based on available energy reserves. According to theory , costs of immune priming would impact life history traits of the challenged animal. We investigated whether mating activity impairs immune priming ability using the house cricket , Acheta domesticus. We allowed adults to mate or not, and each group was further divided into two groups: those induced to produce immune priming (using a Lethal Dose 10 (LD10) of the bacteria Serratia marcescens, followed by a LD75 of the same pathogen) and those not induced to produce immune priming (challenged with a LD75 of S. marcescens). Immune priming response was determined by measuring phagocytic activity levels. As supportive of priming, we found that priming elicited higher phagocytic activity. Also, non-mated individuals showed higher phagocytic rates than mated individuals. However, a priming by mating interaction showed similarly intense phagocytic rates among groups. This implies that resources used for biological functions elicited during (e.g. sperm transfer) and after mating (e.g. egg production) are not costly enough to impair immune priming ability based on phagocytic activity.
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Food protein–carbohydrate content has significant consequences for animal survival, growth and reproduction. Rarely, though, is its effect examined over an animal's entire lifetime. In this study, we reared newly hatched caterpillars [ H eliothis virescens Fabricus (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)] on diets containing different protein/carbohydrate (p/c) ratios. We recorded larval survival, time to pupation, pupal mass, eclosion success, time to eclosion and pupal body lipid content. Additionally, for each treatment, we mated eclosed males and females and measured egg production and egg viability. Larval performance (survival to pupation and time to pupation) was similar across all except the two most extreme treatments. In contrast, pupal performance (mass, eclosion success and time to eclosion) was best on diets that were balanced or slightly protein‐biased. However, eclosion success differed between sexes. For males, it was best on diets with balanced p/c ratios, while female eclosion was strong across all but the most carbohydrate‐biased diet. Pupal body lipid content in both males and females increased as the food p/c ratio decreased. Egg production was best on diets with balanced or slightly protein‐biased p/c ratios. We also estimated the effect of food p/c ratio at the population level, using the data generated in this study. Population size was largest on diets with a balanced p/c ratio and declined steadily and strongly as the food p/c ratio became increasingly more imbalanced. Our findings show, for the first time, the effect of food p/c content over an insect herbivore's entire life. Our data indicate that there is a narrow range of p/c ratios that maximize lifetime performance, and for H . virescens, this range coincides with its self‐selected p/c ratio.
The Insects has been the standard textbook in the field since the first edition published over forty years ago. Building on the strengths of Chapman's original text, this long-awaited 5th edition has been revised and expanded by a team of eminent insect physiologists, bringing it fully up-to-date for the molecular era. The chapters retain the successful structure of the earlier editions, focusing on particular functional systems rather than taxonomic groups and making it easy for students to delve into topics without extensive knowledge of taxonomy. The focus is on form and function, bringing together basic anatomy and physiology and examining how these relate to behaviour. This, combined with nearly 600 clear illustrations, provides a comprehensive understanding of how insects work. Now also featuring a richly illustrated prologue by George McGavin, this is an essential text for students, researchers and applied entomologists alike.
Transgenerational effects of immune stimulation on offspring immunity are widely reported from insects, but we know very little of how other aspects of the parental environment affect offspring immune reactivity. We reared male and female moths P lodia interpunctella on either good‐ or poor‐quality food and then also raised their offspring on one of the two diet qualities. We found strong transgenerational effects on immunity: in general, if only one parent received the poor diet, reductions in immunity were observed whether that parent was the mother or the father, and the lowest offspring immune reactivity was observed when both parents received the poor diet. The mechanism behind these effects is not known, but they could be caused either by imprinting, whereby the parent gives the offspring a cue such as an epigenetic mark that changes the offspring phenotype, or by the mother allocating fewer resources to their offspring when the diet was poor. Two lines of evidence point towards imprinting: the strong paternal effects and the observation that the size of these effects was either unchanged or increased when the offspring were fed a good‐quality diet themselves. Weight was also reduced when either parent was fed a poor diet, except when both parents had a poor diet and the offspring were raised on good food, contrasting with the increased rates of obesity seen in vertebrates when either parent is raised on a restricted diet. Overall, the effects of parental diet on offspring weight and immune reactivity are substantial and in some cases are equivalent to that of the diet that the offspring itself consumes.
Hibernation is widely regarded as an adaptation to seasonal energy shortage, but the actual influence of energy availability on hibernation patterns is rarely considered. Here we review literature on the costs and benefits of torpor expression to examine the influence that energy may have on hibernation patterns. We first establish that the dichotomy between food- and fat-storing hibernators coincides with differences in diet rather than body size and show that small or large species pursuing either strategy have considerable potential scope in the amount of torpor needed to survive winter. Torpor expression provides substantial energy savings, which increase the chance of surviving a period of food shortage and emerging with residual energy for early spring reproduction. However, all hibernating mammals periodically arouse to normal body temperatures during hibernation. The function of these arousals has long been speculated to involve recovery from physiological costs accumulated during metabolic depression, and recent physiological studies indicate these costs may include oxidative stress, reduced immunocompetence, and perhaps neuronal tissue damage. Using an optimality approach, we suggest that trade-offs between the benefits of energy conservation and the physiological costs of metabolic depression can explain both why hibernators periodically arouse from torpor and why they should use available energy to minimize the depth and duration of their torpor bouts. On the basis of these trade-offs, we derive a series of testable predictions concerning the relationship between energy availability and torpor expression. We conclude by reviewing the empirical support for these predictions and suggesting new avenues for research on the role of energy availability in mammalian hibernation.
Immune priming is a new paradigm in innate immunity. However, most studies have focused on the benefits of priming (enhanced survival and parasite clearance after a second challenge), while little attention has been paid to the costs. In this study, both factors were investigated in Anopheles albimanus primed against Plasmodium berghei. As previously observed in other invertebrates, compared to un-primed mosquitoes, those primed better controlled a challenge from the same parasite, and had a higher survival rate. Although there was no difference in the number of oviposited eggs between primed and control females, hatching rate was lower in primed than in control mosquitoes and it was more likely for control females to produce eggs than for primed females. Furthermore, a trade-off between parasite elimination and egg production was observed among primed mosquitos, as primed females that successfully fought the infection were unable to produce eggs, but primed females that produced eggs were similarly infected as control un-primed ones. These results concord with recent mathematical models suggesting that reproduction affects immune priming outcomes, and may explain why in some species and under some conditions it seems that immune priming is not occurring.