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Alesandra Bez Birolo

Alesandra Bez Birolo


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Publications (30)
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A presente Nota Técnica (NT) representa uma proposta alternativa a recategorizarão do Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, no sul da Ilha de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, estado de Santa Catarina. Soma-se a isso, que a categoria de Monumento Natural (MONA) foi colocada sem a possibilidade de discussão de outras opções, o que pode ter afetado profund...
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The present work aims to discuss the main causes and impacts of climate change on populations of Lontra longicaudis. To this end, the criteria of exposure, sensitivity and adaptability are considered. The different perceptions of researchers on the subject are also presented and discussed. The three sets, exposed, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity...
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RESUMO O presente trabalho visa analisar o impacto de atividades turísticas que usam os recursos naturais presentes no Parque Municipal da Lagoinha do Leste (PMLL), Distrito do Pântano Sul, Ilha de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brasil. O PMLL engloba uma área com 456 ha, abrigando em seu interior dunas, praia e lagoa. Devido aos atrativos present...
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Ainda há pouca discussão sobre o papel dos oceanos nas aulas, apesar da sua importância para a mudança climática. É urgente uma melhor alfabetização e educação oceânica para permitir mudanças no comportamento social que levem a uma maior sustentabilidade. O uso de caso de estudos voltados para a realidade local é de extrema importância para a promo...
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RESUMO Ainda há pouca discussão sobre o papel dos oceanos nas aulas, apesar da sua importância para a mudança climática. É urgente uma melhor alfabetização e educação oceânica para permitir mudanças no comportamento social que levem a uma maior sustentabilidade. O uso de caso de estudos voltados para a realidade local é de extrema importância para...
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The coemergence of the neotropical otter in the constructed reality of UHE Caconde La coemergencia de la nutria neotropical en la realidad construida de la UHE Caconde Resumo A análise emergética pode ser aplicada para estabelecer a relação entre o ecossistema natural e o sistema econômico, na análise e conservação da biodiversidade e da sustentabi...
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Emergy analysis can be applied to establish the relationship between the natural and the economic system, in the analysis and conservation of biodiversity and the sustainability of large bodies of water. This research aims to investigate the occurrence of neotropical otters in the UHE Caconde through a systemic analysis based on the flow of energy...
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RESUMO Este trabalho visa contribuir para a sustentabilidade e planejamento de uma unidade de conservação marcada historicamente por interesses conflitivos e sem uma gestão técnica e profissional. A Lagoa do Peri, que já foi um Parque Municipal, e hoje é um Monumento Natural, representa uma área de conservação integral encravada dentro de uma área...
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The PAIE (Program for Assistance to Teaching, Research and Extension Institutions) has as its main goal the development of integrated knowledge through a holistic view of the individual. Since 2014, the idea of working in a program format, based on continuous actions, has progressed and culminated in the implementation of visits to Otter Project, w...
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Agenda 2030 e a carta da terra como ferramenta para a educação ambiental e mobilização social Agenda 2030 and the earth charter as a tool for environmental education and social mobilization RESUMO A Agenda 2030, enquanto um plano de ação global, assumido pelo Brasil e mais 192 países para efetivar os direitos humanos e para promover o desenvolvimen...
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The main objective of the present work was to analyze the causes of success and management with Neotropical otter cubs born in captivity between 2016 and 2022 in the Otter Project of the Ekko Brasil Institute (IEB), Santa Catarina Island, south of Brazil. The successful birth of Lontra longicaudis, without human intervention, is without precedent....
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This work aims to contribute to the definition of a protocol for the safe release of Lontra longicaudis in the wild. It is used information from the database of the Animal Refuge Conservationist Breeding Center of the Instituto Ekko Brasil/Projeto Lontra. A proposed enclosure is presented, containing a minimum area of 60 m2, for an individual, with...
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This work aims to analyze the use of shelters by Lontra longicaudis, through microsatellite analysis. DNA extraction is performed according to the silica-guanidine methodology. Qui-square test (χ2) is applied to check sample differences. The similarity of genotypes in the shelters is calculated using the Morisita Index of Similarity and the Jaccard...
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RESUMO Este trabalho visa contribuir para a sustentabilidade de uma região do agronegócio no sul do Brasil. Essa região, batizada de RH3, contribui significativamente para a economia brasileira por meio da exportação de commodities, como carne suína e de frango. O setor econômico da RH3 recorras a ativos ambientais, propriedade comum da sociedade,...
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The study of the behavior of the Lontra longicaudis was conducted from January to April 2010. The main objective was to determine the individual and social patterns of three otters in captivity, correlating the data with average temperatures. The methodology was based on random observations, the ad libitum method, and the focal animal method, durin...
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Pteronura brasiliensis is one of the two otters recorded in the Aquidauana River, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. The present study was carried out to map and catalog giant otter's groups' distribution from March to October 2014. Expeditions along the 120 km of the Aquidauana River were conducted, totaling 346.2 hours of observation. Altogether, mo...
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Neotropical otters (Lontra longicaudis) are semi-aquatic mammals classified as "Near threatened" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), facing various threats against their survival, such as habitat fragmentation, water pollution, conflicts with fishermen, or attacks by dogs. A total of 9.531 scats were collected monthly over...
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Purpose: The main objective of this work is to evaluate the natural capital and ecosystem services of the Aquidauana River and the role of Lontra longicaudis and Pteronura brasiliensis as environmental assets for the development of conservation tourism. Research Methodology: First, a system diagram was built to organize ideas and relationships betw...
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The role of a research project in social mobilization for the conservation of biodiversity in the marine coastal zone
The main objective of this work is to evaluate the natural capital and ecosystem services of the Aquidauana River and the role of the Giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) as a flag species to change adverse realities, based on system ecology and emergy synthesis. First, a system diagram was constructed to organize the thinking and the relationships...
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http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2009v22n1p147 Este trabalho é conduzido dentro da área ocupada pelo Veleiro da Ilha, uma estrutura de apoio náutico de porte médio, situada na baia sul da Ilha de Santa Catarina. O objetivo principal do projeto foi testar alguns parâmetros físico-químicos de uso potencial para analise de projetos voltados à impl...
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This work represents a comparative diet analysis of the neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis by scat analysis (n= 8841) for four different areas, located on Santa Catarina Island, south of Brazil. The study areas, the main ecosystems found on the Island, are all natural reserves. The results are based on long term data sets (2003-2009) comparing fo...
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This work studies the monthly and annual diet composition and variability of an otter population living at Conceição Lagoon, Santa Catarina Island, south of Brazil. Analysis of food item proportion through the years reveals that fish and crustacean are the main food items, followed by mollusks, birds and mammals. The results do not show interannual...
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This study presents the monthly and annual diet composition and variability of an otter population living at Peri Lagoon, Santa Catarina Island, South Brazil. Food item proportion through the years and months reveals that fish and crustacean are the main food items, followed by birds and mammals. The results reveal no significant difference in the...
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This study investigated the variation in abundance, distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton in a lagoon in southern Brazil through the year and at different stations within the lagoon. Ibiraquera Lagoon is a shallow coastal lagoon connected to the sea by a semi-permanent sandbar. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected monthly from December...
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The study area is a marina named Veleiros da Ilha, a nautical facility of medium size, located in the South Bay of Santa Catarina Island. The main objective of the research was to test some physical and chemical parameters with potential use for the analysis of projects related to the location and implementation of marinas. Therefore, oxygen, coppe...
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This paper provides a case study of a threatened seahorse species, Hippocampus reidi, highlighting the importance of using ecological information to assist conservation and management initiatives. Underwater visual sighting data (50 x 2m transect) gathered along the NE, SE and S portions of the Brazilian coast revealed an unequal distribution acros...


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