Alena Klvanova

Alena Klvanova
Česká společnost ornitologická · PanEuropean Common Bird Monitoring Scheme



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Originally, I was interested in behavioural ecology. I studied anti-predatory behaviour and ornamental signalling in mate choice in House Sparrows. Since 2005 I am involved in bird monitoring and conservation. My current work is focused on using the information on bird population changes as indicators of nature’s general state.
Additional affiliations
July 2005 - present
Czech Society for Ornithology
  • Head of Department
September 2002 - June 2005
Charles University in Prague
  • Research Assistant
September 1998 - September 2011
Charles University in Prague
Field of study
  • Ethology, Ornithology, Biology


Publications (42)
Full-text available
Rapid climatic change poses a threat to global biodiversity. There is extensive evidence that recent climatic change has affected animal and plant populations, but no indicators exist that summarise impacts over many species and large areas. We use data on long-term population trends of European birds to develop such an indicator. We find a signifi...
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Global and regional targets to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss bring with them the need to measure the state of nature and how it is changing. A number of different biodiversity indicators have been developed in response and here we consider bird population indicators in Europe. Birds are often used as surrogates for other elements of biodiver...
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We investigated whether brood value (laying date, brood size, nestling age and condition) and parental quality (condition, male badge size) affect experimentally provoked nest defence in House Sparrows in the Czech Republic. We included the badge size (a melanin-based throat feather patch) because it serves as a signal of social status, age and con...
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Around fifteen thousand fieldworkers annually count breeding birds using standardized protocols in 28 European countries. The observations are collected by using country-specific and standardized protocols, validated, summarized and finally used for the production of continent-wide annual and long-term indices of population size changes of 170 spec...
This deliverable shows, using farmland birds as a demonstrative case study, how the existing European network of bird monitoring schemes could be used to regularly update the distribution of terrestrial breeding birds across the whole of EU and neighbouring countries. In addition, it shows how changes in distribution could be assessed on frequent i...
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The population dynamics of urban animals has been so far remarkably understudied. At the same time, urban species’ population trends can provide important information on the consequences of environmental changes in cities. We modelled long-term population trends of 93 bird species breeding in urban areas in 16 European countries as a function of sp...
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Detecting biodiversity change and identifying its causes is challenging because biodiversity is multifaceted and temporal data often contain bias. Here, we model temporal change in species' abundance and biomass by using extensive data describing the population sizes and trends of native breeding birds in the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Un...
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Declines in European bird populations are reported for decades but the direct effect of major anthropogenic pressures on such declines remains unquantified. Causal relationships between pressures and bird population responses are difficult to identify as pressures interact at different spatial scales and responses vary among species. Here, we uncov...
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Aim Migratory species rely on multiple ranges across the annual cycle, rendering them vulnerable to a wide range of spatially disparate anthropogenic threats. The spatial distribution of these threats will strongly influence the magnitude of their population‐scale effects, but this has not been quantitatively assessed for most species. Location Eu...
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In order to understand species’ sensitivity to habitat change, we must correctly determine if a species is associated with a habitat or not, and if it is associated, its degree of specialization for that habitat. However, definitions of species’ habitat association and specialization are often static, categorical classifications that coarsely defin...
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Although global assessments provide evidence of biodiversity decline, some have questioned the strength of the evidence, with local assemblage studies often showing a more balanced picture of biodiversity change. The multifaceted nature of biodiversity and imperfect monitoring datasets may partially explain these findings. Here, using an extensive...
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Natural sounds, and bird song in particular, play a key role in building and maintaining our connection with nature, but widespread declines in bird populations mean that the acoustic properties of natural soundscapes may be changing. Using data-driven reconstructions of soundscapes in lieu of historical recordings, here we quantify changes in soun...
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While global assessments provide evidence of biodiversity decline, some have questioned the strength of the evidence, with local assemblage studies often showing a more balanced picture of biodiversity change. The multifaceted nature of biodiversity and imperfect monitoring datasets may partially explain these findings. Here, using an extensive hig...
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Around fifteen thousand fieldworkers annually count breeding birds using standardized protocols in 28 European countries. The observations are collected by using country-specific and standardized protocols, validated, summarized and finally used for the production of continent-wide annual and long-term indices of population size changes of 170 spec...
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Capsule A higher animal component in the diet and a greater amount of food result in better condition.Aims To investigate the relative importance of different food types to nestling House Sparrows.Methods Faecal sac samples (n = 206) from 106 nestlings of 31 broods were analyzed in 2 breeding seasons (2008, 2009). The nests were in a nestbox colony...
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Analysis of an extensive European dataset confirms the large decline of widespread farmland birds across Europe. Common farmland birds have on average fallen in number by nearly half – the most severe decline of the bird groups considered. Among the 36 species that were classified as characteristic of farmland, 20 have declined, seven have increase...
Material and Methods (0.09 MB DOC)
Indicators of the impact of climate change derived from each of the six GCM/emissions scenarios and that based upon their average (CLIMEns). (A) The indicator for bird species predicted to gain potential geographical range under climate change for the 6 scenarios and for their average. (B) The indicator for bird species predicted to lose potential...
The Climate Impact Indicator with (blue) and without (red) adjustment for the effects upon population trend of body mass, breeding habitat and migratory status. Thin lines show 90% bootstrap confidence intervals for annual values from 10,000 bootstrap replicates with (blue) and without (red) adjustment, as described above. (0.20 MB TIF)
Tests of whether the slope of the relationship between population trend and CLIMEns varies significantly among classes of breeding habitat (HAB) or migratory status (MIG), with log body mass (LMS), or with the goodness-of-fit of the climate envelope model used to calculate CLIMEns (AUC). (0.02 MB DOC)
Supplementary results (0.04 MB DOC)
Population trends versus climatic projection. Population trends of European birds species (n = 108) plotted against the log ratio of future: recent extent of the potential geographical range obtained using climate envelope models based upon six climate change scenarios and upon their average (CLIMEns). (0.21 MB TIF)
Countries providing data for the PECBMS scheme and the period of monitoring used for analysis in each country. (0.02 MB DOC)
Expected mechanism and direction of effects of Climate Response Predictors (CRPs) on long-term trends in European breeding bird populations. (0.02 MB DOC)
Results of OLS regression of long-term population trend on CRPs. (0.04 MB DOC)
Interspecific Pearson correlation coefficients among CRPs. (0.03 MB DOC)
AICc weights for multiple regression models of population trend on CRP variables. (0.07 MB DOC)
Estimates of parameters of two-period piecewise ordinary least squares regression models relating annual values of dependent variables to time (calendar year A.D.). (0.02 MB DOC)
Comparison of separate regressions of population trend on CRPs for species with or without part of their breeding range in North Africa. (0.03 MB DOC)
Standardised values of the bioclimate variables. (A) GDD5 - growing days above 5°C, (B) MTCO - the mean temperature of the coldest month, and (C) MTEMP - the mean annual temperature, calculated from the respective means for all 20 countries (blue) and from an anova model taking into account only conditions in the years in which countries contribute...
Relationships between European bird species' trends, CRPs and body mass, controlling for the effects of phylogeny using a method of independent contrasts. (0.03 MB DOC)
Comparison of separate regressions of population trend on CLIM variables for species with negative values of the CLIM variable (CLIM−) and those with positive values of the CLIM variable (CLIM+). (0.04 MB DOC)
Comparison of the European treat status of all breeding species (n = 526) and those used in the indicator analyses above (n = 122). (0.02 MB DOC)
Full-text available
The main goal of the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme is to produce policy-relevant indicators of the general state of biodiversity using scientific data on changes in breeding populations of common birds across Europe. In the third set of European indices presented here, we summarise population trends of 124 widespread terrestrial specie...
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Avifaunu ČR tvoří 406 druhů ptáků, z nichž polovina tu hnízdí. Ve srovnání se začátkem 80. let 20. století početnost asi třetiny druhů poklesla, u třetiny vzrostla a zbytek zůstává stabilní. Přibývají zejména druhy, které jsou předmětem mezinárodní ochrany nebo jejichž zákonná ochrana umožnila návrat zpět, druhy těžící z měnícího se stavu lesů či z...
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The book summarises recommendations on establishing, running, and improving national wild bird monitoring schemes. The methodology is described in detail and includes field methods, sampling design, data management and analysis, and communication; including case studies from various countries. The guide will be distributed among the Pan-European Co...


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