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The State of the Art for Blockchain-Enabled Smart- Contract Applications in the Organization



The application and use of smart contracts in organizations require a holistic overview. This overview helps to understand the current adoption of this technology and also deduces factors that are inhibiting its use in the modern organization. This study provides a systematic review of previous studies comprising of frameworks, methods, working prototypes and simulations that demonstrate the application of smart contracts in organizations. Understanding the current state and usage of smart-contract technology in an organization is a focal point of this paper. Much progress occurs in developing technologies that support smart contracts, while little understanding exists pertaining to their usage in organizations. In this study, we identify properties of smart-contract applications in different domains of modern organizations. We further analyze and categorize challenges and problems mitigating the adoption of smart-contract applications.
The State of the Art for Blockchain-Enabled
Smart-Contract Applications in the Organization
Chibuzor Udokwu, Aleksandr Kormiltsyn, Kondwani Thangalimodzi, Alex Norta§
Department of Software Science
Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Email:,,, §
Abstract—The application and use of smart contracts in
organizations require a holistic overview. This overview helps
to understand the current adoption of this technology and also
deduces factors that are inhibiting its use in the modern organiza-
tion. This study provides a systematic review of previous studies
comprising of frameworks, methods, working prototypes and
simulations that demonstrate the application of smart contracts
in organizations. Understanding the current state and usage of
smart-contract technology in an organization is a focal point
of this paper. Much progress occurs in developing technologies
that support smart contracts, while little understanding exists
pertaining to their usage in organizations. In this study, we
identify properties of smart-contract applications in different
domains of modern organizations. We further analyze and
categorize challenges and problems mitigating the adoption of
smart-contract applications.
Index Terms—blockchain; applications; smart contract; limi-
tations; use cases; decentralized autonomous organization
Organizations face new challenges such as information
security [1], trust and transparency between different stake-
holders [2], decentralization of working processes [3] and
so on. The development of blockchain technology and smart
contracts provides new opportunities for organizations to ad-
dress these problems. Blockchain-enabled smart contracts are
computer programs that are consistently executed by a network
of mutually distrusting nodes, without the arbitration of a
trusted authority [4]. Smart contracts provide organizations the
possibility to collaborate and execute self-enforcing contract
clauses in a blockchain network without the involvement of
a third-party. While smart contracts provide new options for
organizations and several studies have been carried out on how
smart contracts can be applied to solve several issues affecting
modern organizations, little is known about the adoption of
smart contracts in organizations. This paper fills the gap by
presenting an overview of the business applications supporting
smart contracts. The primary research question of this pa-
per is how to successfully adopt smart contracts in modern
organizations? The answer to this question helps the reader
to understand main domain problems that can be solved by
smart contracts and current limitations of this technology. We
deduce the following sub-questions from the primary research
question. What are the domains of smart-contract applications
in established organizations? The understanding of domains
using smart contracts helps organizations during decision
making processes about smart-contract adoption. What are
the main benefits of smart-contract applications in these or-
ganization domains? Definitions of a domain help to focus
on the main benefits that organizations can gain from smart-
contract technology. What are the issues limiting the gains
of smart contract usage in the organizations? Understanding
the limitations helps to avoid serious problems while adopting
smart contracts in working processes.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section
I-A presents important background information. Section II
provides the description of the literature-review method used
in this study. Section III discusses the analysis of results. Sec-
tion IV presents problem discussions and provides directions
for future research. Section V concludes the results of the
overview and defines limitations of the study.
A. Basic Concepts of Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are supported by blockchain technologies
[5]. In this section, we summarize the concepts of blockchain
technologies as follows - basic blockchain concepts and
Merkle hash tree, time stamping nodes and virtual machines,
consensus and solidity programming language for coding
smart contracts.
Blockchain: The blockchain is a distributed ledger that
allows participants to write and update records on the ledger
and cryptography ensures that records stored remain the same
once added [6]. Records are added to the ledger in form of
transactions, and these transactions are hashed and grouped
in blocks. Each block is cryptographically linked to the
next block. Markel tree or hash tree is a cryptographical
method that ensures transactions stored in blockchain are
linked with mathematical hashes [7], [8]. This guarantees that
no modification can invalidate the entire record. The hashes
provide an efficient method to verify any transaction on the
blockchain. With this method, records can be verified without
going through the entire data stored in the network [8].
Nodes and virtual machines: The blockchain network is
represented by the nodes that are connected in peers and each
participating node has a copy of the ledger [6]. The nodes are
run by virtual machines, e.g., an Ethereum blockchain node is
powered by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) [7]. Once
a new block is accepted in the network, each node updates its
record by adding the new block. Transactions are timestamped
and sent from the participating nodes. All the nodes in the
network agree on a consensus method for adding new records
to the ledger [5]. Transactions are grouped in blocks and once
a block has been accepted by the network, all the participating
nodes add the new block to their copy of the ledger [7].
Consensus mechanism: A consensus method is an agreed
method for adding new records to the blockchain by the
participating nodes. Consensus methods are grouped into two -
voting based consensus and proof-based consensus [5]. Proof-
of-Work (PoW) is an ex-ample of proof-based consensus
method and its currently being used by the Bitcoin and the
Ethereum blockchain at the time of this writing [6], [7]. PoW
is a consensus mechanism that allows all the participating
nodes to solve a difficult mathematical problem and rewards
the first node that solves the problem by selecting the node to
add the next block [5]. The Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is another
example of proof-based consensus method. However, while
PoW motivates a centralization of computing power, PoS
moves the decision basis from computing power to possession
of stake in the system, such as an amount of cryptocurrency
Programming smart contracts: Solidity is an example of a
programming language that provides a method for running a
computer code on blockchain nodes [10]. Computer programs
that digitally verify, enforce contracts and run on a blockchain
network are referred to as smart contracts. The smart contracts
are stored and executed in blockchain nodes. With the right
access, any user can run and execute smart contract functions
from any participating node in the network [7]. In our study,
we focus on smart contracts written in Solidity as it is the
programming language adopted by the largest blockchain
network that supports smart contracts [7].
This research uses a systematic literature review method
[11]. Literature review gives a good foundation for research in
information systems and strengthens information system as a
field [12]. A review of literature of smart-contract applications
strengthens the field of blockchain within information systems.
We conduct the review in four phases [11]. Phase 1 is the
review of the purpose and protocol of the study. Phase 2
involves searching the literature and practical screening. In
Phase 3, the quality appraisal and data extraction is presented.
In Phase 4, we analyze the findings. This literature review
method is chosen because it is developed specifically for
information-system research [11].
Planning Phase: In the first phase, we design a review
protocol as this is an essential element in conducting a
systematic literature-review study [13]. Furthermore, a review
protocol minimizes biases in a detailed plan [13]. We discuss
the purpose of the review and design a protocol, a searching
plan, selection criteria, data extraction method, data analyses
and present the review results.
Selection Phase: In the second phase of the review, we
search for academic articles using the Google scholar database.
Since smart contract is a new technology in information
systems, we search for journal papers, conference papers and
select white papers from 2013–2018. This time frame helps
us to find relevant articles from the search engine.
In our search for articles, the keywords and Boolean
operators used are as follows: smart contract + business,
smart contract + organization, smart contract + organization,
blockchain + business, blockchain + organization, blockchain
+ organization, distributed autonomous organization + busi-
ness, decentralized autonomous organization + organization,
to find papers with limitations and problems, the following key
words are used: problem + blockchain, problem + decentral-
ized autonomous organization, and problem + smart contracts.
These pairs we use independently in every search.
From the results of our searches, we conduct an efficient
screening process, discarding articles not relevant to the study,
duplicates, and articles that we do not obtain the full text. After
this initial screening, we got a total of 469 papers. This process
is depicted in Figure 1 in the study [14].
Exclusion and Inclusion criteria: In the first step of
article selection, the exclusion criteria include the following:
Articles that are not relevant to the study, articles for which
a full paper cannot be downloaded or accessed, articles not
published between 2013 and 2018 and articles not related to
blockchain technology, distributed autonomous organization,
or smart contracts. In the second step, the inclusion criteria in-
clude high-quality white papers, journal papers, peer-reviewed
conference papers, articles on smart-contract applications in an
Execution phase: In the third phase of the review, we extract
data from eligible articles based on the research questions
guiding this research and collect information from articles to
serve as raw material for the analyses [11].
In this section, we analyze the reviewed literature to un-
derstand how smart contracts are currently applied in the
organizations and current limitations that mitigate the adop-
tion of smart-contract applications in the organization. The
subsections are structured as follows: Section III-A provides
an analysis of smart-contract applications in the organization.
Section III-B defines the blockchain issues mitigating smart-
contract adoption in organizations.
A. Analyses of smart-contract applications in the organization
We base the analyses of smart-contract applications in the
organizations on the following categories: the year of the
publication, type of publication and subcategories to identify
the properties of the smart contract. The year and type of
publication provide information on the quality of the literature
reviewed. We identify when the paper was published and if the
paper is a peer-reviewed publication. Though there has been
too much proliferation of non-peer reviewed papers in the form
of white papers in the blockchain smart-contract community,
we cannot ignore so many contributions by none peer-reviewed
literature in this field.
We further analyze the characteristics of the smart contract
that are listed in properties categories in Table 1 in [14]. We
identify the following properties of the smart contract: orga-
nization, blockchain technology, type of network, application
area, problem intended to be solved and status of contribution.
In the organization properties of the smart contract, we identify
the type of organization that the contribution was developed
for. We further divide the organizations into business and
public. Under technology property, we identify the blockchain
the smart contract was designed to be implemented on. With
this property, we identify current blockchain technologies that
support smart contracts. In the application area, we identify
the type of business process/operation the smart contract is
designed to simulate. In the purpose category, we identify
the primary goal of applying smart contract in a particular
application area, and this can be security reasons, privacy
concerns, to build trust, etc. In the status section, we identify if
the projects analyzed are theoretical descriptions, prototypes,
or working implementations in an organization.
1) Presentation of smart-contract application analyses re-
sults: The overview of analyses of smart-contract applications
in the organization is presented in the Table 1 in [14]. If a
project analyzed does not address the corresponding item or
provide sufficient information on the classification, we leave
it unmarked. The table shows that 81% of the projects/studies
analyzed are published as peer-reviewed publications. 59% of
the projects are published in 2017 and 75% of all implemented
projects are published from 2017 and later.
Business organizations are the top organizations for smart-
contract applications as 87.5% of the projects analyzed are
designed for business organization. For the projects that are
implement, 75% are specifically designed for business organi-
In all the projects analyzed, 62.5% are either prototyped,
or implemented (working). Only 37.5%, fall into the category
theoretical descriptions and proposed frameworks/methods.
In the application area/domain of smart-contract projects
analyzed, 71.87% have their application areas in supply chain
management (SCM), finance, healthcare, information security,
smart city and IoT solutions. Therefore, we identify those at
the top domains of smart-contract applications in the organi-
zation. Besides, for the projects that are already implemented,
75% are in the domain of healthcare, SCM, and finance.
Furthermore, the table shows that transparency and trust are
main reasons why an organization may use smart-contract
applications, about 44% of the projects mention either trans-
parency, or trust as the primary purpose of the smart-contract
application. Other top reasons include data security/privacy,
resource management, tamper proof, and interoperability.
Ethereum and Hyperledger fabric are the leading technology
for smart-contract applications in organizations, as 50% of the
implemented projects are hosted on these platforms. Ethereum
network is the technology of choice for prototyping smart-
contract projects in the organization as 66.67% of the projects
analyzed are prototyped with the Ethereum network. Also,
50% of the prototypes are carried out in public blockchains.
Still for implemented projects, 75% are carried out as private
B. Analysis of blockchain issues mitigating smart-contract
We examine existing issues and technical limitations that
affect blockchain technology. Our analyses are based on
the following factors: the timestamping virtual machine that
runs the blockchain nodes, cryptography behind the digital
signature, consensus mechanism for confirming transactions
and the Solidity programming language for developing smart
contract [7], [15]. We further examine how the issues identified
affect different application areas of smart contracts in the
organization. We only consider top application domains in this
1) Presentation of blockchain limitation analyses results:
We identify 18 limitations of blockchain technologies. From
the analyses as shown in Figure 2 in study [14], we found
that technologies affected are a digital signature (55.6%),
consensus (50%), Solidity programming language (38.9%),
consensus mechanism PoW (27.8%) and nodes (27.8%).
We analyze application areas that are affected by presented
limitations. Most of the limitations (61.1%) describe issues
that affect all application areas that we investigate. 72.2%
of the limitations define the issues that affect all applica-
tions that use tokens. Limitations that affect an application
involving PoW are presented in 66.7% and applications in
public blockchains are presented each by 72.2%. Limitations
for applications in finance domain are presented in (72.2%)
and 66.7% describes limitations that affect IoT, Smart City
and SCM domains.
Figure 3 in the study [14], shows how the current limitations
of blockchains affect smart contracts in public networks and
private networks. The figure shows that there are specific
issues in blockchains that affect only the public networks.
However, most limitations affect both private and public
blockchains. No specific issue affects only private blockchains.
The issue of unsustainable consensus method presented in
PoW does not affect private blockchains, because they mostly
use voting-based consensus method for approving transactions
[16]. Due to the control that exists in permissioned blockchains
when approving members, the trusted-party-requirement issue
is eliminated since all participating nodes are known and
We further analyze Table 2 in [14] to determine the severi-
ties of the current limitations that affect blockchains. With this,
we identify important issues mitigating smart contracts usage
in the organization. The classification for this analysis is based
on the following severity levels: low important, significant and
Figure 4 in the study [14] shows the severity levels of the
current issues that affect blockchain technologies. The issues
are ordered in their level of importance. The less important
issues are in at the bottom of the triangle, significant issues
are in the mid-level of the triangle while the critical issues
are located at the top of the triangle. The study [14] identifies
the following main limitations of blockchains technologies:
usability and complexity issues, standardization, lack of test-
ing and practical experience, and design architecture issues.
Other significant issues include storage scalability, regulation,
soundness of smart contracts, security flaws and bugs, privacy
leakage and smart contract lifecycle management and non-
tested consensus methods. The less important issues are as
follows anonymity, scalability-time, transaction cost, cryp-
tocurrency unpredictability, unsustainable consensus method,
trusted third-party involvement and cryptocurrency liquidity
In this section, we discuss the results of the analyses we
performed in section III. The results of the analyses are
presented in Table 1 and 2 of the study [14]. In the first
part of this section, we discuss the results of the analyses
showing smart-contract applications in the organization. In the
second part of this section, we discuss the current blockchain
technology issues that affect smart contracts usage in the
A. Application discussion
The results from the Table 1 in study III show that most
are mostly peer-reviewed academic publications. This is a
necessary step in determining the quality of the projects we
evaluate in our study. Though the idea of smart contracts
begins with the unpublished manuscript by Szabo Nick in
19941and the implementation starts with the development
of the Ethereum virtual machine that provides the possibility
of running Turing complete programs on a blockchain in
2014 [7], our study shows that serious effort to develop
organization-blockchain applications start in 2017. This is
evident as most of the implemented smart-contract projects
are carried out in 2017 and later. Blockchain provides an
opportunity for both public- and private organizations to run
trustless smart-contract applications. The current study shows
that business organizations lead in development, implemen-
tation, and adoption of smart-contract projects. Our study
did not identify any specific smart-contract project designed
for military organizations. A search on Google Scholar for
”military blockchain applications” returns about 1200 results.
However, our study cannot identify an actual prototype, or
working blockchain based military organization application.
This could be linked to the fact that military applications are
usually classified and not available in public domains.
In our study, we identify top application areas, or organiza-
tion domains that comprise a large number of smart-contract
projects. We identify the following organization domains as
the top application areas of smart contracts - SCM, finance,
1Szabo, Nick. ”Smart contracts.” Unpublished manuscript (1994).
healthcare, information security, smart city and IoT solutions.
These organization domains have some similarities because
their processes involve the participation of several collaborat-
ing parties. For instance, SCM involves parties from a supplier,
buyer, transporter, etc., who do not trust each other. Blockchain
enabled smart contracts therefore are very relevant in these
domains as they provide a trustless and transparent system
for storing and executing transactions in an immutable way.
To validate this point, our study also shows that trust and
transparency are the top reasons to adopt blockchains for all
the projects we evaluate.
Though there are many blockchains for executing smart con-
tracts, our study shows that Ethereum blockchain remains the
blockchain of choice for prototyping smart-contract projects.
Still, projects are developed using Ethereum and Hyperledger
fabric blockchains. Hyperledger fabric is part of the blockchain
tools developed in the open source Hyperledger project. The
Hyperledger project seeks to develop compatible and inter-
operable blockchain frameworks across organizations. IBM
is a leading contributor to the Hyperledger fabric project,
and also a leading service provider for organizations adopting
blockchain projects [17]. Finally, our study shows that most
of the working projects are implemented on permissioned
networks. This is because of the privacy leakage blockchain
issue that causes transactions to be viewable to all participants
of the network. Even though the privacy leakage problem
affects both private- and public networks, as shown in our
study, this problem is reduced in private blockchains because
permissioned networks can regulate the membership and par-
ticipation in their network.
B. Discussion of Limitations
In this section, we discuss current limitations affecting
blockchain technologies. In the second part of the section, we
discuss current research addressing important limitations that
mitigate the adoption of smart contracts.
1) Smart contract and blockchain limitations: Both public-
and private blockchain networks face challenges regarding to
who is allowed to take part in the network, who is allowed
to execute the consensus protocol, and who is responsible for
maintenance of the shared ledger [18]. The usage of smart-
contract applications in organizations is complicated because
of the blockchain complexity- and usability issues. Blockchain
networks have complexity and usability challenges, especially
for first-time users [19]. Furthermore, the blockchain technol-
ogy has architecture-design issues that are not acceptable for
organization processes [17]. Smart contracts are supported by
a few number of programming languages such as Solidity,
Cardano, Tezos, Neo etc. The consensus mechanisms are not
flexible and are hardcoded into the blockchain [17].
Several limitations affect blockchain-technology consensus
mechanisms. Cost is attached to performing transactions in
the blockchain to compensate miners, and this may limit the
usage of smart contracts in organization applications. Still,
this does not apply to private blockchain networks as voting-
based consensus methods are usually adopted in permissioned
blockchains [5], [17]. The other limitation of the blockchain
consensus mechanism is volatility of cryptocurrencies and
presents difficulty in making long-term economic decisions
Some of the newly proposed consensus methods lack testing
and reliability, similar to the well-known PoW and PoS [5].
The mechanism of a digital signature in the blockchain has
several limitations. These include anonymity issues, privacy
leakage in transactions and trusted third-party involvement [6],
[21]. The usage of smart-contract applications that generate a
significant amount of data, is limited by the storage scalability
issue of blockchain nodes [21]. This affects smart-contract
applications that process and store a significant amount of data.
Some of the newly proposed consensus methods lack testing
and reliability, similar to the well-known PoW and PoS [5].
The mechanism of a digital signature in the blockchain has
several limitations. These include anonymity issues, privacy
leakage in transactions and trusted third-party involvement [6],
[21]. The usage of smart-contract applications that generate a
significant amount of data, is limited by the storage scalability
issue of blockchain nodes [21]. This affects smart-contract
applications that process and store a significant amount of data.
The Solidity programming language has several design
issues such as security flaws and bugs, soundness and lifecycle
management. There are many unknown attack vectors in the
ecosystem and there is also the issue of bugs in Solidity
code [22]. Additionally, Solidity lacks a formal foundation
and smart contract cannot be verified with an algorithmic tool
before they are deployed [22]. Another big challenge affecting
both public- and private blockchains is the regulation of the
network. There is no proper legal framework to address legal
issues of tokens, tax and intellectual property in a blockchain
network [23], [24].
2) Current research efforts that address significant and crit-
ical blockchain limitations: Some of the issues limiting smart-
contract adoption have already been addressed. For instance,
the PoS consensus method is designed to address the time
scalability issue and resource wastage issue in PoW. In PoS, a
consensus is achieved by randomly selecting one of the nodes
to create the next block based on their stake in the network.
The chances to be chosen depends on wealth in the system
[25]. As a result, some of the prominent blockchain platforms
such as Ethereum are adopting PoS as a consensus method
for their blockchains [26]. Qtum which is also a popular
blockchain platform, comprises a PoS-consensus method since
inception [27].
3) Scalability, third-party involvement and privacy leakage:
The issue of storage scalability is a significant limitation of
smart-contract applications, as shown in our study. A study
[28] proposes using decentralized database storage systems
that are linked to an existing blockchain network for storing
large sets of data from smart-contract applications. In these
systems, immutability and trust can be achieved by applying
voting mechanisms and shared replications of stored data. The
main drawback of this proposal is that the storage is located
outside a blockchain network and the immutability feature that
blockchain provides cannot be guaranteed in these systems.
In the case of a third-party involvement, some smart-
contract applications require a third party to provide infor-
mation on the status, or value of an asset. IBM develops
microcomputers to address this issue. These computers are so
small that they can be attached directly to an asset and provide
an update on the asset2. This is particularly useful in the SCM
domain. The current setup of smart-contract applications in the
SCM domain requires an RFID chip, or similar tool to provide
information on the status of assets [3], [29]. We consider this a
third-party involvement because the information is not directly
provided by a blockchain node. With the microcomputers
that can be attached to an asset, the asset itself turns into a
blockchain node, providing information on its status without
the involvement of a third party.
Other research addresses the issue of information confi-
dentiality in blockchains. The design of blockchain enables
all participants of a network to view the transactions in the
network. Some studies [30], [31] propose the use of private
blockchain networks to address this issue. Though participa-
tion in private blockchain networks can be regulated, privacy
leakage is still an issue, even in permissioned networks.
Business processes require that only certain members of an
organization have access. Therefore, privacy leakage is still
an issue because there is currently no method to control
access to information on blockchain networks. Still, study
[32] addresses this issue proposing a cryptographical protocol
called HAWK that ensures the privacy of data stored in a
public blockchain. This is achieved by adding an additional
compiler to transform standard smart contracts to a crypto-
graphical protocol among the users of a blockchain. To achieve
confidentiality, the public key of a trusted third-party node is
used to encrypt and decrypt information among the parties
involved in the contract. The use of a trusted third party is
a significant drawback of this protocol as this violates the
decentralization and transparency principles of a blockchain.
There is also an issue of additional cost for verifying the
transactions performed using this protocol [32].
4) Testing, design and usability issues: One of the testing
issues identified in our study is a lack of proper testing frame-
works for blockchain applications. As a recent technology,
blockchain applications have not been properly tested and may
fail at some point. There are currently no fault injection frame-
works available for testing blockchain implementations. Avail-
able techniques do not cover Byzantine failures as represented
in blockchain applications [33]. The study [33] proposes a new
generation of fault injection frameworks for deployment in
production to challenge blockchain-based distributed systems.
The study proposes using the framework to perturb and
verify permissioned blockchain technologies with Byzantine
failures. As there is not much practical experience in usage
of such projects, blockchain implementations cannot be tested
2IBM’s New ’World’s Smallest Computer’ Is Built For Blockchain
(accessed May 2018)
appropriately. As a result, organizations do not quickly move
their business processes to blockchain solutions.
Blockchain technology is new and therefore, there are
unknown attack vectors in the blockchain ecosystems. The
Solidity programming language has known security bugs.
When used as a payout address, a smart contract acquires the
control of a sender’s contract and withdraw funds from it [34].
Non-flexible consensus methods limit the usage of specific
platforms and thus, not all business requirements can be
implemented in such an environment. Organizations should
be able to decide what consensus method is most suitable
for their applications. To solve this problem, the Hyperledger
Fabric platform provides the possibility for smart contract
developers to choose the most suitable consensus method for
their projects before deploying with a blockchain [17]. Still,
the main limitation is that PoS and PoW as the most popular
consensus methods, are not available for the Hyperledger
5) Regulation, standardization and smart contract lifecycle
management: The development of blockchain standards and
regulations is at an early stage [35]. Blockchain is a new tech-
nology and therefore it is too early to determine the regulations
required [36]. Little research exists about standardization and
regulation. Still, standards development is underway to address
the risks and abuses. On the other hand, it is essential to avoid
overregulation that stifles innovation because establishing laws
will have an impact on blockchain technology development
[35], [37]. Different blockchain platforms currently exist
that are not interoperable, developing blockchain standards
are necessary in ensuring interoperability between multiple
blockchain implementations, stronger consensus, security and
resilience, privacy and trust [38].
Although smart contract lifecycle management is identified
in this study as part of the issues mitigating smart-contract
adoption in the organization, significant research efforts have
been made in addressing this issue. The study [16], proposes
a method for managing web-based electronic contract. Al-
though, the study focuses on electronic contracts that are run
from web systems instead of blockchain systems as used in
smart contracts, we consider the study useful because the
latter is a form of electronic contract deployed in a blockchain
network. Therefore, the same management cycle is applicable
to both smart contracts and other forms of electronic contracts.
The study proposes a six-step approach to manage smart
contracts comprising proposal, configuration, publication, ne-
gotiation, operation, and closure. Thus, the design of a specific
contract/agreement holds for a single business operation and
once the goal of the operation is achieved and all parties
are satisfied, the contract is closed and a new one created.
The major drawbacks are that smart contracts are designed
for business processes with rules that do not change quickly
since modifications, or changes, cannot be performed on smart
contracts once they are deployed on a blockchain [7]. Further
studies must be carried out to provide an appropriate method
for managing the lifecycle of a smart contract.
The study [39] provides a formalized lifecycle management
framework for decentralized applications. The study describes
a four-phase steps in managing smart-contracts and they as
follows – setup phase, description of decentralized governance
infrastructure (DGI), enactment phase and termination phase.
The setup phase describes the contract negotiation stage as
the parties involves describes the services required and agree
on a proposal for the contract. The DGI shows in hierarchical
order the elements required in executing electronic transac-
tion in the contract proposal. Enactment phase shows the
implementation and the behavior monitoring of the contract
on DGI. Finally, termination phase shows steps required in
dissolving the contract. The framework also provides the
possibility for transaction rollback when there is conflict as
well as compensation mechanisms in such cases.
6) Blockchain cloud platforms: Blockchain as a Service
(BaaS) is a new cloud computing service offered to organiza-
tions for processing their business operations via blockchain
networks [40], [41]. IBM3, Microsoft4and SAP5are lead-
ing providers of blockchain-cloud service, while other cloud
providers are also integrating existing blockchain platforms
as part of service offerings6. For instance, Amazon recently
adopted QTUM as part of the blockchain platforms for its
web service offerings . Different methods are proposed for
implementing blockchain cloud service. The study [40] pro-
poses a functional blockchain as a service concept that offers
a lighter implementation of top-level business logic applicable
in BaaS. The main advantage of this approach is reducing the
complexity of developing business logic over blockchain to
improve performance.
Although BaaS reduces the complexities for organizations
wishing to adopt blockchain for their business process, cloud-
blockchain based services still experiences some blockchain
limitations that are outlined in this study. Storage oversize is
the main limitation of blockchain-based cloud platforms [40].
There is also an issue of third-party involvement that negates
the main principles of blockchain.
In this paper, we analyze 48 peer-reviewed papers relevant
to our research question how to successfully adopt smart
contracts in modern organizations? These papers are filtered
out from the initial search results of 496 papers. Then we
categorize the selected papers by year, type of organization,
blockchain technology, type of network, application area,
problem intended to be solved and status of contribution.
Finally, we examine existing issues and technical limitation
of blockchain technology affected.
Our analysis shows that most of the organizations that adopt
smart-contract application are private (87.5%). 75% of already
implemented projects are designed specifically for private
3IBM Blockchain:
4Microsoft Azure platform:
5SAP Blockchain service:
6Amazon blockchain:
organizations. Most of the analyzed projects (62.5%) are
either prototyped or implemented. Only 37.5% fall under the-
oretical descriptions and proposed frameworks/methods. Top
domains (71.87%) of organizations adopting smart-contract
applications are aupply chain management (SCM), finance,
healthcare, information security, smart city and IoT solutions.
The implemented projects are mostly (75%) presented in
healthcare, SCM and finance domains.
After analyzing the organizations adopting smart contracts
we check the purposes of doing so. According to our research,
the transparency and trust are the main benefits with 44% of
smart contracts used in organizations. Other benefits include
data security and privacy, resource management, tamper-proof,
and interoperability.
We identify 18 limitations of blockchain technologies. The
technologies affected are a digital signature (55.6%), consen-
sus (50%), Solidity programming language (38.9%), consensus
mechanism PoW (27.8%) and nodes (27.8%). Most of the
limitations (61.1%) describe issues that affect all investigated
application areas. 72.2% of the limitations define the issues
that affect all applications that use tokens. 66.7% of the
limitations affect applications involving PoW, applications in
public blockchains are presented each by 72.2%. Limitations
for applications in the finance domain are presented in 72.2%
and 66.7% describe limitations that affect IoT, smart city and
SCM domains.
Our study has some limitations, and these include the scope
of analyzed projects and an inadequate categorization of de-
centralized applications to consider viable projects. Our study
considers only projects that are in academic publications while
there are other smart-contract projects in organizations that are
not presented in any academic publication. As future work,
we propose a study to evaluate the feasibility and usability
of implemented decentralized applications in the blockchain
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... Smart contracts, built on blockchain platforms, are programmable agreements that automatically execute transactions once predefined conditions are met (Savelyev 2017). By leveraging blockchain's inherent features, smart contracts enable participants to collaborate and execute self-enforcing agreements without the need for intermediaries or third-party involvement (Udokwu et al. 2018). The adoption of smart contracts offers solutions to various significant challenges in business operations. ...
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The increasing frequency of extreme weather (EW) events has created significant vulnerabilities in the normal operations of the prefabricated construction supply chain (PCSC). This study aims to enhance the resilience of the PCSC against EW by utilizing smart contracts. The study proposes a prototype smart contract application to mitigate the risks posed by EW to the PCSC. Additionally, it identifies 28 potential barriers affecting smart contract adoption in the PCSC using the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework. Furthermore, the paper presents a multi-objective optimization-based group decision-making method to assess the feasibility of smart contract adoption in the PCSC. An online survey was then conducted among 50 stakeholders from various links of the PCSC to gather insights into smart contract adoption. The results indicate that stakeholder awareness of smart contracts and the current corporate level are the most influential factors in decision-making. This research extends the application of smart contracts to risk management within the PCSC, offering valuable insights for stakeholders to enhance resilience and address the adverse effects of EW proactively.
... 38 Ethereum uses a proofof-stake (PoS) where validation is based not on the resources spent on mathematical problem-solving but on a node's reputation. We refer to our previous research 42 for further details about the practical usage of blockchain technology. ...
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Integrating personal health records (PHRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) facilitates the provision of novel services to individuals, researchers, and healthcare practitioners. Simultaneously, integrating healthcare data leads to complexities arising from the structural and semantic heterogeneity within the data. The subject of healthcare data evokes strong emotions due to concerns surrounding privacy breaches. Blockchain technology is employed to address the issue of patient data privacy in inter-organizational processes, as it facilitates patient data ownership and promotes transparency in its usage. At the same time, blockchain technology creates new challenges for e-healthcare systems, such as data privacy, observability, and online enforceability. This article proposes designing and formalizing automatic conflict resolution techniques in decentralized e-healthcare systems. The present study expounds upon our concepts by employing a running case study centered around preventive and personalized healthcare domains. Plain Language Summary This paper suggests using blockchain technology for privacy concerns in integrating personal health records and electronic health records in decentralized e-healthcare systems. This report focuses on designing automatic conflict resolution techniques to ensure patient data ownership, transparency, and privacy in inter-organizational processes. This paper proposes designing automatic conflict resolution techniques in decentralized e-healthcare systems, which can improve inter-organizational processes in healthcare. Using blockchain technology to integrate personal and electronic health records can ensure patient data ownership and promote transparency in data usage, addressing privacy concerns in healthcare systems. This paper emphasizes the importance of data privacy and protection in healthcare systems, highlighting the need for compliance with laws and regulations. The research results, including the proof-of-concept prototype, can provide practical insights into implementing conflict resolution techniques in decentralized e-healthcare systems.
... For example, when consumers check out from an e-commerce site, the payment they make can be stored in smart contracts. Subsequently, the merchant proceeds to authorize the change of ownership of the products and links the contract to the shipping entity (Udokwu et al., 2018). ...
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One of the important issues in the field of contract implementation is the security and speed of contract implementation in a way that can gain the trust of the contracting parties. In response to this challenge, one of these tools are smart contracts, which compared to other types of electronic contracts have features such as high speed and security and low cost in forming the contract. Smart contracts are currently used in various fields such as finance, law, banking, stock exchange, blockchain, government, industry, charity, etc. These contracts have many advantages, such as reducing costs, increasing speed, improving security, eliminating intermediaries, and preventing fraud. In simpler terms, smart contracts have taken over the task of making transactions with tools, the most important of which is the blockchain platform. Hence, in this research, the framework of using smart contracts in the field of e-commerce is discussed and the advantages, disadvantages, how to apply, successful experiences, and perspectives for the future of these contracts are presented.
... Still, blockchain-based applications that enable users of luxury products to independently verify product authenticity are currently not available for consumers, thus possibly reducing their knowledge and interest in them. Currently, common blockchain applications are mainly used in decentralized finance [39,40]. As shown by the conducted literature review, studies have provided solutions for applying blockchain for authenticating luxury products along the supply chain (e.g., [6,14,16]). ...
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Luxury products are expensive goods of high quality that are produced in limited quantities. Unsurprisingly, the problem of counterfeiting is especially high for such products, causing various issues for sellers and consumers. Therefore, product authentication represents an important endeavor. While traditional approaches such as expert-based product authentication are reliable but expensive, consumer-based approaches are cheaper but significantly more error-prone. Hence, the development of efficient approaches that also consider the advantages of modern technologies, such as, e.g., blockchains, provide high potential for improving the status quo. This work applies a mixed-method approach and reports about a quantitative survey in combination with expert interviews to identify common methods and key features from consumer and seller perspective when authenticating luxury products. This paper is an extended version of previous work presented at the International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE 2022). As such, it additionally provides insights on the most recognized deficits from consumer and seller perspective when authenticating luxury products. Results show that the knowledge of authentication methods is unevenly distributed between experts and consumers. While both consumers and experts are aware of traditional, serial number-based approaches, blockchain-enabled ways of product authentication are only known by experts. However, both groups tend to prefer digital ways of authentication and agree that sellers, followed by producers, and lastly consumers are responsible for ensuring authentic products. Consumers desire many additional features for product authentication than experts. Most desired features include tracking the sales history via, e.g., the blockchain or online directories, the traceability of ownership, or the possibility to conduct home tests for consumers. Most recognized deficits when authenticating luxury products are seen in the difficult implementation of thorough identification methods and the limited reliability of these methods. The results of the paper provide researchers and practitioners with a feature base for developing novel authentication approaches.
... Sharing data [26,27] records with several associates through unbound schemes can provoke leakage of the patient's records and other susceptible information. The information-sharing of the patients can be divided into diverse health informatics systems that can provoke several threats [28,29]. ...
Currently, healthcare services are encountering challenges, particularly in developing countries wherein remote areas encounter a lack of highly developed hospitals and doctors. IoT devices produce enormous security-sensitive data; therefore, device security is considered an important concept. The main aim of this work is to formulate a secure key generation process in the data-sharing approach by exploiting the Rider Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm (RHHO). Here, eight phases, like the initialization phase, registration phase, key generation phase, login phase, data protection phase, authentication phase, verification phase, and data decryption phase are exploited for secure and efficient authentication and multimedia data sharing. The proposed RHHO model is the integration of the Rider Optimization Algorithm (ROA) and Horse herd Optimization Algorithm (HOA). The proposed RHHO model achieved enhanced performance with a computation cost of 0.235, an accuracy of 0.935and memory usage of 2.425 MB.
The aim of this systematic literature review is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how ontologies address current Smart Contract challenges, identify application scenarios, and present tools and technologies associated with their use. This systematic literature review (SLR), following Kitchenham's methodology, analyses peer-reviewed articles from 2015 to August 2022 from databases such as Scopus, IEEE, Science Direct, Springer Link and ACM. Of the 501 publications identified, 21 are selected for in-depth review based on inclusion, exclusion and quality assessment criteria. The results of this SLR show that ontologies provide solutions to the challenges faced by Smart Contracts mainly at the creation stage. They allow the terms of the contract and the roles of the parties to be defined. Ontologies also enable the development of Smart Contract templates. This facilitates their use by people without technical programming expertise. Despite these potential solutions to the challenges that Smart Contracts face throughout their lifecycle, they lack verification. This increases the vulnerabilities to which Smart Contracts are exposed. Developing validation and verification tools could facilitate using ontologies to create Smart Contracts for different real-world cases.
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Blockchain Technologies have been known to markets in the last two decades however popular in the Bitcoin, tokenization application only. Tokenization is just a feature of Blockchain, and it has many other important features that can be used in Higher education applications especially in Business Schools of UAE, which is vastly developing as a smart country. Blockchain has the potential as a Disruptive technology to transform business enterprises, governments, and smart cities. The United Nations Sustainability Goals defines Education as an important component to mitigate the poverty of underdeveloped and developing countries. Hence the social, economic, and educational goals of the UN can be attained through quality education spread to major parts of the globe. The Research study has identified specific independent variables as the impact of BCT on Education especially the UAE Business Schools. A gap and findings analysis from a literature survey of around 362 articles (mostly from 2018–2022) helped to identify the core research problem: how the BCT can be utilized to enhance the performance of UAE Business Schools? This led to the further research question of: what are important factors that influence BCT implementation in UAE Business Schools, to achieve their objectives? From the literature review, there were five independent variables identified that may influence BCT in UAE Business Schools: System Integration, Organization Readiness, Scalability, Regulations and Security & Privacy. The impact of these independent variables on BCT in UAE Business Schools was measured in the form of research outcomes identified through the literature survey. The hypothetico-deductive research approach was chosen for the study. This approach was chosen because adequate literature existed to direct the research, cause–effect relationships seemed to exist between the main variables relevant to the study, and there was a definite gap in the knowledge base. A mixed, non-experimental study design that was cross sectional in nature was used to analyze the influence of these variables on Implementation of Blockchain technology in UAE Business Schools. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire containing 35 non-demographic questions was sent to the target population. The survey saw responses from 442 participants (response rate of 23%) in UAE, including Education industry and technology experts. A representative conceptual model on the constructs mentioned above and the responses was developed to map the independent variables’ impact on Implementation of BCT in UAE business Schools. A software package for variance-based structural equation modelling, ADANCO 2.3, was used to investigate the model and test the hypotheses. The model passed all tests for both measurement and structural models. The four of the Six hypotheses that were envisaged were explained and seem to be well supported and influence the Implementation of the BCT in UAE Business Schools. Even though the System Integration and Organization Readiness do not have direct influence on the Implementation of Blockchain in UAE business schools, they do have indirect influence on the outcome through Scalability and System Integration respectively. The study empirically indicates that while Regulation (RF -> IBC) has the strongest influence on the Implementation of Blockchain in UAE business schools, what is concerning is that System Integration is not significantly influencing this Implementation. This reflects the slow responsiveness of UAE Business Schools to the needs of business and the failure of business schools to fully match up to Industry Stakeholders expectations, aligning the current system to the future implementation system and collaboration of the other users. Future researchers can plunge deeper into this subject and present solutions to bring this situation into alignment for a more complete Implementation of the Blockchain. Security and Privacy, Individual, Scalability, and followed by Reliability (in that order) make the Implementation of BCT in UAE Business Schools possible. This thesis makes a notable contribution to the theory, the Multilevel Process Integration from the Individual to the National level, and the factors of the Theory of Technology (System Integration, Security &Privacy), Organization (Organization Readiness), and Environment (Regulation, Scalability. This thesis suggests implications for university actors and decision-makers education technology strategists and developers while addressing the limitations of this study and suggesting future research directions, in the context of emerging technology for business schools in particular. Ethical considerations were of utmost importance throughout the entirety of the research process, and even after its completion. Privacy and confidentiality of the data have been strictly safeguarded.
Blockchain has shown potential in enabling trustable and transparent executions of business collaborations between organizations. Blockchain provides a decentralized network for storing data associated with different collaboration use cases, and smart contracts ensure that specified business rules and conditions can be automatically executed without depending on a centralized entity. Still, it is important to correctly identify parties in different organizations and the roles they play in executing various functions in interorganizational collaboration use cases deployed on a blockchain. This is particularly crucial in public blockchains where privacy concerns and user-management issues have slowed the adoption of interorganizational use cases in such networks. Hence, enterprises opt for permissioned networks to deploy decentralized applications. Smart contracts are computer programs running on blockchains that execute specified business rules and conditions in an immutable and transparent manner. However, the state of any organization and parties within such organizations are dynamic. Thus, it is necessary to apply secure, configurable, and flexible mechanisms for authenticating individuals within organizations before executing functions in inter-organizational collaboration (IoC) processes on a blockchain. This research explores the use of concepts defined in the multifactor challenge set self-sovereign identity authentication (MFSSIA) in verifying and validating parties in IoC using nonfungible token (NFT)-based luxury-asset authentication as a running case. The main results of this paper show a set of configurable challenges represented by an organizational chart for authenticating members of an organization and the necessary steps required for integration into an existing DApp that executes IoC.
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Blockchain has numerous benefits such as decentralisation, persistency, anonymity and auditability. There is a wide spectrum of blockchain applications ranging from cryptocurrency, financial services, risk management, internet of things (IoT) to public and social services. Although a number of studies focus on using the blockchain technology in various application aspects, there is no comprehensive survey on the blockchain technology in both technological and application perspectives. To fill this gap, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the blockchain technology. In particular, this paper gives the blockchain taxonomy, introduces typical blockchain consensus algorithms, reviews blockchain applications and discusses technical challenges as well as recent advances in tackling the challenges. Moreover, this paper also points out the future directions in the blockchain technology.
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Blockchain has numerous benefits such as decentralization, persistency, anonymity and auditability. There is a wide spectrum of blockchain applications ranging from cryptocurrency, financial services, risk management, Internet of Things to public and social services. Although a number of studies focus on using the blockchain technology in various application aspects, there is no comprehensive survey on the blockchain technology in both technological and application perspectives. To fill this gap, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the blockchain technology. In particular, this paper gives the blockchain taxonomy, introduces typical blockchain consensus algorithms, reviews blockchain applications and discusses technical challenges as well as recent advances in tackling the challenges. Moreover, this paper also points out the future directions in the blockchain technology.
Technical Report
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The application and use of smart contracts enabled blockchain technology in enterprises require a holistic overview. This overview helps to understand the current adoption of this technology and also deduces factors that are inhibiting its use in the modern enterprise that can be business, government, or military. This study provides a systematic review of previous studies comprising of frameworks, methods, working prototypes and simulations that demonstrate the application of smart contracts in organizations. Understanding the current state and usage of smart-contract technology in an organization is a focal point of this paper because much progress occurs in developing technologies that support smart contracts while little under-standing exists pertaining to their usage in enterprises. In this study, we identify properties of smart contract applications in different domains of modern enterprises. We further analyze and categorize challenges and problems mitigating the use of smart contracts according to the severity of the challenges being low importance, significance and critical challenges. We then discuss current studies that propose solutions to address the significant and critical blockchain limitations.
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Thanks to its potential in many applications, Blockchain has recently been nominated as one of the technologies exciting intense attention. Blockchain has solved the problem of changing the original low-trust centralized ledger held by a single third-party, to a high-trust decentralized form held by different entities, or in other words, verifying nodes. The key contribution of the work of Blockchain is the consensus algorithm, which decides how agreement is made to append a new block between all nodes in the verifying network. Blockchain algorithms can be categorized into two main groups. The first group is proof-based consensus, which requires the nodes joining the verifying network to show that they are more qualified than the others to do the appending work. The second group is voting-based consensus, which requires nodes in the network to exchange their results of verifying a new block or transaction, before making the final decision. In this paper, we present a review of the Blockchain consensus algorithms that have been researched and that are being applied in some well-known applications at this time.
Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain mechanism have been attracting much attention. One of their core innovations, Proof-of-Work (PoW), is notoriously inefficient which potentially motivates a centralization of hash power, defeating the original goal of decentralization. Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is later proposed to replace PoW. However, both PoW and PoS have different inherent advantages and disadvantages, so does Proof-of-Activity (PoA) of Bentov et al. (SIGMETRICS 2014) which only offers limited hybrids of two mechanisms. On the other hand, the hybrid consensus protocol of Pass and Shi (DISC 2017) aims to improve the efficiency by dynamically maintaining a rotating committee. Yet, there are unsatisfactory issues including chain forks and fair committee election. In this paper, we firstly devise a generalized variant of PoW. After that, we leverage our generalized PoW to construct a fork-free hybrid consensus protocol. We further combine our fork-free hybrid consensus mechanism with PoS for a flexible version of PoA with tunable parameters between PoW and PoS. Compared with Bentov et al.’s PoA, our “flexible PoA” improves the efficiency, leading to a more applicable consensus protocol.
Serverless architecture has been gaining popularity in the last three years. Function as a Service (FaaS) is a concrete realization of the Serverless architecture and has several advantages and features. This paper proposes a new service model which is based on FaaS model, named FBaaS – Functional Blockchain as a Service. Compared with Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), FBaaS has a lighter implementation of top-level business logics, which brings a number of advantages. Firstly, it could improve the operation speed of a blockchain. Secondly, the continuous advances in high robustness, high availability of the underlying FaaS network can be naturally adapted to the FBaaS because of its hierarchical architecture. Thirdly, FaaS implements higher level of abstraction of the logics that is much succinct. Moreover, this paper proposes an abstraction method in the realization of a business logic of consortium blockchain that could further improve the performance. In this paper, we also unfold the details of a concrete example network, which is the conference blockchain network for Services Conference Federation (SCF) 2018.
Conference Paper
Fabric is a modular and extensible open-source system for deploying and operating permissioned blockchains and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by the Linux Foundation ( Fabric is the first truly extensible blockchain system for running distributed applications. It supports modular consensus protocols, which allows the system to be tailored to particular use cases and trust models. Fabric is also the first blockchain system that runs distributed applications written in standard, general-purpose programming languages, without systemic dependency on a native cryptocurrency. This stands in sharp contrast to existing block-chain platforms that require "smart-contracts" to be written in domain-specific languages or rely on a cryptocurrency. Fabric realizes the permissioned model using a portable notion of membership, which may be integrated with industry-standard identity management. To support such flexibility, Fabric introduces an entirely novel blockchain design and revamps the way blockchains cope with non-determinism, resource exhaustion, and performance attacks. This paper describes Fabric, its architecture, the rationale behind various design decisions, its most prominent implementation aspects, as well as its distributed application programming model. We further evaluate Fabric by implementing and benchmarking a Bitcoin-inspired digital currency. We show that Fabric achieves end-to-end throughput of more than 3500 transactions per second in certain popular deployment configurations, with sub-second latency, scaling well to over 100 peers.