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Aerobic Glycolysis in the Brain: Warburg and Crabtree Contra Pasteur

  • Centro de Estudios Cientificos (CECs) & Universidad San Sebastián
  • Centro de Estudios Cientificos (CECs) and Universidad San Sebastián (USS)

Abstract and Figures

Information processing is onerous. Curiously, active brain tissue does not fully oxidize glucose and instead generates a local surplus of lactate, a phenomenon termed aerobic glycolysis. Why engage in inefficient ATP production by glycolysis when energy demand is highest and oxygen is plentiful? Aerobic glycolysis is associated to classic biochemical effects known by the names of Pasteur, Warburg and Crabtree. Here we discuss these three interdependent phenomena in brain cells, in light of high-resolution data of neuronal and astrocytic metabolism in culture, tissue slices and in vivo, acquired with genetically-encoded fluorescent sensors. These sensors are synthetic proteins that can be targeted to specific cell types and subcellular compartments, which change their fluorescence in response to variations in metabolite concentration. A major site of acute aerobic glycolysis is the astrocyte. In this cell, a Crabtree effect triggered by K⁺ coincides with a Warburg effect mediated by NO, superimposed on a slower longer-lasting Warburg effect caused by glutamate and possibly by NH4⁺. The compounded outcome is that more fuel (lactate) and more oxygen are made available to neurons, on demand. Meanwhile neurons consume both glucose and lactate, maintaining a strict balance between glycolysis and respiration, commanded by the Na⁺ pump. We conclude that activity-dependent Warburg and Crabtree effects in brain tissue, and the resulting aerobic glycolysis, do not reflect inefficient energy generation but the marshalling of astrocytes for the purpose of neuronal ATP generation. It remains to be seen whether neurons contribute to aerobic glycolysis under physiological conditions.
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Neurochemical Research
Aerobic Glycolysis intheBrain: Warburg andCrabtree Contra Pasteur
L.FelipeBarros1 · IvánRuminot1· AlejandroSanMartín1· RodrigoLerchundi1· IgnacioFernández‑Moncada1·
Received: 10 September 2019 / Revised: 10 January 2020 / Accepted: 16 January 2020
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
Information processing is onerous. Curiously, active brain tissue does not fully oxidize glucose and instead generates a local
surplus of lactate, a phenomenon termed aerobic glycolysis. Why engage in inefficient ATP production by glycolysis when
energy demand is highest and oxygen is plentiful? Aerobic glycolysis is associated to classic biochemical effects known by
the names of Pasteur, Warburg and Crabtree. Here we discuss these three interdependent phenomena in brain cells, in light
of high-resolution data of neuronal and astrocytic metabolism in culture, tissue slices and invivo, acquired with genetically-
encoded fluorescent sensors. These sensors are synthetic proteins that can be targeted to specific cell types and subcellular
compartments, which change their fluorescence in response to variations in metabolite concentration. A major site of acute
aerobic glycolysis is the astrocyte. In this cell, a Crabtree effect triggered by K+ coincides with a Warburg effect mediated by
NO, superimposed on a slower longer-lasting Warburg effect caused by glutamate and possibly by NH4+. The compounded
outcome is that more fuel (lactate) and more oxygen are made available to neurons, on demand. Meanwhile neurons consume
both glucose and lactate, maintaining a strict balance between glycolysis and respiration, commanded by the Na+ pump. We
conclude that activity-dependent Warburg and Crabtree effects in brain tissue, and the resulting aerobic glycolysis, do not
reflect inefficient energy generation but the marshalling of astrocytes for the purpose of neuronal ATP generation. It remains
to be seen whether neurons contribute to aerobic glycolysis under physiological conditions.
Keywords Glucose· Lactate· Oxygen· Astrocytes· Neuron· Potassium· Nitric oxide· Glutamate· Ammonium
The full oxidation of glucose to CO2 and H2O renders 30–32
ATPs [1]. The alternative to oxidation is the production of
lactate, which consumes no oxygen and produces only 2
ATPs. It was therefore surprising to see reports by Marcus
Raichle and colleagues showing that evoked neural activity
in human subjects is accompanied by glucose consumption
in excess of oxygen consumption [2]. This finding was later
confirmed by lactate measurements in humans and rodents
[3, 4]. As the excess glycolysis occurred in the presence
of oxygen, the phenomenon was a puzzling physiological
counterpart to the aerobic glycolysis originally described in
tumors [5]. Why would the brain shun oxygen and engage in
inefficient energy production at the time of its greatest need?
We address this question in this article. Sustained aerobic
glycolysis, as reported in the developing brain [6] and in
proliferating cells [7], will not be discussed here.
Whilst experimenting with yeast in the 1860s, Louis Pas-
teur observed that glycolysis, then known as fermentation, is
acutely suppressed by oxygen [8]. In the 1920s, Otto War-
burg christened the phenomenon Pasteursche Reaktion [9],
while reporting that it vanishes in tumor slices [5, 10]. The
Warburg effect, a term introduced by Efraim Racker in the
1970s [11], has become a prospective therapeutic target in
cancer and inflammation [7, 12]. Warburg knew that glucose
(but not amino acids and fatty acids) inhibits the respiration
of tumors [5]. However, the inhibitory effect of glucose on
respiration came to be named after Herbert Crabtree, who
published his results (obtained with a Warburg manometer)
several years later [13]. We could not find out when was the
term Crabtree effect first introduced, but it appears in the
literature as early as 1940 [14]. In contrast with the current
Special Issue: In Honor of Professor Juan Bolaños.
* L. Felipe Barros
1 Centro de Estudios Científicos—CECs, 5110466Valdivia,
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hype about the Warburg effect, the Crabtree effect remains in
relative darkness, except for brewers [15], who take advan-
tage of the ancient evolutionary invention of ethanol as a
tactical weapon [16, 17].
The Pasteur effect is the suppression of glycolysis by
mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. The Warburg effect
is the inhibition/failure of the Pasteur effect. The Crabtree
effect is the suppression of mitochondrial oxidative metabo-
lism by glycolysis, i.e. the mirror image of the Pasteur effect
(Table1). There are other oxygen sinks in mammalian cells
but for the sake of brevity, in this review we will refer to
mitochondrial oxidative metabolism as respiration. The
relationship between these three interdependent effects is
depicted in Fig.1. In a typical mammalian cell, blockage of
respiration by anoxia or mitochondrial poisons stimulates
glycolysis by a factor of 3 to 10, meaning that the Pasteur
effect inhibits glycolysis by 60–90%. The Pasteur effect is
thus a major contributor to the balance between glycolysis
and respiration (Fig.1a). The Warburg effect may be under-
stood as a deficit in the capacity of mitochondria to keep
glycolysis at bay (Fig.1b). The Crabtree effect involves
a primary increase in glycolytic flux that leads to inhibi-
tion of respiration (Fig.1c). In its original descriptions the
increase in glycolysis was secondary to glucose addition [5,
13]. Our group recently reported a variant of the Crabtree
effect in astrocytes, in which the inhibition of respiration
results not from increased glucose availability but from a
primary stimulation of the glycolytic machinery mediated
by an extracellular signal [18]. While conceptually differ-
ent, the Warburg and Crabtree effects look similar as they
both involve enhanced relative glucose to oxygen consump-
tion and augmented lactate production. So which of them is
responsible for activity-dependent aerobic glycolysis in brain
tissue? The answer to that question lies in the metabolic
behavior of neurons and astrocytes.
Neurons are the main energy consumers of brain tissue,
accounting for > 90% of the ATP turnover triggered by
activity [19]. Substantial evidence invitro and invivo indi-
cates that neurons consume both glucose and lactate, the
latter produced by neighboring astrocytes upon neuronal
prompting [2024]. The transfer of lactate from astrocytes
to neurons is termed Astrocyte-to-Neuron Lactate Shuttle
(ANLS), a phenomenon first proposed by Luc Pellerin and
Pierre Magistretti in the 1990s [25] and since characterized
by multiple experimental approaches [2024]. ANLS is an
evolutionary conserved phenomenon, an extreme version of
which occurs in Drosophila melanogaster [26, 27]. How-
ever, its existence is not universally accepted [2830].
Attempts to investigate the impact of synaptic activity on
the metabolism of cultured neurons using prolonged bath
application of glutamate or glutamate receptor agonists have
produced contrasting results. While glutamate was found to
inhibit glucose transport [31] and glycolysis [32], engaging
NMDA receptors led to glycolysis stimulation [33]. Thanks
to the availability of genetically-encoded fluorescent sen-
sors for metabolites, it has recently been possible to look
into these phenomena with improved temporal resolution.
Even short exposures of neurons to glutamate and NMDA
provoke metabolic stress, with glutamate having the most
dramatic effect [3436]. As a more physiological activation
by electrical stimulation, which did not perturb ATP or ATP/
ADP, resulted in robust glycolytic stimulation [36], it seems
likely to us that inhibition of neuronal glucose transport and
glycolysis by glutamate represent pathological events, akin
to the generalized shutdown of metabolism observed in mul-
tiple systems under metabolic stress [37]. Two other studies
based on genetically-encoded sensors gave more direct infor-
mation on the balance between glycolysis and respiration.
In the first study, hippocampal granule cells in acute tissue
slices responded to afferent stimulation (60 pulses distrib-
uted over 3s) with transient increases in cytosolic NADH/
NAD+ ratio and lactate [38], pointing to stronger activation
of glycolysis relative to respiration. However, the neuronal
lactate surge was insensitive to blockage of the lactate trans-
porters [38], suggesting that there was no influx or efflux of
lactate and that therefore the activity-dependent extracellular
lactate surge observed invivo [4, 39] originates in another
cell type, i.e. astrocytes. In the second study, fluxes were
measured with transport-stop protocols. Exposure of cul-
tured hippocampal neurons to a short theta burst (40 pulses
distributed over 11s) elicited a strong stimulation of both
glucose consumption (200%) and mitochondrial pyruvate
consumption (300%), but did not change cytosolic pyruvate
or lactate [36]. This shows that the balance between glyco-
lysis and respiration withstood the change in flux regime.
Table 1 Interdependence of
glycolysis and mitochondrial
Effect Effector Cellular response Reference Christening
Pasteur Respiration Inhibition of glycolysis Pasteur [8] Warburg [9]
Warburg Respiration deficit Stimulation of glycolysis Warburg etal. [10]
Warburg [5]
Racker [11]
Crabtree Increase in glycolysis Inhibition of respiration Crabtree [13]
Warburg [5]
Unknown, At or before
Rosenthal etal. [14]
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Glycolysis and mitochondria were proposed to be synchro-
nized by a mechanism involving the Na+/K+ ATPasepump
independently of adenine nucleotides and Ca2+ [36]. In this
same study, tetanic stimulation (600 pulses over 30s) caused
ATP depletion and inhibition of mitochondrial pyruvate con-
sumption, indicative of mitochondrial collapse. This failure
coincided with a large increase in intramitochondrial Ca2+,
which is also observed in neurons exposed to toxic glutamate
levels. Measurements in different types of neurons at varying
levels of activation will be needed to ascertain the conditions
under which the balance between glycolysis and respiration
breaks down. The nature of the stimulation protocol is rel-
evant, as hinted by the sensitivity of long term potentia-
tion (LTP) and long term depression (LTD) to the specific
arrangement of pulse stimulation [40]. Our working model at
this stage is that at rest and at moderate levels of activation,
neurons consume glucose and also lactate from astrocytes
(more below), whereas at supraphysiological stimulation
(e.g. excitotoxicity), mitochondria fail and neurons start to
produce lactate. A fine balance between glycolysis and res-
piration in these cells is ensured by shared control of both
pathways by the Na+/K+ pump [36]. It is not known how
could the Na+ pump, which is a surface protein, exert control
over the metabolism of mitochondria, most of which lie hun-
dreds of nanometers away. On top of this, there is a robust
Pasteur effect evidenced by the strong response of neuronal
glycolysis to metabolic and oxidative stress [41]. It remains
to be seen whether neurons contribute to aerobic glycolysis
Fig. 1 Pasteur, Warburg and Crabtree. a The Pasteur effect is the
tonic inhibition of glycolysis by mitochondrial respiration that is
abrogated by anoxia. b The Warburg effect is the weakening of the
Pasteur effect, leading to lactate production despite the presence of
oxygen. c The Crabtree effect is the inhibition of mitochondrial res-
piration by augmented glycolysis, also leading to lactate production.
Note that the Warburg and Crabtree effects may not be distinguished
without detailed knowledge of biochemical events involved
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in brain tissue under physiological conditions and how much
of the incremental glucose consumption of active neurons is
diverted to the pentose-phosphate pathway, which does not
generate ATP but antioxidant power [42].
Astrocytes are net lactate producers as shown by animal
experiments in culture, in slices and invivo [20, 21, 23,
24]. The robust glycolytic phenotype of these cells is partly
explained by stabilization of the master regulator of glyco-
lysis, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase
3 (PFKFB3); [42, 43]. PFKFB3 is the enzyme that generates
fructose-2,6-biphosphate, a potent allosteric activator of the
glycolytic enzyme 6-phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1). Such
is the strength of glycolysis in astrocytes that they are still
able to export lactate when bathed in 10mM lactate (Valde-
benito R. and Barros L.F., unpublished data). Contributing
to this vectoriality is the expression in astrocytes of a lactate
channel gated by extracellular lactate that can export even
against a concentration gradient, using membrane potential
as the driving force [44]. Pannexin hemichannels may also
contribute to vectorial lactate export from astrocytes [45].
Astrocytic glycolysis is sensitive to several neuronal
signals, acting through different mechanisms over differ-
ent spatial and temporal domains. Stimulation by glutamate
is mediated by the Na+/glutamate cotransporter and the
Na+ pump [25], peaks at 10–20min and leaves the cell in
a stimulated state long after removal of glutamate [46]. It
is accompanied by stimulation of the glucose transporter
GLUT1, also via the Na+/glutamate cotransporter and the
Na+ pump [4648]. Glutamate is oxidized by astrocytes
[49], but in the short term its effect on respiration [50, 51]
is smaller than its effect on glycolysis, as evidenced by a
strong lactate production [25, 46]. Throughout the brain,
postsynaptic activity is kept low by tonic GABA-mediated
inhibition despite ongoing glutamate release. This means
that astrocytes are exposed to some glutamate even if neu-
ronal energy demand, chiefly postsynaptic, is low. Consid-
ering the sluggish time course of glycolytic modulation by
glutamate, its permanency upon glutamate removal and the
fact that astrocytic glutamate uptake does not necessarily
correlate with neuronal energy demand, it seems plausible
that astrocytes integrate phasic glutamate signals into a sus-
tained metabolic signal, which primes them to receive pha-
sic information of postsynaptic energy demand, for example
via extracellular K+. This tonic function may also extend
to oligodendroglia, where glutamate facilitates glycolysis
and lactate release through slow GLUT1 translocation to the
cell surface mediated by NMDA receptors [52]. Exposure
of astrocytes to glutamate results in rapid ATP depletion
[18, 51, 53] but the stimulation of glycolysis develops much
later so there does not seem to be a fast mechanistic link
between the two phenomena. One point to be considered
is the manner of glutamate application. We have discussed
how bath application of glutamate or glutamate agonists to
neurons results in inordinate Ca2+ increases and metabolic
stress. This raises the issue of whether the astrocytic ATP
depletion observed upon bath application of glutamate is, or
is not, a physiological phenomenon. At any rate, the aerobic
glycolysis induced by glutamate in astrocytes may well be
regarded as a Warburg effect (Fig.1b).
A more faithful second-to-second reporter of neuronal
energy demand is extracellular K+. Active dendrites release
K+ equimolarly with their uptake of Na+, which is in turn
directly proportional to the ATP demand of the Na+ pump.
Using microelectrodes and microdialysis, average extra-
cellular K+ in the central nervous system was measured
at 2.5–3mM under sleep and anesthesia, rising to 4mM
in the awake state [54] and up to 6mM under physiologi-
cal stimulation [55]. The tiny size of the brain interstice
(20nm) implies that the μm electrodes create a third space
that dampens fluctuations and that local extracellular K+
variations are even larger than recorded [56]. Early inves-
tigation of the metabolic effects of K+ on astrocytes using
radioactive 2-deoxyglucose found small or no effects on gly-
colysis even at 50mM [5759]. However, with the advent
of genetically-encoded sensors and their improved temporal
resolution, it was possible to observe a strong, immediate
stimulation of glucose consumption, even at 4mM extracel-
lular K+ [46]. The stimulation of glucose consumption by
K+ requires a functional Na+ pump [46] and is driven by the
Na+/bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1, leading to intracel-
lular alkalinization [6062]. In addition, the NBCe1, acting
through the bicarbonate-sensitive adenylyl cyclase, mediates
the mobilization of glycogen in response to extracellular K+
[63] and, according to cytosolic NADH measurements, is
also involved in the metabolic effects of glutamate and ATP
[62]. Extracellular K+ contributes further to aerobic glyco-
lysis in its activation of the astrocytic lactate channel [44],
leading to cytosolic lactate depletion and release of product
inhibition of glycolysis [64]. Exposure of astrocytes to K+
resulted in elevated ATP levels and inhibition of respiration
[18, 51], showing that aerobic glycolysis induced by K+ in
astrocytes resembles the Crabtree effect, where a primary
stimulation of glycolysis leads to a secondary inhibition of
respiration (Fig.1c). Whereas the effects of K+ and glu-
tamate on astrocytic metabolism do not interact linearly
[50], afferent stimulation in hippocampal slices provoked
an increase in astrocytic ATP [18], showing that the Crab-
tree effect dominates over the Warburg effect, at least in the
short term.
Additional intercellular signals involved in the control
of astrocytic glycolysis by neuronal activity are nitric oxide
(NO) and ammonium (NH4+). Astrocytes are devoid of NO
synthase but are surrounded by the highest NO synthase
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activity of the body, located in endothelial cells and in neu-
rons [65]. The initial observation that NO stimulates glyco-
lysis and lactate production in astrocytes but not in neurons
through inhibition of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase
[66] was recently followed by the demonstration that the
modulation can be detected within seconds at nanomolar
NO, levels that are deemed to be within the physiological
range [67]. Neurons may not produce enough NO to reach
astrocytes [68] but endothelium is a stronger NO source,
activated by shear stress during local reactive hyperemia or
by neuronal signals [6971]. NH4+ is another candidate for
the acute regulation of astrocytic metabolism. Most of the
glutamate released during excitatory neurotransmission is
returned to neurons in the form of glutamine. Within neu-
rons, glutamine is reconverted to glutamate with the gen-
eration of one NH4+ [72]. It is not clear how much of this
NH4+ is returned to astrocytes as such, or as amino acids
[73], but activity-dependent local NH4+ surges have been
recorded in several animal models [7477]. NH4+ is effi-
ciently captured by astrocytes via channels and transporters
[78, 79]. Physiological ammonium levels in brain tissue have
been estimated at 0.2–0.45mM [79]. Intravenous infusion
of NH4+ leading to an increase of 0.7mM, caused a rapid
reversible rise in brain tissue lactate and cerebral blood flow
[80]. At 0.2mM, NH4+ provoked an acute inhibition of mito-
chondrial pyruvate consumption in astrocytes resulting in
deviation of the glycolytic flux towards lactate production
and release, but glycolysis was not stimulated [81]. This lack
of response is another example of the relative autonomy of
glycolysis in these specialized cells. Given these metabolic
effects of NH4+ it is unfortunate that so little is known about
the speed and mechanism of its release by neurons. If stored
in synaptic vesicles to be co-released with glutamate [82], its
metabolic effects would be fast. The primary target of both
NO and NH4+ (at low physiological levels) is the mitochon-
dria, so both signals can be said to induce aerobic glycolysis
of the Warburg type.
Mechanisms ofthePasteur, Warburg andCrabtree
According to classic biochemistry, the second-to-second
conversation between glycolysis and respiration is conducted
via adenine nucleotides. Glycolysis responds to ATP and
AMP (which amplifies ADP changes through adenylate
kinase) and respiration responds to ADP. Thus, the Pasteur
effect is mediated by the mitochondria sustaining high cyto-
solic ATP and low cytosolic AMP, resulting in glycolysis
inhibition at PFK1. The Warburg effect is therefore seen
as a suppression/failure of these inhibitory mechanisms,
either because not enough ATP is produced or because the
glycolytic machinery becomes insensitive to ATP or AMP.
The Crabtree effect develops when a primary stimulation
of glycolysis (e.g. by glucose or by K+) increases ATP and
decreases ADP, leading to inhibition of mitochondrial respi-
ration. All this sounds quite logical according to the test-tube
properties of isolated enzymes and organelles, but there is
no evidence that adenine nucleotides mediate these effects
in intact cells under physiological conditions. For exam-
ple, the strong NBCe1-dependent activation of glycolysis
in astrocytes that occurs despite increased cytosolic ATP
[18] demonstrates that alternative mechanisms may override
the influence of adenine nucleotides. Conversely, in astro-
cytes exposed to glutamate, glycolysis remained unstimu-
lated during several minutes despite severe ATP depletion
[18, 46, 51], so there must be another, stronger influence
interfering with the stimulatory effect of the nucleotides. In
neurons, adenine nucleotides do not seem to be paramount
either, because these cells are capable of increasing their
rates of glycolysis and mitochondrial pyruvate consump-
tion by several-fold in the absence of detectable changes in
cytosolic ATP and ADP [36]. Adenine nucleotide-mediated
control may well dominate under pathological conditions
like ischemia. For normal workloads however, it is perhaps
time to consider alternatives, for example glycolytic inter-
mediates [15] or the conspicuous mitochondrial attachment
of hexokinase to mitochondria [83, 84].
In summary, based on experiments in animals, invivo,
exvivo and in cultured cells, the main locus of acute activ-
ity-dependent aerobic glycolysis in brain tissue appears to
be the astrocyte. A fast Crabtree effect triggered by K+ coin-
cides with a fast Warburg effect mediated by NO, superim-
posed on a tonic, glutamate-dependent Warburg effect. The
time course of the Warburg effect induced by NH4+ remains
to be determined. The combined result of these modulations
is that lactate and oxygen are made available to neurons,
on demand. In the meantime neurons maintain a balance
between glycolysis and respiration mediated by parallel
upstream control of both pathways by the Na+ pump (Fig.2).
Technical developments are eagerly awaited to confirm these
observations in humans.
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Acknowledgements We thank all members of the Barros Lab for
their contributions and discussions. We also thank Karen Everett for
critical reading of the manuscript. This work was partially funded by
CONICYT-BMBF Grant 180045. The Centro de Estudios Científicos
(CECs) is funded by the Chilean Government through the Centers of
Excellence Basal Financing Program of CONICYT.
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Fig. 2 Acute activity-dependent aerobic glycolysis in brain tissue.
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... Another aspect to be considered is the small contribution (about 10%) of cytoplasmic NAD(P)H to the autofluorescence signal (Schaefer et al., 2019;Shuttleworth, 2010), which might have a role in the lacking correlation between NAD(P)H and O 2 . This might hold especially for cellular compartments devoid of mitochondria, in which ATP is produced by glycolysis (Barros et al., 2021;Dienel, 2019;Yellen, 2018). The strong influence of the stimulus duration on the timing of the NAD(P)H/FAD peaks in contrast to O 2 consumption (t 20/80 ; Figure 2Cb) probably contributes to the mismatch as well. ...
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Neurons exhibit a high energetic need, and the question arises as how they metabolically adapt to changing activity states. This is relevant for interpreting functional neuroimaging in different brain areas. Particularly, neurons with a broad firing range might exhibit metabolic adaptations. Therefore, we studied MNTB (medial nucleus of the trapezoid body) principal neurons, which generate action potentials (APs) at frequencies up to several hundred hertz. We performed the experiments in acute brainstem slices of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) at 22.5–24.5°C. Upon electrical stimulation of afferent MNTB fibres with 400 stimuli at varying frequencies, we monitored autofluorescence levels of NAD(P)H and FAD and determined the extremum amplitudes of their biphasic response. Additionally, we compared these data with alterations in O2 concentrations measured with an electrochemical sensor. These O2 changes are prominent since MNTB neurons rely on oxidative phosphorylation as shown by our pharmacological experiments. We calculated the O2 consumption rate as change in O2 concentration divided by stimulus durations, because these periods varied inversely with stimulus frequency as a result of the constant number of 400 stimuli applied. The O2 consumption rate increased with stimulation frequency up to a constant value at 600 Hz; that is, energy demand depends on temporal characteristics of activity despite the same number of stimuli. The rates showed no correlation with peak amplitudes of NAD(P)H or FAD, whilst the values of the two molecules were linearly correlated. This points at the complexity of analysing autofluorescence imaging for quantitative metabolic studies, because these values report only relative net changes of many superimposed oxidative and reductive processes. Monitoring O2 concentration rates is, thus, an important tool to improve the interpretation of NAD(P)H/FAD autofluorescence data, as they do not under all conditions and in all systems appropriately reflect the metabolic activity or energy demand. image
... Astrocytes play an important role in brain energy metabolism [1][2][3][4], but have also crucial functions in brain development [5], (ion) homeostasis [6][7][8][9], the regulation and modulation of neuronal signals [10,11], memory formation [12] and the protection against toxins and oxidative stress [13][14][15]. Although astrocytes are considered as a rather glycolytic cell type [16], also the oxidative metabolism plays an important role for astrocytic energy regeneration [17][18][19]. In this context, the α-ketoacid pyruvate is of high interest as it links cytosolic glycolysis and mitochondrial metabolism [17,20,21]. ...
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Astrocyte-derived pyruvate is considered to have neuroprotective functions. In order to investigate the processes that are involved in astrocytic pyruvate release, we used primary rat astrocyte cultures as model system. Depending on the incubation conditions and medium composition, astrocyte cultures established extracellular steady state pyruvate concentrations in the range between 150 µM and 300 µM. During incubations for up to 2 weeks in DMEM culture medium, the extracellular pyruvate concentration remained almost constant for days, while the extracellular lactate concentration increased continuously during the incubation into the millimolar concentration range as long as glucose was present. In an amino acid-free incubation buffer, glucose-fed astrocytes released pyruvate with an initial rate of around 60 nmol/(h × mg) and after around 5 h an almost constant extracellular pyruvate concentration was established that was maintained for several hours. Extracellular pyruvate accumulation was also observed, if glucose had been replaced by mannose, fructose, lactate or alanine. Glucose-fed astrocyte cultures established similar extracellular steady state concentrations of pyruvate by releasing pyruvate into pyruvate-free media or by consuming excess of extracellular pyruvate. Inhibition of the monocarboxylate transporter MCT1 by AR-C155858 lowered extracellular pyruvate accumulation, while inhibition of mitochondrial pyruvate uptake by UK5099 increased the extracellular pyruvate concentration. Finally, the presence of the uncoupler BAM15 or of the respiratory chain inhibitor antimycin A almost completely abolished extracellular pyruvate accumulation. The data presented demonstrate that cultured astrocytes establish a transient extracellular steady state concentration of pyruvate which is strongly affected by modulation of the mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism.
... 3BP can also act directly because pyruvate is converted into lactate in the cytoplasm by the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In contrast, normal astrocytes use the combination of acute aerobic glycolysis (Crabtree effect) and slow aerobic glycolysis, favouring high glucose contents and ATP generation without affecting the integrity of the mitochondrial membrane and maintaining a balance between glycolysis and respiration [65,66]. ...
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Background Diffuse astrocytoma (a type of glioma) and its prevalence are matters of concern worldwide. Patients with this type of tumour have a poor prognosis because after surgical treatment, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, these tumours eventually regrow or progress. To date, there is no effective treatment that can cure affected patients. Quercetin and 3-bromopyruvate are chemical compounds that have been proven to have antitumour effects alone or in combination with other compounds. Nevertheless, combination treatments including these agents are not used for treating diffuse astrocytoma. Methods The use of nanoliposomes loaded with quercetin and 3-bromopyruvate as combination therapy was evaluated by treating C6 cells in vitro and in vivo (in Sprague–Dawley rat brain). Results The 0.5 mg/mL quercetin + 0.75 mg/mL 3-bromopyruvate combination treatment decreased the expression of the biomarkers Annexin V and Caspase-3 and inhibited tumour growth; this was consistent with the in vivo results that revealed the administration of this treatment resulted in improved animal survival. Conclusions The observations in the present study support the further exploration of this combination of active agents in the treatment of high-grade diffuse astrocytoma, especially in cases for which wide resection is possible.
... In organisms that perform cellular respiration, glycolysis is a pathway of 10 regulated steps that extract energy from glucose conversion into pyruvate. However, glycolysis can also have an 11th step with lactate as the end product; this type of glycolysis is mostly known to occur in anaerobic organisms, but under certain circumstances, glucose can be catabolized to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), despite the availability of oxygen and functional mitochondria-the so called "Warburg effect" or "aerobic glycolysis" (Barros et al., 2021;Patil et al., 2022). p0045 Each reaction in glycolysis is catalyzed by specific enzymes, and the control of the flow of the pathway is primarily determined by the activity of three key rate-limiting enzymes, hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1), and pyruvate kinase (PK) (Zuo et al., 2021). ...
The human brain is a complex organ that controls every process that enables our body to function. However, this superpower of the brain comes with hefty energy requirements, rendering it highly vulnerable to dysfunction in case of energy shortage. There is compelling evidence showing that different cell types work together to maintain healthy brain activity and functions. Highly relevant among them are neuron–glia interactions. As pinpointed in a plethora of studies, neuron–glia communication is an essential pillar to many vital functions in the brain, disruption of which emerges as an important contributor to brain malfunction and disease. This chapter briefly discusses the metabolic profile of neurons and astrocytes and how these cells interact to establish a metabolic cooperation. We will focus our attention on recent advances in the understanding of the highly relevant interaction of each glial cell type (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia) with neurons to sustain glucose metabolism homeostasis and basic brain physiology. A brief overview will be made on conditions in which this cooperation becomes inoperative.
... Astrocytes are known to efficiently metabolize glucose and to produce ATP via glycolysis [66], but glucose-depletion did not affect the initial high cellular ATP content. This was expected for the short incubation periods used in our study (up to 30 min) as intracellular energy stores such as glycogen and fatty acids enable astrocytes to maintain a high ATP level in the absence of exogenous glucose for many hours by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation [15]. ...
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Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy currency of all cells, while creatine phosphate (CrP) is considered as a buffer of high energy-bond phosphate that facilitates rapid regeneration of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Astrocyte-rich primary cultures contain ATP, ADP and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) in average specific contents of 36.0 ± 6.4 nmol/mg, 2.9 ± 2.1 nmol/mg and 1.7 ± 2.1 nmol/mg, respectively, which establish an adenylate energy charge of 0.92 ± 0.04. The average specific cellular CrP level was found to be 25.9 ± 10.8 nmol/mg and the CrP/ATP ratio was 0.74 ± 0.28. The specific cellular CrP content, but not the ATP content, declined with the age of the culture. Absence of fetal calf serum for 24 h caused a partial loss in the cellular contents of both CrP and ATP, while application of creatine for 24 h doubled the cellular CrP content and the CrP/ATP ratio, but did not affect ATP levels. In glucose-deprived astrocytes, the high cellular ATP and CrP contents were rapidly depleted within minutes after application of the glycolysis inhibitor 2-deoxyglucose and the respiratory chain inhibitor antimycin A. For those conditions, the decline in CrP levels always preceded that of ATP contents. In contrast, incubation of glucose-fed astrocytes for up to 30 min with antimycin A had little effect on the high cellular ATP content, while the CrP level was significantly lowered. These data demonstrate the importance of cellular CrP for maintaining a high cellular ATP content in astrocytes during episodes of impaired ATP regeneration.
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Why do some mental activities feel harder than others? The answer to this question is surprisingly controversial. Current theories propose that cognitive effort affords a computational benefit, such as instigating a switch from an activity with low reward value to a different activity with higher reward value. By contrast, in this article, I relate cognitive effort to the fact that brain neuroanatomy and neurophysiology render some neural states more energy-efficient than others. I introduce the concept of the “controllosphere,” an energy-inefficient region of neural state space associated with high control, which surrounds the better known “intrinsic manifold,” an energy-efficient subspace associated with low control. Integration of control-theoretic principles with classic neurocomputational models of cognitive control suggests that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) implements a controller that can drive the system state into the controllosphere, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) implements an observer that monitors changes of state of the controlled system, and cognitive effort reflects a mismatch between DLPFC and ACC energies for control and observation. On this account, cognitive effort scales with the energetic demands of the DLPFC control signal, especially when the consequences of the control are unobservable by ACC. Further, I propose that neural transitions through the controllosphere lead to a buildup of neural waste. Cognitive effort therefore prevents against neural damage by discouraging extended periods of high control.
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Migratory locusts enter a reversible hypometabolic coma to survive environmental anoxia, wherein the cessation of CNS activity is driven by spreading depolarization (SD). While glycolysis is recognized as a crucial anaerobic energy source contributing to animal anoxia tolerance, its influence on the anoxic SD trajectory and recovery outcomes remains poorly understood. We investigated the effects of varying glycolytic capacity on adult female locust anoxic SD parameters, using glucose or the glycolytic inhibitors 2-deoxy- d -glucose (2DG) or monosodium iodoacetate (MIA). Surprisingly, 2DG treatment shared similarities with glucose yet had opposite effects compared with MIA. Specifically, although SD onset was not affected, both glucose and 2DG expedited the recovery of CNS electrical activity during reoxygenation, whereas MIA delayed it. Additionally, glucose and MIA, but not 2DG, increased tissue damage and neural cell death following anoxia-reoxygenation. Notably, glucose-induced injuries were associated with heightened CO 2 output during the early phase of reoxygenation. Conversely, 2DG resulted in a bimodal response, initially dampening CO 2 output and gradually increasing it throughout the recovery period. Given the discrepancies between effects of 2DG and MIA, the current results require cautious interpretations. Nonetheless, our findings present evidence that glycolysis is not a critical metabolic component in either anoxic SD onset or recovery and that heightened glycolysis during reoxygenation may exacerbate CNS injuries. Furthermore, we suggest that locust anoxic recovery is not solely dependent on energy availability, and the regulation of metabolic flux during early reoxygenation may constitute a strategy to mitigate damage.
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The brain’s energy demands are remarkable both in their intensity and in their moment-to-moment dynamic range. This perspective considers the evidence for Warburg-like aerobic glycolysis during the transient metabolic response of the brain to acute activation, and it particularly addresses the cellular mechanisms that underlie this metabolic response. The temporary uncoupling between glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation led to the proposal of an astrocyte-to-neuron lactate shuttle whereby during stimulation, lactate produced by increased glycolysis in astrocytes is taken up by neurons as their primary energy source. However, direct evidence for this idea is lacking, and evidence rather supports that neurons have the capacity to increase their own glycolysis in response to stimulation; furthermore, neurons may export rather than import lactate in response to stimulation. The possible cellular mechanisms for invoking metabolic resupply of energy in neurons are also discussed, in particular the roles of feedback signaling via adenosine diphosphate and feedforward signaling by calcium ions.
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Astrocytes clear glutamate and potassium, both of which are released into the extracellular space during neuronal activity. These processes are intimately linked with energy metabolism. Whereas astrocyte glutamate uptake causes cytosolic and mitochondrial acidification, extracellular potassium induces bicarbonate-dependent cellular alkalinization. This study aimed at quantifying the combined impact of glutamate and extracellular potassium on mitochondrial parameters of primary cultured astrocytes. Glutamate in 3mM potassium caused a stronger acidification of mitochondria compared to cytosol. 15mM potassium caused alkalinization that was stronger in the cytosol than in mitochondria. While the combined application of 15mM potassium and glutamate led to a marked cytosolic alkalinization, pH only marginally increased in mitochondria. Thus, potassium and glutamate effects cannot be arithmetically summed, which also applies to their effects on mitochondrial potential and respiration. The data implies that, because of the non-linear interaction between the effects of potassium and glutamate, astrocytic energy metabolism will be differentially regulated.
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Significance Neuronal activity is immediately followed by aerobic glycolysis, the partial oxidation of glucose to lactate in the presence of oxygen, a phenomenon that seems paradoxical because full oxidation of glucose to CO 2 would yield much more ATP. Here we show that short-term aerobic glycolysis involves a mechanism whereby neurons obtain oxygen by manipulating the glucose metabolism and mitochondrial respiration of neighboring astrocytes.
Lactate/pyruvate transport between glial cells and neurons is thought to play an important role in how brain cells sustain the high‐energy demand that neuronal activity requires. However, the in vivo mechanisms and characteristics that underlie the transport of monocarboxylates are poorly described. Here, we use Drosophila expressing genetically encoded FRET sensors to provide an ex vivo characterization of the transport of monocarboxylates in motor neurons and glial cells from the larval ventral nerve cord. We show that lactate/pyruvate transport in glial cells is coupled to protons and is more efficient than in neurons. Glial cells maintain higher levels of intracellular lactate generating a positive gradient toward neurons. Interestingly, during high neuronal activity, raised lactate in motor neurons is dependent on transfer from glial cells mediated in part by the previously described monocarboxylate transporter Chaski, providing support for in vivo glia‐to‐neuron lactate shuttling during neuronal activity. We characterize lactate/pyruvate transport in glial cells and neurons from Drosophila larval brain using FRET sensors. Raises in neuronal lactate during high neuronal activity is dependent on the transfer of monocarboxylates from glial cells.
Astrocytes respond to energetic demands by upregulating glycolysis, lactate production, and respiration. This study addresses the role of respiration and calcium regulation of respiration as part of the astrocyte response to the workloads caused by extracellular ATP and glutamate. Extracellular ATP (100 μM to 1 mM) causes a Ca²⁺‐dependent workload and fall of the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio which acutely increases astrocytes respiration. Part of this increase is related to a Ca²⁺‐dependent upregulation of cytosolic pyruvate production. Conversely, glutamate (200 μM) causes a Na⁺, but not Ca²⁺, dependent workload even though glutamate‐induced Ca²⁺ signals readily reach mitochondria. The glutamate workload triggers a rapid fall in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio and stimulation of respiration. These effects are mimicked by D‐aspartate a nonmetabolized agonist of the glutamate transporter, but not by a metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, indicating a major role of Na⁺‐dependent workload in stimulated respiration. Glutamate‐induced increase in respiration is linked to a rapid increase in glycolytic pyruvate production, suggesting that both glutamate and extracellular ATP cause an increase in astrocyte respiration fueled by workload‐induced increase in pyruvate production. However, glutamate‐induced pyruvate production is partly resistant to glycolysis blockers (iodoacetate), indicating that oxidative consumption of glutamate also contributes to stimulated respiration. As stimulation of respiration by ATP and glutamate are similar and pyruvate production smaller in the first case, the results suggest that the response to extracellular ATP is a Ca²⁺‐dependent upregulation of respiration added to glycolysis upregulation. The global contribution of astrocyte respiratory responses to brain oxygen consumption is an open question.
Glucose is the long-established, obligatory fuel for brain that fulfills many critical functions, including ATP production, oxidative stress management, and synthesis of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and structural components. Neuronal glucose oxidation exceeds that in astrocytes, but both rates increase in direct proportion to excitatory neurotransmission; signaling and metabolism are closely coupled at the local level. Exact details of neuron-astrocyte glutamate-glutamine cycling remain to be established, and the specific roles of glucose and lactate in the cellular energetics of these processes are debated. Glycolysis is preferentially upregulated during brain activation even though oxygen availability is sufficient (aerobic glycolysis). Three major pathways, glycolysis, pentose phosphate shunt, and glycogen turnover, contribute to utilization of glucose in excess of oxygen, and adrenergic regulation of aerobic glycolysis draws attention to astrocytic metabolism, particularly glycogen turnover, which has a high impact on the oxygen-carbohydrate mismatch. Aerobic glycolysis is proposed to be predominant in young children and specific brain regions, but re-evaluation of data is necessary. Shuttling of glucose- and glycogen-derived lactate from astrocytes to neurons during activation, neurotransmission, and memory consolidation are controversial topics for which alternative mechanisms are proposed. Nutritional therapy and vagus nerve stimulation are translational bridges from metabolism to clinical treatment of diverse brain disorders.
Neurons have limited intracellular energy stores but experience acute and unpredictable increases in energy demand. To better understand how these cells repeatedly transit from a resting to active state without undergoing metabolic stress, we monitored their early metabolic response to neurotransmission using ion-sensitive probes and FRET sensors in vitro and in vivo. A short theta burst triggered immediate Na+ entry, followed by a delayed stimulation of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump. Unexpectedly, cytosolic ATP and ADP levels were unperturbed across a wide range of physiological workloads, revealing strict flux coupling between the Na+ pump and mitochondria. Metabolic flux measurements revealed a “priming” phase of mitochondrial energization by pyruvate, whereas glucose consumption coincided with delayed Na+ pump stimulation. Experiments revealed that the Na+ pump plays a permissive role for mitochondrial ATP production and glycolysis. We conclude that neuronal energy homeostasis is not mediated by adenine nucleotides or by Ca2+, but by a mechanism commanded by the Na+ pump.
Astrocytes are a glial cell type, which is indispensable for brain energy metabolism. Within cells, the NADH/NAD⁺ redox state is a crucial node in metabolism connecting catabolic pathways to oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production in mitochondria. To characterize the dynamics of the intracellular NADH/NAD⁺ redox state in cortical astrocytes Peredox, a genetically encoded sensor for the NADH/NAD⁺ redox state, was expressed in cultured cortical astrocytes as well as in cortical astrocytes in acutely isolated brain slices. Calibration of the sensor in cultured astrocytes revealed a mean basal cytosolic NADH/NAD⁺ redox ratio of about 0.01; however, with a broad distribution and heterogeneity in the cell population, which was mirrored by a heterogeneous basal cellular concentration of lactate. Inhibition of glucose uptake decreased the NADH/NAD⁺ redox state while inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase or of lactate release resulted in an increase in the NADH/NAD⁺ redox ratio. Furthermore, the NADH/NAD⁺ redox state was regulated by the extracellular concentration of K⁺, and application of the neurotransmitters ATP or glutamate increased the NADH/NAD⁺ redox state dependent on purinergic receptors and glutamate uptake, respectively. This regulation by K⁺, ATP, and glutamate involved NBCe1 mediated sodium‐bicarbonate transport. These results demonstrate that the NADH/NAD⁺ redox state in astrocytes is a metabolic node regulated by neuronal signals reflecting physiological activity, most likely contributing to adjust astrocytic metabolism to energy demand of the brain.
Lactate in the brain has long been associated with ischaemia; however, more recent evidence shows that it can be found there under physiological conditions. In the brain, lactate is formed predominantly in astrocytes from glucose or glycogen in response to neuronal activity signals. Thus, neurons and astrocytes show tight metabolic coupling. Lactate is transferred from astrocytes to neurons to match the neuronal energetic needs, and to provide signals that modulate neuronal functions, including excitability, plasticity and memory consolidation. In addition, lactate affects several homeostatic functions. Overall, lactate ensures adequate energy supply, modulates neuronal excitability levels and regulates adaptive functions in order to set the 'homeostatic tone' of the nervous system.