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Determinants of Innovation in Digital Marketing



Digital marketing is a relatively derived concept of marketing communication, initially dubbed internet marketing, defining itself as a communication tool. While marketing is a central management process for all the activities of a business, consumer behavior in a digital environment presents changes that organizations marketing activities must respond to through relevant alterations of business models. Digital marketing (content marketing, blog, banners, video, social media, lead generation, eBooks, and other materials) is a global marketing communication platform used by organizations to communicate their products and services, resulting in their commercialization. The global digital economy grows rapidly. Such an outstanding growth challenges the relevance of existing practices in digital marketing. Essentially, the globalization of markets and competitiveness between organizations requires the implementation of new communication actions. This journal article identifies determinants of innovation in digital marketing, clarifying advantages and disadvantages of technology and the main contributions and their implications, identifying paths and themes for future research.
1722 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, 8, 1722-1731
E-ISSN: 1929-7092/19 © 2019 Lifescience Global
Determinants of Innovation in Digital Marketing
Albérico Manuel Fernandes Travassos Rosário1 and Rui Nunes Cruz2,*
1GOVCOPP, IPAM-Lisboa, Portugal
2Universidade Europeia, Portugal
Abstract: Digital marketing is a relatively derived concept of marketing communica tion, initia lly dubbed internet
marketi ng, defining itself as a communication tool. While m arketing is a central management process for all the activ ities
of a busines s, consumer behavior in a digital environment presents cha nges that organizations marketing activit ies must
respond to through r elevant alterations of business models. Digital marketing (content marketing, blog, banners, video,
social media, lead generation, eBooks, and other materials) is a global marketing communication platform used by
organizations to communicate their pr oducts and services, resu lting in their commercialization. T he gl obal digital
economy grows rapidly. Such an outstanding growth challenges the relevance of existing practices in digi tal mark eting.
Essentially, the globalization of markets and competitiveness betw een o rganiz ations requ ires the i mplementation of new
communication actions. This journal article identifies determinants of innovation in digital marketing, clarifying
advantag es and disadvantages of technology and the main contributions and their implications, identifying paths and
themes for f uture research.
Keywords: Marketing, digital marketing, social media, future of digital marketing.
The global digital economy continues to emerge
rapidly; this challenges the relevance of existing
practices in marketing. Thus, it’s important to radically
redesign the marketing curriculum in conjunction with
21st century business needs. Electronic marketing
based on technology must be used to evangelize to
most customers (Ramadan, 2019). The internet, on the
other hand, provides companies with new interaction
and communication channels by fabricating cost
effective and closer relationships with customers in
support, marketing, and sales (Li et al., 2016).
Based on the literature review, this journal article
studies the growth of digital marketing and identifies
determinants and necessity of innovation in digital
marketing, clarifying advantages and disadvantages of
technology and the main contributions and their
implications, identifying paths and themes for future
The bibliographic research took place on
September 2019 through the SCOPUS database,
considering scientific articles published in the last ten
years (2009-2019) and using the keywords
“innovation”, including topics such as marketing, digital
marketing, social media, future of digital marketing, and
“digital marketing”, both comprehensively (title,
*Address c orrespondence to this author at t he Universidade Europeia,
Portugal; Tel: +351 210 309 900; E-mail:
summary and keywords), limited to business,
management and accounting.
We´ve obtained a set of 33 scientific articles cited in
this article.
Marketing refers to the activities of a firm through
advertisement to sell their products and services to
different customers. Marketing includes the advertising,
selling, and delivery of products to customers and has
evolved to be a business function greatly affected by
emerging information technologies globally (Klien et al.,
2018). Employees work to ensure the implementation
of sound marketing programs for organizations. Like
this, in any firm’s marketing division attempt to gain the
attention of various audiences through general media
exposure, celebrity endorsements, packaging designs,
and slogans (Al-Hazmi & Alkhateeb (2020). There are
two types of marketing that reach products and
services out to target client-base, i.e., traditional and
digital marketing.
3.1. Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing refers to conventional
marketing methods used before the internet’s
advancement and rampant innovation and growth
(Todor, 2016). Traditional marketing includes the use of
radio, newspapers, TV, flyers, pamphlets, and
billboards. In this kind of marketing, companies sell
their products directly to their clients by utilizing their
manpower to get the products out to the market (Todor,
2016; Varnalieva & Sarkanjac, 2016; Xu, Frankwick &
Determinants of Innovation in Digital Marketing Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 1723
Ramirez, 2016). Traditional marketing offers greater
exposure, and hard copies produced are easily
processed. Hard copies can also be recycled and
reused, and a larger audience group can be reached.
Again, it’s easier to target a local audience in a city
or nation through TV and radio. Flyers can also target
specific suburbs. On the other end, it takes more time
to get products to customers through traditional
marketing (Xu et al., 2016). Traditional marketing is
also expensive and less engaging. It’s equally difficult
to measure ROI (Return on Investment) to determine
how successful one’s campaign has been through
traditional marketing. According to insights from
Varnalieva and Sarkanjac (2016), digital advertising is
expected to surpass television advertising in the future.
3.2. Digital Marketing
Compared to traditional advertising, digital
marketing refers to the service or product marketing
using different digital technologies, i.e., mobile phones
and computers through the internet (Montgomery et al.,
2012). Since the 1990s and the 2000s, digital
marketing has developed and changed the way
different technologies and brands are using technology
to their advantage. Corporate marketing activities are
forced to respond to these changes, but they are not
necessarily successful. Hirayama (2019) believes that
customer-centric marketing is critical in responding to
changes in consumer behavior and that plans for this
purpose must be formulated and implemented in an
integrated manner. According to Morais et al., (2015),
digital campaigns are turning out more efficient and
prevalent as digital platforms are continuously being
incorporated into the everyday life and marketing plans
of different corporates.
Digital marketing allows companies to target a vast
audience regardless of their location. For example,
when you post an item on Facebook, you equally reach
an audience a continent away, as well as those located
within the same block. Additionally, digital marketing
helps in tapping new markets, since companies have
the capacity to explore and later on, tap hitherto
untapped and undiscovered markets (Malar, 2016).
Digital marketing also allows advertisers to tailor
content depending on their target market’s goals, fears,
dislikes, preferences, income, profession, gender, and
age (Malar, 2016). Content is thereby, personalized as
to get the attention of each specific targeted audience.
Digital marketing is also more engaging as
compared to traditional marketing (Avasilcai & Bujor,
2018). Through email and live chat, it’s easier to
engage any target audience when they comment,
share, and like posts on social media (Yadav et al.,
2016). Users also leave reviews and rate different
products. Through professional and prompt responses
by different sellers, users are also actively engaged in
multiple services and products.
Oklander et al., (2018) believe that digital marketing
activities are far more cost effective compared to
traditional methods. The cost implication of paid ads on
YouTube and Facebook is far less costly as compared
to that of hiring a marketing agency to create ads for
TV commercials. The process ends up using only a
fraction of the cost implication in traditional marketing;
it’s thus, possible to reach out to a greater base of
audience. Digital marketing also presents members
with a variety of options to choose from, such as
emails, videos, blogs, etc. According to insights from
Kuchta and Miklošík (2017), such a choice is not
available for traditional marketers. Often flyers in
mailboxes are thrown away as some get crumbled.
Thirdly, their decision-making process is ‘instant,’ even
with major purchases, on the other hand, users have
the ability to sign up and unsubscribe from materials
used for online marketing.
Digital marketing offers instant publicity to all posted
items. Whenever you post an ad on Facebook or
YouTube, the specific target audience is able to view it
almost immediately, which in return means more
publicity to your business. However, TV ads are
scheduled for specific time instances in traditional
forms of product and service marketing. Readers also
take significant time before interacting with newspaper
ads, billboards, etc. Through digital marketing, it’s
easier to reach a greater fraction of the population
since most people are hooked onto different platforms.
Through google analytics, it’s easier to record the
number of people that visit a particular site, how many
ads were clicked, and the length of time they stayed on
the site (Alhlou et al., 2016). Its also possible to
analyze how many users purchased products from the
sites. Through this, Return on Investment (ROI) can be
measured to exacting accuracy. Digital marketing also
levels the playing field for both giant corporations and
startup companies in product reach to target markets.
Compared to traditional marketing, smaller firms rarely
had the resources to spend on print and TV ads.
Digital marketing is also not intrusive into people’s
favorite TV programs and sports telecasts that are
1724 Journal of Reviews on Global E conomics, 2019, Vol. 8 Rosário and Cruz
interrupted continuously by TV commercials. In online
media, customers have the option to choose whether to
be actively engaged with ads or to ignore them. Posts
on social media aren’t overt but rather subtle. As
adverts run in the background, users continue to
browse the internet for more valuable items. Traditional
advertising only offered a virality scope through
publicity and word of mouth by customers. However,
digital marketing offers tremendous scope for virality. A
well-crafted social media post of video can be easily
shared by thousands of social media users, which
intensify the publicity and overall outreach.
There are different industries that depend upon
marketing to reach their products out to their
consumers. Such industries include hospitality, retail,
healthcare, finance, and education, etc. All these
industries can greatly benefit from digital marketing.
Additionally, the length of operational time for thes e
businesses doesn’t determine the effectiveness of
digital marketing methods opted.
On the other hand, digital marketing experiences
negative feedback and complaints left behind by
unhappy customers irritated by the ads. This is the
main drawback and could be shared quickly, spreading
like wild fire, which could act against digital marketing
and firms that prefer this strategy to traditional models
of marketing. In order to effectively exploit the ultimate
potential of digital marketing, it’s important to partner
with agencies that have expertise in the field and make
the most out of it. Lastly , digital marketing is regulated
constantly by search engines like Bing and Google
(Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Search engines
frequently use guidelines on what is acceptable and
what is not when it comes to digital marketing. Their
algorithms are regularly updated in line with these
terms. As a result, efforts put in place by specific
companies may go to waste, which necessitates drastic
changes made in the initial strategy.
3.2.1. Trends and Channels in Digital Marketing
The digital world majorly comprises of the internet,
which is a global system of internetworked computers.
These networks consist of millions of government,
private, business, academic, and public networks. The
internet is solely responsible for the majority of
information channels created since the 20th century.
Figure 1 shows the estimated growth of mobile and
internet users globally between 2014 and 2019.
Connecting the internet, monotonous advertising, and
different marketing techniques, digital marketing was
born (Midgley, 2015). The internet is the most powerful
business tool as it changes strategies in brand
promotion, distribution, and pricing.
However, these new technologies are changing
rapidly, so companies need to invest in digital tools and
find the way to keep up with changes, making it
essential to measure return on investment and not
being easy to analyze the cost-benefit ratio (Economist
Intelligence Unit, 2014), but by helping companies to
increase maturity with their online presence, it may also
allow them to compete with larger international
organizations (Louw & Nieuwenhuizen, 2019).
Changing market dynamics, coupled with emerging
technologies, have been at the very core of success in
digital marketing. Digital marketing demands different
approaches as compared to traditional marketing.
These approaches include Search Engine Optimization
(SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media
Figure 1: Growth of Internet users globally (Kemp, 2019).
Determinants of Innovation in Digital Marketing Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 1725
Marketing (SMM), affiliate marketing, email marketing,
Online Public Relations (OPR) Management, among
3.2.2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO affects a web page or websites visibility in
search results from different customers. Essentially,
highly ranked pages have a greater chance of being
visited by clients as compared by lowly ranked pages
at the bottom of the search results (Stupu & Burghelea,
2015). Search Engine Optimization targets different
users, including news, academic, video, local, and
image searches.
3.2.3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
In the case of Search Engine Marketing (SMM),
websites are promoted by increasing their internet
visibility in the results obtained by search engines
across multiple web pages. Search Engines are also
used to rewrite or adjust the content on websites to
achieve a higher ranking in the results page of different
search engine searches. Pay per click is also
considered as a method of SEM (Aswani et al., 2018).
3.3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Real-world consumer behaviors are influenced by
reality by social networks. However, to use social
networking information, we need a conceptual space
that can be changed with the application domain. In the
presence of a constantly growing new vocabulary, the
automatic construction of ontologies has been an
important issue. The research result of Tsai et al.
(2015) can avoid the costly mistake of designing
multiple engines and provide user adoption analysis
and online / offline digital marketing strategy in
adopting this type of innovation service.
So, many social media sites are used to gain
website traffic. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are
used in creating content meant to encourage readers to
share with friends and followers and is eventually
meant to drive the public’s attention across multiple
social networks. The result is an electronic word of
mouth that spreads across the internet as wildfire
through instant messages, news feeds, social
networks, and websites about a brand, company,
service, or upcoming product (Zeng et al., 2011).
Advertisers hope that their products, services, etc. will
be trusted by online users as having originated from a
trusted third party source.
Facebook has over a billion users, making it the
most popular social media site. In fact, more than 51%
of people using the platform are more likely to buy a
product after liking a particular brand (Raman &
Menon, 2018). Facebook marketing demands unique
thinking alongside good intellectualism to conduct
effective campaigns. In Facebook, visual, and web
marketing, content speaks loudest, and thus, any party
indulged in social media marketing needs to ensure
that their content is relevant to the target businesses
and audience.
In the corporate market companies can be divided
into segments representing the distinct behaviors
regarding the use of social media. The segments
based on their social media usage behavior, proactive
or innovative users, high rollers, ignorant inhabitants,
trend-setters and combative crowd (Raman & Menon
Twitter is a reliable and flexible social media
platform that offers real-time updates on global news,
events, shows, etc. Twitter allows social media
marketers to showcase their creativity and, thus, drive
results. Twitter demands that users don’t post anything
that exceeds 140 characters, making Twitter marketing
both precise and effective (Badawy, 2009). Twitter
marketing is effective for parties looking to launch
different products, increase their brand awareness, and
drive their sales.
3.4. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing refers to marketing strategies
based on performance. In this case, affiliates are
rewarded by different companies for each customer or
visitor they bring on board through their marketing
efforts to create advertisements on behalf of the firm.
The industry comprises of three crucial players, i.e., the
customer, the publisher (the affiliate), the network, and
the merchant (brand or retailer).
The market has grown to such complex status,
which has resulted in emergent secondary players that
include super-affiliates, specialized third-party vendors,
and affiliate management agencies (Louw &
Nieuwenhuizen, 2019). With affiliate marketing,
companies pay publishers that bring customers. The
kind of performance-based marketing program is based
on sales, leads, and promotions. Publishers may also
give out spaces for an advertisement within their pages
for the purposes of advertising client businesses and,
thus, aid in driving up conversations. Based on a
compensation model, these publishers are paid. An
affiliate marketing firm is merely a large base of
1726 Journal of Reviews on Global E conomics, 2019, Vol. 8 Rosário and Cruz
Affiliate marketing is quite helpful to startups as it
brings traffic to these sites through other high-traffic
websites (Louw & Nieuwenhuizen, 2019). In essence,
affiliate marketing profits, both publishers and
merchants. Sites such as Flipkart, Link Share, eBay,
and Amazon offer affiliate marketing programs. In fact,
most websites across the internet with huge traffic have
done so through having their own affiliate programs.
3.5. Email Marketing
Email marketing refers to the process of sending
commercial messages through electronic mail to
several potential customers. Through effective software
for purposes of email marketing, email lists can be
segregated based on the dislikes and likes of clients,
and their spending habits. It is important that
personalized emails are used in this case, which aids in
developing trust with the list of potential customers.
However, Google considers email marketing as
spamming, and some countries have put strict laws in
place to protect their citizens from spamming, which
may contribute to cyber-attacks leading to data
breaches (Pavlov et al., 2008).
3.6. Online Public Relations (OPR) Management
In modern marketing tools, public relations play a
significant role. Companies are more likely to lose their
customers if they do not consider public relations.
However, measuring public relations is an almost
impossible task. However, it’s possible to estimate the
benefits of positive PR across the internet (Lorenzo-
Romero & Constantinides, 2019). Online PR has
greater advantages as compared to traditional PR.
Through PR articles across the internet, companies
running online businesses are able to develop their
public relations in online media (sharing music and
videos containing commercial adverts and messages),
press releases, and PR catalogues. Companies also
achieve this by participating in discussion forums that
concern related products and topics of interest to the
public. Other methods and channels of digital
marketing include viral marketing, mobile marketing,
interactive marketing, digital display advertising, web
analytics, text messaging, and Pay per Click (PPC),
among others.
In emerging globalization, the internet is the most
powerful asset. A few companies have understood the
power of globalization and are the heart of the
internet’s advancement (Lorenzo-Romero &
Constantinides, 2019). Bitcoins represent the worlds
greatest bank but bear no actual cash. Uber is a global
Taxi firm that doesn’t bear any car ownership.
Facebook, on the other hand, is a global leader
amongst social platforms but doesn’t create any usable
content for viewership. Alibaba and Amazon are
amongst the biggest valuable retailers that don’t own
any inventory. Airbnb and are also
amongst the greatest providers of accommodation
across the globe with no real estate ownership.
The emergence of digital marketing was the
greatest change that occurred in traditional marketing.
This led to the reinvention of the wheel, and thus,
marketing strategies had to be altered to adapt to such
changes. According to Faulds et al., (2018); Lorenzo-
Romero and Constantinides (2019), digital marketing is
dependent on technology, which is ever-evolving and
fast-changing. As a result, similar features have been
applied in digital marketing to match the internet’s ever-
evolving and transitioning nature. The two most
important changes that have occurred in digital
marketing to affect and demand innovation include
influencer marketing and segmentation.
Within all communities, influencers are vital nodes.
Influencers are slowly turning into a crucial concept as
it relates to digital targeting (Hirayama, 2019). Paid
advertising through Facebook shows huge success
whenever the aim was to reach influencers.
Sophisticated Social Customer Relationship
Management software (SCRM) such as Salesforce
CRM, Sage CRM, Microsoft Dynamics and SAPC4C,
and Ad Word Campaigns are also reaching influencers
through paid advertising. Many universities are now
focusing on engaging influencers in their Master
classes for students analyzing the future of digital
Inwardly with the concept of digital marketing, a
greater focus has been directed on segmentation. This
focus has been put in place while targeting particular
customer markets for both businesses to consumer
and business to business sectors.
Innovation in digital infrastructure and technology is
necessary to keep businesses ahead of other market
competitors. The basic idea behind marketing is to craft
powerful messages that attract ideal customers.
Determinants of Innovation in Digital Marketing Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 1727
However, in digital marketing, these messages now
include a gamut of search advertising, social media
engagement, customer acquisition and retention, SEO
optimization, etc. Slow-movers in business get left
behind as fast-moving businesses generate more
profits through a wider customer base. While looking to
engage an audience, boost sales, or convert
customers, it’s important to keep track of the latest
digital marketing trends and advances to stay in line
with present market competitors (Chaffey, 2010;
Simmons et al., 2013; Faulds et al., 2018). There are
also crucial implications for management's use of
digital marketing when it uses it as decision support
and applies it to encourage targeted innovations
(Kuntonbutr & Jaturat 2017). Various determinants
control the extent of innovation in digital marketing.
Such determinants include the transparency of
information in the digital era, micro-moment marketing,
and the availability of integrated and innovative
5.1. Transparency of Information in Today’s Era
In today’s era, information is everywhere. A decade
ago, marketing was about creating a myth and selling
it. Nowadays, it’s about finding the truth about a myth
and sharing with the world about it. Customers are now
smarter and research products in split time (Klien et al.,
2018). They compare competitors and reviews, thereby
unearthing all myths. This shift has brought about
significant challenges for sales professionals using
digital marketing. Improvements in SEO have turned
spam backlinks and keyword stuffing into an ancient
strategy, paving the way for good content and real
value becoming the modern and newest style of
5.1.1. The Advantage of Information Transparency
The way brands are perceived by customers shows
the need for information transparency. In this era,
customers are in the driving seat; thus, marketers need
to innovate digital marketing s trategies so as to create
brand loyalty and maintain real relationships with their
clients (Branco et al., 2018). When organizations
become transparent in their information over the
internet, it provokes customers to gain more interest in
their products; some customers are even willing to pay
extra for quality. The cost of being an unethical
business man in today’s generation has far more
reaching consequences; businesses and service
providers would rather innovate their marketing ways or
fade into the blues.
5.2. Micro-Moment Marketing
Micro-marketing pertains to the mobile-based
behavior of different consumers. Consumers are facing
an overload of information as they continue to spend
their time online (Tsai et al., 2015; Tsai et al., 2015). In
the space of a few seconds, consumers can access
anything literally. Online consumer behavior can be
broken down into three key areas. First of all, all online
consumers of digital content are ‘well-informed,’ they
research any type of product or service on their
smartphones. Secondly, they wish to access
information ‘right here,’ they aren’t willing to give out
information to marketers but wish to get the right
information from all locales (Kuchta & Miklošík, 2017;
Kosasi & Yuliani, 2017; Faulds et al., 2018). Thirdly,
there decision-making process is ‘instant,’ even with
major purchases. The abundance of information at
consumers' fingertips makes such rush decisions
According to Abou-Elgheit (2013), such a situation
poses a great challenge to marketers and brands,
necessitating a need for innovation in digital marketing.
Marketers and brands must now find their customers in
such a short span of time yet lack crucial data on their
customers ahead of time as they attempt to make their
online purchase decisions. According to insights from
Kuntonbutr and Jaturat (2017), businesses have the
responsibility to fabricate more incentives that
accommodate the ‘one-touch character their clients to
stay ahead of competition in their relevant fields and as
well as build their brand loyalty.
5.2.1. Advantages of AI in the Micro-moment
Purchase of Products
Artificial intelligence is at the center of powering all
customer segmentation, click tracking, push
notifications, and client retargeting. Artificial intelligence
presents a limitless combination of possibilities
(Strategic Direction, 2013). Depending on the channels
and goals of any organization, AI can be customized to
work for any digital marketing portfolio. Being unable to
work with digital marketing partners and teams leave a
firm falling behind. Apart from improving sales in
today’s digital world, AI also helps to improve customer
service for clients requiring an ‘instant’ gratification on
their online purchase of products and services.
One of the ways artificial intelligence aids in
attaining growth is through personalization. Through AI,
companies are able to personalize their marketing
campaigns into a sales qualified lead from a mere
1728 Journal of Reviews on Global E conomics, 2019, Vol. 8 Rosário and Cruz
marketing qualified lead. AI is currently delivering
personalized headlines and digital formatted adverts.
By 2020, artificial intelligence is expected to deliver
real-time personalized advert insertions. However,
despite the few advantages tied to artificial intelligence,
very few organizations have integrated AI into their
digital marketing campaigns.
5.2.2. Disadvantage of Micro-moment Purchase of
Micro-moment shoppers don’t prefer traditional
marketing. They will become annoyed if you introduce
television ads to them (Apicella & Streatfeild, 2010).
According to Krijestorac, Garg, and Konana’s (2018)
insights, these customers prefer to find something at
the instant they need it. At the moment, such
circumstances leave customers with a lot of choices.
Such a change in the marketing game depicts a crucial
need for evolution in digital marketing. Smart content
must, therefore, be prioritized to build relationships with
customers in relation to the browsing history of different
customers to address specific client personas. As a
result, Key et al., (2019) believe that such ‘smart
content’ ought to be tailored to the specific
demographics of customers, e.g., location, age, etc.
5.3. Innovative and Integrated Content
Video content across the internet is somewhat
considered dynamic. Again, it’s expected to get more
short clips in the form of video content in the near
future. Not only is such video content becoming more
interactive but also being utilized in different ways at an
alarming frequency. Six digital video trends have been
identified to shape digital marketing, focusing on
innovation progress and consumer spending habits,
outlining likely approaches to video production and
delivery to target groups (Kuchta, & Miklošík, 2017).
Most Facebook users report to viewing a couple of
videos per week through the platforms. Raman and
Menon (2018) state that a huge percentage of
American citizens also watch videos online and report
to sharing them with their followers and friends online.
5.4. Advantages of Innovative and Integrated
Instagram content and other ephemeral content
tickles people’s fancies as they integrate emotions into
everyday life. The fact that users watch these videos
for the moment makes it more meaningful. Through
ephemeral content, marketers should continue to offer
exclusive and intimate moments ‘behind the scenes’
available to specific categories of an audience and for
limited time. These aspects highlight the existing
scarcity in social marketing.
Integrated content also bears a high probability of
being memorable and personal, especially with the
close relationship that exists between digital marketing
and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence
empowers businesses to get to know their customers
and thus create extremely personalized and
memorable content.
Machine learning is another element of artificial
intelligence technology offering more in-depth
solutions. Such technology becomes quite a fascination
for digital marketers since it has the ability to gather
and analyze huge datasets across numerous platforms
at overwhelming speeds. Additionally, Micheaux &
Bosio (2019) believe that machine learning helps in
making good marketing choices that are used to inform
the rest of decisions in digital marketing.
In the above sections, it’s impeccable to state that
there is a need for highly personalized and customized
content to guarantee success in digital marketing. The
necessity for tactical digital marketing demands more
than just ‘reading text’ over the internet (Malar, 2016).
Innovation in digital marketing seeks to make users
more engaged. Augmented reality has been realized to
be in the process of making significant bounds and
leaps (Kasurinen et al., 2017). Augmented reality has
also taken big business advertising by the strap of its
neck. However, it’s something affordable for big
businesses at the moment. Content marketers seeking
to go the extra mile should look out and attempt to
capitalize on the offers of augmented reality.
Again, virtual reality is already here and is becoming
a valuable tool for digital marketers (Randall, 2014). To
conform to unique users, the majority of companies are
better personalizing their content as an upcoming
digital strategy. According to Pînzaru et al. (2017), this
step is being achieved through content segmentation
and targeting it to meeting specific user preferences or
through chatbots that offer individualized experiences
through artificial intelligence. Through augmented
reality, customers will experience more interactivity in
their daily lives.
Facebook Live is an interactive way to engage
customers. Through professional photos, graphics, and
Determinants of Innovation in Digital Marketing Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019, Vol. 8 1729
videos, user appeal can be met, guaranteeing such
interaction. Video continues to become more
professional, innovative, and interactive. Thus, worth
investing high-end cameras for both film and video or
contracting an expert to fabricate original and unique
illustrations for both social media and blogs. Currently,
there is a definitive trend that gears towards more
authentic photos, personalized, and more customized
Additionally, real conversations on social media are
becoming common through personal digital assistants.
Such back-and-forth engagements should be mimicked
in social media within the near future to present an
enormous opportunity for two-way connectivity instead
of the feeling that there is a screen separating two
Digital marketing is much more a communication
tool than a marketing variable. In this sense, its
behavior should be studied and investigated as a
powerful tool for technological convergence between
media that migrate from the analogue to the digital
world: TV, Radio and the Press.
This new box that changes the world, as a true
"electronic bride", combines and enhances traditional
media in new formats, but it has implications for
marketing, from product development to value-based
pricing, going through logistics and distribution,
processes, productivity and quality and communication.
Digital marketing has also become the core
advertising strategy for many firms, companies, and
businesses. Even small business owners have been
forced to adopt the most efficient and cheapest forms
of digital marketing for their products and services. No
boundaries are incorporated in digital marketing as
compared to traditional marketing. Experimental
innovation is based on customer mapping optimization,
which covers theoretical marketing concepts and
working knowledge of digital marketing (Micheaux, &
Bosio, 2019). Companies use social media, digital
billboards, game consoles, televisions, laptops, tablets,
and smartphones in promoting the firm itself and other
offered services.
If a company considers user needs as part of its
priority, then it’s possible to succeed amidst stiff
competition. “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” so does the
results of digital marketing. Results are slowly realized
through trial and error, and it’s important for ever y
agency to evolve with ever growing demands and
changes in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.
Thus, the principles of testing, learning, and learning
must define the heart of every company seeking
prospective sales through digital marketing.
Additionally, companies and businesses need to
fabricate innovative customer experiences to drive up
their digital marketing performance on a global scale.
With the growing importance of the digital medium,
we also identify possible areas of study that may result
from which we illustrate the following examples:
the increasing weight and importance of
influence marketing and the weight or role of
digital influencers in the consumer decision-
making purchase process;
the behavior of streaming video audiences and
their engagement with advertising;
the influence of chatboots and the application of
AI in consumer opinion formation;
greater message customization and
hypersegmentation possibilities.
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Received on 26-11-2019 Accepted on 17-12-2019 Published on 31-12-2019
© 2019 Rosário and Cruz; Licensee Lifescience Global.
This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
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... On the other hand, awareness of customer needs and the buying process in the digital and online space is the basis of successful digital marketing, and satisfying customers requires fully meeting their needs and accurately identifying their desires, expectations, inclinations, capabilities, and limitations in purchasing products. By accessing such information, one can well identify factors T E-ISSN: 3041-8992 influencing the behavior of online consumers and use it in making marketing decisions for companies (Hamdani et al., 2022;Rosário & Cruz, 2020). Peterson (2008) has stated that digital marketing has several advantages with three communication channels (establishing contact between buyer and seller), transactional (conducting the exchange through the Internet), and distribution (delivering goods and services to the customer) (Trihadi Pudiawan et al., 2023). ...
... Additionally, the implementation of innovation in online advertising cannot ignore political, economic, social, and cultural changes. These findings are consistent with and confirmed by the previous research Chaffey & Smith, 2022;Fourberg et al., 2021;Galdolage, 2020;Molaie, 2016;Muosa & Elahe, 2020;Poursaeid bonab et al., 2019;Rahimi Koloor & Azarbayejani, 2022;Rosário & Cruz, 2020;Salameh et al., 2022;Seyyed Ghasem Salimi, 2020;Shokri et al., 2018;Syam & Sharma, 2018;Tobi et al., 2020;Zakerian, 2017;Zeps & Ribickis, 2015). ...
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Objective: This research aimed to present a model for innovation in online advertising and its implications in digital marketing. Method: The research was applied in purpose and employed a mixed exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) method. The qualitative segment participants were selected experts and specialists in innovation in online advertising and its implications in digital marketing in 2023, determined purposively to be 17 individuals. The quantitative segment's population comprised customers of Digikala and Etkaa stores who had made purchases online during a specific timeframe, considered to be unlimited in number. The sample size for the quantitative part was determined to be 384 individuals using Cochran's formula and the Morgan table. Data collection methods included library research, and the measurement tools were semi-structured interviews for the qualitative part and researcher-made questionnaires for the quantitative part. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through face and content validity methods, and its reliability was established using Cronbach's alpha test. Data analysis in the qualitative part utilized content analysis, while in the quantitative part, structural equation modeling was used with SPSS.22 and AMOS.22 software. Findings: The results indicated that dimensions of innovation in online advertising and its implications in digital marketing were categorized into five dimensions and 15 components. Causal factors (1. Equity 2. Financial resources (input), 3. Efficiency and management), Contextual factors (1. Effective site management 2. Legal support for innovation in online advertising 3. Resource capacities), Mediating factors (1. Managerial weaknesses 2. Process barriers 3. Legal and regulatory barriers), Strategic factors (1. Enhancing economic capacities and financing 2. Developing educational capacities 3. Increasing agility), Outcomes (1. Performance improvement 2. Development of participation 3. Sustainable development in the outcomes dimension) were identified in terms of their importance in designing the model of innovation in online advertising and its implications in digital marketing. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the dimensions of innovation in online advertising and its implications in digital marketing are interpretable, and legal supports for innovation in online advertising through the enforcement of laws, enactment and amendment of specific laws and regulations for digital marketing, removal of legal barriers to investment, revenue generation, and clarification of legal ambiguities and definitions in digital marketing are effective.
... This reflects the global shift towards AI-driven marketing strategies to personalize customer experiences and optimize campaigns. Additionally, the study echoes the growing prominence of influencer marketing, in line with research highlighting its effectiveness in contemporary marketing (Kotler et al., 2016;Pagani & Pardo, 2017;Rosario & Cruz, 2019). Moreover, the research identifies a unique emphasis on social responsibility and ethics in Indonesian digital marketing campaigns, aligning with the broader societal awareness observed in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Rhou et al., 2016;Sardana et al., 2020;Torugsa et al., 2013). ...
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This qualitative research explores the evolving landscape of digital marketing trends and innovations in Indonesia. Against the backdrop of rapid technological advancements and a growing digital consumer base, this study aims to shed light on the current state of digital marketing practices in the Indonesian context. To achieve this, an in-depth qualitative approach was employed, involving interviews and content analysis of leading industry professionals and digital marketing campaigns. The findings reveal a dynamic environment characterized by the adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, influencer marketing, and personalized content strategies. Additionally, the study identifies the increasing significance of social responsibility and ethical considerations in digital marketing campaigns, reflecting a growing awareness among businesses to align with societal values. This research not only contributes to the existing body of knowledge on digital marketing trends but also provides valuable insights for businesses and marketers looking to navigate the Indonesian market's unique challenges and opportunities in the digital era.
... Affiliate Marketing Partnerships) yra rinkodaros strategija, pagrįsta našumu, ji iš visų rinkodaros partnerysčių tipų turbūt dažniausia taikoma. Šios partnerystės atveju organizacijos apdovanoja savo partnerį(-ius) komisiniu mokesčiu už kiekvieną jo(-ų) "pritrauktą" naują vartotoją (Rosário, Cruz, 2019). Filialų rinkodaros partnerysčių esmė -padėti organizacijai iškomunikuoti ir išplatinti savo pranešimus kito partnerio komunikacijos tinklu bei kanalais. ...
Straipsnyje analizuojama rinkodaros partnerysčių specifika: pateikiama rinkodaros partnerystės apibrėžtis ir pristatoma nauda, nagrinėjami rinkodaros partnerysčių tipai, aptartas rinkodaros partnerysčių kūrimas ir pagrindiniai jo etapai, sudarytas ir ištestuotas sėkmingos rinkodaros partnerystės kūrimo modelis. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizavus rinkodaros partnerysčių specifiką sudaryti sėkmingos rinkodaros partnerystės kūrimo modelį. Sudarytas modelis leidžia visoms organizacijoms, besidominčioms rinkodaros partnerystėmis, įvertinti veiksnius, kurie užtikrina sėkmingą partnerystę, ir taip išvengti nesėkmių rinkodaros partnerysčių kūrimo procese.
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The article is devoted to the current topic of development and implementation of sustainable marketing innovations based on the concept of socially responsible marketing to ensure business competitiveness. The work provides definitions of «marketing innovation» by various authors (P. Drucker, S. Jobs, J. Notter, L. Duncan, V. Govindarajan, M. Porter), highlighting the diverse nature of innovation, covering everything from the introduction of new products and services to cultural and organizational change. Marketing innovation has been proven to play a key role in driving sustainable business development by shaping consumer behavior, improving brand reputation, promoting stakeholder engagement, and creating a positive impact on the environment and society. During the innovation process, it is important to consider the concept of VUCA (Variability, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). It is stated that sustainable marketing innovations go beyond traditional marketing practices, integrating environmental and social responsibility into the core of business strategies.
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This research is a review of the literature on the use of Digital Marketing as a commercialization tool, derived from the accelerated evolution of technological advances that have occurred in the recent years. The purpose of the article is to analyze Digital Marketing and specifically the use of social networks as an important factor in the Marketing of any company, given the changes that have been occurring for some time to date in the way of doing business, with the advent of the internet and digital media. A literature review was carried out in databases of renowned journals such as Ebsco, Scopus and Google Scholar. Hard data were consulted regarding the trend in the use of the internet and social media for commercial purpose. It was observed that social networks have a positive impact on marketing. In conclusion, the use of social networks plays a relevant role in the way of doing business for every company, derived from a market with a high tendency towards digital and the exponential growth of the number of people and companies that carry out their commercial activity through the internet. Digital Marketing, Social Networks, Commercialization Resumen Esta investigación trata de una revisión de la literatura del uso del Marketing Digital como herramienta de comercialización, derivado de la evolución acelerada de los avances tecnológicos que se han presentado en los últimos años. El artículo tiene como propósito analizar el Marketing Digital y en específico el uso de las Redes Sociales como factor importante en la comercialización de toda empresa, dado los cambios que se han venido suscitando de un tiempo a la fecha en la forma de hacer negocio, con la llegada del internet y de los medios digitales. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en bases de datos de reconocidas revistas como Ebsco, Scopus y Google Scholar. Se consultaron datos duros respecto a la tendencia del uso del internet y los medios sociales, con fines comerciales. Se pudo observar que las redes sociales inciden de manera positiva en la comercialización. En conclusión, el uso de las redes sociales juega un papel relevante en la forma de hacer negocios para toda empresa, derivado de un mercado con alta tendencia hacia lo digital y del crecimiento exponencial del número de personas y empresas que realizan su actividad comercial por internet. Marketing Digital, Redes Sociales, Comercialización Citation: OLIVEROS-COELLO, José Pablo. Digital Marketing and the use of social media as a relevant factor in the way of marketing of any company.
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ภูมิหลังและวัตถุประสงค์: การตลาดดิจิทัลเป็นเครื่องมือที่มีประสิทธิภาพ แต่จำเป็นต้องใช้อย่างมีจริยธรรม ธุรกิจต่างๆ ไม่ควรใช้การตลาดดิจิทัลเพื่อหลอกลวงหรือเอาเปรียบผู้บริโภค บทความนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษานวัตกรรมการตลาดดิจิทัลของธุรกิจออนไลน์ ธุรกิจต่างๆ ควรใช้การตลาดดิจิทัลเพื่อนำเสนอข้อมูลและผลิตภัณฑ์ที่เป็นประโยชน์แก่ลูกค้า ระเบียบวิธีการศึกษา: การศึกษาครั้งนี้ดำเนินการศึกษาเอกสารและงานวิจัยที่เกี่ยวข้อง ทำการวิเคราะห์เนื้อหา และนำเสนอเชิงพรรณนาความ ผลการศึกษา: การตลาดดิจิทัลมีนวัตกรรมมากมายที่ธุรกิจต่างๆ สามารถใช้ประโยชน์ได้ เช่น การตลาดเนื้อหาและการเล่าเรื่อง กลยุทธ์การตลาดบนโซเชียลมีเดีย การเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพกลไกค้นหา (SEO) และการตลาดผ่านเครื่องมือค้นหา (SEM) ธุรกิจต่างๆ สามารถใช้การตลาดดิจิทัลเพื่อเข้าถึงและมีส่วนร่วมกับลูกค้าเป้าหมาย ปรับปรุงกลยุทธ์ทางการตลาดของตน และบรรลุเป้าหมายต่างๆ อย่างไรก็ตาม จำเป็นต้องตระหนักถึงข้อจำกัดด้านจริยธรรมของการตลาดดิจิทัลและดำเนินการอย่างมีจริยธรรม สรุปผล โดยพื้นฐานแล้วการตลาดดิจิทัลนำเสนอเครื่องมืออันทรงพลังแก่ธุรกิจต่างๆ เพื่อเชื่อมต่อกับผู้ชมและบรรลุเป้าหมายเชิงกลยุทธ์ แต่ความสำเร็จขึ้นอยู่กับความมุ่งมั่นอย่างระมัดระวังต่อหลักปฏิบัติด้านจริยธรรม เพื่อให้มั่นใจถึงความไว้วางใจและความน่าเชื่อถือที่ยั่งยืนในภูมิทัศน์ดิจิทัลแบบไดนามิก
Technological advances have caused great business changes. In this new business environment, the internet has become an indispensable technology tool in the creation of new business models, based on the exchange relations between customers/suppliers/distributors/partners, with a significant increase in online purchasing transactions. This virtual environment has provided the development of e-commerce and efficiency gains and influences changes in consumer habits, thus changing consumer behavior. The online purchase presents an important change in consumer behavior; thus, the understanding of online consumer behavior is essential to understand the impact of this behavior on business. This chapter follows a systematic analysis of the literature with a qualitative approach to online consumer behavior in the last 5 years (2015-2020) in order to verify research topics and development patterns. The aim is to identify trends in online consumer behavior and recognize research gaps by providing avenues for further research into online consumer behavior.
"This article delves into the exploration of social media platforms as crucial components of brand marketing strategies. It characterizes the essence of social media platforms, emphasizing the significance of social networks within this context. The primary objectives of brand strategies, specifically those deployed on social media, are explicated. Contemporary brand strategies employed on social media platforms are elucidated. The study also scrutinizes the distinct features of brand marketing strategies utilized for positioning within social networks. This research aims to unveil the intricacies surrounding the utilization of social media platforms as pivotal elements within brand marketing strategies. The object of this study centers on social media platforms functioning as integral components of the virtual environment. The research employs various methodologies, including description, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and content analysis, to achieve comprehensive insights into the subject matter. This article focuses on the examination of social media platforms as vital elements within brand marketing strategies. To fulfill the objectives of this study, an exploration is conducted on the role of social media platforms in individuals’ lives, encompassing the essence of social networks and the positioning of brand promotion within their life cycle. Additionally, the article characterizes the business opportunities arising from the integration of social media platforms as components of marketing strategies. This paper provides an in-depth examination of the advantages and disadvantages associated with leveraging social media platforms for brand promotion. It defines contemporary strategies adopted by brands on social media platforms. Additionally, the research sheds light on the pivotal role of targeting within the realm of brand promotion."
This research is a review of the literature on the use of Digital Marketing as a commercialization tool, derived from the accelerated evolution of technological advances that have occurred in the recent years. The purpose of the article is to analyze Digital Marketing and specifically the use of social networks as an important factor in the Marketing of any company, given the changes that have been occurring for some time to date in the way of doing business, with the advent of the internet and digital media. A literature review was carried out in databases of renowned journals such as Ebsco, Scopus and Google Scholar. Hard data were consulted regarding the trend in the use of the internet and social media for commercial purpose. It was observed that social networks have a positive impact on marketing. In conclusion, the use of social networks plays a relevant role in the way of doing business for every company, derived from a market with a high tendency towards digital and the exponential growth of the number of people and companies that carry out their commercial activity through the internet.
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The purpose of this paper was to identify different obstacles preventing the application and activating the overall quality management in marketing tourism services in Saudi Arabia. The study found a number of key findings on the constraints of applying overall quality management in marketing tourism services in Saudi Arabia. The study recommended the need to adopt an integrated system of comprehensive quality management in hotel organizations in Al-Kharj governorate in order to ensure the implementation of sound and correct marketing programs for these organizations by removing the obstacles, which stand in the way of the application of managing the overall quality of these organizations.
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In the age of the digital revolution, websites are a critical component in establishing an online organizational presence. The main aim of this paper is to deliver a model that may provide guidelines, specifically for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), including those in resource-scarce contexts, in determining the most viable strategy for setting up and managing their own website. The deliverance of the Combined Cost and Technical Skill Model for Website Development contributes not only to the theory on web development, but also offers guidance to SMEs with planning their web development strategies, specifically when taking into account the core components of cost and technical skills in resource-scarce contexts. This, in turn, may assist SMEs with increasing their online presence maturity, possibly also allowing them to compete with larger organizations at an international scale.
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The large-scale adoption of the Internet and social media make transactions and interactions between businesses and customers easy, inexpensive, and highly efficient. Online crowdsourcing and co-creation with customers are developments increasingly seen as attractive alternatives to traditional forms of innovation management. Online customers are willing to spend time and effort on collaborative innovation trajectories and so have a say in the development of new products and services. Identifying and recruiting capable and innovation-minded co-creation partners online is one of the main challenges of such collaborative innovation-focused processes; understanding the attitudes and motives of innovation-minded customers are the first steps in enticing and recruit these as innovation partners. In this study, we identify and classify customer motives for participating in online co-creation processes in two European countries: Spain and The Netherlands. More than a quarter of online customers are active co-creators and two co-creator profiles were identified in both countries, based the levels of motivation predisposition; Spanish online customers are more involved and enthusiastic co-creators than Dutch customers. The study confirms that financial motives are not the main reason for co-creation; highly motivated customers are motivated by product-related benefits, while hedonic benefits are the most important triggers for less motivated co-creators.
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The main technological innovations in digital marketing as a specific form of marketing under conditions of the informatization of society have been examined. It has been substantiated that the principal direction of digital marketing is the personalized attitude to users. It has been proven that the personalized relationship with a potential customer becomes the essence of marketing, the core of its effectiveness. It is shown that digital methods for processing and using information becoming the main source for improving marketing efficiency. The need for a comparative analysis of the technological innovations of digital marketing is predetermined by the fact that the scientific and technical development stimulates the emergence of a significant number of methods that have an influence on the consumer. Studying these methods makes it possible to identify their strengths when devising the marketing strategy and tactics of enterprises. The study highlighted a system of classical tools of digital marketing - search engine optimization, contextual advertising, social media marketing, technology of Big Data, retargeting, emailing. The essence, content, purpose, and scope of application of digital marketing tools were defined, which have emerged as a result of the latest technological innovations - native content, artificial intelligence, integration of marketing technologies, virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of Things, voice bots, voice, video and mobile marketing, affiliate marketing. Five strategies for the monetization of applications in mobile marketing have been identified. We have performed analysis of CPI-networks with a focus on mobile and non­motivated user traffic. We constructed a model of interaction between counterparties and the principles of an integrated approach to affiliate marketing projects, in particular, the need to find a reasonable, substantiated compromise plan has been shown. In this case, the task on choosing the optimal variant of a project is stated as a multicriteria optimization problem. We have analyzed methods for solving this problem and provide appropriate recommendations related to the choice of the most efficient method. The significance of the results obtained is predetermined by the fact that they could form a theoretical base for improving the effectiveness of marketing activity under conditions of the informatization of society through the use of appropriate strategies for monetization, better interaction between counterparties in affiliate marketing, identification of conditions for using the advantages and disadvantages of technological innovations of digital marketing. In contract to known methods for improving the effectiveness of marketing activity, the proposed approaches provide a basis for profitable work under conditions of digital economy. © M. Oklander, T. Oklander, O. Yashkina, I. Pedko, M. Chaikovska, 2018.
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The digital world is playing a significant role today, as evidenced by recent research on digital marketing and virtual consumers. They have revealed the increasing involvement of consumers / stakeholders in all aspects of marketing processes, from product innovation to print and broadcast advertising. Consequently, switching from a traditional business model to a business model based on open innovation is a major step taken by many companies that have understood its importance for the ever development of their businesses, focusing on the 3C: co-creation, crowdsourcing, and community. Nowadays companies agree that for product/service development the communities, the crowds, the stakeholders represent the driving force, the main engine. In order to achieve an interactive development of the product / service companies delegate the main tasks to the crowd (people empowerment). Based in Chicago since 2000 when first opened, Threadless is an online community of artists and an e-commerce website that started as a T-shirt company but has managed to expand into a full lineup of apparel. The company is constantly searching to find new ways to offer creative minds different and more possibilities / opportunities to get their art seen, to succeed, and to achieve their ultimate goal: to make great together, to help art unknowns to become art totally-knowns. The purpose of this paper is to present the importance of the creativity as a source for open-innovation, according to the critical analysis presented in the first part of this research about open innovation in creative industries. This paper emphasizes the relevance of open innovation methods for company's growth, establishing innovative organizational culture, idea generation from creative assignments, enhancement of creativity and free will. In order to emphasize the key features of open innovation in creative industries with the accent on design sector, there will be used a case study approach. Based on the analysis of Threadless platform the following will be illustrated: the use of open innovation in company's interaction with the clients, open innovation process within design stage of product development, different actors implication in co-design, the relevance of their creativity, and designers' future development from personal and business point of views.
Digital marketing practice continues to grow along with the need for a qualified workforce. This paper presents a course design intended to teach students how to use relevant digital marketing tools and give them an end-to-end experience and managerial control over key resources. Students leave the course with real-world skills and items for their résumé to demonstrate workplace readiness. The project lays out how students create original content, perform keyword research, implement Google Ads and social media pay-per-click campaigns, analyze results, course correct, present a final report, and become Google Ads Certified. Innovation effectiveness is tested and reported.
Purpose The notion of luxury has changed due to the democratization and the fast adoption pace of intangible luxury service providers embedding voice-controlled assistants. In particular, Amazon’s Echo Look is expected to further democratize luxury services and consumer experience; indeed, this camera-based device acts as a personal consultant as it provides fashion advices based on the pictures of its users. Nonetheless, as the Echo Look proliferates the market, concerns around its potential disruption to the marketplace alongside usage-related issues, such as privacy, will arise. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The research adopted an exploratory approach using elite interviewing. The sample included 17 experts in the fields of digital marketing, fashion consulting, information technology security and retailing. Findings The study pioneers the discussion on how interactive voice-activated assistant (IVA) devices can potentially outweigh concerns around safety and privacy through providing luxury-like personalized services. To that end, the Echo Look device was taken as the key example based on the unique features and benefits it provides to its users, namely, in being perceived as a personal fashion consultant. Originality/value The literature on intangible luxury based on IVA devices is still nascent. This study fills a considerable gap in the literature related to retailers’ technological innovations aimed at democratizing luxury-like personalized experiences.
As firms gather increasing amounts of data, the question of how future marketers can use these data to make their marketing more relevant and to make a strategic difference remains. However, students may feel uncomfortable about information systems and database technology, which they may perceive as complex and dry. This case describes how the development of a course on data-driven marketing makes use of service design methods. The experiential learning innovation is based on the optimization of customer journey mapping, which encompasses theoretical marketing concepts, modern database architecture and practical digital marketing knowledge. As a visualization of individual interactions with a product, service, or brand, customer journey mapping helps explain the way an interaction occurs in one moment and how it influences all other moments. By taking the “data as a service” perspective on the customer journey, students benefit from a more innovative and creative approach to data-driven marketing, which helps improve their attention and motivation.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the strategy adopted by family firms in using social media for their business. Based on the social media usage, this paper attempts to segment family firms. To do so, a reactive – proactive – innovative (RPI) scale was developed for the study. Then, the family firms were categorised as reactive, proactive or innovative social media users. Further, based on the scale developed, clusters were created. Family firms were placed into different clusters based on the strategy that they had for using social media platforms for their business. Design/methodology/approach A pilot sample of 50 family firms and a main study of 256 Indian family firm entrepreneurs were surveyed through self-administered questionnaires. Factor analysis reduced the 12 scale-based questions to three distinct factors. Confirmatory factor analysis was then conducted on the main sample to confirm the constructs identified using exploratory factor analysis. Cluster analysis was used to build clusters of entrepreneurs who use social media as part of their digital marketing strategy. Findings Findings reveal that the Indian family firm market is largely divided into four main segments. These segments represent distinct behaviours with respect to the use of social media. The four segments of family firm entrepreneurs were named as high rollers, ignorant inhabitants, trend-setters, combative crowd based on their social media usage behaviour. These clusters give deep insights into the strategic usage of social media by family firms. Research limitations/implications The limitation of this study is that entrepreneurs from all Indian states were not considered in the sample because of cost implications. This research study has only created the segmentation of the family firms as reactive, proactive or innovative social media users and also has created the clusters as high rollers, ignorant inhabitants, trend-setters and combative crowd. Also, the reasons for their behaviour and root cause for the strategic usage have not been studied. Practical implications This study reflects on current practices of family firms with respect to usage of social media and groups them into large identifiable clusters. Equipped with the findings from this study, the RPI scale developed for the study and the clusters created, entrepreneurs can now move towards better use of social media for innovation. Originality/value Although past studies have advocated the use of social media to spur innovation in firms, this study segments the current market based on their practices. It allows readers to gauge the proportion of family firms using social media for innovation and paves the way for a change in behaviour amongst these firms.