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Abstract and Figures

Bishop, A, DeBeliso, M, Sevene, TG, and Adams, KJ. Comparing one repetition maximum and three repetition maximum between conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlifts. J Strength Cond Res 28(7): 1820-1825, 2014-This study determined if an eccentrically loaded deadlift yields a higher 1 repetition maximum (1RM) and 3RM than a conventional deadlift and if the 1RM conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift can be accurately estimated from the 3RM (3RM = 93% of 1RM). Division 1 football players (n = 15; 20.3 +/- 1.9 years; 95.8 +/- 18.2 kg; 184.4 +/- 6.6 cm) participated. Deadlift 1RM and 3RM were measured in the conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift. Dependent t-tests showed no significant difference between the 3RM and 1RM conventional deadlift and the 3RM and 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift (p = 0.30 and p = 0.20, respectively). Pearson correlation between the 1RM conventional deadlift estimate and 1RM conventional deadlift actual was r = 0.91 (p <= 0.01); a dependent t-test indicated the 1RM conventional deadlift estimate was significantly less than the 1RM conventional deadlift actual (p = 0.007). Pearson correlation between the 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift estimate and 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift actual was r = 0.84 (p <= 0.01); a dependent t-test indicated the 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift estimate was nearly significantly less than the 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift actual (p = 0.061). Results suggest that conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlifts may be interchangeable within a training program; this may elicit the benefits of using a broader variety of ground-based multijoint compound movements in an athlete's strength and power training. Additionally, because of differences between predicted and actual 1RM scores in the deadlift, strength coaches should prioritize actual 1RM testing of their athletes to optimize deadlift training loads across the RM continuum.
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Department of Physical Education and Human Performance, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah; and
of Kinesiology, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, California
Bishop, A, DeBeliso, M, Sevene, TG, and Adams, KJ.
Comparing one repetition maximum and three repetition
maximum between conventional and eccentrically loaded
deadlifts. J Strength Cond Res 28(7): 1820–1825, 2014—
This study determined if an eccentrically loaded deadlift
yields a higher 1 repetition maximum (1RM) and 3RM than
a conventional deadlift and if the 1RM conventional and
eccentrically loaded deadlift can be accurately estimated
from the 3RM (3RM = 93% of 1RM). Division 1 football play-
ers (n= 15; 20.3 61.9 years; 95.8 618.2 kg; 184.4 66.6
cm) participated. Deadlift 1RM and 3RM were measured in
the conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift. Dependent
t-tests showed no significant difference between the 3RM
and 1RM conventional deadlift and the 3RM and 1RM eccen-
trically loaded deadlift (p=0.30andp= 0.20, respectively).
Pearson correlation between the 1RM conventional deadlift
estimate and 1RM conventional deadlift actual was r=0.91
(p#0.01); a dependent t-test indicated the 1RM conven-
tional deadlift estimate was significantly less than the 1RM
conventional deadlift actual (p= 0.007). Pearson correlation
between the 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift estimate and
1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift actual was r=0.84(p#
0.01); a dependent t-test indicated the 1RM eccentrically
loaded deadlift estimate was nearly significantly less than
the 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift actual (p= 0.061).
Results suggest that conventional and eccentrically loaded
deadlifts may be interchangeable within a training program;
this may elicit the benefits of using a broader variety of ground-
based multijoint compound movements in an athlete’s strength
and power training. Additionally, because of differences
between predicted and actual 1RM scores in the deadlift,
strength coaches should prioritize actual 1RM testing of their
athletes to optimize deadlift training loads across the RM
KEY WORDS strength training, calculating 1RM, sticking point
The National Strength and Conditioning Associa-
tion (NSCA) defines the deadlift as an exercise in
which a barbell is lifted from the floor by extending
the hips and knees until the body reaches a fully
erect torso position, then the bar is lowered back to the floor
(18). The deadlift has major applications in strength devel-
opment programs because of the benefits derived from exe-
cuting multijoint, ground-based closed kinetic chain
movements (20). These benefits include high muscle activa-
tion of the trunk, lower, and upper extremity (2,7), improve-
ments in peak power production from the increase in
maximal strength (24), and improvements in functional
movements and injury prevention implications (23).
As training loads used in the deadlift progress to maximum,
repetition failure occurs, stalling progress. One causal factor of
repetition failure in the deadlift is the “sticking point.” A stick-
ing point is defined as the most strenuous movement of a rep-
etition, typically occurring soon after the transition from the
eccentric to concentric phase (18). The sticking point of an
exercise can be seen with the initial decrease in vertical barbell
velocity (15). Research trying to locate the sticking point of
the conventional deadlift found that typically bar velocity
began to decrease during the initial pull on the barbell, with
the sticking point occurring below the knees of the lifter (14).
Training methods to overcome the sticking point in the
deadlift are difficult to pinpoint because of a lack of research
examining deadlift training protocols. Popular methods used
in powerlifting to train the deadlift include the use of bands
and chains (25–27) to increase resistance at the top portion
of the lift, but this still neglects the weakness in the initial
sticking point. Research indicates that the reduction in
weight needed to clear the deadlift sticking point results in
loads, which are not enough to elicit an overload stimulus at
the upper portion of the deadlift (29). Developing a training
Address correspondence to Dr. Kent Adams,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2014 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
technique to lift a heavier load through the sticking point
could be an instrumental step in increasing 1 repetition max-
imum (1RM). One way to overcome the sticking point and
thereby train the deadlift with heavier loads may be to perform
the deadlift with an eccentrically loaded countermovement.
The eccentrically loaded deadlift is considered a variation
of the conventional deadlift, and uses the benefit of eccentri-
cally loading the musculature in an attempt to produce greater
force (3,4) (i.e., the stretch shortening cycle [SSC]). In this
movement, the SSC is incorporated by initiating the deadlift
with the bar at an elevated position (i.e., eccentrically loading
the musculature); then on contacting the floor, moving
quickly from the eccentric (lowering) phase into the concen-
tric (pulling) phase of the deadlift; hopefully moving through
the sticking point with heavier weight and completing the full
range of motion (ROM) of the lift.
The SSC is a scientific principle often manipulated in
strength and power training, most commonly seen in the form
of plyometrics (1). By incorporating counter movements, the
SSC has been shown to acutely increase power output in
movements such as the vertical jump (12). Based on the sci-
entific principles behind the SSC and counter movements,
and observations taken directly from strength training, the
eccentrically loaded deadlift has merit as a potential full
ROM training modality, which targets overcoming the stick-
ing point in the conventional deadlift. This is in contrast to
other popular training methods, which incorporate shorten-
ing the ROM of the exercise to lift more weight through
a partial movement (29), but do not target the actual sticking
point. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to
determine if an eccentrically loaded deadlift will yield a higher
1RM and 3RM than a conventional deadlift initiated from the
floor. If so, then heavier loads may be used through a full
ROM deadlift during maximal strength development phases.
The secondary purpose of this study was to see if the 1RM
conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift can be accu-
rately calculated based on the 3RM, where the 3RM is
presumed to reflect 93% of 1RM (18). Percentage relation-
ships are instrumental for determining optimal load and
volume in training progressions. Much research has been
dedicated to finding the optimal percentage chart, however,
results from different research varies greatly between individ-
uals and exercises (including upper and lower body exercises)
(10,11). Additionally, when prescribing intensity percentages
in the deadlift, a problem can arise in quantifying the move-
ment as either an upper or lower body exercise. Because of
the great amount of musculature activated during the deadlift
(7), it could be argued that the deadlift is in fact a total body
exercise. For this reason, more research is needed to establish
training guidelines at different percentages of 1RM.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
To determine if an eccentrically loaded deadlift would result
in higher loads lifted than a conventional deadlift and if the
1RM could be calculated based on the 3RM, this study used
a randomized repeated measures cross-over design model.
Subjects were randomly divided into groups, with the first
group testing conventional deadlift the first week and
eccentrically loaded deadlift the second week, whereas the
second group was tested in the eccentrically loaded deadlift
the first week and the conventional deadlift the second week.
The independent variables tested in this study consisted of
the eccentrically loaded and conventional deadlift. The
dependent variable in this study was the amount of weight
lifted by the participant.
The participants in this study were 15 freshman division 1
collegiate football players in their first year as active
members of a year round, structured, collegiate training
program (all had a minimum of 6 months of collegiate
strength training and were experienced in the deadlift
exercise), and all had previous strength training experience
in their high school careers. The participants were redshirt
freshmen who were involved in 4 practices a week with the
team. Mean age was 20.3 61.9 years (range, 18–25 years);
mean mass was 95.8 618.2 kg (range, 74.1–129.1 kg); mean
height was 184.4 66.6 cm (range, 172.7–195.6 cm). The
participants were volunteers with no monetary compensa-
tion being provided. This study was approved by the Uni-
versity’s Institutional Review Board, and all participants
signed an informed consent before data collection.
items: a deadlift platform, Olympic barbell, free weights, chalk,
weight collars, and plyometric boxes. Research supports the
use of a standard Olympic-sized barbell to obtain highest 1RM
values, while training the deadlift (19). Therefore, an Olympic-
sized barbell was used to ensure optimal performance.
Participants were randomly assigned to 2 groups (n=7;
n= 8). After group assignment, participants were brought
in the week before the first data collection to be familiarized
with the testing protocol. After the testing protocol was
explained, the participants practiced the testing procedure,
until they felt comfortable with the conventional and eccen-
trically loaded deadlift exercises. During this familiarization
meeting, the weight was kept at a moderate intensity (less
than 50% of estimated 1RM), but the testing protocol was
performed in the same manner the participants would
encounter during the following 2 weeks of data collection.
Next, one group was tested in the conventional deadlift week
1 and the eccentrically loaded deadlift week 2, whereas the
other group was tested in the eccentrically loaded deadlift
week 1 and the conventional deadlift in week 2. An alternate
(over/under grip) was used in all trials. Testing was con-
ducted in the spring; test days were separated by 7 days
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2014 | 1821
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
and time of day was standardized. Participants were asked to
not alter their normal nutrition and hydration routines dur-
ing the test period.
The conventional deadlift was conducted using standards
outlined by the NSCA (18) in which weight is lifted from the
floor to an erect position and lowered back to the floor. The
eccentrically loaded deadlift was initiated with the participant
standing on the floor and the weighted barbell resting on
a plyometric box. For each lifter, the bar was individually
set to a height in which the lift was initiated with the bar
halfway between the knee and thigh. The participant’s first
movement was to lift the bar off of the boxes to an erect
standing position (as though performing a rack pull). As the
participant lifted the bar from the boxes, 2 spotters moved the
boxes such that they would not be in the path of the loaded
bar during the execution of the remainder of the lift. From the
erect standing position, the participant then lowered the bar
to the floor (i.e., eccentrically loading the musculature), then
on contacting the floor moving quickly (without bouncing)
from the eccentric phase into the concentric pulling phase of
the deadlift, passing through the sticking point, and complet-
ing the full ROM of the lift.
For both the conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift,
a warm-up set of 5–10 repetitions was performed using 40–
60% of the estimated 1RM. After a 2–5-minute rest period,
a set of 3 repetitions was performed at 60–90% of the esti-
mated 1RM, and continued until a 3RM was achieved. Then,
after a 5-minute rest, 3–4 maximal trials of 1 repetition were
performed to determine the 1RM. Rest periods between trials
lasted 2–5 minutes. A complete ROM and proper technique
was required for a lift to be considered successful (i.e., each
subject had to complete the repetition to full trunk extension,
and they were not allowed to continue testing once a weight
was reached that caused technical breakdown, which was
considered head and shoulders tilting over the feet or little
to no knee bend during extension). The test administrator
(a trained strength professional with knowledge and experi-
ence in performing both eccentrically loaded and conven-
tional deadlift RM testing) monitored each lift.
Statistical Analyses
Pearson correlation coefficients (PCC) (r) and dependent
t-tests were calculated to determine the statistical compari-
sons and correlations between and among the modalities
(conventional deadlift [CD], eccentric deadlift [ED]). Pear-
son correlation coefficients were calculated to determine if
there were positive relationships between the CD 1RM and
the CD 3RM, CD 1RM and the ED 1RM, ED 1RM and the
ED 3RM, CD 3RM and the ED 3RM, CD 1RM and the CD
1RM estimate, and ED 1RM and the ED 1RM estimate.
Significance for these comparisons was set at a= 0.05
(one-tailed). Assuming an effect size of r$0.70 is meaningful,
a desired power of 80% can be achieved with n=10par-
ticipants (6). This study had a minimum of n=13forall
Dependent t-tests were employed to determine if there
were differences between CD 1RM and the ED 1RM, CD
3RM and the ED 3RM, CD 1RM and the CD 1RM esti-
mate, and ED 1RM and the ED 1RM estimate. Significance
for these comparisons was set at a= 0.05 (one-tailed).
Assuming an effect size of 0.80 is meaningful, 80% power
can be achieved with 13 participants (6).
The dependent variables measured in this study were
1RMs and 3RMs for the modalities of the CD and the ED.
The NSCA recognizes 1RM and 3RM measures as reliable
measures of muscle strength (16). Published reliability coef-
ficients (r$0.90 and ICC $0.90) confirm that 1RMs and
3RMs are extremely reliable measures (13,28).
For this study, 15 volunteers participated in the 1RM and
3RM data collection for both the conventional and eccen-
trically loaded deadlift. During data collection, all 15
participants completed the 3RM testing protocol, however,
2 were unable to complete the 1RM protocol. Data analysis
for the 3RM was based off of all 15 participants, but data
analysis for the 1RM was only based off of those 13
participants who finished the protocol.
The 15 observations included in the 3RM data analysis
yielded a mean 3RM CD of 185.3 616.2 kg and a mean 3RM
eccentrically loaded deadlift of 183.8 612.1 kg. The results of
a dependent t-test indicated that there was not a significant
difference between the 3RM CD and the 3RM eccentrically
loaded deadlift (p= 0.30). (Tables 1 and 2).
The 13 observations included in the 1RM data analysis
yielded a mean 1RM CD of 203.0 618.5 kg and a mean 1RM
TABLE 1. Conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift measures.*
mean 6SD,kg
1RM estimate,
mean 6SD,kg
1RM actual,
mean 6SD,kg
PCC 1RM estimate vs.
1RM actual
1RM estimate vs.
1RM actual, p
CD 185.3 616.2 199.3 617.4 203.0 618.5 0.91 0.007
ED 183.8 612.1 194.5 610.8 200.2 619.6 0.84 0.061
*RM = repetition maximum; PCC = Pearson correlation coefficients; CD = conventional deadlift; ED = eccentric deadlift.
Conventional and Eccentrically Loaded Deadlifts
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
eccentrically loaded deadlift of 200.2 619.6 kg. The results of
a dependent t-test indicated that there was not a significant
difference between the 1RM CD and the 1RM eccentrically
loaded deadlift (p= 0.20). (Tables 1 and 2).
For the data collected, a Pearson correlation was calcu-
lated to determine the association between and among the
modalities. For this section, the conventional deadlift will be
referred to as CD and the eccentrically loaded deadlift
initiated from the box will be referred to as ED.
For the CD 1RM vs. CD 3RM, there was a Pearson
correlation of 0.906 and p#0.01. For the CD 1RM vs. ED
1RM, there was a Pearson correlation of 0.801 and p#0.01.
For the ED 1RM vs. ED 3RM, there was a Pearson corre-
lation of 0.835 and p#0.01. For the CD 3RM vs. ED 3RM,
there was a Pearson correlation of 0.825, and p#0.01.
The observed data were also analyzed to determine
whether an 1 RM could be estimated from the 3RM using
the recommendation of 3RM = 93% of 1RM, as outlined by
the NSCA (18). The CD mean estimated 1RM was 199.3 6
17.4 kg with the actual CD mean 1RM being observed at
203.0 618.5 kg. The Pearson correlation between the 1RM
CD estimate and 1RM CD actual was r= 0.91 (p#0.01).
Further, the results of a dependent t-test indicated that the
1RM CD estimate was significantly less than the 1RM CD
actual (p= 0.007) (Table 1).
The eccentrically loaded deadlift mean estimated 1RM
was 194.5 610.8 kg with the actual eccentrically loaded
deadlift mean 1RM observed at 200.2 619.6 kg. The Pear-
son correlation between the 1RM eccentrically loaded dead-
lift estimate and 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift actual
was r= 0.84 (p#0.01). Further, the results of a dependent
t-test indicated that the 1RM eccentrically loaded deadlift
estimate was nearly significantly less than the 1RM eccen-
trically loaded deadlift actual (p= 0.061). From a practi-
tioners perspective, p= 0.061 could be arguably considered
as clinically relevant (Table 1).
The primary purpose of this study was to determine if an
eccentrically loaded deadlift will yield a higher 1RM and
3RM than a CD. Results demonstrated no statistical
difference in weight lifted between either deadlift modality;
and both deadlift modalities exhibited a high correlation to
each other. Although the results did not indicate one
modality was superior to the other, one may consider that
because of the high correlation of weight lifted between the
2 modalities, interchanging these 2 lifts in a training program
may benefit the lifter.
Alternating between the conventional and eccentrically
loaded deadlift would create more diversity in exercises and
may help to prevent staleness and obtaining the beneficial
effects of an additional ground-based compound movement.
In this case, 2 similar movements could be variably
employed that both demonstrate a segmented action (i.e.,
2 distinct movements), consisting of knee and hip extension
and an additional trunk extension (8) and cause significant
activation of the upper lumbar erector spinae muscles, even
more so than the back squat (5,9). When looking at the
trained athlete, the use of ground-based, multijoint, free
weight exercises such as the deadlift allow for the body to
produce a great amount of force, power, and velocity and as
a broader ROM, compared with other training modalities
Also, heavier loads were pulled by 6 of the 13 participants
when initiating the movement from the box and eccentri-
cally loading the deadlift with a countermovement (Table 2).
These results indicate for some participants, there may be
additional practical benefit to incorporating the eccentrically
loaded deadlift into a strength training program; because in
theory, if more weight can be pulled through the full ROM
using the countermovement, more time is spent under ten-
sion at a higher intensity, which equates to a greater total
body training stimulus (3,17,30).
In relation to this point, the coefficient of determination
) is a measure of common variance or a measure of com-
mon factors of the 2 variables. As already mentioned, the
PCC (r) between the 1RMs for the concentric deadlift and
eccentrically loaded deadlift was 0.80. Hence, the coefficient
of determination is 0.64. In other words, 64% of both the
concentric deadlift and eccentrically loaded deadlift come
from common factors. This would also indicate that 36%
of the concentric deadlift and the eccentrically loaded dead-
lift come from factors not in common. One could argue that
beneficial factors not in common include possible SSC
mechanisms such as increased time for force activation (3),
preload effects (3), and the recovery of energy stored during
TABLE 2. Individual conventional and eccentrically
loaded 1RM and 3RM deadlift test results (kg).*
Participant CD 3RM CD 1RM ED 3RM ED 1RM
1 215.9 227.3 206.8 NL
2 179.6 206.8 175.0 202.3
3 179.6 197.7 175.0 184.1
4 193.2 227.3 184.1 197.7
5 193.2 215.9 184.1 206.8
6 193.2 227.3 184.1 231.8
7 193.2 206.8 184.1 211.4
8 197.7 206.8 193.2 215.9
9 184.1 197.7 175.0 184.1
10 179.6 193.2 175.0 184.1
11 184.1 206.8 197.7 NL
12 143.2 156.8 156.8 161.4
13 165.9 184.1 179.6 188.6
14 184.1 206.8 193.2 206.8
15 193.2 211.4 193.2 227.3
*CD = conventional deadlift; RM = repetition maxi-
mum; ED = eccentric deadlift; NL = no lift.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2014 | 1823
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the eccentric component of the eccentrically loaded deadlift
(3). Incorporating these SSC-related factors in training may
have important implications in optimal adaptation and trans-
fer of training to the playing field (1,3,16,17). Additionally,
although participants may have failed to lift the weight from
the floor after lowering the eccentrically loaded deadlift, they
were actually engaging in negatives, which could be used as
an effective training stimulus to increase muscle size and
strength in a program (21,22).
An observation from this study which is hard to quantify,
but may be important for future study, is the technical
breakdown in the posterior chain of the eccentrically loaded
deadlifts. It was observed that on failed attempts, there was
a prominent breakdown in the posterior chain, observed
primarily in the rounding of the back. This was not the case
for subjects who could pull more with the eccentric DL (i.e.,
they maintained posterior chain integrity and did not round
their back). Posterior chain strength may have been the
biggest contributing factor to whether or not the participants
pulled a higher load in the eccentrically loaded deadlift
compared with the CD.
The secondary purpose of this study was to determine if
the 1RM conventional and eccentrically loaded deadlift
could be accurately calculated based on the 3RM, where
the 3RM reflects 93% of 1RM (18). Although there was
a high degree of correlation between the predicted values
and the true values, t-tests showed they were still statistically
different for both the concentric and eccentrically loaded
deadlift. The estimated 1RM was less than the actual 1RM
for both the concentric deadlift (p= 0.007) and eccentrically
loaded deadlift (assuming p= 0.061 is clinically relevant).
This finding emphasizes what many strength coaches
already know; percentage relationships across the RM con-
tinuum are important for determining optimal load and vol-
ume in training progressions; but because of the broad
spectrum of athletes, there are no universal conversions that
apply across the board.
Much research has been dedicated to finding the optimal
percentage prediction chart across the RM continuum,
however, results from different research varies greatly among
and between exercises and individuals (10,11). For example,
highly trained athletes have been shown to perform more
repetitions than nontrained athletes at percentage of 1RM
(11). These researchers also found a difference in number of
repetitions performed between upper and lower body exer-
cises at given percentages of 1RM with lower body move-
ments tending to produce a higher volume of repetitions
than intensity guidelines presented by the NSCA (10,11).
Because of the great amount of musculature activated during
the deadlift (7), it could be argued that the deadlift is, in fact,
a total body exercise, recruiting significant lower and upper
body musculature. For this reason, additional difficulties exist
in establishing deadlift training guidelines at different percen-
tages of 1RM using traditional references, highlighting the
importance of actual 1RM testing.
In conclusion, this study found no statistical difference in
weight lifted between a CD 1RM and 3RM and an
eccentrically loaded deadlift 1RM and 3RM, with a high
degree of correlation between the 2 modalities. The results of
this study also suggest that 1RM estimates (based on 3RM =
93% of 1RM) are significantly less than actual 1RM measures
for the CD and nearly significantly less for the eccentrically
loaded deadlift (p=0.061).
Deadlifts are known to be an optimal lift for developing
strength (24). Because of differences between predicted and
actual 1RM scores in the deadlift, strength coaches and prac-
titioners should prioritize actual 1RM testing of their athletes
and clients to optimize deadlift training loads across the RM
continuum. Additionally, this research benefits future deadlift
training protocols by establishing that, in theory, conven-
tional and eccentrically loaded deadlifts may be inter-
changeable within a training program; this may elicit the
benefits of using a broader variety of ground-based, multi-
joint compound movements when training to increase an
athlete’s total body strength. As the athlete’s maximum
strength increases, the percentage of 1RM at which peak
power occurs also increases (24), an important factor in
optimal sports performance.
The authors would like to thank the SUU Athletic Department
for use of the Charlie and Renee Norton Strength and
Conditioning Center, as well as the SUU football team for
allowing the participation of its members for this study. No
funding was provided for this study, and the authors have no
conflicts of interest related to this research. Results of this study
do not constitute endorsement of the product by the authors or
the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
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Conventional and Eccentrically Loaded Deadlifts
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2014 | 1825
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... T he deadlift (DL) is a full-body strength exercise that is frequently performed in resistance training settings. It is most often used for strength and power development, as it allows for the use of heavy loads, which generate large muscular forces (3,10). It requires the lifter to grasp the barbell in a position similar to a squat, then elevate the load in a continuous motion through extension of the lower back, hip, knee, and ankle joints (2)(3)(4). ...
... It is most often used for strength and power development, as it allows for the use of heavy loads, which generate large muscular forces (3,10). It requires the lifter to grasp the barbell in a position similar to a squat, then elevate the load in a continuous motion through extension of the lower back, hip, knee, and ankle joints (2)(3)(4). It is crucial that the barbell remain close to the body throughout the lift, ensuring that the load remains closer to the lifter's center of gravity (19). ...
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Those training for strength and power commonly use different bars and different lifts. The hexagonal barbell (HBar) and Olympic barbell (OBar) are frequently used training implements, and the mid-thigh pull and deadlift are two popular exercises. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare force between an HBar and OBar for a mid-thigh pull (MTP), deadlift (DL) and countermovement jump (CMJ). Twenty resistance trained men (age = 24.05 +/- 2.09 yrs, ht = 178.07 +/- 7.05 cm, mass = 91.42 +/- 14.44 kg) volunteered to participate and performed MTP and DL utilizing both bars, and a CMJ. Joint angles were recorded for all pulls and the bottom position of the CMJ. Peak ground reaction force (PGRF) was greater in the MTP (3186.88+/-543.53N) than DL (2501.15+/-404.04N) but not different between bars. MTP joint angles were more extended than DL, and the strongest correlations between isometric and dynamic performance were seen between DL PGRF and CMJ impulse (OBar r=0.85; HBar r=0.84). These findings are likely due to the different anatomical characteristics between the MTP and DL as well as the similarity in joint angles between the DL and CMJ. Therefore, the deadlift may be an optimal choice for athletes in jump dependent sports, regardless of bar. Copyright (C) 2016 by the National Strength & Conditioning Association.
... All participants were actively resistance training and had been previously trained in proper technique of back squat exercise with a safety squat bar, and proper technique (10,31) was ensured by the research team, including the same NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS). A 1RM and 3RM are valid and reliable measures (r ≥ 0.90 and ICC ≥ 0.90) of muscle strength (7,44). The true 3RM value was then used to estimate a 1RM safety bar back squat value using the following equation from Reynolds et al. Figure 2). ...
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No study has assessed supramaximal (over 100% 1RM) back squat variations as a potentiating stimulus in collegiate throwers. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that a supramaximal Anderson (bottom-up) quarter squat potentiating stimulus would improve discus throw performance in Division I throwers compared to a dynamic warm-up alone. Nine NCAA division I thrower athletes (age: 20.1±1.4 years; 1RM back squat/body weight: 2.5±0.4 kg) randomly completed two sessions separated by at least 72 hours. One session involved a standardized dynamic warm-up alone (DyWU) followed by three trials of maximal discus throwing. The other session involved a dynamic warm-up with a supramaximal (105% 1RM) Anderson (bottom-up) quarter-squat set of 5 repetitions post activation performance enhancement stimulus (DyWU+PAPE) followed by three trials of maximal discus throwing. A two-way (warm-up strategy x time) ANOVA with repeated measures for each time point was used, with significance set at p< 0.05. There were no significant (p> 0.05) differences between DyWU alone versus DyWU+PAPE stimulus for discus throw distances at either 8 min. (31.7±5.6 vs 30.6±6.5 meters, respectively; d = −0.18), 11 min. (33.4±3.6 vs 31.3±4.7 meters, respectively; d = −0.52), or 14 min. post warm-up (34.1±3.9 vs 32.3±5.3 meters, respectively; d = −0.40). Compared to a dynamic warm-up alone, supramaximal Anderson quarter-squats following a dynamic warm-up had trivial/small to moderate detrimental effects on discus throw performance between 8–14 minutes post stimuli in Division I trained throwers, likely due to excess fatigue/PAPE inhibition.
... Subjects entered the laboratory and were instructed to warm up either through light pedaling on a cycle ergometer at minimal to no resistance, or they were instructed to walk on a treadmill with the same respective exertional effort for 5 min. Following the initial warm-up, subjects began the protocol as shown in Fig. 1 (Bishop et al. 2014). Subjects began the maximal effort strength test by performing 6-10 repetitions at a self-selected low exertional load followed by 1-5 min of rest. ...
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Purpose Arterial stiffness, expedited wave reflection, and autonomic dysfunction are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in women in the United States. Evaluation of the effects of resistance training on these factors has been inconclusive, and even less is known about the effects of high-intensity resistance training (HIRT). This study evaluated the effects of a 4-week HIRT intervention on central arterial stiffness, wave reflection, and heart rate variability in young healthy and active women. Methods 9 women were recruited and underwent a 4-week control period followed by the intervention. Measurements were recorded pre-control, post-control/pre-intervention, and post-intervention. Results There were no significant changes to central arterial stiffness, wave reflection, or heart rate variability. There was a significant increase in resting heart rate (bpm: 62 ± 7, 66 ± 10; p = 0.003) and a significant decrease in baroreceptor sensitivity (30 ± 7, 21 ± 7; p = 0.018) pre- to post-intervention. There was a significant decrease in total peripheral resistance pre- to post-intervention (1.076 ± 0.281, 0.916 ± 0.250; p = 0.002). Squat, bench press, and deadlift increased pre- to post-intervention (kg: 62 ± 11, 71 ± 9, p = 0.000; 37 ± 7, 40 ± 7, p = 0.002; 76 ± 19, 84 ± 19, p = 0.000). Conclusion 4 weeks of HIRT can supplement a healthy lifestyle in women by increasing strength while decreasing peripheral resistance and preserving arterial pressures. Further evaluation is necessary to investigate the observed increase in resting heart rate and decrease in baroreceptor sensitivity and to determine long-term effects of this training.
... Muscle strength was assessed using the three-repetition maximum (3RM) test, and then predicated 1RM was calculated using standardized equations. 17 Total muscle voluntary contraction (total MVC) was considered as the sum of the calculated 1RM for seven movements tested including chest press, leg press, seated row, triceps pushdown, latissimus pulldown, upright row, and hack squat. ...
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OBJECTIVES To test the hypothesis that (1) older patients with heart failure (HF) can tolerate COMBined moderate‐intensity aerobic and resistance training (COMBO), and (2) 4 weeks of Peripheral Remodeling through Intermittent Muscular Exercise (PRIME) before 4 weeks of COMBO will improve aerobic capacity and muscle strength to a greater extent than 8 weeks of COMBO. DESIGN Prospective randomized parallel open‐label blinded end point. SETTING Single‐site Australian metropolitan hospital. PARTICIPANTS Nineteen adults (72.8 ± 8.4 years of age) with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). INTERVENTION Participants were randomized to 4 weeks of PRIME or COMBO (phase 1). All participants subsequently completed 4 weeks of COMBO (phase 2). Sessions were twice a week for 60 minutes. PRIME is a low‐mass, high‐repetition regime (40% one‐repetition maximum [1RM], eight strength exercises, 5 minutes each). COMBO training involved combined aerobic (40%‐60% of peak aerobic capacity [VO2peak], up to 20 minutes) and resistance training (50‐70% 1RM, eight exercises, two sets of 10 repetitions). MEASUREMENTS We measured VO2peak, VO2 at anaerobic threshold (AT), and muscle voluntary contraction (MVC). RESULTS The PRIME group significantly increased VO2peak after 8 weeks (2.4 mL/kg/min; 95% confidence interval [CI] = .7‐4.1; P = .004), whereas the COMBO group showed minimal change (.2; 95% CI −1.5 to 1.8). This produced a large between‐group effect size of 1.0. VO2 at AT increased in the PRIME group (1.6 mL/kg/min; 95% CI .0‐3.2) but not in the COMBO group (−1.2; 95% CI −2.9 to .4), producing a large between‐group effect size. Total MVC increased significantly in both groups in comparison with baseline; however, the change was larger in the COMBO group (effect size = .6). CONCLUSION Traditional exercise approaches (COMBO) and PRIME improved strength. Only PRIME training produced statistically and clinically significant improvements to aerobic capacity. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that PRIME may have potential advantages for older patients with HFrEF and could be a possible alternative exercise modality.
... Muscle strength per kilogram body weight was calculated as muscle strength (kg) divided by weight (kg). The 3-RM protocol has been shown to have a test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.97 in a sample of untrained men [295] and strongly correlates with 1-RM results [296] . ...
This thesis quantified the deterioration of muscle, fat and performance outcomes in men treated with androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer and assessed the feasibility of implementing a lifestyle intervention designed to address these issues. The findings assist the clinical management of these outcomes in this susceptible population group.
... The 3-RM result will be used in a formula to calculate each participant's onerepetition maximum [66]. The 3-RM protocol has been shown to have a test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.97 in a sample of untrained men [67] and strongly correlates with 1-RM results [68]. Maximal muscle (grip) strength will be assessed using a digital grip-strength dynamometer (Jamar Plus Digital, Lafayette Instrument Company, IN, USA) [69]. ...
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Background Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in developed countries. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a systemic treatment shown to increase survival in selected patients with prostate cancer. The use of ADT continues to increase for all stages and grades of prostate cancer despite known treatment-induced adverse effects. The primary aim of this study is to examine the efficacy of a targeted, multi-component resistance and impact-loading exercise programme together with a daily protein-, calcium- and vitamin D-enriched supplement on bone health in men treated with ADT for prostate cancer. Secondary aims are to determine the effects of this intervention on measures of total body and regional body composition, cardiometabolic risk, inflammatory markers, health-related quality of life and cognitive function. Methods This study is a two-arm randomised controlled trial. Men currently treated with ADT for prostate cancer will be randomised to either a 52-week, community-based, exercise training and nutritional supplementation intervention (n = 51) or usual care control (n = 51). Participants will be assessed at baseline, 26 weeks and 52 weeks for all measures. The primary outcome measures are proximal femur and lumbar spine areal bone mineral density (BMD). Secondary outcomes comprise: changes in tibial and radial bone structure and strength, total body and regional body composition, muscle strength and function, as well as cardiometabolic health, catabolic/inflammatory and anabolic/anti-inflammatory cytokines, health-related quality of life and cognitive function. Discussion This study investigates whether a multi-component intervention incorporating a targeted bone and muscle-loading programme in combination with a protein-, calcium- and vitamin D-enriched supplement can ameliorate multiple adverse effects of ADT when compared to usual care. The results will contribute to the development of exercise training and nutrition guidelines for optimising overall health in men treated with ADT for prostate cancer. Trial registration Australia New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ANZCTR), ID: ACTRN12614000317695. Registered on 25 march 2014. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13063-017-2185-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... 10,11 Variations in lifting technique, load, or environment can dramatically change kinematics and muscle utilization patterns during these lifts. For the deadlift exercise differences in form, 12,13 bar utilization, 14 type of contraction, 15 load, 16 base stability, 2 and lifting experience 17 have been shown to affect power output, as well as kinetic and kinematic variables. This information is more difficult to find for the hang clean and hang snatch, but is available for the power clean, the snatch and their variations. ...
Background/aims: Loading during concurrent bending and compression associated with deadlift, hang clean and hang snatch lifts carries the potential for injury to the intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments. This study examined the capacity of a newly developed spinal model to compute shear and compressive forces, and bending moments in lumbar spine for each lift. Methods: Five male subjects participated in the study. The spine was modeled as a chain of rigid bodies (vertebrae) connected via the intervertebral discs. Each vertebral reference frame was centered in the center of mass of the vertebral body, and its principal directions were axial, anterior-posterior, and medial-lateral. Results: The results demonstrated the capacity of this spinal model to assess forces and bending moments at and about the lumbar vertebrae by showing the variations among these variables with different lifting techniques. Conclusion: These results show the model's potential as a diagnostic tool.
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Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) occurs primarily from the performance of unaccustomed exercise, and its severity is modulated by the type, intensity, and duration of training. Although concentric and isometric actions contribute to EIMD, the greatest damage to muscle tissue is seen with eccentric exercise, where muscles are forcibly lengthened. Damage can be specific to just a few macromolecules of tissue or result in large tears in the sarcolemma, basal lamina, and supportive connective tissue, and inducing injury to contractile elements and the cytoskeleton. Although EIMD can have detrimental short-term effects on markers of performance and pain, it has been hypothesized that the associated skeletal muscle inflammation and increased protein turnover are necessary for long-term hypertrophic adaptations. A theoretical basis for this belief has been proposed, whereby the structural changes associated with EIMD influence gene expression, resulting in a strengthening of the tissue and thus protection of the muscle against further injury. Other researchers, however, have questioned this hypothesis, noting that hypertrophy can occur in the relative absence of muscle damage. Therefore, the purpose of this article will be twofold: (a) to extensively review the literature and attempt to determine what, if any, role EIMD plays in promoting skeletal muscle hypertrophy and (b) to make applicable recommendations for resistance training program design.
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This study describes the results of a survey of the strength and conditioning practices of strongman competitors. A 65-item online survey was completed by 167 strongman competitors. The subject group included 83 local, 65 national, and 19 international strongman competitors. The survey comprised 3 main areas of enquiry: (a) exercise selection, (b) training protocols and organization, and (c) strongman event training. The back squat and conventional deadlift were reported as the most commonly used squat and deadlift (65.8 and 88.0%, respectively). Eighty percent of the subjects incorporated some form of periodization in their training. Seventy-four percent of subjects included hypertrophy training, 97% included maximal strength training, and 90% included power training in their training organization. The majority performed speed repetitions with submaximal loads in the squat and deadlift (59.9 and 61.1%, respectively). Fifty-four percent of subjects incorporated lower body plyometrics into their training, and 88% of the strongman competitors reported performing Olympic lifts as part of their strongman training. Seventy-eight percent of subjects reported that the clean was the most performed Olympic lift used in their training. Results revealed that 56 and 38% of the strongman competitors used elastic bands and chains in their training, respectively. The findings demonstrate that strongman competitors incorporate a variety of strength and conditioning practices that are focused on increasing muscular size, and the development of maximal strength and power into their conditioning preparation. The farmers walk, log press, and stones were the most commonly performed strongman exercises used in a general strongman training session by these athletes. These data provide information on the training practices required to compete in the sport of strongman.
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Correlation study To objectively evaluate the relationship between core stability and athletic performance measures in male and female collegiate athletes. The relationship between core stability and athletic performance has yet to be quantified in the available literature. The current literature does not demonstrate whether or not core strength relates to functional performance. Questions remain regarding the most important components of core stability, the role of sport specificity, and the measurement of core stability in relation to athletic performance. A sample of 35 volunteer student athletes from Asbury College (NAIA Division II) provided informed consent. Participants performed a series of five tests: double leg lowering (core stability test), the forty yard dash, the T-test, vertical jump, and a medicine ball throw. Participants performed three trials of each test in a randomized order. Correlations between the core stability test and each of the other four performance tests were determined using a General Linear Model. Medicine ball throw negatively correlated to the core stability test (r -0.389, p=0.023). Participants that performed better on the core stability test had a stronger negative correlation to the medicine ball throw (r =-0.527). Gender was the most strongly correlated variable to core strength, males with a mean measurement of double leg lowering of 47.43 degrees compared to females having a mean of 54.75 degrees. There appears to be a link between a core stability test and athletic performance tests; however, more research is needed to provide a definitive answer on the nature of this relationship. Ideally, specific performance tests will be able to better define and to examine relationships to core stability. Future studies should also seek to determine if there are specific sub-categories of core stability which are most important to allow for optimal training and performance for individual sports.
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The purpose of the investigation was to compare the kinematics and kinetics of the deadlift performed with 2 distinct barbells across a range of submaximal loads. Nineteen male powerlifters performed the deadlift with a conventional straight barbell and a hexagonal barbell that allowed the lifter to stand within its frame. Subjects performed trials at maximum speed with loads of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of their predetermined 1-repetition maximum (1RM). Inverse dynamics and spatial tracking of the external resistance were used to quantify kinematic and kinetic variables. Subjects were able to lift a heavier 1RM load in the hexagonal barbell deadlift (HBD) than the straight barbell deadlift (SBD) (265 ± 41 kg vs. 245 ± 39 kg, p < 0.05). The design of the hexagonal barbell significantly altered the resistance moment at the joints analyzed (p < 0.05), resulting in lower peak moments at the lumbar spine, hip, and ankle (p < 0.05) and an increased peak moment at the knee (p < 0.05). Maximum peak power values of 4,388 ± 713 and 4,872 ± 636 W were obtained for the SBD and HBD, respectively (p < 0.05). Across the submaximal loads, significantly greater peak force, peak velocity and peak power values were produced during the HBD compared to during the SBD (p < 0.05). The results demonstrate that the choice of barbell used to perform the deadlift has a significant effect on a range of kinematic and kinetic variables. The enhanced mechanical stimulus obtained with the hexagonal barbell suggests that in general the HBD is a more effective exercise than the SBD.
The primary aim of this study was to determine reliability and factorial validity of squat (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) tests. The secondary aim was to compare 3 popular methods for the estimation of vertical jumping height. Physical education students (n = 93) performed 7 explosive power tests: 5 different vertical jumps (Sargent jump, Abalakow's jump with arm swing and without arm swing, SJ, and CMJ) and 2 horizontal jumps (standing long jump and standing triple jump). The greatest reliability among all jumping tests (Cronbach's alpha = 0.97 and 0.98) had SJ and CMJ. The reliability alpha coefficients for other jumps were also high and varied between 0.93 and 0.96. Within-subject variation (CV) in jumping tests ranged between 2.4 and 4.6%, the values being lowest in both horizontal jumps and CMJ. Factor analysis resulted in the extraction of only 1 significant principal component, which explained 66.43% of the variance of all 7 jumping tests. Since all jumping tests had high correlation coefficients with the principal component (r = 0.76-0.87), it was interpreted as the explosive power factor. The CMJ test showed the highest relationship with the explosive power factor (r = 0.87), that is, the greatest factorial validity. Other jumping tests had lower but relatively homogeneous correlation with the explosive power factor extracted. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that CMJ and SJ, measured by means of contact mat and digital timer, are the most reliable and valid field tests for the estimation of explosive power of the lower limbs in physically active men.
The purpose of this study was to document the differences in kinematics between the Sumo and conventional style deadlift techniques as performed by competitive powerlifters. Videotapes of 19 conventional and 10 Sumo contestants at two regional New Zealand powerlifting championships were analyzed. It was found that the Sumo lifters maintained a more upright posture at liftoff compared to the conventional lifters. The distance required to lift the bar to completion was significantly reduced in the Sumo technique. No significant difference was found between the techniques as to where the sticking point (first decrease in vertical bar velocity) occurred. (C) 1996 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Ninety-one subjects were tested to determine the number of repetitions they could perform at 40, 60, and 80 percent of one repetition maximum (percent 1 RM) for each of seven specified weight training lifts. Thirty-eight subjects from a previous study (18) were also included in the data analysis. The subjects represented four categories: untrained males (n = 38), untrained females (n = 40), trained males (n = 25) and trained females (n = 26). The results indicated that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the number of repetitions that males and females can perform at the selected percent 1 RM among the seven weight training lifts, as well as in the number of repetitions performed at these percentages across lifts. When comparing untrained and trained males, a significant difference (p < 0.05) was found in the number of repetitions performed at all selected percent 1 RM for the arm curl, knee extension and sit-ups. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were also found at 60 percent 1 RM for the leg curl and at 60 and 80 percent 1 RM for the lateral pulldown. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found for any percent 1 RM for the bench press and the leg press. When comparing untrained and trained females, a significant difference in performance (p < 0.05) was found among all seven lifts at 40 percent 1 RM. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found at 60 percent 1 RM for the knee extension, bench press, sit-ups, leg curl and leg press; and at 80 percent 1 RM for the bench press, sit-ups and leg press. The findings of this study indicate that a given percent of 1 RM will not always elicit the same number of repetitions when performing dafferent lifts. (C) 1990 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Thirty-eight male subjects with no previous muscular strength training experience were tested to determine the number of repetitions they could perform at 40, 60, and 80 percent of one repetition maximum (1 RIM)for each of seven specified weight training lifts. The results indicated that there is a significant difference (P < 0001) in the number of repetitions performed at the selected percentages of 1 RM, as well as in the number of repetitions performed at these percentages across lifts. The findings also indicate that a given number of repetitions is not always associated with the same percentages of the 1 RM when performing different lifts. The prediction of the 1 RM can not be generalized based on the number of repetitions performed. (C) 1987 National Strength and Conditioning Association
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the deadlift could be effectively incorporated with explosive resistance training (ERT) and to investigate whether the inclusion of chains enhanced the suitability of the deadlift for ERT. Twenty-three resistance trained athletes performed the deadlift with 30, 50, and 70% 1-repetition maximum (1RM) loads at submaximal velocity, maximal velocity (MAX), and MAX with the inclusion of 2 chain loads equal to 20 or 40% of the subjects' 1RM. All trials were performed on force platforms with markers attached to the barbell to calculate velocity and acceleration using a motion capture system. Significant increases in force, velocity, power, rate of force development, and length of the acceleration phase (p < 0.05) were obtained when repetition velocity increased from submaximal to maximal. During MAX repetitions with a constant resistance, the mean length of the acceleration phase ranged from 73.2 (±7.2%) to 84.9 (±12.2%) of the overall movement. Compared to using a constant resistance, the inclusion of chains enabled greater force to be maintained to the end of the concentric action and significantly increased peak force and impulse (p < 0.05), while concurrently decreasing velocity, power, and rate of force development (p < 0.05). The effects of chains were influenced by the magnitude of the chain and barbell resistance, with greater increases and decreases in mechanical variables obtained when heavier chain and barbell loads were used. The results of the investigation suggest that the deadlift can be incorporated effectively in ERT programs. Coaches and athletes should be aware that the inclusion of heavy chains may have both positive and negative effects on kinematics and kinetics of an exercise.