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Prevalence of overweight and obesity for urban adults in Cameroon

Taylor & Francis
Annals of Human Biology

Abstract and Figures

The emergence of a nutrition transition in developing countries might lead to higher prevalence of obesity and related adverse health effects. In Cameroon,urbanization growth rate is one of the highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Such dramatic demographic change favours important modifications, notably in nutritional patterns. In this paper we examine the current prevalence of overweight and obesity in Yaounde,the capital city of Cameroon and search for possible causal factors. Detrimental consequences of overweight are also discussed. Samples of adults (519 women, 252 men) of all ages in all districts of Yaounde were subjected to anthropometric and body composition measurements, blood pressure and resting heart rate determination, and interviewer-administered questionnaires on socio-demography, smoking habits, physical activity, self-perception of body weight and health status. In both sexes body mass index (BMI) increases with age and peaks in the years of maturity. These changes are related to changes in adiposity. Prevalence rates of overweight(BMI >or= 25) and obesity (BMI > or = 30) increase from 20 to 29 years and peak at 40-49 years in men and at 50-59 years in women before starting to decline. One woman in two is overweight and one woman in five is obese, whereas one-third of men are overweight and only 5% are obese. Obese subjects have a larger age-adjusted waist to hip ratio(WHR) than their non-overweight counterparts, attesting that fat gain is oriented towards a more abdominal fat mass distribution. The length of residence in Yaounde, increasing education level, occupation, ethnicity, physical inactivity and smoking practices appear to influence early overweight and/or obesity. No parity effect is observed in women. From the present study, it appears that obesity, and especially obesity in women, could be less benign than that described in other studies in Africa. Research is needed in Cameroon, including aetiological and cohort studies aimed at the quantification of morbidity and mortality risks associated with overweight and obesity.
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Prevalence of overweight and obesity for urban adults in Cameroon
P. Pasquety,L.S.Temgouaô,F.Melaman-Segoô,A.Fromentz
and H. Rikong-Adie
y Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UPR 2147, Paris, France
z Institut pour la Recherche en de
veloppement (IRD), Orle
ans, France
} Institut de la Medecine et des Plantes Me
dicinales, Centre de Recherches
sur l’Alimentation et la Nutrition, Yaounde
, Cameroon
ô Faculte
de Me
decine, Universite
de Yaounde
I, Yaounde
, Cameroon
Received 4 September 2002; in revised form 14 April 2003; accepted 1 May 2003
Summary. Background: The emergence of a nutrition transition in developing countries
might lead to higher prevalence of obesity and related adverse health effects. In Cameroon,
urbanization growth rate is one of the highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Such dramatic
demographic change favours important modifications, notably in nutritional patterns.
Aim: In this paper we examine the current prevalence of overweight and obesity in Yaounde
the capital city of Cameroon and search for possible causal factors. Detrimental
consequences of overweight are also discussed.
Material and methods: Samples of adults (519 women, 252 men) of all ages in all districts of
were subjected to anthropometric and body composition measurements, blood
pressure and resting heart rate determination, and interviewer-administered questionnaires
on socio-demography, smoking habits, physical activity, self-perception of body weight and
health status.
Results: In both sexes body mass index (BMI) increases with age and peaks in the years of
maturity. These changes are related to changes in adiposity. Prevalence rates of overweight
(BMI 5 25) and obesity (BMI 5 30) increase from 20 to 29 years and peak at 40–49 years
in men and at 50–59 years in women before starting to decline. One woman in two is
overweight and one woman in five is obese, whereas one-third of men are overweight
and only 5% are obese. Obese subjects have a larger age-adjusted waist to hip ratio
(WHR) than their non-overweight counterparts, attesting that fat gain is oriented towards
a more abdominal fat mass distribution. The length of residence in Yaounde
, increasing
education level, occupation, ethnicity, physical inactivity and smoking practices appear to
influence early overweight and/or obesity. No parity effect is observed in women. From the
present study, it appears that obesity, and especially obesity in women, could be less benign
than that described in other studies in Africa.
Conclusion: Research is needed in Cameroon, including aetiological and cohort studies
aimed at the quantification of morbidity and mortality risks associated with overweight
and obesity.
1. Introduction
In many developing countries overweight, obesity and obesity-related morbidity
are becoming a problem of increasing importance. For several decades profound
demographic and economic changes that create completely new conditions in terms
of lifestyle have been observed. With urbanization and economic development has
emerged a nutritional transition characterized by a shift to an higher caloric content
of diet and/or to the reduction of physical activity, and whose consequences are
changes in the body composition of the individuals (Popkin 1994). This transition
implies and accompanies the current transition towards the development of the
so-called non-communicable diseases: obesity and more generally chronic degenera-
tive diseases (Shetty 1997).
2003, VOL. 30, NO. 5, 551562
Annals of Human Biology ISSN 0301–4460 print/ISSN 1464–5033 online # 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0301446032000112652
In sub-Saharan Africa overweight and obesity were not considered a major public
health issue until recently. The emphasis was on under-nutrition and food security
rather than on overweight and obesity, so that there is little data on current prev-
alence. However given the current structural changes and more specifically the
rapidly growing urbanization which affect these countries, overweight is likely to
become a matter of growing concern (Delpeuch and Maire 1997).
Cameroon, in Central Africa, has one of the highest urbanization rate growth in
sub-Saharan Africa—the urbanization rate was 9.8% in 1950 and 40.8% in 1990;
previsions for 2025 give the figure of 67% (United Nations 1993). In the past decade
we have conducted nutritional anthropometry surveys on random samples of adults
from populations living in various contrasted ecological and economical settings in
Cameroon. These have shown a clear dramatic rural to urban trend towards increas-
ing adiposity in this country (Pasquet et al. 1994). No prevalence studies have been
carried out in the main cities of the country but studies among civil servants and in a
peripheral district of Yaounde
—the capital city—suggests high rates of overweight
among women (Rotimi et al. 1995, Sobngwi et al. 2002).
In this paper we present the results of a prevalence study on overweight and
obesity for Yaounde
adults, conducted in all districts of the city, including the
search for possible causal factors. Detrimental consequences of overweight are
also discussed.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Population
The survey was conducted from June 1998 to March 1999. For every district,
quarters were selected at random in a number proportional to the number of
inhabitants in the district according to the last National Census of 1987 (RGPH
and MINPAT 1992). Subjects were recruited by volunteering and the measurement
sessions were done at the headquarters’ house on Saturdays, when most of the
inhabitants are present. Each participant was informed on the bio-statistical and
anthropometrical nature of the survey, including the description of the measure-
ments, but the overweight and obesity-oriented goals of the study were not empha-
sized. Delivery of medicines, and possibly medical follow up, were provided in
compensation for participating, at the end of each individual session.
The study concerns all men and women at or above 20 years of age but excluding
pregnant and lactating women.
2.2. Measurements
A set of anthropometric measurements was taken by the same trained fieldworker,
using standardized procedures (Weiner and Lourie 1981). The height was measured
to the nearest millimetre using a portable stadiometer (Siber Hegner, Zurich,
Switzerland). The weight of each participant was measured, in very light clothing,
to the nearest 100 g, using a digital scale (Tanita, Tokyo, Japan). Body mass index
(BMI) was calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of height in
metres. Overweight was defined as a BMI of 25 and more, and obesity as an index of
30 and more (WHO 2000).
Mid-arm, hip and waist circumferences were measured with the subject in a
standing position, to the nearest millimetre, using a non-stretchable tape measure.
Waist circumference was measured mid-way between the lowest rib and the iliac
crest, at the end of a gentle expiration, and hip circumference was measured at the
552 P. Pasquet et al.
greater trochanters. The waist to hip ratio (WHR) was calculated to assess body
fat distribution. WHR values above 1.0 and 0.85 were used to identify subjects
with abdominal obesity for men and for women, respectively (WHO 2000). Waist
circumference gender-specific cut-points of 102 cm and 88 cm, for men and women,
respectively, were used to distinguish subjects at increased cardiovascular risks
(Lean et al. 1995).
Skinfold thickness measurements were taken at four sites: biceps, triceps, sub-
scapular and suprailiac using an Holtain Tanner/Whitehouse skinfold caliper
(Holtain Ltd, Crosswell, UK). Fatness (per cent fat), was derived from the sum of
the four skinfolds (or the three when the suprailiac skinfold was not measured),
according to Durnin and Womersley (1974). Fat mass and fat free mass were derived
from body weight and estimated fatness. Body composition was also estimated, on
a subsample, by using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), according to Segal
et al. (1988), with a BIA 101 50 Hz analyser (RLJ, Detroit, MI, USA) in standard
conditions after a 15 min rest lying.
An average of two diastolic and systolic blood pressure (BP) readings were taken
with the subjects in a seated position, according to standard procedures (WHO
1978), after a 15 min rest. Mean blood pressure was defined as: diastolic BP þ 1/3
(systolic BP diastolic BP). Mean BP was dichotomized by the third upper tercile
of its distribution in the total study sample, in order to distinguish subjects with
high mean BP. Persons who reported taking hypertensive medication were also
considered as having high BP.
Resting heart rate was assessed by pulse counting, during 3 min, after the last
blood pressure measurement.
2.3. Questionnaires
In addition to measurements all participants filled a set of questionnaires on
socio-demography, smoking habits, physical activity, self-perception of body
weight and attempts to lose weight, health status and current medication.
2.4. Ethics
All measurements and questionnaires in this study were in accordance with the
Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki).
2.5. Data analysis
All data analysis and statistical calculation were done using the STATISTICA
software, version 5 (Statsoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). Descriptive results are pre-
sented as means SD. Group comparisons were performed using the t-test, analysis
of variance and analysis of covariance for age-adjusted comparisons. The logistic
regression model was used to examine the relationship (adjusted odds ratios)
between overweight, obesity and possible causal factors.
3. Results
Table 1 presents the sex-specific values for the anthropometric and physiological
variables. The distribution of the study participants by age group reflects the distri-
bution of ages in the various districts of Yaounde
. However the male subjects were
under-represented, probably as a consequence of the use of a volunteering sampling
strategy and of the lower motivation for males to participate in health-related
Overweight and obesity in Cameroon 553
surveys. Given the small number of subjects, the two oldest age classes of men were
grouped into a single group of subjects aged 50 years and more.
Significant differences were observed for most of the anthropometric measure-
ments between men and women. The later exhibited lower mean values for the body
size-related variables, including arm circumference, but they were fatter and had a
larger mean hip circumference than men. No significant gender differences were
observed for waist circumference and blood pressure measurements.
High and significant ( p<0.001) correlation levels were observed between BMI
and the various indicators of body composition in both sexes. The correlation
between BMI and estimated per cent fat were 0.71 in women and 0.78 in men.
Higher correlations were observed with fat mass: 0.91 in women and 0.88 in men
and while lower. The correlations between BMI and skinfold thickness were 0.77,
0.72, 0.78 and 0.73 in women and 0.73, 0.70, 0.78 and 0.78 in men for triceps, biceps,
subscapular and suprailiac skinfold, respectively. High correlation levels were also
observed between BMI and the components of body composition as calculated by
BIA (r ¼ 0.96 and r ¼ 0.88 for fat mass in women and men, respectively). Lower
correlation levels were found concerning estimated fat free mass: 0.68 in women
and 0.63 in men. WHR and BMI were moderately correlated—indicating the differ-
ent aspects of fatness measured by these indicators—but with an higher correlation
level in men (r ¼ 0.42, p<0.001) than in women (r ¼ 0.21, p<0.001).
Table 2 presents the means of BMI, estimated fat and fat free mass, and fat
distribution assessed by WHR, by age group and by gender. Given the small
number of subjects the two oldest age classes of men were grouped into a single
group of subjects aged 50 years and more.
554 P. Pasquet et al.
Table 1. Age, and anthropometric and physiological characteristics of the study subjects.
Men Women
n Mean SD n Mean SD
Age (years) 252 40.44 15.07 519 41.13 14.74
Height (cm) 252 171.45 6.12 519 160.62 } 6.40
Weight (kg) 252 69.81 11.77 519 67.05 } 14.46
BMI* 252 23.70 3.52 519 25.96 } 5.25
Waist circumference (cm) 237 83.40 10.14 508 84.11 12.95
Hip circumference (cm) 237 93.24 7.53 508 100.00 } 11.85
WHR 237 0.894 0.06 508 0.843 } 0.08
Arm circumference (cm) 252 28.58 3.39 519 29.47 } 4.50
Triceps skinfold (mm) 252 8.10 3.77 519 17.98 } 8.48
Biceps skinfold (mm) 252 4.62 1.79 519 8.53 } 5.29
Subscapular skinfold (mm) 252 11.80 6.61 519 17.27 } 8.56
Suprailiac skinfold (mm) 248 13.50 8.73 517 17.40 } 8.41
Body fat (%) y 252 17.75 6.93 519 31.00 } 7.47
Fat mass (kg) y 252 12.94 6.97 519 21.55 } 9.23
BIA resistance () 112 448.05 73.22 223 503.55 } 79.06
Resting heart rate (beats/min) 233 71.21 8.37 497 74.80 } 7.53
Diastolic pressure (mmHg) 233 75.92 10.46 497 74.49 11.63
Systolic pressure (mmHg) 233 114.29 20.16 497 114.34 25.10
Mean blood pressure (mmHg) z 233 88.71 13.03 497 87.77 15.62
* Weight/staturey
y From skinfold thickness, according to Durnin and Womersley (1974).
z Diastolic BP þ 1/3 (systolic BP diastolic BP).
} t-test of the differences between means of men and women: p<0.01.
In both sexes, BMI increased with age and peaks in the years of maturity (men:
F(3,248) ¼ 8.96, p<0.001; women: F(4,514) ¼ 24.9, p<0.001). This increase was
related mainly to an increase of the degree of fatness (men: F(3,248) ¼ 38.6,
p<0.001; women: F(4,514) ¼ 34.2, p<0.001). Fat free mass tended to decrease
in both sexes after 30–39 years. In parallel a clear trend towards the development
of central adiposity was apparent (men: F(3,232) ¼ 32.2, p<0.001; women:
F(4, 496) ¼ 49.0, p<0.001).
As indicated in table 3 overweight and obesity were associated with age in both
sexes (women:
¼ 52.3 and 36.3, p<0.001; men:
¼ 21.8 and 10.7, p<0.01, for
overweight and obesity, respectively). The prevalence rates increased from 20 to 29
years and peaked at 40–49 years in men and at 50–59 years in women then declined.
Women, as a group, were more overweight (
¼ 21.1, p<0.001) and more obese
than men (
¼ 30.9, p<0.001): one woman in two was overweight and one woman
in five was obese whereas one-third of men were overweight and only 5% were obese.
Moreover massive obesity (BMI 5 40) was observed only in women (1.8%).
Differences in fat mass explained some 60% of the age-adjusted body weight differ-
ence between obese and non-overweight male or female (men: F(1,183) ¼ 506,
p<0.001; women: F(1,361) ¼ 1078, p<0.001). Moreover, obese subjects had a
larger age-adjusted WHR than their non-overweight counterparts (men:
Overweight and obesity in Cameroon 555
Table 2. Age trends of BMI, per cent fat, fat mass (FM), fat free mass (FFM) and WHR by gender
among Yaounde
Age group
(years) n BMI (kg m
) % fat FM (kg) FFM (kg) WHR
20–29 150 (145) 23.4 SD 3.4 24.9 SD 5.4 15.5 SD 5.8 45.1 SD 5.1 0.800 SD 0.057
30–39 110 (109) 26.7 SD 5.5 29.9 SD 5.8 21.5 SD 8.2 48.2 SD 7.2 0.818 SD 0.067
40–49 105 (103) 26.9 SD 5.1 33.7 SD 5.9 24.6 SD 8.9 46.1 SD 7.0 0.845 SD 0.066
50–59 88 (87) 27.8 SD 5.5 37.1 SD 5.6 27.2 SD 9.1 44.4 SD 6.6 0.877 SD 0.082
60þ 66 (64) 26.6 SD 6.0 34.3 SD 8.1 23.2 SD 10.5 40.8 SD 8.6 0.931 SD 0.071
20–29 87 (74) 22.5 SD 2.3 12.7 SD 4.0 8.7 SD 3.7 58.1 SD 5.7 0.847 SD 0.037
30–39 51 (49) 24.1 SD 3.4 18.0 SD 5.3 13.5 SD 5.8 59.4 SD 7.7 0.885 SD 0.050
40–49 46 (46) 25.6 SD 4.5 21.1 SD 6.6 16.9 SD 8.1 59.2 SD 7.0 0.916 SD 0.055
50þ 68 (68) 23.6 SD 3.6 21.7 SD 7.3 15.3 SD 7.5 51.8 SD 5.9 0.935 SD 0.070
In parentheses: subjects with WHR measurements.
Table 3. Age-specific prevalence rates of overweight and obesity in Yaounde
(Overweight and obesity are defined as a BMI above 25 kg m
and 30 kg m
Women Men
Age group
Age group
20–29 26.7 4.7 20–29 13.8 1.0
30–39 54.6 25.5 30–39 35.3 5.9
40–49 63.8 24.8 40–49 50.0 13.1
50–59 67.1 34.1 50–76 38.2 5.9
60–75 54.6 24.2
20–75 50.3 20.5 20–76 31.4 5.2
F(1,167) ¼ 17.9, p<0.001; women: F(1,344) ¼ 6.8, p<0.001), attesting that fat gain
was oriented towards a more abdominal fat mass distribution.
To examine the possible causal factors for the development of overweight and
obesity in Yaounde
adults, the relationships between overweight, obesity and
various ecological variables are presented in table 4.
Most of the variables entered in the logistic regression were risk factors for over-
weight and obesity as attested by the level of the adjusted odds ratios. Increasing age,
the female sex and increasing educational level were important risk factors. Ethnicity
was also predictive as well as occupation and smoking practice (notably for obesity
in former smokers). The length of residence in Yaounde
and physical inactivity
appeared to influence early overweight. Conversely, there was no adjusted-parity
effect on the development of overweight and obesity in women.
556 P. Pasquet et al.
Table 4. Risk factors for overweight and obesity adjusted by logistic regression analysis.
(Significant adjusted odds ratios: 95%, þ95% confidence limits.)
Overweight Obesity
Sex** (**)
Male y
Female 3.0 (1.9–4.7) 11.1 (4.8–25)
Age** (**)
20–29 y
30–39 3.2 (1.5–5.2) 7.3 (2.9–18.2)
40–49 6.6 (3.8–11.4) 10.2 (3.4–26.8)
50–59 8.0 (4.3–14.7) 19.2 (7.0–52.8)
5 60 10.6 (5.2–21.4) 20.1 (6.5–62.3)
Education level** (**)
Illiterate y
Primary 1.8 (1.1–3.4) 2.7(1.3–5.6)
Secondary 2.1 (1.2–4.7) 2.3 (1.1–5.3)
High 4.0 (1.5–10.2) 6.0 (1.6–22.8)
Occupation** (**)
No activity y
Agriculturalist 0.1 (0.04–0.3) 0.1 (0.02–0.9)
Trader 2.0 (1.2–3.4) 1.9 (1.1–3.6)
Other occupation
Length of residence in Yaounde
** (NS)
<5 years y
5 5 years 2.0 (1.1–3.8)
Ethnicity** (**)
Beti-Fang y
Bamileke 3.2 (2.0–5.2) 3.2 (1.7–5.6)
Other ethnicities 3.0 (1.9–4.8) 2.4 (1.3–4.4)
Parity** (**)
<4 children y
5 4 children
Smoking practice* (NS)
Never smoked y
Stopped smoking 6.2 (2.3–17.1)
Currently smoking 0.5 (0.3–0.8)
Physical activity pattern** (*)
Regular sport and/or more than 2 h walking per day y
No sport and less than 2 h walking per day 1.5 (1.1–2.2)
*, ** Crude analysis significant effect ( p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively); in parentheses for obesity.
y Category taken as reference.
4. Discussion and conclusion
The results of this prevalence study in Yaounde
confirm the existence of a
clear rural–urban trend towards increasing overweight and overfat in Cameroon
(figure 1a and b). However the prevalences in some rural areas are not negligible.
This is the case, in particular, of the hilly areas of west Cameroon (Grassfields) in
which prevail strong economic dynamism and satisfactory sanitary conditions
(Temgoua Takam 1997).
Overweight and obesity prevalence rates in Yaounde
are high, particularly among
women, while chronic energy deficiency (CED) is no longer prevalent (only 2.5%
of women and 3.5% of men present BMI values lower than 18.5). The percentage of
women overweight and obese are within the upper range of the figures reported in
developed countries (WHO 2000). The high overweight sexual dimorphism observed
in Yaounde
could reflect an early nutrition transitional situation, during which
women are more affected by obesity, as observed in other studies (Beltaifa et al.
As underlined by committees of international experts (IDECG 1993), factors
associated with obesity in Africa, its aetiology and its health, psychological, social
Overweight and obesity in Cameroon 557
Figure 1. (a) Age-adjusted prevalence rates of overweight for adults in various ecological settings in
Cameroon. (b) Age-adjusted percentages of excess fat for adults in various ecological settings
in Cameroon. Excess fat was calculated from the sum of triceps þ subscapular skinfold thickness
and defined as a value 5 52 mm in women and 5 38 mm in men, according to van Itallie (1985).
The non-Yaounde
data were collected between 1985 and 1996 and come from the Anthropologie
Alimentaire des Populations Camerounaises project (Pasquet et al. 1994, Froment et al. 1996, Koppert
Urban (middle
sized) (n=662)
Rural (high
Rural south
Rural north
Grade III (BMI: 40 +)
Grade II (BMI: 30-39.9)
Grade I (BMI: 25-29.9)
Rural (high
Rural south
Rural north
Grade II (BMI: 30-39.9)
Grade I (BMI: 25-29.9)
and economic consequences are not necessarily of the same nature as those which
were identified in the developed countries.
The importance of the nutritional transition itself (increased energy content of the
diet, and/or reduced habitual energy expenditure) remains to be quantified in the
main cities of Cameroon. However, in the present study, using indirect assessment
(a questionnaire) of physical activity, we showed that walking less than 2 h a day and
or not practising sports activity is significantly related to the occurrence of over-
weight in Yaounde
(table 4). This is particularly true for women who walk less and
practise less sport than men. In the same vein, a recent study (Sobngwi et al. 2002)
has shown that a low activity energy expenditure is an important determinant of
overweight in Yaounde
and a study among Nigerians (Luke et al. 2002) has shown
that low activity energy expenditure is related to increased weight gain in women.
As far as food consumption is concerned, the result of food weighing surveys
conducted over the past years in various ecological settings in Cameroon (Koppert
et al. 1996, Sajo Nana et al. 1996) suggest the existence of a rural–urban trend
towards an increased lipid content of the diet: the percentage of calories from
lipids varies from 16% in the northern savannas to 22% in the southern rural
areas up to 27% in the middle sized urban areas.
Contrary to what was observed for some other urban areas in sub-Saharan africa
(Maire et al. 1992), recent migration in Yaounde
is associated with a significant
risk of overweight (table 3). Measures need to be developed to determine whether
psychosocial and psychocultural factors (stress, changes in the structure and cohe-
sion of family and communities, etc.), associated with living in an urban area, play a
significant and separate role on the prevalence of overweight.
Cultural perception of body weight may influence the prevalence of obesity in
since only 46% of obese men and 54% of obese women perceive themselves
as overweight. As a comparison, 87% of African American obese women and 95%
of white US obese women consider themselves overweight (Dawson 1988). In addi-
tion, only 4% of men and 30% of women that perceive themselves overweight
are actually trying to lose weight (the figure among US women is 68%). Such
divergences between medical and social/cultural weight valuations might contribute
to the extensive prevalence of obesity, notably in women. They have to be taken
into account when designing programmes aimed at reducing overweight in this
Data on the income level were not available in this study. However overweight
and obesity rates are positively linked with higher educational level and are more
prevalent among occupational categories such as traders. This suggests that excess
weight is more common in individuals with an higher socio-economic status, accord-
ing to a model generally observed in the less developed countries. However, such a
model could not prevail any more given the current trend towards the uncoupling of
the diet–income relationship, as a characteristic of the actual worldwide nutrition
transition (Drewnowski and Popkin 1997).
Adverse sequelae of obesity have been identified. They concern health as well
as psychology of individuals and economy (WHO 2000). However, the extent of
detrimental consequences of African obesity (or in people of African origin) is not
clearly established and is a controversial issue (Kumanyika 1987, Solomon and
Manson 1997), which sustains the current debate on health and ethnicity (Hames
and Greenlund 1996).
558 P. Pasquet et al.
Some authors observing the high prevalence of overweight among African
Americans, concluded that ‘race is an independent predictor of overweight’ (Van
Itallie 1985) and that central adiposity—linked to many obesity-related metabolic
disorders (Kaplan 1989)—is more frequent among black than among white
(Freedman et al. 1995).
Some studies in women suggest that excess health risk in African-American
is proportionate to their excess weight (Kumanyika 1987), whereas other studies
found less obesity-related risks among black than among white (Stevens et al.
1992). However, the results of more recent investigations suggest that a given
amount of central adiposity (intra-abdominal adipose tissue) confers the same
risks for both white and African-American women, but that for any given amount
of total body fat African-Americans may have less intra-abdominal fat (Lovejoy
et al. 1996).
As far as Africa is concerned, a South African report (Walker et al. 1990) found a
minimal effect of obesity on hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and hyperglycaemia, and
overall morbidity in black women, presumably in relation to the morphological
characteristics of the South African woman in whom gluteofemoral fat deposition
is common (Cameron 1997).
In Cameroon, it appears, at least on the basis of the available anthropometric
indicators in the present study (table 5), that obesity, and more specifically obesity in
women, could be less benign than that described in South African studies.
Arguments for the necessity of weight management in Yaounde
adults are: (i) the
orientation of fat gains in the obese towards a more abdominal fat mass distribution,
(ii) the high proportion of subjects with large waist circumference (iii) the high
proportion of obese women with elevated blood pressure compared with non-
overweight women (odds ratio: 2.1, 95% CI: 1.21–3.62, age adjusted).
Further research is needed in Cameroon, including aetiological and cohort studies
aimed at the quantification of morbidity and mortality risks associated with over-
weight and obesity. However the results of the present study highlight the need to
develop plans for adequate prevention and management of obesity, taking into
account environmental, social and genetic background interactions.
Overweight and obesity in Cameroon 559
Table 5. Health-risk indicators among obese and non-overweight adults (age-adjusted means
and percentages).
Men Women
(n ¼ 158)
(n ¼ 14)
(n ¼ 247)
(n ¼ 106)
WHR (mean SD) 0.88 0.05 0.94 0.05 ** 0.84 0.06 0.86 0.06 **
Subjects with android obesity 2.4% 14.2% NS 38.0% 56.1% **
Waist circumference
(cm, mean SD)
78.2 6.0 102.8 5.9 ** 74.9 8.1 99.5 8.1 **
Subjects with waist
circumference >102 cm in men,
>88 cm in women
0.1% 93.5% ** 21.0% 97.1% **
Mean blood pressure
(mmHg, mean SD)
87.5 0.11.4 95.7 11.1 * 85.4 13.2 92.4 13.1 **
Subjects with elevated blood
pressure (mean BP 5 96 mmHg)
17.2% 21.4% NS 19.1% 33.0% **
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Address for correspondence: Dr P. Pasquet, Dynamique de l’Evolution Humaine, Equipe alimentation
et adaptabilite
nutritionnelle, CNRS UPR 2147, 44 rue de l’Amiral Mouchez 75014, Paris, France. Email:
Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Das Auftreten einer Erna
hrungsumstellung in Entwicklungsla
nnte zu einer ho
heren Adipositaspra
valenz und damit verbunden zu nachteiligen Gesundheitseffekten
hren. Kamerun hat eine der ho
chsten Urbanisationswachstumsraten in Sub-Saharan Afrika. Solche
drastischen demographischen Vera
nderungen begu
nstigen umfassende A
nderungen, vornehmlich in den
Ziel: In dieser Arbeit wird die aktuelle Pra
valenz von U
bergewicht und Adipositas in Yaounde
, der
Hauptstadt von Kamerun untersucht und nach mo
glichen Ursachen dafu
r gesucht. Des weiteren werden
nachteilige Folgen des U
bergewichtes diskutiert.
Material und Methoden: Bei einer Erwachsenenstichprobe (519 Frauen, 252 Ma
nner) aller Altersgruppen
in allen Bezirken von Yaounde
wurden anthropometrische und Ko
rperbaumaße, Blutdruck und
Ruhepuls bestimmt. Außerdem wurden durch Intervier Befragungen zur Sozio-Demographie, zu den
Rauchgewohnheiten, zur ko
rperlichen Aktivita
t, zur Selbstwahrnehmung von Ko
rpergewicht und
Gesundheitszustand durchgefu
Ergebnisse: Bei beiden Geschlechtern stieg der Body Masse Index (BMI) mit dem Alter an und erreicht im
Erwachsenenalter seinen Ho
chstwert. Diese A
nderungen stehen im Zusammenhang mit A
nderungen des
Fettes. Die Pra
valenzraten fu
bergewicht (BMI 5 25) und Adipositas (BMI 5 30) steigen von 20-29
Jahren an und erreichen ihr Ho
chstmaß mit 40-49 Jahren bei Ma
nnern und 50-59 Jahren bei Frauen.
Danach sinkt die Pra
valenz wieder. Eine von zwei Frauen ist U
bergewichtig und eine von fu
nf Frauen ist
s, wa
hrend ein Drittel der Ma
nnern U
bergewichtig ist, sind nur 5% adipo
s. Adipo
se Personen haben
eine gro
ßere WHR fu
r ihr Alter als nicht U
bergewichtige. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Fettzunahme
zu einer mehr abdominalen Fettmassenverteilung fu
hrt. Dauer des Wohnsitzes in Yaounde
, Zunahme
des Ausbildungsniveaus, berufliche Ta
tigkeit, ethnische Herkunft, ko
rperliche Inaktivita
t und
Rauchgewohnheiten scheinen einen Einfluss auf ein fru
hzeitig Auftreten von U
bergewicht und/oder
Adipositas zu haben. Bei Frauen wurde kein Einfluss der Parita
t gefunden. Es scheint, dass in der vorlie-
genden Untersuchung Adipositas, besonders Adipositas bei Frauen schwerwiegender ist, als in anderen
Studien aus Afrika beschrieben.
Zusammenfassung: In Kamerun sind Untersuchungen notwendig einschließlich a
tiologischer und
Kohortenstudien -, die das Morbidita
ts- und Mortalita
tsrisiko im Hinblick auf U
bergewicht und
Adipositas quantifizieren.
Overweight and obesity in Cameroon 561
. Arrie
re-plan: l’apparition d’une transition nutritionnelle dans les pays en de
pourrait conduire a
une plus forte pre
valence de l’obe
ainsi que de ses conse
quences sur la sante
Le rythme de l’urbanisation au Cameroun est l’un des plus rapides de toute l’Afrique sub-saharienne,
il s’accompagne de changements de
mographiques qui favorisent des modifications importantes des profils
But: Cet article examine la pre
valence actuelle du surpoids et de l’obe
dans la ville de Yaounde
, capitale
du Cameroun et en recherche les causes possibles. Il discute e
galement des conse
quences du surpoids sur la
riel et me
thodes: Des mensurations anthropome
triques, de composition corporelle, de tension arte
ielle et de rythme cardiaque au repos, ainsi que des enqueˆ tes par questionnaire comprenant des rubriques
de socio-de
mographie, de tabagisme, d’activite
physique et d’auto-perception du poids et de l’e
tat de sante
ont e
unies sur des e
chantillons d’adultes (519 femmes et 252 hommes) de tous aˆ ges et de tous les
quartiers de Yaounde
sultats: L’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) s’accroıˆ t avec l’aˆ ge dans les deux sexes, pour culminer au
cours des anne
es de maturite
. Ces changements sont lie
s aux changements d’adiposite
. Les taux de
valence du surpoids (IMC > 25) et de l’obe
(IMC > 30) augmentent a
partir de l’aˆ ge de 20-29
ans et culminent entre 40-49 ans chez les hommes et entre 50-59 ans chez les femmes avant de commencer
de de
cliner. Une femme sur deux est en surpoids et une femme sur cinq est obe
se, tandis qu’un tiers des
hommes sont en surpoids et seulement 5% sont obe
ses. Les sujets obe
ses ont un rapport poids/taille par
aˆ ge plus e
que leurs homologues de poids normal, ce qui indique que les gains d’adiposite
sont plus
s vers une distribution abdominale de la masse graisseuse. Le surpoids ou l’obe
semblent influence
s par le temps de re
sidence a
, par un niveau e
ducatif croissant, par la profes-
sion, par l’appartenance ethnique, par l’inactivite
physique et par les habitudes tabagiques. On n’observe
pas un effet de la parite
chez les femmes. Cette e
tude indiquerait que l’obe
, notamment fe
pourrait eˆ tre moins be
nigne qu’il n’a e
crit a
propos d’autres e
tudes africaines.
Conclusion: Le Cameroun a besoin que soient effectue
es des recherches comportant des e
tudes e
et de cohortes qui viseraient a
quantifier les risques de morbidite
et de mortalite
s au surpoids et a
Resumen. Antecedentes: La aparicio
n de una transicio
n nutricional en los paı
ses en
as de desarrollo
a conducir a una mayor prevalencia de obesidad y efectos relacionados adversos para la salud.
En Cameru´ n, la tasa de incremento de la urbanizacio
n es una de las ma
s elevadas del Africa
Subsahariana. Un cambio demogra
fico tan dra
stico propicia importantes modificaciones, sobre todo en
los patrones nutricionales.
Objetivo: En este artı
culo examinamos la actual prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en Yaounde
, la capital
de Cameru´ n, y buscamos posibles factores causales. Tambie
n se discuten las consecuencias perjudiciales
del sobrepeso.
Material y me
todo: Se tomaron medidas antropome
tricas y de composicio
n corporal, la presio
n sanguı
y se determino
la tasa cardiaca en reposo, en muestras de adultos (519 mujeres, 252 varones) de todas
las edades y en todos los distritos de Yaounde
; el entrevistador realizo
una encuesta que incluı
a datos
ficos, sobre el ha
bito de fumar, actividad
sica, la propia percepcio
n del peso corporal y el
estado de salud.
Resultados: En ambos sexos, el ı
ndice de masa corporal (BMI) aumenta con la edad y presenta picos en la
madurez. Estos cambios esta
n relacionados con cambios en la adiposidad. Las tasas de prevalencia de
sobrepeso (BMI 5 25) y obesidad (BMI 5 30) aumentan desde los 20-29 an
os y presentan un pico a los
40-49 an
os en los varones y a los 50-59 an
os en las mujeres, antes de comenzar a declinar. Una mujer de
cada dos presenta sobrepeso y una de cada cinco es obesa, mientras que un tercio de los hombres tiene
sobrepeso y solo el 5% es obeso. Los sujetos obesos tienen un mayor WHR ajustado para la edad que sus
logos sin sobrepeso, lo que confirma que el aumento de grasa se orienta hacia una distribucio
masa grasa ma
s abdominal. El tiempo de residencia en Yaounde
, el incremento en el nivel educativo,
la ocupacio
n, la etnicidad, la inactividad
sica y el consumo de tabaco parecen influir en la aparicio
sobrepeso y/o una obesidad precoces. No se ha observado ningu´ n efecto de la paridad en mujeres. Segu´ n
este estudio parece que la obesidad, y especialmente la obesidad en mujeres, podrı
a ser menos benigna de
lo que se habı
a descrito en otros estudios realizados en Africa.
n: Se precisan investigaciones en Cameru´ n, que incluyan estudios etiolo
gicos y de cohortes,
destinadas a cuantificar los riesgos de morbilidad y mortalidad asociados con el sobrepeso y la obesidad.
562 P. Pasquet et al.
... Cameroon, a sub-Saharan African LMIC with just over 26 million people, falls in the category of countries with sparse literature in this area. Initial data shows a growing burden of overweight and obesity [8][9][10], making a case for further exploration of the country's weight profiles. A recent cross-sectional survey of adults in a town (Baham) in the west region of the country showed that 31.1% and 18.9% of 485 respondents were overweight and obese, respectively [8]. ...
... A recent cross-sectional survey of adults in a town (Baham) in the west region of the country showed that 31.1% and 18.9% of 485 respondents were overweight and obese, respectively [8]. These numbers are slightly comparable to a two-decade-old cross-sectional study in Yaoundé, the country's political capital, which reported that one in every two women was overweight and 1 in 5 was obese [9]. A more extensive study of the two largest Cameroonian cities in 2018 reported that over 32% of women aged 15-49 were obese [10]. ...
... It ranges from 8% according to an analysis of 4518 children aged between 6 and 59 months in the 2011 demographic and health surveys data [11] to nearly double according to cross-sectional studies from Douala (Cameroon's economic capital) and the North West Region [12][13][14]. Like other LMICs, studies show that older women, women with higher levels of education and those who consume sweetened beverages have higher odds of being obese in Cameroon [8,9]. In children, maternal obesity and overweight, high birth weight, age, and being from the grass field regions are associated with childhood overweight [5][6][7][8], while being Muslim was the only reported protective factor [11,13]. ...
Full-text available
Background Overweight parents are likelier to bear overweight babies, who are likelier to grow into overweight adults. Understanding the shared risks of being overweight between the mother-child dyad is essential for targeted life course interventions. In this study, we aimed to identify such risk factors in Cameroon. Methods We conducted secondary data analysis using Cameroon’s 2018 Demographic and Health Surveys. We used weighted multilevel binary logistic regressions to examine individual, household, and community correlates of maternal (15–49 years) and child (under five years) overweight. Results We retained 4511 complete records for childhood and 4644 for maternal analysis. We found that 37% [95%CI:36–38%] of mothers and 12% [95%CI:11–13%] of children were overweight or obese. Many environmental and sociodemographic factors were positively associated with maternal overweight, namely urban residence, wealthier households, higher education, parity and being a Christian. Childhood overweight was positively associated with a child being older and a mother being overweight, a worker, or a Christian. Therefore, only religion affected both mothers overweight (aOR: 0.71[95%CI:0.56–0.91]) and childhood overweight (aOR 0.67[95%CI: 0.5–0.91]). Most of the potentially shared factors only indirectly affected childhood overweight through maternal overweight. Conclusion Besides religion, which affects both mothers and childhood overweight (with the Muslim faith being protective), much of childhood overweight is not directly explained by many of the observed determinants of maternal overweight. These determinants are likely to influence childhood overweight indirectly through maternal overweight. Extending this analysis to include unobserved correlates such as physical activity, dietary, and genetic characteristics would produce a more comprehensive picture of shared mother-child overweight correlates.
... In this setting, the prevalence of a major trigger for CVD, hypertension, was 24.3% 10 . Other important risk factors such as physical inactivity, diabetes and being overweight were reported to be high with urban to rural differences [11][12][13] . A recent study reported in the city of Buea in Cameroon a poor knowledge on CVD with unhealthy lifestyles in a population with low socioeconomic status 14 . ...
... A 35-item semi-structured questionnaire was developed from that of Akintunde used in Nigeria, Aminde in Cameroon and Awad in Kuwait 17,20,21 , encompassing questions on demographics such as age, gender, education, income level and employment status [13], [14]; 19 questions to assess the awareness and knowledge levels on CVD were developed by adapting from the Heart Disease Fact Questionnaire (HDFQ) 23 and the questionnaire of the American Heart Association (AHA) used in different international surveys assessing behavior and knowledge of women [14], 24 . ...
Full-text available
Background Cardiovascular disease is a major leading cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa and Cameroon. This burden is rooted by major modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors that have not been intensively investigated among these populations. This study aimed to determine the levels of knowledge and awareness of heart disease amongst adults within the capital city of Cameroon. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted by administering a semi-structured questionnaire among 468 Cameroonian aged 25–64 years. egression models were used to identify significant predictors of respondent’s knowledge and awareness, perceived risk and self-efficacy to heart disease. Results 38.5% (180 out of 468) of respondents had a good level of knowledge on heart disease. High blood pressure, stress, smoking, being overweight, lack of physical exercise, alcohol, family history of heart disease, high cholesterol and aging were identified as risk factors. Respondents were aware of heart disease 378(81%), reported having two or more risk factors 345(74%), perceived themselves at high risk to heart disease 339(72.4%) and had a high efficacy to reduce their risk of heart disease 397(86%). Male gender (OR 1.4: 1.01–2, p = 0.032), being aware of heart disease (OR 1.62: 1–2.5, p = 0.032), college education (OR 2.7: 1.5–6.2, p = 0.021), high perceived susceptibility (OR 1.7: 1.2–2.7, p = 0.018) and having no risk factors (OR 2.7: 1.3–5.6, p = 0.01) predicted good knowledge of heart disease. Conclusion Educational programs aiming at increasing the awareness and translating knowledge into effective actions among populations should be empowered and strengthened based on the influencing predictors.
... D'après les résultats figurant dans le tableau 3, on note une association statistiquement positive ente l'obésité et l'âge des femmes enquêtées (χ 2 = 130,5 ; p<0,0001). Ce fait a été démontré dans de nombreux travaux (Rguibi et Belahsen, 2003;Pasquet et al. 2003;Carter et al. 2004;Belahsen et al. 2004). ...
... Les modalités des différentes variables qualitatives retenues dans le modèle sont citées dans les tableaux 1 et 2. Table 4. Variables of the model of binary logistic regression and bio-demographic and socio-cultural factors linked to obesity Il ressort des résultats du modèle de régression logistique binaire (tableau 4) que, par ordre d'importance, l'obésité est associée positivement à l'origine géographique des femmes enquêtées, au poids perçu, l'âge et enfin le poids souhaité. Il est bien évident que l'obésité augmente avec l'âge (Pasquet et al. 2003). Les dimensions socio culturelle valorisant le gain de poids chez les femmes d'origine sahraouie a déjà été rapportée (Rguibi et Belahsen, 2007). ...
Full-text available
tude de l'obésité et quelques facteurs associes chez un groupe de femmes marocaines résidentes de la ville de Smara (sud du Maroc) Study of obesity and some related factors among a group of Moroccan women belonging to the city of Smara. (South of Morocco)
... 24 However, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in our study is lower than those reported in previous studies of urban adult populations in Cameroon and South Africa. 25,26 In addition, 30% of the population was underweight; this could be due to an increase in food expenditure and the social value of being overweight, which is perceived by "popular imagery" as a sign of well-being; not to mention the traditional energy found in the West, region of Cameroon as indicated above. 22 T A B L E 3 Distribution of biological test according to normal uricemia and hyperuricemia. ...
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Background and Aims Hyperuricemia constitutes a major public health issue due to its implication in many chronic diseases and metabolic syndromes. We propose to study the prevalence and associated factors of hyperuricemia to diagnose asymptomatic patients and make prognoses on the state of health of the patients. Methods An analytic cross‐sectional study has been carried out at the Bafoussam Regional Hospital and the Biochemistry laboratory of the Université des Montagnes over 2 months. Sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristic was obtained; a blood sample was collected from the chosen patients and a biochemical test (uric acid, creatinine, urea, total cholesterol, high density lipoproteins cholesterol, triglyceride) was analyzed by spectrophotometric method. Statistical tests were carried out using SPSS statistical software. Logistic regression analyses identified factors associated with variables of interest. The significance was measured by a p < 0.05 with a confidential level of 95%. Results The patient population was made up of 100 patients. The sex ratio was 1.22 in favor of men. The prevalence of hyperuricemia in our study was 28.0% with 31.1% in women and 27.3% in men. The mean average of uric acid in the hyperuricemia population was 7.50 ± 1.24 mg/L and the normal uricemia population was 4.69 ± 1.49 mg/L (p < 0.0001). The mean average triglyceride in the hyperuricemia population was 143 ± 14 and 117.55 ± 55.52 mg/dL in normal uricemia with p = 0.046. Age range [35–45] and hypertriglyceridemia have been associated with hyperuricemia with respectively (odds ratio [OR] = 4.07, p < 0.015) confidence interval, CI: [0.89: 97.0]) and ([OR = 2.50, p < 0.046] CI: [1.01: 6.09]). Conclusion The prevalence of hyperuricemia was relatively high and has been associated with metabolic disorders in the population. It is necessary to focus on early diagnoses, treatment, and early intervention in view to prevent chronic diseases associated with hyperuricemia.
... However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that focus on the metabolic phenotypes of obesity according to several definitions to distinguish the metabolically normal phenotype among Cameroonians. Native population of West Region of Cameroon, the Bamileke are one of the major ethnic groups in Cameroon which have a high prevalence of overweight in rural areas and are three times more likely to develop obesity than other Cameroonians (Pasquet et al., 2003). Focusing on this Bamileke population, this study was designed to assess the clinical characteristics and classification of obese people with a metabolically normal phenotype in order to understand its evolution in the socio-cultural context. ...
... Dans certaines zones urbaines en Afrique, on retrouve les taux d'obésité frôlant les 30 % dans la population adulte et selon certains auteurs, 20 à 50 % des populations urbaines africaines sont en surpoids ou obèses (AFMED, 2017). Au Cameroun par exemple, la prévalence de l'obésité chez les femmes se situe autour de 25 % et les femmes en surpoids encore appelées préobèses représentent 27 % (Pasquet et al., 2003). ...
Full-text available
The objective of this study is to identify the determinants of the intention to regularly practice the physical activities in the patients of the ONC. A cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out near 546 subjects. The self-reported questionnaire made it possible to measure the variables of the theory of planned behavior, past behavior and autonomous motivation. SPSS 20.0 software was used to analyze the data. Spearman correlation test shows that all the correlations between the intention to regularly practice physical activities and the attitude towards physical activity, social norm, perception of behavioral control, past behavior, autonomous motivation variables are significant (p < 0,01). KEY WORDS: physical activities, patient and theory of the planned behavior.
... This result could be explained by positive association demonstrated in studies between the standard of living and the occurrence of childhood obesity [20][21][22]. We found an increase in blood pressure with age in our study. ...
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Introduction. High blood pressure (HBP) is a major public health problem in children, due to the risks of cardiovascular and renal complications associated. Systematic measurement of blood pressure and management of it's elevation in children is not yet clearly codified. The aim of the study was to establish the baseline blood pressure of children aged 4 to 18 years. Methods. A cross sectional study was done from January 2019 to June 2019 in 4 primary and secondary schools in the city of Bafoussam using a predesigned questionnaire and making measurements of general and anthropométric following standard guidelines. The data collected was analyzed using appropriate statistical tests. Results. The prevalence of high blood pressure among the 1075 subjects included in our study was 2.1%, of whom 2.0% had borderline HBP and 0.1% had confirmed HBP according to the classification of the French Society of Pediatric Nephrology. Factors associated with hypertension were: age between 5-8 years, male gender (95% CI: 0.3 (0.1-0.9) P=0.017); obesity (95% CI: 5.5 (2.1-14.5), P= 0.002) and weekly duration of sports activity less than 2 hours (95% CI: 0.3 (0.1-0.7), P= 0.004). Conclusion. This study revealed an elevated prevalence of high blood pressure in Bafoussam, with a number of preventable risk factors. Parents and children should be educated on proper nutrition and the need to practice regular sports activities to avoid overweight and obesity.
... Second, we found strong associations of both ethnicity and living area with EI, independently of each other and other sociodemographic factors. This finding was expected in the context of the ongoing nutrition transition in Cameroon, as shown by previous studies (10,11) . Interestingly, education appears to predict EI independently of ethnicity factor which was not the case for other sociodemographic factors (sex, marital status, and SES). ...
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Central Africa is experiencing rapid urbanization and this situation comes along with changes in food habits and an increased prevalence of obesity and associated health risks. Factors influencing dietary intake among the diverse African populations are not well understood. Our objective was to characterize the dietary intake and their determinants in the two main ethnic groups experiencing nutrition transition in Cameroon, the Bamiléké and the Béti. We sampled Bamiléké (381) and Béti (347) adults living in both rural and urban, collected sociodemographic variables, assessed dietary patterns by using a food portion photographs book to administrate a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a 24–hour dietary recall technique, and derived their Body Mass Index (BMI) from measured weight and height. The dietary patterns of Bamiléké people were comprised of more energy-dense foods than the Béti people, regardless of the living area. The energy intake (13·8 ( SD 4·6)–15·4 ( SD 4·8) MJ vs 9·7 ( SD 3·5)–11·2 ( SD 3·9 MJ) and the obesity (15–29 % vs 5–8 %) were therefore higher in Bamiléké than in Béti respectively. Multivariable linear regression analyses showed strong associations of both ethnicities (4·02 MJ; P <0·001), living area (0·21 MJ; P <0·001), and education (0·59 MJ; P <0·048) with energy intake (EI), independently of each other and other sociodemographic factors. The ethnicity factor has been characterized as the more important determinant of diet. Our findings provide new insights and perspectives highlighting the importance of anthropological factors when building prevention campaigns against obesity in Central Africa.
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Background Recent studies indicate an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among women in Uganda; these have been associated with factors like age, marital status, income status, the number of children, and level of education, among others. However, most studies rely solely on the body mass index as the indicator of obesity. This study examined the socio demographic factors associated with obesity among women aged 18–59 years in Mukono Central Division of Central Uganda. Methods A cross sectional study design using quantitative methods was employed. A total of 384 women between 18 and 59 years were selected by simple random sampling. A semi structured questionnaire and anthropometric measurements were used to collect data. Results Age and marital status were positively associated with overweight-body mass index classification (Age–OR 1.9; CI 1.3–3.0; p = 0.003: marital status–OR 2.1; 1.1–3.8; p = 0.021), obese-body mass index classification (Age–OR 2.3; CI 1.3–3.8; p = 0.002: marital status–OR 2.8; 1.1–7.2; p = 0.029), increased risk-waist circumference classification (Age–OR 3.2; CI 2.0–5.1; p = 0.000: marital status–OR 2.4; 1.3–4.6; p = 0.005) and substantially increased risk-waist hip ratio classification (Age–OR 1.9; CI 1.2–3.0; p = 0.005: marital status–OR 2.7; 1.3–5.5; p = 0.006). Age was also positively associated with overfat-Total Body Fat percentage classification(Age–OR 2.2; CI 1.4–3.5; p = 0.001) and excessive-Abdominal Fat Level classification (Age–OR 3.2; CI 1.1–9.4; p = 0.03). Employment status was negatively associated with obese-Total Body fat Percentage classification (Employment status–OR 0.6; CI 0.4–0.9; p = 0.015). Conclusions Generalized and abdominal obesity in women were both predicted by age, marital status, and employment status. Identifying the changes that occur in the lives of women as they grow older, get married, and have children, and what it is about being unemployed, that predisposes women to obesity within the Ugandan context, will be instrumental in guiding interventions to curb the emerging obesity epidemic among women in Uganda.
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The objective of this study was to classify and suggest an adequate definition of the metabolically normal phenotype among Cameroonians with obesity in the western region of Cameroon. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the West Cameroon region from August 2016 to August 2017. A total of 324 subjects with BMI >27 kg/m², aged of 20 years and older, and not treated for cardiometabolic diseases were included in the study. Sociodemographic and clinical parameters of the subjects were collected. Four definitions of metabolic status were tested to suggest the definition that best identifies the subjects with obesity but metabolically normal phenotype (MNO) in the study. The prevalence of the MNO phenotype varied from 2.50% to 29.60% according to the definitions used. According to the individual definitions, the prevalence of the MNO phenotype was 29.60% according to Hinnouho, 16.00% according to Mbanya, 7.40% according to Meigs and 2.50% according to Widman. Markers of inflammatory profile (high sensitivity C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-alpha), carbohydrate homeostasis (fasting glucose and homeostasis model assessment), markers of lipid profile (total cholesterol and triglyceride), systolic blood pressure, nitric oxide, adiposity indices (Waist circumference and waist to hip ratio) were significantly lower in MNO subjects for the majority of definitions (p < 0.05). The modified Hinnouho definition showed better specificity (60.90%) and sensitivity (12.10%) for an area under the ROC curve of 0.98. The degree of agreement was low between the different pairs of definition of the MNO phenotype (Kappa< 0.61). There is poor agreement between the different definitions of the MNO phenotype among Cameroonians with obesity. Therefore, the adoption of a universal definition of MNO phenotype should be proposed to facilitate the management of metabolic health in people with obesity.
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Les enquêtes alimentaires du programme "Anthropologie Alimentaire des Populations Camerounaises" concernent les Yassa, Mvae et Bakola de la région de Campo, les Koma et les Duupa du Nord Cameroun et incluent les enquêtes d'autres programmes : les Eton d'Evodoula, les Massa de Yagoua et la ville de Mbandjock. Les populations se distinguent par le choix des aliments de base (féculents et surtout manioc dans les zones sud, céréales dans les zones nord). A l'intérieur de chaque zone, le choix concerne la forme dans laquelle ces aliments sont consommés. Les régimes alimentaires sont à base de poisson (Yassa et Massa), de gibier (Mvae et Bakola), ou quasiment végétarien (Duupa et Koma), ou bien basés sur la viande et le poisson achetés (Evodoula, Awing, Mbandjock). Dans ces derniers sites le marché commence à remplacer l'autosuffisance alimentaire traditionnelle. Les regroupements de populations, en ce qui concerne les aliments et les nutriments, sont étudiés. La relation entre apport alimentaire et dépense énergétique, étudiée dans 5 populations, montre qu'en général la ration alimentaire des hommes est relativement plus importante que celle des femmes et dépasse l'estimation des besoins de 100 à 500 kcal, surtout du fait de la consommation de boissons alcoolisées. L'estimation de la couverture des besoins des femmes montre une différence de +50 à -150 kcal dans quatre des cinq populations. Les variations saisonnières observées sont significatives dans le Sud chez les Bakola (diminution au début de la saison sèche) et dans le Nord chez les Koma et Massa (augmentation de la ration en saison de récolte). L'adaptation des populations dépend de la régularité de l'approvisionnement et, surtout en zone forestière, de leur capacité d'utiliser toutes les ressources du milieu. (Résumé d'auteur)
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Des enquêtes alimentaires et nutritionnelles ont été réalisées à Mbandjock, zone rurale devenue urbaine et cosmopolite suite à l'installation d'une agro-industrie (SOSUCAM, Société Sucrière du Cameroun). L'enquête alimentaire a porté sur un échantillon de 48 familles (soit 399 personnes) tirées au sort à partir de l'échantillon de 202 familles retenues pour l'étude de l'état nutritionnel et réparties dans sept quartiers représentatifs regroupés en fonction du niveau socio-économique. Dans le but d'évaluer la dépense énergétique, une enquête budget-temps a également été effectuée sur 24 chefs de famille ayant des professions variées ainsi que leurs épouses, soit au total 48 sujets. Le régime alimentaire de Mbandjock paraît monotone et lié principalement à l'origine ethnique et au niveau socio-économique. Les aliments de base sont constitués de féculents frais et de céréales qui fournissent 60% de l'énergie totale. L'apport énergétique de la ration est de 1882 kcal per capita. Cet apport est sous-estimé car il ne tient pas suffisamment compte de la consommation hors repas que l'enquête budget-temps évalue à 300 kcal/jour chez les femmes et 780 kcal/jour chez les hommes. Pour l'apport en nutriments, les sources de protéines sont végétales (53%) et l'apport en protéines animales est également élevé (47%). L'état nutritionnel est apparemment positif selon les standards NCHS : la malnutrition grave touche 0.9% des enfants, la malnutrition modérée 3.2% et l'obésité 5.2% avant l'âge de 5 ans. Cependant, le retard de croissance staturale touche presque 10% des enfants de 0-5 ans et 5-10 ans et même 20% des 10-15 ans. La comparaison avec l'indice de Quételet montre qu'il y a 30% de femmes obèses contre 13% d'hommes. Malgré la différence entre les activités surtout professionnelles des hommes et celles plus traditionnelles des femmes, leurs dépenses énergétiques par rapport au métabolisme de repos sont équivalentes : 1.69 mmb (multiple du métabolisme de base). La couverture des besoins est de 120% chez les hommes et de 97% chez les femmes... (D'après résumé d'auteur)
To evaluate the impact of urban life-style on nutritional status, body mass index (BMI) of mothers and indices of malnutrition of preschool children were calculated in four representative surveys in two rural areas and two main cities of Western and Central Africa. Mean BMIs were similar in both urban settings and were significantly higher than those of rural mothers. Distributions shifted significantly towards values over 25 kgs/m2 in towns, although, values lower than 18.5 were still present. Therefore chronic energy deficiency, largely prevalent in many rural areas of Africa, remains important in cities, where obesity also appears to have become a public health concern. Wasting was rare in young urban children, but the prevalence of stunting, although lower, indicates the persistence of nutritional deficiencies. This situation of nutritional transition generates a double burden to already limited health finances and requires an appropriate educational policy.
The high prevalence of obesity in black women has been hypothesized to contribute to higher rates of coronary heart disease and total mortality. Investigators have recently refined the study of obesity by differentiating anatomic patterns of the physical location of adipose tissue on the body. We examined fat patterning as a predictor of mortality in black women. Body mass index (BMI) and body girths were examined as predictors of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality during 25 to 28 years of follow-up in black and white women in the Charleston Heart Study. The BMI was associated with all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality in white, but not black, women. After controlling for differences in BMI, the risk of all-cause mortality was greater in white women with larger chest and abdominal girths, while midarm girths were inversely associated with mortality. The hazard at the 85th percentile relative to the 15th percentile of abdomen/midarm ratio was 1.44 in models that included BMI, education, and smoking as covariates. In black women, the girths were not predictive of either all-cause or coronary heart disease mortality. The failure of BMI and fat patterning to predict mortality in black women challenges previously held assumptions regarding the role of overweight in the higher mortality experienced by black women.
Studies were made on 50 South African urban black obese women aged 25-40 years, with Body Mass Index (BMI) (Kg/m2) of 29.5 or more, and on 50 non-obese women with BMI of 25 or less. In the two groups, mean triceps skinfolds were 25.5mm and 17.8mm, respectively. Hypertension (greater than or equal to 160/95mm Hg) was present in 6 and 4 women (12% and 8%), hypercholesterolaemia (greater than or equal to 5.2mmol/l) in 5 and 3 women (10% and 6%), hypertriglyceridaemia (greater than or equal to 1.8mmol/l) in 5 and 3 (10% and 6%), and hyperglycaemia (greater than or equal to 7.8mmol/l) in 2 and 1 women (4% and 2%). One or more adverse sequelae were present in 11 (22%) obese and in 9 (18%) of non-obese women, proportions not significantly different. Dietarily, mean daily intakes were--Kcals 2273 and 2240, protein 73g and 70g (12.9% and 12.5% energy), fat 65g and 67g (25.7% and 26.9% energy), carbohydrate 349g and 330g (61.4% and 60.5% energy), and dietary fibre, 12g and 13g. In this low socioeconomic and low fat dietary context, obesity in the black women studied was not specifically evocative of deleterious sequelae of obesity.
The contribution of obesity to cardiovascular risk has not been adequately appreciated because of a failure to recognize the involvement of upper-body predominance of body weight with hypertension, diabetes, and hypertriglyceridemia even in the absence of significant overall obesity. This article examines the evidence that upper-body obesity, as usually induced by caloric excess in the presence of androgens, mediates these problems by way of hyperinsulinemia. Because of these interrelationships, there is a need to identify and prevent upper-body obesity or, failing that, to provide therapies that will control the associated problems without aggravating hyperinsulinemia.
The marked excess of obesity among black women in the United States poses several interesting questions which provide the framework for this review: Is the apparent high prevalence of obesity in black women a valid finding? If so, does it show the expected disease and disease risk associations? Can the contributory genetic and environmental variables be identified? Regarding the validity issue, the high prevalence of obesity in black women seems to be neither artifactual nor primarily an indirect effect of socioeconomic status. On the issue of racial comparability of disease risks among women, the available evidence is less conclusive. Obesity appears to have qualitatively similar health consequences for black women and white women but may be less strongly related to some disease risks (for example, hypertension) in black women than in white women. Obesity risks of black women may, however, be enhanced by the presence of multiple risk factors. On the question of causes, no clear mechanism for the excess obesity in black women can be identified. There is some evidence to support hypotheses based on dietary, lifestyle, and metabolic influences. Genetic factors cannot be ruled out. Several relevant future research possibilities can be suggested. Epidemiologic studies of both genetic and environmental influences in female obesity are needed. Studies among black females might further specify patterns of body weight and body fat distribution according to degree of European admixture and developmental variables such as caloric exposure in utero and in early infancy. Studies to establish more clearly the relative risks of various health outcomes for obese black women are needed to assist in setting public health priorities. For example, what are the attributable and absolute risks of overweight or obesity compared with other risk factors that are potential intervention targets? Studies are needed to define effective means of preventing and treating obesity among black women. Effective interventions are likely to be culture-specific. Definitive comparisons of black women and white women on environmentally mediated aspects of obesity might contribute to models of obesity in the general population and might also elucidate points at which black women and white women diverge. For example, short-term prospective studies are needed to better specify the natural history of weight gain and weight loss among females of both races during critical periods such as adolescence, post partum, lactation and post lactation, and during major life stresses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This study validated further the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method for body composition estimation. At four laboratories densitometrically-determined lean body mass (LBMd) was compared with BIA in 1567 adults (1069 men, 498 women) aged 17-62 y and with 3-56% body fat. Equations for predicting LBMd from resistance measured by BIA, height, weight, and age were obtained for the men and women. Application of each equation to the data from the other labs yielded small reductions in R values and small increases in SEEs. Some regression coefficients differed among labs but these differences were eliminated after adjustment for differences among labs in the subjects' body fatness. All data were pooled to derive fatness-specific equations for predicting LBMd: the resulting R values ranged from 0.907 to 0.952 with SEEs of 1.97-3.03 kg. These results confirm the validity of BIA and indicate that the precision of predicting LBM from impedance can be enhanced by sex- and fatness-specific equations.