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Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm

ISSN: 2581-4206 (Online)
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Research Article
1| Journal of Innovation in Applied Research, Vol.4 Issue 1(2021)
Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony
(ABC) Algorithm
*Mirza Samiulla Beg and Akhilesh A. Waoo
Department of Computer Science and IT, Faculty of Computer Application and Science & IT, AKS University, Satna (M.P.)
*Corresponding author E-mail:
Received on: 08.01.21; Revised on: 25.01.21; Accepted on: 30.01.21
After reading many papers, it was concluded that its result can be improved further. Many techniques have
been used for data optimization in a wireless sensor network and their results are also good. But this result
can be done even better. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithms can be used for this. Dynamic techniques
can be used for data optimization in a wireless sensor network. Data optimization can be done by using
the dynamic technique with an artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm.
Keywords: Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Net Present Value (NPV),
Automated Software Testing (AST), Data Centres (DC), Multi-Objective Optimization with The Artificial
Bee Colony (MOABC), Improved Artificial Bee Colony (IABC), Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
WSNs present an intriguing field of examination
because of their few applications and their
combination toward more perplexing organization
frameworks. The challenges in WSNs are generally
identified with their severe limitations, for example,
energy, transfer speed, and memory. The research
some central issues identified with inclusion,
steering, and sink portability, displayed as
independent enhancement issues or incorporated in
conventions plan. They notice that the proposed
arrangement techniques come from different fields
of examination including computational
calculation; direct, nonlinear, and requirement
programming; metaheuristics and approximated
strategies, and so forth Anyway our principal
objective is to right off the bat recognize these
issues from the expansive scope of works related
with the above points. Further, mean to make the
association with the traditional advancement issues.
At long last, they report some comparative issues
experienced in customary organizations and
examine the contrasts between them. For the most
part talking there are two enormous gatherings of
works in the WSN field, those named application
situated with reenactment, relative and additionally
genuine equipment contemplates, and those falling
in the hypothetical arranged examinations. They
consider the two kinds of work yet emphasize the
last one. The utility of hypothetical investigations is
twofold: initially, they permit to assemble ideal
arrangements to quantify the viability of the
executed techniques and the examination of their
conduct, and besides, they propose new strategies
following restricted calculation limit, sensors
energy, and so forth.
Mirza et al., 2021 Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm
2| Journal of Innovation in Applied Research, Vol.4 Issue 1(2021)
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a division that
covers a lot of varieties in creations and
arrangement. A common sensor network
comprises an enormous number of minimal efforts,
low force circulated gadgets, called hubs, conveyed
in the climate being detected and controlled
(Stankovic et al., 2003). All in all, this sort of
organization is made out of countless small hubs
ready to speak with one another that can be utilized
to screen dangerous and unavailable regions. In this
manner, every hub comprises of processor,
memory, remote radio wire, battery, and the sensor
itself. Hubs can detect scalars from the climate, for
example, temperature, acoustic and light, however
may likewise measure and send them by radio. The
organization can be named homogeneous or
heterogeneous, which would imply that some
particular hubs present exceptional equipment or
programming design, yet even inhomogeneous
organizations, to gather, store and cycle
information from the WSN's hubs, a unique hub,
called Base Station (BS), is essential. The greater
part of the right now embraced innovations for
WSNs depends on minimal effort processors,
bringing about the restricted-energy financial plans
and limited memory space. In numerous
applications, it is normal that the sensor hub keeps
going for quite a while because in the majority of
the cases these organizations are utilized in distant
regions, and energizing as well as supplanting
power supply units is viewed as troublesome or
restrictive because of unsafe and blocked off spots
where they should work. Further, because of the
accessibility of modest equipment and different
opportunities for the radio correspondence
recurrence, various geographies for WSN can be
embraced (Akyildiz, 2002; Ilyas and Mahgoub,
2005; Oliver and Fohler, 2010).
Information Optimization and its
The information, on which endeavors depends, is
expanding quickly step by step. It might have
numerous sources and different organized just as
unstructured organizations. Then again, in the
greater part of the cases, it is erroneous, conflicting,
and excessive. Such peculiarities make information
pointlessly hard to deal with and above all, the
ventures can't get to appropriate data in a
convenient and exhaustive style.
That is the reason there is a need to upgrade
Information advancement implies gathering all the
data available to you and overseeing it in a manner
that amplifies the speed and breadth with which
basic data can be extricated, dissected, and utilized.
The information should satisfy its latent capacity
that is the reason in this developing climate, the
information streamlining procedure resembles an
adaptable arrangement that can scale and adjust to
any intense changes in administration activities.
Besides, if your framework can't normally extend to
deal with more data, you won't benefit from it.
Considering that, they should investigate some
huge advantages that information enhancement can
give to any business:
Quick and Adaptable Decision-Making
In the present exceptionally serious business
climate, the endurance of any venture relies on how
quick and with what adaptability they choose in the
event of both danger and opportunity. Such
dynamic requires real numbers and opportune
admittance to basic data. Right?
Be that as it may, amalgamating information from
different sources and arrangements can be tedious
just as blunder inclined undertaking.
Here, information enhancement comes into the
image. It rebuilds the informational collections and
channels out mistakes and commotion. The
outcome is an expansion in getting basic data on
schedule and adaptability in dynamic.
Improved organization notoriety
What do you anticipate from helpless information
quality? Would it be able to make your business the
market chief?
Helpless information quality frequently prompts
disarray, delay, and possible hardship into an
exchange with clients, colleagues. Information
quality brought by information streamlining
measure limits an organization's openness to such
issues and in the end upgrades the general standing.
Improved Business Measure
There is no uncertainty that each organization feels
the impact of waste. Overall, consistently,
shortcomings cost numerous organizations from
20-25 percent of their income. Consider what a
Mirza et al., 2021 Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm
3| Journal of Innovation in Applied Research, Vol.4 Issue 1(2021)
venture can accomplish with 25% more assets to
use on client maintenance or item advancement.
Information enhancement causes business pioneers
to comprehend and improve their business
measures with the goal that they can diminish the
wastage of time and cash.
Meets Shopper Assumption
In this data age, shoppers hope to get quick, precise,
and far-reaching data from the business they are
managing. For organizations, information
improvement assumes a significant job to get
shoppers and the market. That is the reason it is
frequently the way to giving ongoing
administrations to fulfill a buyer's needs and
Expanded Execution and ROI for IT
Have you ever thought about how workers,
organizations, stockpiling, and other framework
programming parts of your IT activities are doing?
The framework instruments utilized for
information improvement can give knowledge into
their presentation. Such data extraordinarily
encourages assignments, for example, arranging,
investigating, and gauging, which in the outcome,
more proficient utilization of equipment and
programming assets.
Information enhancement is amazingly helpful.
Correct? Anyway, how an association can do
information improvement? Come, they should
see Approaches to upgrade information
Here are the best three different ways an association
can do information improvement.
Move the information to the cloud
There can be a few contentions in courtesy and
against the choice of moving the association's
information to the cloud. Yet, for every single valid
justification, moving your information to the cloud
is most appropriate for its advancement.
a) Rather than having information everywhere
you'll get a typical area from where you can call all
your information anyplace, anytime, from almost
any gadget, all while going about as a reinforcement,
at whatever point you need.
b) Cloud-based information the board stages give
security since it ensures that solitary approved
individuals can get to your information.
Influence the Most Recent Innovations for
Transforming Information into Choice
To improve its information without limit,
associations should stay aware of the most recent
advancements like Machine Learning. Through AI
and different techniques for information forecasts,
associations can transform a huge measure of
information into patterns, which can be utilized for
examination and dynamic.
Normalized the information
One reason for information irregularities isn't to
have 'one standard approach' to compose it. For
instance, two individuals may put information with
various shortened forms simultaneously, which
probably won't perceive as a copy by your
Aside from the above advantages gave by
information improvement to the organizations, the
advertising calling has been impacted by
information enhancement more than practically
some other field. Indeed, even on the visual
informal communities like Pinterest and Instagram,
advertisers are essentially profited by utilizing
information improvement to streamline their
systems. With the assistance of Pinterest contextual
analysis, they should discover how?
Review of Literature
Ilango et al, suggested as one of the serious issues
are that the time taken for executing the customary
calculation is bigger and that it is extremely hard for
preparing a lot of information. The dataset size is
shifted for the calculation and is planned with its
proper timings. The outcome is noticed for
different wellness and likelihood esteem which is
acquired from the utilized and the spectator period
of the ABC calculation from which the further
adjustments of grouping mistake rate is finished.
The proposed ABC Algorithm is actualized in a
Hadoop climate utilizing mapper and reducer
Weifeng Gao et al, presented the artificial bee
colony algorithm calculation is a moderately new
improvement method that has been demonstrated
to be serious with other population-based
calculations. Nonetheless, there is as yet a
deficiency in the ABC calculation with respect to its
answer search condition, which is acceptable at
investigation however poor at abuse. Roused by
Mirza et al., 2021 Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm
4| Journal of Innovation in Applied Research, Vol.4 Issue 1(2021)
differential advancement, they propose a changed
ABC calculation, which depends on every artificial
bee look through just around the best arrangement
of the past cycle to improve the misuse.
Behzad Nozohour-leilabady et al, proposed the
utilization of a new advancement procedure, the
artificial bee colony, which was examined with
regards to finding the ideal well areas. The ABC
execution was contrasted and the comparing results
from the molecule swarm enhancement calculation,
under basically comparative conditions. Also, the
issue of the expanded number of enhancement
boundaries was tended to, by considering situations
with different injectors and maker wells, and cases
with strayed wells in a genuine supply model. The
ordinary outcomes demonstrate ABC to dominate
PSO after generally short improvement cycles,
showing the incredible reason for ABC strategy to
be utilized for well-enhancement purposes.
Zohreh Karimi Aghdam et al, presented
programming testing as a cycle for deciding the
nature of a product framework. Numerous little
and medium-sized programming ventures can be
physically tried. Because of the broad expansion of
the product in enormous scope projects, testing
them will be profoundly tedious and expensive.
Subsequently, mechanized programming testing is
viewed as an answer that can ease and rearrange
weighty and bulky assignments engaged with
programming testing.
R. Salem et al, presented distributed computing as
a cutting-edge innovation for managing the
enormous scope of information. The Cloud has
been utilized to handle the choice and arrangement
of replications for a huge scope. The Artificial Bee
Colony is an individual from the group of a
multitude of insight-based calculations. It recreates
artificial bee colony course to the last course and
has been demonstrated to be viable for
advancement. ABC has been utilized to address the
most limited course and cheaper issues to recognize
the best choice for replication situation, as indicated
by the distance or briefest courses and lower costs
that the rucksack approach has used to tackle these
issues. Multi-target advancement with the artificial
bee colony calculation can be utilized to accomplish
the most noteworthy effectiveness and least
expenses in the proposed framework.
Yang et al, suggested the last investigation results
additionally demonstrate that the IABC's answer
exactness is 76.45% higher than that of the ABC
calculation, and the arrangement security is
improved by 86.23%. The last sensor position
generally covers the touchy checking purposes of
the extension structure and, along these lines, the
IABC calculation is reasonable for tackling the ideal
arrangement issue of the enormous scaffolds and
different structures.
Yinggao Yue et al, presented information
assortment is a central activity in different versatile
remote sensor network applications. Conventional
information assortment techniques just spotlight
on expanding the measure of information
assortment or decreasing the general organization
energy utilization, which is the reason they planned
the proposed heuristic calculation to mutually
consider bunch head choice, the steering way from
normal hubs to the group head hub, and versatile
Sink way arranging advancement. The proposed
information assortment calculation for versatile
Sinks is, essentially, founded on an artificial bee
colony. Reenactment results show that in
correlation with different calculations, the
proposed calculation can successfully lessen
information transmission, save energy, improve
network information assortment proficiency and
unwavering quality, and broaden the organization's
S. Okdem et al, proposed the exhibition of the
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm on directing
activities in WSNs is examined. They got execution
result shows that the pre-owned convention gives a
more drawn-out organization lifetime by saving
more energy.
Famila et al, suggested to encourage the ideal
determination of Cluster Heads, they propose an
Improved Artificial Bee province streamlining
based Clustering calculation by using the benefits
of the Grenade Explosion Method and the Cauchy
Operator. This consolidation of GEM and Cauchy
administrator forestalls the Artificial Bee Colony
calculation from stuck into neighborhood optima
and improves the combination rate.
Ankit Gambhir et al, proposed the most primary
concern in remote sensor networks is the
Mirza et al., 2021 Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm
5| Journal of Innovation in Applied Research, Vol.4 Issue 1(2021)
executives of the energy of the little hubs sent for
detecting physical or ecological states of a region.
ABCO based LEACH calculation is tried
comprehensively on assorted situations of WSNs,
changing the most extreme number of rounds just
as a number of sensor hubs. Different quantities of
boundaries, for example, dead hubs per round, alive
hubs per round, and bundle to base station per
round, are taken into worry for execution
S. Panda et al, presented the ebb and flow research
center are to plan energy proficient calculations for
WSNs for improving organization lifetime. They
propose an artificial bee colony calculation with a
grouping model to improve the energy ability of the
organization. The reenactment results demonstrate
the prevalence of the ABC calculation thought
about different calculations in expanding the energy
proficiency and life span of the organization.
N. Al-Maslamani et al, presented the component
consolidates a weight assessment strategy and
Artificial Bee Colony improvement calculation to
upgrade identification exactness of sinkhole assault.
The proposed work has been executed in
MATLAB and broad reenactments have been done
to assess its presentation regarding discovery
exactness, recognition time, combination speed,
bundle overhead, and energy utilization. The
outcomes show that proposed component is
effective and powerful in identifying sinkhole
assault with a high discovery precision rate.
Hashim A. Hashim et al, suggested these
correspondence openings can't be completely
dispensed with in any event, when the arrangement
is done in an organized way. In one or the other
case, the subsequent between hub distances may
debase the presentation of the organization. They
propose an improved sending calculation
dependent on Artificial Bees Colony. The ABC-
based arrangement is ensured to expand the lifetime
by upgrading the organization boundaries and
obliging the all-out number of conveyed relays.
Results show that the proposed approach improves
the organization lifetime impressively when
contrasted with arrangements announced in the
writing, for example, Shortest Path 3-D lattice
Deployment calculation.
Ozturk, C et al, proposed the dynamic arrangement
is one of the principal subjects that
straightforwardly influence the exhibition of
remote sensor organizations. The artificial bee
colony calculation is applied to the dynamic
arrangement of fixed and portable sensor
organizations to accomplish better execution by
attempting to expand the inclusion zone of the
organization. Results show artificial bee colony
calculation can be best in the dynamic sending of
remote sensor organizations.
Xiangyu Yu et al, presented by changing the
refreshing condition of spectator honey bee and
scout honey bee of unique artificial bee colony
calculation, a sensor arrangement calculation
dependent on the altered ABC calculation is
R. Vijayashree et al, suggested the group head
political race depends on the leftover energy of the
hub. Recreation results show that in examination
with different calculations such as Random walk
and Ant Colony Optimization, the proposed
calculation can successfully diminish information
transmission, save energy, improve network
information assortment proficiency and
dependability, and expand the organization
Yang Yang et al, suggested this calculation is a
choice cycle of streamlining ace bunch head and
associate group head by presenting collaborator
bunch head in the group and artificial bee colony
Vignesh Ramamoorthy H et al, proposed Artificial
Bee Colony has a solid hunt capacity joined with
Particle Swarm Optimization to look for the best
administrators and molecule search takes the
quickest leap out of nearby favorable circumstances
to accomplish the better course for the
organization. ABC calculation advancement,
development of subroutine swarms, and quicker
molecule determination improve the organization
execution and more precise way choice.
Kiranpreet Kaur et al, presented recent years have
seen expanded in the likely utilization of remote
sensor organizations, for example, military
observation, following and checking, a catastrophe
Mirza et al., 2021 Data Optimization using Dynamic Technique with Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm
6| Journal of Innovation in Applied Research, Vol.4 Issue 1(2021)
on the board, and battlefield surveillance. Sensor
hubs engaged with these applications are distantly
sent in huge numbers. These self-ruling hubs are
utilized to screen a climate. The fundamental issue
in WSN is the lifetime of the network. To uphold
versatility, hubs are regularly gathered in groups
having a pioneer, frequently alluded to as bunch
heads. A CH is liable for sending information to the
base station as well as help the overall hubs to send
detected information to target hubs. The energy
utilization of CH is more prominent than general
hubs. Reproductions results show that EDC-HBO
calculation improves the existence season of the
Here solving this problem implementing the
Artificial Bee Colony algorithm using Dynamic
Technique. When apply this algorithm then got the
result. In ABC, the state of artificial bees contains
three gatherings of honey bees: employee bees
related with explicit food sources, onlooker bees
watching the dance of employee bees inside the
hive to pick a food source, and scout honey bees
looking for food sources arbitrarily. The two
spectators and scouts are additionally called jobless
bees. At first, all food source positions are found by
scout honey bees. From that point, the nectar of
food sources is abused by utilized honey bees and
onlooker bees, and this constant misuse will
eventually make them become depleted. At that
point, the employee bee which was abusing the
depleted food source turns into a scout bee looking
for additional food sources indeed. As such, the
employee bee whose food source has been depleted
turns into a scout honey bee. In ABC, the situation
of a food source speaks to a potential answer for
the issue and the nectar measure of a food source
relates to the quality (wellness) of the related
arrangement. The quantity of utilized honey bees is
equivalent to the quantity of food sources
(arrangements) since each employee bee is related
with one and only one food source.
The general scheme of the ABC algorithm is as
Introduction Phase
Employee Bees Phase
Onlooker Bees Phase
Scout Bees Phase
Memorize the best solution achieved so far
UNTIL (Cycle=Maximum Cycle Number
or a Maximum CPU time)
Dynamic technique implements the employee and
onlooker phase for searching data.
Using dynamic technology for data optimization in
artificial Bee colony algorithms would be very
beneficial. Whatever result you get in this will be a
hundred percent correct, because it searches all the
paths and gives the best result. In this way, it can be
said that the use of dynamic technology for data
optimization in artificial Bee colony algorithms can
give very good results.
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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Clustering is an excellent strategy to create a better path that does not cause any difficulties while sending data and the artificial bee colony algorithm may be an efficient optimisation method for the acquisition model of bees. In this paper, the dynamic technique has been used with an artificial bee colony. This technology makes packet delivery faster. The packet delivery is fast as compared to TORA LEACH and INSENS. Packet delivery comparison has been done using an artificial bee colony algorithm with a dynamic technique. It has been seen that due to the use of this technology, packet distribution has happened at a very fast speed. Whereas the packet delivery speeds of other technology are very less.
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Cloud computing is a modern technology for dealing with large-scale data. The Cloud has been used to process the selection and placement of replications on a large scale. Most previous studies concerning replication used mathematical models, and few studies focused on artificial intelligence (AI). The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a member of the family of swarm intelligence based algorithms. It simulates bee direction to the final route and has been proven to be effective for optimization. In this paper, we present the different costs and shortest route sides in the Cloud with regard to replication and its placement between data centers (DCs) through Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) and evaluate the cost distance by using the knapsack problem. ABC has been used to solve shortest route and lower cost problems to identify the best selection for replication placement, according to the distance or shortest routes and lower costs that the knapsack approach has used to solve these problems. Multi-objective optimization with the artificial bee colony (MOABC) algorithm can be used to achieve highest efficiency and lowest costs in the proposed system. MOABC can find an optimal solution for the best placement of data replicas according to the minimum distance and the number of data transmissions, affording low cost with the knapsack approach and availability of data replication.Low cost and fast access are characteristics that guide the shortest route in the CloudSim implementation as well. The experimental results show that the proposed MOABC is more efficient and effective for the best placement of replications than compared algorithms.
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Presently, various real time applications has been developed using smart systems such as smart cities, smart homes, smart transportation, etc. The use of smart sensors in those systems leads to the generation of different kinds of multimedia data like images, videos, audios, and so on. To acquire multimedia data from smart sensor environments, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has been employed, which is an integral part of smart system which helps to maintain connectivity and coverage. In WSN, the major challenging issue is to process the massive amount of multimedia data which leads to maximum energy utilization. Clustering is an energy efficient way of organizing the network in a systematic way for proper load distribution and maximize network lifetime. To facilitate the optimal selection of Cluster Heads (CHs), in this paper, we propose an Improved Artificial Bee colony optimization based ClusTering(IABCOCT) algorithm by utilizing the merits of Grenade Explosion Method (GEM) and Cauchy Operator. This incorporation of GEM and Cauchy operator prevents the Artificial Bee Colony(ABC) algorithm from stuck into local optima and improves the convergence rate. The benefits of GEM and Cauchy operator are embedded into the Onlooker Bee and scout bee phase for phenomenal improvement in the degree of exploitation and exploration during the process of CH selection. The simulation results reported that the IABCOCT algorithm outperforms the state of art methods like Hierarchical Clustering-based CH Election (HCCHE), Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization Technique (EPSOCT) and Competitive Clustering Technique (CCT) interms of different measures such as throughput, packet loss, delay, energy consumption and network lifetime.
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Most primaryconcern in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is management of energy of the small nodes deployed for sensing physical or environmental conditions of an area. However appropriate use of routing protocols can increase the network life. Protocols based on clustering such as LEACH is a competent approach, in which cluster has been planned; each cluster has plentiful nodes and lone cluster head (CH). Node transmits their sensed information to CH; CH cumulates that information and forwards that to sink. Soft-computing (SC) technique such as nature inspired algorithms are use to deal with the complex constraints in WSNs. One of such technique is Artificial Bee Colony Optimization (ABCO) that is based on swarm intelligence. In this paper, ABCO based LEACH algorithm is tested broadly on diverse scenarios of WSNs, changing maximum number of rounds (rmax) as well as number of sensor nodes (n). Multiple numbers of parameters such as dead nodes per round, alive nodes per round and packet to base station (BS) per round, are taken into concern for performance evaluation. Comparison of each parameter from conventional LEACH is also presented. The simulation has been done in MATLAB.
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As one of the major problems is that the time taken for executing the traditional algorithm is larger and that it is very difficult for processing large amount of data. Clusters possess high degree of similarity among each cluster and have low degree of similarity among other clusters. Optimization algorithm for clustering is the art of allocating scarce resources to the best possible effect. The traditional optimization algorithm is not suitable for processing high dimensional data. The main objective of proposed Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) approach is to minimize the execution time and to optimize the best cluster for the various sizes of the dataset. To deal with this, we are normalizing to distributed environment for time efficiency and accuracy. The proposed ABC algorithm simulates the behavior of real bees for solving numerical optimization problems particularly in clustering. The dataset size is varied for the algorithm and is mapped with its appropriate timings. The result is observed for various fitness and probability value which is obtained from the employed and the onlooker phase of ABC algorithm from which the further calibrations of classification error percentage is done. The proposed ABC Algorithm is implemented in Hadoop environment using mapper and reducer programming. An experimental result reveals that the proposed ABC scheme reduces the execution time and classification error for selecting optimal clusters. The results show that the proposed ABC scheme gives a better performance than PSO and DE in terms of time efficiency.
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Data collection is a fundamental operation in various mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSN) applications. The energy of nodes around the Sink can be untimely depleted owing to the fact that sensor nodes must transmit vast amounts of data, readily forming a bottleneck in energy consumption; mobile wireless sensor networks have been designed to address this issue. In this study, we focused on a large-scale and intensive MWSN which allows a certain amount of data latency by investigating mobile Sink balance from three aspects: data collection maximization, mobile path length minimization, and network reliability optimization. We also derived a corresponding formula to represent the MWSN and proved that it represents an NP-hard problem. Traditional data collection methods only focus on increasing the amount data collection or reducing the overall network energy consumption, which is why we designed the proposed heuristic algorithm to jointly consider cluster head selection, the routing path from ordinary nodes to the cluster head node, and mobile Sink path planning optimization. The proposed data collection algorithm for mobile Sinks is, in effect, based on artificial bee colony. Simulation results show that, in comparison with other algorithms, the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce data transmission, save energy, improve network data collection efficiency and reliability, and extend the network lifetime.
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Deploying sensor nodes randomly most of the time generates initial communication hole even in highly dense networks. These communication holes cannot be totally eliminated even when the deployment is done in a structured manner. In either case, the resulting inter-node distances may degrade the performance of the network. This paper proposes an enhanced deployment algorithm based on Artificial Bees Colony (ABC). The ABC-based deployment is guaranteed to extend the lifetime by optimizing the network parameters and constraining the total number of deployed relays. Simulations validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy under different cases of problem complexity. Results show that the proposed approach improves the network lifetime considerably when compared to solutions reported in the literature such as Shortest Path 3-D grid Deployment (SP3D) algorithm. Keywords: Artificial Bee Colony, Wiener index, optimization, relay nodes, Laplacian matrix, connected graph, vertex, edge, average distance, Laplacian matrix, Shortest Path 3-D grid Deployment, ABC, SP3D, RNs/CHs, ILDCC, SPRN, O3DwLC, algorithm, approach, single objective, multi objective, eigenvalue, First Phase Relay Nodes, NP-Hard, Deployment, proposed, second phase relay nodes, Ideal Media Access Control, cluster head, Minimum Spanning Tree, nondeterministic polynomial-time hard, two-layer hierarchical structure, Optimized 3-D deployment with Lifetime Constraints, flux, Wireless Sensor Network, size, Lifetime, Network load, number of nodes using packets, Connectivity, two layered, protocols, collision and interference.
Software testing is a process for determining the quality of software system. Many small and medium-sized software projects can be manually tested. Nevertheless, due to the widespread extension of software in large-scale projects, testing them will be highly time consuming and costly. Hence, automated software testing (AST) is considered to be as a solution which can ease and simplify heavy and cumbersome tasks involved in software testing. For AST, certain data are needed through which the quality of systems can be evaluated. In this paper, an artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm was used for solving the issue of test data generation and branch coverage criterion was used as a fitness function for optimizing the proposed solutions. For doing comparisons, seven well-known and traditional programs in the literature were used as benchmarks. The experimental results indicate that our method, on average, outperforms simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization based on the following four criteria: 99.99% average branch coverage, 99.94% success rate, 3.59 average convergence generation and 0.18(Formula presented.)ms average execution time.
The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a relatively new optimization technique which has been shown to be competitive to other population-based algorithms. However, there is still an insufficiency in the ABC algorithm regarding its solution search equation, which is good at exploration but poor at exploitation. Inspired by differential evolution (DE), we propose a modified ABC algorithm (denoted as ABC/best), which is based on that each bee searches only around the best solution of the previous iteration in order to improve the exploitation. In addition, to enhance the global convergence, when producing the initial population and scout bees, both chaotic systems and opposition-based learning method are employed. Experiments are conducted on a set of 26 benchmark functions. The results demonstrate good performance of ABC/best in solving complex numerical optimization problems when compared with two ABC based algorithms.