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Study of Cyber Attacks on Cyber-Physical System



IoT shows the several computing devices are connected efficiently with the internet. As seen that the CPS has used in various domains including healthcare, transportation, entertainment, power grids, smart buildings, shopping mall, smart home, smart office, advanced communication systems, and control systems(Kumar et al.,2016). Let us take the scenario of the smart refrigerator if you keep milk and other groceries in the smart refrigerator and forget the use of this stuff. The smart refrigerator will start alarming when the stuff (milk or curd) is to expire. That with the growth of CPS has increased day by day and the billions of users are connected to the internet. CPS is commonly used in engineering specializations mechanical engineering, aeronautical engineering and aerospace engineering, while IoT commonly used by telecommunication and network (Soldatos, 2015). Another difference says that CPS has roots in the sensor network and computer science while IoT in Mobile and wireless commutation (Goman, 2017) but the architecture of CPS and IoT share the same layer of implantation and hence cyber-attacks and threats play the same role in the same pattern. A Cisco and Ericcson have been expected that 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet in 2020. According to 2015, Machine Research report predicted that total number connections of between machine-tomachine (M2M) will increase from 5 billion in 2014 to 27 billion in 2024 ( Abomhara and Køien, 2014). Another report of CERT-India, the number
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3rd International Conference on Advances in Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) 2018
Study of Cyber Attacks on Cyber-Physical System
Ajeet Singha, Anurag Jainb
abUniversity School of Information & Communication Technology
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India,
Cyber-Physical Systems are the combination of the cyber world and physical world components in order to increase the physical performance. The usages
of cyber-physical systems (CPS) are increased, because of the more cyber and physical devices are connected to provide the state of the art technologies
and thereafter cyber threats and attacks are also happened and reported exponentially. The Security issues and challenges of the CPS have become a global
issue and appropriate mechanism for CPS is in urgent required. In this paper, an investigation about the relationship between the CPS and IoT, its
definitions, and some of its domains are discussed. Security challenges and issues are studied and discussed in the context of CPS. Various CPS
vulnerabilities, cyber threats, and cyber-attacks on the cyber-physical system are presented in this paper. Finally, suggested security measures, methods,
and security protocols for minimizing the cyber threat or attacks on the cyber-physical system.
Keyword: Threat, Attacks, cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, protocols.
1. Introduction
Cyber-physical systems are a combination of cyber elements and physical
elements. The Cyber element means computing and communication
devices. Physical element means natural things, and human-made things
such as sensors, actuators. The computing and communication systems
integrated with the physical world are referred to as a cyber-physical
system. On March 13, 2012, S Shyam Sunder has given a standard
definition of CPS “cyber-physical systems are hybrid networked cyber
and engineered physical elements co-designed to create adaptive and
predictive systems for enhanced performance. Performance metrics
include safety and security, reliability, agility and stability, efficiency and
sustainability, privacy”. According to research (Rad et al., 2015), CPS is
similar to the IoT because both are sharing the same basic architecture and
also classified and explain few differences between CPS and IoT. The
cyber-physical system is presented a high combination and coordination
between physical components and computational components on IoT.
Figure 1 shows the relationship between cyber-physical systems, Internet
of things, and wireless sensor network and also presented similarities and
differences among them. They are correlated to each other and sharing the
same layer of the architecture. Three of them have shared common
technologies such as network, communication, and security, see in
Figure 1: Cyber-Physical System model [ICRI, 2017]
The Internet of Things is a communication system of interconnected
computing devices, objects, and digital machines that are easily reached
through the internet. The devices are provided unique identifiers and have
the capability to send and receive more data over a network without any
human intervention. The basic architecture of IoT is shown in figure 2 and
every physical entity like appliances, machines, buildings, sensors, and
humans etc. are the things. The Internet of Things is defining the links
between the physical world and the internet by embedded sensors.
Figure 2: IoT shows the several computing devices are connected
efficiently with the internet.
As seen that the CPS has used in various domains including healthcare,
transportation, entertainment, power grids, smart buildings, shopping
mall, smart home, smart office, advanced communication systems, and
control systems(Kumar et al.,2016). Let us take the scenario of the smart
refrigerator if you keep milk and other groceries in the smart refrigerator
and forget the use of this stuff. The smart refrigerator will start alarming
when the stuff (milk or curd) is to expire. That with the growth of CPS
has increased day by day and the billions of users are connected to the
CPS is commonly used in engineering specializations mechanical
engineering, aeronautical engineering and aerospace engineering, while
IoT commonly used by telecommunication and network (Soldatos, 2015).
Another difference says that CPS has roots in the sensor network and
computer science while IoT in Mobile and wireless commutation (Goman,
2017) but the architecture of CPS and IoT share the same layer of
implantation and hence cyber-attacks and threats play the same role in the
same pattern.
A Cisco and Ericcson have been expected that 50 billion devices will be
connected to the internet in 2020. According to 2015, Machine Research
report predicted that total number connections of between machine-to-
machine (M2M) will increase from 5 billion in 2014 to 27 billion in 2024
( Abomhara and Køien, 2014). Another report of CERT-India, the number
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3rd International Conference on Advances in Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) 2018
of cybersecurity incidents occurred last 3 years are 44679 (2014), 49455
(2015) 5036 (2016), and 27482 (2017 till June) (CERT-India, 2017). This
statistical data presented that the number of cybersecurity cases has been
growing steadily in India, need a design and implement security
techniques or methods to protect the cyber-physical system from
unauthorized usages, modification, and access system.
The main aim of this paper is to study the various challenges, issues,
vulnerability, and cyber-attacks of the cyber-physical system. Cyber-
security measures and security protocol to defend the cyber-attack on the
cyber-physical system are suggested.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes crucial security
issues and challenges in the cyber-physical system. Section 3 explains the
vulnerability identification in the cyber-physical system & Section 4
explains the various cyber threats and attacks on the cyber-physical
system. Section 5 discusses cybersecurity measures for CPS and
concludes in section 6.
2. Crucial Challenges And Issues
The Cyber-physical System challenges are called technical and non-
technical challenges in environment system. The CPS has faced sensing,
connecting, power management, cloud, complexity, privacy, reliability,
data management and security challenges, see figure 3 (Bedi et al., 2016).
We observed the privacy and security are the major challenges or issues in
CPS. Another key challenge of CPS is to manage big data because
numerous devices are connected with each other through the internet and
a large amount of data has generated by each connected device. Keep this
fact in mind, a good solution required for storing, identifying, analyzing,
and making sense of the generated large data and protect them from any
cyber attacks. Keeping this point, security issues are discussed.
Figure 3: List of different challenges of CPS
The security has been classified as a data security and control security.
Data security is called as an information security emphasis on data
protection sharing in the network using a cryptographic technique against
attacks. Control security emphases on protecting the dynamics of control
systems against attacks. The following security issues are described and
measure how to defend from attacks (Ashibani and Mahmoud, 2017).
2.1 Security for devices
There are many types of devices are available or used in CPS such
as smartphone, sensors, etc. Our goal to secure these devices from
unauthorized access and device disable. The computer security
methods can be protecting the system services, hardware resources,
and data, both in transit and storage. The smartphone device
contains new and existing mobile banking applications for making
an online payment. The hackers have targeted these devices and take
over access to a smartphone for making frauds. For this, should use
a strong security approach to secure a various mobile device.
2.2 Secure data transmissions
It is essential, in order to detect fakes and malicious activities in a
secure communication network and stop unauthorized access. Data
should be secure between sender and receiver devices from
intrusions, malicious attacks, distributed denial of service,
eavesdropping and unauthorized modification.
2.3 Secure data storage
Know that the data have stored on a system or server. The security is
an important issue of data storage in CPS. Username and password
are required for accessing system data. The cryptographic
techniques can use to encrypt data in such device which store a large
amount of data.
3. Vulnerability Identification In Cyber-Physical System
The vulnerability means a violation of a security policy of the cyber-
physical system. The vulnerability occurs due to the weakness of security
rules, system design, or software/hardware problem itself. The
Vulnerability is a weakness in a cyber-physical system which allows an
attacker to decrease a system's information assurance. The Vulnerabilities
have been found in hardware, software, design policies, procedures, users
themselves and misconfiguration of the cyber-physical system that a
malicious single could exploit. Definition:“In computer security, a
weakness in the physical layout, organization, procedures, personnel,
management, administration, hardware or software that may be exploited
to cause harm to the ADP system or activity” [Source:]. Well, known categories of vulnerabilities of a
cyber-physical system are hardware vulnerabilities, software
vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities, platform vulnerabilities,
management vulnerabilities, and technical vulnerabilities (Lu et al., 2013),
(Ahmed et al., 2013). Vulnerabilities can be detected by using static and
dynamic techniques.
3.1 Hardware vulnerability
The hardware vulnerability is exploitable of weakness in a CPS.
This vulnerability is very hard to identify, and also fix. This
vulnerability can be reduced by locking labs and hardware
equipment for securing physical access and stolen.
3.2 Software vulnerabilities
The Software vulnerabilities are found in application software,
operating systems, and control software (“like communication
protocols and devices drives”), even a fault in the cyber-physical
system that could be exploited by an intruder in order to modify and
alter the normal activities of running the system. The systems are
more affected by the software vulnerabilities.
3.3 Technical vulnerabilities
The Technical vulnerabilities commonly occur due to human
3.4 Network vulnerability
The Network vulnerability comprises configuration, hardware and
monitoring vulnerabilities.
3.5 Platform vulnerability
This vulnerability comprises configuration, hardware and software
vulnerabilities in addition to lack of protection measures.
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3rd International Conference on Advances in Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) 2018
3.6 Management vulnerability
Management vulnerability occurred due to the lack of security
policies standard.
Another common software security vulnerability has been defined by
Common Weakness Enumeration in 2011 are Missing data encryption,
OS command injection, SQL injection, Buffer overflow, Missing
authentication for critical function, Missing authorization, Unrestricted
upload of dangerous file types, Reliance on not trust inputs in a security
decision, Cross-site scripting and forgery, Download of codes without
integrity checks, Use of broken algorithms, URL redirection to not trust
sites, Path traversal, Bugs, Weak passwords, and Software that is
already infected with virus [Source :].
4. Cyber Attack (Threat) On Cyber-Physical System
Nowadays, security and privacy have become the major concern among
users and companies because of cyber-attacks are increasing around the
globe. The protection of sensitive information is also concerned when
information is traveling on the open network from source to destination.
There is the possibility of cyber-attack on this open network or system
devices to breach information or disable devices, for personal misuse. The
hackers have penetrated connected objects such as cars, shopping mall,
smart homes, and smart bank, etc. for collecting money, hacking system,
and breach the personal information. The various organizations focused
on cybersecurity in order to maintain the privacy, safety of data and
devices. In this section, discussed the various categories of cyber-attacks
on CPS (Dong et al., 2015), (Humayed et al., 2017).
4.1 Network Attacks
The data might be exposed to an attack due to short of security and
controls. The Networks attacks are classified two types such as
active attack means the data are altered, and passive attack means
data is monitored or not alters.
The networks and data are vulnerable to any of the following types
of attacks if you have not a security plan in the organization. These
attacks commonly occur on networks and devices. The common
network attacks are network eavesdropping, data modification,
identity spoofing (IP address spoofing), password-based attacks,
denial-of-service, man-in-the-middle, compromised key attack,
sniffer, application layer attack, access attacks, reconnaissance
attacks, attacks on privacy, and destructive attacks. The top 8, types
of network attacks are represented below in the chart (figure 4)
based on McAfee Labs -Threat report from April to June 2017
which was published in the September 2017. These network attacks
are highlighted in 2nd quarter 2017. McAfee Labs -Threat report is
based on data collected from millions of sensors, across file, web,
message, networking devices and network vectors, managed by
McAfee. Figure 4 presented various network attacks with their
percent of attacks on the network, i.e. Brower, and Brute force
attacks are 20 %.
Figure 4: Top 8 network attacks occur in 2017 till June [Source:
McAfee Labs, 2017]
4.2 Cryptographic attacks
A cryptographic attack is a procedure for avoiding the security of a
system by discovery a weakness in a cipher, security algorithm,
cryptographic protocol or key management pattern, and operating
systems. This practice is also called "cryptanalysis". Cryptanalysis
can be cracked into a number of classes of attacks (Chris, 2010).
These attacks are brute force attacks, chosen plaintext; adaptive
chose plaintext attacks, known plaintext, known ciphertext, chosen
ciphertext, chosen a key, rubber cryptanalysis, and crypto locker.
4.3 Cyber Threats
A Cyber threat is called a malicious attack. These attacks are finding
out the security weaknesses in a cyber-physical system for
interrupting the integrity of an organization or personal systems. The
aim of the cyber threat is to damage or disabling system operation.
There are many types of cyber threats available, and it can originate
from primary sources: nature (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and
fire) and humans, physical attacks, equipment failure, line fault
(failure node power lines), electromagnetic leakage, and
electromagnetic interference (Zhang et al., 2013).
4.4 Malicious software
Malicious software (Malware) is used to compromise cyber-physical
system function, steal information, and bypass access controls of the
cyber-physical system. The main objective of malicious software is
causing harm to the host computer (Shi et al., 2011). Malicious
software is a broad term that referred to a variety of malicious codes.
The most common malware are adware, bots, ransomware, bugs,
rootkits, spyware, spyware, hackers, wabbits, dialer, blue sniffing,
phishing, bluejacking, mouse trapping, pharming, browser hijackers,
Trojan horses, viruses, and worms (Application security, 2017).
Figure 5 presents the percentage of top eight malware attacks in
quarter 2nd, 2017 (i.e. waponi malware 39%).
3rd International Conference on Advances in Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) 2018
Figure 5: Top Malware attack in quarter 2nd, 2017 [Source: McAfee
Labs, 2017].
5. Cyber Security Measures For Cyber-Physical System
The cyber-physical system has affected by various types of network
attacks, malware, cryptographic attacks. Due to this reason, we need to
apply and implement strong cybersecurity measures, techniques,
protocols, process, and required training to prevent computer system, our
network, communication channel, devices, and information from
unauthorized accessing our resources, data modification, disclosure,
destruction and also minimizes of cyber-attacks. The cybersecurity
measures are discussed below based on secure need in different layers,
(Humayed et al., 2017).
5.1 Cyber Security Measures for the Perception layer (or Physical
The physical layer of the cyber-physical system primarily related to
physical security of the organization. The CPS devices such as
sensors, actuators, RFID devices, image capture are requirements to
protect. The system administrator/user should be the following the
recommended practices to protect against attacks.
Should take files backup regularly.
Should be educated network users.
Should monitor and inspect network traffic periodically.
Should use threat intelligence data feeds.
Should control administrative and system access.
Should eliminate local administrative rights.
Should update software and maintenance.
Should use website security scans.
Should install antivirus and anti-malware software on a
Safeguards should be implemented against natural disasters.
Should flow disaster recovery plans.
To strengthen legislation if user violations security policies of
Should track the activity of threats.
5.2 Cyber Security Measures for the transmission layer
The aim of it is to protect the communication data and the system.
For the transmission layer security, should apply three most
applicable approaches on CPS such as point-to-point encryption;
end-to-end encryption and firewall installing to secure transmission
Point-to-point encryption methods ensure the security of the
data. Security methods are including node certification, hop-
by-hop encryption, and internetwork authentication.
End-to-end encryption methods are to achieve end-to-end
confidentiality data. The security methods include end-to-end
authentication, key negotiation, and key management, etc.
Installing software or hardware firewall.
Use security protocols, including internet protocol security,
transport layer security, datagram transport layer security, and
secure socket layer.
5.3 Cyber Security measures for the application layer
Decision making is the main part of this layer in the cyber-physical
system. Because it has many applications and each contains its own
vulnerability that can affect cyber-physical system security. Have to
consider data security and user privacy at this layer. The
Cybersecurity measures for the application layer of the cyber-
physical system are:
To enhance system access control policies and procedures.
Should implement strong identification, authentication, and
encryption mechanisms.
Should use Network forensics mechanism.
Should Apply Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Protocol
for secure payment.
Should follow Secure Payment (S/PAY) Protocol.
Should use Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S/HTTP).
6. Conclusion
The cyber-physical system is a link of physical and engineered systems
with cyber ability to increase the physical performance. The CPS is
widely used in the many areas such mechanical engineering, smart home,
etc., but same time period the security problem has raised due to the
system vulnerabilities and cyber threats. In this paper, the relationship
between the CPS and IOT with their application has identified and
explained. The current security issues and challenges on the CPS are
discussed. The Cyber-physical systems are suffered by the cyber threats
and attacks has explained in details one by one, and also recommend a
corresponding solution for defending and safeguard of them. This paper
precise security vulnerability, cyber threats, and attacks on CPS to provide
a theoretical reference. Finally, this paper suggested and recommended
security measures, and security protocols have to be followed by the CPS
users for all categories of security threats, attacks.
The authors would like to thanks the University Grants Commission
(UGC) provided National Fellowship. We thank our colleagues of USICT,
GGSIPU who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the
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... Therefore, we can infer that visualization tools play a major role in making smart grids secure and resilient. As the reported occurrences of cyberphysical attacks increase exponentially [10], it is imperative to develop and employ tool sets that enhance the user's ability to investigate, understand, and therefore mitigate the impacts of future events on smart grids and other cyber-physical systems. ...
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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are becoming increasingly complex and interconnected as they attempt to meet the demands of evolving society. As a result, monitoring and maintaining them becomes a more complex and demanding task for control system operators and cyber defenders. While the literature on visualization techniques in the context of cybersecurity is extensive, the same cannot be said for studies on visualization for the security of cyber-physical systems. This paper aims to fill that gap by: 1) defining the main features of a visualizations workflow for security visualizations in cyber-physical systems. The workflow includes the acquisition of cyber and physical data, processing of data, selection, and configuration of both visualization tools and end-user interactions. 2) Providing an overview of cyber-physical security visualization systems, with a focus on smart grids as a case study. Finally, we use the perspectives gained from this analysis to provide insights and directions for future research and design of cyber-physical visualization techniques.
Strategic investment(s) in vehicle automation technologies led to the rapid development of technology that revolutionised transport services and reduced fatalities on a scale never seen before. Technological advancements and their integration in Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) increased uptake and adoption and pushed firmly for the development of highly supportive legal and regulatory and testing environments. However, systemic threats to the security and privacy of technologies and lack of data transparency have created a dynamic threat landscape within which the establishment and verification of security and privacy requirements proved to be an arduous task. In CAVs security and privacy issues can affect the resilience of these systems and hinder the safety of the passengers. Existing research efforts have been placed to investigate the security issues in CAVs and propose solutions across the whole spectrum of cyber resilience. This paper examines the state-of-the-art in security and privacy solutions for CAVs. It investigates their integration challenges, drawbacks and efficiencies when coupled with distributed technologies such as Blockchain. It has also listed different cyber-attacks being investigated while designing security and privacy mechanism for CAVs.
Malware in the cloud can affect many users on multiple platforms, while traditional malware typically only affects a system or a small number of users. In addition, malware in the cloud can hide in cloud services or user accounts, making it more difficult to detect and remove than traditional malware. Information security solutions installed on servers (such as anti-malware solutions) are not considered very effective as malware (especially sophisticated solutions) can bypass the detection capabilities of these solutions. Moreover, these solutions often cannot detect new and unknown malware patterns. To address this issue, machine learning (ML) methods have been used and proven effective in detecting malware in many different cases. This chapter per the authors focuses on introducing malware detection techniques in the cloud and evaluating the effectiveness of machine learning methods used, as well as proposing an effective model to support malware detection in the cloud.
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With the exponential growth of cyber-physical systems (CPS), new security challenges have emerged. Various vulnerabilities, threats, attacks, and controls have been introduced for the new generation of CPS. However, there lack a systematic study of CPS security issues. In particular, the heterogeneity of CPS components and the diversity of CPS systems have made it very difficult to study the problem with one generalized model. In this paper, we capture and systematize existing research on CPS security under a unified framework. The framework consists of three orthogonal coordinates: (1) from the \emph{security} perspective, we follow the well-known taxonomy of threats, vulnerabilities, attacks and controls; (2)from the \emph{CPS components} perspective, we focus on cyber, physical, and cyber-physical components; and (3) from the \emph{CPS systems} perspective, we explore general CPS features as well as representative systems (e.g., smart grids, medical CPS and smart cars). The model can be both abstract to show general interactions of a CPS application and specific to capture any details when needed. By doing so, we aim to build a model that is abstract enough to be applicable to various heterogeneous CPS applications; and to gain a modular view of the tightly coupled CPS components. Such abstract decoupling makes it possible to gain a systematic understanding of CPS security, and to highlight the potential sources of attacks and ways of protection.
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In the last two decades an intense shift from advanced mechatronic systems to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is taking place. CPS will play an important role in the field of precision agriculture and it is expected to improve productivity in order to feed the world and prevent starvation. In order to expedite and accelerate the realization of CPS in the field of precision agriculture it is necessary to develop methods, tools, hardware and software components based upon transdisciplinary approaches, along with validation of the principles via prototypes and test beds. In this context this paper presents a precision agricultural management integrated system architecture based on CPS design technology.
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Cyber world and physical world were considered as two different entities in the past decade. However, researchers have found that these two entities are closely correlated with each other after integration of sensor/actuators in the cyber systems. Cyber systems became responsive to the physical world by enabling real time control emanating from conventional embedded systems, thus emerging a new research paradigm named Cyber Physical System (CPS). In this article, we investigate major challenges in the integration of cyber world with physical world and its applications. In addition, we propose an architecture which contains several modules supporting the CPS. We found that every module in our proposed architecture has its own significance and can be applied to various applications.
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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are characterized by integrating computation and physical processes. The theories and applications of CPSs face the enormous challenges. The aim of this work is to provide a better understanding of this emerging multi-disciplinary methodology. First, the features of CPSs are described, and the research progresses are summarized from different perspectives such as energy control, secure control, transmission and management, control technique, system resource allocation, and model-based software design. Then three classic applications are given to show that the prospects of CPSs are engaging. Finally, the research challenges and some suggestions for future work are in brief outlined.
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are networked systems of cyber (computation and communication) and physical (sensors and actuators) components that interact in a feedback loop with the possible help of human intervention, interaction and utilization. These systems will empower our critical infrastructure and have the potential to significantly impact our daily lives as they form the basis for emerging and future smart services. On the other hand, the increased use of CPS brings more threats that could have major consequences for users. Security problems in this area have become a global issue, thus, designing robust, secure and efficient CPS is an active area of research. Security issues are not new, but advances in technology make it necessary to develop new approaches to protect data against undesired consequences. New threats will continue to be exploited and cyber-attacks will continue to emerge, hence the need for new methods to protect CPS. This paper presents an analysis of the security issues at the various layers of CPS architecture, risk assessment and techniques for securing CPS. Finally, challenges, areas for future research and possible solutions are presented and discussed.
Conference Paper
Internet of Things (IoT) is the connection of the physical world to the Internet. It is fast emerging as the sustainable solution for providing access to affordable and clean energy all around the world. The utilities with IoT can have real-time feedback capabilities to better understand the customer needs and therefore make intelligent decisions to improve their service experience. With IoT, the electric power networks will be more secure, reliable, resilient and sustainable. IoT certainly opens the door to a lot of opportunities but it also has a few challenges associated with it. Some of these challenges include sensing, power management, cyber security, system complexity, and wireless and cloud connectivity. To grow and develop IoT, it becomes essential to have innovative sensing technology, a broad variety of wire and wireless standards, the lowest power solutions for any application, built-in hardware security technology, IoT solutions for everyone and not just experts, and an ecosystem of cloud partners to enable seamless integration. This paper presents the challenges and the recommended solutions associated with IoT.
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is a system of systems which integrates physical system with cyber capability in order to improve the physical performance [1]. So far, it is being widely applied in areas closely related to national economy and people's daily lives. Therefore, CPS security problems have drawn a global attention and an appropriate risk assessment for CPS is in urgent need. According to the researches and discussions in recent years, we believe that most researchers have already established a comprehensive understanding about CPS. This paper systematically introduced CPS's conception, development and applications assisted. In addition, concerning about its aspects of safety and security, we also analyzed CPS's risks and new requirements as an up-to-date technique brings. We elaborate the existing work and propose a research focus that has not been paid enough attention to, and proposed a security framework for CPS. At last, after providing a classic modeling and simulation method of CPS, we bring forward a new idea for accessing the experimental results into existing systems.
Governments, companies and research institutions are pressuring research and development of the cyber-physical systems. However, the development of cyber-physical systems is constrained by security and privacy threats. This paper summarizes security threats to cyber-physical systems to provide a theoretical reference for study of cyber-physical systems as well as useful security measures. The architecture of cyber-physical systems is used to classify threats for the perception-execution layer, transport layer and application-control layer. The perception-execution layer threats include security threats for the nodes such as sensors and actuators. Transport layer threats include data leakage or damage and security issues during massive data integration. Application-control layer threats include the loss of user privacy, incorrect access control policies and inadequate security standards. Finally, this paper gives security measures and recommendations for all types of security threats.