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Return to Sport After Surgical Management of Proximal Hamstring Avulsions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To assess the rates and timing of return to sport for the surgical management of proximal hamstring avulsions (PHAs). Methods: Three databases, PubMed, MEDLINE, and EMBASE, were searched from database inception until October 7, 2017, by 2 reviewers independently and in duplicate. The inclusion criteria were studies reporting return to sport outcomes for surgical management of acute, chronic, complete, and partial PHA. The rate of return to sports was combined in a meta-analysis of proportions using a random-effects model. Results: Overall, 21 studies with a total of 846 patients met the inclusion criteria, with a mean age of 41.4 years (range, 14-71 years) and a mean follow-up of 37.8 months (range, 6-76 months). Two studies were of prospective comparative design (level II), 2 were retrospective comparative (level III), 8 were prospective case series (level IV), and 9 were retrospective case series (level IV). The overall mean time to return to sport was 5.8 months (range, 1-36 months). The pooled rate of return to any sport participation was 87% [95% confidence interval (CI), 77%-95%]. The pooled rate of return to preinjury level of sport was 77% (95% CI, 66%-86%). Conclusions: Pooled results suggest a high rate of return to sport after surgical management of PHA; however, this was associated with a lower preinjury level of sport. No major differences in return to sport were found between partial versus complete and acute versus chronic PHA.
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General Review
Return to Sport After Surgical Management of
Proximal Hamstring Avulsions: A Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis
Ryan P. Coughlin, MD, FRCSC,* Jeffrey Kay, MD,* Ajaykumar Shanmugaraj, BHSc,† Muzammil Memon, MD,*
Leen Naji, MD,* and Olufemi R. Ayeni, MD, PhD, FRCSC*
Objective: To assess the rates and timing of return to sport for the surgical management of proximal hamstring avulsions (PHAs).
Methods: Three databases, PubMed, MEDLINE, and EMBASE, were searched from database inception until October 7, 2017,
by 2 reviewers independently and in duplicate. The inclusion criteria were studies reporting return to sport outcomes for surgical
management of acute, chronic, complete, and partial PHA. The rate of return to sports was combined in a meta-analysis of
proportions using a random-effects model. Results: Overall, 21 studies with a total of 846 patients met the inclusion criteria, with
a mean age of 41.4 years (range, 14-71 years) and a mean follow-up of 37.8 months (range, 6-76 months). Two studies were of
prospective comparative design (level II), 2 were retrospective comparative (level III), 8 were prospective case series (level IV), and 9
were retrospective case series (level IV). The overall mean time to return to sport was 5.8 months (range, 1-36 months). The pooled
rate of return to any sport participation was 87% [95% confidence interval (CI), 77%-95%]. The pooled rate of return to preinjury level
of sport was 77% (95% CI, 66%-86%). Conclusions: Pooled results suggest a high rate of return to sport after surgical
management of PHA; however, this was associated with a lower preinjury level of sport. No major differences in return to sport were
found between partial versus complete and acute versus chronic PHA.
Key Words: proximal hamstring avulsions, return to sport
(Clin J Sport Med 2018;00:1–14)
The hamstring muscle group (biceps femoris, semimembra-
nosus, and semitendinosus muscles) is frequently injured,
accounting for 25% to 30% of all muscle strains.
hamstring avulsions (PHA), which can result in significant
disability, prolonged recovery, and rehabilitation, are preva-
lent among the athletic and middle-age populations.
Common mechanisms of injury include eccentric lengthening
as a result of hyperflexion of the hip with the knee in extension
and occur during activities involving rapid limb acceleration
and deceleration.
Proponents of nonoperative treatment for PHA suggest that
a single-tendon tear or multitendon tears with less than 2-cm
retraction may not require surgical intervention.
The non-
operative treatment can, however, lead to knee flexion
weakness, difficulty with prolonged sitting, and is often
associated with inferior outcomes in comparison with surgical
When considering operative management, it is
generally agreed that acute repairs are those that are treated
within 4 weeks after injury, whereas delayed repairs are
treated after 4 weeks.
Injury chronicity is important
because delayed repairs are often difficult to treat because of
increased tendon retraction, poor tissue quality, and the
potential for fibrosis around the sciatic nerve.
Previous studies have investigated the outcomes of non-
operative versus operative treatment as well as acute versus
delayed surgical repair of PHA. In a systematic review of 387
participants undergoing PHA repair, van der Made et al
reported the postoperative outcomes of PHA repair and
compared the outcomes of acute versus delayed repair using
different surgical techniques. It was found that both acute
and delayed surgical repair of PHA can both lead to
improved patient reported outcomes. Bodendorfer et al
systematically assessed the outcomes of nonoperative and
operative treatment of 795 PHAs and concluded a higher
patient satisfaction, return of strength, athletic capacity, and
overall functional recovery in patients with surgery. More-
over, those undergoing acute repair had higher patient
satisfaction, less pain, return of strength, and higher
functional scores when compared with delayed repair.
However, the return to sport and preinjury activity level
rates are poorly reported in systematic reviews, providing
clinicians limited information in regards to the rate and
timing at which patients reach these outcomes postopera-
tively. Hence, the objective of this review was to systemat-
ically assess the timing, and return to sport and preinjury
Submitted for publication March 23, 2018; accepted September 18, 2018.
From the *Divisionof Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Surgery, McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada;
Department of Health Research
Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Corresponding Author: Olufemi R. Ayeni, MD, PhD, FRCSC, McMaster University
Medical Centre, 1200 Main St West, 4E15, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on
the journal’s Web site (
Copyright ©2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Volume 00·Number 00 ·Month 2018 1
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rates of patients undergoing surgical management of PHA.
We hypothesized that the surgical treatment of proximal
hamstring injuries would lead to high rates of both return to
sport and preinjury level of sport with most athletes returning
by 6 months after surgery.
Search and Screening Process
The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-analyses) statement was used for the
reporting of study selection.
The online databases PubMed,
EMBASE, and MEDLINE were searched for literature
addressing return to sports after surgical management of
acute, chronic, partial, or complete proximal hamstring
injuries from database inception until October 7, 2017. The
search terms Hamstring,”“Semitendinosus,”“Semimem-
branosus,”“Biceps Femoris,”“Repair,”“Reconstruction,
and Sportwere used (see Appendix 1,Supplemental Digital
Content 1,
Two reviewers (J.K., M.M.) independently screened the
titles, abstracts, and full-text articles resulting from the
searches. Any disagreements were resolved by consensus
discussion between reviewers and a senior author (O.R.A.)
when necessary. The references of the included studies were
then screened for additional articles that may not have been
captured by the initial search strategy. The research question
and eligibility criteria were determined a priori. The inclusion
criteria included studies written in English, human studies,
and studies investigating return to sport after surgical repair or
reconstruction of proximal hamstring injuries. Studies of all
levels were included. Cadaveric studies, animal studies,
conference papers, book chapters, review articles, and
technical reports were excluded. Two reviewers (J.K., L.N.)
collected data in duplicate and recorded them in a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet (Version 2007; Microsoft, Redmond,
Washington). Data regarding authors, year of publication,
location of study, study design, level of evidence,
size, age, sex, follow-up, rehabilitation protocols, and
complications were recorded.
The primary outcome was the rate at which patients
returned to sport. A meta-analysis of proportions was
conducted to determine the pooled rate of return to sport,
and return to preinjury level of sport. Subgroup analyses were
conducted where possible. To establish the variance of the raw
proportions, a FreemanTukey transformation was applied.
The transformed proportions were then combined using the
DerSimonianLaird random-effects model (to incorporate the
anticipated heterogeneity).
The proportions were back-
transformed using an equation derived by Miller.
Chochran Q and I
tests were used to assess heterogeneity.
Values of I
between 25% and 49% were considered low,
50% to 74% moderate,and values greater than 75%
considered to be high statistical heterogeneity.
For other variables, where results were presented in
a nonuniform nature across studies, the results are presented
in narrative summary fashion. Descriptive statistics including
mean values, proportions, ranges, kappa values, and intra-
class correlation coefficient (ICC) values were calculated using
Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the search
strategy for articles assessing return to sport
after surgical management of PHA.
R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
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Minitab statistical software (Version 17; Minitab Inc, State
College, PA).
Quality Assessment of Included Studies
The Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies
(MINORS), which was designed to assess the methodological
quality of comparative and noncomparative, nonrandomized
surgical studies, was applied to the included studies and was
scored independently by 2 reviewers (J.K., M.M.).
MINORS checklist assigns a maximum score of 16 for
noncomparative studies and a maximum score of 24 for
comparative studies. A score of 0 to 8 or 0 to 12 was
considered poor quality for noncomparative and comparative
studies, respectively, while a score of 9 to 12 or 13 to 18 was
considered fair quality, and a score of 13 to 16 or 19 to 24 was
considered excellent quality. Any disagreements were resolved
by consensus discussion between reviewers and a senior
author (O.R.A.) when necessary.
Assessment of Agreement
Inter-reviewer agreement was assessed by the kappa (k)
statistic for the title, abstract, and full-text screening stages. An
ICC was calculated for the quality assessment using the
MINORS criteria. Agreement was categorized a priori as
follows: k/ICC of 0.61 or greater was considered substantial
agreement; k/ICC of 0.21 to 0.60, moderate agreement; and
k/ICC of 0.20 or less, slight agreement.
Study Characteristics
A total of 3545 studies were identified on initial search of the 3
databases. After systematic screening, 21 full-text articles
were ultimately included for assessment (Figure 1). Substantial
agreement was identified among the reviewers at each of the
title [k50.817; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.779-0.855],
abstract (k50.884; 95% CI, 0.843-0.925), and full-text (k5
1.00) screening stages. Overall, 846 patients (849 injuries)
were included, with 40.4% (342 of 846) of the patients being
female. The mean age of the included patients was 41.4 years
(range, 14-71 years) (Figure 2), with a mean follow-up time of
37.8 months (range, 6-76 months) (Table 1).
Study Quality
Two of the identified studies were of prospective comparative
design (level II), 2 were retrospective comparative (level III),
Figure 2. Forest plot of the mean ages of patients in-
cluded across the studies.
Volume 00·Number 00 ·Month 2018
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8 were prospective case series (level IV), and 9 were
retrospective case series (level IV). The median MINORS score
for the 17 noncomparative studies was 11/16. The median
MINORS score for the 4 comparative studies was 18/24. There
was substantial inter-rater agreement for the MINORS score
with an ICC of 0.811 (95% CI, 0.771-0.851) (Table 1).
Any Patient Characteristics
Seventeen studies reported the preoperative sport or sport that
precipitated the injury to the proximal hamstring in the
included athletes. The sport that precipitated the injury was
not reported in 4 studies. The most commonly reported
TABLE 1. Study Characteristics
Authors, Year
Study Design (Level of
No. of
Patients % Female
Follow-Up Time (Range),
Mean Age (Range),
Aldridge et al,
2012 Prospective case series (level IV) 11/16 23 56.5 37.2 (24-84) 42 (25-58)
Barnett et al,
2015 Prospective comparative study
(level II)
16/24 128 41.7 53.8 (SD 19.5) 42.5 (SD 12.2)
Complete & acute: 53.6
Complete & acute: 44.3
Complete & chronic: 54.9
Complete & chronic: 41.8
Partial & acute: 58.8 (12.2) Partial & acute: 39.5 (11.6)
Partial & chronic: 47.7
Partial & chronic: 44.5 (10.8)
Birmingham et al,
Retrospective case series (level IV) 13/16 23 34.8 43.3 (12-108) 46 (19-65)
Blakeney et al,
Prospective case series (level IV) 11/16 94 (96
52.1 33 (12-58) Median: 50 (16-74)
Bowman et al,
2013 Retrospective case series (level IV) 12/16 17 82.4 32 (12-51) 43.3 (19-64)
Brucker et al,
2005 Prospective case series (level IV) 9/16 8 25% 33.3 (12-59) 40.0 (23-60)
Chahal et al,
2012 Retrospective case series (level IV) 11/16 13 38.4 36.9 (27-63) 44.6 (26-58)
Cohen et al,
2012 Retrospective case series (level IV) 12/16 52 50 33 (12-76) 47.7 (17-66)
Cross et al,
1998 Retrospective case series (level IV) 8/16 9 11.1 48 (6-156) 34 (21-54)
Folsom et al,
2008 Prospective comparative study
(level II)
19/24 25 56 20 (6-44) 44 (16-58)
Klingele et al,
2002 Retrospective comparative study
(level III)
18/24 11 36.4 34 (15-63) 41.5 (21-51)
Konan et al,
2010 Prospective case series (level IV) 8/16 10 20 NR 29.2 (24-38)
Lefevre et al,
2013 Prospective case series (level IV) 10/16 34 26.5 27.2 622.9 39.3 611.4
Lempainen et al,
Retrospective case series (level IV) 11/16 47 31.9 36 (6-72) Of professional & competitive:
Of recreational: 45
Mansour et al,
Retrospective case series (level IV) 8/16 10 0 NR 27.2 (23-30)
Rust et al,
2014 Retrospective comparative study
(level III)
19/24 72 Overall:
45 (6-117) Acute: 49.8 (25-74)
Acute: 37.3 Chronic: 40.7 (14-62)
Sandmann et al,
Prospective case series (level IV) 9/16 15 40 56 (24-112) 47 (21-66)
Sarimo et al,
2008 Retrospective case series (level IV) 11/16 41 48.8 37 (12-72) 46 (18-71)
Skaara et al,
2013 Retrospective case series (level IV) 12/16 31 48.4 30 (12-66) 51 (27-73)
Subbu et al,
2015 Prospective case series (level IV) 11/16 112 Overall:
NR Overall: 29 (18-52)
Early: 34.6 Early: 29.7 (18-52)
Delayed: 28.6 (18-54)
Late: 30 Late: 30.7 (19-40)
Wood et al,
2008 Prospective case series (level IV) 11/16 71 (72
29.6 24 (6-156) 40.2 (12.9-66.2)
NR, not reported.
R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
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TABLE 2. Sports Participation and Patient Characteristics
Authors, Year
Sport and No. of
Sport Level
Mean Delay From Injury to
Surgery (Range), mo Acute/Chronic Tears, n
Thickness Tear, n
Aldridge et al,
2012 Event ppt injury: NR 10.25 (1-192) NR Partial thickness 523
Running: 6
Splits: 5
Water skiing: 4
Other sports: 8
Barnett et al,
2015 Event ppt injury: NR In days: Among 96 complete (36
acute and 60 chronic)
Complete 96
Water skiing: 29 Complete and acute: 24.8
Among 36 partial (2 acute
and 34 chronic)
Partial 36
Splits: 24 Complete and chronic: 347.8
Note: acute #6wk
Sprinting: 13 Partial and acute: 31.6 (5.3)
Rugby football: 11 Partial and chronic: 509.8
Fall: 10
Soccer: 7
Tennis: 5
Surfing: 4
Martial arts: 3
Netball: 2
Skiing: 2
Other: 20
Birmingham et al,
2011 Event ppt injury: NR 4 (6 d-18 mo) 9 acute All were complete 3
tendon avulsions
Water skiing: 6 12 chronic
Slip and fall: 4 Acute #4wk
Running/sprinting: 3
Soccer: 2
Football: 2
Ice hockey: 2
In-line skating: 1
Dancing: 1
Tennis: 1
Wrestling: 1
Blakeney et al,
2017 NR NR NR 49 acute Injury classification:
47 chronic Type 1: 2
Acute is within 3 mo Type 2: 1
Type 3: 29
Type 4: 8
Type 5: 56
Bowman et al,
2013 Event ppt injury: Collegiate athletes:
NR NR Partial 17
Weightlifting: 1 Amateur athletes:
Bowling: 1 Professional body
builder: 1/17
Water skiing: 2
Sprinting: 3
Softball: 4
Aerobics: 1
Field hockey: 1
Volume 00·Number 00 ·Month 2018
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TABLE 2. Sports Participation and Patient Characteristics (Continued)
Authors, Year
Sport and No. of
Sport Level
Mean Delay From Injury to
Surgery (Range), mo Acute/Chronic Tears, n
Thickness Tear, n
Weighted lunges: 1
Tennis: 2
Martial arts: 1
Brucker et al,
2005 Event ppt injury: Recreational: 7/8 6/8 within 3 weeks of trauma 6/8—dx made within few
Complete 8/8
Taekwondo: 1 Elite athlete: 1/8 2/8 more than 2 mo after
trauma (22 and 9 wk)
2/8—dx made after 2 mo
Tennis: 2
Soccer: 2
Motorcycling: 1
Badminton: 1
Forward fall: 1
Chahal et al,
2012 Event ppt injury: Recreational: 10 4.49 (0.3-48) 12 acute Complete, 2 or 3 full-
thickness tears: 13/13
Water skiing: 8 Professional:1 1 chronic
Falling: 2 Acute is within 60 d
Baseball: 1
Martial arts: 1
Professional race
walking: 1
Cohen et al,
2012 Event ppt injury: Recreational: 23/23 NR 40 acute Complete 38/52
Water skiing: 6 12 chronic Partial 14/52
Running: 6
Downhill skiing: 4 Acute: ,4 wk from injury
Softball: 2
Baseball: 1
Football: 2
Tennis: 2
Cross et al,
1998 8/9 engaged in sports 8/9 recreational 36 (2-104) 9/9 chronic Complete 9/9
Folsom et al,
2008 Jogging 17 recreational NR 20 acute Complete 25/25
Cycling 6 high-level
5 chronic
Weight training 2 elite athletes
Elliptical Acute: within 4 wk
Cross training
Event ppt injury:
Water skiing: 17
Rollerblading: 2
Awkward fall: 2
Rugby: 1
Karate: 1
Softball: 1
Basketball: 1
Dirt bike accident: 1
R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
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TABLE 2. Sports Participation and Patient Characteristics (Continued)
Authors, Year
Sport and No. of
Sport Level
Mean Delay From Injury to
Surgery (Range), mo Acute/Chronic Tears, n
Thickness Tear, n
Klingele et al,
2002 9 athletes NR NR 7 acute Complete 11/11
Event ppt injury: 4 chronic
Sprinting: 3
Water skiing: 2 Acute: Within 4 wk
Fall from height: 1
Horseback riding: 1
Volleyball: 1
Martial arts: 1
Jet skiing: 1
Tennis: 1
Konan et al,
2010 Athlete: 3 10/10 professional
or semiprofessional
12 days (6-35) All presented within 5 wk of
Complete 10/10
Football: 2
Rugby: 3
Skiing: 2
Lefevre et al,
2013 NR 3/34 professional
13.6 days 66.4 34/34 acute Complete 23/34
12/34 competitive
Acute: Within 4 wk Partial 11/34
17/34 recreational
2/34 not athletic
Lempainen et al,
2006 Sport: Professional/
13 professional
13 (0.5-108) 5/47 acute Partial 47/47
15 competitive
42/47 chronic
Soccer: 7/5 19 recreational
Sprinting: -/3 Acute: Within 4 wk
Basketball: 1/1
Ice hockey: 1/1
Aerobics: 1/-
Ballet: -/1
Figure skating: -/1
Finnish baseball: -/1
Judo: 1/-
Karate: 1/-
running: -/1
Pole vault: 1/-
Powerlifting: -/1
Mansour et al,
2013 Football: 10/10 10/10 NFL players 0.23 (0.1-0.33) 10/10 acute Complete 10/10
Rust et al,
2014 Water skiing: 37/72 NR Acute: 0.59 (0.17-1.4) 51/72 acute Complete 72/72
Chronic: 14.7 (2.27-112) 21/72 chronic
Acute: Within 6 wk
Sandmann et al,
2016 Hiking: 4/15 3/15 competitive or
professional sports
64 (3-191) 9/15 acute Complete 15/15
Bowling: 1/15 5/15 “high-level
6/15 chronic
Inline skating: 1/15 7/15 recreational
Jogging: 6/15 Acute: ,54wk
Swimming: 5/15
Downhill skiing: 5/15
Volume 00·Number 00 ·Month 2018
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TABLE 2. Sports Participation and Patient Characteristics (Continued)
Authors, Year
Sport and No. of
Sport Level
Mean Delay From Injury to
Surgery (Range), mo Acute/Chronic Tears, n
Thickness Tear, n
Cross-country: 3/15
Mountain biking: 3/15
Cycling: 8/15
Tennis: 5/15
Surfing: 1/15
Sailing: 1/15
Climbing: 2/15
Taekwondo: 1/15
Ice hockey: 1/15
Fitness: 3/15
Soccer: 3/15
Sarimo et al,
2008 29/41 involved in sports 2/41 competitive
5 (0.25-71) 14/41 acute Complete 41/41
27/41 recreational 27/41 chronic
Acute: ,54wk
Skaara et al,
2013 27/31 exercised
5/31 competitive NR 28 acute Complete 17/31
26/31 recreational 3 chronic Partial 14/31
Event ppt injury:
Cross-country skiing:
Acute: ,54wk
Running outdoors: 7/31
Water skiing: 2/31
Other: 12/31
Subbu et al,
2015 Soccer: 21 63/112 elite
Early: 22 days (5-42) 78/112 early Complete 112/112
Rugby: 40 49/112 recreational Delayed: 84 days (43-182) 24/112 delayed
Water skiing: 15 Late: 357 days (183-512) 10/112 late
Skiing: 7
Lacrosse: 3 Early: ,56wk
Martial arts: 4 Delayed: 6 wk–6 mo
Running: 3 Late: .6mo
Netball: 3
Hockey: 3
Gymnastics: 2
Equestrian: 2
Ultimate Frisbee: 2
Cricket: 2
Tennis: 1
Hurdles: 1
Dance: 1
Skydiving: 1
Horse racing: 1
R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
Copyright Ó2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
sporting activity leading to proximal hamstring injuries was
water skiing (n 5149), followed by rugby/football (n 575),
soccer (n 551), running/sprinting (n 548), gymnastics/splits
(n 531), downhill skiing (n 523), tennis (n 519), martial
arts (n 513), and baseball/softball (n 59). In those who had
the chronicity of the injury reported, a total of 462 (56%) of
the PHA were considered acute, whereas 360 (44%) were
chronic avulsions. The overall mean time to surgery ranged
between 13 days and 64 months. There were 639 (75%)
complete PHA reported, whereas 210 (25%) of the included
hamstring injuries were considered partial avulsions (Table 2).
Procedures, Rehabilitation Details, and
Secondary Outcomes
All studies had some rehabilitation protocol reported. Thirteen
studies described a period of nonweight-bearing or toe-touch
weight-bearing immediately postoperatively, with time of non
weight-bearing ranging from 2 weeks (4 studies), to 6 weeks (9
studies). Bracing was reported as part of the rehabilitation
protocol in 15 studies with 12 reporting the use of a hinged knee
brace, and 3 reporting the use of a hipknee orthosis (Table 3).
All studies used open surgical management involving mobiliza-
tion of the proximal hamstring tendon followed by anatomical
refixation to the ischial tuberosity with suture anchors (ranging
from 2 to 5 anchors per repair) in 18 studies. Two studies
described the use of Achilles tendon allograft augmentation for
reconstruction of chronic and irreparable cases
(see Appen-
dix 2,Supplemental Digital Content 2,
JSM/A198). Evaluation of tendon healing using magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in 2 studies,
at 6
months, and at a mean of 36 months, respectively. Both studies
identified intact proximal hamstring tendons at the ischial
tuberosity in all patients.
There were 6 total reruptures
reported, across the 7 studies where this was reported (n 5514)
with 3 complete reruptures requiring revision surgical manage-
ment and 3 partial reruptures managed nonoperatively.
Return to Sports
The time at which patients were permitted to return to sporting
activities was reported in 13 studies with the most common time
after which patients were permitted to return to sports being 6
months postoperatively. The overall mean time to return to sport
was 5.8 months (range, 1-36 months). However, no study
patients for sport. The rate at which athletes returned to any sport
participationwasreportedin12studies(n5355), with a pooled
rate of 87.1% (95% CI, 76.5%-95.1%, I
581%) (Figure 3).
Sixteen studies (n 5572) reported the rate at which athletes
returned to their preinjury level of sport, with a pooled rate of
76.7% (95% CI, 66.7%-85.3%, I
582.6%) (Figure 4). Six
studies (n 538) reported the rate at which competitive
(professional or collegiate) athletes returned to their competitive
level of sport, with a pooled rate of 80.5% (95% CI, 56.7%-
97.5%, I
536.6%). A total of 11 studies (n 5393) reported the
rate of return to preinjury level of sport after surgical management
of complete PHA, with a pooled rate of 77.6% (95% CI, 65.1%-
88.2%, I
581.7%). Four studies (n 5122) reported the rate of
return to sport at the preinjury level for surgical management for
partial PHA, with a pooled rate of 80.1% (95% CI,
58.1%-95.7%, I
584.3%). A subgroup analysis identified 6
studies (n 5129) reporting the rate of return to preinjury level of
sport after acute avulsions, with a pooled rate of 72.2% (95% CI,
56.1%-86.1%, I
564.3%). Four studies reported the rate at
which patients returned to their preinjury level of sports after
chronic avulsions, with a pooled rate of 75.7% (95% CI,
57.9%-90.6%, I
The results of this systematic review and meta-analysis
supported our hypothesis by demonstrating an overall high
pooled rate of return to sport with most athletes returning to
sport by 6 months postoperatively.
However, the
pooled rates showed a slightly lower return to preinjury level
of sport. Chahal et al
showed that, despite having good
functional outcomes, high satisfaction rates, and excellent
healing rates on MRI after surgical repair, 45% did not return
to their previous activity level. Although the determinants of
return to sport are multifactorial, several studies reported
kinesiophobia as a reason for reduced performance after
Importantly, none of the studies used dedicated
psychosocial outcome measures, and thus lack of confidence
TABLE 2. Sports Participation and Patient Characteristics (Continued)
Authors, Year
Sport and No. of
Sport Level
Mean Delay From Injury to
Surgery (Range), mo Acute/Chronic Tears, n
Thickness Tear, n
Wood et al,
2008 Event ppt injury: 2/71 elite athletes 12 (0.3-104) 42 acute 63 complete
Water skiing: 21 3/71 professional
40 chronic 8 partial
Dancing/ballet: 11 2/71 professional
Fall: 11 Acute: ,53mo
Soccer: 4
Rugby: 4
Skiing: 3
Surfing: 3
Martial arts: 3
Other sports: 12
dx, diagnosis; NR, not reported; ppt, precipitating.
Volume 00·Number 00 ·Month 2018
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TABLE 3. Rehabilitation and Return to Sport Protocol
Authors, Year Rehabilitation and Return to Sport Protocol
Aldridge et al,
2012 Partial weight-bearing for 6 wk with avoidance of hip flexion with knee extension.
Graded return to functional activities over a 6-mo period.
Barnett et al,
2015 First 6 wk, partial weight-bearing and then full weight-bearing without support.
Stretching and closed-chain strengthening exercises begun at 3 mo.
Graduated return to sports is undertaken by 6 mo.
Birmingham et al,
2011 Immediate full weight-bearing with crutches while wearing a brace for 6 wk.
Some chronic repairs may require maintaining the knee in some flexion to minimize tension on
the repair.
Running restricted for a minimum of 12 wk.
Blakeney et al,
2017 Partial weight-bearing with crutches for 2-6 wk.
Bracing only used for cases with significant tension on repair (non–weight-bearing for 6 wk.)
Bowman et al,
2013 Hinged knee brace locked at 30 degrees of flexion for a period of 6 wk.
Toe-touch weight-bearing with crutch assistance.
Passive hip range of motion initiated at 2 wk, and active hip flexion was allowed at 4 wk.
Isotonic hamstring strengthening started at 6 wk and isokinetic strengthening was added at 8
Return to unrestricted activity allowed no earlier than 6 mo.
Brucker et al,
2005 Hip–knee–ankle orthosis for 6 wk (knee in 90 degrees of flexion).
No rehabilitation for 6 wk.
Return to sports activities was allowed after 6-8 mo.
Chahal et al,
2012 Knee brace with the knee locked in 30 degrees of flexion and non–weight-bearing for 6 wk.
Strengthening after 12 wk.
Return to sports was allowed at 6 mo.
Cohen et al,
2012 Hip orthosis that restricted hip flexion to a range of 30 degrees to 40 degrees and toe-touch
weight-bearing for the first 2 wk.
The brace was removed between 6 and 8 wk postoperatively.
Isotonic (6 wk) and isokinetic (8 wk) strengthening.
Return to full sports participation between 5 and 8 mo.
Cross et al,
1998 For 8 wk after surgery, the knee was flexed at 90 degrees in a hinged brace.
Physical therapy was not commenced until after the 8-week period.
Folsom et al,
2008 Hinged knee brace with the knee in 60 degrees to 90 degrees of flexion. The brace was
gradually opened to full extension during 4-6 wk based on the degree of intraoperative tension
at the repair site.
Strengthening exercises delayed until 2-3 mo after surgery.
Most patients able to resume at least a portion of their desired athletics by 6 mo.
Klingele et al,
2002 Patients fitted with a harness suspension device with knee in flexion for 3 to 4 wk.
Range of motion exercises and gait training initiated with the goal of attaining normal gait by 6
Return to sport and activity was allowed as early as 3 mo.
Konan et al,
2010 Weeks 1 and 2: the knee immobilized at 90 degrees in brace with gradual unlocking to 30
degrees by 6 wk
Weeks 7-10: a brace discontinued. Progression to full weight-bearing is permitted. Passive
and active range of movement is encouraged while avoiding extremes of motion. Closed-chain
exercises are started.
Weeks 15-16: isokinetic testing may be considered. Heavy weight training may be
undertaken, and running is permitted.
Weeks 24-38: full return to sport usually allowed in most patients.
R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
Copyright Ó2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
and fear of reinjury was likely under-reported. Well-designed
randomized controlled studies that are sufficiently powered
may determine the true influence of injury chronicity, patient
psychology, copathology, surgical techniques, and rehabilita-
tion on measures of postoperative success.
In a systematic review, the return to sport for nonoper-
atively treated (n 517), operatively treated partial repairs
(n 5107), and operatively treated complete repairs (n 5474)
were 70.59, 73.83, and 81.43%, respectively.
the partial repair group demonstrated significantly (P,
0.001) better scores on strength and endurance testing,
whereas the complete repair group demonstrated higher
patient satisfaction (P,0.001) and lower pain scores (P,
0.001). However, the ability to return to preinjury level of
TABLE 3. Rehabilitation and Return to Sport Protocol (Continued)
Authors, Year Rehabilitation and Return to Sport Protocol
Lefevre et al,
2013 Knee immobilized by a simple splint flexed at 30 degrees. Weight-bearing was partial and on
2-6 wk, hinged knee brace allowing free knee flexion but limited extension at 30 degrees.
Isometric quadriceps and hamstring exercises, with the knee flexed at 30 degrees. Full
weight-bearing and sitting were allowed if there was no pain.
.6 wk, the knee was released. Active rehabilitation included progressive dynamic hamstring
exercises and closed kinetic chain exercises for the quadriceps.
Between wk 12-16, the patient began light jogging. Concentric then eccentric isokinetic
hamstring muscle strengthening was performed. Regular sports activities between 16 and 32
Lempainen et al,
2006 No immobilization, casts, or orthoses were used. The patients were allowed to begin partial
weight-bearing within 2 wk of the operation, and full weight-bearing was allowed 2-4 wk after
Isometric muscle exercises and cycling begun after 4-6 wk.
Running 2-4 mo after the operation.
Rust et al,
2014 Hinged knee brace was applied either a 90 degrees or 60 degrees extension stop depending
on tension on the repair construct (90 degrees for chronic). The extension stop was gradually
brought out to full extension over 4-6 wk.
Non–weight-bearing with crutches was allowed until the period of bracing was complete (4-6
Resisted hamstring strengthening at 2.5 mo for primary repair and 3 mo for Achilles allograft
Sandmann et al,
2016 Hip–knee–ankle orthosis allowing knee flexion at least from 90 to 130 degrees flexion for 6 wk
in an extended hip position.
After 6 wk, intensive stretching and strengthening of the hamstrings to regain full range of
Return to sports to intermittent sporting activities was allowed, but not before 6 mo after
Sarimo et al,
2008 No casts or orthoses were used.
The patients used crutches for 2-3 wk during which only light-touch weight-bearing was
4-6 wk cycling was allowed and isometric muscle exercises. Range of motion exercises were
started 5 wk after surgery.
Running and more active muscle training were allowed 2 to 4 mo from the operation.
Skaara et al,
2013 No brace but restriction in flexing the hip with a straight knee, avoidance of deep sitting for 2
wk postoperatively.
Crutches were advocated for 6 to 12 wk, and gradually, full weight-bearing was allowed from
4 to 6 wk.
Strengthening exercises, running, and jumping could be started after 12 wk.
Subbu et al,
2015 Decision to apply a brace made intraoperatively depending on amount of tension placed on the
surgical repair.
The brace was set with the knee flexed at 90 degrees for up to 6 wk.
Wood et al,
2008 Hinged knee brace at 90 degrees flexion for 8 wk (only for repairs of significant tension).
Partial weight-bearing on crutches for first 6 wk.
Stretching and closed-chain strengthening exercises started at 3 mo.
Graduated return to sports activity by 6 mo.
NR, not reported.
Volume 00·Number 00 ·Month 2018
Copyright Ó2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
competition was not reported. Our systematic review and
meta-analysis showed similar pooled rates of return to
preinjury level of sport for partial and complete repairs.
However, return to sport rates was as low as 58% in some
studies assessing partial repairs. Because partial avulsions
often undergo surgery after failed nonoperative treatment,
injury chronicity and tendinopathy may influence the out-
comes of this group. Unfortunately, only one of the studies
stratified mean delay from injury to surgery by rupture type
and demonstrated similar results across all groups.
There are conflicting results reported when comparing the
outcomes of acute and chronic repairs of PHA. Van der Made
et al
found no significant differences between groups in
hamstring muscle strength, unless there was a significant degree
of retraction. Bodendofer et al
found that acutely repaired
PHA had significantly better patient satisfaction (P,0.001),
strength testing (P50.001), and less sitting pain (P50.036),
when compared with the chronic repair group. Although our
meta-analysis showed similar pooled rates of return to sport
after acute and chronic repairs, the definition of injury
chronicity varied between studies (ranged from 4 weeks to 3
months after injury), which may have influenced the outcomes
of this group. For example, Barnett et al
showed only 60% of
patients returned to preinjury after a significant average delay in
repair time of 18 months. Three other studies showed that,
when chronicity was stratified into delayed and late repairs, the
latter group displayed worse outcomes, increased need for
bracing, and longer return to sport.
Colosimo et al have recommended both isokinetic and
functional testing before return to sport. They recommended
the injured hamstring strength to be at least 85% of the uninjured
leg at both slow and fast isokinetic velocities, and that the
quadriceps/hamstring ratio should be between 50% and 60%
for the injured leg before returning to sport.
Although some
studies used isokinetic testing
single-hop testing,
to gauge postoperative recovery, these
parameters were not used as criteria to determine readiness to
resume athletic activities. Rather, studies provided arbitrary
postoperative time points at which patients were cleared for
Criteria and determinants of return to play
similar to those used in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
(ACLR) are needed.
Athletes tend to place higher importance
on their ability to return to sport than surrogate outcome
measures of impairments such as muscle strength and range of
The methods to determine return to preinjury level of
sport were variable and most depended on subjective
These types of self-
reported outcome measures have been used in other studies on
and Bankart repair.
However, because of
different definitions of return to sport, data on this subject are
often confusing. Agreed upon performance metrics, such as in-
game statistics, could provide meaningful information to
clinicians as they set patient expectations.
This was a systematic review and meta-analysis on a novel
topic that addressed previous gaps in knowledge for pooled
rates of return to sport and preinjury level of sport for various
subgroups (eg, acute, chronic, partial, and complete) of PHA.
This was possible due to recent interest on this subject,
reflected by a surge of new literature. The expansive search
strategy used across multiple databases and broad inclusion
criteria ensured that all relevant articles were included.
Finally, the excellent agreement among the 2 reviewers at all
screening stages and quality assessment suggests that a thor-
ough methodology was used in the preparation of this review.
Figure 3. Forest plot of the pooled rates of return to any
sporting activities.
R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
Copyright Ó2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The studies included were observational by design with mostly
level III or IV evidence, supported by low MINORS scores. This
review is at risk for recall bias because 4 studies assessed return to
preinjury level of sport retrospectively.
The mix of injury
chronicity, tear pattern, and heterogeneity of patients (spectrum of
ages and level of competition) are confounders, which may be
more accurately assessed using subgroup analysis in high-powered
studies. Few of the studies were stratified by rehabilitation
protocol and postoperative bracing. Thus, our ability to explain
any differences in timing and rate of return to sport for these
groups was limited. One of the more concerning limitations is that
the return to any sportswas reported only in 12 of the included
21 studies (Figure 2) and the return to sports to preinjury level
was reported in only 16 of the 21 included studies (Figure 3). This
reflects the variability of return to sport definitions in the literature
and stresses the need for more consistent reporting of this outcome
in future studies. There was significant heterogeneity across
studies, measured using the I
statistic, which gives less confidence
in the pooled results. However, the results were combined using
a random-effects model in a meta-analysis of proportions to
account for these differences.
Pooled results suggest a high rate of return to sport after
surgical management of PHA; however, this was associated
with a lower preinjury level of sport. No major differences in
return to sport were found between partial versus complete
and acute versus chronic PHA.
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R.P. Coughlin et al. (2018) Clin J Sport Med
Copyright Ó2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... 1 Proximal injuries such as avulsion or avulsion fractures are rare, 6 but these injuries often require surgical fixation. 7,8 Sports related to proximal hamstring injury mechanism are skiing, dancing, sprinting, and those that require explosive acceleration, as well as sports that combine this with kicking, like soccer. 1,6 All the aforementioned activities require hip flexion with the following hamstring eccentric contraction and injury. ...
... 17,18 Early surgery has been linked with better results and a faster return to sports. 8,17 Specific surgical indications have been established to surgically repair these tears. 6,76,7 The literature recommends surgical repair when 2 or more tendons are involved, a complete tear with 2 cm of retraction, and in patients who have not responded to 3 to 6 months of conservative management. ...
Full-text available
Open surgical repair of proximal hamstring avulsions has been the standard of care for a long time, when surgery is needed. Endoscopic repair is a relatively new surgery, and its popularity increased in the last 10 years. This technique allows the surgeon an anatomic repair and a safe sciatic nerve exploration with small incisions and dissection. As a new technique, it has its limitations, mostly in chronic retracted tears, and long follow-up series are needed to assess long-term outcomes. We present an endoscopic repair of a right proximal hamstring avulsion performed along with a sciatic nerve neurolysis.
... On the other hand, van der Made et al. [12] reported minimal to no differences in outcome of acute and delayed repairs with similar results in satisfaction, pain, functional scale scores and strength/flexibility. Belk et al. [36] found that the early repair group had the quickest time to return to sports and the highest rate of return to sports, but statistical significance was not reached in neither of these outcomes. Coughlin et al. [37] concluded that no major differences were found in return to sports between acute and chronic groups, discussing that the definition of chronicity varied between studies, which may have influenced the results. In this study, we found acute repair resulting statistically significantly better outcomes in satisfaction (p < .001), ...
... Therefore, the chronicity of partial injuries may cause confounding bias in the analyses of these injuries. Belk et al. [36] concluded in a systematic review that patients with partial and complete hamstring tears can be expected to return to sports at a similar rate after operative repair (partial 96.8% and complete 93.0%, p¼.18), which was similar finding with the systematic review authored by Coughlin et al. [37]. In this study, most of the patients were satisfied in both groups (complete 92% vs. partial 87%). ...
Full-text available
Hamstring injuries are among the most common muscle injuries. They have been reported in many different sports, such as running, soccer, track and field, rugby, and waterskiing. However, they are also present among the general population. Most hamstring injuries are mild strains, but also moderate and severe injuries occur. Hamstring injuries usually occur in rapid movements involving eccentric demands of the posterior thigh. Sprinting has been found to mainly affect the isolated proximal biceps femoris, whereas stretching-type injuries most often involve an isolated proximal injury of the semimembranosus muscle. The main cause of severe 2- or 3-tendon avulsion is a rapid forceful hip flexion with the ipsilateral knee extended. Most hamstring injuries are treated non-surgically with good results. However, there are also clear indications for surgical treatment, such as severe 2- or 3-tendon avulsions. In athletes, more aggressive recommendations concerning surgical treatment can be found. For a professional athlete, a proximal isolated tendon avulsion with clear retraction should be treated operatively regardless of the injured tendon. Surgical treatment has been found to have good results in severe injuries, especially if the avulsion injury is repaired in acute phase. In chronic hamstring injuries and recurring ruptures, the anatomical apposition of the retracted muscles is more difficult to be achieved. This review article analyses the outcomes of surgical treatment of hamstring ruptures. The present study confirms the previous knowledge that surgical treatment of hamstring tendon injuries causes good results with high satisfaction rates, both in complete and partial avulsions. Early surgical repair leads to better functional results with lower complication rates, especially in complete avulsions. KEY MESSAGEs Surgical treatment of hamstring tendon ruptures leads to high satisfaction and return to sport rates. Both complete and partial hamstring tendon ruptures have better results after acute surgical repair, when compared to cases treated surgically later. Athletes with hamstring tendon ruptures should be treated more aggressively with operative methods.
... Along with the low-level evidence of the included papers a comparison of the intervention-based outcome remains challenging. Conversely, for hamstring [33,[86][87][88] and Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) [89][90][91][92] injuries extensive research has been done regarding surgical and conservative intervention with detailed rehabilitation plans. The relatively long RTS time of RF injuries warrant similar attention. ...
Full-text available
Rectus femoris (RF) injury is a concern in sports. The management RF strains/tears and avulsion injuries need to be clearly outlined. A systematic review of literature on current management strategies for RF injuries, and to ascertain the efficacy thereof by the return to sport (RTS) time and re-injury rates. Literature search using Medline via PubMed, WorldCat, EMBASE, SPORTDiscus. Eligible studies were reviewed. Thirty-eight studies involving hundred and fifty-two participants were included. Majority (n = 138; 91%) were males, 80% (n = 121) sustained RF injury from kicking and 20% (n = 31) during sprinting. The myotendinous (MT), (n = 27); free tendon (FT), (n = 34), and anterior-inferior iliac spine (AIIS), (n = 91) were involved. Treatment was conservative (n = 115) or surgical (n = 37) across the subgroups. 73% (n = 27) of surgical treatments followed failed conservative treatment. The mean RTS was shorter with successful conservative treatment (MT: 1, FT: 4, AIIS avulsion: 2.9 months). Surgical RTS ranged from 2-9 months and 18 months with labral involvement. With either group, there was no re-injury within 24 months follow-up. With low certainty of evidence RF injury occurs mostly from kicking, resulting in a tear or avulsion at the FT and AIIS regions with or without a labral tear. With low certainty, findings suggest that successful conservative treatment provides a shortened RTS. Surgical treatment remains an option for failed conservative treatment of RF injuries across all subgroups. High-level studies are recommended to improve the evidence base for the treatment of this significant injury.
... Or, même si l'impact fonctionnel de ces désinsertions est peu important chez les patients les moins actifs, 5 chez les patients sportifs, elles peuvent engendrer un handicap avec une absence prolongée avant le retour au sport. 6 Dès le diagnostic posé, une prise en charge médicale et/ou chirurgicale précoce est donc nécessaire. ...
Full-text available
Proximal hamstring tendon proximal lesion is the most severe of hamstring muscles injuries. These serious injuries are commonly associated with a delayed or even misdiagnosis, despite of obvious clinical findings. MRI is essential to confirm diagnosis and to plan the surgery. The published literature suggests surgical repair for active patients. This surgery should be proceeded as soon as possible for better results. This article reviews the relevant anatomy, epidemiology, clinical assessment including specific physical examination signs, imagery, rehabilitation in patients suspected of a proximal hamstring avulsion. Up-to-date evidence is reviewed to address surgical and non-surgical treatment options and outcome assessment.
... The mean RTS rate of 83.7% and the mean time taken to RTS of 6.5 months should give medical professionals and patients an idea of how likely and how soon they might RTS. These results are similar to those reported in a review by Coughlin et al, 50 who found a RTS rate of 87.0% at a mean time of 5.8 months after surgical management. Overall, the RTS rate in this analysis is high for both acute (88.3%) and chronic (87.3%) injuries, but acute repairs resulted in a quicker RTS (4.5 months) compared to chronic injuries (5.5 months). ...
Full-text available
Aims Avulsion of the proximal hamstring tendon origin can result in significant functional impairment, with surgical re-attachment of the tendons becoming an increasingly recognized treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the outcomes of surgical management of proximal hamstring tendon avulsions, and to compare the results between acute and chronic repairs, as well as between partial and complete injuries. Methods PubMed, CINAHL, SPORTdiscuss, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Web of Science were searched. Studies were screened and quality assessed. Results In all, 35 studies (1,530 surgically-repaired hamstrings) were included. Mean age at time of repair was 44.7 years (12 to 78). A total of 846 tears were acute, and 684 were chronic, with 520 tears being defined as partial, and 916 as complete. Overall, 92.6% of patients were satisfied with the outcome of their surgery. Mean Lower Extremity Functional Score was 74.7, and was significantly higher in the partial injury group. Mean postoperative hamstring strength was 87.0% of the uninjured limb, and was higher in the partial group. The return to sport (RTS) rate was 84.5%, averaging at a return of 6.5 months. RTS was quicker in the acute group. Re-rupture rate was 1.2% overall, and was lower in the acute group. Sciatic nerve dysfunction rate was 3.5% overall, and lower in the acute group (p < 0.05 in all cases). Conclusion Surgical treatment results in high satisfaction rates, with good functional outcomes, restoration of muscle strength, and RTS. Partial injuries could expect a higher functional outcome and muscle strength return. Acute repairs result in a quicker RTS with a reduced rate of re-rupture and sciatic nerve dysfunction. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2022;3(5):415–422.
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Background Traditionally, postoperative rehabilitation protocols after proximal hamstring repair (PHR) for avulsion of the proximal hamstring tendon from its ischial insertion recommend bracing the hip and/or knee to protect the fixation. However, because of the cumbersome nature of these orthoses, recent studies have investigated outcomes in patients with postoperative protocols that do not include any form of postoperative bracing. Purpose To synthesize the current body of evidence concerning bracing versus nonbracing postoperative management of PHR. Study Design Systematic review; level of evidence, 4. Methods Using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines, we conducted a thorough search of the PubMed/Medline, Cochrane, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and Embase (OVID) databases on March 24, 2023. We analyzed complication rates, reoperation rates, patient satisfaction, return to sport, and patient-reported outcomes of studies that used postoperative bracing versus studies that used no postoperative bracing after PHR with at least 12 months of follow-up. A total of 308 articles were identified after initial search. Results In total, 25 studies were included in this review: 18 studies (905 patients) on bracing and 7 studies (291 patients) on nonbracing after PHR. The overall complication rate in the braced patients was found to be 10.9%, compared with 12.7% in nonbraced patients. The rate of reoperation due to retear of the proximal hamstring was found to be 0.05% in braced patients and 3.1% in nonbraced patients. Patient-reported outcome measures were found to be higher at the final follow-up in braced versus nonbraced patients, and patient satisfaction was found to be 94.7% in braced studies compared with 88.9% in nonbraced studies. The rate of 12-month return to sport in athletic patients was 88.4% with bracing and 82.7% without bracing. Conclusion The findings of this review demonstrated lower complication and reoperation rates, higher patient-reported outcome scores, higher patient satisfaction, and a higher rate of return to sport in braced patients compared with nonbraced patients.
Introduction: Proximal hamstring avulsions are a rare pathology, usually treated conservatively in elderly patients, resulting in severe functional limitation. Surgical repair can obtain a significant improvement in functionality and quality of life. Methods: Prospective case series of 3 women over 55 years of age (mean age 61), amateur athletes, with complete proximal and retracted hamstring conjoint tendon avulsion, treated by open primary repair surgery in chronic period (>4 weeks). The study variables were functional scales (PHAT, LEFS, and SF-12) before the intervention and one year after surgery, and strength measurement with a dynamometer and digital voltage scale. Statistical analysis included the Wilcoxon t-test and the Mann–Whitney U test. Results: One year after surgery, all functional scales improved: PHAT 16 vs 83.33, LEFS 17.33 vs 68.67, P/SF-12.25.47 vs 51.14, and M/SF-12.35.42 vs 57.92. A normalization of the strength was obtained, observing a strength of 97.33% (range 72–140) and 111.67% (range 89–128) for contraction at 90° of flexion and in extension, respectively, with no differences between both legs. Digital measurement showed a strength of 99% (range 50–180). Conclusion: Surgery for complete and retracted proximal avulsions of the hamstring conjoint tendon in chronic period improves functionality and quality of life in elderly women with regular sports practice, as well as normalization of muscle strength.
Purpose: The indications for surgical treatment of proximal hamstring ruptures are continuing to be refined. The purpose of this study was to compare patient-reported outcomes (PROs) between patients who underwent operative or nonoperative management of proximal hamstring ruptures. Methods: A retrospective review of the electronic medical record identified all patients who were treated for a proximal hamstring rupture at our institution from 2013 to 2020. Patients were stratified into two groups, nonoperative or operative management, which were matched in a 2:1 ratio based on demographics (age, gender, and body mass index), chronicity of the injury, tendon retraction, and number of tendons torn. All patients completed a series of PROs including the Perth Hamstring Assessment Tool (PHAT), Visual Analogue Scale for pain (VAS), and the Tegner Activity Scale. Statistical analysis was performed using multi-variable linear regression and Mann-Whitney testing to compare nonparametric groups. Results: Fifty-four patients (mean age = 49.6 ± 12.9 years; median: 49.1; range: 19-73) with proximal hamstring ruptures treated nonoperatively were successfully matched 2:1 to 27 patients who had underwent primary surgical repair. There were no differences in PROs between the nonoperative and operative cohorts (n.s.). Chronicity of the injury and older age correlated with significantly worse PROs across the entire cohort (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In this cohort of primarily middle-aged patients with proximal hamstring ruptures with less than three centimeters of tendon retraction, there was no difference in patient-reported outcome scores between matched cohorts of operatively and nonoperatively managed injuries. Level of evidence: Level III.
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Purpose of Review To assess the current literature surrounding the treatment and rehabilitation strategies surrounding proximal hamstring rupture injuries, along with comparative return to sport and patient-reported outcomes. Recent Findings A high degree of variability exists in protective and rehabilitation strategies after both operative and non-operative proximal hamstring rupture management. Acceptable outcomes after both operative and non-operative management have been observed but may vary greatly with injury chronicity, severity, and surgical technique. Summary The high complication rates observed after surgical treatment, along with poor functional outcomes that may occur in the setting of non-operative treatment or delayed surgery, highlight the importance of early injury evaluation and careful patient selection. Further high-quality research elucidating clearer indications for early operative management and an optimized and standardized rehabilitation protocols may improve outcomes and return to sport experience and metrics for individuals sustaining proximal hamstring ruptures.
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Background: No meta-analysis has compared outcomes of operative and nonoperative proximal hamstring avulsion treatment. Purpose: To compare outcomes of operative and nonoperative proximal hamstring avulsion treatment, including acute, chronic, partial, and complete repairs. Study design: Meta-analysis. Methods: PubMed, CINAHL, SPORTdiscus, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Web of Science were searched up to July 2016. Three authors screened the studies and performed quality assessment using criteria from the Methodologic Index for Nonrandomized Studies. A best evidence synthesis was subsequently used. Results: Twenty-four studies (795 proximal hamstring avulsions) were included. Twenty-two studies included proximal hamstring avulsion repairs; 1 study had proximal hamstring avulsion repairs and a control group of nonoperatively treated proximal hamstring avulsions; and 1 study had solely nonoperatively treated proximal hamstring avulsions. The majority of studies were of low methodological quality. Overall, repairs had significantly higher patient satisfaction (90.81% vs 52.94%), hamstring strength (85.01% vs 63.95%), Lower Extremity Functional Scale scores (72.77 vs 69.53), and single-legged hop test results (119.1 vs 56.62 cm) (all P < .001); complications occurred in 23.17% of cases. Compared with chronic repairs, acute avulsion repairs had greater patient satisfaction (95.48% vs 83.79%), less pain (1.07 vs 3.71), and greater strength (85.2% vs 82.8%), as well as better scores for the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (75.64 vs 71.5), UCLA activity scale (University of California, Los Angeles; 8.57 vs 8.10), and Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation (93.36 vs 86.50) (all P < .001). Compared with partial avulsion repairs, complete avulsion repairs had higher patient satisfaction (89.64% vs 81.35%, P < .001), less pain (1.87 vs 4.60, P < .001), and higher return to sport or preinjury activity level, but this was insignificant (81.43% vs 73.83%, P = .082). Partial avulsion repairs had better hamstring strength (86.04% vs 83.71%, P < .001) and endurance (107.13% vs 100.17%, P < .001). Complete repairs had significantly higher complication rates (29.38% vs 11.27%, P = .001). Conclusion: Proximal hamstring avulsion repair resulted in superior outcomes as compared with nonoperative treatment, although the complication rate was 23.17%. The nonoperative group was quite small, making a true comparison difficult. Acute repairs have better outcomes than do chronic repairs. Complete avulsion repairs had higher patient satisfaction, less pain, and a higher complication rate than partial avulsion repairs, although partial avulsion repairs had better hamstring strength and endurance. Studies of high methodological quality are lacking in terms of investigating the outcomes of proximal hamstring avulsion repairs.
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Proximal hamstring tears are among the most common sports-related injuries. These injuries often occur as strains or partial tears at the proximal muscle belly or the musculotendinous junction, with avulsion injuries of the proximal attachment occurring less frequently. Regardless of the mechanism, they produce functional impairment and negatively affect an athlete's performance. Various classifications for these injuries are reported in the literature. Early surgical treatment is recommended for patients with either a 2-tendon tear/avulsion with more than 2 cm retraction or those with complete 3-tendon tears. Surgery can be performed in the chronic phase but it is technically demanding because of scar formation and tendon retraction. This technical note describes a biomechanically validated surgical technique for repair of the proximal hamstring tears.
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PurposeAvulsion of the proximal hamstring tendons is an uncommon injury. To date, few studies have prospectively evaluated outcomes of surgical repair. The aim of the present study is to review the functional outcomes of surgical repair of proximal hamstring tendon avulsions. Methods This is a prospective series of 96 consecutive proximal hamstring surgical repairs in 94 patients, with a median age of 50 years and median follow-up of 33 months (range 12–58). Functional outcomes were assessed using the Perth Hamstring Assessment Tool (PHAT)—a validated scoring system for proximal hamstring injuries. ResultsSignificant improvements in functional outcomes were seen across all patients at 1-year follow-up. There was a mean PHAT score improvement of 34.7 points at the 1-year follow-up (p < 0.001, 95% CI 29.9–39.5). The SF-12 PCS scores showed a significant improvement at 1-year follow-up of 13.8 points (p < 0.001, 95% CI 10.7–16.9). These were maintained at final follow-up. Acute repairs had significantly higher improvement in PHAT score with acute patients improving a mean of 38.6 points (p < 0.001, 95% CI 32.0–44.3) and chronic patients only improving by a mean of 25.3 points (p < 0.001, 95% CI 18.2–33.3) at final follow-up. Conclusion This study establishes that surgical repair of proximal hamstring tendon ruptures leads to improved patient outcomes, in both acute and chronic repairs. Early surgical repair, however, achieves superior outcomes to late repair. These results suggest that surgeons should be operating on proximal hamstring avulsions, and preferably in the acute stage. Level of evidenceII.
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Systematic reviews should build on a protocol that describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review; few reviews report whether a protocol exists. Detailed, well-described protocols can facilitate the understanding and appraisal of the review methods, as well as the detection of modifications to methods and selective reporting in completed reviews. We describe the development of a reporting guideline, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses for Protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015). PRISMA-P consists of a 17-item checklist intended to facilitate the preparation and reporting of a robust protocol for the systematic review. Funders and those commissioning reviews might consider mandating the use of the checklist to facilitate the submission of relevant protocol information in funding applications. Similarly, peer reviewers and editors can use the guidance to gauge the completeness and transparency of a systematic review protocol submitted for publication in a journal or other medium.
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Arthroscopic shoulder stabilization is known to have excellent functional results, but many patients do not return to their preinjury level of sport, with return to play rates reported between 48% and 100% despite good outcome scores. To understand specific subjective psychosocial factors influencing a patient's decision to return to sport after arthroscopic shoulder stabilization. Case series; Level of evidence, 4. Semistructured qualitative interviews were conducted with patients aged 18 to 40 years who had undergone primary arthroscopic shoulder stabilization and had a minimum 2-year follow-up. All patients participated in sport before surgery without any further revision operations or shoulder injuries. Qualitative data analysis was performed in accordance with the Strauss and Corbin theory to derive codes, categories, and themes. Preinjury and current sport participation was defined by type, level of competition, and the Brophy/Marx shoulder activity score. Patient-reported pain and shoulder function were also obtained. A total of 25 patients were interviewed, revealing that fear of reinjury, shifts in priority, mood, social support, and self-motivation were found to greatly influence the decision to return to sport both in patients who had and had not returned to their preinjury level of play. Patients also described fear of sporting incompetence, self-awareness issues, recommendations from physical therapists, and degree of confidence as less common considerations affecting their return to sport. In spite of excellent functional outcomes, extrinsic and intrinsic factors such as competing interests, kinesiophobia, age, and internal stressors and motivators can have a major effect on a patient's decision to return to sport after arthroscopic shoulder stabilization. The qualitative methods used in this study provide a unique patient-derived perspective into postoperative recovery and highlight the necessity to recognize and address subjective and psychosocial factors rather than objective functional outcome scores alone as contributing to a patient's decision to return to play. © 2015 The Author(s).
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Systematic reviews should build on a protocol that describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review; few reviews report whether a protocol exists. Detailed, well-described protocols can facilitate the understanding and appraisal of the review methods, as well as the detection of modifications to methods and selective reporting in completed reviews. We describe the development of a reporting guideline, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses for Protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015). PRISMA-P consists of a 17-item checklist intended to facilitate the preparation and reporting of a robust protocol for the systematic review. Funders and those commissioning reviews might consider mandating the use of the checklist to facilitate the submission of relevant protocol information in funding applications. Similarly, peer reviewers and editors can use the guidance to gauge the completeness and transparency of a systematic review protocol submitted for publication in a journal or other medium.
Background: The arthroscopic Bankart repair and open Bristow-Latarjet procedure are the 2 most commonly used techniques to treat recurrent shoulder instability. Purpose: To compare in a case control-matched manner the 2 techniques, with particular emphasis on return to sport after surgery. Study design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: A study was conducted in 2 hospitals matching 60 patients with posttraumatic recurrent anterior shoulder instability with a minimum follow-up of 2 years (30 patients treated with arthroscopic Bankart procedure and 30 treated with open Bristow-Latarjet procedure). Patients with severe glenoid bone loss and revision surgeries were excluded. In one hospital, patients were treated with arthroscopic Bankart repair using anchors; in the other, patients underwent the Bristow-Latarjet procedure. Patients were matched according to age at surgery, type and level of sport practiced before shoulder instability (Degree of Shoulder Involvement in Sports [DOSIS] scale), and number of dislocations. The primary outcomes were return to sport (Subjective Patient Outcome for Return to Sports [SPORTS] score), rate of recurrent instability, Oxford Shoulder Instability Score (OSIS), Subjective Shoulder Value (SSV), Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI), and range of motion (ROM). Results: After a mean follow-up of 5.3 years (range, 2-9 years), patients who underwent arthroscopic Bankart repair obtained better results in terms of return to sport (SPORTS score: 8 vs 6; P = .02) and ROM in the throwing position (86° vs 79°; P = .01), and they reported better subjective perception of the shoulder (SSV: 86% vs 75%; P = .02). No differences were detectable using the OSIS or WOSI. The rate of recurrent instability was not statistically different between the 2 groups (Bankart repair 10% vs Bristow-Latarjet 0%; P = .25), although the study may have been underpowered to detect a clinically important difference in this parameter. The multiple regression analysis showed that the independent variables associated with return to sport were preoperative DOSIS scale, type of surgery, and recurrent dislocations after surgery. Patients who played sports with high upper extremity involvement (eg, swimming, rugby, martial arts) at a competitive level (DOSIS scale 9 or 10) had a lower level of return to sport with both repair techniques. Conclusion: Arthroscopic stabilization using anchors provided better return to sport and subjective perception of the shoulder compared with the open Bristow-Latarjet procedure in the population studied. Recurrence may be higher in the arthroscopic Bankart group; further study is needed on this point.
Proximal hamstring tendon ruptures are commonly associated with a significant loss of function, and operative treatment is recommended in active patients. The objective was to evaluate objective/subjective functional results and return to sports following proximal hamstring tendon repair in the mid-term follow-up. 16 repairs of proximal hamstring ruptures were performed in 15 patients (9 males, 6 females). The average age at the time of injury was 47 years (range, 21-66). All patients were clinically examined at a mean follow-up of 56 months (range, 24-112 months). Validated patient-oriented assessment scores focussing on sports activity including the Lysholm Score, Tegner Activity Score, UCLA Activity Score, adapted WOMAC Score, and the VAS were evaluated as well as the return to sports. Isokinetic strength of both legs was tested using a rotational dynamometer. The Lysholm, Tegner, UCLA Activity Score and the adapted WOMAC demonstrated predominantly a return to a preinjury activity level at follow-up. Functional measurements of the operated leg showed similar results to the uninjured leg in knee extension and flexion strength (p>0.094). In return to sports, no signficant (p>0.05) differences concerning types or frequency were noted. The surgical repair of proximal hamstring tendon ruptures leads to constantly good functional results in the mid-term follow-up, where patients demonstrate similar isokinetic results in the healthy leg. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.