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Abstract and Figures

Faridabad is the largest metropolitan city in Haryana State (India). Solid waste management is one of the biggest environmental issues for the municipal corporation of Faridabad. The Municipal Corporation of Faridabad seems unable to manage the solid waste due to highly increased urbanization and lack of planning, funds, and advanced technology. Hence, various private sector companies and nongovernment organizations are required to work in this sector to resolve such issues. For the success of such useful work, proper planning is required. Successful planning depends on the exact prediction of the amount of solid waste generation. In this paper an artificial neural network model is applied to predict the quantity of solid waste generation in Faridabad city.
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Municipal Solid Waste Generation
Forecasting for Faridabad City Located
in Haryana State, India
Dipti Singh and Ajay Satija
Abstract Faridabad is the largest metropolitan city in Haryana State (India). Solid
waste management is one of the biggest environmental issues for the municipal
corporation of Faridabad. The Municipal Corporation of Faridabad seems unable to
manage the solid waste due to highly increased urbanization and lack of planning,
funds, and advanced technology. Hence, various private sector companies and
nongovernment organizations are required to work in this sector to resolve such
issues. For the success of such useful work, proper planning is required. Successful
planning depends on the exact prediction of the amount of solid waste generation.
In this paper an articial neural network model is applied to predict the quantity of
solid waste generation in Faridabad city.
Keywords Solid waste management (SWM) Articial neural networks (ANN)
Forecasting Municipal solid waste (MSW)
1 Introduction
Solid waste is the refuse material of daily used items discarded by society. The waste
generated from residential sectors, institutional sectors, commercial sectors, and
various industries is an environmental issue. People sufferfrom health problems and
various atmospheric issues such as foul smell, house ies, cockroaches, or other
insects. Hence solid waste management is extremely essential in society. The
growing population, migration to urban areas for employment, gross domestic pro-
duct (GDP) per capita, i.e., living standard parameters, different housing conditions,
global longitude and latitude, seasonal conditions, and regional environmental laws
Dipti Singh (&)
Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India
Ajay Satija
Inderpratha Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India
©Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
M. Pant et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft
Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems
and Computing 437, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0451-3_27
are the crucial factors affecting solid waste generation. Optimization techniques, soft
computing techniques as ANN models, ANFIS (adaptive neurofuzzy inference
system) models, expert systems, evolutionary algorithms, etc., have been applied for
SWM. Accuracy of waste management forecasting plays an important role in waste
management strategy. Various ANN models have been applied to forecast solid
waste generation in different cities all over the world. But in India not much work is
done in this direction. In this paper ANN model is applied for forecasting of solid
waste in Faridabad city. Before introducing the proposed model, a few research
papers have been revealed in this direction.
Zade and Noori presented an appropriate ANN model with threshold statistics
technique to forecast the solid waste generation in Mashhad city (Iran) [1]. Abdoli
et al. suggested a new approach of removing data trend by taking the logarithm of
data and creating the stationary condition to predict solid waste generation for the
city of Mashhad for the period 20112032 [2]. Batinic et al. proposed an ANN
model to forecast the waste characteristics (organic waste, paper, glass, metal,
plastic, and other waste (output parameters)) in Serbia for the period 20102026.
The result showed that organic waste will not increase within the period 20102016
but within period 20162026 there will be expected change. In 2026, 810,000 tons
of solid waste will probably need to be disposed in a landll area in Serbia [3].
Shahabi et al. suggested a feedforward multilayer perception ANN model to
forecast waste generation in Saqqez City in Kurdistan Province in northwest Iran.
Weekly time series of generated solid waste have been arranged for the period
20042007. The authors suggested the Stop Training Approach to solve the
problem of increasing error while training and testing phase of ANN [4]. Patel and
Meka have proposed the feedforward ANN model to forecast Municipal Solid
Waste for the 98 towns of Gujarat for the next 25 years. First, the normalized solid
waste data is applied to ANN model and it is found that the predicted data vali-
dation follows nearly perfect correlation [5]. Roy et al. proposed a feedforward
ANN model to forecast waste generation in Khulna city (Bangladesh). The authors
have arranged the citys generated solid waste data weekly with the help of time
series. The best neural network model has been selected on the basis of mean
absolute errors and regression R of training, testing, validation, etc. Further results
of observed and predicted values of solid waste generation have been compared [6].
Falahnezhad and Abdoli proposed a neural network model for solid waste gener-
ation in which the effect of preprocessing data is seen. The authors suggest that the
logarithm of input and output data to time series provides more accurate results [7].
Shamshiry et al. suggested an ANN model to forecast the solid waste generation in
Tourist and Tropical Area Langkawi Island, Malaysia, during 20042009. The
authors have applied backpropagation neural network for better results. The results
are compared with multiple regression analysis but ANN predicted results seem
much better [8]. Singh and Satija suggest the concept of incineration process for
electricity generation through solid waste in Mumbai and different cities of Gujrat
State [9]. Pamnani and Meka propose an ANN model for forecasting solid waste
generation for small-scale towns and their neighboring villages of Gujarat State,
286 Dipti Singh and Ajay Satija
India. The authors have validated their results with the help of low value of per-
centage prediction error [10].
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Study Area Identication and MSW Management Issues
Faridabad is the main industrial center (ranked 9th in Asia) and a highly populated
district in Haryana State established by the Susaint, Baba Farid, in 1607 AD. It
became the 12th district of Haryana state on 15 August 1979. Its total area is
742.9 km
with a dense population of 1,798,954 people (2011 census). There are 91
sectors proposed under the development plan in Faridabad. The city generates per
year, per capita 135.72 kg of waste. In Faridabad only 20.49 % of the population
lives in rural villages (2011 census). There are about 15,000 small, medium, and
large-scale industries, which includes multinational companies and other ISO cer-
tied companies. But the waste is not properly treated at these sites. The Municipal
Corporation of Faridabad (MCF) was established in 1992. MCF was founded by
earlier municipalities of Faridabad Town/New Industrial Township Old Faridabad,
Ballabhgarh and its 38 revenue villages. The related solid waste management issues
follows: improper short- and long-term strategy to manage solid waste related to
MSW Rules 2000, nancial issues, high land cost, lack of technical skill in
municipal sanitation workers, lack of sufcient numbers of waste gathering carts or
advanced vehicles, public unawareness about 4-R principles of environment sci-
ences, sanitation work is not followed on Sundays or on other holidays, etc.
2.2 Case Study and Data
The accurate data plays an important role in waste management strategies. But the
collection of reliable and complete solid waste data is a challenging task. The
generated solid waste data is arranged from the MCF head ofce (NIT Faridabad)
from January 2010 to December 2014 month-wise. According to MCF ofcials
waste generation (WG) rate is approximately 300 g per day per capita. But there is
month-wise uctuation in waste generation in the city due to the rapid growth of the
urban population. In 2014 about 133,871,295 kg waste was collected and disposed
by hook loaders in the landll of village Bandhwari (Gurgaon).
The following are the types of solid waste generated in the city: (a) domestic
waste, (b) commercial waste, (d) institutional waste, (e) industrial waste, (f) agri-
culture waste, (g) energy renewal plant wastes, (h) inert waste, and (i) public place
waste (streets, roads, parks etc.)
Municipal Solid Waste Generation Forecasting 287
In the Indian calendar one year is divided into six seasons. There were seasonal
variations in solid waste generation per day in Faridabad city in 2014. It is observed
that in the monsoon the waste collected is the lowest while in spring the waste
collected is the highest.
2.3 Articial Neural Network Model (ANN Model)
Neural network models are similar to models of biological systems. In 1943,
Mclloch and Pitts developed the rst computational model in which neurophysi-
ology and mathematical logic approaches got merged.
The following model forms the basis of a neural network. Here {x
} are the set of inputs to the articial neurons. The set {w
} is the
randomly generated weightsset to the input links (synapses). In the biological
neuron system the neuron receives its input signals, sums up them, and produces an
output. If this sum is greater than a threshold value the input signal passes through
the synapse which may accelerate or retard signal. In the ANN model this accel-
eration or retardation is the reason for creation of the concepts of weights. The
weights are multiplied with inputs and transmitted via links (synapses). The larger
weight synapse generates a strong signal while a weak weight synapse generates a
weak signal. The combined input I(say) is transferred to the soma (nucleuscell
body of neuron in biological system). I=w
,i=1,2,,n. The nal output is
transmitted to a nonlinear lter Ф(Transfer function say), i.e., y=Ф(I).
A general form of activation function is the threshold function. This sum is
equated with the threshold value θ, i.e., y=Ф[w
θ] (Fig. 1).
This threshold function may be in the form of heaviside function, Signum
function, hyperbolic tangent function, or sigmoidal function, i.e., UIðÞ¼ 1
1þeaI. The
parameter αis a slope parameter. The three basic classes of ANN models follows:
Inputs Summation Unit Threshold Unit
Threshold output
Summation of weighted
Fig. 1 Simple model of articial neural network
288 Dipti Singh and Ajay Satija
(a) single layer feedforward network (no hidden layer between input and output),
(b) multilayer feed forward network (one or more hidden layers between input and
output), (c) recurrent networks [11]. The tansig transfer function can be used in
input and hidden layer neurons for summing and nonlinear mapping. The purelin
transfer function can be used in linear inputoutput relationship between the hidden
layers and output layer. Both algorithms may be summarized as (i) IO = tansig
(IN) (ii) FO = purelin (IO). IN, IO, FO represents input, intermediate outputs, and
nal output matrices (in Matlab) [5].
There are monthly variations (uctuation) in estimated solid waste generation.
Hence a dynamic time series neural network model is proposed for forecasting waste
generation. In Matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a) neural network time series tool (ntstool) is
chosen for prediction. Here, nonlinear autoregressive technique is used in which the
series y(t) is predicted with given d past values of y(t). The predicted series can be
formulated as y(t)=f(y(t1), y(t2), ,y(td)). The input solid waste data is
arranged within January 2010 to December 2014 month-wise, i.e, now 60 months
solid waste collected data is available for prediction. The solid waste targets (rep-
resenting dynamic data) have been taken as 1 ×60 cell array of 1 ×1 matrices. Now
in training data set 70 %, 15 %, 15 % time steps are used for training, validating, and
testing respectively. The network is adjusted according to the training time steps.
Validation time steps represent the generalization of network. The training stops
when generalization stops improving. Testing time steps shows the performance of
the network. Autoregressive neural network may be adjusted by the selecting
number of hidden neurons in hidden layers and number of time delays. If the
network does not perform well, both can be changed. LevenbergMarquardt back-
propagation algorithm (trainlm) is used to t inputs and targets. Multiple times
training will generate different results due to different initial conditions. Mean
squared error (MSE) is dened as the average squared difference between outputs
and targets. Lower values are considered better. A zero value shows no error.
Regression Rvalues show the correlation between outputs and target values. The
value R= 1 implies a close relationship between output and targets. Finally, testing
should be done on large data to decide the network performance.
3 Results and Discussions
The statistical analysis of different ANN models is done. Mean square errors
(MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and regres-
sion Rare measured as performance metrics of ANN models. Different structures of
time series neural network models have been investigated with varying values of
hidden layer neurons. Table 1illustrates the ANN model structures, performance
metrics MSE, RMSE, and regression values Rof training, testing, and validation
phases. From table it can be observed that 1-9-1 is the best ANN model for solid
waste prediction due to minimum mean square error and maximum correlation
Rcompared to other ANN models.
Municipal Solid Waste Generation Forecasting 289
Figure 2illustrates the observed and predicted solid waste generation from
training phase of ANN model with structure (1-9-1).
The other performance metric mean absolute error is dened as
MAE ¼1
Here nis the number of months, w
is observed solid waste weight, and w
predicted solid waste present case. The mean absolute error during training in ANN
structure 1-9-1 is 40.91. Figure 3illustrates the different values of Rshowing the
relationship between observed and predicted values of waste during training, val-
idation, and testing phases of the 1-9-1 ANN model (Fig. 4).
Table 1 Results of training, testing, and validation of ANN models
ANN model
MSE RMSE Regression
Training Testing Validation All
1-4-1 3681.44 60.67 0.821987 0.493287 0.754089 0.73493
1-5-1 4378.51 66.17 0.81917 0.50451 0.871937 0.79502
1-6-1 2289.66 47.85 0.89636 0.25555 0.580650 0.72636
1-7-1 3737.45 61.13 0.85026 0.83483 0.357105 0.72468
1-8-1 3120.48 55.86 0.85857 0.600234 0.276443 0.67733
1-9-1 2377.88 48.76 0.890502 0.705548 0.634741 0.82464
1-10-1 3271.61 57.19 0.86355 0.56686 0.394007 0.71777
1-11-1 3257.51 57.07 0.85672 0.252753 0.754561 0.64432
1-12-1 6166.94 78.52 0.725112 0.49032 0.597521 0.63368
1-13-1 2786.23 52.78 0.89632 0.802407 0.811832 0.78396
1-14-1 3095.32 55.63 0.82764 0.38631 0.60608 0.62935
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of Months
Solid Waste generated in Metric Ton
Observed MSW
Forcasted MSW By ANN 1-9-1 Model
Fig. 2 The observed and predicted solid waste generation from training phase of ANN model
with structure (1-9-1)
290 Dipti Singh and Ajay Satija
4 Conclusion
The aim of this study is to propose an appropriate model for predicting solid waste
for Faridabad city, Haryana (India). Time series neural network tool (Matlab 7.12.0
(R2011a)) has been used for monthly-based solid waste prediction. Different ANN
structures have been trained and tested by changing the number of neurons in
hidden layers. The ANN structure with 9 hidden layer neurons is selected for its
best performance metrics, i.e., low values of MSE, RMSE and high value of R.
Fig. 3 Overall ANN times series response during training testing and validation
Fig. 4 Regression values of training testing, validating, and ALL for 1-9-1 model
Municipal Solid Waste Generation Forecasting 291
The future scope of this work is that the ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
system) technique can be used on collected data for increasing accuracy of waste
generation forecasting. Such model may be generalized as solid waste prediction on
weekly basis for its ne prediction.
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292 Dipti Singh and Ajay Satija
... The R 2 values normally ranges from 0 to 1. Good predictions are performed when R 2 is very close to 1 and worse predictions when R 2 is 0 or very close to this value. The R 2 values obtained in different studies were: R 2 = 0.97 (Younes et al., 2015), R 2 = 0.82 (Singh & Satija, 2016), R 2 = 0.81 (Zade & Noori, 2008) and R 2 = 0.64 (Shahabi et al., 2012). The suitable ANN model is considered the model that has the lowest root mean square error and the highest regression coefficient (R 2 ). ...
... The LM method description can be found in literature (Ranganathan, 2004). Different authors used LM for prediction of municipal solid waste generation in Malaysia and India respectively (Singh & Satija, 2016;Younes et al., 2015). The LM algorithm was also selected for application in this study. ...
... The training data were set at 55% for training, 20% for validating and 25% for testing, respectively. A similar procedure was also chosen and applied by Singh and Satija (2016). The network generalization is represented by the validation time steps, while the network performance is shown through time steps testing. ...
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Neural network time series (NNTS) tool was used to predict municipal solid waste composition in Iasi, Romania. The nonlinear input output (NIO) time series model and nonlinear autoregressive model with external (exogenous) input (NARX) included in this tool were selected. The coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) were chosen for evaluation. By applying NIO, the optimum model is 4-11-6 artificial neural network (ANN, R2 = 0.929) in the case of testing as for the validation, with all 0.849 and 0.885, respectively. Applying NARX, the suitable model became 4-13-6 ANN model, with R2 = 0.999 for training, 0.879 for testing, and 0.931, respectively 0.944 for validation and all. The resulted RMSE is zero for training and 0.0109 for validation in the case of this model which had 4 inputs, 13 neurons and 6 outputs. The four input variables were: number of residents, population aged 15–59 years, urban life expectancy, total municipal solid waste (ton/year). The suitable ANN model revealed the lowest root mean square error and the highest coefficient of determination. Results indicate that NNTS tool is a complex instrument, NARX is more accurate than NIO model, and can be used and applied easily.
... The accurate prediction of MSW plays a significant role in the development of a sustainable and efficient waste management system (Ferronato et al. 2020;Singh and Satija 2016). If MSW predictions are inaccurate, waste management programs and facilities can be designed or operated inefficiently . ...
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Yard waste is one of the key components of municipal solid waste and can play a vital role in implementing zero-waste strategy to achieve sustainable municipal solid waste management. Therefore, the objective of this study is to predict yard waste generation using the grey theory from the predicted municipal solid waste generation. The proposed model is implemented using municipal solid waste generation data from the City of Winnipeg, Canada. To identify the generation factors that influence municipal solid waste generation and yard waste generation, a correlation analysis is performed among eight socio-economic factors and six climatic factors. The GM (1, 1) model is utilized to predict individual factors with overall MAPE values of 0.06%−10.39% for the in-sample data, while the multivariable GM (1, N) grey model is employed to forecast the quarterly level of municipal solid waste generation with overall MAPE values of 5.64%−7.54%. In this study, grey models predict quarterly yard waste generation from the predicted municipal solid waste generation values using only twelve historical data points. The results indicate that the grey model (based on the error matrices) performs better than the linear and nonlinear regression-based models. The outcome of this study will support the City of Winnipeg’s sustainable planning for yard waste management in terms of budgeting, resource allocation, and estimating energy generation.
In order to understand the complexities and trends that influence a city’s biodiversity health and ecosystem services, a holistic assessment is an essential tool to capture its growth trajectory towards sustainability. The City Biodiversity Index (CBI) is one such tool that allows the evaluation of city-specific sustainable governance, local biodiversity management and their socio-ecological characteristics through an indicator-based monitoring system. In this chapter, we discuss the application of the CBI in order to address the population surge and booming industrialization within the smart city of Faridabad. Rapid decline in urban blue and green spaces was observed during the study which calls for immediate action and proper management plan by the local bodies. CBI can also act as a tool for impact assessment of various policies and ventures by the stakeholders along with providing a common ground for strategical exchange amongst cities with similar social and ecological characteristics and urban concerns. Further, suggestions and recommendations are made such as implementation of nature-based solutions (NbS) and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) techniques for new policies to be formulated by policymakers and stakeholders and to address the limitations of the CBI as observed during study for better biodiversity conservation in the city.
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India is a developing country. India’s population is over 1.27 billion people (2014) which are approximated as one-sixth of the world’s population. Such population growth may leave behind the world’s most heavily populated nation China by 2025 (US Census Bureau 2011). Solid waste management is an important environmental issue of all developed and developing countries. The growth of solid waste is basically due to population explosion, urbanization, and mismanagement of municipal corporation. Limitations of Indian Municipality Corporation are waste gathering inefficiency, lack of financial funds, poor planning, and lack of technical knowledge on changing complication of waste materials. In this paper, few important optimization models/techniques proposed by different researchers are studied that may be beneficial for ongoing project work in Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in different metropolitan cities at various states in India. Much work has not been done in this direction. On the basis of extensive study of literature, it is suggested that the Indian municipal corporation must adopt 4R principles involving reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover to minimize solid waste.
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This study presents a waste management model using artificial neural networks to predict future waste quantity and composition in Serbia. Since Serbia represent transition country, and in process of joining EU, for decision makers in the field of waste management, obtained information will be of great importance to develop appropriate waste management system and to achieve specific targets of waste management according national and EU Directives by 2026.
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Over the years, the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) has been improved to some extent through installation of various schemes, development of new treatment technologies and implementation of economic instruments. Despite such progress, solid waste problems still impose an increasing pressure on cities and remain one of the major challenges in urban environmental management. Although approximating of waste generation in its management is important, the prediction of its production is a difficult job due to the effect of various factors on it. Artificial intelligence is an exciting and relatively new application of computers. It provides new opportunities for harnessing the scarce and often scattered pieces of valuable knowledge and experience in solid waste management which at present is in the possession of the privileged few. While conventional algorithmic programming replaced much of the sophisticated and repetitive analytical work of the solid waste practitioner, artificial intelligence is poised to take over the no-less important tasks of the ill-structured and lessdeterministic parts of the planning, design and management processes. In this research with application of feed forward artificial neural network, we proposed an appropriate model to predict weight of waste generation in Saqqez city of Iran. For this purpose, we used time series of generated waste of Saqqez which have been arranged weekly, from 2004 to 2007. After performing of the mentioned model, determination 2 coefficient (R) and mean absolute relative error (MARE) in neural network for test have been achieved to be equal to 0.648 and 2.17% respectively.
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Accurate prediction of municipal solid waste's quality and quantity is crucial for designing and programming municipal solid waste management system. But predicting the amount of generated waste is difficult task because various parameters affect it and its fluctuation is high. In this research with application of feed forward artificial neural network, an appropriate model for predicting the weight of waste generation in Mashhad, was proposed. For this purpose, a time series of Mashhad's generated waste which have been arranged weekly, from 2004 to 2007, was used. Also, for recognizing the effect of each input data on the waste generation sensitive analysis was performed. Finally, different structures of artificial network were investigated and then the best model for predicting Mashhad's waste generation was chosen based on mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute relative error (MARE), root mean square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (R2) and threshold statistics (TS) indexes. After performing of the mentioned model, correlation coefficient (R2) and mean absolute relative error (MARE) in neural network for test have been achieved equal to 0.746 and 3.18% respectively. Results point that artificial neural network model has more advantages in comparison with traditional methods in predicting the municipal solid waste generation.
Soft computing is a relatively new field within computer science. It is a conglomeration of fuzzy logic, neural networks, and probabilistic reasoning. Probabilistic reasoning is further divided into belief networks, genetic algorithms, and chaos theory. What all of these subfields share is an adherence to nonexact computation. Up until now, we have been using formal Boolean logic, which says that something is either true or false, yes or no, black or white. There are no shades of gray with this type of logic.
This study presents a new approach—preprocessing for reaching the stationary chain in time series—to unravel the interpolating problem of artificial neural networks (ANN) for long-term prediction of solid waste generation (SWG). To evaluate the accuracy of the prediction by ANN, comparison between the results of the multivariate regression model and ANN is performed. Monthly time series datasets, by the yrs 2000–2010, for the city of Mashhad, are used to simulate the generated solid waste. Different socioeconomic and environmental factors are assessed, and the most effective ones are used as input variables. The projections of these explanatory variables are used in the estimated model to predict the generated solid waste values through the yr 2032. Ultimately, various structures of ANN models are examined to select the best result based on the performance indices criteria. Research findings clearly indicate that such a new approach can be a practical method for long-term prediction by ANNs. Furthermore, it can reduce uncertainties and lead to noticeable increase in the accuracy of the long-term forecasting. Results indicate that multilayer perception approach has more advantages in comparison with traditional methods in predicting the municipal SWG. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 2011
Comparision of artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple regression analysis for predicting the amount of solid waste generation of a tourist and tropical area-Langkawi Island
  • E Shamshiry
  • M B Mokhtar
  • A M Abdulai
Shamshiry, E., Mokhtar, M.B., Abdulai, A.M.: Comparision of artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple regression analysis for predicting the amount of solid waste generation of a tourist and tropical area-Langkawi Island. In: proceeding of International Conference on Biological, Civil, Environmental Engineering (BCEE), pp. 161-166 (2014)
Forecasting of municipal solid waste generation for small-scale towns and surrounding villages located in state of Gujrat
  • A Pamnani
  • S Meka
Pamnani, A., Meka, S.: Forecasting of municipal solid waste generation for small-scale towns and surrounding villages located in state of Gujrat, India. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 5(1), 283-287 (2015)