Aida Sy

Aida Sy
Farmingdale State College | SUNY Farmingdale · Department of Business Management

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (75)
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the financial crises and the role of auditors in those crises. The paper is concerned with the banking system, as the last financial crisis in 2008 was provoked by the mortgage business and the big banks and risks management. Design/methodology/approach The paper choses to use data from corporations, practice...
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Sustainability has become one of the major issues of the day. Sustainability accounting is but one aspect of sustainability (Milne et al., 2009), and yet the term sustainability accounting offers so many different perspectives (Bebbington and Gray, 2001; Gray, 2010). This is reflected in the different names utilised for the term, such as social and...
The salvationary promise of immortality is equally seductive let alone dominant in our personal and professional lives alike. The promise of consulting firms of a company's global successful salvation is no different to human salvation. Consulting firms represent the modern religious experience to companies. It is our contention that a ritual such...
The salvationary promise of immortality is equally seductive let alone dominant in our personal and professional lives alike. The promise of Consulting firms of a company’s global successful salvation is no different to human salvation. Consulting firms represent the modern religious experience to companies. It is our contention that a ritual such...
Regulation against the next final crises is a tragic tale of regulatory missteps. Regulators are cowered by congressmen who are in the pockets of lobbies and vested interests. The Volker Rule that attempts to separate the high risk investments by the large banks from their commercial banking (the latter is FDIC insured) and the banks have lobbed to...
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The main objective of this paper is to investigate empirically the relationship between the boards with other internal governance mechanisms such as ownership structure, quality of financial information and the cost of debt. To do so, we use a sample of 28 Tunisian listing firms during the period from 2007-2015. The empirical results show that the...
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The main objective of this paper is to investigate empirically the relationship between the boards with other internal governance mechanisms such as ownership structure, quality of financial information and the cost of debt. To do so, we use a sample of 28 Tunisian listing firms during the period from 2007-2015. The empirical results show that the...
The New York Times, reports, that: "The financial meltdown has sent the literary-minded scurrying back to the classics for insight and succor. The exploits of the Ponzi artist Bernie Madoff remind us of THE GREAT GATSBY (F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1950) or THE WAY WE LIVE NOW [Anthony Trollope, 1941] So when hard-core free-marketeers like Richard Posner...
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In this paper, we investigate empirically evidence to examine the conditional dependence between the Grecian banks. Then, we use, first, the methodology GARCH-DCC based on the dynamic process of dependence and, second, we use the methodology GARCH-DECO based on the constant process of dependence. The two methodologies DCC and DECO proposed, respect...
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We investigate this study to examine the relationship between economic growth, financial development, trade openness and CO2 emissions using the ordinary least squares (OLS) models for a panel data of 40 European countries during the period from 1985 to 2014. To estimate this causality we refer to the Cobb-Douglas production function. The empirical...
This paper attempts to provide a definition of critical accounting using the methodology used by Kant in modern philosophy. The article attempts to show that critical theory can be applied to various disciplines. The paper argues that markets studies research failed to conduct a proper search for the truths and that critical accounting is the branc...
The article describes the methods used in critical accounting. We investigates the relevant of critical research and the authors who write in the field and show how they responds to the current issues in the profession, in business in general and in capitalism. We show the differences with positive accounting where there are no solutions or explana...
This is a selection from Professor Abraham Briloff (deceased in 2014) from his book, More Debits than Credits: The Burnt Investors Guide to Financial Statements, Harper and Rowe, New York, 1976. Abraham Jacob Briloff was born on July 19, 1917, in Manhattan. His parents, Benjamin and Anna, were immigrants from Russia. His father was a butcher and hi...
Accounting and auditing are frequently cited as culprits in the current economic crisis. Traditional practices (including academic rationales) are coming under increased scrutiny. This paper proposes a way of beginning to reinvigorate the subject by returning to the classics. Accounting, as a social science has several origins. This paper explores...
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act legislation (the SOX) was triggered by a series of market failures that were exemplified by the bankruptcy of Enron, whose accounting errors inflated earning by almost $600 million since 1994. With assets of $62 billion, Enron was the largest bankruptcy case in US history. The Enron collapse was dwarfed several months later b...
This paper investigates the environmental issues caused by the oil exploitations in the US India and in Africa. The paper deals with several questions. Who should be held accountable? What are the roles of the oil companies? What is the responsibility of regulators and governments? How should we count the damages? What are the 'solutions'? Research...
Auditing and the standards are an on-going work as they deal with business which changes continually. Each time there is a major change in the business world, the standards must be updated or almost completely removed and replaced by new standards. This implies that there is a delay in setting the next standards; furthermore, this can harm business...
This paper introduces the literature of Francois Quesnay that speaks to two contemporary problematics: first, the humankind's relationship with nature (specifically with land). Second, Quesnay's Tableau - the forerunner of studies of economic instability induced by ruptures between, inter alia, finance, production, and consumer sectors. Using numer...
This research raises a complex of questions about the relationship between the West and its former colonies. Many ex-colonised countries are now emerging as developing or developed economies, yet they are still using the Western accounting systems. We know from the African history that these nations already had in place their own accounting and aud...
The editor of the African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance honours the works of Professor Abe Briloff who passed away recently. The article has an introduction of Briloff's life to African scholars and students and decision-makers. The rest of the paper is about what Briloff wrote in his Alice in GAAP Land. In 1970s and 1980s, Briloff vi...
A great deal of hype surrounds the so-called revolution in accounting standard setting. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) enterprise aims to introduce a single global accounting and financial reporting language that would standardise reporting practices throughout the globe. There are several reasons why this vision may not hol...
In recent years, there has been a wave of outsourcing of by Private Equity firms in the U.S. and Europe. No skilled workers (MIS, AIS or others) are spared from this assault. To paraphrase the words of the Roman Emperor, who, in replying to criticism of his proposal to tax the toilets of Rome: "Money has no smell'. So it is the case with the Empero...
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p>En años recientes, el outsourcing se ha venido convirtiendo en una tendencia tanto en empresas de Europa y los Estados Unidos. Ni siquiera, trabajadores muy calificados se salvan de este asalto. La vanidad de los intelectuales y los profesionales que ejecutan tanto sistemas de información contable (AIS), como sistemas de información de gestión (M...
Professor Baruch Lev's life-time quest concerns the accounting treatment of intangibles and research development (R&D). His argument, in a nutshell, is that the current treatment of intangibles and R&D in financial statements misinforms investors regarding the value income and assets. The consequence is to destroy financial statement comparability...
A great deal of disinformation has been proffered concerning the prospects for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The elephant in the room is the USA. The USA is the last but most important hold-out. Without a US adoption of IFRS, IFRS will be relegated to a second-rate set of standards, used by countries that canno...
African history has been neglected. The goal of the European colonial administrations was not only to exploit African resources (both natural and human) but also to erase the cultural and historical contributions of Africa to Western Civilisation. Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, a Doctoral student at the Sorbonne, was the first writer to thoroughly investiga...
The state of the world economy is something of a moving feast. Each week, news from the USA, Europe and now China registers a new development, with a growing appreciation of the interconnectedness of the world economy. 'Understandings' are often confounded with 'happy talk' (what used to be called 'ideology') where economic and political actors att...
Notwithstanding, definitive evidence from archaeology and anthropology (that has also found a modest foothold in the accounting history literature) that accounting and accountants in Africa, were at the beginning of human (Western) civilisation as we know it, there remains strong Eurocentric and US-centric bias against recognising the full implicat...
Since the US voters elected Barack Obama in 2008 -- the first African American President of the United States of America -- we witness continual attacks on this first black president. The attacks by the Tea Party have been widely broadcast by those parts of the US media most sympathetic to their concerns. The Tea Party has also attacked Nancy Pelos...
The politics of getting published, promoted, and tenured is serious stuff. The International Journal of Economics and Accounting will help scholars in this struggle. It is important however not to waste space here with platitudes and cliches. We will use the opportunity to deliver a few cautions, lessons, and 'unpleasant truths' (but in true North...
We discuss the nature of the new labour process and its relation to accounting, trade, and international organisations. The new labour process transcends all frontiers to pursue the cheapest cost of labour. Corporations have lost their nationality and identity; all what matters is to find the low-priced, poorly paid labour. We refer to Orwell's 198...
Upheavals in the World Economy have vibrated throughout the employment, academic and pedagogical sectors of Information Systems (IS) practice, research and teaching. A radical response–intellectual and practical–is warranted by these changes — given that there is no clear end in sight to these ongoing disruptions. This paper proposes that this unpr...
This editorial is based on a presentation to The City University of New York Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies Situations Salon. Drawing on the 'Twelve steps to deregulatory heaven' documented in Multinational Monitor, Friday, 6 March 2009, the authors outline their own 15 steps to their deregulatory heaven, with Admirial Nelson's "I see...
This brief introduction announces a new series of accounting classics, beginning with the nomination of Abe Briloff's book: Unaccountable Accounting: Games Accountants Play.
The current economic crisis has engendered an unprecedented amount of soul searching in academia. Old ways are just not working. Worse: these old habits helped precipitate the crisis. History and classical literature are coming to the fore as sources of new inspiration. We intend that the Accounting Classics series of the International Journal of C...
For nearly three months, oil from the British Petroleum spill has been plaguing the Gulf of Mexico. This is yet another environmental catastrophe. The images the world receives from the media speak for themselves. The editors of International Journal of Critical Accounting, once again, express their concerns about these issues of environmental acco...
The accounting classics series in the International Journal of Economics and Accounting is an important strand in this journal's policy of bringing a critical understanding of auditing and financial reporting. This journal is only interested in the technocratic regression and market studies research, if authors display a degree of critical self-ref...
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This chapter frames the ongoing financial crisis as only the most recent instantiation of a recurrent phenomenon, a flaw that is intrinsic to capitalist economies that encourage leveraged speculation. It identifies three contradictions that consistently jeopardize the process of growth through which capital is accumulated: the falling rate of profi...
The world financial and economic crisis is the worse since the Great Depression. But it should not be forgotten that climate change is dangerously and continuously destroying planet earth. This editorial does not deny the importance of the economic mess that bankers and hedge-fund managers have plunged the world economy. While world leaders are foc...
This paper contends that the contribution made by clerical workers to organisational effectiveness is invisible due in part to the dominant perspective on the clerical sector, and in part to what is seen to be the nature of the workers themselves. In synthesising some of the degradation literature with an examination of elements of clerical subject...
This paper opens a debate, in the accounting literature, on global warming. This debate began, in earnest, in the 1970's, with the Club of Rome's alert that we were depleting non-renewable resources. Since then, depletion rates have increased—unabated. However a recently convergence of events—tsunami threats, increased cyclone, hurricane and tornad...
The origins of accountancy are all too frequently equated with the antecedents of double-entry bookkeeping, notwithstanding warnings from both Pacioli and Littleton to the contrary. It is ironic that Pacioli - the formalizer of double-entry bookkeeping - is lionized today in the appellation, "Father of Accounting." Here, we argue that this promotio...
Developments in History Proper have by-passed accounting history. While sometimes open to occasional alarm calls such as this, mainstream history has carried-on regardless behind a defunct methodological shield. Historians have complacently paraded "interesting" data and evidence without consideration of its validity or relevance. Philosophical con...
Adam Smith and Frater Luca Bartolomes Pacioli were both victims of misreading: Smith was not an unabashed booster of market capitalism who saw no overseeing role for the government. Pacioli was more than just an architect of bookkeeping. Smith's Moral Philosophy provides an ethical criterion for critically reviewing Pacioli's work and beyond. This...


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