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A Study on Method Prediction for a Better Directed Treatment of Warts


Abstract and Figures

Various kinds of medical treatment methods may be used to cure common types of diseases. Experience based predictions are done to choose a treatment method among the choices of cures to get better results for the patient. This condition sometimes may continue with trying another treatment method unless a satisfactory result is reached and changing the treatment method of the cure process is not a desired course for time and health. This study presents a confident way to choose the treatment method for wart disease by using feedforward neural network. The study uses two types of datasets, one for cryotherapy and other for immunotherapy treatment methods. It was observed from the experimental results that, feedforward neural network achieved 94.4% success and 85.6% success for cryotherapy and immunotherapy datasets, respectively. The results are remarkable for both doctors and patients.
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A Study on Method Prediction for a Better Directed Treatment of Warts
Ahmet ÇİFCİ1, Mehmet ŞİMŞİR2
1Deparment of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University,
2Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Karabük University, TURKEY
Abstract: Various kinds of medical treatment methods may be used to cure common types of
diseases. Experience based predictions are done to choose a treatment method among the
choices of cures to get better results for the patient. This condition sometimes may continue
with trying another treatment method unless a satisfactory result is reached and changing the
treatment method of the cure process is not a desired course for time and health. This study
presents a confident way to choose the treatment method for wart disease by using feedforward
neural network. The study uses two types of datasets, one for cryotherapy and other for
immunotherapy treatment methods. It was observed from the experimental results that,
feedforward neural network achieved 94.4% success and 85.6% success for cryotherapy and
immunotherapy datasets, respectively. The results are remarkable for both doctors and patients.
Keywords: Cryotherapy, Immunotherapy, Feedforward Neural Network, Wart.
Warts are benign skin growth caused by the virus called Human papillomavirus (HPV), which
infect the top layer of the skin [1]. Most warts are harmless, but they are highly contagious.
Traumas events such as cuts or damages to the skin facilitate infection. They are spread so
quickly, especially in the summer. Direct contact with a wart or contacts with another person
by sharing towels, razors, or other personal items may cause the virus to spread [2]. Although
they are most common on the knuckles, fingers, hands, elbows, knees, they may occur in the
whole body. Children, adolescents, people who bite their nails, and people with a weak immune
system have a higher risk of developing warts [3]. Warts are usually flesh-coloured, hard and
rough. On the other hand, there are dark (brown, grey-black), flat and soft wart types.
Types of wart include common warts (verruca vulgaris), plantar warts (verruca
plantaris), flat warts (verruca plana), and genital warts (condylomata acuminata) [4]. Common
warts are most commonly seen in the hands, between the fingers, legs, and around the nails [5].
Plantar warts are embedded in the skin and can be painful. Plantar warts can be confused with
calluses [6]. Even though flat warts can occur on any part of the body, they are often found on
the face and hands. They are small, smooth and flesh-coloured. They can occur in large numbers
[4]. Genital warts are soft, flesh‐coloured papules on the genitalia and breech. It is more
common in people who have sexual activity without a condom [4].
There exist several methods available for the treatment of warts. Salicylic acid
treatment, electrosurgery, freezing (cryotherapy), immunotherapy, and laser treatment are the
main methods to get rid of warts [7]. The most common methods for the treatment of warts are
cryotherapy and immunotherapy. Cryotherapy is performed by applying liquid nitrogen gas to
the desired skin lesion using special devices. Liquid nitrogen gas at a temperature of -196 degree
Celsius will freeze the tissue. This freezing process is a short duration of time (10 - 60 seconds);
at the end of this time, the tissue will return to its normal temperature. In this short-term and
immediate freezing-melting process, the cells in the targeted tissue will be destroyed and will
die. These dead and abnormal cells, which no longer function, will be removed from the tissue
during the healing process and replaced by fresh tissues [8,9]. Immunotherapy is a new type of
treatment that aims to prevent or eliminate the growth of cancer cells that abnormally proliferate
(such as HPV lesions). Immunotherapy uses the patient's own immune system to fight warts.
The antigen is injected into the body to activate the immune system [10,11]. Cryotherapy is an
uncomplicated method for the patients with respect to immunotherapy.
Numerous investigations have been reported in the literature on the treatment of warts.
In [12], Putra et al. used AdaBoost and Random Forest as a strong learner or a weak learner for
selection of wart treatment method. The results showed that the accuracy rate of cryotherapy
was 96.6% and accuracy rate of immunotherapy was 91.1%. Tanyıldızı et al. [13] judged the
performances of classification algorithms in cryotherapy and immunotherapy datasets. The best
success rate obtained using the K-star algorithm is found as 96.66% for cryotherapy and using
the Random Forest algorithm is found as 85.55% for immunotherapy. Fuzzy Rule, Naive Bayes,
and Random Forest based algorithms have been carried out in cryotherapy and immunotherapy
treatment for comparing the effectiveness of these algorithms by Akyol et al. in [14]. They
concluded that the random forest algorithm outperforms other classification algorithms in both
accuracy and sensitivity within cryotherapy and immunotherapy datasets. Nugroho et al.
proposed C4.5 algorithm combined with Random Forest Feature Weighting for wart treatment
selection method [15]. The results showed that the proposed method can improve the
performance of prediction. Ali et al. applied some algorithms to show that which treatment is
more effective from cryotherapy and immunotherapy [16]. They concluded that cryotherapy
treatment is better than immunotherapy. See also [17], where the author used the decision tree-
based method to specify the rules of predicting the performance of wart treatment methods. The
results obtained the level of accuracy of 94.4% on cryotherapy and 90% on immunotherapy.
In this study, feed-forward neural network was used to decide and select the cure for
wart treatment. Patient data were used as input and success of cure type was used as output
data. A neural network for immunotherapy and another one for cryotherapy was built to decide
which methodology is appropriate for the patient. As it was mentioned before, cryotherapy is
an uncomplicated method for the patient with respect to immunotherapy. When a patient data
is applied to neural network for cryotherapy and gives positive outputs for applicability.
Treatment method starts with cryotherapy cure, but if cryotherapy neural network gives
ineffective result as an output, applying data to immunotherapy neural network is preferred and
this situation supports a logical way to select the uncomplicated method at first without waste
of time. Because immunotherapy method has a higher result of success percentage according
to the datasets used in this study. But this method may also be abrasive for the patient.
The paper is structured in the following manner. Section 2 presents the immunotherapy
and the cryotherapy datasets. Method and experimental results are given in section 3. Finally,
conclusions are duly drawn in section 4.
The immunotherapy and the cryotherapy datasets used in this study are gathered from the
University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Repository [18,19]. The datasets are
collected along two years from the dermatology clinic of Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad, Iran
[20,21]. The immunotherapy with candida antigen and the cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen
were applied to 180 patients with plantar and common warts. Each data set contains 90 patients.
Patients were randomly selected. The datasets do not have any missing value.
The immunotherapy dataset consists of eight features; gender, age, time elapsed before
treatment, the number of warts, types of wart, surface area of warts, induration diameter of
initial test, and response to treatment. The details of the immunotherapy dataset are presented
in Table 1.
Table 1. Features of Immunotherapy Dataset
Feature No.
Feature Name
41 Male
49 Female
Age (year)
Time elapsed before treatment (month)
The number of warts
Types of wart (count)
47 Common
22 Plantar
21 Both
Surface area of warts (mm2)
Induration diameter of initial test (mm)
Response to treatment
Yes or No
The cryotherapy dataset has seven features; gender, age, time elapsed before
treatment, the number of warts, types of wart, surface area of warts, and response to
treatment. The details of the cryotherapy dataset can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Features of Cryotherapy Dataset
Feature No.
Feature Name
47 Male
43 Female
Age (year)
Time elapsed before treatment (month)
The number of warts
Types of wart (count)
54 Common
9 Plantar
27 Both
Surface area of warts (mm2)
Response to treatment
Yes or No
With the developments on intelligent systems, human expertise can be simulated by artificial
neural networks to gain time and to get more accurate decisions. As a general approach, our
study is based on previously taken and reliable reference data. After a general overview on
types of cures for wart treatment, it is necessary to classify the patient data. “Gender”, “age”,
“time elapsed before treatment”, “the number of warts”, “types of wart” and “surface area of
warts” features for the patients were used as the classification titles for the neural network data
inputs. And output data was also used as success of cure type as “0” and “1”.
A feedforward neural network was chosen for this study. Feedforward neural networks
has input, output and at least one hidden layers. The neural network was constructed with one
hidden layer. If too many hidden layers and neurons are used, overfitting may occur, that is
although the network can be trained to work very well for the training data, it performs poorly
for test data. It is essential to optimize the success percentage of the neural network with
effectual numbers of neurons for the hidden layer to achieve the best performance level
The constructed neural networks have 6 input variables, 6 neurons for the hidden layer
and also 2 for output for both cryotherapy and immunotherapy as seen in Fig. 1.
6 Input Variables 6 neurons 2 neurons
Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer
Fig. 1. General Structure Of Constructed Feed Forward Backpropagation Neural Networks
For Both Cryotherapy And Immunotherapy.
To determine the best condition for a better success percentage of neural networks,
several numbers of neuron numbers were experimented by MATLAB and current configuration
shown in Fig. 1 was obtained because of better success rate according to the tested other
choices. The training performance curves of the designed neural networks are shown in Fig. 2
for cryotherapy and Fig. 3 for immunotherapy. Best validation level of the neural networks for
training process is indicated by means of training, validation and test curves. The training
process of the neural network was reached to goal at 7 epochs in terms of minimum gradient
for cryotherapy neural network.
Fig. 2. Training Performance Curves of Neural Network Designed For Cryotherapy
Fig. 3. Training Performance Curves of Neural Network Designed For Immunotherapy
The training state throughputs of the neural network are shown in Fig. 4 for cryotherapy
and Fig. 5 for immunotherapy, which indicate weight changes and validation checks for the
neural networks and gradients till the determined goals were reached.
Fig. 4. Training State Data of Neural Network For Cryotherapy by MATLAB.
Fig. 5. Training State Data of Neural Network For Immunotherapy by MATLAB.
After acceptable satisfactory levels were reached according to the number of data used,
it was necessary to test the success rate of the designed and trained neural networks by the help
of MATLAB Simulink model as seen in Fig. 6. The system in Fig. 6 was designed for testing
the constructed neural networks using the pre-paired patient data to achieve a performance test.
Fig. 6. MATLAB Simulink Model For Neural Network Performance Test.
After performance test for cryotherapy neural network, a success percentage of 94.44%
was achieved. And the neural network test results for immunotherapy was 85.6% after the same
performance test which was realized using the model seen in Fig. 6. Both cryotherapy and
immunotherapy network trainings were practiced using 90 sets of patient data but there is a
success percentage difference between them. The cause of this difference is the success level
of immunotherapy method. Immunotherapy is more successful with respect to cryotherapy
according to the datasets used in this study, it is also a more onerous cure for wart treatment.
And this rate of success for cure treatment decreases the variety of outputs as a result reduction.
As a result of this situation, the success percentage of the neural network was directly affected.
As it was mentioned before, to find a suitable cure for wart treatment is important. And
it is also a noteworthy point that; trying the easier and more effortless cure for the patient is a
big advantage. Although the onerous method has a lower level of neural network success
percentage. There is a confident way to pre-test the cure type with the neural network to prevent
loss of time. This situation will also increase the success percentage and usage numbers of the
more effortless cure types for treatments by pre-testing them firstly instead of directly using
onerous cures of treatments.
In this study, the most common wart treatment methods, cryotherapy and immunotherapy, were
analysed for wart treatment prediction by applying a feedforward neural network. The
experimental results show that the successes of feedforward neural network were 94.4% and
85.6% for cryotherapy and immunotherapy methods respectively. Although acceptable levels
of success percentages were obtained by the designed neural networks, it is also possible to
achieve better levels of success percentages for the neural networks using more patient data
while training the designed neural networks.
This study takes an inspiring role in the cure selecting for wart treatment by obtaining
positive results for a better directed preference. Using artificial intelligence for cure selections
of treatments will cause obtaining faster and well directed treatment processes.
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Full-text available
Warts are benign tumors, caused due to the infection of human papillomavirus (HPV). The identification of wart-specific treatment methods is pertaining to major challenges such as class imbalance, prediction accuracy, and biased nature of learning algorithm. In this article, a bagged ensemble of cost-sensitive extra tree classifier (BECSETC) is developed toward the selection of wart-specific treatment methods. BECSETC outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques (SOTA) by a margin of (0–45, 0-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$-$$\end{document}31.60), (0–12, 0-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$-$$\end{document}2.6) in terms of sensitivity and specificity which overcome the imbalanced distribution on both immunotherapy and cryotherapy datasets. However, on merged dataset, BECSETC algorithm gave an improvement of 6.04-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$-$$\end{document}10.57%, and 4.63% in terms of sensitivity and specificity, as compared to SOTA techniques.
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In recent years, the increasing volume and availability of healthcare and biomedical data are opening up new opportunities for computational methods to enhance healthcare in many hospitals. Medical data classification is regarded as the challenging task to develop intelligent medical decision support systems in hospitals. In this paper, the ensemble approaches based on support vector machines are proposed for classifying medical data. This research's key contribution is that the ensemble multiple support vector machines use the function kernel in the style of gradient boosting and bagging to produce a more accurate fusion model than the mono-modality models. Extensive experiments have been conducted on forty benchmark medical datasets from the University of California at Irvine machine learning repository. The classification results show that there is a statistically significant difference (p-values < 0.05) between the proposed approaches and the best classification models. In addition, the empirical analysis of forty medical datasets indicated that our models can predict diseases with an accuracy rate of 82.82 and 81.76 percent without feature selection in the preprocessing data stage.
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Selection of wart treatment method using machine learning is being a concern to researchers. Machine learning is expected to select the treatment of warts such as cryotherapy and immunotherapy to patients appropriately. In this study, the data used were cryotherapy and immunotherapy datasets. This study aims to improve the accuracy of wart treatment selection with machine learning. Previously, there are several algorithms have been proposed which were able to provide good accuracy in this case. However, the existing results still need improvement to achieve better level of accuracy so that treatment selection can satisfy the patients. The purpose of this study is to increase the accuracy by improving the performance of weak learner algorithm of ensemble machine learning. AdaBoost is used in this study as a strong learner and Random Forest (RF) is used as a weak learner. Furthermore, stratified 10-fold cross validation is used to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show accuracy of 96.6% and 91.1% in cryotherapy and immunotherapy respectively.
Full-text available
Warts are small, rough, benign tumours caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). A challenge is predicting the success of wart treatment methods because success may vary depending on the patient and the features of disease. Recently, a machine learning based expert prediction system and related prediction rules were proposed. However, the success of this system is not satisfactory and should be improved. Furthermore, medical experts find it difficult to interpret the suggested rules of this system. The decision tree-based method was accordingly used in this study to determine the rules of predicting the success of wart treatment methods. According to findings, the success rate varied from 90 to 95% according to the treatment method; these rates are higher than previously reported. Furthermore, the decision tree rules that were determined can be transformed into images to visually interpret the success rates of treatment methods as a function of patient age and the time elapsed since disease appearance. This study provides a method for simple and more accurate interpretation of rules for medical experts. The success of treatment methods is now predictable as a percentage. © 2018 Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Low power hub motors are widely used in electromechanical systems such as electrical bicycles and solar vehicles due to their robustness and compact structure. Such systems driven by hub motors (in wheel motors) encounter previously defined and undefined faults under operation. It may inevitably lead to the interruption of the electromechanical system operation; hence, economic losses take place at certain times. Therefore, in order to maintain system operation sustainability, the motor should be precisely monitored and the faults are diagnosed considering various significant motor parameters. In this study, the artificial feedforward backpropagation neural network approach is proposed to real-time monitor and diagnose the faults of the hub motor by measuring seven main system parameters. So as to construct a necessary model, we trained the model, using a data set consisting of 4160 samples where each has 7 parameters, by the MATLAB environment until the best model is obtained. The results are encouraging and meaningful for the specific motor and the developed model may be applicable to other types of hub motors. The prosperous model of the whole system was embedded into Arduino Due microcontroller card and the mobile real-time monitoring and fault diagnosis system prototype for hub motor was designed and manufactured.
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Immunotherapy is an evolving therapeutic modality for the treatment of warts. We conducted a study to assess the efficacy and safety of intralesional Mycobacterium w vaccine for the treatment of warts at sites that were difficult to treat. Thirty patients with at least one wart present on either the plantar surface of their feet, palms, volar aspect of their fingers, or periungual or subungual region, were treated with 0.1 ml of killed Mycobacterium w vaccine given intralesionally in a single wart, without any prior sensitisation dose. Thereafter, a single injection of 0.1 ml of vaccine was given at intervals of four weeks in a single wart till there was complete resolution of the warts or a maximum of 10 injections. Treatment was stopped if there was no response after three injections. The patients were followed up for at least six months. Out of the 30 patients, 28 (93.33%) patients had complete resolution of their warts, both at the injected and distant sites. The mean (SD) time for complete clearance of warts was 43.71(32.82) days and the mean (SD) dose of vaccine that was required for complete clearance of warts was 0.186 ml (0.101). Four patients (14.28%) had a recurrence of warts. The treatment was well-tolerated and the side effects were reversible in the majority of the patients. In comparison to the earlier studies using Mycobacterium w vaccine for the treatment of warts, our study was different in the following aspects: No sensitisation dose was given, only a single wart was injected at a time and the duration between the period of injections was increased to four weeks. With all these changes we eliminated the complications due to the sensitisation dose and achieved good results. This study provides new insight into the dose and schedule of treatment of this evolving therapeutic modality.
Pediatric dermatologic surgery requires several special considerations. The patient's age, cognitive development and awareness, past experiences with the health care system, and overall disposition will influence the child's understanding, level of participation, ability to cooperate, tolerance, and reaction to the procedure. Cryosurgery is one of the most frequently used modalities in the dermatology clinic due to its wide range of applications and convenience. Curettage has been described as a valuable treatment modality in less common pediatric diseases, such as Epidermodysplasia verruciformis and giant congenital melanocytic nevi. The pediatric population is uniquely suited to benefit from Mohs micrographic surgery or chemosurgery, which maximizes tissue preservation and disease‐free survival through heightened margin control. The forms of electrosurgery include electrodesiccation, electrofulguration, electrocoagulation, electrolysis, and electrosection. Intralesional injections in children can be highly anxiety‐provoking, thus there are multiple strategies to reduce the pain and fear associated with injections.
Research in the field of health, especially treatment of wart disease has been widely practiced. One of the research topics related to the treatment of wart disease is in order to provide the most appropriate treatment method recommendations. Doctors widely use treatment methods for the treatment of patients with wart disease that is the method of cryotherapy and immunotherapy. Previous research has been done on cryotherapy and immunotherapy datasets, which resulted in two different prediction methods, but the accuracy level has not been satisfactory. In this study, two datasets are combined to produce a single prediction method. The method uses the C4.5 algorithm combined with Random Forest Feature Weighting (C4.5+RFFW) used to select the relevant features to improve accuracy. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve performance with accuracy and informedness are 87.22% and 71.24%, respectively. These results further facilitate physicians in determining treatment methods for patients with a single predictive method and better-predicted performance. © International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology.
As benign tumors, warts are made through the mediation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and may grow on all parts of body, especially hands and feet. There are several treatment methods for this illness. However, none of them can heal all patients. Consequently, physicians are looking for more effective and customized treatments for each patient. They are endeavoring to discover which treatments have better impacts on a particular patient. The aim of this study is to identify the appropriate treatment for two common types of warts (plantar and common) and to predict the responses of two of the best methods (immunotherapy and cryotherapy) to the treatment. As an original work, the study was conducted on 180 patients, with plantar and common warts, who had referred to the dermatology clinic of Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad, Iran. In this study, 90 patients were treated by cryotherapy method with liquid nitrogen and 90 patients with immunotherapy method. The selection of the treatment method was made randomly. A fuzzy logic rule-based system was proposed and implemented to predict the responses to the treatment method. It was observed that the prediction accuracy of immunotherapy and cryotherapy methods was 83.33% and 80.7%, respectively. According to the results obtained, the benefits of this expert system are multifold: assisting physicians in selecting the best treatment method, saving time for patients, reducing the treatment cost, and improving the quality of treatment.