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Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures


Abstract and Figures

span>The internet of things (IoT) has the potential to significantly impact growth due to the technological revolution, widespread dissemination of information, and emergence of events. Intelligent housing, urban centers, and educational systems are all forms of intelligence. The IoT gs has garnered significant attention from researchers, who claim that this technology will play a pivotal role in determining the future of the Internet, as per the reports of Cisco Inc., in this context, the concept of a smart campus refers to the establishment of a durable and interconnected setting that enhances learning, efficiency, and the overall living experience. Similar to other intelligent environments, the smart campus is susceptible to a variety of risks and threats this situation presents important security-related challenges that have an influence on the advancement of the campus. This article presents an overview of intelligent campuses by emphasizing the primary applications and technologies utilized. It provides an examination and evaluation of the primary security concerns associated with smart campuses, classified based on their respective types and levels of significance, and determines the security requirements, current threats and attacks, and the state of the art in terms of architectural solutions and the prevention of security vulnerabilities.</span
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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023, pp. 900~914
ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v32.i2.pp900-914 900
Journal homepage:
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks
and counter measures
Ahmed Srhir, Tomader Mazri, Mohammed Benbrahim
Department of Electrical Engineering, Networks, and Telecommunication Systems, National School of Applied Sciences,
Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Maroco
Article Info
Article history:
Received Jun 23, 2023
Revised Jul 20, 2023
Accepted Jul 27, 2023
The internet of things (IoT) has the potential to significantly impact growth
due to the technological revolution, widespread dissemination of information,
and emergence of events. Intelligent housing, urban centers, and educational
systems are all forms of intelligence. The IoT gs has garnered significant
attention from researchers, who claim that this technology will play a pivotal
role in determining the future of the Internet, as per the reports of Cisco Inc.,
in this context, the concept of a smart campus refers to the establishment of a
durable and interconnected setting that enhances learning, efficiency, and the
overall living experience. Similar to other intelligent environments, the smart
campus is susceptible to a variety of risks and threats this situation presents
important security-related challenges that have an influence on the
advancement of the campus. This article presents an overview of intelligent
campuses by emphasizing the primary applications and technologies utilized.
It provides an examination and evaluation of the primary security concerns
associated with smart campuses, classified based on their respective types and
levels of significance, and determines the security requirements, current
threats and attacks, and the state of the art in terms of architectural solutions
and the prevention of security vulnerabilities.
Internet of thing
Security issues
Smart campus
Smart system
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Ahmed Srhir
Department of Electrical Engineering
Networks and Telecommunication Systems National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Tofail University
Kenitra, Maroco
The integration of the internet of things (IoT) is a fundamental aspect of the smart campus, and its
implementation is an unavoidable eventuality [1]. The IoT, also known as the IoT, is a communication
paradigm that has gained significant traction due to its capacity to link a diverse range of objects to the internet.
The aforementioned items encompass a range of technologies including sensors, safety mechanisms, alarm
systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, automated machines, household appliances, intelligent power grids, office
machinery, and additional devices. The IoT is a nascent field that requires the implementation of various
applications and standardization measures, such as home automation, water and waste control, traffic control,
smart vehicles, smart campus, and smart grids, among others [2].
A smart campus is a campus environment that is equipped with the technology and infrastructure to
support and enhance the teaching process, research, and student experience. Students, stakeholders, and the
surrounding environment that communicate intelligently with the campus constitute a smart campus [3].
The smart campus is characterized by three approaches [4], [5]: technology-driven, adoption of the smart city
concept, and implementation of an organization or business process, it’s referring to both an ecosystem and the
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures (Ahmed Srhir)
main standards that are related to smart campus in particular. Associated applications, utilities, and use cases
are included in this category [6], [7]: i) education, ii) energy, iii) urban planning, iv) healthcare, and
v) transport. Educational institutions are increasingly embracing the idea of a smart campus which aims to
improve communication, efficiency, and safety among students, staff, and faculty by utilizing the most recent
technologies. However, the adoption of these technologies may also entail security risks that must be
considered. The problem addressed in this article focuses on security issues on smart campuses, where IoT
devices, cloud computing, and wireless technologies are transforming networked ecosystems and
environments. Smart campuses may be susceptible to various types of threats, including breaches of data
confidentiality, physical security breaches, network security breaches, and challenges related to the integration
of legacy systems. Understanding security requirements, potential attacks, and countermeasures is crucial for
protecting sensitive data and infrastructure.
Extensive research has been conducted to address security challenges in the IoT ecosystem paradigm
and smart environment. Certain methodologies prioritize the resolution of security concerns within a particular
layer, while others aim to provide comprehensive end-to-end security for the entire IoT layer. Security issues
are classified based on application, architecture, communication, and data, with traditional layered designs
differing from the suggested topology for IoT security [8] subsequently, the threats posed by the hardware,
network, and application components are examined. Alzoubi et al. [9] discuss security challenges in fog
computing, privacy, and blockchain technology for low latency IoT applications. Granjal et al. [10] examines
security risks with IoT protocol definitions, while the research in [11] reviews IoT privacy, security, access
control, confidentiality contributions, and cross-software security. Atiqur et al. [12] present an overview of IoT
privacy preservation strategies, highlighting secure multi-party computations and attribute-based access
control mechanisms. Additionally, Zhou et al. [13] examine security risks in cloud-based IoT systems,
including key management, node compromise, identity and location privacy, and node compromise.
Zhang et al. [14] highlight security concerns in IoT, including lightweight cryptographic protocols, privacy,
unique object identification, authentication, authorization mechanisms, malware threats, and software
While these contributions provide valuable information, there are still unresolved issues and areas
requiring improvement to guarantee security in the overall IoT as well as on smart campuses. In this context,
safeguarding the privacy of individuals and sensitive data is of paramount importance. Physical security
systems are crucial in ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive areas. The security of
networks is also a crucial element of smart campus security, as wireless networks are utilized to connect devices
and provide access to the internet. Due to a lack of adequate security, these networks may be exposed to
vulnerabilities that pirates may exploit, which could result in the compromise of sensitive data or the disruption
of campus activities. For this purpose, the educational institutions must pay particular attention to security in
the context of the smart campus, implement best practices in terms of security, and conduct regular risk audits
to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that systems are secured against known threats. In order to
guarantee the security of a smart campus, it is imperative to prioritize the security of the IoT technologies that
are utilized or implemented [15], [16]. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of security
methodologies and prerequisites, potential threats and risks, and recommended preventative measures to
achieve optimal security. Compared to previously published survey studies, the following are our primary
contributions and methodologies:
- Parametric analysis of security concerns associated with IoT applications and domains, with a focus on the
smart campus and their compatibility with potential IoT solutions.
- Classification and categorization of smart campus security difficulties with respect to tiers, as well as the
security requirements and solutions used.
- Potential perspectives providing pragmatic resolutions to the challenges of smart campus security in the
context of the IoT and providing practical solutions to enhance the overall security level on smart campuses.
The subsequent sections of the manuscript are structured in the following manner: The section 2
explains the various applications of the IoT, including its implementation in the context of smart campuses. In
section 3, the main security requirements and issues for smart campuses are categorized. It also explores
common security threats faced by smart campuses, including attack scenarios and schematizations for each
identified attack. In section 4 provides an analysis of different types of attacks, their fundamental
characteristics, and their nature, and presents a map of possible remedies for mitigating these attacks, while
section 5 concludes the paper.
The IoT is a technological revolution that connects physical objects to the internet, enabling them to
exchange data and communicate with each other. This interconnection offers immense potential for improving
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 900-914
our daily lives, transforming businesses, and opening up new opportunities in a variety of fields. IoT
applications cover a wide range of sectors, offering innovative solutions that simplify tasks, optimize processes,
and create smarter, more efficient environments. In this section, we will provide an overview of the various
applications of the IoT, describing each application area and including how it is employed in the context of the
smart campus.
2.1. IoT applications domaine
The IoT has the potential to be utilized in a variety of industries, such as home automation, healthcare,
industrial applications, transportation, agriculture, smart cities, energy production systems, and other related
functions. The advancement of technology and the expansion of the IoT may lead to novel applications and
use cases in the future.
The applications of the IoT are multifaceted and extend to a range of sectors such as healthcare,
manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and others. The main applications of the IoT are examined, as shown
in Figure 1:
- Smart city: Smart cities are characterized as metropolitan regions that employ information and
communication technology to raise the standard of living for their citizens, make the most use of their
resources, and simplify interactions different city actors. Smart street lighting, smart surveillance, smart
parking, and waste and water management are all examples of IoT-based smart city solutions [17].
Figure 1. Major IoT application areas
- Manufacturing industry: IoT sensors may be used to track machinery and equipment, enhancing
performance and reducing downtime.
- Healthcare: The domain of smart healthcare focuses on the comprehensive health considerations of the
campus community. To provide information on the state of health, offer proactive and preventative
healthcare services, and maintain records of health status, an intelligent system is built [18]. Remote control
system enables online appointment scheduling for doctors, saving time and effort [3].
- Transportation: Real-time traffic updates, improved route planning, and increased safety may all be
achieved with IoT-enabled cars and infrastructure.
- Smart grid: IoT sensors may be used to track energy use, improve efficiency, and save expenses.the
implementation of a smart grid presents a potential for the utilization of novel information and
communication technologies (ICTs) to transform the electrical power system [19].
- Smart supply chain: A smart supply chain is an integration of advanced technologies and data analytics to
optimize the flow of goods and services from origin to consumption. It aims to improve efficiency,
transparency, and sustainability by leveraging real-time data, automation, and artificial intelligence.
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures (Ahmed Srhir)
- Smart farming: IoT technology can optimize resource utilization and increase efficiency, resulting in
reduced waste and improved productivity for farmers.
Technology advancements, internet connectivity, smart home adoption, industrial IoT applications,
and integration in industries like healthcare, agriculture, and transportation have all contributed to the IoT
significant growth in recent years. This evolution is expected to continue as new technologies develop and IoT
devices continue to evolve. According to Alam [20], the estimated number of IoT-connected devices is
predicted to exceed 75 billion by 2025, based on statistics projections and the current rate of expansion,
as illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. IoT connected devices estimated by 2025
2.2. IoT in smart campus
IoT applications are being used more and more on smart campuses to increase operational
effectiveness, improve service quality, and enhance the user experience for teachers, staff, and students.
The current research on smart campuses may be divided into four main categories: intelligent buildings, an
intelligent campus network, an educational environment, and other applications. The areas of a smart campus
are depicted in Figure 1, along with several examples of IoT applications, as shown in:
- Smart lighting: IoT-enabled lighting systems may modify the brightness and color of the lights
automatically depending on the number of occupants in the space, the time of day, and the quantity of
available natural light. This enhances passenger comfort while reducing energy usage.
- Smart parking: IoT-enabled parking systems may make it simple and quick for drivers to identify open
places, easing traffic congestion and enhancing the parking experience in general. A central system may
show real-time availability information to drivers after receiving the information from sensors put in
parking lots that can identify the presence of automobiles.
- Smart building management: IoT sensors can be deployed all across the campus to keep an eye on things
like temperature, humidity, air quality, and energy usage. This information may be utilized to enhance
occupant comfort, optimize heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and cut down on
energy waste [21].
- Safety and security: By offering real-time monitoring of video feeds, access control mechanisms, and
intrusion detection sensors, IoT-enabled security systems may increase campus safety. Machine learning
algorithms may be used to evaluate the data from these devices to detect possible dangers and automatically
notify security staff [22].
- Smart waste management: IoT sensors may be used to monitor trash cans all over a campus and notify
maintenance staff when they need to be emptied. As a consequence, fewer pickups are needed, which saves
money and has a less negative impact on the environment. Several recent publications in the field of waste
management propose the implementation of sensor technology at waste bins and collection trucks to gather
real-time data for analysis [23].
- Smart campus transportation: By providing real-time data on vehicle whereabouts, arrival times, and traffic
conditions, IoT-enabled transportation systems can increase the effectiveness of campus transportation.
For students, instructors, and staff, this information may be utilized to streamline routes and shorten wait
times. It may also be used to monitor traffic dynamics, such as road map development, real-time traffic
flow monitoring, traffic congestion prediction, traffic accident detection, incorrect driving behavior alerts,
and intelligent navigation [24].
- Smart education: The goal of intelligent education is to improve teaching and learning in universities,
primary schools, colleges, and high schools by modernizing network infrastructure, data processing, and
storage, as well as by using technological platforms, supporting students independent learning using an
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 900-914
e-learning platform [3], the creation and recording of courses as well as instructional and pedagogical
content via a smart classroom [25], developing a variety of teaching and learning methods that are not
constrained by geography or time, and offering assessments based on students proficiency in learning.
Several academic institutions have implemented the virtual learning environment (VLE) system within
their campus premises to improve favorable attitudes towards knowledge acquisition and promote active
learning within the campus area [26].
In this section, an overview of smart campus design and security requirements for IoT deployment
and systems is discussed and provided, focusing on data confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication,
and authorization. It also addresses security threats and challenges specific to IoT systems on smart campuses.
The text highlights the potential impact of threats and attacks on data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
It also covers prevalent security threats encountered by smart campuses, including various attack scenarios and
schematizations of each attack.
3.1. Security requirement for smart campus
The development of the smart campus is among the innovative initiatives underway at the university.
The smart campus infrastructure is a subject of significant consideration in its development. In light of this, we
propose a technical architecture for the smart campus and recommend a local operational model. In order to
ensure adequate campus security, it is necessary to establish a convergence infrastructure [27] that
comprehensively addresses all relevant aspects and satisfies the requisite security standards. The smart campus
architecture, as depicted in Figure 3, covers three fundamental areas of a smart campus:
- The concept of smart education involves the integration of various technological components such as e-
learning, radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, and virtual classrooms to create a comprehensive
educational system.
- Smart parking is a system that offers location tracking information for vehicles and provides details about
the availability of parking spaces. This technology has received substantial research in the literature [28].
- The smart building is a comprehensive system that offers insights into the monitoring of building
temperature, power, and illumination systems.
Figure 3. Smart campus design
3.1.1. Security requirement for IoT deployment
The deployment of a large-scale IoT infrastructure presents a significant risk as it exposes numerous
devices and networks to potential vulnerabilities. The establishment of security requirements in the deployment
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures (Ahmed Srhir)
of IoT is imperative in order to safeguard sensitive data, protect user privacy, and maintain service availability.
In this context, the protection of data, systems, and users against cyber threats is of paramount importance in
guaranteeing the comprehensive security of the implementation architecture of the IoT on smart campuses.
The implementation of certain security measures, as described in Figure 4, can prove pivotal in safeguarding
against potential threats in IoT deployment.
Figure 4. Security requirement for IoT deployment
- Privacy, confidentiality and integrity: Organizations, including smart campuses, must address privacy,
confidentiality, and integrity requirements to protect sensitive information and maintain trust with
stakeholders. Privacy measures include data minimization, consent, anonymization, access controls, and
privacy policies. Confidentiality measures include encryption, access controls, secure communication, and
data segregation. Integrity measures ensure data accuracy, completeness, and consistency throughout its
- Authentication and authorization: All IoT devices, sensors, gateways, and users must meet authentication
and authorization procedures prior to accessing campus systems and data. The authentication and
authorization protocols, such as OAuth, OpenID connect, and security assertion markup language (SAML),
can be employed to ensure secure access.
- Data encryption: Data in transit and at rest must be encrypted to protect against interception or theft attacks.
Encryption protocols such as secure sockets layer (SSL)/transport layer security (TLS), advanced
encryption standard (AES), and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) can be utilized for safeguarding data.
- Network security: The security of networks is a crucial aspect that must be taken into consideration during
the design phase of communication networks. The networks should be designed in a manner that guarantees
secure and reliable connectivity. Various security protocols, including Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2),
802.1X, and virtual private networks (VPN), can be employed to enhance the security of computer
- Security surveillance: the monitoring of security is facilitated through the use of security surveillance
systems including firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and security information and management
of events systems (SIEM). These systems are capable of monitoring suspicious activities and detecting
potential attacks.
- Regular updates of operating systems, applications, and security software can aid in eliminating known
vulnerabilities and enhancing overall security.
- Security policies: The implementation of clear security policies, user training and awareness, continuous
security monitoring, and system maintenance are crucial in reducing the risks of cyberattacks and ensuring
the protection of data and users on campus.
3.2. IoT security issues, privacy, and threats
Smart campuses are becoming increasingly connected and automated, offering benefits such as cost
optimization, improved student and staff experiences, and operational efficiency. However, this also entails
challenges in terms of cybersecurity, as interconnected infrastructures are more susceptible to attacks.
Smart campuses face a range of security threats, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks,
phishing attacks, ransomware, intrusions, and data breaches [29]. They also store a significant amount of
sensitive data, including students personal information, medical records, and research data, making them
particularly attractive to cybercriminals.
The safeguarding of smart campuses necessitates an exhaustive approach to cybersecurity,
encompassing the establishment of security policies and procedures, as well as the implementation of technical
security measures such as network monitoring, data security, physical security, and IoT device protection.
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 900-914
Institutions are also required to raise awareness among users regarding appropriate information security
practices and train their personnel in detecting and responding to security incidents. In summary, smart
campuses must address the challenge of securing their infrastructure while continuing to provide an optimal
user experience.
3.2.1. Security threats and attacks in smart campus
Smart campus security attacks can be categorized into different types based on their characteristics
and consequences. Presented is a comprehensive categorization of security breaches that may occur within the
context of smart campuses.
- Physical attacks: The smart campus is susceptible to physical attacks that aim to compromise its physical
infrastructure, which encompasses a range of components such as servers, data centers, access points, and
IoT devices [30]. The aforementioned attacks have the potential to encompass various forms of malicious
activity such as theft, vandalism, tampering, or unauthorized access to areas of high sensitivity.
- Network attacks: The objective of these attacks is to disrupt communication, intercept data, or gain
unauthorized access by targeting the network infrastructure of the smart campus [31]. Examples include
network scanning, port scanning, packet sniffing, and man-in-the-middle attacks as illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Network attacks in the smart campus
- Malware attack: Smart campus systems and devices are susceptible to infection by various forms of
malware, including but not limited to viruses, worms, trojans, and ransomware [30] which is characterized
by malicious programs that encrypt the users files and demand payment in ransom in order to decrypt
them. The aforementioned attacks have the potential to result in various negative consequences such as loss
of data, disruption of system operations, unauthorized entry, or financial detriment.
- Social engineering attack: Social engineering attacks leverage human susceptibilities to deceive individuals
and gain unauthorized entry. Phishing, pretexting, baiting, and tailgating are prevalent methods employed
to deceive users into divulging confidential data or providing entry to systems. This type of attack attempts
to influence people into revealing sensitive information [32]. As a human interaction-based attack, it falls
under the category of physical attacks since social engineers physically contact students to gather useful
information that might be utilized for illicit activities [33].
- Application layer attacks: Web applications are frequently employed for diverse objectives on smart
campuses. Web applications are vulnerable to various types of attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site
scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF), which have the potential to undermine the security
and integrity of the systems.
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures (Ahmed Srhir)
- IoT-based attacks: Due to the increasing number of interconnected devices and sensors that exploit IoT
infrastructure vulnerabilities, IoT-based attacks on smart campuses present a security challenge. Here are
some common IoT-based attack vectors on smart campuses: i) Exploiting vulnerable IoT devices: Targeting
vulnerabilities in IoT devices to gain unauthorized access or control; ii) IoT botnets refer to the exploitation
of IoT devices to establish a network of bots that can be utilized for launching DDoS attacks or other
malicious activities; iii) Device spoofing refers to the act of impersonating authentic internet; and iv)
Physical security exploitation: In a smart campus, attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in IoT devices to
obtain unauthorized access to such devices as door locks, alarms, or surveillance systems, disable security
measures, or manipulate their functionality. By attacking a smart access control system, unauthorized
individuals may gain access to restricted areas.
- Data privacy attacks: The smart campus is a significant resource on campus, comprising diverse devices
and applications that generate various forms of data. The safeguarding of data privacy has emerged as a
crucial necessity owing to the considerable amount of information that can be readily retrieved via remote
access mechanisms [34]. Data attacks cover a range of potential threats and attacks that are directed toward
the manipulation, deletion, storage, collection, and utilization of data. Some of the noted threats include
(data breaches, data loss, and service hijacking) [35].
3.2.2. Attack scenario in smart campus
Smart campuses are subject to a variety of security threats and attacks, from external ones like DDoS
and phishing attacks to internal ones like employee or student negligence or malicious acts. Here are a few of
the most prevalent security threats that smart campuses must deal with:
- Attacks through DDoS: As illustrated in Figure 6 DDoS attacks aim to disrupt normal network operation
by overloading servers with malicious traffic coming from several computers [36].
Figure 6. DDOS attack scenario in IoT networks
- Phishing attacks aim to persuade users to click on malicious links or download malicious software as shown
in Figure 7 in order to reveal their sensitive personal information or identity information, the attacker gains
access to sensitive information such as passwords and credit card details [37].
- Session hijacking attack in the context of systems, services, and networks, it is possible for an adversary to
obtain unauthorized access to data and applications by acting as a proxy and acquiring a compromised
session key or token. Conventionally, servers employ session tokens to identify and authenticate the
ongoing connections of active users. Figure 8 illustrates the overall attack scenario. The adversary has the
capability to execute the aforementioned attack through the act of either purloining or forecasting a
legitimate session token, thereby obtaining illicit entry to the server [38].
- Replay attack: It is a form of the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, in which the attackers intercept packets
transmitted through a communication channel and subsequently retransmit valid packets that have been
modified. This is done with the intention of pretending to be an authentic node, as documented by Syverson
[39]. on the smart campus the reader and RFID tags communication is frequently the target of this attack,
according to [40], the prevalence of this attack vector is observed in cases where the authentication protocol
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 900-914
employs authentication keys that are reusable. Figure 9 illustrates the overall attack scenario. The outcome
of this attack could potentially result in malevolent entities gaining unapproved access to network assets.
This particular method of attack aids in evaluating the feasibility of employing the suggested scheme for
the purpose of authentication within network topologies.
Figure 7. Fishing attacks
Figure 8. Scenario of session hijacking attack
- RFID spoofing, RFID coning, RFID unauthorized access an attacker spoofs an RFID signal in order to read
and record data sent from an RFID tag. Then, the attacker can send his own data that includes the original
tag ID, making it look like its valid. By claiming to be the original source, the attacker gets full access to
the system [41]. In the case of RFID cloning, the attacker clones the RFID tag by inserting the information
from the targets RFID tag on another RFID tag as illustrated in Figure 10. Similarly, the absence of
adequate authentication mechanisms in RFID systems results in unrestricted and unauthorized access to
tags, which makes it possible for illicit actors to gain unauthorized access to nodes and manipulate, modify,
or delete data [42].
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures (Ahmed Srhir)
Figure 9. Scenario of session replay attack
Figure 10. Scenario of RFID tags cloning attack
This section provides results and analysis of attack characteristics and severity, classifying them into
four distinct categories: low-level, medium-level, high-level, and extremely high-level. It highlights various
attack types, their threat levels, fundamental characteristics, and potential solutions for mitigating them.
The section also proposes defensive measures to effectively counter these threats.
4.1. Analysis of various attack types and potential solutions
The IoT is susceptible to a multitude of attacks, encompassing both active and passive forms of assault
that have the potential to significantly compromise the operational capacity of an object. There exist active and
passive components that have the potential to rapidly impede the functioning of a system and nullify the
advantages of its offerings. Passive attacks refer to intrusions that aim to steal information or detect a threat
without resorting to physical attacks [43].
However, it is imperative to refrain from engaging in any form of physical aggression. In contrast,
active attacks entail the physical disruption of performances. The active attacks can be classified into two
distinct categories, namely internal attacks and external attacks [44]. The lack of strength in these attacks could
potentially hinder their ability to engage in effective communication. In order to mitigate the risk of malevolent
intrusions, it is imperative to establish security constraints for the devices.
This section provides an analysis of attack characteristics and severity. In addition, attack levels are
classified into four distinct groups, as seen each delimited by its behavioral attributes and their nature. In addition,
defensive measures and solutions are proposed to effectively counter the associated threats and attacks.
- Low-level: In the event of an unsuccessful attempt by an attacker to compromise a network, it can be
classified as a low-level attack.
- Medium-level: In the context of cybersecurity, a medium-level attack refers to a scenario in which an
unauthorized individual, such as an attacker, intruder, or eavesdropper, is able to access and monitor a
communication medium without compromising the integrity of the transmitted data.
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 900-914
- High-level: A high-level attack is defined as an attack on a network that results in the compromise or
modification of data integrity.
- Extremely high-level: A severe form of cyber-attack involves an unauthorized individual gaining access to
a network and engaging in illicit activities such as rendering the network inaccessible, transmitting a large
volume of messages, or disrupting network functionality.
The IoT is rapidly enhancing everyday experiences through connected devices, but it is also presenting
security issues and raising concerns about data privacy and protection. Understanding these issues is crucial to
implementing proper protocols, protecting equipment, and safeguarding valuable data. Table 1 in APPENDIX
[45][54] illustrates a variety of attack types, their corresponding levels of threat, their fundamental
characteristics, nature, or behaviors, and potential solutions for mitigating these attacks.
The digital revolution has significantly altered cybersecurity requirements for industrial and academic
fields,making it crucial to secure computer and data resources. The deployment and implementation of diverse
security mechanisms and solutions will enable us to manage user access in a secure manner, reduce the
vulnerabilities caused by IoT, mobile, and network devices, prevent unavoidable security gaps from acting as
an attack vector, and still allow users access to all of their data. To increase overall security, it is necessary to
secure the whole architecture of the implementation of the IoT on the smart campus and to put in place clear
security measures like authentication and authorization, data encryption, network security, security monitoring,
routine security updates, security policies, and user education and sensitization. Additionally, a proactive
approach is required to monitor and identify vulnerabilities, implement the proper countermeasures, and
maintain a high level of security for IoT systems. Finally, it is imperative to highlight that in the context of the
continually changing nature of threats, the maintenance of security must remain a perpetual and persistent
priority for the operators and administrators of intelligent campuses. In order to ensure user trust and
dependability and enable the realization of the benefits provided by IoT systems on intelligent campuses.
In the future, we might expand this work with regard to IoT domains and work on the limitations of the
proposed solutions. Each IoT application area will have its own unique level of security risk, and as a result,
the most pressing security concerns will vary from one domain to another, requiring a different prioritization
of the problems to be addressed.
Table 1. Summary of different types of attacks and their nature, their threat levels and suggested solutions
Suggested solution
In a smart campus, a passive attack is when an
unauthorized person tries to access the
network or data without making any changes
to it. In other words, the attacker simply
listens to or watches the data being transferred
without making any changes to it. Since the
attacker is not changing the data, passive
attacks can be difficult to spot, and it can be
difficult to tell which users are legitimate and
which are not.
In order to mitigate passive attacks within a
smart campus, a number of security measures
may be employed, including but not limited to
data transmission encryption, virtual private
network (VPN) utilization, and intrusion
detection system (IDS) deployment.
Furthermore, access control mechanisms can be
employed to limit unapproved entry to the
network, while periodic security audits can be
executed to detect possible susceptibilities and
deficiencies in the system.
The attacker eavesdrops on device
communication by intercepting network
traffic. Sniffing attacks can be used on a smart
campus to gather sensitive data, including
login passwords, private information, and
secret information. Sniffing assaults can range
in severity from low to high, depending on the
resources and expertise of the attacker. High-
intensity sniffing attacks can be carried out by
internal attackers who have access to the
network and network equipment. However,
external attackers might need to employ more
advanced methods, such as ARP spoofing or
DNS spoofing, to carry out a sniffer assault
To protect against sniffer attacks, it is advisable
to use encrypted communication protocols like
HTTPS, SSH, and VPN. The ability of an
attacker to move laterally inside the network
and get access to sensitive data may be
restricted by the segmentation [46] and access
control systems of the network. Setting up
intrusion detection and prevention systems can
also aid in identifying and halting real-time
sniffing assaults.
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Towards secure smart campus: security requirements, attacks and counter measures (Ahmed Srhir)
Table 1. Summary of different types of attacks and their nature, their threat levels and suggested
solutions (continued)
Threat level
Suggested solution
Low to high
An adversary has the ability to impersonate a
legitimate IoT device by claiming the media
access control (MAC), internet protocol (IP)
address or RFID signal of the legitimate user.
Once the attacker has gained unauthorized
access, they are able to launch attacks on the
smart campus network.
Measurements of the signal intensity and
channel estimation, signature authentication
using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) [47].
network segmentation isolate IoT devices into
separate network segments to reduce the
potential for spoofing attacks [46].
Side-channel attacks are a category of attacks
that aim to extract sensitive information by
exploiting the physical or electrical properties of
a system. They include Timing, power analysis,
electromagnetic, and acoustic attacks. Timing
attacks exploit the time taken by cryptographic
operations to infer information, while power
analysis attacks measure the power consumption
of a device to deduce sensitive data.
Electromagnetic and acoustic attacks use device
emissions to extract sensitive information.
To prevent side-channel attacks on smart
campuses, it is crucial to implement
appropriate hardware and software security
measures. Hardware solutions include the
utilization of tamper-resistant chips, shielding,
and filtering to mitigate the susceptibility of
devices to side-channel attacks. Software
solutions encompass the implementation of
secure coding practices, encryption, and
randomization techniques to impede the
extraction of sensitive information by
An active cyberattack is characterized by the
intentional modification or manipulation of data
that is being transmitted within a network or
system by the attacker. In contrast to passive
attacks that solely involve the monitoring of
communication, active attacks entail the
attackers active participation in the
communication process with the intention of
manipulating it to their benefit.
Symmetric encryption can be utilized as a
means of preserving data confidentiality. The
implementation of an authentication
mechanism can restrict data access only to
individuals who have been granted
authorization. Robust firewalls and intrusion
prevention systems can serve as effective
measures to prevent active attacks.
Man in the
Low to medium
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks are active
attacks that intercept communication between
two parties, such as in a smart campus
environment when an attacker gains access to the
network and positions themselves between a
device and its intended recipient. Allowing them
to intercept, alter, or even inject new data into the
communication [48].
Using encryption protocols and algorithms
like https and SSL/TLS, AES/DES to protect
connections and making sure that devices and
apps are set up to only communicate with
trustworthy organizations are crucial for
preventing MitM attacks [49]. access
restrictions and network segmentation can
help prevent an attacker from moving laterally
through the network and gaining access to
sensitive data. regular vulnerability
assessments and security audits can help find
and fix possible system vulnerabilities before
they can be exploited [50].
Session hijacking is a type of attack that happens
when an attacker gets unauthorized access to a
users session on a website or application. This
can happen when an attacker intercepts a users
session ID and takes control of their session. The
attacker can intercept session data, change it, and
inject their own commands, which gives them
control over the users session.
It is imperative to employ secure session
management mechanisms, such as using https.
https encrypts user-server traffic, making
session cookies harder to steal. Setting session
waiting times: limit each sessions duration.
Thus, sessions will automatically end after a
certain amount of inactivity, decreasing pirate
infiltration. Implementing multi-factor
authentication, such as two-factor
authentication, to increase user authentication
security monitoring.
Imitation attacks on the smart campus are a form
of active attack in which an attacker takes on a
legitimate user or device in order to obtain
unauthorized access or conduct malicious
actions. These attacks, also known as spoofing
attacks, aim to convince the system that the
attacker is a trusted user. There are several types
of imitation attacks that can occur on a smart
campus, including IP, DNS, and Mac spoofing.
To avoid spoofing and cloning attacks, apply
identity-based authentication protocols.
Physically unclonable functions are a
countermeasure to cloning attacks. The
implementation of robust authentication
mechanisms, such as two-factor
authentication, is of paramount significance.
Extremely high
Malware attacks can have major consequences,
such as data loss, confidentiality violations, and
service disruption. They can be spread through
IoT devices, phishing emails, and malicious
software downloads. Malware can take many
forms, such as viruses, Trojans, worms,
ransomware, and spyware. On smart campuses,
malware attacks can target various devices and
Security measures such as firewalls, antivirus
software, intrusion detection systems, regular
updates, and patches should be applied to all
software and devices to address known
vulnerabilities and prevent attackers from
exploiting them. Network traffic should also
be monitored and analyzed to detect
suspicious activity that may indicate a
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 32, No. 2, November 2023: 900-914
Table 1. Summary of different types of attacks and their nature, their threat levels and suggested
solutions (continued)
Attack type
Threat level
Suggested solution
Extremely high
systems, such as computers, servers,
routers, and IoT devices. It can be used to
steal sensitive data, disrupt services, or
take control of systems for malicious
malware infection or other security threat [51].
Last but not least, its critical to regularly
backup data to minimize losses in the event of
a successful attack.
Extremely high
Fabrication attacks refer to the deliberate
generation of spurious data or information
with the intent of deceiving or
manipulating the system. The
aforementioned attacks pertain to the
fabrication of spurious data, procedures,
correspondences, or any other form of
operation within the system, the
introduction of false data by a hostile
entity can compromise the authenticity
and integrity of information.
The application of data authenticity can serve
as a means of verifying that data remains
unchanged throughout its transmission.
DOS and
Extremely high
A DoS attack is a type of attack in which
an adversary floods a system, network, or
application with traffic or requests to
overwhelm and exhaust its resources,
preventing it from responding to
legitimate requests. DoS attacks could
target various systems or services on a
smart campus, including network
infrastructure, communication systems,
and IoT devices [52]. DoS attacks can
have devastating effects on a smart
campus, including disruption of vital
services, loss of data, and even physical
damage to devices or infrastructure.
Implementing multiple security measures,
such as firewalls, intrusion detection
systems, load balancers, and traffic filtration,
is typical for preventing DoS attacks. Apply
cryptographic techniques to secure networks,
apply authenticity to detect malicious users.
Prevent their access permanently [53], [54].
In this way, the network is protected from
damage. In addition, ensuring system
availability via redundant infrastructure and
capacity planning can mitigate the effects of
DoS attacks.
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Ahmed Srhir Ph.D. candidate at Ibn Tofail University, holding a state
engineering degree in networks and information systems in 2015 at the National School of
Applied Sciences in Kenitra, Morocco, have a particular interest in the internet of things,
network security and machine learning as well as cloud architectures. currently working on
the implementation of smart systems and its security in IoT platforms, focusing on several
approaches and multi-agent methodologies as well as ensuring coherence with the
Architecture and its implementations, currently hold the position of head of IT infrastructure
and digitalization at CRI-RSK. Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Oracle cloud
infrastructure architect professional and Juniper JNCIA-DevOps. He can be contacted at
Prof. Tomader Mazri received her HDR degree in Networks and
Telecommunication from Ibn Tofail University, Ph.D. in Microelectronics and
Telecommunication from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University and INPT of Rabat,
Master’s in Microelectronics and Telecommunication Systems, and Bachelor’s in
Telecommunication from the Cadi Ayad University. She is currently a Professor at the
National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra, a permanent member of AS Laboratory,
author and co-author of 20 articles journals, 40 articles in international conferences, 3 chapter
and three books. Her major research interests are on microwave systems for mobile and radar,
smart antennas and mobile network security. She can be contacted at email:
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Benbrahim professor of Higher Education at Ibn Tofail
University. He holds a Ph.D. in Physical Sciences from the Faculty of Science, Rabat,
culminating in a Doctorate from the University of Bordeaux I in 1989, specializing in
instrumentation and measurement. He also completed a Masters degree (DEA) in
Instrumentation and Measurement at the University of Bordeaux I, France, in 1987. currently
hold the position of Deputy Director in Charge of Educational Affairs at the National School
of Applied Sciences (ENSA) in Kenitra and served as Head of the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Networks, and Telecommunication Systems (GERST) at ENSAK (National
School of Applied Sciences). Her major research interests are in the physical sciences,
systems, microelectronics, applied microwaves, and networks for telecommunications.
He can be contacted at email:
La crisis económica mundial, los problemas generados por el cambio climático, el crecimiento de la pobreza, la disminución de recursos hídricos y alimenticios, los problemas de salud entre otros afectan a la población mundial. A partir de las crisis la innovación es una de las áreas que se tiene que promover desde las aulas universitarias. La investigación se desarrolló dentro de un enfoque cuantitativo con diseño preexperimental y propone determinar la influencia del desarrollo de módulos de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) en la cultura de innovación de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNE). Se obtuvo información de 62 estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Telecomunicaciones e Informática. Los resultados evidencian que la aplicación del curso de Internet de las Cosas incide de manera significativa en los valores, comportamientos, clima, recursos, procesos y resultados de la cultura de innovación.
Full-text available
The proliferation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) fuels internet of things (IoT's) rapid global development, connecting diverse devices. IoT transforms devices into intelligent entities delivering exceptional services. This work addresses IoT authentication gaps through a comprehensive survey, analyzing recent works and exploring techniques in various applications. It includes a comparative analysis of authentication schemes, evaluating Bi-Phase authentication scheme (BAS) in WSNs. BAS outperforms sensor protocol for information via negotiation (SPIN), broadcast session key protocol (BROSK), and localized encryption and authentication protocol (LEAP), resulting in lower energy consumption and higher efficiency. With energy efficiency at 60 Kb/J for 25 nodes, BAS focuses on power optimization and lightweight security measures, reducing energy consumption, maximizing efficiency, and extending WSN lifespan. The evaluation, conducted using MATLAB/Simulink, demonstrates BAS's superiority, achieving 10 J, 12 J, 14 J, and 15 J energy consumption for 25 nodes during simulation, showcasing its effectiveness and future potential in advancing IoT authentication.
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This paper looks at wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in healthcare, where they can monitor patients remotely. WSNs are considered one of the most promising technologies due to their flexibility and autonomy in communication. However, routing protocols in WSNs must be energy-efficient, with a minimal quality of service, so as not to compromise patient care. The main objective of this work is to compare two work schemes in the routing protocol algorithm in WSNs (cooperative and collaborative) in a home environment for monitoring the conditions of the elderly. The study aims to optimize the performance of the algorithm and the ease of use for people while analyzing the impact of the sensor network on the analysis of vital signs daily using medical equipment. We found relationships between vital sign metrics that have a more significant impact in the presence of a monitoring system. Finally, we conduct a performance analysis of both schemes proposed for the home tracking application and study their usability from the user's point of view.
Full-text available
Administrative and medical processes of the healthcare organizations are rapidly changing because of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This change demonstrates the critical impact of AI at multiple activities, particularly in medical processes related to early detection and diagnosis. Previous studies suggest that AI can raise the quality of services in the healthcare industry. AI-based technologies have reported to improve human life quality, making life easier, safer and more productive. This study presents a systematic review of academic articles on the application of AI in the healthcare sector. The review initially considered 1,988 academic articles from major scholarly databases. After a careful review, the list was filtered down to 180 articles for full analysis to present a classification framework based on four dimensions: AI-enabled healthcare benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities. It was identified that AI continues to significantly outperform humans in terms of accuracy, efficiency and timely execution of medical and related administrative processes. Benefits for patients’ map directly to the relevant AI functionalities in the categories of diagnosis, treatment, consultation and health monitoring for self-management of chronic conditions. Implications for future research directions are identified in the areas of value-added healthcare services for medical decision-making, security and privacy for patient data, health monitoring features, and creative IT service delivery models using AI.
Full-text available
Due to the expansion growth of the IoT devices, Fog computing was proposed to enhance the low latency IoT applications and meet the distribution nature of these devices. However, Fog computing was criticized for several privacy and security vulnerabilities. This paper aims to identify and discuss the security challenges for Fog computing. It also discusses blockchain technology as a complementary mechanism associated with Fog computing to mitigate the impact of these issues. The findings of this paper reveal that blockchain can meet the privacy and security requirements of fog computing; however, there are several limitations of blockchain that should be further investigated in the context of Fog computing. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
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India’s electrical power system grid also known as the power grid is serving us from a very long time. In this duration, there were no major developments or changes reported in the power grid system. Electrical power consumer demand is increasing drastically and the present grid system is not able to fulfil these emerging requirements. To fulfil the requirements of future power load, we need a modified system which has to be reliable, secure, intelligent and efficient. By converting the power grid into the smart grid will be a promising solution for adopting the above properties. Communication Infrastructure is a major part of the smart grid. The end-user can reduce their expenditure on electricity demand by using smart home appliance, to keep away from the rush hours and also make use of the renewable energy instead from utility, is a great example of deployment of internet of things (IoT) in grid communication. In this paper, we have provided a survey of different communication technology, applications, benefits and challenges in communication infrastructure, spatially IoT.
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The term internet of thing (IoT) has gained much popularity in the last decade. Which can be defined as various connected devices over the internet. IoT has rapidly spread to include all aspects of our lives. For instance, smart houses, smart cities, and variant wearable devices. IoT devices work to do their desired goals, which is to develop a person life with his/her minimal involvement. At the same time, IoT devices have many weaknesses, which attackers exploit to affect these devices security. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) are considered the most common attacks that strike IoT security. The main aim of these attacks is to make victim systems down and inaccessible for legitimate users by malicious malware. This paper objective is to discuss and review security issues related to DoS/DDoS Attacks and their counter measures i.e. prevention based on IoT devices layers structure.
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p>This paper presents the importance and applications of smart cities in view of taxonomy in urbanization particularly in Asia and Africa economies. It describes the characteristics and architecture of smart cites and reviews on the recent technological developments. The paper analyses the social impacts due to up-gradation of existing cities. The implementation goals like policies and standards are still in progressive state. The international organizations like IEEE, ISO, IEC etc are focused in this emerging area and prepared road map for successful deployment of technologies in cities. In this way of development, there are some interesting challenges like visualization, integration, privacy etc, need to be addressed with specific and innovative solutions. The paper highlights the opportunities in developing and governance of smart cities.</p
This paper describes the development of Security Approaches for smart campus using different Methodologies and introduce a global strategy for secure Architecture Especially Secure Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Our main goal is to enhance campus security, minimize costs, and advance towards a smart university campus. We provide not only a methodology that would act as an instant responder, but also provide insight into the evolution of security research for smart campus, therefore with the development of architectures, the more changes are happening, the more we must know the risks we can face, the obligation of security and confidentiality is an essential requirement.
Wireless sensor network has attracted significant attention in research and development due to its tremendous applications in medical, military and defence, medical, environmental, industrial, infrastructure protection, and commercial applications to enable to interact with each other controlled remotely. A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has wide applications such as environmental monitoring and tracking of the target nodes for communication. The sensor nodes are equipped with wireless interfaces used for communication between the nodes and another network. Wireless Sensor Network suffers from many constraints that make security a primary challenge. When the sensor node is deployed in a communication environment unattended, the nodes are vulnerable to various attacks. This paper deals with the different types of Active and Passive security attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks to design effective countermeasures for secured communication. This paper will help researchers identify the most vulnerable attacks in the communication and defensive mechanisms to encounter the attacks in WSN.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are increasingly more complex and integrated into our everyday lives forming the basis of smart infrastructures, products, and services. Consequently, there is a greater need for their ability to perform their required functions under expected and unexpected adverse events. Moreover, the multitude of threats and their rapid evolution pushes the development of approaches that go beyond pure technical reliability, rather encompassing multi-dimensional performance of a socio-technical system. These dimensions call for the notion of resilience, to be used as a staging area for modelling system performance. While a large number of documents deal with this kind of problem for systems including CPSs, a comprehensive review on the topic is still lacking. The scope of this paper is to survey available literature for understanding to which extent CPSs contribute to system resilience, and to synthetize the approaches developed in this domain. More than 500 documents were reviewed through a protocol based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) review technique. This survey identifies main models and methods categorizing them on the basis of the hazards of interest and their effects on security, privacy, safety and business continuity. It also summarizes main conceptual frameworks and metrics used to assess and compare the resilience capabilities of a system including also CPSs. This cross-domain survey highlights the dominant techno-centric unit of analysis for available literature, still highlighting emerging trends towards more systemic representations of system threats, even socio-technically oriented, and respective modern investigation approaches.