Conference PaperPDF Available

Controlling Smart Home Activities Using IoT

  • AL-Mstansiriyah University
  • University of Kirkuk

Abstract and Figures

The fast development in the field of communications and semiconductors has led to increasing the Internet of things (IoT) applications used in all areas of life (such as industry, agriculture, transportation, health, and smart cities). IoT devices like (sensors, actuators, embedded devices, and RFID) may suffer from inadequate processing, memory, and energy therefore. Designing and implementing smart home is a very complicated work because of the diversity of sensor, actuator technologies, and connected services that may be tangled in smart home. The aim of this paper monitoring and controlling smart home activities using internet of things to support client anywhere an ability to monitor data of temperature, humidity and ultrasonic sensors constantly of home furthermore client can control many types of actuator such air condition, room light, refrigerator and water pump by changing on/off relays through exchange of data among the things through server. Smart monitoring for home application based IoT was decreased the person labor to control home devices and made living easier and simpler throughout raspberry Pi3 as microcontroller for controlling various types of actuator and monitoring different types of sensor data in addition all activities of visitors whom interred to this system were registered.
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Controlling Smart Home Activities Using IoT
Rafidh Khalaf
Computer Science Department
AL-Mustansiriyah University
Baghdad, Iraq
Ahmed Mohammed
Computer Science Department
AL-Mustansiriyah University
Baghdad, Iraq
Hussein Ali
Networks Department
Kirkuk University
Kirkuk, Iraq
Essa Essa
Networks Department
Kirkuk University
Kirkuk, Iraq
AbstractThe fast development in the field of
communications and semiconductors has led to increasing the
Internet of things (IoT) applications used in all areas of life
(such as industry, agriculture, transportation, health, and
smart cities). IoT devices like (sensors, actuators, embedded
devices, and RFID) may suffer from inadequate processing,
memory, and energy therefore. Designing and implementing
smart home is a very complicated work because of the
diversity of sensor, actuator technologies, and connected
services that may be tangled in smart home. The aim of this
paper monitoring and controlling smart home activities using
internet of things to support client anywhere an ability to
monitor data of temperature, humidity and ultrasonic sensors
constantly of home furthermore client can control many types
of actuator such air condition, room light, refrigerator and
water pump by changing on/off relays through exchange of
data among the things through server. Smart monitoring for
home application based IoT was decreased the person labor
to control home devices and made living easier and simpler
throughout raspberry Pi3 as microcontroller for controlling
various types of actuator and monitoring different types of
sensor data in addition all activities of visitors whom interred
to this system were registered.
KeywordsIoT, Smart Home, Confidentiality, Integrity,
OTP, Client, Server, PIR, DHT22, Actuators.
The Internet of Things, commonly referred as IoT is an
ubiquitous concept where physical objects are connected to
the Internet and have an ability to communicate over a
network[1]. also, can be defined the IoT is a system of
physical objects that can be discovered, monitored,
controlled, or interacted with by electronic devices that
communicate over various networking interfaces and
eventually can be connected to the wider internet [2].Such
networked objects or things are referred as IoT devices and
are deployed universally[3]. The penetration of IoT has
been seen across numerous sectors such as building home
automation, smart cities, smart manufacturing, industrial
automation, automobiles, wearables, healthcare, farming
etc. The power of connectivity offered by IoT has been
utilized in various use cases related [4].
The IoT devices communicate using a different set of
protocols available for communication. Different wireless
standards like Wi-Fi , Bluetooth LE , ZigBee , Z-Wave
etc, exist are used to make IoT Smart home automation
feasible [5] . According to studies of As per Gartner
company, 25 billion devices it is expected that, while Cisco
expects 50 billion devices and Intel expects 28 billion
devices and iData expects 80 billion devices will be
connected to the Internet by 2020 [6].
Therefore, IoT is one of the most current and popular
areas of research in which many big companies are
investing billions in research and development
[7].According to Accenture research report, the global
industrial Internet of Things market size in 2012 reached
20 billion US dollars, expected in 2020 will be more than
500 billion US dollars in recent years will have a high
growth. At the same time, based on the current level of
input, by 2030, industrial Internet of things is expected to
bring at least $10 trillion to the world economy, while
investment based on sustained increases suggests that by
2030, Reaching 14 trillion dollars [8].
Having the extremely large number of interconnected
devices, configuration and management of these devices
do not seem feasible if we do not have automated
approaches. One of the application areas of IoT is Smart
home. A smart home is a home with intelligent IoT
household devices, which provides better living conditions
to the owner [9].The applicability of IoT devices in the
home can be seen in different scenarios, for example,
controlling of home lights efficiently using smart bulbs,
automatically main-training the temperature and humidity
of the house using smart thermostats, securing the
entrances etc.
People store lots of confidential and personal
information across such smart household devices. Such
devices are connected to the Internet via the home network
using the router equipment [10]. Maintaining the privacy
of the user and securing the home network is an important
task. Increases in using and applying the IoT in all areas of
daily life. And may directly or indirectly affect the lives of
the individual such as health applications as well as smart
home, smart cities, and others. Also, we must consider
several things the most important of which is security. That
With reference the two security, data anonymity,
confidentiality and integrity need to be guaranteed, as well
as authentication that is and authorization mechanisms in
order to prevent unauthorized users (i.e., humans and
devices) to access the system [11].
Whereas, concerning privacy requirement, both data
protection and users personal information confidentiality
have to be ensured, since devices may manage sensitive
information (e.g., user habits). Finally, trust is a
fundamental issue since the IoT environment is
characterized by different devices which have to process
and handle the data in compliance with user needs and
rights. The Note that adaptation and to the self-healing
play a key role in IoT infrastructures which must be able to
face normal and unexpected changes of the target
environment. Accordingly, privacy and security issues
should be treated with a high degree of flexibility [12].
There are a number of criteria to conFigure IoT
application layer. It is the application layered are the
uppermost layer and is visible to the end user [13]. There
are many areas of life in which Internet of things is
applied. An application layer typically comprises a
middleware or machine-to-machine communication
protocol, cloud computing, and a service support platform.
With the passage of time, more and more devices are
getting connected to the Internet[14] . The earth will be
blanketed with millions of sensors gathering information
from physical objects and will upload it to the Internet with
so many applications eying to adapt the technology with
the intentions to contribute to the growth of economy he
facility transportation and a better lifestyle for the public,
IoT must offer adequate security to their data to encourage
the adaptation process [15] [16].Figure 1 shows the IoT
Figure 1. Internet-of-Things Applications[17]
The proposed system consists of software components
as well as the hardware components that are combined
together to form smart home system to be used in the
monitoring activities of all the users entering of the IoT
applications. The system consists of Raspberry pi, two
sensors (the first is sensor is for temperature and humidity
and the second for measuring distances for proximity
measurement), four actuators (12V coil type, 10A) were
used to control four household appliances that run from
220V AC mains voltage, RGB LED for system status,
buzzer and expansion headers for future development.
Since the actuators relays (relays) operates from a 12V
signal, the Raspberry can’t drive them directly because all
GPIO pins is 3.3V capable, so a current buffer is needed to
interface the Raspberry pi GPIO pin that controls the relay
and the relay coil.
An integrated circuit (IC) that is well suited for the
driving of the relays coils and current buffering named
ULN2003A is used. Because the Raspberry pi needs 5V
source to run and there must be 12V source for the relays
to operate, it is inconvenient to have two separate sources
to feed the board. A 12V source is used as the only source
required for the system.
A circuit known as voltage regulator is added to the
overall circuit to down level voltage from 12v input to 5V
for powering Raspberry Pi and other sensors while the 12V
is fed directly to the relay driver IC. The voltage regulator
should have the ability to deliver at least 3 amperes of
current with five volts output voltage to power the
Raspberry Pi and all connected sensors and LED’s , the
main problem was the conventional linear regulators (such
as LM7805) cannot handle that current. Therefore, a
switching regulator of type (Buck converter) was used to
minimize the power conversion losses and achieving high
efficiency. A regulator that meets all these above
requirements is LM2596S switching step down converter,
which we used, in the power circuit part of the proposed
All these components should be mounted and
connected together to form our system, so they should be
as compact as possible. For this reason, a printed circuit
board (PCB) is designed and printed for assembling the
hardware components together. The circuit diagram
containing all electronic devices firstly drawn using a
popular electronics simulation and drawing software
named Proteus.By using Proteus electronics design and
simulation software, the overall electrical circuit schematic
and the PCB design of the proposed system were designed
converted to a real electronic circuit board. The complete
circuit schematic of the proposed system is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. The complete circuit schematic of the proposed system.
The artwork generated by Proteus is then converted to a
real PCB and then all components were placed and
soldered and the final circuit is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2.The completed circuit for the proposed system
in this paper a number of software components used such
as (Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX and jQuery)
besides many hardware components such as Raspberry Pi
with two type of Sensors (e.g., DHT22 and ultrasonic
sensor), and four type of Actuators(relay), the details of
hardware components are illustrated in this section.
A. Types of Sensors
In the proposed system, two types of sensors were
used, the first is a temperature and a humidity sensor, the
second is an ultrasonic sensor. The details of each sensor
and how it is connected to the circuit is as follows.
1) Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT22):The
DHT22 is a low-cost and popular digital sensor for
measuring temperature and humidity. It uses a capacitive
humidity sensor and a thermal resistor (thermistor) for
measuring the temperature and humidity of the
surrounding air. It outputs a digital signal on the data pin
(pin number 2), thus; no analog to digital converter (ADC)
is required. It’s a fairly straightforward to deal with the
sensor and use it but its only flaw is that it can read new
data each two seconds but in our design it is more than
sufficient. The sensor is connected to the Raspberry Pi as
in Figure 3.
Figure 3. DHT22 sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi
Reading the temperature and humidity from the sensor
using the Raspberry Pi is done by using a npm model
library with NodeJS named rpi-dht-sensor, after installing
the model we can use the following initiation code to load
the library and define the GPIO data pin (GPIO23 pin is
used as data pin).The server program is reading the sensor
each two seconds and sends the encrypted reading to the
clients continuously as will be explained later in the
security section in this paper.
2) Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04): HC-SR04 is an
ultrasonic sensor or ranging module that provides 2 cm to
400 cm measurement without contact function. The
accuracy of measurements of ranges can reach down to
3mm and the effective angle is about 15°. The sensor is
operated from 5V power supply and has two data pins: one
for trigger and the other pin is the echo pin. When the
trigger pin is supplied with a pulse longer than 10ms, it
will start calculating the distance between the sensor and
the nearest obstacle by sending an ultrasonic waves and
waits for the wave to be back as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4.The principle of operation for the ultrasonic sensor
The sensor will generate a pulse on the echo pin with a
duration that is equal to the travelling time of the ultrasonic
wave from the sensor to the obstacle and back to the
The speed of the transmitted wave is the same as the
speed of sound in the air. If we want to measure the
accurate distance between the sensor and the desired object
we should measure the pulse of the echo pin accurately and
then find the distance (in meters) by the Equation (1).
distance=(echo pulse time)*(speed of sound)/2 …(1)
The basic electrical connection between the HC-SR04
sensor and Raspberry Pi is shown in in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Ultrasonic sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi
The hardware implementation of the proposed system
includes the electrical connections of the actuators (relays)
to the raspberry Pi as well as the connections between the
Raspberry Pi and the electronic sensors used in the system.
B. Types of Actuators
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the actuator can be
a mechanic, electric hydraulic or pneumatic. An electric
actuator called “relay” has been used in our proposed
system to enable us to control household appliances by
using a small control signal from the Raspberry Pi. A relay
is switch that is electrically operated.
The popular and mostly used type of relays is the
electromagnet relay, which we used. The relay is used if it
is desired to control a circuit or a device that delivers
higher voltages or currents by a using a separate low-
power signal. When a small electrical current flows
through the relay’s coil, the coil will have a magnetic force
that causes the switch to conducts. The amount of voltage
that is required to turn on the relay depends on relay’s
type. We used the most popular and available type, which
is the 12V relay. Figure 6. Shows the proper way of
connecting a relay to the Raspberry Pi.
Figure 6. Connecting a relay to the Raspberry Pi.
Controlling the Raspberry Pi GPIO’s is done by using a
library called pigpio in NodeJS. Since the proposed system
have four actuators (relays), each of the four relays needs a
driver circuit. The integrated circuit (IC) is designed for
this purpose of driving multiple relays (up to seven relays)
named ULN2003 and is connected as shown in the overall
circuit design schematic in Figure (4.xx). Four GPIO pins
from the Raspberry Pi have been assigned for driving the
actuators (4, 17, 22 and 27). Controlling a specific
actuator, for example, Actuator 1 that is connected to the
GPIO4 Pin of raspberry Pi is done by firstly loading the
pigpio library and defining the GPIO type, then defining a
variable named relay1 that is connected to the GPIO4 and
setting the GPIO mode.
The proposed system consists of two main branches;
the hardware side that is described and discussed, and
the software side implementation, which will be
divided into the following:
A.Visitor Sign up Mechanism
For security reasons, there is no sign up form
created for users to sign up for new account. Instead, they
get their accounts from admin which in role, take their
information like username, and email address and choses a
password for each user. Generating the user accounts is
done by admin programmatically by developing a function
that is called by admin each time a new user is requested to
be added. A lightweight database engine named NeDB was
used. The user information will be saved in a database file
in the local storage as one line per user. The user
information in the database file will be as shown in Figure
Figure 7. A sample user sign up information is stored in the database.
The database module must be loaded and the storage
database file name is defined before we can use the
database as shown in the code in Figure 8.
Figure8. The code for loading the database and defining its storage
Now, the administrator of the system have the code
already setup and all he have to do when adding new users
is to call the function add User() that is shown in Figure 9.
For example, if a user named Ahmed is desired to be sign
up to the system with basic permissions (is allowed to
control single actuator as will be discussed in the access
control section), the admin will write the following code.
As shown in the Figure9.
Figure 9. The code for adding a new user to the database
B .Visitor Sign in Page
A sign in page is created by using HTML markup
language and CSS for new comers that are not already
signed in. When any user attempts to enter the main
server’s page, He will be asked for an authentication token
in order for the server to check whether the request is from
an already signed in visitor or not, if the token is invalid or
has been expired then the visitor is asked to enter his
credentials. This mechanism is used for avoiding an
already signed in visitor from re-entering his login
information in case of re-visiting the page later within the
allowed session timeout, or in case he wants to refresh the
webpage. Figure (10) shows the sign in page.
Figure10. The sign in page.
When the visitor attempts to access the main page for
the first time, he will be re-directed to the sign in page
automatically by the server. By using AJAX’s
XMLHttpRequest modified jQuery function jQuery.ajax()
the client will ask the server for one time password (OTP)
to use it in the hashing process alongside with sign in
information. After the server responds to the client and
reply with an OTP the client will constructs a JSON that
contains the user name, password, AES secret key and the
provided OTP as shown in Figure 11.
Figure11. The JSON that contains user login information before hashing
The client will digest the constructed JSON string by
using the SHA-256 algorithm and produce a 256-bit hash
code and sends it to the server. In this novel technique, the
client does not have to expose such sensitive information;
instead, he sends only the hash code for the login
information plus the OTP. Therefore, it is impossible for
hackers to steal user’s credentials when he sends them to
the server because he did not send any information but a
hash code that contains an expired OTP once it arrives to
the server. When the server receive the login request from
the client that contains the sha-256 code. The login request
from client will looks like the content of Figure 12.
Figure 12. A sample login request from client
After the server receives the login request from the client
(the hash code), it will construct a JSON in the same
manner the client did with the user login information. The
server will compute the hash code from the last OTP that
was given to the user and searches the database of user’s
login information one by one. If a match between the
computed hash and the received hash is found, then that
user, whose login information caused the hash match, must
be the user that requested the login request. The user is
then allowed to access the main page and redirected to it.
The matched hash code will be saved in a temporary
list in the server as a token for that particular user at the
current session. If no match found between the hash of
each individual user in the database (in additional to the
last OTP that the server sent) then the user is redirected to
an error page which warns him that he entered incorrect
The log in time is limited by the session timeout, which
is set to five minutes. As long as the user is logged in, he
must include his token as his only identifier in each data
transactions. For example, if some user wants to turn one
of the actuators on or off, he must append the request with
his token so the server knows which user requested that
command. Figure 13 shows the main page after a
successful login by user “Admin”.
C. The Server Web Page
The server webpage designed in by using HTML
markup language and CSS. The scripts of the page is
implemented with JavaScript. The layout of the webpage is
chosen to be tabbed navigation layout; Tabs are ideal
choice for single webpage servers as tabbed webpages are
capable of displaying different, each tab contains different
1) The Main (Monitor) Tab :After the user is logged, he
will automatically redirected to the main page, which
displays live readings from the sensors that are connected
to the system in the way described in details in the
hardware implementation section. The page contains two
gauges: one for Temperature and the other is for humidity
reading. It also contains two animated charts, one for
temperature and humidity, the other is for distance
measured by the ultrasonic sensor. These charts are used
for displaying sensor’s reading in a timely manner. The
page also displays the raw encrypted data received from
the server. Figure 13 shows the main tab after logging in.
Figure 13. The main page after a successful login by user “Admin”.
2) Control Tab: The control tab contains a group of
buttons with explanation labels assigned for each
individual button to describe its function. Each button is
dedicated for controlling a specific actuator (Electronic
relay that drives larger AC 220V household appliances)
connected to the Raspberry Pi in a way that is described
in the hardware section. Depending to the type of
permission that the user have, the interface is different
from user to user. Each user can control a specified
actuator by his permission granted by the admin in the
sign up process described in the sign up section. If the
user have the permission to control a particular actuator,
a label contains “Enabled” is put right next to the button.
If the user does not have the permission to control that
actuator, a “Disabled” text with red color is placed on the
right side of that button to indicate the permissions of
that user. Figure 14. shows an example of a logged in
user where his permission is limited to control one
actuator (Water pump in our example).
Figure 14. A sample logged in user with limited permissions
When the user tries to turn one actuator on or off but he
does not have the permission, an alert will be displayed
telling him that he cannot control that actuator as shown in
Figure 15.
Figure 15.The action when a user tries to control an unpermitted actuator
The administrator, after logging in will have all the
buttons activated as he have the full permission on
actuators control as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 .The administrator user interface shows the full controllable
3) The Log Tab: The log tab contains logged data
reading from sensors that were previously saved in the
server’s database file specified for this purpose. The tab
also displays all the activities that happened before like
users signing in/out and controlling actuators by users with
the time of that event. Only the administrator can see this
data log and all other users will get a blank charts. Figure
17 shows the content of this tab after a login from
Figure 17 shows the content of this tab after a login from administrator
4) Server status tab: This tab is the fourth one and
contains the important parameters of the server like the
server’s operating system type and version, kernel version,
CPU temperature, CPU load, total available and used
RAM as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18. Server status tab.
5) About tab: This tab is dedicated to display a short
review about the developer and can contain a basic
overview about the developed project and future possible
enhancements and to-do’s.
The monitoring of smart home activities providing a
facility to the user where one can continuously monitor
the surrounding parameters inside the house (like
temperature, smoke and light intensity) and can control
them by collection and exchange of data between the
things for example switching on/off devices (like fan and
light based on these parameters).The proposed system
resulted a high efficiency IoT server with a relatively
high-speed response; much less memory consumption
and lower CPU load were noticed in spite of using
various encryption methods of data between server and
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... PDR has attracted significant attention due to its wide range of applications, including monitoring public safety personnel and individuals with special needs [7,8]. The availability of compact, affordable MEMS inertial sensors [9] has undoubtedly influenced this surge in interest, with the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of these sensors having improved significantly over the past decade. ...
... The results of the two Eqs. (8) and (9) are summed: ...
... The application of smart home technologies remains an important part of the Internet of Things (IoT). Provides necessary life assistance and comfort to the elderly in the community [1,2,3]. The IoT paradigm dubs a system of interconnected, computationally capable, and capable of transmitting data via a network, without the need for human intervention. ...
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The security of home doors has become one of the necessities in this era. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has also entered into building the smart home. Therefore, it has become necessary to develop a facial recognition system that can be implemented on IoT devices. This study presented a method to recognize faces using the efficientnet-b4. Transfer learning with fine-tuning was used here due to the small dataset size and high accuracy (accuracy of Top-1= 82.9% and accuracy of Top-5 = 96.4%) of EfficientNet-B4 and it has fewer parameters (19.5 M) than the previously known model and this is what we are looking for in order to implement it on the Raspberry Pi. After training and saving the model, it is converted into a lightweight model and transferred to the Raspberry to distinguish faces. The results showed that the model had an accuracy of 97%, despite the fact that the collected images were taken in different lighting, different places, and different facial expressions.
... With the advent of the industrial internet, our world is now in the early stages of the digital period of change and enhancement (Web of Things) [7]. It takes up space by converging the overall industrial framework while constraining the advanced computing, sensing, analytics, and network development that the web provides. ...
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The web of things is one of the most important innovations of modern technology. It aims to connect billions of devices, resulting in a vast number of contacts between devices and a huge volume of data. On the other hand, there are many security challenges to protect this information from risk exposure. It’s crucial to note that these devices are compact and use very little power. As a consequence, using several rounds of data encryption would be exceedingly difficult and costly. Moreover, when fewer complex computations are used, integrity may be compromised. So, in this paper, a lightweight encryption algorithm called (L.W.A.E.S) is proposed. The proposed algorithm aims to achieve the highest speed in Cryptography (Encryption/Decryption) and reducing computational complexity. The MixColumns stage of the A.E.S algorithm is the most computationally challenging. So, it takes up the bulk of the time spent encrypting and decrypting data. The stage of MixColumns has been replaced by simple SHIFT processes in the proposed algorithm. It took just 1–8 s from the starting of the sensors’ reading to the moment they were collected for the customer. The experimental results show that the modified algorithm (L.W.A.E.S) provides suitable security, the encryption techniques speed, low computational complexity, and light-weight in the manner of storage.
... The advances in hardware and software technologies have led to the adoption of smartenvironments in many contexts of our daily lives. Smart homes and smart buildings are already equipped with a multitude of embedded devices, along with connected sensors and actuators [1]. Several real cases already exemplify smart cities, which use the opportunities provided by innovative technologies to improve the lives of their inhabitants [2]. ...
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In this work we performed a comparison between two different approaches to track a person in indoor environments using a locating system based on BLE technology with a smartphone and a smartwatch as monitoring devices. To do so, we provide the system architecture we designed and describe how the different elements of the proposed system interact with each other. Moreover, we have evaluated the system’s performance by computing the mean percentage error in the detection of the indoor position. Finally, we present a novel location prediction system based on neural embeddings, and a soft-attention mechanism, which is able to predict user’s next location with 67% accuracy.
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In this paper, we first focused on the developing a secure global positioning system for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication which adopts the secure transmission with respect to vehicle location. In literature, different existing positioning and wireless communication technologies have been presented with their detailed comparison with the global positioning system. In methodology we proposed a GPS-based model of Contention Intensity Control with Rate Control (CICRC) for efficient and secure V2V communication. We deduced the PDR and mean packet delay between heavy and low vehicle load scenarios under fully-connected vehicle network case and a hidden terminal participation case. We also presented the PDR and mean packet delay of safety messages generated with deterministic inter-arrival time and exponential inter-arrival time, respectively. Our GPS-based CICRC model provides a good match with simulation results on well-known MATLAB tool with wireless and networking toolbox. We also verified the model by showing our simulation provides good match with analytical results. Finally, comparing PDR, mean delay and PCR with proposed CICRC by some metrics, we can verify that CICRC improves V2V communication performance compared to existing communication methods. The simulation results we obtained show the packet delivery ratio under CICRC increases nearly 10% compared with that under CSMA [8] in heavy vehicle load scenarios for secure communication undermining the vehicle location. We have also found that if packet collisions occur in some vehicles at the during V2V communication, the collision probability between those vehicles in deterministic inter-arrival time will be always higher than that in exponential inter-arrival time. Average successful packet reception time under CICRC is around 20ms lower than CSMA in heavy vehicle loads, which verifies that CICRC improves on CSMA for the GPS performance especially in heavy vehicle load scenarios for secure communication.
Background The Internet of Things provides access to information anywhere at any time on any device and has changed all domains by addressing a variety of problems in society through real-time information from interconnected devices. Among these domains, smart homes are one of the most important areas that have been significantly affected by the Internet of Things. Smart homes connected to the IoT have led to the creation of the new domain, namely, smart home-Internet of Things. Scope and approach A bibliometric approach was followed in this study to analyze research articles in the smart home-Internet of Things area, by extracting papers presented at notable international conferences and published in respected journals. This study collects 2339 articles from the SCOPUS database, which were published from 2015 to 2019. Findings Publication trends, key areas, influential articles, publication venues, and several notable topics related to smart home-Internet of Things were explored. Moreover, this study confirms that there are notable improvements and developments in the area of smart home-Internet of Things, as well as smart home and Internet of Things. Implications The findings presented herein offer notable insights and emphasize learning points for future directions of smart home-Internet of Things. Moreover, both key trends and knowledge domains of smart home-Internet of Things were presented.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) envisions pervasive, connected, and smart nodes interacting autonomously while offering all sorts of services. Wide distribution, openness and relatively high processing power of IoT objects made them an ideal target for cyber attacks. Moreover, as many of IoT nodes are collecting and processing private information, they are becoming a goldmine of data for malicious actors. Therefore, security and specifically the ability to detect compromised nodes, together with collecting and preserving evidences of an attack or malicious activities emerge as a priority in successful deployment of IoT networks. In this paper, we first introduce existing major security and forensics challenges within IoT domain and then briefly discuss about papers published in this special issue targeting identified challenges.
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Internet technology is very pervasive today. The number of devices connected to the Internet, those with a digital identity, is increasing day by day. With the developments in the technology, Internet of Things (IoT) become important part of human life. However, it is not well defined and secure. Now, various security issues are considered as major problem for a full-fledged IoT environment. There exists a lot of security challenges with the proposed architectures and the technologies which make the backbone of the Internet of Things. Some efficient and promising security mechanisms have been developed to secure the IoT environment, however, there is a lot to do. The challenges are ever increasing and the solutions have to be ever improving. Therefore, aim of this paper is to discuss the history, background, statistics of IoT and security based analysis of IoT architecture. In addition, we will provide taxonomy of security challenges in IoT environment and taxonomy of various defense mechanisms. We conclude our paper discussing various research challenges that still exist in the literature, which provides better understanding of the problem, current solution space, and future research directions to defend IoT against different attacks.
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Internet of Things (IoT) are everywhere in our daily life. They are used in our homes, in hospitals, deployed outside to control and report the changes in environment, prevent fires, and many more beneficial functionality. However, all those benefits can come of huge risks of privacy loss and security issues. To secure the IoT devices, many research works have been conducted to countermeasure those problems and find a better way to eliminate those risks, or at least minimize their effects on the user's privacy and security requirements. The survey consists of four segments. The first segment will explore the most relevant limitations of IoT devices and their solutions. The second one will present the classification of IoT attacks. The next segment will focus on the mechanisms and architectures for authentication and access control. The last segment will analyze the security issues in different layers.
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Nowadays Internet of Things (IoT) gained a great attention form researchers, since it becomes an important technology that promises a smart human being life, by allowing a communications between objects, machines and every things together with peoples. IoT represents a system which consists a things in the real world, and sensors attached to or combined to these things, connected to the Internet via wired and wireless network structure. The IoT sensors can use various types of connections such as RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee, in addition to allowing wide area connectivity using many technologies such as GSM, GPRS, 3G, and LTE. IoT-enabled things will share information about the condition of things and the surrounding environment with people, software systems and other machines. by the technology of the IoT , the world will becomes smart in every aspects , since the IoT will provides a means of smart cities , smart healthcare , smart homes and building , in addition to many important applications such as smart energy , grid , transportation , waste management and monitoring . In this paper we review a concept of many IoT applications and future possibilities for new related technologies in addition to the challenges that facing the implementation of the IoT.
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Internet of Things (IoT) security and privacy remain a major challenge, mainly due to the massive scale and distributed nature of IoT networks. Blockchain-based approaches provide decentralized security and privacy, yet they involve significant energy, delay, and computational overhead that is not suitable for most resource-constrained IoT devices. In our previous work, we presented a lightweight instantiation of a BC particularly geared for use in IoT by eliminating the Proof of Work (POW) and the concept of coins. Our approach was exemplified in a smart home setting and consists of three main tiers namely: cloud storage, overlay, and smart home. In this paper we delve deeper and outline the various core components and functions of the smart home tier. Each smart home is equipped with an always online, high resource device, known as " miner " that is responsible for handling all communication within and external to the home. The miner also preserves a private and secure BC, used for controlling and auditing communications. We show that our proposed BC-based smart home framework is secure by thoroughly analysing its security with respect to the fundamental security goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Finally, we present simulation results to highlight that the overheads (in terms of traffic, processing time and energy consumption) introduced by our approach are insignificant relative to its security and privacy gains.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cloud, Networking for IoT Systems, CN4IoT 2017, and the Second EAI International Conference on ICT Infrastructures and Services for Smart Cities, IISSC 2017, held in Brindisi, Italy, in April 2017. The 26 full papers of both conferences were selected from 39 submissions. CN4IoT presents research activities on the uniform management and operation related to software defined infrastructures, in particular by analyzing limits or advantages in solutions for Cloud Networking and IoT. IISSC papers focus on ICT infrastructures (technologies, models, frameworks) and services in cities and smart communities.
Cybersecurity continues to be a serious issue for any sector in the cyberspace as the number of security breaches is increasing from time to time. It is known that thousands of zero-day attacks are continuously emerging because of the addition of various protocols mainly from Internet of Things (IoT). Most of these attacks are small variants of previously known cyber-attacks. This indicates that even advanced mechanisms such as traditional machine learning systems face difficulty of detecting these small mutants of attacks over time. On the other hand, the success of deep learning (DL) in various big data fields has drawn several interests in cybersecurity fields. The application of DL has been practical because of the improvement in CPU and neural network algorithms aspects. The use of DL for attack detection in the cyberspace could be a resilient mechanism to small mutations or novel attacks because of its high-level feature extraction capability. The self-taught and compression capabilities of deep learning architectures are key mechanisms for hidden pattern discovery from the training data so that attacks are discriminated from benign traffic. This research is aimed at adopting a new approach, deep learning, to cybersecurity to enable the detection of attacks in social internet of things. The performance of the deep model is compared against traditional machine learning approach, and distributed attack detection is evaluated against the centralized detection system. The experiments have shown that our distributed attack detection system is superior to centralized detection systems using deep learning model. It has also been demonstrated that the deep model is more effective in attack detection than its shallow counter parts.
The main agenda of IoT is to enable us monitoring and controlling physical environment by collecting, processing and analysing the data generated by smart objects, which is an advancement of automation technologies, making our life simpler and easier. Nowadays Internet of Medical Things also became popular in which medical devices are connected and provides integration for taking care of patients and other aspects related to healthcare. Before the technologies like microcontrollers and smart phones are introduced, establishing home automation was a real burden with interference of electricians, installer and monthly maintenance costing. IoT is providing us home automation system using smart devices to get over this hindrance, which allows us to easily control the home appliances. The presented chapter introduces the home automation system using BASCOM, which also includes the components, flow of communication, implementation and limitations.
Fog/edge computing has been proposed to be integrated with Internet-of-Things (IoT) to enable computing services devices deployed at network edge, aiming to improve the user’s experience and resilience of the services in case of failures. With the advantage of distributed architecture and close to end-users, fog/edge computing can provide faster response and greater quality of service for IoT applications. Thus, fog/edge computing-based IoT becomes future infrastructure on IoT development. To develop fog/edge computing-based IoT infrastructure, the architecture, enabling techniques, and issues related to IoT should be investigated first, and then the integration of fog/edge computing and IoT should be explored. To this end, this paper conducts a comprehensive overview of IoT with respect to system architecture, enabling technologies, security and privacy issues, and present the integration of fog/edge computing and IoT, and applications. Particularly, this paper first explores the relationship between Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and IoT, both of which play important roles in realizing an intelligent cyber-physical world. Then, existing architectures, enabling technologies, and security and privacy issues in IoT are presented to enhance the understanding of the state of the art IoT development. To investigate the fog/edge computing-based IoT, this paper also investigate the relationship between IoT and fog/edge computing, and discuss issues in fog/edge computing-based IoT. Finally, several applications, including the smart grid, smart transportation, and smart cities, are presented to demonstrate how fog/edge computing-based IoT to be implemented in real-world applications