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Machine Learning to Data Fusion Approach for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing


Abstract and Figures

Cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to be an effective method to improve the detection performance of the licensed user availability by exploiting spatial diversity. However, cooperation among cognitive radio (CR) users may also introduce a variety of overheads due to the extra sensing time, delay, energy, and operations that limit achievable cooperative gain. In responding to this paper, we propose a machine learning based fusion center algorithm that can provide real time per frame training and decision based cooperative spectrum sensing. The new fusion algorithm based on training a machine learning classifier over a set containing some frame energy test statistics along with their corresponding decisions about the presence or absence of the primary user (PU) transmission, so as to predict the decisions for new frames with new energy test statistics. The simulation and numerical results show that the new approach performs the same as the current fusion rule with less sensing time, delay and operations. In this paper we also present a simulation comparison of four supervised machine learning classifiers: K-nearest neighbor (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), and Decision Tree (DT) in classifying 1000 testing frames after training these classifiers over a set containing 1000 frames. It shows that KNN and DT classifier outperform the other two classifiers in the accuracy of classifying the new frames.
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Machine Learning to Data Fusion Approach for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
Ahmed Mohammed Mikaeil,Bin Guo
School of Electronics and Information Engineering
Changchun University of Science and Technology
Changchun, Jilin Province 130022, China,
Zhijun Wang
Jilin Engineering Research Center of RFID and
Intelligent Information Processing
Changchun Normal University
Changchun, Jilin Province 130032, China
Abstract—Cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to
be an effective method to improve the detection
performance of the licensed user availability by exploiting
spatial diversity. However, cooperation among cognitive
radio (CR) users may also introduce a variety of overheads
due to the extra sensing time, delay, energy, and operations
that limit achievable cooperative gain. In responding to this
paper, we propose a machine learning based fusion center
algorithm that can provide real time per frame training and
decision based cooperative spectrum sensing. The new
fusion algorithm based on training a machine learning
classifier over a set containing some frame energy test
statistics along with their corresponding decisions about the
presence or absence of the primary user (PU) transmission,
so as to predict the decisions for new frames with new
energy test statistics. The simulation and numerical results
show that the new approach performs the same as the
current fusion rule with less sensing time, delay and
operations. In this paper we also present a simulation
comparison of four supervised machine learning classifiers:
K-nearest neighbor (KNN), support vector machine (SVM),
Naive Bayes (NB), and Decision Tree (DT) in classifying
1000 testing frames after training these classifiers over a set
containing 1000 frames. It shows that KNN and DT
classifier outperform the other two classifiers in the
accuracy of classifying the new frames.
Keywords-component; cooperative spectrum sensing;
data fusion; machine learning classifier; per frame
decision sensing
Cognitive radio provides a new way for better utilizing the
spectrum resource by introducing opportunistic usage of the
frequency bands that are not heavily occupied by primary
users [1]. Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive
radio to prevent the harmful interference with primary users
and identify the available spectrum hole [2]. Cooperative
spectrum sensing has proven its capability in improving the
detection performance of primary user availability under
noise uncertainty, signal fading and shadowing effects, and
hidden primary user conditions. Cooperative sensing can be
centralized data fusion [3], distributed [4] and relay-assisted
[5]. Centralized data fusion has shown its superiority in
mitigating the fading effects and increasing the probability
of detecting the primary user. In the centralized data fusion,
the fusion center collects all the local sensing results from
the secondary users via a control channel and fuses them
using one of the fusion decision rules, then performs a
binary hypothesis testing algorithm like Neyman-Pearson
test or Bayesian test for making the global sensing decision.
The fusion rules based on the hypothesis testing are studied
in detail in [3, 6, and 7]. Recently, new fusion algorithm
based on per sample training of the machine learning
classifier such as weighted- KNN and SVM instead of
hypothesis testing is introduced in [8, 9]. This study
proposes a novel per frame training fusion algorithm. This
algorithm utilize the current fusion rules for training the
machine learning classifier to provide a real time decision
per frame based cooperative sensing with less sensing time,
delay and operations.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II,
we define the system model and present the method of
calculating the thresholds for the different fusion rules. In
Section III, we formulate the machine learning classification
problem and present four machine-learning classifiers to
solve it. Simulation results are presented in Section IV.
Finally, conclusions are given in Section V.
This study considers a cooperative CR network with
cooperative nodes utilizing samples for the energy
detection and for training the machine learning
(ML) classifier, as shown in Fig.1.
Fig.1. Block diagram of machine learning classifier based fusion center
2014 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery
978-1-4799-6236-5/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CyberC.2014.80
The received signal of theth frame contains samples at
the j th cooperative node ୧୨,ͳ൑൑,ͳ൑൑,
ͳ൑൑is given by:
ɀ୧୨୧୨൅୧୨ͳ (1)
where୧୨is the primary user’s signal, and it is assumed
to be Gaussian i.i.d random process with zero mean and
variance ɐ, ୧୨ is the noise, and assumed to be
Gaussian i.i.d random process with zero mean and variance
ɐ. ୧୨and୧୨ are assumed to be independent. Since
all the K nodes are sensing the same frame at the same time
and the global decision about the primary user availability
will be made at the fusion center only, the energy statistic
for the th frame at the th cooperative node୧୨ can be
represented by the energy test statistic of the i th frame at
the fusion center as follow:
୬ୀଵ (2)
where is a random variable whose probability density
function (PDF) is chi-square distribution with ʹ degrees of
freedom for complex value ,and with degrees of freedom
for real value case. If we assume that the channel remains
unchanged during the observation interval and that a
sufficient number of samples are observed
then can be approximated by Gaussian distribution [11]
and the distribution of the power test for wide band signal
Τͳ (3)
where ɐ୧୨,ɀ୧୨are the standard deviation of noise samples
୧୨and the observed signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the
th frame sensed at the th cooperative node, respectively. If
we assume that the noise variance and the SNR at the node
stay the same during the training process for all frames,
then ɀ୧୨ൌɀand ɐ୧୨ൌɐ, and for a chosen threshold ɉfor
each frame in the training set, the probability of the false
alarm as given in [12] can be written as:
ൌ ͳ
െͳ) (4)
and the probability of detection is given by:
where Ǥis the complementary distribution function of
Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. In
order to obtain a single optimal threshold ɉforall
thecooperative sensing nodes, the data fusion scheme is
used. The calculation of the thresholds for different fusion
rules is presented in the following subsection A and B.
A . Single User
We consider a single user as a special case for hard data
fusion scheme where the number of the cooperative nodes
=1,ɐൌɐǡɀൌɀǤ Equation (4) and for a given
probability of false alarm, the threshold can be written as:
ɉୱ୧୬୥୪ୣ ൌሺ
where ିଵሺǤis the inverse of the ሺǤ function ,and
theprobability of the detection ୢୱ୧୬୥୪ୣcan be written as
ୢୱ୧୬୥୪ୣ ൌ౩౟౤ౝౢ౛
) (7)
B. Data fusion
In a data fusion scheme, nodes cooperate for
calculating the threshold to make the global sensing
decision. There are many fusion rules used for calculating
the global sensing decision threshold, and they can be
divided into: hard fusion rules including AND, OR, and
majority rule; and soft fusion rules including maximum ratio
combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC) and square
law selection (SLS).
a) AND fusion rule: If K nodes with a same false
alarm probability cooperate using AND rule, the fusion
center threshold can be expressed, as given in [3,6] by:
ɉ୅୒ୈ ൌሺ
ቁ൅ͳɐ (8)
And the detection probability ୢ୅୒ୈcan be written as:
ୢ୅୒ୈ ቆሺሺ ఽొీ
ሻቇ (9)
b) OR fusion Rule: The fusion center threshold for
OR fusion rule can be expressed as:
ɉ୓ୖ ൌሺ
ቁ൅ͳɐ (10)
And the detection probability ୢ୓ୖis:
ୢ୓ୖ ቆͳሺͳሺሺ ో౎
ሻቇ (11)
c) Maximum ratio combination (optimal MRC): In a
soft combination, cooperative nodes with noise variances
ሼɐଵଵǡɐଶଶǥɐ୑୏ሽ and instantaneous SNRs
{ɀଵଵǡɀଶଶǥǡɀ୑୏} send their th frame energy test statistics
୬ୀଵ ͳ൑൑to the fusion center.
After receiving these energy statistics, the fusion center
weights and adds them together as follow:
୨ୀଵ ୧୨ǡͳ (12)
under the assumption that the noise variances and the SNRs
at the node remain unchanged for all the frames during the
training process, namely, ɀ୧୨ ൌɀ, ɐ୧୨ൌɐ, then the
fusion threshold for MRC fusion rule can be written as
given in [6]:
ɉ୑ୖେ ൌሺσɐ
୨ୀଵ ିଵσɐ
୨ୀଵ (13)
And the detection probability ୢ୑ୖେis given by:
ୢ୑ୖେ ൌ౉౎ి
ౠసభ െͳ
൱ (14)
where the weighting coefficient vectorሼǡǥ can
be obtained by:
d) Equal gain combination (EGC): In the equal gain
combination, the received energies are equally weighted and
then added together. The calculation of the
threshold ɉ୉ୋେand the detection probability ୢ୉ୋ follow
equation (13) and (14) respectively; and the weighting vector
ሼൌǡǥ where ൌൌǥൌൌͳȀξ
e) Square law selection (SLS): Here, the fusion center
selects the node with the highest SNR
ɀୗ୐ୗൌɀǡɀǡǤǤɀ[3] and considers the noise
variance ɐୗ୐ associated with that node. Then calculate the
fusion center threshold as follow:
ቁ൅ͳɐୗ୐ୗ (15)
And the detection probability ୢୗ୐ୗis:
ୢୗ୐ୗ ൌͳെቆͳെ౏ై౏
The th frame energy statistic  for hard fusion or 
for soft fusion rule which is computed from equation (2) or
(12), is compared to the hard or soft fusion rule threshold for
calculating the decision associated with the th frame in
the training data set which contains M training frames as
ൌ൜ ͳ൒ɉ
ǡǡwhere “െͳ” represents the absence of primary
user and “1” represents the presence of the primary user
transmission on the frame. The output of equation (17) gives
a set of pairs
െͳǡͳrepresenting the frame energy statistics and their
corresponding decisions. Suppose that we would like to
predict the decision “the class label” associated with a new
frame energy statistic,which formulates a classification
problem. We can solve this classification problem using one
of the following machine learning classifiers.
A. KNN classifier
For K-nearest neighbors classifier, nearest points to 
are used to predict the class label corresponding to
୶[13]. Forൌͳ, the Euclidian distanceୱ୲ between ୶
and the training data points can be calculated as follow:
Then the new is classified with the label  =୧୬,
where ୧୬is the point that has minimum Euclidian
distanceୱ୲ toǤ
B.Naïve Bayes classifier
For Naïve Bayes classifier, under the assumption that
ൌെͳand ൌͳare independent, the prior probabilities
for െͳand ൌͳfrom the given training example
ǡǡͳǡʹǥis calculated and the class-conditional
densities “likelihood probabilities” is estimated from the set
ሾǡǥሿ the new  is likely to fall into, then the
probability that the new becomes a member of either
ൌെͳor ൌͳclass “posterior probability” is calculated
using Naïve Bayes assumption and Bayes rule [14] as
୨ୀଵ (19)
where the prior probabilities are given by:
୲୭୲ୟ୪୬୳୫ୠୣ୰୭୤ୡ୪ୟୱୱ୪ୟୠୣ୪ୱ ,
And the class-conditional densities “likelihood
probabilities” can be estimated using Gaussian density
function by:
൫Ȁ൯ൌ ͳ
where ρǡɐ are the mean and the variance of the
set ሾǡǥሿǤ Equation (19) means that Naïve Bayes
classifier will label the new  the class label  that
achieves the highest posterior probability.
C. Support Vector Machine
As for support vector machine classifier, for a given
training set of pairs ሺǡሻǡͳǡʹǥ, where א,
andאሺ൅ͳǡെͳሻ, the minimum weight and constant
that can maximize the margin between the positive and
negative class:൅ൌേͳwith respect to the hyper-
plane equation ൅ൌͲcan be calculated by achieving
the following optimization [9]:
୵ǡୠ ԡԡ
subject to ൅ͳͳǡʹǥ
The solution to this quadratic optimization problem using
Lagrangian function can be express as:
୧ୀଵ ǡȽ൒Ͳ(21)
where ȽൌሺȽǡȽǥȽ is the Lagrangian multipliers, by
setting ǡǡȽൌͲ, we can get ൌσȽ
୧ୀଵ and
୧ୀଵ , then by substituting them into equation (21),
the dual optimization problem that defines the hyper-plane
can be written
୨ୀଵ െ෍Ƚ
୧ୀଵ ቍǡȽͲሺʹʹሻ
  ሺʹʹሻ  
ǡ 
  Ƚ  
which means that the classification of t
expressed in terms of the dot product of
D . Decision Tree classifier (DT)
Decision tree classifier for the
pairs ሺ
tree based on either impurity or node erro
divide the training set into disjoint subset
the splitting recursively for each subse
becomes “pure”, then minimize the error
taking the majority vote of the training set
To classify the new example
, the decis
chooses the leaf where that new 
classifies the new 
with the class label
frequently among that leaf.
The first simulation in Fig. 2 was run to ge
operating characteristic (ROC) curves for
rules including single user, soft and hard f
AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise
The simulation is under the assum
tion that
system with =7 cooperative nodes operat
22dB and the local node decisio
observing=1000 samples for the energy
fusion rules, the SNRs ɀ
for the nodes are
24.3, -21.8, -20.6, -21.6,-20.4,-22.2,-21.3}
areሼͳǡͳǡͳǡͳǡͳǡͳǡͳሽǡand the false ala
for the node is varied from 0 to 1 increasi
Fig. 2. ROC curves for the soft and hard fusion rul
AWGN receiver noiseǡߪ
= -22 dB, ܭ=
detection ove
=1000 sam
 Ƚ 
 
൯ ሺʹ͵ሻ
e new
can be
and the support
raining set of
reates a binary
splitting rule to
. After repeating
t until the leaf
in each leaf by
in that leaf [15].
on tree classifier
ls in, and then
that occurs most
erate the receiver
different fusion
sion rules under
channel model.
a cognitive radio
ng at SNR ɀ
= -
s made after
etection. For soft
assumed to be {-
noise variances
m probability
g by 0.025. The
simulation results show that soft
fusion rules perform better than o
rules even though that soft EGC
any channel state information from
Accuracy ͻ͸ǤͳΨ ͻͺǤ͵Ψ ͻͺǤͳΨ
Precession 77.7% 100% 53.7%
Recall 100% 97.8% 100%
Table. 1 Shows the accuracy,
recession a
Fig. 3 shows the performance of
classifying ͳͲͲͲ frames after
containingͳͲͲͲ frames. The
MRC, SLS and EGC fusion rule th
the SVM classifier are obtained n
the same cognitive system generat
false alarm probability
ൌͲǤͳ. Fr
observe that training SVM classi
following thresholds: single user,
achieves 100% detection rate of
spectrum hole” and training with E
90% precession of classifying th
harmful interference”, whereas S
threshold can 100% precisely cla
ositive classes. Table 1 shows th
all true classifications over all
recession” proportion of true p
positive classes” and the recall “eff
in identifying positive classes”
classifying theͳͲͲͲtesting frames.
Fig. 4 Shows ROC curves of comp
machine learning classifiers inclu
(KNN), support vector machine (
s under the case o
7 users and energ
Fig. 3. ROC curves shows the perfor
predicting the decisions for 1000 new fra
containing 1000 frames when single user,
EGC thresholds are used for the training p
GC and optimal MRC
her soft and hard fusion
sion rule does not need
he nodes.
ͻ͹Ǥ͸Ψ ͻͺǤͻΨ 98.0%
89.4% 74.4% 90.1%
100% 100% 100%
d the recall of SVM classifie
SVM classifier used in
raining it over a set
single user, AND, OR,
esholds used for training
merically by considering
d in Fig.2, but with the
m Fig. 3 and table 1, we
ier with anyone of the
he positive classes “the
C threshold can provide
positive classes” 10%
M trained with AND
sify only 97.8% of the
accuracy “proportion of
testing examples”, the
ositive classes over all
ctiveness of the classifier
for SVM classifier in
arison of four supervised
ing K-nearest neighbor
VM), Naive Bayes, and
ance of SVM classifier in
es after training it over a se
AND, OR, MRC, SLS, and
Decision Tree used in classifying 1000 fra
them over a set containing 1000 frames
examples using the single user threshold.
used to generate the simulation of Fig. 3 i
for computing the single user threshold. B
Table 2 indicates that KNN and decisi
aïve Bayes classifier and SV
of classifying the new frames and the det
positive classes” the spectrum holes”.
Classifier Accuracy Precession
KNN 100% 100%
Decision Tree 100% 100%
Naïve Bayes 98.9% 100%
SVM 97.6% 83.9%
Table. 2. Accuracy, precession and recall of KNN,
classifiers used in classifying 1000 new frames aft
1000 frames.
Number Of
Samples Accuracy Precession
Table.3 Accuracy, precession and recall for both de
classifier used in classifying 3000 frames for differe
used for energy detection
Fig. 4. ROC curves shows a comparison of fo
classifiers: KNN, SVM, Naive Bayes, and Decisio
1000 frames after training them over a set with
single user scheme threshold.
es after training
as the training
he same system
considered here
th Figure 4 and
n tree classifier
in the accuracy
ction rate of the
SVM, NB and DT
r being trained with
ision tree and KNN
t number of samples
Table 3. shows the accuracy, pre
decision tree and KNN classifier
frames after training it over a set
examples for the same cognitive sy
3. The single user threshold is used
The simulation was run with diff
used for the energy detection proce
decision tree and KNN classifier
frames correctly “achieve 100% d
200 samples for the energy detectio
time is proportional to the numb
energy detector, the less number o
detection, the less sensing time wil
we use decision tree or KNN
sensing time from 200 μs to 40
channel as an example, and we stil
rate of the spectrum hole.
In this paper, we have discussed
decision based cooperative spec
applying machine learning classi
center. The simulation and nume
that the machine learning classifie
performs the same as the current fu
of sensing with less sensing time,
addition, we have presented a simu
supervised machine learning classi
(KNN), support vector machine (
Decision Tree in classifying new f
over a training set. The simulatio
KNN and DT classifier outperfor
in the accuracy of classifying t
detection rate of the positive class
Finally, in this paper, it has also sh
and KNN
ased fusion can 100%
frames availability even with a s
used for the energy detection proce
This work was supported b
Foundation of Jilin Province-
201215133, and the Sci-tech Dev
Province of China under Grant No.
[1] S.Haykin,“Cognitive radio:
communications,”IEEE Journal
Communications,vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 20
[2] Akyildiz, Ian F., Brandon F. Lo,
"Cooperative spectrum sensing in
survey."Physical Communication 4.1 (
[3] Teguig, D., B. Scheers, and V. Le
cooperative spectrum sensing
r machine learning
Tree in classifying
1000 frames using
ession and the recall of
sed in classifying 3000
ing 1000 training
tem used to generate Fig.
for training the classifier.
rent number of samples
s. Table 2 shows that the
an classify all the 3000
tection rate” using only
process and the sensing
er of samples taken by
sample used for energy
be. In other wo
d, when
fusion we can reduce the
s for 5 MHz bandwidth
achieve 100% detection
per frame training and
rum sensing based on
fier to the data fusion
ical results have shown
based fusion algorithm
ion rules in the accuracy
delay and operations. In
ation comparison of four
iers: K-nearest neighbor
VM), Naive Bayes, and
ames after training them
results have shown that
the other two classifiers
e new frames and the
s or the spectrum holes.
wn that the decision tree
correctly detect the PU
all number of samples
the Natural Science
hina under Grant No.
lopment Project of Jilin
rain-empowered wireless
on Selected Areas in
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nd Ravikuma
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... What's more, H. Luan et al. proposed a machine learning algorithm to provide real-time per frame training and decision-based CSS. Apart from that, the performance comparison of multiple supervised machine learning classifiers was present in [26]. However, different voting rules can affect the number of reporting samples required to make the global decision, thus affecting the performance metric, such as throughput, EE, etc. ...
... denotes the carrier frequency, is the light speed, and are line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS) link occurrence probabilities, which depend on , and = ( / ) [26], where the parameters , are determined by the environment, is the elevation angle of the UAV, and are the free space propagation loss [20]. ...
Due to the rapid development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) communication technology, UAVs are gradually competing with primary users (PUs) for spectrum resources. Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising solution to meet the needs. Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is considered as an effective method to detect the PU signal and identify available spectrum resources for UAVs in a cognitive UAV network (CUAVN). However, the cooperative mode among multiple UAVs may incur a high overhead, resulting in performance degradation. Therefore, we introduce a differential sequential 1 (DS1), which incorporates a differential mechanism and leverages the sequential idea based on the classical voting rule to enhance cooperative performance and efficiency. In view of this, we formulate three scenarios to characterize the PU activity and introduce a multi-slot cooperative mode within a single UAV to realize cooperative gain. Further, only the information change about the PU status is sequentially calculated in DS1, and combined with a sequential idea, the efficiency of the voting rule is greatly improved. Moreover, the application of support vector machines (SVM) in dynamic selection enables the selection of the most suitable voting rule based on diverse sensing parameters. This dynamic selection process ensures optimal performance and efficiency by adapting the voting rule to the specific characteristics of the given scenario. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the superiority of our proposal with respect to the detection performance, sample size and the energy efficiency is evident, which proves the high performance of the proposed policy.
... Meanwhile, machine learning relies on the choice of process forms and paraments, i.e. A M Mikaeil et al. aims to data fusion via machine learning, which substitutes signal energy into the existing frame to decide the presence of the PU in [12] and shows the performance difference between the machine learning frame and the traditional threshold data fusion. ...
... [8] [12] have shown how to concrete the PU's presence in the SVM model. There are always policies that makes SUs' sensing reports serve as train vectors with the PU's state labels. ...
Conference Paper
In view of the spectrum shortage problem of wireless devices and applications, cognitive radio (CR) allows secondary users (SUs) with a signal detection function to opportunistically access spectrum resources being authorized to primary users (PUs) by means of cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS). However, the inherent openness of CR technology provides an opportunity for malicious SUs (MSUs) to launch Byzantine attack, therefore undermining the premise of CR. For this reason, motivated by advantages of machine learning, we make use of support vector machine (SVM) to identify MSUs by providing a maximum margin hyperplane in this paper, in which the generated spectrum sensing data features benefit from the PU status in the training process. This paper makes an in-depth analysis on the SUs' sensing results in the presence of a large-scale probabilistic Byzantine attack by the SVM process and provides a method linking with a reputation structure to identify those potential MSUs and mitigate the negative impact of Byzantine attack on CSS. Finally, a series of numerical simulation result shows that the security of the CSS process can be guaranteed by selecting those reliable sensing results identified by means of SVM, especially in a large-scale attack. 2 CCS CONCEPTS • Networks → Network properties → Network security
... Instead of majority voting, we opted to utilize the approach of SWA, an efficient distance measurement algorithm, to compute the harmony between the present capture report and the training report. Based on thresholds determined by various fusion rules, authors in [8] proposed various classification schemes. This article uses different fusion rules in the fusion center. ...
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The Cognitive Radio (CR) is an imminent technology, intended to make more effective use of the available spectrum by giving access to licensed frequency bands by unlicensed Secondary Users (SUs) without affecting Primary licensed Users (PUs). Depending on the region where the energy is being observed, each CR communicates local decisions or the seen energy to the Fusion Center (FC). This study presents the many plots that discuss an enhanced double threshold through the Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) approach. The FC then combines local decisions with the measured energy values to reach a final decision. The usage of several machine learning methods in spectrum decision with the myopic decision is estimated. The system seeks to enhance the long-term overall performance of the SU.
... • In the study by Mikaeil et al. [16], a cooperative sensing algorithm utilizes ML. The classifier undergoes initial training with a dataset containing energy test statistics and their corresponding decisions on signal presence or absence. ...
... Mikael [41] proposed a data fusion center for a cooperative cognitive radio network that uses energy as a feature vector. This algorithm decides on the presence or absence of the primary user transmission. ...
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Cognitive radio network (CRN) is a pioneering technology that was developed to improve efficiency in spectrum utilization. It provides the secondary users with the privilege to transmit on the licensed parts of the spectrum if the licensed user is not utilizing it. The cognitive radio must, however, relinquish the spectrum when the primary user decides to reoccupy it. By exploiting the unused portion of the spectrum, a cognitive radio helps in making the use of the radio spectrum more efficient. Furthermore, the most important capability that a cognitive radio (CR) must possess is spectrum sensing. A CR must be able to correctly determine the status of the target spectrum with the help of spectrum sensing. This is a very challenging task and several methods have been investigated over the years. In this work, the state of the art of different spectrum sensing techniques for a variety of CRNs is presented. Both conventional and modern spectrum sensing techniques for different types of primary user signals are discussed in this work for Narrowband and Wideband signals. Legacy techniques such as energy detection are most commonly used due to their simplicity in implementation. However, this comes at the cost of poor performance at low SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) values. This issue is countered by methods that use statistical information of the primary signal to make a more informed decision on spectrum occupancy. Several techniques that make use of the power of machine learning algorithms are also discussed which show clear improvement in performance. The primary challenge in such techniques is selection of the best features. The most commonly used features are also discussed. Furthermore, spectrum sensing techniques that consider the 5G signal as the primary user signal of the network are discussed. It is observed that there is a significant need for research in additional spectrum sensing techniques for 5G cognitive radio networks.
... To further enhance ML-based detection, three approaches are considered: 1) In [15], an ML-based cooperative sensing algorithm is introduced. The classifier is initially trained on a set of samples containing energy test statistics along with their corresponding decisions about the presence or absence of the signal, and then it is used to predict the decision against the new samples with new energy test statistics. ...
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Blind spectrum sensing (BSS) is a valuable technique for identifying unknown signals in scenarios where prior knowledge is limited. However, traditional methods encounter difficulties when dealing with unknown and time-varying signals in the presence of noise. This paper addresses these challenges by enhancing machine learning (ML) features through a novel statistical signal processing approach. The proposed BSS approach integrates cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) into an unsupervised ML process, allowing for the effective clustering of distinct transmission states without making assumptions about specific noise distributions. Furthermore, the paper introduces a temporal decomposition technique that utilizes shorter Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) to enhance learning, reduce system inertia, and minimize the amount of data required for retraining in changing conditions. Simulation results presented in this paper demonstrate a good detection rate in a generic transmission scenario (i.e., receiving a Gaussian pulse disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise) while maintaining a constant false alarm rate. These findings indicate the efficacy of the proposed BSS approach in handling unknown signals and its potential for practical implementation.
... The cooperative environment in [10] is boosted with ML techniques that learn from past experiences and patterns. [11] and [12] studied reinforcement learning and support vector machine techniques. Supervised and unsupervised schemes in [13] effectively categorized the channel resources into available and unavailable results. ...
Background Spectrum is the backbone for wireless communications including internet services. Now days, the business of industries providing wired communication is constant while the business of industries dealing with wireless communications is growing very fast. There is large demand of radio spectrum for new wireless multimedia services. Although the present fixed spectrum allotment schemes do not cause any interference between users, but this fixed scheme of spectrum allocation do not allow accommodating the spectrum required for new wireless services. Cognitive radio (CR) relies on spectrum sensing to discover available frequency bands so that the spectrum can be used to its full potential, thus avoiding interference to the primary users (PU). Objectives The purpose of this work is to present an in-depth overview of traditional as well as advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning based cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) in cognitive radio networks. Method Using the principles of artificial intelligence (AI), systems are able to solve issues by mimicking the function of human brains. Moreover, since its inception, machine learning has demonstrated that it is capable of solving a wide range of computational issues. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence techniques and machine learning (ML) have made it an emergent technology in spectrum sensing. Result The result shows that more than 80% papers are on traditional spectrum sensing while less than 20% deals with artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches. More than 75% papers address the limitation of local spectrum sensing. The study presents the various methods implemented in the spectrum sensing along with merits and challenges. Conclusion Spectrum sensing techniques are hampered by a variety of issues, including fading, shadowing, and receiver unpredictability. Challenges, benefits, drawbacks, and scope of cooperative sensing are examined and summarized. With this survey article, academics may clearly know the numerous conventional artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies used and can connect sharp audiences to contemporary research done in cognitive radio networks, which is now underway.
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Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum’s utilization. However, detection performance in practice is often compromised with multipath fading, shadowing and receiver uncertainty issues. To mitigate the impact of these issues, cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to be an effective method to improve the detection performance by exploiting spatial diversity. While cooperative gain such as improved detection performance and relaxed sensitivity requirement can be obtained, cooperative sensing can incur cooperation overhead. The overhead refers to any extra sensing time, delay, energy, and operations devoted to cooperative sensing and any performance degradation caused by cooperative sensing. In this paper, the state-of-the-art survey of cooperative sensing is provided to address the issues of cooperation method, cooperative gain, and cooperation overhead. Specifically, the cooperation method is analyzed by the fundamental components called the elements of cooperative sensing, including cooperation models, sensing techniques, hypothesis testing, data fusion, control channel and reporting, user selection, and knowledge base. Moreover, the impacting factors of achievable cooperative gain and incurred cooperation overhead are presented. The factors under consideration include sensing time and delay, channel impairments, energy efficiency, cooperation efficiency, mobility, security, and wideband sensing issues. The open research challenges related to each issue in cooperative sensing are also discussed.
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Cooperative spectrum sensing has proven its efficiency to detect spectrum holes in cognitive radio network (CRN) by combining sensing information of multiple cognitive radio users. In this paper, we study different fusion schemes that can be implemented in fusion center. Simulation comparison between these schemes based on hard, quantized and soft fusion rules are conducted. It is shown through computer simulation that the soft combination scheme outperforms the hard one at the cost of more complexity; the quantized combination scheme provides a good tradeoff between detection performance and complexity. In the paper, we also analyze a quantized combination scheme based on a tree-bit quantization and compare its performance with some hard and soft combination schemes.
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In cognitive radio networks, the secondary users can use the frequency bands when the primary users are not present. Hence secondary users need to constantly sense the presence of the primary users. When the primary users are detected, the secondary users have to vacate that channel. This makes the probability of detection important to the primary users as it indicates their protection level from secondary users. When the secondary users detect the presence of a primary user which is in fact not there, it is referred to as false alarm. The probability of false alarm is important to the secondary users as it determines their usage of an unoccupied channel. Depending on whose interest is of priority, either a targeted probability of detection or false alarm shall be set. After setting one of the probabilities, the other can be optimized through cooperative sensing. In this paper, we show that cooperating all secondary users in the network does not necessary achieve the optimum performance, but instead, it is achieved by cooperating a certain number of users with the highest primary user's signal to noise ratio. Computer simulations have shown that the P<sub>d</sub> can increase from 92.03% to 99.88% and P<sub>f</sub> can decrease from 6.02% to 0.06% in a network with 200 users.
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This paper presents a survey of evolutionary algorithms that are designed for decision-tree induction. In this context, most of the paper focuses on approaches that evolve decision trees as an alternate heuristics to the traditional top-down divide-and-conquer approach. Additionally, we present some alternative methods that make use of evolutionary algorithms to improve particular components of decision-tree classifiers. The paper's original contributions are the following. First, it provides an up-to-date overview that is fully focused on evolutionary algorithms and decision trees and does not concentrate on any specific evolutionary approach. Second, it provides a taxonomy, which addresses works that evolve decision trees and works that design decision-tree components by the use of evolutionary algorithms. Finally, a number of references are provided that describe applications of evolutionary algorithms for decision-tree induction in different domains. At the end of this paper, we address some important issues and open questions that can be the subject of future research.
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Naive Bayes is very popular in commercial and open-source anti-spam e-mail filters. There are, however, several forms of Naive Bayes, something the anti-spam literature does not always acknowledge. We discuss five dierent versions of Naive Bayes, and compare them on six new, non-encoded datasets, that contain ham messages of particular Enron users and fresh spam messages. The new datasets, which we make publicly available, are more realistic than previous comparable benchmarks, because they maintain the tempo- ral order of the messages in the two categories, and they emulate the varying proportion of spam and ham messages that users receive over time. We adopt an experimental procedure that emulates the incremental training of person- alized spam filters, and we plot roc curves that allow us to compare the dierent versions of nb over the entire tradeo between true positives and true negatives.
Conference Paper
In cognitive radio networks, secondary users can cooperatively sense the spectrum to detect the presence of primary users. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed and scalable cooperative spectrum sensing scheme based on recent advances in consensus algorithms. In the proposed scheme, the secondary users can maintain coordination based on only local information exchange without a centralized common receiver. Simulation results show that the proposed consensus scheme can have significant lower missing detection probabilities and false alarm probabilities in cognitive radio networks. It is also demonstrated that the proposed scheme has proven sensitivity in detecting the primary user's presence.
We propose novel cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) algorithms for cognitive radio (CR) networks based on machine learning techniques which are used for pattern classification. In this regard, unsupervised (e.g., K-means clustering and Gaussian mixture model (GMM)) and supervised (e.g., support vector machine (SVM) and weighted K-nearest-neighbor (KNN)) learning-based classification techniques are implemented for CSS. For a radio channel, the vector of the energy levels estimated at CR devices is treated as a feature vector and fed into a classifier to decide whether the channel is available or not. The classifier categorizes each feature vector into either of the two classes, namely, the "channel available class" and the "channel unavailable class". Prior to the online classification, the classifier needs to go through a training phase. For classification, the K-means clustering algorithm partitions the training feature vectors into K clusters, where each cluster corresponds to a combined state of primary users (PUs) and then the classifier determines the class the test energy vector belongs to. The GMM obtains a mixture of Gaussian density functions that well describes the training feature vectors. In the case of the SVM, the support vectors (i.e., a subset of training vectors which fully specify the decision function) are obtained by maximizing the margin between the separating hyperplane and the training feature vectors. Furthermore, the weighted KNN classification technique is proposed for CSS for which the weight of each feature vector is calculated by evaluating the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of that feature vector. The performance of each classification technique is quantified in terms of the average training time, the sample classification delay, and the ROC curve. Our comparative results clearly reveal that the proposed algorithms outperform the existing state-of-the-art CSS techniques.
Conference Paper
In cognitive radio networks, secondary users can cooperatively sense the spectrum to detect the presence of primary users. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed and scalable cooperative spectrum sensing scheme based on recent advances in consensus algorithms. In the proposed scheme, the secondary users can maintain coordination based on only local information exchange without a centralized common receiver. Simulation results show that the proposed consensus scheme can have significant lower missing detection probabilities and false alarm probabilities in cognitive radio networks. It is also demonstrated that the proposed scheme has proven sensitivity in detecting the primary user's presence.
Conference Paper
The cooperative operation can improve the sensing performance of cognitive radio networks and reduce the sensing time. Combining multiple cognitive users' local detection results and making accurate judgment is essential to improve cooperative gain. According to uploaded information from cognitive users, hard decision based on the combination of large numbers and soft decision based on the confidence (maximum likelihood) combination are discussed. The single-bit hard decision algorithm, soft decision algorithm based on the maximum ratio combination, equal gain combination and selection combination, data fusion and decision algorithm based on evidence theory as well as softened 2bit hard combination and decision algorithm are mainly introduced, and detection performance and complexity are analyzed respectively.
A novel classifier is introduced to overcome the limitations of the k-NN classification systems. It estimates the posterior class probabilities using a local Parzen window estimation with the k-nearest-neighbour prototypes (in the Euclidean sense) to the pattern to classify. A learning algorithm is also presented to reduce the number of data points to store. Experimental results in two hand-written classification problems demonstrate the potential of the proposed classification system.