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Long Term Time Series Prediction of Bike Sharing Trips: A Case Study of Budapest City


Abstract and Figures

Bike-sharing services provide easy access to environmentally-friendly mobility reducing congestion in urban areas. Increasing demand requires more service planning based on the behavior of bike-sharing users. The Time Series models Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average, Artificial Neural Network, and Exponential Smoothing have been investigated to reveal bike-sharing use for five years. Results show that weekends are attracting more trips. Summer is the most season influencing more demand. The model is predicted within a seasonal trend with a three-day lag. Compared to the Exponential Smoothing Model, SARIMA and ANN provide better predictions. Similarities are obtained in the periods of COVID-19 and after that, in the lags and highest days having bike-sharing trips. This study helps decision-makers in forecasting bike-sharing trips.
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Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2022
978-1-6654-7923-3/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
Abstract Bike-sharing services provide easy access to
environmentally-friendly mobility reducing congestion in urban
areas. Increasing demand requires more service planning based on
the behavior of bike-sharing users. The Time Series models
Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average, Artificial
Neural Network, and Exponential Smoothing have been
investigated to reveal bike-sharing use for five years. Results show
that weekends are attracting more trips. Summer is the most
season influencing more demand. The model is predicted within a
seasonal trend with a three-day lag. Compared to the Exponential
Smoothing Model, SARIMA and ANN provide better predictions.
Similarities are obtained in the periods of COVID-19 and after
that, in the lags and highest days having bike-sharing trips. This
study helps decision-makers in forecasting bike-sharing trips.
Index Terms—ARIMA, ANN, Bike Sharing, Forecasting, Time
Series, COVID-19.
n the 1960s, the first bike-sharing service (BSS) was
introduced in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in response to the
rising use over owning bicycles. This development has
resulted in a rapid spread of bike-sharing systems around the
world [1, 2, 3].
In recent years, there has been a rise in interest in eco-friendly
transportation due to increasing traffic congestion and air
pollution [4]. Particularly, bike-sharing services provide an
environmentally friendly alternative in urban areas [1, 5].
Furthermore, bike-sharing has a positive impact on
economic, transportation, and health, and improves rider safety
by boosting driver awareness [6].
BSS have become popular tourist attractions because people
can use BSSs to explore and visit new locations [7] with a low-
cost alternatives [2]. As Xu et al. [8] found, there is a higher
demand for shared bikes and tourism attractions on weekends.
This research explores bike-sharing demand trend for four
years in Budapest, Hungary using the time series model
SARIMA (Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving
Average). The city was chosen because the BSS is well
designed and has several ticket types and plans available. The
bicycle infrastructure in Budapest has good network coverage
[9, 10].
The structure of the paper is as follows: after a brief literature
The research was supported by Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, as well as, the company of “Donley Republic” for bike-sharing.
Ahmed Jaber (e-mail:, Bálint Csonka (e-mail: are with the Department of Transportation
Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and
review, a description of the methodology can be found in
Section 3. Results of the analysis are presented in section 4 with
interoperating more explanations.
Several review papers [1, 11] investigated factors affecting
bike-sharing demand, such as weather, built environment [12],
land use, public transportation, spatial aspects [13], socio-
demographics [14], temporal factors, and safety. Several
approaches were conducted to investigate bike sharing demand,
such as Poisson Regression, Negative Binomial, Random
Forest, ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average ),
etc. This research depends on the SARIMA method.
Research on bike-sharing using the ARIMA method was
conducted in several fields and objectives as follows. Cho et al.
[15] determined the main component of the adjacency matrix
and the node feature matrix to connect public transportation
modes to BSS. The results imply that the bus service has a
stronger connection to bike-sharing than the subway.
ARIMA was used as well in Azimi et al. research [16] to
determine how the built environment affects bike ridership in
Houston. The influence of the active stations on the weekend
daily average ridership is two times greater than the impact on
weekday ridership and weekly average ridership, according to
the findings. Temperature and wind speed have no significant
effect on daily average trip counts. Precipitation, on the other
hand, had a negative impact on daily average ridership. [17, 18,
19] utilized ARIMA to conduct a comparison with other models
of machine learning approaches for short-term demand in small
areas. Results showed that ARIMA is a good predictor for bike-
sharing schemes.
Feng et al. [20] estimated bike availability at bike stations
based on historical data. ARIMA and Markov queueing were to
be good predictors for bike availability. Dias et al. [21]
forecasted the status of the BSS stations in Barcelona using
ARIMA. The authors employed publicly available data, such as
weather forecast information, to categorize the state of the
stations using the Random Forest algorithm. Yoon et al. [22]
proposed a personal journey adviser for BSS users to assist
navigation in cities. In terms of trip time, the authors modeled
the behavior of real mobile bikers using ARIMA.
Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
H1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3., Hungary and Janos Juhász (e-mail: are with the Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H1111 Budapest,
Műegyetem rkp. 3., Hungary.
Long Term Time Series Prediction of Bike
Sharing Trips: A Cast Study of Budapest City
Ahmed JABER, Bálint CSONKA, and Janos JUHÁSZ
2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP) | 978-1-6654-7923-3/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SCSP54748.2022.9792540
Authorized licensed use limited to: BME OMIKK. Downloaded on June 14,2022 at 06:33:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
In regards to Artificial Neural Network models in the bike-
sharing field, Liu et al. [23] developed an ANN model for
predicting bike-sharing demand at several stations locations in
New York City, US resulting in an accuracy of 85.2%. Ma et
al. [24] predicted short-run bike-sharing demand at a station
level using historical weather data, users’ personal information,
and land-use data. Similarly, Thu et al. [25] in New York City,
compared the Weighted KNN with Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs). The experimental results show that the ANNs have
better performance indicating that it is possible to use multi-
source data for predicting the bike pick-up demand with high
ARIMA models forecast time series considering periodicity
and seasonality based on equally spaced univariate time series
data, transfer function data, and intervention data. Because
ARIMA was the most representative model in the time-series
domain, many studies in the transportation field used it as a
baseline. In this study, we applied SARIMA on a weekly basis
to consider weekly differences that may cause bias in regression
SARIMA (p,d,q)(P,D,Q) is expressed in equation (1):
   
   
   
 (1)
dependent variables, which are daily bike trips;
constant term;
coefficient in AR (Auto-Regressive);
coefficient in MA (Moving Average);
p the order of the AR;
Ps the order of the AR-Seasonal;
q the order of the MA;
Q the order of the MA-Seasonal;
d non-seasonal difference;
D seasonal difference.
Moreover, a conventional artificial neural network (ANN) is
applied in the research, which is one of the most used artificial
intelligence algorithms for modeling time-series data in
transportation [26, 27]. ANNs are fully convolutional systems
comprised of a network of interconnected artificial neurons.
They are generally arranged in layers. The input layer presents
objects to an ANN, which communicates with one or more
hidden layers via weighted connections. The hidden layers are
linked to the output layer in the same way. ANN is widely used
as a useful analytical tool to solve prediction problems in
various research fields [25].
Additionally, as a time-series decomposition method, an
Exponential Smoothing (ETS) model predicts future values
based on existing values that follow a seasonal pattern. The
calculation of this function is based on triple exponential
smoothing. Overall smoothing, trend smoothing, and seasonal
smoothing are used in this approach.
The function calculates the results by multiplying the
seasonality (S) with the trend component (T), which is a longer-
term regular pattern of a time series that differs from the yearly
recurring (7 days) seasonality pattern. After regression analysis,
the trend is calculated by accumulating the least-square
regression coefficients [28].
The dataset consists of daily trips from October 2017 to
March 2022 in Budapest, Hungary. It was noticed that there is
a rise in the trips of the bike-sharing system. The number of
bike trips was 289% at the end of the period than at the
beginning, indicating increasing demand for this kind of
transportation mode.
Temporally, it is found that the summer season has the most
influence on bike-sharing users, with approximately 40% share
across the year. Specifically, August and July have the most
bike-sharing trips, which is expected due to the good weather
and more touristic movement to the city. Saturdays draw the
most trips, while Monday is the least. In line with that,
weekends attract the third of total trips. Figures (1) and (2)
present the daily and monthly distribution in average values for
bike-sharing trips.
Fig. 1. Average daily trips per day
Fig. 2. Average daily trips per month
For ARIMA analysis, in order to achieve the model that can
fit the data in the best way, an automatic function was used. The
function finds all possible models and chooses the best model
along with the normalized Bayesian information criteria
(NBIC). Ljung-Box (LB) statistic test was used to determine
model suitability. Models with an LB significance value of
399 396 395
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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more than 0.05 were considered suitable [29]. Table I shows the
R-squared, normalized Bayesian information criteria as well as
the Ljung-Box test.
R-squared 0.964
Normalized BIC 8.741
Ljung-Box 0.183
Accordingly, the best fit combination of (p,d,q)(P,D,Q) is
(0,1,3)(1,0,1). The outcome plotting of actual and predicted
data is shown in Figure (3)
Fig. 3. Actual and Predicted Data
The resulted SARIMA combination values of (0,1,3)(1,0,1)
mean that there is no Auto Regressive (AR) parameter in the
equation, and the Moving Average (MA) variable depends on
three lags. The estimation of these parameters is shown in Table
Estimate Significance
Difference 1 0.000
MA Lag 1
MA Lag 2
MA Lag 3
AR, Seasonal Lag 1 0.073 0.017
MA, Seasonal 0.919 0.000
This leads to the fact that the forecasted value of bike-sharing
trips in a day depends on three previous successive days.
The final equation of SARIMA model that is used for
forecasting is represented as follows:
  !"
To find the accuracy of the model, we calculated the Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Coefficient of Variation (CV)
as performance indicators, as shown in the equations (3) and
(4), where #$ is the actual values, %$ is the predicted value, and
n is the total number of cases (days).
&'() *
$. #$%$ (3)
CV = RMSE / Mean (4)
In the SARIMA model, RMSE is 74.06, which is acceptable
as the CV is 18.7% [30].
The model fit statistics for ETS are as follows: R-squared
equals 0.958, the normalized BIC is 8.963, while Ljung-Box
test is significant (>0.05). The auto-function used alpha as
0.296 and delta as 0.091.
For the estimation accuracy, RMSE for the exponential
smoothing model is 87.93. Thus, the coefficient of variation
equals 22.2%. As a result, SARIMA is better than ETS for
explaining this data on bike-sharing in Budapest.
Several multilayer perceptron (MLP) types are applied to get
the best results for ANN. After that, the best five types based
on the number of neurons in the hidden layer, hidden activation
function, and output activation function are compared to get the
optimal structure of ANN. The configuration that we used for
the ANN model is a feedforward neural network with at least 2
hidden layers. The activation functions used are hyperbolic
tangent sigmoid (T), identity (I), logistic (L), and exponential
The performance results for the best five networks are shown
in Table III.
Network Hidden
MLP 1-8-1 8 E L 96.9 84.7
MLP 1-5-1 5 L T 96.9 84.9
MLP 1-7-1 7 E L 96.8 85.4
MLP 1-6-1 6 L T 96.8 85.2
MLP 1-6-1 6 E E 96.6 87.9
Compared to the SARIMA model, it is clear that in terms of
R-squared, all models are approximately the same with a better
fit in ANN. In regards to RMSE, SARIMA performs better than
ANN does.
In this section, an analysis of the trend through different
periods is conducted, highlighting the main differences in
temporal behavior. The dataset is divided into the following
- Before COVID-19: from 1-10-2017 to 29-2-2020
- During the pandemic: from 1-03-2020 to 31-05-2021
- After COVID-19: from 1-06-2021 to 15-03-2022
Studying the monthly distribution is not that accurate to use
in the results as the periods are not symmetric, and some gaps
are shown in the one-cycle year. Though, there was a variance
in the highest months that involve bike-sharing trips; July and
August were the most in the pre-COVID, April and May were
the most during the pandemic, and January and October were
the most after the COVID period.
Before the pandemic, weekends had the most bike-sharing
trips in addition to Friday. During and after the pandemic, bike-
sharing use was the highest on Friday, followed by Wednesday
and Thursday. Table IV shows the average daily bike-sharing
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trips in the three periods.
Day Before During After
Monday 84.9 402.3 938.0
Tuesday 85.1 424.4 985.8
Wednesday 83.6 442.7 1003.3
Thursday 82.4 435.4 1020.9
Friday 94.2 453.5 1072.6
Saturday 110.3 422.6 924.5
Sunday 101.0 379.7 923.1
SARIMA models are conducted to investigate the temporal
trend characteristics in the three periods. For the pre-COVID
period, the best-fit combination of (p,d,q)(P,D,Q) is
(1,0,6)(0,1,1). There is a connection to the day before and the
six days before, while R-squared is 71.9, and RMSE equals
38.2. For the pandemic period, the best-fit combination of
(p,d,q)(P,D,Q) is (0,1,3)(1,0,1), which is similar to the allover
trend. In addition, there is a connection to the day earlier and
the third day earlier, while R-squared is 80.2, and RMSE equals
81.7. For the after the pandemic period, the best-fit combination
of (p,d,q)(P,D,Q) is (1,0,2)(1,0,1), and there is a connection to
the day before and two days before, while R-squared is 67.5,
and RMSE equals 135.4, see Table V.
Pre-COVID period
Estimate Significance
AR Lag 1 0.611 0.000
MA Lag 6 -0.139 0.000
Seasonal Difference 1 0.000
MA, Seasonal 0.767 0.000
COVID period
Estimate Significance
Difference 1 0.000
MA Lag 1
MA Lag 3
AR, Seasonal 0.989 0.000
MA, Seasonal 0.951 0.000
After-COVID period
Estimate Significance
Constant 976.2 0.000
AR Lag 1 0.904 0.000
MA Lag 1
MA Lag 2
AR, Seasonal 0.998 0.000
MA, Seasonal 0.976 0.000
In this research, several time series models are examined and
applied to reveal the temporal trend of bike-sharing usage over
a long period (5 years). The Seasonal Auto-Regressive
Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA), Exponential
Smoothing (ETS), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
models are used. In general, Saturdays, Sundays, and the
summer period have more influence on increasing bike-sharing
trips. SARIMA and ANN explained the data significantly
within acceptable fitting in similar ways over ETS. The moving
average is affected by three days lag. In aspects of COVID-19
period, bike-sharing usage increased during and after the
pandemic. The main differences between the periods are: the
number of bike-sharing trips was the highest on weekends
before the pandemic and the highest on Fridays and midweek
days after the pandemic. Also, the number of bike-sharing trips
before the pandemic was affected by the trips 6 days earlier
(lag=6), while during and after the pandemic, it was reduced to
two and three days. This helps decision-makers and researchers
in predicting bike-sharing trips more effectively.
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... For instance, this modeling approach is used by Kaltenbrunner et al. [6] to forecast the number of available bikes for any station in the upcoming minutes or hours. Ahmed Jabel et al. [7] used both Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) and Exponential Smoothing (ES) models to examine bikesharing usage over a five-year period. Their findings indicated that weekends were more popular for bike-sharing, and demand was highest during the summer season. ...
Conference Paper
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Bike Sharing Systems (BSS) are becoming more popular since they are more space-efficient in crowded cities and promote physical fitness. By not emitting any greenhouse gases. Also protects the environment by not producing CO2. In BSS, the system operators generally distribute bikes among stations by driving trucks according to their gut instinct. However, this method may not always be accurate which results in unnecessary relocation of bikes and increases expenses. So, accurately predicting future rental demand at each station is crucial for both bike-sharing operators and users. In this paper, we investigated how various contextual information can help to predict bike rental demand in the following days. Due to various mathematical properties of machine learning algorithms, the collected contextual information may provide different predictions accuracy. Therefore, we studied four different modeling approaches: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, Random Forest and Category Boosting, and Long-Short Term Memory. By measuring the model's correctness of prediction, it is determined that CatBoost is the best-performing model compared to others for one day rental demand prediction. But for more than the one-day prediction, LSTM performs better. Moreover, we found that contextual information such as geography has a significant impact on the model prediction.
... Recently, micro-mobility modes have become increasingly popular because they provide a fast and flexible last-mile transport service and help reduce traffic and pollution [1], [2], [3]. In addition, they form interesting modes for exercise and recreation [4], provide mobility services to The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Zhe Xiao . ...
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This research focuses on the preferences of micro-mobility users in urban areas, specifically shared electric bikes (e-bikes), shared conventional bikes (bike), and shared electric scooters (e-scooters). It is found that previous scholars study traveler preferences of traditional transport modes while limited attention has been given to preferences of travelers toward micro-mobility considering electric scooters and bikes over conventional bikes. In order to address this gap, a discrete choice modeling approach is used to study the preferences of people through developing a transport choice model. A discrete choice experiment (DCE) is designed where choice sets that combine the shared micro transport modes where three associated attributes and four levels are included in the DCE for each alternative. A stated preference (SP) survey is designed and distributed in Budapest, Hungary. This research focuses on urban areas where travel time is relatively short. Multinomial Logit (MNL) model is applied where a transport choice model is developed. The effect of several factors on the preferences of people toward the three micro transport modes are evaluated. The developed transport choice model includes trip time, trip cost, walking distance, parking characteristics, and socio-demographic factors. The results indicate that travelers prefer using bikes more than e-bikes and e-scooters. Furthermore, it is found that e-scooter is the least favored by travelers. It is noteworthy that car drivers, individuals with access to or frequent usage of micro-mobility, graduate students, full-time workers, males, and young people are more willing to use shared electric micro-mobility services. The probability of choosing a transport mode based on the changes on parking type attribute is estimated in this research. The results show that travelers prefer free floating parking when they use shared electric micro-mobility services. This research underscores the significance of parking type (docks or dockless) and socio-demographic variables when it comes to micro-mobility modes in urban areas. It is evident that shared electric micro-mobility options require more effort and policy support to be effectively implemented, as shared conventional bikes appear more appealing to users. Overall, these findings contribute to the understanding of micro-mobility preferences and highlight areas for further exploration and potential policy interventions.
... The bike-sharing data analyzed in this study were provided by the Donkey Republic Bike-sharing Company in Budapest. This dataset contains the destination of 47,630 bike-sharing trips within two consecutive weeks (12-25 September 2021) after lifting the restrictions of COVID-19 [48], in good weather conditions. Other data attributes are gathered from different sources; locations of bike-sharing stations and capacity (the Donkey Republic Company, Budapest, Hungary), locations of public transportation stops, locations of bike docks, road networks, and districts (Open Street Maps). ...
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This research looks at how spatial factors of public transportation influence the use of bike-sharing in an urban context. Based on a grid-cell-based method, ordinary least square regression and geographically weighted regression (GWR) are developed to reveal the link between the spatial distribution of bus, tram, rail stops, and bike-sharing trips. The public transportation coverage in Budapest City is rated as excellent, with all parts of the city covered within a 5 km radius. We find that areas with a high proportion of public transportation stops have a significantly higher number of bike-sharing trips. Bike-sharing trips are concentrated near regional railway stations, the central business district, and surrounding zones. The connection between bike-sharing and trams/rails appears to be stronger than the connection between bike-sharing and buses. According to the findings, nearly one-third of public transportation stops have accessible bike docks within 125 m walking distance. In GWR analysis, the coefficients of bus stops are increasing towards the center of the city, while the coefficients of tram/rail stops are decreasing. Finally, by examining the priority zones for establishing more bike-sharing facilities, it is discovered that the eastern side of the city requires more development than the western side because it has a high number of bike-sharing trips but no adequate facilities near public transportation facilities.
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Shared mobility is an innovative and sustainable approach to passenger transportation, which has only recently emerged. In urban areas car-sharing, bike-sharing and other special vehicles (e.g., scooters) are popular. For greater distances, ridesharing is considered as a great option beside own private car usage or public transportation. We elaborated an assessment to analyse mobility modes. The research consists of two main parts. First, a wide spectrum of key variables is identified. We classified the variables among the following indicators: flexibility, comfort, and dynamic characteristics. These indicators support mode choice decisions. The second part is the model of service level. In the model, we included parameters to represent the importance of certain attributes. The model can be used to support mode choice decisions. We applied the method to analyse a simple urban mobility palette and place shared mobility within it. We found that shared mobility modes can be placed between private car usage and public transportation according to the aggregated indicators.
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As a convenient, economical, and eco-friendly travel mode, bike-sharing greatly improved urban mobility. However, it is often very difficult to achieve a balanced utilization of shared bikes due to the asymmetric spatio-temporal user demand distribution and the insufficient numbers of shared bikes, docks, or parking areas. If we can predict the short-run bike-sharing demand, it will help operating agencies rebalance bike-sharing systems in a timely and efficient way. Compared to the statistical methods, deep learning methods can automatically learn the relationship between the inputs and outputs, requiring less assumptions and achieving higher accuracy. This study proposes a Spatial-Temporal Graph Attentional Long Short-Term Memory (STGA-LSTM) neural network framework to predict short-run bike-sharing demand at a station level using multi-source data sets. These data sets include historical bike-sharing trip data, historical weather data, users’ personal information, and land-use data. The proposed model can extract spatio-temporal information of bike-sharing systems and predict the short-term bike-sharing rental and return demand. We use a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to mine spatial information and adopt a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to mine temporal information. The attention mechanism is focused on both temporal and spatial dimensions to enhance the ability of learning temporal information in LSTM and spatial information in GCN. Results indicate that the proposed model is the most accurate compared with several baseline models, the attention mechanism can help improve the model performance, and models that include exogenous variables perform better than the models that only consider historical trip data. The proposed short-term prediction model can be used to help bike-sharing users better choose routes and to help operators implement dynamic redistribution strategies.
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This research investigates the modal split of passengers' transport in a new approach different from the dominant methodology of four-step demand model, using accidents data in calculation, assuming that the more accidents for a mode (cars, public transport, and bicycles), the more passengers who are using it. More than 100,000 road accidents are analyzed for consecutive four years in Hungary. Drivers, front-seat and rear-seat passengers are categorized through age intervals. Age distribution profiles for each mode of private cars, public transport, cycling, motors are developed after normalized the intervals with their corresponding population. Hypothesis of using the approach of finding passenger modal split through road accident data is tested as overall percentages in macro level as Hun-gary scale and selected cities in micro level for cities of Budapest, Miskolc, Pecs, and Szeged. Forecasting of the passenger cars split ratio is developed for four years ahead depending on time-series decomposition method. Results show that modes of passenger cars, and walking and cycling percentages are acceptable with limitations in reality, unlike public transport which is rejected at all times to be estimated through road accidents data, while forecasting passenger cars is convenient.
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The increasing use of bicycles rises the interest in investigating the safety aspects of daily commuting. In this investigation, more than 14,000 cyclists’ injuries were analyzed to determine the relationship between severity, road infrastructure characteristics, and surface conditions using binary regression. Minor and major severity categories were distinguished. A binary equation consists of 28 factors is extracted. It has been found that each factor related to roadway characteristics has its negative and positive impacts on cyclist severity such as traffic control, location type, topography, and roadway divisions. Regarding the road surface components, good, paved, and marked roads are associated with a higher probability of major injuries due to the expected greater frequencies of cyclists on roads with good conditions. In conclusion, probabilities of major injuries are higher in urban areas, higher speed limits, signalized intersections, inclined topographies, one-way roads, and during the daytime which require more attention and better considerations.
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The movement of the light rail vehicles (LRVs) is highly interrupted at level crossings during peak hour times, especially when the intersections are not regulated by a coordinated signal system. Traffic modelling ensures better understanding and interpretation of complex traffic interactions. This study is aimed at modelling light rail transit (LRT) system operational characteristics at level crossings in Addis Ababa City using VISSIM software. The studied scenarios at Sebategna (All Way Stop Controlled, AWSC) and CMC (Roundabout) level crossings are the baseline without LRT scenario, the actual scenario with collected LRV headways, twice arrival frequency scenario, signalized actual LRV arrival, and signalized twice actual LRV arrival. The relative comparisons among the tested scenarios depicted that significant travel time savings can be achieved in some approaches if more green time is offered to nonconflicting phases during a light rail crossing. Overall, the average additional delays at level crossings increase from the base scenario with increasing light rail crossing frequencies, and delay at the level crossing is the second important variable that contributes to the variability of train travel time at peak hours. If it is a must for an intersection to have a rail road to pass through the median, different options should be verified based on the trade-off between the operational cost of the level crossing and the cost incurred if it is grade separated.
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With the growth of the bike-sharing system, the problem of demand forecasting has become important to the bike-sharing system. This study aims to develop a novel prediction model that enhances the accuracy of the peak hourly demand. A spatiotemporal graph convolutional network (STGCN) is constructed to consider both the spatial and temporal features. One of the model’s essential steps is determining the main component of the adjacency matrix and the node feature matrix. To achieve this, 131 days of data from the bike-sharing system in Seoul are used and experiments conducted on the models with various adjacency matrices and node feature matrices, including public transit usage. The results indicate that the STGCN models reflecting the previous demand pattern to the adjacency matrix show outstanding performance in predicting demand compared with the other models. The results also show that the model that includes bus boarding and alighting records is more accurate than the model that contains subway records, inferring that buses have a greater connection to bike-sharing than the subway. The proposed STGCN with public transit data contributes to the alleviation of unmet demand by enhancing the accuracy in predicting peak demand.
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As an eco-friendly travel mode, bike-sharing has prevailed around the world. However, the systems are imbalanced due to the asymmetric spatial and temporal distribution of user demand. Station prioritization strategies are needed to rebalance more shared bikes for more important stations. This paper proposes an evaluation method of station importance in dynamic bike-sharing rebalancing. Firstly, a short-term demand prediction model is applied to capture the temporal and spatial characteristics of bike-sharing trip data and predict bike-sharing demand at the station level. Based on the prediction results, the method of determining rebalancing quantity is proposed with consideration of bike-sharing usage throughout the rebalancing period. Then, three criteria are employed to evaluate the importance of bike-sharing stations, including rebalancing quantity, closeness to inventory threshold, and distance from the key station. An entropy-based Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approach is proposed to weigh different criteria and evaluate station importance. Furthermore, the experiments on bike-sharing data from Nanjing City demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. This research is helpful for operators and managers to dynamically rebalance shared bikes with high efficiency and improve the service quality of bike-sharing systems.
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Cities are moving towards new mobility strategies to tackle smart cities’ challenges such as carbon emission reduction, urban transport multimodality and mitigation of pandemic hazards, emphasising on the implementation of shared modes, such as bike-sharing systems. This paper poses a research question and introduces a corresponding systematic literature review, focusing on machine learning techniques’ contributions applied to bike-sharing systems to improve cities’ mobility. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) method was adopted to identify specific factors that influence bike-sharing systems, resulting in an analysis of 35 papers published between 2015 and 2019, creating an outline for future research. By means of systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis, machine learning algorithms were identified in two groups: classification and prediction.
Conference Paper
Modal shift to micromobility, namely bicycle and scooter, has the potential to impact urban space through the changes in parking demand. Investigating the factors affecting the shift and its likelihood is necessary to forecast the changes. In this paper, a novel method for the estimation of parking demand generated by rising micromobility use is presented. Private and shared ownerships, docking types (dockless and docked), users’ preferences, trip characteristics, and endogenous factors are considered. Sections of a questionnaire survey are proposed to provide inputs to the method. The method is validated using a simulation. The key findings are: (i) shifting from car use reduces car parking demand by 37%, freeing urban space up; (ii) public transport/walking shift to micromobility requires 17% more parking spaces for bicycle and scooter, increasing the demand for urban space; (iii) shared docked mobility forms require 67% more urban space than dockless ones. The application of the method allows a detailed analysis of the barriers to modal shift and facilitates the proposition of efficient measures to improve the shifting.
For station-based bike-sharing systems, the balance between user demand and bike allocation is critical for the operation. As a basic operational index, the short-term prediction of bike numbers (flow) plays an important role in demand forecasting and rebalancing resources of bike-sharing networks. Many different methods have been proposed for bike forecast in recent years, and the deep learning (DL)-based models have dominated this area because of their competitive performance. However, there still exist challenges in such approaches including: (i) how to appropriately select the training input for the DL model, and (ii) how to effectively utilize both the temporal and spatial features in the data for prediction. In particular, the arbitrary input may limit the model optimization, and the separate consideration of temporal and spatial features could change the original data representation. This paper uses a simple autocorrelation function to select the best input candidates and develops a three-dimensional (3 D) residual neural network to learn spatiotemporal features simultaneously. The proposed DL model is trained and validated using two separate bike-sharing datasets from New York and Suzhou cities. The learned features by two-dimensional (2 D) and 3 D CNN kernels under different input methods are compared. Results show that 3 D CNN outperforms other models and that the proposed input selection method yields better learning results for both datasets. The proposed methods help with a comprehensive DL model workflow and better forecasting accuracy.