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Applying low cost WiFi-based localization to in-campus autonomous vehicles



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Applying Low Cost WiFi-based Localization to
In-Campus Autonomous Vehicles
Noelia Hern´andez, Ahmed Hussein, Daniel Cruzado, Ignacio Parraand Jos ´e Mar´ıa Armingol
Intelligent Vehicles and Traffic Technologies Group, Universidad de Alcal´a, Alcal´a de Henares, Spain
Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Legan ´es, Spain
Abstract—In this paper a new approach to provide low cost
localization to autonomous vehicles is proposed. It is based on
fingerprint WiFi localization improved by using Support Vector
Regression to increase localization resolution without the need of
increasing the number of positions to site-survey. Results shown
that the proposed method can emerge as a powerful tool to
provide localization at situations where the use of GPS is not
Autonomous driving has become a blooming topic among
car makers and research centres all across the globe in the past
years since the announcement of Google’s self-driving car in
2010. Since then, the interest of car makers in self-driving
has not ceased to grow and, as a matter of fact, autonomous
driving developments and publications have soared worldwide.
Despite rapid technological development, a number of is-
sues, not only legal, have still to be seriously addressed before
autonomous cars can robustly, safely, and efficiently circulate
and mix with manually-driven vehicles in real traffic. Experts
in the field agree that autonomous vehicles will become more
robust as they develop further cooperation capabilities. In other
words, cooperation with traffic infrastructure, as well as with
other agents, will make autonomous vehicles more robust
and reliable, given that it is widely accepted that standalone
self-driving is by far less robust than cooperative automated
The scientific community is clearly moving in this direction.
After the first solid demonstrations of self-driving cars in urban
scenarios carried out by Google [1], the University of Parma
[2], Daimler and KIT on the Bertha Route [3], and a number
of other car makers, such as Tesla and Nissan, much research
on automated driving has begun to be developed.
But the interest on autonomous navigation is not restricted
to road vehicles. Many other applications have emerged fol-
lowing this trend such as warehouse autonomous robots (Ama-
zon’s Kiva), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) [4], or small
autonomous vehicles for transportation on airports, parks,
museums, etc [5].
In this line of work, the iCab (Intelligent Campus Automo-
bile) project [6] transports people in the Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid Campus at Legan´es (Figure 1). This platform
consists in an electric golf cart equipped with optical encoders,
a binocular camera, a laser-range-finder, a compass and a
GPS module. The autonomous navigation is performed using
Robotic Operating System (ROS) architecture implemented
in the on-board embedded computer. This computer is in
charge of performing all the necessary tasks (vehicle control,
navigation, route planning, perception and obstacle avoidance)
so the available computational resources are limited.
Fig. 1. iCab platform.
To provide a robust and safe autonomous navigation, there
are some tasks that must be accomplished: route planning so
the vehicle is able to reach the desired destination, navigation
so the vehicle is able to move through the environment and
obstacle avoidance so the vehicle is able to to navigate through
the environment safely. In order to accomplish these tasks,
an accurate localization of the vehicle is essential. With no
information about the position of the vehicle in the world it is
impossible to reach a destination or move only over allowed
Traditionally, localization is provided trough the use of GPS,
odometry, laser, the most recent LIDAR or the fusion of some
of them. Unfortunately, some of these technologies does not
provide accurate localization (as is the case of GPS in covered
areas or city canyons) while some others does not provide it
in real time or their cost is high (as is the case of LIDAR).
The system proposed in this paper is designed to solve the
localization problem in the iCab platform. Previous tests have
shown that GPS does not provide accurate positioning under
the conditions required for iCab localization and that LIDAR-
based positioning can not be performed in real time.
As a consequence, a new approach is needed to improve
iCab localization. In this paper, we proposed the use of
WiFi-based localization to provide outdoor positioning. WiFi-
based localization has been widely used to provide indoor
localization and has been proved as a cheap accurate solution
for this task. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work
using WiFi to provide outdoor localization to autonomous
The rest of the paper is structured as follows, the next
section describes the related work. Section III describes the
method proposed to obtain the position of the autonomous
vehicle. Next, in Section IV, the experimental set-up and the
results are detailed. Finaly, Section V concludes the paper by
exposing the conclusions and future work.
As mentioned in the introduction, WiFi has been proved
a very useful technology to provide indoor localization. It
has some important advantages: WiFi-based localization is
free, even for private networks, so the only need to provide
WiFi localization is to have a common WiFi interface and
WiFi networks in the surroundings. Nowadays, it is almost
impossible to find a device (mobile phone, tablet or computer)
without a WiFi interface, and, in addition, almost every
building (specially public ones) has WiFi networks to provide
connectivity to their users. However, WiFi localization is still
an open problem. Traditionally, two different approaches have
been used to provide WiFi localization: Propagation model
based algorithms [7]–[12] and fingerprint based algorithms
The former carries out localization using a WiFi signal
propagation model to estimate the distance to nearby APs
(Access Points). These models are used to translate the WiFi
RSS (Received Signal Strength) from an AP into the distance
to that AP. In consequence, localization is usually performed
using lateration algorithms, being necessary to know the exact
location of the APs in the environment. The main advantage
of this kind of systems is that they are accurate if the
propagation model is well adjusted, providing localization over
a continuous space, at the cost of the need of knowing the exact
location of all the used APs which is not always possible, as
is our case.
The latter systems use a two-stage approach to provide lo-
calization. During the first step, the training stage, a fingerprint
database composed of RSS from the surrounding APs is col-
lected at different positions of the environment. Then, during
the localization stage, new samples are compared with the
stored ones to obtain the estimated position of the device (usu-
ally by means of different classification algorithms). The main
disadvantage of fingerprint based systems is that collecting
the measurements required to build the fingerprint database is
effort and time consuming, especially if the required resolution
is high (which means more cells to site-survey).
However, some systems are recently arising to reduce the
site-survey effort using different approaches. In the one hand,
some methods seek to automate the measuring task [17]–[20].
On the other hand, some systems are designing methods to
reduce the number of positions required to be measured by
estimating the expected RSS at positions with no available
data [21]–[24].
The proposed method lies in the second group, making
use of Support Vector Regression (SVR) to interpolate the
expected RSS at the positions with no available data [25].
The main objective of the method is to estimate the RSS
in positions of the environment where no training data is
available. This way, the effort and time required to construct
the fingerprint database will be reduced and the resolution of
the localization system will be increased. A block diagram of
the training and localization stages of the method is shown
in Figure 2. Both stages will be explained in detail in the
following subsections.
A. Training stage
During the training stage, the system will convert the
training data available at discrete positions of the environment
into RSS reference surfaces for each AP. This conversion will
be performed using an SVR algorithm [26] to estimate the
missing data. As a result, the fingerprint database will be
composed of a set of continuous reference surfaces (one per
AP) containing the expected RSS at the different coordinates
in which the environment has been divided.
It is important to highlight that the localization resolution
will depend on the size of the reference surfaces, where
the pixels (or coordinates) are the squared areas in which
the environment is divided. As an example, if the target
environment is a squared area with side 100 metres and the
reference surfaces are divided in 100x100 coordinates (100
pixels wide 100 pixels high), each coordinate will cover 1m2.
In consequence, the maximum resolution will be 1 metre.
For the experimentation shown in this paper, a resolution of
15 cm has been chosen as it has been proved to be the most
effective. Higher resolutions will reduce the effectiveness of
the method while resolutions under the wavelength (for the
802.11 b/g networks, working at 2.4 GHz, the wavelength is
12.5 cm) the small scale effect [27] will highly affect the WiFi
signal increasing the error in localization [25].
B. Localization stage
During the localization stage, new WiFi measurements are
collected in real time. As in a traditional fingerprint localiza-
tion method, the objective is to compare the new measurements
with the stored ones to obtain the most probable location of
the vehicle.
To do so, the measured RSS from each AP will be searched
in the corresponding reference surface. As a result, a surface
of possible coordinates will be created for each AP. These new
surfaces will be created by scoring the coordinates depending
on the similarity between the on-line measurements and the
data contained in the reference surfaces. If the measured RSS
is exactly the same as the stored RSS for a coordinate, that
Fig. 2. General architecture of the system [25].
coordinate will get the maximum score (score equal to one).
Then, the score will decrease as the difference between the
measured and stored RSS increase. This way, if the scores are
defined in steps of 0.1, a coordinate with a difference of ±1dB
will score 0.9, a coordinate with a difference of ±2dB will
score 0.8 and so on, while all the coordinates with differences
of ±10dB or more will score 0. In our experiments, the scores
are defined in steps of 0.1 (corresponding to a maximum
difference of 10dB) [25]. This is the highest variation in the
RSS due to temporal variations [27] which are caused by
signal noise and non-controllable changes in the environment.
Once the scored surfaces for all the APs are created, they
are summed up obtaining a new surface where the coordi-
nates with the higher values are the coordinates with higher
probability of being the location of the vehicle. However, the
complete surface cover areas where it is impossible for the
vehicle to be (inside buildings, park areas, fountain areas, etc.).
As a consequence, a mask adapted to cover only allowed areas
is applied to prevent the system to provide impossible locations
as result.
Finally, the location of the vehicle is estimated as the
coordinate with the highest score in the masked resulting
This section describes the experimental results reported
using the method described in the previous section. First, the
experimental set-up used to perform the tests is described.
Then, an analysis of the validity of the reference surfaces
created to provide outdoor localization is provided. Finally,
localization results of the iCab platform obtained under real
conditions are described.
A. Experimental set-up
The proposed WiFi localization system has been tested in a
complex real-world environment with a surface of 12000m2.
The experiments have been performed on the campus of the
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) located in Legan´es
(Madrid, Spain) (Figure 3). The area selected to perform the
experiments is located in a green area surrounded by the
University buildings. In consequence, the GPS localization is
not accurate in this area. In addition, it is a crowded area since
lots of pedestrians use it to walk or rest. Since it is an open
area, the WiFi signal attenuation is really low, making more
difficult to differentiate between close positions since the RSS
at near positions is very similar.
Fig. 3. UC3M test-bed environment (30 training positions).
In the experiments, 175 APs, deployed over the environment
with the aim of providing Internet access to the students but
disregarding localization purposes, have been detected. There
is no information available about the APs, so their exact
location and configuration (variable emission power, channel,
etc) is unknown. All the APs have been used for localization.
In consequence, the localization system is composed of 175
reference surfaces.
The discrete training data is composed of measurements
collected at 30 positions uniformly distributed over the envi-
ronment covering the whole area (Figure 3). At each position,
20 fingerprints have been collected and averaged. In conse-
quence, one fingerprint per topological position has been used
as training data.
The tests have been carried out using data collected with
the iCab embedded computer while it was following different
trajectories over the environment. Test data was collected on
a different day and time than the training data and it was
acquired at the WiFi interface’s maximum allowed measuring
rate (1 sample per second).
Finally, the groundtruth has been obtained using a local-
ization algorithm using LIDAR information. This algorithm
has been proved to be accurate, but it has to be executed
off-line due to its high computational cost. This groundtruth
is used to calculate the mean distance error of the trajectory
tests. The distance error is computed as the distance between
the estimated coordinate and the target coordinate in the
B. Reference surfaces validation
This section shows how the estimated RSS at coordinates
without measurements in the training dataset adjust to new
measurements collected in a posterior stage. To make the
validation results easier to understand, figures have been
simplified by using data collected in straight line trajectories
so they can be represented in a 2D graph. Namely, the RSS
from two different APs at positions 8 to 13 is shown in Figures
4 and 5. In these figures, the RSS values used to create the
reference surfaces (training data) are depicted as magenta stars,
the estimated RSS is represented using a red line (the dotted
red lines are the representation of the margin used to score the
new RSS values as explained in Section III-B) and, finally, the
RSS collected for validation purposes are represented as blue
As it can be seen, test data adjust to the estimated RSS
curve. However, there are still some samples falling outside
the scoring margin. This is due to the noisy nature of the WiFi
signal, being the main source of error in the localization.
Fig. 4. Reference surfaces validation: AP 1.
Fig. 5. Reference surfaces validation: AP 2.
C. Experimental results
The system has been tested using the data collected with
the iCab’s embedded computer during two repetitions of two
different trajectories (Figure 6).
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Test trajectories. (a) Trajectory 1. (b) Trajectory 2.
On the first trajectory, the iCab moved in a path of approx-
imately 145 m at a mean speed of 4,86 km/h. Figure 6(a)
shows the trajectory followed during the first experiment. In
this figure, each blue circle represents the groundtruth location
where online WiFi samples were collected.
On the second trajectory, the iCab moved in a path of
approximately 135 m at a mean speed of 4,77 km/h. Figure
6(b) shows the second trajectory with the same format as in
Figure 6(a).
Table I summarises the results obtained for both trajectories
using the proposed WiFi localization method. In addition,
results applying a simple Kalman filter to the WiFi localization
results (without any other information) are shown to remove
some evident big jumps in the positioning. As can be seen, the
localization mean distance error is highly affected by jumps in
the position that can be decreased by applying a simple filter.
After filtering the results, error is reduced more than a 30%
for trajectory 1 and 40% for trajectory 2.
Figure 7 shows the CDF for both trajectories with and
without the filtering. CDFs show that some positioning errors
are very high (more than 40 metres during trajectory 1 and
more than 50 m during trajectory 2 for some samples) but
Mean error
WiFi Localization Filtered WiFi Localization
Trajectory 1 9.34 m 6.18 m
Trajectory 2 17.70 m 10.56 m
also that this error can be easily reduced (more than 50%) by
applying a filter over the results.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Error (meters)
Trajectory 1
Trajectory 1 filtered
Trajectory 2
Trajectory 2 filtered
Fig. 7. CDF using the trajectories dataset.
In this paper, we presented a new method to provide low
cost positioning to the iCab project. This method improves
fingerprint WiFi-based localization methods by estimating the
RSS at non site-surveyed positions of the environment by us-
ing an SVR algorithm. Thanks to this method the localization
resolution can be improved while the effort in constructing
the fingerprint database is reduced. Experimentation shown
promising results, but we have found the need of fuse the
proposed method with the information provided by other
In the future, we are planning on fusing the proposed
WiFi localization method with the compass and odometry
information. This way, the error will be reduced by filtering
locations far away from the previous ones and only allowing
locations in the heading direction of the vehicle.
This work was supported by the projects TRA2016-78886-
C3-1-R from the Comisi´on Interministerial de Ciencia y
Tecnolog´ıa, S2013/MIT-2713 from the Comunidad Autonoma
de Madrid and Research Grant DPI2014-59276-R from the
Spanish Ministry of Economy).
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... The centroid of that polygon is likely to be the position of the unknown node. An example of the centroid algorithm is illustrated in (Hernandez et al. 2017) results in 9.34m of localization accuracy. ...
... Other approaches are either for human walking or industrial robots. The only recent solution which applies for intelligent vehicle is mentioned in (Hernandez et al. 2017) has a much lower accuracy at 9.34m of average localization error. ...
... Therefore, in Section 4.3.2, the ensemble method is presented only for intelligent vehicles localization case using the hybrid database which is mentioned previously. A quick comparison with other solutions such as Random Forest, single neural network, SVM classification or SVM regression (Hernandez et al. 2017) shows that the ensemble neural network with hybrid database provides a higher accuracy than the other approaches. ...
With the increasing demand for urban space, more and more multistory carparks are needed. Although these carparks help to utilize urban space more efficient, they also introduce a new problem. Reports suggest approximately 70 million hours of parking slot searching each year, equivalently 700 million euros loss for France alone. In addition, carparks uses are exceeding their original purposes. Demanding features such as electric charger, online booking of parking spaces, dynamic guidance or mobile payment etc. turn a carpark into a competitive smart environment. One solution to this problem is to develop an autonomous navigation system for intelligent vehicles in the carpark situation. The thesis will identify one of these sub-tasks namely localization in GPS-denied environments. This thesis will present a novel method to solve the indicated problem while keeping the system follows four criteria: availability, scalability, universality and accuracy. There are two main steps: (1) a solution to replicate the GPS behaviour for the GPS-denied environment, and (2) a framework that allows the fusion of GPS-like systems with other localization methods to achieve a high localization accuracy. First, a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting localization system is employed. An approach using an ensemble neural network on a hybrid Wi-Fi fingerprinting database is proposed in this thesis. Experiments in a year-long duration show that this system is capable of localizing vehicles with 2.25m of mean error in the global coordinate frame (WGS84). Second, a complete localization solution must be a fusion of multiple techniques. This allows global as well as local levels of localization to function together. At the same time, having redundancy in the system boosts accuracy and reliability. In this thesis, a flexible fusion framework for multiple localization sensors is proposed. This fusion framework will not only deal with the GPS-denied environment but could be potentially used in the GPS-aided environment and provide a smooth transition between the two areas. To accomplish this demanding task, a Gaussian Mixture Model Particle Filter is developed. While the motion model of this particle filter incorporates data from the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) or laser-SLAM, the correction model is a Gaussian mixture model of multiple observations obtained from the Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization system. With two intelligent vehicles (a Cybercar and a Citroen C1 car), 64 experiments were carried out to validate the framework. A mean localization error of 0.5m is achieved in a global coordinate frame. Compare to other solutions with 0.2m of mean localization error in local coordinate frames; this proposed solution has advantages in terms of scalability, availability and universality as well.
... A recent study in [15] also exploits a possibility of using Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization for a smart vehicle in a university campus area. The study is conducted on the campus of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with 30 points chosen in the environment to be training positions. ...
... The Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization problem is now viewed as a standard supervised classification problem where a newly scan vector of RSSIs in the online phase will be fed into each bootstrap estimator as in (15). The returned result of each classifier is a list of fingerprints IDs and its confidence ̂. ...
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With the increasing demand for urban space, more and more multistory carparks are needed as they will play a central role in the city transportation system. An autonomous navigation solution for Intelligent Vehicles in these indoor scenarios is then required. One step to solve this problem is to localize Intelligent Vehicles in these specific environments. However, the lack of GPS due to signal obstruction (multipath, non-line of sight, interference, etc.) appears to be a significant concern for any localization system, let alone indoor ones. Hence, in this paper, a wireless sensor network based approach is proposed to replace the GPS (Global Positioning System) role for indoor environments. In addition, a fusion framework for multiple sensors such as Wi-Fi access points, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) or LiDAR is studied. Experiments in almost one-year duration yield a stable result of mean global localization error at 0.5m.
... As solution to improve Wi-Fi's localization accuracy, the number of anchors should be increasing, this leads to boost up the cost. To overcome this problem, [66] proposed low cost positioning method based on fingerprint WiFi. The accuracy of vehicles positioning of this method had been improved by using support vector regression increasing without increasing the number of anchors. ...
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Observing the vehicles movement becomes an urgent necessity due to exponentially increasing numbers of vehicles in the world. However, to this regard, a good deal of research had been presented to estimate the exact physical positionof the vehicle. The major challenges faced vehicle localization systems are large coverage areas required, positioning at diverse environments and positioning during a high-speedmovement. However, in this paper, the challenges of employing the vehicle localization techniques, which rely on the propagation signal properties, are discussed. Moreover, a comparison between these techniques, in terms of accuracy, responsiveness, scalability, cost, and complexity, is conducted. The presented positioning technologies are classified into five categories: satellite based, radio frequency based, radio waves based, optical based, and sound based. The discussion shows that, both of satellite-based technology and cellular-based technology are emergesolutions to overcome the challenges of vehicle positioning. Satellite-based can provide a high accurate positioning in open outdoor environment, whereas the cellular-based can provide accurate and reliable vehicle localization in urban environment, it can support non-line of sight(NLOS) positioning and provide large coverage and high data transmission. The paper also shows that, the standalone localization technology still has limitations. Therefore, we discussed how the presented techniques are integrated to improve the positioning performance
... Dead reckoning is only able to provide relative positioning (displacement from the origin) and needs a secondary technology to support absolute positioning and reduce the error drift. However, Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization has become a very promising and competitive technical solution for indoor positioning systems for its cost-effective high precision performance [8] for either smartphone [9,10] or autonomous vehicle [11,12] applications. ...
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In recent times, Received Signal Strength (RSS)-based Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization has become one of the most promising techniques for indoor localization. The primary aim of RSS is to check the quality of the signal to determine the coverage and the quality of service. Therefore, fine-resolution RSS is needed, which is generally expressed by 1-dBm granularity. However, we found that, for fingerprinting localization, fine-granular RSS is unnecessary. A coarse-granular RSS can yield the same positioning accuracy. In this paper, we propose quantization for only the effective portion of the signal strength for fingerprinting localization. We found that, if a quantized RSS fingerprint can carry the major characteristics of a radio environment, it is sufficient for localization. Five publicly open fingerprinting databases with four different quantization strategies were used to evaluate the study. The proposed method can help to simplify the hardware configuration, enhance security, and save approximately 40–60% storage space and data traffic.
... There are two systems for autonomous vehicles [5] : Location detection is the substantial process in the Navigation, localization is provided through the combination of GPS, lasers, odometry, the several fusions from the latest mix. however, some technologies are not able to provide accurate and high-cost localization as well as fusion carried out by LIDAR [3] [6]. In this paper, a system is designed to be a solution to localization problems, where a combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a combination of technologies that are often used in developing wireless tracking systems to send and receive location data both outdoor and indoor [7]. ...
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This paper discusses an alternative solution to the problem of autonomous vehicle navigation systems on the choice of technology in positioning the vehicle at a low cost but carries a high level of risk. The idea of using sonar and GPS in the navigation system can be an option, but the use of sonar is constrained by crosstalk problems between one sonar sensor and other sonar sensors. The use of Light Detection and Ranging (LIDARs) is also constrained by the high costs and stereo vision in LIDARs requiring powerful specific hardware to process camera information. Research studies on navigation systems using GPS-RFID based localization for visually impaired people become an inspiration for the idea of developing autonomous vehicle navigation using RFID-GPS fusion technology. The idea frame is to install RFID tags on the roadside that contain information on the location of routes to be taken by autonomous vehicles, reading RFID tags by Reader RFID with combined GPS module reading data will result in a more accurate location and is believed to be a reference for autonomous vehicle navigation systems. The initial results of several research studies on RFID testing for localization combined with GPS modules indicate that this idea is feasible.
... WiFi is one of the most widely used technologies for indoor localisation where it has been proved accurate and reliable. However, some recent work [4], [9] propose the use of WiFi for outdoor localisation. This new line of research is motivated by the low performance of the GPS in urban canyons and the high cost of differential GPSs. ...
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The continuous expanding scale of WiFi deployments in metropolitan areas has made possible to find WiFi access points at almost any place in our cities. Although WiFi has been mainly used for indoor localisation, there is a growing number of research in outdoor WiFi-based localisation. This paper presents a WiFi-based localisation system that takes advantage of the huge deployment of WiFi networks in urban areas. The idea is to complement localisation in zones where the GPS coverage is low, such as urban canyons. The proposed method explores the CNNs ability to handle large amounts of data and their high accuracy with reasonable computational costs. The final objective is to develop a system able to handle the large number of access points present in urban areas while preserving high accuracy and real time requirements. The system was tested in a urban environment, improving the accuracy with respect to the state-of-the-art and being able to work in real time.
... In order to reduce the measurement resources and effort required in creating a radio map, [54] used surface vector regression (SVR) to interpolate the RSS values while increasing the radio map resolution via an increased number of RPs. Other techniques adopted in the literature for developing the radio map include: spatial interpolation techniques such as inverse distance weighting (IDW) [55], Gaussian process regression [56,57], ray tracing [58], and parametric path loss models [28]. ...
In order to realize intelligent vehicular transport networks and self driving cars, connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are required to be able to estimate their position to the nearest centimeter. Traditional positioning in CAVs is realized by using a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) such as global positioning system (GPS) or by fusing weighted location parameters from a GNSS with an inertial navigation systems (INSs). In urban environments where Wi-Fi coverage is ubiquitous and GNSS signals experience signal blockage, multipath or non line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation, enterprise or carrier-grade Wi-Fi networks can be opportunistically used for localization or “fused” with GNSS to improve the localization accuracy and precision. While GNSS-free localization systems are in the literature, a survey of vehicle localization from the perspective of a Wi-Fi anchor/infrastructure is limited. Consequently, this review seeks to investigate recent technological advances relating to positioning techniques between an ego vehicle and a vehicular network infrastructure. Also discussed in this paper is an analysis of the location accuracy, complexity and applicability of surveyed literature with respect to intelligent transportation system requirements for CAVs. It is envisaged that hybrid vehicular localization systems will enable pervasive localization services for CAVs as they travel through urban canyons, dense foliage or multi-story car parks.
... In order to reduce the measurement resources and effort required in creating a radio map, [54] used surface vector regression (SVR) to interpolate the RSS values while increasing the radio map resolution via an increased number of RPs. Other techniques adopted in the literature for developing the radio map include: spatial interpolation techniques such as inverse distance weighting (IDW) [55], Gaussian process regression [56,57], ray tracing [58], and parametric path loss models [28]. ...
Conference Paper
Wi-Fi fingerprinting is a popular technique for smartphone-based indoor positioning. However, well-known RF propagation issues create signal fluctuations that translate into large positioning errors. Large errors limit the usage of Wi-Fi fingerprinting in industrial environments, where the reliability of position estimates is a key requirement. One successful approach to deal with signal fluctuations is to average the signals collected simultaneously through independent Wi-Fi interfaces. Another successful approach is to average the estimates provided by models built on independent radio maps. This paper explores multiple combinations of both approaches and determines the procedure to select the best model based on them through a simulated environment. The evaluation of the proposed model in a real-world industrial scenario shows that the positioning error (according to different metrics including the 95th and 99th percentiles) is highly improved with respect to the traditional fingerprint.
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Although much research has taken place in WiFi indoor localization systems, their accuracy can still be improved. When designing this kind of system, fingerprint-based methods are a common choice. The problem with fingerprint-based methods comes with the need of site surveying the environment, which is effort consuming. In this work, we propose an approach, based on support vector regression, to estimate the received signal strength at non-site-surveyed positions of the environment. Experiments, performed in a real environment, show that the proposed method could be used to improve the resolution of fingerprint-based indoor WiFi localization systems without increasing the site survey effort.
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The fingerprint location method based on the WiFi received signal strength (RSS), is one of the indoor positioning method owning the highest value of application currently. It uses distribution characteristic of WiFi RSS in the space to estimate user's location. But due to the unstable RSS measurements of WiFi signal in a fixed location, in online phase, the uncertain fluctuation of RSS measurements will cause matching error of reference point (RP), and lead to the positioning error. To deal with this problem, a matching positioning method combining spatial multi-points fingerprint is presented in this paper. Firstly, assisted by odometer information, the space uniforming calibration of fingerprint is carried out in radial direction of road. And then, intensity and variation characteristics in space of consecutive multi-points RSS are matched jointly in online process, so as to enhance the positioning accuracy and stability. Through experiments, it is proved that the method in this paper is effective and, under reasonable parameters, positioning performance is good.
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This paper presents a smart research platform to foster intelligent transportation systems in urban environments, called iCab (Intelligent Campus Automobile) autonomous vehicle. The aim of the paper is to describe the initial steps to achieve a functional autonomous vehicle. The platform is a golf cart vehicle, E-Z-GO model, which is modified to operate in autonomous mode. The software core is based on Robot Operating System (ROS) architecture, which allows the fusion of multiple sensors data and time stamp of different devices in one embedded computer on the board of the platform. The proposed system shows the advantages of ROS-based architecture data management, such as but they are not limited to, huge data handling from the surrounding environment, computer vision system perception and laser scanner data interpretation. The sensors data are integrated with the ROS-based architecture to develop cutting-edge applications, which cope with the autonomous navigation requirements and real-time data processing. The experimental study shows that the ROS-based architecture outperforms former works in autonomous vehicles, for its portability and feasibility to create a network of autonomous vehicles, that is, the autonomous interaction of more than one vehicle in closeness environments fostering the urban mobility.
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Many researchers from academia and industry are investigating closely how to control an autonomous mobile robot, especially Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This paper shows the ability of a low-cost quadcopter, "Parrot AR-Drone 2.0", to navigate a predetermined route. The path is obtained by optimized path planning algorithm. A generic Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization algorithm is implemented to generate the obstacle-free path. This path is divided into several waypoints, which are navigated by the drone in various experiments. The position and orientation of the quadcopter are estimated with the incremental motion estimation approach using Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), which is mounted on the drone. The quadcopter is controlled via Simulink model with PID, which manipulates the drone internal controller for the pitch, roll, yaw and vertical speed. Four different experiments were tested to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm and the obtained results indicate the high performance of the quadcopter and its applicability in various navigation applications.
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Selecting the appropriate parameters for an indoor positioning system may be a difficult task due to the large number of parameter combinations. It is more complex in realistic multi-building multi-floor environments, where severe wrong building and floor errors occur but they are not highlighted in the main evaluation metric. Moreover, a selected parameter configuration, that may seem appropriate in the system validation, may not have the expected behaviour in a real deployment. In order to address these issues, an ensemble of indoor positioning systems is introduced. A base estimator with 2.332 parameter combinations has been used. According to the results, this model simplifies the parameter selection and provides more robust systems.
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Indoor positioning based on the received signal strength (RSS) in wireless local area networks (WLAN) is one of the most promising approaches to provide Location-based services. Gaps in the coverage of the fingerprint can lead to significant errors. We propose a localization scheme that minimizes these faults. By using Gaussian Processes (GP) we are able to incorporate model knowledge and empirically measured data, with correct uncertainty handling and Bayesian parameter estimation. This approach leads to a hybrid localization technique, that outperforms several other procedures. We evaluate our method on two huge datasets, while focusing on measurement gaps in the available data. This provides a realistic and challenging scenario, compared to randomly selected missing data. We show that we are able to significantly reduce the localization error especially for increasingly sparse data sets.
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Location based services require accurate and seamless positioning in large urban areas. In contrast to GNSS, WLAN fingerprinting positioning offers seamless localization in these areas. Though, it requires a huge effort to create the radio maps. Interpolating radio maps is a viable solution; in particular Gaussian process (GP) regression is very effective for this task. Based on a thorough evaluation of different Gaussian process models we appoint the best suited model for spatial signal strength interpolation. We pursue the model evaluation by establishing GP maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and assess their effects on the positioning accuracy in a realistic WLAN indoor/outdoor localization scenario. Insights on the spatial density of fingerprints are included in our study. We found that the commonly used GP model, with zero mean and squared exponential covariance function, is not the best suited model and propose a better and more robust alternative. Moreover, this study demonstrates that a low amount of fingerprints not necessarily impairs, but potentially improves the accuracy of the ML estimators.
This paper presents an autonomous driving test held in Parma on urban roads and freeways open to regular traffic. During this test, the vehicle not only performed simple maneuvers, but it had to cope with complex driving scenarios as well, including roundabouts, junctions, pedestrian crossings, freeway junctions, and traffic lights. The test demonstrated the ability of the current technology to manage real situations and not only the well-structured and predictable ones. A comparison of milestones, challenges, and key results in autonomous driving is presented to highlight the novelty and the specific purpose of the test. The whole system is described: the vehicle; the software architecture; details about high-, medium-, and low-level control; and details about perception algorithms. A conclusion highlights the achieved results and draws possible directions for future development.