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46 XX karyotype during male fertility evaluation; Case series and literature review



Forty-six XX disorder of sex development is an uncommon medical condition observed at times during the evaluation of a man's fertility. The following is a case series and literature review of phenotypically normal men diagnosed with this karyotype. Our goal is to comprehend the patients' clinical presentation as well as their laboratory results aiming to explore options available for their management. A formal literature review through PubMed and MEDLINE databases was performed using "46 XX man" as a word search. A total of 55 patients, including those conveyed in this article were diagnosed with a 46 XX karyotype during their fertility evaluation. The patients' mean age ± s.d. was 34 ± 10 years and their mean height ± s.d. was 166 ± 6.5 cm. Overall, they presented with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Sexual dysfunction, reduced hair distribution, and gynecomastia were reported in 20% (4/20), 25.8% (8/31), and 42% (13/31) of the patients, respectively. The SRY gene was detected in 36 (83.7%) and was absent in the remaining seven (16.3%) patients. We found that a multidisciplinary approach to management is preferred in 46 XX patients. Screening for remnants of the mullerian ducts and for malignant transformation in dysgenetic gonads is imperative. Hypogonadism should be addressed, while fertility options are in vitro fertilization with donor sperm or adoption.
Vol. 129 No. 5 March 5, 2016
Volume 127, No. 1 Pages 1-200 January 5, 2014
Asian Journal of Andrology (2016) 18, 1–5
© 2016 AJA, SIMM & SJTU. All rights reserved 1008-682X;
mosaicism for the SRY gene or possible mutation of inhibitors of
the male pattern has been postulated.9
In this study, we report a series of cases of 46XX men presenting
with infertility and perform a formal literature review of similar
cases aiming to provide a comprehensive approach for managing this
relatively rare condition.
We reviewed the records of patients presenting for initial male
fertility evaluations during the period from 2011 to 2015 at two
institutions(Cleveland Clinic and Hamad Medical Center). We
identied six patients who were found, with genetic testing, to have
46XX karyotype. e patients’ medical records were checked for
information regarding their presentation, signicant medical problems,
biologic data, physical examination, and laboratory investigations.
Semen analysis
All patients were evaluated with semen analysis and hormonal prole.
e semen analysis was performed aer 3–5days of sexual abstinence.
Collection is done through masturbation into a clean container.
Samples were incubated at 37°C and allowed to liquefy for 30min
before analysis. e analysis was performed according to the WHO
guidelines adopted in 2010.10
Hormone prole
Hormones investigated constituted of follicular stimulating hormone
(FSH) (normal level[nl]: 1–9IU l−1), luteinizing hormone(LH)
Infertility is a common medical problem aecting roughly one out of
six couples.1 A male factor is either responsible for or contributory
to about half the cases.2 Once conception fails to occur aer at least
12months of regular unprotected intercourse, the couple’s fertility
is oen investigated. Genetic testing in men has a distinctive set of
indications that are usually picked up during the initial workup.
Marked reduction of sperm concentration, unilateral/bilateral
absence of vas deference, and suggestive family history are inuential
factors. Chromosomal abnormalities occur in<1% of the general
population,3 however their incidence rises up to 15% in men with
The 46XX testicular disorder of sex development(DSD),
previously known as de la Chapelle syndrome aer its rst report
in 1964,5 comprises a small share of genetic causes of male
infertility. It is a rare condition occurring in about 1:20000males6
and characterized by a variable degree of mismatch between the
phenotype and the genotype of the aected individual. Patients may
present seeking fertility with normal male internal and external
genitalia, or may present at an earlier age because of ambiguous
genitalia. Undescended testes, micropenis, and hypospadias are
commonly reported,7 as well as residual remnants of the mullerian
tract.8 What preserves a male phenotype in these individuals is
translocation of the sex‑determining region Y gene(SRY) into a sex
chromosome or an autosome, a process occurring in about 80% of
cases.9 In the remaining SRY‑negative patients, presumed hidden
46 XX karyotype during male fertility evaluation;
case series and literature review
Ahmad Majzoub1,2, Mohamed Arafa3, Christopher Starks4, Haitham Elbardisi2, Sami Al Said2,
Edmund Sabanegh Jr1
Forty‑six XX disorder of sex development is an uncommon medical condition observed at times during the evaluation of a man’s
fertility. The following is a case series and literature review of phenotypically normal men diagnosed with this karyotype. Our
goal is to comprehend the patients’ clinical presentation as well as their laboratory results aiming to explore options available for
their management. A formal literature review through PubMed and MEDLINE databases was performed using “46 XX man” as a
word search. A total of 55 patients, including those conveyed in this article were diagnosed with a 46 XX karyotype during their
fertility evaluation. The patients’ mean age ± s.d. was 34 ± 10 years and their mean height ± s.d. was 166 ± 6.5 cm. Overall, they
presented with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Sexual dysfunction, reduced hair distribution, and gynecomastia were reported
in 20% (4/20), 25.8% (8/31), and 42% (13/31) of the patients, respectively. The
gene was detected in 36 (83.7%) and
was absent in the remaining seven (16.3%) patients. We found that a multidisciplinary approach to management is preferred in
46 XX patients. Screening for remnants of the mullerian ducts and for malignant transformation in dysgenetic gonads is imperative.
Hypogonadism should be addressed, while fertility options are
in vitro
fertilization with donor sperm or adoption.
Asian Journal of Andrology (2016) 18, 1–5; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.181224; published online: 10 June 2016
Keywords: hypogonadism; infertility; male; sex‑determining region; XX disorders of sex development
1Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of Urology, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 2Hamad Medical Corporation, Department of Urology, Qatar; 3Cairo University, Department of
Andrology, Giza, Egypt; 4Reston Hospital, Department of Urology, Virginia, USA.
Correspondence: Dr. A Majzoub (
Received: 16 November 2015; Revised: 21 January 2016; Accepted: 10 March 2016
Open Access
Male Fertility
Asian Journal of Andrology
A Majzoub et al
(nl: 1–9IU l−1), prolactin (nl: 2–14 ng ml−1), total testosterone
(nl: 220–1000ng dl−1), and estradiol(nl: 10–60pg ml−1).
Cytogenetic and FISH investigations
Genetic testing in the form of karyotype and Y chromosome
micro‑deletion analysis was performed on all patients according
to practice guidelines. Aconventional chromosome analysis was
performed from patients’ peripheral blood lymphocytes, which were
cultured in RPMI 1640 medium, phytohemagglutinin, and fetal bovine
serum for 72h, followed by treatment with 50 μg ml−1 colcemid.
Metaphase chromosome spreads were studied by standard GTG and
CBG banding procedures, which included using trypsin and Giemsa for
G‑banding and barium hydroxide for C‑banding. FISH was performed
on thirty metaphase chromosome spreads using a mixture of probes
specic for DXZ1 and DYZ3, and a chromosome‑specic probe for
CBFB GLP 16 banding at 16q22. Multiplex PCR amplication of
nine sequence‑tagged site markers was used to detect AZF region
micro‑deletions on the Y chromosome.
Literature review
A formal literature review was performed using PubMed and
MEDLINE databases for the period from 1964 to 2015. e search
word “46XX man” was used. Search results were reviewed for
relevance and quality. e inclusion criteria were studies reporting
adult patients presenting with infertility and in English language. Case
reports of patients of pediatric age group as well as those investigated
for reasons other than infertility were excluded. e Institutes’ Ethics
Committee accepted the research, and a waiver of signed informed
consent was used.
Six patients were found to have 46XX karyotype and were included
in this study. e patients’ mean age± s.d. was 34.3± 4.5 years.
Anormal male phonotype was detected in all except one patient who
had a eunuchoid habitus characterized by increased fat distribution,
reduced virilization, and gynecomastia. e patients’ mean testicular
volume±s.d. was 5.5±1.8ml. All patients presented with primary
infertility and had normal volume azoospermia on semen analysis.
Hormone analysis revealed hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with
a mean testosterone, FSH, and LH ± s.d. of 158.8± 107 ng dl−1,
22.2±11.2IU l−1, and 14.2±5.7IU l−1, respectively. FISH conrmed
the presence of a translocated SRY region on the long arm of the X
chromosome in ve patients and its absence in the sixth patient. Other
characteristics of their presentation are shown in Table1.
e literature search resulted in 152 articles. Aer meticulous
review, 29 papers met the inclusion criteria and contained 49patients
with 46XX DSD. Tab le  1 displays all literature cases, including
those reported in this study, of 46XX men diagnosed during fertility
evaluation. e reported mean age±s.d. was 34±10years. Sexual
dysfunction, reduced hair distribution, and gynecomastia were reported
in 21%(4/19), 26.6%(8/30), and 40%(12/30) of patients, respectively.
Patients’ mean height± s.d. was 166±6.5cm. Overall, patients had
hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with a mean testosterone± s.d.
of 274.3± 135.3ng dl−1, mean FSH± s.d. of 40.4±22.2, and mean
LH±s.d. of 23.4±13.4. FISH was performed in 43patients. e SRY
gene was detected in 36 (83.7%) and was absent in the remaining
7(16.3%) patients. e translocation was to a sex chromosome in
95%(38/40) and to an autosome in 5%(2/40) of the patients. In two
out of the seven SRY‑negative patients, the authors investigated the
DAX1 and SOX9 genes and failed to detect any mutation. Testicular
atrophy was reported in all cases while testis biopsy was performed in
ten patients and showed absence of spermatogenesis with Sertoli cell
only and Leydig cell hyperplasia.
46XX DSD is a genetic abnormality infrequently encountered by
andrologists during fertility evaluation of phenotypically normal males.
Once encountered, a thorough understanding of all its implications is
mandatory for adequate management and counseling. Several etiologic
theories have been proposed to help understand this condition. In
SRY ‑positive patients, cross‑over between pseudoautosomal regions
of sex chromosomes is believed to occur during paternal meiosis.11
Whereas in SRY‑negative patients, the link remains unclear. Some
have advocated the presence of different sex determining genes
located on autosomes initiating “maleness.12 For example, SOX9
gene, which is located on the long arm of chromosome 17, is known
to potentiate SRY gene eects and its overexpression has been linked
to 46XX SRY ‑negative males.13 Others believe that the SRY gene is in
fact inhibitory to other autosomal genes, termed “Z” genes, that are
themselves inhibitory to male sex determination.14 Furthermore, an
X‑linked dosage‑sensitive sex reversal locus has been identied and
functions as a repressor of male pathway. Meeks etal. conrmed that
mutations to the DAX1 gene would lead to 46XX female‑to‑male
sex reversal.15 Of all the cases of 46XX DSD reported in men seeking
fertility, the SRY gene was present in 83.7% and absent in 16.3%. Two
cases performed PCR amplication of the SOX9 and DAX1 regions
and failed to nd any mutation. Unfortunately, these mutations were
also not assessed in our SRY‑negative patient.
A number of characteristic features are picked up during physical
examination but are not sufficient to make a diagnosis. Unlike
Klinefelter patients(47XXY) who can present with similar complaints,
patients with 46XX DSD generally have a short stature which is
mainly due to lack of testosterone‑driven pubertal growth spurt or
due to absence of other Y‑chromosome specic growth factors.16 e
mean height±s.d. of reported cases in this review was 166±6.5cm.
e degree of virilization is variable. While it is complete in some
patients, others may have poor hair growth, female fat distribution,
and gynecomastia secondary to an altered testosterone/estradiol ratio.
is imbalance is thought to result from an increase in peripheral
aromatization of testosterone. Anding that is inuenced by the
increase in fat mass and the decrease in lean muscle mass, which
is oen seen in many chromosomal disturbances with subsequent
hypogonadism.17 is variability can be explained by the hypogonadism
oen in existent or may be secondary to a dose‑dependent genetic
aberration, as has been postulated by some researchers.18 Up to 40%
of cases had some form of reduced virilization.
Testicular atrophy is always detected on genital examination, in
addition to other less frequent abnormalities such as undescended
testis and hypospadias,19 which have been reported in 5.5% and 7.4%
of cases in this review.
Azoospermia is present on semen analysis as would be expected
since all Y chromosome azoospermia factors(AZF) are lacking.20
Serum hormone testing reveals hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
consistent with primary testicular failure. The mean ± s.d. of
serum testosterone, FSH, and LH reported in all cases were
274.3± 135.3 ng dl−1, 40.4±22.2IU ml−1, and 23.4± 13.4 IU ml−1,
respectively. Once karyotype analysis fails to detect a Y chromosome
in a phenotypic male, FISH or molecular amplication by polymerase
chain reaction(PCR) is performed to look for the presence or absence
of SRY gene. Although this workup does not have a prognostic value,
it documents the various genetic rearrangements of the syndrome.
Asian Journal of Andrology
A Majzoub et al
Table 1: 46 XX DSD men presenting with infertility
References Case Clinical data Hormones Genetics Pathology
ED Reduced
GM Penis
Other Weight
(ng dl−1)
(IU l−1)
(IU l−1)
(pg ml−1)
(ng ml−1)
SRY Location*
Rigola et al. 200234 1 33 No No NL + Xp
Valetto et al. 200535 2 35 No No NL 48 152 306 23.9 17.7 7.13
Dauwerse, et al.
3 61 No NL SS 171 325.4 13 10 31.3 + 16q
Kim, et al. 201533 4 29 Yes No No 10.7^ 62 165 179 76 41 Hyalinization, LCH
Ryan et al. 201318 5 40 No Yes No 3.6φ1 10 −
Gao et al. 201336 6 163 308.7 93.6 19.4 33 17.9 + Xp
7 163 277.6 24.7 14.4 43 18.5 + Xp
8 162 129.6 + Xp
9 161 137.6 81.6 27.7 19.8 22.9 + Xp
10 158 244.5 13.1 3.61 34 9.67 + Xp
11 162 172.8 54.7 19.4 27 10.08 + Xp
12 162 319.6 37.1 16.5 28 9.88 + Xp
13 161 216 43 33.9 22 7.28 + Xp
14 160 336.9 72 34.6 19.8 10 + Xp
15 160 180.8 49 26.8 19.8 15.8 + Xp
16 161 521.2 87.7 31.4 30.5 49.6 + Xp
Xiao et al. 201337 17 27 No No NL HS 170 180 47 18.7 12 14.6 **
Rizvi 200821 18 33 No 8.6φ85.8 177 207 46 23 + Xp
Minor et al. 200838 19 24 Yes 11.955.4 28.4 + Xp
Rajender Thangaraj,
et al. 20069
20 34 No No NL 64 156 580 25.8 15.8 **
Queralt et al. 200839 21 31 No No 58 170 323 62.2 25.8 17 + 1q
Tan et al. 1993822 32 No No Yes Small HS 176 263.2 21 34 25
et al. 199012
23 28 No Yes NL 65 165 240 72 61 16.3 Leydig and Sertoli
cell hyperplasia
Chiang et al. 201340 24 33 No 203 46.5 17.6 27.05 + Xp
25 34 UT 217 54.3 19.6 8.15 + Xp
26 52 HS 144 64.3 20.2 16.08
Wu et al. 201441 27 165 195.8 35.5 13.8 30.5 4.6 + Xp
28 162 155.5 29.2 12.9 19.1 3.6 + Xp
29 164 256.3 45.9 25.1 26.7 7.8 + Xp
30 167 241.9 33.7 22.3 29.1 10.9 + Xp
31 165 201.6 31.4 19.6 22.1 7.8 + Xp
Tomomasa, et al.
32 25 No No 55 177 428.6 19.7 10.3 + Xp Hyalinization, SCO
Jain, et al. 201326 33 38 Ye s No Yes NL 63 162 120 76.6 36.3 + Xp FNA: SCO
Chernykh et al.
34 37 Yes Yes 74 160 290.8 26.9 13.5 + Xp
Yencilek et al. 200527 35 26 No No No 8φ72 165 270 45.6 48.9 9.4 LCH and tubule
Butler, et al.198328 36 31 No No Yes 7φ72 169 477 51 + Tubular atrophy,
Castineyra et al.
37 28 No Yes 180 300 50 16 28 14 + Xp
38 35 No SS,
170 700 3.5 6.2 38 3.4 + Xp
39 28 Yes HS 160 140 21 5.2 19 8.1 + Xp
40 39 Yes 174 560 6.7 4.2 30 6.2 + Xp
41 24 No 172 300 45 40 20 5.4 + Xp
Fuse, et al. 199129 42 30 No No 90 172 160 47 60 + Xp Germinal aplasia,
Pais et al. 197730 43 29 No No Yes Small 82 170 267 53 45 Hyalinization,
Wegner et al. 198331 44 35 No No NL 81 167 630 23.7 37.1 3.8 + Xp SCO, LCH
Micic et al. 198332 45 25 No Yes No 63 171 319.6 31 18 47 6.8 SCO, LCH
Asian Journal of Andrology
A Majzoub et al
SRY ‑negative patients are believed to have a higher frequency of genital
ambiguities,21 this particular association was not found in this subset
of 46XX DSD patients.
A multidisciplinary approach to management is favored aer
reaching the diagnosis. Genetic counseling is required to help the
patient and his partner understand various aspects of his condition, in
addition to psychological support, which would ease his comprehension
of dicult information. Imaging of the pelvis is required to look for
remnants of mullerian ducts that may cause morbidity in the form
of repeated infections or urinary incontinence22 and require surgical
removal. Neoplastic transformation(gonadoblastoma) of dysgenetic
gonads has been described in up to 30% of cases specically when Y
chromosome material is detected.23 As such, serial self‑examinations
should be encouraged together with regular gonadal ultrasound
imaging. Repeated gonadal biopsy and even gonadectomy in
nonfunctioning gonads have also been proposed to overcome the
risk of malignancy.24 Testicular biopsy has been reported in ten
cases displaying unied absence of germinal cells and Leydig cell
hyperplasia.12,25–33 Surgical correction of genital ambiguities such as
hypospadias and undescended testis is required. Cosmetic surgery for
gynecomastia should also be considered if the patient desires.
e patient’s hypogonadism should be managed with testosterone
replacement. erefore, discussion about dierent forms of testosterone
therapy and their possible side eects should be considered early
aer diagnosis. Prior to initiating therapy, a baseline bone density
scan(DEXA) should be performed to look for osteopenia or
frank osteoporosis. Patients with a T score of <−1.0 would benet
from treatment with Vitamin D and calcium, bisphosphonates, or
calcitonin, and require annual repeats of DEXA scan until results
are normal.19 As regards to fertility, options are limited to articial
insemination or invitro fertilization using donor sperm or resolving
to adoption.
46XX DSD is a rare genetic disorder that is seldom picked up during
evaluation of patients with infertility. An understanding of all aspects
of this condition is certainly required for oering the most suitable
treatment. Herein, we report the largest single report case experience
as well as the largest review of worldwide experience with 46XX DSD
detected during fertility evaluation.
AM participated in the acquisition of data, summarized the collected
evidence, and draed the manuscript. MA designed the study and
participated in the acquisition of data. SC participated in the acquisition
of data. HA revised the manuscript and helped in coordination. SA
revised the manuscript and helped in co‑ordination. ES helped to
dra the manuscript and provided supervision. All authors read and
approved the nal manuscript.
e authors declare no competing interests.
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Table 1: Contd...
References Case Clinical data Hormones Genetics Pathology
ED Reduced
GM Penis
Other Weight
(ng dl−1)
(IU l−1)
(IU l−1)
(pg ml−1)
(ng ml−1)
SRY Location*
Matthews et al.
46 27 Yes No UT,
68 166 282.2 46 19 33 9.87
Pepene et al. 200845 47 28 No No Yes FFD 65 167 333.2 43.9 25.3 + Xp
Hado et al. 200346 48 76 No No Yes 157 259 27.8 21 + Xp
Mustafa et al. 201047 49 30 No Ye s NL 75 170 211 40.7 16.6 8.5
Current study 50 40 No No No NL 84 175 335 38 12 29 13.6 + Xp
51 31 No No No NL 129 14 6 25 3.2 + Xp
52 35 Ye s Yes Ye s NL 74 10 23 5.7 + Xp
53 29 No No No NL 77 181 246 13.4 12 19 + Xp
54 39 No No No NL SS 74 160 74 28 15
55 32 No No Yes NL 86 170 95 29.7 16.9 12 + Xp
*Methods used for detection of SRY were fluorescence in situ hybridization, polymerase chain reaction, DNA hybridization, and high resolution banding; ^Erect length; φFlaccid length; Free
testosterone (pg ml−1); **DAX1 and SOX9 genes amplified and reported as normal. ED: erectile dysfunction; HD: hair distribution; T: testosterone; LH: luteinizing hormone; FSH: follicular
stimulating hormone; E: estradiol; PRL: prolactin; SRY: sex determining region Y gene; SS: hypoplastic scrotum; HS: hypospadias; UT: undescended testis; FFD: female fat distribution;
LCH: leydig cell hyperplasia; GM: gynecomastia; DSD: disorder of sex development; NL: normal level
Asian Journal of Andrology
A Majzoub et al
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... In 2017 a case series and literature review of 46, XX patients diagnosed during fertility evaluation reported a total of 55 cases in this setting; thus, with this study, we are adding two more patients to the described ones. 22 This is a very rare condition, reported in 1:20,000 males, with different phenotype-genotype correlations. 22,23 In our two cases, the patients had testicular atrophy, which is always present in this genetic condition, 22 and a hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. ...
... 22 This is a very rare condition, reported in 1:20,000 males, with different phenotype-genotype correlations. 22,23 In our two cases, the patients had testicular atrophy, which is always present in this genetic condition, 22 and a hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. One was 32 and the other 39 years old, both with normal male phenotype and weight excess. ...
... 22 This is a very rare condition, reported in 1:20,000 males, with different phenotype-genotype correlations. 22,23 In our two cases, the patients had testicular atrophy, which is always present in this genetic condition, 22 and a hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. One was 32 and the other 39 years old, both with normal male phenotype and weight excess. ...
... The infertility is probably due to the deletion of AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc regions since the complete mechanism and genes involved in spermatogenesis are still unknown. Studies have reported that testicular biopsies performed on 46,XX males showed the absence of spermatogenic cells with the presence of only Leydig and Sertoli cells [16]. The presence of rudimentary testes in XX males is supported by the absence of germ cells [17]. ...
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Purpose XX male syndrome also known as De la Chapelle syndrome/Testicular Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) is a rare genetic abnormality, identified by a partial or complete mismatch between phenotypic and genotypic gender of an individual. The present study describes the pertinent clinical, biochemical, cytogenetics, and molecular findings in four phenotypically normal males, presented with gonadal dysgenesis and hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism. Method Clinical characteristics and biochemical parameters in four patients were assessed. Further, chromosomal analysis has been performed using conventional karyotyping. FISH and Y chromosome microdeletion assays were carried out to confirm the presence of male-specific genes followed by microarray analysis. Result Chromosomal analysis revealed a 46,XX karyotype, FISH showed the presence of 2 normal X chromosomes along with translocation of the SRY gene on the short (p) arm of one of the X chromosome. Molecular analysis for Y chromosome microdeletion revealed the presence of the SRY gene with a complete absence of azoospermic factor regions (AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc) on the long (q) arm of the Y chromosome. Chromosomal microarray revealed no significant copy number variation. Conclusions The peculiar translocation of the SRY gene in 46,XX males strongly supports the inclusion of cytogenetic testing for establishing diagnosis and genetic counseling for infertility and/or hormonal imbalances in individuals. The present study provides insight into the cascade of events triggered by the SRY gene in the XX genome, which reinforces the differentiation towards the formation of testes while actively inhibiting ovarian development.
... Phenotypically, 46,XX individuals possess male gonads but have smaller testes, shorter body habitus, and may have gynecomastia or cryptorchidism [13,32]. In general, men with 46,XX are universally infertile due to the absence of specific regions on the Y chromosome required for spermatogenesis, such as the azoospermia factor (AZF) regions [33]. Therefore, ART is not an option for these individuals, and they require donor sperm to father children. ...
Approximately one in twenty men have sperm counts low enough to impair fertility but little progress has been made in answering fundamental questions in andrology or in developing new diagnostic tools or management strategies in infertile men. Many of these problems increase with age, leading to a growing population of men seeking help. To address this, there is a strong movement towards integrating male reproductive and sexual healthcare involving clinicians such as andrologists, urologists, endocrinologists and counselors. This book will emphasize this integrated approach to male reproductive and sexual health throughout the lifespan. Practical advice on how to perform both clinical and laboratory evaluations of infertile men is given, as well as a variety of methods for medically and surgically managing common issues. This text ties together the three major pillars of clinical andrology: clinical care, the andrology laboratory, and translational research.
... 46,XX disorder of sex development (DSD), a variant of Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) (KS), also known as de la Chapelle syndrome, affects approximately one in 20,000 newborn males annually [1]. Most newborn males with this condition exhibit a typical male phenotype, making a prepubertal diagnosis uncommon due to a lack of signs and symptoms. ...
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A 46,XX male represents a variant of Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), under the category of a disorder of sex development (DSD). Despite possessing an XX karyotype, these individuals exhibit a male phenotype, which, in this case, results from a translocation of the SRY gene from the Y chromosome onto the X chromosome. This genetic alteration results in the development of male gonadal characteristics. This case report outlines a prenatal diagnosis of a 46,XX female in conflict with a level 2 ultrasound. It details the patient's presentation, diagnosis of an SRY-positive 46,XX male, and medical history. The discussion focuses on the advantages of early identification and intervention in managing symptom progression and addressing fertility challenges through hormone replacement therapy. Further exploration of 46,XX DSD early detection and the underlying mechanisms is essential for refining diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that result in a greater quality of life for these patients.
... The 46 XX male, known as de la Chapelle syndrome, presents primary infertility and azoospermia. 51,52 Generally, the infertile severity was most remarkable in AZFa deletions and decreased with subsequently deleted intervals AZFb, AZFc, and AZFd, perspectively. In addition, the severity of infertility phenotypes may correlate to the size of AZF microdeletion (partial, complete, or concurrence) and the abnormal karyotype situation. ...
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Background: The Y chromosome has a specific region, namely the Azoospermia Factor (AZF) because azoospermia is typically reported in the microdeletion of the AZF region. This study aims to assess the characteristics of AZF microdeletion after screening a massive number of low sperm concentration men; and the Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) outcomes for retrieving sperm from azoospermic patients. Materials and Methods: This retrospective multiple-center study enrolled a total of 1121 men with azoospermia, cryptozoospermia, and severe oligozoospermia from December 2016 to June 2022. An extension analysis used a total of 17 STSs to detect the positionoccurring microdeletion in the AZF region (AZFa, b, c, and/or d loci). Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) was performed to retrieve sperm in azoospermic men diagnosed AZFc microdeletion. Results: One hundred and fifty-three men carried AZF microdeletion were detected in the 1121 participants (13.64%). The incidences of AZF microdeletion were confined to AZF a, c, and d regions, both individual and concurrence, with the most common in the AZFc region accounting for 49.67%; There was no significant difference in clinical and paraclinical characteristics between the deleted regions, except FSH level (highest in AZFa microdeletion, p = 0.043). The AZFc region was the most common type of AZF microdeletion (49.67%), including complete microdeletion (4 patients) and gr/gr partial microdeletion (39 patients) with 50.00% and 63.63% in the success rate of mTESE, separately. Conclusion: The absence of AZFa and/or AZFb regions often express the most severe phenotype – azoospermia and the increasing FSH level. The AZFc region played the most common microdeletion. Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) was the possible therapy for sperm retrieval from the testis of azoospermia men having AZFc microdeletion. Keywords: Y chromosome microdeletion, AZF microdeletion, azoospermia, mTESE
... The 46 XX male, known as de la Chapelle syndrome, presents primary infertility and azoospermia. 51,52 Generally, the infertile severity was most remarkable in AZFa deletions and decreased with subsequently deleted intervals AZFb, AZFc, and AZFd, perspectively. In addition, the severity of infertility phenotypes may correlate to the size of AZF microdeletion (partial, complete, or concurrence) and the abnormal karyotype situation. ...
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Background: The Y chromosome has a specific region, namely the Azoospermia Factor (AZF) because azoospermia is typically reported in the microdeletion of the AZF region. This study aims to assess the characteristics of AZF microdeletion after screening a massive number of low sperm concentration men; and the Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) outcomes for retrieving sperm from azoospermic patients. Materials and methods: This retrospective multiple-center study enrolled a total of 1121 men with azoospermia, cryptozoospermia, and severe oligozoospermia from December 2016 to June 2022. An extension analysis used a total of 17 STSs to detect the position-occurring microdeletion in the AZF region (AZFa, b, c, and/or d loci). Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) was performed to retrieve sperm in azoospermic men diagnosed AZFc microdeletion. Results: One hundred and fifty-three men carried AZF microdeletion were detected in the 1121 participants (13.64%). The incidences of AZF microdeletion were confined to AZF a, c, and d regions, both individual and concurrence, with the most common in the AZFc region accounting for 49.67%; There was no significant difference in clinical and paraclinical characteristics between the deleted regions, except FSH level (highest in AZFa microdeletion, p = 0.043). The AZFc region was the most common type of AZF microdeletion (49.67%), including complete microdeletion (4 patients) and gr/gr partial microdeletion (39 patients) with 50.00% and 63.63% in the success rate of mTESE, separately. Conclusion: The absence of AZFa and/or AZFb regions often express the most severe phenotype - azoospermia and the increasing FSH level. The AZFc region played the most common microdeletion. Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) was the possible therapy for sperm retrieval from the testis of azoospermia men having AZFc microdeletion.
... In 80% of cases the SRY gene is translocated into an X chromosome or an autosome and in the remaining 20%, hidden mosaicism for the SRY gene has been postulated [22]. In their case series and literature review, Majzoub et al. reported 55 cases of 46, XX men and described their overall features [23]. All patients had testicular atrophy and their histopathology showed Sertoli cell only syndrome and Leydig cell hyperplasia. ...
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Background Hypogonadism in older men is often considered as late onset hypogonadism. However, this clinical condition results from primary testicular failure which could be of genetic origin with Klinefelter syndrome being the most common chromosomal abnormality associated with it. Case presentation We report a heterogeneous group of cases who were diagnosed with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in their adulthood and were found to have rare chromosomal aberrations. All were elderly men (in their 70 s and 80 s) for whom the diagnosis was made during the evaluation of incidental symptoms suggestive of endocrinopathy. The first had hyponatremia; the other two had gynaecomastia and features of hypogonadism noted during admission for various acute medical problems. With respect to their genetic results; the first had a male karyotype with balanced reciprocal translocation between the long arm of chromosome 4 and the short arm of chromosome 7. The second case had a male karotype with one normal X chromosome and an isochrome for the short arm of the Y chromosome. The third case was an XX male with unbalanced translocation between the X & Y chromosomes with retention of the SRY locus. Conclusion Hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism in the elderly, may be due to chromosomal aberrations, resulting in heterogeneous and diverse clinical phenotypes. Vigilance must be exercised when seeing cases with subtle clinical findings. This report suggests that in selected cases of adult hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, chromosomal analysis may be indicated.
... Because there is a "normal" male phenotype, this disorder is often not discovered until puberty is delayed or men are found to be infertile or develop gynecomastia. However, the testes may be small and there may be incomplete masculinization of the external genitals at birth [36]. Males with 47XYY syndrome have a normal male phenotype but may have reduced fertility [37]. ...
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are often sexually dimorphic, with one sex more affected than the other. This chapter examines the genetic mechanisms underlying sex determination and the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying sexual differentiation. Research on the development of sex differences in the brain and body focuses on the prenatal, perinatal, and pubertal critical periods of development and how hormones and other neurochemical signals act as epigenetic mechanisms to shape male and female brains and neuroendocrine systems. In addition to genes and hormones, glial cells and the neuroimmune system are involved in sexual differentiation of just about every physiological system in the body. Given that each cell in the body has XX or XY chromosomes, every cell is sexually differentiated. While the focus of this chapter is on the sexual differentiation of the brain and neuroendocrine system and how these sex differences influence the development of NDD), I have also examined sex differences in the cardiovascular system and in energy metabolism which result in sex differences in cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. While the primary events in sexual differentiation occur prenatally and perinatally, puberty is also a period of sexual differentiation and the reorganization of neural and neuroendocrine pathways that occur during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Puberty is also associated with the onset of adolescent NDD, including obesity, anorexia, neuropsychiatric and addictive disorder, as well as disorders of gender identity and role. This chapter also discusses the effect of neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors in the disorders of sex differentiation and in the development of NDD.
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Infertility is a global health concern, with male factors playing an especially large role. Unfortunately, however, the contributions made by reproductive urologists in managing male infertility under assisted reproductive technology (ART) often go undervalued. This narrative review highlights the important role played by reproductive urologists in diagnosing and treating male infertility as well as any barriers they face when providing services. This manuscript presents a comprehensive review of reproductive urologists’ role in managing male infertility, outlining their expertise in diagnosing and managing male infertility as well as reversible causes and performing surgical techniques such as sperm retrieval. This manuscript investigates the barriers limiting urologist involvement such as limited availability, awareness among healthcare professionals, and financial constraints. This study highlights a decrease in male fertility due to lifestyle factors like sedentary behavior, obesity, and substance abuse. It stresses the significance of conducting an evaluation process involving both male and female partners to identify any underlying factors contributing to infertility and to identify patients who do not require any interventions beyond ART. We conclude that engaging urologists more effectively in infertility management is key to optimizing fertility outcomes among couples undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatments and requires greater education among healthcare providers regarding the role urologists and lifestyle factors that could have an effect on male fertility.
We report a case of a fetus with 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development detected prenatally. This fetus was found abnormally due to non-invasive prenatal testing. Amniocentesis revealed SRY gene on the X chromosome of the fetus. The related literature was reviewed, and the advantages and limitations of various prenatal diagnostic techniques were discussed. The combination of non-invasive prenatal testing and various prenatal diagnostic techniques has enabled more fetuses with sex reversal to be detected.
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Gynecomastia is a common condition in male adolescents that is characterized by an excessive development of breast tissue caused by increased estrogen production. Since gynecomastia can be either physiological or pathological, it is important to elucidate the reason for breast enlargement in male patients. This report describes a case of gynecomastia in a boy aged 17 years and 6 months who had shown progressive breast budding for 1 year before presenting to our hospital. His only symptom was symmetrical nipple pain. Biochemical testing revealed higher than normal luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and estradiol levels, and decreased testosterone levels, which led to a diagnosis of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction analysis and chromosomal analysis determined that the patient had the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) gene -positive 46,XX karyotype. The presented case is unique since, to the best of our knowledge, only few cases of 46,XX male syndrome presenting as gynecomastia have been reported thus far.
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Background To review the possible mechanisms proposed to explain the etiology of 46, XX sex reversal by investigating the clinical characteristics and their relationships with chromosomal karyotype and the SRY(sex-determining region Y)gene. Methods Five untreated 46, XX patients with SRY-positive were referred for infertility. Clinical data were collected, and Karyotype analysis of G-banding in lymphocytes and Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were performed. Genomic DNA from peripheral blood of the patients using QIAamp DNA Blood Kits was extracted. The three discrete regions, AZFa, AZFb and AZFc, located on the long arm of the Y chromosome, were performed by multiplex PCRs(Polymerase Chain Reaction) amplification. The set of PCR primers for the diagnosis of microdeletion of the AZFa, AZFb and AZFc region included: sY84, sY86, sY127, sY134, sY254, sY255, SRY and ZFX/ZFY. Results Our five patients had a lower body height. Physical examination revealed that their testes were small in volume, soft in texture and normal penis. Semen analyses showed azoospermia. All patients had a higher follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH), Luteinizing Hormone(LH) level, lower free testosterone, testosterone level and normal Estradiol, Prolactin level. Karyotype analysis of all patients confirmed 46, XX karyotype, and FISH analysis showed that SRY gene were positive and translocated to Xp. Molecular analysis revealed that the SRY gene were present, and the AZFa, AZFb and AZFc region were absent. Conclusions This study adds cases on the five new 46, XX male individuals with SRY-positive and further verifies the view that the presence of SRY gene and the absence of major regions in Y chromosome should lead to the expectance of a completely masculinised phenotype, abnormal hormone levels and infertility.
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The XX male syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. The phenotype is variable; it ranges from a severe impairment of the external genitalia to a normal male phenotype with infertility. It generally results from an unequal crossing over between the short arms of the sex chromosomes (X and Y). We are reporting a case of a 38-year-old man who presented with infertility and the features of hypogonadism and glaucoma. The examinations revealed normal external male genitalia, soft small testes, gynaecomastia and glaucoma. The semen analysis showed azoospermia. The serum gonadotropins were high, with low Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and Inhibin B levels. The chromosomal analysis demonstrated a 46, XX karyotype. Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) revealed the presence of a Sex-determining Region Y (SRY). Testicular Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) revealed the Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome (SCOS). The presence of only Sertoli Cells in the testes, with glaucoma in the XX male syndrome, to our knowledge, has not been reported in the literature.
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XX male is a rare sex chromosomal disorder in infertile men. The purpose of this study was to distinguish the clinical and genetic features of the 46,XX male syndrome from other more frequent, testicular-origin azoospermic causes of male infertility. To study 46,XX male syndrome, we compared clinical and endocrinological parameters to other groups with testicular-origin azoospermia, and to an age-matched group of healthy males and females as normal control. Fluorescent in situ hybridization for detection and localization of the sex-determining region of the Y gene (SRY), array-based comparative genomic hybridization screening, and real-time qualitative polymerase chain reaction of FGF9, WT1, NR5A1, and SPRY2 genes were performed in this genetic investigation. Our three patients with 46,XX male syndrome had a much higher follicular-stimulating hormone level, lower body height, lower testosterone level, and ambiguous external genitalia. One of the three patients with 46,XX male syndrome was SRY-negative. A further genetic study, including a comparative genomic hybridization array and real-time polymerase chain reaction, showed a gain of FGF9 copy numbers only in the SRY-negative 46,XX male. The genetic copy number of the FGF9 gene was duplicated in that case compared to the normal female control and was significantly lower than that of the normal male control. No such genomic gain was observed in the case of the two SRY-positive 46,XX males. Similar to clinical manifestations of 46,XX male syndrome, genetic evidence in this study suggests that FGF9 may contribute to sex reversal, but additional confirmation with more cases is still needed.
A total of 320 intersex patients with a Y chromosome were classified into four groups; (1) gonadal dysgenesis, (2) asymmetrical gonadal differentiation, (3) virilizing male hermaphroditism, and (4) feminizing male hermaphroditism (testicular feminization syndrome). Of these 320 cases, 98 were from the files of The Johns Hopkins Hospital and the remainder from the literature. The incidence of tumors in relation to age and clinical classification was analyzed by computer. The results were plotted for each group. It was found that the percentage of tumors rose appreciably soon after the age of puberty in the first three groups, and it was concluded that the gonads were best removed before the age of puberty. In the case of testicular feminization patients, procrastination until the age of 25 could be considered, if one were willing to assume the risk of neoplasia of about 3.6 per cent until then.
Conference Paper
Infertility is a common problem, affecting perhaps one couple in six, the majority of whom now seek medical care. Although diagnostic problems make it difficult to establish the extent of the male partner's contribution with certainty, a number of studies suggest that male problems represent the commonest single defined cause of infertility, The World Health Organization has proposed a scheme for the diagnostic classification of male infertility, based upon a standardized approach to clinical assessment and to the assessment of semen quality. Some of these classifications are now controversial, and many are descriptive, rather than aetiological, Increasingly, the importance of occupation, environmental and particularly genetic factors in the causation of male infertility is being recognized.
In a large collaborative screening project, 370 men with idiopathic azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia were analysed for deletions of 76 DNA loci in Yq11. In 12 individuals, we observed de novo microdeletions involving several DNA loci, while an additional patient had an inherited deletion. They were mapped to three different subregions in Yq11. One subregion coincides to the AZF region defined recently in distal Yq11. The second and third subregion were mapped proximal to it, in proximal and middle Yq11, respectively. The different deletions observed were not overlapping but the extension of the deleted Y DNA in each subregion was similar in each patient analysed. In testis tissue sections, disruption of spermatogenesis was shown to be at the same phase when the microdeletion occurred in the same Yq11 subregion but at a different phase when the microdeletion occurred in a different Yq11 subregion. Therefore, we propose the presence of not one but three spermatogenesis loci in Yq11 and that each locus is active during a different phase of male germ cell development. As the most severe phenotype after deletion of each locus is azoospermia, we designated them as: AZFa, AZFb and AZFc. Their probable phase of function in human spermatogenesis and candidate genes involved will be discussed.
The 46, XX male disorder of sex development (DSD) is a rare genetic condition. Here, we report the case of a 46, XX SRY-negative male with complete masculinization. The coding region and exon/intron boundaries of the DAX1, SOX9 and RSPO1 genes were sequenced, and no mutations were detected. Using whole genome array analysis and real-time PCR, we identified a ∼74-kb duplication in a region ∼510-584 kb upstream of SOX9 (chr17:69,533,305-69,606,825, hg19). Combined with the results of previous studies, the minimum critical region associated with gonadal development is a 67-kb region located 584-517 kb upstream of SOX9. The amplification of this region might lead to SOX9 overexpression, causing female-to-male sex reversal. Gonadal-specific enhancers in the region upstream of SOX9 may activate the SOX9 expression through long-range regulation, thus triggering testicular differentiation.
Purpose: To investigate the clinical characteristics of different categories of sex-reversed 46,XX individuals and their relationships with chromosomal karyotype and the SRY gene. Methods: Chromosome karyotyping for peripheral blood culture and multi-PCR and FISH were performed. Results: Endocrinological data showed that their endocrine hormone levels were similar to that observed for Klinefelter syndrome, with higher FSH and LH levels and lower T levels. Chromosome karyotyping for peripheral blood culture revealed 46, XX complement for 11 males. Molecular studies showed that there were locus deletions at SY84, SY86, SY127, SY134, SY254 and SY255 in AZF on chromosome Y in 9 cases, with the SRY gene present at the terminus of the X chromosome short arm. In one case, besides 6 locus deletions in AZF, there was also SRY gene deletion. In another case, there were locus deletions only at SY254 and SY255, with SY84, SY86, SY127 SY134 loci and SRY present. Conclusions: The majority (10/11) of 46,XX males were SRY positive, with the SRY gene translocated into the terminus of the X chromosome short arm. These patients were caused mainly by an X/Y chromosomal inter-change during paternal meiosis, leading to the differentiation of primary gonads into testes. Only a single patient (1/11) was SRY-negative, in which there might be some unknown downstream genes involved in sex determination.