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Load Balancing Techniques in Software-Defined Cloud Computing: an overview



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Load Balancing Techniques in Software-Defined
Cloud Computing: an overview
Ahmad AA AlKhatib
Computer Information Systems Department
Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Amman, Jordan
Thaer Sawalha and Shadi AlZu’bi
Computer Information Systems Department
Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Amman, Jordan,
Abstract—With the expansion of the network and increasing
their users, as well as emerging new technologies, such as
cloud computing and big data, managing traditional networks
is difficult, where the VM load has increased as well as the
required task processing time. Therefore, it is necessary to
change the traditional network architecture. Lately, to address
this issue, a notion named software-defined network (SDN)
has been proposed, which makes network management more
conformable. Network resources limitations and requirements
fulfilment leads to the important need of load balancing that
helps in distributing traffic via several resources to improve
network resources efficiency and reliability. Many researchers
have worked previously on this task, proposing several algorithms
with advantages and disadvantages. This paper focuses on cloud
computing load balancing concepts, and represents benefits
and some weaknesses regarding to the selected load balancing
algorithms and investigates the metrics of their algorithms. In
addition, the important challenges of these algorithms have been
reviewed to provide future researchers with better load balancing
Index Terms—Cloud computing, Load Balancing, Software-
Defined Network, Static Algorithms, Dynamic Algorithms
In one embodiment, a method for load balancing in a
software-define networking (SDN) system includes, upon re-
ceiving a packet, determining whether a matching entry for
the packet in a server distribution table contains both a current
and new server selection. If the matching entry contains both,
it is determined whether there is a matching entry for the
packet in a transient flow table, where the transient flow table
maintains server selections when at least one of the plurality
of servers is reconfigured. Upon determining that there is no
matching entry for the packet in the transient flow table, the
method determines whether the packet is a first packet of a
traffic flow. If the packet is the first packet of a traffic flow,
the packet is forwarded according to the new server selection
of the matching entry in the server distribution table, and the
transient flow table is updated.
Load balancing is established based on the local information
of the network in the conventional network. Hence, it is not
very precise. However, SDN controllers have a global view of
the network and can produce more optimized load balances.
Although load balancing mechanisms are important in the
SDN, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no precise
and systematic review or survey on investigating these issues.
Hence, this paper reviews the load balancing mechanisms
which have been used in the SDN systematically
There is a growing interest in adopting cloud computing
around the world for services that have facilitated the use
of information technology. It provides many forms of use,
providing users with services that meet their needs. In a
technical sense, cloud computing embraces and improves the
benefits of some existing distributed computing technologies.
Network computing is a ”model of distributed computing that
uses geographically distant resources and thus enables users
to access computers and data and manage their accounts from
different places”. Other technology includes virtualization,
which conceals the physical properties of computing resources
to mask complexity when interacting Systems, applications or
end-users [1]–[4].
At first, cloud computing was, online business applications,
called application service provision (ASP), then the term
became more widely used as the company distributed their
services, where each service provider named after the services
provided to the customer [5], [6].
Cloud computing has generated many definitions since its
inception in late 2006. Mainly it can be described as a model
for enabling on-demand network access to a common set of
online configurable computing resources (such as network,
server, storage, applications, and services) [7]–[10].
HP defines cloud computing as “Everything as a Service”
[11], [12], while Microsoft perceives the value of cloud
computing as “Cloud and Client” [13], T-Systems define cloud
computing as “the renting of infrastructure and software, as
well as bandwidths, under defined service conditions. These
components should be able to be adjusted daily to the needs
of the customer and offered with the utmost availability and
security. In addition, Included in cloud computing are end-
2-end service level agreements (SLAs) and use-dependent
service invoices” [14].
Cloud computing can be divided into three models, namely:
SaaS (SOFTWARE–AS-A SERVICE) This model gives the
user a user interface, accessed by a browser or desktop applica-
tions. PaaS (PLATFORM-AS-A SERVICE) This model gives
the user an application development tools and programming
language execution environment. IaaS (INFRASTRUCTURE-
AS-A-SERVICE) The user is given virtual computerized re-
sources to manage them according to their needs. In addition
to classification according to the provided services [8], [15],
[16]. Figure 1 describes the Cloud Computing categories.
Database as a Service (DaaS)
Expert as a Service (EaaS)
Storage as a Service (SaaS)
Network as a Service (NaaS)
Security as a Service (SECaaS)
Communication as a Service (CaaS)
Monitoring as a Service (Maas)
Testing as a Service (TaaS)
Fig. 1. Cloud Computing categories
With the increasing popularity of cloud computing, the amount
of processing that is being done in the clouds is surging
drastically. A huge number of challenges facing the cloud
computing to fulfil the provided services requirement [16]:
Load Balancing
Performance analysis and modelling
Throughput and response time
Security and privacy
Resource management
The remaining of this paper is structured as follow: Section II
states the problem that we aimed to solve. The related literature
about Load balancing Classification is overviewed in section
III. Section IV outline some Static and dynamic load balancing
algorithms. And Finally, section V concludes the work and
present a table of comparisons for the recent researches in the
The cloud consists of a set of nodes connected to each other,
where one of these nodes is chosen either randomly or based
on algorithm to meet user requests, the data can be different
and therefore the load varies on each node and every node
in a cloud can be unevenly loaded of tasks according to the
Data centers in clouds are geographically
distributed. On the contrary, distributed
nodes are treated as a single system without
considering many factors such as; Networking
delay, communication delay, distances between
nodes, users and resources.
VM concept allows multiple VM on the same
Physical Machine. The different VM
configuration might lead to overload the
physical machine
Load balancing algorithm must be simple and
short to make sure it is not affecting the cloud
User requirements in this era are variable.
Heterogeneous nodes became essential to fit user
services requirement. The heterogeneity of the
nodes affects the load balancing decision
Load Balancing algorithm normally performed
on a central node to allocate tasks. If the central
node fail the whole computing fail
The response time of load balancing based on
computing power, storage, topology ,,etc
amount of work requested by the clients. Load balancing is
one of the prominent issues that forced its necessity on cloud
computing to distribute the load on the available resources in
order to reduce the response time.
Many challenges face the load balancing concepts, as there
are a different physical and logical issues might affect the used
technique. Table I summaries these issues [16]:
Algorithms are Classified based on the current status of
the system into two categories [17]: i) static algorithms,
which algorithms that collect information about the system
and determine the resources available for use before starting.
Distributing the load on available VM until the end of the
work, which preferred to use when VM capabilities are equal
with each other. The second type is dynamic algorithms, Are
algorithms that are distinct from static algorithms through
flexibility, Where it works on Reschedule the tasks assigned
to them on the VM that are available while doing working.
Figure 2 illustrates General Structure of Load balancing in
Cloud Environment, while Figure 3 illustrates Load balancing
techniques classification.
Load Balancing algorithms evaluated by many parameters
and controlled by many policies. Below are some metrics and
Load Balancing Metrics:
Response time
Fault Tolerance
Migration Time
Resource Usage
Fig. 2. General Structure of Load balancing in Cloud Environment [18]
Fig. 3. Load balancing techniques classification
Degree of Imbalance
Load Balancing Policies:
Selection Policy
Location policy
Transfer policy
Information policy
This part will outline some Static and dynamic load balanc-
ing algorithms with pros and cons for each algorithm:
A. Round Robin Algorithm
One of the simplest techniques used, After selecting the
available VMs, the data center unit randomly selects one of
these virtual machines to start working, It also Arranges orders
in a circular way. Then Each VM that receives a request is
moved to the end of the list [19].
However, this algorithm does not interact with the different
capabilities of the VMS as it distributes the tasks on the
VMS equally despite the different capabilities. Therefore,
this algorithm has been improved by applying Weight Round
Robin Algorithm as it gives weight for each VM based on
capabilities and the load is distributed according to its weight
(Figure 4) [20].
Fig. 4. Round Robin Load Balancer [18]
B. Throttled Load Balancer
In this algorithm, a table is created that contains the virtual
machines in addition to the current state (available - busy).
If a virtual machine is assigned to perform a specific task, a
request is sent to the control unit in the data center. The data
center will search of a best VM Suit their capabilities with
the task required [21]. Throttled Load Balancer is graphically
illustrated in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Throttled Load Balancer
However, process of searching for the best virtual machines
from the beginning of the table every time, we have some VM
is not used, so (Domanal, Reddy, 2013) proposed Modified
Throttled Algorithm, This algorithm worked on modifying the
VM selection mechanism, When the next request arrives, the
VM at index next to already assigned VM is chosen depending
on the state of VM [22].
C. Ant Colony Optimization
Based this algorithm on ACO for better distribution of
workload among the nodes of a cloud. The Ant Colony
algorithm works in a way that it is inspired by the Ant concept
by inspecting for a new route if an obstacle is encountered and
assigning a new route between nodes [23].
The way the algorithm works is by starting of initializing the
table, data flow, and threshold level for nodes needed, while
the flow goes through the nodes, the algorithm checks the
node if it is under load, then it applies the maximum trailing
pheromone (TP) which addresses the path for the under loaded
node and update the table until the node reaches the threshold
limit. However, If the threshold is met, it applies the Foraging
Pheromone (FP) to explore new food sources and updates
the table until an under loaded node is reached, and then
it reassigns resources. This cycle continues until the process
D. Honey Bee Algorithm
The method of algorithm work was inspired by the behavior
of bees in the process of searching for honey, as its main goal
is to distribute the workload on the VM, taking into account
the lack of excessive use of resources and lack of under-use.
The function of this algorithm lies in the selection of a VM
that meets two basic requirements; The number of tasks that
are assigned to this VM is less than the number of tasks that
are handled in other VM machines, The time this VM takes
to process is within the average processing time of all other
VMs [24].
E. Active Monitoring Load Balancer (AMLB)
This technology keeps information about each VM and the
number of requests it is currently assigned on each VM. When
a new order arrives, it identifies the least loaded VM [21].
AMLB is graphically illustrated in Figure 6.
Fig. 6. Active Monitoring Load Balancer
F. Genetic Algorithm
The genetic algorithm was used to improve the load distribu-
tion in the cloud, where the algorithm begins to operate with
the initial population process, and the results are displayed
in a chromosome where each chromosome contains genes.
Then the fitness function is calculated for each chromosome,
then the best results are selected for use as parents, then work
begins with a crossover process, A portion of each parent is
taken to obtain a new child, then the process of improvement
for this child begins by using a mutation process, and the
process continues until we obtain the best results [25]. Figure
7 illustrates the general scheme of genetic algorithm.
G. First come first serve
The mechanism of operation of this algorithm is the distri-
bution of new tasks to resources with the lowest waiting time
(resources that have the fewest number of tasks) where the
Fig. 7. General scheme of genetic algorithm [26]
tasks are executed sequentially as the work begins from the
first task until its completion to start work in the next task
from the queue.
One of the determinants of using this algorithm is assigning
tasks to all virtual machines without paying attention to the
specifications of the available virtual machine, and not paying
attention to the time that the tasks in the queue will take when
distributing the new tasks [27].
H. Generalized Priority Algorithm
The mechanism of action of this algorithm is to give priority
to the tasks according to their size (Higher missions size take
higher priority), and the default machines are given priority
based on the power of the processor, then the appropriate
virtual machine is chosen for the priority of the required task
I. NBST Algorithm
Initially, this algorithm assumes that the number of instruc-
tions required for the tasks is on the waiting list and their
length is known, then it arranges all available virtual devices
according to their implementation speed MIPS (Million in-
structions per second) and arranging the cloudlets according
to their length.
Where this algorithm depends on dividing the number of
VM and cloudlets into two parts after arranging them in
descending order until access to the VM or cloudlets one at
most, then assigning the VM groups to the cloudlets groups
This work concerned with some algorithms that distribute
the load between the VM in a smart way, where the resources
are exploited with the highest efficiency, taking into account
the lack of excessive use of resources and do not idle the
VMs. Loud computing is a service over a network, where
load balancing issues are very critical in this area. overloaded
system will result in poor performance. Therefore smart load
balancing algorithm are required to keep the QoS in a good
rank. This paper overview the cloud computing concept and
reviewed the load balancing algorithm. Table II summarize a
comparison between the load balancing algorithms.
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... As computer systems are expanding and applications related to these systems increase, it has become essential to establish security in computer networks [21]. Setting security in a network requires maintaining the integrity, availability and confidentiality of any system or user [6,61]. On the other hand, the attacker seeks to violate or eliminate a network's integrity, availability, and privacy. ...
... To simulate this process, eqs. (6)(7)(8) are used. ...
... In eqs. (6)(7)(8), r2 is a random value ranging from 0 to 1. xj is a search agent randomly selected from the entire population. C is also calculated using Equation (9). ...
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As a result of its many benefits, including cost-efficiency, speed, effectiveness, greater performance, and increased security, cloud computing has seen a boom in popularity in recent years. This trend has attracted both consumers and businesses. Being able to process and provide data or services in a quick and effective manner while adhering to low latency and time limits is the hallmark of an efficient distributed system that is designed particularly for real-time computing in cloud environments. It is essential to place a high priority on low latency and time sensitivity while developing and putting into action a distributed system for real-time computing in a cloud environment. In order to fulfil the particular requirements of the application or service, consideration must be given to a number of different aspects. In particular, the topic of load balancing will be discussed in this paper. It is possible to ensure a more effective distribution of workload and reduce latency by using load balancers, which distribute incoming traffic over many servers or instances. The throttled algorithm is believed to be the most efficient load balancing strategy for reducing service delivery delay in cloud computing. This research investigates a hybrid method known as Equally Spread Current Execution (ESCE), which is known for its combination with the throttled algorithm.
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Load balancing and task scheduling are the main challenges in Cloud Computing. Existing load balancing algorithms have a drawback in considering the capacity of virtual machines while distributing loads among them. The proposed algorithm works toward solving existing issues, such as fair load distribution, avoiding underloading and overloading, and improving response time. It implements best practices of Throttled load balancing algorithm and Equally Shared Current Execution algorithm. Virtual machines are selected based on the ratio of their bandwidth and load allocation count. Requests are sent to a Virtual Machine with higher bandwidth and lower load allocation count. Proposed algorithm checks for the availability of VM based on their capacity. This process is performed by selecting two VMs and comparing their vmWeight capacity. The one with the least vmWeight is selected. CloudAnalyst is used for simulation, response time evaluation, and resource utilization evaluation. The simulation result of the proposed algorithm is compared with three well-known load-balancing algorithms. These are Round Robin, Throttled Load balancing algorithm, and Enhanced Active Monitoring. Load-balancing Proposed Algorithm selects VMs based on their Algorithm. The proposed algorithm has improved over other algorithms in load distribution, response time, and resource utilization. All virtual machines in the data centers are loaded with a relatively equal number of tasks according to their capacity. This resulted in fair resource sharing and load distribution.
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The mechanical parameter inversion model is an essential part of ensuring dam health; it provides a parametric basis for assessing the safe operational behavior of dams using numerical simulation techniques. Due to the complicated nonlinear mapping relationship between the roller compacted concrete (RCC) dam's mechanical parameters and various environmental quantities, as well as conventional statistical models, machine learning methods, and neural networks fail to consider the inputs of fuzzy uncertainty factors. Therefore, the accuracy, efficiency, and stability of inversion models are usually affected by their modeling methods. In this paper, a novel hybrid model for mechanical parameter inversion of an RCC dam is proposed, which uses a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) to establish the nonlinear mapping relationship between the dam mechanical parameters and the environmental quantities, and the modified particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to find the optimal parameters of the model. The modified PSO algorithm makes the inertia weight ω dynamically adjust with the number of iterations to improve the randomness and diversity of the particle population, and population crossover and mutation are introduced to improve the global search ability and convergence speed of the algorithm. The proposed hybrid model is verified and comparatively analyzed by four typical mathematical test functions, and the results show that the proposed model exhibits good performance in parameter inversion accuracy, convergence speed, stability and robustness. Finally, the model is applied to the mechanical parameter inversion analysis of an RCC gravity dam in Henan Province in China. The results show that the proposed model is feasible and reasonable for practical engineering applications, and the relative error between the results obtained by inputting the inverted parameters into the numerical model and monitoring data was within 10%. The methodology derived from this study can provide technical support and a reference for the mechanical parameter inversion analysis of similar dam projects.
The Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and data processing technologies that can establish connections and exchange data with other devices and systems via the Internet. Many IoT devices range span from ordinary household products to complex industrial appliances. Despite the increasing demand for IoT, security concerns have impeded its development. This paper systematically reviews IoT security research, focusing on vulnerabilities, challenges, technologies, and future directions. It surveys 171 recent publications in the field, providing a comprehensive discussion on the development status, challenges, and solutions in IoT. The paper outlines IoT architecture patterns and typical features, evaluates existing limitations, and explores strategies for enhancing IoT security. Additionally, the paper delves into known IoT attacks and discusses the security countermeasures and mechanisms to address these challenges. It explores the functional requirements of IoT security and explores related technologies and standards. Finally, the paper discusses potential future research directions in IoT security.
Cloud computing as an advanced technology in the IT infrastructure presents nowadays a big concern of researches. It’s no longer a matter of on-demand successful delivery of computing resources. Throughput, performance, server response time, and cost had become the metrics that enable the quality-of-service agreement. Technically, cloud service provider guarantees to deliver computing resources (storage, servers and applications) through back-end data center. It consists of several hosts distributed geographically to answer the client requests. To ensure the service level agreement between clients and providers, cloud infrastructure software need to schedule and optimally manage the workload of several demands. Here, Load balancing technology enters as a major key with a set of algorithms to handle the most effectively and fairly the allocation and scheduling of computational resources, to serve the large amount of calling jobs. This review presents a comparative and comprehensive study that covers the principal concepts of cloud computing, and the well-known algorithms used for load balancing which are classified into static and dynamic sets. The objectives of this survey are to (1) mention, explain, compare and analyze some developed methods for load balancing by systematically reviewing papers from the years 2018 to 2021, (2) analyze the level of maturity of the solutions proposed in the literature and (3) present an insight into the actual solutions which may help with future improvements.KeywordsCloud computing modelInternet-based SWLoad balancingVirtualizationHost/VM migrationQoS Measurements
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Efficiently managing the irrigation process has become necessary to utilize water stocks due to the lack of water resources worldwide. Parched plant leads into hard breathing process, which would result in yellowing leaves and sprinkles in the soil. In this work, yellowing leaves and sprinkles in the soil have been observed using multimedia sensors to detect the level of plant thirstiness in smart farming. We modified the IoT concepts to draw an inspiration towards the perspective vision of 'Internet of Multimedia Things' (IoMT). This research focuses on the smart employment of internet of Multimedia sensors in smart farming to optimize the irrigation process. The concepts of image processing work with IOT sensors and machine learning methods to make the irrigation decision. sensors reading have been used as training data set indicating the thirstiness of the plants, and machine learning techniques including the state-of-the-art deep learning were used in the next phase to find the optimal decision. The conducted experiments in this research are promising and could be considered in any smart irrigation system. The experimental results showed that the use of deep learning proves to be superior in the Internet of Multimedia Things environment.
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With the growth in computing technologies, cloud computing has added a new paradigm to user services that allows accessing Information Technology services on the basis of pay-per-use at any time and any location. Owing to flexibility in cloud services, numerous organizations are shifting their business to the cloud and service providers are establishing more data centers to provide services to users. However, it is essential to provide cost-effective execution of tasks and proper utilization of resources. Several techniques have been reported in the literature to improve performance and resource use based on load balancing, task scheduling, resource management, quality of service, and workload management. Load balancing in the cloud allows data centers to avoid overloading/underloading in virtual machines, which itself is a challenge in the field of cloud computing. Therefore, it becomes a necessity for developers and researchers to design and implement a suitable load balancer for parallel and distributed cloud environments. This survey presents a state-of-the-art review of issues and challenges associated with existing load-balancing techniques for researchers to develop more effective algorithms.
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The technology of cloud computing is growing very quickly, thus it is required to manage the process of resource allocation. In this paper, load balancing algorithm based on honey bee behavior (LBA_HB) is proposed. Its main goal is distribute workload of multiple network links in the way that avoid underutilization and over utilization of the resources. This can be achieved by allocating the incoming task to a virtual machine (VM) which meets two conditions; number of tasks currently processing by this VM is less than number of tasks currently processing by other VMs and the deviation of this VM processing time from average processing time of all VMs is less than a threshold value. The proposed algorithm is compared with different scheduling algorithms; honey bee, ant colony, modified throttled and round robin algorithms. The results of experiments show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in terms of execution time, response time, makespan, standard deviation of load, and degree of imbalance.
Nowadays, the rapid growth of Internet applications open the doors for people to communicate and do business around the world and thus saving time, efforts and money. However, the success of these applications is based on protecting the data from hackers. It is well known that preventing sensitive data from hackers while they are sent through the global network is a big challenge. There are many techniques used for securing data. Some of these techniques are based on encrypting a readable text into an unreadable text using mathematical operations, while other techniques are based on encrypting a readable text into an image (e.g., the Text-to-Image Encryption algorithm – TTIE) or into musical notes using an encryption key. The encryption key must be secure and should not be sent through the Internet. This paper proposes adding a new security level to the TTIE algorithm, and demonstrates how the encryption key produced by the TTIE algorithm is exchanged with the other party using the Diffie Hellman technique. Thus, this paper proposes a modified TTIE algorithm called the Diffie Hellman Text-to-Image Encryption algorithm (DHTTIE), and tests and analyses the proposed algorithm.
Conference Paper
Cloud Computing is one of the fastest growing technologies in present day. Cloud is the metaphor used for internet and cloud computing is sharing pool of resources over internet. Count of users switching to cloud services is increasing day by day, which in turn requires better performance of cloud. One of the major challenges faced in cloud is efficient distribution of resources for serving millions of user requests in less time. Distribution of workload across multiple computing resources is known as Load balancing, its main purpose is to achieve high resource utilization and user satisfaction. Therefore, different load balancing algorithms are used in cloud in order to serve the requests from user in efficient manner. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to balance load on cloud based on arrangement of resources, according to processing speed for virtual machines and then allocating cloudlets to the resources according to their processing requirement.