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العوامل المؤثرة على الاستخدام الأكاديمي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي: منهج نوعي . Factors Influencing the Academic Use of Social Network Sties among University Instructors: A Qualitative Approach



Social network sites have had a tremendous impact on the social, economic and scientific aspects of human life. Although the emergence of social network sites was intended for purely social purposes, they have had a significant effect on university life. This research aimed to understand the factors influencing the academic use of social network sites by university faculty. A qualitative research method was used, where 19 interviews were conducted. The data was thematically analysed using the NVivo software. The findings showed a number of encouraging and hindering factors. The encouraging factors included professional development, teaching improvement, expansion of academic networks, building and making one's digital identity public, helping others, the speed of communication, access to information and the preservation of important information. The hindering factors included believing that it is a waste of time, fear of cyberbullying and reputational damage, lack of academic self-confidence and lack of interest in helping others. There were also some strong links between a number of the encouraging and hindering factors. The implications of the study findings could be applied to training workshops and seminars which are aimed at improving faculty members' skills in the academic use of social network sites.
The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University
Humanities and Management Sciences
Factors Influencing the Academic Use of
Social Network Sties among University
Instructors: A Qualitative Approach
Hibah Aladsani and Ahlam Al Abdullatif
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
 
              
        
     Thematic Analys isNVivo             
 
   
   
Social network sites have had a tremendous impact on the social,
economic and scientific aspects of human life. Although the emergence
of social network sites was intended for purely social purposes, they
have had a significant eff ect on university life. This research aimed to
understand the factors influencing the academic use of soc ial network
sites by university faculty. A qualitative resea rch method was used,
where 19 interviews were conducted. The data was thematically
analysed using the NVivo software. The findings showed a number of
encouraging and hindering fac tors. The encouraging factors included
professional development, teaching improvement, expansion of
academic networks , building and making one’s digital identity public,
helping others, the speed of communication, access to information and
the preservation of important information. The hindering factors
included believing that it is a waste of time, fear of cyberbullying and
reputational damage, lac k of academic self-confidence and lack of
interest in helping others. There were also some strong links between a
number of the encouraging and hindering factors. The implications of
the study findings could be applied to training workshops and seminars
which are aimed at improving faculty members’ skills in the academic
use of social network sites.
Social media, digital identity, professional development, university faculties, NVivo program, academic purposes
Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadris limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: Manhaj naweiun Factors
influencing the academic use of social network sties among university instructors: A qualitative approach’.
The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and
Management Sciences
, 23(1), 4958. DOI: 10.37575/h/edu/210021 [in Arabic]
  
Boyd and Ellison (20 07) 
       
         
 
    Facebook,Blogs, Twitter, YouTube,
WhatsApp, Snap Chat, InstagramTelegram and 
        
    
Research Gate and AcademiLinkedIn
 
(El-Berry, 2015)  
   
EdmodoandNing 
  
FacebookTwitte r andManca and Ranieri, 2017
         
         (El-Berry, 2015)     
       
         Manca and Ranieri, 2017
231 
Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
network sties among university instructors: A qualitative approach ’.
The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
, 23(1), 4958. DOI: 10.37575/h/edu/210021 [in Arabic]
  Manca and Ranieri,
2017; Akçayır and Akçayır, 20172018         
    
(2017) Akçayır and Akçayır
         
    
et al
. (2019) 
  
   
   
 Meishar and Pieterse (2017) 
      
 
        
       
                Manca and
Ranieri, 20 17
        (Donelan, 2016)      2015
       
Berry, 2015) 
 
       
Donelan, 2016AcademiaResearch Gate
 
    
(Donelan, 2 016)
    
        
 (Donelan, 2016)      
    Ak çayır and Akçayır, 2017   
       
    
    
Thematic Analysis
NVivo 
         
      
       
       
    
         
   
        
       
 
        
 
        
          
   (2018Creswell and Poth   
     
      
        
(2014)Gray 
  
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Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
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The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
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 
        
         
 
            
    
         
 19
 14     
     
    
Gray (2014) 
  
   
          
          
Gray, 2014
     
Gray, 2014
         
  
     
Lincoln and Guba, 1985
Lincoln and Guba (1985)
Credibility 
      Transferability     Dependability Confirmability 2020
        
    
         
  Denzin and Lincoln, 2011)Gray
(2014)          
    
(Gray, 2014)
Lincoln and Guba (1985)
        
(Gray, 2014)
   2020Gray (2014) 12 30
19 1645Lincoln and Guba, 1985 
         
 NVivo
Gray (2014)
  
          
       
(Gray, 2014) 
       
 
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Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
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The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
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(Gray, 2014
    Denzin and Lincoln (2011) 
    Audit Trail
Lincoln and
Guba, 1985
Thematic Analysis
(Braun and Clarke, 2012) 
        NVivo, Version 12, QSR International, Australia 
         
Initial Codes    Descriptive
Coding     (Saldaña, 2016)
 (Saldaña, 2016)
  
NVivo  Nodes     21
   Themes
       
Main Themes2 
2Main Themes
   
and Clarke (2012)
     
 
          
 
        
3 Main ThemesNodes 
3Main ThemesNodes
    NVivo (QSR International,
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Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
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The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
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          
      
Bazeley and Jackson, 2014 NVivo 
(Creswell and Poth, 2018
  WhatsApp 19 Twitter18 LinkedIn9  Telegram
Instagram,Research Gate,8Facebook5
Snap ChatYouTube,2 
        
        
  
   
          
         
     
 
        
Jordan and Weller, 2018  
  Research
Research Gate
         
  Greenhow
et al
. (2019)Jordan and Weller (2018)
   
  
         
      
Macià and García (2018) 
         
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 
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 YouTubeTwitter    
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Twitter  
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   
 TelegramWhatsApp            
        
     LinkedInTwitter         
         
     Twitter  
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Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
network sties among university instructors: A qualitative approach ’.
The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
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Twitter  
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        
 
   (Macià a nd García, 2018 )
  
 
(Jordan and Weller, 2018)
 Twitter
., 2010
          
 
        
WhatsApp   
           
        
WhatsApp      
         
   
Murthy (2013
    
    
     
        
et al
., 2017
         
      
       
        
        
        
 Ca rrigan, 2016
      LinkedInTwitterResearch GateFacebookRe search GateLinkedIn 
  
et al
., 2019
  2  
         
  
  
Carrigan (2016
      
   
  
    
        
          
   Twitter 
 (Jordan and Weller, 2018)2
    
         
Twitter       Twitter  [Post]  [Repost]  [Like] [Comment]
  
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Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
network sties among university instructors: A qualitative approach ’.
The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
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 RepostLikeComment  
  
         
          
Macià and García (2018)
         
        
        
       
         
 
       WhatsApp 
        
WhatsApp 
WhatsApp    
          
         
       
 Telegram
 Telegram
  Telegram 
Twitter  
et al
., 2010
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Microsoft Word
 
 Bolter and Grusin (2000)  
Microsoft WordMicrosoft Word 
  
          
Jordan and Weller (2018)          
    
       1519  WhatsApp    
 
  
  
  
Tang and Hew, 2017
   
  
 
       
Jordan and Weller (2018
         
       
 
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Aladsani, H. and Al Abdullatif, A. (2022). Aleawamil almuathirat ealaa alaistikhdam al'akadimii li'aeda' hayyat altadri s fi aljamieat limawaqie altawasul alaijtimaeii: M anhaj naweiun Factors influencing the academic use of social
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The Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and M anagement Sciences
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  
        
Jordan and Weller (20 18) 
  
          
et al
., 2017.
         
         
 
         
 
Mansour (2015  
  
          
          Macià and García (2018)
 Jordan and Weller (2018
   
   
 4         
          
  
    
        
       
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    
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 
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           IEEE, Springer, Taylor & Francis, SAGE,
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    
    2020         
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This conceptual exploration revisits a key question from earlier work (Greenhow & Gleason, 2014): What is scholarship reconsidered in the age of social media? Social scholarship is a framework that expanded Boyers’ (1990) conceptualization of scholarship to consider how social media affect discovery and research, teaching and learning, integration, and application. This paper critically reflects on how social scholarship continues to evolve in light of changing understandings in the field of educational technology and the role social media play in the academy. We provide recent examples of social scholarship such as altmetrics, interdisciplinary projects, crowdsourced educational technology syllabi and reconsideration of the needs of research participants. Moreover, we share concrete examples of how scholars might enact social scholarship, with what benefits and challenges, and surface new concerns regarding openness, equity, access, literacy, privacy and ethical considerations. Our paper concludes with recommendations for preparing scholars to enact social scholarship while mitigating the challenges it poses.
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Spanish K-12 teachers participate in online social networks to share educational resources and also to socialise with other teachers. In these networks, participants connected to several groups can adopt a bridging role. In general, ‘bridging teachers’ are more participative, engaged and they help to spread information through the network. In this study, we explore how bridging teachers use Twitter and whether this use results in a better outcome in their educational practices. Three kinds of data sources were analysed: teacher interviews, teachers’ contributions on their own blogs and webpages, and teachers’ Twitter activity. The analysis provided information on the participants’ school practices, professional development, use of social networking sites and type of activity on Twitter. The results indicate that teachers acting as bridges use participatory methodologies combined with technology in their classroom and are active users of several social networking sites, although they prefer Twitter for professional matters. Regarding the use of Twitter, we have been able to identify two main patterns of interaction: one targeted at information sharing and the other focused on social relations.Published: 20 August 2018Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2018, 26: 2057 -
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The web has had a profound effect on the ways people interact, with online social networks arguably playing an important role in changing or augmenting how we connect with others. However, uptake of online social networking by the academic community varies, and needs to be understood. This paper presents an independent, novel analysis of a large-scale dataset published by Nature Publishing Group detailing the results of a survey about academics use of online social networking services. An open coding approach was used to analyse 480 previously unused text responses. The analysis revealed a wide range of benefits and also problems associated with engaging with online networking, and tensions within this. The analysis provides further insight into the nuances of uptake, by exploring clusters of co-reported benefits and problems within the qualitative analysis. The findings will help move forward current debates surrounding social media use by academics from being viewed in solely beneficial terms, towards an understanding of the problems and tensions that arise through academic work online.
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Social networks have drastically changed communication between people, constituting a means of everyday use by which information is created and shared in a simple, instantaneous way with the rest of the world. Although social networks were not initially created for academic purposes, they are gradually being used as a means of communication between teachers and students, making them an extremely important element in the teaching-learning process by offering new possibilities for communication and interaction as well as creating new learning spaces. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of social networks as a communication tool between teachers and students through a thorough bibliographical review. To do this, a systematic review of scientific documents containing data on teacher-student communication through social networks was carried out, resulting in a total of 96 documents published between 2006 and 2016 indexed in different internationally consulted databases. From the analyzed documents were extracted the educational levels in which research on teacher-student communication in social networks were carried out; the most addressed social networks in the study of teacher-student interaction through social networks; the research areas that have been developed and the main results.
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this study is to describe the usage of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) by the faculty members of the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS), at the College of Basic Education, the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait. Design/methodology/approach – A survey conducted to collect data from 33 faculty members of whom only 21 members were using SNSs, representing 63.6 per cent of the total sample, and 12 members were not using SNSs, representing 36.4 per cent of the total sample. This study revealed that SNSs are used moderately by the faculty members. Findings – This study showed that faculty members who were using SNSs tend to be males, aged between 41 and 50 years, PhD holders, ranked as assistant professors, full-time members, specialized in information technologies with a relatively new experience of teaching ranged from one to five years, and most of the faculty members who were not using SNSs tended to be also males, aged between 41 and 60 years, PhD holders, ranked as lecturers, full-time members specialized in organization of information with a teaching experience ranged from 16 to 20 years. More than half of the faculty members were using SNSs for three years to less than six years, and a large number of them were using SNSs several times a week and were accessing these sites more from their school office, home and school laboratory. There are no any statistical significant differences between the demographic data of participants (gender, age and education level) and either their use or non-use of SNSs. There are no significant differences between the academic rank, teaching status and teaching experience of faculty and their use of SNSs. However, there is a significant relation between the faculty’s area of teaching and their use of SNSs. Faculty members were interested in the use of SNSs. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and blogs respectively were used mostly by faculty members, but Twitter, Facebook and YouTube were the most famous SNSs they have profiles on. Faculty members have adopted SNSs mainly for the purpose of communicating with others, finding and sharing information with peers and students as well. Tasks on SNSs made by faculty members were mostly to make communication, send/receive messages and find general and specific information. Faculty members’ profiles on SNSs were mostly on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogs, wikis and podcasting respectively. Faculty members confirmed that the use of YouTube, Facebook, blogs, Twitter, wikis and podcasting respectively was at least effective and the use of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Wikis respectively was at least fairly useful fairly easy to them. Faculty members are in general agreement about the effectiveness of SNSs especially for disseminating and sharing information, communication and informal collaboration. The study showed also that there is no gender-related difference among the faculty in terms of their usage of SNSs. The study revealed also that the time was the most important barrier both SNSs users and non-users faced at PAAET’s SLIS. Other barriers like trust about SNSs, training and skills were significant to SNSs users in this study, and barriers like interests in SNSs, awareness of them and trust about them were respectively the most important barriers to SNSs non-users. The study recommended that a further research is needed to examine more additional aspects of using SNSs among faculty members that may affect their use like the technical, legal, ethical and intellectual aspects. More information is needed to investigate why some faculty members do not use SNSs especially for educational purposes. A qualitative study of the perception and opinions of faculty members would provide much important data about that. A further research is also needed to specify the relation between the use of these sites and each area of study separately. Due to the lack of awareness and knowledge about the use of SNSs, shortage of language skills and training, this study recommended that SNSs non-users should be provided with necessary assistance to foster their skills towards such usage. A future study is needed to compare experiences of faculty members and students regarding the use of SNSs in educational practices and may look at how communicational uses of these sites have influenced educational uses.
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Awareness and Use of Academic Social Networking Sites by the Academic Staff at the South Valley University in Egypt Doaa K. El-Berry Abstract Although there are a number of social networking sites that are widely used by academic and non-academic people mostly for entertainment, the academic social networking sites (ASNSs) specifically target scholars. The ASNSs are the virtual platform where researchers can create a profile and communicate with others sharing similar research interests. The current study attempts to explore the awareness and use of five famous ASNSs; namely ResearchGate,, LinkedIn, Mendeley and Scholastica by the South Valley University (SVU)’academic staff. A structured questionnaire was sent to different categories of the SVU academics via email and Facebook. Data analysis revealed that most of the respondents were aware of and using the ASNSs. ResearchGate demonstrated the highest level of awareness and usage followed by LinkedIn,, Mendeley and Scholastica, respectively. Further studies are required to explore the use of the SVU academic staff to other ASNSs and the effects of these sites on their professional performance. Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.15640/jlis.v3n2a7
Twitter, a popular microblogging social networking site, allows individuals to communicate by sending short messages of up to 140 characters. Although it enables people to be inconstant contact, its value in educational context is less clear. This paper is the first to examine empirical studies of using Twitter in teaching and learning over 10 years from2006 to 2015, with the aim of understanding whether its implementation would benefit students or not. We identified a total of 51 eligible publications, and reported the analysis in four major categories: (a) the profile of studies, (b) the specific ways in which Twitter was employed in education, (c) the impacts on interactions, and (d) the impacts on students' learning outcomes. The findings reveal that Twitter was most commonly used for communication and assessment purposes. Although Twitter shows promise in improving interactions among learners and teachers, causality between Twitter use and learning performance remains to be conclusively established. Currently, the most beneficial use ofTwitter is probably that of a“push”technology such as the instructor sending important course information, homework assignments and test deadlines to students, as well as that of a platform for peer interaction. Many challenges still exist in using Twitter for teaching and learning. Based on our review of the literature, we proposed five guidelines that could help promote the educational value of Twitter use. We also identified several limitations of previous studies, and offered suggestions for future work Using Twitter for education: Beneficial or simply a waste of time?. Available from: [accessed Jan 2, 2017].
Social media are increasingly perceived as powerful drivers of change for research practices, in terms of openness, sharing and sociability. Numerous studies have reported benefits and factors affecting the progressive adoption of these sites especially for scholarly communication. However, extensive studies that are carried out with large samples at a national level are still rare. This chapter reports the results of a survey addressed to Italian academic scholars, the purpose of which was to identify frequency and way of use of a number of social media tools (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, ResearchGate,, YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare, Blogs and Wikis). The study aims at providing evidence on how academic scholars are using social media for scholarly purposes, also by taking into account a number of factors such as gender, age, years of teaching, academic title, and field of knowledge. It also investigates the most valuable tools and the main reasons for use in academic practices. Results of quantitative and qualitative analysis are provided along with considerations for further research.