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Bacillus spp. and Pisolithus tinctorius effects on Quercus ilex ssp. ballota: A study on tree growth, rhizosphere community structure and mycorrhizal infection

  • Universidad CEU San Pablo

Abstract and Figures

A local species of oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ballota) was inoculated or co-inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius and two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) of the genus Bacillus (Bacillus licheniformis CECT 5106 and Bacillus pumilus CECT 5105). Effects of inoculation on growth, on N acquisition by the plant roots, changes in rhizosphere microbial communities and the degree of mycorrhization were evaluated. Only B. licheniformis promoted the growth of Q. ilex seedlings while co-inoculation of either bacterial strain with P. tinctorius had a negative effect on plant growth. Furthermore, B. licheniformis inhibited fungal growth as revealed by ergosterol/chitin analysis. As shown by phospholipid fatty acid profiles, the inoculation caused a slight alteration in the microbial community structure of the rhizosphere, both in the total community and the culturable populations.
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Bacillus spp. and Pisolithus tinctorius effects on Quercus ilex
ssp. ballota: a study on tree growth, rhizosphere community
structure and mycorrhizal infection
Jezabel Domenech, Beatriz Ramos-Solano, Agustin Probanza,
´Antonio Lucas-Garcı
´a, Juan Jose
´n, Francisco Javier Gutie
Departamento CC. Ambientales y RR. Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud, Universidad San Pablo CEU,
´n Monteprı
´ncipe, Ctra. Boadilla Km 5.3, Boadilla del Monte, P.O. Box 67, Madrid 28668, Spain
Received 5 February 2003; received in revised form 14 October 2003; accepted 23 February 2004
A local species of oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ballota) was inoculated or co-inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus
tinctorius and two plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) of the genus Bacillus (Bacillus licheniformis CECT 5106 and
Bacillus pumilus CECT 5105). Effects of inoculation on growth, on N acquisition by the plant roots, changes in rhizosphere
microbial communities and the degree of mycorrhization were evaluated. Only B. licheniformis promoted the growth of Q. ilex
seedlings while co-inoculation of either bacterial strain with P. tinctorius had a negative effect on plant growth. Furthermore, B.
licheniformis inhibited fungal growth as revealed by ergosterol/chitin analysis. As shown by phospholipid fatty acid profiles, the
inoculation caused a slight alteration in the microbial community structure of the rhizosphere, both in the total community and
the culturable populations.
#2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: PGPR; Mycorrhiza; Quercus ilex ssp. Ballota; Microbial community structure
1. Introduction
For many years, research on beneficial microorgan-
isms associated to plant roots has focused on mycor-
rhizal fungi (Harley and Smith, 1983; Perry et al.,
1989; Marx and Cordell, 1989; Kropp and Langlois,
1990) and symbiotic bacteria belonging to the genera
Frankia (Schwintzer and Tjepkema, 1990) and Rhi-
zobium (Torrey, 1992). Today, there is an increasing
interest in the use of beneficial bacteria as inoculants
for nursery tree seedlings (Chanway, 1997). This is
due to the repeated demonstrations of agricultural and
horticultural plant growth stimulation by plant growth
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and the fact that
bacterial inoculation on forest seedlings before out-
planting is inexpensive, environmentally benign, and
easily applied in nursery treatments (Vonderwell and
Enebak, 2000). Quercus ilex ssp. ballota is the domi-
nant tree species in the mature stage of the Mediter-
ranean forest. Despite its beneficial effect on soil
through the release of easily mineralizable organic
matter, it is seldom used on reforestation programs due
to its slow growth rate and the high percentage of
seedling decay after transplanting.
Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293–303
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34-913-724775;
fax: þ34-913-510496.
E-mail address: (F.J. Gutie
0378-1127/$ – see front matter #2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanisms by which PGPR promote plant
growth are not fully understood, but are thought to
include: (a) the ability to produce plant hormones,
such as auxins (Mordukhova et al., 1991; Gutie
˜ero et al., 1996), gibberellins (Gutierrez-Man
et al., 2001), cytokinins (Tien et al., 1979), and
ethylene (Glick et al., 1995); (b) asymbiotic N
tion (Boddey and Do
¨bereiner, 1995; Kennedy et al.,
1997); (c) antagonism against phytopathogenic micro-
organisms by production of siderophores (Scher and
Baker, 1982), b-1,3-glucanase (Fridlender et al.,
1993), chitinases (Renwick et al., 1991), antibiotics
(Shanahan et al., 1992), and cyanide (Flaishman et al.,
1996); and (d) solubilization of mineral phosphates
and other nutrients (De Freitas et al., 1997).
The effects of these bacteria on plant development
are especially interesting when co-inoculations of
mycorrhizal fungi and PGPRs are considered on
species that are obligatory mycorrhizal. Generally,
bacteria are assumed as mycorrhization helper bac-
teria (MHB) when they are unable to stimulate plant
growth in the absence of an appropriate mycorrhizal
fungi (Duponnois and Garbaye, 1991; Duponnois
et al., 1993). Bacteria clearly enhance seedling
growth by increasing the number of mycorrhizal
root tips (Garbaye, 1994). On the other hand, PGPR
strains may not affect the establishment of my-
corrhizal symbiosis, but may exhibit synergistic
effects on plant growth (Shishido et al., 1995;
Shishido and Chanway, 1998). Such effects of PGPR,
individually or co-inoculated with ectomycorrhiza,
have been evaluated in Pinus spp. (Probanza et al.,
Pisolithus tinctorius has been shown to be mycor-
rhizal with Pinus,Eucalyptus (Chan and Grifths,
1988, 1991), Quercus,Castanopsis and Lithocarpus
(Tam and Grifths, 1993). While in studies with oak
seedlings, mycorrhizal stimulation of growth and
uptake of mineral nutrients has been reported, the
effect of PGPRs alone or co-inoculated with ectomy-
corrhiza has not been examined.
Our working hypothesis was two-fold: (i) to eval-
uate whether inoculation or co-inoculation of P. tinc-
torius and two PGPRs of the genus Bacillus (Bacillus
licheniformis CECT 5106 and Bacillus pumilus CECT
5105) would enhance Q. ilex shoot seedling growth;
and (ii) whether inoculation would affect mycorrhizal
fungi and rhizosphere microbial communities in order
to link effect on plant growth with alterations in the
latter following inoculation.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Inoculants
Two PGPR Bacillus strains (B. licheniformis CECT
5106 and B. pumilus CECT 5105) and mycorrhizal
fungi P. tinctorius were used. The Bacillus strains
were isolated, identied (Probanza et al., 1996) and
characterized as PGPR able to produce indole acetic
acid-like compounds (Gutie
˜ero et al., 1996)
and gibberellins (Gutierrez-Man
˜ero et al., 2001).
The P. tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch [Syn ¼
P. arhizus (Scop.:Pers.) Rauschert] inocula used was
(Madrid, Spain). This is a commercial
inoculum whose composition per 100 g is: 10
spores, 45 g of acrilamide, 10 g of silica sand and 45 g
of humic acids (leonardite humates).
2.2. Seed and plant substrates
Q. ilex seeds were collected from ‘‘La Berzosa’’,a
mature Mediterranean forest located in Madrid
(Spain) (coordinates UTM 408380N, 38370W), during
the winter of 1998. Until use, seeds were stratied at
48C and surface sterilized by oating in 2.5% NaOCl
for 5 min, followed by ve rinses with sterile distilled
water before sowing.
A peat:sand mixture 1:1 (w/w) was the potting
media used. The peat composition was: 90% black
peat, 8% plant compost, clays and sand, pH 6.0,
200 mg N/l, 200 mg P
/l and 150 K
O mg/l. Before
use, the substrate was autoclaved three times at 120 8C
for 20 min each.
2.3. Plant growth and inoculation conditions
In early spring, seeds were sown in plastic trays
lled with autoclaved vermiculite (termite no. 3) and
watered with sterile tap water. Conditions during
germination were 12 h light at 22 8C. One month after
germination, seedlings were transferred to 6 cm
6:5cm23 cm plastic pots (forest containers, Full-
, Mollerusa, Spain) with a 2 mm diameter mesh
at the base, lled with the sterile peat:sand mixture.
294 J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303
Throughout the experiment, plants were kept under
the same greenhouse conditions (light/dark 16/8 h,
temperature 18/15 8C), and watered twice a week with
tap water. Two hundred and 10 plants were trans-
planted to 6 cm 6:5cm23 cm plastic pots and
distributed into seven lots, one for each treatment.
The following treatments were used: B. pumilus (B1),
B. licheniformis (B2), B. pumilus and B. licheniformis
(B1B2), P. tinctorius (Pt), P. tinctorius and B. pumilus
(PtB1), P. tinctorius and B. licheniformis (PtB2), and
the non-inoculated control (C). Inoculation was carried
out when plants were 3 weeks old. Bacteria were stored
on 0.2% TSA at 4 8C. Twenty-four hours before inocu-
lation, bacteria were transferred to a liquid medium
(Nutrient Broth, Pronadisa, Spain). The culture was
centrifuged and washed with sterile Nutrient Broth,
and pellets were resuspended in sterile NaCl 0.9%
solution to obtain 10
CFU/g soil. For treatments with
P. tinctorius, a commercial powder inoculum (1.92 g)
was suspended in bacterial suspensions (100 ml) pre-
pared in the same way as previously described (PGPR
fungi co-inoculation), or in sterile 0.9% NaCl (fungal
inoculation) to obtain a concentration of 6 105
spores/g soil. The bacterial, fungi, or bacterialfungi
suspensions, in a nal volume of 10 ml per plant, were
spread homogeneously on the soil surface. Control
plants were watered with sterile 0.9% NaCl solution.
2.4. Plant harvest and shoot growth analysis
Plants were harvested 3, 60, 90 and 270 days after
inoculation (S1, S2, S3 and S4, respectively). At each
sampling time, six plants per treatment were randomly
selected. The analyses performed at each sampling
time were as follows:
(a) Ergosterol and chitin analyses:Theywere
performed on treatments involving Pisolithus
(Pt, PtB1, PtB2) and in non-inoculated controls
(C). In these analyses, S1, S2 and S3 correspond
to the vegetative growth period, and results
appear as the average among the three, while
S4 refers to the winter period.
(b) Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA)analyses: These
analyses were performed at sampling times S1,
S2 and S3.
(c) Nitrogen acquisition: Total nitrogen content was
determined only at S4.
(d) Biometric parameters: Growth parameters were
determined only at S4. Shoot length, shoot
surface area and shoot dry weight were evaluated.
2.5. Chitin and ergosterol analyses
Root systems were split from shoots and frozen at
70 8C for further analysis. Roots (1 g) were crushed
with a mortar in liquid N
to obtain a ne powder. The
powder was suspended in 3.0 ml of methanol and
centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 20 min at 4 8C. This was
repeated three times. Ergosterol was determined in
supernatants, whereas chitin was determined in pellets.
Chitin was measured as described by Ekbald et al.
(1998), with the following modications. Each washed
and freeze-dried pellet was treated with 0.2N NaOH to
remove proteins and amino acids, which could inter-
fere with glucosamine determination. An acid hydro-
lysis (6N HCl, v/v) was performed at 80 8C for 6 h in
order to release glucosamine residues, followed by
neutralization with 3 M sodium acetate. Glucosamine
residues were evaluated by colorimetry at 653 nm.
Ergosterol was measured according to Salmanovicz
and Nylund (1988) and Nylund and Wallander (1992),
with the following modications. Free ergosterol, as
well as that bound forming sterol esters in the super-
natant were measured together. The sample processing
consisted in evaporation of the methanolic fraction,
saponication (KOH 4% in ethanol, 80 8C for 30 min)
and a nal partition with cyclohexane (4 ml). The
alkaline ethanolysis was stopped with 2 ml of a mix-
ture of Na
and KH
(0.1 g/ml). The organic
phase was evaporated under a stream of N
and the
nal dried residue was stored at 20 8C and dissolved
in 200 ml of methanol prior to analysis. Ergosterol was
separated in a two-pump Beckman HPLC provided
with a diode array detector, in a C18 reversed phase
column (150 mm 4:5 mm, i.d. in mm), and detected
at 282 nm. The mobile phase was 100% methanol
(HPLC-grade) with a gradient ow rate, which began
with 1.5 ml/min for 3 min, to decrease to 1.0 ml/min
for 5 min. The chromatographic run lasted 12 min;
ergosterol retention time was 8.5 min.
2.6. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis
For each sampling time and treatment, 1 g of rhizo-
sphere soil was obtained by gently washing the roots
J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303 295
in 1 ml of distilled water. One hundred microliters of
the suspension was used to prepare 10-fold dilutions,
and 500 ml of each was plated on standard methods
agar (Pronadisa, Spain; composition (g/l): peptone
from casein 5.0; yeast extract 2.5; dextrose 1.0;
agar-agar 15.0) and incubated 24 h at 28 8C. Plates
with 3040 colonies were selected and all bacterial
colonies growing on the surface were removed with
1.5 ml of 0.15 M citrate buffer (pH 4.0) by gently
scraping with a glass rod; this suspension was used
for PLFA analysis of the culturable microorganisms
(culturable PLFAs). The remaining volume (0.9 ml)
was used for PLFA analysis of total microorganisms
(total PLFAs).
Lipids were extracted as in Frostega
˚rd et al. (1993),
based on the method of Bligh and Dyer (1959) and
fractionated on silicic acid (100200 mesh, Unisil)
columns by eluting with chloroform, acetone and
methanol. The polar lipids (containing phospholipids)
were subjected to a mild alkaline methanolysis (Dowl-
ing et al., 1986), which transformed the fatty acids of
the phospholipids into free fatty acid methyl esters.
These were analyzed by gas chromatography, accord-
ing to the methods described by Frostega
˚rd et al.
(1993). All solvents used were HRGC-grade.
Fatty acids were designated as the total number of
carbon atoms: number of double bonds, followed by
the position of the double bond from the methyl end
(o) of the molecule, and cand tindicate cis and trans
congurations, respectively. The prexes aand i
indicate anteiso- and iso-branching, respectively; br
indicates an unknown methyl branching position,
10Me indicates a methyl group on the 10th carbon
atom from the carboxyl end of the molecule and cy
refers to cyclopropane fatty acids.
2.7. Nitrogen acquisition
Total nitrogen per gram of plant was determined
by colorimetry as in Smith (1980), after Kjeldahl
digestion in Prolabo Maxidigest-MX350 microwave
2.8. Biometric parameters
For shoot length and surface, plants were gently
pressed in lter papers. The analysis was carried out
using an image analyzer Delta-T System with DIAS
software. Plants were dried at 55 8C for several days
and dry weight was recorded. Shoot length, shoot
surface area and dry weight were determined.
2.9. Statistics
One-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed
by LSD tests (P<0:05) (Sokal and Rohlf, 1979) were
used to detect treatment differences on seedling
growth, nitrogen and chitin-ergosterol content. The
percentage of the PLFA values from rhizosphere and
bacterial suspension recovered from plates were log
transformed, prior to a principal component analysis
(PCA) (Harman, 1967) to elucidate the major varia-
tion patterns. Two PCAs were made, one for total
PLFAs and the other for culturable PLFAs. In each
case, the matrix subjected to multivariate analysis was
21 (7 treatments 3 sampling times) 21 (PLFAs
analyzed). The multivariate calculations, ANOVA
and LSD were performed with the computer program
v 5.05, for Windows
3. Results
The inoculation of oak seedlings with B. licheni-
formis (B2) (Fig. 1) resulted in a signicant increase in
all the parameters measured, not only when compared
with the control but also with other treatments, except
for dry weight under the inuence of PtB2. Those
plants treated only with the fungus (Pt) did not show
signicant differences with controls. In combined
treatments with fungus and bacteria, only PtB2 sig-
nicantly increased shoot dry weight.
Neither treatment increased nitrogen over the con-
trols (Fig. 2). However, nitrogen content in PtB1
(2.55 mg N/g plant) and Pt (1.44 mg N/g plant) was
signicantly lower than in controls (4.92 mg N/g plant).
Ergosterol reects the amount of live mycelia pre-
sent in treatments inoculated with the fungus (Fig. 3).
During the winter, all treatments showed reduced
levels of the metabolite. Ergosterol content was higher
in inoculated than in control plants during the vege-
tative growth period, although only Pt (6.22 mg/g root)
and PtB1 (5.78 mg/g root) showed signicant
differences with controls. When the fungus was
co-inoculated with B. licheniformis (B2), ergosterol
concentration decreased signicantly (1.5 mg/g root).
296 J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303
Fig. 1. Shoot length, shoot surface area and dry weight of inoculated plants and controls as calculated from the average of samples. Bars with
different letters indicate statistical differences in LSD. Lines at the top of each bar represent SD. Treatments: B. pumilus (B1), B. licheniformis
(B2), P. tinctorius (Pt), non-inoculated controls (C).
Fig. 2. Total nitrogen per plant of inoculated plants and controls as calculated from the average of samples. Bars with different letters indicate
statistical differences in LSD. Lines at the top of each bar represent SD. Treatments: B. pumilus (B1), B. licheniformis (B2), P. tinctorius (Pt),
non-inoculated controls (C).
J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303 297
Chitin content appears in Fig. 3. As ergosterol,
chitin was determined in the vegetative and winter
period. In both periods, differences between the con-
trol and the treatments were non-signicant. However,
chitin levels increased in all treatments during the
winter period, coupled with a decrease in ergosterol
The PCA of total PLFAs partitioned from each
rhizosphere and sampling time resulted in a separation
along the rst component. This accounts for 89.59% of
the variance (Fig. 4) which separates S3 from S1 and
S2 plots which are located at the highest values of axis
I. S3 plots appear at the lowest values of rst principal
component. There are no differences between S1 and
S2 in the cenotic composition of treated plants, due to
the low percentage of variance absorbed by axis II
(9.54%). The principal loading factors for this group
are Me18, 18:0, 18:1o7(Fig. 4, underlined). When
analyzing S3, the composition of the rhizosphere is
completely different from either S1 or S2. The most
relevant fatty acids are i17:0, br17:0, cy19 and 18:1o9
(Fig. 4, underlined).
The culturable PLFAs obtained from plates repre-
sent only a fraction of the whole soil community
(Fig. 5). Scores of PCA show location of S1 at the
highest values of the rst component and at the lowest
ones of the second axis. On the other side, S2 and S3
appear at the highest values of axis II and the lowest of
axis I. In this second group only PtB2 and B1 appear
slightly separated from the other treatments. This
analysis reveals a separation of the different plots along
the rst two principal components, which explain
39.72 and 31.03% of the variance, respectively. In
addition, the control of S1 deviates substantially from
Fig. 3. Ergosterol and chitin analysis of inoculated plants and controls as calculated from the average of S1, S2 and S3 for the vegetative
period and S4 for the winter period. Bars with different letters indicate statistical differences in LSD. Lines at the top of each bar represent SD.
Treatments: B. pumilus (B1), B. licheniformis (B2), P. tinctorius (Pt), non-inoculated controls (C).
298 J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Axis I (89.59%)
Axis II (9.54%)
18:0 18:1w7
Fig. 4. PCA showing variation in scores of total PLFAs and loading values for some individual PLFAs (underlined) of treated plants and
controls at the different sampling times. Treatments: B. pumilus (B1), B. licheniformis (B2), P. tinctorius (Pt), non-inoculated controls (C).
1402 64 8 10 12
Axis I (39.72%)
Axis II (31.03%)
Fig. 5. PCA showing variation in scores of culturable PLFAs and loading values for some individual PLFAs (underlined) of treated plants and
controls at the different sampling times. Treatments: B. pumilus (B1), B. licheniformis (B2), P. tinctorius (Pt), non-inoculated controls(C).
J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303 299
the scores corresponding to inoculated plants. The fatty
acid components of culturable PLFAs with the highest
loading factors appear underlined in Fig. 5: 16:1o7c,
18:1o9 and i17:0 are close to S1, while Me:18, 17:1o8,
18:2o6, i16:0 and Me17 are related to S2 and S3.
4. Discussion
Inoculation with B. licheniformis resulted in
enhanced growth of oak seedling as reected by
signicant increases in shoot surface area, shoot
length and shoot dry weight. This increase is not
associated to changes in total microbial rhizosphere
communities after inoculation. Co-inoculation of B.
licheniformis and Pisolithus resulted in the inhibition
of mycorrhizal growth.
Chitin and ergosterol parameters have been deter-
mined in roots colonized by some ectomycorrhizal
species in forest plants (Frey et al., 1992; Ekbald et al.,
1998; Probanza et al., 2001). A component of mem-
branes, ergosterol, is considered an indicator of meta-
bolically active fungi (Nylund and Wallander, 1992).
The content of chitin, a component of the cell wall,
reects all fungal biomass, living or dead, constituting
an indicator of fungal growth over the root systems.
During vegetative plant growth, Pt and PtB1 showed
signicantly high levels of ergosterol (Fig. 3) over the
control. PtB2 and control had lowest amount of this
metabolite, suggesting that B. licheniformis (B2) inhi-
bits fungal growth. In the winter period, ergosterol
decreased to low levels. This decrease may be due to
environmental factors which determine the physiolo-
gical shutdown of the plant on one hand, and, on the
other hand, to the death of the active mycelium
surrounding roots (Lo
´pez et al., 2001).
During the vegetative period, differences in chitin
content between the control and the rest of the treat-
ments were non-signicant (Fig. 3). In the winter
period, chitin content in PtB2 was signicantly lower
than Pt, coinciding with the results obtained for
ergosterol in the vegetative period (Fig. 3). These data
support the hypothesis that B. licheniformis (B2) has a
negative effect on mycorrhization. The high levels of
chitin detected in the control may be due to a colo-
nization of the rhizosphere by autochthonous fungi or
to the presence of microarthropods in the rhizosphere
(Nylund and Wallander, 1992).
Our results showed that B. licheniformis (B2)
enhanced plant growth by itself, therefore, plant
growth promotion can be attributed to this strain
and not to mycorrhiza. These results were consistent
with others (Shishido et al., 1996a,b;Probanza et al.,
2001) who reported that growth promotion by Bacillus
strains on conifer seedlings was not dependent on
mycorrhizae. Previous reports show that one of the
mechanisms by which PGPRs stimulate seedling
growth is through phytohormone production (Holl
et al., 1988; Chanway, 1997). Our earlier ndings
show that the two Bacillus strains are able to synthe-
size plant growth regulators (Gutie
˜ero et al.,
1996, 2001). Increases in shoot length over non-trea-
ted plants occurs via internodal increase, not by an
increase in the number of nodes (data not shown).
Hence, gibberellins are more likely to be responsible
for this effect rather than IAA-like compounds. The
increase in the growth parameters considered in plants
inoculated with bacteria seems to be the result of a
balanced development of photosynthetic apparatus,
which is coupled with an efcient system of nutrient
acquisition by the plant, as shown for N (Fig. 2).
Mycorrhiza may serve as a carbon and nitrogen sink
early on the interaction, revealing a complex relation-
ship between soil microora and bacterium in nursery
and greenhouse settings (Gutie
˜ero et al.,
1996; Vonderwell and Enebak, 2000). Our results
show that N per plant was the lowest in those treat-
ments in which the mycorrhiza achieved a better
development according to ergosterol analysis, Pt
and PtB1. This supports the notion that the fungus
absorbs part of this N. However, B. licheniformis (B2)
and PtB2 show similar values in N content per plant
indicating the inhibiting effect of this bacterial strain
on Pt as pointed out above. Other studies in other
Quercus species indicate that inoculation with P.
tinctorius stimulated the uptake of N, P, and K, yet
no growth promotion was detected (Tam and Grifths,
1993). On the other hand, and considering all growth
parameters together with N content, it may be con-
cluded that B. licheniformis stimulates N absorption
by the plant, since seedlings inoculated with this
bacteria show higher values in shoot surface area,
shoot length and dry weight than controls and similar
nitrogen content.
Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungus (Pt) did not
result in growth increase of oak seedlings. Moreover, a
300 J. Domenech et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 194 (2004) 293303
positive long-term effect on mycorrhizal infection
cannot be ruled out. When B. licheniformis was co-
inoculated with P. tinctorius a strong inhibitory effect
on the fungus (Fig. 3) was observed. Bacterial inhibi-
tion of ectomycorrhiza could be a result of: (1)
bacterial niche exclusion on roots (Mehaffee, 1991);
(2) micro-scale nutrient and water competition in the
rhizosphere (Germida and Walley, 1996; Shishido and
Chanway, 1998); and/or (3) the production of anti-
fungal metabolites by bacteria (Barea et al., 1998).
Results from total PLFA analysis from the rhizo-
sphere appear in Fig. 4. Scores of sampling times S1 and
S2 plot together, indicating that the cenotic composition
of the rhizosphere is similar. A separation of the control
from all inoculated treatments could be expected at S1,
though it only occurred in Pt. This could indicate loss of
inoculum, but this possibility may be discarded in view
of the different evolution of the results in the following
sampling times. Therefore, it may be explained because
the background of the whole rhizosphere community
would be masking the inocula. This hypothesis coin-
cides with the results obtained for the principal loading
factors, since only Me18 is related to fungal markers
(Grifths et al., 1998) and 18:1o7 to Gram-negative
bacteria. In S3, plots are situated around the most
negative values on axis I, indicating some differences
in the cenotic composition during the experiment. This
may be explained by successional changes as there are
no differences among treatments. For the second group,
S3, the fatty acids br17 and i17 are related to Gram-
positive bacteria (Grifths et al., 1998) as indicators of
the Gram-positive bacterial inocula. As in S1 and S2,
some fatty acids characteristic of Gram-negative bac-
teria are also present (Steer and Harris, 2000). Other
studies have shown that growth promotion is linked to
low perturbation of the rhizosphere system following
inoculation (Ramos et al., 2002). Although none of the
inoculum severely altered the composition of the rhizo-
sphere microbial communities, only B. licheniformis
stimulated oak growth. Moreover, other authors have
shown that although maintaining the equilibrium of the
original rhizosphere community structure is important
to improve plant growth, it is not the only condition to
allow the benecial effect (Ramos et al., 2003).
The PCA of plates reect the viable and culturable
bacterial populations which were verydifferent between
S1 and the others. In S1, the control separates from all
other treatments, probably due to the alteration of the
culturable rhizosphere community by the different
inocula. The principal loading factors in this group
are 18:1o9 and 16:1o7c, characteristic of fungi (Olsson
et al., 1995), and i17, of Gram-positive bacteria (Zelles,
1999), correspondingto the inoculated bacilli and fungi.
The viable and culturable population in S2 and S3 was
very similar. The most signicant loading factors for
this second group were 18:2o6, Me18 and Me17 related
to fungi (Wander et al., 1995; Zelles, 1999), and i16:0
described as a biomarker of Gram-positive bacteria
(Ibekwe and Kennedy, 1999). These results are in
accordance with the inoculated treatments.
Analyses of total and culturable PLFAs show dif-
ferent behavior. Culturable PLFAs show a similar
cenotic structure in S2 and S3, revealing that the
inocula disappeared within 60 days. This disappear-
ance, together with the high dispersion of the samples
and the variance absorbed by the axis, indicate the
greater dynamism of viable and culturable populations
and their prevalence in the rhizosphere system, as
described by Ba
˚th (1994). Although the inocula
disappeared within 60 days after inoculation, growth
parameters were measured in S4 (270 days) and, at
that time, the effect of the inocula persisted (Fig. 1).
We conclude that B. licheniformis promotes Q. ilex
seedling growth and stimulates the incorporation of N.
This biological effect does not imply a synergic effect
with mycorrhizal infection. Furthermore, this strain
inhibited fungal growth, although a positive response
of mycorrhiza in a long-term experiment cannot be
discarded. The introduction of inocula affects the
microbial rhizosphere composition of the total commu-
nity and the culturable populations in different ways.
This research was supported by the Comunidad
´noma de Madrid (CAM), Research Project
06M-031-96. JD was formerly a postdoctoral fellow
of CAM. We also thank Linda Hamalainen for editorial
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... Which may support the role of changing the bacterial community around the roots, other research reported on Quercus ilex ssp. ballota oak seedlings and co-inoculation with rhizobacteria strains plant growth stimulant Bacillus licheniformis CECT 5106 and the fungus Pisolithus tinctorius, which is usually symbiotic with these trees, that although growth was stimulated, the growth of the fungus was inhibited and changed slightly both the total bacterial community around the roots and the potential cultivated bacterial individuals [91]. ...
... Previous studies have shown that MHB increased the biomass and survival of mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, which increased the probability of mycorrhizal fungi and roots meeting in the presymbiotic stage and ultimately affecting the mycorrhization level of the plant (Domenech et al. 2004, Bending 2007, Deveau et al. 2007, Mediavilla et al. 2016). The metabolites of B. pumilus HR10 significantly promoted the biomass of Hymenochaete sp. ...
Mycorrhizal helper bacteria (MHB) play an important role in mediating mycorrhizal symbiosis, which improves the growth and nutrient uptake of plants. This study examined the growth-promoting effects and mechanisms of pine growth after inoculation with the MHB Bacillus pumilus HR10 and/or Hymenochaete sp. Rl. The effect of B. pumilus HR10 on Hymenochaete sp. Rl growth, enzyme activity and gene expression related to mycorrhiza formation were determined. The growth, root activity, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) content and chlorophyll fluorescence activity of Pinus thunbergii and the mycorrhizal colonization intensity of Hymenochaete sp. Rl-inoculated pine seedlings after inoculation with B. pumilus HR10 were also evaluated. The results showed that B. pumilus HR10 promoted growth, regulated the expression of mycorrhizal-related genes and affected the β-1,3-glucanase activity of Hymenochaete sp. Rl. The mycorrhizal colonization intensity of pine seedlings co-inoculated with B. pumilus HR10 and Hymenochaete sp. Rl was 1.58-fold higher than seedlings inoculated with only Hymenochaete sp. Rl. Inoculation with B. pumilus HR10 and/or Hymenochaete sp. Rl increased lateral root number and root activity of pine seedlings and chlorophyll fluorescence activity of pine needles compared to the control. B. pumilus HR10 facilitated nutrient uptake by enhancing the mycorrhizal proliferation of pine and induced greater photosynthesis and root activity of pine seedlings, which confirms its role as an outstanding plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium. These findings improve our understanding of the mechanism of B. pumilus HR10 promotion of mycorrhizal symbiosis.
... Distinct exogenous microorganisms interacted differently with indigenous microorganisms, which might affect microbial activity (Bharti et al., 2015;Domenech et al., 2004;Li et al., 2018). Furthermore, water retaining agents increased the activities of sucrase and catalase enzymes under microbial treatments (Ma et al., 2020). ...
There has been a rapid increase in abandoned mines across China, Consequently, external-soil spray seeding technologies have emerged as a common method for their remediation. However, slope soils are typically unstable and easily collapsed and the nutrients absorbed by plants are insufficient, which complicate ecological restoration. For this study, we added mineral-solubilizing microbes and a water retaining agent to an external-soil spray seeding substrate in Lespedeza bicolor pots. We investigated the soil nutrients, soil enzyme activities, root growth parameters, root tensile properties, and root-reinforced soil shear strengths. The results revealed that the addition of microbes enhanced soil nutrients, soil enzyme activities, and the content of lignin and hemicellulose, which promoted root growth. Further, the addition of a water retaining agent promoted Lespedeza bicolor root growth but decreased the root tensile strength and force. Shear stress under the microbe treatment was more robust than without it. Finally, root growth was correlated with soil nutrients and enzyme activities, whereas the root tensile force and strength were correlated with lignin and cellulose. Our results suggested that the addition of mineral-solubilizing microbes had the capacity to enhance the quality of soils to facilitate the growth of plants. These results provide a new and viable strategy for the ecological restoration of abandon mine sites.
... The ecological impact is an important and essential aspect for the influence of PGPR on microbial community study for safe and consistent utilization of PGPR at large scale. The soil inoculation of large extent of exogenous bacteria as PGPR has the probable impact on the indigenous microbes and inoculant may affect them which may results in increase, decrease or no influence on native microbes activities (Bharti et al., 2015;Domenech et al., 2004;Garcıá et al., 2004;Li et al., 2018) which warrants the need to be study the soil microbial ecology using new analytical and molecular tools. ...
Halophytes are potential sources of salt-tolerant bacteria with plant growth enhancing abilities. Previously, our group has isolated plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from the roots of a halophyte (Arthrocnemum indicum) and tested for their abilities to enhance the peanut growth. The resilience of native soil microbial community to exogenous inoculation of PGPR is of growing concern as change in microbial community structure impacts on soil-plant-microbe interaction. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the influence of inoculation of PGPR isolated from halophytes on the native soil microbial community in the field grown peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The PGPR had significantly influenced and enhanced the availability of nutrients (N, P, K and Fe) in soil. Alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly improved in the bacteria inoculated soils, except MBE03 (Ochrobactrum anthropic), in comparison to the control soil where the highest increase was observed in the soil inoculated with MBE02 (Klebsiella sp.). There was a significant influence of bacterial treatments on the contents of total PLFAs, Gram-positive and actinomycetes PLFAs. The contents of these PLFAs were maximum in soil inoculated with MBE01 (Agrobacierium tumefaciens). The multivariate analysis of PLFA profiles exhibited that the microbial community structure of soil was not significantly affected by the bacterial inoculation. Our results suggest that the inoculation with beneficiary bacteria does not perturb the natural soil microbial community.
... The ecological impact is an important and essential aspect for the influence of PGPR on microbial community study for safe and consistent utilization of PGPR at large scale. The soil inoculation of large extent of exogenous bacteria as PGPR has the probable impact on the indigenous microbes and inoculant may affect them which may results in increase, decrease or no influence on native microbes activities (Bharti et al., 2015;Domenech et al., 2004;Garcıá et al., 2004;Li et al., 2018) which warrants the need to be study the soil microbial ecology using new analytical and molecular tools. ...
Halophytes are potential sources of salt-tolerant bacteria with plant growth enhancing abilities. Previously, our group has isolated plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from the roots of a halophyte (Arthrocnemum indicum) and tested for their abilities to enhance the peanut growth. The resilience of native soil microbial community to exogenous inoculation of PGPR is of growing concern as change in microbial community structure impacts on soil-plant-microbe interaction. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the influence of inoculation of PGPR isolated from halophytes on the native soil microbial community in the field grown peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The PGPR had significantly influenced and enhanced the availability of nutrients (N, P, K and Fe) in soil. Alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly improved in the bacteria inoculated soils, except MBE03 (Ochrobactrum anthropic), in comparison to the control soil where the highest increase was observed in the soil inoculated with MBE02 (Klebsiella sp.). There was a significant influence of bacterial treatments on the contents of total PLFAs, Gram-positive and actinomycetes PLFAs. The contents of these PLFAs were maximum in soil inoculated with MBE01 (Agrobacierium tumefaciens). The multivariate analysis of PLFA profiles exhibited that the microbial community structure of soil was not significantly affected by the bacterial inoculation. Our results suggest that the inoculation with beneficiary bacteria does not perturb the natural soil microbial community.
... Some authors have already demonstrated that different bacterial species can promote the growth of certain forest species' plantlets such as Pinus pinea 13,14 and even other species of Quercus genus, for instance Q. ilex subsp. ballota 13,15 . Rhizobacteria not only can enhance the growth of woody species but also can improve the drought tolerance of their hosts, such as Q. coccifera plantlets under nursery or field conditions 16,17 . ...
Full-text available
Melojo oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) is a key tree species of Mediterranean forests; however, these forests show an advanced stage of deterioration in the Iberian Peninsula. Plant-associated microorganisms play an essential role improving their host’s fitness, hence, a better understanding of oak rhizospheric microbiome, especially of those active members, could be the first step towards microbiome-based approaches for oak-forest improvement. Here we reported, for the first time, the diversity of total (DNA-based) and potentially active (RNA-based) bacterial communities of different melojo-oak forest formations through pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. We found that potentially active bacterial communities were as rich and diverse as total bacterial communities, but different in terms of relative abundance patterns in some of the studied areas. Both core microbiomes were dominated by a relatively small percentage of OTUs, most of which showed positive correlation between both libraries. However, the uncoupling between abundance (rDNA) and potential activity (rRNA) for some taxa suggests that the most abundant taxa are not always the most active, and that low-abundance OTUs may have a strong influence on oak’s rhizospheric ecology. Thus, measurement of rRNA:rDNA ratio could be helpful in identifying major players for the development of bacterial bioinoculants.
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Background Secondary salinized soil in greenhouses often contains excess nitrate. Inoculation of Bacillus megaterium NCT-2 with nitrate assimilation ability represents an attractive approach for soil remediation. However, the effects of NCT-2 on the structure and function of soil microbial communities have not been explored. Methods Greenhouse experiments were carried out to investigate changes in soil properties, Brassica chinensis L. growth, bacterial, and fungal community structure and function in response to NCT-2 inoculation. Results The NCT-2 inoculant significantly reduced the nitrate content in B. chinensis and inhibited the rebound of soil nitrate in the later stage. The shifts of bacterial community structure and function by NCT-2 was negligible, and a greater disturbance of soil fungal community structure and function was observed, for example the strong inhibitory effect on ectomycorrhizal fungi. These results indicated that the NCT-2 inoculant likely achieved the remediation effect in secondary salinized soil by shifting fungal community. The present findings add to the current understanding of microbial interactions in response to bacterial inoculation and can be of great significance for the application of NCT-2 inoculants in secondary salinized soil remediation.
Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljinsk is an important medicinal plant for treating chronic diseases, but it is difficult to obtain high yields when growing on low-fertility soil. Inoculation with soil beneficial microorganism has suggested an effective means of stimulating plant growth and secondary metabolite production, but effect on plant performance when competing degraded field condition remains unclear. We combined controlled laboratory experiments with field trials to investigate the effects of co-inoculation with phyto-stimulatory strains (Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens) and nutrient-enhancing strains (Bacillus megaterium and Azotobacter chroococcum). Bacteria were applied with organic fertilizer at different fertilizer levels, and we tracked effects on soil nutrient availability as well as C. paliurus morphological traits, photosynthesis, growth and bioactive compounds during cultivation on barren land. Amendment of beneficial microbes with organic fertilizer enhanced the soil nutrient availability with high fertilizer showing greatest stimulation under controlled conditions, with the medium fertilizer giving best results in improving plant performance in the field. All fertilization regimes expanded the 3D root architecture, and bacterial additions increased the proportion of lateral roots compared to a single organic fertilizer treatment, which led to higher nutrient uptake. Inoculations at medium fertilizing level modified the root system and increased the photosynthesis rate, nutrient acquisition and plant growth. The co-inoculation with B. megaterium and P. fluorescens at medium fertilizer level stimulated the accumulation of flavonoids and polysaccharides, while co-inoculation with A. chroococcum and A. brasilense at low fertilizing level facilitated the production of flavonoids and triterpenoids. The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites exhibited strong correlations with leaf C/N and C/P ratios. Thus, manipulation of bioactive compounds in C. paliurus leaves can be affected by internal nutrient balance, which is associated with reformed root system morphology that modulated by bacterial inoculation.
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In the Mediterranean climate, plants, e.g., Quercus brantii Lindl, have evolved and adapted to bear up low soil-water and soil-phosphorus conditions. Quercus brantii Lindl. is a dominant tree species thorough Zagros Mediterranean forests. Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) play crucial role in the plant growth enhancement by solubilizing insoluble soil-phosphate. In the present study, the effects of two indigenous PSB strains, e.g., Microbacterium sp. (M.) and Streptomyces sp. (S.) were individually and combined evaluated on growth and physiological traits of Quercus brantii. seedlings under different water stress treatments. Results showed that maximum P- solubilization rate was observed by M. strain. Results also revealed that water stress increased electrolyte leakage and reduced relative water content in all plant compartments as well as growth parameters. Two PSB strains individually and in combination significantly enhanced growth and physiological traits of seedlings under both irrigation treatments compared with the non-inoculated seedlings. The M. strain showed higher potential for increasing of root length, weight and RWC compare to other PSB strain. Finally, the results suggested that application of isolated indigenous PSBs in reforestation could help to cope with the drought conditions in semi-arid Mediterranean Zagros forests by increasing of root and improving of oak seedlings growth.
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The area of oak forest in different vegetation zones has gradually decreased because of frequently possession and exploitation. The reclamation of the disturbed habitats is very crucial because of oak importance in Zagros areas. The success of reforestation programs depends on the quality of seedlings. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria on Quercus brantii Lindl. and Quercus libanii Oliv. survival and growth parameters. For this purpose, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria were isolated by screening methods from rhizosphere and identified by microbiological methods. Collected seeds were sterilized and inoculated by bacteria and sowed in Garaan Research station, Marivan, Kurdistan. The experiment was conducted in a factorial based on randomized complete block design with two main factors including species (two levels) and bacteria (five levels). The results indicated that the effect of species and bacteria on seedling survival was not significant. Inoculated bacteria caused increase in height growth; collar diameter and root dry matter. According to mean comparison of height growth, collar diameter and root dry matter; it seems the response of Q.libanii was better than Q.brantti to inoculation. In addition, Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. caused more increase compared to other treatments and are suitable candidates in rehabilitation of Zagros forests.
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A rapid and novel procedure for the isolation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is described. This method entails screening soil bacteria for the ability to utilize the compound 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) as a sole N source, a trait that is a consequence of the presence of the activity of the enzyme ACC deaminase. This trait appears to be limited to soil bacteria that are also capable of stimulating plant growth. Seven different soil samples from two geographically disparate locations were found to contain pseudomonads that were able to to utilize ACC as a N source. Each of the seven strains was shown, by the ability of the bacterium to promote canola seedling root elongation under gnotobiotic conditions, to be a PGPR. The method described here may be used to replace the otherwise slow and tedious process of testing individual bacterial strains for their ability to promote plant growth, thereby significantly speeding up the process of finding new PGPR.
The fifth meeting of scientists working with Frankia and actinorhizal plants was held at Montmorency Forest of Laval University in Quebec from August 6-8, 1984. Results of research presented at the meeting are included in this special volume of Plant and Soil. The understanding of actinorhizal systems continue to increase, though work­ and use shops and discussions at this and similar meetings make it evident that this important subject remains open for fruitful investigation at all levels. Some important 'firsts' were reported at this meeting. The first extensive survey of Frankiae and their host specificity ranges from Asia was presented. This is of significance since Asia is a center of diversity for many actinorhizal host plant genera. A report that proto­ plasts of Frankia have been produced and regenerated for the first time improves the possibility for genetic manipulation of Frankia. It is also important to note the first report herein of successful mass inoculation of actinorhizal plants commercially for stabilization and reclamation of disturbed soils around hydroelectric power projects in Quebec. This heralds the transfer of actinorhizal technology to private and public users. The bacterial genus Frankia is easily recognized both in vivo and in vitro, and isolation of this organism has become routine. But, as yet, there are not sufficient biochemical, morphological, or anatomical criteria for establishing species.
A rapid method of screening has been devised whereby the large seeds (acorns) of Castanopsis, Lithocarpus and Quercus growing in Hong Kong can be germinated in the presence of a variety of known mycorrhizal fungi and observations made on the initiation of host/fungal associations. Early stages of Hartig net formation could be detected in bleached roots, and an observation was made on the antibiotic activity of the mycorrhizal fungus, Pisolithus tinctorius. The method offers a simple and effective means of assessing the potential of fungi to form mycorrhizal associations under non-sterile conditions.
The broad host range ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch was grown in association with seedlings of a local species of oak Quercus myrsinaefolia B1. and the ontogeny of mycorrhizas examined microscopically. Development was similar to that seen previously in Eucalyptus. No significant growth stimulation occurred in infected seedlings but their uptake of N, P and K was enhanced. Nutrient uptake by seedlings bearing natural mycorrhizas with unidentified fungi was less efficient. The results indicate that P. tinctorius has a potential for application in reafforestation programmes in Hong Kong and southern China.
This chapter describes the ergosterol analysis as a means of quantifying mycorrhizal biomass. A fundamental problem concerns the concept of fungal biomass: while the chitin content may be assumed to be roughly proportional to the total amount of cell wall, the amount of cell wall is certainly not proportional to the amount of cytoplasm, which is normally concentrated at the tips, leaving the bulk of the hyphae highly vacuolated. Another fungus-specific compound, ergosterol, is a principal component of membranes, and should therefore provide a better correlation with the metabolically active biomass of a fungus. The chapter briefly discusses development and current procedure technique. The chapter also evaluates the methods—namely, sensitivity and replicability, variation in ergosterol levels within the same species, and applications in mycorrhiza research. The basic shortcomings of the method are those of variation in the ergosterol content depending on growing conditions, and interspecies variation.
Of particular interest to the forester are four major groups of symbiotic associations: Rhizobium or Bradyrhizobium-leguminous trees; Frankia-actinorhizal plants; ectinmycorrhizae-host trees; and endomycorrhizae-host trees, including vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae. Summarized here are the isolation, characterization, and culture of the microbial symbionts; the demonstrated specificity for infection and effectivity for facilitating nutrient uptake in each case; and the development of the technology for field inoculation to achieve effective symbioses in forest plantations. The factors involved in successful inoculation procedures are reviewed. -from Author