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A Survey of Defense Mechanisms Against Sybil Attacks on IoT with Wireless Ad-hoc Networks



Integrating IoT with Wireless Ad-hoc Network (WANET) capabilities can solve several problems. However, because they both rely on identity nodes to communicate with each other, they are both vulnerable to Sybil Attack. Sybil attackers illegally change into several different identities to carry out various malicious activities such as damaging data aggregation, voting, and disrupting routing. Several defense mechanisms have been proposed for Sybil attacks on WANET, which are mostly based on cryptography, location/position, network behavior, resource testing, and trust. However, the drawbacks are that not all mechanisms are suitable for use in networks with limited resources. In this paper, we present a survey, classification, and comparison of various defense mechanisms that have been proposed for non-IoT WANETs. We emphasize the issue of how the advantages and disadvantages of this defense mechanism when applied to the IoT infrastructure and how each method can effectively recognize properties of a Sybil attack. The purpose of this paper is to promote research so that it can resolve several issues for later consideration in the design of Sybil's next defense mechanism.
A Survey of Defense Mechanisms Against Sybil Attacks
on IoT with Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Agria Rhamdhan*1, Fadhil Hidayat2
1,2School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
1,2Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
*Corresponding author, email:,
Integrating IoT with Wireless Ad-hoc Network (WANET) capabilities can solve several problems.
However, because they both rely on identity nodes to communicate with each other, they are both
vulnerable to Sybil Attack. Sybil attackers illegally change into several different identities to carry out
various malicious activities such as damaging data aggregation, voting, and disrupting routing. Several
defense mechanisms have been proposed for Sybil attacks on WANET, which are mostly based on
cryptography, location/position, network behavior, resource testing, and trust. However, the drawbacks are
that not all mechanisms are suitable for use in networks with limited resources. In this paper, we present a
survey, classification, and comparison of various defense mechanisms that have been proposed for non-
IoT WANETs. We emphasize the issue of how the advantages and disadvantages of this defense
mechanism when applied to the IoT infrastructure and how each method can effectively recognize
properties of a Sybil attack. The purpose of this paper is to promote research so that it can resolve several
issues for later consideration in the design of Sybil's next defense mechanism.
Keywords: Sybil Attack, Wireless Ad-hoc Network, Internet of Thing
Copyright © 2020 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. All rights reserved
1. Introduction
Internet of Thing Internet of Things (IoT) is technology where devices get a particular
identity to be able to connect and communicate with one another through internet networks
without human-to-human or human-to-machine interactions. A collection of IoT devices
connected by a network is called IoT infrastructure. It is group into four layers, i.e., sensors and
actuators, internet gateway and data acquisition system, edge handler, and data center.
Sensors and actuators are used to collect data from the environment or physically observed
objects. Units of sensors and actuator are what we called nodes. Each node can communicate
with each other using specific protocols to produce this useful set of data. Analog data from
sensors and actuators are converted into a digital form by data acquisition devices, which is
then forwarded by the internet gateway to Edge handler layer. Edge handler function is to
prevent data from the edge to consume data center bandwidth. It also can process raw data into
data that is ready to be processed. The last layer is Data Center and Cloud, at this layer, data is
processed and analyzed in-depth for later use by its users.
In contrast to the current paradigm on the Internet, which bases on human-to-human
relations, Gutiérrez[1] mention IoT to have a paradigm as the future internet, every physical or
virtual object that can be identified with unique identifiers will be considered to be
interconnected[2]. So keeping this in mind, although IoT uses distributed networks in nature, IoT
has driven combinations with other technologies, such as short-range communication, real-time
localization, embedded sensors and ad-hoc networks as a way to turn everyday things into
smart things. Combining IoT with an ad-hoc network provides benefits because of the ad hoc
properties as self-organized networks, they are built spontaneously by several connected
devices. The nodes together form a unicast or multicast communication as a flow of messages,
rather than relying on a router or base station, so they are suitable for implementation where the
deployment of new fixed infrastructure is not feasible.
In addition, when the mobility characteristic is calculated, making it a Wireless Ad-hoc
Network. Wireless Ad-hoc Network itself represents a new communication paradigm where
decentralized wireless nodes communicate with each other in collaborative ways to achieve
common goals[1]. Wireless ad-hoc networks. So considering the many capabilities owned by
Wireless Ad-hoc Network, it would be highly beneficial to IoT, this will also be suitable for
implementations that require mobility.
On the other hand, there is something to be considered in the integration of these two
technologies. As both depends on the node that communicates using particular identities, both
are still facing common security problems. It is vulnerable to Sybil attack, Sybil attack defined
as an intrusion where malicious devices get or change into several different identities illegally.
Based on its characteristics, Sybil attack is grouped into the identity-based attack, which both
attacks compromised system using false identities. This type of attack disguises themselves as
legitimate devices, and it is done by attacker camouflage its intrusion packet data similar to
regular data packets. The security system would find it difficult to distinguish between the two
types of data packages. For detecting this kind of attack, a lot of traditional countermeasures is
proposed. However, adopting traditional security countermeasure cannot effectively be used in
IoT due to its source limitation.
Along with the many studies regarding the method of securing Sybil attacks on the
Wireless Ad-Hoc Network, the question that arises is related to what methods are used in the
IoT defense mechanism and what is the drawback. Similar questions have been investigated by
[35] with both focusing on non-IoT infrastructure. In this paper, Researches related to machine
learning on IoT security are collected from various sources and then reviewed using the
Systematic Literature Review method[6]. The main focus would be the compatibility current
Sybil defense mechanism in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, considering its integration in IoT
infrastructure that has limitation in the resource.
So the aim of this paper is to present a survey of security mechanism that has been
proposed for Wireless Ad-Hoc Network to get the results of the analysis of which methods are
suitable and what needs to be taken into account in the implementation of security mechanisms
in IoT, we classify each paper then analyze advantages and limitation to analyze which methods
suitable to be implemented in the Wireless Ad-hoc Networks application in IoT. We also will be
presented several issues that arise from the weakness that has been reviewed.
In this paper, will be presented in several sections, Chapter II will explain the properties
of the Sybil Attack. The review of Sybil defense mechanism and each limitation will be
discussed in Part III. The discussion will be presented in Chapter IV, then we conclude with a
conclusion in Chapter V.
2. Sybil Attack Properties
Sybil attack is defined as an intrusion where malicious devices get or change into
several different identities illegally. Newsome [5] convey the impact of the Sybil attack on
several protocols, including
- Distributed storage: when there are nodes that cannot provide services, then it will share its
data to neighboring nodes. If this neighbor is a Sybil node, then the data can be obtained.
- Routing: especially a network that has a sink, when the Sybil point has gained control of the
sink node, in addition to the Sybil node getting all data passed on the network, many other
attacks can be carried out.
- Data aggregation: if the Sybil node mediates data packets, then it can manipulate the data.
- Voting: by increasing the number of nodes, Sybil nodes can influence the results of the
ballot, or as a majority of Sybil points can accuse legitimate nodes of being evil.
- Fair allocation of resources: the Sybil node can disrupt the system by unauthorized
activating/deactivating the node.
So as to avoid these impacts, defense mechanisms that can accurately detect Sybil
attacks are needed. To be able to design these defense mechanisms, knowledge is required to
recognize behavior and predict the possible actions of the Sybil attacker. Mishra [7] classifies
Sybil attacks based on nature and tasks carried out during this attack into three phases, namely
the compromise, deployment, and launch phases.
2.1. Compromised Phase
The attacker tries to get a group of nodes that can be controlled by the attacker. There
are two characteristics of Sybil attack at this stage, according to the way the attacker gets a
node to be able to enter the network, namely by making stolen / compromise and by doing
Fabrication. This phase ends when the attacker receives a group of compromised nodes that
are connected in the destination network.
1) Fabrication: characteristics of Sybil attacks with Fabrication are usually carried out when
there is the possibility of the attacker to create a new identity in accordance with network
requirements. For example, if the network only gives an ID in the form of a number of -bits,
the Sybil attacker can create a new random identity randomly within a valid range ( to )
so that it is recognized as a legitimate node.
2) Stolen / Compromised: if a fabrication attack cannot be carried out, then what the attacker
can do is to steal the identity of a valid node. If one of the nodes or a group of valid nodes in
the network can be taken over, the attacker can use this node directly, or by taking its
identity then temporarily interferes with the legitimate node or destroys it permanently.
2.2. Deployment Phase
Sybil attackers will try to spread the nodes that are taken over by gathering network-
related information. The most crucial thing in this phase is that the attacker will determine the
placement of compromised nodes in strategic locations and allow for success in the launch
phase. Sybil nodes can be moved at specific areas to be able to attack simultaneously, or
individual nodes can be endeavored to take on the role of cluster heads.
There are two characteristics of Sybil at this stage, according to the capabilities of the
Sybil attacker, namely by spreading randomly and selectively.
1) Random Deployment: the attacker chooses a location to use Sybil randomly.
2) Selective Deployment: the attacker selectively chooses the set of Sybil nodes it has, then
deploying the group at one central location so it can dominate that location, or the attacker
can spread Sybil nodes to various places on the network to avoid behavior-based detection.
2.3. Launching Phase
There are several forms of Sybil attacks in carrying out attacks. This is adjusted to the
objectives to be achieved by the attack, whether to disrupt the system, do the DoS, or other
purposes. Forms of attack that are launched are also usually intended to avoid detection
systems. The attack can be carried out directly, i.e., the Sybil node communicates directly with
the valid node, or indirectly, i.e., the attack is carried out by communication through one of the
Sybil nodes.
Indirect Communication in this attack version, there is no node that can communicate
directly with Sybil. Instead, one or more malicious devices are claimed to have reached Sybil's
point. Messages sent to the Sybil node are routed through one of these dangerous
intersections, which pretends the message is returned to the Sybil node.
1) Simultaneous, Attackers deploy a group or all Sybil nodes simultaneously. This group can
directly connect with the network or participate through other Sybil points.
2) Non-Simultaneous, Attackers do not attack simultaneously; for example, the attacker can
choose attacks alternately according to a specific time lag. Usually, this is done to avoid
specific detection.
3) Conspiracy Sybil, Sybil attacks that conspire to do by attacking the Sybil Node network will
freely control nodes that are compromised by other points as accomplices to attack directly
or by using these nodes to give new identities to other Sybil nodes. The Sybil conspiracy
attack in Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) was first introduced in [8] where the attacker
could pretend to be a conspiracy node to send malicious messages to other nodes nearby.
3. Sybil Detection In Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
The defense mechanism of Sybil by considering the characteristics of Sybil that has
been mentioned is vital to improve detection accuracy. We have reviewed several defense
mechanisms from Sybil attacks on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks using the SLR method. In
general, the steps taken are planning, implementing, and documenting. The planning step
consists of identifying review needs, defining and taking specific research questions, developing
research protocols, and evaluating review protocols. In the second stage, the implementation of
research identification is carried out by conducting a pilot selection and extraction, followed by a
selection of the primary study quality assessment, data extraction, and data synthesis. The last
step taken is documentation, including drawing conclusions and considering threats.
The research question in this SLR is "what methods are used in defense mechanisms
against Sybil attacks" to get an overview of the development of forms of security against Sybil in
Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. The next step, for the search strategy, we use several digital
libraries with the search string '(SYBIL ATTACK) AND DETECTION AND ("WIRELESS AD-
NETWORK")’. After going through some inclusion and exclusion criteria, 133 primary studies
were obtained. Then according to the research question, the primary study is grouped into a
taxonomy, as seen in Table 1. After getting a group of methods used in the defense mechanism
against Sybil attacks, a weakness analysis is carried out on each defense mechanism for its
application to IoT.
Table 1. Sybil Defense Mechanism in WANET Taxonomy
Cryptography Based
Authentication Based
Password Comparison
Zero-Knowledge Protocol
Public Key Infrastructure
ID-based Signature
Certificate trust
Pseudo Certificate
Group Signature
Watermarking Based
Symmetric key Based
RSSI Based
Observer collection
Neighbour Collection
ToA / TDoA
Spider Monkey
Time Synchronization
Range free
Network Feature/ Behavior
Traffic and Mobility
Enter - Exit Behaviour
Attack Edge
Node relation (Graph)
Network/physical data
Resource Test
Signal Strength
Physical Fingerprinting
Clock Skew
State Information
Speed info
Transient based
Radio Fingerprinting
Centralized trust
Reputation Based
Bayes rule filter
Energy cost
Routing based
Ant colony
Physical trust
Decentralized trust (neighbor trust)
Position Based
Sequential Hypothesis testing
Message Exchange
Ultra-wideband ranging
3.1. Cryptographic Based
This method uses the cryptographic protocol often found mainly to prevent the
occurrence of Sybil attacks. Broadly speaking, this defense mechanism is performed by
authenticating nodes, using public key certificates to guarantee trust, using secret symmetric
keys to prevent other nodes from communicating with the network, and using watermarking to
ensure valid data.
1) Authentication: the schema working with each node must be able to prove that it is a valid
node through a series of message exchanges on the authentication protocol.
2) Public Key Infrastructure: a cryptographic system based on public keys is used to
improve security by allowing nodes to communicate in networks with trust values based on
certificates held. In this system, certificate-based techniques used in encryption and
authentication mechanisms. Centralized authority for certification is required.
3) Symmetric key: this scheme relies on encrypting and decrypting messages between nodes
using a symmetric encryption algorithm. This technique is used in the network to create
secure paths to communicate with each other by using a set of pre-agreed keys or using a
trusted third party to ensure the distribution of keys to all legitimate nodes in the network.
With this defense mechanism, the Sybil node will have difficulty getting the key so that it is
only possible to obtain a compromised node by stealing.
4) Watermarking: Watermarking techniques are used to be the solution to implementing
cryptography on devices with limited resources. The main idea is to embedding information
which allows an individual to add verification messages to communication data. So the
Sybil nodes cannot make an attack because it cannot change the watermark constraints.
In the application of IoT defense mechanisms using cryptography have disadvantages:
Dependence on cryptographic hardware and software.
Compatibility issue with network types and routing protocols on IoT.
Scalability, in the addition of new nodes, may increase resource requirements
High in memory, computing, and communication overhead that is not suitable for resource
constraints network.
To ensure the network has safe keys and algorithms need high costs.
3.2. Location Verification Based
The location/position based method utilizes measurement parameters that can be
physically observed to estimate the location and position of the node to detect Sybil attacks.
This method is used with the assumption that there may not be different nodes that are in the
same location. So that if found, it will be concluded as a Sybil node. Another assumption is to
use position verification where a node equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) will
send its location to a valid node, and then the node will verify based on the estimated position of
the propagation model of the received signal. As stated in [103], this method can be grouped
into two categories, namely, range-based and ranged free methods.
1) Ranged based: the estimated position is calculated based on the physical indicator used to
determine the distance between the transmitter and receiver. This distance estimate is
usually based on the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), time-based methods such
as Time of Arrival (ToA) and Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA). This method is suitable for
IoT devices because it is low cost, where the distance between two entities is estimated
only based on the received signal strength and the indicators that the device has.
2) Range free method: has high accuracy in distance calculation. By utilizing data from GPS,
Radar, or location-based/localization scheme, this method can also be used as a support
for position estimation using ranged based.
In applying IoT, the location/position based defense method has disadvantages:
- Not suitable for use on mobile networks, the accuracy of approximate location decreases
due to rapid changes in network topology and changes in node position.
- The accuracy of the method depends on the environment interference, multipath fading,
and shadowing lead to inaccurate location estimation[3].
- This method is not enough if implemented as a single mechanism[43]. It will be challenging
to detect nodes that can manipulate signal strength or decrypt conspiring nodes.
- With the increase in node density, it is possible when two or more honest nodes that have
adjacent positions will be identified as Sybil nodes.
- Possible privacy violations where identity is required to send position information so that the
route of movement of the nodes can be traced.
3.3. Network behavior-based
This method purely detects Sybil nodes based on their features and behavior in the
network. The detection method specifically detects features that allow accurate classification
between Sybil nodes and valid nodes. In applying IoT, network behavior-based defense method
has disadvantages including:
Only identify Sybil nodes according to the context expected by the detection method, so that
Sybil nodes with specific knowledge can escape detection.
It requires specialized hardware that has a large capacity to collect and analyze data.
3.4 Resource Testing
This method approach is made by testing the unique resources of the node, assuming
that each physical node has specific limited resources. A node will be challenged to provide
knowledge about specific resources (usually in the form of physical fingerprinting or based on
energy), then the verifier compares the resources used by an entity with the typical value or
threshold of the resources owned by that entity. Incompatibility indicates the possibility of an
1) Energy-based: the basic idea of energy-based testing is to verify assuming the node has a
predictable energy parameter, so that if a node is found to be incompatible with the existing
node in providing an answer, then the node is considered a malicious node
2) Physical fingerprinting: each device has unique characteristics. This characteristic is the
basis of verification to determine whether the point is valid or not.
In applying IoT, the resource testing defense method has disadvantages, including:
- Exponential increase for each node addition.
- Extensive power consumption due to the need to carry out testing at all times.
- Assuming a single channel, attackers who have more than one channel can manipulate the
results of resource testing.
- Valid nodes that have resource problems due to DoS or conditions such as power
blackouts, overloaded processors, and others can be considered Sybil nodes.
3.5 Trust-Based
Trust is defined as a relationship of trustor and trustee. The trustor can periodically
evaluate the trusteeship to assess its eligibility[124]. Trusted based is based on the value of
trust that must be maintained by each node to remain in the network. This trust value can be
obtained from trusted devices or from neighbor trusts.
1) Centralized trust, In the trust-based method using a trusted device, usually in the initial
stage, a comprehensive network mapping is carried out on all nodes, with the device
obtaining its identity and trust value. Then the trust value is evaluated to determine the
possibility that the node is not a Sybil node.
2) Decentralized trust, In the detection approach based on the relationship between
neighbors, each node will visit nearby nodes based on the pattern of relationships and
behavior of these nodes in the network.
In applying IoT, the trust-based defense method has disadvantages, and the method is not able
to detect if Sybil node dominates the number of nodes in the process of determining the value of
trust. Table 2. Comparison of defense mechanisms against the properties of Sybil attacks
Sybil Attack Properties
Authenticate node by
PKI based
ID Obfuscated and
Publik key certificate
PKI based
Data protection via
Public Key Encryption
Data Validation by
Network data protection
by symmetric key
RSSI based
Range-Free using APIT
RSSI Based
RSSI based Voiceprint
Secure time
synchronization based
challenge zone using
Spider monkey
macroscopic traffic flow
cluster head collab and
A distributive algorithm
Net Feature
Persuading function in
attack edge is more
than the mistaken
Net Feature
Energy Based
Energy Based
Sybil Attack Properties
Central Trust
Central Trust
Neighbor Trust
Neighbor Trust
C1: Fabrication; C2: Stolen; D1: Random; D2: Selective, L1: Simultaneous L2: Non-simultaneous; L3: Conspiracy
: addressed, : not addressed/mentioned
The defense mechanism of Sybil by considering the characteristics of Sybil that has
been mentioned is essential to improve detection accuracy. From the reviewed paper, we select
several latest proposed schemes to present how each method can be used to recognized
properties of Sybil attack in every phase in Table 2. As shown in the table, Not all defense
mechanisms can handle all Sybil attack properties, some have implemented privacy protections,
and some can work on mobile networks and fast-changing networks. A practical, energy-
efficient, and versatile defense mechanism that can cover all Sybil attacks properties is highly
4. Discussion
4.1. General detection Issue
As a general need for defense mechanisms in the Wireless Ad-hoc network to be
integrated with IoT, several issues arise both related to the accuracy of defense mechanisms,
the possibility of implementation and others, some problems associated with this include:
1) Accuracy: defense mechanism can detect Sybil at each phase with different properties. It
must be able to discover large percentage of Sybil nodes to eliminate damage.
2) Cooperative Sybil detection: to detect efectively, all nodes in networks participate
independently in the Sybil node detection process.
3) Low overhead costs: the proposed approach works more efficiently and requires fewer
system resources.
- Does not need additional hardware at high prices
- Does not increase message exchange on the network.
- Does not require much memory
4) Detection time: the time needed to find and delete a Sybil entity is an essential factor that
must be minimal.
5) Implementation: every IoT implementation such as in Industry, Smarthome, Smart grid,
and others, there are special needs that must be considered in applying mechanisms.
4.2. Vanet Issue
In the wireless ad-hoc network area, VANET has become the most talked about topic
lately, with specific needs that VANETs require additional requirements for security guarantees.
Issues discussed in several papers reviewed are:
1) Privacy Issue: most vehicle users hope that their identity information can be stored in
VANET because they are afraid that their trip will leak with that identity.
2) Safety Issue: VANET does not allow a decrease in reputation after a severe traffic accident
to prevent another attack, because damage to life and things in this attack cannot be
4.3 Learning-Based Issue
Defense mechanisms in the IoT infrastructure must be prepared with the needs of a
"smart" system so that the application of scientific fields on artificial intelligence, especially
machine learning is very open. Several machine learning methods have succeeded in detecting
specific attacks on IoT[142]. Machine learning that needs to be applied to Sybil's defense
mechanisms include:
1) Deep Learning: with the development and the number of entities in an IoT infrastructure, a
mechanism based on thorough analysis is needed, deep learning has been successfully
used in various areas including intrusion detection systems.
2) Transfer Learning: with regard to data that is continuously changing, and the possibility of
attacks at an advanced level, requires that defense mechanisms can prevent, even new
types of Sybil attacks.
3) Online Learning: most of the data sent on IoT infrastructure, including WANET-based IoT,
is a data stream, so online learning needs to be a concern for solutions on detection that
continuously enhance the capability of defense mechanisms.
4.4. Centralized vs. Decentralized Issue
Another factor to be considered in implementing is defense mechanism architecture
selection, centralized and decentralized has its own issue, including:
1) Centralized issue: some defense mechanisms use centralized detection, which requires a
trusted center. Several papers on VANET build trust relationships that are bestowed on
RSU. Installation of such infrastructure nationally is challenging to achieve in the early
stages of VANET. Even in the medium term, there may still be many places that are not
covered by RSU[43]
2) Decentralized issue: on the mechanism that relies on each node as a detector, all must
know the credibility of each node that shares information around it and ensure all messages
received are trusted and correct. However, this mechanism can work well, assuming that
most nodes are trusted nodes.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have provided a comprehensive review of defense mechanisms
against Sybil attacks, including defining the Sybil attack properties, building the taxonomy of
these mechanisms and analyzing the problems that still exist in defense mechanisms against
Sybil on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks related to their implementation in IoT. Several challenges
have been mentioned to be implemented in a practical IoT system. We hope that this survey will
provide readers with the big picture and current knowledge related to this topic.
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