Agnieszka Kulik

Agnieszka Kulik
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin · Institute of Psychology



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Publications (39)
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Cel pracy Struktura wewnętrzna adaptowanego narzędzia została zbadana za pomocą konfirmacyjnych analiz czynnikowych. Przetestowano trzy rodzaje modeli czynnikowych. Najlepsze dopasowanie uzyskał model zakładający pięcioczynnikową strukturę skali bez czynnika wyższego rzędu. Polskie narzędzie powinno liczyć 28 itemów, a uzyskane właściwości psychome...
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Cel pracy Celem pilotażowego badania eksperymentalnego była ocena wpływu 25 interwencji metapoznawczych na umiejętność planowania u dzieci z ADHD. Metoda W eksperymencie uczestniczyło 45 dzieci z ADHD o typie mieszanym, w wieku 7-12 lat (M = 10,41; SD = 1,42), wraz z rodzicem. Dzieci zostały losowo przydzielone do jednej z trzech grup, określający...
Celem prowadzonych badań było określenie zależności występujących między nasileniem objawów depresji a występowaniem kryzysu ćwierci życia u osób w okresie wschodzącej dorosłości. W prowadzonych analizach uwzględniono Kwestionariusz Kryzysu Rozwojowego Pietrova i in. w opracowaniu własnym i Skalę Beznadziejności Becka oraz ankietę personalną. Badan...
Marital infidelity, of whatever kind, causes serious conflicts in the relationship between spouses. Forgiveness is recognised as an important element in improving the relationship between spouses. It aids the conflict resolution process and increases commitment to the relationship. The aim of this study was to determine the determinants of forgiven...
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Introduction: The aim of the study was: to assess the severity of Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), to identify ST's predictors, and to assess the model of relationships between predictors of Secondary Traumatic Stress in psychotherapists working during the pandemic in Poland. Materials and methods: The research group consisted of 153 psychotherapi...
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Introduction: The aim of the study was: to assess the severity of Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), to identify ST's predictors, and to assess the model of relationships between predictors of Secondary Traumatic Stress in psychotherapists working during the pandemic in Poland. Materials and methods: The research group consisted of 153 psychotherapi...
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Background: The aim of the cross-sectional study was to conduct an exploratory analysis of identifying factors related to mood, metacognitive beliefs, and limitation on individual freedom associated with lockdown restrictions during COVID-19, and to determine whether they may be relevant to the deteriorating well-being of adolescents. Methods: A...
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether a 3-month training with the use of the metacognitive strategies would strengthen the executive function related to verbal fluency in children with ADHD. Method: A total of 45 children with ADHD (M = 10.41; SD = 1.42) participated in a randomized experimental study. They completed the Verbal Fl...
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether a 3-month training with the use of the metacognitive strategies would strengthen the executive function related to verbal fluency in children with ADHD. Method: A total of 45 children with ADHD (M = 10.41; SD = 1.42) participated in a randomized experimental study. They completed the Verbal...
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The aim of the research was to identify the determinants of students' engagement in risky sexual activity. The analyses took into account the health locus of control, health activities and attitude to God. The research allowed to select three types of approaches to sexual activity: people engaging in risky sexual activity, people engaging in safe s...
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The aim of the presented study is to verify whether the visual methods (Mind Maps and Sketch-noting) considered as metacognitive strategies will help to strengthen emotional and motivational self-regulation in children with ADHD. In this experimental study, 135 participants took part, including 45 primary school students diagnosed with attention de...
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Zmęczenie przewlekłe to zmęczenie trwające przez ponad 6 miesięcy, które wpływa na funkcjonowanie psychiczne i fizyczne oraz znacznie zmniejsza aktywność człowieka. Jest częściej diagnozowane u kobiet niż u mężczyzn. W związku z tym pojawia się pytanie o cechy przewlekłego zmęczenia u mężczyzn, związane z wiekiem. Celem badań było określenie nasile...
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Abstract Objective: Assessment of emotional control from the perspective of young adults with ADHD. Method: 86 young adults (M = 23.14; SD = 2.06) took part in the questionnaire study. The respondents completed two tools: the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS) and the structured ADHD diagnostic interview for adults (DIVA 2.0). Results: Despi...
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Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the role of metacognitive beliefs in adolescents in a lockdown situation in Poland. Method: The questionnaire study included 319 participants (158 adolescents (M = 15.41; SD = 1.77) and their parents (N= 158). In adolescent group 110 responders had no psychiatric diagnosis, 48 were diagnosed with depressio...
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Research most often deals with the relationship between risky behaviour on the road and other aspects of young adults' lifestyle. It is rare that the sense of responsibility for one's own life and health and for that of other people on the road is understood, due to the limitation of perceptual data. In this study, we researched 198 young adults (M...
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Background: Low response inhibition underlies attention disorders and hyperactivity. The aim of this study is to check whether these processes will be strengthened by three months of training with metacognitive strategies. Methodology: Forty-five schoolchildren took part in an experimental study (M = 10.41; SD = 1.42). Each child had been diagno...
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Abstract Introduction: In recent years, numerous studies have focused on the analysis of the primary mechanisms and forms of therapy in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The analysis of such topics among similarly diagnosed young adults is only beginning to gain popularity. The present article attempts t...
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Zagadnienie poczucia własnej godności zdaje się powracać w refleksji naukowej w kontekście szybkich przemian cywilizacyjnych i kulturowych. Na przestrzeni ostatnich dziesięcioleci w znacznym stopniu dotyczyły one roli i zadań współczesnej kobiety. Problem niniejszej pracy sprowadza się do pytania o związek poczucia godności osobistej i preferencji...
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Celem badań jest poszukiwanie uwarunkowań przewlekłego zmęczenia u młodych kobiet. Założono, że istotne znaczenie dla powstawania przewlekłego zmęczenia ma słaba dynamika noetyczna. Przebadano 143 studentki w wieku 19-24 lat. Wykorzystano Test Noodynamiki Egzystencjalnej Popielskiego. Badane kobiety z przewlekłym zmęczeniem mają niski poziom dynami...
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EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS AND SUBJECTIVE STATE OF HEALTH. THE REGULATORY ROLE OF CONTROL ASSESSMENT Summary There is no consensus in the psychological literature regarding assessment of the impact that negative emotions exert on health / disease. It is neither clearly defined what role is played by the sense of self-esteem or guilt in this process. Th...
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Background Sense of coherence is widely discussed with respect to adults. The objective of this study was to find experiences (interpersonal relations and coping) forming the sense of coherence in the adolescent period. Another aim was to find a correlation between the kind of experiences resulting from the style of functioning and the kind of str...
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The sense of hopelessness is a common experience among adolescents. Hopelessness was defined as an important ele‑ ment characteristic of depression. The study was aimed at answering the question why adolescents aged 16–18 years expe‑ rience the sense of hopelessness. The relationships between the quality of life, anxiety and hopelessness were exami...
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Książka powstała w ramach serii uzależnienia: fakty i mity Zawartość tematyczna książki: 1. Funkcje jedzenia 2. Uzależnienie od jedzenia 3. Czynniki ryzyka uzależnienia od odżywiania się 4. Konsekwencje uzależnienia od jedzenia 5. Profilaktyka zaburzeń związanych z jedzeniem 6. Jedzenie i mity
The ability to meditate is characteristic of every human being. It takes place as a result of experiencing the fragility of human nature, feeling of alienation and the like. The effects of meditation vary considerably. Aim: In modern times two major modes of meditation prevail: The Christian and the Oriental trend. Both forms have elements that are...
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The author's analysis refers to emotional skills (EI) among adolescents in the con-text of cumulative fatigue. Ninety-two young people aged 16–18 were examined. The following measures were used: the Polish modifi cation of Cumulative Fatigue Questionnaire by R. Kosugo, and Questionnaire INTE N.S. Schutte and others. The relationship between cumulat...


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