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"Facebocrastination"? Predictors of using Facebook for procrastination and its effects on students' well-being


Abstract and Figures

Procrastinating with popular online media such as Facebook has been suggested to impair users' well-being, particularly among students. Building on recent procrastination, self-control, and communication literature, we conducted two studies (total N = 699) that examined the predictors of procrastination with Facebook as well as its effects on students' academic and overall well-being. Results from both studies consistently indicate that low trait self-control, habitual Facebook checking, and high enjoyment of Facebook use predict almost 40 percent of the variance of using Facebook for procrastination. Moreover, results from Study 2 underline that using Facebook for the irrational delay of important tasks increases students' academic stress levels and contributes to the negative well-being effects of Facebook use beyond the academic domain. The implications of investigating procrastination as a specific pattern of uncontrolled and dysfunctional media use are discussed with regard to research on the uses and effects of ubiquitous online media.
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Full length article
Facebocrastination? Predictors of using Facebook for procrastination
and its effects on studentswell-being
Adrian Meier
, Leonard Reinecke, Christine E. Meltzer
Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
article info
Article history:
Received 13 January 2016
Received in revised form
30 April 2016
Accepted 12 June 2016
Social network sites
University students
Procrastinating with popular online media such as Facebook has been suggested to impair userswell-
being, particularly among students. Building on recent procrastination, self-control, and communica-
tion literature, we conducted two studies (total N¼699) that examined the predictors of procrastination
with Facebook as well as its effects on studentsacademic and overall well-being. Results from both
studies consistently indicate that low trait self-control, habitual Facebook checking, and high enjoyment
of Facebook use predict almost 40 percent of the variance of using Facebook for procrastination.
Moreover, results from Study 2 underline that using Facebook for the irrational delay of important tasks
increases studentsacademic stress levels and contributes to the negative well-being effects of Facebook
use beyond the academic domain. The implications of investigating procrastination as a specic pattern
of uncontrolled and dysfunctional media use are discussed with regard to research on the uses and
effects of ubiquitous online media.
©2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The pervasive access to social media such as Facebook creates
new self-control challenges for a growing number of Internet users
in different spheres of life (e.g., Hofmann, Vohs, &Baumeister,
2012; Masur, Reinecke, Ziegele, &Quiring, 2014; Panek, 2014; Xu,
Wang, &David, 2016). Student users, in particular, report that the
social network site (SNS) Facebook makes themlose track of time
and that they delay tasks they actually intended to get done, such as
writing term papers or preparing for nal exams, because of
Facebook(e.g, Rosen, Carrier, &Cheever, 2013). Studies nding a
negative relationship between conscientiousness and Facebook use
among students suggest that low self-control may be a central
driver of this unintended Facebook use (e.g., Lee-Won, Herzog, &
Park, 2015; Wilson, Fornasier, &White, 2010). Moreover, research
on the uses and gratications of social media has consistently
identied the use of Facebook to put off something I should be
doing(Quan-Haase &Young, 2010, p. 356) as one of the strongest
motives of Facebook use (Papacharissi &Mendelson, 2011; Smock,
Ellison, Lampe, &Wohn, 2011).
Students, in particular, seem to irrationally delay (i.e., procras-
tinate) important academic tasks in favor of Facebook use, which
has been suggested to be responsible for a large part of the negative
relationship between Facebook use and academic performance
(Junco, 2012; Kirschner &Karpinski, 2010; Panek, 2014; Rosen
et al., 2013; Thompson, 2013). Moreover, initial evidence indicates
that procrastination with Facebook is particularly detrimental to
studentswell-being (Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013), which is supported
by research on the negative consequences of general, non-media-
related procrastinatory behavior among students (Kim &Seo,
2015; Sirois &Kitner, 2015; Steel, 2007).
Although Facebook is among the most widely used online ap-
plications around the globe (Alexa, 2015; Facebook, 2015; Pew
Research Center, 2015) and several independent lines of research
suggest that Facebook is a frequently used, but detrimental tool for
procrastination(Lavoie &Pychyl, 2001, p. 433) among students,
evidence of this practice of Facebocrastinationis scarce. The pre-
sent research thus aims at furthering our limited understanding of
the uses and effects of procrastination with the popular SNS Face-
book. Specically, the predictors of procrastination with Facebook
and its effects on academic and overall well-being will be
In the following section, we will rst review evidence on
media-related procrastination based on the prevailing under-
standing of procrastination as irrational task delay (Sirois &
*Corresponding author. Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg
University Mainz, Jakob-Welder-Weg 12, 55099 Mainz, Germany.
E-mail addresses: (A. Meier),
(L. Reinecke), (C.E. Meltzer).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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journal homepage:
0747-5632/©2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e76
Pychyl, 2013; Steel, 2007). By conceptualizing procrastination with
Facebook as a self-control failure (Hofmann, Friese, &Strack, 2009;
Steel, 2007), we will then identify dispositional (trait self-control)
and Facebook-specic precursors (habitual Facebook checking and
enjoyment of Facebook use) that could predict the frequency of
procrastination with Facebook. Moreover, we will discuss the
potentially detrimental effects of procrastination with Facebook on
studentsacademic and overall well-being. Based on two studies
using data from two student samples, we will subsequently
address the predictors (Studies 1 and 2) and effects (Study 2) of
procrastination with Facebook. The results will be discussed with
regard to their implications for everyday social media use as well
as future research on the uses and effects of constantly available
online media.
2. Theoretical background
2.1. Media as tools for procrastination
Consistent with recent procrastination literature, we dene
procrastination as the self-regulatory failure of not exerting self-
control necessary for task engagement(Sirois &Pychyl, 2013,p.
116). Essentially, procrastinators give in to pleasant short-term
temptations such as checking Facebook instead of engaging in
intended, but subjectively aversive tasks such as writing a term
paper. According to this typical procrastination scenario, the pro-
crastinatory activity (i.e., checking Facebook) provides the pro-
crastinator with immediate gratications such as the satisfaction
of relatedness needs via Facebook use (Reinecke, Vorderer, &
Knop, 2014; Sheldon, Abad, &Hinsch, 2011). In contrast, the
procrastinated task (i.e., writing a term paper) is often perceived
as stressful, frustrating, or boring and thus increases short-term
negative affect during task engagement (Pychyl, Lee, Thibodeau,
&Blunt, 2000). Moreover, procrastinated tasks typically provide
only distal rewards (e.g., good grades or a higher salary) and are
hedonically less attractive in the here and now than proximal
competing activities (e.g., just quicklychecking Facebook, getting
coffee, or watching a video clip on YouTube). In line with this
conceptualization of procrastination, engaging in an intended, but
aversive task requires the exertion of self-control since self-control
is a crucial ability drawn on by individuals when they prioritize
long-term goals over short-term desires (Hofmann et al., 2009;
Sirois &Pychyl, 2013).
A further dening characteristic that distinguishes procrasti-
nation from more active and strategic forms of delay is its irrational
and dysfunctional nature (Steel, 2007). Although procrastinators
seem to experience some short-term positive affect from indulging
in pleasurable substitute activities such as Facebook use, they
typically realize that their delay of important tasks is futile, irra-
tional, and self-harming in the long term (Sirois &Pychyl, 2013).
Hence, the short-term affective benets of irrational delay are
outweighed by its long-term costs (e.g., Tice &Baumeister, 1997).
We thus understand procrastination with Facebook not as a func-
tional gratication sought by or obtained from Facebook use (cf.,
Quan-Haase &Young, 2010), but as a dysfunctional behavioral
outcome of decient self-control processes that drive exposure to
Several researchers have recently identied procrastination as a
pervasive pattern of Internet and computer use (e.g., Breems &
Basden, 2014; Myrick, 2015). Only few studies, however, have
explicitly investigated the predictors of procrastination with media
content and mediated communication so far. Experience sampling
research by Hofmann et al. (2012) demonstrates that people
frequently give in to media desires, even though they try to resist
them. In fact, engaging in media use despite conicts with other
goals and tasks seems to be one of the most common forms of self-
control failure in peopleseveryday lives, suggesting a high preva-
lence of media-related task procrastination. Furthermore, Panek
(2014) recently investigated the role of self-control for college
studentsmedia use. In his correlational study, low trait self-control
was related to increased time spent on leisure media use and
decreased time on self-directed learning. From this, he concluded
that students often give in to proximal media use opportunities
that provide short-term guilty pleasurescompared to important,
but aversive academic tasks. Notably, the use of social media was
particularly strongly related to low trait self-control, implying
frequent uncontrolled and possibly procrastinatory use of SNS such
as Facebook.
Research on media multitasking has further underlined that
media-induced task-switching during (academic) work is driven by
high arousal and hedonic pleasure elicited by the media activity, as
well as low cognitive control over the switching behavior (e.g.,
David, Kim, Brickman, Ran, &Curtis, 2015; Xu et al., 2016; van der
Schuur, Baumgartner, Sumter, &Valkenburg, 2015). The ndings of
this line of research suggest that media in general and social and
mobile media in particular are often selected impulsively and in an
uncontrolled manner during work sessions, although users intend
to work on more important tasks. This media-induced task-
switchinghas been found to signicantly impair studentsperfor-
mance and well-being (e.g., Rosen et al., 2013; Xu et al., 2016).
Together, the studies outlined above provide implicit evidence
for high levels of media-related procrastination due to low levels of
self-control and impulsive selection of hedonically pleasant media
stimuli. Two recent studies further corroborate this nding by
explicitly linking self-control to procrastination with media con-
tent. In a cross-sectional study, Reinecke, Hartmann, and Eden
(2014) found that TV and video game use after work was
perceived as procrastination when participants reported lower
levels of state self-control. Procrastination, in turn, was related to
higher levels of guilt about media use. The ndings thus suggest
that participants perceived their uncontrolled after-work media
use as the result of impulsively giving into media temptation
instead of pursuing activities that would have been more aligned
with their long-term goals (e.g., sports). A recent experience sam-
pling study (Reinecke &Hofmann, 2016) further substantiates the
link between media use and self-control failure: Participants re-
ported that media use conicted with other important goals on
more than half of all media use occurrences (61.2%), underlining
that media use poses a particularly difcult self-regulatory chal-
lenge for many people in day-to-day settings. Moreover, higher
trait self-control signicantly predicted decreased procrastination
with media content, which supports the notion that self-control is a
key factor for media-related procrastination (Reinecke &Hofmann,
2.2. Procrastination with Facebook as self-control failure
The available evidence suggests a link between procrastination
with both ofine and online media and trait self-control, indicating
that media use for procrastination is a consequence of self-control
failure. Thus, the rst goal of our research is to investigate whether
low trait self-control also drives the use of Facebook for procrasti-
nation. In line with self-control research, we refer to trait self-
control as individual differences in the capacity to override or
inhibit problematic behavioral tendencies and desires (Hofmann
et al., 2009; Tangney, Baumeister, &Boone, 2004). Trait self-
control has been found to predict numerous positive behavioral
outcomes such as better academic grades, fewer unhealthy eating
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e7666
behaviors, and less substance abuse (e.g., Tangney et al., 2004; de
Ridder, Lensvelt-Mulders, Finkenauer, Stok, &Baumeister, 2011).
Individuals that frequently succeed in restraining their problematic
desires and in attaining their personal goals also report better
psychological adjustment, less psychopathology, more positive
momentary affect, and more life satisfaction (Hofmann, Luhmann,
Fisher, Vohs, &Baumeister, 2014; Tangney et al., 2004). In conclu-
sion, self-control can be characterized as being among human-
kinds most valuable assets(Hofmann et al., 2014, p. 265) and as a
key dispositional factor for a wide range of self-regulatory out-
comes, including frequent procrastination (Sirois &Pychyl, 2013;
Steel, 2007). Since prior research has demonstrated that trait self-
control is a negative predictor of procrastination with both ofine
and online media (Reinecke &Hofmann, 2016), we thus predict
that trait self-control is negatively related to the frequency of
procrastination with Facebook (H1).
Beyond dispositional levels of self-control, prior research sug-
gests that impulsive selection of hedonically tempting media ac-
tivities contributes to uncontrolled and procrastinatory use of
these media. Thus, the second goal of our research is to investigate
whether impulsive media selection is a further predictor of pro-
crastinatory Facebook use, operating as an antagonist to the self-
control efforts of limiting ones media use when working on
intended tasks. Recent research indicates that self-control failure
is often driven by strong impulsive desires that overwhelm in-
dividualsself-control ability (Heatherton &Wagner, 2011;
Hofmann &van Dillen, 2012; Hofmann, Kotabe, &Luhmann,
2013). Such impulsive behavior is particularly likely when in-
dividuals are confronted with stimuli that elicit strong automatic
reactions. According to Hofmann et al. (2009), individuals asso-
ciate desirable stimuli (e.g., a delicious candy) with automatic
impulses. Specically, individuals develop automatic approach-
avoidance tendencies towards desired stimuli. The stronger these
automatic tendencies are, the more likely the execution of
impulsive behavior (e.g., reaching for the candy jar) becomes, even
if it is inconsistent with long-term goals (e.g., weight loss)
(Hofmann et al., 2009).
We propose that this inuence of automatic approach reactions
on impulsive behavior can be applied to media selection as well.
Specically, we argue that automatic approach reactions predict
procrastination with Facebook as a form of self-control failure. The
importance of automatic approach reactions for media use is sub-
stantiated by research on media habits (e.g., LaRose, 2010; Naab &
Schnauber, 2014): In many situations, users do not deliberately
ponder over whether or not they should engage in media use (e.g.,
check their Facebook account). Instead, media exposure is initiated
unconsciously through media habits. Media habits thus represent
automatic behavioral responses that rely on mental scripts (LaRose,
2010; Naab &Schnauber, 2014) and learned stimulus-response
associations (Gardner, 2015). More specically, habits are charac-
terized by automatic and impulse-driven initiation of behavior
(Gardner, 2015; Gardner, Abraham, Lally, &Bruijn, 2012; Naab &
Schnauber, 2014). Thus, the more habitually a medium is used,
the more likely the medium is selected automatically and
Several studies underline that Facebook use is a strongly
habitual activity (Giannakos, Chorianopoulos, Giotopoulos, &
Vlamos, 2013; Papacharissi &Mendelson, 2011; Smock et al.,
2011) and that texting applications such as the Facebook
messenger are used in a highly automatic and impulsive fashion
(Bayer, Dal Cin, Campbell, &Panek, 2016). A recent multi-method
study found that Facebook is among the most frequently
checkedmobile applications, suggesting that automatic selection
in form of habitual Facebook checking is an integral part of Face-
book use (Oulasvirta, Rattenbury, Ma, &Raita, 2012). Since
habitually checking Facebook represents an automatic approach
reaction that is likely to interfere with important tasks at hand
(Hofmann et al., 2009), we believe that it is a key driver of pro-
crastinatory Facebook use. We thus predict that habitually checking
Facebook is positively related to the frequency of procrastination
with Facebook (H2).
In addition to automatic approach reactions such as habits, we
further propose that associating enjoyment with specic media
activities is an important predictor of irrational and impulsive se-
lection of these media despite facing important tasks at hand.
Procrastination research (Sirois &Pychyl, 2013) has recently pro-
posed that procrastinators often prioritize the positive affect eli-
cited by hedonically pleasant procrastinatory activities (e.g.,
meeting friends or watching TV) over the attainment of long-term
goals. Thus, associating pleasurable experiences and enjoyment
with a certain activity (e.g., Facebook use) increases the probability
that individuals are tempted by this activity when they simulta-
neously face an aversive task (Sirois &Pychyl, 2013). Notably, an
early study on Internet use and procrastination by Lavoie and
Pychyl (2001) supports this notion of the pivotal role of enjoy-
ment for procrastination. In their cross-sectional survey, the au-
thors found that participants who perceived Internet use as more
entertaining and enjoyable also reported higher levels of online
procrastination. Accordingly, they concluded that Internet users
appear to be entertaining themselves into task postponement
(Lavoie &Pychyl, 2001, p. 441). Recent research further indicates
that Facebook use is a highly enjoyable activity that satises basic
psychological needs through online entertainment and social
interaction (Reinecke, Vorderer et al., 2014; Sheldon et al., 2011).
Combining these results on the enjoyment of Facebook use with the
predictions made by procrastination research (Sirois &Pychyl,
2013), we argue that higher enjoyment of Facebook use should
increase the risk of being tempted by Facebook and, hence,
impulsively selecting Facebook even if it conicts with more
important activities. We thus predict that the enjoyment of Face-
book use is positively related to the frequency of procrastination
with Facebook (H3).
In this section, we have argued that the frequency of procras-
tination with Facebook can be predicted by low trait self-control
and impulsive selection of Facebook due to strong checking
habits and high Facebook enjoyment. Initial evidence further sug-
gests that procrastination with Facebook affects the well-being of
Facebook users (e.g., Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013), particularly in the
academic domain (Kim &Seo, 2015; Sirois &Kitner, 2015; Steel,
2007). However, prior research on the consequences of procrasti-
nation with media content and mediated communication is scarce.
We thus aim at extending prior research by investigating the link
between procrastination with Facebook and studentswell-being.
In the following section, we will rst review the available evi-
dence on the consequences of procrastination and then link these
results to recent research suggesting negative effects of pro-
crastinatory Facebook use on well-being.
2.3. Consequences of procrastination with Facebook
Research has identied several detrimental consequences of
procrastination for task performance and well-being. A specic
focus of this research has been on the consequences of dilatory
behavior in the academic domain (Kim &Seo, 2015; Steel, 2007).
Procrastination is particularly prevalent among university students,
who typically face complex tasks in self-directed learning settings
that leave a lot of leeway for slackingand irrational delay. More-
over, Facebook seems to be a particularly prominent tool for pro-
crastination among students (Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013; Quan-Haase
&Young, 2010). In the present investigation, we thus focus on the
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e76 67
negative effects of procrastination with Facebook in the college
student population.
A large body of research underlines the negative consequences
of procrastination for academic performance (Kim &Seo, 2015;
Steel, 2007). Delaying intended academic tasks can result in
poorer performance on subsequent trials to complete the tasks, for
example, because time pressure rises (Ferrari, 2001). As students
become aware of their decreasing performance due to procrasti-
nation, they start to ruminate (Flett, Stainton, Hewitt, Sherry, &Lay,
2012) and worry (St
ober &Joormann, 2001) about their delay,
which leads to increased anxiety (Lay &Schouwenburg, 1993) and
feelings of guilt (Pychyl et al., 2000). These negative self-
evaluations greatly impair procrastinatorspsychological well-
being. Specically, several studies show a strong link between
procrastination and stress: As procrastinators nally tackle their
postponed work, they typically struggle with the drawbacks of
decreased time for task completion as well as negative self-
evaluative thoughts and emotions, which increases levels of
stress (e.g., Flett et al., 2012; Sirois &Kitner, 2015; Sirois, 2014).
Furthermore, in a longitudinal study conducted among students
(Tice &Baumeister, 1997), procrastination of academic tasks was
not only related to stress as the deadline got closer during the se-
mester, but also to symptoms of stress-related illness.
Taken together, the results from procrastination research
clearly demonstrate the negative consequences of procrastinatory
behavior for studentsacademic performance and well-being (Kim
&Seo, 2015; Sirois &Kitner, 2015). We propose that procrastina-
tion with Facebook will have similar detrimental effects in the
academic domain and that these effects extend to studentsoverall
well-being. This rationale is supported by communication research
linking Facebook use to decreased academic performance (e.g.,
Junco, 2012; Kirschner &Karpinski, 2010; Rosen et al., 2013),
which suggests that students frequently and irrationally turn to
Facebook instead of their academic tasks (i.e., procrastinate with
Facebook). Due to the resulting decrease in academic performance,
procrastination with Facebook could thus elicit strong stress re-
actions in the academic domain (e.g., feeling crushedor over-
whelmedby the academic work that is piling up due to
procrastination). Accordingly, we predict that the frequency of
procrastination with Facebook is positively related to academic
stress (H4).
Beyond these effects of procrastination with Facebook on
domain-specic academic stress, procrastination research un-
derlines the detrimental consequences of procrastination for stu-
dents overall well-being (i.e., their well-being beyond the academic
domain) (Steel, 2007). Initial evidence from cross-sectional and
experience sampling research has also linked Facebook use to
impaired overall well-being among students (Kross et al., 2013;
Satici &Uysal, 2015). Experimental research by Sagioglou and
Greitemeyer (2014) further indicates that Facebook use impairs
affective well-being (e.g., current mood) because it is perceived as
less meaningful, less useful, and more of a waste of timethan
other (online) activities (p. 361). Since procrastination is a highly
dysfunctional activity that is essentially characterized by a mean-
ingless wasting of time, these results clearly suggest negative ef-
fects of procrastination with Facebook on affective well-being.
Moreover, a recent intervention study found that decreases in so-
cial media use were associated with decreased procrastination and
increased cognitive well-being (i.e., life satisfaction) over time
(Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013). Together, the available evidence suggests
that procrastination with social media may play a signicant role in
the negative relationship between general Facebook use and
overall well-being. Accordingly, we propose that procrastination
with Facebook contributes to the strains that Facebook use places
on studentsoverall well-being beyond the academic domain. We
thus hypothesize that the frequency of procrastination with Face-
book is positively related to Facebook-induced strains on students
overall well-being (H5).
To address the hypothesized predictors (H1eH3) and detri-
mental effects (H4eH5) of procrastination with Facebook, we
conducted two studies. Study 1 was designed to establish, whether
Facebook is a frequently used toolfor procrastination among
students and whether the frequency of procrastination with Face-
book can be predicted by trait self-control (H1), habitually checking
Facebook (H2), and the enjoyment of Facebook use (H3). Study 2
was designed as a follow-up study with two primary goals: (a) to
test whether the hypothesized predictors of procrastination with
Facebook can be replicated in a second student sample and (b) to
examine whether procrastination with Facebook is positively
associated with academic stress (H4) and Facebook-induced strains
(H5). Additionally, Study 2 addressed some of the methodological
limitations of Study 1.
3. Study 1
3.1. Method
3.1.1. Participants
In Study 1, hypotheses H1eH3 were tested with data from a
convenience sample of student Facebook users. Participants were
recruited by 30 undergraduate students through their online social
networks on Facebook. Our student recruiters were enrolled in the
communication program at a large University in Germany. Re-
cruiters were asked to distribute the link to an open online survey
among their friends on Facebook via public status updates, by
posting in Facebook groups, or by writing personal messages.
When following the link, participants were rst provided with
general information about the aim of the study and then asked for
their consent. Afterwards they completed the measures reported
below as well as additional questions about their general social
media use. Finally, participants provided demographic information
and were asked whether they studied at a German university.
Seven hundred seventy-one individuals started the survey, 480 of
which completed the questionnaire (62%). Of those 480 re-
spondents, 120 were excluded because they were not students and
another ve cases were excluded due to missing data. Thus, our
nal sample consisted of N¼354 student Facebook users (71.2%
female, M
¼22.89, SD ¼2.51).
Frequent use of Facebook was a common activity in the
sample: Seventy-eight percent of participants reported that they
use Facebook on six or seven days of a typical week. On average,
participants estimated their use of Facebook at about 73 min per
day (SD ¼77). Compared to the results of a representative study
on German Internet users (Busemann, 2013), these usage pat-
terns closely resemble those of the German population between
the ages 14 to 29. In this population, 75 percent report daily
social media use and an average of 87 min spent on social media
per day.
Although more prevalent among students, procrastination is also a highly
relevant and detrimental behavior in the general population. Studies using multi-
national samples underline that procrastinatory behavior can become chronic
and problematic for about 20% of the adult population (Ferrari, Diaz-Morales,
OCallaghan, Diaz, &Argumedo, 2007; Steel &Ferrari, 2013). Accordingly, we
believe that procrastination with widely popular online media such as Facebook is
also relevant in the general population. However, for the purpose of this early
research on the psychological predictors and effects of procrastination with media
use, we focus on students as a population that is particularly likely to procrastinate
with online tools such as Facebook (Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013; Quan-Haase &Young,
2010; Steel, 2007)
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e7668
3.1.2. Measures
All constructs were measured using multi-item Likert scales,
which showed satisfactory internal consistencies (Cronbachs
alpha) and composite reliabilities (CR) >0.70 (see Table 1 for details
on reliabilities, means, and standard deviations).
We conducted a
series of exploratory factor analyses (EFA) with varimax rotation on
all scales in Study 1 to rst test the structure of each construct
before conducting further analyses.
Trait self-control was measured with eight items from the Brief
Self-Control Scale (Tangney et al., 2004), which assesses the indi-
vidual capacity to resist temptations and control unwanted urges.
The items (e.g., I am good at resisting temptation) were measured
on a scale from 1 (does not apply at all)to5(fully applies). The scale
showed a unidimensional structure (eigenvalue ¼2.93) and
acceptable factor loadings ranging from 0.48 to 0.74, which corre-
sponds with the results of a recent revision of the scales psycho-
metric properties (Lindner, Nagy, &Retelsdorf, 2015).
ParticipantsFacebook checking habit was assessed with four
items from the Self-Report Habit Index (Verplanken &Orbell,
2003). These four items (I often check my Facebook account
without having to consciously remember,Using Facebook is
something I do without thinking.,Sometimes I start using Face-
book before I realize Im doing it.,While logging in on Facebook, I
think about completely different things.)reect automatic acti-
vation of Facebook checking behavior (Gardner et al., 2012) and
were measured on a scale from 1 (does not apply at all)to7(fully
applies). The scale showed a unidimensional structure
(eigenvalue ¼2.51) with factor loadings exceeding 0.65.
Enjoyment of Facebook use was measured with two items that
were adapted from studies by Quan-Haase and Young (2010) and
Smock et al. (2011). Participants responded to the items I use
Facebook because it is funand I use Facebook because it is
entertainingon a scale ranging from 1 (does not apply at all)to5
(fully applies). The scale had a unidimensional structure
(eigenvalue ¼1.20) with factor loadings of 0.77.
Finally, participants reported the frequency of their procrasti-
nation with Facebook by responding to four items from the Pro-
crastination Scale (Tuckman, 1991), which was already used to
measure procrastination with media use in previous research
(Reinecke, Hartmann et al., 2014). The items were adapted to
measure Facebook use as irrational procrastinatory behavior (I
used Facebook although I had more important things to do,I used
Facebook although I had more important things to do.,I used
Facebook although I knew that I had an important task to com-
plete.,I used Facebook although I had planned to get something
done.) on a scale ranging from 1 (never)to5(very often). Partici-
pants were asked to estimate the frequency of procrastination with
Facebook by thinking about their Facebook use in the last half year
when working at a computer. The scale showed a unidimensional
structure (eigenvalue ¼2.79) with factor loadings exceeding 0.79.
3.2. Results
In order to establish whether Facebook is used as a tool for
procrastination as suggested by prior research, we rst conducted a
descriptive analysis of the reported frequency of procrastination
with Facebook. Including all four items used to measure procras-
tination with Facebook in a mean index and using a conservative
estimate (M<2.00 on a scale from 1 to 5), only nine percent of
participants (n¼31) reported that, on average, they had never
procrastinated with Facebook in the last half year. In fact, pro-
crastination with Facebook was found to be a frequent behavior in
our student sample (M¼3.43, SD ¼0.98, scale 1e5).
Before testing our hypotheses, we then investigated the
convergent and discriminant validity of all constructs based on the
average variance extracted (AVE), the maximum shared variance
(MSV), and the average shared variance (ASV). Convergent validity
was satisfactory for all scales with AVEs >0.50, except for trait self-
control (AVE ¼0.37). However, all variables, including trait self-
control, showed satisfactory discriminant validity with AVEs
considerably larger than the MSV and ASV values. The suboptimal
level of convergent validity for trait self-control corresponds with
the moderate factor loadings found in our previous exploratory
factor analysis (see 3.1.2 Measures). Although these values
demonstrate room for improvement, they mirror the ndings of a
recent investigation of the psychometric properties of the Brief
Self-Control Scale (cf., Lindner et al., 2015). This low convergent
validity is indicative of the complexity of trait self-control, which is
expressed in the diversity of the items of the Brief Self-Control Scale
(Tangney et al., 2004). However, a unidimensional structure of the
scale seems to outperform alternative two-dimensional structures
(Lindner et al., 2015). Since the Brief Self-Control Scale is a
frequently used and prevalidated measure of trait self-control that
shows convergent validity with other self-control measures
(Duckworth &Kern, 2011) and connects to a large body of existing
research (de Ridder et al., 2011), we decided to retain this variable
in our model in its current form.
We thus continued our analysis by testing the hypothesized
relationships. To test H1eH3, we computed a structural equation
model (SEM) using the AMOS 22 software package. Additionally,
means, standard deviations, and zero-order correlations for all SEM
variables were calculated using SPSS 22 (see Table 1 for details). In
Model 1 (Fig. 1), trait self-control, Facebook checking habit, and
Facebook enjoyment were included as exogenous variables and the
frequency of procrastination with Facebook was included as the
endogenous variable. Two covariances between exogenous vari-
ables (checking habit and trait self-control as well as checking habit
and enjoyment) were included in the model due to moderate zero-
order correlations (see Table 1).
The maximum likelihood (ML) method was chosen for model
estimation. Although the data were not normally distributed (Mar-
dias multivariate kurtosis estimate ¼28.109), the ML method was
chosen as it is comparatively robust against variations in kurtosis
(Olsson, Foss, Troye, &Howell, 2000). To cope with non-normality,
however, all hypotheses were tested using the bootstrapping
Table 1
Means, standard deviations, scales, reliabilities, and zero-order correlations for SEM variables (Study 1).
CR 1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Trait self-control 2.94 0.72 1e5 0.82 0.82 e
2. FB checking habit 3.99 1.74 1e7 0.87 0.87 0.17
3. FB enjoyment 3.73 0.92 1e5 0.75 0.75 0.04 0.21
4. Frequency of procrastination with FB 3.43 0.98 1e5 0.90 0.90 0.40
Note. Based on N¼354 participants and two-tailed signicance tests. High values (5 or 7) represent high levels for each construct. FB ¼Facebook. CR ¼composite reliability.
All measures used in Studies 1 and 2 can be obtained from the rst author upon
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e76 69
method. Based on 5000 bootstrap samples with replacement, 95%
bias-corrected condence intervals were computed for signicance
testing of all parameters in Model 1 (Fig. 1).
The model showed an acceptable t(Little, 2013, pp. 109e117)
to the data (
¼316.460, df ¼130, p <0.001,
/df ¼2.434,
CFI ¼0.932, RMSEA ¼0.064 (90% C.I.: 0.055, 0.073), and
SRMR ¼0.060) and conrmed hypotheses H1eH3 (see Fig. 1). As
expected (H1), trait self-control was negatively and signicantly
related to the frequency of procrastination with Facebook
¼0.41, p<0.001). In turn, habitually checking Facebook
¼0.29, p<0.01) and enjoyment of Facebook use (
p<0.001) were positively and signicantly related to the frequency
of procrastination with Facebook, conrming H2 and H3. Together,
the three predictors explained 40% of the variance in the frequency
of procrastination with Facebook (R
¼0.40, p<0.01).
3.3. Discussion
Study 1 was designed to assess whether the proposed set of
predictors (H1eH3) can explain the frequency of procrastination
with Facebook. The observed structural relationships provided
considerable support for the three hypothesized predictors of
procrastination with Facebook (trait self-control, habitual Facebook
checking, and enjoyment of Facebook use). However, in order to
reduce the possibility that these results were specic to the sample
under investigation, we aimed at replicating this model in a second
sample. In addition to establishing the validity of our hypothesized
predictors, Study 2 also aimed at addressing the possible conse-
quences of procrastination with Facebook (H4 and H5), thus
signicantly extending the ndings of Study 1.
4. Study 2
4.1. Method
4.1.1. Participants
We conducted a second online survey with data from another
convenience sample of student Facebook users from Germany.
Analogously to Study 1, participants were recruited via un-
dergraduatessocial networks on Facebook. Our 28 student re-
cruiters were enrolled in the communication program at the same
University as in Study 1 and followed the same procedure as in
Study 1. In contrast to Study1, however, non-student participants
were ltered out at the beginning of the survey, rather than
excluded from data analyses subsequently. Five-hundred sixty-one
individuals started the survey, 369 of which reported to be students
and completed the questionnaire (66%). A total of 35 cases were
excluded due to missing data, resulting in a nal sample of N¼345
student Facebook users (62.3% female, M
¼21.17, SD ¼1.98).
Intensity of Facebook use was comparable to Study 1 (M¼73 min
Facebook use on a typical day, SD ¼90).
4.1.2. Measures
Trait self-control and Facebook checking habit were measured
with the scales outlined in Study 1. A series of EFAs with varimax
rotation were conducted on all scales in Study 2 to test the structure
of each construct before conducting further analyses. The scale
measuring trait self-control again showed a unidimensional
structure (eigenvalue ¼2.84) and factor loadings ranging from 0.43
to 0.74 (cf., Lindner et al., 2015). The measure of participants
Facebook checking habit also showed a unidimensional structure
(eigenvalue ¼2.09) and factor loadings ranging from 0.55 to 0.83.
The frequency of procrastination with Facebook was measured
with the same items used in Study 1. However, we extended the
scope of the procrastination measure to include all forms of pro-
crastinatory Facebook use. Thus, participants in Study 2 were asked
to base their estimates of the frequency of procrastination with
Facebook on their overall Facebook use (as compared to their
Facebook use in the last half year in Study 1), including mobile
access to Facebook via smartphones and tablets. Again, the scale
showed a unidimensional structure (eigenvalue ¼3.13) and factor
loadings exceeding 0.86.
Furthermore, to avoid problems with Heywood cases in the
subsequent structural equation modelling (Chen, Bollen, Paxton,
Trait Self-
FB Enjoyment
FB Checking
with FB
Fig. 1. SEM for trait self-control, Facebook checking habit, and Facebook enjoyment as predictors of procrastination with Facebook (Study 1) Note. Observed structural equation
model based on N¼354 participants. Fit indices are
¼316.460, df ¼130, p<0.001,
/df ¼2.434, CFI ¼0.932, RMSEA ¼0.064 (90% C.I.: 0.055, 0.073), SRMR ¼0.060. Scores in the
gure represent standardized path coefcients. Signicance levels are based on 5000 bootstrap samples with replacement and 95% bias-corrected condence intervals. FB ¼Fa-
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e7670
Curran, &Kirby, 2001), enjoyment of Facebook use was measured
with three items in Study 2 (as compared to only two items in Study
1). The items (I enjoy using Facebook,Using Facebook is fun.,I
feel entertained by the use of Facebook.) were taken from a recent
study that specically focused on the enjoyment of Facebook use
(Reinecke, Vorderer et al., 2014). The scale had a unidimensional
structure (eigenvalue ¼1.56) with factor loadings exceeding 0.60.
To assess negative consequences of procrastination with Face-
book, two additional variables were included in Study 2: First,
participants reported their level of perceived academic stress on
three items adapted from the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen,
Kamarck, &Mermelstein, 1983). The items (I feel very stressed
when I try to get work for my studies done,It feels as if the dif-
culties in my studies are piling up so high that I cannot overcome
them.,I feel unable to cope with all the upcoming task in my
studies.) were rated on a scale from 1 (never)to6(very often). The
scale showed a unidimensional structure (eigenvalue ¼2.04) with
factor loadings exceeding 0.80.
As a second measure of well-being, participants reported how
often they perceived strains in different spheres of life as a conse-
quence of their overall Facebook use on a scale from 1 (never)to6
(very often). Six items measuring Facebook-induced strains on well-
being (My Facebook use :impairs my general well-being.,
puts strains on my personal relationships.,leads to stress in
my day to day life.,makes it more difcult to relax in my day to
day life.,impairs my temporary moods.,hinders my per-
sonal growth.) were developed based on prior research (e.g.,
Beutel et al., 2011; Kross et al., 2013; Sagioglou &Greitemeyer,
2014) that assessed negative consequences of Internet use on
different well-being dimensions (e.g., global, affective, or social
well-being, Huta &Waterman, 2014). The scale showed a unidi-
mensional structure (eigenvalue ¼3.34) and factor loadings
exceeding 0.61. All scales in Study 2 showed satisfactory internal
consistencies (Cronbachs alpha) and composite reliabilities
(CRs) >0.70 (see Table 2 for details).
4.2. Results
We began our analysis by testing the convergent and discrimi-
nant validity of all constructs based on their AVE, MSV, and ASV
values. As in Study 1, convergent validity was satisfactory for all
scales with AVEs >0.50, except for trait self-control (AVE ¼0.36).
All variables, including trait self-control, showed satisfactory
discriminant validity with AVEs considerably larger than the MSV
and ASV values. Consistent with the arguments presented in Study
1 (see 3.2 Results), we decided to continue our analysis albeit
recognizing the limited convergent validity of the trait self-control
To replicate the results of Study 1 (H1eH3) and to test the hy-
pothesized relationships in H4 and H5, a second SEM was
computed. The model (Model 2, Fig. 2) included the same exoge-
nous variables, endogenous variables, and covariances as in Study 1.
Additionally, academic stress (H4) and Facebook-induced strains
(H5) were included as endogenous variables, reecting the conse-
quences of frequent procrastination with Facebook (see Table 2 for
details on SEM variables). The data in Study 2 was not normally
distributed (Mardias multivariate kurtosis estimate ¼80.919).
Thus, again, the model was estimated with the ML method and
signicance of all parameters was tested with the bootstrapping
The model showed a good t to the data (
¼507.654, df ¼343,
/df ¼1.480, CFI ¼0.962, RMSEA ¼0.037 (90% C.I.:
0.030, 0.044), and SRMR ¼0.070) and supported hypotheses
H1eH5 (see Fig. 2). Conrming the results of Study 1, trait self-
control was also negatively and signicantly related to the
frequency of procrastination with Facebook in Study 2 (
p<0.001). Moreover, habitually checking Facebook (
p<0.001) and enjoyment of Facebook use (
¼0.31, p<0.001)
were again positively related to the frequency of procrastination
with Facebook. Thus, all hypothesized relationships (H1eH3) for
the predictors of procrastination with Facebook (R
¼0.37, p <0.01)
were replicated in Study 2. Furthermore, as hypothesized in H4 and
H5, the frequency of procrastination with Facebook was positively
related both with academic stress (
¼0.28, p<0.001) and FB-
induced strains on well-being (
¼0.44, p<0.001). Procrastina-
tion with Facebook explained signicant portions of variance in
both variables (R
¼0.08 and R
¼0.19, respectively, both
As we found substantial direct effects for all hypothesized re-
lationships in Study 2, we additionally tested the indirect effects of
trait self-control, checking habit, and Facebook enjoymenton users
well-being via procrastination with Facebook. To compare possible
indirect effects with respective direct effects, we computed an
alternative version of the model depicted in Fig. 2 that additionally
included six direct paths from our three exogenous variables (i.e.,
trait self-control, checking habit, and Facebook enjoyment) to the
two endogenous variables academic stress and Facebook-induced
strains. Signicance levels of standardized direct and indirect ef-
fects were based on 5000 bootstrap samples with replacement and
95% bias-corrected condence intervals (see Table 3 for details).
The model showed a good t to the data (
¼443.991, df ¼337,
/df ¼1.317, CFI ¼0.975, RMSEA ¼0.030 (90% C.I.: 0.022,
0.038), and SRMR ¼0.048) and results indicated substantial indi-
rect effects. The frequency of procrastination with Facebook
signicantly mediated the effects of trait self-control (
p<0.001), Facebook checking habit (
¼0.09, p<0.001), and
Facebook enjoyment (
¼0.09, p<0.001) on academic stress as
well as the effects of trait self-control (
¼0.12, p<0.001),
Facebook checking habit (
¼0.11, p<0.001), and Facebook
enjoyment (
¼0.12, p<0.001) on Facebook-induced strains on
studentsoverall well-being.
Results also indicated several signif-
icant direct effects between the exogenous variables and the two
well-being indicators, which are largely consistent with our general
argumentation (see Table 3). Notably, however, Facebook enjoy-
ment showed small, but signicant negative direct effects on both
academic stress (
¼0.17, p<0.05) and Facebook-induced strains
¼0.20, p<0.01), working in opposite direction to the positive
indirect effects and resulting in nonsignicant total effects (see
zero-order correlations in Table 2).
4.3. Discussion
Study 2 was designed to replicate the relationships investigated
in Study 1 (H1eH3) and to extend the hypothesized model by
including possible effects of procrastination with Facebook on
userswell-being (H4 and H5). The results of Study 2 underline that
trait self-control, habitually checking Facebook, and enjoyment of
Facebook use distinctly contribute to the frequency of procrasti-
nation with Facebook. Notably, the effects found for the hypothe-
sized relationships showed remarkable equivalence in
standardized size, signicance, and explained variance in both
studies (see Figs. 1 and 2 for details).
In Study 2, we also assessed the frequency of procrastination
with Facebook as a predictor of perceived academic stress and
Please note that the equivalence in size of the beta coefcients for the indirect
effects is due to the almost equivalent effect sizes for the paths from trait self-
control, Facebook checking habit, and Facebook enjoyment to procrastination
with Facebook as well as subsequent rounding errors (see Fig. 2 for details).
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e76 71
Facebook-induced strains on overall well-being. The results support
the notion that procrastination with Facebook is associated with
higher academic stress and more Facebook-induced strains.
Moreover, the frequency of procrastination with Facebook medi-
ated the effects of all three predictors in our model (H1eH3) on
academic stress and Facebook-induced strains on well-being.
Together, the signicant direct and indirect effects found in our
SEM analysis provide strong support for our proposed theoretical
model. Intriguingly, our supplemental mediation analysis also
revealed an ambiguous role of Facebook enjoyment for students
well-being: Enjoyment indirectly increased academic stress and
Facebook-induced strains by increasing procrastination with Face-
book. Simultaneously, however, enjoyment of Facebook use directly
decreased participantsself-reported academic stress and
Facebook-induced strains.
5. General discussion
Several lines of research suggest that Facebook is a frequently
used tool for procrastination, which could be particularly detri-
mental to the well-being of students. The central aim of this study
was to integrate and extend previous ndings on the pro-
crastinatory use of Facebook. Specically, our goal was to a)
identify important predictors of procrastination with popular on-
line media such as Facebook and b) investigate whether frequent
procrastination with Facebook affects studentspsychological
well-being in the academic domain and beyond. The ndings from
two consecutive studies conrm that studentsfrequently turn to
Table 2
Means, standard deviations, scales, reliabilities, and zero-order correlations for SEM variables (Study 2).
CR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. Trait self-control 2.87 0.71 1e5 0.81 0.81 e
2. FB checking habit 3.87 1.60 1e7 0.81 0.81 0.17
3. FB enjoyment 3.27 0.74 1e5 0.75 0.76 0.08 0.16
4. Frequency of procrastination with FB 3.45 1.42 1e6 0.94 0.93 0.36
5. Academic stress 3.36 1.20 1e6 0.86 0.86 0.29
0.02 0.04 0.25
6. FB-induced strains 2.00 0.97 1e6 0.88 0.88 0.19
0.01 0.40
Note. Based on N¼345 participants and two-tailed signicance tests. High values (5, 6, or 7) represent high levels for each construct. FB ¼Facebook. CR ¼composite reliability.
Trait Self-
FB Enjoyment
FB Checking
with FB
Fig. 2. SEM for predictors of procrastination with Facebook and effects on academic stress and FB-induced strains on well-being (Study 2) Note. Observed structural equation model
based on N¼345 participants. Fit indices are
¼507.654, df ¼343, p <0.001,
/df ¼1.480, CFI ¼0.962, RMSEA ¼0.037 (90% C.I.: 0.030, 0.044), SRMR ¼0.070. Scores in the gure
represent standardized path coefcients. Signicance levels are based on 5000 bootstrap samples with replacement and 95% bias-corrected condence intervals. FB ¼Facebook.
Table 3
Standardized direct effects of trait self-control, Facebook checking habit, and Facebook enjoyment on academic stress and Facebook-induced strains and respective indirect
effects via procrastination with Facebook (Study 2).
Academic stress FB-induced strains
Direct effect Indirect effect Direct effect Indirect effect
1. Trait self-control 0.26
[0.40, 0.12] 0.09
[0.16, 0.05] 0.01 [0.14, 0.12] 0.12
[0.19, 0.07]
2. FB checking habit 0.11 [0.25, 0.02] 0.09
[0.04, 0.16] 0.33
[0.20, 0.45] 0.11
[0.07, 0.18]
3. FB enjoyment 0.17
[0.31, 0.03] 0.09
[0.04, 0.13] 0.20
[0.32, 0.08] 0.12
[0.07, 0.19]
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e7672
Facebook to procrastinate and consistently support our theoretical
assumptions on the predictors and effects of procrastination with
The rst part of our hypothesized model addressed the pre-
dictors of procrastination with Facebook and highlighted the
pivotal role of self-regulation processes for using Facebook as a
means of irrational task delay (i.e., procrastination). Our review
suggested that trait self-control as well as precursors of impulsive
media selectiondspecically, habitual Facebook checking and high
Facebook enjoymentdpredict the frequency of procrastination
with online media such as Facebook. The results from our two
studies consistently conrm our assumptions (H1eH3) and un-
derline that procrastination with Facebook is a form of quintes-
sential self-regulatory failure(Steel, 2007, p. 65) driven by low trait
self-control, strong Facebook checking habits, and high enjoyment
of Facebook use.
The second part of our model addressed the potentially detri-
mental effects of procrastination with Facebook on userswell-
being. We specically focused our investigation on studentsaca-
demic stress and overall well-being, as prior research suggests that
students are among the most likely individuals to be affected by
procrastination with Facebook. The results from Study 2 support
our notion that procrastination with Facebook contributes to both
the detrimental consequences of Facebook use in the academic
domain (H4) and to studentsoverall well-being (H5). The more
frequently students procrastinated with Facebook, the more their
academic stress increased and the more they reported strains
resulting from their overall Facebook use on several indicators of
well-being (e.g., temporary mood, personal relationships, and
personal growth).
The present research thus signicantly extends prior work on
media-related procrastination. Specically, our studies have two
main implications for research on the uses and effects of (social)
online media. First, our research integrates the fragmentary evi-
dence on media-related procrastination and provides a coherent
model of procrastination with media content and mediated
communication as an outcome of decient self-regulatory pro-
cesses. The results underline that not only media userscapacity for
general self-control but also their tendency to impulsively and
unintentionally select specic media activities due to strong habits
and high media enjoyment drive procrastinatory media use.
Together, our set of predictors signicantly and consistently
explained almost 40 percent of the variance in the frequency of
procrastination with Facebook in both studies. Our work thus ex-
tends prior communication research by demonstrating that users
unique patterns (i.e., habitualization) and appraisal (i.e., enjoyment)
of media use crucially inuence the prevalence of procrastination
with these media beyond the mere quantity of media use (cf.,
Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013).
Second, our results underline that these specic patterns of
Facebook use affect userswell-being: As indicated by the signi-
cant mediation effects in Study 2, trait self-control, enjoyment, and
habitualization of Facebook use were linked to increased academic
stress and Facebook-induced strains by increasing the frequency of
procrastination with Facebook. Beyond conrming the central role
of self-control for the consequences of procrastination with Face-
book, our results thus advance prior research by revealing the
crucial role of enjoyment and habitualization in the interplay of
procrastinatory Facebook use and well-being: At rst sight, the
enjoyment of Facebook use may seem to represent a primarily
functional Facebook experience that satises the users need for
affective well-being and mood repair. However, our results indicate
that appraising media use as a highly enjoyable activity can also
drive dysfunctional forms of media use due to increased procrasti-
nation that subsequently impairs userswell-being. Moreover, the
link between habitual Facebook checking, increased procrastina-
tion with Facebook, and decreased well-being supports the notion
that being permanently online and permanently connected
(Vorderer &Kohring, 2013) can have negative consequences on
userseveryday lives. Individuals that frequently and habitually
check Facebook to obtain new (social) information and social
interaction seem to be specically prone to use Facebook even in
situations where its usage conicts with more important upcoming
tasks, which reduces their performance and well-being.
Although the results from our two studies provide consistent
support for the hypothesized model, the present research comes
with a number of limitations. The rst limitation concerns the
cross-sectional nature of our data, which connes our structural
model to correlational interpretations. Several of the proposed re-
lationships could also show a reversed direction of effects: The
negative affect associated with stress and impaired well-being, for
example, could also predict studentsprocrastination with Face-
book as it might make students more susceptible to hedonically
pleasant activities such as Facebook use, even though they have
important work to complete (Sirois &Pychyl, 2013). However, the
evidence provided by prior research supports the causal directions
implied by our model. Academic stress, for example, seems to be a
consequence rather than a predictor of procrastination, as
demonstrated by research using longitudinal designs (e.g., Tice &
Baumeister, 1997). Moreover, our hypothesized predictors repre-
sent either relatively stable dispositional variables (trait self-
control) or patterns of overall Facebook use (Facebook checking
habit and Facebook enjoyment) that should inuence the more
narrowly dened use of Facebook for procrastination and not vice
versa. Nonetheless, the reciprocal effects of well-being, self-control,
and procrastination with media content should be investigated by
future research using longitudinal or experimental designs.
A second methodological limitation pertains to the measure we
used to assess participantslevel of trait self-control in both studies.
Although the Brief Self-Control Scale (Tangney et al., 2004)isa
well-established and commonly used measure in self-control
research (de Ridder et al., 2011) that has shown to be predictive
of procrastination with media content (Reinecke &Hofmann, 2016),
our analyses indicated limited convergent validity in two student
samples. Future research should thus test whether the connection
between trait self-control and procrastination with Facebook can
be replicated with different measures of self-control capacity, such
as delay of gratication tasks or peer ratings (Duckworth &Kern,
A third limitation concerns our focus on students. Procrastina-
tion is particularly common and detrimental in the academic
context, because students have considerable leeway in switching
between self-directed learning sessions and unstructured leisure
time (Kim &Seo, 2015). Thus, studentsperformance and well-
being is particularly dependent on their self-regulatory skills,
specically, the ability to resist ubiquitously available online and
ofine leisure temptations such as media use (Hofmann et al.,
2012). It is unclear and an important task for future research to
investigate whether our theoretical model of online procrastination
with Facebook can be replicated in the general population. Notably,
research on procrastination with media content has consistently
conrmed frequent use of online media for procrastination among
diverse adult samples (e.g., Lavoie &Pychyl, 2001; Myrick, 2015;
Reinecke &Hofmann, 2016). We are thus condent that the same
basic psychological self-control processes identied in the present
study apply to procrastination with online media in the general
Anal limitation concerns our focus on the negative outcomes of
procrastination with Facebook. As suggested by recent research
(Sirois &Pychyl, 2013), procrastination is driven by procrastinators
A. Meier et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 64 (2016) 65e76 73
desire for short-term increases in positive affect and their need for
distraction from aversive tasks. However, the results from our
mediation analysis in Study 2 revealed that positive affect associ-
ated with Facebook use (i.e., Facebook enjoyment) did not only
increase participantsprocrastination with Facebook, but also
served as a protective factor that seemed to reduce participants
academic stress levels and the frequency with which they
perceived strains on their well-being as a consequence of their
Facebook use. Thus, it would be particularly interesting to further
investigate whether procrastination with Facebook results in
(short-term) affective well-being benets, for example, through
need satisfaction (Reinecke, Vorderer et al., 2014), self-afrmation
(Toma &Hancock, 2013), or social sharing on Facebook (Choi &
Toma, 2014). A recent study found that social support via Face-
book can serve as a stress buffer (Nabi, Prestin, &So, 2013), which,
in turn, may counteract the negative well-being effects of irrational
procrastination with Facebook. Consequently, we believe that
future research can benet from a more ne-grained perspective
on the uses and effects of online media such as Facebook by
addressing the dynamics between short-term benets and long-
term costs of Facebook use for well-being, particularly in the
context of procrastination.
While our research provides several key insights into the nature
of procrastination with Facebook as well as the role of self-control
processes in media use, several open questions remain. Specically,
the generalizability of our proposed predictor model should be
investigated with regard to other ofine and online media. It could
be a promising task for future research to compare how the unique
affordances of popular interpersonal (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, or
WhatsApp), interactive (e.g., browser games), and non-interactive
(e.g., Netix) forms of social and entertaining online media use
shape the prevalence and consequences of procrastination. Anec-
dotal evidence further suggests that non-hedonic online media
such as news websites or Wikipedia, or less demanding online tasks
such as checking ones email, are the preferred tools for procrasti-
nation among some individuals. It could be argued that these forms
of procrastination are easier to justify and rationalize as they are
more likely to be perceived as meaningfulactivities, leaving pro-
crastinators with less detrimental or even positive effects on their
well-being (cf., Sagioglou &Greitemeyer, 2014). We encourage
other researchers to explore the potentially complex interplay be-
tween the selection of hedonic vs. non-hedonic and meaningfulvs.
meaninglessmedia activities for procrastination and its effects on
different dimensions of well-being (e.g., hedonic vs. eudaimonic
well-being, Huta &Waterman, 2014; Oliver &Bartsch, 2010).
Beyond these more general avenues for future research, we
would like to outline two particular benets of a) investigating
procrastination as a specic and reoccurring pattern of media use
and of b) integrating self-control theory into research on the uses
and effects of media. We believe that our results provide valuable
impulses for research on the effects of online media use in learning
environments (e.g., Thompson, 2013) as well as research on media
multitasking (e.g., van der Schuur et al., 2015). Specically, the
evidence reviewed and presented in this paper suggests that pro-
crastination is both an important moderator and mediator for the
effects of online media use on studentsacademic performance and
well-being: Students showing a relatively stable tendency to pro-
crastinate (i.e., high trait procrastination, Steel, 2007) should suffer
from negative consequences of dilatory Facebook use more
frequently, suggesting that procrastinatory tendencies moderate
the negative relationship between overall Facebook use and aca-
demic performance and well-being. Considering the tendency to
procrastinate as a moderator could thus help to clarify some of the
conicting evidence on the outcomes of social media use (e.g.,
Thompson, 2013). Moreover, procrastination with online media
such as Facebook may mediate the negative effects of media
multitasking on performance and well-being. When students
frequently switch from academic ofine tasks to online media ac-
tivities due to impulsive media selection, their media use can easily
extend to the point that it conicts with more important tasks. The
frequency of media-induced task switching(Rosen et al., 2013,p.
948) could thus increase the frequency of reported procrastination
with media, which, in turn, should mediate the negative effects of
task-switching on performance and well-being. Moreover, multi-
tasking research could signicantly benet from investigating
whether students(trait and state) capacity for self-control oper-
ates as a moderator of these effects.
Finally, our study did not address how individuals cope with
procrastinatory media use that interferes with their long-term
goals and psychological well-being. Hofmann et al. (2009) pro-
pose that in reaction to detrimental self-control failure, individuals
reect on their behavior and form deliberate self-control standards.
Specically, they argue that implementing restraint standards (e.g.,
keeping a diet) should counteract automatic impulsive reactions
such as habitual media selection. Media users struggling with
frequent media-related procrastination could thus attempt to
implement restraint standards that reduce their dilatory media use.
Recent research suggests that behavioral interventions, for
example, temporary reductions in Facebook use, are effective in
decreasing overall procrastination and in increasing life satisfaction
among students (Hinsch &Sheldon, 2013). Moreover, many users
seem to voluntarily commit to such Facebook vacationsduring
periods of increased work demand (Rainie, Smith, &Duggan, 2013).
Further investigating media dietsand media hiatusas preventive
and interventive self-control strategies (Hofmann &Kotabe, 2012)
aimed at reducing procrastination thus seems to be a fruitful
endeavor for future research.
6. Conclusion
Overall, the present research furthers our understanding of
uncontrolled and potentially detrimental media use by investi-
gating what drives studentsuse of Facebook for procrastination.
The results from our two studies crucially extend prior research on
media use and procrastination by demonstrating that trait self-
control and usersspecic patterns and appraisal of Facebook use
(i.e., habitualization and enjoyment) are crucial predictors of pro-
crastination with Facebook. Moreover, our results support the
notion that Facebocrastinationsignicantly impairs studentsac-
ademic and overall well-being. We thus hope that our work pro-
vides valuable impulses to future research that aims at addressing
the ubiquitous conicts between online media use and the de-
mands of our day-to-day strivings in work and learning
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... However, there are several drawbacks to these platforms. Meier et al., (2016) explored the phenomenon of 'Facebocrastination', leading to procrastination of academic tasks and sleep (Kroese et al., 2016) by students. Watching movies late night gives a good feeling . ...
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As the world is reeling under the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people have faced the shift to online modes of communication in spheres like education, work from home and even entertainment. Students turned to over-the-top (OTT) platforms in order to relax and relieve stress. The present study attempts to measure the usage of OTT platforms and its effect on students’ academic lives concerning academic performance, concentration and productivity, health issues, time-management, and their socio-demographic profile. The study employed explanatory descriptive research designs and sent out instruments measuring usage of OTT and other variables to 800 students across India. The study obtained 535 successful responses from the students pursuing 11th grade to post-graduation. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, parametric t-test, ANOVA and MANOVA. The study revealed that students used OTT platforms extensively for entertainment. Descriptive data gave a detailed account of their academic lives during the COVID-19 crisis. Usage of OTT affected their academic performance, concentration and productivity, health and time management. The study recommends future researchers to find the positive and negative effects of OTT usage on the youth in the post-pandemic scenario.
... Mahasiswa dapat kehilangan fokus, sehingga tidak dapat mengikuti proses belajar (Tindell, & Bohlander, 2012). Dampak lebih besar bagi mahasiswa yang melakukan cyberslacking, yaitu hasil akademis dan kesejahteraan menjadi buruk (Meier, Reinecke, & Meltzer, 2016). ...
Background: Cyberslacking is a deviant behavior that is often carried out by students regarding internet use during lectures. Internet access is used for things that have nothing to do with academics. Conformity as a form of social influence is thought to have a relationship with cyberslacking which can make individuals tend to change their attitudes, behavior and beliefs to adapt to existing norms. Purpose: To determine the relationship between conformity and cyberslacking in students. Method: Quantitative research with correlational design. Proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to take a research sample of 346 students. Data collection was carried out using a conformity scale with a reliability value of 0.764 and a cyberslacking questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.901. The correlation analysis used is Spearman's rho. Results: The level of conformity and cyberslacking of respondents was mostly in the medium category with the respective percentages being (70.8%) and (82.7%). The results of the Spearman's rho correlation test obtained a p-value of 0.003, which shows that there is a significant relationship between conformity and cyberslacking. Conclusion: There is a positive and significant relationship between conformity and cyberslacking. Increased conformity will be followed by increased cyberslacking, and vice versa. Suggestion: Future researchers can analyze the factors that strengthen the relationship between conformity and cyberslacking in students. Keywords: Cyberslacking; Student; Suitability. Pendahuluan: Cyberslacking merupakan suatu perilaku menyimpang yang sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa terkait penggunaan internet selama perkuliahan berlangsung. Akses internet tersebut digunakan untuk hal yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan akademik. Konformitas sebagai bentuk pengaruh sosial diprediksi memiliki hubungan dengan cyberslacking yang dapat membuat individu cenderung mengubah sikap, perilaku maupun keyakinannya untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan norma yang ada. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konformitas dengan cyberslacking pada mahasiswa. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain korelasional. Teknik proportionated stratified random sampling digunakan untuk mengambil sampel penelitian yang berjumlah 346 mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan conformity scale dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0.764 dan kuesioner cyberslacking dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0.901. Analisis korelasi yang digunakan adalah Spearman’s rho. Hasil: Tingkat konformitas dan cyberslacking responden sebagian besar berada pada kategori sedang dengan masing-masing persentase, yaitu (70.8%) dan (82.7%). Hasil uji korelasi Spearman’s rho diperoleh p-value sebesar 0.003 yang menunjukkan hubungan signifikan antara konformitas dengan cyberslacking. Simpulan:Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara konformitas dengan cyberslacking. Peningkatan konformitas akan diikuti dengan peningkatan cyberslacking, begitu pun sebaliknya. Saran: Peneliti selanjutnya dapat menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memperkuat hubungan antara konformitas dengan cyberslacking pada mahasiswa. Kata Kunci: Cyberslacking; Konformitas; Mahasiswa.
... Çalışma saatleri sırasında sosyal medya kullanımından kaynaklanan kısa vadeli tatminler olsa da daha zevkli bir şekilde meşgul olmak için karar almayı veya işle ilgili görevleri tamamlamayı gönüllü olarak geciktirme veya bunlardan kaçınma yönündeki bireysel eğilimlere sebep olabilmektedir (Müller & ark., 2020;Meier, Reinecke & Meltzer, 2016). ...
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Günümüzde iş dünyasında hızla değişen teknoloji ve sosyal medya platformlarının yaygın kullanımı, bireylerin sürekli olarak güncel bilgilere erişimini kolaylaştırmaktadır. Ancak, bu bilgi bolluğu ve sürekli bağlantı halinde olma durumu, çalışanlarda "Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu" veya FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) olarak adlandırılan bir durumu beraberinde getirmektedir.
... However, so far, there are only two studies concerned with the accuracy and validity of the self-report measures of media use in intensive longitudinal studies (Deng et al., 2019;Verbeij et al., 2021). Another limitation for prior evidence is that it assesses the measures of a rather narrow spectrum of smartphone-related behaviors, typically the duration and frequency of smartphone use (e.g., Felisoni & Godoi, 2018), or, alternatively the duration and frequency of specific app use (e.g., Sewall et al., 2020;Verbeij et al., 2021), leaving out the measures of other smartphone-related behaviors, like active or passive use (Meier & Reinecke, 2021) and phone-checking behavior (Loid et al., 2020;Meier et al., 2016). Finally, the available evidence is limited to either adult (e. g., Ohme et al., 2021) or young adult populations (e.g., Ellis et al., 2019) and, in many cases, to student samples (e.g., Andrews et al., 2015). ...
... For example, one study revealed that those with elevated neuroticism levels reported increased feelings of anxiety and stress when engaging with technology, leading to heightened negative emotions while using social media. Another study indicated that individuals with higher neuroticism tendencies often turn to technology as a coping mechanism for dealing with negative emotions (chen et al., 2022;Ko et al., 2012;Meier et al., 2016). ...
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Psycho-computing refers to the study of the interaction between humans and computers, with the aim of understanding how people use computer applications in line with their needs and improving their experience. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have a set of observable and measurable indicators of the behavioral practices of computer application users. Accordingly, a psycho-computing traits scale was developed that extracts six main dimensions of the behavioral practices of computer users and computer science students. To ensure the validity and reliability of the scale, it was applied to a survey sample of 150 students. Subsequently, the final version of the scale was applied to an experimental sample of 722 students to verify its psychometric properties. The results of the study indicate that the psycho-computing traits scale exhibits sound psychometric properties in terms of construct validity, as evidenced by the results of the Rasch model assumptions for the data obtained from its application. Moreover, the confirmatory factor analysis results demonstrate that the goodness of fit indicators align with the main dimensions of the scale. The study’s findings also suggest that the psycho-computing traits scale exhibits high reliability, as indicated by the results of the Rasch model for both person and item reliability. Therefore, the scale can be considered a valid tool for evaluating the psycho-computing traits of computer users and computer science students.
... Ferrari and Diaz-Morales (2014) found that chronic procrastination leads to greater perceived stress and delay of adjustment behaviours resulting in poor mental health. Meier et al. (2016) reported that the frequency of procrastination with Facebook has been positively correlated with both academic stress and Facebook induced strains on well-being. Reinecke et al. (2018) through a study highlighted that procrastination is positively related to perceived stress, sleep problems, internet multitasking and insufficiently controlled internet use. ...
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Background: There are several substances where human beings get addicted to and social media could be one of them. Although social media is a tool of productivity, it also encourages unproductive activities such as procrastination that affects the mental health of the individual. Objectives: To assess the level of social media addiction, procrastination, happiness and its correlates with the background characteristics of the postgraduate girl students staying in the university hostel; and to identify the major predictors of the subjective happiness of the respondents. Materials and Method: There were 905 postgraduate girl students staying at Bharathidasan University girls' hostel. Of these, 277 were selected as sample using a simple random sampling technique. The data were collected using the Social Media Addiction Scale developed by the researcher, the Procrastination Scale developed by Lay (1986) and the Happiness Scale developed by Lyubomirsky and Lepper (1999). The reliability values for the scales were Alpha 0.868, 0.733 and 0.731 respectively. Result: The findings indicate that nearly two-thirds of the respondents scored a high level of procrastination (65.7%), social media addiction (64.6%) and just over half (51.6%) of the respondents have scored a low level of happiness. The finding also reveals that the happiness score is positively correlated with the current age, age at first use of mobile phone and negatively correlated with procrastination and addiction score. The regression and path analysis shows that the addiction score has had the most impact on the happiness score than the other predictors on the postgraduate university girl students using social media. Conclusion: Findings indicate the need for providing counselling in order to reduce social media addiction and procrastination so that happiness will be enhanced.
The paper deals with workplace procrastination, which results from using the Internet and social media during working hours. Practice shows that the appearance of procrastination causes numerous negative consequences, both for employees and organizations. Although procrastination is exceptionally well represented in literature and researched from different angles, this phenomenon has not been given sufficient attention in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and therefore the number of papers on this topic is negligible. In order to study the effects of workplace procrastination caused by the use of social media, a field survey was conducted on a sample of 701 employees in B&H. Our results align with the findings of other studies worldwide and offer new insights into the topic.
Balancing everyday tasks with the expectations of others regarding one's availability via smartphone is a challenge, especially for mothers. This research replicated and further developed studies by Halfmann and colleagues in 2021 and 2024 that yielded contradictory results regarding the conditions of feelings of guilt about (not) using the smartphone. More specifically, we investigated how smartphone-related goal conflict, the availability norm, and the parental phone use norm are related to mothers’ feelings of guilt when completing non-stressful everyday tasks. In addition, we researched how smartphone-related goal conflict and guilt are linked with experiences of recovery and task accomplishment. Results from a preregistered experience sampling study among 227 mothers of young children were largely in line with our hypotheses. They revealed, among others, that frequent smartphone use was more strongly linked with guilt when mothers perceived high goal conflict. If the availability norm was salient, little smartphone use was associated with more guilt. The results also indicated that the availability norm partly legitimized frequent smartphone use despite goal conflict. Nevertheless, overall, the findings suggest that mothers tend to experience low levels of guilt about their smartphone usage behavior and that these feelings do not impair the recovery from tasks.
Social media (SM) breaks from studying can either support students' wellbeing and performance by acting as a recovery behaviour or subvert it by acting as a procrastination behaviour. It is currently unclear which influences lead an SM break to be a positive recovery vs. negative procrastination behaviour. A behavioural and emotion regulation (ER) perspective may help to elucidate these influences. In this paper, we report a semi-structured interview study with 20 undergraduates to explore their experiences of SM breaks when studying. Our analysis describes how motivational and environmental factors can influence a break's propensity for recovery or procrastination during the break initiation and execution phases. We apply an ER perspective to these reports and demonstrate how it helps to explain further in which circumstances SM breaks are likely to support recovery or procrastination. Based on this analysis, we present recommendations for designing interventions to support healthy breaks and reduce unhealthy ones.
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Today's constant availability of media content provides users with various recreational resources. It may also challenge self-control, however, once media exposure conflicts with other goals and obligations. How media users deal with these self-regulatory chances and risks in their daily lives is largely unknown. Our study addressed the predictors and consequences of recreational and procrastinatory media use using experience sampling methodology (N = 215; 1,094 media use episodes). Results suggest that trait (self-control, performance goal orientation) as well as state variables (exhaustion) are significant predictors of media use for recovery versus procrastination. Whereas recreational media use showed a positive effect on entertainment, which in turn enhanced subjective well-being, negative self-evaluation elicited by procrastinatory media use negatively affected well-being.
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This study examines the impact of media multitasking behaviors on university students' social and psychological well-being (indicated by social success, normalcy, and self-control measures). To address inconsistent findings in recent literature, we characterized media multitasking behaviors by motivations, characteristics, and contexts. In particular, we examined the motivation of the primary task and the synchronicity of the task when social interactions were involved. Synchronous social interactions were found to be significantly and positively associated with social success, normalcy, and self-control. However, as predicted, media multitasking during synchronous social interactions was associated with lower social success. Further, although increased media multitasking during cognitive activities was linked with decreased self-control, media multitasking during entertainment activities was correlated with increased social success, normalcy, and self-control.
There is a growing concern that excessive and uncontrolled use of Facebook not only interferes with performance at school or work but also poses threats to physical and psychological well-being. The present research investigated how two individual difference variables-social anxiety and need for social assurance-affect problematic use of Facebook. Drawing on the basic premises of the social skill model of problematic Internet use, we hypothesized that social anxiety and need for social assurance would be positively correlated with problematic use of Facebook. Furthermore, it was predicted that need for social assurance would moderate the relationship between social anxiety and problematic use. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted with a college student sample in the United States (N = 243) to test the proposed hypotheses. Results showed that both social anxiety and need for social assurance had a significant positive association with problematic use of Facebook. More importantly, the data demonstrated that need for social assurance served as a significant moderator of the relationship between social anxiety and problematic Facebook use. The positive association between social anxiety and problematic Facebook use was significant only for Facebook users with medium to high levels of need for social assurance but not for those with a low level of need for social assurance. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed.