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Using Deep Analysis of Driver Behavior for Vehicle Theft Detection and Recovery

Using Deep Analysis of Driver Behavior for Vehicle
Theft Detection and Recovery
Adrian Bosire. Student Member, IEEE
Computer Science Department
Kiriri Womens University of Science and Technology
Kasarani, Kenya
Damian Maingi
Department of Mathematics
Sultan Qaboos University
Muscat, Oman
AbstractAdvancement in technology has resulted to a vast
amount of spatio-temporal data. When this data is properly
mined it translates to knowledge, which is used for auto-theft
detection and recovery. In this study, we analyze vehicle driving
dataset using deep learning algorithms such as the
Convolutional Neural Network, the Recurrent Neural Network
with Long Short-Term Memory, Deep Boltzmann Machines and
Deep Autoencoders, as well as bio-inspired algorithms such as
the Particle Swarm Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, Ant
Colony Optimization and Bat Algorithm. The performance of
these algorithms is analyzed using benchmark functions such as
the Ackley function, Rastrigin function, Rosenbrock function,
Sphere function, Schaffer function and Himmelblau’s function.
Finally, efficiency of the algorithms was measured using the
Mean Squared Error.
KeywordsDeep neural networks, drivers driving signature,
driver’s behavior, machine learning, vehicular transportation
The transport industry is essential in the growth of an
economy because it facilitates resource sharing, mainly
through communication and the transfer of goods and
services. The popular means of transport is motor vehicles and
this is marked by the elaborate road network infrastructure in
modern society. Furthermore, as technology advances so does
innovation which necessitates the advancement in the
automation of automobiles with an aim of improving the
transportation process. In order to reduce errors, which may
lead to accidents among other problems, vehicles have been
automated and also led to other inventions like autonomous
vehicles [1], [2]. These next generation technologies are also
associated with vices and crimes such as auto-theft. As such,
a need arises to curb the risks with practical counter-measures.
Among these mitigating options, artificial intelligence
presents itself as a viable option that can be applied in the
monitoring, tracking, detection and recovery of stolen
vehicles [3], [4].
In regard to the suitability of the algorithms present in
various categories, the performance of algorithms based on
deep learning supersedes the statistical-based machine
learning algorithms because of their meta-heuristic properties
[5], [6]. This means that optimality, completeness, precision
and speed are guaranteed via carefully adjusted parameters
and hyperparameters present in the algorithms to assure
confidence in the obtained results [7].
This article is organized in the following order: The next
section covers related work in the use of deep learning for the
automobile industry. The section that follows is the
methodology employed in performing the experiments for this
study. Thereafter, sections four and five present the deep
neural networks and swarm intelligence algorithms used in the
experiments. Then section six discusses the attained results
followed by a conclusion in the final section.
The approaches used in previous related studies primarily
rely on physical features of the stolen motor vehicle during
their tracking, detection and recovery. Such approaches
mostly rely on the use of license plate recognition, Global
Position System (GPS) tracking devices, sensors and other
telecommunication devices fitted into the vehicle. These
devices are used for geolocation and transmission of the
vehicles position. However, this approach is relatively reliable
until such devices are disabled, tampered with or even
removed [8], [9].
Additionally, novel approaches have been introduced
which cover a broad spectrum from biometrics, driving
patterns as well as driver behavior analysis [10]-[17].
However, the focus has been in areas such as accident
prevention, drivers’ intent prediction and monitoring of the
vehicle, it’s path or the driver’s behavior [18]-[21]. The other
authors who have ventured into auto-theft detection have used
some of the previous methods mentioned earlier which are
reliant on the physical characteristics of the vehicle [22].
Deep analytics, which refers to the use of sophisticated
data processing techniques to yield information, has also been
applied in other studies relating to automobile theft. The
datasets may include both unstructured and semi-structured
data from multiple sources [23], [24]. In this study, deep
analytics is applied on the analysis of the driver’s driving
behavior, consequently yielding the driver’s driving signature.
Monitoring of the driver’s driving signature would help track
a vehicle in transit and also detect a case of its theft.
The objective of this study is to evaluate several deep learning
algorithms and swarm intelligence algorithms, described in
the next section, on the driver’s driving behavior pattern.
Generally, the steps followed in the implementation of the
algorithms and subsequent analysis of the Vehicular trace
dataset [25] is shown below.
i. Load the dataset
ii. Pre-process the data
iii. Define the algorithm
iv. Configure the hyperparameters and parameters
v. Define the activation function
vi. Define the Loss/Cost function
vii. Train the algorithm
viii. Optimize the network obtained
ix. Test the results obtained
2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) | 978-1-6654-1995-6/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ACIT53391.2021.9677433
A well-prepared dataset will enhance the likelihood of
obtaining better accuracy. The other configurations of the
algorithm may be done stepwise as the overall reaction is
observed so as to correctly analyze the dataset and obtain
optimal results.
This research proposes the analysis of the driver’s driving
style in conjunction with the GPS data as a signature to
monitor and track a vehicle and also detect its loss and
recovery. The analysis of the driver’s behavior will be done
by the deep neural networks and swarm intelligence
algorithms whose performance will be assessed based on the
Mean Squared Error obtained from the execution of
benchmark functions: Ackley function, Rastrigin function,
Rosenbrock function, Sphere function, Schaffer function and
Himmelblau’s function. The results obtained from these
algorithms will be compared in order to instill the confidence
needed to guarantee the quality in terms of accuracy.
The deep learning algorithms under consideration are the
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), the Recurrent Neural
Network with Long Short-Term Memory (RNN-LSTM),
Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBM) and Deep Autoencoders
The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is actually
popular in the analysis of images and by extension computer
vision. In this case, this algorithm is used to systematically
evaluate time series data. The algorithm follows the procedure
in which the data’s features are extracted using feature
detectors to create feature maps which are then reduced
through sum pooling. This is followed by flattening of the
pooled feature maps which acts as the input layer for the
Artificial Neural Network with several fully connected hidden
layers. The algorithm for the Convolutional Neural Network
is as follows [6], [26]:
Algorithm 1. Convolutional Neural Network
Initialize weights to a small randomly generated value, set
learning rate to a small positive value, training period and
the number of layers.
Begin with iteration
For n<MaxIteration, do
Forward propagate through convolution, pooling and
then fully-connected layers
Derive Loss Function value for the data
Calculate the error term with respect to the weights for
each type of layer
Backpropagate the error generated and calculate the
change in gradient for both the weights wk
(layer) and
bias bk
Update the weights and bias respectively
End For
The RNN-LSTM algorithm can process the current input
with respect to previously memorized input. This information
flow through the network is controlled using the input gate ,
forget gate and output gate . These three gates constitute
the memory cell which determines how much information to
propagate through the network and which data should be
discarded. The algorithm of the RNN-LSTM is shown in
algorithm 2 below [27].
Algorithm 2. Recurrent Neural Network with LSTM
Input sequence xi, training period T, learning rate ϵ, hidden
layer h and output sequence y.
Calculate the hidden vector sequence
For t=1: T do,
At the input gate, calculate the effective data using
it=σ (wxixt+ whi ht-1+ wcict-1 + bi) where σ is the
logistic sigmoid function
At the forget gate, determine the data to retain using
ft=σ (wxfxt+ whfht-1 + wcfct-1 + bf)
Calculate the memory cell state using ct=σct-1 +
ictan h (wxcxt+ whc ht-1 + bc)
Determine the output to be passed out the memory cell
using Ot=ft (wxoxt+ whoht-1+ wcoct-1 + bo)
Then calculate the effective output of the hidden layer
using ht=Ottan h (ct)
End for
Calculate the predicted output using yt=ft (whyht+by)
The Deep Boltzmann Machine algorithm utilizes the
global optimization capability of simulated annealing. The
visible input neurons are clamped onto specific states while
the visible output neurons and the hidden neurons operate
freely. Boltzmann machines learn their weights using
simulated annealing. The correlation-based learning
procedure of the DBM is presented in algorithm 4 below [28].
Algorithm 3. Deep Boltzmann Machine
Initialize  as uniform random values in 󰇟-a0 , a0󰇠, where
a0=0.5 or 1.
Set the initial temperature T0 and the final temperatures Tf
At the clamping phase, present the pattern and for each
example , perform simulated annealing until Tf is reached.
i. At each T, relax the network by the Boltzmann
distribution for a length of time through updating the
states of the unclamped (hidden) units
xi= +1, with probability Pi
-1, with probability 1-Pi
Where Pi is calculated using;
1+ e-neti
and neti=wi
j=1, jix
ii. Then update T by the annealing schedule and at Tf
estimate the correlation in the clamped condition using;
+=Exi xj where i,j=1,2,…,J;ij
iii. At the free-running phase, only the input neurons are
clamped and the output neurons are free-running hence
at Tf estimate the correlation in the free-running
condition using;
-=Exi xj where i,j=1,2,…,J;ij
iv. Perform the weight update using;
+- Pij
- where i,j=1,2,…,J;ij
Where η= ε
T , with ε being a small positive constant
Repeat the steps above for next epoch until there is no change
in wij, i, j
The Deep Autoencoder makes use of several stacked
hidden layers that force the data to converge hence retain only
the optimal data that is suitable for predictions. Furthermore,
the non-linear hidden layers allow the network to learn more
complex encoding functions and enhance higher precision.
The following is the deep autoencoder algorithm [29].
Algorithm 4. Deep Autoencoder Neural Network
Input matrix A ϵ 󰇝0, 1󰇞m x n , where rows and columns
correspond to vector values for input features
Fix a number of hidden units (h ϵ N, h<m), and
a number of hidden layers (d ϵ {1, …, maxhl}
Training: for each driver profile ai of A, where i ϵ [1,m]:
i. for each hidden layer compute hidden activation
from the input vectors
ii. compute reconstructed output from hidden
iii. Perform the stochastic gradient descent and compute
the MSE between ai and ai
iv. back-propagate error gradient to update weight
Testing: for each driver profile ai of , where i ϵ [1,m]:
i. autoencode ai and produce ai
ii. set ai as ithrow of the output matrix A
This study uses the following swarm intelligence
algorithms; Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Artificial
Bee Colony (ABC), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Bat
Algorithm (BA).
The PSO algorithm mimics bird flocking and predation.
Thus, the particles represent birds in a search space. The
particles will fly in restricted directions of the bounded search
space which the group perceives to be ideal. Their velocities
are dynamically adjusted based on both their individual
experience and that of the other particles in the population.
Adjustment of the inertia weight facilitates both the global and
local search capability of the algorithm during its
implementation [30].
Algorithm 5. Particle Swarm Optimization
For each particle i=1, …, Np , do
i. Initialize the particle’s position with a uniformly
distribution as Pi󰇛0󰇜 ~ U 󰇛LB, UB󰇜, where LB and UB
represent the lower
ii. and upper bounds of the search space
iii. Initializeto its initial position: pbest 󰇛i, 0󰇜=
iv. Initialize to the minimal value of the swarm:
gbest 󰇛0󰇜= argminf[Pi(0)].
v. Initialize velocity: Vi ~ U 󰇛-UB-LB, |UB-LB|󰇜.
Repeat until a termination criterion is met
For each particle i=1, …, Np, do
i. Pick random numbers: ri, r2 ~ U(0, 1)
ii. Update particle’s velocity using Vi (t + 1) = ωVi (t) +
c1r1 󰇡pbest 󰇛i, t󰇜- pi 󰇛t󰇜󰇢+ c2r2 (gbest (t) - Pi (t))
iii. Update particle’s position using Pi (t + 1) = Pi (t) +
Vi (t + 1).
iv. If f[Pi󰇛t󰇜] < f[pbest(i, t)], do
a. Update the best-known position of particle
i: pbest󰇛i, t󰇜= pi(t).
b. If f[Pi󰇛t󰇜] < f[gbest(i, t), update the swarm’s best-
known position:gbest(t) = pi(t).
v. t←(t+1);
Output gbest(t) that holds the optimal solution.
The ABC algorithm is dependent on the foraging patterns
of the honey bees in nature. The bees are split into groups
based on their responsibilities. The unemployed onlooker bees
will wait for the employed bees who will use the waggle dance
to communicate to them about the viability of the food source
based on the quality and quantity of nectar. These bees will
then be recruited to that food source or alternatively start
scouting for potential food sources. The food sources in this
case are the plausible solutions available in the search space.
The quantity and quality of these solutions is measured using
fitness and probabilistic functions respectively as shown in the
algorithm steps below [31].
Algorithm 6. Artificial Bee Colony
For each bee i=1, …, n, do
i. Initialize the positions of bees (xi=1, …, SN)
ii. Randomly initialize the food sources within the search
space using xij=xj
min) where
xij represents the parameter for ith employed bee on jth
iii. Evaluate fitness 󰇛fiti󰇜 of the population
Repeat until (iter ≤MaxCycles)
i. Generate new positions which represent new solutions
vij by the employed bees and calculate the fitness
value 󰇛fiti󰇜 on the new population
ii. Apply greedy selection process between the initial
solutions xij and the resultant solutions vij.
iii. Calculate the probability values (Pi) for the solutions
iv. Generate other new solutions 󰇛vi󰇜 for the onlookers
from the solutions 󰇛xi󰇜 selected depending on their
(Pi) values and evaluate the nectar quality of new
positions using 󰇛fiti󰇜.
v. Apply greedy selection process to solutions found by
onlooker bees.
vi. If there is an abandoned solution for the scout then
replace it with a new random solution 󰇛xi󰇜
vii. Memorize the best solution so far 󰇛xbestxi||vi󰇜.
viii. Increment iteration 󰇛iter+1󰇜
Output 󰇛xbest󰇜 the best memorized solution.
The ACO algorithm is based on the foraging behavior of
ants which start by randomly exploring the area surrounding
their nest. The ant that finds a worthwhile food source will
evaluate the quality and quantity of the food which determines
the rate of pheromone it will deposit on its trail back to the
nest. The rest of the ants evaluate the viability and shortest
route to the source of the food using the pheromones deposited
on the trail as a means of communication. Therefore, the
essence of the ACO approach is the pheromone model which
uses a probability function to evaluate the probable solutions
in each iteration measured by pheromones deposited and
further quantified using the evaporation rate. The algorithm is
presented below [32].
Algorithm 7. Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
For each ant j=1, …, na do
i. Initialize pheromones trail (T0)
ii. Assign best solution Sbsat any time in each
iteration t
iii. Assign the minimum Tmin and maximum Tmax value
for the pheromone trail
iv. Store the best solution in each iteration Sib
Repeat until a termination criterion is met
For j=1, …, na do
i. Construct a solution Sib using a probabilistic
ii. If Sib is a valid solution then optionally perform a local
search to find the best solution Sbs
iii. If fSis, t󰇜< fSbs , t󰇜 or Sbs=NULL then Sbs ← Sib
iv. Update the pheromone bounds 󰇛Tmin, Tmax 󰇜 using
Tij1- ρ󰇜 Tij, 󰇛i, j󰇜 where ρ is the evaporation
rate of the pheromones which satisfies 0< ρ1
v. If (stagnation behavior detected) then initialize
pheromones trail (Tmax)
vi. Update the iteration t(t+1);
Output Sbs which is considered the optimal solution
The Bat algorithm is another metaheuristic optimization
algorithm based on the echolocation technique of microbats
which they use for detecting prey, avoiding obstacles and
locating their roosting crevices. These bats emit short bursts
of sound pulses whose echo is detected by the bats and
together with the time delay, detection difference between the
ears and pitch of the echo to build a three dimensional view of
their surroundings. Therefore, the bat algorithm relies on the
way bats fly randomly from their crevices at a given velocity
and emit sound pulses at an adjustable frequency to locate
their food. The bat algorithm is presented below [33].
Algorithm 8. Bat Algorithm
For each bat i=1, n, do
i. Initialize the bat positions xi (i = 1, …, n) and velocity
ii. Define the pulse frequency fi at xi
iii. Initialize pulse rates r and the loudness A
Repeat until (t < tmax)
i. Generate new solutions by;
a. adjusting frequency fi=fmin+(fmax-fmin, where
β is a random vector in the range of [0,1]
b. updating velocities vi
t-1-xbest )fi
c. update locations xi
t-1 + vi
ii. If (rand>r), do
a. Select a solution among the best solutions
b. Generate a local solution around the selected best
iii. Generate a new solution by flying randomly
iv. If (rand < A & f(xi) < f(xbest )) then accept the new
v. Rank the bats and find the current best xbest
Output the optimal solution (xbest ).
The deep neural network and swarm intelligence
algorithms are implemented in python programming
language. The parameters and hyperparameters of the
algorithms are configured and consistently adjusted on several
runs based on performance. The performance of the
algorithms is evaluated by using the mean squared error
(MSE) defined in (1) below.
MSE= yi- yi2
i = 1
where is the predicted value and is the actual value.
The MSE is the average squared difference between the
predicted values and the actual values.
The dataset is split into three divisions; 70% for training,
20% for validation and the other 10% for testing. The idea
behind splitting the dataset is to compare the results obtained
with the original values. This makes it easy to verify the
accuracy of the respective algorithms as shown in Table I and
Table II.
Loss/Cost Function
Neural Network
Recurrent Neural
Network with Long
Short-Term Memory
Deep Boltzmann
Machines (DBM)
Deep Autoencoders
Ackley Function
Rastrigin Function
Rosenbrock Function
Sphere Function
Schaffer Function
Himmelblau’s Function
Cost Function
Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO)
Artificial Bee Colony
Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO)
Bat Algorithm (BA)
Ackley Function
Rastrigin Function
Rosenbrock Function
Sphere Function
Schaffer Function
Himmelblau’s Function
During the parameter tuning, results also show that the
depth of the deep neural networks in terms of the number of
hidden layers had a relatively minimal influence on the
predictability accuracy. This is because increasing the number
of hidden layers past 50 slowed down the network and this
had a minimal increase in relation to the accurate predicted
Furthermore, the breadth of the network in terms of the
number of neurons per layer had a correlation with the number
of features that were being observed in the dataset. This is
because increasing the number of neurons past 20 did not
make a significant change in the MSE. The RNN-LSTM
performed relatively better than the other algorithms.
Generally, increasing the breadth and depth of the network
had a relatively small impact on the performance in terms of
classification and matching of the drivers with their driving
pattern. However, there was some dependence on the features
being observed. This means that observing fewer features for
a larger dataset increased the confidence levels for the
predictability compared to many features for the same large
The ABC algorithm and the PSO algorithm also made
good predictions although the bio-inspired algorithms made
significant changes when the parameters were slightly
changed. This is unlike the deep neural networks which were
dependent on the hyperparameter changes in order to lower
the errors in predictions.
Overall, there was a high dependence of hyperparameter
and parameter tuning to feature selection to achieve accurate
prediction by the algorithms.
The ultimate objective of this study was to use the results
as a means of specifically identifying a driver based on their
driving pattern and using this information to detect and
possibly recover a stolen vehicle. The results obtained show
that this is possible and presents possibilities for further
The analysis of driving behavior provides insight to the
vehicles design, safety of the occupants, quality and
maintenance. Therefore, there are several aspects of any
driver’s behavior that can be studied in order to help us
understand how we can improve the quality of driving and
assure safety.
Furthermore, the driver’s driving signature is dependent
upon their experience and skill as exhibited by their reactions
over time. This is dynamic owing to the fact that their
reactions may change, more so, when other extenuating
factors are involved such as the weather, road condition or the
kind of occupants present in the vehicle.
This work was supported by Kiriri Women’s University of
Science and Technology.
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... This means that optimality, completeness, precision and speed are guaranteed via carefully adjusted parameters and hyper parameters present in the algorithms to assure confidence in the obtained results [22]. This is an extended version of the conference paper [8], in which we make use of the Deep Belief Network (DBN) algorithm in addition to the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), the Recurrent Neural Network with Long Short-Term Memory (RNN-LSTM), Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBM), and Deep Auto Encoders (AE). Moreover, we introduce the whale optimization algorithm among the following bio-inspired algorithms: particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony, ant colony optimization and bat algorithm. ...
... These algorithms will be evaluated using the Figure 1. Score for accuracy and precision in addition to the Mean Squared Error which was used in the initial study [8]. Furthermore, in this study both the Aggressive driving dataset [23] and the Driving Behavior dataset [38] are used along with the Vehicular Trace Dataset [30]. ...
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Autotheft is a crime that can be mitigated using artificial intelligence as a scientific approach. In this case, we assess the drivers driving pattern using both deep neural network and swarm intelligence algorithms. From the analysis we are able to obtain the driving signature of the driver which can be associated with the vehicle. The vehicle is then tracked and monitored. Next, a deviation from the usual driving signature of the owner or assigned driver would signify a possible instance of autotheft. Subsequently, the vehicle can be traced and reclaimed by the owner. The algorithms are evaluated based on their performance in analysing the datasets bearing variable features. The variations in features enable us to verify the efficacy and accuracy levels of the various algorithms that are used in the study. The metrics used for evaluation are the Mean Squared Error and the F1 Score for precision, accuracy and recall functionality.
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It is a foregone conclusion that property crimes will hit ten million. Among such, within the steal list, the vehicle is flat-top and sometimes controls entire components of the earth. There have been some recent technical advances and new strategies are being developed to overcome this downside. The ways involved in the detection of vehicle theft are noted for interference by some or everything, as well as shields. This research helps to prevent the vehicle stealing from third parties with the help of RFID card and authorized key. Here, RFID reader connected to the car and if anyone enter into car and they requires the card authorization. Keypads were connected to the engine and the authorized person can only enter into the car by pressing passwords. If the password is incorrect, buzzer will produce noise continuously. The proposed system gives the regular updates to the car owners regarding the location of car by using GPS technology.
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Nowadays, the automobile sector is one of the hottest applications, where vehicles can be intelligent by using IoT technology. But unfortunately, these vehicles suffer from many crimes. Hence it has become a big challenge for the IoT to avoid such these crimes from professional thieves. This paper presents a proposal for the development of a vehicle guard and alarm system using biometric authentication based on IoT technology. Whereas, for vehicle security issues; the proposed system VSS − IoT gives only full access for authorized vehicle’s driver based on the interface of a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B + development board, Pi camera, PIR sensor, and smart-phone. Therefore, if the proposed system detects an unauthorized person inside the vehicle, then the system will notify and send his image to vehicle’s owner and/or to a police workstation through the Internet, as well as, its location in case the vehicle is stolen or damaged. The proposed system is tested on two datasets that are ORL dataset and our dataset. The experimental results of the VSS − IoT showed that the accuracy is 98.2% on ORL dataset, whereas 99.6% when applied on our dataset. Besides, the V SS − IoT enhances the sensitivity to 97.7% which is important for real-time. As well as the result demonstrated that the proposed system took shorter time 0.152 sec under different illumination conditions, when the value of the threshold is 3 * 10 ³ and 3.50 * 10 ³ . Therefore, the VSS − IoT is very robust and reliable for face recognition when deployed on the low-power processor.
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The artificial bee colony, ABC for short, algorithm is population-based iterative optimization algorithm proposed for solving the optimization problems with continuously-structured solution space. Although ABC has been equipped with powerful global search capability, this capability can cause poor intensification on found solutions and slow convergence problem. The occurrence of these issues is originated from the search equations proposed for employed and onlooker bees, which only updates one decision variable at each trial. In order to address these drawbacks of the basic ABC algorithm, we introduce six search equations for the algorithm and three of them are used by employed bees and the rest of equations are used by onlooker bees. Moreover, each onlooker agent can modify three dimensions or decision variables of a food source at each attempt, which represents a possible solution for the optimization problems. The proposed variant of ABC algorithm is applied to solve basic, CEC2005, CEC2014 and CEC2015 benchmark functions. The obtained results are compared with results of the state-of-art variants of the basic ABC algorithm, artificial algae algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm and its variants, gravitation search algorithm and its variants and etc. Comparisons are conducted for measurement of the solution quality, robustness and convergence characteristics of the algorithms. The obtained results and comparisons show the experimentally validation of the proposed ABC variant and success in solving the continuous optimization problems dealt with the study.
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This paper discusses challenges in computer systems research posed by the emerging autonomous driving systems. We first identify four research areas related to autonomous driving systems: real-time and embedded systems, machine learning, edge computing, and cloud computing. Next, we sketch two fatal accidents caused by active autonomous driving, and uses them to indicate key missing capabilities from today's systems. In light of these research areas and shortcomings, we describe a vision of digital driving circumstances for autonomous vehicles and refer to autonomous vehicles as "clients" of this digital driving circumstance. Then we propose a new research thrust: collaborative autonomous driving. Intuitively, requesting useful information from a digital driving circumstance to enable collaborative autonomous driving is quite sophisticated (e.g., collaborations may come from different types of unstable edge devices), but it also provide us various research challenges and opportunities. The paper closes with a discussion of the research necessary to develop these capabilities.
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Because of their effectiveness in broad practical applications, LSTM networks have received a wealth of coverage in scientific journals, technical blogs, and implementation guides. However, in most articles, the inference formulas for the LSTM network and its parent, RNN, are stated axiomatically, while the training formulas are omitted altogether. In addition, the technique of “unrolling” an RNN is routinely presented without justification throughout the literature. The goal of this tutorial is to explain the essential RNN and LSTM fundamentals in a single document. Drawing from concepts in Signal Processing, we formally derive the canonical RNN formulation from differential equations. We then propose and prove a precise statement, which yields the RNN unrolling technique. We also review the difficulties with training the standard RNN and address them by transforming the RNN into the “Vanilla LSTM”¹ network through a series of logical arguments. We provide all equations pertaining to the LSTM system together with detailed descriptions of its constituent entities. Albeit unconventional, our choice of notation and the method for presenting the LSTM system emphasizes ease of understanding. As part of the analysis, we identify new opportunities to enrich the LSTM system and incorporate these extensions into the Vanilla LSTM network, producing the most general LSTM variant to date. The target reader has already been exposed to RNNs and LSTM networks through numerous available resources and is open to an alternative pedagogical approach. A Machine Learning practitioner seeking guidance for implementing our new augmented LSTM model in software for experimentation and research will find the insights and derivations in this treatise valuable as well.
Conference Paper
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Despite advancements in vehicle security systems, over the last decade, auto-theft rates have increased, and cyber-security attacks on internet-connected and autonomous vehicles are becoming a new threat. In this paper, a deep learning model is proposed, which can identify drivers from their driving behaviors based on vehicle telematics data. The proposed Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) model predicts the identity of the driver based on the individual's unique driving patterns learned from the vehicle telematics data. Given the telematics is time-series data, the problem is formulated as a time series prediction task to exploit the embedded sequential information. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated on three naturalistic driving datasets, which gives high accuracy prediction results. The robustness of the model on noisy and anomalous data that is usually caused by sensor defects or environmental factors is also investigated. Results show that the proposed model prediction accuracy remains satisfactory and outperforms the other approaches despite the extent of anomalies and noise-induced in the data.
Big data analytics (BDA) is systematized based on recognized diverse data group models, data family members, and movements within a huge amount of information. It considers BDA for criminal data where investigative data analysis is carried out for getting flow of activities on criminals. The rate of cyber‐crime is growing in the internet to violate the digital access of public demand. The traditional data of crime can't be analysed to catch criminals. The different structure of criminal data needs analysing to detect criminal activities. Thus, it may be considered to take BDA for huge information of different criminal activities. The data collection and distribution over geographic location is important for data analytics with security. Different kind of business and individual development are increased by internet as per public or private demand. In this scenario, cybercrime incidents are happened through several digital media. To identify crime characteristics is a big challenge, because criminals are smarter than investigation process. Thus, it needs to develop the technology to identify the criminal activities using Geographic Information System (GIS) and techniques of machine learning to develop different techniques to catch criminals based on their track of activities.
Automobile theft is a worldwide immense problem. A vehicle of top-notch security features is usually higher in the cost, and it cannot be afforded by middle-class people. By considering all these parameters, we aimed to design a low-cost, real-time, robust security system for vehicles. The main purpose of this project is to notify the vehicle owner, when the vehicle is moved/theft from the parking area and to monitor the movement of the vehicle in real time. Raspberry Pi 3 board connected with SIM908 GPS module will be placed in the vehicle. GPS module receives the signal and provides the data in NMEA format. Out of several messages, GPRMC message will be sent from the board to the cloud. GPRMC message type has much information like latitude, longitude, speed, time, etc. Raspberry Pi 3 which is connected to mobile hotspot will communicate with the cloud using MQTT protocol. MQTT protocol is a lightweight protocol which comes on top of TCP/IP. The web application will be connected to the cloud by providing configuration details. Once the web application is subscribed to the GPS topic, it starts getting the GPS data which will be displayed on the web page.