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China's Soft Power in Bangladesh: A Comparative Studies

URL: | January, 2020
China’s Soft Power in Bangladesh: A
Comparative Studies
American Journal of Social Sciences and
Vol. 5, No. 1, 128-140, 2020
e-ISSN: 2520-5382
Aditi Chakrovorty
Institute of South Asian Studies, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China; Department of International
Relations, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
China is now carrying the reputation of the world’s fastest economy’s title and creating an
international good image in her soft way. China’s way of creating an international image is different
from the United States of America. China has its own inclusive way of flourishing. Chinese Yan-Yang
philosophy makes China’s cultural inclusiveness and makes it how to balance the paradoxical
situation in the international arena. The international system is changing with the passage of time.
China is becoming a more influential international actor in world politics and regional power also.
China’s reemergence and rejuvenation are not connected with military strategy but with China’s Soft
power. China’s South Asia policy is well designed for long term strategy to follow win-win relations
and that also visualized a prominent leadership role in the South Asian region. Bangladesh is Geo-
politically and strategically a very prominent country. The paper is focusing on the pragmatic theory.
The paper talks about Bangladesh’s perspective on China’s soft power, Bangladesh-India and China
relation’s paradox which is the most important challenge for Bangladesh. Despite skeptics, the
parameter of Bangladesh-China relation is gradually rising high. Soft power exchange is following
President Xi Jinping’s ‘Win-Win’ projection for both Bangladesh and China. The paper is about
China’s soft power in Bangladesh and mutual relations.
Soft power, Diplomacy, International relation, Bureaucratic control, Geopolitics.
DOI: 10.20448/801.51.128.140
Citation | Aditi Chakrovorty (2019). China’s Soft Power in Bangladesh: A Comparative Studies. American Journal of Social Sciences and
Humanities, 5(1): 128-140.
Copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Funding: This study received no specific financial support.
Competing Interests: The author declares that there are no conflicts of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
History: Received: 3 October 2019/ Revised: 5 November 2019/ Accepted: 9 December 2019/ Published: 2 January 2020
Publisher: Online Science Publishing
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
Highlights of this paper
This study intends to influence of soft power of China on surrounding countries.
It also focuses on the soft power influence of China on Bangladesh.
This study employs a pragmatic theory for the interpretation of soft power.
In the 21st century when the world is facing, sharing and transforming too fast, no country can be separated
from the effect of each other. China is the world’s fastest economy. China is following her soft power to be the world
power in international politics (Lueck et al., 2014). China is now following an assertive role in international politics.
In the regime of President Xi Jinping, he dreams about China’s rejuvenation and win-win concept for the world’s
mutual benefit (Sarker et al., 2018). China is focusing on economic and friendly relations with the idea of mutual
trust and benefits. China has various cultures, philosophies and economic strength. And China more interestingly is
following former Dean of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government Mr. Josheph Nye first
introduced the concept of Soft power in 1990. He argued that soft power is connected to a country’s culture,
language, ideology, political values, and foreign policies. China’s South Asia policy is well designed for long term
strategy to follow win-win relations and that also visualized a prominent leadership role in the South Asian region
(Yang, 2010). Bangladesh is a member of BCIM, shared semi-industrial corridor of ASEAN, a neighbor of India and
the Bay of Bengal. Without a doubt, Bangladesh is strategically located in South Asia and Southeast Asia (Sarker et
al., 2018).
Bangladesh and China both are now well weather friends. Before 2000, it was said that China carried the best
friendship with Pakistan in the South Asian regime. Bangladesh and China have started diplomatic relations since
on 4th October in 1975. In 2000, Bangladesh and China both have celebrated the 25 years of friendship with each
other and both countries are now sharing mutual trust and all-weather friendship in all sectors (Sarker et al., 2019).
In South Asia’s region, India always plays an important role. Bangladesh and India always carry their good bond of
trust and relations. In 2002, Bangladesh's foreign policy has started to follow the ‘Look East Policy’ and the
Bangladesh government and Beijing have started to rebuild many Memorandum of Understandings (MoU)
(Kahandawaarachchi, 2015). China has also changed her image from isolation to assertive image in the international
community. During the period of Deng Xioping as President of China, he said that China should hide capabilities
and should take time to be stronger. In the president Xi Jinping’s regime, he offers a ‘Chinese Dream’ which is
connected with three mantras. He also endorses the neighborhood policy. Neighborhood policy and win-win policy
both are closely connected with the mutual benefits.
President Xi Jinping has introduced the idea of a good neighborhood with no interference and dominance to the
foreign country and firmly believe in mutual trust and good friendship on the bases of Sovereignty, territorial
importance, security, and stability. In 2016, Bangladesh government gave affirmative conscious on BRI project
when president Xi has paid his visit to Bangladesh. Bangladesh government shows positive view and trust in
China’s dream project. Bangladesh is now taking the help of China in infrastructure and hardware sectors (Huang,
2018). Bangladesh and China government both have now exchange program in education and professional sectors.
In Bangladesh, Chinese language center or Confucius Centre, Chinese food hub and Chinese medicine are becoming
more popular (Zhou and Luk, 2016).
Bangladesh and China’s well trust relations sometimes mistrusted by the Indian government, though
Bangladesh always try to balance good relations with both countries (Islam, 2015). The paper will basically discuss
about China’s soft power in Bangladesh and positive experience with China, though there are a lot of skeptics. But
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
through the lens of pragmatism, the fact is that both countries are now on the peak of economic, diplomatic and
military relations to gain the mutual benefits.
China’s uprising in international domain is very noticeable by the world. China has the fastest growing
economy in the present world. But interestingly, there is soft power behind China’s uprisings. Chinese society and
government always talk about harmonious society by tradition of China and win-win policy for international
society. China is the second highest economy’s country with many philosophies, language and culture and own
medicine (Gill and Huang, 2006). China is using her soft power to make a good relation with South Asian states. In
my paper, I will discuss the Soft power of China and its implication in Bangladesh and why Bangladesh government
is accepting the win-win project of China. In South Asia, Bangladesh is an important state actor. Bangladesh is a
geopolitically and strategically important and Indian neighbor. China has already endorsed BRI mega project which
connects most of the South Asian countries except India. Bangladesh is also a part of BRI project and Bangladesh
government supports the Chinese BRI mega project for regional development and connectivity. On the other side,
India is the neighbor of China and both states are economically rising power. This paper will also seek the
perception difference between India and Bangladesh on China’s soft power, and how China’s soft power in
Bangladesh is making a ‘win-win’ relation. China’s soft power is getting popular in Bangladesh. Though
Bangladesh’s neighboring country India’s policy is suspicious to china, Bangladesh government is not following the
same strategy of India.
Power means which has the caliber to influence others. China’s soft power is changing the image of Chin a.
Bangladesh is not out of touch with it. If we think only in the traditional way then China is not part of South Asia.
But if you think about the Himalayan regime then China is closely connected with South Asia. The paper basically
talks about Bangladesh’s social economic and structural good relations on the bases of China’s soft power. There is
a lot of paper on China’s soft power and South Asia. But, this paper intends to find why Bangladesh is accepting the
soft power where the neighbor state India is not showing interest in it. And China-Bangladesh mutual relationship’s
best part is both countries always maintain their stable relations and now they have become all-weather friends in
this region.
The paper seeks the China-Bangladesh’s relations through the lens of soft power and also reveals Bangladesh’s
relation with China is counted as suspicious to India. So balancing relations with China and India is a strong
challenge for Bangladesh foreign policy.
The study will follow qualitative methods with the assistance of secondary literature containing facts and
analysis of the issue. Secondary data like government reports, international NGOs report, various available
documents, journal articles, books, and newspaper articles have been assessed all related data for ensuring data
reliability as well as validity. A careful selection of information has been done through cross-checking of
information. Sometimes, this study depends on online sources but careful cross-checking and verification have been
done. Besides, expert opinion has be collected from Bangladesh. A careful selection of the latest information also
been done for meaningful presentation of this study. I will also take help from scholarly articles, newspapers of both
Bangladesh, China and India. Here, the research is conducted by the pragmatism theory.
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
3.1. Background of China- Bangladesh Relation
Bangladesh-China shared their old histories. In history, the Bay of Bengal was a good way of route for the sea
transportation. Historical findings also show that then Bengal Sultan Ghiyas Uddin Azam Shah and Chinese
emperor Yung lo had a good relation. They sent gift to each other also. Bangladesh has her own political history.
Before 1971’s independent war Bangladesh was one part of Pakistan named East Pakistan. At that time, East
Pakistan’s Bengali leaders were connected with The Chinese Communist Party. Then Bengali leaders Maulana
Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy were closely connected with CCP’s great leader
Mao Zedong. During the 1950’s - 1960’s Chinese then-premier Zhou Enlai visited East Pakistan many times. The
international relations got changed between East Pakistan and China during the time of Bangladesh’s independence
war. East Pakistan was always deprived from development and benefits. The West extracted all resources from the
East. Not only that, West attacked on culture and language of the East. The geopolitical rivalry came out as war in
1971. East Pakistan (present Bangladesh) was desperate to get independence from West Pakistan. The People’s
Republic of China (PRC) stood against of Bangladesh liberation war which contradicted the promise of PRC’s
constitution (Joseph, 2009). The constitution of PRC says about the ‘revolutionary act of imperialism, feudalism and
bureaucratically capitalism.
During the war time Bangladesh took help from India. In 1962, China and India already fought with each
other. On that time China and Pakistan shared a good bondage of relations. Pakistan was also connected with
United Sates. USA leaders were planning to visit China for the first time through the via of Pakistan. In 1971, the
People’s Republic of China replaced Taiwan as a permanent member of UN Security Council and the first veto was
used to support Pakistan during the war of 1971. After independence, Bangladesh again chose Soviet Union for the
post war and reconstruction help. On that time China and Soviet Union has some ideological clashes. Bangladesh
need the UN membership to get more aid for reconstruction of the post war. Chinese delegate Huang Hua voted
against the membership of Bangladesh in United Nation. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman started to think
about Chia’s importance on getting Bangladesh’s UN membership. Bangladesh’s then foreign minister Abdus
Samad Azad also sent letter to Chinese premier Zou En Lai. In 1974, Bangladesh faced severe flood and then
Chinese government has started to show their soft power over Bangladesh. China sent the first humanitarian aid to
Bangladesh. Bangladesh foreign policy started a new journey through the friendship. Gradually, Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman became equally close to India, Russia and China.
After the assassination of Sheikh Mujib Mejor Zia came in Power. In 1975, China and Bangladesh have started
to build stronger diplomatic relations. Ziaur Rahman, who first restored free market in Bangladesh also tried hard
to make a positive relation with China. Beijing and Dhaka started to make cooperation and sustainable relations in
October 1975. After Ziaur rahman, General Hussain Mohammad Ershad came in power without any bloodshed. In
his regime, no new policy was there. He balanced the relations with India and China also. He institutionalized
liberalization process and private company ownership in Bangladesh. In his nine years regime he visited China five
times. During his visit, he showed his support to ‘one China policy’ and never try to make any relations with
Taiwan (Sarker et al., 2018). And in 1982 and 1986, Chinese president Li Ximannian visited Bangladesh and they
talked about both countries’ mutual benefits, trade and future relations.
In 2002, there was Mrs. Khaleda Zia as Bangladesh’s prime minister. And she started to follow a new policy of
‘Look East’. The main aim of that policy was to maximize the economic benefits of both countries. In 2002, Chinese
Premier Zhu Rongji came Dhaka for bilateral economic cooperation. Sheikh Hasina came in power in 2009 in
Bangladesh. China and Bangladesh relations gradually has reached ‘all weather’ friend. In this regime, China stands
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5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
as the trading partner for Bangladesh (Sarker et al., 2018). Bangladesh’s exports to China has increased from 319.66
million USD of 2010-2011 fiscal year to 808.14 million USD in 2015-2016 fiscal year. Bangladesh economists
predict that if the growth remains continue then bilateral trade volume will reach 18 billion within 2021. China is
now Bangladesh’s trusted friend in connectivity, communication, technology, maritime security, agriculture and
transportation and information sectors.
3.2. Soft Power Concepts
In International Relations, there are lots of power (Hard power, Soft power and Smart power). Power in
International Relations is traditionally connected with ‘Hard’ power. Sometimes connected with economic and
military context. Soft power study of international relations has started based on war, border, security, arms,
military but in the west the concept soft power has come after the second world war. The world was divided in two
part and busy on playing ideological expansion game. Historically, United States used soft power in the cold war
time to appeal the world and showed the leadership capability of USA. Marshal plan is a good example of soft power
promoting of USA. Joseph Nye Jr. first academically described the soft power topic in international relations theory
in 1980’s. Now it is very popular in policy making agenda and policy debate also (Lee, 2009). In the book of ‘Bound
to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power’ Mr. Joseph Nye wrote that soft power is image building. He
argued that soft power is connected with country’s culture, language, ideology, political values, and foreign policies.
He again discussed the soft power in 2001. He argues, “soft Power rests on the ability to shape the preference of
others. In the first defining soft power he did not include economics in soft power. He included it in hard power
because of economic sanctions in international politics. But gradually the definition of soft power gets changed.
Though in China soft power policy was deployed by President Hu Jintao in 2003. But China’s scholars say that
China first imagined and introduced by Lao Tsu. Joseph Nye developed the concept with three pillars- culture,
values and foreign policy. Some scholars argue that soft power is better than hard power if any country spend more
money on it Sarker et al. (2018). I also think that, in international relations, investing soft power policy finds
benefits in long term. But, hard power is more coercive and soft power is getting world’s eyes because its
uniqueness. Now China is becoming a good actor for playing in international politics (Gallarotti, 2011). In China,
BRI project is a good example of showing why China’s soft power is becoming popular than USA or India. USA
president Donald Trump’s foreign policy is more likely hard power relevant. His government is cutting aid of
international organizations and giving more priority on hard coercive power (Sarker, 2019b). USA’s soft power is
not enough to win the heart of the World. China’s adoption of soft power in foreign policy is making China more
accepted to Asia and African countries and gradually USA is losing to keep the temptation of being super power
(Rothman, 2011).
3.3. Influence of Chinese Soft Power
Soft power is something that makes an attraction to political leaders and international policies. Why China is
interested in soft power promoting in this question’s answer Mr. Nye replied that China believes that the best way
to be global power is to attract others. Mr. Nye said in his speech that China is following a strategy in three ways,
one is using economy, another is culture, arts and language and last one is developing technical and mechanical
staffs. China is very enriched with own culture and languages (Sarker, 2019c). China’s old history is very much
connected with South Asian countries (Zanardi, 2016). And gradually South Asian countries are getting attracted
by China’s soft power. What is the reason behind it? The simple answer is South Asian countries were connected
with colonialism and exploitations (Sarker, 2019a). Still now the country’s economy is suffering and states are
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URL: | January, 2020
fighting to minimize their poverty rate (Wang and Lu, 2008). On that part, China is showing her help to these
states with economic support and also creating job opportunities. In Bangladesh, Export processing Zones are
taking the employee who knows Chinese well. Because, Chinese people are funding in the projects and delegates
come in the zone. And Bangladeshi people are working as a translators and others. China’s philosophy is powerful.
It talks about harmonies society. This harmonies and inclusiveness also important in international arena (Sarker et
al., 2019). After 1965, China never engaged her in the war in South Asia. China is showing her soft strategy with
India also though India has rejected China’s BRI project (Zhou and Luk, 2016).
China thinks that India’s good relations with the USA will play a dominating role in Asia region and specially
South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. But truth is that China and USA both carry different strategies to create
image. Where Donald Trump is getting out of humanitarian and environmental organizations, then President Xi is
working on poverty eradication of Africa, Asia and making joint collaborations to protect ecological damage
(Chaturvedy, 2019). It is obvious that from the time of 2003 until now the USA and other major powers have been
waging war and projecting hard power as a way to consolidate power and lead their sphere of influence (Clarke,
2016). China, on the other hand, holds a quasi-role not to appoint all the conflict concentrates purely on image build
up advocating peace and development which reflects Beijing's superior stand than the USA (Yang, 2010). In this
policy recommendation, China has also set the goal to make Xinhua and CCTV as global news network with true
international standards. Its aim is to confront the monopoly of western media. Therefore, it has already launched a
multi-floor TV studio complex in Washington DC. China has been actively establishing a broad network of
Confucius institute on the model of British council and French Alliance and set up numbers of classroom worldwide
to spread language and culture (Lueck et al., 2014).
3.4. Chinese Soft Power in Bangladesh
Bangladesh China’s mutual relations do not come from a vacuum. It happens also for international politics.
Bangladesh and China have been maintaining their good friendly relations for many years. Historically, Chinese
many monks, scholars, and businessmen frequently traveled Bengal from the Qin dynasty (First dynasty of Imperial
China from 221-206 BC). Atisa Dipankar Srijanan traveled from Bengal to Tibet and played an important role in
developing Tibetan Buddhism. From Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinxing, there is a lot of policy changing but Bangladesh
and China has maintained their balanced cordial relations. In 1991, then president Deng Xiaoping made the
economic reform with an open up policy. On that time Bangladesh has just entered in the era of globalization and
garments industry (Sarker et al., 2019). The inception of readymade garments has started in 1980’s. Bangladesh has
started export of garments product in mid 990’s. President Xi Jinping has introduced a new term. He coined the
‘Chinese Dream’ or ‘Rejuvenation of China’ which reveals China’s rise in a peaceful way. Under Xi Jinping the
government of China is focusing new institutionalizing of China with ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a
new era’ and giving priority to blue economy, information security, cultural linkage making, investment policy and
so on non-traditional issues (Pecheritsa and Boyarkina, 2017). China’s best soft power initiative which catches eye
sight of the world is Belt and Road Initiative. The mega project is counted as a mixture of both hard and soft power.
China’s foreign policy includes inclusiveness, non-interference, neighborhood, multi polar world system (Sarker et
al., 2019). President’s new policy is using these factors for ‘striving for achievement’ (Lum et al., 2008). Bangladesh
is geographically very important (Nasrin et al., 2019). Bangladesh is physically enclosed by India.
Before discussing China’s soft power influence in Bangladesh, let me say the geopolitical prominent of
Bangladesh (Sarker et al., 2018). Bangladesh has a portion of the Bay of Bengal. China focuses her attention on
energy. For energy import export all countries need sea route. Bangladesh is a better regional hub in South Asia.
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
The port of Chittagong can be easily used as a regional hub for sea travel route. On the other side, India and China
both are Asian giant and the both countries act as competitive actor in the region. But all the scholars think that
when India and China both countries will helpful and economically priority on Indian Ocean and China is now
investing money in littoral states around the Indian Ocean (Sarker et al., 2018). China has already built pipe line
with Myanmar. And also planning to build a parallel pipeline connecting Kunming-Chittagong. This is a strategic
backup point. If USA and India will start to act as adversaries of China and block the chock -points of Malacca and
Indian Ocean, China will use the regional hub for balancing resource management (Hunter, 2009). Prime minister
Sheikh Hasina visited China in 2014 and in 2016 President of China visited Bangladesh. In 2016, Bangladesh gave
her confirmation on BRI. Bangladesh thinks that Bangladesh should use her geographical proximity and location.
Bangladesh government thinks that the project will make Bangladesh stronger in domestic economic progress and
international export-import and Bangladesh’s economy will be more stable (Sarker et al., 2018), more developed
than other South Asian countries will also get the benefits (Matthew et al., 2010). Bangladesh is under the ‘string of
pearl’ theory for the geographical location and also for the access of the Bay of Bengal. Now Asian countries are
thinking to give
3.4.1. Economic Perspective
Bangladesh - China economic relation was started in 1974. The relation was started for the international arena.
In the Zia’s regime, Bangladesh first get infrastructure fund for Farakka barrage. That was the starting. After that
The Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in Dhaka was built by the Chinese assistance and articulated by
Beijing Institute of Architectural Designs and Research, the Shah Amanat Bridge in Chittagong is also built by the
help of Chinese government and Recently the Padma bridge. Under major diplomatic initiatives and foreign policy
reforms China has been putting enormous effort to lead the republic in the direction of peaceful rise enunciating the
idea of peaceful development, demonstrates its soft power exposure. To that end from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping
several policy changes were recommended and gradually introduced to expose it as a responsible stakeholder in the
global community. In 2016, President Xi Jinping visited Bangladesh and both countries have signed MoU and good
bonding of relations (Sharma and Khatri, 2019). China has provided 24 billion USD for 20 projects during the
president Xi’s visiting. According to the Finance Time, in 2019 Bangladesh will receive more 31 billion USD for
rail, metro and other infrastructure. Beijing policy argues that constructions and infrastructure developments are
important for communication building and economic developments of both countries. Under the BRI project and
Maritime Silk Road project, Dhaka and Beijing are providing their more effort on economic mutual benefits. China
is the no one trading partner of Bangladesh. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics says that Bangladesh
exporters are upbeat about China’s market. Bangladesh-China’s bilateral trade has reached 18.74 billion USD in
2018. In 2018, Bangladesh exported 1 billion USD in China. Bangladesh’s Ready-made garments is enjoying the
comparative advantage and producing a good number. According to former president of Bangladesh Export
Promotion Bureau says, ‘The Chinese market would grow automatically as they have already shifted from
producing basic items. We should maintain a warm relationship with China for higher export’. According to the
bureau Bangladesh export of leather and garments are very prominent. According to the Economists of both
countries are predicting that after finishing the BRI construction Bangladesh's economy rate will raise 7.8. About
trade, in 1971, India was Bangladesh’s major trading partner. But China-Bangladesh trade has surpassed the India-
Bangladesh trade number. In 2001, total trade of Bangladesh-China was 1.1 billion USA dollar and in 2009 the
trade between the two countries has increased 770 billion USD. In many industries of Bangladesh India is losing it
influence in the respect of economy. Since 2004 China-Bangladesh trade has started to bloom and now Bangladesh
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
is the highest trading partner in South Asia. Now India is losing her economic strategy over Bangladesh
(Kurlantzick, 2006). Bangladesh basically imports cotton, frozen food, tea, ready-made garments, lather, raw jute,
fish, raw fabrics and fertilizers. Bangladesh exports technological and mechanical products. Under Asia Pacific Free
Trade Agreement China has removed 84 items of Bangladeshi products which is counted as a big factor for
continuing healthy relations (Sarker et al., 2019). On the other side, India and Bangladesh’s economic relation is
mostly hampered by tariff barriers. Bangladesh has a comparative advantage on RMG sector. But India has imposed
16% countervailing tax on Bangladeshi RMG products which is creating a negative perception about India’s
market. The parameter of both countries’ relation status is reaching higher with mutual trust. Big infrastructures
are constructing by the help of China. Cultural exchange of China-Bangladesh both are very popular now. Recent
time Chinese infrastructure companies are getting more popular in Bangladesh. Chittagong and Kunming are going
to be connected through the road connection. On the other side Bangladesh and Myanmar is also going to get
connected with road. This connection will make the region more economically interdependent and prosperous.
3.4.2. Cultural Perspective
Many scholars pay their priority on educational exchange of China Bangladesh. Cooperation in exchanging
students is also part of soft power policy of Xi Jinping. Chines language is now becoming popular to the young
generations. It also creating lots of opportunity to get good job. In Bangladesh now there are a lot of Chinese
companies and because of China Bangladesh investment is very high. So, Bangladesh EPZs are offering lot of jobs
for Chinese educated youths. There are Confucius center for learning Chinese. Bangladesh Universi ty of
Professionals which is run by military and University of Dhaka, North South University and Shanto Mariam
University also encourage students to learn Chinese. Many students of universities also get blessed by Chinese
Confucius Scholarship provided by China. Bangladesh and China collaborate with each other for skill developing
program to get high productive economy (Sarker et al., 2018). In Bangladesh, there are more than 700 Chines
citizen are living mostly in Dhaka and Chittagong area and in China there are more than 2000 colleges. So,
Bangladeshi students feel very positive to choose china for their Bachelor and higher studies. Both countries are
mutually connected with ‘Education Plan’ under Belt and Road Initiatives which is issued by Ministry of Education
of the People’s Republic of China in July 2016. Bangladesh and China now bilateral relations are not only confined
in defense and economic issues. They also share their relations on cultural, educational, sports, exhibition, exchange
of scholars and students, delegation exchange of trade.
In Bangladesh, Chinese food, language institutes, Chinese medicine are getting popular. Chinese media CCTV
is more attractive to all over the world as well as Bangladesh. Bangladesh and China both countries are now
enjoying highest pick of bilateral relations. Recently we found many facts and news. Let’s see some mainstream
newspaper’s news. Bangladesh China Jointly organized art exhibition bilaterally in Dhaka. In the exhibition China
and Bangladeshi artists more than 250 were participated. Bangladesh and China have organized ‘Silk Road
Exhibition’ and which has received worldwide praise. Bangladesh government’s former cultural minister
Asaduzzaman Noor and Chinese ambassador to Bangladesh Zhang Zuo visited the exhibition and the exhibition
was titled ‘Colorful Cloud over Silk Road’ in July 2018.
3.4.3. Diplomatic Perspective
Bangladesh and China many times share their hard time together. China always shows a responsible attitude
toward Bangladesh. In 1991, Bangladesh was attacked by Hurricane and Bangladesh’s economic system was
severely suffered by the hurricane. At that time, then Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia visited China and China
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
provided emergency support to Bangladesh. In 1996, Seikh Hasina visited China and both states signed the
‘Agreement on encouraging and protecting investment’, the ‘Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation’ and
the ‘Agreement for the prevention of Tax evasion’. China is trying to sort out Bangladesh’s Rohingya crisis. ‘China
will maintain its non-interference policy but will also be proactive (in trying) to mediate in the Rohingya issue’. Hu
Zhiyong (Associate researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences). Chinese has proposed to mediate
between Bangladesh and Myanmar to resolve the crisis in August and September 2017. China has also become a
comfortable friend about terrorism issue. There are lot of state level meetings to counter terrorism. In 2018,
Bangladesh home minister Asaduzzaman Khan and Chinese Public Security minister hold meeting on terrorism and
counter terrorism (Wu, 2018).
Bangladesh is also a part of BCIM and SAARC. China is an originating partner of BCIM and observing
member of SAARC. According to 2014 news, China showed her interest on SAARC. In, a news came
which title was ‘China says it wants to elevate partnership with SAARC.’ in the program Hua said, ‘We keep
deepening our cooperation in various fields. We will continue to cooperate with SAARC countries on the basis of
peace, stability, stability and prosperity. Water competition is now more important topic in international politics as
well as relations. Water is called ‘blessings and curse’ for Bangladesh. Bangladesh gets flooded in rainy season and
gets drought in summer season. Bangladesh -China-India is equally showing their interest on Brahmaputra river
basin. The river is the longest basin of Bangladesh water system. Approximately 65% of Bangladesh’s total water is
provided by Brahmaputra. The river is originated in China and run in India and Bangladesh. The river enters
through Assam and then Bangladesh. China is planning to make dam in the river which will effect Bangladesh’s
human security. The river flowing region of Bangladesh is now facing human security pressure (Sarker et al., 2019).
Because still now Bangladesh’ most of the river basin side people are living their lives based on agriculture. The
shortage of water is making a large number of people’s sufferings. Bangladesh is also under threat because of China
and India’s self-interested water management plans. During the Doklam stand-off China and India both holds talk
about trans-border water sharing. India China political stability is also important for Bangladesh’s Brahmaputra
water management. The Brahmaputra river basin peaceful management is important to restore the water
competition in this region. Bangladesh-china and India all should to negotiate with each other to solve the program.
I hope that through track one or track two diplomacy China-India and Bangladesh will solve their Brahmaputra
water management properly.
3.5. Bangladesh-China-India Relations as Paradox
Bangladesh’s China India relationship balancing is now has become a great challenge for Bangladesh foreign
policy. In 1974, Bangladesh and China’s good relations made little shaking for India. Recently, China is
Bangladesh’s trading partner on the other side India is losing the attraction of Bangladeshi market. Bangladesh
foreign minister has suggested free trade but still now it has no implementation. For exporting Bangladesh’s ready-
made garments need to pay 16% countervailing tax to export in India. Bangladesh Foreign Ministry is still working
on telecasting Bangladesh’s mainstream media in India. Bangladesh-India’s illegal and informal trade is one
problem. Bangladeshi industries are getting more flexibility and tariff free market in China. In the first term of Mr.
Modi’s foreign policy was neighborhood improvement but he shows his more interest on ‘Look East’ policy. So,
South Asian countries did not get priority in Indian foreign policy. Water issue is also strong issue in Bangladesh
India relations. Teesta dispute between two countries still in negotiation table. But India shows her domestic
conflicts on Teesta issue.
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
Let’s talk about some hard power because it is connected to understand why India is misunderstanding
Bangladesh. Bangladesh is buying arms and submarine that’s creating India suspicious toward Bangladesh. India’s
Navy admiral and former service chief called it ‘as a threat for India and maritime security paradigm’. According to
the Navy man china is trying to encircle India by selling submarines to Bangladesh. Market making idea is very
important in China Bangladesh relations. Bangladesh is a small country but with a lot of population. So, Bangladesh
is a good market for technology and arms. Bangladesh has welcome China for Chinese submarines and arms. Now,
71% of Chinese arms are sold in Myanmar, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. In 2015, Bangladesh is the second-largest
arms importer from China in the world. Arms and submarines are coming from china so Chinese presence is also in
Bangladesh for maintaining of the equipment. China is investing money on Bangladesh China India corridor
(BCIM) which is very good initiative for market creating. China and Bangladesh are maintaining sustainable
relations in defense and development sectors. According to international scholars Bangladesh is playing
dichotomous role. But Bangladesh government officials clarifies that Bangladesh is following friendly foreign
relations with all countries. Historically Bangladesh India has a good bonding. Still, India is also good friend of
Bangladesh. Bangladesh and China have also good bond and sustain relations but this is not conspiracy against any
country or neighbor state India. Bangladesh foreign policy is just utilizing geographical location for the
achievement of development and sustainable of achievement.
3.6. Skeptics and Response
China is now in global expansion. But many scholars have questioned expanding China’s soft power is creating
ideological crush with China. China is in the era of rising and the Chinese government are following pragmatism to
analyses Chinese foreign policy and soft power. has published one article which argued that China is
using the soft power idea to creating to create and improve international image. And also showed criticized view on
China media. China has introduced CCTV which is similarly BBC or Aljazeera. China has invested 6.6 billion on
this channel. China hopes that this channel will cross the BBC of CNN. But skeptic scholars think that media is
established to promote only CPP’s agenda or creating propaganda. Soft power is counted as ‘external propaganda’
factor. Soft power cannot be used well by the Chinese government because with the biased government China
cannot promote flexible media and soft power worldwide. Many scholars are showing their positivity and some are
showing their questions on China’s soft power. But Chinese government officials are trying hard to balance
negative and positive issues and trying to make a positive image in the world view. To promote soft power
government is not credible because of government structure. Regarding China’s soft power in Bangladesh, many
scholars argue that China is investing in Bangladesh to counter India or make an aggressive role in South Asia. The
mega project BRI is also called a debt trap for Bangladesh. But Bangladesh government has denied the criticism. In
a formal program Prime minister’s International Affairs adviser Mr. Gowher Rizvi said that Bangladesh
government has accepted BRI project and government think BRI as it ‘fits into our national priorities’. Many people
think that India is opting against BRI because it is linked with Pakistan also. And India is not happy about
Bangladesh’s joining in BRI. Bangladesh government officials shared their statements many times. According to
Mr. Rizvi, “Bangladesh is extremely successful in managing its foreign relations.
China has become a world power in a different way than the USA. China has not entered in big war and
militarization. China has good relations with Pakistan and Bangladesh. But always a stressful relation stays
between China and India in the South Asia region. India and Bangladesh have always good relations but with the
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020,
5(1): 128-140
URL: | January, 2020
passage of time, Bangladesh is following peace and the basis of equality and friendship in the international arena.
Bangladesh is balancing foreign relations with India and China. In this study, a conclusion has been drawn by
showing China’s soft power in Bangladesh and its effect in Bangladesh. Though there are many debates about debt
issue, how Bangladesh will overcome the debt of China and the long-term economic stress of Bangladesh, still
Bangladesh government is positive about China’s soft power projection in Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s neighbor
country shows no interest in China’s soft power but Bangladesh tries to balance the foreign policy relations with
neighbor country and China. China is going to be the most prominent power in South Asia as well as World for
giving more priority on the non-traditional security and mutual friendship. I agree, Bangladesh and China’s
relationship went through a lot of decoding but now the states are in a stable relationship. In Bangladesh, many
governments have come since 1975. And all the government tried to balance good relations with China. China also
showed her proper maturity to balance and encourage the relationship between the two countries. In 2000, for
celebrating 25 years of friendship Bangladesh-China inaugurated a Friendship Postal card in 2000.
In 2016, during President Xi jinping’s visit china promised to give Bangladesh 24 billion USD primarily as a
line of credit for 24 projects. Bangladesh's government also feel China as a friend and tries to balance cooperative
relations. President Xi’s rejuvenation of China is going to help Bangladesh also. Bangladesh is a small country but
with big hope. Bangladesh wants her stable economic growth and a sustainable economy. To balance it Bangladesh
follows ‘Friendship policy to all’. Though the intimacy with China is not preferable by India Bangladesh makes it
clear that Bangladesh is also a friend of India. So India needs not to be worried about Bangladesh’s move.
Bangladesh’s foreign policy is independent and balancing also. India is also a great power in South Asia. So, I think
China should not to count relationships margin on the basis of Bangladesh’s relations with China and Pakistan.
Bangladesh’s foreign policy always plays a friendship role with all his alliance and friend countries.
If we trigger on Bangladesh China’s future based on soft power then I can say that China’s different approach
of expanding soft power is going to create China’s hegemonic power in the world. China’s non-interference in other
state’s domestic affairs and economic and cultural exchanges making china’s ideology stronger than other countries.
China Bangladesh is going to make more connectivity through BRI constructions and seaport. Students teachers,
businessmen are visiting China and Chinese artists, engineers are visiting Bangladesh. That is a positive side for
maintaining relationships. According to many scholars, the Bangladesh China trade investment is very lucrative to
the world. Bangladesh's policymakers are also a consensus about China’s investment. Both countries are balancing
relations well. President Xi’s idea of win-win will also help Bangladesh’s progress and economic stability.
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... Chinese leaders consistently travel to Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, affirming their ongoing commitment to actively engage in the affairs of South Asia (Malik, 2001). Importantly, the resurgence and revitalization of China in in this region are not linked to military tactics, but rather to a long-term commitment to cultural inclusivity (Chakrovorty, 2020). The country aims to build an optimal balance of power in South Asia and the surrounding waterways to limit the expansion of India (Mohan & Abraham, 2020). ...
... Apart from that, China seeks to expand its soft power in Bangladesh by highlighting its inclusive cultural strategy and promoting mutually beneficial relations (Chakrovorty, 2020). The extent of its cultural impact on Bangladesh is determined by factors such as the level of press freedom, the economic involvement, development initiatives, and the societal prosperity (Sparks, 2018). ...
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In the current multipolar world, China has emerged as a formidable competitor to the United States, employing soft power strategies to expand its influence, particularly in South Asia-a region of strategic importance for both nations. This study utilizes Joseph Nye's soft power theory to comparatively analyze the approaches of China and the US. Employing case study analysis, including document research and content analysis, the research reveals that China strategically utilizes soft power by promoting its culture in educational institutions and leveraging the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for trade infrastructure development in South Asia. Conversely, the US relies on its renowned education system, attracting students from the region, and implements soft power through foreign aid, trade, investment, and security cooperation. As the global order undergoes transformations, comprehending these soft power dynamics is crucial for deciphering the intricacies of contemporary international relations.
... The "Chinese Dream" enabled China to project soft power abroad. President Xi Jinping's new approach integrates China's foreign policy components, non-interference as well as the neighborhood, and multi-polarity "ambitious Strategically and economically" (Chakrovorty, 2020). China needs an export maritime route across ...
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Power and influence are important concepts in world politics. In this process, every country tries to maximize its interests and influence over other countries. The present world order, soft power plays an important role in influencing others’ policy-making processes in one’s favor to establish world order. This paper aims to give an overview of Chinese soft power and find out whether Chinese soft power is creating a debt trap or becoming a shared interest for both Bangladesh and China. Based on secondary sources, the paper has found that although Chinese soft power, especially its growing investment in Bangladesh, is a part of establishing its influence, it is a shared interest rather than a debt trap. Different infrastructure development projects are opportunities for Bangladesh, as that will open the door to economic development if Bangladesh can effectively utilize them. Although China’s investment can put Bangladesh’s economy under pressure. However, economic and political instability, fragile institutions, growing corruption, a leadership crisis, etc. are more harmful to its economy and can lead to an economic crisis.
... This move has not been unconditional, for Bangladesh, under pressure from the US and India, rejected China's bid to build a port in Sonadia in 2016. Undeterred, President Xi Jinping visited Bangladesh in October of that year, offering US$24 billion for infrastructure development (Chakrovorty, 2020). The relationship between the two countries was called a 'strategic partnership of cooperation', as China bought a 25% stake in the Dhaka Stock Exchange. ...
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This paper investigates the geopolitical factors that have been the catalyst for the Rohingya crisis, with special attention on the roles of China and India. It then situates those views through 20 in-depth interviews of informants from Bangladesh who are experts in South and Southeast Asian politics. Bangladesh has borne the brunt of accommodating the fleeing Rohingyas and is currently bearing the ensuing socioeconomic costs. The research findings suggest that as a result of Chinese and Indian strategic interest in Myanmar and competition for regional dominance, the Rohingya have become the meat in the sandwich, and the 'Rohingya crisis' has been propelled into a status quo.
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As the contours of a renewed era of competition between great powers become more clear, soft power has emerged as an increasingly significant measure of national might. Yet soft power is not as amorphous and undefinable as was once believed. A country’s ability to attract and influence can be measured, damaged, and strengthened. In this report, Wilson Center Fellow Irene Wu discusses why soft power matters more today than ever, and how to measure its influence on broader considerations of global geopolitics.
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Street vendors go on an essential role to fulfill the demands of many urban rural dwellers as well as pedestrian across the country and all over the world. The aim of this study is to explore the dynamics of small entrepreneurship and its contribution to poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihood. A quantitative oriented qualitative mixed method has been applied in this study. The study reveals that a large number of people are directly and indirectly engaged with the street vendor profession and are contributing to the economy of Bangladesh. Three ideas constitute the central message of this study. Firstly, a large number of people are generating income through street vending by which the ways and means for developing street entrepreneurship. Secondly, this small entrepreneurship has a great contribution to poverty reduction and sustainable livelihood of many street vendors. Thirdly, this study has explored the obstacles faced by street vendors in Bangladesh. Some problems of city dwellers are created by street vending such as lack of formalization, weak management system, producing street garbage and gathering crowd on the footpath. By the implementation of the proper public management system, street vendors would become a role model for the national economy.
In the face of global environmental change, the notion of climate smart agriculture (CSA) has emerged as an approach which can contribute to increased agricultural production and income of poor households. This paper explores the suitability of adopting CSA practices for promoting sustainable agriculture in order to attain global food and nutritional security. It also explores the links among the components of CSA (productivity, adaptation and mitigation) and their contribution to achieving the goal of sustainable agricultural development. Despite the potential of CSA to attain sustainable agriculture, poor connections exist among the components of CSA at the field level. More importantly, the concept is sometimes poorly understood by various levels of stakeholders. In order to attain a better future, it is crucial to disseminate CSA approaches to field level by including them in academic syllabi, seminars, symposiums, and research.
The concepts of vulnerability and resilience are gaining popularity in the development literature but still lack conceptual integration with the theory and practices of livelihood dynamics. However, the livelihood system of a community is a key element of the social system which may frequently be disrupted by the ecological, financial, natural and human-made vulnerability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of vulnerability and resilience in the perspective of livelihoods in a climate vulnerable context. It also addresses the methodological gaps through translation of theory from existing literature. This study argues that vulnerability and livelihood resilience are inversely related. It recommends some indicators and pillars for a better understanding of the vulnerability and livelihood resilience drawing from assorted literature through analysing the concept from various dimensions. The study will be helpful in understanding the livelihood dynamics and its assessment in the perspective of vulnerability and resilience.
Digitalization of agriculture may be a solution to feed a huge growing population in the future. Application of big data is a key tool to digitalize the agriculture sector. Though there is a long debate on its applicability to agriculture, this study aims to address how big data technology contribute to digital agriculture in terms of sustainable farm management. The study uses an extensive review of current research work and studies in agriculture for exploring the best and compatible practices which can help farmers at field level for increasing production and improving quality. This study reveals several available big data technologies and practices in agriculture for solving the current problems and future challenges at the field level. The study reveals that application of big data technologies in agriculture is growing but still at low level. It also explores that there are a few technologies used for crop production, plant protection, livestock production, fisheries, post-harvest management and market development. The study finds out some challenges such as privacy of data, data availability, quality and openness, financial investment, lack of expertise and context specific technology. The study recommends that a large-scale adoption of agricultural big data technologies require government initiatives, a public-private partnership, the openness of data, financial investment and regional basis research work.
The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) election victory in May 2014 under the leadership of Narendra Modi saw the first parliamentary majority achieved by a single party in three decades. Both Indian and foreign observers of India’s foreign policy knew a little of Modi and the BJP’s approach to India’s external engagements. Modi’s image as a nationalist and strong leader led to the speculation that he would substantially change the direction of India’s foreign policy. This may be most visible in India’s “Neighborhood-First” Initiative (NFI). This study focuses on Modi’s neighborhood policy. It gives an overview of how the Modi government is redefining India’s neighborhood policy and considers the new vision and approach that the Modi government is pursuing with India’s neighborhood. It is followed by an assessment of difficulties in putting the policy into practice. Finally, it discusses responses from China and summarizes key points in the concluding section.
Administrative resilience is the ability of the administrative system to provide appropriate measures to uncertainties and bounce back to previous conditions after facing risks, shocks, disasters, and other threats to organizational stability. It also enhances the ability of social systems to remain stable during and after adversity.
Developing countries are experiencing rapid and unguided urbanization which may contribute to increase poverty. Managing rapid urbanization is crucial for sustainable development. The main purpose of this article is to explore the determinants, trend and status of urbanization and counter-urbanization in South Asia. The effects of urbanization and counter urbanization has influence on land use pattern and real estate planning in South Asia. Urbanization in South Asia provides opportunities for education, employment, better housing, updated technology transfer, markets for agricultural products and better physical treatment facilities by gathering well educated and skilled people. While the urbanization is increasing gradually in most of the megacities in South Asia but the trend of counter urbanization is less than the urbanization. The paper concluded with some policy recommendations including public-private partnership for sustainable urban development in South Asia.
The governance is a vital issue especially for a developing country like Bangladesh which affects every sector of development. Corruption, inefficient service delivery, weak policy setting, and limited participation of various stakeholders in decision making have a negative impact on the rural poor. However, the main reason of poverty retaining in Bangladesh is seen in bad governance, which comprises widespread corruption, non-transparency and non-accountability of public policy making. Good governance is considered to bring in a powerful change in the condition of the poor. The main objective of this article is to explore the ways of poverty alleviation through good governance in Bangladesh. It also finds out the present situation of poverty in Bangladesh and determines the link between good governance and poverty alleviation. This article used documentary analysis and, in particular, content analysis as a research method in order to disclose appearance of good governance agenda representing ways of addressing poverty alleviation. This study finds out the four indicators of good governance which directly related to poverty alleviation in Bangladesh: accountability, transparency, participation and predictability. This study suggests that publicly available information, access of the poor to basic services of government, budget transparency, expenditure, verdicts of courts and tribunals, responsive local government, grass root democracy, and anti-corruption are effective instruments for every sector development which can alleviate poverty in terms of any dimension. It contributes new lense to the existing literature regarding linkages between good governance and poverty alleviation.