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Protective Role of Methanol Leaf Extract of Holarrhena Floribunda (G.Don) Against Sodium Arsenite-induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats

RRJPTS| Volume 9 | Issue 5 | September 2021
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and
Toxicological Studies
Protective Role of Methanol Leaf Extract of Holarrhena Floribunda
) Against Sodium Arsenite-induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats
Akinboro Akeem*1, Badmus Jelili2, Adedosu Olaniyi T2, Akinboro Adetayo2 and Akinniran Roat2
1Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
2Department of Biochemisty, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Research Article
Received date: 06/9/2021
Accepted date: 20/9/2021
Published date: 27/9/2021
*For Correspondence
Akinboro Akeem
Department of Pure and Applied Biology,
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Keywords: Holarrhena oribunda, sodium
arsenite, oxidative stress, anti-inamma-
Exposures to heavy metals from different sources are known to prompt oxidative stress that could compromise the health status
of an organism [1]. Scientic nding has related oxidative stress in aerobic organisms to austere degenerative conditions such
as cardiovascular disease and cancers [2]. Arsenic (As) is naturally occurring metallic-elements ubiquitously present in the
environment [1]. Natural, industrial and un-intentional discharges are known primarily as source of human exposure to As in the
environment [2]. Water gets contaminated with arsenate due to run-off either from industry or agro-chemical waste, due to over-
removal of groundwater for irrigation and from industrial operations [3]. Drinking water remains the predominant route through
which human, especially growing up children exposed to arsenite [4]. Although, acute and persistent unregulated exposure to
arsenic poisoning is connected with mild inammatory response,[5] hampering organs and cellular functions, oxidative stress
elevation, neurodegenerative disorders, Type-2- diabetes [6] . Also, declines observed in membrane structures and functions in
human, cancer incidence and impedes reproductive functions have been connected to As exposure [7,8] . Plant is a natural gift to
man, which is employed in ancient period for the wellness of human being. The pre-historic usages are traced to folkloric medicine
where various parts of plants are brought together in the form of concoction/decoction use to mitigate disease conditions and its
associated complications [9]. Recently, investigations have focused on the role of plant phytochemicals with antioxidant potential
against metal-induced systemic maladies because of the maligned effect of synthetic antioxidants [10]. Leaf extract of Holarrhena
oribunda has recently been shown to contain polyphenolic compounds and compelling antioxidant activity against radicals [11].
A previous study has revealed the preventive potential of the leaf against arsenite-induced hepatic injury [9]. This study, however,
investigated the role of the leaf on the arsenite-induced toxicity in serum, spleen, heart and testis.
Sodium arsenite [NaAs03], thiobarbituric acid (TNB), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and 5,5’-dithiobis-2-
Plants bioactive components protect human from heavy metal-induced
toxicities. This study investigated the protective effect of the methanol leaf
extract of Holarrhena oribunda (MLEHF) against arsenate-induced toxicity in
male Wistar rats. Animals were pre-treated with two doses of the extract (100
and 200 mg/kg body weight (b.w)) for 14 days before intraperitoneally exposure
to sodium arsenide (5 mg/kg b.w.) 24 hr after the last administration. Serum
TNF-α, urea and Creatinine levels were evaluated. Also, total protein (TP),
reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), lipid hydro peroxides (LHP),
glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were estimated
in rat spleen, testis and heart. The result showed that arsenate only triggers
a signicant increase in serum TNF-α, urea and Creatinine. Also, arsenate
induced signicant increase (P<0.05) in cardiac, testicular and splenic lipid
peroxidation (MDA and LHP) levels. Contrarily, arsenate reduced signicantly
(P<0.05) heart and testis GSH SOD and GPx activities compared with un-
exposed control. MLEHF prevented the disgruntled inuence of arsenate on
the levels of serum TNF-α, urea and Creatinine, and the activities of GSH, SOD
and GPx in the testis and heart of rats. The extract also reversed the arsenate-
induced increase in cardiac, testicular and splenic lipid peroxidation (MDA
and LHP). The protective ability of the extract may be linked to polyphenolic
compounds in the leaf extract.
RRJPTS| Volume 9 | Issue 5 | September 2021
nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) was obtained from Sigma Aldrich, USA. All other reagents used were of analytical grade.
Plant material
Holarrhena oribunda leaves were collected in Ogbomoso during the raining season of June, 2019 and authenticated by a
botanist at the Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo
State, Nigeria. The leaves were air-dried at ambient temperature for two weeks, after which they were pulverized and kept in a
cool dry place until ready for use.
Preparation of plant extract
Powdered leaves (100 g) of Holarrhena oribunda were soaked in 3 litres of 70% methanol and agitated vigorously. The mixture
was allowed to stand for 72 hr in the dark with intermittent agitation, and then ltered using Whatman (No. 1) lter paper. The
ltrate was concentrated, until dryness using a rotary evaporator at a temperature of 40 C. The obtained solid crude extract was
stored in the refrigerator until ready to use for the preparation of test solution.
Preparation of administered extract
The leaf extract (10 g) of Holarrhena oribunda was dissolved rst in 1 ml DMSO and made up with 9 ml distilled water as stock
concentration. The subsequent working concentrations were further dissolved in distilled water to make 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/
kg body weight. The nal concentration of DMSO for the working concentration was 1%.
Experimental animals, groupings and protocols
Thirty-six male Wistar rats averagely weighing 200 g were obtained from the Animal House of College of Health Sciences,
LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The animals were handled and treated based on our Institution's guidelines on ethics
and conducts for handling experimental animals which conforms to the international standards. They were housed in cages under
standard laboratory conditions of light (12 hr-light/12 hr-dark cycle), fed with normal rat pellets and water ad-libitum and allowed
to acclimatize over a period of two weeks. The animals were randomly divided into six groups with six animals each, namely A, B,
C, D, E and F. The various groups received corresponding treatments has shown in Table 1 below.
Preparation of Tissues Homogenates and Blood Serum
The experimental animals were sacriced after 24 hr of the last administration period using mild anaesthesia (ketamine
hydrochloride (30 mg/kg b.w)). The animals were carefully open and the blood was drained from the heart using a syringe (heart
puncturing). The spleen, heart and testis were excised and thoroughly washed in washing buffer to remove the haemoglobin
which may inhibit the activity of enzymes. All these procedures were carried out at 4ºC. The organs (1 g) were homogenized in
9 ml of homogenizing buffer using Teon head Homogenizer under ice to preserve enzyme activities. The homogenates were
centrifuged at 9000 rpm for 10 min to obtain supernatants as post-mitochondrial fractions and stored in aliquot at 4ºC. The blood
was collected in the small plain sample bottle and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min to collect serum. The serum collected was
stored at 4ºC for further biochemical analysis.
Biochemical Parameters
Serum and tissue total proteins were determined according to the Biuret method of Burtis and Ashwood [12] while quantitative
determination of Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were determined using solid phase Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
(ELISA) designed to measure TNF-α in cell culture supernatant, serum and plasma. This assay employs the quantitative sandwich
enzyme immunoassay technique with an antibody specic for TNF-α pre-coated onto a micro plate using Ray Biotech diagnostic
(Norcross, GA) kits based on the principle of the interaction between antibody and antigen to quantify the TNF-α in the serum [13].
Serum creatinine [14] and urea [15] were evaluated following the methods as described in the Randox kit. Also, the spleen, heart
and testicular homogenates were used to study antioxidant enzymes and oxidative product of macromolecule; Determination of
reduced glutathione (GSH) concentration was done using the method described by Anderson [16] while superoxide dismutase (SOD)
activity was determined by the methods of Misra and Fridovich [17]. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was estimated spectrophotometrically
by thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS) as described in the procedure of Varshney and Kale [18].
Statistical protocol
The results were reported as means ± SD of six animals in each treatment group. Data were analyzed using One-Way analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s post hoc analysis using GraphPad Prism version 6.05 for Windows (GraphPad Software, La
Groups Treatments
A Distilled water (control)
B5 mg/ Sodium arsenite only
C 100 mg/ extract only
D 100 mg/ extract and sodium arsenite
E 200 mg/ extract only
F 200 mg/ extract and sodium arsenite
Table 1. Animal Treatment Groups.
RRJPTS| Volume 9 | Issue 5 | September 2021
Jolla California, USA. www.graphpad. The value of P<.05 was considered statistically signicant.
Arsenic (As) has inherent toxicology potential to initiate oxidative stress in the tissues of arsenic-exposed human with profound
health consequences [19]. The oxidative stress instigates either reversible or irreversible damage to several target organs and
bio-molecules [20]. It also restricts cellular activity essential for specic membrane function and gene expression [21]. Enzymatic
and non-enzymatic antioxidant system is a natural defense mechanism that counteracts deteriorating effects posed by metal-
induced radical toxicity [22]. Interestingly, bioactive ingredients obtained from many plants have been established to contain
vital constituents that can ameliorate and protects against metal-induced oxidative stress toxicity. Hence, this work investigated
anti-inammatory and anti-oxidative roles of a methanol leaf extract of Holarrhena oribunda in sodium arsenite-induced tissue
oxidative stress in rats.
Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α), a known intercellular chemical messenger or cytokine produced by various blood cells is
responsible for vital regulation of the body’s immune response [23]. The signicant (P<0.05) increase in the serum TNF-α level
(Table 2) in Group B (Sodium arsenite only) was also manifested in the groups exposed to the extract only (Group C and E). The
presence of both sodium arsenite and the extract (Groups D and F) signicantly depressed the levels of serum TNF-α. This result
is in consonant with the in vitro study of Hedayati and Co that reported increase secretion of TNF-α in the presence of Daphne
mucronata extract [24]. Plant extract with immunopotenting component has been shown to have prophylactic action against
development of mammary tumours in mice [25]. The decrease in levels of serum TNF-α of both groups exposed to sodium
arsenite and the extract could also be attributed to the anti-inammatory effects of crude methanolic extract of Holarrhena
oribunda leaves [25]. Signicant reduction of sodium arsenite-induced increase in the levels of serum creatinine and urea
indicated nephro-protective potential of the extract [26].
Data were expressed as Mean ± standard deviation. Values with different superscripts along the same rows were signicantly
different (P<0.05). Group A (distilled water only), Group B (Sodium arsenite only), Group C (100 mg/kg extract), Group D (100
mg/kg extract and Sodium arsenite), Group E (200 mg/kg extract alone) and Group F (200 mg/kg extract and Sodium arsenite).
Among the different intracellular substrates altered in the presence of arsenic is a water soluble sulfur-containing tripeptide
known as reduced glutathione (GSH). The availability and reducing potential of this molecule in aerobic organisms is linked to
its thiol group of cysteinyl residue [27]. The signicant (P<0.05) reduction in GSH levels in spleen and testis of rats of Group B
(Animal treated with Sodium arsenite only) when compared with the control group. Contrarily, insignicantly reduction of the
heart GSH level was observed in the group treated with sodium arsenite only (Table 3). The observed reductions in GSH levels
could be attributed to either increase free radical generation or the used up of the molecule and reduce the synthesis of the
same. This consequently may lead to a decreased antioxidant capacity of cells, a process which contributes to the oxidative
damage of tissues [26]. The exposure of rats with the extract and sodium arsenites protected the spleen and testes of rats by
reversing sodium arsenites-induced decrease in splenetic and testicular GSH levels. This result attests to the efcacy of the crude
methanolic extract as a booster of the rat antioxidant status challenged with sodium arsenite toxicity. The action of the extract is
probably due to its bioactive component's ability to weaken sodium arsenites binding afnity to a sulphridyl group of GSH [28].
Glutathione peroxidases (GPx) are a group of enzymes that are ubiquitously present in mammals and play active roles in cells of
different tissues that are highly susceptible to oxidant effect [29,30]. Reduced activity of GPx may be responsible for the oxidative
modication of biomolecules caused by continuous accumulation of noxiously toxic products [31]. The results as presented in
Table 3 showed that the exposure of rats to sodium arsenite demonstrated signicant (P<0.05) reduction in glutathione peroxidase
activity in the testis. The oral administration of methanolic extract of Holarrhena oribunda leaves essentially elevated the activity
of GPx in the testis amid arsenite-induced oxidative stress toxicity in rats. This result is similar to the reports of Ugbaja and Co [32]
and which reinforces the capacity of the leaf extract capacity to ameliorate metal-induced testicular enzymes derangements [26].
The insignicant (P>0.05) reduction in GPx levels observed in spleen and heart of rats exposed to sodium arsenite only might
either be due to the concentration of the toxicant or its effect required more time to be signicant in the tissues.
Similarly, this study shows that sodium arsenites decreased the activities of SOD in the testis and heart tissues (Table 3). SOD is
considered the rst line of defence against deleterious effects of oxyradicals in the cell by catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide
anion radicals to H2O2 and GPx converts H2O2 to water by oxidation of GSH [33,34]. The result of this study corroborated previous
studies indicating compromising potential of arsenic compounds against antioxidant defence system [35]. Sodium arsenites-
mediated alterations in heart and testis SOD activities may be linked to elevated level of oxidative stress induced by sodium
arsenites [26]. The methanol leaves extract ameliorated oxidative stress in the testis and heart tissues by protecting the sodium
arsenite-induced reduction of SOD activity. The disgruntle effects of sodium arsenite marred by the extract might be due to the
presence of polyphenolic compounds present in the leaves as previously reported [11] . The cellular constituents of many bio-
membranes are susceptible to oxidative cleavage by free radicals. The action of these reactive radicals directly triggers cell damage
Serum A B C D E F
TNF-α (pg/ml) 21.78±12.08 35.38±3.87 36.91±17.91 25.23±9.36 31.19±21.19 27.44±4.77
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.01±0.07 35.38±3.87 0.99±0.07 0.86±0.02 0.81±0.10 0.87±0.12
Urea (mg/dl) 56.33±6.85 72.47±12.98 57.73±6.59 43.66±3.93 53.45±8.33 47.71±3.99
Table 2. Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-α) in Holarrhena oribunda treated sodium arsenite-induced rats.
RRJPTS| Volume 9 | Issue 5 | September 2021
by covalently binding to bio-molecules in a reaction that encourages lipid peroxidation [36] and implicated in many degenerative
diseases such as neurodegenerative, carcinogenesis, inammation and aging [37]. The degradation of lipid components of most
membrane during lipid peroxidation generate different aldehyde secondary products, among which include malondialdehyde
(MDA) and lipid hydro-peroxides an easily accessible biomarker of lipid peroxidation [38]. The result showed that sodium arsenites
induced signicant increases in MDA and lipid hydro peroxides levels in the spleen, testis and heart of rats (Table 3). The induction
in MDA and LHP levels may be attributed to increased oxidative damage to lipid membrane components by harmful effect of
sodium arsenites due to increased production of ROS/RNS [39]. A decrease in cellular GSH level has been shown to be inversely
correlated with elevated lipid peroxides formation observed in this study [21]. However, the increase in MDA and hydro peroxide
in the group treated with sodium arsenite only was obviated in the presence of the extract, which indicates its protective potential
Values were expressed as mean± SD. Values with different superscript along the same row are signicantly different (P<0.05).
Group A (Distilled water only), Group B (Sodium arsenite only), Group C (100 mg/kg extract), Group D (100 mg/kg extract and
Sodium arsenite ), Group E (200 mg/kg extract alone) and Group F (200 mg/kg extract and Sodium arsenite). ND (not determined);
GSH (reduced glutathione); Gpx (glutathione peroxidase); SOD (superoxide dismutase); MDA (malondialdehyde); LHP (lipid hydro
This study established that the antioxidant potential of Holarrhena oribunda leaf extract to ameliorate sodium arsenites-induced
oxidative stress in tissues. These results also suggest Holarrhena oribunda leaves can be of value as an effective agent to
protect against metal-induced toxicity.
The authors declare no conict of interest.
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Tissues Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F
GSH Spleen 1.8±0.20a1.1±0.60c2.5±0.60a2.4±0.80a2.2±0.80a2.3±1.00a
Testis 0.04±0.01a0.02±0.01b0.04±0.01a0.05±0.02a0.04±0.01a0.04±0.02a
Heart 4.2±0.71a3.9±0.32a3.8±0.25a4.0±0.16a3.7±0.37a4.0±0.54a
GPx Spleen 2.2±0.70a2.1±0.70a2.2±1.00a2.30±1.10a2.9±1.20a2.9±1.20a
Testis 24.80±4.53a14.60±2.58b24.60±1.50a25.20±4.90a29.80±4.17a24.80±4.53a
Heart 2.3±0.34 2.0±0.32 2.0±0.23 2.1±0.14 2.1±0.17 2.2±0.03
Testis 3.37±1.05a1.27±0.05b2.85±0.75a3.27±0.96a2.86±1.48a3.28±0.72a
Heart 89.0±25.00 48.5±13.70 61.8±13.00 3.27±0.96a70.1±40.6 75.1±26.00
MDA Spleen 20.3±7.8a26.6±8.1b17.1±2.0a22.5±4.8a21.1±3.4a16.6±3.5a
Testis 20.00±0.40a34.00±0.90b26.00±0.40 23.00±0.60a25.00±0.50a19.00±0.50a
Heart 58.90±3.53 97.00±3.63 33.80±1.53 78.40±5.31 30.40±1.35 58.00±3.24
LHP Spleen 2.40±0.60a4.30±0.90b2.70±0.90a2.80±0.70a2.80±0.80a2.60±1.01a
Heart 3.00±0.32 2.40±0.28 2.50±0.43 2.60±0.46 2.20±0.15 2.30±0.20
Table 3. Effects of methanol leaf extract of Holarrhena oribunda on reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidative enzyme parameters (SOD and GPx),
lipid peroxidation (MDA) and lipid hydro peroxide (LHP) in spleen, testis and heart of rats.
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Full-text available
Arsenicosis remains a global health concern due to devastating health effects. Clerodendrum volubile and vernonia amygdalina have tremendous bioactivities against oxidative stress-related diseases. The study, therefore, appraised the effects of flavonoids fractions from C. volubile and V. amygdalina (FCV and FVA respectively) against arsenic-induced oxidative stress in rats. Thirty male Wistar rats (120 ± 10 g) were divided into six groups of five each; Control (distilled water), arsenic alone (40 ppm sodium arsenite), arsenic + FCV (100 mg/kg), arsenic + FVA (100 mg/kg), arsenic + FCV and FVA (50 mg/kg each), and arsenic + vitamin C (100 mg/kg). The treatment commenced after four-week long arsenic exposure and lasted another four weeks. Blood, liver and kidneys of the rats were collected after sacrifice following an overnight fast. Arsenic caused significant (p<0.05) reductions in the total thiols levels in the plasma, liver, and kidneys, as well as the lowering of catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities. Contrariwise, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide levels, as well as superoxide dismutase activities increased in the non-treated arsenic exposed group. FCV and FVA, both singly or in combination, abrogated the oxidative stress indices and enhanced the antioxidant species in the treated groups. Groups treated with vitamin C also showed improved antioxidant status with concomitant reductions in oxidative stress markers. This study concludes that flavonoids fractions from C. volubile and V. amygdalina could be a viable weapon against arsenic-induced hepato-renal oxidative stress in rats.
Full-text available
Maintenance of cellular redox control is pivotal for normal cellular functions and cell fate decisions including cell death. Among the key cellular redox systems in mammals, the glutathione peroxidase (GPX) family of proteins is the largest conferring multifaceted functions and affecting virtually all cellular processes. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident GPXs, designated as GPX7 and GPX8, are the most recently added members of this family of enzymes. Recent studies have provided exciting insights how both enzymes support critical processes of the ER including oxidative protein folding, maintenance of ER redox control by eliminating H 2 O 2 , and preventing palmitic acid-induced lipotoxicity. Consequently, numerous pathological conditions, such as neurodegeneration, cancer and metabolic diseases have been linked with altered GPX7 and GPX8 expression. Studies in mice have demonstrated that loss of GPX7 leads to increased differentiation of preadipocytes, increased tumorigenesis and shortened lifespan. By contrast, GPX8 deficiency in mice results in enhanced caspase-4/11 activation and increased endotoxic shock in colitis model. With the increasing recognition that both types of enzymes are dysregulated in various tumor entities in man, we deem a review of the emerging roles played by GPX7 and GPX8 in health and disease development timely and appropriate.
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Aging is the progressive loss of organ and tissue function over time. Growing older is positively linked to cognitive and biological degeneration such as physical frailty, psychological impairment, and cognitive decline. Oxidative stress is considered as an imbalance between pro- and antioxidant species, which results in molecular and cellular damage. Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the development of age-related diseases. Emerging research evidence has suggested that antioxidant can control the autoxidation by interrupting the propagation of free radicals or by inhibiting the formation of free radicals and subsequently reduce oxidative stress, improve immune function, and increase healthy longevity. Indeed, oxidation damage is highly dependent on the inherited or acquired defects in enzymes involved in the redox-mediated signaling pathways. Therefore, the role of molecules with antioxidant activity that promote healthy aging and counteract oxidative stress is worth to discuss further. Of particular interest in this article, we highlighted the molecular mechanisms of antioxidants involved in the prevention of age-related diseases. Taken together, a better understanding of the role of antioxidants involved in redox modulation of inflammation would provide a useful approach for potential interventions, and subsequently promoting healthy longevity.
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The present study was conducted to investigate the protective effects of hesperidin (HSP) against sodium arsenite (SA)-induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity in rats. Thirty-five male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into five groups as follows: control, HSP, SA, SA + HSP 100, and SA + HSP 200. Rats were orally gavaged with SA (10 mg/kg body weight) and HSP (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) for 15 days. SA increased oxidative damage by decreasing antioxidant enzyme activities, such as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione (GSH) level and increasing malondialdehyde (MDA) level in the kidney and liver tissues. In addition, it increased serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities and serum urea and creatinine levels. Furthermore, SA caused inflammation, apoptosis, and oxidative DNA damage by increasing tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), cysteine aspartate-specific protease-3 (caspase-3), and 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels in the kidney and liver tissues and by increasing liver p53 and kidney interleukin-6 (IL-6) expressions. In other words, HSP administration reduced apoptosis, oxidative stress, inflammation, and oxidative DNA damage significantly in SA-induced kidney and liver tissues depending on dose. In this study, it was seen that HSP showed a protective effect against SA-induced kidney and liver toxicity.
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Formation of atherosclerotic plaques is the major cause of coronary artery disease (CAD). Several lines of study have revealed the role of oxidative stress in CAD pathogenesis. In the present study the aim was to investigate the oxidative and antioxidative markers in CAD patients and a control population. The study sample comprised of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients, chronic CAD patients and healthy controls (n=30/group). Blood samples of patients and control subjects were collected to measure the concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) and the percentage of MDA release as well as the activity of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of plasma. All parameters were measured by spectrophotometric methods. Additionally, oxidant/antioxidant status was compared between CAD patients with single, double or triple-vessel stenosis and in comparison with controls. The results indicated a significant increase in MDA level and the percentage of MDA release (P<0.05), and a marked decrease in GSH concentration (P<0.0001), TAC (P<0.0001) and the activity of erythrocyte GPx (P<0.0001) in the patient groups compared controls. ACS patients exhibited a similar pattern of data when compared with the chronic CAD group. Similar results were also observed when chronic CAD patients with single, double or triple vessel stenosis and controls were compared. The present study indicates that the acute form of CAD is more susceptible to oxidative damage, suggesting that use of antioxidant therapy may be warranted to ameliorate oxidative stress in this condition.
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Cytokine dysregulation is believed to play a key role in the remodeling of the immune system at older age, with evidence pointing to an inability to fine-control systemic inflammation, which seems to be a marker of unsuccessful aging. This reshaping of cytokine expression pattern, with a progressive tendency toward a pro-inflammatory phenotype has been called “inflamm-aging.” Despite research there is no clear understanding about the causes of “inflamm-aging” that underpin most major age-related diseases, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and aging itself. While inflammation is part of the normal repair response for healing, and essential in keeping us safe from bacterial and viral infections and noxious environmental agents, not all inflammation is good. When inflammation becomes prolonged and persists, it can become damaging and destructive. Several common molecular pathways have been identified that are associated with both aging and low-grade inflammation. The age-related change in redox balance, the increase in age-related senescent cells, the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) and the decline in effective autophagy that can trigger the inflammasome, suggest that it may be possible to delay age-related diseases and aging itself by suppressing pro-inflammatory molecular mechanisms or improving the timely resolution of inflammation. Conversely there may be learning from molecular or genetic pathways from long-lived cohorts who exemplify good quality aging. Here, we will discuss some of the current ideas and highlight molecular pathways that appear to contribute to the immune imbalance and the cytokine dysregulation, which is associated with “inflammageing” or parainflammation. Evidence of these findings will be drawn from research in cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurological inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.
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Arsenic consumption through drinking water is a worldwide major health problem. Management of arsenic intoxication with invasive, painful therapy using metal chelators is usually used as a conventional treatment strategy in human. In this present study, we examined the efficacy of oral administration of N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC) in limiting arsenic-mediated female reproductive disorders and oxidative stress in female Wistar rats. The treatment was continued for 8 days (2 estrus cycles) on rats with sodium arsenite (10 mg/Kg body weight) orally. We examined the electrozymographic imprint of three different enzymatic antioxidants in uterine tissue. Rats fed with sodium arsenite exhibited a significant lessening in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Uterine DNA breakage, necrosis, ovarian and uterine tissue damage, disruption in steroidogenesis were also found in arsenic treated rats. Co-administration of NAC at different doses (50 mg/kg body weight, 100 mg/kg body weight, respectively) significantly reversed the action of uterine oxidative stress markers like malondialdehyde (MDA), conjugated dienes (CD) and non protein soluble thiol (NPSH); and noticeably improved antioxidant status of the arsenic fed rats. This ultimately resulted in the uterine tissue repairing followed by improvement of ovarian steroidogenesis. However, this effective function of NAC might be crucial for the restoration of arsenic-induced female reproductive organ damage in rats.
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Arsenic is a potent cardiovascular toxin associated with numerous biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases in exposed human populations. Arsenic is also a carcinogen, yet, arsenic trioxide is used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of acute promyelotic leukemia (APL). The therapeutic use of arsenic is limited due to its severe cardiovascular side effects. Many of the toxic effects of arsenic are mediated by mitochondrial dysfunction and related to arsenic’s effect on oxidative stress. Therefore, we investigated the effectiveness of antioxidants against arsenic induced cardiovascular dysfunction. A growing body of evidence suggests that antioxidant phytonutrients may ameliorate the toxic effects of arsenic on mitochondria by scavenging free radicals. This review identifies 21 antioxidants that can effectively reverse mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in cardiovascular cells and tissues. In addition, we propose that antioxidants have the potential to improve the cardiovascular health of millions of people chronically exposed to elevated arsenic concentrations through contaminated water supplies or used to treat certain types of leukemias. Importantly, we identify conceptual gaps in research and development of new mito-protective antioxidants and suggest avenues for future research to improve bioavailability of antioxidants and distribution to target tissues in order reduce arsenic-induced cardiovascular toxicity on a real-world context.
The environmental hazards of arsenic (As) and copper (Cu) contamination have swept through quite a few districts worldwide. Whereas, molecular mechanisms involved in As- and Cu-induced immunotoxicity in Gallus gallus bursa of Fabricius (BF) are complex and elusive. Male Hy-line chickens were exposed to arsenic trioxide (As2O3; 30 mg/kg) and copper sulfate (CuSO4; 300 mg/kg) alone or in combination, respectively, to examine the potential ecotoxicity of them. The ions homeostasis and BF index of chicken had distinct changes after As or/and Cu exposure. Moreover, As or/and Cu treatment significantly increased the MDA content and NOS activity, and simultaneously resulted in reductions in CAT and AHR activities. Subsequently, it was further exhibited up-regulations of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), inflammatory mediators and pro-inflammation cytokines accompanied by depletion of anti-inflammatory cytokines and severe pathological conditions. Moreover, decreased ratio of IFN-γ/IL-4 and increased level of IL-17 illustrated an imbalance of the immune response. Meanwhile, incremental mRNA transcription and protein levels of heat shock proteins (HSPs) alleviated toxicity caused by As or/and Cu. Importantly, exposure to both contaminants significantly soared the BF injury in comparison with exposure to As or Cu alone. All these results illustrated that exposure to As2O3 or/and CuSO4 elicited BF tissue damage and ions changes, and its severity was associated with prolonged persistence of oxidative damage, accompanied by a dysregulated immune response which played a vital role in inflammatory injury. Additionally, combined management of As2O3 and CuSO4 could exacerbate BF injury.
Aim Arsenic is an important toxic chemical affecting millions of people around the world. Exposure to inorganic arsenic results in various health problems including skin lesions, hypertension, hematological disturbance, cardiovascular disease, spleen enlargement and cancer. Gallic acid (GA) is an important phenolic compound possessing various pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities. The present study investigated effects of GA against sodium arsenite (SA)-induced spleno-, cardio- and hemato-toxicity. Main methods Thirty-five adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups; group I received normal saline (2 ml/kg/day, p.o.) for 21 days, group II received SA (10 mg/kg/day, p.o.) for 14 days, group III and IV were treated with GA (10 and 30 mg/kg/day, respectively) for 7 days prior to receive SA and treatment was continued up to 21 days in parallel with SA administration, group V received GA (30 mg/kg/day, p.o.) for 21 days. The level of MDA, NO and glutathione (GSH) and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase were measured in heart and spleen tissues. Creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) activity and hematological and histopathological parameters were also assessed. Key findings GA significantly decreased SA-induced elevation of MDA and NO levels and reduction of GSH level and GPx and SOD activity in heart and spleen tissues. Furthermore, GA improved SA-induced alteration in hematological and histopathological parameters and reduced SA-induced elevation of serum CK-MB activity. Significance Our results suggest that GA inhibits SA-induced spleno-, cardio- and hemato-toxicity through reducing oxidative stress.