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International EV policies: A comparative review of strategies in the United States and Nigeria for promoting electric vehicles



This paper provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of the strategies employed by the United States and Nigeria in promoting electric vehicles (EVs) within their respective national contexts. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, EVs have emerged as a pivotal component in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Drawing upon a range of scholarly literature, governmental reports, and policy documents, this study examines the policy frameworks, incentives, and challenges faced by both countries in fostering the adoption of EVs. In the United States, a diverse array of federal, state, and local initiatives have been implemented to incentivize EV adoption, including tax credits, rebates, infrastructure investments, and regulatory mandates. Moreover, collaborations between the government, industry stakeholders, and research institutions have facilitated technological advancements and market growth in the EV sector. However, challenges such as range anxiety, high upfront costs, and inadequate charging infrastructure continue to impede widespread adoption. Conversely, Nigeria, while grappling with its own set of socio-economic and infrastructural challenges, has exhibited a nascent interest in promoting EVs as part of its broader sustainable development agenda. Despite lacking a comprehensive national policy framework, various initiatives such as tax exemptions, import duty waivers, and pilot projects have been introduced to stimulate EV uptake. Moreover, Nigeria's abundant renewable energy resources offer a promising opportunity for leveraging EVs to enhance energy security and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Nevertheless, significant barriers such as limited infrastructure, affordability constraints, and institutional capacity gaps pose formidable obstacles to scaling up EV adoption in the country. By juxtaposing the experiences of the United States and Nigeria, this study contributes valuable insights into the diverse approaches and lessons learned in crafting effective international EV policies amidst varying socio-economic contexts. Through a nuanced understanding of the policy landscape, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers can identify strategies for overcoming barriers and accelerating the transition towards a sustainable transportation paradigm.
*Corresponding author: Munachi Chikodili Ugwu
Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
International EV policies: A comparative review of strategies in the United States and
Nigeria for promoting electric vehicles
Munachi Chikodili Ugwu 1, * and Adefolake Olachi Adewusi 2
1 Energy and Environmental law and policy, Georgetown University law center Washington, DC, United States of America.
2 Independent Researcher, Ohio, USA.
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
Publication history: Received on 21 February 2024; revised on 31 March 2024; accepted on 03 April 2024
Article DOI:
This paper provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of the strategies employed by the United States and Nigeria
in promoting electric vehicles (EVs) within their respective national contexts. As the world shifts towards sustainable
energy solutions, EVs have emerged as a pivotal component in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating
climate change. Drawing upon a range of scholarly literature, governmental reports, and policy documents, this study
examines the policy frameworks, incentives, and challenges faced by both countries in fostering the adoption of EVs. In
the United States, a diverse array of federal, state, and local initiatives have been implemented to incentivize EV
adoption, including tax credits, rebates, infrastructure investments, and regulatory mandates. Moreover, collaborations
between the government, industry stakeholders, and research institutions have facilitated technological advancements
and market growth in the EV sector. However, challenges such as range anxiety, high upfront costs, and inadequate
charging infrastructure continue to impede widespread adoption. Conversely, Nigeria, while grappling with its own set
of socio-economic and infrastructural challenges, has exhibited a nascent interest in promoting EVs as part of its broader
sustainable development agenda. Despite lacking a comprehensive national policy framework, various initiatives such
as tax exemptions, import duty waivers, and pilot projects have been introduced to stimulate EV uptake. Moreover,
Nigeria's abundant renewable energy resources offer a promising opportunity for leveraging EVs to enhance energy
security and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Nevertheless, significant barriers such as limited infrastructure,
affordability constraints, and institutional capacity gaps pose formidable obstacles to scaling up EV adoption in the
country. By juxtaposing the experiences of the United States and Nigeria, this study contributes valuable insights into
the diverse approaches and lessons learned in crafting effective international EV policies amidst varying socio-economic
contexts. Through a nuanced understanding of the policy landscape, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and
researchers can identify strategies for overcoming barriers and accelerating the transition towards a sustainable
transportation paradigm.
Keyword: Electric Vehicles; Transportation; Tax Exemption; USA; Nigeria; Policy
1. Introduction
Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a crucial component in the global pursuit of sustainable transportation
solutions. With concerns over climate change and air pollution on the rise, the transition from traditional internal
combustion engine vehicles to EVs represents a significant step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
enhancing energy efficiency (Llopis-Albert, et al., 2021; Sovacool, et al., 2019; Usman, et al., 2024). EVs offer numerous
advantages, including lower emissions, reduced reliance on fossil fuels, and potential cost savings over the long term.
As such, understanding the policies and strategies aimed at promoting EV adoption becomes paramount in fostering a
more sustainable transportation ecosystem (Zhang, and Fujimori, 2020; Henderson, 2020; Newman, et al., 2017).
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
This paper aims to undertake a comparative review of the strategies employed by two distinct nations, the United States
and Nigeria, in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles within their respective contexts. The choice of these two
countries for comparison is particularly pertinent due to their differing socio-economic backgrounds, infrastructural
capabilities, and energy landscapes. While the United States represents a technologically advanced nation with a mature
EV market and robust policy framework, Nigeria presents a contrasting case characterized by emerging economic
development, infrastructural challenges, and a nascent interest in electric mobility (Zhang, et al., 2014; Kumar, and Alok,
2020; Ogunkunbi, et al. 2022).
.By juxtaposing the EV policies and strategies of these two nations, this study seeks to uncover valuable insights into the
diverse approaches taken towards promoting sustainable transportation solutions. Moreover, the comparative analysis
will shed light on the effectiveness of various policy interventions in addressing common challenges such as
infrastructure development, technological innovation, and socio-economic barriers to EV adoption. Through this
examination, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the
opportunities and obstacles associated with promoting electric vehicles in different national contexts.
Despite the growing interest in EV policies globally, there remains a notable research gap in comparative studies that
analyze the specific strategies and outcomes of EV promotion efforts in diverse socio-economic settings. This paper
seeks to address this gap by providing a detailed examination of the policies and initiatives undertaken by the United
States and Nigeria, thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of international EV policy frameworks and
their implications for sustainable transportation development.
2. Overview and Background
The global transportation sector stands at a critical juncture, facing mounting challenges such as climate change, air
pollution, and energy security (Ukoba et al., 2024; Oviroh et al., 2023). In response to these pressing issues, the adoption
of electric vehicles (EVs) has emerged as a pivotal strategy towards achieving sustainable transportation systems. EVs,
powered by electricity stored in batteries, offer a cleaner alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles,
significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. As governments, industries, and
societies worldwide increasingly recognize the importance of transitioning towards cleaner modes of transportation,
understanding the policies and strategies aimed at promoting EV adoption becomes imperative (Liu, et al., 201; Usman,
et al., 2024).
The United States and Nigeria represent contrasting case studies in the global landscape of EV promotion. In the United
States, EV adoption has gained significant traction, driven by a combination of federal, state, and local initiatives aimed
at incentivizing EV purchases, expanding charging infrastructure, and fostering technological innovation. With a well-
established automotive industry, robust research and development capabilities, and a growing awareness of
environmental issues, the United States has emerged as a leader in the global EV market. However, challenges such as
range anxiety, high upfront costs, and infrastructure gaps continue to hinder widespread EV adoption across the country
(Priessner, et al., 2018; Broadbent, et al., 2019; Ebirim, et al., 2024).
Conversely, Nigeria presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities in promoting EVs within its national context.
As Africa's most populous country and largest economy, Nigeria grapples with infrastructural deficits, socio-economic
disparities, and dependence on fossil fuel exports. Despite these challenges, Nigeria has shown a nascent interest in
transitioning towards electric mobility as part of its broader sustainable development agenda. With abundant
renewable energy resources, including solar and hydroelectric power, Nigeria holds significant potential for leveraging
EVs to enhance energy security and reduce emissions (Ukoba et al., 2019). However, limited infrastructure, affordability
constraints, and institutional capacity gaps pose formidable obstacles to scaling up EV adoption in the country
(Oriekhoe, et al., 2024; Udeh, et al., 2024).
Against this backdrop, a comparative review of EV policies and strategies in the United States and Nigeria offers valuable
insights into the diverse approaches and lessons learned in promoting electric mobility within different socio-economic
contexts. By examining the policy frameworks, incentives, challenges, and outcomes of EV promotion efforts in these
two nations, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of international EV policy development and its
implications for sustainable transportation transitions globally (Zhang, et al., 2014; Kumar, and Alok, 2020; Ogunkunbi,
et al. 2022).
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
2.1 Policy Framework in the United States
The United States stands at the forefront of electric vehicle (EV) adoption globally, driven by a multi-faceted policy
framework that operates at federal, state, and local levels. At the federal level, the government has implemented a range
of initiatives aimed at incentivizing EV adoption, fostering technological innovation, and expanding charging
infrastructure. These efforts are complemented by state-level regulations and incentives, which vary significantly across
the country, reflecting diverse regional priorities and market dynamics. Furthermore, local governments play a crucial
role in supporting EV deployment through zoning regulations, permitting processes, and the development of public
charging infrastructure. Together, these federal, state, and local policies form a comprehensive framework that has
contributed to the growth of the EV market in the United States (Bawa, and Nwohu, 2023; Shree, et al., 2024).
At the federal level, the U.S. government has pursued various initiatives to promote EV adoption and support the
development of a domestic EV industry. One of the most significant federal incentives is the Plug-In Electric Vehicle Tax
Credit, which provides a tax credit of up to $7,500 for the purchase of qualifying EVs. This tax credit has been
instrumental in making EVs more affordable for consumers and stimulating demand. Additionally, the federal
government has invested in research and development initiatives to advance EV technologies, improve battery
performance, and reduce costs. Programs such as the Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office and the
Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program have provided funding and support to EV manufacturers
and suppliers (Capuder, et al., 2020; Maghfiroh, et al., 2021).
State governments in the United States have also played a pivotal role in driving EV adoption through a variety of
regulations and incentives tailored to local market conditions. California, in particular, has been a leader in promoting
EVs, implementing stringent vehicle emissions standards and offering a suite of incentives to encourage EV adoption.
These incentives include rebates for EV purchases, access to high-occupancy vehicle lanes, and financial assistance for
the installation of home charging stations. Other states have followed California's lead, implementing their own
incentive programs and adopting zero-emission vehicle mandates to spur EV sales and reduce emissions (Ryghaug, and
Skjølsvold, 2023; Zimm, 2021; Kotilainen, et al., 2019).
Furthermore, local governments across the United States have taken proactive steps to support EV deployment within
their jurisdictions. Cities and municipalities have implemented zoning regulations to encourage the development of EV
charging infrastructure, including requirements for new construction projects to include charging stations. Local
governments have also streamlined permitting processes for the installation of charging stations and provided financial
incentives to businesses and property owners to install chargers. Additionally, many cities have launched public
education campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits of EVs and encourage residents to make the switch to electric
transportation (Narassimhan, and Johnson, 2018; Hall, and Lutsey, 2017).
In conclusion, the policy framework for promoting EV adoption in the United States is characterized by a combination
of federal, state, and local initiatives aimed at incentivizing consumers, supporting industry growth, and expanding
charging infrastructure. Through a coordinated approach that leverages the strengths of each level of government, the
United States has made significant strides in accelerating the transition to electric transportation and reducing
greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. However, challenges remain, including the need for continued
investment in infrastructure, addressing range anxiety, and ensuring equitable access to EVs for all communities
(Egieya, et al., 2023; Omotoye, et al., 2024).
2.2 Policy Framework in Nigeria
Nigeria, Africa's most populous country and largest economy, faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities in
promoting electric vehicle (EV) adoption within its national context (Meszaros, et al., 2021; Agyekum, et al., 2023). The
Nigerian government has recognized the importance of transitioning towards electric mobility as part of its broader
sustainable development agenda, driven by concerns over air pollution, energy security, and the need to diversify the
economy away from fossil fuels. While Nigeria's EV market is still in its infancy compared to more developed economies,
the government has implemented a range of initiatives at the national, regional, and local levels to support EV
deployment and infrastructure development (Orieno, et al., 2024; Ikwue, et al., 2024).
At the national level, the Nigerian government has introduced several initiatives and strategies aimed at promoting EV
adoption and fostering the growth of the electric vehicle industry. One of the key initiatives is the National Automotive
Industry Development Plan (NAIDP), which seeks to promote local manufacturing and assembly of vehicles, including
electric vehicles. Under the NAIDP, the government offers incentives such as tax breaks and import duty waivers for
companies that invest in the production of electric vehicles and related components. Additionally, the government has
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
launched pilot projects to test electric vehicles in urban areas and demonstrate their feasibility in the Nigerian context
(Makundi, 2018).
Regional and local governments in Nigeria also play a crucial role in supporting EV deployment through their
involvement in infrastructure development and regulatory oversight. Several states, including Lagos and Rivers, have
taken proactive steps to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles by implementing policies to promote EV charging
infrastructure, offering incentives for EV purchases, and supporting research and development initiatives. Local
governments have also collaborated with private sector partners to launch pilot projects and demonstration programs
to raise awareness about the benefits of electric mobility and showcase the potential for EVs to address local
transportation challenges.
However, Nigeria faces several unique challenges that could impede the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. One
of the primary challenges is the country's inadequate infrastructure, including a lack of charging stations and reliable
electricity supply. Addressing this challenge will require significant investment in charging infrastructure and grid
modernization to support the growing demand for electric vehicles. Additionally, affordability remains a barrier to EV
adoption for many Nigerians, as electric vehicles tend to be more expensive than conventional vehicles due to high
import tariffs and limited local manufacturing capacity. Furthermore, Nigeria's dependence on oil revenues presents a
paradoxical challenge for promoting electric vehicles, as the country is one of the world's largest producers and
exporters of crude oil. The transition away from fossil fuels towards electric mobility could potentially disrupt the
country's economy and lead to job losses in the oil and gas sector. However, embracing electric vehicles could also create
new economic opportunities, particularly in renewable energy development, manufacturing, and transportation
services (Osedeme, 2023).
In conclusion, Nigeria's policy framework for promoting electric vehicle adoption is still evolving, but the government
has taken significant steps to support the growth of the electric vehicle industry and address the country's unique
transportation challenges. By implementing a combination of national-level initiatives, regional partnerships, and local
pilot projects, Nigeria has laid the groundwork for a sustainable transportation future powered by electric mobility.
However, overcoming the challenges of infrastructure, affordability, and economic dependence on fossil fuels will
require continued investment, innovation, and collaboration between government, industry, and civil society
stakeholders (Agunbiade, and Siyan, 2020; Thompson, et al., 2022).
2.3 Comparative Analysis of Policy Approaches
In the global pursuit of sustainable transportation solutions, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has emerged as a
critical strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance energy security, and mitigate the impacts of climate
change (Hossain, et al., 2022). Governments around the world have implemented various policy approaches to promote
EV adoption within their respective national contexts. A comparative analysis of these policy approaches reveals both
similarities and contrasts in policy goals, objectives, strategies, and implementation methods.
Firstly, there are several similarities in the policy goals and objectives of countries promoting EV adoption. Across
different regions, governments aim to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, improve air quality, and stimulate economic
growth through the development of a domestic EV industry. Additionally, promoting technological innovation and
enhancing energy efficiency are common objectives shared by many countries. By transitioning to electric mobility,
governments seek to achieve long-term environmental sustainability while addressing pressing challenges such as
urban congestion and transportation-related emissions (Ihemereze, et al., 2024; Kester, et al., 2018).
However, despite these shared goals, there are notable contrasts in the strategies and implementation methods adopted
by different countries. One key distinction lies in the level of government involvement and the degree of centralization
in policy formulation and implementation. In some countries, such as China, the government plays a highly centralized
role in shaping EV policy, with top-down directives driving investment in EV infrastructure, research and development,
and consumer incentives. Conversely, in countries like the United States, EV policy is more decentralized, with federal,
state, and local governments each playing distinct roles in promoting EV adoption.
Furthermore, there are differences in the types of incentives and regulations implemented to stimulate EV uptake. While
tax incentives, rebates, and subsidies are commonly used to reduce the upfront cost of EVs and incentivize consumer
purchases, the specific design and magnitude of these incentives vary widely across countries. For example, Norway
offers generous tax exemptions and financial incentives for EV buyers, contributing to one of the highest EV adoption
rates globally. In contrast, countries like India have focused on regulatory measures such as fuel efficiency standards
and emission norms to incentivize automakers to produce EVs and reduce the environmental impact of the
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
transportation sector. Moreover, there are disparities in the pace and scale of infrastructure development to support
EV deployment. Countries with well-developed charging infrastructure networks, such as the Netherlands and Sweden,
have seen higher EV adoption rates compared to those with limited charging infrastructure. Government investment in
charging infrastructure, public-private partnerships, and innovative financing mechanisms are critical factors
influencing the accessibility and convenience of EV charging, thereby shaping consumer perceptions and adoption
behavior. Additionally, cultural and socio-economic factors influence consumer preferences and attitudes towards
electric mobility, leading to variations in EV market dynamics and adoption patterns. In countries with high levels of
environmental awareness and a strong preference for sustainable lifestyles, such as Germany and Japan, EVs have
gained broader acceptance among consumers. Conversely, in emerging markets with lower purchasing power and
limited awareness of EV technology, affordability and education campaigns are essential to overcoming barriers to
adoption (Adaga, et al., 2024; Addy, et al., 2024).
In conclusion, a comparative analysis of policy approaches to promoting electric vehicle adoption reveals both
commonalities and differences across countries. While countries share similar goals of reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, enhancing energy security, and fostering economic development through electric mobility, the strategies and
implementation methods employed vary significantly based on factors such as government structure, policy priorities,
market conditions, and cultural context. By examining these diverse approaches, policymakers, industry stakeholders,
and researchers can identify best practices, lessons learned, and opportunities for collaboration to accelerate the
transition towards a sustainable transportation future powered by electric mobility.
2.4 Incentives and Subsidies
Incentives and subsidies play a pivotal role in stimulating the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) by making them more
financially attractive to consumers and businesses. These incentives can take various forms, including tax credits,
rebates, exemptions, and import duty waivers, depending on the policy priorities and economic context of each country.
In this comparative analysis, we will examine the incentives and subsidies for EVs in the United States and Nigeria,
highlighting the impact of these measures on EV adoption rates and market dynamics (Zhang, et al., 2014; Bello, et al.,
In the United States, tax credits and rebates are the primary incentives used to encourage consumers to purchase
electric vehicles. The federal government offers a tax credit of up to $7,500 for the purchase of qualifying EVs, depending
on the battery capacity and vehicle's energy efficiency. This tax credit effectively reduces the upfront cost of an EV,
making it more affordable for consumers. Additionally, many states offer their own incentives, such as rebates or tax
credits, on top of the federal incentive. For example, California offers a rebate of up to $2,000 for the purchase or lease
of a new EV, further lowering the cost for consumers. Overall, these incentives can offset a significant percentage of the
purchase price of an electric vehicle, making them competitive with conventional gasoline-powered vehicles (Jenn, et
al., 2018; DaraOjimba, et al., 2023).
In Nigeria, tax exemptions and import duty waivers are used to incentivize the production and importation of electric
vehicles and related components. Under the National Automotive Industry Development Plan (NAIDP), the Nigerian
government offers tax breaks and import duty waivers for companies that invest in the local manufacturing and
assembly of electric vehicles. These incentives aim to stimulate domestic production and attract foreign investment in
the electric vehicle industry. Additionally, the government has introduced import duty waivers for fully assembled
electric vehicles to make them more affordable for consumers. For example, electric vehicles imported into Nigeria are
exempt from the 35% import duty typically imposed on imported vehicles, reducing the cost of EVs for consumers.
These incentives have the potential to significantly reduce the cost of electric vehicles and increase their affordability
in the Nigerian market (Meszaros, et al., 2021; Akindote, et al., 2023).
The impact of incentives and subsidies on EV adoption rates varies depending on the magnitude and duration of the
incentives, as well as other factors such as consumer awareness, infrastructure availability, and economic conditions.
In the United States, tax credits and rebates have been effective in stimulating EV adoption, particularly in states with
generous incentives and supportive policies. According to data from the U.S. Department of Energy, the federal tax credit
for EVs has contributed to a significant increase in EV sales since its introduction, with sales doubling in states with
higher tax incentives compared to states with lower incentives. Similarly, state-level incentives such as rebates and tax
credits have also been instrumental in driving EV adoption in states like California, where EV sales account for a
significant percentage of total vehicle sales.
In Nigeria, tax exemptions and import duty waivers have the potential to accelerate the growth of the electric vehicle
industry by making EVs more affordable and attractive to consumers. However, the impact of these incentives depends
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
on the availability of charging infrastructure, consumer awareness, and the overall economic environment. While tax
exemptions and import duty waivers can reduce the cost of EVs, other barriers such as limited charging infrastructure
and range anxiety may still hinder widespread adoption. Therefore, a comprehensive approach that addresses both
supply-side and demand-side barriers is essential to realizing the full potential of electric vehicles in Nigeria.
In conclusion, incentives and subsidies play a critical role in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles by reducing the
cost barrier and stimulating consumer demand. In the United States, tax credits and rebates have been effective in
driving EV adoption rates, while in Nigeria, tax exemptions and import duty waivers have the potential to accelerate the
growth of the electric vehicle industry. However, the success of these incentives depends on various factors, including
policy design, infrastructure development, consumer awareness, and economic conditions. By implementing well-
targeted incentives and subsidies, governments can incentivize the transition to electric mobility and contribute to a
more sustainable transportation future.
2.5 Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure development is a critical component of enabling the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and
transitioning towards a sustainable transportation system. This analysis will focus on charging infrastructure initiatives
in the United States and the challenges and opportunities for infrastructure development in Nigeria, examining the
current state of EV charging networks, investment trends, and the potential impact on EV adoption rates (Kene, et al.,
In the United States, significant efforts have been made to expand and improve EV charging infrastructure to meet the
growing demand for electric vehicles. Various stakeholders, including government agencies, utilities, automakers, and
private companies, have invested heavily in deploying charging stations across the country. According to the U.S.
Department of Energy, there are over 48,000 public charging stations and more than 118,000 charging outlets available
nationwide as of 2022. This represents a substantial increase from previous years, with the number of charging stations
nearly tripling since 2015.
One of the key initiatives driving charging infrastructure development in the United States is the Department of Energy's
Workplace Charging Challenge, which encourages employers to install EV charging stations at their workplaces.
Through this program, participating employers commit to providing charging access for their employees, visitors, and
customers, thereby increasing the convenience and accessibility of EV charging. Additionally, state governments have
implemented various incentive programs to support the deployment of charging infrastructure, including grants,
rebates, and low-interest loans for charging station installations.
Furthermore, private companies and electric utilities have played a significant role in expanding the EV charging
network through partnerships and investment initiatives. Companies like Tesla, ChargePoint, and EVgo have deployed
thousands of fast-charging stations along major highways and in urban areas, making long-distance travel feasible for
EV owners. Electric utilities have also invested in EV charging infrastructure as part of their efforts to support clean
energy adoption and grid modernization. These partnerships between public and private sectors have accelerated the
growth of the EV charging network and improved the overall accessibility and reliability of charging infrastructure
(Jensen, 2011; Ugwu, et al., 2021).
In Nigeria, the development of EV charging infrastructure is still in its early stages, presenting both challenges and
opportunities for growth. While the country has made strides in promoting electric mobility through policy incentives
and pilot projects, the lack of adequate charging infrastructure remains a significant barrier to widespread EV adoption.
As of 2022, there are only a handful of public charging stations in major cities like Lagos and Abuja, with limited coverage
in rural areas. This limited infrastructure availability poses challenges for EV owners, particularly in terms of range
anxiety and accessibility.
However, there are also opportunities for infrastructure development in Nigeria, driven by the country's abundant
renewable energy resources and growing interest in electric mobility. Nigeria boasts significant potential for solar and
wind energy generation, which can be leveraged to power EV charging stations and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. By
integrating renewable energy sources into the EV charging network, Nigeria can enhance energy security, reduce
emissions, and support sustainable transportation initiatives. Additionally, partnerships between public and private
sectors, as well as international collaborations, can accelerate the deployment of EV charging infrastructure and
overcome barriers to adoption.
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
One promising example of infrastructure development in Nigeria is the partnership between the Nigerian government
and a consortium of private companies to establish the Lagos Green Mobility Expo and Conference. This event aims to
showcase electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and renewable energy solutions, raising awareness about the
benefits of electric mobility and promoting investment in sustainable transportation infrastructure. By fostering
collaboration between government, industry, and civil society stakeholders, Nigeria can create an enabling environment
for EV adoption and infrastructure development (Ryghaug, and Skjølsvold, 2023; Zimm, 2021; Kotilainen, et al., 2019).
In conclusion, infrastructure development is essential for facilitating the transition to electric mobility and realizing the
full potential of electric vehicles in both the United States and Nigeria. While significant progress has been made in
expanding EV charging infrastructure in the United States, challenges remain in Nigeria, including limited coverage and
infrastructure availability. However, Nigeria's abundant renewable energy resources and growing interest in electric
mobility present opportunities for infrastructure development and investment. By addressing these challenges and
leveraging opportunities, both countries can accelerate the transition to a sustainable transportation future powered
by electric mobility.
2.6 Technological Innovation and Research
Technological innovation and research are fundamental drivers in shaping the future of electric vehicles (EVs) and
advancing sustainable transportation solutions. This analysis will delve into the collaborative efforts between
government, industry, and academia in the United States and highlight emerging technologies and research initiatives
in Nigeria, shedding light on their respective contributions to the development of electric mobility (Patil, 2021.).
In the United States, collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, and academic institutions has
been instrumental in driving technological innovation in the EV sector. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has played
a central role in funding research and development (R&D) initiatives aimed at improving battery technology, enhancing
vehicle performance, and reducing costs. According to the DOE, federal investments in advanced vehicle technologies
have totaled over $5 billion since 2009, supporting a wide range of projects across the EV supply chain.
One notable example of collaborative R&D in the United States is the DOE's partnership with the Advanced Research
Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to develop next-generation battery technologies. Through programs such as the
Batteries for Advanced Transportation Technologies (BATT) and Robust Affordable Next Generation Energy Storage
Systems (RANGE), researchers are exploring innovative materials, chemistries, and manufacturing processes to
overcome the limitations of existing lithium-ion batteries. These efforts aim to increase energy density, reduce charging
times, and enhance the durability and safety of batteries, ultimately driving down the cost of EVs and accelerating their
adoption. Furthermore, industry-academic partnerships have facilitated technology transfer and knowledge exchange,
driving innovation and commercialization in the EV market. Companies like Tesla, General Motors, and Ford h ave
collaborated with leading research universities and national laboratories to develop advanced vehicle technologies and
bring them to market. Academic institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford
University, have established research centers and consortiums focused on electric transportation, fostering
interdisciplinary collaboration and advancing cutting-edge research in areas such as battery science, electric
drivetrains, and vehicle-to-grid integration (Boyd, and Howell, 2016; Chukwuocha, et al., 2018).
In Nigeria, while the electric vehicle industry is still in its nascent stages, there is growing interest and investment in
research and development to support the adoption of electric mobility. The Nigerian government has initiated several
research initiatives and pilot projects in collaboration with academic institutions and industry partners to explore the
feasibility of electric vehicles in the Nigerian context. For example, the Nigerian Automotive Design and Development
Council (NADDC) has launched research programs to assess the performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of
electric vehicles in local conditions.
Emerging technologies and research initiatives in Nigeria focus on leveraging the country's abundant renewable energy
resources, such as solar and hydroelectric power, to power electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Researchers
are exploring innovative solutions for off-grid charging, battery swapping, and energy storage to address challenges
related to grid reliability and accessibility. Additionally, efforts are underway to develop localized manufacturing
capabilities for electric vehicles and components, with the aim of reducing dependency on imported vehicles and
stimulating economic growth in the automotive sector.
One promising example of technological innovation in Nigeria is the development of electric tricycles, or "Keke-EV," as
an alternative to traditional gasoline-powered tricycles commonly used for transportation in urban areas. Companies
like JET Motor Company and Nord Tank Nigeria Limited have introduced electric tricycle models powered by lithium -
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
ion batteries, offering zero-emission transportation solutions for passengers and goods. These electric tricycles not only
reduce air pollution and noise levels but also provide economic opportunities for drivers and operators through lower
operating costs and increased efficiency.
In conclusion, technological innovation and research are essential drivers in shaping the future of electric mobility in
both the United States and Nigeria. In the United States, collaborative efforts between government, industry, and
academia have led to significant advancements in battery technology, vehicle performance, and charging infrastructure.
In Nigeria, emerging technologies and research initiatives focus on leveraging renewable energy resources and
developing localized solutions to support the adoption of electric vehicles. By fostering collaboration, investment, and
knowledge exchange, both countries can accelerate the transition to a sustainable transportation future powered by
electric mobility.
2.7 Socio-Economic Implications
The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has significant socio-economic implications, influencing factors such as job
creation, economic growth, and equity in both the United States and Nigeria. Understanding these implications is crucial
for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and communities to navigate the transition towards electric mobility and
address potential challenges while maximizing opportunities.
In the United States, the EV industry has emerged as a key driver of job creation and economic growth, generating
employment opportunities across various sectors, from manufacturing and technology to infrastructure development
and services. According to a report by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), the EV industry
supports over 200,000 jobs in the United States, with projections indicating continued growth in the coming years. The
expansion of EV manufacturing facilities, battery production plants, and charging infrastructure networks has created
a demand for skilled labor and contributed to local economies in states like California, Michigan, and Nevada (Slowik,
and Lutsey, 2017).
Moreover, the transition to electric mobility has spurred innovation and investment in clean energy technologies,
positioning the United States as a global leader in the EV market. Companies like Tesla, General Motors, and Ford have
made significant investments in EV research and development, driving technological advancements in battery
technology, electric drivetrains, and autonomous vehicles. These innovations not only benefit the automotive industry
but also stimulate growth in adjacent sectors such as renewable energy, software development, and smart grid
However, the socio-economic implications of EV adoption in the United States are not without challenges. While the
growth of the EV industry creates job opportunities, it also poses disruptions for workers in traditional automotive
manufacturing and fossil fuel industries. The shift towards electric mobility may lead to job displacement and economic
hardship for workers employed in sectors reliant on internal combustion engine vehicles and petroleum extraction.
Therefore, policymakers must implement measures to support workforce transition and retraining programs to ensure
a just and equitable transition to electric mobility.
In Nigeria, the socio-economic implications of EV adoption are shaped by the country's unique socio-economic context,
infrastructural challenges, and energy landscape. While electric mobility presents opportunities for economic
diversification, environmental sustainability, and energy security, it also poses socio-economic challenges related to
affordability, accessibility, and infrastructure development. The Nigerian government's efforts to promote electric
mobility through policies, incentives, and pilot projects aim to address these challenges while maximizing the benefits
for society.
One of the socio-economic benefits of EV adoption in Nigeria is the potential for job creation and economic growth in
the automotive and renewable energy sectors. By investing in electric vehicle manufacturing, assembly, and component
production, Nigeria can stimulate domestic industrialization, create employment opportunities, and reduce dependency
on imported vehicles. Furthermore, the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar and hydroelectric power
into the EV charging infrastructure can enhance energy security, reduce emissions, and support local economic
development (Babalola, et al., 2022; Ahmad, et al., 2024).
However, the transition to electric mobility in Nigeria also presents socio-economic challenges related to affordability,
accessibility, and infrastructure development. The high upfront cost of electric vehicles, limited charging infrastructure,
and range anxiety pose barriers to adoption for many Nigerians, particularly those in rural and low-income
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
communities. Additionally, the reliance on imported vehicles and components may hinder the development of a
domestic electric vehicle industry and limit the socio-economic benefits of electric mobility.
In conclusion, the socio-economic implications of electric vehicle adoption vary across different contexts, reflecting the
interplay of factors such as policy frameworks, infrastructure development, and market dynamics. In the United States,
the growth of the EV industry has generated employment opportunities and economic growth, while presenting
challenges related to workforce transition and equity. In Nigeria, electric mobility offers opportunities for economic
diversification and energy security but also poses challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and infrastructure
development. By addressing these challenges and maximizing the benefits of electric mobility, both countries can
achieve a more sustainable and equitable transportation future.
2.8 Environmental Impact and Sustainability
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) holds significant promise for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting
environmental sustainability, both in the United States and Nigeria. By replacing conventional internal combustion
engine vehicles with electric alternatives, countries can mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve air quality, and
reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This analysis will examine the environmental impact and sustainability implications
of EV adoption, focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and the potential for
leveraging renewable energy sources in Nigeria (Chen, et al., 2021;)..
In the United States, the widespread adoption of electric vehicles has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse
gas emissions from the transportation sector, which is one of the largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions in the
country. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), transportation accounted for approximately 28% of
total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States in 2020, with passenger cars and light-duty trucks being the largest
contributors. By transitioning to electric mobility, the United States can achieve substantial emissions reductions and
progress towards its climate mitigation goals.
Several studies have demonstrated the environmental benefits of electric vehicles compared to internal combustion
engine vehicles, particularly when powered by low-carbon electricity sources. A report by the Union of Concerned
Scientists (UCS) found that EVs produce lower emissions than gasoline-powered vehicles across the United States, even
when accounting for emissions from electricity generation. Furthermore, as the grid becomes increasingly decarbonized
through the deployment of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower, the environmental benefits
of electric vehicles will continue to improve.
Moreover, the potential for leveraging renewable energy sources in the United States presents an opportunity to further
enhance the sustainability of electric mobility. Renewable energy accounted for approximately 20% of total electricity
generation in the United States in 2020, with solar and wind energy experiencing rapid growth in recent years. By
charging electric vehicles with renewable energy, either directly through on-site solar panels or indirectly through grid-
connected charging stations supplied by renewable sources, the United States can reduce emissions and reliance on
fossil fuels while promoting energy independence and security.
In Nigeria, the potential for leveraging renewable energy sources to power electric vehicles is even greater, given the
country's abundant solar, wind, and hydroelectric resources. Nigeria is blessed with abundant sunshine throughout the
year, making solar energy a particularly attractive option for powering electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Nigeria has the potential to generate over 3,000
terawatt-hours of solar energy annually, equivalent to more than 20 times its current electricity consumption.
By integrating renewable energy sources into the EV charging network, Nigeria can reduce emissions, enhance energy
security, and promote sustainable development. Solar-powered charging stations can provide clean and reliable
electricity for EVs, particularly in remote areas with limited access to the grid. Additionally, investments in renewable
energy infrastructure can create job opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and address energy poverty in
underserved communities.
However, realizing the full potential of renewable energy-powered electric mobility in Nigeria requires overcoming
several challenges, including limited infrastructure, financing constraints, and regulatory barriers. While the country
has made progress in deploying renewable energy projects, the pace of development lags behind the growing demand
for electricity. Furthermore, inadequate grid infrastructure and intermittent power supply pose challenges for scaling
up renewable energy deployment and ensuring reliable charging for electric vehicles (Kumar, and Alok, 2020; Das, and
Bhat, 2022).
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 04(02), 011023
In conclusion, the adoption of electric vehicles powered by renewable energy sources holds immense potential for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and promoting environmental sustainability in both the
United States and Nigeria. By transitioning towards electric mobility and leveraging renewable energy resources,
countries can achieve multiple co-benefits, including emissions reductions, energy security, economic development, and
social equity. However, realizing these benefits requires concerted efforts from policymakers, industry stakeholders,
and civil society to overcome barriers and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable transportation future.
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, the analysis of electric vehicle (EV) policies, technological innovations, socio-economic implications, and
environmental impacts in both the United States and Nigeria reveals significant opportunities and challenges for
advancing electric mobility and sustainable transportation solutions.
Throughout this exploration, it became evident that both the United States and Nigeria are actively pursuing electric
mobility as a means to address pressing challenges such as climate change, air pollution, and energy security. In the
United States, robust policy frameworks, technological innovations, and collaborative efforts between government,
industry, and academia have contributed to significant progress in EV adoption, job creation, and emissions reductions.
Similarly, Nigeria has shown nascent interest in electric mobility, leveraging renewable energy resources and policy
incentives to promote EV adoption and economic development. However, challenges remain in both countries, including
infrastructure limitations, affordability barriers, and workforce transition issues, which require comprehensive
strategies and international collaboration to overcome.
To further accelerate the transition to electric mobility and maximize its benefits, policymakers, industry stakeholders,
and international partners should consider the following recommendations: Enhance existing incentives and introduce
new policies to promote EV adoption, including tax credits, rebates, and regulatory mandates. Tailor incentives to
address specific market barriers and socio-economic disparities, particularly in underserved communities. Prioritize
investment in EV charging infrastructure to improve accessibility, reliability, and convenience for EV owners. Deploy
charging stations in urban areas, highways, and rural communities to support long-distance travel and address range
anxiety. Support research and development initiatives to advance battery technology, charging infrastructure, and
renewable energy integration. Encourage collaboration between government agencies, industry partners, and academic
institutions to drive innovation and commercialization in the EV sector. Implement workforce training programs and
job transition assistance to support workers displaced by the shift towards electric mobility. Invest in education, skills
development, and vocational training to prepare the workforce for emerging opportunities in the EV industry.
Strengthen partnerships between countries, international organizations, and non-governmental stakeholders to share
best practices, lessons learned, and technical expertise in promoting electric mobility. Collaborate on research,
technology transfer, and capacity-building initiatives to accelerate the global transition towards sustainable
By implementing these recommendations and fostering international collaboration, countries can accelerate the
transition to electric mobility, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainable development worldwide.
Electric vehicles have the potential to revolutionize the transportation sector, improve public health, and create
economic opportunities for communities around the globe. By working together, we can build a more sustainable and
equitable future for generations to come.
Compliance with ethical standards
Disclosure of conflict of interest
No conflict of interest to be disclosed.
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The global food supply chain is a complex network of interconnected processes and actors that play a critical role in ensuring food security and stability. However, this intricate system is susceptible to various risks and challenges, including natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, market fluctuations, and regulatory changes. These risks often result in food price volatility, which can have profound implications for both consumers and producers worldwide. In this context, accounting emerges as a vital tool for mitigating risks and managing food price volatility within the supply chain. Accounting serves as a cornerstone in providing accurate, timely, and reliable financial information essential for decision-making at every stage of the food supply chain. Through effective financial reporting and analysis, accounting enables stakeholders to identify, assess, and respond to potential risks proactively. By employing risk management techniques such as scenario planning, sensitivity analysis, and hedging strategies, accounting professionals can help organizations anticipate and mitigate supply chain disruptions, thereby reducing the impact of food price volatility. Furthermore, accounting facilitates transparency and accountability within the food supply chain, enhancing trust and cooperation among stakeholders. Through comprehensive cost accounting and performance measurement systems, organizations can identify inefficiencies, optimize resource allocation, and enhance operational resilience. Moreover, accounting frameworks such as sustainability accounting enable businesses to assess and report the environmental and social impacts of their operations, fostering sustainable practices across the supply chain. In addition to its role in risk management and performance optimization, accounting contributes to regulatory compliance and governance within the food industry. By adhering to accounting standards and regulations, organizations can ensure integrity and accuracy in financial reporting, thereby enhancing investor confidence and mitigating legal and reputational risks. Moreover, accounting professionals play a crucial role in designing and implementing internal control systems to prevent fraud, errors, and misconduct, safeguarding the integrity of the supply chain. Accounting plays a multifaceted role in mitigating food supply chain risks and food price volatility. By providing financial insights, promoting transparency, and ensuring compliance, accounting empowers organizations to navigate challenges and promote stability in the global food system.
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The Global South comprising economically disadvantaged regions of the world face various challenges such as limited access to electricity, clean water, industrialization, and food security. Solar energy, as a sustainable and abundant resource, holds great potential to address these challenges. Despite its immense potential, the Global South encounters hurdles related to technology adoption, infrastructure, and financial constraints. This review examines the history, classifications, global statistics, merits, and demerits of solar technology in the Global South. Furthermore, it delves into various applications of solar energy, including extreme environments, residential electricity generation, transportation, and industrial usage in this region. This study concludes by providing new insighths and highlighting the significant role solar energy can play in shaping the future of the Global South if challenges are adequately addressed, and opportunities are embraced.
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In an era where data profoundly influences decision-making across various sectors, this comprehensive review critically examines the evolving landscape of data science ethics, particularly focusing on the interplay between technological advancements and ethical standards. The study aims to investigate and synthesize current ethical practices and challenges in modern data collection and analysis, tracing the evolution of ethical standards in data science, understanding the significance of ethical considerations in contemporary data practices, and exploring the development of global regulatory and ethical frameworks. The paper encompasses a systematic literature review, focusing on core ethical principles in data collection and analytical processes, the roles of consent and privacy, the complexities introduced by big data, and the intricacies of ethical frameworks across different regions. It bridges the research gap in data ethics by providing insights into practical ethical frameworks and instructional models, guiding researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in ethical data handling. The study concludes that ethical considerations are integral to data science practices and contribute significantly to societal well-being. It recommends enhanced ethical education in data science, development of inclusive ethical frameworks, strengthening regulatory oversight, and promoting public engagement in data ethics discussions. These steps are essential for ensuring responsible and beneficial use of data in an ethically complex landscape. Keywords: Data Ethics, Data Science, Ethical Standards, Privacy, Consent, Regulatory.
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This Review provides a succinct overview of a comprehensive review examining cross-cultural business development strategies, drawing insights from both the United States (USA) and diverse African contexts. The analysis delves into the intricacies of cultural nuances, economic disparities, and innovative approaches employed by businesses in these distinct regions. In the dynamic landscape of global business, understanding and navigating cross-cultural nuances are imperative for sustainable development. This review juxtaposes the business development strategies of the USA, a beacon of economic prowess and cultural diversity, with the diverse and rapidly evolving markets across Africa. The exploration encompasses a spectrum of factors, including cultural foundations, market dynamics, and innovative approaches, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of cross-cultural business endeavors. The examination begins by unraveling the cultural foundations that underpin business practices in the USA and various African countries. Silicon Valley and Wall Street are emblematic of the USA's entrepreneurial and financial networks, each with its unique cultural influences. Contrastingly, Africa's business landscape is shaped by the rich tapestry of its nations, necessitating a nuanced understanding of cultural nuances and diverse business environments. The review further scrutinizes successful business development strategies deployed in both regions. In the USA, the focus is on innovation hubs, collaborative spaces, and professional associations, illustrating how cultural foundations contribute to the success of networking and industry-specific strategies. In Africa, the analysis extends to diverse strategies employed to navigate cultural diversities and seize opportunities in burgeoning markets. Key economic disparities and challenges faced by businesses in Africa are explored, emphasizing the importance of adaptive strategies for sustained growth. The intricate balance between leveraging cultural strengths and overcoming challenges is central to the comparative analysis, providing valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and researchers. As businesses increasingly operate in a globalized context, this review underscores the critical importance of cross-cultural competence and tailored strategies for successful business development. The synthesis of experiences from the USA and Africa offers a rich tapestry of lessons, fostering a deeper understanding of the dynamic interplay between culture, economics, and innovation in the realm of cross-cultural business development.
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This comprehensive review explores the evolving landscape of women in accounting and auditing, shedding light on the progress made, persistent challenges faced, and the promising path forward. Over the past few decades, the accounting profession has witnessed a notable increase in the representation of women, reflecting a broader societal shift towards gender inclusivity. While significant strides have been made in terms of entry into the profession and academic achievements, gender disparities persist, particularly in reaching leadership positions within accounting firms and corporate boardrooms. The review delves into the factors contributing to the progress of women in accounting and auditing, examining initiatives such as mentorship programs, diversity and inclusion policies, and educational outreach. It also highlights the pivotal role of professional organizations in fostering an environment that encourages and supports the career advancement of women in the field. Despite these positive developments, the review identifies persistent challenges, including gender stereotypes, work-life balance issues, and unconscious bias, which continue to impede the full realization of gender equality in accounting. Moreover, the paper explores the implications of the gender gap on the profession's overall effectiveness, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in ensuring robust financial reporting and auditing processes. The review concludes with a forward-looking perspective, proposing strategies and recommendations for overcoming existing challenges and advancing the role of women in accounting and auditing. This includes targeted mentorship and sponsorship programs, continued advocacy for workplace flexibility, and a commitment to challenging and dismantling systemic barriers. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the status of women in accounting and auditing, offering insights into both the achievements and hurdles they face. By understanding the current state of affairs, stakeholders can collaboratively work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive future for women in the accounting profession. Keywords: Accounting, Women, Auditing, finance, Review.
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The rapid urbanization and digital transformation of cities across Africa have given rise to the concept of Smart Cities, where advanced technologies are integrated to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and the overall quality of urban life. However, this paradigm shift towards interconnected and technology-driven urban environments brings forth a host of cybersecurity challenges that demand careful consideration. This paper explores the cybersecurity challenges in Smart Cities, focusing on a case review of African metropolises. African cities, emblematic of the global urbanization trend, are embracing Smart City initiatives to address urban challenges and foster economic development. While these initiatives promise improved services and enhanced connectivity, they concurrently expose cities to a myriad of cybersecurity threats. The interconnectedness of devices and systems in Smart Cities creates a vast attack surface, making them susceptible to cyber-attacks ranging from data breaches to infrastructure disruptions. This case review delves into specific instances of cybersecurity challenges faced by African metropolises in their quest for technological advancement. It analyzes the vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure, such as energy grids, transportation systems, and healthcare networks, highlighting the potential risks associated with inadequate cybersecurity measures. Moreover, the paper sheds light on the socio-economic implications of cyber threats in Smart Cities, emphasizing the importance of resilient cybersecurity frameworks in safeguarding citizen data and urban functionality. In conclusion, the paper underscores the urgent need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced by Smart Cities in Africa. The findings aim to contribute to a better understanding of the intricate relationship between urbanization, technology, and cybersecurity, offering insights that can inform policy decisions, technological implementations, and collaborative efforts to build secure and resilient Smart Cities in the African context. Keywords: Cybersecurity, Smart Cities, Africa, Metropolis, Review.
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This paper critically examines the role of Big Data in shaping contemporary business strategies, highlighting its transformative impact across various sectors. The study delves into the multifaceted nature of Big Data, exploring its integration into business models, the challenges it presents, and the strategic advantages it offers. The research is grounded in a comprehensive literature review, focusing on peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, and academic book chapters from 2010 onwards, ensuring relevance and currency in the rapidly evolving field of Big Data. The aim of the paper is to provide a nuanced understanding of how Big Data influences business strategies, identifying existing research gaps and setting a clear direction for future scholarly inquiry. The scope encompasses the assessment of Big Data's integration in business strategies, its impact on decision-making processes, ethical implications, and the effectiveness of current technologies and methodologies. Key findings reveal that Big Data significantly enhances decision-making capabilities, customer experience, and competitive advantage. It also highlights the necessity for a strategic blueprint for Big Data integration, addressing cultural, governance, strategic, and technological aspects. The study concludes with recommendations for businesses to adopt a data-driven approach, integrating Big Data analytics into their strategic planning to enhance decision-making, customer engagement, and ethical compliance. In conclusion, the paper underscores the need for businesses to develop comprehensive strategies for Big Data integration, focusing on fostering a data-driven culture and ensuring data security and privacy. This strategic approach will enable businesses to leverage the full potential of Big Data, driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape. Keywords: Big Data, Business Strategy, Decision-Making, Data-Driven Culture, Ethical Implications.
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This review paper examines the technological advancements in food supply chain management, drawing a comparative analysis between the United States (USA) and Africa. The global food supply chain plays a critical role in ensuring the efficient and effective distribution of food products from producers to consumers. In recent years, technological innovations have revolutionized various aspects of the food supply chain, impacting areas such as production, distribution, traceability, and sustainability. The paper begins by providing an overview of the key technological trends in food supply chain management, encompassing the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics. These innovations have the potential to enhance transparency, reduce waste, improve traceability, and optimize overall supply chain efficiency. A comparative analysis is then conducted, focusing on the disparities and similarities in the adoption and implementation of these technologies between the USA and Africa. The USA, as a technologically advanced region, has witnessed extensive integration of cutting-edge technologies in its food supply chain. This includes the utilization of IoT sensors for real-time monitoring, blockchain for transparent and secure transactions, and AI for predictive analytics and demand forecasting. In contrast, Africa, characterized by a diverse range of economies and infrastructural challenges, faces unique opportunities and obstacles in embracing advanced technologies in its food supply chain. The review explores initiatives and case studies that highlight the successful integration of technology in various African countries, shedding light on the potential for leapfrogging certain stages of traditional supply chain development. The discussion encompasses the role of government policies, private sector involvement, and international collaborations in shaping the technological landscape of food supply chain management in both regions. Furthermore, attention is given to the social and economic implications of technological advancements, emphasizing the need for inclusive approaches that address the specific needs of diverse communities. This review provides valuable insights into the current state of technological advancements in food supply chain management, offering a comparative perspective between the USA and Africa. By understanding the challenges and opportunities faced by each region, stakeholders can develop targeted strategies to enhance the resilience, sustainability, and inclusivity of global food supply chains in the face of evolving technological landscapes.
Conference Paper
Due to growing populations, climate change, and water pollution, freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce. Managing the increasing water and energy demands requires addressing the relationship between energy production, which requires water, and water production, which uses energy. Desalination, as an option, is becoming a viable solution for meeting water demand in an increasing number of water-stressed areas. However, the increased demand for desalination to enhance the water supply and concerns about the environmental impact of fossil fuel use to power it are becoming issues. These have increased interest in renewable energy-powered desalination systems. As a result, there is an urgent need to advance sustainable and renewable energy technologies and water purification processes and technologies to meet the growing societal demand for water and energy. This review looks at some renewable energy sources, such as bioenergy, marine energy, and a hybrid of renewable energy sources, in meeting the energy demand. It highlighted the additional beneficial incorporation of other applications and possible energy source combinations. The primary goal of this study is to examine recent advances in the technical, economic, environmental, and social impacts of desalination systems. The second goal is to present an overview of the role of renewable energy technologies in the long-term sustainability of projected water systems that will rely increasingly on desalination.
As global supply chains become increasingly complex, traditional systems face challenges in ensuring efficiency, transparency, and innovation. Block chain technology has emerged as a transformative force in addressing these issues, offering a decentralized and secure framework for supply chain management. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the impact of block chain on supply chains, focusing on its potential to enhance efficiency, transparency, and foster innovation. The efficiency gains facilitated by block chain in supply chain management are examined through the elimination of intermediaries, reduction of paperwork, and real-time visibility into the entire process. These improvements result in streamlined operations, reduced costs, and enhanced responsiveness to market dynamics. Moreover, block chain’s decentralized nature ensures data integrity, mitigating the risk of fraud and errors in the supply chain. Transparency is a critical aspect of modern supply chains, and block chain provides an immutable and transparent ledger that enables end-to-end visibility. The technology ensures traceability and accountability, allowing stakeholders to access real-time information about the origin, movement, and status of products. This transparency not only enhances trust among supply chain participants but also facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements. The role of block chain in fostering innovation within supply chains is explored, emphasizing its potential to enable new business models, collaborative ecosystems, and the integration of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The paper highlights case studies and pilot projects where block chain has been successfully applied to drive innovation in supply chain processes. Challenges and considerations related to the implementation of block chain in supply chain management are also discussed, including interoperability, scalability, and regulatory issues. The paper concludes by outlining future research directions and emphasizing the need for industry-wide collaboration to unlock the full potential of block chain in revolutionizing supply chain management. Overall, this review contributes to the understanding of how block chain can serve as a catalyst for efficiency, transparency, and innovation in contemporary supply chains