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This paper explored the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for identifying and responding to security anomalies within cloud infrastructure. It delves into how machine learning models can be trained to recognize patterns that are indicative of cyber threats and attacks while also recommending methodologies to proactively mitigate these threats.
Abolaji Adeyi
This paper explored the integration of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) techniques for identifying and
responding to security anomalies within cloud
infrastructure. It delves into how machine
learning models can be trained to recognize
patterns that are indicative of cyber threats and
attacks while also recommending
methodologies to proactively mitigate these
The need for a robust and efficient
cybersecurity strategy has become an
issue-based argument for stakeholders in the
industry. The digital world has encouraged a
sharp deviation from the conventional cloud
security enablement to the adoption of
effective cloud security aided by machine
learning and artificial intelligence. Convention
cybersecurity hinged on manually-imputed
codes and commands, thereby showcasing
inefficiency towards the dynamic nature upon
which modern cyber threats are founded. There
is a need for comprehensive reviews on cloud
security issues in addressing threats, attacks,
vulnerabilities and the taxonomy for their
classification (1).
The digital landscape of the 21st century harbors
several threats and security challenges that
make it imperative for the deployment of robust
cloud computing security. There is an
unprecedented level of data explosion affecting
vast amounts of sensitive information stored in
the cloud database of organizations.(2) These
may include customer information, intellectual
properties as well as financial information
stored within the cloud. Also, the reliance on
cloud computing is based on its flexibility,
cost-effectiveness and scalability. Invariably,
critical business information stored in the cloud
is vulnerable to hacking and intrusion.
Cloud security threats exist on four domains;
software security threat, infrastructure security
threat, storage security threat and network
security threat. Software security threats may
include the existence of bugs, buffer overflow,
design flaws, error-handling capabilities etc (4).
Infrastructure security threats manifest in the
form of ascertaining the trust and efficiency
levels of the virtual and physical infrastructure,
Storage security threats affect the quality of
service, correctness of users’ data in the cloud
environment, data leakage, data snooping and
malware. Network Security threats can occur
within the virtual or physical network. It may
also be in the form of internal or external
The necessity for advanced detection and
mitigation strategies
A rapidly-evolving hacking technique is in dire
need of sophisticated and responsive systems
that conventional systems lack (3). Conventional
systems have become ineffectual towards the
identification of patterns and mechanics that
aid security threats; hence the need to adopt
systems that leverage on historical data to
understand and predict emerging threats. This
will ensure that such systems become capable
of responding to potential cloud computing
threats while also mitigating the numerous
threats in real time.
The prevalence of sophisticated cyber-attacks
(phishing, ransomware etc) continues to plague
the modern digital landscape; robust cloud
security is crucial towards the detection,
prevention and mitigation of these evolving
threats. On the part of governments, the
establishment of regulatory requirements
imposes a sense of obligation for the imposition
of data protection and privacy regulation
practices on organizations that store data in
cloud environments.(5) Invariably, it is
necessary to adhere to the standards instituted
by the government in order to avoid legal
consequences. Modern businesses have a heavy
dependence on technology for day-to-day
operations, and by doing so, can experience
severe consequences emanating from any form
of disruption in the form of cyber-attack or
system failure. (5). To address several of these
shortcomings, the embrace of advanced
technologies in the form of machine learning
and artificial intelligence is necessary.
In other words, there is a fervent need for cloud
security measures that will ensure business
continuity and protection against such potential
disruptions. Such AI-powered systems are
capable of analyzing vast amounts of dataset in
real-time in order to identify anomalies and
inconsistent patterns that conventional security
systems find difficult to identify and manage.
Cloud technology has provided an enabling
environment for innovation; the embrace of
new technologies is accompanied by new risks.
These make it essential for the adoption of
more effective cyber security strategies in order
to balance the innovation with parallel
protection of sensitive data (6). The trust
customers have on cloud security may be
eroded in the face of persistent data breach
since this is likely to result in irreversible
damages on both the customer and the
organization as well. Therefore, the
development of advanced detection and
mitigation strategies to limit incidences of data
breach is critical for the sustenance of customer
trust in this digital age. AI-aided cloud security
systems provide a platform that provides a
proactive dimension towards cyber security and
against the reactive measures that conventional
cloud security systems are known for.
Fundamentals of AI in Cloud Security
Artificial intelligence provides a strong base for
the development of effective and efficient cloud
security protocols that will be substantial
enough to address the ever-changing and
dynamic challenges that accompany data
storage, data protection, and data management
in cloud environments.
Ensuring Authenticity and Confidentiality
With respect to the detection of anomalies, the
adoption of AI enables the system to analyze
the behavioral patterns of the users and the
system as a whole, thereby having the capability
to detect unauthorized access or other forms of
malicious activities. The identification of
perceived deviations enhances the capacity for
the system to detect and reduce incidences of
false positives that hides impersonation and
intrusive intents. (7) AI-driven cloud security
systems provide several privacy preservation
techniques that enables secure data analysis
without compromising the privacy of users.
This presents a strong leverage for organizations
that undertake security analytics without
violating or compromising user confidentiality.
Ensuring Cyber Security Availability
AI-powered cloud security algorithms are
capable of analyzing real-time data for the
detection of any form of security threat. This is
important for organizations because they are
able to identify and respond to potential threats
rapidly; this will minimize the incidences of
cyber-attacks. AI-automated cloud security
systems identify and provide remedies towards
vulnerabilities, leading to a reduction in the
timing between threat discovery and threat
mitigation (8). This will allow organizations to
maintain a proactive stance towards potential
threats. The automation of routine security
tasks allows personnel to focus on more
strategic aspects of cybersecurity. Also,
AI-driven cloud security systems are capable of
adapting and evolving towards emerging cyber
threats in order to provide a strong and
dynamic defense protocol.
Ensuring Data Protection Integrity
Threats to data protection integrity come in the
form of bad client access management, data
level vulnerability and lax client access control.
AI-powered cloud security systems can improve
the level of compliance checks in order to
ensure that security controls are perfectly
aligned with requisite regulatory requirements
and policies. AI is capable of enhancing cyber
security systems to streamline incident
response through the automation of customer
identification in order to mitigate security
incidents (9). This confers efficient minimization
of potential threats, further improving the
integrity of the system as a whole.
The fundamentals of AI in cyber security is
founded on the potentials for AI-empowered
systems to enhance detection of threats,
automation of security protocols and the
deployment of protection mechanisms to
mitigate cyber threats. As the cyber landscape
changes, the need to integrate Ai into cloud
security becomes more imperative in order to
ensure the protection of virtual assets and
information stored in cloud environments.
Introduction to AI and machine learning
Artificial intelligence and machine learning both
play very crucial roles towards the
enhancement of cybersecurity, threat detection
and mitigation capabilities. As a subset of AI,
machine learning is designed to automatically
learn from existing data without any form of
explicit programming (6). Machine learning
works by analyzing complex patterns and
identifying correlations in order to predict and
make recommendations based on available
historical data. In the context of cloud
computing, machine learning can be used to
uncover hidden patterns in specific data with
the intent to provide deep insights for the
enhancement of cloud security.
How Can AI enhance cybersecurity efforts
There has been a gradual shift in modern cloud
security from conventional anomaly detection
to AI-powered threat detection systems,
especially as several companies are
experiencing several degrees of cloud security
incidents (10). Over the years, there has been
an increment in automated routine tasks,
leading to a reduced dependence on manual
security protocol. However, cloud security
issues ranging from anomalies detection to
distinguishing genuine threats from false alerts
have remained within the sphere of human
expertise. Convention dependence on human
expertise for complex tasks like anomaly
detection and threat mitigation have immense
benefits to achieve by incorporating AI within
such security protocols.
Cybersecurity professionals are often faced with
serious challenges when sourcing and training
personnel for cloud security and threat
mitigation. With the advent of AI, there is a high
possibility of the development of tools to water
down such challenges. This is because
AI-powered security and threat detection
systems will allow such professionals to shift
focus towards higher level assessments.
Unlocking the potentials of AI in cloud
environments will require strict adherence to
best practices (11). This will enable
organizations to maximize the effectiveness of
AI in anomaly detection and threat mitigation,
thereby providing an enabling environment for
the development of more efficient cloud
security protocol. To strengthen this approach
there is need to consider the following:
- Integration with existing security
Integrating AI-driven security tools with
existing cloud security infrastructure will
establish a concerted security protocol that
will encourage strong level of cohesion
between established security protocol and
AI-driven capabilities (12). There is a need
to improve cloud security by establishing a
system of shared responsibility, as this will
be essential for the fulfillment of effective
threat mitigation practices. It is imperative
to leverage on the strength of native cloud
security protocols like Azure center AWS
Security Hub etc to improve overall
- Deployment of advanced security
monitoring protocol
It is equally important for organizations to
improve the effectiveness of their
respective cloud security network through
the establishment of a continuous
monitoring and threat detection system
(13). By undertaking on-going surveillance
of the cloud environment, potential threats
and other forms of anomalies will be easily
detected. This will greatly improve the
capabilities of the cloud security system to
undertake real-time threat detection and
cloud perimeter monitoring.
- Adoption of a multilateral cloud
security protocol
The dynamic nature of AI makes it capable
of being included in several layers of tasks
within a security framework. Cloud security
protocol is developed on parallel layers that
include access controls, database
management, network segmentation etc.
by incorporating AI within such protocol,
organizations would have developed a
comprehensive safeguard against several
forms of cyber threats and attacks.(14).
Encryption of data can significantly benefit
from AI for various levels of cloud anomaly
detection and threat mitigation.
Anomaly detection using AI
Anomaly is described as an outlier that deviates
from several observable data so much that it
arouses suspicion that is perceived as
originating from an unknown or dissimilar
mechanism (1). It is an outlying observation
that is believed to have deviated from other
samples wherein it occurs. In other words,
anomalies represent deviations from normal
patterns or behaviors, subsequently providing
insights about potential threats of intrusion.
Anomalies manifest as data-points that are
divergent from the expected norm in a dataset.
They arise due to various factors such as errors
in data collection, system flaws, fraudulent
activities, unforeseen events etc. the ability to
recognize anomalies in cloud computing is
crucial for threat and risk mitigation, capacity to
take pre-emptive actions as well as
maintenance of operational effectiveness.
Conventional anomaly detection techniques
require a dependence on rule-based systems or
threshold-based algorithms. While these often
prove to be effective in simple scenarios, they
often fail when presented with complex and
multidimensional and constant evolving
patterns that defy predefined rules or
algorithms. On the other hand, AI-driven
anomaly detection techniques defy the
limitations of conventional rule-based anomaly
detection systems by making use of machine
learning (15). By evaluating large amounts of
data to discern deep-seated patterns,
AI-modeled anomaly detection systems possess
a level of sophistication capable of detecting
anomalies with high precision across divergent
The use of AI in anomaly detection thrives by
uncovering deviations from expected norms,
thereby providing effective defense against
real-time threats. This is made possible through
the establishment of baselines which are
subsequently used by the AI for continuous
learning and monitoring of complexities from
users and the system activities in a cloud
environment (9). The capabilities of AI to detect
anomalies through properly established
baselines that are incorporated with normal
activity within the cloud system. Continuous
learning and observations allow the AI to
discern what constitutes typical activities and
interactions among the users and the systems.
This thorough understanding equips the AI with
the capacity to ascertain variations and
deviations that are potentially harmful to the
users and the system.
The interactions of network activities, system
processes and user behaviors are continually
analyzed by the AI, thereby allowing the AI to
ascertain what is normal. The establishment of
baseline configuration allows the AI to expertly
identify anomalies in the form of unexpected
deviations from the norm. It should be noted
that anomalies take several forms, ranging from
unusual patterns of system access to atypical
data entries. Anomaly detection using AI is
quite impressive because it encourages swift
identification of potential threats which is often
impossible for conventional anomaly detection
techniques (15). Invariably, adaptation and
understanding of what is normal allows
AI-powered anomaly detection systems to
discern deviations, abnormal system behavior,
unusual network traffic and other activities that
indicate potential threat.
Threat mitigation using AI
Incorporation of AI into cloud security systems
can help organizations stay ahead of the
evolving threats that are ubiquitous in
cyberspace. Such incorporation provides a
platform for real-time monitoring, further
ensuring that the cloud security system is
constantly on the watch for new and emerging
cyber threats. AI-driven cloud security systems
are capable of responding to potential threats
by making use of threat intelligence gathered
from continuous information updates.
Consequently, AI has a huge role to play as
organizations develop encryption systems to
secure cloud environments. Cloud systems are
built on several levels of complex interrelations;
hence, the need for a dynamic approach for the
establishment of an AI-driven cloud security
protocol that is capable of performing
AI also allows encryption of high-risk data
through automated key management
developed for specific security services.
Post-quantum encryption algorithms can
leverage the capability of AI to strengthen cloud
security protocol against potential attacks (14).
The ability of AI to analyze vast amounts of data
helps cloud security protocol to develop
predictive capabilities. To achieve this,
continuous learning about existing threats.
AI-driven cloud security protocols can prevent
cloud systems from both known and unknown
threats that are targeted at specific
organizations by strengthening their cloud
security systems.
Anomaly detection techniques using machine
The importance of Ai and machine learning for
detection of anomalies in cloud environments
have become more important. Some of the
techniques used to achieve this includes the
Supervised Learning: This technique makes use
of labeled data that are used by models to learn
overtime. Techniques such as Random Forests,
k-Nearest Neighbors, and Supply Vector
Machines are used to detect anomalies through
training with labeled data (16). Data input
accuracy is measured through a loss function,
and subsequently adjusted until identified
errors have been minimized. However, this
technique may not detect anomalies in complex
data that are difficult to label.
Unsupervised Learning: This technique is
capable of detecting cyber threats through the
development of operations without labeled
data, thereby making it effective for the
identification of unseen and unknown cyber
threats. Techniques such as clustering
algorithms (DBSCAN, k-means etc) and
autoencoders are able to identify patterns that
deviate significantly from the norm within a
specific dataset (15). They are used to
complement supervised learning in order to
develop effective anomaly detection protocols
for cloud environments that are devoid of false
Ensemble Learning: ensemble techniques
include stacking, bagging and boosting; these
methods combine multiple models for the
achievement of anomaly detection and they are
often known to perform better than adoption of
singular models. Ensemble learning techniques,
when used in cloud environments, are capable
of mitigating the weaknesses of individual
models, thereby improving anomaly detection
accuracy (17). This technique is suitable for
cloud environments where cyber-attacks are
sophisticated and constantly evolving.
Hybrid technique: this is simply a combination
of multiple techniques, leveraging on their
respective strengths to detect anomalies in
cloud environments. Hybrid techniques are
developed to balance the trade-off for criteria
like detection accuracy or interpretability (15).
For instance, a hybrid of unsupervised and
supervised learning may be used to detect
anomalies and subsequently provide insights
about such detected anomalies.
Feature Engineering: this technique involves the
selection of relevant attributes which are
subsequently used to establish new features in
order to capture meaningful information within
a particular cloud environment. Feature
engineering contributes significantly to the
effectiveness of machine learning for anomaly
detection (18). Engineering features such as
system logs, network traffic patterns etc makes
it possible to distinguish between what is
normal and what is malicious.
Automated Intrusion Response mechanisms
Automated response mechanisms are the very
essential components of cloud security protocol
that ensures swift and efficient response to
malicious contents, security breaches, attacks,
and vulnerabilities within a cloud environment.
Some of the popular mechanisms used in cloud
security are discussed below:
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
System: this is a cloud security
component that is used for continuous
monitoring of system logs, user
activities and network traffic within a
cloud environment. The system is used
to detect potential security threats as
well as suspicious behavior, and is
capable of triggering real-time actions
as a form of defense within a cloud
- Policy-based Access Control: this is a
cloud security strategy for managing
user access on one or more systems. It
is a methodical approach towards
controlling user accessibility which is
determined through the combination of
responsibilities and policies. Automated
responses in cloud security are capable
of enforcing policy-based access control
to ensure compliance with standards,
policies and regulatory requirements.
- Cloud Workload Protection Platforms:
these include cloud security solutions
that are designated to protect
cloud-based applications by integrating
features such as threat detection,
compliance monitoring and
vulnerability management in order to
fortify against cyber threats and attacks.
- Threat Intelligence Integration: this is
an evidence-based mechanism,
knowledge or actionable advice about
an existing or emerging menace that
can be used to form decisions regarding
the appropriate response to such
menace (17). This mechanism leverages
on intelligence feeds to identify known
indicators of compromise and malware
signatures, then proceed to block such
threats within the cloud environment.
- Integration with DevSecOps Pipeline:
Automated response mechanisms play
key roles in the process of integrating
security into DevSecOps pipelines
within a particular cloud environment.
Through a series of vulnerability
scanning, code analysis and security
testing, automated response
mechanisms are capable of identifying
security issues at the early stage of the
development life cycle of a cloud
application, further helping to minimize
the risk of deploying an insecure
application into a cloud environment.
Addressing Potential False Positives and
Adaptability Issues
False positives is a trending topic in
cybersecurity presently. Anomaly detection in
real-time is a problematic endeavor because It
teams receive several alerts, with a significant
proportion of these alerts amounting to false
positives. The elimination of false positives is
not so simple, as it might give room for the
allowance of false negatives which are quite
more dangerous. While some cloud security
platforms might pride themselves on
experiencing zero false positives, the propensity
to overlook false negatives in the process
becomes higher, in other words, the most
effective plan should be on the minimization of
false positives in a manner that will not
increase false negatives.
One major requirement for the reduction of
false positives is the availability of holistic data
with a level of intelligence that can discern
legitimate actions from malicious or fraudulent
ones. This can be made possible through the
creation of instruction detection techniques
that are based on signature enhancement, alert
verification, flow analysis, alert prioritization or
a hybrid model involving more of the stated
techniques. Post-correlation prioritization,
based on anomaly detection and clustering, is
an effective means of reducing false positives
within a cloud environment (20).
Guided by an algorithm that is capable of
grouping in a manner that will reflect patterns
and draw conclusions on the authenticity of an
action (17). Supervised machine learning makes
use of predefined parameters to identify
anomalies while unsupervised machine learning
is capable of self-learning; hence, able to detect
new anomalies. To reduce false positives, there
is a need for the creation of highly-effective
machines that are supplied with relevant data
by algorithms, which are subsequently analyzed
by AI to detect anomalies. This will greatly
reduce the incidence of false positives. Data
types such as personal details , transactional
information (volume and frequency of
transaction) and location data (customer’s IP
and billing location) are very essential for
AI-powered anomaly detection in cloud
environments because they allow the AI to
reduce the incidence of false positives.
Case Study of Successful Anomaly Detection in
Cloud Environments
Case Study One: LinkedIn’s Project Waterbear
The site reliability team of LinkedIn launched
Project Waterbear as an organized protocol to
provide resilience for the applications and
engineering teams of the company. The name
nomenclature ‘Waterbear’ is a tribute to
tardigrades, a species of micro-animals that are
known to survive extreme conditions that are
fatal to any living thing. According to Xiao Li, a
member of LinkedIn’s site reliability team,
Waterbear was developed to enable front-end
developers to have proper understanding of
which dependencies will cause the site’s page to
crash with just a few clicks. The broad objective
of developing Waterbear were:
- To ensure that the company is running
on a resilient cluster of resources
- Establish a robust infrastructure for its
- To handle failures intelligently
- To embark on graceful degrading when
- To design a self-healing system
While this might seem like an extensive list of
requirements, the company believed that
anything short of the above-listed functionality
will fall short of the objective to develop a
resilient system. The requirements were further
categorized into three broad projects;
1- chaos engineering to increase the
resilience from the company’s
applications and infrastructure
2- cultural changes aimed at increasing
the transparency of problematic service
and application designs that will take
advantage of graceful degradation
3- improvement, an open-source
framework that is capable of
introducing resilience-focused features
to ensure that the planned graceful
degradation functionality is easily
adapted into the system.
Waterbear was dubbed a success by the
engineering team of LinkedIn, with the
organization believing that other organizations
stand to benefit immensely from it. Another
member of the team, Devaraj noted that on the
long run, Waterbear will enable developers to
develop more resilient products which are
capable of ensuring that less time is spent
dealing with failures while more time is spent
developing features.
Case Study Two: Netflix’s Fraud Detection
Netflix developed an AI-based security
framework to mitigate fraud and abuse for its
streaming services. This framework was
developed as a data-driven anomaly detection
tool that is trained on users’ behavior since a lot
of users are on-boarded on the platform using
multiple devices. This makes the Netflix
platform vulnerable to a wide range of attacks
and unauthorized access; hence the need to
adopt a machine learning approach to secure
the platform services.
The fraud detection framework is made up of
supervised and semi-supervised models. Data
labeling was introduced at the development
stage of the process; however, there were no
already labeled data-sets to train the models. To
get around this, a set of rule-based heuristics
were established to detect anomalies and
subsequently label them for the creation of a
dataset. At this stage, the developers made use
of the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling
technique that was adopted in order to
overcome the problem of labeling an
imbalanced dataset. The three major fraud
categories considered included account fraud,
content fraud and service fraud. With these, the
developers established data-sets that contained
three major labels; unusual combinations of
device types, rapid license acquisition and too
many failed streaming attempts.
Within a month, over a million accounts were
gathered while more than twenty-five thousand
of these were observed to be anomalous. Of
the anomalous accounts, 21% fell under
account fraud, 31% fell under content fraud
while 47% fell under service fraud. The success
of Netflix’s fraud detection system can only be
ascertained by the company itself. However,
there are indications that Netflix is achieving
the objective they set out to achieve with the
adoption of an AI-powered fraud detection
Case Study Three: Google’s Duet AI-powered
Chronicle Security Operations
In 2023, Google announced the adoption of
AI-powered Chronicle Security Operations, a
cloud security platform that is built to improve
threat detection, security engineering and
investigation/response for cyber defenders.
Chronicle was developed to make investigations
and responses simpler, while also providing
users with the ability to use natural language AI
to generate detection. The organization
understood that crafting detection is often a
complex endeavor, and makes it difficult for
users without the requisite expertise. However,
the creation of Chronicle afforded users the
capacity to simply provide parameters which
Chronicle uses to write the rule. Chronicle
makes use of AI power to make sense of data
for investigation purposes.
Google made use of AI-based models to
prioritize several indicators of compromise;
these are tracked by Mandiant, an analytical
tool that provides a series of novel threats that
are indicative of active breach. The Mandiant
analytical tool also enables users to ascertain
bad actors using novel techniques. This
AI-based cloud security protocol allows cloud
security analysts to augment out-of-the-box
anomaly detection based on an Indicator
Confidence Score.
Integration of AI into existing security protocol
(Challenges and limitations)
The integration of AI into existing cloud security
protocols is often a complex process, owing to a
variety of challenges that can only be overcome
through effective planning. The array of diverse
technologies that characterize cloud
environments makes the system very complex;
hence there is need for meticulous planning to
make sure that AI tools are efficiently aligned
with pre-existing security protocol (19). Since AI
heavily relies on data sets for optimal efficiency,
having the requisite quality of data becomes a
limiting factor. Data-sets may not be robust
enough to allow for accurate predictions or
flawed threat assessment by AI. In other words,
for AI to be effective in cloud environments,
there is a need for the availability and
accessibility of quality and robust data.
In some cases, AI-driven cloud security
protocols may generate either false positives or
false negatives, thereby affecting the accuracy
of anomaly detection and threat mitigation. The
successful integration of AI with existing cloud
security protocol hinges on the creation of a
balance between anomaly detection accuracy
and rate of false positives or false negatives as
the case may be. Also, AI integration into
existing cloud security protocols comes at a
significant cost. The financial implication of such
integration initiatives is a major barrier,
especially for small organizations (14). Asides
the financial resources needed, non-financial
resources such as storage capacity for data
training, computational resources as well as
human resources needed for such initiatives
may be unavailable. Such resource constraints
present a serious challenge on the effective
integration of AI into existing cloud security
Interpreting the rationale for some predictions
and decisions by AI-driven anomaly detection
protocol is a major difficulty. In order to address
this particular challenge, there is a need for the
establishment of easily-understood models that
can provide meaningful insights regarding the
criteria for specific actions or decisions. Aso,
there is a need to consider any ethical and
compliance regulations before integrating AI
into existing cloud security frameworks. This is
important in order to build public trust and
confidence in such AI-driven cloud security
protocol. Addressing all the identified
challenges is possible by establishing a
multidisciplinary approach that will require
inputs from several stakeholders that are
associated with the AI integration initiative. In
order for organizations to harness the full
potential of AI integration with existing cloud
security protocol, there is a need to embark on
a gradual approach that will ensure the
minimization of disruptions (18). This will help
to develop effective anomaly detection models
that are capable of responding to various forms
of cyber-attacks.
Emerging Trends in AI for Cloud Security
The increased adoption of AI in various fields of
endeavor have necessitated inquiries into how
machine learning can significantly impact on
future operations. With respect to cloud
security, AI is becoming more adoptive and
adaptive. This adaptation and adoptions come
with both benefits and dangers. On the part of
cybersecurity tools, integration of AI has led to
the emergence of a new set of specialized tools
to ensure application security, vulnerability
evaluation and improved data privacy.
AI-powered cloud security protocols can help to
reduce the need for application security since AI
is capable of being integrated into the
DevSecOps process. In other words, AI
integration into cloud security will lead to the
proliferation of AI-powered cybersecurity tools.
On the other side, there is the possibility of a
significant rise in sophisticated cyberattacks
that will also leverage AI potentiality. The
emergence of FraudGPT and WormGPT should
provide more insight. FraudGPT is capable of
writing malicious codes and creation of
malware to be used for fraudulent practices.
This tool is subscription-based, and is
experiencing increased sales already. WormGPT
is a cybercrime tool that allows users to easily
create sophisticated phishing tools for
cyber-attacks. This means that cyber attacks can
be carried out swiftly and more efficiently
without the users having advanced technical
Potential Impact of AI on block-chain
AI and block-chain technology are two trends
that cannot be ignored. While AI involves the
use of computers and machine learning to
undertake tasks that are normally handled by
human intelligence, block-chain technology
allows numerous parties access to encrypted
real-time data for transactions. Invariably, AI
integration with block-chain can open up new
processes that would add speed and efficiency
to the latter. On the surface, the large number
of records kept in a block-chain helps improve
the trust in recommendations provided by AI.
The encryption capabilities of block-chain
makes it a viable tool for data protection,
whereas AI needs constant supply of large data.
The possibility of AI interacting with block-chain
encrypted data without human intervention
promises an increasingly secured cloud
environment. Although block-chain is relatively
safe, there is a degree of susceptibility; this is
the area where machine learning can come in.
Block-chain technology hinges on data-mining, a
time-consuming and energy-intensive process
that can be better managed through integration
with machine learning and AI. An example of
this is the development of DeepMind, an AI tool
that utilizes historical data from several sensors
to reduce the energy consumed by Google to
cool its data centers.
Also, data is more secured with efficient data
management techniques. Invariably, it becomes
possible to ensure increased data security by
merging AI and block-chain. As block-chain
technology analyzes encrypted data to
authenticate transactions through characteristic
permutations, AI can improve on it by learning
with every successful transaction authenticated
by the block-chain. Furthermore, Block-chain
technology is capable of storing personal data
more intelligently when assisted by the learning
capabilities of AI. Similar feats have been
achieved in the health sector with smart
health-care systems being developed to make
correct diagnosis based on personal records of
Concluding Remarks
Integration of AI into cloud security systems is
one that has benefited several organizations.
The potential for AI to improve cyberspace is
evident by its adoption by popular cloud
platforms used in the case study. It has enabled
these organizations to implement cloud security
protocols that are strengthened by intelligent
automation. This has shown that AI is becoming
more essential towards safeguarding the next
generation of cloud operations from the threat
of intrusion and detection of anomalies.
Invariably, it has become more imperative for
organizations to factor AI into their long-term
cloud security strategy so as to create a more
effective form of predictive security protocol.
Despite the inherent benefits of AI integration
into cloud security protocol, it is imperative to
understand that the process is not a
one-size-fits-all initiative. There is a need for
every organization to tailor AI integration into
its cloud security protocol in a manner that will
achieve optimal performance. A comprehensive
approach towards AI integration with cloud
security protocol is crucial for the achievement
of predefined objectives. As more organizations
embark on the adoption of AI-driven cloud
security systems, the propensity for AI to
enhance safety in cyberspace becomes more
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This study examines the ethical challenges and regulatory dynamics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in relation to data integrity and its influence on social dynamics. Employing a cross-sectional survey approach, primary data was collected from 650 AI practitioners across various sectors, Original Research Article 2 encompassing developers, data scientists, ethicists, and policymakers. The study investigated the correlations between regulatory compliance, ethical awareness, professional training, and experience in AI practice with the effectiveness of AI implementation and data integrity. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation between higher levels of regulatory compliance and perceived effectiveness in AI implementation, as well as between AI ethics awareness and data integrity assurance. Moreover, a significant relationship was observed between professional training in AI and its positive impact on social dynamics. However, experience in the AI field, while positively correlated, showed a weaker link to data integrity, indicating that experience alone is insufficient for ensuring effective AI practices. The study highlights the importance of ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and professional training in shaping AI development and its societal implications. The need for dynamic, adaptable, and inclusive regulatory frameworks that can align AI practices with societal values and ethical norms is emphasized. Future research directions include exploring AI ethics and regulation in diverse cultural contexts and the impact of emerging technologies like quantum computing on AI ethics.
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Business intelligence systems give important and competitive information to business planners and decision-makers by combining operational and historical data with analytical tools. Business intelligence (BI) aims to increase the timeliness and quality of data, allowing managers to better comprehend their company's position with rivals. For example, changes in market share, consumer behavior and spending patterns, customer preferences, corporate capabilities, and market circumstances may be analyzed using business intelligence tools and technology. In addition, analysts and managers may utilize business intelligence to determine which changes are most likely to adapt to shifting trends. The nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and possibly beneficial information from data is known as data mining. Clustering, data summarization, learning classification rules, discovering dependency networks, analyzing changes, and detecting anomalies are all examples of technological techniques. The introduction of the data warehouse as a repository, advancements in data purification, better hardware and software capabilities, and the emergence of web architecture have all combined to produce a richer business intelligence environment than previously accessible. This document tries to give a framework for developing a business intelligence system. AI has been used to find and investigate security flaws. Manipulation and movement When given a limited static environment, AI robots can readily detect and map their surroundings.
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The purpose of this paper is to design and implement a complete system for monitoring and detecting attacks and anomalies in 5G wireless local area networks. Regrettably, the development of most open source systems has been stopped, making them unable to detect emerging forms of threats. The system provides a modular framework to create and add new detection rules as new attacks emerge. The system is based on packet analysis modules and rules and incorporates machine learning models to enhance its efficiency. The use of rule-based detection establishes a strong basis for the identification of recognized threats, whereas the additional implementation of machine learning models enables the detection of new and emerging attacks at an early stage. Therefore, the ultimate aim is to create a tool that constantly evolves by integrating novel attack detection techniques. The efficiency of the system is proven experimentally with accuracy levels up to 98.57% and precision as well as recall scores as high as 92%.
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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are necessary to improve an enterprise's management performance. However, the perception of information technology (IT) professionals about the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning with ERP cloud service platforms is unknown. Few studies have examined how leaders can implement AI for strategic management, but no study has qualitatively explored AIs integration in the cloud ERP system. This qualitative phenomenological study explored IT professionals’ perceptions regarding the integration of AI and Supervised-machine (S-machine) learning into cloud service platforms in the enhancement of the cloud ERP system. Two research questions were developed for this study: 1) What are the perceptions of IT professionals regarding the use of an AI model to integrate SaaS and ERP? and 2) What are the perceptions of IT professionals regarding how AI can be integrated in order to enhance the security of using an ERP cloud-based system? Through a hermeneutical lens and a focus on integrating the Application Programming Interface (API), purposive sampling was used to interview five AI experts, three Machine Learning (ML) experts, five Cybersecurity experts, and two Cloud Service Providers provided their lived experiences with AI and S-machine learning. Five main themes emerged, including 1) use of an AI model to integrate SaaS and ERP helped perform work efficiently, 2) challenges for integrating AI into cloud service ERP and SaaS, 3) resources needed to fully implement an AI into cloud-service ERP or SaaS, 4) the best practices for developing and implementing an AI model for ERP and SaaS, and 5) how security of an ERP clouds-based system is optimized by integrating AI. The culmination of these findings has positive implications for individuals and organizations to improve management performance. While this study does not proposal a new theory, this study extends current literature on the application of theories related to technology integration.
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Objective: The study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the factors impacting technology adoption, to predict the acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies. Background: Although the acceptance of AI devices is usually defined by behavioural factors in theories of user acceptance, the effects of technical and human factors are often overlooked. However, research shows that user behaviour can vary depending on a system's technical characteristics and differences in users. Method: A systematic review was conducted. A total of 85 peer-reviewed journal articles that met the inclusion criteria and provided information on the factors influencing the adoption of AI devices were selected for the analysis. Results: Research on the adoption of AI devices shows that users' attitudes, trust and perceptions about the technology can be improved by increasing transparency, compatibility, and reliability, and simplifying tasks. Moreover, technological factors are also important for reducing issues related to human factors (e.g. distrust, scepticism, inexperience) and supporting users with lower intention to use and lower trust in AI-infused systems. Conclusion: As prior research has confirmed the interrelationship among factors with and without behaviour theories, this review suggests extending the technology acceptance model that integrates the factors studied in this review to define the acceptance of AI devices across different application areas. However, further research is needed to collect more data and validate the study's findings. Application: A comprehensive overview of factors influencing the acceptance of AI devices could help researchers and practitioners evaluate user behaviour when adopting new technologies.
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Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and ubiquitous. Cybercriminals are inevitably adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to evade the cyberspace and cause greater damages without being noticed. Researchers in cybersecurity domain have not researched the concept behind AI-powered cyberattacks enough to understand the level of sophistication this type of attack possesses. This paper aims to investigate the emerging threat of AI-powered cyberattacks and provide insights into malicious used of AI in cyberattacks. The study was performed through a three-step process by selecting only articles based on quality, exclusion, and inclusion criteria that focus on AI-driven cyberattacks. Searches in ACM, arXiv Blackhat, Scopus, Springer, MDPI, IEEE Xplore and other sources were executed to retrieve relevant articles. Out of the 936 papers that met our search criteria, a total of 46 articles were finally selected for this study. The result shows that 56% of the AI-Driven cyberattack technique identified was demonstrated in the access and penetration phase, 12% was demonstrated in exploitation, and command and control phase, respectively; 11% was demonstrated in the reconnaissance phase; 9% was demonstrated in the delivery phase of the cybersecurity kill chain. The findings in this study shows that existing cyber defence infrastructures will become inadequate to address the increasing speed, and complex decision logic of AI-driven attacks. Hence, organizations need to invest in AI cybersecurity infrastructures to combat these emerging threats.
The increasing availability of large data sets has initiated a resurgence in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research. Today AI is integrated into a wide variety of so-called smart products to personalize user experiences. Smart Technologies are typically designed for ease of use, with their complex underlying procedures (intentionally) obfuscated, while explaining particular outcomes is hampered by their inherent ambiguity. This lack of legibility leads to misconceptions about how AI works. Through design research, the authors address the challenge of AI legibility by designing AI iconography as an accessible way to communicate and better understand the role AI and data increasingly play in our everyday interactions.
Motivated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) recent direction and ever-growing interest in cloud adoption by power utilities, a Task Force was established to assist power system practitioners with secure, reliable and cost-effective adoption of cloud technology to meet various business needs. This paper summarizes the business drivers, challenges, guidance, and best practices for cloud adoption in power systems from the Task Force's perspective, after extensive review and deliberation by its members, including grid operators, utility companies, software vendors, and cloud providers. The paper begins by enumerating various business drivers for cloud adoption in the power industry. It follows with the discussion of the challenges and risks of migrating power grid utility workloads to the cloud. Next, for each corresponding challenge or risk, the paper provides appropriate guidance. Notably, the guidance is directed toward power industry professionals who are considering cloud solutions and are yet hesitant about the practical execution. Finally, to tie all the sections together, the paper documents various real-world use cases of cloud technology in the power system domain, which both the power industry practitioners and software vendors can look toward to design and select their own future cloud solutions. We hope that the information in this paper will serve as helpful guidance for the development of NERC guidelines and standards relevant to cloud adoption in the industry.