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Implementation and Evaluation of Intelligent Roadside Infrastructure for Automated Vehicle with I2V Communication

  • VEDECOM Institute, Versailles, France

Abstract and Figures

Automated vehicles (AV) are important elements of smart cities reducing traffic congestions and gas emission. These objectives, however, cannot be achieved without smart infrastructures installed in complex road sections like intersections, roundabouts, blind zones, and uphill. Smart infrastructures equipped with sensors combined with infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) communication offer an opportunity to make better decision and to extend perception of AVs. Roadside infrastructure (RSI) is for various services such as green light optimization speed advisory, cooperative awareness, and decentralized event notification supporting AVs to driving safer and in a more efficient manner. Complementary, a collective perception message (CPM) is under specification at European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI) to transfer information from smart sensors. As CPM carries detailed information on objects detected by the sensors, significant benefits are expected by installing such service on RSI collecting data on blind zones and other complex areas. In this paper, we first introduce an intelligent RSI architecture, which is compatible with multiple sensor types and providers, further processes sensor data for CPM creation and transmission. Then, we present our methodology for implementation of our RSI for on-site experimentations. Finally, some key evaluations of CPM transmissions are conducted.
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Implementation and evaluation of intelligent roadside
infrastructure for automated vehicle with I2V
Abhishek JANDIAL [1], Pierre MERDRIGNAC [1]
Oyunchimeg SHAGDAR [1]
1 Institut VEDECOM, 23 bis Allée des Marronniers, 78000 Versailles, France
Abstract. Since the smart cities are emerging, Autonomous vehicles (AVs) can
help to avoid congestions and gas emission. The smart infrastructures are cur-
rently undergoing significant improvements regarding connectivity and commu-
nication. Hence, they are foreseen to assist AV in complex situations like round-
abouts, blind zones, uphill. Particularly, smart sensors combined with Infrastruc-
ture-to-Vehicle (I2V) communication offer an opportunity to make better deci-
sion and extend perception of AV. Roadside Infrastructure (RSI) can be equipped
with various services like SPAT, CAM, DENM to exchange specific information
over I2V. Complementary, a collective perception message (CPM) has recently
been specified to transfer information from smart sensors. Taken into consider-
ation that CPM carries detailed information on detected objects, installing such
service on RSI to collect data on blind zones and complex areas is proposed here.
In this paper, we first introduce an intelligent RSI architecture, which is compat-
ible with multiple sensors and their providers, further processes sensor data for
CPM creation and transmission. Additionally, we present our methodology for
implementation of our RSI during on-site experimentations. Furthermore, some
key evaluations of CPM transmission are also conducted.
Keywords: Infrastructure-To-Vehicle communication, collective perception, au-
tomated vehicle, roadside infrastructure, roadside unit
1 Introduction
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are rapidly emerging as a major technology to improve
road transportation systems in terms of safety and efficiency. Presently, AVs
rely on the existing road infrastructure to navigate autonomously and must share their
driving environment with other users such as non-AVs, pedestrians or cyclists. AVs
should perform maneuvers such intersection crossing, entering in a roundabout, over-
taking in complex areas, cooperation between road users has largely been adopted in so
called Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) [7], [16]. Complemen-
tary to the development of AVs, roadside infrastructure (RSI) is also under constant
evolution and can hosts different services to support new generation of vehicles in par-
ticular situations such as intersection crossing assistance [11] or road hazard warning
To ensure interoperability and facilitate the deployment of such services, standardi-
zation organizations such as European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
and IEEE made enormous efforts in producing specifications of V2X communication
protocols, security, privacy measures, and a set of target C-ITS services. In Europe,
Roadside Units (RSU) and vehicles implementing such services should be equipped
with a module, called ITS Station, compliant with the standardized C-ITS architec-
ture [5].
Among the different services offered by C-ITS architecture, Cooperative Awareness
(CA) [2] and Decentralized Environmental Notification (DEN) [3] basic ser-
vices were the first ones to be normalized by ETSI in order to provide basic set of ap-
plication for driving assistance [4]. Although CA and DEN services have brought in-
teresting support to connected vehicles, they are inefficient for AVs which rely on
a new generation of C-ITS applications.
AVs rely on their embedded sensors in order to have a local perception of their en-
vironment and plan automated maneuvers. However, as these sensors can have a lim-
ited field of view or be occluded in the presence of a road obstacle, it would be difficult
for an AV to perform some actions which may lead counter-productive effects in terms
of road safety and traffic. In order overcome this issue, we are sharing embedded sen-
sor information among AVs which has been proposed in order to extend the perception
range [1], [17].
In this paper, we present an RSI which uses collective perception (CP) for assisting
AVs in dedicated sites. Fig.1 illustrates the proposed system at a roundabout where local
perception of AV is insufficient due to limited field of view and occluding obstacles.
Here, a set of local intelligent sensors, e.g. camera, lidars, can be installed to cover the
site with a full perception. Then, RSU transmits such perception information via V2X
Communication using Collective Perception Messages (CPM) as specified by
ETSI [6]. The proposed system assists the vehicle to adapt its behavior when approach-
ing an accident-prone zone (ex: for arrival on a pedestrian passage or bus stop or a
crossroad, etc.). Indeed, receiving real-time information of the current situation on this
zone would help the vehicle to anticipate better trajectory (speed and heading) either
with soft braking or lane change which satisfies safety requirement for public transpor-
tation and corresponds to good driving practices.
Fig. 1. Illustration of Collective Perception by Roadside Infrastructure
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives details on related
works. Section 3 presents our system for roadside infrastructure based extended per-
ception for AVs and Section 4 explains the details of the key steps in implementation
of an intelligent RSI. In Section 5, we provide system evaluations. Finally, Section 6
concludes our work.
2 Related works
Roadside units were initially assisting vehicles using infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V)
communication [10] for specific use cases such event notification by an operator cen-
ter [16], Signal Phase and Time (SPAT) of traffic lights for Green Light Optimal
Speed Adaptation [11]. Such information can then be displayed on Human Machine
Interface (HMI) of the vehicle for driver assistance [16] or advertisement of service
availability on service channel of V2X Communication frequency band [13]. Although,
all these messages offer very interesting assistance for drivers of non-AVs, they do not
provide a sufficiently precise description of the environment to assist AVs.
Then, sharing sensor measurement using for example Cooperative Awareness Mes-
sages (CAM) [12] has been proposed to extend current capabilities of
RSI. Although such approach relies on existing standards, it can face scalability and
security issues.
As automated vehicles are equipped with embedded sensors, various works have
proposed to share data collected by these sensors within the vehicular network [1],
[15], [17]. With such systems, information from local sensors are broadcasted to neigh-
boring vehicles which can then receive and process these data elements. As different
kind of sensors can be used by different manufacturers, a generalization of the data
format was necessary to allow interoperability between multiple car makers. Such for-
mat has been introduced in [9] and is under specification at ETSI [6] under Collective
Perception Service.
With CP service, a common knowledge is shared among road user and it has been
shown that such information can improve the overall situation awareness for AVs [8].
First simulation studies have been carried out with CPM transmitted by an intelligent
RSI and showed its potential to extend time horizon of AVs [14]
As CPM is getting more and more attention, we introduce an intelligent RSI which
has been installed in multiple test sites. The main contribution of our work consists in
large experimental trials of CPM transmission with a study on RSI installation at trial
site to obtain the optimal performance with these messages.
3 Intelligent RSI for extending perception of AVs
As autonomous shuttles are driving in open road to serve passengers in regular trips, it
is necessary to ensure that the roads are fully compliant with their operational require-
ments as illustrated in Fig.2. As part of the French national project, multiple AVs are
conducting on-field experiments covering 10 km of open roads. In this context, we de-
veloped intelligent RSI to cover the autonomous shuttle testing environment. In partic-
ular, our intelligent RSI has been installed at 26 sites where the quality of service of
autonomous shuttles may be reduced if they drive in complete autonomy.
Fig. 2: Road infrastructure for autonomous shuttle supervision
3.1 Requirements
The proposed system must satisfy the following requirements:
Time synchronization: As data communicating between AV and RSI are highly dy-
namic, e.g. position and speed of vehicles, a perfect synchronization between these
equipments is essential.
End to end time: The time taken by the RSI to share the roadside information with
AV should be close to the reality. In case, the information arrives late to the AV, it
would be of no use.
Interoperability between various sensor and V2X vendors: Nowadays, many com-
mercial sensor providers are available with very efficient detection algorithm like
smart cameras by Flir[18] and Lidar by Quanergy[19]. The system should support
any sensors of such vendors. Similarly, it should be able to support interface with
any V2X devices or LTE broadcasting routers.
Precision of position: As this system shares roadside perception with AV, so that
AV can make decisions to perform automated actions, a precision a few centimeters
is required for transmitted position values.
Site coverage: RSI is installed in an environment where perception of AV can be
degraded due to limited visibility. Therefore, the roadside sensors which are
mounted on the RSI should provide broader perception view in order to reduce the
effects of blind zones for AVs and assist AVS in anticipating any danger.
Adaptability to many topology configurations: As every target site for RSI installa-
tion may have some particularities, it is necessary for the system to be adaptable. By
studying installation sites, appropriate decisions regarding choice of sensors and
equipment implantation. For example, sensors cannot be installed everywhere, and
existing poles or lamp posts can be chosen to support them.
3.2 Architecture of the system
As shown in Fig.3Fig. 3, the proposed RSI is composed of three main elements:
Smart sensors are responsible for roadside scene observation and object detection.
As such smart sensors embed signal processing algorithms, they produce tracking
lists containing information regarding the objects located in the target zone of RSI.
A central perception unit is responsible for converting tracking list obtained from
smart sensors into CPM format. This module ensures interoperability between mul-
tiple sensors vendors and multiple communication technology. In addition, it can
fill CPM data fields based on data elements provided by the sensors currently in use
at a given RSI.
A road side unit (RSU) sends CPM on the V2X channel. This RSU must be com-
pliant with the reference C-ITS architecture [5].
Fig. 3. Architecture of the roadside infrastructure
3.3 Central Perception Unit
Currently, many commercial sensors and softwares are available in the market to per-
form automatic object detection and tracking. The purpose in designing such compo-
nent is that the RSI can be configured with multiple sensor and RSU vendors. This
provides an improved adaptability of the system when installed in sites having different
Central Perception Unit flow chart is shown in Fig. 3. and is composed of three main
1) A reader connects to the sensor via standard protocols like TCP, UDP, WebSocket
etc. Then sensor data are read over various formats like, XML, JSON etc. In our
experiment, a TCP and WebSocket reader have been designed.
2) Depending on the received sensor data format, the packets are decoded using either
JsonDecoder or XMLDecoder, and then converted in order to be filled into CPM
3) Once the CPM is prepared, a publisher provides such data structure to RSU, which
is in our case a V2X device, for its broadcasting to the AV. In our experiment, the
publisher sends the CPM over TCP protocol. Additionally, it can be configurated to
connect to multiple kinds of devices or logging units.
Key concepts in implementation of intelligent RSI
3.4 Site Survey
Perception survey was performed before the installation of the sensors and the RSU.
The purpose of this survey was to understand the topology of the sites and points of
interest. Moreover, keen observation was conducted to find blind spots or dead zones
for AV. To ensure that such blind zones can be anticipated, an optimal sensor needs to
be chosen.
Fig 4: Roadside Topology
Site Categories
Site Survey Indicators
Roadside conditions
Presence of trees
Presence of glass buildings
One-way narrow streets
Pedestrian zone
Large roundabout
Detection object type
Pedestrians presence
Bus-stop with buses and pedestrians
One-way vehicle presence
Roundabout with multiple object type
Region of interest
(ROI) for detections
Blind/hidden spot detections
Dangerous zones detection
Key detection areas on the site
Table 1. Categorization of indicators evaluated during site survey
Table 1, lists indicators that were evaluated during the site survey. These indicators
have been organized into three main categories:
1. Physical conditions of roadside: roadsides might have trees or heavy struc-
ture buildings which could limit the visibility of AV. Topology of a site
varies like roundabouts, small intersections, blind curves, single or multiple
lane roads etc. Based on the topology, large or limited, a sensor is chosen.
The figure 2, shows two different types of road topologies, Fig.2(left) shows
a large roundabout where a sensor with large Field-of- view (FOV) would
be required e.g. lidar.
2. Detection object type: On certain sites, main interest for detection could be
just pedestrians, vehicles/buses, or both. Sites with a high number of specific
objects, could use a sensor with the best detection performances on that spe-
cific object. For example, Fig. 2(right), a site containing intersection with a
pedestrian crossing would have potential detections of pedestrians. On such
sites a short-range pedestrian detection camera could be the best fit.
3. Region of interest (ROI) for detection: On a site, the region of interest could
be the blind spots, danger zones to enhance the perception of AV. Many
blind zones are possible in a trajectory of an AV. It could be an uphill or
sharp bend on the road. It can also be caused by the presence of infrastruc-
ture, e.g. a roundabout, and even due to dynamic situations such as a large
vehicle blocking the visibility, e.g. at a bus station.
In order to choose a sensor for the installations, it is important to understand the effi-
ciency and functionality of that sensor. In our work, we performed a series of test cases
on the sensors, as shown in Table 2, to evaluate their strengths and limitations.
Our tests can be divided into two kinds. First, sensor unit test cases, classified in five
categories, seek to provide the conditions in which a sensor can be used at a RSI. The
results of such tests are binary and would be yes or no. Second, sensor performance
evaluation tests are conducted on multiple parameters. These tests are conducted with
multiple datasets in order to estimate average performances for different parameters,
e.g. accuracy of position and speed of detected objects.
Test Ca-
Test cases
To perform a test with the object detection in night conditions
Table 2. Sensor Validation Tests.
3.5 Sensors qualification per site
After completing site survey and sensor testing as presented in the above sections, a
main part of our work is to qualify sensors that can be installed on every target site. Fig.
4 presents the flow chart of our methodology for qualifying a given sensor for a target
installation site.
Light conditions
To Test object in the weather conditions like Rain, snow
FOV tests
To test horizontal field of view of the sensor
To test Lidar 90/180/270°, cameras 45,60,90° with best detection
Object_id confirma-
tion and
range blockage tests
To test detected object blockage by some external source like wall, tree
To Test 2 or more objects moving closely and then separating
To Test 2 or more detected object from different direction together to-
wards one direction and speed
Test an object enters the detection frame and then goes out of the range
and then shows up again
Mask Object tests
To Test for pedestrian with cap, umbrella
Test incomplete or semi hidden object in the frame of the sen-
sor e.g.: half vehicle appears in the FOV of the sensor
To Test for pedestrian with skates/ electric scooter/ Stoller
Multiple object tests
To Test multiple object entering from different location and exiting
Test Two or more pedestrian appearing in the frame from opposite direc-
tion at the same time /different directions
SV_MOT1_ 3
Test 20 -100 objects appearing at the same time in the frame
Position Accuracy
To test the object detection 0- 20 mts. distance from the sensors
To test the object detection at 30 mts. distance from the sensors
To test the object detection at 40 mts. distance from the sensors
Speed Test
To test the object under various vehicle speeds 10,20,40, 60 km/h
To test the Pedestrian at walk, jog and run
Direction Test
To test the direction of the object on following directions
From X axis to -X axis ; -X axis to X axis
From Y axis to -Y axis ; -Y axis to Y axis
Fig. 4.: Flow chart of sensor qualification methodology
First, requirements related to the installation site are extracted from the perception
survey. These requirements express objectives for the RSI sensors in terms of site cov-
erage regarding identified ROI and target object for detection. In addition, some con-
straints for sensor implantation are also defined from the perception survey.
Second, every sensor is qualified with respect to the site requirements. In particular,
the following criteria are considered in the qualification process:
Type of sensors: As different sensors have different capabilities, we need to
validate the capacity of the sensor to be compliant with site coverage and sub-
ject of detection requirements.
Sensor installation constraint: All the sensors cannot be mounted on the same
height. For example, lidar cannot be installed at a height more than 4 meters,
while cameras have pre-requisite of installation from 6-9 meters depending
upon its horizontal FOV. Implantation position satisfying these conditions
must be ensured.
Position and Angle of the sensor: Depending on the position and view angle
of the sensor, it can have different performances. As these parameters are fixed
at the installation, it is important to decide a configuration where a sensor has
optimal detection for the required region of interest inside the site.
Then, an expected performance level is evaluated by retrieving the sensor per-
formance in the configuration of the target site from a recorded dataset. From
this evaluation stage, a sensor acceptance score is obtained in order to validate
or invalidate the installation of such sensor.
Finally, once all sensors have qualified for a given test site, the configuration
of the RSI with the highest acceptance is selected and is applied for installa-
3.6 RSI installations
The RSI installation was performed for the experimentation with AV on a commercial
road with many non-connected vehicles. The Figures below shows AV on the road with
installed RSI. In this section we discuss post-installation tasks and challenges.
Fig. 6. Experiment sites and AV next to RSI
Calibrations: Once the sensor is installed, some intrinsic and extrinsic parameters like
sensor height, tilt angle, detection criteria should be calibrated for the best results. We
provide here some steps of this procedure. The calibrations are sensor dependent, like
in case of smart cameras, the calibration involves just inputting the height of the sen-
sors. However, in case of lidars it can get complicated if dealing with the raw data of
the laser output. For our experiments we choose a commercial lidar in which the cali-
bration process was automatic except if there were multiple lidar fusion involved.
Position precision: Precise position of sensors and RSU are strictly needed during
the installation of these equipment on a site. The central perception unit performs
the translation of the object position from related to an absolute position using the
position of RSU and the sensor. These precise positions were obtained in this exper-
iment using an RTK correction with GNSS. The Fig 6, (right) shows recording posi-
tion at the experiment site using GPS RTK.
Defining the height and tilt angle of sensors installed: It enhances the precision of
detection of the sensor.
Define the region of interest (ROI): To avoid some unwanted detections we define
the ROI of the sensors.
Stability of the infrastructure: After the installation of the equipment it is important
to ensure the stability. As there has been a calibration performed onto the sensors if
moved the calibration could be lost resulting into false detections. The instability
could be caused due to improper installations or due to the weather conditions. It is
been observed that the mast being unstable, moves about 2 cm, in case of automatic
calibration, this might change the output data.
4 Evaluations
In this section, we provide some key insights related to the performance of our RSI
which were obtained during the evaluation of the system.
4.1 V2X transmissions evaluations
Fig. 5 a & b CPM generation and transmission time.
Fig. 5a (left) shows the CPM generation time with number of objects associated to it.
The CPM generation time ranging from minimum 2.6 milli seconds to maximum 9.3
milli seconds.
Fig. 5b (right) shows the CPM air time or transmission time associated with number of
objects in the CPM message.
It should be noted that all these values in graphs are average of at least 100 iterations
In addition, we made the following observations from our experiments regarding V2X
Weather conditions effects the radio transmission
Limitations of maximum size of message to be broadcasted is 1398 bytes i.e. ap-
proximately 50 CPM objects (IEEE Std 802.11 - 2007).
Range of message transmission by RSU is affected by urban infrastructure.
RSU's performance reduces with overload of processing like security certificates,
Security certification at RSU causes the reduction of size of message.
4.2 Sensor evaluations
Table 3 shows an example of of calculation of accuracy of position of a sensor. The
right column shows actual distance of the object and left columns show sensor output
on various heights. According to this table, the evaluated sensor has a coverage till 25
meters and accurate detections till 10-15 meters. Here, we observed that optimal height
for installation is between 5-5.5 meters.
Fig. 6. Accuracy of position for camera sensor
4.3 Time synchronization between complete RSI and AV
In our experiments, time was synchronized by using an NTP server for sensors and by
GNSS antennas on the V2X side. On the AV side, the time synchronization was per-
formed using LTE network and GNSS. For the message exchange like SPAT there was
not a major problem of the time lag as it does not require micro second time precision.
But for the CPM, which requires a high precision of time, we did not receive good
results. Despite of using GNSS for time synchronization on the both the ends RSU and
OBU (on board unit) we conclude that the GNSS does not provide a stable time and
position accuracy. For our experiment, we decided to trigger a centralized clock which
synchronizes both sides.
5 Conclusion
We presented in this paper an intelligent roadside infrastructure which has been tested
and installed in different target sites for assisting autonomous vehicles in case of limited
perception situation. Our study provides major insight for future installation of such
RSI, 1) the system must be interoperable with different sensors and communication
system to be adapted to multiple site topologies 2) installation sites should be carefully
examined for choosing the most appropriate sensor configuration and offering the best
service to AVs 3) installation calibration should be done very precisely and alerts
should be provided to operators in case calibration is lost to guaranty a high level of
service for the RSI 4) current V2X communication systems have still some limitations
to fully support collective perception, indeed, it has limitations to transmit information
for a large number of detected objects and cannot ensure synchronization between
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... Optimization of traffic flow, to reduce congestion, enhance throughput, and improve overall traffic efficiency at roundabouts in the transition toward smart mobility [100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109]; • Enhancement of safety measures [110][111][112][113][114][115]; • Integration with sustainable transportation solutions [85,[116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128]. ...
... Regarding the second study trajectory, enhancing roundabout safety through smart technologies involves integrating advanced systems for vehicle-to-vehicle communications, real-time monitoring, and control. These technologies aim to mitigate risks by detecting potential hazards, optimizing traffic flow, and providing timely alerts to drivers, thus improving overall safety at roundabouts [110][111][112][113][114][115]. Lee [110] raised doubts about the reliability of smart systems and stressed the importance of conducting practical assessments to gauge their effectiveness. This highlights the necessity for engineers to strike a balance between innovation and practicality when integrating new smart technologies. ...
... Nonetheless, this subject remains an ongoing area of research. Also, advanced warning systems and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication have been proposed to prevent crashes and enhance safety, especially at complex road sections such as intersections and roundabouts [111]. Kácovský et al. [112] examined the influence of design parameters on safety, validating hypotheses through crash and conflict data, thus contributing to defining safe design parameters and enhancing road safety. ...
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This paper explores the domain of intelligent transportation systems, specifically focusing on roundabouts as potential solutions in the context of smart mobility. Roundabouts offer a safer and more efficient driving environment compared to other intersections, thanks to their curvilinear trajectories promoting speed control and lower vehicular speeds for traffic calming. The synthesis review supported the authors in presenting current knowledge and emerging needs in roundabout design and evaluation. A focused examination of the models and methods used to assess safety and operational performance of roundabout systems was necessary. This is particularly relevant in light of new challenges posed by the automotive market and the influence of vehicle-to-vehicle communication on the conceptualization and design of this road infrastructure. Two case studies of roundabouts were analyzed in Aimsun to simulate the increasing market penetration rates of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and their traffic impacts. Through microscopic traffic simulation, the research evaluated safety and performance efficiency advancements in roundabouts. The paper concludes by outlining areas for further research and evolving perspectives on the role of roundabouts in the transition toward connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructures.
... At present, some research studies have focused on the design of roadside perception systems and their application in different scenarios, as shown in [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Additionally, other studies have concentrated on the design of CP, data fusion, and testing applications, as demonstrated in [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. ...
... Merdrignac [13] conducted simulation experiments on vehicle-road cooperative perception in crucial areas like intersections, aiming to verify and enhance safety in these critical zones. Jandial [16] investigated the site selection and precise calibration of smart roadside facilities in complex and hazardous scenarios. ...
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... The ecotraffic signal system provides helpful information to vehicles that enable them to alter their driving behavior, reducing the number of stops at intersections. AVs can connect independently with nearby road infrastructure, especially traffic signals at intersections [36][37][38][39][40]. Massar, Moneim, et al. [20] analyzed various Effects of Autonomous Vehicles' activities and their significance on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. ...
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Federated learning has shown exceptional usability in diverse domains, such as IoT, healthcare, FinTech, Insurance Sector and other Industries and Technologies. In numerous emerging VANET applications, integrating federated learning and vertically partitioned (VP) systems has yielded advantageous outcomes. There is still much to discover in the field of traffic management and intelligent mobility. The adaptation of federated learning in ITS makes it safer, efficient and enhances vehicular mobility. The majority of federated learning techniques for vertically partitioned data are synchronous in nature. The development of asynchronous training algorithms for VP data is crucial while maintaining the privacy of the data to increase efficiency. This paper presents a Privacy-Preserving Asynchronous Federated Learning and Vertical partitioning based Algorithm that reduces the duration of idling at red lights and improves the fuel consumption of ITS. Additionally, we have introduced a technique that enhances the passing-vehicle ratio at the intersection and efficiently manages the traffic. Using a mathematical approach, we showed the fuel consumption dependency over time for traveling and fuel consumption. In the end, we evaluated our proposed model using various parameters, which shows our model’s efficiency. Our suggested model outperforms traditional vehicle passing per unit time ratio approaches. The ratio value provided by the traditional model is 0.88; however, the ratio value obtained by our proposed model sets a new benchmark, which is 1.33
... Therefore, connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) can combine their local understanding of the environment with the information received over the air from the infrastructure for improved decision-making and control. Jandial et al. (2020) introduced an intelligent roadside unit (RSU) that processed sensor data from infrastructure cameras and lidars. RSUs were deployed at several target locations to support CAVs and were found to be particularly efficient at roundabouts and S-shaped roads, where the onboard perception is inadequate due to restricted field of vision and obstructions. ...
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This paper reports the implementation and results of a simulation-based analysis of the impact of cloud/edge-enabled cooperative perception on the performance of automated driving in unsignalized roundabouts. This is achieved by comparing the performance of automated driving assisted by cooperative perception to that of a baseline system, where the automated vehicle relies only on its onboard sensing and perception for motion planning and control. The paper first provides the descriptions of the implemented simulation model, which integrates the SUMO road traffic generator and CARLA simulator. This includes descriptions of both the baseline and cooperative perception-assisted automated driving systems. We then define a set of relevant key performance indicators for traffic efficiency, safety, and ride comfort, as well as simulation scenarios to collect relevant data for our analysis. This is followed by the description of simulation scenarios, presentation of the results, and discussions of the insights learned from the results.
... This evaluation study only evaluates ITS technologies in environment change conditions, such as network density, packet size and channel capacities. For these conditions, the values used for message size are 350, 800 and 1200 bytes derived from the related work, such as [29,30]. These values are picked to cover the different C-ITS messages (CAM, DENM and CPM). ...
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The performance of vehicular communication technologies changes dynamically according to the application requirements considering data rate, communication ranges, latency, etc. These applications are evolving rapidly and should enhance intelligent transport systems (ITS) such as road safety and automated driving. However, to reach the required quality, these applications need many radio resources to carry the potential traffic load resulting from the environmental perception and data exchanged between the different entities. Therefore, an assessment of vehicular communication technologies’ reliability and resilience under these conditions is required to address the multiple challenges of the ITS services. The paper’s main contribution is to propose a comprehensive analysis model able to evaluate and compare the performances of ITS technologies according to different constraints related to environment-changing situations. This analysis examines the channel occupancy and provides simulation results which allow the identification of the suitable configurations and the most appropriate technology for a given use case. We also propose a coexistence solution between these technologies based on density-sharing according to the use case requirements and the availability of the technology. Finally, we present the challenge of adaptive configuration in vehicular networks, which helps to provide the optimal structure through road profiles and environment variability (infrastructure, data, etc.). Results show different trade offs and limitations between the considered ITS technologies, which are essential to understand their behaviour in a realistic environment.
... This may be vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication that allows vehicles to communicate their driving states and information to each other, or this could be information from road-side units (I2V) conveying information about infrastructure (e.g. speed limits, potential dangers, etc.) and traffic states further downstream (Jandial et al. 2019;Mamduhi et al. 2020). The greatest benefits in traffic stem from near instantaneous information generation that allows a CAV to react much faster as it does not need to use its perception sensors and processing power to detect and analyze a situation, but is fed this information directly from other vehicles and can allow vehicles to anticipate downstream traffic conditions. ...
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Traffic safety is arguably the most important traffic metric from a human perspective. Still, many millions of people are killed on roads every year. In this paper, the concept of Herd Immunity for Traffic Safety (HITS) is presented for the first time. This concept focuses on identifying and describing the increased level of safety that is achieved when Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) and Human Driven Vehicles (HDV) co-exist in mixed traffic. The underlying mechanism is described with a key component being the ability of CAVs to absorb human error and reduce exposure to risk. With increasing levels of CAV penetration, so-called tipping points occur in which the traffic safety grows in proportion to the penetration rate, which is demonstrated by the non-linearity of the penetration–risk relationship. This is demonstrated in theory and experimental cases while requirements to understand and apply the concept more extensively in the future are presented. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
The development of novel vehicle control systems that improve Fuel Economy (FE) is of significant interest, owing to the economic, environmental, and social implications of transportation. These control methods can either alter driver behavior, vehicle dynamics, or powertrain operation. This review focuses on the Eco-driving (ED) application for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and aims to provide a current understanding of critical research gaps, and novel detailed overview of initial studies addressing these identified research gaps. A systems-level perspective on an ED realization in AVs is used to identify research gaps, which are then studied to determine subsystem Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), Integration Readiness Levels (IRLs) and overall System Readiness Level (SRL). Major research gaps identified include (1) the influence of real-world AV sensors on the identification of important ED parameters, (2) the effect of sparse or missing sensor data on global derivation of Autonomous Eco-driving (AED), and (3) the implications of implementing AED with a Physical Vehicle. The studies that have attempted to address each research gap are highlighted, along with suggestions for future research. After identifying research gaps, ED capabilities for AVs are asserted to be viable in current vehicles, revealing the possibility for greater transportation sustainability at present.KeywordsBattery electric vehicleConnected and automated vehicleEco-drivingEnergy management systemAutonomous vehicle
div>The latest developments in vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-anything (V2X) technologies enable all the entities in the transportation system to communicate and collaborate to optimize transportation safety, mobility, and equity at the system level. On the other hand, the community of researchers and developers is becoming aware of the critical role of roadway infrastructure in realizing automated driving. In particular, intelligent infrastructure systems, which leverage modern sensors, artificial intelligence, and communication capabilities, can provide critical information and control support to connected and/or automated vehicles to fulfill functions that are infeasible for automated vehicles alone due to technical or cost considerations. However, there is limited research on formulating and standardizing the intelligence levels of road infrastructure to facilitate the development, as the SAE automated driving levels have done for automated vehicles. This article proposes a five-level intelligence definition for intelligent roadway infrastructure, namely, connected and automated highway (CAH). The CAH is a subsystem of the more extensive collaborative automated driving system (CADS), along with the connected automated vehicle (CAV) subsystem. Leveraging the intelligence definition of CAH, the intelligence definition for the CADS is also defined. Examples of how the CAH at different levels operates with the CAV in the CADS are also introduced to demonstrate the dynamic allocation of various automated driving tasks between different entities in the CADS.</div
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Intelligent driving has reduced traffic and accidents, which has increased road safety. One of the advantages of Smart vehicles is communication with the environment, communication with the environment makes the driver aware of the traffic situation and accidents, and other things. However, the vehicle needs to be able to authenticate the other party before exchanging data. In this paper, we propose a secure mutual authentication scheme for intelligent driving. We compare the proposed scheme with the security analysis Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) tool and then compare the proposed scheme with other existing schemes in terms of communication, computation cost, and the number of bits. We simulated the proposed design with tools NS3, and it has been examined in terms of Packet Delivery, Throughput, and End-to-End Delay in different scenarios. The results show that the proposed scheme is resistant to known attacks and has a low communication cost and medium computation cost compared to other schemes.
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Collaborative Intelligent Transportation Systems are almost part of our everyday life. A C-ITS environment can provide numerous services that soon will become essential to roads' users. The latter resides in improvement of road safety, entertainment, and commercial services. However to provide such services, the C-ITS environment needs an advertisement and dissemination service of the latter. Indeed, users have to be aware of the available services in order to request them if needed. Actual standards of service announcement show their limits, especially regarding the support of several communication profiles. For this reason, this paper, describes a new service advertisement message called CAM-Infrastructure. The latter is compliant with ETSI standards and is deployed in a nationwide scale project.
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Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (CITS) are being developed to make road traffic safer and more efficient. Vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication plays an important role for the cooperative awareness of vehicles in all the CITS standards in EU, US, and Japan. Essentially the CITS application relies on the exchanged data by V2V messages (called Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) in EU). However, the V2V communication suffers from two significant problems: 1) mixed environment and 2) obstacle interference. First, the CITS application cannot be aware of a non-CAM-aware vehicle because of low market penetration ratio of the V2V message transmitter in the early deployment phase. Second, the V2V messages may not reach the receivers because of interference by the obstacle between the vehicles. To solve these problems, the proposed system called Proxy CAM generates the necessary V2V messages in the roadside unit on behalf of sender vehicles (or non-CAM-aware vehicle) by sensing the vehicle. We design the system based on the ITS Station architecture standardized in ISO/ETSI, working with any vehicle sensing technology. Moreover, we implement the prototype system with a stereo vision for the vehicle sensing. The prototype system is evaluated in an indoor test and also validated in a field test in Tokyo with some modifications in the link layer to adapt the Japanese regulation. The results show that Proxy CAM significantly improves the coverage of V2V messaging while the system overhead is limited.
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Information exchange among vehicles, and between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure is commonly regarded as a base technology to sustainably reduce road accidents and improve traffic efficiency. After more than a decade of research and development efforts, a technological basis has been established that applies WiFibased, wireless communication in the 5.9 GHz frequency band, ad hoc communication and dedicated message sets, as well as management and security procedures. In Europe, Release 1 of standards for cooperative systems has been completed, indicating deployment of a basic system starting in 2015. This article provides a comprehensive overview of standards and complementary industry specifications for cooperative systems in Europe, covering relevant aspects of access technologies, network and transport protocols, facilities, applications, security, and management.
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A key component of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the provision of adequate network infrastructure to support vehicular communication. In this paper we present the results of an extensive measurement campaign evaluating the performance of IEEE 802.11 in different vehicular communication scenarios: vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V). We concentrate our evaluation on multi-hop communication in these two scenarios. We found that distance and line of sight communication are the two main factors affecting the network communication. The experimental results confirm also the feasibility of using ad hoc networks to extend the transmission range of the infrastructure and the connection time for cars in motion.
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The near future will see production vehicles equipped with intelligent Advanced Driving Systems using various sensor modalities. Meanwhile, other aspects such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications have emerged as means of assisting drivers. We propose a framework (V2Eye) in which V2V augments and extends the range of visual sensors in ways that have yet to be explored.
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This paper proposes a Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application implementation in a typical ref- erence area, and presents the results of its performance analysis using an integrated cooperative ITS simulation platform. Our interest was to monitor the impacts of GLOSA on fuel and traffic efficiency by introducing metrics for average fuel consumption and average stop time behind a traffic light, respectively. For gathering the results we implemented a traffic scenario defining a single route through an urban area including two traffic lights. The simulations are varied for different penetration rates of GLOSA-equipped vehicles and traffic density. Our results indicate that GLOSA systems could improve fuel consumption and reduce traffic congestion in junctions. Index Terms—vehicular communications, traffic light advisory, fuel consumption, traffic congestion.
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Most of today's Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs) rely on the data of local perception sensors. With the introduction of Vehicle-2-X (V2X) communication, the perception range of next generation vehicles will be extended even further. As a technology relying on the presence of other communication partners (network effect), any measure of increasing the market penetration rate of the technology should be pursued. This paper introduces the concept of collective perception , which aims at publishing the objects perceived by local perception sensors in addition to the envisioned self-announcement procedure of V2X enabled vehicles. The potential of the concept is studied by employing an holistic Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) simulation with a modular extension for local perception sensors. In the simulation scenarios, V2X enabled vehicles publish themselves along with their locally perceived objects. The findings unveil a significant leverage of the technology, especially in the case of low market penetration rates.
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The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has proposed a middleware solution (called facility) to support vehicular safety and traffic efficiency services needing continuous status information about surrounding vehicles or wanting to send asynchronous warning notifications to vehicles. The former capability is offered by the Cooperative Awareness Basic Service, while the latter is provided by the Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service. Reference packet formats for both the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) and Decentralized Environmental Notification Message (DENM) have been specified by ETSI, together with the general message dissemination guidelines. This paper presents an implementation prototype that has been developed to validate both CAM and DENM messaging capabilities. We provide implementation decisions and demonstrate the usefulness of these facilities through two reference services which provide a way to third-party services to gather tracking and tracing information, and send asynchronous road events to drivers within a specific area.
In cooperative perception systems, different vehi- cles share object data obtained by their local environment per- ception sensors, like radar or lidar, via wireless communication. In this paper, a fusion architecture for a cooperative perception system and a concept for a parametrizable offline simulation are proposed. In order to effectively develop and simulate such systems, knowledge about the main parameters of the employed wireless communication solution is crucial. For this reason, an experimental analysis of parameters like transmission latencies and transmission range of a communication solution based on IEEE 802.11p is presented. Index Terms— Cooperative Perception, V2X Communication, Parameter Analysis, Fusion Architecture, Simulation. I. INTRODUCTION Current research projects like Ko-PER (1) focus on the aim of providing driver assistance systems a global view of the traffic environment by employing distributed sensors and cooperative technologies like wireless communication. By broadcasting its own environment model based on local perception sensor data, from for example radar, lidar or video sensors, each equipped vehicle can help to enhance the scope of view of the other ones. Additionally, equipped roadside units can provide a global view of hazardous traffic sites, like complex intersections, for road users (2), (3). This technology called cooperative perception will empower new forms of driver assistance and safety systems. In order to provide a basis for the development of coop- erative perception systems, a fusion architecture is presented in this paper. This architecture provides a method to com- bine data from local perception sensors with communicated object information and solves the problem of correlated data. For the development of the individual modules of this architecture, the knowledge about the performance of the communication solution is crucial. In this context, the communication solution is defined as the combination of a communication hardware platform and a communication protocol. One of the most important parameters is the trans- mission latency. The effects on the performance of a cooper- ative perception system differ significantly depending on the realized latencies. Communicated object data that is several hundreds of milliseconds old is of limited or even no use in time critical scenarios. The respective object might have changed its position, direction and speed significantly in the A. Rauch is with BMW Group, Research and Technology, D-80788