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Familiar/unfamiliar face classification from EEG signals by utilizing pairwise distant channels and distinctive time interval


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the study is to classify single trial electroencephalogram and to estimate active regions/locations on skull in unfamiliar/familiar face recognition task. For this purpose, electroencephalographic signals were acquired from ten subjects in different sessions. Sixty-one familiar and fifty-nine unfamiliar face stimuli were shown to the subjects in the experiments. Since channel responses are different for familiar and unfamiliar classes, the channels discriminating the classes were investigated. To do so, three distances and four similarity measures were employed to assess the most distant channel pairs between familiar and unfamiliar classes for a 1-s time duration; 0.6 s from the stimulus to 1.6 s in a channel selection process. It is experimentally observed that this time interval is maintaining the greatest distance between two categories. The electroencephalographic signals were classified using the determined channels and time interval to measure accuracy. The best classification accuracy was 81.30% and was obtained with the Pearson correlation as channel selection method. The most discriminative channel pairs were selected from prefrontal regions.
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Signal, Image and Video Processing
Familiar/unfamiliar face classification from EEG signals by utilizing
pairwise distant channels and distinctive time interval
Abdurrahman Özbeyaz1·Sami Arıca2
Received: 29 March 2017 / Revised: 27 February 2018 / Accepted: 5 March 2018
© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018
The aim of the study is to classify single trial electroencephalogram and to estimate active regions/locations on skull in
unfamiliar/familiar face recognition task. For this purpose, electroencephalographic signals were acquired from ten subjects in
different sessions. Sixty-one familiar and fifty-nine unfamiliar face stimuli were shown to the subjects in the experiments. Since
channel responses are different for familiar and unfamiliar classes, the channels discriminating the classes were investigated. To
do so, three distances and four similarity measures were employed to assess the most distant channel pairs between familiar and
unfamiliar classes for a 1-s time duration; 0.6 s from the stimulus to 1.6 s in a channel selection process. It is experimentally
observed that this time interval is maintaining the greatest distance between two categories. The electroencephalographic
signals were classified using the determined channels and time interval to measure accuracy. The best classification accuracy
was 81.30% and was obtained with the Pearson correlation as channel selection method. The most discriminative channel
pairs were selected from prefrontal regions.
Keywords Familiar/unfamiliar face stimuli ·Electroencephalogram ·Event-related potentials ·Channel selection ·
1 Introduction
Computer-based analysis of electroencephalographic signals
(EEGs) is important to pre-diagnose some brain diseases. It
may also be possible to design a brain–computer interface
(BCI) for individuals who cannot use body parts.
Regions related to face perception in skull can be local-
ized from EEG, and we can provide some information about
previously viewed faces by classifying EEGs responsive to
familiar and unfamiliar faces. Thus, classification process
provides information about some disorders originating in the
brain and about the criminal in a judicial investigation.
There are many studies about analysis of EEG of famil-
iar/unfamiliar face experiment. In most of these studies,
BAbdurrahman Özbeyaz
Sami Arıca
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering, University of Adiyaman, Adiyaman, Turkey
2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey
evoked potentials elicited by representation of familiar and
unfamiliar face stimuli have been investigated, in general,
employing statistical analysis. For instance, Tanaka et al.
[1] studied event-related potentials (ERPs) corresponding
to preexisting acquired face familiarity. Sun et al. [2]used
a directed-lying task to explore the differentiation between
identification and classification processes involved in the
recognition of familiar faces by inspecting ERPs. Among
the studies of familiar/unfamiliar face experiments the use of
signal processing and machine learning approaches is quite
limited. In [3], the authors have classified EEG recorded in
the familiar and unfamiliar face recognition experiment by
applying machine learning. In the experiment subjects should
press a button to mark that the displayed face is familiar. A
custom wavelet is generated and used to obtain wavelet trans-
form of the EEG data. Features are extracted in the transform
domain. The classification and performances were com-
pared with custom and common wavelets in the paper. They
obtained 69.7% classification accuracy. The authors in [4]
have investigated familiar and unfamiliar face categorization
by utilizing channel selection and machine learning tech-
niques. In the study, most discriminative channels have been
decided by computing pairwise distance between evoked
Signal, Image and Video Processing
potentials of the channels of the two classes with different
type of distances. Next the decided channels have employed
for training and testing of a linear support vector machine
classifier. The highest success rate reported is 72.67% with
the Kullback Leibler distance measure.
Some brain machine interfacing (BCI) studies adopted
familiar/unfamiliar faces in the experimental paradigm in
order to strengthen ERPs generated by the stimuli of cat-
egories [5,6]. However, these BCI studies do not categorize
the familiar/unfamiliar face stimuli. The experience obtained
with the familiar/unfamiliar face classification may also be
beneficial for the BCI researches.
This study is an improved version of the work in [4], and
the employed data are left from [4]. In this study, EEG respon-
sive to familiar and unfamiliar face stimuli was recorded from
ten healthy persons in different sessions. Moreover, EEG
was analyzed to understand the decomposition time period
and channel locations for familiar and unfamiliar classes on
the skull. In our study, EEG was, respectively, processed
in preprocessing, feature extraction, channel selection and
classification stages. For extracting features from the data,
piecewise constant approximation of EEG was used. Seven
different distance measures were employed to select suit-
able channels. We computed distances between EEGs of
two-channel pairs corresponding to two categories (famil-
iar/unfamiliar). In this manner, all distances were computed
for all channel pairs. And the most distant channel pairs were
employed to classify a single trial EEG. Since we did not
employed ERPs for channel selection and classification, and
utilized different experimental setup, the methods used in the
study were completely different than the existing methods in
literature [3,4]. There are two main differences between [4]
and this work: EEG signal is employed directly instead of
evoked potentials to compute the discriminative channels
and, two classifiers are combined with error correcting codes.
Primarily, the choice of discriminative channels makes this
study alternating from [4]. In [4], ERPs of the channels for
each category are computed by averaging trials from the
training data. And distance is computed between the ERPs
of channel pairs of the two categories, and a distance matrix
(where row hold channels for one category, and column holds
channels for one class) is generated. The two-channel pairs
satisfying the biggest distance measures in the rank are cho-
sen. On the other hand, in this study, the distances between
single trials of the categories from the paired channels are
computed, and a distance matrix is realized. Next, the cumu-
lative sum of distance matrices belonging to each trial is
obtained from the training data. The two-channel pairs sat-
isfying the biggest cumulative distance measures in the rank
are chosen (it is described in more details in Sect. 3). This is
a completely different practice.
In the next section, collection of EEG data and the
experimental procedure are described. In Sect. 3, signal mod-
eling, channel selection and classification approaches are
described. Findings and discussions are given in Sect. 4.The
study is concluded in Sect. 5.
2 Materials
2.1 EEG recording system and data
The commercial Emotiv EPOC wireless EEG headset with 14
channels was utilized to capture the associated brain activity
during the period of the experiments. The device headset con-
tains AF3, AF4, F3, F4, F7, F8, FC5, FC6, P7, P8, T7, T8, O1
and O2 electrodes of standard and extended 10/20 electrode
placement system. It should be noted that central electrodes
are missing in the headset. EEG was acquired from these
electrode locations, and electrode type was Ag/AgCl. The
P3 and P4 channels were employed as CMS (Common Mode
Sense) and DRL (Driven Right Leg) references, respectively.
EEG was recorded at a 128 Hz sampling frequency rate with
the help of a 16-bit analog to digital converter. As a default,
a 50 Hz notch filter was applied to the EEG recorded from
device. After the EEG data were acquired for 14 subjects,
all data were examined visually to identify any corrupted
Next, all data were primarily preprocessed. In this process,
a first-order 0.16 Hz digital high-pass Butterworth IIR filter
was applied in a forward direction to eliminate the baseline
of the data. And subsequently, to remove the background
signal (noise) from the EEG, a linear phase low-pass digital
FIR filter was used. The order of the filter was chosen as
10 and the bandwidth was determined to be 32 Hz, which
is assumed to contain most of the energy of the EEG. The
“butter” and “fir1” functions of MATLABsoftware were
implemented to design the high-pass and low-pass filters,
respectively. Lastly, each trial of the data was normalized by
subtracting its mean and scaling with its standard deviation.
The data can be accessed from the address given in [7].
2.2 Subjects
Tenhealthy volunteers, one female and nine males, from 22 to
52 years old, with an average age of 34 and standard deviation
of 9.87, took part in this study. All participants have normal
or corrected-to-normal vision and no history of neurological
or psychiatric disorders, and they are all right-handed. Four
wore glasses, and all subjects were non-medicated during
the experiment. All participants signed an informed consent.
The experiments were conducted in the computer department
of Adiyaman University, Turkey, and the experiments were
approved by a local ethics committee of the health sciences
institute of the university.
Signal, Image and Video Processing
2.3 Stimuli
One-hundred-and-twenty familiar and unfamiliar face images
were used in the study. The familiar group contained 61 well-
known personalities (eight female) which were collected
from the public domain of the Internet, and 59 unfamiliar
faces (five females) were obtained from a modeling agency.
The faces presented a frontal view and were alike in gen-
eral visual appearance and attractiveness. All images were
subjectively equalized for luminance and contrast. In some
cases, manual corrections were applied to remove strands
of hair, paraphernalia or extensive makeup. Although some
changes were made in low-level visual features, the appear-
ances of the facial images were natural and bare. The images
were 24-bit color and rescaled to 600×600 pixels. All pro-
cesses on the images were realized via Adobe Photoshop 8
(Adobe Systems Inc.). The images were displayed with cus-
tom software developed in Borland Delphi 7 (stimuli display
program) on a liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor.
2.4 Procedure
Subjects were seated in a comfortable chair in front of an
LCD monitor (1024 ×768 pixel resolution) at a distance
about 100 cm from a computer screen controlled by a laptop
computer. Before starting the experiment, participants read
and signed the informed consent form. Following electrode
placement, the purpose of the experiment was explained to
the subjects and they were requested to look at the screen
center carefully, and to hold their eyes and body still.
The stimulus presentation time interval has been preferred
to be between 800 and 1000 ms, and the inter-stimulus inter-
val has been about 1000 ms. The applied procedure in our
experiment was determined based on practices from exper-
iments in previous studies. Different from past studies, a
marker button was not used in our experiment since it may
create a variance in the EEG unrelated to the face recognition
task, which could then influence classification.
Participants had to decide whether a displayed face
stimulus was familiar or unfamiliar at the instant of the pre-
sentation. Since the participant may not recognize the faces
as presumed, all participants declared a face as familiar by
marking printed faces on a form at the end of the EEG record-
ing. These were used in determining the actual familiar and
unfamiliar classes for each subject, and signals correspond-
ing to the face stimuli images were extracted afterward. The
display order of the images on the form (fixed for all subjects)
and during the experiment was different, and we expect that
the familiar and familiar faces recognized during the exper-
iment and after the experiment coincide.
The time course of the experiment was organized as fol-
lows: At the beginning of the experiment a black and white
checker image is shown for 5 s, and then an “Experiment
start” warning is displayed for 60 s on the screen to indi-
cate start of the session. Following the stimulus is shown for
800 ms, and then a gray screen appeared for 1200 ms. Next, a
gray fixation is displayed for 2500 ms to enable the subjects to
prepare and to concentrate for the coming trial [4]. One epoch
lasted 4.5 s, and the experiment lasted about 10 min and 5 s
(2.5+0.8+1.2=4.5s,4.5×120 +65 =605 s =10 min
5 s). The inter-stimulus interval was constant and the same
for all subjects. During the experiments, familiar and unfa-
miliar face stimuli images were randomly exhibited on an
80-inch monitor. Moreover, because epochs belonging to
stimuli should be extracted in turn, the display order of the
face images was also saved for each subject in the course of
the experiment.
3 Methodology
The recorded EEG was analyzed in time and spatial domain
on the scalp, and the most discriminative channels and
time intervals were determined. All algorithms were imple-
mented by using MATLABrelease R2010a on a personal
computer (equipped with an IntelCoreTM i7-3520M
CPU@2.90 GHz and a 12 GB RAM).
The EEG was approximated with piecewise constant mod-
eling and served as a feature extraction method, and SVM
was utilized for classification. In the study, the data were
divided into three groups: The first group comprised 50% of
the data and was reserved for channel selection, the second
comprised 37.5% of the data and was used for training classi-
fiers, and the remaining 12.5% was kept for validation. From
the first group, the channel selection algorithm determined
the most distant channel pairs. The features from the second
and third groups of data were computed from the most dis-
criminative channel pairs learned from the first data group.
Two classifiers were employed for classification. One classi-
fier was used to classify features computed from the channels
of a familiar category, and the other was engaged to classify
data obtained from the channels of the unfamiliar category
of the most distant pairs. The decision was familiar if the two
classifiers concluded a familiar class; otherwise, the decision
was unfamiliar. A block diagram summarizing the algorithm
is given in Fig. 1.
3.1 Feature extraction
The time varying EEG was approximated by using a piece-
wise constant model (PCM) for each trial. The purpose of the
piecewise modeling is to track the changes in the dynamics
or the properties of a signal through time. In each piece, we
assume that the signal is stationary. The signal is decomposed
to equal parts (windows). The metric describing each part is
the mean value (sample mean). The time length of each trial
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Fig. 1 Block diagram of the study
and its sample sizes are 1000 ms and 128 samples, respec-
tively. The length of each segment is chosen for eight samples
which accounts for a 1/16 s (62.5 ms) time interval, and there-
fore, each trial consists of 16 windows. The sequence of the
approximation coefficients (mean values) acts as a feature
vector for one trial.
3.2 Channel selection
Distance and similarity measures were employed to decide
discriminative channels. We describe them in the following.
Kullback Leibler distance The Kullback Leibler (KL) dis-
tance, in other words, the symmetric Kullback Leibler
divergence is a measure of the distance between two proba-
bility distributions [8].
Traditionally, to compute KL distance, the value of the
signal at a fixed time is considered random variable. This ran-
dom variable is quantized to eight levels, and histogram of
quantization levels over ensemble is computed and normal-
ized with the ensemble size to obtain the probability density.
Alternatively, a time index of a trial is considered as a random
variable. The magnitude of a trial consisting of a sequence
of numbers is quantized to eight levels. Then the sequence is
scaled with its sum to the quantized time samples. The value
of the resultant sequence for a time index becomes its proba-
bility, and the series is accepted as a probability density. The
KL distance is computed with these probability densities of
the two categories and is named as alternative KL distance
Mutual information Mutual information (MI) is a measure of
how much one random variable contains information about
another. It may also be interpreted an amount of depen-
dence between two groups (variables) [9]. For computing the
mutual information, the two random variables corresponding
to the two categories are quantized using a common quan-
tizer with eight quantization levels.
Fisher score The Fisher distance or score (FS) is the nor-
malized level of discrimination between (the means of) two
classes. Therefore, the top ranked features present higher
discrimination. The criterion is slightly modified to suit the
application. Because the means may be close to each other
or be small compared to variances, the mean absolute value
of the signals belonging to classes is employed instead, that
FS =|ma1ma2|
In this equation, ma1and ma2are means of the absolute
values and s1and s2are sample variances of categories 1 and
2, respectively. With this modification the difference of the
variances between classes is considered discriminative.
Pearson correlation coefficient and R squared The most
commonly used measure of association is Pearson’s product-
moment correlation coefficient, often denoted as r. This value
is a measure of linear trend between two variables. The value
of r will always lie between 1 and 1. A correlation coef-
ficient rof zero indicates that there is no linear association
between the variables, r=1 means there is a perfect pos-
itive linear relationship between the variables and r=−1
shows a perfect negative linear relationship between the vari-
ables. In the study, r=−1 shows that the two variables were
completely distant and r=1 indicates that the groups are
identical (closest). The r-squared measure is square of the
correlation coefficient and was also employed in this study.
T-Te st The ttest is a method to test a hypothesis. The
null hypothesis is that two independent random variables x
and ywhich are normally distributed have equal mean with
unknown variances. The pvalue is a compatibility measure
between the null hypothesis and data, and in case it is less
than a particular level (degree of freedom) the null hypothe-
sis is rejected. In this study, the degree of freedom is chosen
as 0.5.
The channel selection algorithm is abstracted in the fol-
3.3 Channel selection algorithm
The channel selection algorithm is as follows:
1. Compute pairwise distance between unfamiliar and
familiar EEGs of channels for each time instants. The
distance matrix D(a,b,t)=distance between familiar
Signal, Image and Video Processing
EEG of channel aand unfamiliar EEG of channel bat
time t.
2. For each time instants decide threshold. Choose third
highest distance as threshold (THR). Next perform
threshold operation. B(a,b,t)=D(a,b,t)>THR
3. Sum B(a,b,t)along time tto get votes for each channel
pairs. C(a,b)=
4. (Similar to step two thresholds are decided). Choose third
highest vote count as threshold. Then achieve threshold-
ing operation. E(a,b)=C(a,b)>THR
Consequently, the positions of logical one in matrix E(a,b)
indicate the best channel pairs for discrimination of familiar
and unfamiliar classes.
3.4 Classification
A linear support vector machine (SVM) was employed for
classification. The SVM used was a hard margin classifier.
The SVM classifier provided by the Bioinformatics Toolbox
of MATLAB software was utilized. Half of the data were
used to select four channels pairs. The remaining half were
employed to compute the performance of the classifier. The
features were computed from these selected four channels
pairs. The features computed from the channels of the famil-
iar class of the pairs were concatenated to form a feature
vector (feature set 1), and the features obtained from the
channels of the unfamiliar class of the pairs were combined
to shape another feature vector (feature set 2). Initially, the
EEG data were separated into two sets at this stage. Seventy-
five percent of the data was designated for training, and the
reaming 25% of the data was assigned for testing. An SVM
machine (classifier 1) learned the relationship between the
data and labels of classes from feature set 1 of the training
data and the other SVM classifier (classifier 2) learned the
relationship between data and labels of classes from feature
set 2 of the training data. Classifiers 1 and 2 categorized
the test data of feature sets 1 and 2, respectively. If two
classifiers decided an unfamiliar class then the label was
assigned familiar, and otherwise unfamiliar. Thus, classifica-
tion success was calculated. The same process was repeated
twenty times. The training and testing sets were specified ran-
domly throughout. The average of the classification results
was accepted as classification success.
4 Findings and discussion
The 1 s time duration from the 0.6 s stimulus onset was used
for channel selection and classification. Because we were
experimentally observed the time interval [0.6, 1.6] s after
stimulus achieved highest classification performance. The
histogram matrix (counts) of selected channel pairs for all
Fig. 2 The histogram matrix belonging to the selected channel pairs
between familiar and unfamiliar classes
Fig. 3 The histogram matrix of favored regions
subjects, obtained using three distances and four similarity
measures individually, is given in Fig. 2.
The columns stand for the features of familiar class read
from the channels, while the rows stand for the features of
unfamiliar class acquired from the channels in Fig. 2.Inthe
figure, the matrix size is 14 ×14 and each element is the
count of how many times a pair (row–column or familiar–
unfamiliar) is selected. This calculation was done by taking
into account all channel selection processes. Because the
selected pairs were dispersed among the subjects and meth-
ods, the distribution of the chosen pairs was examined in
terms of the scalp regions (frontal, temporal, parietal and
occipital). A histogram of the selected region-pairs is shown
in Fig. 3. The regional pairs, frontal–temporal, frontal–
occipital and frontal–frontal, were selected 28, 21 and 65
times, respectively, among 140 possible channel pairs. The
SVM classifier employed has been linear. It is also possible
to employ other kernels such as radial basis and polyno-
mial functions. The algorithm has also been run for these
two kernels. However, the results have not been better than
the results of the linear SVM. This should be because these
kernels do not fit correctly the separation boundary of the
A list of classification accuracies is given in Table 1.In
the table, the eleventh and twelfth rows are mean value and
standard deviation of the results. Rows thirteen and fourteen
are F1-Score and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC)
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Table 1 Classification accuracies (%)
166.03 77.41 75.69 77.59 73.79 71.55 66.72
288.79 83.10 85.52 91.21 84.83 89.48 83.79
389.66 77.59 81.21 87.07 90.00 86.90 68.79
482.33 76.00 64.17 78.50 79.17 81.17 55.50
582.93 77.24 71.90 70.00 81.72 87.41 70.69
669.48 74.66 69.83 58.45 82.41 80.69 68.97
762.93 56.21 67.24 58.97 83.97 81.03 62.93
868.10 61.72 68.28 63.28 82.76 79.48 65.00
963.28 62.24 58.79 59.14 82.59 78.79 60.34
10 65.86 65.52 68.45 60.17 71.72 75.34 66.38
Avg. 73.94 71.17 71.11 70.44 81.30 81.19 66.91
SD 10.18 8.48 7.50 11.76 5.03 5.25 7.07
F10.67 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.78 0.78 0.58
MCC 0.53 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.64 0.64 0.37
values, respectively. The F1 score is a measure of a test’s
accuracy in statistical analysis of a binary classification.
MCC is a measure of the quality of binary classifications [10].
From the eleventh row of the table, it is deduced that the high-
est average classification accuracy of the subjects is 81.30%
with a standard deviation of 5.03 achieved by using Pear-
son correlation as channel selection method. Moreover, the
second average accuracy of the subjects is 81.19% with a
standard deviation of 5.25 achieved by using R-square as
channel selection method. The ranges of classification accu-
racies of the subjects obtained with the Pearson Correlation
and R-squared methods are 71.72–90.00 and 71.55–89.48%,
respectively. In addition to the accuracy, specificity (Qn),
which is the measure of number of detected unfamiliar face
stimuli among unfamiliar face stimuli, and sensitivity (Qd),
which is the measure of number of detected familiar face
stimuli among familiar face stimuli are reported in Table
2. The specificity of the classification obtained with Pear-
son correlation varies between 88.33 and 94.64%, while
the sensitivity varies between 45.77 and 85.36%. Moreover,
average of specificity and sensitivity were 92.44 and 69.92%,
respectively. Furthermore, the specificity of the classifica-
tion obtained with R-squared method varies between 86.67
and 98.33%, while the sensitivity varies between 52.69 and
86.33%. Besides, average of specificity and sensitivity were
92.08 and 70.04%, respectively.
The average classifications accuracies of Pearson correla-
tion and R-squared methods are observed to be nearly close
to each other, and these two methods give the best outcomes
in the ranking. The F1-Score and MCC approves the con-
clusion. And the results indicated that the classifier performs
better in classifying unfamiliar faces than in categorizing
familiar portraits.
It has been already expressed above that the Pearson
correlation coefficient and R-squared similarity measures
provided the best classification accuracy and outperformed
the other measures. It is also observed that the specificity
associated with subject-3 is the highest among all subjects
with R-squared value and is the second largest value if
Pearson correlation coefficient is employed. The divergent
channel pairs are O1–P7 and O1–O1 when the Pearson corre-
lation coefficient method is employed, and also the opposing
channel pairs are AF3–AF3 and AF3–T7 when R-squared
method is employed for this subject. The spatial locations of
these channels are displayed in Fig. 4.
Table 2 The specificity (Qn) and sensitivity (Qd) of the classification (%)
Sbj. KL AKL MI FS rr
190.67 39.64 93.67 60.00 89.00 61.43 91.33 62.86 90.00 56.43 86.67 55.36 86.33 45.71
296.43 81.67 94.64 72.33 95.36 76.33 94.64 88.00 93.21 77.00 96.79 82.67 96.07 72.33
398.00 80.71 96.67 57.14 96.00 65.36 92.67 81.07 94.33 85.36 98.33 74.64 83.00 53.57
493.33 71.33 90.67 61.33 84.67 43.67 85.67 71.33 88.33 70.00 92.00 70.33 77.67 33.33
592.14 74.33 91.07 64.33 84.64 60.00 85.00 56.00 88.57 75.33 88.57 86.33 86.79 55.67
689.29 51.00 87.86 62.33 83.21 57.33 80.00 38.33 94.64 71.00 95.36 67.00 88.21 51.00
781.79 45.33 68.93 44.33 87.50 48.33 73.93 45.00 94.64 74.00 90.36 72.33 84.29 43.00
883.93 53.33 79.29 45.33 88.93 49.00 78.93 48.67 93.93 72.33 91.79 68.00 85.71 45.67
979.29 48.33 84.64 41.33 82.14 37.00 80.71 39.00 93.93 72.00 87.14 71.00 77.86 44.00
10 89.38 36.92 89.06 36.54 90.63 41.15 85.31 29.23 92.81 45.77 93.75 52.69 86.88 41.15
Avg. 89.42 58.26 87.65 54.50 88.21 53.96 84.82 55.95 92.44 69.92 92.08 70.04 85.28 48.54
SD 5.82 16.20 7.87 11.15 4.54 11.61 6.28 18.51 2.37 10.54 3.79 9.91 5.00 10.01
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Fig. 4 Two most distant channel pairs for subject 3 with Pearson corre-
lation coefficient and R-squared channel selection methods are shown
in (a)and(b), respectively
5 Conclusions
The EEG data of a familiar/unfamiliar face recognition exper-
iment were analyzed in the time and spatial domain. EEG data
were obtained from ten subjects (nine male and one female)
who participated in the experiment. The experiment utilized
120 stimuli images in all sessions. The experiment setup did
not incorporated button press to mark face familiarity. Par-
ticipants had to decide upon the stimuli type (familiar or
unfamiliar) as soon as they saw them. Thus, any undesired
event artifacts were not allowed to occur on the EEG. The
recognized categories of the face stimuli were then declared
by subjects after the experiment and labels for EEG were
assigned accordingly.
In this study, time and spatial analyzes of the recorded
EEG were done according to seven different channel selec-
tion methods. While some of these measured similarities,
the others measured the distances between channel pairs
for familiar and unfamiliar classes. For each time instance,
the distance between two classes were measured over trials.
Accordingly, time intervals in which two classes differenti-
ated were also examined. The integrated distance over time
implied the most distant channel pairs. The 1 s time duration
from the 0.6 s stimulus onset was chosen to classify EEG
because, we have experimentally seen that the time inter-
val [0.6, 1.6] s after stimulus achieved highest classification
performance. It seems that 0.6 s delay is required for pro-
cessing and recognizing displayed image in the brain. This
interval does not overlap with the time course of latter (fol-
lowing) stimulus, and therefore, inter-stimulus interference
is avoided. It is also known that the P600 wave type is an
observed potential in familiarity experiments [11,12]. The
ideal time duration is in parallel to this finding. Continuing,
two-channel pairs were selected. One channel of a pair corre-
sponded to familiar and the other to unfamiliar. The channel
pairs were extracted from a histogram matrix obtained by
combining results of 20 iterations for each of the subjects.
According to the obtained results, the channels were mostly
selected from the frontal area of the scalp. This result matches
with the conclusion in [4]. It is well known that frontal and
temporal regions in the brain are active in familiar face selec-
tivity [1315]. This experience supports the outcome. Using
the decided channel pairs, the features computed from the
channels of familiar and unfamiliar were classified using two
separate classifiers. The decision for the category was done
by looking at labels of these two classifiers. If the labels
of the two classifiers were familiar, category was familiar;
otherwise, it was unfamiliar. The best average classification
accuracy was observed 81.30% with Pearson correlation as
a channel selection method. This success is 8.63% more
than the rate obtained by the very similar study [4](see
Table 3). The R-squared similarity measure provided the
second topmost performance at 81.19%, which was very
close to the accuracy computed with the Pearson correla-
tion coefficient. For both similarity quantities, the rate of true
classification within an unfamiliar class was about 92% and
the rate of true classification within a familiar category was
around 70%. The statistical difference among channel selec-
tion methods was investigated by a one-way-ANOVA test.
The test returned a pval ue =0.0016 (<0.05) which indi-
cated that there was significant difference between channel
selection approaches. Statistically, there might be a promi-
Table 3 Comparisons of the
proposed method with other
relative studies in literature
Study Channel election/features Classifier Succ. (%)
[3] The wrapper method/four approximation
coefficients of custom wavelet transform
Fisher LDA 69.70
[4] The two-channel pairs satisfying the
biggest distance between the ERPs of
two categories in the rank/piecewise
constant approximation coefficients
Linear SVM 72.67
This work The two-channel pairs satisfying the
biggest cumulative distance between
trials of categories in the rank are
chosen/piecewise constant
approximation coefficients
Union of two linear
SVM classifiers
Signal, Image and Video Processing
nent channel selection technique (together with feature) in
the set of channel selection methods used. Additionally, sta-
tistical differences among channel selection methods were
investigated by computing a paired ttest. To a significance
level of 0.05, the accuracies obtained with Pearson correla-
tion and R-squared methods were significantly different from
the results obtained with the other five distances.
The absence of central electrodes and the limited number
of electrodes in the EEG device may be a drawback/limitation
of the study. However, the scalp regions which are shown [16]
to be responsible from the face recognition and cognition are
mostly covered.
The studies similar to the proposed method in the literature
are summarized in Table 3for the reader to make comparisons
conveniently. Consequently, it appears from the findings of
the proposed approach that the study is a candidate for use in
face recognition and medical applications such as diagnosis
of some brain diseases and in criminal identification, as long
as the measurements are repeated and proved with a larger
number of electrodes.
Acknowledgements This study was supported by The National Sci-
entific Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)—Grant No. 2211-C
and Adıyaman University’s Scientific Research Fund - Project Number:
TIPBAP/2012-0008. The experiments were approved by a local ethics
committee of the health sciences Institute of Adıyaman University.
Ethics Committee Decision Number is 2012/07-2.3. All participants
signed an informed consent.
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... Very few studies in the literature have focused on classifying EEG signals against branded and unbranded product stimuli. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that employing a four-stage methodology in the classification process can significantly increase the performance of the learning algorithm (both accuracy and computation time), because of reducing data size [7][8][9][10]. Therefore, this neuromarketing study in which branded products are classified is amplified by a four-stage analysis. ...
... The combinations of these algorithms used in each stage were investigated to find the combination with the best classification accuracy. These algorithms were used because of their previous successes in EEG classification studies [8,10,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. The motivation behind the study is a curiosity of the classification success of the brain activations for branded and unbranded stimuli. ...
... The mean values obtained from the sub-windows indicate the quantitative values of a vector in the final stage. The resulting vector obtained after the operations mentioned above includes all features of the input signal in the time-domain [8,10]. According to the PCM feature extraction method, the length of a sub-window is expressed as in Eq. 3 [10]. ...
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Neurocomputing studies on consumer attitudes have recently made a significant contribution to branding psychology. This study investigates consumer decisions for a branded stimulus using advanced machine learning algorithms. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded during experiments in which ten branded and ten unbranded smartphones were shown to the subjects as stimuli. Then, EEG signals were classified using a methodological approximation consisting of four stages: pre-processing, feature extraction, channel selection, and classification. This is the first time a four-stage methodology has been applied in a neuromarketing study. The analysis study employed autoregressive (AR), principal component analysis (PCA), and piecewise constant modeling (PCM) in the feature extraction stage; artificial bee colony (ABC) and independent component analysis (ICA) in the channel selection stage; and artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) in the classification stage. By comparing the successes of the methods in each stage, the methodological combination that gives the best classification performance was determined. According to the results, 72% accuracy was obtained in the average classification and an 85% accuracy on an individual basis. In the classification that achieved the best success, PCA in feature extraction, ABC in channel selection, and ANN in classification were used. In addition, the AF3-F7 (frontal brain regions) channels were observed to be the best-decomposed channel pair for different classes. The results also showed that stimulation within the brain for a branded product occurred at about 200 ms after the stimulus onset.
... Liu, Zhang and Pan [58] proposed an ensemble CNN approach (EN-CNN), where each subnet is a compact version of CNN trained separately. There are also evidences of recent successes in deep learning algorithms in the domain of EEG response analysis of human face categorization [57][58][59][60][61][62]. However, there is hardly any work where a DNN classifier is designed to take both the spatial and temporal EEG features as its input with an aim to categorize FF and UF responses from EEG signals. ...
Face perception essentially refers to an individual's ability to understand and interpret a familiar face. This paper attempts to quantify the face perceptual ability of human subjects using their memory responses, acquired by an electroencephalographic (EEG) device, during engagement of the human subjects in a face recognition task. The entire experimental protocol is designed in the settings of pattern recognition, comprising five main steps, namely artifact removal, feature extraction, classifier training and testing, and face-perception ability measurement. The primary objective of the paper is to design a deep neural network model that utilizes both the temporal and spatial EEG features to categorize the familiar face (FF) and unfamiliar face (UF) responses of human subjects from their brain signals. To extract the spatial information, the acquired raw EEG data is transformed into multi-spectral 2-dimensional images by a deep learning approach. The spatial information, along with the EEG time-frequency domain (temporal) features are then utilized to train the proposed deep neural network, which can preserve the spatial as well as temporal EEG features that are more robust and less sensitive to the variations along each dimension. The proposed deep neural network paradigm demonstrates promising results in classifying the EEG responses for FF and UF recognition with high classification accuracy. Biological underpinning of the cortical mechanism using sLORETA and event related potential (ERP) analysis in perceiving FFs and UFs by both the healthy controls and prosopagnosic patients is also a significant inclusion in the paper. The first and foremost advantage of the proposed work is that it provides a technological means to assess the variations in face perceptual ability of individuals. It can also be used as a biomarker for early prosopagnosia diagnosis.
... Significant efforts have been made in Electroencephalography (EEG) signal feature extraction methods to more optimally capture underlying characteristics of brain signals and resolve the existing mathematical and experiments issues. 1 EEG signals are nonstationary, have many frequency sub-bands originating from different brain areas and they are usually filled with internal/external artifacts. Therefore, most feature extraction techniques attempt to exclude a few (sometimes most) number of EEG channels in order to reduce the processing time, to focus on the active channels corresponding to selected stimuli, or sometimes as an artifact removal technique. ...
Purpose: Selecting the proper electrodes to capture EEG signals is a critical issue that affects overall classification accuracy. Using the pre-selected electrodes is impractical due to the variety of responses to a stimulus among individuals. Thus, discarding electrodes may lead to a loss of useful information. Methods: In this work, a novel algorithm is proposed to help address this problem by manipulating the feature values of each electrode individually according to its activity ratio. Plus, to improve EEG feature vectors that correspond to the electrodes’ energetic levels, the algorithm amplifies or dampens the feature values according to the energy ratio of each electrode individually. The algorithm was examined using a public dataset and statistical features. The test was performed using two different groups of electrodes: the first in a more specific area over the motor cortex with seven channels and the second in the area over and close to the motor cortex with twenty-one channels to prove the existence of useful information in adjacent electrodes. Further, the proposed method was tested using 109 subjects and various kinds of stimuli. Results: The algorithm enhanced the identification accuracy to approximately 10.4% in eye-opened and 7.8% in eye-closed stimuli in all frequency bands. Conclusions: The experiments revealed that using pre-selected electrodes may lead to a loss of valuable information that exists in discarded electrodes. It also showed that each electrode has its unique activity level, hence processing all the electrodes equally are impractical.
... One-class classification (OCC) [14] has been successfully introduced to tackle with objects, called targets, belonging to a unique class. New objects, unseen during training stage, may appear and may originate from one or more distributions. ...
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Face detection technology has been a hot topic in the past few decades. It has been maturely applied to many practical areas. Therefore, introducing an outperforming model is needed. Nevertheless, the proposed algorithms do not alter with the dynamic aspect of data and result in a high computational complexity. This paper expounds on how to promote the face detection rate from complex pictures by the means of one-class incremental learning strategy, while using low variance directions to project data. In fact, it has been shown that taking into account the information carried by low variance direction may improve the accuracy of the model in one-class classification problems. Besides, incremental learning is known to be compelling, especially in the case of dynamic data. A comparative evaluation of the proposed approach is performed in a decontextualized evaluation framework. Then a contextualized evaluation is conducted to show the effectiveness of the approach in the context of face detection.
The face recognition of familiar and unfamiliar people is an essential part of our daily lives. However, its neural mechanism and relevant electroencephalography (EEG) features are still unclear. In this study, a new EEG-based familiar and unfamiliar faces classification method is proposed. We record the multichannel EEG with three different face-recall paradigms, and these EEG signals are temporally segmented and filtered using a well-designed filter-bank strategy. The filter-bank differential entropy is employed to extract discriminative features. Finally, the support vector machine (SVM) with Gaussian kernels serves as the robust classifier for EEG-based face recognition. In addition, the F-score is employed for feature ranking and selection, which helps to visualize the brain activation in time, frequency, and spatial domains, and contributes to revealing the neural mechanism of face recognition. With feature selection, the highest mean accuracy of 74.10% can be yielded in face-recall paradigms over ten subjects. Meanwhile, the analysis of results indicates that the EEG-based classification performance of face recognition will be significantly affected when subjects lie. The time–frequency topographical maps generated according to feature importance suggest that the delta band in the prefrontal region correlates to the face recognition task, and the brain response pattern varies from person to person. The present work demonstrates the feasibility of developing an efficient and interpretable brain–computer interface for EEG-based face recognition.
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This paper explores the data-driven properties of the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) for detection of epileptic seizures. A new method in frequency domain is presented to analyze intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) decomposed by EMD. They are used to determine whether the electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings contain seizure or not. Energy levels of the IMFs are extracted as threshold level to detect the changes caused by seizure activity. A scalar value energy resulting from the energy levels is individually used as an indicator of the epileptic EEG without the requirements of multidimensional feature vector and complex machine learning algorithms. The proposed methods are tested on different EEG recordings to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method and yield accuracy rate up to 97.89%.
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The objective of the study is to classify electroencephalogram signals recorded in a familiar and unfamiliar face recognition experiment. Frontal views of familiar and unfamiliar face images were shown to 10 volunteers in different sessions. In contrast to previous studies, no marker button was used during the experiment. Participants had to decide whether the displayed face was familiar or unfamiliar at the instant of stimulus presentation. The signals were analyzed in the preprocessing, channel selection, feature extraction, and classification stages. The novel two-feature extraction and eight-channel selection methods were applied to the analyses. Sixteen classification results were compared and the best performance was investigated. Consequently, the highest average classification accuracy was obtained at 72.67% when piecewise constant modeling feature extraction and relative entropy channel selection methods were used.
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Recent research has shown that a new face paradigm is superior to the conventional "flash only" approach that has dominated P300 brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for over 20 years. However, these face paradigms did not study the repetition effects and the stability of evoked event related potentials (ERPs), which would decrease the performance of P300 BCI. In this paper, we explored whether a new "multi-faces (MF)" approach would yield more distinct ERPs than the conventional "single face (SF)" approach. To decrease the repetition effects and evoke large ERPs, we introduced a new stimulus approach called the "MF" approach, which shows different familiar faces randomly. Fifteen subjects participated in runs using this new approach and an established "SF" approach. The result showed that the MF pattern enlarged the N200 and N400 components, evoked stable P300 and N400, and yielded better BCI performance than the SF pattern. The MF pattern can evoke larger N200 and N400 components and more stable P300 and N400, which increase the classification accuracy compared to the face pattern.
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The P600 is an event-related brain potential (ERP) typically associated with the processing of grammatical anomalies or incongruities. A similar response has also been observed in fully acceptable long-distance wh-dependencies. Such findings raise the question of whether these ERP responses reflect common underlying processes, and what might be the specific mechanisms that are shared between successful processing of well-formed sentences and the detection and repair of syntactic anomalies. The current study presents a comparison of the ERP responses elicited by syntactic violations, garden path sentences, and long-distance wh-dependencies, using maximally similar We would like to thank Virginie van Wassenhove, Anthony Boemio, and Anna Salajegheh for their help with EEG recordings, Anna Salajegheh and Beth Rabbin for their assistance in the preparation of materials, and Brian Dillon for his help with data analyses.
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Recognizing familiar faces is essential to social functioning, but little is known about how people identify human faces and classify them in terms of familiarity. Face identification involves discriminating familiar faces from unfamiliar faces, whereas face classification involves making an intentional decision to classify faces as "familiar" or "unfamiliar." This study used a directed-lying task to explore the differentiation between identification and classification processes involved in the recognition of familiar faces. To explore this issue, the participants in this study were shown familiar and unfamiliar faces. They responded to these faces (i.e., as familiar or unfamiliar) in accordance with the instructions they were given (i.e., to lie or to tell the truth) while their EEG activity was recorded. Familiar faces (regardless of lying vs. truth) elicited significantly less negative-going N400f in the middle and right parietal and temporal regions than unfamiliar faces. Regardless of their actual familiarity, the faces that the participants classified as "familiar" elicited more negative-going N400f in the central and right temporal regions than those classified as "unfamiliar." The P600 was related primarily with the facial identification process. Familiar faces (regardless of lying vs. truth) elicited more positive-going P600f in the middle parietal and middle occipital regions. The results suggest that N400f and P600f play different roles in the processes involved in facial recognition. The N400f appears to be associated with both the identification (judgment of familiarity) and classification of faces, while it is likely that the P600f is only associated with the identification process (recollection of facial information). Future studies should use different experimental paradigms to validate the generalizability of the results of this study.
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Memory for famous faces can be used to examine the neural systems underlying retrieval from long-term memory. To date, there have been a limited number of functional neuroimaging investigations examining famous face recognition. In this study, we compared recognition of famous faces to recognition of newly learned faces. Whole-brain, event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to image regional changes in neural activity in 11 subjects during the encoding of unfamiliar faces and during familiarity judgments for: (1) newly learned faces, (2) unfamiliar face distractors, and (3) famous faces. Image analyses were restricted to correct recognition trials. Recognition accuracy and response time to famous and recently learned faces were equivalent. Recognition of famous faces was associated with a widespread network of bilateral brain activations involving the prefrontal, lateral temporal, and mesial temporal (hippocampal and parahippocampal regions) regions compared to recognition of recently encoded faces or unfamiliar faces seen for the first time. Findings are discussed in relation to current proposals concerning the neural regions thought to participate in long-term memory retrieval and, more specifically, in relation to retrieval of information from the person identity semantic system.
The objective of this study is to analyze and classify evoked potentials obtained from familiar and unfamiliar face experiment. EEG signals were recorded from 26 volunteers. Multi-resolution analysis was used as a tool for signal approximation and modeling. A custom scaling-wavelet function pair and their bi-orthogonal complements were built by resembling the waveform of the scaling function to the excitatory post-synaptic potential. In order to distinguish the familiar–unfamiliar face evoked potentials, a Fisher’s linear classifier was used with discriminative approximation coefficients obtained from active electrodes which are selected by the wrapper method. The algorithm was also executed with spline, Daubechies, Symlet and Coiflet wavelets for comparison. The classification performance of proposed wavelet is the first among the other wavelets with 69.7% accuracy and it is also first in the total number of highest success of individual subjects with 31% of the subjects which is double of the result of the second wavelet in the rank.
Half-title pageSeries pageTitle pageCopyright pageDedicationPrefaceAcknowledgementsContentsList of figuresHalf-title pageIndex
Predictions of the secondary structure of T4 phage lysozyme, made by a number of investigators on the basis of the amino acid sequence, are compared with the structure of the protein determined experimentally by X-ray crystallography. Within the amino terminal half of the molecule the locations of helices predicted by a number of methods agree moderately well with the observed structure, however within the carboxyl half of the molecule the overall agreement is poor. For eleven different helix predictions, the coefficients giving the correlation between prediction and observation range from 0.14 to 0.42. The accuracy of the predictions for both beta-sheet regions and for turns are generally lower than for the helices, and in a number of instances the agreement between prediction and observation is no better than would be expected for a random selection of residues. The structural predictions for T4 phage lysozyme are much less successful than was the case for adenylate kinase (Schulz et al. (1974) Nature 250, 140-142). No one method of prediction is clearly superior to all others, and although empirical predictions based on larger numbers of known protein structure tend to be more accurate than those based on a limited sample, the improvement in accuracy is not dramatic, suggesting that the accuracy of current empirical predictive methods will not be substantially increased simply by the inclusion of more data from additional protein structure determinations.
Currently, the event-related potential (ERP)-based spelling device, often referred to as P300-Speller, is the most commonly used brain-computer interface (BCI) for enhancing communication of patients with impaired speech or motor function. Among numerous improvements, a most central feature has received little attention, namely optimizing the stimulus used for eliciting ERPs. Therefore we compared P300-Speller performance with the standard stimulus (flashing characters) against performance with stimuli known for eliciting particularly strong ERPs due to their psychological salience, i.e. flashing familiar faces transparently superimposed on characters. Our results not only indicate remarkably increased ERPs in response to familiar faces but also improved P300-Speller performance due to a significant reduction of stimulus sequences needed for correct character classification. These findings demonstrate a promising new approach for improving the speed and thus fluency of BCI-enhanced communication with the widely used P300-Speller.
Predictions of the secondary structure of T4 phage lysozyme, made by a number of investigators on the basis of the amino acid sequence, are compared with the structure of the protein determined experimentally by X-ray crystallography. Within the amino terminal half of the molecule the locations of helices predicted by a number of methods agree moderately well with the observed structure, however within the carboxyl half of the molecule the overall agreement is poor. For eleven different helix predictions, the coefficients giving the correlation between prediction and observation range from 0.14 to 0.42. The accuracy of the predictions for both beta-sheet regions and for turns are generally lower than for the helices, and in a number of instances the agreement between prediction and observation is no better than would be expected for a random selection of residues. The structural predictions for T4 phage lysozyme are much less successful than was the case for adenylate kinase (Schulz et al. (1974) Nature 250, 140-142). No one method of prediction is clearly superior to all others, and although empirical predictions based on larger numbers of known protein structure tend to be more accurate than those based on a limited sample, the improvement in accuracy is not dramatic, suggesting that the accuracy of current empirical predictive methods will not be substantially increased simply by the inclusion of more data from additional protein structure determinations.