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Compressed ECG Biometric: A Fast, Secured and Efficient Method for Identification of CVD Patient


Abstract and Figures

Adoption of compression technology is often required for wireless cardiovascular monitoring, due to the enormous size of Electrocardiography (ECG) signal and limited bandwidth of Internet. However, compressed ECG must be decompressed before performing human identification using present research on ECG based biometric techniques. This additional step of decompression creates a significant processing delay for identification task. This becomes an obvious burden on a system, if this needs to be done for a trillion of compressed ECG per hour by the hospital. Even though the hospital might be able to come up with an expensive infrastructure to tame the exuberant processing, for small intermediate nodes in a multihop network identification preceded by decompression is confronting. In this paper, we report a technique by which a person can be identified directly from his / her compressed ECG. This technique completely obviates the step of decompression and therefore upholds biometric identification less intimidating for the smaller nodes in a multihop network. The biometric template created by this new technique is lower in size compared to the existing ECG based biometrics as well as other forms of biometrics like face, finger, retina etc. (up to 8302 times lower than face template and 9 times lower than existing ECG based biometric template). Lower size of the template substantially reduces the one-to-many matching time for biometric recognition, resulting in a faster biometric authentication mechanism.
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J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358
DOI 10.1007/s10916-009-9412-4
Compressed ECG Biometric: A Fast, Secured and Efficient
Method for Identification of CVD Patient
Fahim Sufi ·Ibrahim Khalil ·Abdun Mahmood
Received: 27 August 2009 / Accepted: 26 November 2009 / Published online: 6 January 2010
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
Abstract Adoption of compression technology is often
required for wireless cardiovascular monitoring, due
to the enormous size of Electrocardiography (ECG)
signal and limited bandwidth of Internet. However,
compressed ECG must be decompressed before per-
forming human identification using present research
on ECG based biometric techniques. This additional
step of decompression creates a significant processing
delay for identification task. This becomes an obvious
burden on a system, if this needs to be done for a
trillion of compressed ECG per hour by the hospital.
Even though the hospital might be able to come up
with an expensive infrastructure to tame the exuberant
processing, for small intermediate nodes in a multihop
network identification preceded by decompression is
confronting. In this paper, we report a technique by
which a person can be identified directly from his / her
compressed ECG. This technique completely obviates
the step of decompression and therefore upholds bio-
metric identification less intimidating for the smaller
nodes in a multihop network. The biometric template
created by this new technique is lower in size compared
to the existing ECG based biometrics as well as other
forms of biometrics like face, finger, retina etc. (up to
F. Sufi (B)·I. Khalil ·A. Mahmood
School of Computer Science and Information Technology,
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
I. Khalil
A. Mahmood
8302 times lower than face template and 9 times lower
than existing ECG based biometric template). Lower
size of the template substantially reduces the one-to-
many matching time for biometric recognition, result-
ing in a faster biometric authentication mechanism.
Keywords ECG biometric ·ECG compression ·
Patient identification ·Patient authentication
ECG based biometric has made it possible to iden-
tify patients just from ECG samples taken from them
[1,3,4,79,16,20,2326]. During a remote telecardiol-
ogy scenario, the patient is attached to miniature ECG
acquisition devices that transmits the patients ECG sig-
nals to remote locations, using mobile communication
devices [10,14,1721]. In such a scenario, ECG signal
acquired by the ECG acquisition device is directed
to their own mobile phones or personal computers
as ECG packets (via Bluetooth, Wifi, Zigbee or Near
Field Communication protocol) and from there on it
is redirected to the patients’ Internet service providers.
Within the public Internet, the ECG packet also passes
through different nodes in a multi-hop manner and
finally reaches the doctor or hospital facility. As the
ECG packet passes through different nodes, both in
private and public network, it is susceptible to intruders
attack. Once the intruder have the undesired access to
the patients ECG signal, they will be able to under-
stand whose ECG it is by using biometric matching.
The hacker could reveal a great deal of highly sensi-
tive private health information of the patient including
patients’ cardiovascular details, state of autonomous
1350 J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358
nervous system, stress level, breathing pattern etc. just
by analysing the ECG signal [18]. To preserve patients
privacy and uphold Health Information Privacy & Ac-
countability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 previous research
has obtained end to end security in wireless telecardiol-
ogy using special encoding and character shuffling [13,
18,21]. Apart from these permutation ciphers, there
are other methods for ECG obfuscation or anonymiza-
tion [22,25]. While the ECG data is being transmitted
within the multi-hop network (via multiple nodes), to
ensure security, patient’s name can be removed from
the ECG signal [20]. Detaching patients name from the
patients ECG signal within the ECG signal packet, also
serves the purpose of anonymizing the patients medical
condition [20]. However, if the patients ECG signal is
anonymized in such a way (without tagging the signal
with the patient name), then the intermediate nodes
would have no clue about where (hospital or which
cardiologist) to redirect the information. Therefore, an
important problem in transmitting and annonymizing
ECG signal is how to allow intermediate nodes to send
patient’s ECG signals to appropriate recipients with-
out including patient’s identifiable information, such as
name or tag.
Within this paper, we propose an innovative tech-
nique to identify patient from their compressed ECG.
Therefore, in a mobile phone based cardiovascular
patient monitoring scenario [6,10,14,1721], where
ECG is transmitted in compressed format, it is possible
for the intermediate nodes to identify the patient even
without decompressing the ECG signal. Every node
within the multi hop network have their own listing
of routing information. After identifying the patient
from their compressed ECG, the route listing is pulled
up internally by these nodes. Based on the routing
information the compressed ECG reaches the correct
destination. Apart from patient identification by the
intermediate routing nodes, the hospital (which is the
final destination for these compressed ECG) similarly
identifies the patient from their compressed ECG and
provides appropriate cardiovascular monitoring facility
that the patient is subscribed to.
An ECG signal has three major features waves, namely
P wave, QRS complex and T wave (as seen from Fig. 1).
Cardiologists have used different features of these fea-
ture waves to assess the condition of heart. Table 1lists
some of these features.
Previous researches have used many of these fea-
tures to successfully identify person from their ECG
Time / Samples
Fig. 1 The proposed cardiac diagnosis system
[1,8,26]. The earliest effort in ECG based biometric
is [1], where the researchers have utilized many time
domain features of ECG that were conventionally used
for cardiovascular diagnosis purposes only. Some of
the time domain features (features shown in Table 1)
demonstrate a degree of uniqueness. This uniqueness of
feature is the basis of biometric. It should be mentioned
that the features associated with QRS complex shows
the highest degree of uniqueness according to recent
findings [26]. Apart from the features shown in Table 1
(that remain unchanged over time), there are other
features that varies over time such as RR Interval,
Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Instanteneous Heart
Rate (IHR) etc. RR Interval is the time difference
between two consecutive heart beats. HRV is the recip-
rocal of the RR Interval ( 1
RR) and IHR corresponds to
heart rate calculated from a single RR Interval value
RR). RR Interval, HRV, IHR features have also been
used in [3,7,26] for person identifications.
Apart from the time domain ECG features, ECG
based human identification is also possible with fre-
quency domain features. Although Statistical and data
mining techniques [11,12] have been widely used
for pattern identification, research in [4] shows that
Table 1 ECG features related to P wave, QRS complex and
T wave
P wave duration QRS complex T wave duration
P wave amplitude QRS complex T wave amplitude
P wave onset slope Q onset slope T wave onset slope
P wave offset slope Q offset slope T wave offset slope
R onset slope
R offset slope
S onset slope
S offset slope
J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358 1351
Fig. 2 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 16420. X axis shows
the number of samples and Y
axis shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
employing wavelet based distance measurement tech-
niques, ECG based biometric can attain a higher
In addition to time domain and frequency domain
features based techniques, there are also other tech-
niques that revolves around curve fitting (or polynomial
based techniqes). Our earlier efforts of person identifi-
cation from ECG [9,20,23] falls into this category. In
this paper, we introduce a new technique that performs
ECG based biometric from compressed ECG. Person
identification or biometric from compressed ECG has
never been reported in literature according to the best
of our knowledge.
System design
Application of ECG compression is crucial for mobile
phone based cardiac patient monitoring, since enor-
mous amount of ECG data is required to be trans-
mitted over limited bandwidth of mobile network. The
compression algorithm reported in our earlier work
[18,21] represents an ECG signal losslessly. Therefore,
the encoding function (.) transforms the ECG signal,
Xnto a compressed ECG, Cr(Eq. 1). As the ECG
features set, Fis a subset of ECG signal Xn(Eq. 2),
therefore, feature waves are subset of Encoded ECG
Cr(Eq. 3). Innovative algorithm can be designed to
reveal these encoded ECG feature set (that represents
original ECG feature set) and then perform matching
between the enrollment and recognition data. This is
the core theory behind using encoded ECG to identify
a person.
Examples will clarify the theory behind person iden-
tification with compressed ECG. Figures 2,3,4,5,6,
7,and8show ECG signals from three different in-
dividuals. All these ECG signals were collected from
MIT BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm Database (known
as nsrdb) [15] (Figs. 210). The sampling frequency
of the ECG samples used for our experiment (from
NSRDB) was 128 Hz with 10 bit resolution. Figures 2
to 8basically illustrate the fact that there are minute
difference in the ECG signals collected from differ-
ent individuals. These differences are mostly obvious
within the features waves (P wave, QRS Complex
and T wave). Previous research identified the feature
waves using different feature detection algorithms and
performed biometric identification based on the ECG
features. However, for fast and efficient transmission
Fig. 3 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 16773. X axis shows
the number of samples and Y
axis shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
1352 J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358
Fig. 4 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 16786. X axis shows
the number of samples and Y
axis shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 5 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 16795. X axis shows
the number of samples and Y
axis shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 6 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 17052. X axis shows
the number of samples and Y
axis shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 7 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 17453. X axis shows
the number of samples and Y
axis shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 8 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 16265 (used as
enrollment data). X axis
shows the number of samples
and Y axis shows the
corresponding ECG
amplitude in mV (millivolt)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358 1353
Fig. 9 An ECG segment of
MIT BIH Normal Sinus
Rhythm Database (nsrdb)
entry no. 16265 (used as
recognition data). X axis
shows the number of samples
and Y axis shows the
corresponding ECG
amplitude in mV (millivolt)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 10 Two overlapped
ECG segments of MIT BIH
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Database (nsrdb) entry no.
16265. X axis shows the
number of samples and Y axis
shows the corresponding
ECG amplitude in mV
(millivolt) range
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 11 Compressed ECG segment of nsrdb entry 16420 (of Fig. 2)
Fig. 12 Compressed ECG segment of nsrdb entry 16773 (of Fig. 3)
1354 J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Fig. 13 Character frequency of compressed ECG segment in Fig.
2. X axis shows the number of encoding characters (157 charac-
ters in total [18]), Y axis shows the corresponding frequency (or
the number of occurance for that character within a compressed
ECG packet)
of ECG signals in telecardiology services, researchers
are increasingly using compressed ECG [18,21]. As
shown in Eqs. 13, compressed ECGs reveals ECG
features. Extracting features from compressed ECG is
generally faster than feature extraction from plain text
(uncompressed) ECG, as minimal characters are read
from compressed ECG. Therefore, faster cardiovascu-
lar diagnosis has recently been established based on
compressed ECG [18]. Within this paper, we also utilize
compressed ECG, however to fulfil a different objec-
tive of patient identification. Similar to cardiovascular
diagnosis from compressed ECG, patient identification
from compressed ECG is also very fast because of min-
imal data length (in compressed ECG) and processing.
Figures 11 and 12 show the compressed ECG of ECG
segments of Figs. 2and 3respectively.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Fig. 14 Character frequency of compressed ECG segment in Fig.
3. X axis shows the number of encoding characters (157 charac-
ters in total [18]), Y axis shows the corresponding frequency (or
the number of occurance for that character within a compressed
ECG packet)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Enrollment Data
Recognition Data
Fig. 15 Overlap of character frequency of compressed ECG
segments in Figs. 8and 9. X axis shows the number of encod-
ing characters (157 characters in total [18]), Y axis shows the
corresponding frequency (or the number of occurance for that
character within a compressed ECG packet)
In a telecardiology scenario, while the ECG seg-
ments are being routed through different nodes, each
node will quickly calculate the character frequency of
the compressed ECG. This tally of character frequency
is an inexpensive process and therefore can be easily
performed by the limited resources of the nodes. Our
experiments reveal the fact that for each individual
the distribution of encoding character set (from the
compressed ECG) is different. This fact can be ob-
served in Figs. 13,14,and15, where X axis and Y axis
correspond to individual characters and their frequency
counts respectively.
However, for a particular person, the distribution
of character frequency is identified (as seen in Fig.
15), even if their original ECG may look different at
different point in time (as seen in Fig. 10).
An algorithm for biometric feature creation
Based on the fact that character frequency distribution
from the compressed ECG taken at two different time
(enrollment and recognition data for biometric) for a
single person is similar, we can write an algorithm for
person identification with compressed ECG. However,
before performing the matching, we need to generate
a shortened feature character set that represent a per-
son. Selection of feature set is crucial for biometric
identification, as optimal selection of feature set re-
sults in faster and accurate processing of identification
task. Algorithm 1 establishes a process that generates
individual features from their compressed ECG. The
algorithm first calculates the character frequency fol-
lowed by sorting of the character frequency. After
J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358 1355
the sorting, the first lnumber of frequent characters
can be collected. This ordered (sequential) character
set (referred to as in Algorithm 1) is a biomet-
ric feature that uniquely identifies a person. The two
dimensional feature set, =C
Acontains both the
selected character, Cand their respective frequencies,
A. The character set, C=C1,C2,C3,···,CNranges
from 1 to N (Length). for different entries are clearly
different according to our experiments on random MIT
BIH ECG entries (as it is seen for entry 16420, 16773,
16786, 16795, 17052, 17453 and 16265). On the other
hand, features created for the same entry (same per-
son) at different point in time are similar. As we can
observe this similarity for entry 16265, 16265Eis used
as enrollment data and 16265Ris used as recognition
data. This difference in biometric feature set across
different individuals and the similarity of feature set for
the same individual establish the basis for person iden-
tification based on compressed ECG. Figure 16 shows
the distance value, ψis minimum when Enrollment and
Recognition ECG templates of 16265 are calculated
using Eq. 4. Similarly, Fig. 17 shows correct matching
(with minimum ψvalue) of 16795.
land AR
lare the frequency counts of Enroll-
ment and Recognition (respectively) for lth template
parameter. Table 2shows the 12 different template
parameter for enrollment data of 16265. According
to our experimentation, all the template attributes
varies greatly (Table 2), except for the case when same
Fig. 16 Matching enrollment data of 16265, 17453, 17052, 16795,
16786, 16773, 16420 with recognition data of 16265. X axis repre-
sents different individual and Y axis represents ψvalue of Eq. 4.
Matching occurs with the minimum value of ψ
Fig. 17 Matching enrollment data of 16265, 17453, 17052, 16795,
16786, 16773, 16420 with recognition data of 16795. X axis repre-
sents different individual and Y axis represents ψvalue of Eq. 4.
Matching occurs with the minimum value of ψ
person’s Enrollment and Recognition data are used (as
shown in Fig. 16). It should be mentioned that one
person’s ECG template parameter may not be present
in another person’s selected parameter. In those cases,
the values of the missing parameters are considered to
be zero (during the calculation of Eq. 4). Experiment
were performed using the 18 entries of MIT BIH of
NSRDB [15] with no cases of misclassification. NSRDB
was chosen for our experiments, since this database
contains normal ECG signals. Most of the other MIT
BIH database contains abnormal ECG (generally, used
for validating cardiovascular abnormality detection al-
gorithms [5]). Abnormal ECG signals (from other MIT
BIH database) has almost never been used in other
existing ECG based biometric systems [1,3,4,79,16,
20,2326]. To obtain a more accurate evaluation of
the algorithm presented within this paper, experiments
need to be carried out on a substantially larger sam-
ple (different ECG segments from different persons)
size. We leave this a future work, when MIT-BIH
Table 2 Standard deviations
of the ECG biometric
template values (templates
for 16265E)
Attribute Value range
p64.86 ±40.70
U65.14 ±23.04
r31.86 ±33.08
j16.71 ±28.87
h14.43 ±24.93
t26.14 ±28.12
l18.43 ±24.89
0to50 19.14 ±19.01
f8.86 ±15.4
n12.57 ±21.96
v11.71 ±22.04
50–100 28.43 ±14.55
1356 J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358
accommodates more normal ECG samples (at present,
there are only 18 entries available in NSRDB [15]).
16420 =$]@;ˆ
Uæ50to100 `
e/p0to50 ?
62 59 58 52 52 40 39 32 32 27 27 26
16773 =pˆ
U0to50 @ ræ]t50to100 ;ln
67 54 44 43 42 39 38 34 31 28 27 27
16786 =ˆ
u50to100 `
81 72 67 50 42 35 34 31 30 30 28 26
16795 =prˆ
Ut jl vhnx50to100 f
124 85 80 74 66 60 57 57 52 48 46 36
17052 =ˆ
82 63 48 46 41 37 33 32 32 32 28 26
17453 =$];@ æ 150to200 /0to50 ˆ
e50to100 p
74 56 56 55 43 28 27 25 23 23 23 22
Ur jht l0to50 fnv50 100
114 75 73 57 57 49 45 44 34 32 29 28
Ur j t h l0to50 n50to100 fv
110 84 54 51 44 44 42 38 36 30 26 25
An algorithm for biometric feature matching
The compressed ECG feature has three major char-
acteristics: character set, order of character set and the
frequency of the individual characters.
Character set: Character set for each feature set
representing a particular individual shows a degree
of uniqueness. As an example, in the case of entry
17052, character ´
Iand Ïis not present in 16420,
Algorithm 1: Feature extraction from compressed ECG
//Notation Description:
//Fholds the feature set comprising of
compressed character.
Count the frequency of the encoding characters
from compressed ECG
=C1C2C3... CN
A1A2A3... AN
Sort based on the frequency Count A
in a descending order
ϒ=CpCqCr... Cs
ApAqAr... As
Where, ApAqArAs
Create feature template by taking
first lnumber of entries from ϒ
=CpCqCr... Cl
ApAqAr... Al
16773, 16786, 16795, 17052, 17453, 16265 (both in
enrollment and recognition). Therefore, existence
of some characters reduces the domain of similar
ECGs (for biometric matching purpose). In most of
the cases, the enrollment data is found within this
limited set of similar ECGs.
Order of characters: Once a limited subset of ECG
templates is established, representing the possible
candidates for successful biometric match, ordering
of the character set is considered. It is obvious from
the enrollment and recognition data of entry 16265
that for the first 7 characters the sequence (or or-
dering) of the characters are nearly the same, with
an exception of characters tand h. For this example,
these two characters (tand j), just swapped their
corresponding positions. Higher matching of char-
acter sequence also reduces the number of candi-
dates for biometric matching. When this candidate
subset reduces to one, this signals the completion of
the human identification task.
Character frequency: If the previous steps of char-
acter set and order of characters still leaves few
candidates, then the frequency of each characters
are matched. For the ECG pairs, having closer
match according to the character frequency is given
preference for selection as biometric recognition /
This paper reports an algorithm for selecting biometric
feature template from compressed ECG and a method-
ology for performing matching. The ECG biometric
technique presented here is particularly useful for mo-
bile phone based cardiovascular monitoring in the fol-
lowing respects (as seen from Fig. 18).
Intermediate nodes: The template (feature) match-
ing algorithm is simple enough to be implemented
within the limited computational resources of an
intermediate node that is responsible for relaying
the compressed ECG within a multihop network.
By successfully identifying the person from com-
pressed ECG, the intermediate node knows the
destination of that compressed ECG packet, pro-
vided that the intermediate node possess the knowl-
edge of subscriber listing for different cardiovascu-
lar monitoring services (or hospitals).
Hospital or cardiovascular monitoring service
provider: The monitoring facility can also iden-
tify a person from the compressed ECG sent to
them. The primary goal of identification is to check
J Med Syst (2011) 35:1349–1358 1357
Patient A Patient B
Compressed ECG transmission
to multihop network
Multihop network nodes
utilizes ECG biometric and
knows which patient the
data is coming from and
where to route the message
ABC Hospital XYZ Hospital
Hospital uses ECG based biometric from compressed data and knows
what type of facilities the patient should receive from the hospital
Fig. 18 ECG based biometric (from compressed ECG) being
used by the multihop network node as well as the hospital
whether that person is actually subscribed to the fa-
cility. If the person is found to be a valid subscriber,
then the list of subscribed services for that person is
retrieved. This biometric authentication and autho-
rization is made possible by ECG biometric from
compressed ECG.
The compressed ECG based biometric technique
presented in this paper, is the first of its kind for ECG
based biometric authentication. This technique has sev-
eral advantages over existing ECG based biometric
authentication. This technique is fast and efficient. Fast
execution speed during matching depends on the size
of the template. According to Table 3the presented
Table 3 Comparison of template sizes
Biometric data type Size in bytes
Iris [27] 512
Face [27] 153600–307200
Voice [27] 2048–10240
ECG [26] 600
ECG (WDM) [4] 1371
ECG (PRD / CC) [4] 2210
ECG (PDM) [20,23] 340
ECG (Proposed Method) 37
technique has minimal template size. Compared to
the face recognition biometric template size of 307200
bytes [27], the presented ECG biometric template is
approximately 8302 times smaller in size. On the other
hand, compared to the Polynomial Distance Measure-
ment (PDM) technique of ECG based biometric, the
proposed biometric template is at least 9 times smaller
in template size.
As an individual grows older, his or her ECG signals
may change (and template pattern) slightly. Therefore,
the biometric template may be subject to a validity date.
After the validity date is over, a new biometric template
might need to be enrolled from the individual. How-
ever, the exact time frame of the validity (or longevity)
of an acquired ECG biometric template requires rigor-
ous research.
This paper reports a novel mechanism for identifying
patient just from their compressed ECG. By adopting
this compressed ECG based biometric technique, pa-
tient can be easily identified by intermediate nodes in a
multihop internetwork, as well as by the medical service
provider. Utilizing this innovative patient identification
mechanism for wireless cardiovascular patient moni-
toring, ensures better security in preserving patient’s
private health information (as mandated by HIPAA
regulations [13]). Compared to earlier attempts of
telecardiology in [2], where both patient name and
private health conditions were allowed to be trans-
mitted simultaneously, the presented architecture (Fig.
18) only transmits the compressed ECG. Compressed
ECG inherently has the benefit of faster and effective
transmission (and efficient storage for health service
providers). If by any chance the compressed ECG falls
into the wrong hand (by spoof attack), the attacker
only gets compressed and encrypted ECG messages
([18,21]) without the patient’s name. Therefore, the
private health information is not compromised like
existing telecardiology architectures [2,6,10].
Other than protecting patient privacy and upholding
HIPAA regulations, the presented ECG based biomet-
ric promises substantially faster matching and reduced
template storage (approximately 9 to 8302 times).
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... A hill-climbing feature selection algorithm [91] and Greedy best first algorithm (selection of the relevant characters in a compressed ECG) [181] techniques are heuristic-based feature selection applications for ECG signal analysis. In addition, there are different types of user-defined feature selection methods, such as character frequencies (selection of relevant characters in compressed ECGs) [182], selection of the first couple of Ics and subset of features [183], multi-class f-score feature selection [184], nonoverlapping area distribution measurement [185], Fuzzy c-means clustering [136], Q− (alfa) algorithm [103], Qualitative feature selection [106], Range-Overlaps Method [107,186] with FPGA [187], kernel-based class separability [137,166], SVMAttributeEval [60], divergence analysis [5] and Student's t-test [57]. A disease-specific feature selection method, (one-versus-one (OvO) features ranking stage and a feature search stage wrapped in the same OvO-rule SVM binary classifier) is used in [48]. ...
... Apart from the abovementioned classification methods, there are also various classifiers that have been utilized for ECG classification, such as fuzzy logic classifier [32,168], genetic fuzzy classifier [168], template matching technique [53,182], Gaussian mixture model based classifier [70,73,100], local fractal dimension-based nearest neighbor classifier [212], a new classification tree algorithm [138], linear regression [37], logistic regression [34,62,81,135], hybrid Bees algorithm-radial basis function [85], threshold-based classifier [6], modified artificial bee colony algorithm [5], ensemble models (Bagging and AdaBoost) [81], Bootstrap aggregating ensemble method (to combine 100 DT learners) [4], hidden Markov model-based detection approach [62], and random under-sampling boosting [141]. ...
... There are various types of biometric information that can be extracted from humans, such as face, fingerprint, and retinal data. There are many recent studies related to ECG-based biometric identification in the literature [12,13,25,26,[28][29][30]53,79,93,113,130,175,182]. ...
The electrocardiogram (ECG) signal basically corresponds to the electrical activity of the heart. In the literature, the ECG signal has been analyzed and utilized for various purposes, such as measuring the heart rate, examining the rhythm of heartbeats, diagnosing heart abnormalities, emotion recognition and biometric identification. ECG analysis (depending on the type of the analysis) can contain several steps, such as preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, feature transformation and classification. Performing each step is crucial for the sake of the related analysis. In addition, the employed success measures and appropriate constitution of the ECG signal database play important roles in the analysis as well. In this work, the literature on ECG analysis, mostly from the last decade, is comprehensively reviewed based on all of the major aspects mentioned above. Each step in ECG analysis is briefly described, and the related studies are provided.
... As a result, any AI tasks performed on false or erroneous data would produce false results. For example, biosignals contain very important information of cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients [49,50]. Hence, ensuring the authenticity of biosignals is very important before using them in healthcare systems. ...
Edge computing is an emerging technology for the acquisition of Internet-of-Things (IoT) data and provisioning different services in connected living. Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered edge devices (edge-AI) facilitate intelligent IoT data acquisition and services through data analytics. However, data in edge networks are prone to several security threats such as external and internal attacks and transmission errors. Attackers can inject false data during data acquisition or modify stored data in the edge data storage to hamper data analytics. Therefore, an edge-AI device must verify the authenticity of IoT data before using them in data analytics. This article presents an IoT data authenticity model in edge-AI for a connected living using data hiding techniques. Our proposed data authenticity model securely hides the data source’s identification number within IoT data before sending it to edge devices. Edge-AI devices extract hidden information for verifying data authenticity. Existing data hiding approaches for biosignal cannot reconstruct original IoT data after extracting the hidden message from it (i.e., lossy) and are not usable for IoT data authenticity. We propose the first lossless IoT data hiding technique in this article based on error-correcting codes (ECCs). We conduct several experiments to demonstrate the performance of our proposed method. Experimental results establish the lossless property of the proposed approach while maintaining other data hiding properties.
... According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the death toll caused by cardiovascular disease (CVD, also known as circulatory system disease) is up to 17 million worldwide every year, accounting for 1 / 3 of the total death toll in the world [2]. In China, cardiovascular disease is a serious threat to people's health. ...
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In this paper, knowledge mapping technology is used to analyze the relevant literature of ECG research in China, and the research status, research hotspot and trend in this field are statistically analyzed. CiteSpace V is used to carry out data visualization analysis on the literature retrieved from CNKI database. Through the analysis, we can see that the research of ECG based disease diagnosis has achieved sustainable development in recent years, but the high influential authors pay less attention to the research in this field. The core of the research is mainly focused on wavelet transform, feature extraction, classification and recognition, and the research strength in this field still needs to be strengthened.
... MIT-BIH Arrhythmia [4,9,19,20,24,32,34,35,38,39,43,46,47,50,51,52,52,53,53,55,56,57,58,59,60,62,64,69,70,72,73,74,75,76,80,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,93,94,95,97,100,101,102,104,108,110,117,118,119,119,122,126,130,135,136,137,141,143,145,156,156,158,159,160,161,162,163,165,166,167,168,169,170,176,178,184,196,197] MIT-BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm [18,23,24,114,184,185,186] Noise Stress Test [16,17,36,37,145,176] Atrial Fibrillation [42,141,114] T-Wave Alternans [100] Supraventricular Arrhythmia [184,177] Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmia [28,103] Long term database [7] ...
Background In recent years cardiac problems found proportional to technology development. Cardiac signal (Electrocardiogram) relates to the electrical activity of the heart of a living being and it is an important tool for diagnosis of heart diseases. Method Accurate analysis of ECG signal can provide support for detection, classification, and diagnosis. Physicians can detect the disease and start the diagnosis at an early stage. Apart from cardiac disease diagnosis ECG can be used for emotion recognition, heart rate detection, and biometric identification. Objective The objective of this paper is to provide a short review of earlier techniques used for ECG analysis. It can provide support to the researchers in a new direction. The review is based on preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, and different measuring parameters for accuracy proof. Also, different data sources for getting the cardiac signal is presented and various application area of the ECG analysis is presented. It explains the work from 2008 to 2018. Conclusion Proper analysis of the cardiac signal is essential for better diagnosis. In automated ECG analysis, it is essential to get an accurate result. Numerous techniques were addressed by the researchers for the analysis of ECG. It is important to know different steps related to ECG analysis. A review is done based on different stages of ECG analysis and its applications in society.
... In [14], ECG biometrics are used for detecting cardiovascular diseases. The scheme in [21] is based on the idea that the characteristic frequencies taken from compressed ECG data at enrollment and recognition are the same. Similarly, in [11], R-wave events are detected using geometrical techniques. ...
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The developments and applications of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) for healthcare and remote monitoring have brought a revolution in the medical research field. Numerous physiological sensors are integrated in a WBAN architecture in order to monitor any significant changes in normal health conditions. This monitored data are then wirelessly transferred to a centralized Personal Server (PS). However, this transferred information can be captured and altered by an adversary during communication between the physiological sensors and the PS. Another scenario where changes can occur in the physiological data is an emergency situation, when there is a sudden change in the physiological values, e.g., changes occur in electrocardiogram (ECG) values just before the occurrence of a heart attack. This paper presents a centralized approach for the detection of abnormalities, as well as intrusions like forgery, insertions, and modifications in the ECG data. A simplified Markov model-based detection mechanism is used to detect changes in the ECG data. The features are extracted from the ECG data to form a featureset, which is then divided into sequences. The probability of each sequence is calculated, and based on this probability, the system decides whether the change has occurred or not. Our experiments and analyses show that the proposed scheme has a high detection rate for 5% as well as 10% abnormalities in the dataset. The proposed scheme also has a higher True Negative Rate (TNR) with a significantly reduced running time for both 5% and 10% abnormalities. Similarly, the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and ROC Convex Hull (ROCCH) have very promising results.
... Ambient assisted living (AAL) is a home healthcare infrastructure where a patient leave alone in home and monitored by different wearable sensors and ambient devices. Traditional healthcare solutions are limited in services such as emergency monitoring and few types physical treatment for chronic and cardiac illness [1]. These are inadequate to accomplish the need of a lonely patient. ...
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Cardiovascular diseases are major cause of deaths throughout the world. In this work, we develop a context-aware system for wellness monitoring of older adults who leave alone in home and suffers from cardiac disease. The focus here is the integration of social networking services with conventional remote monitoring services by utilizing a scalable cloud platforms. The goal here is to expand patient's social linkage by identifying similarity in his/her cardiac conditions. Here we build a cloud-oriented context-aware model that captures health parameters using modern fit bit device and ECG sensors. The raw data are sent the cloud platforms provided by Amazon Web Service (AWS) where data is converted to high level context. Using social networks this high level context information is send to patient's friends, family and doctors who are interested to know about his/her health condition. The interested parties get notified by Facebook when the context-aware system detects any changes. That is, using this platform a cardiac patient who live alone and need continuous monitoring is always get connected with virtual community by means of his/her health information. This is a new model that utilizes the context data generated by wearable sensors to create interesting social networking services. The system is also designed to promote cardiac patients to interact with their community of interest using various context-aware social services. The results obtained for this innovative model show a new approach of wellness monitoring using social networks.
... Human recognition with heartbeat signal has been found useful in several crucial applications of information technology such as information security [1], user identification [2][3][4] and remote patient monitoring [5][6][7][8]. It has also been used as an auxiliary biometric modality to enhance the security and performance of existing modalities such as fingerprint and face [9][10][11][12]. ...
Human recognition with heartbeat signal is useful for different applications such as information security, user identification and remote patient monitoring. In this paper, we propose a model-based method for the alignment of heartbeat morphology to enhance the recognition capability. The scale change of different heartbeats of the same individual due to heart rate variability is estimated and inversed to yield better alignment. Recognition capabilities of different alignment methods are analyzed and measured by intra-individual and inter-individual distances of aligned heartbeats. A framework for heartbeat recognition incorporating the model-based alignment method is also presented. We tested the recognition capability of heartbeat morphology by using two different databases. It was found that model-based alignment method was useful to boost the recognition capability of heartbeat morphology. A statistical t-test revealed that the improvement was significant with respect to recognition capabilities of other existing alignment methods. We also used the aligned morphology as a feature, tested the recognition accuracy on both databases and compared the recognition performance to those of four other state-of-the-art features. A large increase in recognition accuracy was obtained especially for a multisession database of heartbeat signals captured from fingers using a handheld ECG device.
This systematic review focuses on papers dealing with analytical and/or theoretical research for the application of data mining in healthcare analytics. The integration of healthcare analytics has continued to revolutionize the healthcare industry and has helped in dealing with high readmission rates and medical fraud, among other problematic issues in healthcare. The systematic review employed a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) technique to review research articles published on the applications of data mining in health analytics. The searches process focused on healthcare analytics, data mining, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The search results were filtered based on subject, year of publication, peer review status, and full-text availability with specific reference to open access journals. Of the over 161 reviewed papers, only 16 were considered as focusing on the theoretical perspective of the application of data mining in healthcare analytics. The review reveals a burgeoning literature that touch on a wide variety of aspects of healthcare, both in various aspects of medical decision support and administration. In view of the improvements afforded by data mining over traditional methods, healthcare providers have enormous incentives to integrate data mining techniques into their systems.
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In this paper, a Cardioid graph based feature extraction technique is applied to perform compressed Electrocardiogram (ECG) biometric at different physiological conditions. To the best of our knowledge, Cardioid graph based method has not been implemented on compressed ECG before. Another merit of this methodology is that no decompression of the compressed ECG signal is necessary before the recognition step. The QRS complexes obtained from the ECG signal is compressed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), followed by the Cardioid graph retrieval procedure. Compression is performed in three decomposition levels and with the first three Daubechies wavelets. Classification is conducted on all the three levels using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network. Maximum compression of 88.3% is achieved with an accuracy rate of 93.06%. For compression rate of 85%, the identification rate obtained is 95.3%. Highest recognition rate of 96.4% is attained when the compression ratio is 75%. The classification accuracy rates suggest that compressed ECG biometric in varying physiological conditions with Cardioid graph based feature extraction is feasible and is capable of producing a robust biometric system.
Biometrics is become a necessary technology in today's world. Research is rapidly growing in the field of biometrics. This paper gives the overview of the major Biometrie Technologies which is well proven versus Electrocardiogram as biometrie authentication tool. A researcher who is planning to work on Biometrics field could use this paper for understanding various biometrics technologies and how biomedicai signal can be interpolated to Biometrie authentication tool.
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Research related to ECG based biometric authentication is recently gaining popularity. However, there is substantial lack of research in anti-spoofing measurement to protect ECG recognition data from being captured in the wrong hands, where it might be subject to replay attack. Anonymisation of ECG data not only protects this valuable biometric data from being utilised for unauthorised access to restricted facility, but also hides major cardiovascular details of a particular person upholding HIPAA regulations. This paper proposes a novel ECG anonymisation technique based on wavelet packets. It was proven to provide 100% anonymisation, showing robustness against replay attack by the spoofer. Even with the most recent available technology, the anonymised ECG remained totally unidentified. A key, which is only 5.8% of the original ECG, is securely distributed to the authorised personnel for reconstruction of the original ECG.
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In this paper, we propose a generic smart telemonitoring platform in which the computation power of the mobile phone is highly utilized. In this approach, compression of ECG is done in real-time by the mobile phone for the very first time. The fast and effective compression scheme, designed for the proposed telemonitoring system, outperforms most of the real-time lossless ECG compression algorithms. This mobile phone based computation platform is a promising solution for privacy issues in telemonitoring through encryptions. Moreover, the mobile phones used in this platform performs preliminary detection of abnormal biosignal in realtime. Apart from the usage of mobile phones, this platform supports background biosignal abnormality surveillance using data mining agent.
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With the rapid development wireless technologies, mobile phones are gaining acceptance to become an effective tool for cardiovascular monitoring. However, existing technologies have limitations in terms of efficient transmission of compressed ECG over text messaging communications like SMS and MMS. In this paper, we first propose an ECG compression algorithm which allows lossless transmission of compressed ECG over bandwidth constrained wireless link. Then, we propose several algorithms for cardiovascular abnormality detection directly from the compressed ECG maintaining end to end security, patient privacy while offering the benefits of faster diagnosis. Next, we show that our mobile phone based cardiovascular monitoring solution is capable of harnessing up to 6.72 times faster diagnosis compared to existing technologies. As the decompression time on a doctor's mobile phone could be significant, our method will be highly advantageous in patient wellness monitoring system where a doctor has to read and diagnose from compressed ECGs of several patients assigned to him. Finally, we successfully implemented the prototype system by establishing mobile phone based cardiovascular patient monitoring.
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In this paper we propose a new Legendre Polynomials based ECG biometric technique that can efficiently be used for person indentification and authentication. we apply high-order Legendre Polynomials on QRS Complex of ECG which is considered one of the most unique signature bearing parts. We show that coefficients generated from various degrees of polynomial matchings are unique for the same person but We show that coefficients generated from various degrees of polynomial matchings are unique for the same person but are significantly different from others. We also show that even with a 4th degree ploynomial fit person authenitication/identification is possible with high degree of accuracy. This is an interesting result as we can achieve significant reduction of key sizes when coefficients generated by these fits are used as unique keys for authentication and verification of subjects.
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The electrocardiogram (ECG also called EKG) trace expresses cardiac features that are unique to an individual. The ECG processing followed a logical series of experiments with quantifiable metrics. Data filters were designed based upon the observed noise sources. Fiducial points were identified on the filtered data and extracted digitally for each heartbeat. From the fiducial points, stable features were computed that characterize the uniqueness of an individual. The tests show that the extracted features are independent of sensor location, invariant to the individual's state of anxiety, and unique to an individual.
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There is significant interest in the network management community about the need to improve existing techniques for clustering multi-variate network traffic flow records so that we can quickly infer underlying traffic patterns. In this paper we investigate the use of clustering techniques to identify interesting traffic patterns in an efficient manner. We develop a framework to deal with mixed type attributes including numerical, categorical and hierarchical attributes for a one-pass hierarchical clustering algorithm. We demonstrate the improved accuracy and efficiency of our approach in comparison to previous work on clustering network traffic.
As the front line of defense, user authentication is crucial for integrity and confidentiality. Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) impose a number of non-trivial challenges to user authentication such as lack of central coordination and limited resources. In high security MANETs, continuous authentication is desirable so that a system can be monitored for the duration of the session to reduce the vulnerability. Biometrics provides some possible solutions to the authentication problem in MANETs, since it has direct connection with user identity. In this paper, we introduce some biometric technologies and their applications in the authentication problem. Multimodal biometrics can be used to exploit the benefits of one biometric while mitigating the inaccuracies of another. We propose an optimal multimodal biometric-based continuous authentication scheme in MANETs. Some numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) being the number one killer for many of the developed nations, real-time patient monitoring via the mobile phone network is increasingly becoming popular. The CVD patients, as subscribers for the CVD monitoring service providers, access to the facilities before initiating the dedicated services. However, this authentication must be secured, since the service providers often hold sensitive health information of their subscribers. In this paper, we propose a fully automated and integrated cardiovascular patient authentication system using patients ECG as a biometric entity. The proposed ECG recognition method is up to 12 time faster than existing ECG based biometric algorithms, requires up to 6.5 times less template storage, needs only 2.49 (average) acquisition time with the a high accuracy rate (up to 95%) when experimented a small population size of 15. With this new authentication mechanism in place, the cardiovascular patients no longer need to provide additional details like user name or password for identification purposes to access their health monitoring facility, making the remote tele-cardiology application faster than existing authentication approaches.
A feasibility study on the potential of the electrocardiogram (ECG) for biometrical applications is presented. A test set of 234 ECG recordings from 74 subjects was compiled emulating a realistic scenario for ECG biometrics by using short measurements of 10s length in combination with a practicable choice of ECG leads. The long-term stability of the individual ECG was investigated during time periods up to several years. Verification and identification was done by utilizing the heart vector and a simple distance measure. As a result, encouraging error rates were obtained; for verification, for instance, the achieved equal error rate was smaller than 3%.