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A Hybrid Method of Superpixel Segmentation Algorithm and Deep Learning Method in Histopathological Image Segmentation

A Hybrid Method of Superpixel Segmentation
Algorithm and Deep Learning Method in
Histopathological Image Segmentation
Abdulkadir Albayrak, Gokhan Bilgin
Department of Computer Engineering
Yildiz Technical University, 34220 Istanbul, Turkey
{albayrak, gbilgin}
Abstract—Manual analysis of cell morphology in high resolu-
tional histopathological images is a tedious and time consuming
task for pathologists. In recent years, computer assisted diag-
nostic systems have gained considerable importance in order to
assist the pathologists for analyzing cellular structures. In this
study, the simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) superpixel
segmentation method and convolutional neural network are
combined to segment the cellular structures in histopathological
images. The proposed study is mainly composed of two stages.
First, SLIC superpixel method was used as a pre-segmentation
algorithm to perform segmentation of cellular superpixels and
non-cellular superpixels. Then convolutional neural networks
(CNN) based deep learning algorithm is used to classify those
superpixels in order to obtain the final segmentation of the
whole image. The overall accuracy of the system at classifying
the superpixels was observed to be 0.9876. The analysis and
confusion matrix of the study was also presented in experimental
studies section.
Index Terms—Histopathological images, cell segmentation,
SLIC superpixel algorithm, CNN, deep learning.
The morphological examination of cellular structures is
very crucial step in terms of early detection and disease
progression. Especially in recent years, with the development
of imaging technologies, it became possible to reach more
detailed information about the cells. Analyzing the cells one-
by-one is very important when it is thought that cancerous
cells have different characteristics than healthy cells. The
pathologists examine the morphological changes in suspicious
tissues and organs with high resolution imaging devices, which
makes it easier to diagnose the disease. Depending on the
imaging device, it may be possible to scan a very large area
of the related tissue. Therefore, analysis of a large number
of cellular structures can be difficult and time consuming
for pathologists. This problem has led to the need for the
development of secondary decision support systems which can
analyze the images obtained from imaging devices.
In recent years, especially in medical field it has started to
develop secondary decision support systems for pathologists
to be used in disease detection with pathological examination.
These systems use image processing and machine learning
techniques to distinguish cellular structures from background
areas such as fat and connective tissue. A lot of study has
recently been reported in the literature in this area. These
studies are mostly based on thresholding, cluster-based and
graph-based segmentation methods [1]–[4].
As an alternative to thresholding-based, clustering-based
and graph-based algorithms, superpixel based algorithms have
begun to be used for image segmentation in recent years. The
application of superpixel segmentation method in biomedical
images is still limited although it is widely applied in the field
of computer vision especially the salience detection [5]. While
superpixel approach is applied in some biomedical image
processing areas such as segmentation of brain MRI images,
optic disc segmentation, glaucoma screening, there are not a
few studies on superpixel approach in digital histopathological
images [6]–[9]. Superpixel approach is important for the
histopathological image processing field when it is thought
that cellular structures have different characteristics from local
Unlike the superpixel method, deep learning algorithms
have been used extensively in medical image processing field.
Deep learning is an neural network approach which can be
used both for the classification and segmentation of digital
images [10]–[12]. The contribution of recently developed
hardware technology is very important. It has achieved promis-
ing results in the fields of content based image retrieval,
object recognition and biomedical image processing after used
in handwriting recognition [13]. In our proposed study, the
superpixels obtained from high resolution histopathological
images were classified by a convolutional neural network
(CNN) algorithm according to the labels given in the ground
The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes
the proposed method which first creates the superpixels and
classify those superpixels with the proposed convolutional
neural network. In section III, data set description, parameter
settings and experimental results are provided. In final section
conclusion and future works are discussed.978-1-5386-5150-6/18/$31.00 c
2018 IEEE
A. Pre-segmentation of Histopathological Images with Simple
Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) Algorithm
In the last decades, the development of imaging technology
has led to an increase in the number of medical digital images.
The extraordinary increase in data is the biggest obstacle for
getting and creating labeled data data. However, with the
development of image processing techniques and machine
learning methods, it has become possible for these data to
be processed without labeling or labeled with a very small
In this study, SLIC superpixel method was used as pre-
segmentation algorithm to perform segmentation of cellular
and non-cellular structures in digital histopathological images
[14]. The superpixel method used in this study is a method
that performs the segmentation process depending on the pixel
intensity values (the values of R, G, and B value of pixels) and
spatial distance of the pixels (x and y coordinate information)
to the center of superpixels in the image. The Equation 1
represents the process performed by the SLIC segmentation
method for each pixel in the proposed study.
drgb =q(rjri)2+ (gjgi)2+ (bjbi)2(1)
where, jrepresents the center pixel, and irepresents the
value to be clustered. The value of drgb is the distance of
the corresponding pixel to the center. r, g and brepresent the
brightness values of the respective pixels. The Equation 2 also
represents the distance of the coordinates of each pixel to the
related cluster center:
dxy =q(xjxi)2+ (yjyi)2(2)
where, xjand yjare the horizontal and vertical coordinate
information of each center pixel, and xiand yivalues are the
coordinate information of each pixel to be clustered:
ds=drgb +m/N ×dxy (3)
the value of dsis the sum of the (x, y) plane distance
normalized by the grid interval N and the lab distance. Within
here, normalization is done so that the calculation of the
coordinate information does not directly affect the brightness
interval. The value of mis defined to set the compactness of
The local shape of each superpixel obtained in an image de-
pends on the mparameter. As can be shown in the Equation 3
that the low value of the mparameter reduces the effect of
coordinate information. This ensures that each superpixel has
a convex or concave shape so that the related superpixels will
not be an optimal input image for the deep learning method
in the next step. If the mparameter has a high value, each
superpixel will have almost a square shape. Since it is aimed to
classify the superpixels by the deep learning method after the
pre-segmentation process, it can be said that an approximate
quadratic structure making it possible the superpixel to be
classified with a higher success rate by deep learning method.
B. Classification of Superpixels via Convolutional Neural Net-
Convolutional neural networks (CNN) is one of the deep
learning algorithms proposed by LeCun et. al. in 1998 [15].
The CNN was implemented to small-size data at the time when
it was first proposed due to memory constraint. However, with
the development of hardware technology, it has begun to be
applied to large-scale data in recent years [16], [17]. There are
basically six process steps in the CNN algorithm:
Image Input Layer: At this stage, each image to be used
for training or testing passes through a certain preliminary
process in order to become an appropriate input. This pre-
processing could be re-sizing the image to the appropriate
sizes or converting the image from one channel to three
channel (from grayscale to color image) if needed.
Convolutional Layer: At this stage, each image in the
data set which is used for training is convolved with k
number of generalized kernels to create activation maps.
The activation maps are then used for further analysis
at the next stages. The first convolutional layer provides
low level features to be extracted. The padding and stride
size could be change depending on the size of the input
Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU): The activation layer (which
is also defined as ReLU layer )is generally applied after
the convolution layer. The main purpose of this layer
is to transfer the activation maps obtained from the
convolution layer to a non-linear plane to better analysis.
Pooling Layer: The down sampling is done at this stage
to provide a hierarchical analysis to the data. More high-
level features could be extracted if the number of layers
are increased after this stage. The maximum or average
of the relevant values is selected while down-sampling
the data.
Fully Connected Layer: this layer provides the corre-
lations of particular class to the high level features
which were extracted at the previous layers. Several fully
connected layers could be used in a CNN algorithm. The
key point is that the number of output of the last fully
connected layer must be equal with the number of classes.
Classification (Softmax) Layer: Softmax layer is the final
output layer in CNN algorithm that performs multi-class
The CNN algorithm proposed in this paper consists of
two convolutional layers, two ReLU layers, two max-pool
layers and three fully connected layers followed by a softmax
classification layer.
A. Data Set Description
The data set used in this study is obtained from Beck Lab-
oratory at Harvard University. The data set consisted of high-
resolution histopathological images of renal cell carcinoma
selected from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data portal
and publicly available for usage. There are 810 high-resolution
400 ×400, histopathological images of 10 kidney renal cell
carcinomas. Images were scanned using 40×magnification.
TCGA is a high-scale cancer research organization financed
by the American National Cancer Institute and the National
Human Genome Research Institute. In addition, TCGA con-
ducts surveys to find solutions to the 25 most common cancer
types. In addition to collecting molecular and clinical data,
TCGA also obtains whole slide images (WSI) under cancer
research. Fig. 1 represents sample images taken from the data
set and the ground truth images annotated by pathologists of
those images. The data set was introduced in details in [18].
Fig. 1: Image samples of renal cell carcinoma taken from the
data set
The proposed study investigates the success of combination
of superpixel segmentation algorithm and CNN algorithm on
cell segmentation in histopathological images. The study is
basically composed of two steps; obtaining of superpixels by
the SLIC method and the classification of these superpixels
by the CNN method. The processing steps followed in this
proposed method is represented in Fig. 2.
B. Pre-segmentation of Images by Using (SLIC) Method
In the first phase of the study, each input image in the
data set was smoothed with 5×5median filter to remove
noise and various light effects. Each of the cleaned image then
divided into approximately 3000 superpixels. The correspond-
ing superpixels have been labeled as cellular or non-cellular
according to the ground-truth accompanied with the data set.
The superpixels which have unproportional dimensions (such
as 1×10,10 ×2etc.) were eliminated due to the shape
irregularity. Determination of the number of superpixels and
adaption of the obtained superpixels as input of deep learning
model two important key points need to be considered. An
average cell has approximately 30 ×30 sizes, so the optimal
number of superpixels for a 400 ×400 image in this data
set can range from 250 to 750. So, the interval of values
Cell. SP Noncell. SP Time
Actual Cell. SP 0.9451 0.0549 7750 sec.
Noncell. SP 0.0083 0.9917
were kept wide because the similarity of neighbour pixels
(i.e. a large fat tissue could be a large single superpixel) may
change from image to image. Unlike the number of superpixel,
the shape of the superpixel is also crucial. Considering the
spatial similarities of neighbour pixels, a superpixel which
includes those pixels may have a convex or concave shape.
This may negatively affect the classification performance of
the CNN algorithm since re-sizing the image could change
the shape of the superpixel. For this reason, it is proposed
that the histopathological images should be divided into a high
number of superpixels to ensure that the superpixel remains
at a certain size. In the first phase of this work, each image
is divided into 3000 superpixels. This number was determined
empirically, but in future studies it may become possible to
automate this number by performing a detailed analysis of
the number of superpixels. As can be seen in Equation 3, the
mparameter represents the ’compactness’ of a superpixels.
The higher value of m, the more regular shape of superpixels.
Assigning a small number of mmeans to reduce the effect of
coordinate information. If a quadratic-like image can be given
as input to the CNN algorithm, this contributes to increasing
the classification success of the algorithm. Depending on the
pW idth ×Height/NumberofSuperpixels equation, giv-
ing approximately 50 to mvalue provides superpixels to have
quadratic dimensions. In this study, the mparameter is set to
50. Depending on the parameters stated in the first phase of the
study, cellular and non-cellular superpixels were determined
and in this way a two-class structure was established.
In the second phase of the proposed study, cellular and
non-cellular superpixels are classified by using the proposed
CNN algorithm. Each superpixel obtained in the first stage
has approximately the same aspect ratio (12 ×13). In this
context, they have not undergone too many formal changes
to be appropriate for the CNN algorithm. The sizes of each
superpixel has resized to 15×15 to be used as an regular input
image to the proposed CNN algorithms since the dimensions
of the input images of the CNN algorithm are 15 ×15. Table
I shows the success of the proposed CNN algorithm when the
parameters specified in Section II were used.
C. Experimental Results
Table I represents overall results of the confusion matrix
obtained for the proposed CNN algorithm when trained and
tested on five iteration, 100 epoch and 5-fold cross-validation
for each iteration. The column information in the table in-
dicates cellular superpixels, non-cellular superpixels, and the
time performance of the algorithm, respectively. The row
information represents cellular superpixels and non-cellular su-
perpixels, respectively. Based on the results, the classification
Fig. 2: The processing steps followed in this proposed method. Each image in the data set is divided into cellular and non-cellular
superpixels (left). The obtained superpixels are classified with the proposed deep learning algorithm (right)
performance of the proposed CNN algorithm was obtained to
be 0.9451 at cellular superpixels and 0.9917 at non-cellular
superpixels. The overall accuracy of the system was observed
to be 0.9876. When the run time was evaluated, the overall
classification of the proposed CNN method was approximately
7750 seconds. The number of iterations and the number of
epochs is crucial for CNN algorithm to model the data and to
classify it with accurate results. As the number of iterations
and the number of epochs in each iteration increase, the
success of the CNN algorithm to learn the data increases. This
is also important for the proposed algorithm to show that the
result is not accidental.
All experiments in this paper have implemented on a work-
station with a 64-bit Windows 10 operating system, Intel (R)
Core (TM) i5-6200K CPU 2.30 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, NVIDIA
GeForce 940M graphics card processor and MATLAB version
In this study, SLIC superpixel segmentation method and
convolutional neural network have been combined for seg-
menting the cellular structures in high resolutional histopatho-
logical images. The proposed study composed of two stages:
Firstly, SLIC superpixel spatial clustering method was used
as a pre-segmentation algorithm to perform segmentation of
cellular superpixels and non-cellular superpixels. Then CNN
based deep learning algorithm was used to classify those
superpixels in order to obtain the final segmentation of the
whole image. Kidney renal cell carcinomas histopathological
images of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data portal was
used in this study to evaluate the success of the proposed
method. The overall accuracy of the system was observed to
be 0.9876. The proposed CNN algorithm trained and tested
on five iteration, 100 epoch and 5-fold cross-validation for
each iteration. The results showed that combining the SLIC
superpixel segmentation algorithm and CNN algorithm could
perform accurate results in segmentation of histopathological
images. Although the use of the CNN algorithm may be
slower compared to other algorithms (such as thresholding-
based, clustering-based algorithms) due to the long duration
of the training phase, this can be compensated in the test
phase. A more detailed study which compare the combination
of superpixel and CNN algorithm with other well known
segmentation algorithms could be a good alternative study to
compare the time and segmentation performance. In addition,
the proposed algorithm can be improved by performing more
detailed analysis of the number of superpixels and the m
parameter which effects the shape of each superpixels.
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... PSO-based Otsu's multilevel thresholding [13] Histopathology images PSO-based clustering method [14] Histopathology images PSO-based multilevel thresholding [15] Grayscale images and medical images Dynamic PSO [16] Real crystal growth images PSO using Kapur's and Tsallis entropy [17] Normal brain MRI PSO-FCM algorithm [18] Ultrasonic teeth images DPSO [19] Satellite images FODPSO [20] Infrared images FODPSO [21] Retinal images Multiobjective algorithms UISMOPC [22] Standard images MOPSO [23] Standard images Multiobjective colour thresholding [24] Standard images Multiobjective optimization [25] Simulated MRI and MRI Multiobjective multiverse optimization [26] Natural grayscale images Multiobjective grey wolf optimization [27] Natural grayscale images Multiobjective artificial bee colony [28] Standard images Superpixel algorithm SLIC and CNN [29] Histopathology images SLIC and clustering algorithm [30] Histopathology images Superpixel algorithm and clustering algorithm [31] Satellite images superpixel and EM [32] Plant disease leaves images ...
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Histopathology image analysis is considered as a gold standard for the early diagnosis of serious diseases such as cancer. The advancements in the field of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) have led to the development of several algorithms for accurately segmenting histopathology images. However, the application of swarm intelligence for segmenting histopathology images is less explored. In this study, we introduce a Multilevel Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization guided Superpixel algorithm (MMPSO-S) for the effective detection and segmentation of various regions of interest (ROIs) from Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)-stained histopathology images. Several experiments are conducted on four different datasets such as TNBC, MoNuSeg, MoNuSAC, and LD to ascertain the performance of the proposed algorithm. For the TNBC dataset, the algorithm achieves a Jaccard coefficient of 0.49, a Dice coefficient of 0.65, and an F-measure of 0.65. For the MoNuSeg dataset, the algorithm achieves a Jaccard coefficient of 0.56, a Dice coefficient of 0.72, and an F-measure of 0.72. Finally, for the LD dataset, the algorithm achieves a precision of 0.96, a recall of 0.99, and an F-measure of 0.98. The comparative results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the simple Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, its variants (Darwinian particle swarm optimization (DPSO), fractional order Darwinian particle swarm optimization (FODPSO)), Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (MOEA/D), non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm 2 (NSGA2), and other state-of-the-art traditional image processing methods.
... The SLIC superpixel method was combined in [81] in a convolutional based histopathological image segmentation. Their framework consisted of two stages: pre-segmentation using the SLIC clustering method to generate cellular and non-cellular superpixels, then the convolutional-based classification of these generated superpixels to output the final WSI segmentation with an overall distribution accuracy of 98.76%. ...
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Medical Imaging has become a vital technique that has been embraced in the diagnosis and treatment process of cancer. Histopathological slides, which microscopically examine the suspicious tissue, are considered the golden standard for tumor prognosis and diagnosis. This excellent performance caused a sudden and growing interest in digitizing these slides to generate Whole Slide Images (WSI). However, analyzing WSI is a very challenging task due to the multiple-resolution, large-scale nature of these images. Therefore, WSI-based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) analysis gains increasing attention as a secondary decision support tool to enhance healthcare by alleviating pathologists’ workload and reducing misdiagnosis rates. Recent revolutionized deep learning techniques are promising and have the potential to achieve efficient automatic representation of WSI features in a data-driven manner. Thus, in this survey, we focus mainly on deep learning-based CAD systems in the context of tumor analysis in histopathological images, i.e., segmentation and classification of tumor regions. We present a visual taxonomy of deep learning approaches that provides a systematic structure to the vast number of diverse models proposed until now. We sought to identify challenges that face the automation of histopathological analysis, the commonly used public datasets, and evaluation metrics and discuss recent methodologies for addressing them through a systematic examination of presented deep solutions. The survey aims to highlight the existing gaps and limitations of the recent deep learning-based WSI approaches to explore the possible avenues for potential enhancements.
... Therefore, it is used in this work to execute the segmentation of helminth ova and artifacts in images as a presegmentation method. The SLIC method used in this segmentation process depends on the pixel intensity values, which are the pixel values of RGB and the spatial distance of the pixel, which is the x and y coordinate information to the superpixel center [19]. The process formed by SLIC segmentation into each pixel in the image is shown in Equation (9). ...
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Helminthiasis disease is one of the most serious health problems in the world and frequently occurs in children, especially in unhygienic conditions. The manual diagnosis method is time consuming and challenging, especially when there are a large number of samples. An automated system is acknowledged as a quick and easy technique to assess helminth sample images by offering direct visibility on the computer monitor without the requirement for examination under a microscope. Thus, this paper aims to compare the human intestinal parasite ova segmentation performance between machine learning segmentation and deep learning segmentation. Four types of helminth ova are tested, which are Ascaris Lumbricoides Ova (ALO), Enterobious Vermicularis Ova (EVO), Hookworm Ova (HWO), and Trichuris Trichiura Ova (TTO). In this paper, fuzzy c-Mean (FCM) segmentation technique is used in machine learning segmentation, while convolutional neural network (CNN) segmentation technique is used for deep learning. The performance of segmentation algorithms based on FCM and CNN segmentation techniques is investigated and compared to select the best segmentation procedure for helminth ova detection. The results reveal that the accuracy obtained for each helminth species is in the range of 97% to 100% for both techniques. However, IoU analysis showed that CNN based on ResNet technique performed better than FCM for ALO, EVO, and TTO with values of 75.80%, 55.48%, and 77.06%, respectively. Therefore, segmentation through deep learning is more suitable for segmenting the human intestinal parasite ova.
... Previous work in the field of histopathology can be categorized into two basic strategies to overcome this issue. The first group of approaches [32][33][34][35] extracted bounding boxes around superpixels and resized them to a predefined input size. This strategy either requires equally sized superpixels to maintain a similar downscaling factor for all superpixels or loses proportions across the input images. ...
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Approach: We propose to subdivide the WSI into coherent regions prior to classification by grouping visually similar adjacent pixels into superpixels. Afterward, only a random subset of patches per superpixel is classified and patch labels are combined into a superpixel label. We propose a metric for identifying superpixels with an uncertain classification and evaluate two medical applications, namely tumor area and invasive margin estimation and tumor composition analysis. Results: The algorithm has been developed on 159 hand-annotated WSIs of colon resections and its performance is compared with an analysis without prior segmentation. The algorithm shows an average speed-up of 41% and an increase in accuracy from 93.8% to 95.7%. By assigning a rejection label to uncertain superpixels, we further increase the accuracy by 0.4%. While tumor area estimation shows high concordance to the annotated area, the analysis of tumor composition highlights limitations of our approach.
... Some studies have been worked by combining superpixel segmentation and deep learning method. For instance, Albayrak et al. [166] proposed superpixel-based CNN method for segmenting the cellular structures in high resolution histopathological images. Their results showed that combining the superpixel segmentation and CNN algorithm provides an accurate result in segmentation and classification of histopathological image. ...
Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases are among the most frequently occurring diseases that pose a significant threat to people’s health. Endoscopic techniques represent the gold standard for GI disease diagnosis. Endoscopic examinations are, however, resource-intensive and highly demanding in terms of equipment cost and the need for trained personnel. Also, the evaluation of the severity and sub-classification of different endoscopic findings may vary from one physician to another. Accurate detection and classification of GI anomalies are crucial for effective treatment planning. Numerous computer-aided GI image processing and classification techniques have been proposed. In this thesis, GI image segmentation and classification were explored based on two superpixel segmentation methods, namely simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) and linear spectral clustering (LSC). Experiments were carried out on the Kvasir dataset which includes GI tract images from the upper part (esophagitis and z-line), middle part (pylorus and polyps), and the lower part (cecum and ulcerative colitis). For these images, three types of features were extracted and fed into a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The GI images were evaluated and compared with and without superpixel segmentation. LSC-based superpixels were shown to be generally more intuitive, perceptually satisfactory, and uniform compared to those of the SLIC method. Moreover, in comparison to pixel-wise classification results, the results obtained by the superpixel-based classification were found to be generally better (for both the LSC- and SLIC-based methods). Experimental results show that the performance of each superpixel method varies from one GI part to another. For the upper GI tract, the SLIC-based classifier outperformed the LSC-based one, reaching accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values of 77.33%, 77.89%, and 76.8%, respectively. However, for both middle and lower GI parts, the LSC-based classifier outperformed the SLIC-based one. Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values were respectively: 98.5%, 100%, and 97.1% for the middle GI tract, and 93.67%, 91.72%, and 95.8% for the lower GI tract. In terms of computational time, the SLIC-based method was moderately faster than the LSC one.
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Histopathological image segmentation is a laborious and time-intensive task, often requiring analysis from experienced pathologists for accurate examinations. To reduce this burden, supervised machine-learning approaches have been adopted using large-scale annotated datasets for histopathological image analysis. However, in several scenarios, the availability of large-scale annotated data is a bottleneck while training such models. Self-supervised learning (SSL) is an alternative paradigm that provides some respite by constructing models utilizing only the unannotated data which is often abundant. The basic idea of SSL is to train a network to perform one or many pseudo or pretext tasks on unannotated data and use it subsequently as the basis for a variety of downstream tasks. It is seen that the success of SSL depends critically on the considered pretext task. While there have been many efforts in designing pretext tasks for classification problems, there haven't been many attempts on SSL for histopathological segmentation. Motivated by this, we propose an SSL approach for segmenting histopathological images via generative diffusion models in this paper. Our method is based on the observation that diffusion models effectively solve an image-to-image translation task akin to a segmentation task. Hence, we propose generative diffusion as the pretext task for histopathological image segmentation. We also propose a multi-loss function-based fine-tuning for the downstream task. We validate our method using several metrics on two publically available datasets along with a newly proposed head and neck (HN) cancer dataset containing hematoxylin and eosin (H\&E) stained images along with annotations. Codes will be made public at
Several Superpixel segmentation techniques have recently been developed. Superpixels combine perceptually similar pixels to form visually significant entities, lowering the amount of primitives required for future processing stages. We give a thorough examination of several superpixel algorithms, including watershed-based, graph-based, clustering-based, and energy optimization strategies. Along with the various computational intelligence techniques that are currently used by the researchers in the domain of Machine learning, Evolutionary computing and Deep Learning also looked at benchmark measures including accuracy, recall, intra-cluster variation, mean distance to edge, under segmentation error, and sum-of-squared error, as well as datasets like BSD500, SBD, NYUV2, SUNRGBD, FLASH, and PASCAL-S, to create a superpixel benchmark and its applications. This study will insight into the various superpixel segmentation techniques and also will assist researchers in determining the suitable superpixel segmentation approaches that are more feasible for their various problems in carrying out the research in this field.
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Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. We survey the use of deep learning for image classification, object detection, segmentation, registration, and other tasks and provide concise overviews of studies per application area. Open challenges and directions for future research are discussed.
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Point cloud is an important type of geometric data structure. Due to its irregular format, most researchers transform such data to regular 3D voxel grids or collections of images. This, however, renders data unnecessarily voluminous and causes issues. In this paper, we design a novel type of neural network that directly consumes point clouds and well respects the permutation invariance of points in the input. Our network, named PointNet, provides a unified architecture for applications ranging from object classification, part segmentation, to scene semantic parsing. Though simple, PointNet is highly efficient and effective. Empirically, it shows strong performance on par or even better than state of the art. Theoretically, we provide analysis towards understanding of what the network has learnt and why the network is robust with respect to input perturbation and corruption.
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Blood cells detection in microscopic image provides the information concerning the health of patient. The analysis of blood cells using image processing reduces the manual disease detection error and also the time period. A new thresholding estimation algorithm has been proposed with watershed transforming Sobel filter in frequency domain for detection of different cells in microscopic image. The proposed algorithm performs edge detection using Sobel filter in frequency domain. The present study of Sobel filter uses specific window size scheme to remove noises and detect the fine edges. Consequently, thresholding estimation based watershed transformation is used on the specific window size Sobel filter to increase the intensity of edges with strong contrast. Thus this effective detection algorithm is helpful to identifying and counting the different cells. In this study, proposed algorithm has used 30 numbers of blood microscopic images as test images and obtained higher accuracy results of around 93%. Experimentally, the proposed algorithm yields better structure similarity index measure, compared with the other state-of-art detection method viz. Canny, Sobel and Laplacian operator.
Conference Paper
The automated segmentation of cell nuclei is critical for diagnosis and classification of cancers in pleural fluid. This task is very essential since the morphology of cell nuclei such as the size, shape and stained color are mainly associated with cells proliferation and malignancy. It remains challenging due to the inconsistent stained color, poor contrast, the variety of cells, and the large amount of cells, cell overlapping and other microscopic imaging artifacts. In this paper, we proposed a simple method that is capable to segment the nuclei of the variety of cells from microscopic cytology pleural fluid images. In the proposed method, the original image is enhanced firstly using median filter. Next, the enhanced image is converted into l*a*b* color space and extract l* and b* component. The cell nuclei are segmented using OTSU thresholding as the binary image. Finally, morphological operations are used to eliminate the undesirable artifacts and reconstruct into color segmented image. The proposed method is tested with 25 Papanicolaou (Pap) stained pleural fluid images. The method is relatively simple and the results are very promising.
Conference Paper
In histopathology images, there often exists several Nuclei overlapped with each other which causes difficulty to automatic nuclei segmentation. As we all know, watershed algorithm has been widely employed in image segmentation. But the limitation of watershed segmentation is sensitive to noise and can lead to serious over-segmentation. In this paper, we present an improved watershed transformation that incorporates opening-closing reconstruction and the distance transform with chamfer algorithm after color deconvolution, and H-minima . Unlike the classical watershed segmentation algorithm our improved method is able to resolve oversegmentation. The experiment results demonstrate our method successfully segment out each nuclei on breast cancer histology images, effectively address over-segmentation existed in traditional watershed segmentation , and preserve the original edges of each nuclei in the image completely.
In many computerized methods for cell detection, segmentation, and classification in digital histopathology that have recently emerged, the task of cell segmentation remains a chief problem for image processing in designing computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems. In research and diagnostic studies on cancer, pathologists can use CAD systems as second readers to analyze high-resolution histopathological images. Since cell detection and segmentation are critical for cancer grade assessments, cellular and extracellular structures should primarily be extracted from histopathological images. In response, we sought to identify a useful cell segmentation approach with histopathological images that uses not only prominent deep learning algorithms (i.e., convolutional neural networks, stacked autoencoders, and deep belief networks), but also spatial relationships, information of which is critical for achieving better cell segmentation results. To that end, we collected cellular and extracellular samples from histopathological images by windowing in small patches with various sizes. In experiments, the segmentation accuracies of the methods used improved as the window sizes increased due to the addition of local spatial and contextual information. Once we compared the effects of training sample size and influence of window size, results revealed that the deep learning algorithms, especially convolutional neural networks and partly stacked autoencoders, performed better than conventional methods in cell segmentation.
A salient object detection method by extensively modeling contextual information in both the saliency feature extraction and the saliency optimization procedure is proposed. First, a sequence of multicontext features is extracted for each segmented image region. This multicontext feature encoding effectively represents the characteristics of image regions and is further mapped to the initial saliency value estimation using a nonlinear regressor. Second, contextual information is also utilized to optimize the initial saliency map, which is realized by constructing a region-level conditional random field (CRF). As such, the quality of the initial coarse saliency maps is promoted in a more principled manner. Third, multiple CRFs, defined over different scales of segmentation, are calculated and integrated so that different ranges of contextual information could contribute to the saliency optimization. Eventually, consistent saliency maps with uniformly highlighted salient regions and clear boundaries are generated. The proposed method is extensively evaluated on three public benchmark datasets, and experimental results demonstrate that our method can produce promising performance when compared to state-of-the-art salient object detection approaches.