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Evaluation of Instagram's Neural Machine Translation for Literary Texts: An MQM-Based Analysis


Abstract and Figures

Addressing the global increase in social media users, platforms such as Instagram introduced automatic translation to broaden information dissemination and improve cross-cultural communication. Yet, the accuracy of these platforms' machine translation systems is still a concern. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the potential of Neural Machine Translation utilized by Instagram in producing high-quality translations. In doing so, this study attempts to scrutinize the reliability of Instagram's "See Translation" feature in the translation of literary texts from Arabic to English. A selection of auto-translated Instagram captions is analyzed through the identification, classification, and assignment of error types and penalty points, utilizing the MQM core typology. Subsequently, the Overall Quality Score of the error-based analysis is calculated automatically using the ContentQuo platform. Furthermore, the study investigates whether Instagram Neural Machine Translation can effectively convey the intended message within literary texts. From 30 purposively selected Instagram captions with literary content, the study found Instagram's machine translation lacking in 90% of cases, particularly in accuracy, fluency, and style. Among these, 61 errors were identified: 26 in fluency, 25 in accuracy, and 10 in style, adversely affecting the quality and failing to convey the original message. The findings suggest a need for enhanced algorithms and linguistic architecture in Neural Machine Translation systems to better recognize linguistic variants and text genres for more accurate and fluent translations.
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GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 213
Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
Evaluation of Instagram's Neural Machine Translation for Literary Texts:
An MQM-Based Analysis
Altaf Fakih a1
School of Languages, Literacies and Translation
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi b2
School of Languages, Literacies and Translation
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Abdul-Hafeed Fakih
Najran University, Saudi Arabia
Ibb University, Yemen
Manjet K. M. Singh
School of Languages, Literacies and Translation
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Addressing the global increase in social media users, platforms such as Instagram introduced
automatic translation to broaden information dissemination and improve cross-cultural
communication. Yet, the accuracy of these platforms' machine translation systems is still a
concern. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the potential of Neural Machine Translation utilized
by Instagram in producing high-quality translations. In doing so, this study attempts to scrutinize
the reliability of Instagram's "See Translation" feature in the translation of literary texts from
Arabic to English. A selection of auto-translated Instagram captions is analyzed through the
identification, classification, and assignment of error types and penalty points, utilizing the MQM
core typology. Subsequently, the Overall Quality Score of the error-based analysis is calculated
automatically using the ContentQuo platform. Furthermore, the study investigates whether
Instagram Neural Machine Translation can effectively convey the intended message within literary
texts. From 30 purposively selected Instagram captions with literary content, the study found
Instagram's machine translation lacking in 90% of cases, particularly in accuracy, fluency, and
style. Among these, 61 errors were identified: 26 in fluency, 25 in accuracy, and 10 in style,
adversely affecting the quality and failing to convey the original message. The findings suggest a
need for enhanced algorithms and linguistic architecture in Neural Machine Translation systems
to better recognize linguistic variants and text genres for more accurate and fluent translations.
Keywords: Literary Text Translation; Multidimensional Quality Metrics; Neural Machine
Translation; Translation Quality Assessment
a Main author
b Corresponding author
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 214
Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
Instagram is a popular social networking platform where users share updates in the form of photo
and/or audio-visual elements as posts. These posts are often accompanied by textual details,
referred to as captions. According to Dixon's (2023) report on Statista, Instagram is currently the
fourth most popular social media platform, with 1.28 billion active users as of January 2022, and
is projected to reach 1.44 billion monthly active users by 2025. To address the growing global use
of Instagram, Meta (formerly Facebook), the parent company of Instagram, is developing new
Machine Translation (MT) innovations and MT systems to facilitate cross-lingual communication
among users from different countries, aiming at improving the effectiveness of interactions among
global users regardless of their language backgrounds. In this context, Meta has recently
introduced a new innovative MT system, called the No Language Left Behind (NLLB-200), built
upon a single artificial intelligence-based model that uses neural networks which was claimed that
they matched human’s performance. Given the consistent developments in the MT field, regular
evaluations of MT systems are highly required to monitor their quality and identify areas for
improvement. To this aim, the current study seeks to closely examine the quality of the recent
NMT system implemented in Instagram. Another gap that will be bridged in this study is the lack
of the studies that address the quality of “See translation” feature of Instagram in translating
literary texts in the Arabic context. As each language has its own unique characteristics, it is
profitable to conduct evaluations on various languages and context that yields to revealing the
language-related strong and weak aspects of each development, subsequently leaving a plenty of
room for improvement.
The study's significance lies in its evaluation of machine translation, an essential area of
research that helps improve the performance of existing MT systems and understand how they
function (Dorr et al., 2011). Furthermore, Trigueros (2021) stressed that there is a need for more
standardization for MT quality assessment and error analysis. Therefore, this study's findings can
serve as a valuable reference for the translation technology field in general and for MT evaluation
development, translation error-analysis methodology, and computational linguistics in particular.
Additionally, this study will offer practical benefits by providing insights for Meta developers to
improve the algorithms and linguistic architecture of their MT models, as well as grow awareness
among Instagram users of the reliability level of the instant translations provided by the platform.
Given the latest development of MT implemented in Instagram, this study aims to closely inspect
the potential of “See Translation” feature in auto-generating adequate translations, thereby check
on the concerns regarding the quality of such feature and highlighting where improvement is
needed for Meta developers. To this end, this study seeks to achieve the following two objectives:
a) To assess the quality of Instagram's Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system in translating
literary texts by using an analytical error-based approach, which utilizes the MQM system that
includes structured translation specifications, an error typology, and a scoring system integrated
with the ContentQuo platform; b) To examine the NMT system’s ability to convey the expressive
function of literary texts, as defined by Nord's translation function theory.
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
Machine Translation is an interdisciplinary paradigm that involves different fields, including
Natural Language Processing (NLP), which focuses on developing and optimizing computer-
based translation systems (Ameur et al., 2020). It is also considered a branch of Computational
Linguistics, which investigates the use of computer software to translate text from one natural
language to another (Arnold et al., 1994; Sipayung et al., 2021). Due to its multidimensional
nature, MT presents complexities different from those in Human Translation and is continuously
evolving with the development of technology. MT is the process of translating text from one
language into one or more other languages utilizing computer-based systems and tools, and may
involve varying degrees of human intervention.
The increasing demand for translation, driven by economic globalization, exceeded human
capacity to handle all translation tasks, leading to the introduction of automatic translation systems
and resulting in significant changes in related fields. MT systems, according to their computational
architecture (Chéragui, 2012), are classified into four approaches: Rule-based MT (RBMT)
approach, Corpus-based MT (CBMT) approach, Hybrid MT approach, and Neural MT approach
(Trigueros, 2022). The first approach was Rule-based MT, which used two linguistic sub-
approaches: transfer and interlingua (Chéragui, 2012) that relied on monolingual and bilingual
dictionaries, grammar and transfer rules for generating translations (Espana-Bonet & Costa-jussa,
2016; Castilho et al., 2017; Trigueros, 2022). Later on, Corpus-based MT was introduced as an
alternative approach for MT in order to overcome the shortcomings of RBMT (Chéragui, 2012),
and was the first approach of data-driven methods that used sophisticated algorithms and
mathematical models to automatically learn the translation process from data (Ameur et al., 2020).
CBMT used monolingual and bilingual corpora of parallel texts in the translating process
(Hutchins, 1995). This approach was divided into two systems: Statistical MT system (SMT) and
Example-based MT system (EBMT). The advantage of this system is that it requires less human
effort for automatic training, along with its solid performance in terms of selection (Hutchins,
2007; Koehn, 2009; Trigueros, 2022). However, it sometimes outputs bad-quality translations that
are ill-structured or grammatically incorrect attributed to the difficulty in reaching corpora of
specific domains or language pairs (Habash et al., 2009; Espana-Bonet & Costa-jussa, 2016;
Trigueros, 2022). Nevertheless, corpus-based systems dominated the field for a while as many MT
developers adopted the approach to their MT systems, including Google Translate, Facebook, and
Instagram. The hybrid MT approach combines both Rule-based MT and statistical MT systems,
resulting in a solution that overcomes the deficiencies of each system and produces high-quality
translations with a high level of precision (Thurmair, 2009; Hunsicker et al., 2012; Tambouratzis
et al., 2014; Trigueros, 2022).
Moreover, most recently, a new data-driven MT approach, called Neural Machine
Translation (NMT) has been developed with a different mechanism. NMT is the latest technology
in Artificial Intelligence (AI), which consists of a system that uses neural networks and works in
building and training a single large neural network that reads a sentence and outputs correct
translations (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Trigueros, 2022). This system is based on the encoder-decoder
model in which the encoder reads the input and encodes it into a fixed length vector while the
decoder produces the translation output from the encoder vector (Cho et al., 2014; Bahdanau et
al., 2014; Trigueros, 2022). NMT represents the latest development of MT systems, which has
become the dominant paradigm that is currently applied in machine translation field (Ragni &
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
Vieira, 2021; Trigueros, 2022). Moreover, Trigueros (2022) pointed out that the architecture of
NMT is characterized by some advantageous properties that prior MT systems do not own. For
instance, it uses fewer components and processing steps, and it requires less memory than SMT.
Moreover, it allows the use of human and data resources more efficiently than RBMT (Cho et al.,
2014; Bentivogli et al., 2016; Trigueros, 2022). Furthermore, the findings revealed that NMT
output contained fewer overall errors compared to SMT at the accuracy and fluency levels (Wu et
al., 2016; Castilho et al., 2017; Moorkens, 2018; Ragni & Vieira, 2021) since the neural networks
can be trained to recognize patterns in data and deal with massive amount of language data with
much ease, hence making NMT output more accurate (Das, 2018). Such characteristics have
pushed Meta, along with many other major companies, such as Google, Systran, and Microsoft
(Ameur et al., 2020; Trigueros, 2022) to shift from SMT and RBMT approaches to Neural MT
In 2017, Meta, Instagram’s parent company, announced its shift from phrase-based statistical
machine translation to neural machine translation (Mannes, 2017), resulting in more accurate and
fluent translations (Pino et al., 2017). In 2020, Meta introduced a new neural machine translation
model, the multilingual machine translation (M2M-100), which automatically translates between
any pair of 100 languages, including translation across 2,200 language pairs, without relying on
English as an intermediary source. The M2M-100 model aims to improve translation quality for
low-resource languages (Bhattacharyya, 2022). Additionally, Meta developed a single artificial
intelligence-based model, the No Language Left Behind (NLLB-200), which translates 200
languages, including those not adequately addressed by machine translation tools in Instagram.
The NLLB-200 model aims to improve the quality of machine translations and facilitate
communication worldwide. Meta evaluated the NLLB-200 model using automatic evaluation
metric, the BLEU algorithm, which measures how closely machine translations match human
translations and reported that it achieved BLEU scores that were 44% higher than any previous
record (Meta, 2022). Therefore, this study investigates whether the new advanced model, NLLB-
200, of Instagram MT can make any improvements in this respect.
Various studies have evaluated the quality of Instagram machine translation (MT) since its
introduction. Fadilah (2017) identified three types of semantic errors in its output: referential,
grammatical, and contextual. Grammatical and contextual errors were the most frequent, while the
translation of dictionary meaning performed better. Mawarni et al. (2017) focused on cultural-
specific terms (CSTs) and found a loss of meaning in the translations, which failed to transfer the
expressive meaning to the target culture. In line with previous findings, MT succeeded in
translating referential meaning but failed in translating pragmatic meaning.
Furthermore, Meilasari (2019) evaluated the accuracy of Instagram MT translations related
to ecology and environment vocabulary. The study found that the MT was unreliable, with 40%
of the translations being inaccurate and only 24% being accurate. Susanti (2018) analyzed
Instagram MT translations and identified incorrect and missing words as the most frequent lexical
errors. The study also found that the MT tended to use a word-for-word translation method,
resulting in a lack of recognition of the text's context and failing to represent the authentic
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
language. Other researchers have compared the quality of Instagram machine translation with
human translation. Arvianti (2018) compared the performance of Instagram MT and human
translators in translating formal and informal language. The study found that while Instagram MT
produced good translations for formal language, it failed to translate texts written in an informal
language. Human translators were better able to recognize particular languages and better
understand context due to their more extensive vocabulary and context understanding. In addition,
Instagram MT translations have been compared to output from other MT systems. Larassati et al.
(2019) evaluated the output of neural machine translation utilized in Google Translate and
Instagram and found that both systems had translation errors, with Instagram MT having more
errors. The most frequent error types were terminology errors, syntax errors, and literalness, which
were interrelated. Similarly, Pujakesuma (2022) found that Google Translate and Instagram MT
made similar errors, such as mistranslation, and applied the same translation strategies, such as
literal translation.
Moreover, some researchers have evaluated Instagram MT by exploring its translation
strategies. Purwaningsih (2019) investigated the translation strategies employed by Instagram MT
in translating culturally specific Indonesian items, particularly Banyumas Batik motifs. The study
found that Instagram MT used three techniques, including literal translation, borrowing, and
particularization, with borrowing being the dominant technique for translating cultural items.
However, this led to a loss of the cultural sense. Purwaningsih (2019) recommended that Instagram
developers enrich the MT with a more extensive contextual linguistics database to improve the
quality of translation results.
The current study will focus on evaluating the output of the new innovative model “NLLB-
200” recently implemented and claimed to produce more accurate translations than the prior MT
models that were examined by the previous studies. Furthermore, the existing literature on
Instagram NMT evaluation has apparently focused on the Indonesian-English language pair,
leaving a research gap for Arabic language translation. Ameur et al. (2020) note that there are still
many linguistic problems related to Arabic that require further investigation as they pose
significant challenges to current Arabic MT systems. Therefore, this study aims to fill this research
gaps by evaluating the translation quality of the new AI-powered MT system for Arabic captions.
Nord (2005) proposed a tripartite model of the functions of linguistic signs inspired by Bühler's
(1934) work, which includes four basic functions of communication in language: referential,
expressive, operative, and phatic. The referential function focuses on the meaning or content
referred to and represented in informative texts, such as scientific articles and news. The expressive
function refers to the emotions and attitudes of the sender towards the referred object, thought, or
idea, as often found in texts of high aesthetic value, such as literary works. The operative or
appellative function is concerned with the direction of the text toward the addressee. The phatic
function, attributed to Roman Jakobson, focuses on establishing communication between sender
and receiver and attracting the attention of the receiver regarding certain things. The expressive
function implied in literary texts is the focus of this study; it seeks to explore how Instagram NMT
can deal with the unique sentence structures, cultural elements, and aesthetic features present in
literary language that have fewer counterparts stored in the MT database. Additionally, the study
aims to investigate the extent to which this system can convey the expressive function inherent in
literary texts.
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
The present study utilized a qualitative descriptive method and analyzed the written content
(captions) taken from the @cairo_mockingbird Instagram account, a virtual platform for visual
arts and literary writings. The account contains over 12,000 posts, each featuring a photo and a
caption written in Arabic (as of last access on 24/3/2023). It is a community platform designed for
displaying visual arts and literary writings. To achieve the objectives of the study, the selected data
were analyzed by using a non-DEJ-based analytical evaluation method called the
Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) core typology.
The latest version of MQM, from October 2021, was developed to allow a harmonization
with TAUS DQF (Dynamic Quality Framework) error typology, which resulted in creating a
flexible subset to MQM. The MQM error typology contains eight high-level dimensions; seven
dimensions are the core and the eighth is additional to provide a wide range of more detailed error
types that can be used where implementers require greater granularity. The tree view format
illustrated in Figure 1 below depicts the MQM-Core error typology. Each dimension consists of
more specific error subtypes:
Accuracy contains three subtypes: mistranslation, over-translation, under-translation,
addition, omission, Do not translate (DNT), and untranslated. It involves the errors occurring
when the target text does not accurately represent the propositional content of the source text,
either by distorting, mistranslating, omitting, or adding to the original message.
Fluency (or Linguistic Conventions) comprises four subcategories: grammar, punctuation,
unintelligible, and character coding. It focuses on the errors related to the linguistic form of
the text, including problems with grammaticality, orthography, and other mechanical
Terminology category includes three subcategories: inconsistent with terminology resource,
inconsistent use of terminology, and wrong term and it includes incorrect terms in the target
text that are not equivalent of the corresponding term in the source text.
Style includes organizational style, third-party style, inconsistent with external reference,
register, awkward style, unidiomatic style, and inconsistent style. Style refers to the errors
that are grammatically acceptable but are inappropriate because they deviate from
inappropriate language style or organizational style guides.
Audience appropriateness contains only one subcategory: cultural-specific reference. In this
category, the errors arising from the use of content in the translation product that is invalid or
inappropriate for the target audience are addressed.
Locale conventions are the issues related to the locale-specific content (e.g., date/name
format, calendar type, postal code, locale-specific punctuation, or national language standard)
or formatting requirements for data elements.
Design and markup include the issues related to the physical design (e.g., graphics and tables)
or the layout of a translation product.
Custom: Any other issue observed or suggested by the evaluator(s) can be added to this
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
This study employed a non-DEJ-based evaluation method, in which the judge (annotator)
assesses the translation quality indirectly. Such evaluation methods are commonly used to evaluate
the accuracy and fluency of both human and machine translation results and involve comparing
either the source text with the target text or the target text with the translation reference
(Chatzikoumi, 2020). The rationale behind the choice of MQM core typology over other existing
analytical-based approach lies on two reasons. Firstly, this approach is based on a functional-
oriented perspective that was formulated on Melby’s (2002) paralleled work, which parallels
Skopos theory and the translation brief, and Nord’s extension of Skopos theory (1997), which is
known as Functionalism in translation theory and practice. This mainly serves the fulfillment of
the study’s second objective that involves investigating the expressive function included in the MT
translations. Secondly, MQM-core typology is characterized by its flexibility and usability
(Lommel et al., 2013). That is, the framework can be adjusted in a way that it serves the purpose
of the analysis and accounts for specific required needs. Besides, it should be noted that the MQM
can be applicable to professional translations as well as to MT output, i.e., the metric is designed
to evaluate the translation product, regardless of how the target text is generated.
MQM-core typology quality assessment metric includes three different stages for the
evaluation. The first stage is the Preliminary Stage that is conducted before the evaluating process
and includes three phases: Translation Specifications Evaluation, Evaluation Metric Design, and
Data Collection. The second stage Error Annotation is where annotation and error analysis of the
data is taken place, and lastly, the third stage Automatic Calculation includes the calculation of the
Overall Quality Score of the analysis. Second and third stages were conducted in ContentQuo
platform to assure more accurate results. Each evaluation stage is elaborated in details in next
FIGURE 1. The MQM-Core Error Typology ( (Last access 7/3/2023)).
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
In this phase, we determined translation parameters that should be met adopted from the 2006
ATSM Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation’s structured translation specification
framework (ASTM F2575-06). They include metadata of the text under evaluation and its original.
This step is prerequisite as it works as a guideline for the evaluators or annotators to determine the
translation quality parameters that the translated text should meet and upon which the text should
be evaluated. The translation parameters, as shown in Table 1 and 2, and adopted in this paper,
were selected to align with the objectives of this study.
TABLE 1. Source Content Information
Textual characteristics
Source language
Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Arabic)
Text type
Literary texts
Instagram users who are familiar with Arabic language and culture
Expressive function: the text is intended to convey a particular message in the
mind of an author in an artistic form.
Specialized language
(Subject field)
The captions consist of sayings and texts quoted from novels and other
literary sources.
Specialized language
The texts do not include specialized or complicated terminology, but rather
everyday use vocabulary. Therefore, it does not require a specialized term
30 captions (376)
Some captions are written in a straightforward form while some others in an
artistic style.
The source texts are captions posted on @cairo_mockingbird Instagram
TABLE 2. Target Text Requirements
Target language
Instagram users who can understand English.
Expressive function
Content Correspondence
The ST should be translated accurately and fluently.
Texts written in Modern Standard Arabic should be translated into formal
English while texts written in Egyptian Arabic should be translated into
informal-colloquial English.
Captions underneath a photo on Instagram
Stylistics should be taken into consideration in translating the ST.
A metric is a measurement with a specific purpose (Lommel & K. Melby, 2018). Due to the scope
of this study, researchers did not include all the dimensions appeared in Figure 1 and designed a
specific metric for evaluation that served the aim and objectives of the study. To verify the metric
of the evaluation, three dimensions were selected: accuracy, fluency, and style, as per the MQM
core typology and its subsets, as shown in Figure 2. The main goal of an MT system is to
automatically translate text while preserving its meaning and style, ensuring that the output is as
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 221
Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
linguistically fluent as possible (Ameur et al., 2020). Accordingly, the evaluation focused on three
aspects: accuracy (adequacy), which considers the semantic and pragmatic equivalence of lexis
between the source and target texts; fluency, which refers to the linguistic conventions of the target
language and naturalness (Chatzikoumi, 2020); and style, which measures the extent to which the
translated text uses appropriate language to convey the message effectively. Thus, the evaluation
encompassed the lexical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and stylistic aspects of the translated
texts. The errors extracted from the TT were measured according to the following Error Severity
1. Minor errors, which do not affect the comprehension of meaning but affect the fluency
(Weight: 1)
2. Major errors, which make TT difficult to understand, yet the general message is conveyed.
(Weight: 5)
3. Critical errors, which change the meaning of ST and make it incomprehensible or distorted
(Weight: 10)
FIGURE 2. A Metric Designed for the based on the MQM Framework Evaluation in the Present Study
The data collection process included three phases: (i) selecting the source of the data, namely,
an Instagram account, (ii) selecting the data (captions), and (iii) collecting the selected data.
Data source selection phase is determined by the following criteria:
The source material should contain the data that are necessary to answer the stated
research objectives.
The data included in the source should be within the scope of the study.
The source should be a verified account with a substantial number of followers.
Data included in the account should be in form of captions (texts) and not audio-visual
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
The researchers selected the @cairo_mockingbird Instagram account as it met the data
source selection criteria. The account shares a variety of literary writings daily, providing ample
samples for the evaluation and contributing to answering the research questions. All captions are
written in Arabic, ensuring the data remains within the study's scope. Additionally, the account is
verified with 826 thousand followers (as of last access on 24/3/2023). Finally, the account often
uploads literary writings illustrated in a photo with the text replicated in a caption below the photo,
making the data easily accessible.
In the study, there are two types of data: first, the original captions written in Arabic,
referred to as “Source Text” (ST), and secondly, the English machine translations that is referred
to as “Instagram Machine Translation” (IMT). The researchers added another additional data that
includes human translations, referred to as “HT”, for the captions as a reference for the reader. The
two types of data were collected manually by the researchers using a purposive sampling. Firstly,
the researchers read intently all the captions posted on the @cairo_mockingbird Instagram
account. Secondly, 30 captions were selected purposively, ranging from short to medium-length
sentences (total of 376 words) written in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Egyptian Dialect in
the form of a poetic language. Thirdly, the researchers collected the translated results manually
after tapping on اﻧ ﻟﻠﺘ ” or “See Translation” feature set beneath the selected captions, which
instantly translates the captions into English, the language set in their personal Instagram
application. Finally, source texts (the captions) and target texts (their translations) were collected
and divided into segments. Each segment pair, containing corresponding content (a source text and
target text), is termed a translation unit (TU).
In this stage, the annotation was conducted semi-automatically using the harmonized MQM-Core
Typology and DQF error typology, integrated with ContentQuo platform. The annotators (two
experienced translators along with a skilled linguist) examined the translated text against the
source text based on the agreed translation specifications, and analytically annotated errors, which
involved identifying, classifying, and assigning error type and penalty points, in accordance with
the designed metric.
At this stage, the Overall Quality Score was calculated automatically by ContentQuo according to
the selected scoring model using the following formula: QualityScore = 100 - 100 * (ErrorPoints
/ Wordcount), then compared to the Threshold Value (100%) to assign a pass/fail rating.
This section shows the results of the analytical evaluation conducted on the Instagram NMT
translation of 30 captions selected from @cairo_mockingbird account using ContentQuo platform.
As illustrated in Figure 3, Instagram NMT failed at translating 90% of the data from three different
aspects: accuracy, fluency, and style. 61 errors were found in the selected data, classified as
follows: 26 errors in Fluency, 25 errors in Accuracy, and 10 errors in Style. The severity of these
errors ranged from minor to critical, as depicted in Figure 4 and 5. In accuracy, Quality Score was
the lowest because the errors found in this category were critical and seriously affected the content
message as only 39.9% of the content was translated correctly. Fluency category came in the
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 223
Volume 24(1), February 2024
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
second lowest Quality Score as the fluency-related errors was less severe on the original content
message than the accuracy-related errors. Lastly, as inferred from the style issues that they slightly
affected the meaning of the sentences in which they were found. Each category has been explained
in more detail below.
FIGURE 3. The Overall Quality Score at ContentQuo
FIGURE 4. Issue Severity Levels
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Volume 24(1), February 2024
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ISSN: 1675-8021
FIGURE 5. Quality Score of Each Category
Accuracy categories concerned how the MT system recognized the meaning of the source text and
reproduced it in the target text. Based on the results of the TQE, Instagram MT produced plenty
of errors under this category. For instance, Instagram MT system was unable to recognize the exact
meaning of the ST term within the context, thereby failing to find an appropriate equivalent. As
shown in Table 3, The TM was unable to recognize the exact meaning of the polysemous word
(ﺑﺤ search), so it incorrectly chose ‘research’ as the equivalent in the TL.
TABLE 3. Example 1 of Inaccuracy
ان ﯿ ا
، أظ ار اﯿ
اﻟ ي ﻨﺎء اﻟ
Security is so beautiful, I think it’s
the only feeling worth the effort to
Security is so beautiful. I think it is
the only feeling worth seeking out.
Moreover, in literary texts, authors sometimes represent the message they want to express
as a figure of speech, such as a metaphor. Instagram MT struggled with understanding and
translating the metaphors in the source texts. In Table 4, the MT system’s word-for-word
translation of the caption distorted the intended meaning of the metaphor. The vehicles ( ﺳﻤ ء Sky)
and ( أرض Earth) that carry the meaning of the topic (God) and (People) indicates that God is above
the sky and people are down on the earth. The MT translation failed to convey the ground
relationship implied, resulting not only distorting the meaning but also the aesthetic value of the
literary device, i.e., metaphor.
TABLE 4. Example 2 of Inaccuracy
We touch heaven what the earth
refuses to give us.
We ask God what people refuse to
grant us.
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ISSN: 1675-8021
Furthermore, within the same caption, it was found that Instagram MT system tended to
misread the captions even though they were written in a direct sentence structure and partially or
fully vocalized. Unlike English, Arabic language is characterized by having no letters to represent
the vowel sounds. Instead, the Arabic writing system uses small signs that are added above or
below the letters as vowel sounds called diacritics and the presence of such diacritical signs is
known as “Vocalization” (Ameur et al., 2020). Vocalization clarifies the way of reading words
and their exact meanings which indeed helps in solving lexical, semantic, and pragmatic
ambiguities in translation. The MT system in the present study failed to misread these signs, hence
reproducing wrong equivalents. In Table 4, the verb (
ُ), meaning (ask for) was mistranslated
into (touch
َ). It can be concluded that the MT system still cannot decide the exact equivalent
for a word with or without vocalization.
TABLE 5. Example 3 of Inaccuracy
ﻧﺠﯿ ﺤﻔﻮظ
Najeeb is safe
- Naguib Mahfouz
د. ا ﻟﻤ ع
Jasim the volunteer - د
- Dr. Jasem Al-Mutawa
Additionally, one of the most frequent translation errors that Instagram MT produced was the
mistranslation of proper names. As demonstrated in Table 5, the MT system transliterated the first
names while it translated literally the surnames. This type of proper nouns falls under “Adjective
Constituent” noun-compound class; it consists of noun and adjective which are connected with
each (Bounhas & Slimani, 2009; Omar & Al-Tashi, 2018). This is a common issue occurring when
translating from Arabic into English because the Arabic language lacks a unified system or rules
in writing named entities in, such as capitalization. Additionally, the rich lexical variations and
highly inflected nature of Arabic further complicate this issue.
Fluency error categories include errors related to the linguistic well-formedness of the translated
text, including morphology, syntax, orthography, and sentence readability. The evaluation results
showed that fluency errors were the most frequent errors produced by Instagram MT. These errors
range from minor ones affecting only the TT’s fluency, to major errors that make the text hard to
understand but convey the general message, and critical errors that distort the meaning and make
the TT unintelligible.
One of the root causes that led to the fluency errors was the flexible word order of Arabic
language. Unlike English language that has only one rigid SVO word order, Arabic has a flexible
sentence structure that can occur in multiple orders, such as SVO, VSO, OVS, etc. These flexibility
poses several problems when translating from Arabic into English. MT systems, built on fixed
encoding and decoding mechanisms and algorithms, often get confused by the multiple sentence
structure (i.e., word order) that Arabic language can take, particularly in literary texts. Therefore,
these MT systems fail to produce the Arabic text into the TT. For example, as shown in Table 6,
Instagram MT mistranslated the Arabic sentence that has an OVS word order, resulting in an
unintelligible output.
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TABLE 6. Example 1 of Non-Fluent Translation
ﻋﻠﻰ دف ء ا ا ﯿﻮت.
Warmth of family leaning homes.
A home rests on the warmth of
a family.
Another problem that was observed during the TQE of Instagram MT translations was that
they lacked pronoun-antecedent agreement. In English, the pronoun and its antecedent (the word
to which a pronoun refers) must agree in number, person, and gender. The MT system translated
each caption segment separately. The pronoun (i.e., it) in the target text in Table 7, for instance,
contradicts with its antecedent (years) in number. The MT system read and translated the two
sentences independently, out of the context, resulting in incohesive translations.
TABLE 7. Example 2 of Non-Fluent Translation
ﻷﻋﻮ ا م ﯿ ا ﯿ . . أ ل ﺗﻀﺎ ر
اﻟﺒﺎ ل، ﯿ ل ﯿ؟
- أﺣﻤﺪ ﺧﺎ ﻮﻓ ﯿ
The years changed a lot… It
changes the mountains, how can
it not change your character?
- Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq
Years make a lot of changes.
They change the terrains of
mountains, let alone your
-Ahmed Khaled Tawfik
Furthermore, another frequent issue was errors related to orthography as shown in some
samples, which involve the target language’s conventions of writing, such as norms of spelling,
hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, and punctuation. These errors might not be
critical, but they negatively affect the readability of the translations. It was noticed that Instagram
MT tended to imitate the ST writing conventions which resulted in poorly written translations.
This strategy might be usable in languages that have similar writing norms, but in our case, the
source language and the target language have completely different orthographic systems, it led to
considerable issues, such as small letters at the beginning of a sentence and capital letters in the
middle of a sentence, and a lack of proper punctuation marks, among other things.
Literary writings, as expressive texts, highly value the form of texts. Stylistics played a significant
role in the evaluation Several stylistic errors were found in Instagram MT output. The MT system
used basic translation strategies, such as literal and word-for-word translations with all types of
texts, be it informative, expressive, or persuasive. While literal translation could work in
informative texts that focus only on the content, in the literary texts that also value the form, it was
a root cause of generating translations that lacked the aesthetic values and had awkward sentence
structures, as illustrated in Table 8.
TABLE 8. Example 1 of Stylistic Errors
إ أن ا
اھت إ ء
ـ اﻟ ا
I do not understand the meaning of
love, except that the soul has been
guided to something of the secret of
humanity in a beautiful human
- Mostafa Al-Rafay
The only thing I can understand
about the meaning of love is that
the soul has found a secret of
humanity in a beautiful human
- Mostafa Al-Rafe'ie
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Idiomatic expression translation can be problematic, especially in machine translation that
most of times these expressions end up being translated literally. It occurs when there are linguistic
or cultural gaps between the SL and TL. However, Instagram MT failed to translate expressions
that had one-to-one direct equivalent, producing unidiomatic style in the TT. This is clearly
demonstrated in Table 9, where Instagram MT translated the ST literally, despite the existence of
a direct equivalent in English.
TABLE 9. Example 2 of Stylistic Errors
اﻟﯿم ه
What you plant today you will harvest
You reap what you sow.
Another issue commonly found in the output of Instagram MT was the lack of conformity
to the register of the ST. The translations seemed to have informal style by using colloquial terms
and contractions to reproduce the formality of the ST that represented in in using Modern Standard
Arabic. This issue is demonstrated in Table 10.
TABLE 10. Example 3 of Stylistic Error
ﻣﺶ إ ن ا ﯿ
ﻛﻮ ا ﻟﺸﯿ ﯿ !
It doesn’t mean that someone is
carrying the burden well Then the
burden is not heavy!
Just because someone else is carrying
the burden well, it doesn’t mean the
burden is not heavy!
Despite the above-mentioned weaknesses in Instagram MT system, the system has shown
improvement in some other aspect. It was able to properly translate texts written in the Egyptian
dialect. As shown in Table 10, the MT system managed to recognize the colloquial words ( ﺷﺎ ﯾﻞ ),
(اﻟﯿﻠ ), and ( ﻛﻮ ), and translated them into their proper equivalent terms in English (is carrying),
(the burden), and (well).
This small-scale exploration questioned whether Instagram MT is capable of producing accurate
and fluent translations that well maintain the intended message implied within the literary texts to
the target language. The results of the evaluation revealed that the MT system produced several
translation errors, covering different linguistic aspects including lexis, syntax, semantics,
pragmatics, orthography, and stylistics, which hindered the process of transferring the accurate
meaning of the source texts in fluent well-structured translations which definitely go against the
translation specifications, Table 1 and 2, that were set by the researchers before the evaluation.
These results contradict the concept of translation quality as defined by Koby et al. (2014), who
defined translation quality as reproducing accurate and fluent translation results for the target
audience that can serve the original purpose and comply with all other specifications negotiated
between the requester and provider, while considering the needs of the end-users. Consequently,
Instagram’s NMT system is not capable of producing translations that are well-structured, properly
convey the intended message, and preserve the aesthetic value of the literary texts. Despite
significant improvements made on Instagram’s NMT, e.g., the ability to recognize dialectical
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 228
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ISSN: 1675-8021
element as shown in Table 10, these linguistic aspects, such as accuracy, fluency, and adherence
to stylistic conventions, remain challenging.
Issues related to accuracy included producing wrong equivalents in the TL either because
the MT could not recognize the exact meaning of the term in the context as in Table 3 and 5,
misread vocalization as in Table 4. This is in line with Susanti (2018), who questioned the
reliability of Instagram MT translations by exploring the lexical errors and found out that MT is
prone to generate mistranslated words, incorrect translation, and unknown words. Likewise,
Cahyani et al. (2021) stressed that Instagram MT produced inappropriate translation because it
used improper procedures by choosing the lexis in the target language literally through a term that
has several synonyms which have different meanings in each use without considering the overall
context of the caption. Additionally, literal texts usually include literary devices, such as metaphor,
that consider a unique structure of language that implies contextual and cultural nuances. As we
can see in Table 4 that Instagram MT apparently does not have the flexibility to deal with unusual
forms of texts that do not have direct parallel structures in its database, and it fails to recognize the
contextual and cultural knowledge implied in the inputs as it only uses literal translation to produce
the dictionary meaning of the linguistic units (Purwaningsih, 2019; Omar & Gomaa, 2020). this
issue. In a similar vein to the findings of Purwaningsih et al. (2019) and Meilasari (2019),
Instagram NMT is still unable to recognize proper nouns, especially those come under “Adjective
Constituent” noun-compound class as illustrated in Table 5. Due to complexities of the
morphological differences of Arabic language, it possesses numerous types of noun compound
types and the extraction of Arabic noun compounds is one of the challenging tasks in machine
translation (MT) where in Arabic the words do not have capital or small letters which causes
semantic ambiguity exactly as what happened when Instagram NMT attempted to identify and
translate the names of well-known Arab writers (Naguib Mahfouz and Jasem Al-Mutawa) in Table
5. Though such proper nouns are well-known and frequently occur together, the MT system fails
to recognize the context in which they occur and identify them as names not just nouns or
adjectives. This issue can be attributed to two root causes: the lack of capitalization and available
resources of Arabic noun compound lexicon (Omar & Al-Tashi, 2018). To overcome this
limitation, we need to extract those compound nouns to process it further as well as improvement
should also include the Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech tagging tasks
implemented in the MT. NER and POS tagging are responsible for identifying, determining, and
classifying proper names in a text which can help compensate the absence of capital letters in the
Arabic language that considers the main difficulty to achieving high performance in automated
translations (Alkhatib & Shaalan, 2018).
Issues under Fluency category, including producing unintelligible output, incohesive
translations and orthography-related errors, can be attributed to the significant linguistic
differences between the two languages. Arabic and English belong to different language families,
respectively, and have distinct grammar rules, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, and writing
conventions. These differences make it difficult for MT systems, resulting in inadequate
translations. Morphologically rich languages like Arabic pose to accurately recognize and
effectively bridge these linguistic and cultural gaps even more significant challenges for MT
systems. This flexibility in word order within Arabic, for example, makes it difficult for translation
systems to make accurate choices, negatively impacting the quality of translations (Ameur et al.,
2020; Omar & Gomaa, 2020).
Literary texts pose a greater challenge for machine translation systems due to their unique
style and use of figurative language, special diction, and language enhancers that carry implied
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 229
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ISSN: 1675-8021
meanings beyond words and sentences. Arvianti (2018) pointed out that compared to human
translators, MT systems have a limited vocabulary and struggle with context understanding,
making it difficult for them to recognize specialized language. Omar and Gomaa (2020) explored
the challenges of applying MT systems to literary translation and concluded that despite the
occurrence of errors, the usefulness of MT systems should not be underestimated. It is clear from
the data shown that some of the resultant problems are brought about by translating the texts
literally using basic translation strategies, such as word-for-word translations, as shown in Table
8 and 9, without considering the contextual, cultural, and aesthetic references which are essential
in literary texts, hence resulting in a loss of the expressive sense, and in some cases, the whole
meaning gets distorted.
Meilasari (2019) concluded that Instagram translation machine is not a reliable feature for
the target language reader who wants to understand certain language or cultural-related terms in
the source language because the MT only produces the translation product literally based on what
is provided by the source text and has no ability to analyze and restructure the text that is being
translated. As a matter of fact, MT technology has been introduced and implemented to social
networking platforms as a response to the rising demand for multilingual content. It can be
considered as a vehicle for accessibility as it provides a means for across nation communication
to take place in a way it bridges between languages and cultures in which users lack proficiency.
However, translation errors generated from MT systems can have negative impacts on the end-
users’ experience because, as the findings of this study shown, such errors affect the readability
either by distorting the fluency, accuracy or the style of the original content.
This paper evaluates the output of Instagram’s automatic translation of Arabic literary writings.
The evaluation involves an analysis of translated texts, the identification, classification, and
assignment of error types, along with the allocation of penalty points using the MQM core
typology. The study explores the ability of Instagram MT to convey the implied message in literary
texts. The findings indicate that Instagram MT fails to successfully translate 90% of the data at
three levels: accuracy, fluency, and style. Specifically, the selected data exhibited 61 errors,
comprising 26 in fluency, 25 in accuracy, and 10 in style. These errors significantly affect the
quality of translations, thereby impeding the transfer of the intended message embedded within
the source texts. The evaluation results reveal multiple translation errors. These errors negatively
impact the translations' accuracy, fluency, and style, hindering the conveyance of the intended
message of the source texts.
This study examines the quality of Instagram's AI-based machine translation for translating literary
Arabic texts into English. Further research can investigate other aspects of the Arabic context and
compare the linguistic needs of Arabic with those of other languages in MT systems. As AI
continues evolving, further evaluations are necessary to assess MT applications and text genres in
different language pairs for the purpose of further exploring this promising technology and
enhancing its output for assuring more sustainable circulation of information worldwide and
enriching end-user experience.
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ISSN: 1675-8021
We sincerely thank ContentQuo, a translation quality management SaaS, for their indispensable
support in providing localization services and CAT tools to evaluate raw MT and PEMT output
using Error Annotation and Rating Scale.
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Altaf A. Fakih is a Ph.D. candidate at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) where she also obtained
her M.A. in Translation and Interpreting studies. Her research areas of interest include Machine
Translation, Artificial Intelligence, Audiovisual Translation, and Translation Quality Assessment.
She is also a certified English-Arabic translator.
Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Languages, Literacies, and
Translation at Universiti Sains Malaysia. She holds a Ph.D. in Translation Studies. Her research
interests are in translation technology, machine translation, and audiovisual translation.
Additionally, Mozhgan is an experienced freelance translator and subtitler, with more than a
decade of experience in the field.
Abdul-Hafeed Fakih is a Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English, Najran University,
Saudi Arabia (and formerly at Ibb University, Yemen). He published several papers in indexed
journals. He is a member of different editorial boards of indexed journals.
Manjet K. M. Singh is an Associate Professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia. She holds a Ph.D. in
language studies and has been attached to School of Languages, Literacies and Translation for the
past 27 years. Manjet’s interests are broad ranging and include sociolinguistics, language teaching
and learning, academic literacy(ies), discourse, and multilingualism.
... To address this issue, the integration of machine translation technology into language learning has emerged as a promising approach [3]. Automated translation technologies are making great progress in reliably converting information among language by utilizing artificial intelligence [4]. In this context, the present study aims to develop an algorithm specifically designed to assist English learners in reading foreign literature with the aid of machine translation technology [5]. ...
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This study focuses on the development of an algorithm aimed at assisting English learners in comprehending foreign literature through the utilization of machine translation technology. With the growing importance of multilingual proficiency in a globalized world, the ability to read and understand literature in foreign languages is increasingly valued. However, language barriers often hinder learners' comprehension and appreciation of such texts. To address this challenge, our research endeavors to construct an algorithm that leverages machine translation techniques to facilitate the reading process for English learners. By integrating advanced translation algorithms and natural language processing methods, the proposed system aims to provide accurate and contextually relevant translations of foreign literature into English. Additionally, the algorithm will incorporate features tailored to the needs of English learners, such as vocabulary assistance, grammatical explanations, and cultural context annotations, to enhance their reading experience and comprehension levels. Through rigorous experimentation and evaluation, the effectiveness and usability of the algorithm will be assessed, with the ultimate goal of empowering English learners to engage more deeply with foreign literature and broaden their linguistic and cultural horizons.
... Even human translations are possibly biased and subjective, considering the possibility of several translations for an original text that could be deemed accurate (Rivera-Trigueros, 2022). Significant grey areas still require attention, particularly ambiguity and the semantic complexities inherent in poetic expressions crucial for cross-cultural and multilingual literary translation (Ghassemiazghandi, 2023;Fakih et al., 2024). Automated metrics evaluate the results of an MT system in reference to one or more humangenerated translations (Han, 2016). ...
Traditional views have long held that machine translation cannot achieve the quality and accuracy of human translators, especially in complex language pairs like Persian and English. This study challenges this perspective by demonstrating that ChatGPT-4, with access to vast amounts of multilingual data and leveraging advanced large language model algorithms, significantly outperforms widely utilized open-source machine translation tools and approaches the realm of human translation quality. This research aims to critically assess the translation accuracy of ChatGPT-4 against a traditional open-source machine translation tool from Persian to English, highlighting the advancements in artificial intelligence-driven translation technologies. Using Bilingual Evaluation Understudy scores for a comprehensive evaluation, this study compares the translation outputs from ChatGPT-4 with MateCat, providing a quantitative basis for comparing their accuracy and quality. ChatGPT-4 achieves a BLUE score of 0.88 and an accuracy of 0.68, demonstrating superior performance compared to MateCat, with a 0.82 BLUE score and 0.49 accuracy. The results indicate that the translations generated by ChatGPT-4 surpass those produced by MateCat and nearly mirror the quality of human translations. The evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of OpenAI's large language model algorithms in improving translation accuracy.
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Better translation produced by computation linguistics should be evaluated through linguistics theory. This research aims to describe translation techniques between Google Translate and U-Dictionary. The study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive design. This design was used to describe the occurrences of translation techniques in both translation machine, with the researchers serving as an instrument to compare translation techniques which is produced on machine. The data are from expository text entitled “Importance of Good Manners in Every Day Life”. The total data are 122 words/phrases which are pairs of translations, English as source language and Indonesia as target language. The result shows that Google Translate apply five of Molina & Albir’s (2002) eighteen translation techniques, while U-dictionary apply seven techniques. Google Translate dominantly apply literal translation techniques (86,8%) followed by reduction translation techniques (4,9%). U-dictionary also dominantly apply literal translation techniques (75,4%), but follows with the variation translation techniques (13,1%). This study showed that both machines produced different target texts for the same source language due to different applications of techniques, with U-dictionary proven to apply more variety of translation techniques than Google Translate. The researcher hopes this study can be used as an evaluation for improving the performance of machine translations.
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The recent years have witnessed an increasing importance of machine translation systems due to the prolific production on online texts in different disciplines and furthermore, the inability of traditional translation methods in addressing translation needs all over the world. It is even argued that training on translation tools should be integrated into translation pedagogies and ultimately, courses should be provided for students and professionals. In spite of the effectiveness of translation tools and systems in providing solutions in relation to different disciplines and text genres, the usability and reliability of such systems in terms of literary texts, however, is still highly controversial. Many critics and educators still underestimate the usefulness of the machine translation systems in literature, which could be partially attributed to the unique nature of the language of the literary texts. The issue has its pedagogical implications to translation instruction due to the needs to integrate emerging technologies in teaching and learning practices. For proper use of translation technologies in educational contexts, these need to be well evaluated. For this purpose, this study evaluates the usefulness of applying machine translation systems to literature with the purpose of identifying the challenges that may have negative impacts on the reliability of machine translation systems. In order to do this this, two translation systems are selected, namely, Google Translate and Q Translate. By way of illustration, the study is based on a corpus of two English short stories. The study is based on two prose fiction texts. The first is J. K. Rowling’s novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The second is Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Black Cat. Automatic translations generated by the two machine translation systems were compared to human made Arabic translations with the purpose of identifying the problems within these translations. Results indicate that different lexical, structural, and pragmatic errors are encountered by users which negatively impact the reliability of these translations. Educators and translation instructors need to reflect on the challenges of machine translation systems in relation to literature. Software developers need also to address the problems faced by users and students in the translation from and into the Arabic language.
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With revolutionary developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL), contributing significantly to Natural Language Processing (NLP), the accuracy and quality of Machine Translation (MT) has improved manifold. There is a debate, however that its about time the human translation became irrelevant or redundant. After all, human imperfections are quite steadily taken care of by its own inventions. With the use of neural networks in machine translation, its been recently claimed that intelligent systems can now translate at par with human translators. Nonetheless, AI is still not devoid of problems associated with processing of a language, leave alone the complexities and complications typical of translation. Then comes the inherent biases while designing intelligent systems. How we design these systems depends on who we are, thereby setting in a biased worldview and social experiences. Given the diversity of language structures and cultures they represent, their handling by intelligent machines, even with deep learning capabilities, with human efficiency looks highly improbable, at least, for now.
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In the context of recent improvements in the quality of machine translation (MT) output and new use cases being found for that output, this article reports on an experiment using statistical and neural MT systems to translate literature. Six professional translators with experience of literary translation produced English-to-Catalan translations under three conditions: translation from scratch, neural MT post-editing, and statistical MT post-editing. They provided feedback before and after the translation via questionnaires and interviews. While all participants prefer to translate from scratch, mostly due to the freedom to be creative without the constraints of segment-level segmentation, those with less experience find the MT suggestions useful.
This article discusses one of the forms of machine translation, the Instagram translation feature called “see translation”. The research is focused on the translation techniques applied by the machine in translating Banyumas batik motifs from Indonesian to English found in @batikantodjamil and @batk_rd. This topic is worth discussing since machine translation is now getting more developed and is projected to replace human translator. However, in some cases, for example in dealing with culturally-bound terms, machine translation cannot perform contextual knowledge as well as the human translator. this mini research was conducted by applying qualitative research with purposive sampling technique in which the researchers obtain the data by selecting two batik center Instagram accounts containing batik motif names in the captions. The result shows that there are three translation techniques applied by the Instagram translation features, namely literal, borrowing, and particularization. The most dominant technique to use is borrowing technique, and it shows a tendency that such cultural terms in the source language do not have one-to-one correspondence in the target language. In other words, the touch of human translator is very important in the post-editing process of translation by machine to make the translation more acceptable. However, if it is impossible to involve human translator, the Instagram administrator should enrich the machine with more contextual linguistic database to provide the users with better translation results.
In recent years, the push towards automation and translation productivity led to great efforts dedicated to the development of machine translation (MT) systems. Neural machine translation (NMT) represents the latest of these efforts. In this paper we present a critical review of human factors in NMT research with two goals: to provide a snapshot of research in NMT involving human stakeholders, and to appraise how professional translators have been included in discourses around NMT. We report four key findings. First, from translators’ perspective, changes brought about by the neural paradigm are not as much to do with workflows, but rather with the NMT editing process and its specifics. Second, the majority of NMT research involving human stakeholders is directed towards advancing the state of MT development rather than ensuring the usefulness of NMT as a tool for professionals. Third, the review suggested overall narrow conceptualisations of translation productivity that were often based solely on measures of processing time or throughput. Fourth, it emerged that NMT investigations involving end-users are still relatively scarce. We present and discuss these findings, and make recommendations for future research on topics including the concept of productivity and the role of NMT as a professional tool.
Given that Arabic is one of the most widely used languages in the world, the task of Arabic Machine Translation (MT) has recently received a great deal of attention from the research community. Indeed, the amount of research that has been devoted to this task has led to some important achievements and improvements. However, the current state of Arabic MT systems has not reached the quality achieved for some other languages. Thus, much research work is still needed to improve it. This survey paper introduces the Arabic language, its characteristics, and the challenges involved in its translation. It provides the reader with a full summary of the important research studies that have been accomplished with regard to Arabic MT along with the most important tools and resources that are available for building and testing new Arabic MT systems. Furthermore, the survey paper discusses the current state of Arabic MT and provides some insights into possible future research directions.
This article presents the most up-to-date, influential automated, semiautomated and human metrics used to evaluate the quality of machine translation (MT) output and provides the necessary background for MT evaluation projects. Evaluation is, as repeatedly admitted, highly relevant for the improvement of MT. This article is divided into three parts: the first one is dedicated to automated metrics; the second, to human metrics; and the last, to the challenges posed by neural machine translation (NMT) regarding its evaluation. The first part includes reference translation–based metrics; confidence or quality estimation (QE) metrics, which are used as alternatives for quality assessment; and diagnostic evaluation based on linguistic checkpoints. Human evaluation metrics are classified according to the criterion of whether human judges directly express a so-called subjective evaluation judgment, such as ‘good’ or ‘better than’, or not, as is the case in error classification. The former methods are based on directly expressed judgment (DEJ); therefore, they are called ‘DEJ-based evaluation methods’, while the latter are called ‘non-DEJ-based evaluation methods’. In the DEJ-based evaluation section, tasks such as fluency and adequacy annotation, ranking and direct assessment (DA) are presented, whereas in the non-DEJ-based evaluation section, tasks such as error classification and postediting are detailed, with definitions and guidelines, thus rendering this article a useful guide for evaluation projects. Following the detailed presentation of the previously mentioned metrics, the specificities of NMT are set forth along with suggestions for its evaluation, according to the latest studies. As human translators are the most adequate judges of the quality of a translation, emphasis is placed on the human metrics seen from a translator-judge perspective to provide useful methodology tools for interdisciplinary research groups that evaluate MT systems.