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Information Gathering and Controlling over the Internet by Internet of Things (IoT)



The main goal of this work is to create an application that has the ability to communicate, connect, and control physical entities via the Internet. This purpose can be achieved by the Internet of Things or Internet of everything (The more complete form) which is a new revolution of the Internet to allow objects to be connected to the internet. Connected objects can communicate with each other or with us via an HTML interface that allows to create a communication between the user and the server ESP8266 through its IP address. Objects have been connected wirelessly (WiFi communication). A sensor is used to collect data then transfer it to the user via the Internet in order to make correct decisions in anywhere at any time.
Information Gathering and Controlling over the Internet by Internet of Things (IoT)
Abderrahmane Herbadji1*, Djamel Herbadji2, Abdelhadi Labiad3
1 Laboratoire d'Analyse des Signaux et Systémes (LASS), Department of Electronics, University of M'sila, BP 166, Route
Ichebilia, M'sila 28000, Algeria
2 Laboratoire de Recherche en Electronique de Skikda, Université 20 Août Skikda, BP 26 Route d'El-hadaeik Skikda 21000,
3 Telecommunication, Signals & Systems Laboratory, University of Laghouat, Laghouat 30000, Algeria
Corresponding Author Email:
Received: 11 July 2020
Accepted: 20 August 2020
The main goal of this work is to create an application that has the ability to communicate,
connect, and control physical entities via the Internet. This purpose can be achieved by the
Internet of Things or Internet of everything (The more complete form) which is a new
revolution of the Internet to allow objects to be connected to the internet. Connected
objects can communicate with each other or with us via an HTML interface that allows to
create a communication between the user and the server ESP8266 through its IP address.
Objects have been connected wirelessly (WiFi communication). A sensor is used to collect
data then transfer it to the user via the Internet in order to make correct decisions in
anywhere at any time.
Internet of Things, embedded systems, WiFi,
Technology has become an integral part of our lives,
especially the internet. The internet is now widely used by
most people for a wide range of services: file sharing,
information retrieval, online shopping, banking, social media,
etc. [1-3]. But as the Internet continues to evolve, it not only
connects people with each other or with a service, but also
allows objects to connect with each other to get and share
information or to take action [4, 5]. The Internet of Things is
currently translating into an increase in the number of
connected objects. These objects carry a growing number of
sensors and actuators allowing them to measure the
environment and act on it, thus making the link between the
physical world and the virtual world [6, 7]. Specifically, the
Internet of Things poses several problems, in particular
because of its very large scale, its dynamic nature and the
heterogeneity of the data and the systems that compose it
(powerful / not very powerful, fixed / mobile devices, powered
by batteries / DC power supplies, etc.). These characteristics
require tools and methods for the creation of applications
capable of extracting useful information from the many
available data sources and of interacting with the environment,
by means of actuators, as well as with users, through dedicated
interfaces. Indeed, the Internet of Things must be designed for
easy use masking the underlying technological complexity,
and quiet handling preventing threats and potential risks [8].
In the IoT, any object is potentially connected to the Internet
and capable of communicating with other objects. This creates
new security threats [9, 10]. In the past, the Internet linked
traditional objects such as PCs, tablets, etc. But currently the
internet has to connect non-traditional objects [11].
In this work anew will try to connect previously
unconnected objects such as sensors and actuators (example:
LEDs, fans, temperature sensors) (see Figure 1), where
information technology will become integrated into the objects
of our daily life.
An application based on HTTP protocol has been created.
this application allow user to control the objects via The
ESP8266 module, which offers a WiFi communication. This
module is an electronic “component” that can easily be
integrated into electronic assemblies and will allow us to
create a client-server application. The application is
subdivided into two operating modes, automatic mode and
manual mode, in the latter mode the user will interact with the
objects connected through the IP address of the server. The fan
and LED control are managed by PWM pulse width
modulation. We are going to create an HTML interface in
order to allow the user to send and receive requests and
responses respectively using a web browser that uses the
HTTP protocol.
Figure 1. Principle of operation
Review of Computer Engineering Studies
Vol. 7, No. 3, September, 2020, pp. 49-54
Journal homepage:
Figure 2. Communication protocol sn
Figure 3. Minimalist HTML5 page
As a result, various physical objects have been controlled.
where the elements are controlled remotely and automatically.
Each physical object has an IP address in the communication
network. Therefore, we could independently send/receive the
data to/from the various physical objects.
Objects are capable of communicating, either with each
other or with a command interface. We will use a development
kit based on the ESP8266 module which integrates GPIO,
I2C, ADC and WiFi communication (with an integrated
mini antenna). As additional components we will use a
temperature sensor (LM35), LEDs and a fan (DC motor).
The ESP8266 behaves like a web server and like a
microcontroller. The user issues a request to the server using
his IP address and his port number, which designates a
particular service of the server, the server receives the request
and responds using the address of the client machine and its
port. The router ensures the orientation of the data towards
such or such port according to the source and destination IP
addresses of the message. The microcontroller is passive until
the arrival of a request. When a request arrives, it performs the
appropriate action.
Our application resembles the client-server model. The
application layer provides an interface to the user, the
communication between the processes is managed by the
transport layer and its protocols (TCP, UDP) [12, 13].
Network layer protocols (IP address) organize communication
data from the source host to the destination host. Finally, the
data link layer prepares the network layer packets in order to
transmit them. (see Figure 2).
Figure 4. Arduino software interface
In the figure the port number 2387 represents the local port
of the client process - randomly determined by the operating
system, while port 80 is the port of the web server.
3.1 Hardware tools
ESP8266 node MCU: The ESP-12E WiFi module is
developed by Ai-thinker Team, it offers a complete and
autonomous Wi-Fi network solution [14].
3.2 Outils software
Notepad ++: It is a website creation tool that supports
several languages. By optimizing many functions while
maintaining ease of use and a certain user-friendliness. Each
user can define the language they want to use, we used
Notepad++ with HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to create our web interface.
HTML5 language: Html is the standard markup language
for creating web pages, it defines the content of web
pages.HTML elements are represented by tags. Browsers do
not display HTML tags, but use them (see Figure 3).
CSS3 language: CSS3 is the latest CSS standard. CSS isa
language that describes the style of an HTML document. It
describes how HTML elements should be displayed. In a CSS
code, there are three different elements: tag names, CSS values
and properties.
Arduino software: The Arduino modules programming
software is a Java application, free, multi-platform, source ope,
and easy to use, serving as code editor and compiler. It also
makes it possible to transfer the firmware and the program to
our module through the USB serial link [15]. The
programming language used in the Arduino software is the C
language. The source code of our web interface was written
with the editor Notepad ++ using the HTML5 language and
CSS3(see Figure 4). With the Arduino software, we translate
the code into C language and transfer it to the ESP8266.
Users can communicate with the connected objects (fan
control, control of the LED brightness and the temperature
measured by the LM35) through their electronic devices such
as PCs, tablets and smart phones using the Internet source. The
fan is controlled using an BC337 npn transistor (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. The proposed client-server application
4.1 Communication between ESP8266 and WiFi router
The first step we do is to have the ESP8266 communicate
with the router wirelessly because the ESP8266 development
board offers WiFi communication. This wireless
communication solves distance and obstacle problems using
radio waves. WiFi communication can be presented according
to the Figure 7.
4.2 Client (user) - server communication (esp8266)
The server must still be active and wait for a request. If a
client connects to the server, the server waits for a request. The
request is sent to the server by the client (user) asking it to
perform an operation. The server can respond to or serve
multiple users or clients simultaneously. After processing the
request sent by the user, the server sends a response to the
client [5]. The flowchart below explains this communication,
see Figure 8.
4.3 The fan control
After reading the temperature displayed on our web
interface (see Figure 6), we can increase or reduce the fan
speed by 20% (the step chosen by us). The fan control is based
on the PWM pulse width modulation, the operating principle
of this modulation as shown in Figure 10 is to generate an
analog signal using a digital source (the Esp8266 offers 9 pins
which can be configured as PWM output). A PWM signal
consists of two elements (Figure 9):
The duty cycle: describes the duration during which the
signal is high, it is expressed in%.
Frequency: determines the speed at which the PWM cycles.
The average voltage then depends on the duty cycle. The fan
speed varies depending on this average voltage.
Figure 6. The configuration of the operating mode
Figure 7. ESP8266 WiFi communication flowchart
Figure 8. User communication program flowchart-Esp8266
The following flowchart (Figure 11) explains how the fan
speed is varied based on a PWM signal. the flowchart is
divided into two parts: one part is executed at the server level
and the other part is performed by the user.
Figure 9. A PWM signal
Figure 10. The fan control flowchart
4.4 LED brightness
Control The brightness of the LED is managed by a PWM
signal, the step of variation of the brightness is ±25% (see
Figure 12). After the brightness change (by the user), the
server displays the new brightness value in the web interface.
In our web interface, we have created buttons in order to
manage the speed of rotation of the fan or the brightness of the
LED, by pressing a button, the web browser sends a request to
the server. The request / response exchange between the user
and the server is carried out by the hypertext transfer protocol
(HTTP) via the IP address and the port (80) of the server.
HTTP was designed specifically for the web to allow access to
information stored on servers. It works like a request -
response protocol between the client and the server. The
following figures show the interaction between the user and
the server.
Figure 11. Automatic fan control flowchart
Figure 12. LED brightness control flowchart
4.5 Connected objects
In order to strengthen our application, we use two operating
modes, a manual mode which allows us to monitor and control
the objects connected remotely. This is the mode that we
explained in the previous titles. The second mode is the
automatic mode where objects communicate with each other.
In this mode the ESP8266 module behaves like a classic
microcontroller, and decides for itself the actions to take. The
operating mode is configured (chosen) remotely by the user.
The server deactivates the command buttons when a request
for automatic mode arrives in order to avoid any conflict (see
Figure 11). The electrical diagram of the connected objects is
displayed in Figure 14.
The internet of things consists of four elements: process,
data, people and things, our client-server system (application)
can be translated into an IoE model as shown in Figure 13.
Things: the “things” are the physical devices and objects
connected to the internet in our project the “things” are: the
fan and the LED.
Data: The Data collected by the LM35 temperature sensor
is processed at the level of the microcontroller and then
disseminated on the Internet so that the best decisions are
Process: we can define a process as a transformation of
information, it is the process carried out by the microcontroller.
The microcontroller plays an important role because it
receives information from the outside (temperature sensor),
processes the information and then sends the commands to the
outside (fan).
People: users are able to interact with connected objects
thanks to the IP address of the ESP8266 module. Users
(customers) can control objects from anywhere and anytime.
Figure 13. Connected objects
Figure 14. Electrical diagram of our application carried out
In this project we studied the new paradigm Internet of
things” (IoT), and as we have seen, IoT is a very promising
concept where technologies are naturally integrated into
everyday objects, because it affects almost all areas of our life.
IoT relies heavily on the infrastructure used by the Internet to
communicate between objects. The transition from the Internet
of Things to the Internet of Everything (IoE) paves the way for
connecting a very large number of objects, IoE tries to connect
everything that can be connected to the Internet. The key
elements of IoE are people, data, processes and objects
(things). IoE makes it possible to create new connections
between its different elements: Machine-to-machine (M2M),
Machine-to person (M2P) and Person-to-person (P2P). The
appearance of IPv6 which offers an almost unlimited address
field facilitates communication between a large number of
objects between them and also with us (users or customers).
The large number of heterogeneous objects connected to the
internet and the information exchanged between them in
different fields with advanced technologies amplify the risks,
vulnerabilities and security threats, IoT requires data
confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
The objective of our application is to connect physical
entities (examples: fan, temperature sensor and LED) to the
Internet. The information collected by the temperature sensor
is processed at the level of the ESP8266 microcontroller, then
sent back to customers or other physical entities using the
Internet telecommunications infrastructure. Our ESP8266
module also behaves like a web server to allow the user to
interact with objects connected via the IP address of the
ESP8266 server and the HTTP protocol. The user can interact
with these objects through a web interface designed using the
HTML5 and CSS3 languages. An Internet of things”
application allows us to control and monitor connected objects
from anywhere at any time when needed. In the future work
automatic measuring the level to alert the peoples via secured
Short Message Service (SMS) mobile messages.
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... Key management also involves strategies for addressing major key functions such as generation, exchange, storage, distribution, and refreshing [8,9]. Some examples are cryptographic protocol design, key servers, user procedures, and other relevant protocols. ...
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This article aims at saving the wasted water in the process of irrigation using the Internet of Things (IoT) based on a set of sensors and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network. The developed system handles the sensor data using the Arduino board to control the water pump automatically. The sensors measure the environmental factors; namely temperature, humidity, and soil moisture to estimate the required time for the operation of water irrigation. The water pump control system consists of software and hardware tools such as Arduino Remote XY interface and electronic sensors in the framework of IoT technology. The machine learning algorithm such as the MLP neural network plays an important role to support the decision of automatic control of IoT-based irrigation system, managing the water consumption effectively.
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This paper introduces an improved classical Logistic chaotic map that is characterized by better chaotic behaviour, this will be used to protect transmitted and stored digital images. In terms of Lyapunov exponent, bifurcation and comparison with the classical logistic map, it is observed that the improved logistic map has better chaotic performance. To test the applications of the enhanced logistic map into image encryption, a novel tweakable image encryption algorithm, which consists of a confusion-diffusion architecture has been suggested, this includes two runs of the diffusion and confusion process. The experimental results show that the scheme is simple and has good execution in image encryption and the ability to withstand several attacks.
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In this study, an enhanced quadratic map (EQM) is proposed and has been applied in a new colour image encryption scheme. The performance evaluations show that the EQM has excellent performances such as better Lyapunov exponent and larger chaotic ranges when compared with the classical quadratic map. The sequences generated from this EQM are successfully used in a new proposed colour image encryption scheme with excellent confusion and diffusion properties. The encryption structure is based on the permutation–diffusion process, and then adopted on the classical permutation, it is characterised by a high speed of diffusion, which enables the encryption of the three components of the plaintext image at the same time, and these encrypted components are simultaneously related to each other. The proposed scheme is tested on the USC‐SIPI image dataset and on the real‐life image dataset; its effectiveness is also compared with five latterly proposed image encryption schemes. The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme has the properties of large key space, a weaker correlation between neighbouring pixels, higher sensitivity towards key, greater randomness of pixels and the capacity to withstand statistical analysis, plaintext/chosen‐plaintext attacks, and differential attacks, thus that it has higher security and can be appropriate for image encryption.
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We live in the age of After Google (AG), where information is just one click away and talking just one touch away. The near future of the AG age is the Internet of Things (IoT), where physical things connected over a network will take part in Internet activities to exchange information about themselves and their surroundings. In other words, the IoT is nothing but a computing concept in which everyday objects with embedded hardware/devices are connected to a network or are simply online.
The Internet of Things (IoT) creates a theoretical bridge between end users and the digital world. The IoT embodies a massive group of interconnected computing devices embedded with software, processors, and sensors capable of exchanging and transmitting data over network infrastructure. IoT technology has become prevalent among central domains such as healthcare, commerce, and home. However, the IoT can often be thought of as a double-edged sword, in that it both assists with advancements in the respective fields and poses a potential risk. The rapid expansion of the IoT raises concern, in many cases, security tends to lag behind innovation in the global marketplace. Moreover, the United States government has not established stringent regulations that oversee IoT devices. Our research analyzes critical devices and the associated vulnerabilities and highlights the need for implementation of rigorous security controls. Furthermore, our research evaluates attack vectors for IoT devices that encompass three central domains, including healthcare, commerce, and home. A synopsis of our contribution includes identification of vulnerabilities at the device-level; investigation of attacks and threats created due to known vulnerabilities; application of appropriate security controls to closeout vulnerabilities and minimize the possibility of threat occurring. Finally, specifically tailored case studies, designed to illustrate how our recommendations can be used to mitigate threats.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that enables the convergence of smart objects and the internet. This convergence has led to the creation of an intelligent network that connects all things to the internet to exchange information. The direct connection of IoT devices to the internet makes them susceptible to several security threats. Several techniques have been proposed by researchers in enhancing the security of IoT devices. Currently, most IoT products use WiFi as their medium of communication. This makes them prone to conventional WiFi attacks of which one is rogue access points. The lightweight nature of most IoT devices makes it difficult to implement conventional security solutions. In this study, we present a real-time and lightweight algorithm, based on information-theoretic approach, that enables rogue access point detection for embedded IoT devices. This is to ensure that WiFi-enabled IoT devices can intelligently distinguish between legitimate and rogue access points. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm on the CPU utilization efficiency and the time taken in identifying the rogue access point.
The purpose of this work is the development and implementation of a flow control strategy for the LiBr/H2O saline recirculation system in double effect absorption chillers to guarantee an optimum operating range. The control strategy was developed using the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller hosted on the Arduino prototyping platform. Structural aspects of the double-effect absorption chiller as well as updating the thermophysical properties of the solution LiBr/H2O in real time to better suit the operation of the absorption cooling system were also considered. The proposed strategy enables a low-cost embedded system for gauging, controlling flow and maintaining optimal operating conditions. An experimental analysis was performed using initially pure water for calibration and control strategy testing, followed by the LiBr/H2O solution to show its versatility and operating accuracy in refrigeration absorption chiller. As a main result, the proposed system offers control of flow rates with a resolution of 0.60 L/min for 67% of the flow range provided by the conventional magnetic centrifugal pump recirculation system.
The Internet of Things (IoT) usually refers to a world-wide network of interconnected heterogeneous objects (sensors, actuators, smart devices, smart objects, RFID, embedded computers, etc) uniquely addressable, based on standard communication protocols. Beyond such a definition, it is emerging a new definition of IoT seen as a loosely coupled, decentralized system of cooperating smart objects (SOs). A SO is an autonomous, physical digital object augmented with sensing/actuating, processing, storing, and networking capabilities. SOs are able to sense/actuate, store, and interpret information created within themselves and around the neighbouring external world where they are situated, act on their own, cooperate with each other, and exchange information with other kinds of electronic devices and human users. However, such SO-oriented IoT raises many in-the-small and in-the-large issues involving SO programming, IoT system architecture/middleware and methods/methodologies for the development of SO-based applications. This Book will specifically focus on exploring recent advances in architectures, algorithms, and applications for an Internet of Things based on Smart Objects. Topics appropriate for this Book include, but are not necessarily limited to: - Methods for SO development - IoT Networking - Middleware for SOs - Data Management for SOs - Service-oriented SOs - Agent-oriented SOs - Applications of SOs in Smart Environments: Smart Cities, Smart Health, Smart Buildings, etc. Advanced IoT Projects. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. All rights reserved.