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Effects of in-season short-term plyometric training on jumping and agility performance of basketball players


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of in-season plyometric training program on power and agility performance in young male basketball players. Twenty intermediate basketball players (age 20.1 ± 1.3 years; height 181.1 ± 8.5 cm; body mass 78.8 ± 5 kg) from Division I province team volunteered to participate in this study and were randomly divided into two groups: plyometric training (PL; n = 10) and control group (CG; n = 10). Plyometric training took place twice weekly for 6 weeks including three sets of 15 repetitions of depth jump (from 45-cm box height), vertical jump, and standing long jump, in addition to regular basketball practice of the team. Vertical jump (VJ), standing long jump (SLJ), 4 × 9-m shuttle run, agility t test (ATT), and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were measured at pre- and post-training. The PL group showed significant improvement (P Keywords: Agility; Basketball; Jump; Plyometric exercise Document Type: Research Article DOI: Affiliations: Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, P.O. Box 19395-3697, Islamic Republic of Iran, Email: Publication date: December 1, 2013 $(document).ready(function() { var shortdescription = $(".originaldescription").text().replace(/\\&/g, '&').replace(/\\, '<').replace(/\\>/g, '>').replace(/\\t/g, ' ').replace(/\\n/g, ''); if (shortdescription.length > 350){ shortdescription = "" + shortdescription.substring(0,250) + "... more"; } $(".descriptionitem").prepend(shortdescription); $(".shortdescription a").click(function() { $(".shortdescription").hide(); $(".originaldescription").slideDown(); return false; }); }); Related content In this: publication By this: publisher In this Subject: Anatomy & Physiology , Medicine , Public Health By this author: Asadi, Abbas GA_googleFillSlot("Horizontal_banner_bottom");
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Effects of in-season short-term plyometric training on jumping
and agility performance of basketball players
Abbas Asadi
Received: 16 June 2013 / Accepted: 11 October 2013 / Published online: 29 October 2013
ÓSpringer-Verlag Italia 2013
Abstract The purpose of this investigation was to
examine the effects of in-season plyometric training pro-
gram on power and agility performance in young male
basketball players. Twenty intermediate basketball players
(age 20.1 ±1.3 years; height 181.1 ±8.5 cm; body mass
78.8 ±5 kg) from Division I province team volunteered to
participate in this study and were randomly divided into
two groups: plyometric training (PL; n=10) and control
group (CG; n=10). Plyometric training took place twice
weekly for 6 weeks including three sets of 15 repetitions of
depth jump (from 45-cm box height), vertical jump, and
standing long jump, in addition to regular basketball
practice of the team. Vertical jump (VJ), standing long
jump (SLJ), 4 99-m shuttle run, agility ttest (ATT),
and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were measured at pre-
and post-training. The PL group showed significant
improvement (P\0.05) in VJ (10.21 ±2.72 cm), SLJ
(21.15 ±8.10 cm), 4 99-m shuttle run (0.62 ±0.28 s),
ATT (1.16 ±0.57 s), and IAT (1.17 ±0.65 s) after a
6-week training period and compared to CG. It can be
concluded that a 6-week in-season plyometric training
program has positive effects for improving power and
agility performance in young male basketball players and
this study provides support for coaches and basketball
players who use this training method during competitive
Keywords Agility Plyometric exercise Jump
In basketball, the ability to generate maximal strength
levels in the shortest period of time (muscular power) is
necessary to gain high sport performance levels [1].
Moreover, agility is a vital component for the success in
basketball players [2]. Two methods, plyometric and
resistance training, are usually referred to in the literature
as improving the most powerful strength characteristics
(explosive strength) in basketball players. Several studies
have demonstrated the positive effects of plyometric and
resistance training to increase the levels of strength and
power [3,4].
Plyometric exercise, such as jumping, bounding, and
hopping, is a widely used training mode to improve muscle
power [5]. Plyometrics consists of a rapid stretching of a
muscle (eccentric phase) immediately followed by a con-
centric or shortening action of the same muscle and con-
nective tissue, and this phenomenon is called stretch–
shortening cycle [5]. Plyometric training has been shown to
improve jumping ability [4], agility [6], running economy
[7], and strength [8].
However, a large number of studies investigated the
effects of plyometric training efficacy on performance [2,
3,6,814]; only one study examined the effects of in-
season plyometric training in basketball players [11].
Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine
the effects of a 6-week in-season plyometric training pro-
gram on muscular power and agility performance in young
male basketball players.
A. Asadi (&)
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Payame
Noor University, Tehran, P.O. Box 19395-3697, Islamic
Republic of Iran
Sport Sci Health (2013) 9:133–137
DOI 10.1007/s11332-013-0159-4
Materials and methods
Twenty young basketball players volunteered to participate
in this study and were randomly assigned to plyometric
group (PL; n=10; age 20.2 ±1 years; height
182.1 ±9.2 cm; and body mass 78.5 ±5.5 kg) and con-
trol group (CG; n=10; age 20.1 ±1.5 years; height
180.1 ±7.2 cm; and body mass 79.5 ±4.5 kg). The par-
ticipants were Division I province team and trained tech-
nical and tactical basketball practice three sessions a week
for 90 min. The participants were healthy, free from any
lower body injuries and they had no medical and ortho-
pedic problems. Before data collection, the participants
were informed about the benefit and possible risk associ-
ated with the study and provided written informed consent.
The research project was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Univer-
sity Review Board for use of Human Subjects.
Plyometric training and design
Plyometric training program was performed twice weekly
for 6 weeks (on Monday and Friday). The intensity and
volume of plyometric training was based on recommen-
dations of Chu [5] and Stemm and Jacobson [15]. Partici-
pants in the PL group trained depth jump (from 45-cm box
height), vertical jump, and standing long jump, respec-
tively. The training protocol consisted of three sets of
15-reps separated by a 2-min rest for each exercise. Plyo-
metric training sessions were added with regular basketball
practice and lasted 55 min, and began with a standard
10-min warm-up, including 5-min jogging, 5-min ballistic
exercises and stretching; 40-min main training, and 5-min
cool down. Subjects in PL group were instructed to per-
form exercises in each training session with maximal
effort. During the intervention of 6 weeks, PL and CG
continued their normal basketball training, and were not
allowed to perform any other training (such as: resistance
training and or plyometric training) that would impact the
results. A week pre- and post-training period, vertical jump
(VJ), standing long jump (SLJ), 4 99-m shuttle run,
agility ttest (ATT), and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) were
Dependent variables
To evaluate the effects of plyometric training on agility,
and power, five tests including VJ, SLJ, 4 99-m shuttle
run, ATT, and IAT were measured, respectively. Before
initial testing, each player was familiarized with the testing
protocol. To standardize testing procedures, the same
trained test leaders carried out the entire test procedure
using identical order and protocol. Before testing, subjects
performed 10-min warm-up protocol consisting of sub-
maximal jogging, and active stretching. There was a 5-min
rest in between tests to ensure recovery.
Vertical jump
The vertical jump (VJ) was assessed using Vertec (Power
Systems, Knoxville, TN 22550, USA). The Vertec was
adjusted to match the height of the individual subject by
having him stand with the dominant side to the base of the
testing device. The dominant hand was raised and the
Vertec was adjusted so that the hand was the appropriate
distance away from the marker based on markings on the
device itself. On verbal ‘GO’ command, the volunteers
flexed their knee joints (*90°) and jumped as high as
possible. The difference between initial value and maximal
jump height value was calculated to determine VJ height.
Each test was performed twice, and the best value of the
two measurements was used for the analysis [13,14].
Standing long jump
The standing long jump was used as a test of bilateral leg
power. Arm movements were permitted for support during
the take-off movements. Trials were only evaluated when
the subjects landed properly on their feet while not falling
back. The distance between the toes at start and the heels at
landing was used as a testing criterion. The best of the two
SLJs was used for the statistical analysis [16].
499-m shuttle run
The shuttle run test was included as a measure of the ability
to sprint and change direction. With the 4 99-m shuttle
run, the subjects stood behind the starting line and on
command, they started the 9-m run. At the end of the 9-m
section, the subjects were asked to stop with one foot
beyond a marker, while reversing the running direction and
sprinting back to the start where the same reversing of
movement direction was required. After the fourth 9-m
section, when the subjects crossed the finish line, the time
was stopped. A hand-held stopwatch was used to measure
the sprint time to the nearest 0.01 s (Joerex, ST4610-2,
China). The best value of two consecutive trials was used
for the statistical analysis. Three minutes rest between
attempts was provided for each subject [16].
Agility ttest
Subjects’ agility was evaluated using the ATT according to
the method of Miller et al. [6]. The ttest was performed on
134 Sport Sci Health (2013) 9:133–137
the basketball court. A hand-held stopwatch was used to
take the subjects’ time to the nearest 0.01 s. The subjects
were instructed to sprint from a standing starting position
to a cone 10 m away, followed by a side-shuffle left to a
cone 5 m away. After touching the cone, the subjects side-
shuffled to the cone 10 m away and then side-shuffled back
to the middle cone. The test was concluded by back-ped-
aling to the starting line. The test score was recorded as the
best time of three trials, to the nearest 0.01 s. A 5-min rest
period was allowed between each trial [2].
Illinois agility test
The subjects’ agility was assessed using the IAT according
to the method of Miller et al. [6]. A hand-held stopwatch
was used to take the subjects’ time to the nearest 0.01 s.
The run started with a standing start on the command
‘GO’ and subjects sprinted 10 m, turned, and returned to
the starting line. When the subjects reached the starting
line, they zigzagged in between four markers and com-
pleted two 10 m sprints. The fastest time of the three trials
was noted as the final agility time. A 5-min rest period was
allowed between each trial [2].
Statistical procedures
All data are presented as mean ±SD. A 2 92 analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was used to determine significant dif-
ferences between groups. When a significant Fratio was
found, Tukey post hoc tests were used for pairwise com-
parisons. A criterion alevel of PB0.05 was used to
determine statistical significance. All statistical analyses
were performed through the use of a statistical software
package (SPSS
, Version 16.0, SPSS., Chicago, IL).
No injuries occurred throughout the study period, and the
testing and training procedures were well tolerated by the
There were no significant differences between PL and
CG at pre-training. After 6 weeks of training, the PL group
made significant (P\0.05) improvements in VJ (from
41.31 ±3.40 to 51.25 ±2.11 cm; 24.1 %), SLJ
(214.82 ±9.20 to 235.11 ±8.42 cm; 9.4 %), 4 99-m
shuttle run (from 9.65 ±0.31 to 9.01 ±0.24 s; 6.7 %),
ATT (from 12.01 ±0.56 to 10.97 ±0.61 s; 8.6 %), and
IAT (from 17.36 ±0.48 to 16.14 ±0.51 s; 7.1 %) per-
formance in comparison to pre-training and CG. Jump test
(VJ and SLJ) results are presented in Fig. 1, while agility
(4 99-m shuttle run, ATT, and IAT) evaluations are
reported in Table 1.
We tested that whether 6 weeks of in-season plyometric
training would lead to improvement in performance in
young male basketball players. It was observed that ath-
letes who added plyometric training to their regular bas-
ketball practice were able to achieve improvements in
lower body power and agility when compared with subjects
who participated in a basketball practice without plyo-
metric training.
In the present study, the plyometric training group
increased VJ and SLJ (24.1 and 9.4 %, respectively),
whereas control group showed no improvement. Many
studies indicated significant improvements in VJ following
plyometric training program [1217], especially in bas-
ketball players [24,911]. In basketball players, some
studies examined the effect of plyometric training program
on VJ performance. For example, Brown et al. [3] exam-
ined the influence of three sets of ten drop jumps three
times weekly for 6 weeks and found 11.1 % increases in
VJ following plyometric training. Also, Matavulj et al. [4]
compared two groups of basketball players. One group
performed drop jumps from a 50-cm box height and
another group performed drop jumps from a 100-cm box
height. Both groups demonstrated significant increases in
VJ height (12.4 %). In this study, we found that in-season
plyometric exercise (such as depth jump, vertical jump, and
standing long jump) at two times a week for 6 weeks can
increase 24.1 and 9.4 % VJ and SLJ, respectively.
Although, previous authors addressed positive effects of
Fig. 1 Changes in vertical jump and standing long jump at pre- and
post-training. Values are mean ±SD. *Significantly different
(PB0.05) from all other conditions
Sport Sci Health (2013) 9:133–137 135
different types of plyometric exercise such as sagittal and
frontal plane and added load during plyometric exercise on
jump performance [2,810], a few studies examined in-
season plyometric training on muscular performance in
basketball players [11]. In accordance with our findings,
Santos and Janeira [11] found that 10-week in-season
plyometric training could improve explosive power in
adolescent basketball players. The improvement in jump
height indicates that adaptations relating to increases in leg
power have occurred. The adaptations of training are likely
to be neural because these predominate in the early stages
of strength and power training [18] and have been shown to
be the main adaptation to plyometric exercise [19]. Many
authors suggested that muscular performance gains after
plyometric training are attributed to a neural adaptation
located in the nervous system [20,21]. With regard to these
authors, neuromuscular factors such as increasing the
degree of muscle coordination and maximizing the ability
to use the muscles’ stretch–shortening cycle appear to be
more important for the improvement in jump performance
(VJ and SLJ) following high-intense plyometric training
The unique findings of the present study are positive
effects of in-season plyometric training on agility perfor-
mance (4 99-m shuttle run 6.7 %, ttest 8.6 %, and Illi-
nois agility test 7.1 %) in basketball players. These results
are in line with previous researchers who found increases
in quickness and agility via plyometric training [2,6]. In a
study of tennis players, the authors used a ttest and dot
drill test to determine speed and agility [22]. They found
that the players became quicker and more agile; enabling
them to get to more balls and be more effective tennis
players. Renfro [23] measured agility using the ttest with
plyometric training, while Robinson and Owens [24] used
vertical, lateral, and horizontal plyometric jumps and
showed improvements in agility. Miller et al. [6] also
examined the effects of a 6-week plyometrics on agility.
They used PL and control groups, and found significant
differences in PL after training, but no significant
differences between groups in the agility tests (ttest and
Illinois agility test). They reported 4.9 and 2.9 %
improvements in ttest and Illinois agility test, respectively,
but we found higher than 7 % improvement. The difference
in percentage of improvements could be discrepancy in
training intensity and fitness level of participants or train-
ing status [16]. Perhaps trained subjects gain greater
increase in agility performance with regard to their back-
ground and familiarization with training. These findings
demonstrated the necessity of plyometric training program
for enhancing performance in activities which involve
acceleration, deceleration, and a change of direction. In
addition, the plyometric training program may improve the
eccentric strength of the lower limb and resulting increases
in agility performance [25]. It has been well documented
that agility requires development of muscle factors (e.g.,
strength and power) to improve change of direction and it
appears that, agility has high relationship with strength and
power [25]. Perhaps increases in the power performance
became one of the important variables for the enhancement
of agility. Also, neural adaptations and enhancement of
motor unit recruitment are other mechanisms which can
lead to increase in agility tests [6]. However, we could not
exactly determine that neural adaptations occurred or better
facilitation of neural impulse to spinal cord; therefore,
further studies are necessary to determine mechanisms of
agility improvement by plyometric training. Also, future
study should use subjects with differing training status for
determining muscular performance responses to plyometric
In conclusion, the result of this study highlights the
potential of using in-season plyometric training to improve
power and agility, especially in young male basketball
players (19–20 years old). It is recommended that, coaches
design plyometrics in competitive phase for young athletes,
because this type of training can be an effective method for
improving performance. Since coaches and athletes are often
restricted to a short preseason, this is beneficial for coaches
or athletes during collegiate or logical competitions.
Table 1 Agility performance at pre- and post-training
Variable Group Pre-training Post-training % changes
499-m shuttle run Plyometric 9.65 ±0.31 9.01 ±0.24* 6
Control 10.02 ±0.35 10.14 ±0.24 -1
Agility ttest Plyometric 12 ±0.56 10.97 ±0.61* 8
Control 12.15 ±0.57 12.57 ±0.68 -3
Illinois agility test Plyometric 17.36 ±0.48 16.14 ±0.5* 7
Control 17.48 ±0.6 17.41 ±0.49 0.4
Data are presented as the mean ±SD
* Significantly different (PB0.05) from all other conditions
136 Sport Sci Health (2013) 9:133–137
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank all the partic-
ipants for their cooperation in this study.
Conflict of interest None.
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... Для того, щоб ефективно підвищувати фізичні можливості спортсменів, зокрема баскетболістів, необхідно знати наступне: які вимоги ставить до окремих функцій організму і фізичних якостей баскетболістів сама гра, наскільки великі ці вимоги, які фізичні можливості баскетболістів, на які фізичні і функціональні якості в першу чергу необхідно звернути увагу в процесі тренувань, які засоби і методи тренування найбільш ефективні для розвитку тих чи інших якостей, як раціонально побудувати тренувальний процес [2]. Тому питання про встановлення критеріїв щодо окремих функцій та фізичних якостей баскетболістів є дуже важливим для того, щоб ефективно керувати тренувальним процесом. ...
... In order to effectively increase the physical capabilities of athletes, in particular basketball players, it is necessary to know the following: what requirements the game itself places on the individual functions of the body and physical qualities of basketball players, how great these requirements are, what are the physical capabilities of basketball players, what physical and functional qualities should be paid attention to first of all in the training process, what means and methods of training are most effective for the development of certain qualities, how to rationally build a training process [2]. Therefore, the issue of establishing criteria for individual functions and physical qualities of basketball players is very important in order to effectively manage the training process. ...
... Сучасний баскетбол вимагає від спортсменів високої функціональної підготовки і досконалого володіння усіма прийомами гри. Доведено, що фізична культура має велике значення для розвитку спортивної майстерності баскетболістів, а її органічний зв'язок з технічною підготовкою визначає ефективність тренувального процесу [1][2]. Наукове обґрунтування цього взаємозв'язку дозволить ефективно готувати висококласних баскетболістів протягом багатьох років тренувань. ...
... The current scientific evidence demonstrated that carrying out a varied plyometric training, without the use of external loads (16) in young basketball players, using the lower limbs in a unilateral and bilateral exercises (17), turns out to be a very interesting work proposal when it comes to producing benefits in terms of force-power in actions of maximum linear speed, maximum speed in changing direction, as well as their height levels both in the vertical (height reached in a jump) and horizontal (the distance travelled) planes (16,18,19). ...
... All the participating subjects are in the post-PHV maturational stage, that is, between 1 and +3 years above their maximum peak of maturational development (18). The average chronological age of these subjects is 14.54 ± 0.6 years. ...
Full-text available
Background: Currently, the scientific evidence available on plyometric training in young basketball players is limited. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the effects produced by plyometric training over a period of 8 weeks, with a frequency of two weekly training sessions, combining vertical and horizontal force vectors. Methods: The study involved 28 young men (14.54 ± 0.6 years, a height of 182.76 ± 7.1 cm and a body weight of 68.05 ± 9.8 kg) high-level basketball players and aimed to investigate the effects of this training program on athletes at different maturational states, specifically based on their peak height velocity (PHV) and post-pubertal (post-PHV) stages. Results: Substantial improvements were achieved in the subjects who have carried out this type of plyometric training in all the parameters evaluated related to the improvement of the jump, linear speed and change of direction. Conclusions: Therefore, it is crucial to provide valuable information to trainers and physical trainers, enabling them to improve and individualize the conditioning work for optimal performance of their athletes.
... The current scientific evidence demonstrated that carrying out a varied plyometric training, without the use of external loads (16) in young basketball players, using the lower limbs in a unilateral and bilateral exercises (17), turns out to be a very interesting work proposal when it comes to producing benefits in terms of force-power in actions of maximum linear speed, maximum speed in changing direction, as well as their height levels both in the vertical (height reached in a jump) and horizontal (the distance travelled) planes (16,18,19). ...
... All the participating subjects are in the post-PHV maturational stage, that is, between 1 and +3 years above their maximum peak of maturational development (18). The average chronological age of these subjects is 14.54 ± 0.6 years. ...
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Background: Inflammatory markers have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and heart failure in the elderly individuals. Resistance exercises are one effective method to manage inflammation in this population. Objectives: This meta-analysis aimed to explore the impact of resistance training on inflammatory markers in the elderly. Methods: All randomized controlled clinical trials (from 2004 to 2023) that examined the effect of resistance training on tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and C-reactive protein (CRP) in individuals over 50 years old were selected through a systematic search of PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science and SID databases, that out of 600 studies identified, 31 met the inclusion criteria for our analysis. Random and fixed effects models, along with the I2 heterogeneity test, Egger test, and funnel plot, were used to determine publication bias using CMA2 software. The effect size (ES) was reported in terms of the standard mean difference (SMD) and a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: The meta-analysis results indicated that resistance training significantly reduced CRP (ES = -0.49, 95% CI = -0.34 to -0.64, P = 0.001) and IL-6 (ES = -0.27, 95% CI = -0.41 to -0.13, P = 0.001) levels. However, it did not have a significant effect on TNF-α levels (ES = -0.22, 95% CI = 0.02 to -0.47, P = 0.075). Subgroup analyses revealed that resistance training for more than 16 weeks and a training frequency of three times a week led to a greater decrease in CRP and IL-6 levels in the elderly. Conclusions: The findings of this meta-analysis suggest a significant decrease in CRP and IL-6 levels in the elderly due to resistance training. Furthermore, the subgroup analysis indicated that higher training volumes (training duration and frequency) result in a greater reduction in these markers' levels. Based on these findings, it is advisable for elderly individuals to consider incorporating resistance training into their regular exercise routines.
... It is well-documented that a short-term intervention (5-12 weeks), with a strength or ballistic training program in young males, significantly improves physical performance (Asadi, 2013;Barrera-Domínguez et al., 2023;Brini et al., 2022;Cormie et al., 2007;Ujaković and Šarabon, 2023;Wilson et al., 1993). Furthermore, literature suggests that a generalized strength or ballistic training program can improve the physical performance of basketball players to some extent (Cherni et al., 2021;Yáñez-García et al., 2022;Zhang et al., 2023). ...
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The dynamic strength index (DSI) is calculated as the ratio between countermovement jump (CMJ) peak force and isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) peak force and is said to inform whether ballistic or strength training is warranted for a given athlete. This study assessed the impact of an individualized in-season resistance training program, guided by DSI on basketball players' physical performance. Forty-three elite players (19.4 ± 2.9 years; 1.97 ± 0.08 cm; 89.1 ± 9.5 kg) were divided into an intervention group (IG) (27 players) and a control group (CG) (16 players). The IG was further split based on DSI into a ballistic group (DSI ≤ 0.90, 11 players) and a strength group (DSI > 0.90, 16 players). Over five weeks, participants underwent two weekly resistance sessions, with the IG following a DSI-based program and the CG a standard program. Performance was measured pre- and postintervention through 20-m sprints, 505 change of direction test, CMJ, and IMTP. There were statistically significant improvements in the IG, notably in sprint times (η2 = 0.12-0.21, p < 0.05) and 505 test (η2 = 0.15 - 0.16, p < 0.05), predominantly in the strength group. The CG’s performance was either unchanged or declined for different variables. Our results suggest that DSIguided training effectively enhances basketball players' physical performance within a competitive season.
... [15] Overall, plyometric exercises induce neural adaptations in the nervous system, improve muscle coordination, and maximize the utilization of the SSC, which contribute to enhancements in performance metrics such as jump height and speed runs. [16] In order to produce the most power, plyometric exercises primarily concentrate on the SSC. Before concentric contraction is at its peak, the muscular function is pulled. ...
... Plyometric training is a type of training that includes exercises in which active muscles are stretched before shortening, and can be performed with or without weights, as well as increased strength, jump height and sprint performance (12)(13)(14)(15). In basketball, it is known that plyometric training improves strength and agility (16) and short-term plyometric training improves neuromuscular features (17). With the popularization of short-term training, jump rope training has also become more valuable. ...
Background: Recent research has focused on the effects of different types of strength training on the performance and body profile of adolescent athletes. However, the effects of short-term plyometric and jump rope training on body profile and athletic performance in adolescent basketball players are a matter of curiosity. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of short-term plyometric and jump rope training on body profile and athletic performance in adolescent basketball players. Methods: Twenty-two basketball players aged 13 - 15 were randomly divided into two groups as plyometric (n = 11) and jump rope training group (n = 11). All participants regularly completed to plyometric or jump rope training as 10 units for 4-weeks in addition to basketball training. Somatotype, body composition, push-up & sit-up test, sprint, agility (Illinois & hexagon), jump (vertical, squat, horizontal, plyometric) tests were measured before and end of the study. Results: The push-up (P = 0.049 vs < 0.001), sit-up (P = 0.20 vs < 0.001), squat jump (P = 0.010 vs 0.003) and horizontal jump (P = 0.028 vs 0.014) of the players were significantly increased after 4-weeks plyometric and jump rope training. In addition, plyometric jump (P = 0.007) and hexagon performance (P = 0.001) were significantly increased in jump rope training group. At the end of 4-weeks, body mass, endomorphy and ectomorphy scores of the lower limb plyometric training group, and body mass index, endomorphy & mesomorphy scores and quadriceps circumference of the jump rope training group were significantly increased. Conclusions: Short-term plyometric and jump rope training affect the body profile and athletic performance of the adolescent basketball players, but jump rope training has a more significant effect on athletic performance than plyometric training. Therefore, jump rope training is recommended for coaches who want to gain more athletic performance in a short-term.
... Lee J et al.'s (2021) practical implication suggest that enhancing lower body power, balance, and reaction time in collegiate basketball athletes requires training programs lasting a minimum of 6 weeks period. The discussion extends its focus to the effect of Plyometric Training (PT) on young basketball athletes, emphasizing a 6-week PT program that resulted in a substantial improvement of 24.1% in vertical jump for the experimental group with PT compared to a control group with regular training (Asadi A. 2013), this improvement is consistent with previous findings in semiprofessional basketball athletes and supports the idea that PT contributes to significant gains in vertical jump performance (Asadi A. & Arazi H. 2012). The study by Chaabene H & Negra Y. (2017) compared high-volume plyometric training (HPT) and low-volume plyometric training (LPT) in pre-pubertal soccer players and the results indicate that both training types of significantly improved squat jump (SJ) and counter movement jump (CMJ), emphasizing the equal efficacy of PT at different intensities in influencing sports performance. ...
As a dynamic team sport, basketball emphasizes the need for customized training programs for junior players, given its unique demands characterized by varied movement patterns. While existing research predominantly addresses injury prevention and performance enhancement in other sports, there is a discernible gap in similar studies focusing on Asian junior basketball athletes. Recognizing basketball's intermittent and dynamic nature, this study investigates the efficacy of an eight-week plyometric training program on agility, sprint performance, and explosive leg power in junior players. Sixty-four participants, meeting specific inclusion criteria, voluntarily participated in the study and were randomly assigned to either the regular activity group (RAG, N = 32) or the plyometric training group (PTG, N = 32) via randomized controlled trial. The plyometric training program, spanning eight weeks with three sessions per week, featured a carefully designed program to enhance power, speed, and explosiveness. Ethical clearance was obtained, and the study was registered under the Clinical Trial Registry (CTRI/2023/04/052010). Assessments, including the "T" test for agility, the 30-m sprint test for speed, and the Sargent jump test for jump height and leg power, were conducted at pre-, mid-, and post-training stages. Statistical analyses, including independent samples t-test and repeated measures ANOVA, were employed to examine the statistical significance of observed variances. The results consistently demonstrated the PTG's superior performance in agility, sprint speed, and jump height over the RAG. These findings provide valuable insights into optimizing the athletic performance of junior basketball players through a well-structured plyometric training program. The study underscores the reliability and robustness of observed effects while acknowledging the modest practical significance of small effect sizes in terms of statistical significance. These results provide a foundation for further exploration and improvement of training protocols in sports science, offering practical recommendations to coaches, trainers, and sports professionals to enhance the functional performance of junior basketball players.
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Aim. The aim of the study was to implement a training program consisting of plyometric exercises using modern technologies to improve the explosive strength of junior basketball players. Material and method. The study addresses this necessity by investigating the transformative impact of a customized plyometric training program on the explosive strength of 19 female basketball players aged 10 to 12. In the study, a two-month program of specific plyometric development exercises adapted to the basketball game was implemented, focused on improving the key parameters of explosive resistance. Specifically, improvements in flight time and height, assessed through five specific tests: Squat Jump Test, Drop Jump Test, Stiffness Test, 15 seconds Jump Test, 30 seconds Jump Test. Results. In all 5 tests, the recorded progress was statistically significant compared to the reference value p < 0.05. Cohen's values reflect a very large effect size > 0.8 for all tests with one exception for the Stiffness Test where the effect size was only large in the 0.5-0.8 range. Conclusions. The research contributes valuable insights into age-specific athletic development, advocating for the optimization of physical and technical readiness in young basketball players through targeted plyometric training sessions. Rezumat Scop. În tendințele evolutive ale antrenamentului atletic, semnificația programelor de exerciții pliometrice a devenit din ce în ce mai pronunțată. Material și metodă. Studiul abordează această necesitate prin investigarea impactului transformator al unui program de antrenament pliometric personalizat asupra forței explozive a 19 jucătoare de baschet cu vârste cuprinse între 10 și 12 ani. Pe parcursul unui program de antrenament concentrat de două luni, analizele statistice au descoperit îmbunătățiri demne de remarcat în cheie. parametrii rezistenței explozive. Mai exact, îmbunătățiri ale timpului de zbor și al înălțimii, evaluate prin cinci teste specifice: Test de săritură în ghemuit, Test de săritură în cădere, Test de rigiditate, Test de săritură de 15 sec., Test de săritură de 30 de sec. Rezultate. În toate cele 5 teste, progresul înregistrat a fost semnificativ statistic în comparație cu valoarea de referință p < 0,05. Valorile lui Cohen reflectă o mărime foarte mare a efectului > 0,8 pentru toate testele, cu o excepție pentru Testul de rigiditate, unde dimensiunea efectului a fost doar mare în intervalul 0,5-0,8. Concluzii. Cercetarea contribuie cu perspective valoroase asupra dezvoltării atletice specifice vârstei, susținând optimizarea pregătirii fizice și tehnice la tinerii jucători de baschet prin sesiuni de antrenament pliometrice. Cuvinte cheie: antrenament pliometric; puterea explozivă; tineri sportivi; performanță in baschet.
Objectives: To evaluate effectiveness of basketball-specific training program on Skill performance of amateur basketball players. Methods: Randomized controlled trial using hidden allocation, accessor blinding, and analysis under the intention to treat standard. Participants: Regular basketball practices were attended by 56 amateur basketball players. Intervention: For a period of 12 weeks, the experimental group participated in a sports-specific training program that involved three 60-minute sessions each week. The standard conditioning program was carried out by the control group. Results were measured by Johnson Basket ball test for number of successful baskets made and dribble score by dribbling Test at weeks 0 and 12. Results: Randomization allocated 29 participants in each group. Three participants from the experimental group and two from the control group did not complete the study. After 12 weeks the mean between-group difference for the performance of accurate basket was 2.56 to 3.57 and Dribbling Score was 7.68 to 11.24 at (95% CI). Conclusion: Basketball sports-specific training program that incorporates basketball-specific exercises have shown improvement in the level of skill performance-related variables in amateur basketball players. The effect appears to be more significant when the program is implemented for 12 weeks. Trial registration Number: CTRI/2020/02/023553
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plyometric training on agility performance in male basketball players. Isparta Municipality Sports Club Basketball League Team participated in the study voluntarily with 24 people. Basketball players were randomly divided into two groups as normal training group (n = 12) and plyometric training group (n = 12). While the regular training group continued routine training, the other group received plyometric trainings in addition to routine trainings for 8 weeks, 3 days a week, at least 30 minutes a day. "T-Drill Test" was used to determine agility in both groups as at the beginning of the training period "pre-test" and "post-test" at the end. Data were analyzed by using statistical package program. Descriptive statistics were used for demographic information and "Paired t test" and "Independent t Test" were used for comparisons. Results were evaluated according to significance level of "0.05".There was no significant difference in Paired and Independent t Test results (p> 0.05). As a result, the reason for the lack of effect of plyometric training applied to male basketball players is that the athletes are able to reach maximum strength even in the pre-tests due to the practice of the training in the preparatory season, the minimal changes in the motor abilities of the athletes in the final tests and the frequency and duration of the plyometric trainings. It is recommended to increase the objectivity by considering these issues in future researches.
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The effect of land- and aquatic-based plyometric training on jumping ability and agility of young basketball players was investigated. Eighteen young male, semi-professional basketball players (age: 18.81±1.46 years) were randomly assigned to aquatic plyometric training (AP), land plyometric training (LP) or a control group (CON). The plyometric training groups were subjected to an 8-week long plyometric training program that consisted of three plyometric training sessions per week of 40 minutes per session. The players performed jumping ability and agility tests before and after the training or non-training period. The 2×3 analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc test revealed no significant differences (p>0.05) between the AP and LP for any of the jumping ability and agility test values. A significant training effect (p<0.05) was seen in the experimental groups (AP and LP) for all the test variables from pre- to post-training. Significantly greater gains were observed with regard to all measurements in the AP compared to the CON. The LP only achieved significant greater gains in the Vertical Jump Test compared to the CON. The 8-week aquatic-based plyometric training program provided the same or more benefits for jumping and agility ability of young basketball players than the land-based plyometric training program of the same duration.
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The purpose of the study was to determine if six weeks of plyometric training can improve an athlete's agility. Subjects were divided into two groups, a plyometric training and a control group. The plyometric training group performed in a six week plyometric training program and the control group did not perform any plyometric training techniques. All subjects participated in two agility tests: T-test and Illinois Agility Test, and a force plate test for ground reaction times both pre and post testing. Univariate ANCOVAs were conducted to analyze the change scores (post - pre) in the independent variables by group (training or control) with pre scores as covariates. The Univariate ANCOVA revealed a significant group effect F2,26 = 25.42, p=0.0000 for the T-test agility measure. For the Illinois Agility test, a significant group effect F2,26 = 27.24, p = 0.000 was also found. The plyometric training group had quicker posttest times compared to the control group for the agility tests. A significant group effect F2,26 = 7.81, p = 0.002 was found for the Force Plate test. The plyometric training group reduced time on the ground on the posttest compared to the control group. The results of this study show that plyometric training can be an effective training technique to improve an athlete's agility. Key PointsPlyometric training can enhance agility of athletes.6 weeks of plyometric training is sufficient to see agility results.Ground reaction times are decreased with plyometric training.
The aims of the present study were: a) to identify the effects of plyometric training onexplosive strength [squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), mechanical power(MP)], agility (AG), and 20-m sprint speed (20 m) variables in young basketball players;and b) to understand the effects of short-term specific detraining and reduced plyometrictraining on the previously achieved gains.The sample consisted of nineteen male basketball players (13-14 years old; weight,61.26.74 kg; height, 175.46.77 cm). The adopted structure was based upon twofundamental phases. First, subjects were submitted to an 8-week plyometric trainingprogram (standing jumps, multiple jumps, box drills, depth jumps, jumps with extraloads),three times a week. At the end of this period, the subjects showed statisticallysignificant increases in all the assessed variables (p< 0.05).Subsequent to the plyometric training application, subjects were randomly assignedto one of two groups: a reduced training group (RT, n=9) and a specific detraining group(SDT, n=10). During the following four weeks, the former performed a single plyometrictraining session and the latter ceased plyometric activity. Both groups kept on regularbasketball practice. In this period, RT group significantly increased (p< 0.05) SJ, CMJ,and S20 values, while SDT group showed statistically significant enhances (p< 0.05) on20 m and AG test. The RT and SDT groups maintained the values of the remainingvariables. At the end of this period, no statistically significant differences were observed between RT and DTR groups in all the evaluated variables. In conclusion, a) theoutcomes highlight the efficacy of the plyometric training design; b) the reduced trainingprogram and the specific detraining indistinctly contribute to the explosive strength levelsmaintenance; and c) basketball training has an obvious power in the maintenance andsustainability of motor performance at least taking into account the applied trainingprogram.
summary: This feature presents a program that targets fundamental techniques and skills required for straight ahead speed, directional changes, and lower body power development to be used during a collegiate athlete's non-traditional season. The goal of the program is to teach generalized movement patterns and build a solid foundation that can be used by individual sport coaches during their traditional season.
Plyometrics are recommended for increasing strength and power. The plyometric depth jump (DJ involves the hip extensors far less than the countermovement jump (CM), thus DJ may not adequately train the hip extensors. This research sought to develop a DJ that would demand more from the hip extensors. Specific jumps were also developed for the ankle and knee extensors. Subjects, 11 college-age men, performed CMJ and DJ from a height of 50 cm. Data were collected to determine net joint moments, power, and work about the joints. Variables were calculated during the down and up phases and for the entire jump. Maximum moment and power values were calculated for each joint. ANOVAs were used to compare the selected variables from DJ to the corresponding variables in CMJ. All variables from the selected joints were greater with DJ, and 29 of the 33 comparisons were significantly different (p <= 0.05). The corresponding joint moments for ankle, knee, and hip depth jumps were significantly greater than for CMJ. The modified plyometric jumps were shown to enhance the contribution of the muscles that extend the ankle, knee, and hip. (C) 1996 National Strength and Conditioning Association